Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Wontn LV.Ist. Tbis Will Ee Tkiir Next
Equal luffrj Ctpttr.
Dnu.nn LiiiimI- Prforr llml
!nch a I.ltp Monk .MinTTlna;
llnlnncr heft from tlnf.
fnlo Exhibit.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 13. (Special.) Nebraska
la claimed at the next mte of equal suf
frage by the delegates attending th
twenty-fifth annual convention of the State
Woman' Suffrage aaaoclntlon In thU city.
They point to the Hot of utatea already con
quered, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and
Idaho, and declaro Nebraska will be the
next to fall Into the column.
At the opening feMlon of the convention
In the Klrtt Daptlnt church this morning
fifty-five accredited delegates wcro preacnt,
besides several visitors of note, among
thera being Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt,
president of tho national association.
After the formal opening exercises Mrs.
Clara A. Voung, president of the state asso
ciation, delivered an nddrcss of encourage
ment, much Ktrcss being put upon the
motto, 'Nebraska Shall He Next."
Mrs. Young reviewed the conditions In
the various county organlzatlonr and spoki
In an optimistic vein about the growth of
the movement. She favored aggressive
field work and earnest efforts to extend the
sphere of woman's utcfulneg.
Reports of the treasurer, Mrs. K. M.
Sutherland, and the auditors, Mrs. Mary
6mlth and Mrs. Oetty W. Drury, were next
Mrs. Carrlo Chapman Catt of New York,
representing tho national organlratlon, was
next Introduced. After congratulating the
Nebraska workers on the number of dele
gateti and tho enthusiasm manifested, she
declared that woman suffrage was going to
come, and come In the near future. Work
ing for such a cause, was not a burden, but
a privilege, because Innumerable reforms
would be Introduced when the ballot was
extended to the women of the land. In
part she said:
Tho women assembled ngaln this after
noon and listened to greetings from vari
ous clubs and ofllclals. An address of
welcome was delivered by Maor Wlnnctt
of tho city of Lincoln and Mrs. K. W.
Boutherland responded. Tapers were read
as follows: "Woman's Sphere," Miss Nel
lie Taylor, Mcrna; "Women of the Pant,"
Mrs.. M. L. Wnrd, Tecumseh; "Women of
tho rrescnt," Mrs. Jeunlo Ross. Dakota
City; "Women of tho Future," Mrs. Oetty
Drury, Tender.
Tho feature of the day's proceedings was
the debate of tho (Uicitlon of equal suf
frage by A. Blxby of this city and Miss
Laura A. Oregg of Omaha at the evening
lesslon, the former taking tho position
tgalnst equality and the latter favoring It.
Governor Savage presided at tho night
meeting. The. convention will be continued
WnnU IntluenHnl l.entlem.
"If 1 wanted to establish an empire In
this country with Mr. Roosevelt os the
king I would first convert the leading men
to the cause. 1 would Interest tho minis
ters, the editors, the fororaost business
men. Then the masses of the people would
follow. There Is no trouble about tho rank
and file when the bell wethers are cap
tured. "ln'thla work It- Ib the Influential people
that we want. In your local clubs get tho
men and women who are potent In helping
mould public opinion. Then ym will have
do trouble with the people who do not pay
their dues and meet you with frittering
excuses. Make your organlralton so strong
that uo one can afford to let dues lapse.
'piscourage all discouraging statements.
As a general rule keep the pessimistic peo
pie In tho background when the meetings
ire public. Sit down on all tendencies to
pessimism on such occasluns,"
Mrs.. Chapman Catt declared that
throughout tho country were many people
who were passively supporting the woman
mffrage movement. She declared that the
outlook for success was far more promis
ing than was tho prospect for the ascend
ency of tho abolition movement ten years
before the war.
Will llrprst ncpuliltran Gain.
