Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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tlrlik Pnl Ith th Maikii frira
1 .ThrUnd Dtmtrtllzttitn.
December Corn unit December tints
Are Knrli Advanced Slluhtly
Pro, Isliina Clcisc I n.
dimmed to Higher.
CHICAGO, Nov. 1J.-A ruih of early
buying orders, bringing a decidedly bullish
teellng In wheat, overbalanced numerous
depressing fctatlBtles today und kept grains
iiteady. IJec.emhor wheat closed a shndo
down, December corn VoHic up nnd De
cember outs. U'Qc ml vu need; provisions
closed unchanged to U&o higher.
Strength and activity marked the, first
part of tho session In tho wheat pit. At
tho opening there was nuch a quantity of
bearish Information that nearly everyono
started In to sell. Cables wore weak, pri
mary receipts, showed over 600,000 bushels
increase, and there! was also considerable
Increase In tho amount on passage and In
ihe world'n vlslblo supply. Added to thin
was tho nows of rains In tho districts
where, they wero most needed. December
opened Utwo depressed at 7287214c, undor
these. Influences, but at once rallied on
tho suddon discovery that thero was 11
Sood cash demand nip! that In spite of tho
eslro to sell there was little In tho mar
ket. Many commission houses absorbed
all tha,t was offered at tho dccliuo and as
a result December sold up to T.tyc. At this
point, however, longs wero satisfied with
profits und began to liquidate, which eased
tho market, December cIohIiik steady, u
shade under, at 72&7:ic. I.ocnl receipts
wero 10S oars, seven of contract grade;
Minneapolis and Duluth reported 1,2.1'. cars,
making a. total for the three tiolnts of
1.37, against 1,202 last week and Ml a year
ago. Primary receipts were l,022,.12l bushels,
against l,li:i,f") bushels the samo day laHt
scar. Keaboard clearances In wheat und
(lour equaled fV,H bushels, Tim world's
visible supply Increase, was Tt'iO.oou biiHliels.
Ilrendstiiffs on passage Increased 2,4."it'.,(Hi)
bushels. World's shipments last week were
(i.w:',iVm bushels, against 0,(ifi8,X tho corre
sponding week a year ago.
Corn opemd hlghur on Improved cables
and maintained 11 llrm undertone Thero
WHS an Improved commission linuso de
mand early and cash people reported n
fair ISuropean business on Haturdav's of
ferings. Weak-end statlHllcs wuro bullish.
December, which opened ,c to 'fctj'c tip,
advanced to'kc. and eased imlv 11 liiiln
on prorll-laklug, closing llrm and H'o'.c
iiihii' til twRi-, jtt'cripi were n cars,
December oals opened unchanged, but at
011C11 felt the Intliieiiee of a strong cash
hltualloli. Comuilssloii Iioumi had enough
buying ordeis lo absorb all tho early of
ferings ill 1)1(1 llll. and nil Hi:ir'llv nf
piles and strong bull buying, becombor
rpso to .194c. Tho easy feeling toward
thn end of the session In oilier lrrnlim. in.
Ketlicr with prollt-lakliig, brought a slight
wig and December clo.sed linn and 'M(s,c
lilKhcr at ra'.p.'UXiUo. Receipts were 232 "earn,
i-rnvisioiis worn nun nut steady, harlv
weakness In hoes bioiicht il ilniimuknii
opening, but the strength In grains brought
an Improved tone. .lunftary pork closed
2M' nil at SIS. .laiiuarv bird iinrhn and January ribs unchanged at J7.7U
1 -,.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
j,.p nun; ruin, 113 curs; oais, syij cars; nogs,
Tho leading rutures ranged as follows:
Artlcles.l Open. 1 High. Low. 1 Close.! Rat'y
Wheat I I 1 i 1
uv. 1
Dec. 72fi4
May 75fiW
Corn I I
a'.kfiU B'jviii'i'm fin
02?i!12 41 1,
Dec. .tsmi aii
. May HHi'dl 10'.
:N?iisouflii r.s;
w 1 4o-i
i-orK 1 1
.Ian. I 14 M I 15 021.4 11 no
Mhv IS m l ir 55 1 ir. in
I 13 W I 14 07',i
l.i 20 ! 15 07!3
Laid- III
Nov. i 1
R f.5
R f7'.i'
s w
S 75
7 72!i
7 R5
R f.2',6
1 iec. S B7Vj S ,)7Vj
.Ian. S B7',i S 2jM
.May 8 70 K 75
Jtlbs I
.Ian. 7 70 7 7n I
May 7 S214I 7 S7t
R f)7U
S ft". I
7 70
7 SO
lu i
S 7214
7 Ti
7 87' i
No. 2.
Cash quotations were n fnllnn-m
I'XOPR Very llrm: winter nalenis. 1.1 ."jvm
..0: straights, t-'I.OoWS.IO; clears. t2.7ofi3.20:
spring specials, $4.CKK 1.10; patents, .25m
.".70; straights. t2.S(Vo.'l.20.
WlfKA'l No. 3. BS'7Hic; No. 2 red 74?,o.
.OA.TS--NO. 2. 40J4f(4IV4c; No. 2 white, I2i
inu-,,i . . wi!ir, l-',&lfM.iC.
IIYK-No. 2. iSO'Ac.
HA HI, KY Fair to choice malting, OilioSc,
. H.hhOH Flaxseed. No. 1 northwestern
51 41. Prlmo timothy, $5.i.'i. Clover, con-
!ZJPVJKIONS-Ml!!, l"rl. ner bbl., $13.
ft 13.110. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $S.rl7!4'(iS.9rt. Sbn
libs sides (loose), J7.SOfi7.!ri. ' Dry snlti
frhoulders (boxed), $7.25iij7.M. Short clei
sides (boxed). K20tiS.i.
AVIIISKY-Hasls of high wines. $1.31.
Th following are the receipts and shin-
wirttu Inn 1ia In .1 ...... . .. . i .
. , , , n cuij -uiur iiiiurs:
Articles. Htcelnts. Shipments.
j'iniir, iims 20,000 13000
Wheat, hll 240,00(1 12s!flOO
Com, bll KO.OiiO llfidili)
il'lls. hll 2.1,0(l 131.000
Jtye, nu isi.fio.) r,,onn
jiiiricy. 1111 !i,(.n) 17.IO0
Uli tlie Produce exchange todav the but
ler market was llrm: crp.itnprina ikr.i'i..
ilalr lev. I3fffl!e. Cheese, steady, 5tlI0'Ic
i:sgs. llrm; fresh, 22fl23o. u '
M-jw venue (;i:.m;hai, .maukim'.
of llir Day
on Varluiis
NKW YOHIv. Nov. 11 FLnirit nnxnlnta
f.'..20i bbls.; exports, it.sos bids.; llrm' ami
jinny iicuve 111 inn prices; winter patents
IS.fAffS.PO; winter straights,; Slliv
nesnla patents, $.1 HH4.10; winter extras
t2.W(2.!0: Minnesota bakers. $2.!Hi3.2.
winter low grades. $2.aOft2.0. Hvo tloiir
III m. fair to good. 3.nri3.30; choice to
JUIIl'J, .l..l.v(
III. ,,-,(',. I ..... if,. . - -
in v i n iiiva 1 i' inn, .lie. c. 1. r., car
iuip, nt urnve, iew 1 OIK.
COHNMICAL---Flrni; yellow western. $1.27
rlt. $1.25; Hrandywlne, t3.35fa.S0.
HVi:-Stead. . No. 2 western, OI'sc. r o. b.
fil'oat, .tate, HCJitHc. e. I. f., New York car
HA RL1Y Strniic; rillnt- .-.iti,r,i;.. .. 1 r
nw7,ll,l1f;:..,.!,,l',,IIR: '"'4ti6lc, c. I. f.. Huflalo.
.ni) l:A I-Hecent8, l2,7fl bll.; oxports,
l.MM bll Spot, llrm; No. 2 red, S.T-c t. 11,
b atlont: No. 2 red. ROVjc, elevator". No. I
liotllieni. Duluth. SITi,c, f. o. b. afloat: No
1 nam, nulutn. kc. f. o. b, alloat. Options
"i" i" " ib "ii iici'iiiiiii 01 canies nnd largi
northwest receipts, but later turned stronj
. 1 V S'.V1;- Ult'' ru"'" "r,n '"'. helped
b bullish southwest crop news, a rally in
la'ilrs, good commission linuse buying and
r-ports of enlarged feeding to stock. Close I
steady and Uc net higher, after 11 late set
back under realizing; Muy. r l-u;fMa.t.
r osed at Sljo; December, 70 U-lWiSO 7-bic.
rinsed at S0c.
1 OltN Receipts, 10,701) bit ; exports. 0.015
Im Spot, strong; No, 2. 07ic, elevator and
fn'c. f. o. b. alloat. Options falrlv active
I 1 ... 7,',"o "11 umucr canies, rear ol a
I111IIM1 crop report, local covciing. light
nrfetliigs ami high prlci's i,i the miiiiIiwcsi
' loSi'll Unit At a4,. ,.( mly,,,,,.,,; Mav
Pi.i : clnseil at fii?lc; December. il',jiii7c.
tloM-d at iW'jc
OATS-Uecelpts, 12S.V bll.; exports, 22.WW
hu. Spot, llrnier; No. 2. ISHc; No, 3, 5c;
No. 2 white. ISc; No. 3 white. I7',c; track
hilxcd western. IM(4tU.; trad;, white. I.Hf
k,l.'i .V.'" onJi, ""V In sMiipalhy with, corn.
im--Dul, shiiiplng. OifdSc; good to
Choice, Kf(j!!&c
llOPS -giilet; stale, common to choice.
