Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Teli. on tu.
wk ri,iM; sri
M il MSvW'Zr
tin"! of these blanket1 jrtrf t hroiiji
jiruresscs boron- it is mane into yarn, and onon process m par
tially a cleansing process. If you could see t ho amount of dirt
tliat'tlifH' many processes extract from tlie raw wool, you would
not uant any blankets llml were made in factories where an in
eoniplde system of cleaning is employed. We have the exclusive
sale for these line blankets and olfer them 1o you at very low
i.r). st.oo, sT.r.o. ss.on, 511.00. .? .?ia.oo.
Thompson, Beldem &Co.
t. w. o. a. nuii.mi(a, con. in an nncni-Aa st.
Abducted Uinionirj Endure? B&rddiipi
with Fortitudt.
Recent .Mpuntme l'2prpsc .'iilleltiulp
for MniPi TkIIIui, Hut Ciinlnliii
i Cni l h I it t of llt-Trenl-niont
(roni BrlljniiiN.
SOFIA, Bulgaria, Nov. 11. Prom another
letter thnt hn.H been received from MEts
Kllen M. Stone, the nbdiioted American mls
tlonary. It appears Hint alio Is enduring the
irlals of her hanl experience with forti
tude, forgetting herself In her anxiety for
hr companion, Mmo. Tsllkn. Miss Stono
does not complain of (ho treatment to which
fhe and her friend are subjected, but sho
llnd the confinement Irksome and tbo
wcathor extremely trying, The tone of tha
latest letter received from her Is hopeful.
The brigands, by dating tho lottcra at
places In Macedonia and delaying their de
livery, sock to ercato tho nppcaranco of
being far distant.
The Tiulgarlan government continues to
lnterfcro In tho negotiations, with tho
object of forcing a transference of them
acrois tho frontier.
Adnilulitrntl vp l.'nunt'll Will Consider
Its .liiilntllotlnn t Ppiirp
Are llpolitri'il.
Tlin HAGUK. Now 11. The admlnlstra
tlvo council of tho arbitration tribunal will
meet November 10 to decide on the- appeal !
of the Ilocrs ngalnst the ruling that tho
war In South Africa Is not subject to tho
court's consideration.
LONDON. Nov. 11. The story circulated
In tho United States by a news agency to
day, under an AnistcriUm' date, purporting
to clva the npieo terms whlpli Hip TWr
io gne mo pcaco erms WHICH the Ilocis
are willing to acpept and Mlcglng that they
aro to bo embodied lu a 'formal document
for circulation among tho powers, wns
cemlngly started In nu English provincial
paper and Is denied by the liner delegates
at Tho Hague.
i:vi:it viiodv di;i,h;iii i:n.
Pirliro's Iteriilpltle IIpnI I'o.i s
Ilnnili'ttn' lierni Pcrminie utly
nnd Cures JIiiIiIiipnii.
Quinine nnd rum and a wholo lot of other
things aro plcaSant to rub tin the scalp
after washliig It -free of. dandruff, but not
one preparation of tho general run will
t.uro I ho dandruff. A germ causes dandruff
and falling hair. It Is necessary to kill
thnt germ to bo permanently cured of
dandruff and to stop falling hair. Now
bro'B Ilerplclda will positively destroy that
gorm, so that thorn can bu no more dan
druff and so that tho hair will grow lux
uriantly. "Ilestroy tho cause and you re
move tho effect."
Olrrctom of
the M'rlseo.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 11. At the annual
meeting of the stockholders of tho St. Louis
& San Pranclsco railroad horo today the
following board of directors was elected:
.lames A. Blair, Now Yoik; James Camp
bell, St. Loula: Benjamin P. Cheney, Boa
ton; Mark T. Cox. New York; Kdwnrd C.
Henderson, Now York; Richard C. Kerens,
St. Louis! deorgo A. Mndlll, St. Louis;
Richard Olncy. Boston; H. C, Clay I'lorcc,
S(. L011U; Predcrlclc Strauss, Now York;
Nathaniel Thayer, Boston, and Benjamin
P. Yokiim. St. Iiuls.
Every Exertion
a Task
There is failure of tho strength
to do and the power to endure; a
feeling of weakness all over tho
Tho vital functions aro impaired,
food docs not nourish, and tho
whole system is run down.
A medicine that strengthens tho
fitomnch, perfects digestion, invig
orates and tones is needed.
What Hood's Sarsnparlll.i did for Mrs. L. B.
Garland, Shady. Tenn., it has done for others.
She took It when nbo was all run down with
out nppetlte, losing flesh, nnd unnblo to do
her work. It restored ber nppetlte, Increased
hsr weight, snd made her well nnd strong.
This Is her own unsolicited statement.
Hood's Sarsaparilia
Promises to fturo and keeps tho
promise. The. curlier treatment is
begun the better begin it toduy.
Imperial Hair Regenera
The Standard Hair Coloring:
for Ory or lllfnohrtl Hair, U cImp.
duralila ana perfwllj lianuteM Halt
Coloring. Ant natural liailfl. Leajtnj
hair tif-wttral. i ltan aurt uloisy. ONE
franiple oj lulr colored frn. 1'rlvacj
ai.urrj. fixnd (or I'ttUipUIfL
Imperial Chemical Co., 133 W. .'3d St., N. Y.
and nil nllocttons of tbotklu end
rwtoreto tpe complexion a iicmuo.nnwu
Ilow, at your nomc. iwos uu inn
nrm .n ,.. , ail ur miiu tiumi n.
WW "I K' OHO 'l vmcayo.
Bee. Nov 11, 1001
A Clean
Tlio blankets made by the
St. .Mary's "Woolen Mfg. .'o..
arc clean blankets. The wool
I lllll 1 UHUll III lilt- iiHiiiumi-
li about twenty-five flilTerent
Veteran nf MettliiiM ill llnselmll I.imiWm
l"p (lip Dps MoIiip Mini'"
Home lliitlttu.
