Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Grand Jur; to Inmtigate Charge Madt by
Tipjn Ltujni,
,1nn; CmoWril l)rnl Vrr .nlil to
llnif Hi'iMt IJimlnrereil mill it
Complete Inquiry Will
He llnil.
Chaw of rorruptlon ninrle against the
Foul h Oninhn school board will have a
thorough Hiring nt the hands of the grand
Jury, which In now In session. Subpoenas
for twenty witnesses havo been drnwn up
and will ho Issued within n day ur two.
Among thu witnesses who will bo called
boforo the Krand Jury nro members of the
hoard, contractor, teachers, architects and
other persons who have business transac
tions with the various board members In
their ofllclal capacity.
Thn Investigation hns been Inspired In
part by tho Taxpayers' league, which hired
Trunk Crawford of Omaha to check up
tho book of the hoard nud is snld to have
employed detectives, who have been mak
ing a thorough Investigation of hills which
were questioned. A bill for $2,000 worth
of lumber was approved very recently. Kf
forts to locate tho lumber have notibcen
successful nnd It Is reported that board
members will be nsked to show what has
become of this material.
It Is charged that Icacbers have been
rmployed bv the board on a commercial
basis and that the persons who paid tho
most for Jobs worn elected. One of the
witnesses subpoenaed Is a man who Is said
to hsve been told Mint he could have tho
superlnteiidency of the South Omaha
fchnols If he had $500 with ftiilch to sweeten
the bo.inl members. The $500 was to bo
paid back to the man lu the way of an In
crease In tho salary which the present In
ruinbent Is receiving. The applicant for
the position Is said to Imvo accepted the
proposition. Shortly afterward, however,
Ihij members In the deal nrc said to have
concluded that they must havo $750 and
the man balked.
Thn employment of an architect to draw
tip plans for a high school nnd the ex
penditure of $2,000 for plans nnd specifi
cations, when the public had not signified
lis Intention of building n new school,
will also bo looked Into.
Asldo from tho charges of corruption
among board members taxpayers allege
that money Is spent unnecessarily and will
endeavor lo show the grand Jury how the
schools of South Omaha could be conducted
for much less than $127,000 a year without
Impairing their ofllclone.v.
At present the grand Jury Is Investigat
ing Jail cases ami County Attorney Shields
Is of the opinion thnt most of tho present
week will bo required to complete this
work. The South Omaha Investigation will
probably begin Friday or Saturday of the
present week.
liiiio Different.
Old ngo protection In Tho Gardeners Is
only ono nmong numerous Important fea
tures In addition to tho customary life
protection of fraternal orders, and not, as
erroneously conveyed from tho mention In
Tho Sunday Itce, an vonly feature.
Shampooing nnd hair dressing, 5c. In
connection with Tho Bathery, 210-220 Boo
building. Tel. 1710.
Silver smoking sets. Kdholm, Jeweler,
Send articles of Incorporation, notices of
stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Heu.
We will give them proper legal Insertion.
Telephone 238.
Dr. IS. Holovtchlner returned from thu
Coutrnrlor I'uilien I lie l.Hlle .lolix to
lilt 111 em Kin lulled This
.11 on III.
Itepavlng continues with n vim and It
,now seems certain that the full quota of
I work plnnned for this year will bo com
pleted ami by December 1, ns has been the
' wish of tho city engineer.
Twenty-fourth street Is now complete,
both north nnd south of Knrnam, extending
now from Dodgo Rduth to SI. Mary's ave
nue. The Inst llttlo section left over from
Saturday was finished yesterday morning. It
extended about Jlfty feet south of J'armim
Affairs on Harney street are being
pushed. Thn street ear company Is busy
lnylng tho new heavy rails along tho sec
tion to bo repaved nnd two weeks will
bring about thu completion of this repay
ing task.
Twenty-olghth street, one of tho longest
districts, Is nlso under way. The entire
stretch from I'nrunm to Leavenworth
streets Is now ready for ballast and tho
broken stono Is being hauled In rapidly.
This will bo completed probably about tho
tlnin of the Harney atreet section.
On noxt Wednesday tho last yard of as
phalt will bo In lil on Twenty-second street,
where half a block of repavlng is In prog
ress betweun Dewey nnd St. -Mary's avenues.
