Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1901, Image 5

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Iiht Our Etilvrtj TrokK ci Eifbtb
; Itmt Ttkti Up Tim.
Ac ln n fur Hip llnllnriv Cum.
panic Com pi roller Wcatlirrn;
Echo nf the KighUi utrcet railway
lrackKr nnd crostlni; fight lilwccn the
fiurllngton and Northwcstprn linen tiR-Un
Moundei In the roilticll ciirttnher last
night, Although nr final action wait taken
on the matter. After the Investigation of
the conditions t tbo scene of conflict
tnadc by the coiincllmrn In person In tho
afternoon ninny of them came to tho meet
ing under the Imprenniou that tli matter
had lifon amlcnhly fettled by the railroad
attorniyo. Mr. Kclhy of the llurllncton,
however, vaa on hand last night to let
the, council know that this wns not thj
fcox. ho It was ilrclilrel to hold an nit
Jonrned meeting at 2 o'clock this after
noon nt which the entire affair will he
thoroughly ventilated ami n declbloii
cached as far as the Interests of the city
kiro affected.
Messrs. Iloye. Tro.tle;r and President
Karr voted ngalnst this extra mooting, say
Ins thoy could not attend at that time. A
resolution wan then presented . Instructing
Mr. Karr to bo present, lin alone voted
ngalnst It and announced that the motion
to adopt whs lost. Ills decision was ap
pealed from, however, and overwhelmed.
Old O rill it it ii cp Aicalli.
The lait rcverhenitloii of the stir of
battln came in the shape of an ordinance,
introduced by Mr, Zlmman, which promises
to proclpltatp a now conflict' before It
gets through tbo regular channels of pas
sage and approval. It Is a repetition of
thn same measure which started nil the
trouble a year nnd a half ago, allowing
the Chicago, St. I'hiiI. Minneapolis .
Omaha road to lay, operate and maintain
trackngn along Klghth street between
Jlownrd and Knrnani streets.
This Is Just what the Uurllugton does
tot want. A (similar permluHlon granted
jnany months ago was rescinded a few
days afterward, hut not until the road had
Its tracka laid. All parties concerned ex
poet a big light when the matter cornea up
(or final passage.
A unanimous vote gave tho Union Pa
cific road permission to reconstruct Its
Viaduct over Thirteenth htrect, the change
being the use of tcntrnl columns placed
In the middle of the street, which will
make two mans where there Is now but
one. Thin alteration Is In accordance with ,
? general ennnge noing inauguraieu uy
hat road, In which It Is enlarging all Us
bridges necessary In order to mnke them
capable of carrying Just double their prcs
tut capacity.
WpKltirrK Siiliiiilt l'lmires.
Comptroller WcMberg flooded the coun
cil with stntlBtlcs relating to tho finan
cial end of the clty'H affairs. One of his
reports shows tbo cash on hand In the of
flco of tho city trensurer on November 1.
when a count was wade by sir. Wcstberg
In compliance with the law. The figures
Cash lit drawer .HsT'S?
Checks for deposit UOSl.ti)
Balances 111 banks:
City .School
., I'unds. I'mid.
JvounUe HroH..
New York V.I,32I.!W Cl.iM
Commertl'il Nut. Ki.7ll.lS 13,2:t7.t'i
lMrsl Nat WKl.tB S,S.o2
Jlercbants Nut.. -".'.TM).r,l 13,ii,6..
Nebraska Nell.... 37,1N57
Omaha Nat 2r..l07.W
Union Nut iS.OI7.07 3.M8.KJ
if" ft. Nnt!i! as.s:fl.M lo.oto.3i- i3,0t:..7O
Oerman Snv.. ct. - 'J1.IS3.:4
Pollen relief funds:
Mcrchanta' Nat J ,.70.!
Oerman SavingH, ct .MtH.iiV- u.3i.iU
Total funds on Imtul :!I6,51S.(W
In connection with the appropriation or
dinance for November and prior thereto. In
troduced last night, Mr. Wcstberg sub
mitted detailed statements showing tho con
dition of all funds on November 12 and tho
amounts set aside for the various depart
tncntn paid by tho general fund, with the
iun expended and tho available balances.
The total of the appropriations provided
for In the ordnnueo Is $rl.89S.2l.
Ciindltlnn of City l'inul.
Following Is the statement showing the
condition of funds on November 12, ponding
ordinance not Included:
no p. r. l!oi
Levy & Misc. warrant?
Receipts. Drawn, llalance.
General 1
"Water rent. ...
t M ' l. gutter
and cleaning.
Bower main
taining Tark
Btreet cleaning
and swooping
C tt r 1). gutter
nnd pHvlng...
Paving bond.
Omaha sewor..
Itoud .i
Market place..
