Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1901, Page 12, Image 13

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"Village li Dakota. Oontj BiotmM ft
Utaici to Hilghbon.
gfiil IIhIIipu ann of tlir lltnnhn nnil
AVInnrlinito llraprrntliin 4'nnitilnlita
tit Trnilrrs Willi Mirk Indian I'n-lronni-
In KpKn of lllaenae.
C,I'. Matthewson, agent of the Omnhn ami
'Innebano agency, was In the city yester'
day. Speaking of conditions on thn agener
"We have about sot control of the small
pox, or, to be moro exact. It han about run
throufih thn Winnebago trlbo ond from this
tlmo wo look for n decreano In tho cases.
There, liavo hecn but n few new cacs re
ported during the lHt week ond thin gives
tis hope. Out of thn entire tribe 600 were
successfully vncrlnated. ICO were Immune
on account of previously having tho ills
enfo and of the others I expect not moro
than seventy-five nre subject to tho dis
ease nt this time, as all have been exposed
long enough for the illsenso to have made
Its appearance before this time. There
have been about thirty deaths slneo the
fllspAM! herame prevalent.
' My worst trouble Is now with tho town
of Homer, and I expect that through tho
Action of the vlllago board of that placet
tbo smallpox will he communicated to that
port of the stat Tho county commission
ers of Thurston county quarantined Winne
bago township anil slnco that time the
Wlnnnbagocn havo not been permitted In
nny of tho towns of tho county. I havo no
Authority to forco tho Indians to remain
upon thn reservation, but when the county
commltsloncrs took thin action 1 led the
Indians to understand that It meant that
'they must remain nt their homes until the
uunrantlno wns lifted. A few days Inter I
'found rcpruHentntlvca of certain business
men and saloon keepers of Homer on the
reservation, telling the Indiana that this
ifjuarnntliin was not. binding In Dakota
county. This was true, iind I could not
(deny It. Soon thereafter a number of the
Indians from smallpox Infected districts
(Went to Homer to trade. Citizens of that
ttown wroto tn tho commissioner nt Wash
ington requesting him to hnvn the Indians
kept out of thn village. This ho hart no
'.power to do and so Informed tho citizens.
They then appealed to the village, board of
Ulomor to havo tho reservation quarantined.
At tho suggestion of the merchants who
Ranted tho Indian trado and the saloon
4ceperH tho board refused to tnko such ac
Jtlon, und today Indians Just recovered from
jtho disease nnd thoso Just taking It may bo
'found on the Htrects of Homer nt any tlmo.
fTho result Is thut some of tho white people
of tho town have contracted the dlsense,
whllo upon tho reservation no whlto man
has been sick. I have heard of several
'ctiflcs, but tho only one I personally know
la that of tho city marshal of Homer, who
1h very sick. We can hnudlo tho disease
nn tho reservation now. but I fear nn out
break which will be serious along the north
lino of the reservation In Dakota county."
.ir st Tii it nr. Mom:.
,Tlll Time Ik 1.1 III I led A tic ml Till fli.tliliiK- Mile While Vnu (.'nil.
Come- tomorrow without fnll and profit by
.phesp bargains.
, Men's $15.00 nil wool suits, $5.08.
f Men's $30.00 ynkti overcoats, $10.00.
I Men's $10.00 suits on salo nt $3.98.
, Hoys' vesteo suits go nt 50c.
Young men's long pants suits only $1.50.
$.".00 boys' overcoats nnd ulsters at $1.00.
Men's $10.0(1 ulsters nnd overcoats, $5.00.
Men's $7.50 covert overcoats, $3.75.
Men'a $5.00 overcoats nnd ulsters, $2.50.
Hoys' nnd youn.i men's $7.50 overcoats.
I .1. L. WlANDElS & SONS.
I Proprietors HotUon Store, Omaha.
(Clinton MirnnT Mnvn the Stock VnriU
I Cotnpnny for DniiinKra Sua.