Cough, Cough,
Night nnd day, until the stretiRth is
entirely exhausted, nnd that dreaded
word "Consumption" begins to be whis
pered anions friends. That's n common
tUory, familiar to the people of every
town and village.
There's another story which ought to
be as widely known as the storv of dis
case, and that is the storv of the cures
effected by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery, llronchitis, asthma,
obstinate, deep-seated coughs, bleeding
of the lungs, and other forms of disease
which affect the respiratory organs, nre
permanently cured by the use of " Golden
Medical Discovery,"
"Only for Ur. l'lrrce't Ooldtn Medical Div
rovery I think I would be in my grave to-day,"
write Mr. Mokes Mile, of Millard, I'lnts Co.,
Wyoming, "I had ntthma o bud I could rnt
ln nt night and wa compelled to give up
work. It nUected my lung m Ibid I coughed
nil the time, both night and dy, My mend
nil thought t had consumption. My wife in--I....
i nn mviri'liur Dr. IMrrre' Coldeu Medical
DUcovcry- which I did. I have taken four
bottle ami am now a wen irnin, ciXmiiib
poiimK tluuki to Dr. Pierce (.olden Medical
iir Pierre's Common Sense Medicnl
Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamp
in nv exnenso. of liUlllilli' OH IV, Send a I
one-cent stamps for book in paper covers
or i stnmns for cloth-bound. AdtveM
Dr. 11. V. Tierce, lluffalo, N. Y.
.it vr vtxr. moms i.v..
'lien Mir World' (irrntrst ( IiiIIiImh
Sole Will llrniv In n ('lose,
The climax of this gigantic sale has been
reached. It Is Imperative that you come
without delay If you want to secure thcao
Immense bargains.
Men's $15.00 all wool stilts, $S.PS.
Men's $20.00 yoke overcoats, $10.00.
.Men's $10.00 suits on snle nt $3.'JS.
Hoys' vesleo suits go at COc.
Young men's long pants suits only 11.50.
$5.00 boys' overcoats nnd ulsters at $1.00.
Voting men's overcoats nnd ulsters, $1.9S.
Men's $10.00 ulsters nnd overcoats, $5.00.
.Men's $7.50 covert overcoats, $3.75.
Men's $5.00 overcoats nnd ulsters, $2.50.
Hoys' and young men's $7.50 ocrcoats,
Come tomorrow If you want to savo
money on high-grade clothing.
Proprietors Hoiton Store, Omaha,
Children's sterling cups. Kdholm, Jcwclor.
A H ii i ti M re me nt ft nt the TIiimiIit.
The efforts of the management of tho
Orphcum theater to awaken tho talent of
tho town In an attempt lo secure n number
of good nmatetir sketches for production
during the season, offering ns a prize $50
In gold and a week's engagement at tho
local house nrc beginning to bear fruit. A
number of nmbltlous authors have entered
tho llsls and the first of tho sketches may
bo expected within a few weeks. The In
ducement Is a big one, nnd will prove
profltnble to the winner, nnd It Is hoped
that In tho number of sketches submitted
Micro will ho found somo that will be good
enough to secure a permanent footing In
the vaudevilles. In tho meantime every
exertion Is put forwnrd to keep allvo the
llatterlug Interest which hns been shown In
the offerings at tho Orphcum since the
commencement of the season, and this week
big hill Is offered. Wilfred Clarke nnd
his company In "Oscar's Tcmptntlon' have
proven a fnvorllo number, whllo Andy
.owls' "Cocaine Fiend" Is one of the clever
est bits of charnctcr study that has graced
tho local boards In a long time.
Attention, tin n Iter In loll .
Members of Nutlonal lodge No. 077, Ilank-
rrr,' Union, arn requested to attend thu
funeral of our Into sister, Ilnttlo Billings,
Wednesday, Nov. 13, at 2 p. m. National
lodge No. !t77 takes ehnrgo of the funeral.
Sister lodgcH and friends Invited. Services
at the home of Mrs. Nuiimnn, 2.1 IS Charles
street. Interment Laurel Hill cemetery.
Opal shirt studs. Kdholm, Jeweler,
?, for llnlf rt l)n' Word.