Senator Owens of Dawson county was in
Lincoln today attendlug to business of h
personal nature. He says the republican
gains In his section of tho stnto will be
duplicated at next year's election. Moro
Interest Is being taken In politics than be
fore election and he looks forward to a
big vote next year. An Increase In the
total vote In Dawson county will not In
jure the republicans, he says, for It Is con
ceded that ns many republicans as fusion
1st stayed nway from tho polls this year.
J'Wo never had so many cattlo In Daw
ion county as at the present time," snld
tho senator. "Stock Is being shipped In
for the winter nnd the shipments to market
ari very light. We havn an abundance of
rough feed In Dawson county and arc able
to take caro of lots of stock that cannot
b-wintered In other plnifS. Alfalfa and
buffalo grass produced good crops and
rorn was of an overage yield In all sec-
lions of tho county."
Apprnl In .lr;nii Cne.
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Smalls of Pre
mont hove appealed to tho supremo court
for a reversal of tho decision of tho dis
trict court by which Mrs. Lydla Wlckwlrn
was given a judgment against them for
It, 014. The amount named In the Judgment
Is for damages alleged to hnve been caused
by the 9-year-old ton of Mr. and Mrs,
Smalls. Mrs. Wlokwlre testified In the
lower court that as she was walking near
the corner of Ninth and Nye streets In
Fremont she heard a sharp sound and a
whizzing noise and an Instant later felt a
severe pain In her left shoulder. An ex
amination showed that she had been hit
by a bullet. Turning quickly In the di
rection of the first sound sho saw the
Smalls boy running and she avers that he
Is the person nho fired tho bullet, presum
ably with an alrgun. The accident oc
curred May 18, 1900.
clrnkn' llnrTnlu IIiMlilf.
"There will be n balance of approxi
mately $2,000 left In the treasury after all
expenses of our exhibit at lluflato arc paid,"
said K L. Vance, Nebraska com
missioner In charge of the state's exhibit
at the Tan-American exposition. Mr. Vance
was In Lincoln today closing up tho affairs
of the commission, preparatory to paying
the last of the bills outstanding.
"1 can't give exact figures, but 1 believe
the total expense of the commission and
exhibit, Including salaries, will not bo over
$,000. We have conducted our work
economically and are confident that we
gave the best possible display for the
amount expended. Aside from a few of
the showcases practically all of tho ex
hibit was disposed of at Ruffalo."
Ilnmlreil and Tnrltr, Count 'Km.
The attention of Superintendent Fowler
was called today to an article which re
cently appeared In an Omaha newspaper
and which was said to be a description of
the only log schoolhouse In Nebraska. Thh
structure, according to the story, Is on
Rcllcvue Island, but will soon bo torn
awny to make room for a more pretentious
building. In a volume soon to be Issued
Mr. Fowler will dcscrlbo 112 other log
schoolhouses In this state and 605 In the
same .territory that are mado of sod.
llnlf-l'nrc Sn I'nwir
Rev. William H. Klmbcrly Is the gen
eral missionary of the American Sunday
School union and a resident of Lincoln
Mr. Klr.iberly was drawn on the Jury for
this week In district court, ond hlH name
came from tho box this morning when
the court began calling for Jurors In a
case In which Wilbur W. Towlo Is suing
the Rock Island Railroad company for dam
ages to a stallion Injured In a runaway
Judge Tuttle, who represents Mr. Towle,
mado It a rule to ask each of tho pros
pective Jurora If ho hod ctr received any
favors from tho Rock Island railroad. Whon
he camo to Mr, Klmbcrly thp latter replied
that he had a half-fare permit from the
management of the road, because of his
calling bh a minister.
Mr. Tuttlo promptly challenged him for
cause, contending that this favor front
tho company would create o natural bias
In his favor.
Judge Holmes held that Inasmuch as the
Juror said he had no bias or prejudice In
favor of tho company tho possession of a
half-fare permit was not In Itself sufficient
ground for challenge.
