Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Tub omaiia Daily Bee.
K. ItOSiiWA'flSK, UDlTOIt.
Dally Uce (Without riuudayj, One Y'ar,.W.oo
Jjmiy ucv anu buiinuy, unu itar,
initiated till, une i cur
Sunday lice, One leal ...
suiliruny tivt; ono inr.....
'iwiniiuth Lcntuty l'mmcr, Ono iear.
j UKtl VlJltt.lJ L.AHU1KU. .
Daily Hou, witnout Sunday, cr copy.,
DnAv Ht. witliuut hundity. per wi'tK..
uufiy Dec, inciuuing hunu.iy, per week. .lie
Mtuiuay Hoc, icr copy vvc
it-tulng ui;, tvlthuui Sunday, per week. .wo
.jiiiiii Jte, Including nunuay, pur wuck.Iju
(-tmp.aintB ot irrc allium us in deliver
should uu uudrcanud to City Circulation Uu
liailtncifi. .
Unlahtl; Tlic Ucu lMilltlliig. .-.,.,
South Ormum; city mm uuildlne, rwenty
lluri unu ,vi aired.
council ululis; 10 l'cnti Street.
cnicugu: low t iuty winding.
thw l'ork: I'cmpic c'uuri.
i uahirtKl n. uMl 1' ourlculith Street.
, ' COllUliHl'ONUHNCK. .
Communications relating iu 'lews and edi
torial matter snould t,e mime sued: omaiia
ijiO, iuaoriul jjipurtmciii.
m SINLSri LliTl'IilW.
JftlMliietM lUtira and rein. lumens should bo
Huiiii'sktu; inu itu I'uu.miuiiK coinpuiiy,
Uinan.i. ,
lteinifby iii-ritt, ixpit-Kh oi postal older,
p.ijamc lo 'J lie iko j'ui. lulling Coniiany.
uuiy c-t'tit Htumpd aceupleU in payment of
loan account!", iirsonui ciiccks, except on
Uiu.iha or eastern Of cii.ulKes. not ucci-pteu.
mu. liRll l'LU),ldllUD COMI'AXSi,
. 2C
stati:mi:nt ok oihoulation.
i:,,.,.. ,.r v. i.r.ili, IliiniftiiM dltllttv. 69
ci.Miikf.. h. izschuck. necrctary ot 'inu Hoc
1..1.,, ..,.. i.m,i.iiv' iii'iiiif duly riwurn
mh imu the uctiial nuintier ot full una
. ",,li,. , i l tip v Ml' The D.lllV. Murillllg
i.vfiilnc and hunnay Hoc primed during
mo tnoiilh tl Octoocr, lWi, wus as tol
luws: ' '
That Omaha polities Is dominated by a
gambling trust wh'tcrr coins money oiit of
gambling dons that nro run wldo open,
dvcrtlscd and publicly patronized, every
body knows, Tho degeneracy of the city,
however, Is not confined to Its politics,
but ' pervades every portion of society.
They can't suppprt. a .charltf-organUatlon
society and thn result Is that one part of
the citizenship Is breeding paupers uy in
discriminate giving to eyery hum and hobo
who 'applies for 'aid,- while-'the deserving
poo'r ,nre left to.jsuffer' lndesCrlbablo hor
rors, There wan a scene In an Omaha
lenot tho other day thai Is a disgrace.. to
wn -were about to'say the .city, but noth-
ng can further disgrace it. An oid anu
fceblo couple who had dwelt In happy
married llfo for more than fifty years had
come to tho city to live with a daughter,
who was so-poor and whoso-dwelling was
so small that the old people could not
rowd In. They werel Informed' that they
would have to go to the poorhouse and bo
separated. There they sat In the depot,
with great tears running down their races.
The woman said: "We are willing to go
to the poorhoiiBe If wo can be together,
but If ,vo arc to be soparntcd you had bet1
tcr kill us. Wo have lived together for
more than fifty years and havr never been
separated. It will kill us both. Wo had
rather die together."
In that degenerate city there ,wcro none
to pity. No charity organization was rentiy
to Investigate and take chargo of these
fceblo old pefiple, who had worked hard all
their lives and raised n family of children.
flut what ot tho civilization that permits
uch things? What- of the boasted pros
perity In which such things occurr 'What
..; UN.fcnu
aii.or.r. .
2j. .
? "1
:tu. n;o
.1117, :i iii
Less uitHnld nnd returned copies..
Net total alns.... 1'.: 1(07, l
Net daily average. -l',-7
UKOltOK 11. T.SC11UCK.