UH ci 011. l'.",15i?c; 111.0 ci op, OJillr; S.)!I
trnp, uJlilo; P.iclllc coast, UDl croii, l2ii5Ui
IPHi crop. Oltllc, IHiu crop, Cidlc.
lllDi:s;-Flnn; UalvcKtoii, 20 to 23 lbs.,
California, 21 to 25 lbs., lot9l. tv,.h
dry. 21 lo 30 11.. I41si ' ' """8
l.KATIIKIl-Sli'iidj . hemlock so'e. Ileunoa
yie. light 10 heuvymlKlits. :V(2ti'..c
tOU-Dull; ilomeHllo llcvc-. :,;ti'c
S'CIXHS. Iltfll'v.
PHOVIHIONS-H. ef. Meady; packet, its u)
h 15.20! family. tll.W(il2.tH); ,s J0..V); href
hiims, $20.W(!i21,i: extra India mess, $l7iwrri
.I',"1 nieiitH, steady: pickled bellies.
M.75'o 10.60; pickled shoulders, $7.2;-'u7 3)
pickled bams. t!)T!ifilo.m. Lard, steaily,
,-nutlncni. $0,10, Smith America, $10; 10111-
rnund, t7,noU'7 75; western steamed. tW.
nrk, strady: family, $17.mV(i 17.25; hlioii
Clear. H7.fAri 10.00; mess.
TALLOW Hlraib ; city ($2 per pkg), :."-.c;
Country tpkgs, free), .V.tiS'ic.
HCTTF.R-Hecclpls. 4.fil3 pkss.; firm;
Male dairy. Il';i22c; creamery. I3ii2.iui
June creamery. H'fctlSMac; faclnry, rj'ay
i llEUSU-Heccjpj, 3.2ii7 pkgs., quiet;
IHiicy mrRc, epienige.r, u't'iiM4c; riincy
nrge, October, P4f4t; fancy small, Sep.
lemlmr. 10'4i ltHc; fancy small, October,
I'.filOc. r,
Ktins Receipts, 5,o2f) 'ilBf.; Ilim; slate
ind PcnnsylViiria, 2ii27ettesteni, candled,
U?lic: tti'.tei'n. "efi',
POULTRY Alive, weak, springer, 9'ie;
rurkeyn, VuVc; lot, ','c. Diesnvil, llrm,
springers, 8'.4310c; fowlf, StjaSc, turkey,
SinTAI?- Tho local market for Mil.
though slightly lower, held steady as to
lone and closed Kteadi at 2l.4i for il'i!.
hut tin In London eased off ill :s under
liquidation, dosing nt liliz jo, for spil and
i;iv7 for futures. oppcr in iouuoti no
vanccd 2s Utl to JSCS ls Cd for spot and
llfti for futures. .Locally the market was
quint lit tlK.85tll7.00 for l.ako Hupcrlnr and
tl.H7Ht16.!2ifc for casting and clrctlol tic.
iead anil sjiciicr were wiiiioui 1 nanui ai
homo and abroad, the former closhni at
tl.37 nt Now York nnd XII f.'.'4 at l.ondou
nnd thn latter at i.:wit.X nnd ilt; 121 Ud
respectively. Domestic Iron markets wer'
steady, but quiet. Pig Iron warrants. tx.V)
rrfio.Co; No. 1 northern foundrj. tl.'.("r(l''"li
. . t. In. (II Ml.
,IU. m PUUIII'III I 'Jll IHI I . . I ,.'"'l Il.'"7, t'.
1 southern foundry. iW.Wn I5.r: No. 1 sonlh-
ern foundry, soft, tl4.WV(jirt.(), Olasgow lion
warrants closed nt 55s and Mlddleboro at
4 Is.
(,'ondlllos of Trntlft nntl lootnllins on
JMnple nml I'biicj- lrodnce,
KGOS Receipts, light: fresh stock, 20c,
lilVi: POUIfllY- Mens. 5i'rfc: voiinc
nnd old roosters, Ic; turkeys, TtiSo; ducks
and gecsc, 6TJ6ic; spring chickens, per lb.,
HUTTKH Common to fair. 13c: choice
dairy, In tubs, l&KliV; separator, 23U21c.
FHliSlI FIHII IlbicU hnss. Uc. white
bass, loci bluctlsh, He; bullheads, 10c; bhio
litis, 7c; buffaloes. 7c: cattish. 12c; cod. He;
cranplca, lOo; halibut, 11c; herring, 7c; hid-
uock, 10c; plae, me, red snapper, pic; sal
mon, 14c, suntlsh, be; trout, loo; whltcflsh,
fair. Ilecolpts, ft cars.
OYHTKHS- -Mediums, tier can. 22c: Stand-
ards, iior can, 25c; oxtrn selects, per can,
33c: Now York counts, tier can. toe: bulk
Htandards, per gal., ti-2ot(1.2u; bulk extra
selects. 1 1.4 "fl 1.63.
PIOliONS Live, til
VEAI,-Cholco. 6fiS
ler dor., Wc.
HAY- Prices ouoted by Omnha Wholesale
Hav Dealers' ansoebitlnn: ('bnlep 1111I11I11I.
t9.rij No, 2 upland, $8.50; medium, $S; coarse.
ti.w. iiyo straw, t. 'ineso prices arc tor
hay of good color and quality. Demand
CORN 56o,
POTATOES Homo grown and northern.
Htl&Oc; Halt Luke, tli Colorado, II.
I'-oiirijANT l'er uoz., ,5c.
CARROTS Per bll.. &0c.
HUKTH Per luilf-bu. basket, 30o.
TURNIPS Per bll.. 60c. Rutab.1e.1s. ner
10) lbs., $1.25.
I'UtMTMHISHS -Hothouse, per doz., $1.25.
PAHSLI2Y-Per do.., 2.'.c.
LIJTTPCIJ-Pur doz., 2oe.
RADIHIIK8 Per doz., 23c.
HWHUT l'O'l'ATriUM- llnmn ernwn. ner
II. nl'rt. .1..- 1I....I.. i.t.l fl.
,., .ciiiiiiit; 1 IIHHIIU, 1"! Ml'l., f.i,
Oeorgla, per bbl., $2.75,
'AHHAOi;IIollaiid seed, crated. P4c.
TOMATOHS Homo crown, ner li-lb. bas-
ket, toe.
IlliANS wax. Per "i-liu. basket. COc:
string, per j-bu. basket, COc.
ONIONS- Home grown, our lb.. 2c: Span
ish, per crate. $1.25: Michigan reds. 2Uc ner
CISLliHx Knlatnazoo. ner bunch.
Nebraska, per bunch, 30333c; Colotndo, I0tj
NAVY D13ANS-Pcr Int., $2.11.
APPLKS-Hen Davis, ner bhl.. $3.&0: wlne-
sups, $3.50; Jonathan, $l.o0tf6.); snows, $3.50;
ueituuowers, per box. ii.w.
I'lSAua tvcifcrs. $2; viKers. $J.:o
rence, $2.23.
(J it A PKS Concords, eastern. 20o: Mala
gas, per kojr, $5,5oa.Oi).
CRANHICRR1KS Per bbl.. $7.CA7.50: per
crate, $2.75.
QUINCIJS Her box. $1.50.
ORANGKS-Moxlcans. $3.75til.0O: Florldns,
1 , K M O N H Fa n c y , $ 3. 75 'ti 4 . on.
KANAKAS Per bunch, according to size.
$2.2651 2.73.
FIGS California, new cartons, 70c; Im
ported, per lb., 12fQ14c.
DATKS Persian. In CO-lb. boxes, per lb..
5l4u; Hairs, 5c.
NUTS Now cron wulnuts. No. 1 soft-
shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell per lb., 1214c;
No. 2 Noft-shell, 11c; No. 2 hard-shcii. lO'.fcc;
Hrazlls, per lb., 13c; filberts, per lb 13c; al
monds, soft-shell, 17c; hard-shell 15c; pe
cans, large, per lb 12c; small, 10c; cocoa
nuts, pur 100, tu chestnuts, 12c.
HQKIiY Per 24-sectlon case. $3.50tf3.75.
CIDER Nehawka. per bbl.. i3; Kow York,
HAUliHIvRAUT Per .-bb .. $3: ner not..
hidiod ino. 1 green. ,c: -no, 2 green, fie;
No. 1 salted, 8V4c; No. 2 salted, 7jo; No. I
voal calf, 8 to 12V4 lbs.. Oc; No. 2 veal calf.
12 to 15 lbs., 7c; dty hides, Stfl3c; sheep
pelts, 25327c; horsehldes, $1.50Q2.25.
Nt. Lou I Grain nml Prn visions.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 11. WHEAT Firm; No.
2 red, cash, elevntor, Wc: track, 74lic; De
cember, 73Tc; May, 77,.''rj774c; No. 2 hard,
"211 72',4e.
CORN Higher: No. 2 cash, (Blue; track,
G2,4ft!3o; December, 00?ic; May, C31,c.
OATS-Hlgher; No. 2 cash. 41'.,c; track,
42fi43c; May. 12',Jc; No. 2 white, 43Ut!"4l,ic.
RYE-Hlgher at 61c.
FLOUR Firm; red winter patents. $3.15
j.G0; extra fancy and straight, $3.1003.23;
clears. $2.73(92.00.
TIMOTHY SEED-Scarce and llrm at
CO RNMEA1 Steady at $3.