Hrjrrt Tontine Aiipllcntlon.
Tho State Ranking Hoard today rejected
the application of the Tontine Loan nnd
Security company of St. Louis for a license
to do business In Nebraska under the build
ing nnd loan law. Tho proposed method of
transacting business was held by tho board
not to conform with tho requirements of
the act and under Its decision tho company
Is estopped from accepting money ns In
vestments from Nebraska people.
Stale llnnk of Nemnlin. ,
Secretary Royse today Issued a charter
to tho State Rank of Nemaha, Nemaha
county. It In capitalized for J.'.OOU and
the Incorporators nro: William Campbell,
Frederick K. Allen and Elmer K. Allen. A
charter was also given tho Farmers' State
bank of Carroll, which Is capitalized for
112,500 by K. R. Ourney, R. W. Classon,
J. T. Dressier, W. II. McClusky nnd J. H.
Cmtrr Cnunly'n f.rralrat.
Governor Savage Attorney General Trout
and Secrctnry Royse of tho State Ranking
Roard returned today from tho republican
ratification which was held last night in
Broken Row. Tho gathering was one of the
rgest of its kind ever seen In Custer
county, many attending from adjoining
Krrrtlnn of Norfolk Asylnm.
The Iloi.rd of Tubllc Lands and Rulldingt
this morning decided to readvertlse for
bids for the erection of tho Norfolk asylum.
No material can be secured. It Is claimed,
until midwinter. The State Roard of Chari
ties may recommend that 125 of the pa
ttonts be sent to Hastings and the aRylum
at Lincoln to relieve tho overcrowded con
dition of the remaining buildings at Nor
folk. Smallpox and Srlioolii,
No steps have been token by the school
board relative to enforcement of vaccina
tion regulations. Such action has been
suggested, but has not yet been taken. Ono
member of the board said this afternoon
that he thought tho subject would be con
sidered nt the next regular meeting, which
Is scheduled for next Friday night.
Considerable unrest was caused the
patrons of the C street school by tho
prevalence of smallpox In that vicinity so
they requested that the school bp closed
In response to the demand the Roard of
Health ordered that one room bo locked
and remain so until further orders,
Rectmn N Diimoidi, Ihsj Appitlto tba
t.rniirl Inland I'ontrnrt Holder Want
Dtvlaloti of AVIint Arl ( nil lie
Found 'lirrlff Tnjlor
in ChnrKO.
ORANU ISLAND, Neb.. Nov. 13,-(Spe-
clal.) Oeorge L. Augustine, Albert Kiting
and August Glade, hoi dora of contracts In
the Security Tontine lnveJlment company
of this city, have filed In tho district court
a petition asking for the appointment of a
receiver for tho company.
Tho Security Tontine Investment com
pany Is one of tho diamond contract con
cerns which presented to the public the pos
sibilities of making largo profits very
quickly. It was organized here about two
years ago and was the forerunner of an
other otganlzatlon, with headquarters also
In this city, but which has recently been
doing most of Its business In western states
The petitioners allege that there are seventy-five
contracts now due and fully paid
up and that the officers of the company are
unablo to distribute the diamonds or tho
equivalent thereof; that there, nre about
$5,000 on hand nnd office turnlturo and fix
tures to tho value of $100.