I tiilncil from .Vivel Cause,
LTho 1'nton, Stock Yards company has had
number of dnmagn cases brought by per
sons who alleged that they wero Injured
jwhllo caring for horses nnd cnttlo In tho
company's yards at South Omaha, but tho
latest suit tiled against tho company Is for
damages snld to havo been sustained In a
tnlx. up with 600 hogs.
Clinton Shearer malntnlns that while
Vlrlvlng thu porkers through a dark tunnel
.they stampodud nnd charged on him.
Bhcnror says that ho ennio out of tho whirl
"lng mass of pork much tho worse for woar
nnd seeks to recover $15,000 for n sprained
nnd bruised kneo, a twisted splno and nn
injured hip.
When he was Injured Shearer was driv
ing tho porclnos through a tunnol 300 foot
long which Is used la laadlug hogs Into
double-deck cars. Tho long passage was
Without light. Something frightened tho
Jaoga and thoy turned on Shearor. Ho says
that it was so dark that ho did not realize
1vhat was going on until ho was knockod
jdown ugalnst tho wnll and run over by he
frightened porkers.
Shearer alleges that tho stock yards com
pany was nogltgeut in not having tho chute
provided with lights nnd that tho exercise
Of great caro on his part did not eavo him
Srom his injuries. Tho accident occurred
ptetnbor 30 of thn present year,
Tho 1'lrat Iroiieliul.
! According to records recently discovered,
Kho first ironclad was built In tho sixteenth
century, but, a tt proved unmanageable,
was soon abandoned. In tho present cen
tury people nro trying this medicine and
.that ono In tho hopn of tlndlng relief from
Aliments of tho stomach, Jlvcr nnd bowols,
Thero Is only ono uibdlclno that will cure
Indigestion, dyupupHln, llatulency, bilious
tips nnd mnlnrln, fever and ague, and that
bs Hostetter's Stomach Hitters. Try It and
how will bo convinced.
fevdtirnl II11II1U11K tn llnrn Annthrr
1 Oouiii-otloii wit It thn
( " City Mnliii.
Tho custodian of the federal building has
blade application tn Washington for permls
Ion. to tnako an nddltionnl connection be
tween tbo boilers of that building and the
tpalns of tho city wator work. At tho
fretcnt time tho boilers are connocted with
hut ono main and when any trouble occurs
fchlch requires tho shutting off of water tho
building Is without a supply. Such an ac-
cldsnt oocurrd Inst summor nnd thn cus
tod Inn believes much damago nnd incon
sentence will occur should It happen during
thf winter months.
Cook's Importnl Kxtrn Iiry Chsmpagno
lias u delightful nro ma. It is perfectly puro
nnd naturally fermented.
Send articles of Incorporation, notices of
tocKholdora' meetings, etc., to The nee.
Wo will glvo them proper legal Insertion.
tTelophono 23S.
Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In
renuoctlou with Tho Dathory, 216-220 Ben
building. Tel. 171)!.
14 K. neck chains. Kdholm, Jewelsr,
944,000 5HIOF! .! 9AT17RDAV.
The Most Important, nrmarknhl anil
ftenantlnnnl Mine .rllln Otiinhn
Kvrr Wltnraseil.
J, L. lirandels Sons beg to announce for
Saturday the beginning of a sale of shoes
that will Just set the town wild. It will be
a salo of tho highest and finest grades of
shoe over brought to Omaha, shoes that
have a national reputation, and among them
hundreds of shoes that are a byword la
every homo In Omaha. There will be shoes
for men, women, boys, misses and children,
These will simply bo marvelous, tho full
strength of tho word "bargain" was nemr
shown In a shoe sale so strongly ns It will
be In this sale.
To give you an Idea how these shoes will
go we will say that ladles' 2.o0 and $3.00
clippers will bo sold at 9c.
Lames y.i.w snoes win nn soiu at
$5.00, $0.00 and $7.00 men's shoes, like
Hnnan's and Florshelm's. will bo sold for
$1.59 and $1.6S.
$l.f,0 children's shoes will be sold at 69c.