If you llvo In thn country or In n small
town nnd Imvo a good acquaintance nmong
the fanners and stoekralscrs In the neigh
borhood, you enn make $3.00 easily by four
or five hours' work. Write us nnd wo will
send you our proposition. Tho Ileo Publish
ing company, Solicitor's Dept., Omaha, Nob.
Shamnoolnc nnd hair drcsslnc. 25c. In
connection with Tho Ilathcry, 216-220 Boo
building. Tel. 1716.
Publish your legal notices In Tho Wockly
Pee. Telephone 23S.
Plain gold lockets. Kdholm, Jewelor.
N.-tv Hitch Sclinol llulldinic Will lie
Occupied About l.nst
of .Innnnry.
Despite the promises made that the new
school building will he ready for occupancy
on the llrst of tho yenr Principal Water-
house does not believe this can be. He
says :
I fc?l certain that we will not be ablo
to move into the new quarters till the end
of the present term, January 31, nnd It will
bo about ns well to have the reorganization
come nt that time, when all work will com
menco anew from a fresh start. Wo will
not be any more crowded during January
that wo are now, and can easily endttro It
another month. Moving will bo more or les
of a brenk In tho work, anyway, and coming
at tho end of tho torm will not interfere
as It would otherwise.
Tho work Is well toward completion.
Plastering Is now prnctlcally finished. Of
the enrpentry, most of tho flooring nud
woodwork and general finishing remains to
bo done. They nre now putting 1b window
casings. Plumbing Is also In the half-way
state. The pipes arc about all In nnd in
place, but they are not connected up yet.
"Tho heating apparatus Is rendy to a cer
tain extent and the building was heated a
llttlo Inst Saturday, when thcro was a pres
sure of sixty pounds of steam on. The
system employed is one in which all the
radiators aro lu the basement, being set up
Inside of largo boxes or nlr valves. Cold
air from the outside travels through theso
duets, passes over and through tho radi
ators, Is warmed by them and then pro
cceds to tho d liferent rooms through fluos,
ending In open registers. Right of these
rn'dlators are ready for use and wero kept
busy Saturday, but the pressuro and heat
was not sufficient to make much of nn 1m
pressslon on tho hugo building.
"Last of all, tho lighting plant Itself Is
not complete, being still In process of con-
.1 MeCiine Finally 0 r rlinulcd liy
the Poller mill Held
for Trial.
II. J. McCunc, chnrged with pinning J.
Kennedy to n barn door a month ngo by
throwing a butcher knlfo through his ear
and who forfeited his bond by falling to np-
pear In police court for trial, wns arraigned
beforn Judge Oordnn yesterday on a new
charge. This time, ns formerly, tho butcher
knife figures in the case, but Instead ot
Kennedy It wns his wife, Mrs. Hay Mc-
Cune, who wns tne potential victim.
Tho nrrest wns mado Sunday afternoon
by Ofllcer Hussoll. Entering tho house he
found both McCunc nnd his wife drunk and
fighting, tho former threatening her with
the weapon, Man, woman nnd knlfo were
tnken to the station, Yesterday a plea
of guilty to being drunk nnd disorderly was
entored and MrCuno was lined $5 and costs
and Mrs. McCutie $1 nnd costs, H will
now be held for trial on tho chnrge pre
ferred by Kennedy.
Oimilin MnrUsnirn Will Tiiko I'nrl In
the 1'oiiriiiiliieiit nt '
Ci It'll Ollll.
W. 1), Tnwnscnd, II. S. McDonald, Krnnli
Kogg nnd William Hrewor left last even
Ing for Cilcnwood. la where they will take
part In a gun club tournament which will
bo held nt that placo Tueartay and Wednes
day. One of the events Is a team shoot
between representatives of tho Omaha Oun
club and representatives of tho Olenwood
Oun club. This event will bo for twenty
llvo targets per man, tho defeated team to
pay for aupper to bo given the victors. Tho
tournament will consist of eighteen events
aside from the team events, of which six
aro for live birds.
At tho Inst shoot of the Omaha Oun club
Frank Krgg won tho third Meyer trophy
over a Held of seven men. Ho killed fit
trcn birds straight nnd then killed ten
straight In a tea-bird event which followed
Jidgt Hangar Opend tht NoTtmbir J'erm
Yit relay Musing.
llot'Li'l ('nltril mill Petit .liiror Null.
Ilnl to lie Proem Ar.xt Mini,
lilt), When i'lielr WlilU
Will Ill-Kin.