Tho petitioners pray "that n receiver may
be appointed by tho court who shall ba
authorized and required to take Immediate
possession of all the assets, books, papers
and property or the alleged association, the
Security Tontine Investment company, nnd
collect nil of Its Indebtedness nnd shall re
port to this court tho names of all tho hold
ers of said contracts (those having been
paid up as well ns those not all paid up),
that Leroy W. Lyons and O. II. Tracy and
tho Security Tontine Investment company
nnd each of them may be forever enjoined
from receiving, collecting or disbursing any
of tho moneys contributed by tho holders of
said contracts, or from In any way meddling
or Interfering with Its moneys, nssots or
property of any kind, and may also report
to this court tho names of all parties now
or heretofore connected with said associa
tion, whether as alleged stockholders or
manager ami promoters, the amounts con
tributed by them to Its capital stock, If
anything, the amount of stock held or
owned by each nnd the amounts converted
by them or paid over to them by the asso
ciation, whether as profits or dividends or
otherwise, nnd report the names of all per
sons to whom the association has paid any
alleged dividends or profits on contract
nnd tho amounts paid each nnd all, In order
that all such persons may be made defend
ants herein nnd required to nccount for and
pay ovpr to Much receiver oil sums pnld to
them or any of them ns alleged profits or
dividends, to tho end that the same may be
Justly and equitably distributed among tho
holders of said contracts and to others, the
creditors of sold association." Tho petition
nlso asks that the association nnd ita olfi
ccrs bo forever enjoined from carrying on
nny such or similar business.
Sheriff Taylor has been appointed tempo
rary receiver. There are 101 paid-up con
tracts and the defendants represented
thereby number at leust fifty.
Tr-$cirtific production
of .i laxative of known value ind distinctive
action is rapidly growing in public favor, along
with the many other material improvements of
the age. The many
vKo e wfrll informed
must understand quite clearly, that in order
to meet the above conditions a laxative should
be wholly free from every objectionable quality
or substance, with its component parts simple
and wholesome and it should act pleasantly
and gently without disturbing the natural
functions in any way. The laxative which
fulfils most perfectly the requirements, in the
highest degree, is
Syrup of Fijjs
The sale of millions of bottles annually for
many years par-t, and the universal satisfaction
which it has given confirm the claim we make,
that it possesses the qualities which commend
it to public favor.
rrovirir Tlicnmrl with Wnumt
Load of OnthliiK and Food
In the MkIiI.
COZAD, Neb., Nov. 13. (Special Tele
gram.) Another daring burglary was com
mitted here last night. The general mer
chandise storo of Ranks &. Eoff was en
tered and about $700 worth of clothing, In
cluding underwear, taken by tho thieve,
who also entered tho market and grocery
of 11, Hums and took about $100 worth of
canned goods nnd meats. A small amount
of flour was also stolen from the feed store
of O. W. Hlne.. There Is no clew to the
robbers except that a spring wagon was
seen leaving town southward about. 2 a. m.
Step are being taken to track It.
llnttle Creek Milliliter A ecu noil of At-
null In Hound Ovor-Ai'i'ini-r
Cnnlraiilct Herself.
MADISON, Neb., Nov. 13. (Special.)
Rev. Kdnionson, the Rattle Creek minister
arrested for asenulting his little adopted
daughter, was placed In the custody of
tho sheriff yesterdny. The clergyman
waived henrlng before Justice Norwlck of
Rattle Creek and was bound over. The
ense will probably be heard noxt week.
Tho young girl has contradicted tho story
nnd seems to have had no Idea of the serl
oils chargo she was making.
World Famous Marian! Tonic
At All Tlmu TONIC
SoM by All Oruif litt. Refute Substitutes.
Ilenllh Ofltrer Law Write The Her
Coiu'eruliiK Siiinllimi anil
iinrnntliic There.
I.ONC1 TINE. Neb., Nov. 13. (Special.)
To the Editor of Tho lice: I wish to cor
rect the statement mode In your Issue of
November 11. In the village of Kong Pine,
Nob., of the number of cases of smallpox
now wholly recovered nnd released thero
aro seven; those recovered and not yet
released from quarantine, on nccount df
others In the family, eighteen: those not yet
entirely over the disease, but rapidly Im
proving, fifteen; total, forty; number of
families under quarantine, fourteen.
Tho nbove Is a true statement of tho
condition In our town today, November 12,
1901. All nro under strict quarantine.
School has been closed for three weeks
and no public gatherings aro allowed.