Suhsrrlbcd In my piVsnce and nworn to
lieroro mo in s 3131 my or uciooer. .a. u,
irt'I. M. II. HUNOATK.
(Seal.) , Notary Public,
Tho HcratcliPd ticket sim'Iiis Ii linvi;
lii'cn a favorlto in more counties tlinii
one In NebviihUa this yenr.
Three weeks more anil President
Itoosevelt will enjoy 'the novel expeil
eiiet) of liuvlnn congress on his lunula
A Rood ninny niiinufnetiiriHK ion
cents me willing to Ideate In Oninliu, nl
wiiys provldlni: Oninliu will l'mtilsli thu
If any turkey has Iieen missed In the
distribution of T1iiiiiUskIvIii iiroelamn
tlons li should register his Krlvitut'
forthwith with the proper authorities
In regard to our-future economic policy
and particularly to reciprocity. No con
fident predict km enn now lie made ns
lo the result, but while the probability
Is strongly apilnst tarirf revision, wo
think II safe to Kay trial the reciprocity
policy will prevail. In that case pro
tectloit will necessarily be somewhat nf
fected, though not to nn extent, under
the limitations of the reciprocity pro
visions of the tariff lnw, to mateflally
Impair the advantages which protection
given to our Industries. Mr. .McKluley
said: "If perchance some of our tariffs
are no longer needed for revenue or to
encourage and protect our lifdiistrlea at
home, why should they not be employed
to extend and promote our markets
abroad?" He believed that we could
nfford to surrender something of pres
ent protection In order to retain and
enlarge our foreign trade.
This Is the question of first and most
urgent Importance with which the com
Ing congress has to deal and upon Its
wise determination largely depends the
continuance of our commercial pr6gress
and prosperity mid the maintenance of
our litiuucial strength.
Arizona, New .Mexico and Oklahoma
am preparing to make an earnest ef
fort to obtain statehood from the Klfty-
seventh congress. Next Thursday a
ronvntitloii of d'eleirntes from Oklahoma
of tho organization of society whero such nn(, tl(J Imjnn territory will meet at
innumanuy is TronBiniRi u bui... " I 'IV m niitlln.. n iilim of
It such a thing
rtnrtii.pAiH In T.lnnnln Ihn rharltV or
nDniiin havo i,i ready to act action with which to go before congress,
Immediately. An cmcrncncy tuna is ai- j no liuiiciiiioiis niu iiiui mi: oicuims
ways at hand. An Investigation would have x v lit be more hnrmoiilous and effective
been made and the old couple would' have t)mll otLr Huinr moctlngs held during
been allowed to live In each other's so- f w(,h
c etv nnlll they were ca ed away. In "v , . . , , ,. ,
u. Jr. .iiffnnt.-t.incnin lnde- there has been manifested u spirit of
tiendrnt. rivalry, 1101 10 say jeiuuusj, una mm
I'lils malicious screed will be taken for made the result or little value. reverai
gospel truth by thomYnnds of Nebraska plans are contemplated, one being thu
iioniillslH because It is primed at the union ot ouianoina anu me iimiau ici
ii.mii f.r 'the i.illinrlnl naL-e of their of- ritory in one state. It Is said the most
ilelnl orcaii. There Is not a scintilla of popular plan Is to hAve two states .ml
truth' In the 'harrowing Mellon that mltted at the same time ntid under the
serves an tlie text ror mis wanton as
saull upon Omaha.
The alleged brutality toward a help
less old couple Is a pure Invention,
After painstaking Inquiry The Itce has
been unable to Mud a trace of any such
Incident, Neither the rekuhir police, the
depot police nor the employes n't the
railway stations bad ever heard of It
same conditions. Oklahoma Is well pre
pared for statehood and the desire o
Its people should receive proper coiisld
New Mexico Is also organizing n move
incur. The territorial legislature nas
prepared a memorial to congress In
which It Is urged that In more than
twelve congresses the Mtness of the peo
the census Mctiros of 1000. This con
ltislon Is reached by doubling the num
ber of votes cast In this city and multl
plvlng Ihe result by live. Why Mr. Test
should stop short of quadrupling the
total vote cast and multiplying It by
ten Is Inconceivable. One method Is
Philosophy of the Returns,
Chicago Hecord-llerald (rep.)
