THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: '1 11 1'HSDAV, NOVEMBER 11. 1901. FAIR DESIGNS ON NEBRASKA Women EellgT This Will Ee Their Next Equal luffraje Captire. ABUNDANCE OF FEED AND CATTLE DnttKiin County Nirrr Orforr 11ml ?titri n I.lip Mnnk ShoTi-lnn llnlnnrn Lrft from llnf. fnlo Rxhlhlt. (From a Staff Correspondent,) LINCOLN, Nov. 13. (SprclalO Nebraska is claimed an the next rUats of equal suf frage by th delegate attending the twenty-fifth annual convention of tho Statu Woman's Suffrage aaxoclatlon In thla rlty. They point to the Hat of utatea already con quered, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Idaho, and deelaro Nebrnaka will be the next to fall Into the column, At the opening cession of the convention In the First Baptist church this morning flfty-flvo accredited delegatca were present, besides several visitors of note, among them being Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, president of tho national association. After the formal opening exercises Mrs. Clara A. Voting, president of the state asso ciation, delivered an address of encourage mnt, much stress Mnjr. put upon the motto, "Nebraska Shall He Next." Mrs. Young reviewed the conditions In the various county organization and spok In an optimistic vein about the growth of tho movement. She favored aggressive field work and earnest efforts to extend the sphere of woman's utcfulness. Reports of tho treasuror, Mrs. K. M. Futherland, and the auditors, Mrs. Mary Gmlth and Mrs. Oetty W. Drury, wcro next eubmlttrr). Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt of New York, representing tho national organization, was next Introduced. After congratulating the Nebraska workers on tho number of dole gaten and tho enthusiasm manifested, she declared that woman suffrage was going to come, and come In the near future. Work ing for such a cause wbb not a burden, but a privilege, because Innumerable reforms would be Introduced when the ballot was extended to tho women of the land. In part she snldt Tho women assembled again thU after noon and listened to greetings from vari ous clubs and officials. An address of welcomo was delivered by Maor Wlnnctt of tho city of Lincoln and Mrs. K. W. Southerland responded. Papers wcro road ns follows; "Woman's Sphere," Miss Ncl lln Taylor, Merna; "Women of the I'nst," Mrs.. M. L. Ward, Tccumseh; "Women of tho I'rcscnt," Mrs. Jennie Ross, Dakota City; "Women of tho Future," Mrs. Getty Drury, Vender. Tho feature of the day's proceedings was the debate of tho question of equal suf frage by A. Blxby of this city and Miss Laura A. Oregg of Omnha at tho evening lesslon, tho former taking tho position igalnst equality and the latter favoring It. Governor Savage presided at the night meeting. The convention will be continued tomorrow. Wnnt Infiupntlnt l.rnilrraj. "If I wanted to ettnbllsh an empire In this country with Mr. Roosevelt ns the king I would first convert the leading men to the cause. I would Interest tho minis ters, tho editors, the foremost business men. Then the masses of the people would follow. There Is no trouble about the rank and fllo when the bell wethers are cap tured. "In-thls work It is the Influential people that .we want. In your local clubs get tbo men and women who arc potent In helping , mould public opinion. Then ym will have no trouble with the people who do not pay their dues and meet you with frittering ptcubos. Make your organlralton so strong j that no one can afford to let dues lapse. Discourage all discouraging statements. As a general rule keep the peislmlstlc peo plo in the background when the meetings ire public. Sit down on all tendencies to posslmlsm on such occasions." Mrs. Chapman Catt declared that throughout the country were many people who were passively supporting the woman suffrage movement. She declared that the outlook for success was far more promls Ing than was tho prospect for tho ascend ency of tho abolition movement ten years before the war. "Will Iteprnt Hcpiililtrmi C.nlne. Senator Owens of Dawson county was In Lincoln today attendlug to business of a personal nature. He says the republican gains In his section of tho stato will be dupllculcd at next year's election. Moro interest Is being taken In politics tban be fore election and he looks forward to a big vote next year. An lucrensa In the total vote In Dawson county