(From it Staff Correspondent.)
DF.S MOINF.S, Nov. ll.-tHpechiU-Cnp-lain
Adrian (. Anson of Chicago In uu
lliorlly for 1 1 HtnleniPiit tint tbo Chicago
Iratirlilso In tho new Western league Hint
Is being organized by President T. J,
illckey has not lieen tendered to "Jimmy"
Kyun mid will not be; that be baa been
orfoied one-third interest in tho franchise
tree and the management of tbo team; Unit
the olTcr wan made Inst week by President
Mlekey and W. 1'. Chase, formerly presi
dent of the Den .Mollies olub and now head
of tbo Mportlng goods department of the
Simmons lliitdwure oompany of SI. I.ouls:
thnt .Mr. Chase Is to bo the president of
the Chleogo elub, furnish nil the money
and asks that bo bo given the exclusive
right to manufacture tho ball that Is to be
used by the league.
Anson visited Dos .Moines Snturday even
ing1 with a team of bowlers mid Inquired
Into the lluanelMl standing of Chase. Ho
was apparently satisfied with this, fur bu
oNpiesscd himself as enthusiastic Over tho
prospect of again managing a team In Chi
cago and said he was coiilldonl thero would
bo a "barrel of money" In II. I'.o predicts
that It will servo to force tho National
le igtte out of Chicago or to come to him
with an olive branch In the course of two
or three years. Ilo says, however, that he
will not recede from Ids counter proposal
to Chase and lllckcy to the effect that bo
must have at least 01 per cent of tho slock
In tbo franchise as a gift before he under
takes iho management.
"I think I would be worth It ns n draw
ing card," said .Mr. Alison. "Not Hint I'm
any particular good, but I've been In the
bublness so long anil am so well known
that tho oeooln will eome to soo mv teitin.
They want to show their disapproval of the
treatment I rend veil at the hands of tho
National league a row years buck. -
"Talk of locating the franchise oli the
Jsorth S ue s a I bosh. If r take the man
nuement of the team I'll lease the old
i grounds on the West Side. Iloth the North
and South Sides will oonie over there, and
1 I can draw from all the territory west of
inn river.
I Anson snvs the success of the American
i leaguo team In Chlcngo with practically the
I same circuit as that now proposed for tho
new western league convinces nun unit
the third team. If a winner and properly
mnmiced. would score un euunl success nnd
further draw from the National leasiie.
He believes the Rrealor the competition
tho better tho attendance, as It stimulates
Tho circuit of the new leacue. os outlined
to Anson by Illckey nnd Chase. Includes
Chicago. St. Paul, Minneapolis, Kunsas
(,lty. Milwaukee, Louisville, Indianapolis
ll(J H(,r (.lllln1)U or st holll!)i Toledo
lit not series ly considered because It Is a
I'0"1' ball town. It Is thought St. Louis
woiuu support a tniru team almost as wen
as t nicngo.
Tho threatened Injunction suits of own
ern of Western leuguo (rauclilscs at being
dropped from the league will bo prevented.
according 111 tne plan outlined to Alison,
by calling the new league "Tho Amerlcnn
association," Omaha, St. Joseph. Dps
Moines, Denver nnd Ctdoviido Sprlims .will
still retain membership lu the Western
league proper, nnd Ihe nlares of St. Paul.
Minneapolis and Kansas City wlll bo taken
W Plieb o. K mux City nnd Lincoln.
Anson says Chase offers to Invest tlU.000
ouirigni in tne I'luengo tranciiise and of'
icrs 1110 Hinimons Hardware company ns
.backing. He told Anson ho didn't care to
mivo anything much to do with the team,
but was chlctlv coneerneil nbout the tiro.
posed monopoly on the 'rn'iuu factum of the
league ball. There would bo 11 bg revenue
ironi tins source, (.'iinse pxaelrd such nil
agreement when tbo Western league was
being organized, but It was not recognized
by tho clubs after the season opened and
tho Spalding ball wns used, Clmso thrent-
oui'd injunction and damage suits, but ills
covered n flaw lu his agreement and
dropped t lie matter.
I n nimiiuli Cover .More Sptipp Afoot
In Twpiit.v-I''our Hours Tit un
Any Wnlker 011 llnrlb.
PITTSBURG. No-. 11. -In the tvdcfttrlnn
contest at 11:35 o'clock Cavnnnugh broke
the twenty-four hours' world's record, cov
ering 120 miles mid olght laps In .twenty
Ihrco hours and live minutes, Tho best
previous record, mndo bv tJeorce dirt.
wrlght at Philadelphia on a peveiiteen-lnp
mien, was j.u miles and seven inps. Mliurtly
beforo midnight Golden re-entered the nice.
The score at midnight' Cnvnnnugb, 121
miles; Dean, 110: Pnhey. 105; Trncey, 10:1;
jiarnes, tut; nncitnii. jui ; enrtwngut. jw;
cox, nw; llegeimnii, si; Noromae. 78; Loes-
Un. "7; Geary, 3; Diy, fit: Miller, Ul;
neacnmoui, in; ruiney, mi; jiurice, iu; Gol
den, 21.
Unto I'll j t Tnlie 'I'll rep MrnlKlit.
In a league game on Clark's alloys last
night the" Gale citys took throe straight
irom 1110 w esierns. score:
at i v. m.
1st. 2d. ::d.
Huntington 13S 201 171
Hartley 171 If 212
Conrntl 171 1X0 175
"V ileum 170 173 1111
Seaman 202 IM lt
Totals S1 SK! 870
1st. 2d. .Id.