Full particulars of the salo will appear In
Friday evening's papers and the sale1 will
commence Saturday, November 10, at
J. It. Drandcls & Sons, Proprietors.
II I K It ehiiol I'rnlilrm la Tempornrlly
Solreil nt n (,'nnaMer
nlile Ivtprnir,
The superintendent of buildings and the
Janitor at the High school nre still wres
tling with the problem of removing tho cin
ders from tho boiler room of tho High
school, and in taking up tho matter they
find that a wonderful change has come over
the cinder market. A short tlmo ago people
were paying $1 a load for cinders and wcra
delivering them at the expense of the buyer.
Then the market went down to CO cents a
load, while now the school board has to pay
25 cents a load to have them hauled,
A temporary lift has been placed In tho
boiler room nnd tbo ashes and clndcra aro
lifted to n skylight on the level of tho
ground, whero they nro placed upon wagons,
Tho cost of raising thn ashes to the level
of the grouild Is homo by tho school board,
It Is proposed to Increase tho opening In
the roof so that ashes can be removed moro
rapidly, but tho temporary lift will remain
until a new boiler room Is built, which may
bo soveral years from this time.
The question of coal supply Is proving
more difficult, as no plan has yet been sug
gested by which more than sixteen or eight
een tons of eoal can bo stored at onco whore
It will be avatlablo for fuel.
Snvnsp Arcrpta Inrltntlnn to De
liver I'rlnclpnl Addreaa at
Auill tnrlntn tnr.
(lovemor Kzra P. Ravage will be the
principal speaker nt the opening of the
work on the Auditorium building Monday,
ho having accepted thn Invitation of tho
committee yesterday.
At U o'clock Monday morning a band
will start out over thu street car lines,
visiting every part of tho city. At 2
o'clock it will lcavo tho cars and rnnrch
to the grounds, where thn speaking will
begin at 2:30. In addition to tho address
by tho governor short talks will be made
by members of the company and others.
Annoniirrnirnta of the Thrntcrs.
The bill on view at the Orpheum thl
week Is "making good" with the patrons
and the standard of excellence that has
brought about large houses during .tho
season has been lowered none by the pres
ent entertainers. For next weak tho Or
pheum will present as the chief attraction
the most sensational act in vaudeville aud
this, surrounded as It will be, by others
of genuine merit, will keop up the repu
tation of Omaha's only vaudovllle theater.
The Svengalls prove In tbelr act that there
Ih such n thing as the transference of
thought, or nt least they manage to con
vince the nudlenue of It, which Is much the
same thing.
The comln opera success, "The Burgo
master," will open at the Doyd tonight
for an engagement that will continue
throughout tbo week. Tho company pre
senting tbo piece is the original ono and
It carries all the original scenery and ef
fects that mado the piece such a big hit
here last season. Edith Yerrtngton beads
the cast.
Tbo Moulin rtouge burleequert de
lighting large-sized audiences this week nt
thn Trocadero with two good burlesques
and an olio of merit.
Friday evening the returns of the Jeffrlos-
rtuhltn Qgbt will be received and read from
the stage.
tlnttiker Time Tin. Illlnola Central.
Effective Sunday, Nov. 10, the Illinois
Central will shorten the time on their
trains to Chicago and the Twin Cities.
Train No. 4, which now leaves at 7:00 a.
m., will be changed to leavo at 7:10 a. m.;
train No. 2, the "Chicago and St. Paul Llm-
Itedi" which now leaves at 7:45 p. m., will
be changed to leave at 7:50 p. m.
There will be no change In the arriving
tlmo at Chicago, St. Paul or Minneapolis.
Train No. 1 will leave Chicago at 6:25
p. m., instead of 5:45 p. m., and readta
Omaha at 3:20 a. m., Instead of 8:05 a. m.
Special attention Is Invited to tho superior
equipment on both our Chicago and St.
Paul trains. Duffet-llbrary cars are run
on the night trains and parlor-buffet can
on tho daylight run.
City ticket office Is at M0J Farnam
Curd of Thanks.