Tho tnlted Stales district and circuit
courts convened yesterday for the No
vember term with Judge Munger presiding.
The members of the grand Jury were slow
In getting around and at 10 o'clock tbey
were excused until 2 o'clock yesterday aft
The call of the docket was then taken
up and cases set for trial. Attorneys did
not seem tuepared for the term, so no
cases were set for trial this week. The
Judge Instructed tho marshal to notify all
members of the petit Jury that (hey will
not be expected lo nrrlve In the city before
next Monday. Tho following cases were
set for trial next week Monday, C, 11.
Johns against tho Western I'nlon Telegraph
compnny, John J. Ollllu against the Ctidahy
Packing company; Tuesday, J. Sidney
Drown and others ngnlust I,ow Spelts and
others. Agnes Krlzzcl against Joseph C.
Hoot nnd others; Wednesday, Urcouvlllu
National bank against tho City of lleatrlce,
O. Ivnn Pohek ngalnst Osveta Publishing
.ompany; Thursday, Augustus W. Clark
against Abel (J. Lelnemnnn. Augustus
Speldel ngalnst Trevelyan L. Mathews.
When the case of ISdwnrd 15. Hnlch
against the Pullman company wns called
the attorney for the plaintiff announced
thnt tho case bad been settled nut of court
nnd that the plaintiff would ask for a dis
missal, which order was Issued.
Tho cases of persons Injured In the tiro
nt the Labor temple against the Omaha
Water company were set for trial Novem
ber 25. There are five of these, eases still
upon the docket, while a majority of those
originally started havo been compromised.
Smallpox on the Winnebago reservation
will reduce the number of cases on the
civil docket for trial nt this term of court.
as tho defendants In several cases brought
by tho Pnlted Stntes to recover money or
to dispossess Indian holders of lands nro
now under qunrnntlne.
When the grand Jury gets to work the
district attorney will have about thirty
cases to bring before It and for the llrst.
lime In the history of tho state there will
be no cases of counterfeiting where thn
crime charged wns alleged to have been
ommltted within tho current year. Addi
tional cveldenc" bus been secured In one
enso of this kind, where the parly had been
presented to a preceding grand Jury, but
In tho Inst year but one man has been nr
resled on this ehnrgo In the state.
The grand Jury wns Instructed nt .1:30
o'clock nnd retired to consider Indictments.
Leopold Halm of Hastings Is foreman nud
,1. A. Ilnrns of Broken How secretary.
Klghtecn men make up tho panel.
OOS Arthur, need 17 years, 6 months,
Sunday. November 111.
Funeral services nt (loos hotel. 1310 Cass
Btreet, Tuesday at I! o'clock. Interment at
'rospect I Ilii.
FITUGISNSON Ornn, Sunday, November 10,
1001, at 7:10 i. m., ugeil 20 years i montns
22 days.
Funeral Wednesday. November 13. nt 2 P.
m. from the residence of her undo and
Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Str.uvn, 1107 South
l-irty-llrst street, interment. Korcst l.awn
cemetery. Friends Invited.
We Bought a Mile
of a handsome black cheviot
cloth and half a mile of a blue
twilled cheviot this season. We
are almost ashamed to admit it,
but we took these enormous
quantities for a woman's reason
"they were so cheap that
is, they were cheap buying
them by the mile. A mile has
5,280 feet that's 1,760 yards.
Well, we bought 40 bolts of the
black and 20 of the blue and
they average 42 yards to the
bolt; that comes near enough to
call it a mile and a half mile.
Seems like a lot, but it was dis
tributed among the 20 Nicoll
stores and we just "eat up"
black cheviots and blue twills
These particular cloths are
$20 and $25 per suit respect
ively. Last year we sold the
same qualities, bought in smaller
quantities, for $25 and $28 re
spectively. Mr. Paffenrath is
still away, but come and see
them and the other fellows at
Karbach Block, 209-11 So. 15th St.
A Good
can bo Indulged In
ut any thno when
you keep u caso of
H our Meiz beer on
A hand. As a stlmu
w hint when doing
housework, or lor
a the ilellcate or de-
lillitated, there Is
nothing like Metz
beer for restoring
lost energy anil re
cuperating y o u r
strength. A a
night cap it Is
hoothlng and dell-
m clous and a foo to
. insomnia,
Bottled Beer.
