Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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OMAHA, NEB., October 29, 1901.
OMAHA BEE, Omaha, Neb.:
Dear Sirs I take pleasure in stating that I have used PAINE'S CELERY COM
POUND with much benefit. I regard it as the most reliable remedy that I have
ever tried tor building up the system when once run down.
Yours very truly,
OMAHA, NEB., Sept. 4, 1901.
WELLS & RICHARDSON CO., Burlington :
Gentlemen As a medicine tor doing immediate and effective good in sick
ness resulting from impaired nerves and impure blood, my family considers your
PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND without a peer. It will save many a doctor's bill
and strengthen and give tone to the system when used according to directions.
Yours very truly,
J. J. DONAHUE, Ghief of Police, Omaha.
Public No Longer Fooled By Quacks and Fakirs
In every ease of sickness resulting from impaired
nerves and impure blood, Paine's celery compound does
Immediate and effective good! For the last ten years
the thousands of authentic reports of individual cases
have multiplied, untij it can be absolutely said that in
no one case does this great, remedy ever fail to benefit,
and if taken promptly, to cure.
And yet during that, time a hundred worthless nos
trums under patented catchy names have been foisted
upon the public, aind some of them for a brief period have
had large sales. Hut every one of them having been
tried has been found s'adly wanting, and after their un
scrupulous proprietors have made all the money they
could in defrauding the well and seriously harming the
sick, these quack medicines and their catchy, silly names
have disappeared from view. There is a concoction be
ing sold in this state today, where its speculative ad
vertising was begun a year Inter than in other states, a
year or two ago. which has gone the way of its prede
cessors so rapidly that in every section of the country
where it was exploited, the sales have dropped off as
rapidly as they begun, and the obscure company behind
it finds it no longer possible, even by the most sensational
methods, to create any demand whatever for it.
Unlike all these and other such preparations, Paine's
celery compound has stood the test of time and experi
ence. It is not a patent medicine; it. is the discovery of
one of the greatest physicians the world has had, proba
bly the most successful practitioner in this country,
whose reputation was already established as a specialist
in nervous diseases, and who was and is the foremost au
thority in the world on the diseases of the blood and
nerves, Prof. Edward 13. Phelps, M. D., LL. D. As dis
tinguished in his way as his kinsman, that other great
Vermonter of the family of Phelps, who as our recent
minister to the court of St. .Tames so ably earned the
title of diplomat, and statesman.
In the last, ten years, the proprietors of Paine's celery
compound have been sending this greatest of all pre
pared remedies to the four quarters of the earth in larger
and larger shipments, relieving and curing the sick, re
storing the weak and depressed to health and strength,
making it possible for many and many a person to live.
avIio could' find no relief in well-intended prescriptions,
or antiquated and worthless sarsaparillas and nervines.
In these years that have seen so many quacks come
and go, one so-called medicine was put up by no more,
experienced a hand than a pushing Philadelphia real es
tate dealer; another has been and is now run in part by
a group of sharp newspaper men; another, which origi
nated as a pleasant, thing for colds, has added not to its
virtues, but to its schemes of advertising, until it has be
come in the minds of its projectors a cure for all the ail
ments under the sun and such instances might, be mul
tiplied. Don't touch them!
AH these have had, or are having their day, while
the demand for America's greatest family remedy a
real remedy for real ills an effective tonic and honest
invigorator, lias not suffered from the attempted substi
tion of other preparations. Paine's celery compound
a medicine thnt cures the sick, and no high-class drug
gist ever attempts to induce a customer to take anything
in its stead.
Paine's celery compound has gone on steadily gain
ing in fame these years, because those who have tried it
have gratefully sung its praises, and in every community
in the country have, by word of mouth, spread its fami'.
According to the well-known ethics of reputable
physicians, this prescription was at the very outset
freely presented to physicians in good standing, and the
formula is gladly given them today.
For that reason Paine's celery compound has naver
been included among patent medicines. Coming from
so high a source, and so searchingly tried and recom
mended, physicians have long employed it as unhesita
tingly as they have used their official preparations.
It drives the poison germs of deep-Heated disease
from the blood. Tt brings boyancy of spirit in place of
lassitude and despondency. It allows the overtaxed sys
tem to start fairly on the road to health. Tt procures the
sleep so uecessary to brain and nerve oantara.
ft strengthens, invigorates, gives new tone to the
system, makes the blood healthy, is food for the nnrve.
It mnkes people well!
Thousands have been benafcted, thousands have
been cured by Paine's celery compound, when everything
else has failed. - -