Churches are all closed. There having
been no now cases In the last week, It Is
our opinion that the end has been reached.
DR. I, AW.
Attest: Health Officer of Long Pine,
General Merchandise.
Alnntvorlh lluarnullnril,
AINSWORTII. Neb., Nov. 13,-(Special
Telegram.) Last night the Alnsworth vil
lage trustees and local Roard of Health
had a meeting and quarantined tho town
ngalnst Long Tine, where stnnllpox Is re
ported. The county commissioners met yes
terday and appointed r county board of
health and ordered the sheriff to carry out
the provisions to prevent spread of con
tagion. Johnstown and Wood Lake, just
west of here, have also a number of cases.
So far no cases have developed In Alns
Gulden Jays In Hamilton County.
AURORA. Neb.. Nov. 13. (Special.)
Everythlnc Is on the boom In Hamilton
rounlv. The wheat nrosnect is the finest
ever known and the average the largest in
the history of the county. Carpenters are
still busy building new nouses ami narni.
The Aurora, High school has a new steam
heating plant.
Clay Count)' Cnr.
CLAY CENTER, Neb.. Nov. 13. (Special.)
The fall term of the district court for
Clay ro.inty convened yesterday. Thero are
seventy-three cases on the docket, six of
which art criminal cases.
(ilrln llnniiK't the I'.le veil.
(IRANI) ISLAND, Neb., Nov. 13. (Spe
cial.) Tho (Irand Island college eleven yes
terday afternoon defcatfd the Hastings col-
lego eleven, 35 to 0. There was small dif
ference in the weight of tho men on the
respective teams, but tho (Irand Island
team made continual Hue smashes of from
five to fifteen yards, with end runs aver
aging thirty to forty yards. Hastings mado
tho required five yards four times. The
members of tho Hastings nnd Ornnd Island
teams were entertained In tho evening nt a
banquet given by tho young women of the
Shelton Methodist Weleome Pantor,
SHKLTON. Neb.. Nov. 13. (Sneclal.l A
large number of members nnd friends of
the Methodist Episcopal churrh met at
their place of worship last evening nnd
gave n pleasant reception to their newly
appointed pastor, Rev. fitlfller, and his
wife. Rev. Stlffler was appointed to this
charge by the conference at North Pintle.
Ho comes from uru, Ncn.
is due to the originality and simplicity of the
combination and also to the method of manu
facture, which is known to the California Kirr
Syrup Co. only, and which ensures that per
fect purity and uniformity of product essential
to the ideal home laxative. In order to
H-sJJfcnfrficiaJ Effects
always buy the genuine and note the full name
of the Company California Rg Syrup Co.
printed on the front of every package. In the
process of manufacturing figs are used as thev
are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal
virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an
excellent combination of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially.
SAr Fr&rvcisccC&l)
LovjivilU.Ky. lie-w York.N.Y
for skit by nil dru(jut5 Price fitly cenxs per bottle.
asylum about thrco months ago, when It
was supposed tho was permanently cured,
but nbnut two wrks ago she was taken
sick again and her condition wan such
that It was thought best to take her baok
to the asylum.
Coroner' Wrillef In Cne of Mnlicl
lletrlck l.tki-ly to II.- I'oltotwil
ty ArreKt.
M'COOL. Neb.. Nov. 13. (Special Tele
gram.) The coroner's Jury, which has been
Investigating tho cauoo of death of Mabel
Hetrlck, has Just brought In a verdict Im
plicating n phyedclan nnd another young
man, and arrests nro likely to follow.
The coroner's Jury had been In session
since yesterdny1 noon. County Attorney F.