Swenson 170 171 170
Heed 177 111 11 5
Helleck 15:: 150 1(il
I.twler 1SI 163 US
lloynolds 1,12 113 16ii
Toluls S3H 742 Sll
I!) I
IMuhKIii 1'Vvpc llri'iikx Out nt Spenrlifch
LEAD, 8, I)., Nov. 11.-(Speclil.)-Tho
first foot bull game lor Iho season was
played Satuitlny between tho High school
eleven of this city and the team at the
Spearllsh Slnlo Normal, at tho latter place.
The score wns ii to o in rnvor or tne 7or
mnl team. Tho Load team was tho Keillor
of the two. It Is now planned to organize
a team among the Golden Star elub of this
city to play a game with tne Olympic leant
of ueatiwood on 'I lintiKsglving tiny.
Ohio Golfer Wins Clip.
CINCINNATI. Nov. 11. At the Clncti-
mili Golf elub grouipls today Halph Peters,
lr. of Cincinnati defeated Itobcrl New-
liul! of Los Angeles for the open liniidlenp
by a score or n io u.. rue game toiiiiy
was mndn necessary as a result of n tlo
played Snturday, when both men score J 79.
Hlckcy Culls Chief Together,
ST JOSEPH. Mo.. Nov. 11. President
rhnmaM J. Illckey of the Western leaguo
said tonight, that ho would call a meet
ing or the mnRjnnies witiun tne next ten
days to decide nil the Important matters
that bear on the plnns of tho league for
tho coming season. The meeting will prob
obly bo held In this city.
Hiuiilolpli I'nIU to .Vtiilvern.
MAl.Vl'.BN. Ta Nov. H.-(8peclal.)-Mnl-vern's
snappy High school team has nddod
another victory to Its season's list by de
feating the heavier llrst teum -of Hnndolph,
2S to 10.
Foot Hull Scores,.
At Lexington. Ky, Kentucky university,
29: University of liidluuapolls, 0.
At jGrccjicnstlc, And, Dcpauvv, 31; Wa
bash, -
Pronuad CoDititntlon Said to Hive Carriid
By Largt Majirlty.
t'.diirnlloiinl or Properly tltin II Men
tion iirp Included, Whloli
l.nrffo Plsf rnnehlrx
Colored Poiiiiliitlnti.
1IIHMINOHA.M, Ala.. Nov. ll.--lteturn.t
from forty counties In Alnbnmn Imtlrnln
Hint the new roiislltuUnu will be ratified
by iO.000 majority,
Jefferson county and the city of Birming
ham gave n vf ry honvy vote for ratification,
The majority In tho city Is n.iisn, but It Is
estimated thnt rurl ptecluats opposed lo
the movement will bring this majority down
to 2,500 In the county
Leaders of the opposition to the new con
stitution claim thnt frauds were committed
In Birmingham nnd through the slut?. Hen
crol Charles At. flhellry, who Is ehnlrmsn
of tlm campaign committee opposed to
rutlHcatlon, gave, out tho following state
ment tonight-
We hnvo carried tho whlto counties by
a large majority ugatnat ratification of th
new (onstltutlon, notwithstanding fraudu
lent incthndu In this nnd other cities nnd
In towns In north Alabama. We do not
think It Is possible for advocates of ratltlcn
Hon to commit frauds In tho black belt, or
negro counties, sulllclent to change tho rc
If tho new constitution Is adopted 95 per
cent of tho negro voto will bo eliminated
from politics' In Alabama.
O. W. Underwood, chairman of tho demo
crntle campaign committee, said tonight
'I claim tho slato for the new constitution
by S.I.OOO majority."
Pnriop of Constitution.
MONTOOMiatY, Ala.. Nov. 11. The new
constitution for the state of Alabama was
framed primarily to Improvo tho character
or the sunrage. It provides educational
or property tests for thoao who were not
soldiers or descendants of soldiers nnd con
tains n good chnracter clause. Tho new In
strument provides for n lieutenant gov
crnor, governor nnd state ofllclnla with four
year terms; provides for iiuadrelinlnl lu
st pad of biennial sessions of the legislature,
reduces the limit of taxation to 6." per cent;
Insures a fixed appropriation for the public
schools and prohibits Judges and members
of the legislature from ncqulrlng tree rail
road passes and prohibits lobbying.
It also provides a penalty for persons who
soli or buy votes.
To Cure Cold 111 Hue Dny.
take Laxative Dromo Qulnlno Tablets. All
drugglstn refund tho money If It falls to
cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each
box. 25c.
Mr. .In ill ex KopiiIk TtpfrlPnu
Trninp mill Hr HI lies tier
WpiIiIIiik Present.
Several trunks belonging to Mrs. JaniC3
Kocnlg, 2015 Harney street, stored In
burn, were robbed several days ago of fine
linen nnd wearing apparel. The articles
were wedding presents and had been In the
possession of Mrs. Koenlg forty years,
la thought the robbery was committed
n tramp whom tho women hsd befriended
The tramp requested something to eat nnd
said he would bo glad to pay for It In work
Mrs. Koenlg gave him n meal and (hen
sent him to the barn to beat some rugs,
While In the barn the tramp broke tho
lock on tho rear door, leaving It unfastened
He then came out the front door, locke
It and gave the key to the owner. The next
day tho rear door was found open and the
trunks rifled. Tho matter was reported to
tho police nnd Detective Drummy recovered
tome of tho articles In a pawnshop. Mrs
Koenlg has offered n rewnrd for the roturn
of the balanro of the llnon and Intornici
the police last night that tho would not
prosecuto the thief If he would return tho
stolen properly.
I'ollep Waal to Knntr WlietliPi-
A 11
tonln Kmllle lv II It'll Ifrr
.ptt -Horn llnlie.