275.81S.4l J232.M8.IS $ V.'.Mfi.'ill
29S.iS4.OI 27S,163.r.,i 20,tS4.W
!U,fsfil.II RlJJfl.W
20.KS2.1I 1 1.343.0;
20,(01. Ot lfi,l(jl).:
102.415.00" SO.lOO.f:!
l,9l.5S 1.4H7.3S
1 .372. 10
2iM.2S 3I,272.V 1.1VU.G3
.82,093. 19
.J1.317.817.S2 J983,628.W J332.ls9.76
General fund, balance J 42,906.76
Bet uslde 2S.7W.95
Tlnlnuro available J I4.20i5.81
Pnvlin? bond fund, balance J S2.09.I.I9
AniountH certified to 28,32.2li
ll.iliince avallablo J Xl.Tll.20
'Dog fund, balance set aside lor per
manent dog pound.
I,nfn;rttp Arrunr PnrlnB.
The contract and bond for curbing am1
reravluK w"h asphalt Uifayctte avenue
etreen Fortieth nnd Forty-second streets
"were approved. Tho Commercial hand com
jany will do the curbing and tho Western
rating and Supply company tho repaying.
A triple assignment was given the Hoard
of .Public Works for the week. It was In
utrttcted to pave the Intersection of Twenty
fourth and Dodgo streets with asphalt, pro
vldlng the price was no higher than that for
1he Twenty-fourth street districts Just
completed; to placo signs along Thirteenth
treel between Grnco nnd Nicholas streets
ehowlng where dirt and refuse may b
thrown t fill In, and, finally, to round up
nnd repair the I). V. Kedraou road from the
west lino or rort umana to tnc west city
limit t .an expense not exceeding $100.
A new ordinance Introduced coutemplatoj
Iho opening and wldcnlug of Ontario street
from A to Twentieth, and City Knglnecr
llotowator submlttednew descriptions of th
abutting property necessary.
Mlnnlr fclt'hrordCT Found In mi Allry
i With (inli lrr llrr
I." Left Kye.
Minnie Schroeder. aged 20 years, was
found In a seml-conaelous condition last
night p.bout il o'clork lnan alley near
Tenth Hnd licnlgo streets and was removed
'to tho police 'station. Her fare, hair and
clothing were coveted with blood, l'ollco
Surgeon Horglum found a deep gash over
her left eve Tho joung woman loulel gle
no ncrounl of how sho retehed the wound
It Is not considered dangerous
IMnnril . Klin lull I of (lilenuu Lec
ture lit n l.nrcc Amllriicr
mi llli ll.llrf.
Kdward A. Kimball of Chicago, a mem
ber of tho board of lecturers sent out by
the Christ church, Scientist, of Boston, lec
tured at the !)od theater last night to a'
crowded house. Tho speaker was Introduced
by Mr. Clarence t'hadwltk. lie look for hi,
subject "The Cause und Scientific Cure of
Tho speaker explained at length the belief
of the Christian Scientists. "Christian Sci
ence." ho sold, "has been misrepresented.
It Is n religion. There nro ISO religious
denominations In tho country today Biid we
arc one of them. We believe In Clod: we
believe In prayer; we accept the sculptures
as containing th Inspired word of Clod.
Wo Hrc Just ordinary people like any other
denomination. (Ind Is Infinite wisdom and
knowledge. He Is good and the power of
good and Ho has done all tilings well."
Tho speaker believed that nearly all dis
eases are caused by Ignoranre, superstition,
false belief and sin. nnd located causation
In the mental realm Instead of the material.
He said: "The ordinary human Is educated to
fear from his very babyhood He Is taught ta
fear what be eats and drinks, the cold and
tho heat: he fears to exercise and fears to
be Inactive." When sickness comes It Is tho
result of the mental, not the material.
The speaker spoke of the many diseases
which have been pronounced Incurable by
the physicians of tho world. "What tboy
mean," be nald. "Is that they cannot euro
them. This unnecessary mipposltlon that
one Is amlcted with an Incurable disease
often Insures the speedy decline nnd col
lapse, of the patient If. according to Chris
tlan Science, the deplorable fear nbout fatal
diseases should subside, the Improved men
tal stnto which would ensue would Instantly
Improve health and prolong life"
Tbo speaker then Informed bis hcarcra
"not to bo nfrald of things that now worried
them: not to be afraid of what they ate; of
overwork, lose of sleep or a draught of air;
Insanity or nervous prostration." The lec
ture continued for two hours and was lis
tened to attentively by the largo audience.
Will Mnkc n Trip Areiuiiil tlif Wnrlil
In Cliiirur of Hie Trntia.-
port Crunk.