We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks
to our friends and neighbors, particularly
members of Bankers' Union lodge No. 977,
for their kind sympathy in our late bereave
ment, the death of our niece and cousin
Shampooing and nalr dressing, 25c. In
connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Bte
building. Tel. 1716. ,
Publish your legal notices In The Weekly
Bee. Telephone 238.
Oriental pearls. Kdholm, jeweler.
Omaha's Naw Hospital
The .lnwlsh people of Omaha, with Mrs.
J. 1.. Drandcls as president, havo opened,
the new "Wise Memorial hospital" at 3306
Bhermau avenue. This Is a laudable
enterprise, Its object being to accommodate
many worthy patients who aro dally re
fused admission to other houpttnls on ac
count of their crowded condition. Thev
need nld nnd on next Saturday wo will
donate 10 pr cvnt of our gross sales for
this enterprise. Wo walcomo such institu
tions to Omaha there's room for more.
This hospital Is non-seotarian.
26c I.axatlvn Uromo-Quinine 12o
25c Carter's Liver Pills 12o
60c Crnmer's Kidney Cure 40a
$1.00 bottle Usterlne (Lambert's) 0c
12.00 Crnmer's Cotton Hoot Tansv nnd
Pennyroyal Pills ,.......$1.00
$1.00 Peruna tsc
50o Syrup of Figs 30a
$1.00 Iler's Mnlt Whisky 76o
A lino bottle Cnnndlan Malt Whisky... 00c
Cut Pi-io.
Drug Store
ri. 7vr. a. w. On. ietk u cuiun
JOooOs dellvertd rB$Jtt atava9cttaj
Tn the Wo limn Whn erila 'n Skirt,
Wnlat, .Inrkrt, f'npr, Snlt nr Clonk
This In Opportunity nf I.tfe Time.
The $78,000 stock of Meyer, Levy Cohen
nt ono-thlrd Its regular value,
M., L. A C. $1.25 runnel waists, 49o.
M., L. A C. $2.60 waists at 96c,
M-, L. & ( $6.00 waists at $2.98.
M L. & C. $18.60 Raglans nt $7.50.
M., h. & C. $25.00 Rnglnns nt $12.50
M., L. 6 C. $15.00 automobiles at $7.98.
M L. & C. $25.00 automobiles nt $12.50.
M L. A C. $15.00 suits at $4.96.
51., L. & C. $25.00 tailored buIUi. $8.75.
M., L. & C. fur Jackets, trimmed with
beaver nnd river mink, at $12.50.
M., h. ft C. $5.00 collarettes at $2.98.
Children's fur sets nt $1.50.
M., L. A U. astrakhan capes, 30 Inches
long, lined with Skinner's satin, at $12.50.
II., L. & C, $1.26 flannolotte wrappers, 69c,
Read Haydcn's shoe snlo, this page.
1R K. wedding rings, Kdholm, Jeweler.
Interim! Itrreniip Cnlleetor WnnU
the Tin the fJoTernment Una
Ii lit nn Amnaemeate,
Promoters of entertainments are giving
th local field deputies nf the collector of
Internal revenue consldernblo work. Dur
ing the fnl and winter, when theso onter
tnlnments nre numerous, there Is more or
Itns work In tho way of Investigating viola
tions of the Internal revonuo law, but this
season the work Is greater than usual be
cause of an Impression which has gone out
that the amendment to'tho Internal revenue
law removed entertainments from the list
of things subject to tho tax.
The worst offenders nro those who manage
boxing and wrestling matches, and the dep
uties aro now Investigating thrco or four
such cases. Tho parties usually pay the
tax when tho matter Is brought to their
attention, hut It has been necessary In
times past to make arrests.
.Vurslnic Mother,
feeble children, the aged and Infirm, and
nil who suffer from debility, exhaustion
nnd wasting diseases, And Mall-Nutrlno ln
vnluablo. The product of the Anheuser
Bunch Browing Aes'n. For sale by all
Harrison A Morton present (n today's
Issue tho most complete list of property In
Hanscom park and West Fnrnnm districts
yet offered.' Sco their advertisement In tho
special columns.
fR.OO for Hnir n Dny'a Work.