As a result of Tuesday's elections tho
democrats will gain one I'nlted States sen.
just as reliable as the other. The truth ator from Kentucky and probably another
Is Mr. Test s researches among the
heavenly bodies have expanded his per
ceptions to stiih an extent that his
mathematical bump Is enlarged by sev
eral degrees of longitude nnd altitude.
from .Maryland, but they have no cause for
national rejoicing. If the south has swung
back with some appearance of renewed
loyalty the more significant returns from
the north are most discouraging. The great
republican pluralities of Iowa, Ohio and
Massachusetts, the republican gain In Ne-
Phe smaller counties In Nebraska braska, tho persistence with which that
usually complete their otllclal canvasses former democratic slate. New .tersoy, now
of the vote before tbe canvass In Doug- her" to JI1 "P"1'11"" wjumn l,rov
, . i . , fiu-. I .... IIIHI Ut'IUUVl Hliu niiuiifciii in mm Minimis
las county Is .even beg in. 1 here Is no whern u ,v most WpM
good renson why election olllcers In a Tho contnued prosperity of the country
great city should not be ns prompt in under a republican administration explains
making their returns ns those In back- the situation In part, and probably the dem
woods precincts. ' The people of tills ocrats lost much more than they won last
nirli In lio lib O to in VP t lo onr l"r l-ar.iu.uu.n. las.m in imperial
TllinTV yi:a lift'. Oil" WTII.
llIr', lite rrupir .unirrinii ,
Alcnliillj n .llornll).
Clilcago Inter Ocean.
TJie Treasury department recently pub
lished a long nnd dull-looking tnble of fig
tires which proved to contain a mote won
derful story than any romancer or poet
ever Imagined. It Is the true story of tin
have not u tithe ot the eloquence of the
figures which utterly discredit the free sil
ver propaganda. Instead ot that cruel finan
cial stringency which was predicted wo
have today an unprecedented supply of groW(h 0f tho American peeplo In the Inijt
money, me largest per capita circulation tkriy years.
on record,
A restoration of confidence In democratic
leadership Is Impossible under the circum
stances. People who have nn antipathy for
the republican party and who cannot sup
port It with any enthusiasm are driven to
It by the Incontrovertible monetary facts.
The democracy will never reclaim them un
til it has reclaimed Itself anil repudiated
the onco powerful faction which has mnde
It ridiculous by prophecies that were re-
We nro often told that "the ricn nro
growing richer nnd mo poor growiui;
poorer." Those who' say tins annul mat
our total weaiui iias smiuj
but deny that It Is so evenly distributed
as It used to be. Yet In trip last thirty
year, wl.llo wo have luercasc'd In number
. 1 . . , i i. .i
only 5S per cent, our savin" m-i,u.i-Itors
lave Increased nearly 100 per rent,
and their deposits 4.'.0 per cent, l or every
soul added to our population four of our
olllclal election llgures complete within
seventy-two hours' after the closing of
the' polls, without waiting for the In
troduction of the voting machine.
Ism because tho people are always disposed
to back tho government In a foreign war or
In a war for the retention of territory legiti
mately acquired. Hut the first great handl-,
cap was the Chicago platform of 1S96, nnd
Its ruinous Influence muy be discovered In
every compalgn since.
, . , ... . i. .... i ii inu main ill wiuii iwuinen na- mil,
age, enough to denounce the government nRhUng HRnlnst (hp party lhp (rca((lry Mft.
ror HIP IlOirors oi UU! iioieiiiwn eniupn ... ...... nro m,,rB ..nirnelou
futed by events almost as soon as they were L)coplo ,mV(, ,(ee t0 tni0 Bl(,p
lllicieu. , ... ..,n,l In.lminnilPlll'P Wllll'll a S.1V-
Tho Injury Is so deep that It could not be . ., rr,iroscntg. '
healed Immediately even by a complete Hut (hprc a HwM wh0( w,lt,0 nrtmttlng
revolution In the control of the party. 't otlr n,)(,nm,ng material prosperju)-. contend
that this hns been accompanied by moral
No direct In-
I.ondon papers are mustering up cour-
in South Africa. It might be well for
Oreat Hritnlu to heed the warning. It
was such conditions which largely
caused the Intervention of the United
States In Cuba and Htiropenn tuitions J
which nre Inclined, naturally, to side
with the Uoers might take up this pre
text with good cause.
than any purely political agency. The vivid
oratory of an army of stump speakers, tho
rhetorical pleas of partisan newspapers
tome such rndlcat changn Is Indispensable
to begin with. It Is unquestionably n safer
policy to defy defection and a third ticket
than to attempt a compromise. Defeat
might bo certain In either ense, but com
promise would leave the organization
wrecked again, while thn escape from past
hcrnnles under n leadership that had al
ways denounced them would at least Justify
hopes for tho future.
nEi'uni.iCANs' Tunx ;ro iti'Mnicn.