" Brewed and Flotlled
in Omaha
Tel. lilt
1 Council iilufts, la.
The Sale of This Magnificent
Stock of High Grade
Dress Robes
Mont I:i-IikIm- mill lllulu-t
(rntle of Importi'it I'lilirli'a, iiml
.1. I,. IIiiiiiiIcIk A No hi nre .Sell.
Ion The mi nt i:treinelt ,ow
Dress Robes Worth up to S5
a Yard at 510 Pattern.
On neoimt of tho tmmetise quantity
of high grado dress goods In this stock
of Atontanye-Wclls Co. It la Impossi
ble to put all on sale nt once. As fast
us these ilresi fabrics on the bargain
square are sold we will replace them
with othri from this superb stock.
We wish to Impress upon you the
name of Montatiyc-Wells Co,, who
carried the most elegant and iiinKtllll
cent materials lu New Yoik. .Many of
these iiuimide dress lobes nro high
class fubllcs that cost wholesale up to
j.w yard, and go on mi In nt
$10 per pattern
Those. IHkIi grade materials Include
plain cloths, broadcloths, panne cluth.
Venetians, cainel s-halr. also fabric.!
for illnuer nud reception kowus In
evening shades, mirli us embroidered
silk grenadines and other sheer mu
teiinl.i. mnny silk nnd wool novelties,
nil tor
$10 per pattern
$5 Dress f-'abrics, 98c.
All tho cloths, broadcloths, votietiims,
(iilticl s-halr, etc . Iiieluilliig checked
and striped effects for men m. wear and
leillcs rnlny-duy sklrLs. in lengths
front it. to ?,u, ynrdi mot enough Tor
ladles gowns) go on bargain OQ,,
squnro at yOC
S2 Dress Fabrics 50c Yard.
.Many silk novelties and plain goods
that .Moutanye-Wells Co. sold up to
2.(i yniil, many dreis length
in this lot, go at. yanl OUL
Silks from this Magnificent
Stock of Montanye-Wells Co.
.Many extraordinary high grade silks
nail velvets In our silk department,
French noveltv silks, brocaded silks,
black and colored tuffetns. grenadine
etfeets, main- contain onlv w.ilst
lengths, others dress costumes, OKf
lu silk department, ard VOL.
We nre pleasc'l to nnnniincn that we
have Instituted on our thlid Hour u
high iias dressmuklng department.
Miss Pox,
formerlj of the Kat b.u h Hind; Is In
charge assisted 1 a cr utile stuff
of artists, and they are prepared to
milk" up anything In the stylo
ttatlsf act lou guaranteed
No Dealers, Peddlers or Manufacturers Sold in This Room
Tuesday will be a great dnj In tile bargain room
largo stocks to bo closed out In this loom and tho
fullv low that thev must be seen to be aunreclatcil.
ItliiliiKM, ii I -He nril. Illc Mere, -
' I -lie. 7 l--e I'rliitN, - l-"e. t.e l'l
And thousands of other bargains. Kv
to wait on you,
mi rs (jiiods.
One large sriuuro of reniuunts of Wool
Dress (loads and Worsted Dress Goods, In
lengths from "is to G yards; of Serges,
wortli SOc and "Sc. S.ric Henriettas. $1.50 Silk
and Wool lialds; We lllaek Satin Herbers,
i")C Serges, all colors, and Roods worth up
to J-.00 per Mird. all will go at 15c yanl.
Jl.Oa Ladles' Cloth. Mc Venetians. 75c
Oranlto Cloth, TGc lllaiit Dress Hoods, t'So
Fancies, '1 DO l'lalds and thousands of
other weaves, 49u yard.
Wool Do Helge, wortli 15c, 5c.
Worsted Fancies, worth 15c. 5c.
"S-lnch Henrietta, worth 10c. 5c,
sii.ks, i:i. ii am) (iitin itovx.
25e Silks, fancies, only 10c. I'laln Silks nud Checked Jnpancse. 13c.
S5o Silk Foulards, 21 Indies wide, 3'.c.
75o Itnman Strijios, r.'.'c. Satins, :'.k
11.50 Ulack flrenndlnes. 49c.
J1.50 Silk Klanncls, inc.