Miss Antnnla Kadllc Is detained at the
police station awaiting nn Investigation as
to the cause of the death of her Infant
daughter. The young woman Is employed at
the Prague hotel. About S o'clock yester
day morning Mrs, Prank Blasak, wlfo
tho keeper of tho hotol, discovered tho
nowly-born Infant In a grip In Miss Kadllc'
room. Tho llttlo 0110 was dead and around
Its neck was tied a handkerchief. The pollen
wore notified nnd tho woman was taken to
tho police station. Tho body of the Infant
wns Bent to the morgue. Miss Kndllc, who
Is 21 years of ngc. caino to America seven
months ago and has been In Omaha three
months, She Is unable to speak the. English
language, but through an Interpreter sho
denied killing tho child, though she admit
ted being ltB,mothcr.
Sitolie tiets Ills I'npprs.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. Tho president
today mndo tho following appointments:
War Thomas Swohe, quartermaster, rank
of captain, Ilobert W. Thompson, second
Stubborn As a Cough
A bad cough Is more stubborn than a
mule, nnd If tho rlRht method Ib not used
It Is more difficult to conquer.
ronquors tho most stubborn Cough or Cold;
It po3ltlvely euros Bronchitis, Hoarseness,
Grip, Asthma. Influenza nnd Consumption.
Wm. II. Bredcr of Chrysllu St.. New York
City, writes; "I hud a cough ever since
childhood. It was so bad tlta.t blood would
spurt from my nose, which would leave mo
weak, so tjiut J wan often compelled to
1,.;iva mv 'work. Started to take Or. IIiiII'h
1 Cough. Ovrup nnd beforo .the third bottlo
was finished my cough was entirely gone."
Smnll Doss Pleasant to Take!
The formula for Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
wns discovered by Dr. J. W. Bull, Haiti
more's moat successful throat specialist,
and was prescribed by him for many years.
It has purrd thousands of cases of Grip,
Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis and
Consumption, It never falls, Lorge hot
ties 25c at. nil drugglats. Refuse substitutes
thoy are Injurious, Thero Is nono "Juat ns
good ns" Dr. Bull's; It has stood tho teat
for 60 years nnd Is today prescribed by
all leading doctors nnd used exclusively by
prominent hospitals.
PBEE-A Beautiful Cnlendar and Medical
Booklet fre to anyoiio who will vvrllo A. C.
Meyer 'o,, Balllmqre, Md., .ni)d. mwiljon
tins paper.
llcutcnnnt, Infmitri, William W. Brssoll,
captain In Port., hi,-o ptovlslonnl regiment,
Infantry. Stat Charles V. Herdllska, Dls-
Irli-t of Columbia, consul at Kingston, Ja
Mrs. Mitrlii .Inrkmin,
DEATnirK, Npi) Nov. 11. (Special Tcl-
grain.) Hon. H V. 1,. Jsckson, s former
mayor vof ' this city, received news this
morning that his mother, Mrs. Maria Jack
son, died yesterday morning early M the
homo of her daughter, Mrs, May Lawrence,
at Osceola, Ta. The body will be brought
here for Interment and the tuners! will be
held tomorrow afternoon at 2 ?0. Mrs.
Jsckson was 75 ysrs of ago nnd had been
feeble for somn time past, caused by old
age. wnen president JieKiniey was assas
sinated It nearly broks her heart, ns she
was a patriotic woman nnd n great ad
mirer of tho late president. She enjoyed n
vast acquaintance throughout Iowa and
Colotirl r'rptiph, VplPrntt,
ATLANTA, On.. Nov. 11. Colonel John
W. Prench, commanding oftleer at Port Jtc-
f'herr.on bat racks, died there tonight from
Drignt s disease, colonel French was n
veteran of the civil war, tho Spanish-
American nnd the wnr In tho Philippines,
having served with the Twenty-second and
Twenty-third regiments of the 1,'nlted States
regular Infantry. Slneo March of Inst year
ho had been detailed as commanding o ni
cer uf Port Mcpherson nnd had organized
several companies of tho Twenty-seventh
If tilted States Infantry now- garrisoning tho
poJt. He was 38 years of age.
Clin rips
,1. Korslinvt, .lr.
Wis.. Nov. 11.-Charles J,
Kershaw, Jr., n, resident of Duliith,
died at a sanitarium In this city
He nt
from nervous prostration, nged so
Mr. Kershaw was a well known
dealer and commlftdon merchant,
one time lived in Tnconia, Wash.
Let I lllrd. (leltteln
OELWEIN1, lit., Nov. 11. (Sncclnl.)-Levl
Bird, long a resident of Oelweln and nbout
SO yearn of age, was found dead in bed this
morning by his wife, At 12 o'clock ho
awoke nnd asked 'the. time; nn hour Inter
his wife tried to arouse him, but found him
lifeless. Hp had been In the best of health.
I0I111 I. Pali.
A letter from Perry, Okl.. conveys the
Information that John Lchb, son of John
ond Kathcrlno Lcsh. aged 23 years nnd
II dnys, died at that place on November
1 nftcr an eight days Illness. He was n
brother ot Prank Lcsh, a Bee employe, who
died here tio months ngo.
Jlr, lirn PIiiiip.v.
Vl INPt,
ULYSSES, Neb.. Nov. 11. (Special.) Orn
Hastings Plnncy. wlfo ot Andrus Plnnry.
live miles east of Here, died at 10 o'clock
Saturday night, nfter a three days' Illness.
Tho funernl Is held today In the Methodist
church at Ulysses.
linirrnl .In 111 en C. Pllfinnii.
DETBOIT, Nov. 11. General James
PIttman, n Mexican wnr veteran and promi
nent business man of this city, died sud
denly of heart failure todny nt his rooni'i
in tho Busselt house. He was ... years old.
Ili-ttp' llbnip Tltroiiteiieit.