will not In jure the republicans, he says, for It Is con reded that as many republicans ns fusion Ists stayed nway from the polls this year. J'We never had so many cattle In Daw ion county as at tho preoent time," said the senntor. "Stock Is being shipped In for the winter and the shipments to market are very light. Wo have an abundance of rough feed In Dawson county and nre able to take caro of lots of stock that cannot be wintered In other platfs. Alfalfa and buffalo grass produced good crops and rorn was of an nverage yield In all sec tions of the county." Apprnl In .Mrgnn Cimr. Mr. and Mrs. William K. Smalls of Fre mont havo appealed to tho supremo court for a reversal of tho decision of tho dis trict court by which Mrs. Lydla Wlckwlro was given a Judgment against thorn for 11,014. Tho amount named In the Judgment Is for damages nllegcd to have been caused by the 0-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Smalls. Mrs, Wlckwlre testified In the lower court that as she was walking near the corner of Ninth and Nye streots In Fremont sho heard a sharp sound and a whlztlng nolso and an Instant later felt a severo pain In her left shoulder. An ex amination showed that she had been hit by a bullet. Turning quickly In tho dl rectlon of the first sound she saw the STRENGTHENS SYSTEM BODY BRAIN and NERVES. Smalls hoy running and she avers that he Is tho person vho fired the bullet, presum ably with an alrgun. Tho accident oc curred May IS, 1900, Xrlirnskn'x llitffnlo llilillilt. "There will be a balance of approxi mately $2,000 left In the treasury after all expenses of our exhibit at Buffalo arc paid," said E L. Vanco, Nebraska com missioner In rhargo of the state's exhibit at the Pan-Amorlcati exposition, Mr. Vance as In Lincoln today closing up tho affairs of the commission, preparatory to paying the last of tho bills outstanding. "I can't give exact figures, but I believe the total expense of tho commission and exhlhlt, Including salaries, will not bo over $8,000. Wo havo conducted our work economically and are confident that wo gave tho best possible display for tho amount expended. Aside from n few of thn showcases practically all of tho ex hibit was disposed of at nuffalo." Ilniiilrnl ntitl Tnchr, Count 'F.tti. The attention of Superintendent Fonlcr was called today to an article which re cently appeared In an Omaha newspaper and which was said to bo a description of the only log schoolhouso In Nebraska. This structure, according to tho story, Is on Dcllcvue Island, but will soon bo torn nwny to make room for a more pretentious building. In a volumo soon to be Issued Mr. Fowler will dcscrlbo 112 other log rchoolhouses In this stato nnd 505 In the same territory that tiro mado of sod. Ilnlf-l-'nrp Sn l'nor Rev. William H. Klmberly Is the gen eral missionary of the American Sunday School union nnd a resident of Lincoln. Mr. Klr.iberly was drawn on the Jury for this week In district court, nnd his name cume from tho box this morning when the court began calling for Jurors In a case In which Wilbur W. Towlo Is suing tho Rock Island Railroad company for dam ages to a stallion Injured In a runaway accident, Judgo Tuttlo. who represents Mr. Towle, mado It h rnl to ask each of tho pros pective Jurors If ho had ever received any favors from tho Rock Island railroad. When ho came to Mr. Klmberly the latter replied that he had a half-fare permit from the management of the road, because of his calling oh a minister. Mr. Tuttlo promptly challenged him for cause, contending that this favor from tho company would create a natural bias In his favor. Judge Holmes held that Inasmuch ns the Juror enld he had no bias or prejudice In favor of tho company tho possession of n hnlf-fare permit was not In Itself sufficient ground for challenge. IIpJitIh Tontlnr .tilti'ntlon. Tho Stntn Ranking Hoard today rejected the application of the Tontine Loan and Security company of St. Louis for a license, to do business In Nebraska under the build ing nnd loan law. Tho proposed method of transacting business was held by tho board not to conform with tho requirements of the net nnd under Its decision tbo company Is estopped from accepting money ns In vestments from Nebraska people. Jffnti- llnnk of Ncniiiliu. , Secretary Royso today iRsued a charter to the Stota nank of Nemaha, Nemaha county. It r cnpltalized for $fi,00u nnd