KHAN Scarce and stronger; sucked lots,
eiiHt track. !)2fi9lc.
HAY Timothy, firm, $0.O0tjfll.00; prairie;
quiet: not quoted.
WHISKY-Stcady at $1.31.
H AGO I NG-01ifiHc.
PROVMSIONS - Pork, steady; Jobbing,
$14.0). Lard, better at $S. 15. Dry salt meats
(boxed lots), steady; extra shorts, $s.27'.4;
clear ribs. $S.25; clear sides. tS.50. Hacon
(boxed lots), steady; extra shorts, $9; clear
ribs. $9.1214: clear sides, $9.3714.
METALS Lead, quiet nt t4.2714. Spelter,
firm at tl.10B4.12V4.
POULTRY Dull; chickens, 514c; springs,
7c; turkeys, Cc; ducks, GtftiViu; geeso, ;lV4tc.
HUTTEH Steady; creamery, Mj23c;
dairy. ll17c.
EGGS Steady at 20c.
RECEIPTS-Flnur, 10,000 bbls.; wheat, 7S,
On) liu.; corn. U7.INK) bll.: oats, 32,000 li it.
SHIPMENTS Flour, 12,000 bbls.; wheal,
1,000 bu.; com, 43,000 lilt, j oats, 2ti,000 bll.
Liverpool (irnlu nnd Prnvlslnn.
firm; No, 2 red western, winter, 5s 0d; No.
1 northern, spring, 5s lOUd; No. 1 Callfor
nla. 6s lid; futures:, steady; December. 5s
ic'Sd; March, 6s lid.
CORN Spot, llrm; American mixed, new,
5s 3',4d; fututcs, tlrm; November, nominal;
December, 6s S'd; March, 6s l?d.
FLOl'R-St. Louis fancy winter, steady,
7s dl.
HOPS At London, Pacific roast, steady,
JtlWlS 1 5s.
PHOVISIONS-Hcef. steady; extra India
mess. 73s d. Pork, llrm; prime mess west
ern. 72s. Lard, steady; American rellped. In
palls, lis fnl; prime western, In tierces. Ills,
ihims. short cut. 14 to 10 lbs., unlet. 17s.
Hacon, Cumberland cut, "Jii lo 30 lbs., quiet,
19s; short ribs, 16 to 21 lbs.. 4Ss; long clear
middles, light. 2S to 31 lbs., dull, 17s lid; long
clear middles, heavy. 33 to 10 lbs., dull. 17s;
short clear backs, 111 to 20 lbs., quiet, 43s tid;
clear bellies, ll lo m ins., qnici, 113. nuoui
ders, square, 11 In 14 lbs., quiet, 3i'.s lid.
HUTTER Steady; tlncst United States,
92s; rood United Stnles, 70s.
CHEESE Quiet , American (litest white,
15s; American tlncst colored, bis tid.
PEAS -Canadian, llrm, fi Id.
TALLOW -Steady; prime city. 2?s 3d;
Australian In London. 29s 9d.
InqiTirts of wneai into Liverpool msi wcck
were vi.mhi riiiariers innn ,mihiiiic pons,
none from Paclllc ports nnd 11. 000 quartets
from other ports. Imports of corn from
Atlantic ports last week wore 10.7n) quar
ters. Kiiiisn City lirnln nml Provisions.
cembor. 0Mso; May, 72Mi724c; No. 2 hard,
70c .M. ::. KqiWjc; ,o. - jcii, il;U
V.'c; No. y. ii'.ii,itiic. f
CORN I'eci'tnner, iki'.tc; .May. tM,Yi'iif;;
cash. No. 2 mixed, (Vil-'ijiiiilic; No. 2 white,
KG'ilOTlji'; No. 3, trj'-iC.
OATS .Mi. - wnne, u'ouc.
UYH-No. 2, 5S4C-
hay Choice timothy. tl2.3O4il3.0O; cliolco
prairie. $i:i.oil(((13.6ii.
Ill ' I I nu . 1 e.uin 1 ) ., uaiii,
fancy. H-'.
l'.GliS-Demand good; market firm and
higher; fresh Missouri ami Kansas stock
quoted on 'change at 2V doz.. loss off
cases returned.
RKCE ' S wuent. :ii,u) uusueii corp.
tJ.O'iO biishelt.; oats, I7,fn) httshels.
SHIPMENTS Wheati Pi.)ii tiusneis; corn,
2H,iW bushels; oats. I0.iro bushels.
Plilliideliblii Produce .Mni'Urt.
nnd Ic higher; fancy western cream
rrv, 21c; fnney nearby prints. 2iV.
EtiGS- b'lrm and 2c higher; fresh nearby
and western, 27c; trcsh southwestern, 26c;
li-nkli Hiinlliern. 2fic
CHEESE I 'Inn; New York full crenni",
fancy small, iov:, fair to cnoice, :iui"4c
lirnln In Store nnd Alliial.
NEW YORK. Nov. 11. -The latement of
the visible supply of grain In tiore nnd
alliut on Saturday November 9. as com
piled by the Now York Produce 'exchange,
s as fo ows: v neat, ii.'.'n.'"' nils u .
I tnrreat.e. 57,0"o bushels. Corn. 12.0.irt
busheli; dcercaue, '.'oWjO busliclu. Oats, 7,
r;.', il. in
7l.r0 bushels, derrease. .TK.OOO bushel,.
Rve. J.l.C.d") bushels. . rrase. S'.OiO htish
rls Harl-i. J.iikcio bushel', lin rease, ?'.,
H btishi Is
.11 1 1111 en pnl Is Wlienl, I'lniir 11 nil tlrnn.
'iihIi, 72i , Diccniber, 7oVn70',c: May, "i'H
73c On track: No. 1 haul, "i,e; No. 1
ni'i-lheru. 72c, No. 2 nnrlhern, MiVli'V.
PLfJI H- Plrst pntrtils. : fMi :!.:..; cion.)
patents, 3.7iW..Sm; Illrst clears, f:.pi)U:l.ii;
sccmiil clears. $2:io.
HHAN-lu bulk. ?ll.7i'M.'..25. (iriiln .llnrlirl,
MILWAl Kl;i:, Nov II. - WIIHAT -Firmer;
No. tiurthein, 73c; No. 2 northern,
iKii'.'c; Oeirtnbcr. 73c
RYKlllpher; No. , Kkijiln'sc.
HAHLllv I'lrtn; No. 2, W2'.(5Dc: sample,
OATH Firm; No. 2 white. l2's'il3o.
CUHN December, i'.i?,c.
Toledo (frnln mid kcnl.
TOLKDO, v., Nov. 1I.-WIII:aT-0.iII;
ihsIi. 7fi,4c; December. 77',c: May. 70,ie.
CO UN Dull: Oecrinber. w"(cj May, tt;iv,c.
OATS-December, lo'ic; May, li'ic
SHI'HJS -Clover, cash, prime. :,.iV,bi De
cember, J5.70; March, 5.;5; No. 2 Alsykc,
I'eorln .MnrUct.
PKOIUA, Nov. ll.-COUN-FIrm; No. 3,
OATS-FIrm; No. 3 while. 40e. billed
WIIISKY-On the basis of $1.31 for Mu
lshed goods.
Dllllllll (; rill 11 Mni'Uel.
DI'Lt'TH, Nov. U. WIIIOAT-Cash. No:
I hard, 7l'(c; No. 2 northern, sour; No. 1
northern. 71c; December, 7o-f4c; May, 71'. c.
OATS-I0j33?4e. .
UIkIii lliitter lnihcl.
ELGIN, III., Nov. ll. -HUTTEH-No sales
of butter on tho board. Onicial market
declared tlrm nt 25c. Snles for the week,
tAj.Oi.i") lbs.
,m:w YOHIv STIICK.S AM) iionds.
Ainll Street llns Another llnr
Ai'llie nnd nrlcil Dcollim.
NEW YORK. Nov. II. -There was another
nctlvo day of speculation In stocks today
and a large and well distributed demand
for bonds, outside of the cxtraordlnarj
dealings In some of Ihe convertible and
spu illative bonds It Is notable In tills re
gard that while the dealings for the last
week In stocks were still below the large
business for the corresponding period last
year the par value of tho bonds dealt In
last week exceeded those of the correspond
ing period of Inst year by over t.Onn.KK).
The demand for stocks today was ex
ceedingly varied, as was the movement of
prices, owing to lite rnct that the buying
demand shifted to new quarters and realiz
ing of profits proceeded actively In last
weeks favorites, tiiklnu advantiize nf the
sustaining force nf the new favorites. The
dealings continued to a large extent to re
main In professional .Impels, although there
was somo accession of speculatlvo Interest
today shown by orders through commission
houses. While the piofessiounls dominate
the market the news of tho day as It In
fluences stock speculation Is llkelv to bo
distorted In Its perspective to suit the pre
vailing sentiment of tho speculation. Today
the Northwestern railroad settlement njol
the Vuuderbllt plan of merger, which fur
nished, the material of the bulls during last
week's rise, fell Into the background de
cidedly, while discussion became very ac
tive on the favorable prospects In t lie coal
trade, the Iron and steel trndo and the ex
traordinary railroad trafllc of which icports
are received on all hands. The profes
sionals sold the transcontinental stocks and
tho Vanderbllts to take their profits. After
the unprecedented nutlnys of tho last year
for Increase and Improvement of rolling
stock and equipment the fact that nn ac
tual car famine exists In many parts of tho
country Is conclusive cvldeneo that tho
business offerings to the railroads Is greater
than ever before. From the coal and Iron
legions comes the cry for more cars, many
lion mills being reported shut down for
luck of coke and raw material. Grain re
ceipts urn snld to bo smnll because ot lack
of curs. This accords with the reports that
the overwhelming railroad tralllc Is largely
mndo up of general merchandise, duo to tho
activity In trade In all lines. Thn urgent
demands for freight enrs nnd other forms
of railroad equipment mndo the movement
today In the car und steel Industrials a
natural corollary of tho movement In the
railroad stocks, The day's conspicuous ad
vances will bo seen lo hnve centered In the
anthracite nnd soft coal carriers and In the
car and steel Industrials. Sugar and Amal
gamated Copper were affected by an nctlve
demand from thu shorts, and both were
actively dealt In for Boston account. Chi
cago & Eastern Illinois Jumped nine points,
but reacted five. Union Pacific rose llv
points and Great Northern preferred and
Northern Pacific preferred moved strongly
upward with the last on revived reports
of an early settlement. The market con
tinued conlldent over the money outlook,
although gold shipments aro expected later
In the week. Realizing became general In
the Into dealings, but n number of rnlllcs
made the closing Irregular.