C. Powers nnd Constable Aflelbnch of York
wcro assisting Coroner Knnpp. Tho fol
lowing business men of McCool wcro the
Jury Thomna Hennhan, Thomas Smith,
William McKuddcn, (leorgo Snyder, William
Helms and John Nnhrgnng. It Is further
reported that tho evidence nhowed n crime
committed at York within tho past three
weeks. Tho deceased, Mabel Hetrlck, was
a native of York county and had lived
nearly all her life at McCool with her
father, J. W. Hetrlck, n business man of
this place. Sho wnst highly respectod,
bright nnd Intelligent nnd one of the most
beautiful young women In south York
I'nln' AVIdotv I In riipilllioii.
PAPILLION. Nub., Nov. 13. (Special.)
The man found dead on West Q street,
South Omnhii, proves to be Rudolph Palu
of Papllllon. He was a shoemaker hero
and leaves a wife and three children, the
oldest 14 years of age. He was 35 years
old and born In Hungary.
I'nlr for Thurolay and Friday, irllh
Vnrlahln Wind, In PoreraM
of Weather I'rophet.
I WASHINGTON. Nov. 13. Forecast for
inursuay ami Friday:
For Nobraska Fair Thursday anil Fri
day: varlablo winds.
For Iowa Fair Thursday and Friday;
northerly winds.
For Missouri Fair Thursday except pos
sible showers In 'southwest portion; Friday
fair; northerly winds.
For North nnd South Dakota Fair Thurs
day and Friday; north to cast winds.
For Kansas Fair In northern, cloudy,
probably showers In southern portion
Thursday; Friday fair; variable winds.
For Wyoming, Colorado and Montana
Fair Thursday nnd Friday; variable winds,
l.nenl Itrcoril.
OMAHA, Nov. 13.-OfIlc.lal record of tern
peraturo and precipitation compared with
tho corresponding day of the last thro
1M1. 1900. 1S99. ISO.
Maximum temperature. . . BS 50 fil 2
.Minimum temperature.... .IS it 47 ?i
Menn temperature Is 37 34 r6
Precipitation 00 T .00 .01
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temporature &
Excess for the day io
Totnl excens since March 1 S2"
Normal precipitation 03 Inch
Iicllclency for the dny 03 Inch
Total rainfall slnco March 1 23.38 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 5. 25 Inches
Excess for cor. period. 1900 94 Inch
Deficiency or cor. period, 1S3D.... 5,32 Inches
Ileporta from Stations at 7 i. nj.
Cold I'.iikmkimI for Europe.
NEW YORK. Nov. 13.-Tho following
announcements hnve been made of engage
ments uf gold for export tomorrow: Heldel
bach. Ickelhlmer & Co., $U),000; Clohlmiiii,
Haclis At i'o., JioO.OU); I'Mted States Mort
gage Ac Trust company, wo.oou; J.azarn
Freres. 2,000,000. This make. a total of
J 4 250
The National City b.uik will tdiiu M.000.000
In gold tomorrow, making engagements
thus far for tomorrow, Jo.'JjO.OOO.
I.nt rrltil from Dim ion.
run i i u iiQu.. Ut ,irii., .ir. t..
The steamer City of Seattle arrived from
PIihpu'iiv tfiilnt lirlnf.lncr ?:! n:i HmtnL'nrfl.
rr.osl of whom are direct from Dawson,
having arrived nt White Horse last Thurs.
, .. ... ...... .1... I... .
lit uii him mi'.i linn uiu, uiu luni mmi n,
come up the river this season. Tho captain
and ctews of various boats on the Yukon
wcro passrngrrs on nenuie, meir uoum
having gone Into winter quartern.
Omaha, clear
North Platte, clear ,
Cheyenne, clear ,
Salt Lake City, clear ,
Rapid City, clear
Huron, clear
WllllHton, clear
Chicago, clear
St. Louis, clear
St. Paul, clour
Davenport, clear -
Kansas City, clenr
Helena, cloudy ,
Havre, partly cloudy ,
'Bismarck, clear ,
Galveston, partly cloudy .,
? - ?