Captain Thomati Swobe arrived In the
city Tuesday morning from Washington, to
settle up some personal affairs before leav
ing for Manila, having received on Novem
ber 0 his commission as quartermaster In
the United Stiltes nrmy. with rank of cap-
mi.. U'lll, 1. Id ,i.fn Un will IxnVO KrlllllV
for Vor(. whcru hQ exl)ectC(1 t0
on the morning of November IS. A few
days later he will assume command of tho
United Slates transport Crook, which will
sail for Muulla by way of tho Sue canal.
"I expect to remain In Manila from fifteen
to twenty days," said he. "and then le
turn to Son Francisco, whore I will turn
Crook over to the transport lino plying
between San Krnnclsco anil Manila. I will
then report to the quartermaster general
for orders. I don't know what Is In storo
for me, but I will probably be stationed
somewhere In the middles west, possibly
Omaha, possibly in Chicago; It depends
upon what places are open at that time.
If I am stationed at either of these points
I will .have tho office of depot quartermas
My wife and two sons will remain In
Chicago while I am awny. Iloth my sons
are lu business there nt the present time."
Let l-ltcbrcht.
Unusual In Its Imprcsslveness nnd elab
orate In every detail was the wedding of
.Mr. Kugene Levi of Nebraska City and
Miss llanchen Rehfeld, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. Itehfeld, which occurred at
Temple Israel last evening at 6 o'clock.
About 200 guests occupied tho body of
tho synagogue, whllo tho front powa,
which were decked with bunches of yel
low chrysanthemums and separated by
whlto satin ribbons, were reserved for tho
relatlvea. About tho altar was n profu
sion of palms nnd ferns. Intermingled with
tall white and yellow chrysanthemum.
full string orchestra occupied the bat-
ony at the rear, playing somy as tn
uests assembled. Just previous to tho
arrival of the bridal party whlto satin rib-
bons wore stretched down both nlsles.
Mr. Joseph Hartoti sang "Promise Me"
and nt Its conclusion the music swelled
Into the "nrldal Chorus" from "Ihen-
grln" and Itabbl Simon, with the groom
and Mr. Robert levl of Nebraska City
entered the chancel simultaneously with
the ushers, Messrs. Julius Moycr. Her
nard Ilehfeld, George SellRSohn. Samuel
Ijobensteln of
Kansas City. Will Dins
wanger of St.
of St. Joseph,
Ixmls and Mose Goldburg
who advanced up tho left
Following them was Mrs. Hugo Rrnn
dels, matron of honor, gowned In yellow
crepe with high plcatlngs of white, the
bodico decolettc. with trimmings of lace.
The, bridesmaids come next. Misses
Louise Heller. Haltle Ttehfelcl. Minnie
Meyor and Hlnncb F.hrmnn of Now York,
all gowned In whlto bastlsto nud carry
ing showers of white carnations. Miss
Iena Rehfeld, sister of the bride, as maid
of honor, woro pink chltfon with white
ovortrlmmlngs and preceded the bride, who
entered with her father. The bride's
gown was of sherrod crepe nnd sho wore
a ehort veil. Master Sydney Meyer, ujlth
little Miss Mlllau Juliette Meyer, fol
lowed them.
At tho altar the ushers and maids
ranged In a semicircle' back of the rabhl
nnd tho brldo nnd groom, tho bride's
father, tho maid of honor and tho best
man standing besido thcin during tho Im
pressive marriage service. Tho party re.
tired to the strains of the Mendelssohn
wedding march, tho members nf tho fam
ily and bridal party being driven to the
Metropolitan club, where supper wns
icrved. Tho club wns handsomely deco
rated and from 9 to 11 o'clock a reception
wns held, njiout 200 guests being present.
In tho receiving party were: Mr. and
Mrs. H. Rehfeld, Mr. and Mrs. Kugene
Levi, Mr. Max Meyer. Mr. and Mrs.
Morllz Meyer. Mr. Rose Meyer, the
ushers and bridesmaids.
.Mr. nnd Mrs. Levi left late last even
ing for a trip to the coast and after Da
comber 1 will bo at home at Nebraska
Mr. and Mrs. M. 1 Catron. Dr. and
Mrs. Glnn, Mr. and Mrs, Prank Ilelvcy,
Mr. and Mrs. 1 Levi of Nebrueka City, Mr
and Mrs. A. Goldberg of Shenandoah, la-
Mrs. A. KaUcnotcin of St. LouU, Mr. Max
Meyer of Haltlmoro, Mrs. Adolph Meyer
of Chicago, Mr. Rodlo Lobcnsteln of Den
ver and Miss Kdlth Hene of New York
City were among the out-of-town guests
who wero present at tho wedding nnd re
Tii Cure n Couuli
Stop coughing, as It Irritates the lungs and
gives them no chanoo to heal. Foley's
Honey and Tar cures without causing
strain In throwing oh the phlegm like com
mon cough expectorants.
Council Dmtta Antther Iteiiti to th
Ttltpktna IrnioiiM.