WASHINHTOV. Nov. 11. Piro that swept
the woods for"'""' considerable area near
Cleveland park.vjust beyond the city limits,
this afternoon for a, time threatened to de
stroy the summer home of Admiral Dewey
and tho former homo ot former President
Cleveland, but wns finally extinguished
without damage except to the woods. The
conllagratlon attracted a large number of
l.oKiiUMiorl hureli nml l'"iiPlor.
1.00ANSPOIIT, Ind., Nov. 11. The plant
of tho Logaiibport Milling company and the
Plrst Presbyterian church were entirely
destroyed by lire today. The total loss was
JOO.OOO, ot which $10,000 la on the milling
nlant. Tho wind was blowing n galo nnd,
a water main breaking, the fire threatened
the destruction of tho entire city, but It
was averted by a heavy downpour of rain.
Viu'oInIi IIiiiikp Unmoved.
BOSTON. Nov. 12. PIip in a group of
soven-story buildings at Broad nnd Frank
lin streets, In the wholesale district this
morning, did fully $100,000 damage to ono
building, chlelly occupied by the Murphy
Varnish company.
Aeiir nml Un for Krniiil.
KANSAS CITY, Nov. 11. -Charles Miller
nnd Mrs. N. C Collins, alias Grace Arnold,
alius Grnco Allison, formerly of I levoland,
St. Louis and San Priinrlseo. who
were convicted of using the malls lo de
fraud In conducting a matrimonial buMiu,
were today sentenced (o a year nnd a day
lu prison.
Bcv. A. J. Edmondsoit of Battle Creek,
who was arrested Saturday, charged with
aSsault upon his r.'-yenr-old stepdaughter,
was taken to Battle Creel; yesterday morn
ing by Constable Plood of that city.
Jane Johnson, administratrix of tbo estate
of Prank C. Johnson, deceased, liaH brmiaht
suit against tho 'Mutual Benefit Life in
surance company for $20.C00 alleged to be
duo upon two policies of Insurance held by
'Prank C. Johnson.
l'ho enso of Frank A. Scars against tho
Missouri Pacific Hallroad company lias
been transferred from the statp to tho fed
eral court. In this ease the plaintiff nsk
.2.1.0(10 dumnges for the losa of a leg Ills
leg wan mangled by a train on tho Belt lino
ut Thirty-third ami Pratt streets.
Ed ward A. Klmhnii or i;n ongo, ouo oi
tho board of lecturers on Christian sclonce.
will address the public of Omaha at tbo
Bovd theater tonight. Admission lice. 'Iho
sendees uio under the auspices of Mio
First Cliuroli ot cnrisi. m-ipuiisi. .nr.
Kimball aim Ills who win rvucu unuiiia
from Denver this morning.
E, J. YntcH of Evanstou, 111., reports to
the police tho loss of a pocket book i nii
...ii,i,r tun i, i,iii. two checks for $!')
each, signed by the Ilock Island Shoo com
pany, anu railroad uniini"'i ihuuh huh,
Oinnha to Chicago. He says the purse was
lost on rnrntim sitpci xtinu- n-i " numrai
Fourteenth and JMiieeiun biil-'-ib.
Otllcers Ferris. Sargent and Hergcant
Dempsoy noticed smoko issuing front Uio
roof of tbo Coliseum nbout 11 o clock Inst
nlchl. Tho inmates wero quickly awak
ened and hustled out Into the street and
an alarm turned In. The flimcs wero fx-
tlngulslicd befmo nny ohm hki . ouup.
The llro originated from tho burning out
of tbo Hue.
A young man giving the name or woorgp
Smith is under arrest at tbo police stntl'm
ehnrged with disorderly conduct, it is
alleged thnt ho was blocking the sldevvalk
ln front of tho orpheuni thAiter as tho
crowd were coining out nuininj i win ni
that when Ofllcor Sauers ordered him to
mnvo on oilletl him an "Irish lobster.
Oftlcer Sauers Is of German oxtruotlon.
Tho Cotorlo club dined last night at tho
Mlllnrd. After the dinner whs finished
Hev. K. F Tref'i of Kountzo Memorial
rhurch rend a paper on, "Where tho Ties
Meet." Ills paper reviewed briefly tho
strugglo which has always gone on bo
twecn good and evil and pointed out the
triumph of tho good. Among those present
at the dinner wero. Bey. r. J . Mackny.
tixv ii,ii.rr tiprr nn. Bev. C. S, Sargent.
Blslinn A.' I.. Williams. Bev. Edwin Hart
Jenks and Bev. T. V. Moore.
A. W. Clark, representing the State
Board of Charities, Ik attending the prison
congress in Kansas i uy.
I r oinnm. oiilpf rlork to Governor Sav
age, came up 'from Kansas City last night,
hiivlric- utti.n.1-,1 iliii oiiouliiir sess nil of tlin
Prison Brform association there Ho met
Captain Lenilv. Judge ndi-ncato" general of
tho Navy depai Intent, and otnor dlstln
gulshcd eentlcmcn nt tho congrcsa.
Ortit Aiusrica Staplt Filli Ctlerr Itt
Usual OittpnU
Aoliriiskn lltir ."nt Produce tlultp tti
At prime Anuiiiiit of lint, TIiohkIi
llplleleiic) It Slndp I n In.
Oilier Stnlps.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 11. The following
ctop bulletin has been Issued by the De
partment of Agriculture; The prelim
inary' estimates ot the average yield per
acre of corn as published In tbo monthly
report of tho stntlstlclnn of tho Dppnrt
ment of Agriculture Is 10.4. compared with
an nvcrnge yield of 25.? bushels per
lu tooo and IMH nnd a ten-yenr nverngo of
21.4 buvhela,
The present Indicated yield per acre Is the
lowest genernl nverng" ever recorded for
this crop, being 2.2 bushels per acre below
thu yield in 158 1. which hss stood for
twenty years ns tho lowest on retord. Tho
Indicated yield In bushels per acre In tho
soven prlnclpnl stntcs Is ns follows: Ohio,
20.1: Indiana, 1S.S: Illinois, 21.4; town, 23;
Missouri. 10.1, Kansas, 7.R, and Nebrnskn,
Of the twenty-three states havlug 1,000.