Tho bond market was active nnd gen
erally strong, the convertible, and specu
lative bonds especially so. Standard Rope
lis rose 414. Total sales, par value, $6,025,on0
i nitcil stales refunding 7s declined 1, and
the old Is advanced Ii, per cent on the last
The Commercial Advertiser's Loudon
lllmuctnl cablegram says: "Tho stock mar
ket was brisker today on the holiday ac
cumulation of buying orders. Lord Salis
bury's speech was disregarded and tho tono
was cheerful, sympathizing with Ameil
cans, which started buoyant, with Atchi
son. Union Paclllc and United Stnles Steel
leading, but the public held aloof. New
York took prollts In the afternoon, causing
a slight relapse, but later there was a spurt
on the curb on account of largo buying or
ders from New York In Reading and Erie.
Tho settlement was small, the general con
tango being 414 per cent. Palis exchange Is
23 1214; Herlln, 20.421J."
The following nre the closing prices on
the Now York Stock exchange:
do pfd
n. & o
do pfd
Canadian Pac.
Canada South..
Ches. ,fc Ohio...
Clilciigo & A....
do pfd
Chi., Ind. & St.
tlo pfd....
Chi. & E. III. ..
Chicago G. W..
do 1st pfd
.. Kl3. St. Paul pfd
..10214 So. Pacific
A109 So. Railway
.. Ui I do pfd
. .11214 Texas .t Paclllc.
.. M'nTol., St. L, & W
. . 4S I do pfd
.. 37n Union Pacific...
.. 774 do pfd
L 47, Wabash
.. 734 do pfd
. 0214
. :iil,
. 91
. 411,
. 20s;
. 33'4
'. 3.S'
. lSli
. 31
. 22',4
. 4.1
..13114 Wheel, (c L.
..2ij do 2d pfd
.. S914 Wis. Central.. t
do 2d put
.W do. pfd
Chicago K. W. 2111s Adams Ex.
C. It. . A- I
.t173t American Ex
Chi. Tor. Ai Tr..
do pfd
c. c. a & st. l
Colorado So
do 1st pfd
do 2d prd
Del. t Hudson.
Del . L. & W...
Denver A. R. G.
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Gr. Nor. pfd....
Hocking Valley
do nfil
. ao i . a. Kx
. ai Wells-1'a.vgo Ex..1i1
. iV.K III. 1 1. upper
r.n. ..
. 1 1-4 tiiicr, i ar v i-
. Wi'4
. 46
do nfil
Amer. Lin. Oil.
do pfd
Amer. S. .t It..
do pfd
. 9q
Ktnac. .tun. i o
!2T Hiooklvn H. 'I'
. 72'4 I'olo. Fuel Ai I
. 6Si, Coii. Gns
.CoOl'jCon. Tobacco pfd. 115
. 614 Gen. Elriiric 259
. ,9'4 tiiueose Mugar. ... 40
.141!., Hocking Coal .... Ill
Illinois Central
Iowa central. . . ii"4 .im-r. i-aper. . . .
.1,1 nfil 7S'! do pfd
9 !','
42 "
Lake Eric Ai XV. 73
iiiii-i. -U1!CI. ..
Laclede Gas . . .
Nil. Hlscnlt ....
National Lead .
National Sail...
do pfd
No. American..
Pacific Count
do pfd i;i
L. Ai N 17'!
Manhattan 1 12i
Met. St. H. 1I
.Mex. Central .
. . .-'4
.. 1 3 Si
Mex-. National.
Minn. A: St. L.
Mo. Pacltlc
M.. K. & T
. l'ii',4
. 61
. 4S1,
. Il
. S,
. 154
..10l'4 Pacific Mall
. . 27;l People's Gas....
.. 55 Pressed s. Car.
..173 I do pfd
..lisi'i Pullman P. Car
do pin ..
N. .1. Central..
N. Y. central.
Norfolk Ai West.. 55 Republic Steel..
do pill '""
Nn. Pac lie pfd.. .10214 f!"gar
x- W ass. renil. Coal I
Peiins.v vania ....iii' - "iii nag ,v i-... 11
Reading 45 1 Ho pfd. ;n,
do 1st pin v4 - i.i-.iiiier ijs.
do 2d Dfd rails' li' l'fd SI
St. L. .t S. F an la 1 . minner....
do 1st pfd M 1. " I"''
do 2d pfd 71NIU. S. Steel
92! ;
St. L. S. W '.O'v 00 pin
do pro Huvtiuisierii I'llion..
SI. Paul 1734
Hunk Clenrlngs.
OMAHA. Nov. II. -Hank clearings today.
SI 119,412.62, corresponding day last year,
11.071. .'lifi.M ; Increase, I71.S2I.71.
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. ll.-Clearluga.
12,763.552; balances, JI.PSS.S70. Money, IU175
per cent.
HALT1.MOHE, Nov. 11. -Clearing. 13.379..
557; balances, J3S7.353. Mime), lli J per
CINCINNATI. Nov. 11. Money. Iff it pcr
cent. New York exchange, 25c bid. Clear
ings, tl.50O.3Vi.
HOSTON. Nov. ll.-Clo-itiugs, JIS,123,356;
balances, Jl.272.395.
NEW YORK, Nov. 11,-ClearlllRS, $111,.
9S.6ll; balances. JI,315,Slt.
CHICAGO. Nov. II. -Clearings. $27,421,122;
balance, 2.f.22.310. Posted exchange. Jl.spJ
fi4Tt' New York exchaiiBe. i"i2"c
I'llllUt. ,
ST. LOUIS, Nov. n.-Chfurlutpj, J?,317,U5,
balances, tlKS.iy
discount Mol
New York exchange, K
..if. per cent
elv lorU .llonej MnrUct,
NEW YORK Nov. II. -MONEY -On call,
llrm nl 3"ifil i r cent; last loan per
cent. Prime n.-ruililllc paper, I'slt.i per
STERLING 1 '.NCHANGE -Slreng. with
actual business m liaiikers' bills at $1 S7'4
tor demand nn,i at f4.3, for sixty days;
posted rates. $1 ifen X and I.S. Commer
ilal bills. ?I.M','.m.m.
SILVKU-Hat, i,7',e; Mexican dollnis,
HONDS Goiti ntneiil. Irregular; state. In
Hclhe; lallriind, striilli!.
The closliif, qiiutatlons on bonds ar as
U. S. r. 2s, reg
do coupon...
do 3s, reg....
In coupon ...
do new 4s, reg
do coupon .
do old Is. reg
do coupon
do 5s. leg....
do coupon
ik L. N. unl. 4s.. 10.'
KiV, Mex. Central K K'a
.lui I do 1st inc ;)
M. & St. L. Is..lul
M., K. & T. Is....l0of,
do 2ds Mi,
112 N. V. Cen'l ls...n3t
112', do gen. 3'js lmi.,
III? N. .1. Ccn'1 g. 6s. 131
lo" No. Paclllc is 101'i
Atchison gen. 4 lit
do 3s 721,
do ml J. is...
H. O. I-
do il'ss
do conv. Is.,
Canada So. 2s
Coli'l of Ga.
do 1st Inc....
.'i'! M. Ar W. 0. IS in2,
I'll'.-ii Reading gen. 4s.. W,
t"i's 'St I. A; I M c 5,li;U
1"., 'SI. L. .i S. F. Is 95
0M St. L. S. . 1st. . 97',
107 I do 2ds sim,
73 S. A. & A. P. 4s . S3
lllTI. So. Paclllc Is
Clies. .; o. U,s
Chi. ,v Alton .I'.s v5 So. Hallway 6s...l20it
C.. It. H l). 11. 4k ;isi; Texas ,V- I' Is PnA.
C, . ,v H I' g I, llDtfcT. H, L. - W. Is. 8Pa
C. N. W. c. 7s .1371, M'nlon Pac. 4....105
C., R. I. P. Is Imlv do conv. 4s,
CCC & S I. g. Is H1314 Wahnsli Is
Chicago Tor. Is . 91'? do 2ds
Colorado So. Is si4 do de,b. H
Den. A: R. G. Is 10.1 'West Shore Is..
Erie prior 1. 4s . mi, IV, ,t L. E. is...
do generaMs. . s.v4 Wis. Central Is.
F. W & D. C. lsio;4Con. Tob. 4s". ..
Hock. Val. 1148. liiji,
liiiiiitoii Stock lliiiitntliin.