Itcfers the Priipusril (Irlliinnce
III lit With Instruction to n
Wore! tt Hint the City Will
He 1'rntretrd.
The dlscuslon of the I'lattsmouth Tele
phono company's franchise ordinance was
the principal topic at tho meeting of the
council last night. As on Monday night
there was u good attendance, a great many
coming out of curiosity to sen If thcro
would be n repetition of tho Indecorous pro
ceedings of Monday night. From start to
finish the meeting was harmonious. After
roll call, to which all members responded,
tho mayor, who occupied the chair, called
for tho regular order of business. Under
the head of petitions the city clerk read the
To tho .Mayor and City Council of South
Omaha. nu, undersigned rltlxens of
South Omaha, do hereby respectfully peti
tion your liuliorablo body to refuse to puss
an ordinandi granting tt franchise over all
streets, alleys and public grounds of our
young ami growing city to the Plattsntouth
or Hestnrn lxjiig-Distance Telephone coin
puny. This ordinance is a Jug handle
proposition which Is not In the Interest of
our city. If your honorable body wants to
protect the Interests of tlm taxpayers tho
ordluunco will be turned down. Wo most
respectfully petition that you do so.
II. C. HoHtwick, cashier of tho South
Omaha National bank, headed tho petition
and wns followed by Frank J. Morlarty,
cashier of tho Packers' National bank-,
Colonel James G. Martin of tho LIvo Stock
exchange, Hyors Hros., tho Clifton Com
mission company nud many business men.
The petition contained 600 names, a groat
many being patrons of tho present tele
phone system. After the petition had been
rend It was examined by members of the
council nnd then placed on file.
Martin then reported on tho Plattsmouth
ordinance, nnd recommended that his re
port bo adopted. In this ho was seconded
by Miller. Johnston objected, ns ho said
that section f.9 of tho chnrter provided
that franchise ordinances must bo pub
lished two weeks prior to the second and
third readings. No action was taken on
Johnston's amendment, but Adklns Jumped
Into tho arena with a motion to refer the
ordinance to tho city attorney with In
structions to draft an ordinance for tho
Plattsmouth company which would pro
tect tho rights of tho city. This motion
was seconded by Johnston and was car
ried. All of the members seemed to bo
satisfied with this arrangement.
City Attorney Lambert, who was pres
ent, spoko for a few moments on the mat
tor, saying that as thero seemed to bo
some differences of opinion among the
council ho asked that tho members meet
with him ami suggest what was needed.
Ho further said that tho ordinance as U
now stands does not meet with his ap
proval, as it does not protect tho city in
nny way. This practically closed the
meeting, as only a little routine business
was transacted. An adjournment was
taken until next Monday night.
Iniliistrlt-s .ol Airrclalril.
Tho attention of the South Omaha Com
mercial club Is called to tho fact that tho
Wilcox company of Haltlmore has prac
tically withdrawn Its patronage from this
city. Ever since tho packing Industry
started hero the Wilcox company has been
engaged in pulling bristles and drying
hair. ! or a number of years no protest
was made nbout tho location of the hair
fields, but within the last few years pro
tests havo been Hied with tbo council
against tho maintenance of hair fields.
Tho Wilcox company has been driven from
ono part of tho city to another, from the
city limits ou the west to the river on the
cast. Finally a year or so ago a patch of
ground was secured In Sarpy county for
tho drying of tho bristles, but tho peo
plo objected and the hair company was
compelled to move ngaln. Yesterday the
Wilcox company gao notice to Its hcvcn
bristle pullers here that tho company had
abandoned this field and would no longer
attempt to take caro of this trado. This
Is tbo brlstlo tieasoii, as during the winter
mouths tho best bristles are taken from
hogs. There Is no drying In tho winter,
the bristles being packed In barrels and
dried during tho summer. By tho order
Issueil yesterday boven men drawing 12
a week and living here aro thrown out of
employment. All of the men who formerly
worked in the drying fields will bo com
pelled to seek other positions. One or two
brlstlo pullers aro still employed at tho
Omaha plant, but, as there has been many
complaints nbout this, the work Is apt to
bo discontinued nt nny time.
During Mayor Knsor's administration the
council granted a right to tho Wilcox
company to dry hair on a patch of ground
near the river, but constant protests com
pelled Uio rescinding of tho order, nl
though there was no house within a quar
ter of a mile of the field. Tho packers
will now bo compelled to hlp their bris
ties to points where there Is no opposition
to this Industry.
lillirnry Unmix.
Mayor Kelly said yesterday that hs
thought it would be advisablo for the coun
cil to advertise for bids for a slto for tho
proposed Carnegie library, ny advertis
ing at this time tho mayor hoped to se
cure blila lower than tho amount of bonds
voted. Ho thinks that possibly a suitablo
slto can bo secured for perhaps $3,500.