000 acres or upward III corn all but Penn
sylvania, Virginia and Michigan tepnrt nn
nvorngo ylold per ncto below their re
spective ten-year averages.
Tho general avcrago us to nunllty Is 73. f
per cent, ns compared with 85.1 per cent
in-November last nnd 87,2 per rent In No
vember, lRW. It Is estimated that 1.3 per
cent of tho corn crop of was still In
Ihe bands of farmers on November 1, 1P01,
ns compared with l.l per cent of the crop
of 1890 In rarmors' hands on November 1,
moo. and 0.9 per cent of that of ISPS In
hand November 1, 1S99. '
(.'inn! VIpIiI of IliieUtt bent.
The preliminary estimate nf the average
yield per acto of buckwheat Is 1S.9 bushels,
against an nverage yield per acre of fifteen
bushels in 100U, lfi.C bushels In lS'.i'.l and a
ten-yenr overage of 1 ("..! bushels. Of the
six states having 10,000 acres or upward
under this product, Including New York
and Pennsylvania, which together contain
over three-fourths of Hie entlro buckwheat
acreage of ihe rountry, four report n ylcl.l
per acre In excess of their respective- ten
yenr averages. Tho general average as to
quality lr. !i3.M per cent, ngalnst 90.2 per
cent In November last nnd S8.1 per cent
In November, 1S99.
Prcllmlnaiy estimates of Ihe yield per
ncrc of potatoes Is ,V.i.9 bushels, ngalnst
an nvcrnge yield per acre of SO. 8 bushels
In JS00, 8S.0 bushels In 1899 und a ten-year
average of 78.7 bushels. Tim present In
dicated yield per aero Is the lowest since
1890. Of the slntes having fiO.000 acres or
upward In potatoes, nil except Michigan
and Maine report u yield per acr". com
paring unfavorably with their tcu-ycar
averages, Indlanu, Illinois. Iowa, Knnsa
and Nebraska report less than ouo-half and
Missouri less than one-fourth of an nver
ngo crop. The nvrrage ns to quality la
78.1 per cent, ns compared with SS.l In
November last and 91.1 In November. ISO'J.
,ii Senroity of liny.
The preliminary cntlmnle of the average
yield per acre of bay Is 1.22 toii3, against
nn average yield of 1.2S tons In 1900. Lai
tons In 1899, and n ten-yenr nverngp of 1.2S
tons, while more than three-fourths of
tho forty-seveu Mates and territories for
which comparative data are available re
port a yield per acre in excess of their
respective year average. Such Important
stntcs as Illinois, Iowa, Missouri. Kansas,
Nebraska, South Dakota, Texas and Arkan
sas are nil Included In tho region repre
senting less favorable. The average as to
quality Is 91.:'. per rent, against 89.7 per
cent lu November InSt and 93.S per cent In
November, 1S99.
Of tho fifteen principal tobacco slates,
nine, including Kentucky, Virginia, North
Carolina and Tennessee, report an average
yield per acre of tobacco lu excess of their
ten-year average, while six, Including Ohio,
Wisconsin nnd Missouri, nil below such
' The apple crop Is considerably below tho
ten-year average, the pear and grape crops
nre slightly below, nnd the sweet potato
crop Is slightly above.
Plies Cured 'Without the Knife.
Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding
piles. No cure, no pay. All druggists nro
authorized by the manufacturers of Pnzo
Ointment to refund tummy whero 11 falls
to cure any case of piles, no matter nf how
long standing. Cures ordinary enses In six
days; tho worst in fourteen days. Ouo
application gives c.ikc ."i.d rest. Uolloves
Itching Itihtantly. This Is a now discovery
and Is thij'only pile remedy sold on a posi
tive guaniutcc, no euro no pay. I'rlco 00c.
If your druggist don't keep It in atoc.k scud
us 00c In stamps and wo will forward satr.o
by mall. Manufactured by Paris Medlclno
Co., St. Louis, Mo., who also manufacture
the celebrated cold cure. Laxative Bromo
Quinine Tablets,
1 1 i-i ii I'll-ii-.j ii ii tin.
PLATTSMOUTIi, Neb.. Nov. 11. (Special.)
Fred Ilolnrloh and Miss Paiiulc Janda
wero married this afternoon at the homo of
tho brldo In this city. .1. E . Douglas,
county Judge, ofllclutcd. Mr. und Mrs.
Ilclni'lch departed on the afternoon train
for South Omaha. Mr. Helnrlch formerly
worked In the Burlington shops bore, but
Is uow with tho Swift Packing company.
R0UTE 0F n-anoican line
Cniiiiiilllee l onliler no liilpninlloniil
Wit j tlniPtltp l!eurliin
Arrniiueil for tluel.
( MEXICO CITY, Nov. it - The several
' comma tecs of the congress
' nro getting down to work. The committer
whoso work is perhaps most advanced Is
that on the Pan-American railway, of which
Sinntor Davis is chalimnu. its work,
' however, hns largely been piellinliiary. Mr,
I Davis has received Information about Iho
'route of tho projected ralliuad through tho
' several countries from tbelr respective dele
gates now In the city and In cases where
the delegates aro unable lo supply tne in
formation desired they have, at the t nninr's
tcqiiest, sent to tbelr government for It
The committee nn commerce and reci
procity has held a few Informal meetings
but nothing ot Importance hns developed,
J. C Williams, secretary of iho United
States legation, Is secretary of this com
mittee. The members have shown a
tendency to discuss minor questions first,
such ns Ihe uniformity of port duties, cus
toms regulations etc.. leaving the question
of commercial reciprocity to the Inst,
Thla morning a meeting of the committee
for the reorganization of the bureau o!