: 3 : S 6
M .IS .00
54 60 .00
42 W .00
44 GO 00
42 60 ,00
42 60 00
31 .".6 .ft)
44 62 00
(14 62 .00
40 4S 00
44 ofi .00
60 6fi .00
42 &0 ,0)
as no .no
36 50 00
63 6'. .Oft
Ooe to lleiitrlce Court,
WYMORE. Neb.. Nov. 13. (Sneelal.1 -
The cases of Attorney .1. A. Yan Orsdel
of Cheyenne, Wyo., against the eight res
ervation settlers for tho nttorney fees. In
the recent land settlement came nil for
hearing In Justice court Monday, when a
change of venue was taken to the county
court nt Reatrlce.
l.lBhl Docket at llnvld (it;.
DAYID CITY. Neb.. Nov. 13. (SneHal.l -
The November term of district court con
vened In this city yesterday. Judge Good
of Wahoo presiding. This week will be do
voted to enulty work and tne Jury Is sum
moned to appear next week. The dockot
Is light, thero being thirty-nine chll cases
and two criminal cases.
.11 aro, ut' tie Club llnlcleil.
MARCJl'ETTK, Nnb., Nov. 13.-(Spcclal
Telegram ) The Marquette club was closed
tonight by Sheriff Pollard. Two harrols
of beer, some whisky and tho bar fixtures
were confiscated, Clerk H. Cover was ar
rested here and William Williams, bar
tender, was caught between this place and
Aurora and arrested.
Mr l.eul Returned lo Avium.
WYMORE, Neb., Nqv. 13. (Special )
Mrs. Amanda Icwis. wife of Thomas Lewli
of this city, was taken lo tho Asylum for
Insane at Lincoln ye-storday afternoon
Mrs. Lewis was brought home from the
Is to love children, and no
home can be completely
happy without them, yet the
ordeal through which the ex
pectant mother must pass usually is
so full of suffering, danger and fear
that she looks forward to the critical
hour with apprehension and dread.
Mother's Friend, by its peuetratiner and soothini? properties,
allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and
so prepares the system tor the
ordeal that she passes through
the event safely and with but
little suffering, as numbers
have testified and said, "it is
worth its weight in gold." $1.00 per
bottle of druggists. Book containing
valuable information mailed free.
Searles & Searles
Most Successful and Reliable
Specialist in Diseases of Men.
Ar ycu afflicted with VarlooceU or lu resulta Nervous Debility and Lost Mai
koodT Ar you nervous, lrrltabU and despondent? Do you lack your old-tlm enargr
ked ambition? Are you sufforlng from vital weakness, etc.? There Is a derangoment
6f the ensttlv organs of your Polvlc Syttcm, and even though It gives you . no
trouble at present, It will ultimately unman you, depress your mind, rack your ntrvoui
lyatem, unfit you for married llf and shorten your existence. Why not be curd b
.NTEB. We have yt to iee the co of Varicocele we cannot cure. Medicines, eleo
Iflo belta, etc., will never cure. You need expert treatment. We treat thousands' of
tsics where the ordinary pbyslolan treats one. Method new, never falli, without cut-
tlnr, pain or loss of time.
cTDirTIIHr Hume treatment; new. I
j 55 1 S 55 Infalllable nnd Itndlcal
and uL.fc.fc. I cure without lnstru-
iucjlto, iiu yuid, mu uuvciiiiuii itum uijniiics.i.
.weak Hack. Burnlne-
Urtnatlnr, Urine High
giiK eaiment on i
iVDllll IC cured for life and the poison
and Uladdar Troubles,
Urine, Frequency of
Ugh colored, or with
atandlnr: Oonorrhoea,
M I rlli Hw thoroughly cleansed from
thi ayrtm. Boon every sign and symptom
ueppeara completely ana xorover. io
"BREAKINO OUT" of the disease on the
kin or fao. Treatment contains no dan
gerous drugs or Injurious medicines.