Not until a site is decided upon will the
bonds be Issued and then only for tho
amount to bo paid for tho property. Thlh
work will go forward rapidly now, as it Is
desired that everything bo mado ready for
tho construction of the building In tho
Slraniirr lilontineil.
The man who was found dead on West
Q street last Sunday forenoon was Identi
fied last night as Rudolph Palla His
homo Is near Papllllon. Relatives nf tho
deceased called at Hrower's undertaking
establishment late last night and claimed
tbo body. Thn date of thu funeral was
not announced.
.Must Drnw Slrnns.
Tho ofilelal returns for assessor In the
Sixth ward show that Halpln and Crandall
both received tho sanio number of votes
These two candidates havo boon notified
to appear at tho county clerk's olllco to
day nnd draw utraws for tho place On
tho face of the returns election night Hal
pln, tho democrat, was elected by sU
votes. Tho official count shows erroru
enough to moko the vote a tie.
Iti'linrtril .Mlssluu.
The police havo licen notified that A
Gerth. collector for tbo Metropolitan Llfo
Insurance company, has been missing slnct
Saturday. As he had considerable money
in his possession his friends suspect foul
play. An Investigation Is being mado In
hopes thnt tbo missing man may be
I'lllluiC .Motor llnic
riumblng Inspector Cook was engaged
yesterday with a force of men In IHling
meter boxes used by tho water company
Several accidents have occurred In the last
few years by reason of rotten boxes and It
was with a vlow ot remedying this ovll that
order were issued compe ng property
own. 'it to movo sti h box onto nrlvato
property, in case it was found Imprac
ticable to ranvo tho boxos he order w-ns
to brick up tho Interior und -ver tho open
ing with an Iron manhole, inspector Cook
says that thoro arc about ISO meter boxes In
the city nnd he proposes to fill all of them,
ttcters and all, unless tho orders aro com
piled with. Notices have been sent out nnd
property owners havo been given sufficient
time In which to havo this work done If
thoy so desired. Just what th water com
pany will do In this matter is yet to bo
Another Untnnis ( Inltii,
Yesterday there was filed with tho city
clerk a claim against tho city for J10.000
dnmages by Charles Gabrlo. It is asserted lu
tho statement accompanying tho ctalm that
Gabrlo on a night In Octob- r fell through
n- defective sidewalk at Twi nty-eighth and
R streets and severely Injured his right leg.
Gabrlo otters to settle his claim for J2,f00
and asks tho city fathers to take Immediate
HfiiiHiiiiuiPft lluu Mouse,
While tho Hammond house here Is" run
ning its cattle and sheep departments to
nearly tho full capacity the hog house has
not yet been opened. Iniptlrv nt the plant
ywtcrday regarding tho slaughtering of
hogs brought forth the reply :hat up to thli
Unit) no order hud been received from head
quarters to open this department uf the
Tmlli' Wires MrmiK,
The trolley wlro for tbo Missouri avenuo
extension of tho street car lino arrived
Monday nnd work was commenced yester
day by the hangers. It is expected that tho
circuit will bo complete by this cvcnlug
und tho first trip over tho lino be madn
Thursday. Superintendent Tucker said last
night that uulcss bo wns compelled to tako
the men off the work the lino would be
ready for operation Thursday.
.Mimic City .'nfcli.
The sanitation Inspector Is still kent busv
looking uftcr'scurlet fever cases.
Consldcrabli) Interest is manifest In tbo
sparring contest to bo at Ilium's hall Fri
day night.
Thn iilivslclaus of the cltv do not seem
to bo very anxious to designate, ono of
their number to bo city physician.
T hero uppenrx to be no opposition to the
oi mo ordinances creatnur tne
otllcn of city
physician and a Hoard of
Tho Made Cltv Klnu's Dhiil-Iu era will
plvo a bean social at Odd Follows' hull on
Phtlrsilav. N!ll'nmli.r 14. A firrinmm la
lelng prepared for the occasion.
On account of serious Illness Miss Anna
Taylor, teacher In tho F.ngllslt department
In tho High school, has been given a lcavo
of absence. Miss Amber Amaler. who bus
a successful record as n teacher lu the
Hlglith grade nt the ltrown Park school.
has been appointed to tako Miss Tuylor's
place In the High school.
.Nov Mimnurr for llnlrl.
Clarence If. Sliafer lias returned from
Milwaukee to accent tho nosltlon of man
ager of the Iler Grand. Mr. Khufer Is well
known in ejmuliu, having been employed
formerly as chief clerk at the Millard and
ut tho Her Grand. He loft Omaha six
months ago to become room clerk at tho
Hotel Pilster. Milwaukee, and resigned that
position to accept tno management or tho
Iler Grand.
Judgo Dickinson granted Alice Hush a
divorce from Samuel Hush.