LONDON, Nov. H.-4 p. m.-Closlug:
Cons., money...
do account....
do pfd
Knltlmoro & O..
Can. Paclllc
Ches. & Ohio...
Chicago G. W..
C, M. K St. P.
Denver Ai. R. G.
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do 2d ptd
Illinois Central.
L. N
M., K. & T. ..
do pfd
N. Y. Central..
91 Norfdlk & West..
SI, do pfd
I No. Pacific pfd. ..105
fi.VOlltiirln .fc West.. SSU
. llC,
. 27
. 4S
. II
. 73'.
do 1st pfd...
do 2d pfd....
So, Hallway...
do pfd
So. Paclllc
"nlon Paclllc.
do pfd
P. S. Steel....
. . --' 8
.. 40
. . l-i'.
.. 93
.. IVP4
.. 91
.. 43
.. W'i
.. 21'4
.. 3914
.. 09'-.
.. 40' i
do pfd.
H.M41W abash
110', do pfd
. 2x'.ISi,tnlsli Is.
. 52 Hand Mines.
HAH SILVER-Dull nt 2V1 per oz.
MONEY-2143 per cent. The rate- of
discount In the open market for three
months' bills Is SVi'-t7, per cent.
Ronton Stuck limit nt Ions.
HOSTON. Nov. 11. Call loans. 3134 ner
cent; time loans, 105 per cent. Official clos
N. E. G. & C... 52 Amalgamated ... 871!
Atctilsou nwiialllc 44
do pfd 102I4 Ulngbam 2S14
HoStOII & A 2j7'4 i;iU, ii: HCCIa two
Huston v mo J-V3 i.eiiienniai ii',3
Boston'i uopper itiinge.... t2V4
K. Y., K. II. At H.213 Dominion Coal... 4S
Fltchburg pfd ...141 , Franklin 18W
Union Paclllc 10711 Isle Royale 23
Mex. Central .... 22 Mohawk 42?i
Amer. Sugar.
,uio jjomimon .
Dotu. 1. H .
Osceola 10)
Gen. Electric 2.1V.4
Parrot 3tP.4
Mass. Electric... M
lamuracK 275
Trillion main 43
do pnt
N. E. G. & C.
United Fruit...
Trinity 215s;
united Mtnics ii
Utah 24
Victoria 7
Wlnonn 2
Wolverine 6S
U. S. Steel
do pfd
cw York Mliilnir Ntocka.
NEW YORK, Nov. 11. The following are
ine closing prices on nilnmtj stocks;
Adams Con IS
Allen 40
Hrecco loo
iirmiHwlck Con... 10
Little Chief 12
Untnrlo 950
Ophlr 75
Phoenix 7
Potosl 4
Savage 6
Comstock Tunnel
Con. Cul. & vn.. iw
Deadwood Terra. M
Horn Silver 190
Iron Silver 61
Leadvlllo Con.... &
Sierra Nevada... iu
Small Hopes .... 40
Standard 375
Foreign! I'IokiicIhI.
rnxnoN'. Nov. ll. Money was In ln-
rr.),iki,l (tnniimrt tndnv. nwlnif to tenders for
.2,rjO0,C0o of treasury bills. Uuslness on the
Stock cxcnaugi; was lairiy cnecnui. i,ui,
s.iiiHinirv'M Kiicech of Saturday was re
garded favorably, although It did not con
vince people to believe In tho premier's Im
plication that tho government has some
thing up Its sleeve. The chief fenture In
foreigners was a rise in Argentines anu
Hrazlllans. Amerlcnns opened generally
strong; Union Paclllc and Atchison were
tho features. Prices closed dull nnd below
tho best of the day. Rio tlntos were dull.
Kalllrs were suffering from lack ot busi
ness. PARIS. Kov. 11. Prices on tlie bourse to
dny opened tlrm. became weaker, grew
firmer and closed lrregulnr. Governments
were In good demand. Turks hardened.
Hrazlllaus were In strong demand, owing
to a further rlso In the prlco of coffee.
Argentines were eagerly sought for. Met
ropolltans were tlrm; other tractions heavy.
Kalllrs were better supported as a result
of Lord Salisbury's speech of Saturday.
The private discount rato Is unchanged at
2, 5-16 per cent.
Condition of Ihe Treasury.
WASH1KGTOK, Nov. 11. Today's state
ment of tho treasury balances In tho ncn
eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold
reserve In tlio division 01 reoemption,
shows: Available cash balance, $177,269,
911. gold, $1 10,013,291 .
('nt Ion Mitrkcl.
NEW YORK, Nov. ll.-COTTON-Spot
closed unlet: middling uplands, 7?io; mid
dling gulf. S'c; sales, OOi) bales. Futures,
closed steady; November, 7.10c; Decem
ber. 7.4:'.c; .lauunry, 7.10c; February, 7.37o;
March, 7.36c; April, 7.37c: May, 7.33c; June,
7.33c; .Inly and August. 7.32c
sales, l,si) bales; ordinary, 5 13-16c;
good ordinary, (i3-16c, low middling, OTie;
middling, 7'4c; good middling, 7V4e; mid
dling fair. 7 15-lfie, receipts, 1S.S65 bales;
stock, 209.270 bales. Futures, quiet but
stendv; November, nominal; December,
i.22f7.23e; .Iiunmrs, 7.l5ii7.16c; Februnrv.
7.13417.15c. March, 7.12fi7.l3e; April, 7.11ff
'.13c; March. 7.117. 12c; June. 7.111i7.l2e.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. II.-COTTON-Qlllet;
snles, S15 bales; middling. 7c; receipts.
6,239 bales; shipments, none; stock, 11,107
l'irm at iac.
nml noki ii.
OIL CITY. Nov. H.-OIL-Credlt balances,
$l.::n; certificates, no bid; shipments, 162,
52S bbls.; average, lna.417 bbls.; runs, 107,
69:1 bbls.; average, 7.1S7 bbls.
LIVERPOOL, No- ll.-OIL-Cottonseed,
Hull refined, spot, steady at 22s 3d.
SAVANNAH, Nov. H.-OII-Splrlts of
turpentine, firm at 3l'(e. Rosin, llrm nnd
TOLEDO. 1).. Nov 11 --Oil, North Lima,
91c; South Lima and Indiana, 96e. .
NEW YORK. Not ll.-OIL- Cottonseed.
dull, yellow, 35c, petroleum, dull; rellned,
-Now York. J7.65; Philadelphia nnd Haiti-
more. 7.i; liillndclplila anu naiiimore. in
bulk. $5. Rosin, quiet; strained, common
tn good, $1.13. Turpentine, steady at 3S
t:t npnrntcd Apples nnd Dried I'rnlts,
APPLES -Out-of-town orders were rather
scarce lor evaporated appies aim ine imiik
of Ihe business was In the way of evening
im aAcoiints at old nrlces; stale, common
to good. fySf; prime. S'-c; choice. 9c; fancy,
uiicbaiigeii. Prunes, .i'itic. .pricots
Royal. Msli 13c; Moor Pirk. Sir 12c. Peaches
peeled. IKISc; uupceled. 61i9c
SiiKiir llnrliet.
--Quiet; open kettle, 3c; open kettle, cen
trifugal, S'.'iiS'i.o; centrifugal granulated,
4.3iV(ll.t0c; whites, 3Vji(c; yellows. 3i3V;
second. 2'3Tj3'c. Jlolisses, steady; open
kettle, 2iV(t:l1c; centrifugal. I2tj23c. Syrup,
sleaoy ai iMiwv.
KEW VrillK Vm II. SI'GAH--Hnw
HteadN ; fair refining 3'e; centilfgiial, fti
test, 3c, Molasses, 3c; refined, quiet.
lv YnrU lr.v (ioods llnrUel.
M'liern Iihk lipro a .lull demand for brown
sheetings and drills today from the home
trade with fair bids from and some salos
to exporter. Hleaehed cottons quiet, put
Ktciidv. N'n elniiiun In co-irse enlored cot-
tons. Print cloths Inactive throughout,
prints quiet, eiUEliama inm
God Bttf Ctttl Sold at Abut Study
Prlcn, bit Othtra 61w and Wtik.
AltboitBh .iherp Receipts Todny Wen;
the Largest In ItlMnrj of Vnrils
(fond MtnfT "old Preelj nt
Menily Prices,
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Monday
Sitno day last week....