$1.00 Corduroy, nice line of colors, 53c.
Kxtrn heavy yard-wide Muslin, un
bleached, only 10 yards to customer, for 25c.
Kxtra. heavy Hleached .Muslin, yard wide,
mado to i-ell at JVie, only 10 yards to cus
tomer, for -ic.
42-Inch Unbleached, worth 12Ve, "Tic.
Ohiol; Hleached, worth 22Hc ir,i4e.
M dozen Towels, wortli l(tc encli, :ijc.
50 dozen Towels, worth 15c each, fie.
50 dozen Towels, worth 19c ench, V.ic.
Full Standard Prints, all colors, worth
714c. 2'.ie.
MKIHTS MADi: I'ltlin,
Providing the innterlnl will bo purchased
In our storo nt not loss than 7."c per yard
Look a Little Out
Theso "ruinous" prices which Imvo he-n
quoted tho past few months on patent mcdl.
clues nre not going to last forever. This
Is no Jolly. w mean what wo say. We
don't propose to hold the public up or allow
anybody else to, but there's a living prlco
nt which Uichc goods should bo sold, and
that's the way they are going to bo sold.
2-iiiart fountain sjnnne r,nc
:i-qitnrt fountal'i syrlng .. (Re
2- ciuart hot wntor bottle r.i'c
3- iiiart hot wuter bottle 0V
A No. 1 atomizers Me
Vaselino atomizers 75c
Trices on nil other KUHIlIUt GOODS ill
same proportion.
$1.00 Temptutlon Tonic i genuine) aSc
'Jp Laxative Hrnmo Ouinlno 12o
L'So Carter's Liver I'll' 12o
'.0o Cramer Kidney Curo 40c
$1 00 bottlo I.lsterllie 00c
i-rnmer s cotton nooi, tonsy nnu
Pennyroyul I'llls $1.00
Cut Piicn
Drug Store
Il. 747. H. v. Cor. Kith nml (iiloj(
Goods delivered I'llUE tu any part of city.
.1. L BrancJeis & Sons Pur
chased This Superb Stock
of Cloaks at
.o line Willi Clonk .Nmm1 Inn
Afford to Mii,v From TltN
Urent Mile llveij Aitlelr In.
eluded lit the Puri'liu.!- I
MnrUcd in , eh T,,,n 1 1 r h.
Corsets From the L. C. & S. Co.
The entire corset stock of the Lin
coln C. ,t fc'. Co., who were known to
curry one of the laigesl corset stoik.i
In Lincoln, the majoilty of them nro
K.&o quality corsets, all kinds, lloynl
Worcester, American I.ady. It ,t o
arner's, H. v.. .Madame Warrrii s,
nlso several lots of Imported An,!
corsets, nil sizes, choice OvC
i.. r. a s. fn, sir, iMi nir.,-,0
.1 W'KFIN, K7..-.0.
Ladles box Jackets from the Lin
coln C a Co., heavy silk lined
throughout, trimmed with vel
vet, S7 Inches long, rr sn
go nt .OU
$ur, u i (uoiiii,i:n. kii:..-,ii.
All of Hie high grado tMnch Auto
mobiles from the Lincoln C A; H. Co .
In black, tan-, pearls, cardinals, all
of thorn Ibis full's style. 1
go at l.OU
It V;l,AVS M1WM MtlsF.I's.
Mm oln t & H. ro's raglnns, pale
tots nud newmarkets, black, ii (f
tan and oxfords, go nt ' lvW
Lincoln t S. t'n'n ladles short
lacketH, their price $lt.fl 10 1 Efl
13.iio, go at O.OU
rwi.nit-M mm: m it.
Ladles' tnllor-inado stills, nil sizes,
black, tans, browns, Lincoln lioak
.Suit Co's price Jl.'i.oo. e if
our price ijJf
Lincoln C. & S. 'o's M5.0i and
tnllor-tnade suits, on sale J2
r.TN-rnoM tiii: i r. .v s.
The Lincoln Cloak nnd Suit Co. wero
well known for carrying an eMenslvo
line of ehildieu's mid misses' Jackets,
and we will close them out as follows:
All of their $:!.r.O and J.'.W Jackets, all
this season's styles, nil ages from 1
to II, go at -
$1.50 and $2.50
All their and $10 Ja kels go at -
$3.50 and $4.98
Ifio children s and misses' golf capes,
our price i
Willie they last . . I.OU
AH their M.M hlld's and misses'
Jackets on sale In basement 50C
We have purchased threo
prices will bo so wonder-
rl.eil I.IiiIiiun, ,'e.
a n 11 elel I ex. ,'e.