the incorporators aro: William Campbell, Frederick K. Allen and Klmer K. Allen. A charter was hIso given tho Fnrmers' Stnto bank of Carroll, which Is capitalized for $12,500 by R. R. Oiirney, K. W. Closson, J. T. Dressier. W. H. McClusky nnd J. II. Klngrey. Custer County' fit-mint. Governor Savage, Attorney Oeneral Prout and Sccretnry Roysc of tho State Ranking Board returned today from tho republican ratification which was held last night In Rroken Row. Tho gathering was one of the largest of Its kind evrr seen In Custer county, many attending from adjoining counties, Krrrtton of Norfolk Aeylnin. The Bot.rd of Public Lands and Buildings this morning decided to readvertlse for bids for the erection of tho Norfolk asylum. No matcrtnl can be secured. It Is claimed, until midwinter. The Stnte Board of Chari ties may recommend that 125 of the pa tionts be sent to Hartlnga and the asylum at Lincoln to relieve the overcrowded con dition of the remaining buildings at Nor folk. Mmnlliuix Hint Srliooln. No steps have been taken by the school board relatlvo to enforcement of vaccina tion regulations. Such action has been suggested, but has not yet been taken. Ono member of the board said this afternoon that he thought tho subject would be con sidered at thn next regular meeting, which Is scheduled for next Friday night. Considerable unrest waH caused the patrons of tho C street school by tho prevalence of smallpox In that vicinity so they requested that tho school be closed In response to the demand tho Board of Health ordered that one room be locked nnd remnln so until further orders. mm World Famous Marianl Tonic Bifon Mtilt APPETIZER Aftir Mult DIGESTIVE At All Tlmit TONIC Sola by All Druf f Istt. Refute Substitute. LONG PINE DOCTOR'S REPORT TONTINE INVESTORS' TURN Rctiriif N Diimoidi, 7hj Appal to the Law, DEMAND RECEIVER FOn THE SECURITY lirnncl lalnttri Contrnrt Holder" Wnnt Division of Wlmt Arl I'nn He I'oiiiiil Stirrlff Tnjtor In Clinrnc OR A NO ISLAND, Neb.. Nov. 13.-(Spe-clal.) Oeorgc L. Augustine, Albert Kttlng and August Olade, holders of contracts In the Security Tontine Investment company of this elty, hnve filed In tho district court a petition nsklng for the appointment of n receiver for tho company. Tho Security Tontine Investment com pany In one of tho diamond contract con cerns which presented to the public the pos sibilities of making large profits very quickly. It was organized here nbout two years ago nnd was thn forerunner of an other organization, with headquarters also In this city, but which has recently been doing most of Its business In western states Tho petitioners nllego that there are seventy-five contracts now duo nnd fully paid up nnd that tho ofllccrs of the company nre unabln to distribute the dlnmonds or tho equivalent thereof; that there are nbout $5,000 on hand nnd office furniture nnd fix tures to the value of $100. Tho petitioners pray "Hint o receiver may be appointed by tho court who shall b authorized nnd required to take Immediate possession of nil the assets, books, papers nnd property of the nlleged association, the Security Tontine Investment company, nnd collect nil of Its Indebtedness nnd shall re port to this court tbo names of all tho hold ers of sold contracts (those having been paid up as well ns those not all paid up), that Loroy W. Lyons and O. II. Tracy nnd tho Security Tontlno Investment company nnd ench of them may bo forever enjoined from receiving, collecting or disbursing any of tho moneys contributed by tho holders of said contracts, or from In nny wny meddling or Interfering with Its moneyB, nssets or property of any kind, and may nlso report to this court tho names of all parties now or heretoforo connected with said associa tion, whether ns alleged stockholders or manager and promoters, the amounts con tributed by them to Its capital stock, If anything, the amount of stock held or owned by ench nnd the amounts converted by them or paid over to them by the asso ciation, whether ns profits or dividends or otherwise, nnd report tho names of till per sons to whom the association has paid any nlleged dividends or profits on contracts nnd tho amounts paid each nnd all, in order that nil such persons may be made defend ants herein nnd required to nccount for and pay over to such receiver all sums paid to them or any of them ns nlleged profits or dividends, to