Mury Mildred Parker was granted n ell
vorco from Wylle Parker on tho ground of
Judgo Dickinson granted Annie Murphy a
divorce from Dennis Murphy on the ground
of abandonment.
Mory McGraw was acquitted of tho
charge of arson, for which she was tried
before Judge Haker.
Thomas Mueuhoy was acquitted nf the
ehargo of assault to do great bodily In
Jury, for which j wns tried before Judge
The Hoard of County Commissioners will
glvo a decision Friday In the Impeachment
proceedings against Justice Altstudt by O.
P. Hunnoll.
William J. Murphy, one of the oldest
brnkomen In the service of tho t'nloii Pa
cific, iIIihI yesterday at bis homo, 1016
South Eleventh street, lie was well known
and a member of tho Order of Knllwuv
Trainmen. His l-ist run was on No.3 and
No. 2. Arrangements lor the funeral have
not been made.
General Charles F. Maudcrson, president
of the Nebraska McKlnlcy Memorial asso
ciation, announces that a meeting of that
association will hu held at the Oniului club
Saturday nt noon, when bo will entertain
the members of tho executive committee nt
luncheon. Tho mooting Is for tbo purpose
of bringing the members into closer touch
and to outlluti the work.
Tbo clerks Mulshed the cuinass of tho
votes In the recent election yesterday and
will begin the work of totaling the volo
nt once. Ah a result ot yesterday's can
vass a few minor changes were made In
tho vote of olllcers far down on the ticket,
Tbo only chango of Importance wns the
discovery uf ten additional votes for
Crocker, the republican candidate for reg
ister of eleeds. who Is mipposoel to have
been defeated by forty or llfty votes.
Tho Southwest Impiovement club will
niejot at Its hull, Twenty-fourth nnd Leav
enworth streets, Wednesday evening
to take action upon the celebration
which will mark the formal open
ing of tho Twenty-tourth streot via
duct. The discussion of the change In
grade on Twenty-fourth street will tie a
special order of business, which will bo
taken up us soon ns tho report of tho vlu
duct commttteo has boon acted upon.
Tho Woman's alliance branch of Unity
church will spread a supper ut tho church.
Seventeenth and Cass streets, from 6 to 7:30
o'clock this evening. At S o'clock an ad
dress will bo given by .Mrs, Robert II.
TJuvIs of New York, corresponding- secre
tary of tho National alliance. Any persons
not nblo to eomo to tho supper uru cordially
Invited to como and listen to tho address,
A reception will be given Mrs. Davis at tho
liomo of Mrs. 11. I. Hettls, 421 North For
tieth street, from 3 to 5 o'clock this after
noon. Tho Arlon Gleo club for m.tlo voices was
organized on Monday evening nt tbo studio
or I'ror. liaison wrigui uiucers were
elected as follows: Prof. Wright, dlreotor,
C. K. Holen, secretary and treasurer; It. N
Johnsun, librarian. .Music sultnhlo for tho
club has been ordered and regular prac
tlco will commence on Monday ovonlng
next at 7:45 nt Prof. Wright's studio, .101
MoCnguo building. Although tho member
ship is to bo limited, tenors and basses de
sirous of Joining tho society aro asked to
communicate with Prof Wright.
take on renewed strength, until soon they become
stout and robust. All puny and languid children
need this great builder of pure and rich blood.
Feel perfectly free to consult your family
physician on all these subjects. He knows the
formula for our Sarsaparilla.
" All through tho raising of my family I found that Ayer's Sarsaparilla wai this
best medicine we rould keep in tho house, I am now past 74 years of age, antl I
know from experience that Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best family medicine in the
world." T. S. Aif-ibTKON'!, Kokomo, Ind.
$1.00. All drsuiiti.
Bo 8aji W. K. IUr, Who Ii Jut Ritinii
from Fnzm Hirth.
When .Mrreurr llrups to Set, only- lle
leitr '.rrii eif ."Some
Knnir Hon to llress tu Pre
Trut 5iifTerlnK from Cold,
"Nomo City Is now qulto a prosperous
plnco and Is much hotter Improved than
many titles of Us slto In better settle.l
parts of the United States. All tho Nome
country Is In a flourishing condition and
promises to have a very prosperous season
next year. Much of the litigation which
has hindered tho development of tho gold
fields has been settled," said W. It. Heir
of Omaha, who has Just returned from
Nomo City after having spent two years
In tho frozen north. "Thcro aro S.000 poo
plo in Nomo City during the summer season
and about 3,000 peoplo will winter thcro
this year.
"It is remarkable to see how the mining
town has developed. It now has u live
story hotel and a large number of thri'o
story buildings. Tho streets aro well Im
proved, more than three miles of bnatd
paving having boon laid tho !..- year
Water works havo been built and the lit It
city has flro engines nnd all equipment
necessary for surcessfnl flro fighting.