.NlinUer Flitnnel,
" extra Balespcoplo
cry tnblo loaded and
15e Percales, 5c.
19c Percales, 71-c.
25c Percales. 10c.
35o Flannelettes, lino colors, Co.
.Hi-Inch Flannelettes, with border, 5c.
ltemiiauts of Fndt of tho Loom, Sc.
ltemnants of Lonsdale. 5e.
25c Imitation French Flannel, 10c.
15c Fancy S.i tines (Simpson's), 5c.
$l.(l men s llccce lined Shirts und Draw
ers, :bc.
1.0i Indies' llccce lined Union Suits, 43c
Children's llceco lined Cndcrwcnr, 25c. 19c
15e. 12Vse and loo.
Men's 73e illtickliide Shirts, 2Dc. .
.Men's 50c Husking Gloves, I9c.
.Men's 50o Working Gloves, 19c.
Men's 59c Working Gloves, 25c.
Ladles', men's and children's 25o Hosiery
$1.00 Fleeced Blankets, 53c.
$1.00 Comforters, 69c.
Grand special on nil kinds of Comforters
and lllaukets,
tin i-:ss PATTCIIXS.
$10.00 Dress Patterns, 53.9S.
$10.00 Skirt Patterns. $2.9S.
lie suro and eamlnc theso patterns
50c all wool French Flannel, 25c.
75c all wool fancy striped Wnlstlngs. 39c.
$1.00 striped Crcpo do Chine. 4Dc.
$I.'Ki plaid French Flannels, 25c.
JI.CO Satlu Prunella. 45c.
wo will make a plain lined skirt fhhh ni,
CHAHCiK. You are at liberty to coinn to
our store nnd chooso nny material at 75c
or up ns high as you want to go In our
mnii art imrcss ooods oupaktmknt.
Wo want ovcry skirt to tit.
Wo have secured Mr. II. Ilolstcln of Chi
cago, the export ladles' tailor, for one week
only, commencing Mnndny, November 11th.
Work will be done In rotation, as the orders
are taken. Call In nnd Investigate.
Star plug chewing tobacco 35c
1 Hnrseshoo plug chewing tobacco 35c
N'ervo plug chewing tobacco 35c
Hattle Axo 3c
I Newsboy tobacco 35c
j null Durham smoking tobacco COc
Duke's Mixture 35c
Meerschaum smoking tobacco 35c
Undo Tom smoking tobacco 33c
j Old Stylo smoking tobacco 25c
'Setting Glass
During ho cold snap, lias
been right in our lino. Have
kept four and live mon busy,
and overybody satisfied.
Prompt service, good work,
reasonable prices, does the
business. (Jan furnish any
size glass you may need.
Give us your orders.
Telephone .'till.
pain r
14IU null Uuuk-Ki Hit.
J5he Store
Power to Bviy
ing. It wears, it fits and holds its shape. You'll agree
with us, if you're a customer of ours. If you are not a our
tonier of ours, you're a loser.
The excitement; and enthusiasm increasing every day. Tho
greatest cloak business ever known in Omaha. The greatest
bargains ever heard of. KKI0L IT 1J15KOKK TI.IE PUBLIC.
"N'KW YOIIK, Nov. 1, 1901. llayden Ilros., Omaha: Reluctantly
accept your cash offer, $25,000, lor en tiro stock ot women's Hnglnns, Suits,
Automobiles, Jackots, Waists, Itnlny-D.iy Skirts, children's Jackets, Ilox
Coats and fixtures. Your resident buyer ships nil goods excepting fix
tures, which ho can dispose of to party renting building.
"MKYKIt, Lin'Y & COHEN."
400 raglans. automobiles, box coats and Prince. Alberts, nil In one great lot,
coats lined with talfetas and Skinner's satin, mado of Imported kerseys, sewed with
silk, trimmed with panne velvet, worth up to S25, your choice for only $10.00.