the end that the same may be Justly nnd equitably distributed among thn holders of sold contracts nnd to others, tho creditors of said association." Tho petition nlso risks that tho association nnd Its offi cers bo forever enjoined from carrying on nny such or similar business. Sheriff Tnylor has been appointed tempo rary receiver. There aro 101 paid-up con tracts nnd the defendants represented thereby number at leust fifty. THIEVES GET COZAD SUPPLIES Provide ThrniUfU with Wnunn l.onri nf riothlnir nnd Food In the Mght. C07.AD, Neb., Nov. 13. (Special Tele gram.) Another daring burglary was com mitted here last night. Tho general mer chandise storo of Banks fc Eoft was en tered and about $700 worth of clothing, In eluding underwear, taken by thn thieves, who also entered the market and grocery of H. Burns and took about $100 worth of canned goods nnd meats. A small amount of flour wns also stolen from tho feed storo of O. W. Hines. Thern Is no clew to the robbers except thnt a spring wngon was seen lenvlng town southward about. 2 a. m. Steps aro being tnken to track It. EDMONSON WAIVES HEARING llnttli Creek Milliliter Acvniied of Ai- null I Hound Over .eeuer ContrncllctN Herself. Ilrnllh OfTlper l,nw Write Tin- llee Ciiiiceriiliiii Sinollio nul (liuiriint Ino There. LO.S'Q PINE, Neb., Nov. 13. (Special.) To the Editor of Tho Bee: 1 wish to cor rect the statement made In your Issue of November 11. In the village of Long Pine. Nob., of the number of cases of smallpox now wholly recovered nnd released there aro seven; those recovered nnd not yet released from quarantine, on necount Of others In the fnmlly, eighteen; thoso not yet entirely over the dlscnse, but rapidly Im proving, fifteen; total, forty; number of families under quarantine, fourteen, Tho above Is a true statement of tho condition lit our town today, November 12, 1901. All are uudcr strict quarantine. School has been closed for three weeks and no public gatherings are allowed. Churches are all closed. There having been no new cases In the last week, it is our opinion that the end has been reached. Respectfully, DR. LAW. Attest: Health Officer of Long Pine. OBOROF. A. SMITH & SON. General Merchandise. AlnntTnrtli ttiinrniitltipil. AINSWOUTII, Neb., Nov. 13. (Special Telegram.) Last night tho Alnsworth vil lage trustees nnd local Board of Health had a meeting and quarantined tho town ngslnst Long Pine, where smallpox Is re ported. Tho county commissioners met yes terday and appointed n couuty bonrd of health and ordered the sheriff to carry out tho provisions to prevent spread of con tagion. Johnstown and Wood Lake, Just west of here, have nlso a number of rases. So far no rases havo developed In Alns worth. (olden pu? In llnmllton Count?-, AURORA. Neb.. Nov. 13. (Special.) Everything Is on tho boom In Hamilton county. The wheat prospect is the finest ever known nnd tho average the largest In the history of the county. Carpenters are still busy building new houses and barni. The Aurora, High school has a new steam heating plant. Clnv Count)' (sari, CLAY CENTER, Neb.. Nov. 13, (Special.) The (all term of the district court for Clay coiinty convened yesterday. There are seventy-three cases on the docket, six of which art criminal cases, MADISON, Neb., Nov. 13. (Special.) Rev. Edmonson, the Battle Creek minister arrested for asenulting his little adopted daughter, wns placed In the custody of tho sheriff yesterdny. The clergyman waived hearing before Justice Norwlck of Battle Creek and wns bound over. Tho case will probably bo heard next week. Tho young girl haB contradicted tho story nnd seems to have had no Idea of the seri ous chnrgo she wns mnktng. (Iris llnmiui't (lie Klevenn. GRAND ISLAND, Nob., Nov. 13. (Spe- rial.) Tho Grand Island collego eleven yes terday afternoon defentfd tho Hastings col lego oloven, 35 lo 0. There was small dif ference In the weight of tho men on tho respective teams, hut the Grand Island team made continual line smashes of from five to tlftcen yards, with end runs aver aging thirty to forty yards. Hastings made tho required five yards four times. The members of the Hastings nnd Grand Island teams were entertained In tho evening at a banquet given by tho young women of the college. Slielton yirtlmillHtN Welcome l'ntir. SHELTON, Neb.. Nov. 13. (Special.) A large number nf members nnd friends of the Methodist Episcopal