0, "ll
1. '.VJ
nine week before
3.'.") I
Same three weeks ago.
eamo lour weess ago...
same day last year
AeragH prices paid for nogs at tOJili
Omnlia 1 lie past everni days, with com
parisons: Date. (1901. 19"0. lsSD.UlM.llsJT.'UM. 1S95
Oct. 21.. , t 26141 I 4 131 3 6b 3 52 3 V3 3 63
Oct. 22. .. t WJil 4 62 1 3 bit 3 bJl 3 25 3 b'l
Oct. 23. .. D 99U 4 till 4 161 I 3 trt 3 -t., 3 4)
24.. .1 6 01
4 51, 4 14 3 56 I 3 25 3 31
20...I 6 CoH
iti... 6 00
27... I
4 41 4 U 3 681 3 46 101
4 5S 4 1M 3 51 1 3 41) 3 26, 3 48
4 54 4 101 3 47 3 SSj 3 171
I 4 lui 3 bii 3 ii 3 lu 3 44
23... I 5 W4
Oct 29...I5S1 I 4 52 3 541 3 3X 3 15 3 ti
Oct. 3)... 6 7214 4 50 4 09 ' 13 3113 17(3 36
Oct. 31.. 1 5 07 1 4 4J 4 0.(1 3 56 3 19, 3 4l
Nov. I....) 5 73V. 4 51 4 01 3 63 3 29 3 42
Nov. 2. ... 1 6 '.2 I I ui', 4 Oli 3 45 3 41, 3 2T 3 II
1M1V. 3..,. I 4 661 4 041 3 45 3 43 3 30 '
Nov. 4 5 ' 4 02 3 61, 3 43 3 31, 3 33
Nov. 5....I 5 Tt Val 4 C6, I 3 621 3 44 3 211 3 5
Nov. 6.... 6 71't 4 611 4 Oil 3 4l 3 ''I 3 f
NOV. 7....I 5 6S I 61I 4 02 3 65 " I 23 J o
Nov. S....I 5 b7'j, 4 69
Nov. 9.,.. 5 71'), 4 K
4 IB, a .! J 41 u i
4 r 3 151 3 411 3 2M 3 19
4 031 3 47, 3 31, S 27
Kov. 10.., 4 74
Nov. 11.. I o 72!i!
j 4 (i2 3 43 3 32 3 l'i 3 09
Indicates Sunday.
Tho otllclal number of cars nf stock
brought In today by each rond was:
C, M. & St. P. Ry.. s
O. A: St. L. Ry 1
Mo. P. Ry 2
U. P. system SK
C. & N. W. Hy s
F.. E. Ai M. V. R. H. 77
C, St. P., M. Ai O. Ry 7
H. & M, R. R 126
c. H. a;- g. Ry 2s
K. C. .t St. J 2
C, R. I. Ac P., enst.. S
y... R. 1. A.-. P., west.. 1
Illinois Central
Total receipts ....356 91 ."" 4
The disposition of tho day's receipts was
as follows, each nuycr purchasing the
nunmcr of head Indicated:
Cattle, Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co, .. 574
G. II. Hammond Co. .. X2fi
Swift and Company.... 826
Cudahy Packing Co 1.51K
Armour & Co 447
Hammond Co., country 336
R, Hecker & Degan .... 252
Vausant &. Co J-'i
Lobman Ai Co 135
.W. I. Stephen 13
Hill Ai Hunulnger 57
Ronton Ai Underwood .. 197
Huston & Co 217
13. F. Hobhlck SX
Hamilton Ai R 4S6
la. F. Husz 78
Wolf Ai M 200
Other buyers 600 9.00.
Totals 7,690 6,503 11,941
CATTLE There were 335 cars of cattle
on sale this morning, which mado this
tho big day of the year. The demand,
however, was of liberal proportion for all
desirable grades, so that prices held up In
good shape and the market was active.
Good to choice beef steers were In active
demand today at fully steady prices. There
were not very many on sale, however, so
that the trade soon came to a close. The
commoner grndes were neglected to some
extent and In several cases sales looked a
trifle lower.
There were not far from 75 cars of cows
and heifers on sale this morning, but the
demand for tho better grades was fully
eaual to the occasion and the market held
Just about steady. Tho medium grades,
however, and canners were none too actlvo
and tho prices paid as a rule looked a
shade lower.
Thero was not enough change noticeable
In tho prices paid for bulls, calves nnd
stags to be worthy of mention.
Good hoavywelght feeders and prlmo
yearlings were picked up In good season
this morning tit steady prices. Tho gen
eral run or stockors, however, nnd thn
common kinds of feeders of nil weights
were neglected nnd could safely be quoted
weak to a dlmo lower than nt the close
of last week.
Thero wero not very many good western
range steers on sale this morulnir, but such
ns wero offered sold without dltliculty at
fully steady prlcca. The commoner grades
were more or less neglected, but still they
did not sell so much different from tho
wav they did at the close of last week.
Good range cows were active nnd steady
and others slow and weak, The Bamn was
iruo Ol ine iraoc on siucitcin uiiu iccucrj,
Representative snles:
Av. Pr.
....1113 3 75
....1112 4 25
....1000 fi 00
....11S2 5 SO
Av. Tr,
1167 5 55
1235 6 00
1290 6 30
2 ,, . .
.. 020
.. 992
.. 930
.. RU
2 40 20...
.. 996 3 00
..1090 3 00
. .1065 3 10
..105S 3 20
..1200 3 23
..1100 3 25
.. 927 3 40
.. 890 . 3 50
..1060 3 75
..1230 3 75
2 50
2 50
2 70
2 75
2 75
2 R5
2 R5
1045 2 90
973 2 90 2
10S5 3 00
500 2 50 1 630 t 10
809 2 SO 3....
1060 2 30 1....
1020 2 60 1....
995 2 60 2....
100 3 25
, 630 2 25 2....
412 3 65
1350 2 75
1210 3 00
1440 3 00
.1575 4 25
600 3 15
, 25 3 25
7F,0 2 75
720 2 00
S16 3 30
70 2 23
500 2 50
915 2 S5
976 3 00
660 3 AO
Rlfl 3 00
729 3 15
895 3 25
947 3 30
976 3 65
753 3 70
702 3 SO
S20 3 00
16 feeders
. 7S6 3 40
1 steer...
901 1 7i
945 1 75
S30 1 75
1020 3 41)
915 2 75
960 2 15
1025 2 75
9 2 75
1 feeder.
910 3 10
2 steers. .
1 cow....
1 cow.. . .
4 stags...
1 hull...
2 cows. . .
0 cows. . .
23 steers. .
21 feeders
3 reediis..lll6 3 10
34 feeders.. 103S 3 75
1 feeder... 1370 3 if.
1 feeder... 91" 3 75
1 feeder. .1030 2 75
2 feeders.. S00 2 ,n
12 feeders., soo 3 :.o
S feeders.. S5 3 SO
23 feeders.. SS5 3 10
X41 1 75
AS 3 60
1 feeder... inio
IS feeders.. 914
o cows lift! ii VI
16 cows 1011 3 00
2 cows S.Vi 3 30
I cow 3 23
feeders.. 1002 3 50
37 feeders.. S90 3 55
17 cows 923 3 30
2 cows -a . n
6 steers,... 831 3 43
2 feeders.. S2 3 65
3 feeders.. 89.", 3 00
2 cows 1220 2 80
11 feeders.
2 cows
931 3 55
915 2 10
15 cows 902 2 1 A
2 feeders. 1060 2 75
16 feeders.. 080 3 75
9 feeders.. 1070 3 75
42 feeders.. 636 3 90
1 feeder. ..1110 3 75
61 feeders.. 1072 3 75
10 feeders.. 1070 2 75
2 feeders.. 700 3 90
8 feeders.. 912 3 1V1
2 bulls 1130 2 30
.12 feeders.. 868 3 9'l
29 steels. ...1216 5 15
32 feeders.. 870 3 ho
2 feeders.. 760 3 83
20 steers,.
1 steer...
6 steers..
.13(l S () 11 cows ..
.1520 6 fl 2hillK.
.1160 4-15 1 bull. ..
..1036 2 95
. . I ISO 2 25
..1530 2 2i
..1700 5 01
. 1121 5 15
..1518 5 15
..1130 5 16
..126') 5 15
..1370 5 15.
. 1 2 50
1 steer 1250 5 00
1 steer..
13 steers. ,
5 steers.,
1 steer...
2 ste?rs... .ir.'O 5 0i)
2 steers... .1280 5 15
1 steer lCfsl 5 15
1 steer...,
1 steer...
2 steers..
73 heifers
.1170 5 13 1 steer..
.1320 5 15 I fleer ..
F. Hnthlenter Neb.
..1160 2 75 21 cows...
M. C. Fox-ldnho.
... 576 2 S3
Wertz Ilros -Neb.
.. H.l .". 00 13 cows.
..lnrm ., t 1 1 ow. . .
. .1021 2 75 1 row ..
3 calves.
I cow....
II cows..,
3 rows. .
1 cow
11 calves.
. ,.106 3 50
...08i) 3 iV
... 91 2 "5
...1010 2 75
9(6 2 75 1 cow
970 2 75 1 cow !- - '
?.6S 3 60 9 calves... 327 3 00
Tlinmun l.vnnh-.Neb.
7 cows 920 1 75 2 bulls 1191 2 15
1 slag. ... 80 2 63 2 bulls. ...1210 2 30
11 steers ...H) 3 60
F. G. IIarve)-Neb.
7 feeders.. 115 3 15 II cows 1000 2 9..
4 feeders.. 515 3 70 4 cows.,.. 917 2 lo
5 feeders.. 7SI 3 70 3 heifers. . 130 2 50
19 feeders.. 100 3 70 I calves... 276 3 3o
2 feeders.. 10S5 3 13
F. Welke-Neb.
22 feeders.. 1077 3 60
I. O. Mlller-i.'olo.
Kcu-as SM 2 55 icow..ul. MO 2 JO
J2 1 sr, 1 cow
J. C McNorc-Nrb.
t) 2 10
13 feeders 1176 3 60
0. Jackson Mont.
25 steers. ...120 4 so 25 steers..
.11"2 4 (0
N. MeCaUley -Motll.
39 steers . ..1120 5 W 36 steers... .1395 0 00
W. Hlcliardsou -wyo.
IS rows ...1037 3 55 1 cow 1010 J!8
I heifer. ..lion I vf. 6 cows 102$ 2 3i
II. C. Morrliuali--Nrb.
1 steer .... I"") 20 1 ntecr S00 2 00
1 steer..... 670 2 0,1
A. cruise Nen.
46 feeders.. 915 3 30 12 cows...