If you live In the country or In a small
town and havo a good acquaintance among
the farmers and stockralscrs In the neigh
borhood, you can make $5.00 easily by four
or live hours' work. Wrlto us nnd wo will
send you our proposition. The Boo Publish
ing company, Solicitor's Dept., Omaha, Nob.
Thanksgiving carvers. Edholm, Jeweler.
1 6! b O rf
n 1
e k ? fy s
5 . c?2 p
n 1 T B
? 1.
e (
Sherman &McGonnell Drug Go.
Cor. 10th and Dodge, Oinnhn.
It is no Surprise
at $3,50 Always
causes high priced dealers In shoes of
same quality, but moro money, to
squirm and turn soma sharp corners
in order to keep tho $5.00 nnd $6 00
prices going.
All roporrs and rumors to the con
trary notwithstanding.
Sorosls the perfect American shoe
remains ut $3.50 Alwnys.
Any lenthor, nny new nhnpe, any
weight sole, nnd nil widths from
triple A to double K.
The price Is the only thing about
Sorosls nhoes for women that can be
Sorosis Shoe Store
203 S. 15th St.
Frank Wilcox, Mgr.
Send for catalogue.
Setting Glass
During tbo cold snap, has
been rigbt in our line. Have
kept four and five raeD busy,
and everybody satisfied.
Prompt service, good work,
reasonable prices, does the
business. Can furnish any
Bize glass you may need.
Give us your orders,
Telephone IMA,
ltt Ditilu IU.
l-naaa, -3:1
" ffillra V I W
A sW I
V aW 1 . 1 nfff
$5.00 DRESS I
GOODS $1.50 YD.
More Etcluihe Patterns Trom the New
Vofk DfejsniaklnK Stock
The Snle nf This Immense V.
anrttnent of MnKiiifleent lllh
Clnsa Drum Itohea la nf 1)nl
Interest tn Kvery Fnahlniinblo
M'oninii In o tn nil it nnil VIcliiKy,
fB.oo noons, xi no.
More new dress goods from Mnn-Innye-uells
l. in high grade novelty
goods, silk nnd wool, broadcloth,
blnck nnd colorK.'pnnne cloths, cauuM's
linlr, ctepe rrreots, velllni; errrcts.
these nre nil ilres. lengths, 5, r, ,lm 7
yards, every yard worth from to
$0.00, go on bnrgnln squnro nt $1.50.
pn.tHt mtnss tiitons, ns,..
Skirt longths. fnney wnlat lengths,
children's drejs leimtlix, same tnntcrlnl
ns above, but In short lengths, go m
98! ynrd.
i?n.tMi mt i:ss noons, c.
Mnny silk mul wool novelties, nil
Imported goodf, go nt 50o ynrd.
fit AM) Ifll SII.K.H AT , AMI
All of the magnificent silks from tho
Montanye-Wells Co. stock, Kreticli
novelty silks, brnended silks, Imported
blnek nnd colored tnffetns, grcnnillnes,
limine velvets, vtc In waist lengtlis
nnd wholo dre.s lengthv. In silk de
partment, go at CDc nnd rc ynrd.
I.XOH, lle AM) title VVUI).
Novelty wnltlngs In corded cloths,
nil colors. Kretich llnnnel, iniinv exclu
slvo patterns In wnlst leugtlis, go nt
4tc nnd 6yo ynrd,
i,im,(i, v. a s. ' t'tnisrrs,
Tho IJiicolu Cloak Suit Co, worn
known to carry 010 of thoMnrgpst
corset stocks In Lincoln, the majority
of them nre $2.60 mmllty, there nre till
Utricle, Itoynl Worcester, Amerlcuu
Indy, It. A tj , Wnrner Hroi.. S, (' ,
Mnilnme Wnrren's Corsots, nlso sev
rrnl lots of Imported cornets, nil "Izes,
choice (Sc.
ma kid (;i.ovi:s, ;nn.