church met nt their place of worship last evening and gave a pleasant reception to their newly appointed pastor, Rev. Stlfller, nnd. his wife. Rev. Stlffier was appointed to this charge by the conference at North Platte. Ho comes from Ord, Neb. Goes to llentrlre Conrl. WY.MORE. Neb., Nov. 13. (Special. )- The rnses of Attorney J. A. Van Orsdel of Cheyenne, Wyo., against the eight res ervation settlers for tho attorney fees In the recent land settlement enme up for hearing In Justice oourt Monday, when a change of vonno was taken to tho county court nt Beatrice. I.llilit Docket nt Dnvlil tltj. DAVID CITY. Neb., Nov. 13. (Special.) - The November term of district court con vened in this city yesterday, Judgo Good of Wahoo presiding. This week will be do voted to equity work nnd tne Jury Is sum moned to appear next week. The docket Is light, there being thlrty-ulno civil cases nnd two criminal cases. The-ciervtific production of a laxative of known value and distinctive action is rapidly crowing in public favor, along with the many other material improvements of the age. The many who &rVwIl informed must understand quite clearly, that in order to meet the above conditions a laxative should be wholly free from every objectionable quality or substance, with its component parts simple and wholesome and it should act pleasantly and gently without disturbing the natural functions in any way. The laxative which fulfils most perfectly the requirements, in the highest degree, is Syrup of Figs The sale of millions of bottles annually for many years past, and the universal satisfaction which it has given confirm the claim we make, that it possesses the qualities which commend it to public favor. Its Excellence is due to the originality and simplicity of the combination and also to the method of manu facture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and which ensures that per fect purity and uniformity of product essential to the ideal home laxative. In order to get ItsJJerxefici&l Effects always buy the genuine and note the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package. In the process of manufacturing figs arc used as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal Virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. 5a.r Frarcisco,CfcI. Louisvillt.Ky. For silt by till dru(jists rte-w York.N.Y Pntt fifty cents per bottle. asylum nbout three months ago, when It wns supposed kne wns permanently cured, but nbout two weeks ngo sho whs tnken sick ngaln and her condition wns such thnt It was thought best to take her baok to the asylum. Vlnrtiuetle (.'lult Unified, MARQl'LTTE, Nch., Nov. 13. (Special Telegram.) The Marquette rlub was closed tonight by Sheriff Pollard. Two harrols of beer, sorao whisky aud tho bar fixtures were ronflfcated, Clerk II. Cover was ar rested here and William Williams, bar tender, was caught between this place and Aurora and arrested. Mr l.cill" rielurneil lo Anyliini. WYMORE. Neb., Nov, 13. (Special ) Mrs. Amanda Iwis, wife of Thomss Lewis of this city, wns taken to tho Asylum for Insane at Lincoln yesterday afternoon Mrs. Lewis wns brought home from the PHYSICIAN JS IMPLICATED CoronerN Verillet In Cnoe of .Mnliel Hell-leu l.ll.elj to He I olliiueil liy Arrest. M'COOL. Neb., Nov. 13. (Special Tfc gram.) The coroner's Jury, which has been Investigating tho cauoo of death of Mabel Hetrlck, Iihh Just brought in n verdict Im plicating n physician nnd nnothcr young mnn. nnd nrrcsts nro likely to follow. The coroner's Jury hnd been In session since yesterdny' noon. Couuty Attorney P. C. Powers nnd Constable Affclbnch of York wcro assisting Coroner Knnpp. Tho fol lowing business men of McCool wcro the Jury Thomas Hennhan. Thomas Smith, William .McKmldcn, Georgo Snyder, William Holms and John Nnhrgang. It is further reported that tho evidence showed a crime committed at York within tho past three weoks. Tho deceased, Mabel Hetrlck, was n native of York county nnd had lived nearly nil her life nt McCool with her fnthcr, J. W. Hetrlck, n business ntnn of this place. Sho wns highly respected, bright nnd Intelligent nnd ono of tho most beautiful young women in south York county. I'liln'n AVIiIimv Ik In I'lipnlllon. PAPILLION. Nob.. Nov. 13. (Special.) The man found dead on West Q street, South Omahu, proves to be Rudolph Pain of Papllllon. He wns a shoemaker here and lenves n wife nnd three children, the oldest 14 yenrs of nge. He wns 33 years old and born In Hungary. Kolil KiiuiiKeil for llnrnpe. NEW YORK. Nov. 13. -Tho following nnnouncemet'ts hnve been made of engage ments of gold for export tomorrow: Heidel bncli, Ickelhlmer & Co., Jl.WO.OOO; Ooldman, Sachs & Co., J730.O"), Culted States Mort gngo & Trust company, J500,tX); Lnzard iTeres, J.'