500 suits in nil colors Including blacks, in nil styles, sold In Omnha ns bargains
nt $11.75, Jackets lined with Skinner's satin or Olvcrnnud's taifctas, skirls made
with new bins flounce, lined and velvet hound, at $R."o.
75 suits nn salo nt $1.95. 200 Jackets, mado from American woolen mills kersoy,
lined with silk, for $1.85.
Women's wool wnlst. trimmed with braid, for !Sc.
Women's Wrappers, 12-Inch flounce, extra heavy percale, for C9e,
Women's silk waists, worth $5.00, for $2.9S.
500 women's skirts, in ferges, cheviots, and broadcloths, trimmed with bands of
stitched taffeta or satin, worth $10, for $5.00.
KOpJ fY 0"' ut ,hc ,K'"t U'liilppert of the Koeley -teiu ot Instl
rIDP tutei, the only ICeeley luatKute In .eluUn. Cure
WUftJu i),.niik-nnc. Cures Droit Unnrn, Tobneco Hurra. Till
KIUU.I'Y IXSTITUT1S, 11) initl l.ell veinvorlli. Umnliil.
Tastes Too Good
To Be Medicine
This was tho remark of ono of our pus
tamers who has been taking VINOL. nud
really describes one of the peculiar at
tributes of this medicine very neatly
VINOL takes tho placo of cod liver oil
but does not taste ranrld or llsbv. It Is a
TONIC, lint Is not hitler, but, on the ion
trury, It Is a palatable and ngrecnble cor
dial yen powerful rcranst motor and tonic
A)k us for book tolling all about Ii.
a im:w en' piucns.
$1.00 Huffy atnlt Whisky
jI.ini Steam's Wine Cod Liver Oil, wo
$1.00 Scott's Kmulsloii
$l.(io Cramer's Kidney Cure, wo sell
$1 l) Winn Curdul, we sell
jl oo Teuiplatlon Tonic, we sell.
25e Lons Tooth I'owder. wo soli. .
Write for Catalogue
Sherman & McGonnolI Drug Co.
Cor. I tit li mill DoiIk
Oil MI A.
$l'.i'o !
4'Jc W
Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to imported cigars.
fMauufuotured by F. U. Rica Murcualilo O'lir (Ju., til, Loul. L'uiou rtlwilc,
The store power to buy
at lesser prices litis never
been exercised more gen
erously than at present.
Conditions have combined
to contribute to the con
sumer's profit. It is a
pleasure which is gratify
ing' in the sales result.
Twos u ivit day at The Nebraska,
Patunla.v. Hundreds of new fall suitu
and ovemmls were carried away by
the economically inclined clotlrinjj;
buyers. There's a satisfactory feeling
in buying and wearing Nebraska cloth
Sth Avenue S ale
THE PUIiLIO that this sale is to their
interest as well as ours.
THE KUILS from this magnificent,
stock, will be on sale Tuesday.
Women's genuine mink scarfs, with (1
tails, worth 7.00, for ?2.0S.
Women's near 'seal coats, lined with
extra qualify furrier's salin, worth JjiiO.OO
sale price. 9H5.00.
Women's marten scarfs for
fiOO collarettes and scarfs in one great
lot. wortli S. on sale at $l.t)S and !?2.!i.S.
f'hildren's sets, worth .".00 for 1.50.
Women's astrakhan canes. .'10 inches
long, lined with Skinner's satin, guaran
iced for two years' wear, worth H5, at $ir.
Women's capes made of French seal,
for ST.00.
The Perfected
American Shoe
Merit ts always recognized
HoroniH leads tho shoo world hecause
tli have inerli
The in west wis h's and tho boat lit-'
tliiK shoes in tho world- that Is So
losls porosis are known throughout
the country as TUH MUST HIIOK KOU
The store is nrmngcti specinny ror
tin (iinifnrt and convenience of the
women folks.
V maid is always in nttendaiico and
Hblnes your hoes free
The rest room, with reading, writing
and telephone facilities, aro fur your
use, whi'thei patrons or visitors,
'Deputy Rtato Vote.rInarn. ,
Kood Inspector,
H. !.. RfiMACCIOTTI, D. V. S.
OrQca and Infirmary, 8th and Maiou fits.
Tolthouu CCV.
i ,H
toe I K
i. 2o.w-?sr W
M Srnl for rnlnlnRii,. I