"During tho last summer coal was dis
covered along tho Alaskan coast near Nome
City. Ono mlno was opened within eighteen
miles of tho town. This year coal will be
only $40 a ton In Nome. Last winter It
sold for JluO, and wns scarce tit that Tho
thermometer baa been known to register
70 degrees below zero In Nome City, but
when fuel Is plentiful tho peoplo do not
suffer with tho cold. Houses arc built so
well that they keep out tho cold und tho
peoplo who have lived ono season In
Alaska learn tho art of dressing so well
that they do not suffer when they aro com
pelled to leave their homes.
.Suction Predominate.
"The ptoplo who llvo In Nomo City have
gathered thcro from every quarter of tho
globe. Tho Swedes predominate, however,
and seem to bo moro prosperous than nny
other clous. 'Swedo luck' Is a common ex
pression in Nomo City. Tho richest minor
In Nomo In a Swedo by tho nomo of J.
Llndaborg. Five or six years ngo bo dis
covered gold whero Nomo now stands. He
was with a whaler at that time, but deserted
his ship and stnyed with his And. Ho was
tho flrst settler at Nomo City and has a
claim, which Is tho richest in the district.
Last summer ho had fifty men at work.
They cleaned up their gold dust three times
a day and It was nothing uncommon for
them to get $27,000 at a clean-up.
"Prospectors nre now scattered all nlnng
the coast tor .100 miles In both directions
from Nome City and havo gono back Into
the Interior for 100 miles or so. Tho In
terior country Is practically undeveloped,
however. Next season prospectors will
probably push hundreds of miles Inland In
search of new finds. AH tho territory
around Nomo seems to bo rich, but nearly
all tho claims In the vicinity of tbo city
aro In litigation."
When asked to glvo a description of tho
country along tho Alaskan coast In the
vicinity of Nome Olty. Mr. Iler. said:
"Thero Is no timber near Nome City. Tho
coast la fiat and the beach extends back
nearly three miles to the foothills. Within
a few miles of the coast mountnlns of con
siderable size are found, but they nro tree
less and do not appear ns largo as moun
tains of the fame slzo do which nre covered
with trees nnd shrubs. There Is no wood
lu tho vicinity of Nome, with tho exception
of driftwood, which Is found along tho coast.
It Is not known who tho r this wood grow
somewhere In Alaska or whether It was
washed there from other shores,"
Mr. Iler carno to Seattle from Nome City
in soven days, the steamer on which ho
sailed having broken the time record be
tween tho two points. Ho will return to
Alaska in the spring.
IT. S. Miller of Stanton Is In the city.
J. W. Hobson nnd wife nre guests at tbo
James Davlcs. a stock eloaler of
Wyo., Is at tho Murray.
Lieutenant J. McCIIntock. V. K. A.. In n
guest nt tho Her Grand.
Mr. and Mrs C K. Hates left yestorelnv
for a visit at Kearney.
Tom Dowd. u prominent ranchman of
Ilusbvllle, Is ut the Merchants.
Nat Hrown of tho Murray Is lu Chlcacn
and will return to Omaha Friday.
a. H. and .1. C. Glllaud, well known horse
dealers of Kgbert, Wyo., are at tbo Mur
ray. Georgo A. Dowilug nnd Lew Robertson.
coal dealers from Kearney, nro at tho .Mer
Nat Hrown of the Murray hotel left Mon
day for Chicago, whero ho will spend sov
oral days. '
George A. Hongland and now F., II
Jonks luft yesterdny morning for Cozud to
hunt ducks.
Mrs. S. II. H. Clark, who has been visit
ing friends here, left yesterday for her
homo at St. Louis.
Henry Morris of San Francisco Is nt tho
Millard. He Is transacting business with
tlm smelter company.
K. W. North, deputy collector of Internal
revenue, Is In Colorado, whero ho will spend weeks In tho mountains,
Judgo Jacob Fawcott will return to
Omaha from Hnker City, urn., Thursday,
and will nt onco resume his sent on tho
district bench.
Colonol Pullman of tho Department nf tho
Missouri returned from Kniisoa City yes
terday, whom ho had been Inspecting liorsea
for uso lu tho cavalry.
Good building material
Stone and mortar. Day by day
the building grows, becoming
higher, broader, more solid.
The best building material
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Day by
day it makes thin and pale children
.1. C. AYER CO,, Lowell, M.ui.
Wf"Lct tho GOLD OUST twtnm tlo your work I
11 ,r-rd tor eur FREE twkirtj iS&., R
maVw ttn clothes wttita and cJemn Ithoot levjorr to ttw) fabiV: in anyway. It doe tha work Iflj
MM txttur thin cmp. requires onty h.iJf tin latvr, amitnta much let. TVy It nf xt vssh 1y
Uteltontha elithoji pan and woodwork and they will look tiVe new Hourewcrk Ii
HI hard work without GOLD DUST For treats economy bur our lares packsta. IH
THE K. K. FA1RDANK COMPANY, ChiesfO. St Louli. Nffw York, nation. W
.My Kloctrlcul Trout 111 cut Is the Victim's One Refugo - Kleotriclty
.MuKcs the StroiiKlioM of .Manhood Safe Secure .My Lecture
on the Dangers of an Operation for Varicocele.