.vw.wo. this makes a total or Jl 250 0"O Tho National City bank will shin M.OOO.OOO In gold tomorrow, making engagements thus far for tomorrow, ?Ti,"0O,CKW. I. list Arrlwil from linn nil. PORT TOWNSEND. Wash.. Nov. 13.- Tlie steamer City of Seattle arrived from KKHgwny touny, nnngiug pussongcrs, most of whom are illreet from Dawson, liavlntr nrrlved nt White Horse last Thurs day on tbo Htcnmnr Ora, the biht boat to como up the river this season. Tho captain anci crown or various uoni on tne i ukoii were iiuHeni:rrH on Seattle, llielr uouih having gone Into winter quarters. INDIAN SUMMER BLOOMS fit I r for Thnrtilny nnd Friday, vrltli Vnrlnhle Wind. I Forecast of Wrnther Prophet. WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. Forecast for Thursday nnd .Friday: For Nebraska Fair Thursday and Fri day: varlablo winds. For Iowa Fnlr Thursday and Friday; northerly winds. For Missouri Fair Thursday except pos sible showers In "southwest portion; Friday fair; northerly winds. For North nnd South Dakota Fair Thurs day nnd Friday; north to cast winds. For Kansas Fair In northern, cloudy, probably showers In southern portion Thursday; Fridny fair; varlablo winds, For Wyoming, Colorado and Montana Fnlr Thursday and Friday; variable winds. I.oenl Iteeoril. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, Nov 13,-Orticlol record of tm peraturo and precipitation compared with tho corresponding day of the last threo yeats; 1901. 1900. 1SD9. U9J. Maximum tempernture. . . . BS 50 fil 42 Minimum tempernture 3S it 4; ji Menu tempernture U 37 31 .'.6 Precipitation Oil T .00 .01 Record of tempernture and precipitation nt Omaha for this day and since March 1. 1301: Normnl tempernture m Excess for the dny 10 Total excens since March 1 $27 Normal precipitation 03 incn DctUiency for the day o.1 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 23.38 Inches Deficiency since Mnrch 1 5.25 Inches Excess for cor. period. 1900 ill Inch Deficiency for cor. period. IKK).... 5.32 Inches Ileuorta from Station at 7 n. in. STATION 1 AM' ? i ATS OF WEATHKR. 11 B5 e : Omaha, clear North Platte, clear Cheyenne, clear Salt Lake City, clear ,., Rapid City, clear Huron, clear Wllllston, clear Chicago, clear St. Louis, clear St. Paul, clenr Davenport, clear ........ Kansas City, clenr Helena, cloudy Havre, partly cloudy ... "HIsmareK. clear Galveston, partly cloudy li 5S .M 51 61 .00 42 M .00 44 50 00 42 60 .00 42 60 CO 31 36 .00 44 00 f4 62 .CO 40 48 00 44 30 .00 CO 6A .00 42 50 .t) 3 r,o .00 36 SO .00 63 62 .(A Woman's Nature Is to love children, and no home can be completely happy without them, yet the ordeal through which the ex pectant mother must pass usually is so full of suffering, danger and fear that she looks forward to the critical hour with apprehension and dread. Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system tor the ordeal that she passes through the event safely and with but little suffering, as numbers have testified and said, "it is ' worth its weight in gold." $1.00 per bottle of druggists. Book containing valuable information mailed free. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Mother's Friend DOCTOR Searles & Searles OMAHA SPECIALIST Most Successful and Reliable Specialist in Diseases of Men. VARICOCELE Ar ycu afflicted with VarlooceU or lt result Nervous Debility and Lost Mn fcood? Ar you nervous, Irritable and despondent? Do you lack your old-tlm enargy Ind ambition? Are you sufforloc from vital weakness, etc.? There is a deraneoment 6f the sensitive organs of your Polvle Sybtcm, and even though It gives you , no Irouble at prasent, It will ultimately unman you, depress your mind, rack your narvoua lystem, unfit you for married Ufa and shorten your existence. Why not be cured be fore It It too late? WE CAN CURE TOU TO STAY CUIIED UNDER WRITTEN OUAR ANTRB. We have yt to see the case of Varicocele we cannot cure. Medicines, eloo Iflo belts, etc.. will nover cure. You nood cipert treatment. We treat thousands' of