16 feeders.. 934 3 30
li Llnd-Wyo.
3 cows ll3 3 or. 1 row ...
..996 2 10
..iiro n 05
t. A. jonnanu .ten.
47 feeders. .bi7 3 55 f feeders
J. W. Macrutn Colo.
.10i7 3 0)
. 812 3 "1
49 cows...
1 cow. . . .
20 cows. ..
17 steers..
K"l 3 53 3 cows.. .
T. H. Little coin.
r 3 25 4S feeders.. 1013 8 11
D P. White -Neb.
941 2 75 7 steers.... 857 3 11
SS2 3 30 2 steers. ...1130 3 10
Thomas Hurkc-S. D.
loon 3 80 4 steers... .1225 1 10
1 sleer.
8 steers. ...1366 110 ii steers... IfJS 4 10
C. O. Powell-Neb.
79 heifer.
617 2 62'i
Prosnert Cattlo Co. Wyo.
46 steers, ...1131 4 00
A. L. Prlce-Wyo.
10 feeders.. 931 3 85 9 cows 1062 3 10
22 feeders.. P9S 3 S3 11 cows 1050 3 10
R, Thorpe Wyo.
6 cows 915 3 70 9 cows 1172 3 70
2 cows 1101 2 75 3 cows 910 2 73
Otto Fulcher -Neb.
6 heifers... 726 2 50 I feeders. . 913 3 60
3 heifers,.. 536 3 75 2 feeders.. 955 3 60
Trowe Cattle Company- Colo,
25 feeders., S76 3 40 3 feeders. . SM 3 00
HOGS -Receipts of hogs wero liberal for
a Mondav and ns other points were quoted
a Utile lower the market here eased oft
a trifle. The market opened 2!4f(6o lower
than Saturday, but closed with the decline
about rei'Hlnrd. The first snles were
largely at $5.70 and $5.72', but the popular
price soon became $3,721 and toward tho
close It was $3.72'ti nnd Sn.75. After trading
wns fairly well under wuy the hogs
chapped hands rapidly nnd In fact as fast
as thev were unloaded. As will be seen
ftom the table of average prices today's
market Is a shade lower than Saturday.
Representative sales:
Av. Sh. Pr.
10 cows
No. Av. Sit. Pr.
SO 211 2'H 5 7214
S3 227 SO 5 72' 4
76 255 40 5 72!s
46 210 5 721n
Ni 2V2 120 5 72',3
M 332 16n 5 72' 1
51 315 160 5 72' j
f,s 282 10 5 72 's
IS 213 120 5 7214
M 317 120 C 72'4
62 20 80 5 72'u
62 213 160 5 72',i
1-1 267 240 5 72'a
72 215 120 5 72'4
53 270 80 5 72 la
IS 273 161 5 72!-i
67 2.W 40 5 72'i
74 210 ... 5 721j
53.... ...291 ... 5 72' ,
02 27s SO 5 75
61 312 121 n 75
71 213 80 5 75
76 261 120 5 7.1
M 293 ... 5 75
60 290 120 5 75
IU 27 SO 6 75
70 232 160 5 75
69 '-'"il ... 5 75
82 216 40 5 75
59 211 80 5 75
32 355 ... 6 73
76 225 240 5 73
U) 239 ... 5 75
60 271 SO 5 75
01 26.1 ... 5 75
65 310 40 5 75
01 213 40 6 73
81 23S ... 5 75
6S 254 ... 5 75
51 261 SO 5 75
68 217 40 5 75
57 292 40 5 75
70 237 10) 5 75
65 264 120 5 77'4
54 219 ... 5 77W
79 247 ... 5 50
20 265 ... 6 90
20 ...
30. . . ,
6 15
5 40
6 40
5 43
5 45
5 45
5 53
5 65
22" "00 5 70
..262 120 5 70
,.3ii2 160 5 70
..2S0 SO 5 70
..IK:: .. 5 70
..1S7 120 5 70
..271 400 5 70
..197 120 5 70
..215 40 5 70
..273 320 5 7a
,.22x ... 5 7H
..261 811 6 70
..191 80 5 7'i
. .229 210 5 70
..216 3ti1 5 70
..215 160 5 70
..265 160 5 70
59. . .
55. . .
.'6.1 10 0 70
5 721$
C 72
..306 160
5 72U
293 210 5 7213
.311 320
.. 2',3
5 7214
5 7214
5 721
5 72U
.181 ...
.257 210
213 40
57. . .
..177 80
. .2SS SO 5 72'j
. ... ft ,2',j
..2S6 160 5 7214
. .280 SO 6 72!e
..271 ... 5 7214
..256 120 6 72'4
. .256 120 S 7214
..243 ... 5 72!i
..269 40 r. 7214
. .229 ... 5 72W
..247 SO 5 7214
..261 12(1 6 7214
.253 5 721
67 ..
SHEEP Tbern U',rA th. fiirnpHt rci'nlntm
of sheep hern today In the history of tho
.turns. 11 win no rememnered mat on Oc
tober 2S all previous records wcto broken,
When 19.865 nrrlynri. Tn,li.v' Mlnnlv
however, goes ahead of that by a good snre
margin, as the table of receipts abovo will
Tho market opened In good season and
rilled IIL'tlvn anil t'llllv nlomlv nn nil do.
slrablo grades This was iu 'splto of tho
neavy run una or me nici mat unirago
was quoted 16(fiI5c lower. Local buyers
were all anvlollH fnr simnllMU. un If wna nrtt
long before all deslruhlo grades were out of
nrsi nanus, 'i ne season fnr corn-feds was
opened this morning by the arrival of a
string of yearlings, which sold at $3.91.
Western wethers sold us high ns $3.60. Hut
wnno me iiottor grades wore actlvo nnd
fully steady tho common stuff was neg
lected und weak That wns true of the
trade on both sheep and lambs.
There wns a good demand for feeders this
morning und tho better credes nf h-itb
sheep and lambs sold early at good steady
nice-, 1110 common ciun. nowever, cnangen
hands very slowly and could be nnoied
weak to a dime lower.
Quotations: Choice yearlings. $3,40173.65;
fair lo good yearlings, $3.203.40; cholco
wethers. $3.3iS3.50; fair to good wethers.
$3.10;'3.30; cholco owes. $2.90ii3.25, fair to
good ewes. J2.0iMi2.91: choice sntlnir lambs.
$4.SOfi4.fiO; fair to good spring Innibs, $4.10'u; leeoer wetners, j;,; reeuer
Jambs, $3.001.00. Jtepresentntlvc sales:
No. Av. Pr.
1 buck 120 3 no
127 natlvo ewes S9 3 25
701 feedor lambs 52 3 75
663 corn-fed yearlings 87 3 9)
6 cull ewes S3 2 0)
15 mixed Ill 2 61
6 Wyoming- ewes 91 3 00
4S Wyoming ewes 92 3 01
147 western wethers S4 3 15
S Wyoming wethers US 3 50
3 Wyoming wethers 113 3 51
S Wyoming wethers 76 3 50
41 Wyoming feeder lambs 62 4 CO
372 Wyoming feeder lambs 57 4 00
883 Wyonilre feeder lambs 55 4 00
894 feeder lambs 59 4 '0
1,219 feeder lambs 59 A V)
3H Wyoming ewes 7S 2 35
174 Wyoming ewes 113 2 90
114 Wyoming ewes St 2 91
7 Wyoming owes 90 2 91
345 feeder wethers 82 3 35
23.1 Wyoming wethers 78 3 35
3 Wyoming wethers 6S .3 15
501 Nebraska wethers S3 3 45
904 western wethers 101 3 60
429 feeder lambs 59 4 00
226 native lambs 62 4 15
Cnttle Firm lint Slovr Hon Sternly to
l.inrrr- Mieep 1. otter.
CHICAGO, Nov. ll.-CATTLE-Rccelr.ts.
22.000 head. Including 250 Texans and 250
westerns, choice, llrm; others Rtcndj but
slow; good to prime. $6.23fi!.91: poor to
medium, $3.75fi6.oo: stockcrs nnd feeders,
$2.noi(1.25; cows. .tl.onfl.W; heifers, $1 3iV(;; canners. $1.00f,2.21; bulls. Jl.751fl5'i;
calves. 3.506.25; Texas steers, $3.3oyi.eo,
HOGS Recclnts lodav! SO.O11O head, to
morrow, 21.000 (estimated); left over. 2 son
Market steady to no lower, mixed nml
butchers. J5.tiiMi5.90: good to choice lienvv.
$5,dO'ii5,!5, rough heavy, $5,351(5.55, light,
$.i.30'(5.ii0; bulk of sales. $5.65ff,75,
SI lEr.l' Receipts, ;;..nno liead. sliep. 10
25c lower: lambs, lulJ25c lower, good to
choice wethers, $3.l0ifM.25; fair to choice
mixed. $2,901(3.40; western sheep. $3 0o'3,50,
native lambs. $2.50f(1.60; western lambs.
ja.mi'iri. in.
OllkinI receipts yesterday: Cnttle, 151
head; hogs. 20.1 IS head; heep. 2.0'1 head
Shipments, cattle. 1.3SI head, hogs, 19.0S3
head, sheep. 330 head.
Kiiiiniin City Lite Min'l. Ilnrka't
ceipts. 7.5eO natives, 2.000 Tcx.ins, l.MJO
ralvcs. Market generally steady to 0r
lower; choice export and dressed beef
steers. $3,831(6.40; fair to good. $I.IOf5.75.
stoekers ami iceoers, i.-t: western
fed steers, $5,001(6.25, western range steer:).