All of the Lincoln Clonk Suit
Co's kid clovf-s, the "I.uclle." Nor
dlcn. nnd Windsor, etc., nil well known
brands that they sold up to ti.0 pnlr,
on mnm lloor bnrgnln suuiirc, cholco
ts cents.
Millinery Sale Thursday.
Sole of Ladies' nnd
I, A riin is' AM) SIISSHS' TIUM.MKl)
II ATS, if I .lir..
13 blnck nnd colored velvet lints,
prettily trimmed with ostrich feathers,
ribbons, ornaments, etc., not ono
nui do up to sell nt
less thnn $Ij0
tiik nnsT nr, tiummkii hats iv am hiiica.
Hundreds of new, brlRht, fresh IdenR In the Jj.Ol hnt section will enliven our
millinery department Thursday In n very mnrked manner. As the selllnR
should bo extraordinary brisk, wo have prepared n special line of blnck velvet
lints, profusely trimmed with black ostrich plumes of n splendid Krnde, nnd
wo earnestly direct your attention to thorn, us we know that most stores nk
$S.0O und $10.t for tbo smno values
Some Customers Say
'Tm no judge of woolens."
They doH't need to be in
our store. Wouldn't do
them any goo'd if they
were. We keep a man in
New York City that does
nothing but buy woolens
for all our stores. He has
been with Nicoll for thirty
years. He has never done
anything else but handle
woolens. Isn't his judg
ment good enough for you?
Think it over he is the
largest woolen buyer in the
greatest woolen market in
America. In spite of all
his experience and knowl
edge he occasionally buys
cloth that does not wear
well. Every complaint,
every criticism on the wear
and appearance of our goods
is carefully retold to this
buyer, by the managers of
all the various branches
so that he will avoid that
kind of cloth in the future.
We stand back of his judg
ment in this way. When
our goods don't give good
service, we make a suitable
and just allowance that
ought to be fair enough.
Now come and pick out
a pattern to suit yourself
and trust our judgment for
the quality. Mr. Paffen
rath still away see the
other fellows at
Karbach Block. 209-11 So, 15th St.
"WY" EELEY "n tl"" hVmt
('line iui. win niiiy iveniey Inatllme In N elirnakn. Uurea
Drunkeniieaa, Cure,
Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to Imported cigars.
MtnuUrturfJC BuOfct MrcavUUi-Qir Oc,4..S),.U'ulat Union Made,
That's the Way J. I.. Brandcls & $om
arc Selling the Stock nf
I'.very Artlele In This Knllri
stork la etv, Ihe Kir til llnvlnu
lleen In lliialnesa .Vluint n Year
The Opportunities to Sn n nro
Oreiit nnd I'lentltul.
i'iki.h Tin: MM'm. c. a h. co.
M.nt) 1'i.A.wr.f, wiists,
Hundreds if this season's tl.mnel
waists, handsomely tucked, ribbon nnd
Itrnld trimmed, old roue, uroen, light
hint, nnd dnrk colors, AM) "lO PKUM'II KI.ANMJI,
waists, i?:i.r,o.
In this lot nro high grade French
n.tnnel wnlst, elaborutely embroid
ered, nl.-o tnllor 'stitched waists, all
colors, nt J.I.M.
Tho entlru stock of the Uncoln C.
& 8. Co' silk wnlsts, mnny mnrktd
from JlO.Oii to $12.r, olnhorately tucked,
bemstltcheil, eta, cholco $3.fA
nil) llll.V ftlATS HT.ntl AM) JU1.I1H.
All of tho Lincoln C. ft S. Co 's 2T
Inch box coats In kerseys, with In
lnld pnnne velvet, yokes nnd storm
collars, elaborately tnllor stitched.
In reds, castor, black, nil of them
with guaranteed satin lining Lincoln
O. & 8. t'o's price $19 to, our price
$T.60 nnd $:i.!tf.
io no.v ctiATS, :i.nt.