Itses where the ordinary physlolan treats one. Method new, never falls, without cut ling, pain or loss of time. stricture jnr.liiaaa,!?d,,Vtnal WEAK MEN and uLccT cure without Instru- VITAZJTY WEAK), made so by to close muits: no pain, no detention from business. jppc.tlon f0 hwXtM or Ugh Colored, or with stanainr: gonorrhoea URINARY Kldnev and Bladder Troubles. Weak Back, Burning Urine, Frequency of urinaiinr. unno man miiKy- sediment SVDIIII IC cured for life and the poison I rniEilel thoroughly cleansed from ayttetn. Boon every sign and symptom lleappeara complotely and forover. No "BREAKING OUT" of the disease on the Ikln or laoe. Treatment contains no dan gerous drugs or Injurious medicines. Home Treatment Jttcoe iful and strlotly private OUREt GUARANTEED. CHARGES LOW mental strain or Hrlr- rwvitat. tt v CE.S8E8 In middle life or from the effeot "'youthful follies. ,rW.J5AKMEN ARE VICTIMS TO JfRn VOUS DEBILITY OH EHAIMTml WASTING VEAKNEs" I N VOLUNTAJn' LOSSES, with EARLY liECA Yin TOUNO MIDDLK-AQED: 'sck of viniTXlgon and strength, with sexual organs impaired Silt ak0A1i'irt I2r?mature.,i'. tn iPPfoohlng old age. All yield rap d y to our new treatment for lose of vital power. One personal visit te preferred, but U you cannot call nt my offlce, write us rou symptoms fully. Our home treatment la Our oaunsel Is freo and sacredly confidential. Treatatff blM Constitution Free Call or address Dr. Searles & Su"' Omaha. Neb. If. E. Corner Tloniilna nnd Fourteenth atreete. 1 LJfcJ 1 IDEAL SUITE FOR A DOCTOR We have u suit vacant which will just suit a doctor or do for a doctor aud a dentist. There is a large waiting-room and nlso two small private oflices. It has tho right light a north light. The rental is forty dollars. If you want it, come today. THE BEE BUILDING R. C. PETF.RS & CO., Rental Agents. net 14 flrletur. I WeliHiEv.;sCmniEAi.0o lASMClNKtTI, 0. WKM CURfc YOURSELF t Uan ltlg fnr uiinttnril dli-tur,1nllnninliiin, rrl latlons or uircrKiionj 1 mur.nui meiperann I'nlnlpM, anil nu'. ntfltt- gent or poiionom. old h.T DruggUU, or nt In plain wrapper. Iiv znrii. rroatd. mm If. 00, or a bottlcj, Qirealer tint as legtlei: KinovrioNAi,. ST. LOUIS SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS Ufllh Yftr. TurnUhci Inttrurilon In prlrtf, Modcllnf, Falntlm, lorilh lilfn, 7ripftli, tnniinttlon, Artlttic Mi glimy ArrMUcturtt n1 MfflikntCAl Pawln,t)rftmti Vie Mtlnn tnloihvr forminf Appllrl Art. All hiitrnt lion loihIKtl, tii'Wnu mar nrtll any tlm. Tencher frum th Art Hrhoola nf Kurnpr Tot UloiirtM circular! t4mt HAL6EY C. IVES, Director, St. Louis Sohool of Fine Artn.8t.Loul. Mo A WOMANLY HEALTH 307 Rutger Strwt, St. Louis, Mo., June 8, 1900. I luve used your Win of Cardul treatment and found H helped me ever o much. 1 have pokes to a great many of my lady friend about Vine of Catdui and they tee for themselves how much better I look. I was not able to do anything scarcely for two yean until I used your Wine of Cardui and Thedf ord'j Black-raught. Mrs. KATIE NETTEVILLE. Mr. Nettevtlle. ktUt U printed in this paper today to jhow distressed women, discouraged in their repeated failure to free themselves from disordered menstruation, burins-down Piw and other attendant ills, that they may find relief in the intelligent use of WINEo'CARDUI Many reader of this paper would be shocked to know how few women are really healthy, how few are really equipped physically for the duties that come to them. But it has been shown beyond ques tion that if every fick woman in this city would take Wine of Cardui there would be a great many happier homes here. To women suffering from female troubles Wine of Cardui offers a speedy and permanent cure. Nearly 1,000,000 women have received relief from Wine of Cardui and Mrs. Nctte ville's letter shows how they feel nbout this great medicine. Wine of Cardui is not a strong medicine, but It is a powerful tonic for the female organs. It makes menstruation regular and removes the cause of those terrible dragging pains which make life a torture. Wine of Cardui and its companion mfdi cine, Thedford's Black-Draught, can be secured at any drug store. If you are an earnest seeker for womanly health, relief is within your grasp. Try Wine of Cardui. For Kitice and literature, addirsi, rlvine jrnptomi, "Thn I.adl'i' AdTliorj Department," The CbtttanoORt Mertlclno Company, OiaUanooja, Tonn. e K 1