American republics was to have been held,
but It was postponed until Wednesday
pending the receipt of further documents
from Director Korkblll.
On Friday the delegates to the congress
nnd tbelr fnmlljcs will depart on tbelr first
excursion, going lo Pueblo. They will bo
banqueted thero by Ihe governor of the
stale. From Puoblo they will mako side trips
to (ho pyramids of Cuolutn, to the cottou
mills of Alexo nnd the sugar mill of Mala
moras Izguera. After visiting Pueblo they
will go to Orlzlba on November 19, tcturn
Hut lo this city on November 22. The ex
cursion, therefore, will Inst n week and
during that time little or no work will bo
done, even by tho committees.
Will lip lii ScmxIoii I ti til l'rldnj Multt.
IIuIiiimup, lllnoiinslitii
the Dunlin's
DUBUQUE. la., Nov. 11. -(Special. I - The
twcnty-Hflh annual convention of tho lowi
State Dairymen's association will be In
Dubuque Tuesday. WcdliiKilay and Thurs
day of tho preieni week. An attendance
of 1.000 Is expected. Including roprcscntn
lives of the dairy Interests throughout tho
rou nt l y, and among those assigned to spciii;
nro Congressmen Grout nt Vermont. Tnwney
of Minnesota nnd Davidson of Wisconsin
nnd former Governor Hoard of Wisconsin.
Prizes will be awarded for exhibitions of
machinery, buttsr and cheese, fin Tuesday
Mayor Berg will' welcome the convrtitlou
and nn address will bo delivered by J. W.
Bouska of Dcs Mollies, assistant state dairy
Papers will also b" read as follows
"Benefits to Be ilcrlvod from Dairy Con
volitions and Butter Exhibits," F. A
LoIkIiIoii. New Hampion: "Further Dairy
Legislation Needed In lown." II. H. Wright,
deputy dairy commissioner. Dos MoIiich;
"A Itoiiimo of Dalrlni; In Iowa for the
Past Year." A. E. Anderson, Oelweln, in.
lieu MelCnlivtit on Trinl for Mut'ilei'.
SIOUN CITY. la.. Nov. 11. (Special Tel
egram. ) Bell McKnlghl, who lived in Ne
braska before coming lo Sioux City, wns
placed on trial today on the t harge of mur
dering his wife. The case Is to be stub
bornly fought." McKnlght Is a brick mason,
but recently ban been n draymnu. It Is
alleged he lind a habit of brutally beating
his wlfo ami that lior dentb was directly
due to one of his beatings. Tbo defense
will try to prove she died of a tumor. It
took tho entire da,v lo secure a Jury.
Turin Snfp I'tizr.lp I'.iiierto.
ONAWA, in.. Nov. 11. (Special Tele
gram. I Nn clue to the Turin (la.) bank
robbers has been discovered. Exports arc
trying to open the money rhest todny,
which they have been unnblo to do since
the explosion. The building and fixture
wero badly wrecked, but will be repaired at
once. Tho bank carried'O burglar In
surance and will sutfer no loss.
Will Millie mi lotviiii'i Int potion.
WEBSTEIt CITY, la.. Nov. IL (Special )
The Ncff Handlebar company, with a
eapilal stock of $50,000. has llled Its ar
ticles of Incorporation ami begun tho con
struction of a plnnt wherein II expects to
make 1.000.000 handlebars of the patlorn
Invented by Charles Nolf ot Webster City
111 I imo for the bicycle season of 1002.
NPMiirl.- Hoy MmiiiI Io SiippiiiiiIi ill
Voiiiik I'etpr .Inel.noii' IIiiiiiIm
When Pollee Ililerl'erP.
TBENTON. N. .1.. Nov II Jimmy Hand
lor nf Newark and "Young" Peter Jaek
Hon of California fought eighteen tcrrltlc
rounds lo a draw at the Trenton Athletle
club tonight. The bout was scheduled for
twenty rounds, but Iho pollco Htoppcd II
lu tho eighteenth round, when both men
were groggy, but still lighting like demons.
At tho HhHi Handler was the weaker of
the two nml It Is thought would have ben
beaten If tho pollcp had not Interfered.
Tho light wns a whirlwind from the nut
set. Handler put Jackson to tho mat and
hud him gioggy many times. Toward the
lose, however, Jackson seemed to grow
stronger and Handler was In a bad way
when tho pollco stepped In.
Widow Seores u Polnl.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Nov. 11. The widow
of the murdered millionaire Frank Uleh
lirdiion. seined a point In her favor M
Siivniiuali today when the court grunted a
change of venue on grounds of pi t .indie.
Tho case will go to Platte City for trial
Ttlchnrdsoii was shot to death In bis home Christmas evening when bo unex
pectedly appeared. His widow Is Indicted
rrvr hlu murder, but It Is Hie belief of the
prosecution that the shot was fired b some
1 unknown man.
aro generally the result of some
form of stomach trouble.
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Consti
pation, Nervousness, Headaches,
Kidney and Liver Gomplaints, in
duce an "all gone" feeling, depressed
spirits, loss of sleep and appetite.
Don't feel blue. Bo healthy and
Syrip Pepsin
Herb Laxative Compound
makes healthy stomachs. Get a
or $1 bottle at your drug
gist's today. It vill make you
your old self again.
A trial bottle sent free
if your drufTRist hasn't it.
Montlcello, Ills,
Wlfo of President ilakemnn of
Elders of Iho 3Iorntoii Church,
SnltLnko City, Utah, Iturom
mriids Lydin E. IMiikham's
Vegotablo Compound For Wo
man's Periodic Tains.