All the Lincoln C. S, Co's $10 no
box coat In tnu nnd blnck, on salo
Hi $3.60.
i roAioiiu.r.H. tia.(Mi.
Tho entire stock of automobiles,
elnborutcly trimmed with panne vel
vet stitched, In knrsey blacks, reds,
tans, benvy sntln 'lined, nil sizes, nt
$! nnd $12.M.
3" extra heavy plnld back oxford
niKluus, loosn nnd hnlf fitted, yoko
front nnd back, nil sizes, nt $9.01.
MIssch' Trim mud Mats
HATS. Hit. nn.
810 lint, mmlo of the llnest French
ft'lt nnd velvets, trimmed with beau
tiful kooiIs, such us ostrich fentlmrs,
InrRo birds, handomo brrnnts. Jets,
uno turns, wkio rninons,
mccs, ornnments, pom
liiitiiH. nlurcttes. etc.. I
1 H.'s AvlioloMilo priced
.(.'), nt
will bo much Improved
by drlnklnK our pure
and wholesome Metz
beer. It Is food, drink
nnd medicine nt the
enmo tlmo nnd tones
up tho system ns noth
ing elso will. For dell
en to women nnd thoso
who suffer from Insom
nia nnd dyspopsla thero
is nothing tbnt will
cheer you up nnd
hanlsh nleeplossness
llko Matz beer.
Metz Bros.
ggfeg Brewing Co,
flrfl Tel 119, Omaha.
Or Jacob Xoumnycr, ArL, caro Noumayer
lintel, Council Illuffs, Iowa.
Typewriters !
New Century,
New Densmore,
New Yosl.
We sell, reat, exchange, reptlr type
writers. Rver7thlng considered speed, grade
of work, cost of kaplg In repair,
durlnbilllty, to, ours ar by all odds
tha cheapest typewriter oa the mar
ket For information regarding type
writers, address or call oa
United Typewriter
& Supplies Co.,
1614 Farnam St., Omaha,
'"uned of the Ki-elr- ayatem of lnatl.
llruu Uaern, Tobacco Vacra. THU
U. Ill mill l,em enirorth, Ouioba.
.Bk arm mm mi
lllilllP art I V 1
"Nebraska Clothing is Good Clothing,"
and good clothing, well made clothing, perfect fitting
clothing enn be bought here for LESS MONEY THAN
ELSHWITERE. We'll return you your money if you nro
not sntisiled with your purchase.
Twenty-five lines off men's sample shoes secured
for spot cash, go on sale, beginning Thursday
.. morning.
These shoes include die mnkes of the leading iminnfnct.urors
of the country. Heing samples they nre the very best in style and
workmanship. They include all styles nnd all sizes, mnde in best
selected leat hers, patent leather, ennmels, patent kid, pntont. colt,
Araoian can sum. wax cnlf, corona kid, box enlf and cordovans.
These sample linea include the, famous
Crown shoes and other well known brands.
You can find every shape from the
conservative dress or business shoe to
the popular "freak" and the "goo-goo"
eyelet blucher, all made for this season.
This tremendous shoo sale will enable the men
of Omaha to securo the (moat shoos mado at
less than half their value.
Men's sample shoes worth
$3.50 to $6.00
on sale at
See these in our 16th street window every
pair as carefully fitted as if you paid the regu
lar price.
UAXnC'll' Tremendous Bargain
IIAT UlRS Ging in Bargain Room
Gigantic spot cash purchasing enables ITaydcn's to give tin
most astonishing bargains ever put on salo in Omaha. HUT WIO
lutely not a cent's worth sold in this room to peddlers, dealers or
niiicus nooii.i,
J1.00 Lndlen' Cloth, 83c Venetians. 75c
Oranlte Cloth, 73c Hl.ick Dre.sH Goods, 9e
FancleR, LOU I'liildft und thousnnds of
other weaveH, 4f'o yard.
Wool Do Heine, worth IBe, oc.
Worsted Kanclee, worth liio, Cc.