CVITAX.ITY WEAK),made so by toe cleef
Application to business or study; aever
mental strain or grief; SEXUAL, EX
CESSES In middle life or from the effect
"'youthful follies.
28aW 'vuUn8?a0rNv
LOSSES. With RAPT.V ViMrAV Vrtiti'n
nd M I D D I K AG E D ; lank nf ? ,' IKS?
Home Treatment
tncMeaful and strictly private
and strength, with sexual organs Impaired
and weakened prematurely In aDDroaohlnr
oia age. All yield rapidly to our new
treatment for lose of vital power.
One personal visit li preferred, but U you
cannot call at my office, write ui youf
symptoms fully. Our home treatment la
Our eaunsel is (reo and sacredly confidential.
Treat MttaMsJ
Consultation Free
Call or add re si
Or. Searles & Sp"' Omafut Neb.
E. Corner Tlouitlnn nnd Fourteenth aireeti.
I LiJ i
We have a suit vacant which will just suit n
doctor or do for a doctor and a dentiBt. There is n
large wniting-room and also two small private nftices
It has tho right light a north light. The rental is
forty dollars. If you want it, come today.
R. C. PETMRS & CO., Rental Agcnti.
IVf OnTtatM WL
di i tiruturt.
I'rtrttu fooitiitr.
Vtn lllf tnr iimitturil
IrrlUtlum or ulc?ritlonj
of muonim tnndrnei
l'lnp, and nutulriu-
gtnt or polionoui.
old by DrniiliUL
or 'nt in pltlu wrppif,
l7 xprwi. rr?Pila. tmt
11.00, or 3 bottle, t-
axesler nt is niim -
ttflth Yfir. Turnlihti loitrurtttn In prln, MMlln,
r&lntlM, l'(Ofth PlfTi, Pni'flltft (.Vrmi-nritlno, Aftlrtic
Anit""r Arrhlwrturtl iH Mtrhtntcftl P Inj, (.rml! Df
I Minn n1cihr forma of ApplM Ati. AlHtiirnctln InlliM4K
Mu-Wnt mr nnll t any 1lm. Teavber frvtn lh Art
HrhooU of Km rope, lor ltlttrftl4 circular 4-1rM
HALSEV C. IVES, Dlrnctor.
Btt Louis School of Fine ArtB.St.LoulttiMo.
307 Rulgtr Strwt, Si. Louis, Mo., June 8, 1900.
I kavc mrt your VUv of Cardui treatment and found tt helped me ever o muth.
1 Juve tpokra to a peat many of my lady frlendi about Wine of Cardui and they
u for thmelvw how much better I look. I wu not able to do anything scarcely
for two yean until I uied your Wine of Cardui and TjJ,J,eLLE.
Mr. Netteville' letter U printed in thii paper today to jhow diitroied women, discouraged in
their repeated failure to free themselves from disordered menstruation, bearing-down pains and other
attendant ill, that they may find relief in the intelligent use of
Many reader of thta paper would be shocked to know how few women are really healthy, how few
are really equipped physically for the duties that come to them. But it has been shown beyond quel
tion that if every rick woman in this city would take Wine of Cardui there would be a great many
happier homes here. To women suffering from female troubles Wine of Cardui offers a speedy and
permanent cure. Nearly 1,000,000 women have received relief from Wine of Cardui and Mrs. Nette
ville's letter shows how they feel about this great medicine. Wine of Cardui is not a strong medicine,
but It is a powerful tonic for the female organs. It makes menstruation regular and removes the cause
of those terrible dragging pains which make life a torture. Wine of Cardui and its companion medi
cine, Thedford's Black-Draught. can be secured at any drug store. 1 you are an earnest seeker for
womanly health, relief is within your grasp. Try Wine of Cardui.
for adtlre and literature . addreii, f Ivlnp yrnptomt, "Thn I.dl-' ArirUory
flipirtment," Tho Cnittinoor Medicine Company, Chattnoo, Tenn.