"Dkau Mm. Pimsiiam : Beforo T.
know of Jij'tllit V.. IMnkliutn's Vcp
OttiblO C'oinpOlllul I dreaded tint
approach of the time for my menstrual
period, ns it W.011I1I menu a couple, nf
days hi lied with intense pain nnd suf
fering. I wns under the phjielnns,
care for ovorn year without nny relief,
when mv nttonilon wiik onllod to T.ydln,
K. I'lnkimmWotfotnlilo Compound hy
hcvcrnl of our Mormon women wlit
liail lit'Oii oiu-ctl tlirotinU its iho.
I bepnn its systematic use nnd im
proved jrrndunily in health, nnd after
the use of fcix bottles mv health wns
oomph'tcly restored, nnd for over two
years 1 hsivc hud neither nelic or pain.
S'ou have, n truly wonderful remedy for
women. Very Binwrely yours. Mup.
IIcr.nA .TakkmajL .SaltlIahcCSty,l'tnh.M
$S000 fortil If abom tutlirontal Is not gtnutiie.
Tiist ns surt'ly ns Mrs. .TnUc
mnii was cured Just isoHiircly will
LytHa K. Pliikliion's Veprctnlilc
Compound , euro every woman
fmfforlnp from nny form of fo
mnloills. Mrs. iMnlclinm advises sick wo
men free. Address, Lynn, Mass.
For Invalids to (let Cured 1'ivc of
Charge by Cutlitignii the British
Doctors, IttS Koiird of Trade
liiiildlnt!, llcftirc Dec. '.).
A staff of eminent ph slrlaus and sur
geons from the British Mcdb-nl Institute.
have, nt Ihe urgent eollcltnlloii of n largo
number of palleiils under their cure In thlr.
country, established n permanent branch of
the Institute lu this cty at
C it of llllli mill l'lirniuu Mreel.
IIooiiih i:t-t.".H llourd of Trnili
These eminent gentlemen have decided to
give their servlees entirely free for Ihren
mouths inn dlclne excepted) to all luv.illdi
who cull upon them for ticatment between
now and December 9.
Thesn Ketvires consist not only of con
sultation, examination and advice, but ali-u
of all minor surgical operations.
The object In pursuing Ibis course is to
become rapidly and personally acquainted
with the sick and allllcled. and under no
eoiidltlotiii will any charge, whatever bp.
made fin any services rciidured ifor threy
months, to all who call before Dot ember
The doetoiH treat all forms of dlsea""
ami deformities ami guarantee a cure In
every case they uiidi'ilake. At the lint
Interview a thorough" examination Is made,
and, If Incurable, you aio liaukly and
kindly told so; a'no advised against spend
ing your money for ili-eless treatment.
Male and female weakness, ealnrrli and
catarrhal deafiieh". also ruplurc, goitre,
ennoer, all skin iIIkpusoi, and nil diseases
of the reetinn arc positively i-ured by their
new treatment.
TIip chief nssoelale surgeon of the Insti
tute Is in charge.
tjlllce hours from 9 a. in. .tilt S p. m.
No Sunday hours.
SPi:CIl. Mri'lt'lC rf jou pnuuol pull
npiiiI Nlniiip lor iiuptllbn lihintv - lor
Inline I ro:il ineiil
Kemovea Tai,, Plniplta.
i'rrcklcr, Mull 1'a.tcllM.
n Hali ana Hkln ills-
jttimte. nnd tiverj
. ' i i..i ... nH v. ......
. ,1.1111. II Ul, WQ.UI,
nml defies Jtv'
lion. It Ins atcn.l
till! tikt of (Ml
tui9, and lr in
harmless wc. inita
It t" bo 'U'e 'I
U properly nr.idt,
An ii no couiu.r-
ur annnar
iuiii. Dr. L. A.
.-jjyr raid to a la
Jv ot tli Imut'ton
i.t tiKlli'iil):
a cm iniiif..! uhp them. I recom
mend 'QOl'HACU'S CBEAM' us tlie least
harmful of nil the Skin preparations,' For
sain bv nil Druggists and I ancy Good
Dealers lu tht U S. und Europe.
FDItl). T IMI'K1N, I'rop'r.
HI Great Jouus St.. N. Y.
. . . .u.rr.iTfnil w
OUR fUH I W f lisrr ml., e.;liiilr f,onlrl.
u If B u.n, w.n n 1 rlulnnit Anitrnnl
fJuWl MEN 1 I'ayoalTlf plini.rt. Mcnulf'nw
,?ll 1,.UI,.VI
Woodward nurittii.
and NIGHT I Perforniaueeii only.
Heats now on sale. Prbes: HV, file, 75c, Jl,
!(. Matinee: !e, ", i0c, JL.
''""""n,,.; ,:i,,;vi:.vtii iinni."
Throe performance only, Sundav afiernonii
nml night nnd Monday night. Nov. 17 and
IS Scats now on sale.
TpICiIiiiiip inii.
Sun , Wild., Hat.. 2.15. Eves , S;I5.
iiitiii clams .t oi: ii.iii:.
Vvllfrul Clarko & Co., Oolcihun s Cats
und Dog. . Andy l-wls & Co.. Hoyco ii.
Wilson. Tbo Tanukas, Mile. Pope Calen,
Price 10e, -."e, fiOo.
Miaco's Trocadero
matimji: 'rnim-itic, atu- .
MOULIN ROUGE Burlesqutrs
Nothing but lovely wonun Mntlnci' '.' It .
Lvenllig SsLV-Hmoke If you like, SpuHl
Friday ovnlng. returns of .Icfrries-llub lu
light dlrrrt from rJtig-.dde Next Bundav,
Duv ' U, Ltvls Bit; Production m