No matter wlmt tho catife of
Varicocele Is, four men out of
live aro allllcted with It. M.iny
men find their Power Hesert
Itin Them, Their ltraln Knercy
l-'liiKKltiK nnd Their ltucles
Weiik mill do not know what
causes their Weakness. It is
Varicocele in nearly overy case.
A Law, Pronounced Vuilcocclo
Is e-asily detected und the pa
tient knows ho tins It, but thn
SilKlit t'ascs which Impair
.Manhood and lenvo tho patient
open to nn attack of paralysis
or locomotor-utuxla nro ofltui
AKfi YOU in nounr
s to whether you have Vari
cocele or not? If m, wrlto or
all upon me. There will to no
fee for consultation or dluKtmsls.
1 will honestly advise you re
Kardin? your case. .My Klec
trlcal Aiaillances nre lli. .mU-
rational treatment f..r Varleocpln and Kindred Ailments whleh ariso from NTs
ltcteel Varlcocedc, such as DrnBKltiK Down sensation In hack. Impaired Di
gestion, Losses.. Partial Paralysis, Atrophied Orenns, Poor Circulation, Lost
lBor and Vitality If ynu aro ntlllcteel wrlto or call today and KCt my fico
books on "Nervo-Vltal AllinentH nud Varicocele."
Do not allow any iloctor to talk you Into nn operation far Varlooccle Tho
operation Is expenslvo and dunKerous not necessarily dangerous to itl'o. but
to. your .Manhood. They sever the veins and lluto thoni. thus cutting 01T thn
the cl-cillntlnn for nil time to come, which robs the parts of their natural nu
triment (blood) and they wither i-nil die. My Kloctrlo licit nnd Now Electrical
Suspensory will cure you speedily, snfidy und permanently ntiel at verv llttlo
My Electric Holts will not alone cure these Weaknesses, but are the'
standard appliances for any form of Hbeiimntlsni, Kidney. Liver and lltadder
Troubles, Constipation, Stomach Disorders. All T'enialu Complaints, otc.
My freo Hooks contain more Information reKnrdliiK ailments ef n Nervo
Vltal Character than iTin bo found In any ine'illcal works. Secure them at
mro. My Appliances have soft, utlkcn, chamols-ceivoreil spiuifio I'lectrodes.
which do not burn and blister a. do tho barn metal electrodes unnl on all
other makes of bolts. My licit can bo rencweel whim burned out for only 7oc;
when others burn out they aro worthless
Call On Mc If Yon Can Vt rile To Me If Yon Cannot Call
Rooms and 31 Douglas
Opposite Hardens.
1 LifeJ 1
We have a suit vacant which will just miit a
doctor or do for a doctor antl a dentist. There is a
large waiting-room and also two .small private offices.
It has the right light a mirth light. The rental is
forty dollars. If you want it, come today.
The Bee Want Ads Produce Results-
Pennyroyal fills
.'ricmi iimy wrnuine.
r.r CHU'HKVrKlf.s iS'ftl.ISII
la IICII inl Uold mum. bdi.i ,..U1
lUbK.rttboi lllrr. KrrW
Duvcrrnai Hub.ttlutlont and lmtt.
tlan.. Bu; f 79m I'rif ul. or 1 la. It
Imp. r.f Particulars Teailiaanlatl
tol Itrllaf far in lnr, bj re.
tura Mall. 1 0.1111(1 A.M..
" alt rru(iat. C hlrhrttrr ('krralaal Oa.,
Ulia.i.r, LJIlaa auu.-. I'lll.a.. 1A
Duputy Btate Veterinarian.
Food Inapsctor.
Offlco and Infirmary "Sli and Mason Sla,
Xlcjaoa4 Hit
Hlock, Cor. Kith and Dode St.
O.MAIIA, Nlili.
Always Open.
R. C. PI-TCkS & CO., Rental Agents.
Limit or l'oni-r,
OrKtmlii WniU.
KUi'Jixrs of I lin
Iiremtiiti) Klnml,
1 1 il ii ii y it ml
Milliliter Troll.
Iill'n, Itlljll liri',
Nlrlitliirit mill
UiilltnchH feir Mnrrlnnc KntnblUbod
Charterud bv the Btntu. Call or utato cum by
mall, for ritlUJ IIOJIi: TKUA'irjlKXT.
A.i irc: Dr. La CROIX,
31S Jroii Illorkt JlII.WAtjKi:!:, WIS.