2S-i noli HonrluttiiH, worth 15o, 6o.
sii.ks. vi:i,vi:tn ..m coitmitovs.
J.'c HllkH. funcloH, only 10c.
39o I'luln Silks mul Checked Japanese, ISc,
85c Silk FoulanlR, 21 Inches wlUo, 39c.
7c llomnii Strliws, 3Sc.
$1.(0 Sntlns, 3'Jc.
Jl.tO black arcnnillnrp, 40c.
Jl.50 Silk Klnnnels. c.
Jl.W Corduroy, nlco Una of colors, 3lo.
Mn all wool Vronch Klnnnnl, 2Sc, ,
75o nil wool tancy etrlped Wnlstlngs, 39c.
iM striped Cropo do Clilnn, 49c.
Jl.Ou plaid Kronen KlimnelH, 25c
31.00 Satin I'runulla. 43c.
UltnsS l.tTTKII.N.
110.00 DrrHH rattcniB, J3 9.
J10.00 Skirt 1'ntteniH, J2.9X.
Uo ouro und examine these pattern..
r..vrit. sriM-iAi.M.
J1.00 Klceced Hlnnkets, f9c.
JI.00 Oomforlem, 69c., M , .
Grand spoclal on nil kinds of Comforters
und UlanWute.
Only three days more- -Thursday, Friday and Saturday to
take advantage of this great special offer. You are invited to
come to our store and select, any material in our high grade dress
goods department, costing 7oc a yard and up, and we will make
you up a plain, lined skirt., free of charge. Mr. II. Balstein, the
expert Indies' tailor, from Chicago, Is going to be with us to do
this work for a short time.
Skirls will be made in rotation, as orders are taken. Codr
In All
Day's Work
If .you should stnrt into r,v
ing on ovjMVonts nt 8 o'clock in
tho morning, it would tnko you
nil day before you would get
through, so large is our selec
tion. We're not so foolish ns to sny
thnt there nre no other o'conts
tbnt arc ns good ns ours, or thnt
there are no other o'conts that
fit as.well as ours, or that there
aro no other o'eoats but ours,
Such talk is trash. We do sny
Great Sample
bhoe Sale
$6.00 Shoes
at $1.98.
They aro mado up In tho very best man
ner, with hand turned welt boIobi aomo
lined with heavy drill or .ail cloth lining.,
nomo enlf lined, some Wd lined.
Thee shoes wore made to fell at I8.G0 to
J8.00 per pair, nnd wo will put the entlrn
lot on eale Thursday morning at, only
eo fl.oien Towels, worth lSo-ench, 74o.
ISo Perciilee, fc.
19c Percales, 7Hc
2fio Percule.K, 10o.
lOo Klannnletles, lino colors, 6c,
3J-Inch Pinjinelettefl. with horder. Bo. ,
Ko Imitation French Flannel, lOo.
lfio Fancy Satlnos (Simpson's), 6c.
Jt.OO men a llecco llnort HhlrtH nnd Draw
er, Mo.
1.00 ladles' flooco lined t'nlon Suite, (9o.
Chlldron's Ilceco lined Underwear, 25c, J9c,
15c, 12Vc and 10c.
Men's 75o Illackhldn Shirts. tOa.
Jtcn's f,0c Ilusklnt; Olnves, 10c
.Men's Wc Wnrklntr Olovoa, 19c.
Men's S9c WorklnR Oloves. 26o.
Ladles', men's ami chlldron's 25c Hosiery,
roii.w ro nniMit rMn.v r.
Star plug chewlns tobacco 3fl0
IIorheBhoo plus chuwInK tnbncco 3Co
Nerve pliiK chewlnR tobneco , 35c
riattlo Axo 350
Newsboy tobacco 35c
Dull Durlmm Binoklng tobacco POc
Duko's Mixture , 3&c
Meerschaum smaklni; tobacco 36c
Uiicla Tom sniokliiK tobacco 3Gc
Old Stylo KtnokliiK tobareo 2tic
c r r