J3.3SK 1.80; Texas and Indian steers, $2.651
4.50; Texas cows, $1 751J3.25; native rows,
$0,5O1i 1.25; heifers. $3,501(5.60; canners, $1.50
fl2.1l. Inills. $2.W2.90; calves. $3,501(5.23.
HOGS Receipts. 9,ih) bead. .Market closed
strong; ton, J5.H5; bulk of sales, $5.5015. 'i!4:
heavy, $5,911(5.95. mixed packers, $5.00f5.9'i,
light. $S.30fi.7S; pigs. $l.75i(5.2il.
HIIEI'.I .tiNU i..t,tiiin iieceipis. i,."...
head. Market steady; native lambs. $1,501
i.oo, western lambs. $).oni( 1 0; native weth.
crs. $.1,351(3.75. western wethers, $3,231(3.6);
yearlings, yi. lmja . ewes, f.-.iM'fu..u. cuu.i,
vt. I, mils Lite MliM'k :lnrkct.
ST. LOI.'IS. Nov. 11. -CATTLE- Receipts,
5,5W head. Including 3.Sfn Texans; market
steadt for best steers, others weak; native
shipping and export steers, $,
dressed beef and butcher steers. $3,401(6.25;
steers under l.') lbs . $2,7515.23; Mockers
and feeders. $2,8013 so; cows and heifers,
$2 0Wjt75; dinners. $1 .1012.50; bulls, $2.(1i
4.25; Texas and Indian steers, $2.251i.25.
cows and heifers. J'.'.fv?i3 15
IIOGS-Hecelpfs, l.'ioo head, market
lewer, pUs and lights. $5 fMrViVi; packers.
tr. ri'3 Mi butchers. $5.6.Vn5.9...
SHEEP AND LAMPS- Herelpls, 1 2nft
hiad, market sread) , native inultnns, $2. .5
'rjS.SO; lambs, $t.l)fl5.10, culls and Inn kk,
$I.5"H3.25; stockets. Jl.rWfj'J.oo.
N.OVT lurk Live slock ttnrUcl.
NEW YORK. Not II - REEVES -H-ceipts.
...SSI head. Market steady to stroiii;
leers, S3.7035.93; extra. 16.30; bulls, 52.25ii
3W, cons. II 'irtt.i Hi. Shipment lninrf ti'
Mfl .attic, CM liieep and s.iift) quarter ot
CALVFS- ttcccliti. 2..V-I licii'l. rii's
opened steady to llrm but closed venk,
prasscr. steady: cnjs, l Rofls.;; In,"
Jt,rl; gnissers, .t.lHfS.,Ml; western call 5.
l."iifl4.)i feil calves. J.l.T.VfJ Mi.
HIIF.F.P A NO I.A.MHS llceclptsi. ....
I IS! head; sheep, llrm; lambs, loffAV lowcti
sheep. J2.ovnS.iVi; lambs, M (.vl2, few
lops, $.VI.Wv.2fi; Canada lamb.--, JI.P'W&i:1,
ciiitK. f.';i.M.
IIIKIH-Hocelpls, 1'm1. Market nho it
steady; stale hops. 0.fftij,IO; wrstori ,
M. Joseph lilvr Murk .llnrUct,
celpts, I.."11 head! natives. .1 f"y&,;:,; cowl
anil heifers, $l HVmVlO; veils. $.T ilVVtrt.So.
IIOC.M-ltceclpts, li.too head: light apt!
light mixed, $l.vrtM.$1; medium unit licnvv,
Ji.Tr.'.lfi.P2ai pigs, Jl.SWi.Sr,. luilk. fh TOtfo !',
Sin:i:i' AND LAMHH -lteerlpts, i.iv)
head; steady on cheep.
Mock In Mulit
The following table shows tit" receipts of
cattle, hoes and sheep nl the live prln0lp.1l
stock markets for November II:
Cattle. Hops. Hhe.-p.
South Omnha O..too 0.0: sum
Chicago 22.O00 30,000 3V)
Itansns City P.Rnn !i.npj t.ooi)
St. Louis R.fl 4.ei 1.2i
St. Joseph 2,M ti.ioo t..'Ol
.49.1H) 61.162 fiS.KD
Coffee Mnrki'l,
NEW YORK, Nov ll.-COFFEE-Spot.
Rio, wenk; No 7 Invoice, 7'4c nsked. Mil l,
firm; Cordova, T'ytflie. Futures opened
firm, with November 2" points and other
months 5 to 15 points higher, on brl'k de
mand, Inspired by further rumors of crop
damage, a lighter ruling of primary re
ceipts and bullish foreign mnrkets. Fol
lowing the recess ptlccs fell off. Just be
fore the close values dropped sharply under
bear pressure, profit-taking and liquidation.
Tho market closed weak; sales, 133,170 ban",
Including November, 7.15c; December, 6. S3
ft7.20c; January, HAW. 25c; February, 7 23
W7.35c: March, 7.15Jf7.45c; April. 7.23c: Mnv,
7.351.(7.70e; June, 7 3')jf7.40c; July, 7.4.viT7.80c;
August, 7.S5ii7 90c ;
September, 7 6Ji7 9jc
Wont Mnrhrf,
ST. LOUIS. Nov. U.-WOOI Strong nnd
nctlve; medium grades, 12Vd"17c; light tine.
I24f?17c; heavy line, lOidllsc; tub washed,
TEXAS till. HWS.
SScltlnir 11 f llll tins Gotten tlnttii lo n
Mcr Mntler nf Ut erj -Dn y Iluslne.
A special to thn Houston Post from Ileau
mont of recent date, says;
"Hardly a day passes but that some bin
fuel-using concern In Tomib or
announces a determination to stihslltutn
llcHtimont oil for coal, and hacks It up by
contracting with one of the Hcaumont com
panies for Its supply of oil." The oil busi
ness Is growing. Home big ronlraets aro
being hooked, nnd the aggregate contracts
run into the hundreds of millions of barrels.
Rome days ago It wns announced that the
officials of one of the big companies
contracted for tho salo of 12,000,000, nnd
this s one of the many. The Shrevepnrt
Hrlek company has recently contracted for
a big supply to operate Its brick kilns.
The Palestine company sold 739 cars dur
ing October, nil for Immediate delivery.
Tho coastwise and export trade In fuel
oil Is also very promising. Tho Lone Star
and Crescent company has Just completed
filling tho largest oil tank In the world,
with a capacity of 33.000 barrels at Its load
ing station at Sabine Pass, which Is con
nected with the well with r pipeline.
Does It not seem like a prophecy of what
Is to be expected of tho Omaha Texas Oil
company lo learn what others are doing.
First, they gdl tho land; then tho gusher
hy drilling for It; now they need pipelines
nnd tanks nnd other equipments to take the
oil from their well to the orenn, It is
tho snme story with all honestly managed
companies. The oil must be offered to tho
consumer, nnd it must be delivered to htm
by the aid of tanks and equipment.
This Is why wo aro selling stock. We
have tho well, which Is now down about too
feet. It will bo a gusher In a few dai
(unless there nre unforeseen delays). Then
wo will he ready to sell tho oil, nnd wo
must have tho means to handle nnd deliver
It. While tho well Is drilling wo are selling
this stock at 25 cents a share, par ($1.00). It
Is fully paid and non-nsscssnhlc, and Is
worth par this very day.
We do not urge you to buy, but we do
say tlint It will pay you to look Into this
matter. This will cost you nothing more
than tho time to read 11 very consorvntltelv
written statement of the Texas oil question
Whcu you have rend this you will be In
some position to decide.
Send for prospectus to
Sapp Illock. Council Hlulfs, Iowa
All Diseases anil
Disorders of Men
10 years In Omaht
Method new, without
CllttlUB. 3SJ. jt lo
of time.
eVDUII ifBCUrcdforiiieanainspoispn
SI rnlLIS thorourhly cleansed from
the ijstrm. Soon every sign and symptom
disappears completely anil fortTer. Ho
'RttlfAKINn OUT" of the rtlsesse on thB skin
or fire Ireatment contains no dangerous
antra or Injurious medicine.
wa-AK MEN P.xceaies or Victims
ro 1 NicttvoiiK I)iiiurr or Kxhicstion,
yorio and Miiini.1 Aosn, lack of rim, Tlgnr
and strength, wltn organs Impaired and weak.
STRICTURE cured with a new Rome
Treatment. No pain, no detention from busl
urn, Kidney and HlRdrtf Trouhlas,
CoiiilMtTsfl htt. Treitmrnt by Mill.
Call on on or aridrets Q So. 14th 8ti
Dp. Seartes & Searles. Omaha, Web.
n SfUD Tim union
Spicto I'AUNL
leave Onmha every Wednesday nnd Fri
day nt I 2i p m In Pullman Ordinary
(Tourist) Sleeping dim The cars hm
lighted with tho famous Pljitech Light, srn
well ventilated, hnvo separate lavatories
for ladles and gintletnen and all cars aro
carpeted and upholstered.
The conductors Bre all men of expert
enca In excursion travel and fee flint tin
comfort of nil patrons Is rarefully at
tended to.
For full Infnrmnflnn chII at City Tlekof
Office, 1321 Farnam St., telephone 310.
Grain, Stocks and Provisions
Room 4 N. Y. Life.
Telephone C91.
Boyd Commission Co
Successor! to jamn K Boyd Ic Co.,
tti.hid of Trud llH4tan.
:)!ret vi to Chlcnco cd Ns Yorl