Kmerson Enterprise: Nebraska Is In the
republican column to stay. This Is evident
by the declslvo voto cast.
An Indlnna telephone company pro- ,,onca Journa. lt was a tcrri,ie slaugh-
poses to furnish compulsory elocution (eI.( j,llt Bn thC!,0 things you know must
lessons free to Its operators to Improve be with every famous victory,
lis long-distance service by cultivating Albion News: Disintegration has set In
in litem a more distinct enunciation. We. with a, vengeance with tho pops, nnd next
should Imagine the elocution lessons yenr Nebraska will go republican by 60.000.
wmilil ennm in tn more iiurnose If forced Kalrhury Enterprise: There is no ques
on the patrons rather than employes. "A
free elocution lesson with every live
minutes' tulk" ought to be a drawing
tlon but 'What Nebraska Is again safely In
tho republican column. It Is there, too, to
remain for several years.
Stanton Pickett: Judge Sedgwick has
been elected to a place on the supremo
hnnrh. Thlu mnv not mrnntlv mill onp .tllrlcn
Our Ilrltlsh friends nre aghast at the olcnbcck of Fremont, but the people are
discovery that the order for 0.000 briar- :,Cased.
wood pipes to be presented by Queen Ashland Gazette: Tho Inevitable has
Alexandra to the troops In South Africa happened, The party with no bond of union
tvnu i.lvmi a French tiliieinakef to but a thirst for tho spolU has fallen, to
and the reporters of the various papers pie ot New Mexico for a state govern-
disclaim a)l kimwiedge of. It. . . ment has been fully Investigated, that
Thn ilcnunclatfou'iit'Oinahii as a com- bill after bill for the admission of the
rfiunltv of depraved morals ami blunted territory has failed by one mishap or
conscience Is gratuitous. Its Inspiration another, and In a somewhat Imperative
emanates from the same source that has way demanding admission. Arizona will
recently sought to blacken Omaha's
reputation to make capital for political
mountebanks and hypocrites.
More money Is disbursed for charities
In Omaha In
than Is disbursed for charities at l.ln
coin, outside of the state Institutions, In
a .year. And that Is by no means a re
duction upon the philanthropy of the Cap
ital city. Hesldes its public charity In
stitutions supported by taxation, Omaha
vigorously urge Its claims to
hood. At a convention Held a
pieces. Puslon In Saunders county Is for
ever dead.
O'Neill Frontier: Thoso 10,000 voters
that the fuslonlsts have been claiming
were brought back to Nebraska by tho re
publicans last year to vote, must havo be
come permanent residents.
iimi.on nnw tl pntihllonn ! N'ollfv Prvan
The coroner s luuuesi over tnc lusiou .hHl t,,0 ,.cnubllcans are still In favor
corpse has brought to the front a great 0f expansion. l.ast Tuesday they took tho
iniiiiv nolltlcal pathologists. Populist entire territory of Custer county. George
keep the expense, down. If her roynl
highness had only iKithought herself she
could have saved still more of her
money by Investing In 0,000 Missouri
corncobs of the good old approved pat
Htate- h,,,,!!,. R. slst that the fatal dose W. Dewey was aboard tho ship.
snort . ...LMintuinr,.,! in- tin. di.iimiTMtH. I ncatrlce Kxnress: The supremo
huimi, ivinciiirau ....... w ailiuiuistercii ny mo ueiiiocruis, omu ",o "..i-. .-
time ago In Phoenix resolutions were , u, ,u,ul0(.nltt. doctors are equally will have to struggle along for a time with
adoplcd setting forth the claims of the msltlV(! tlmt , cftlm; t hls(loatl VfSnS
every week In the year territory lor statehood and a committee l)y ti0l.(.ton.s foil to the patient out of
of representative citizens was cnosen 10
lay these claims before congress. A
constitution framed ten years ago was
The question of admitting these terri
tories to statehood should be considered
populist bottles.
TIiIiikm C'hiiic III Wny.
Baltimore American.
Dewey Is an exceptionally lucky
He 1b to get prize money and he has not,
who has Important engagements clsewhero
lt can tin said to tho credit of tho distin
guished Judge that he puts up a very en
ergetic and commendable fight.
Callaway Courier: Tho old hulk of popu
lism Is not only leaking, but lt Is scuttled by
a gang of fusion pirates which has infested'
lt for years, and another November galo
Omaha still keeps up with the pieces
slon. Its clearings exhibit for the last
week shows n gratlfylbg Increase over
the Corresponding wtek jf the preced
ing year.
maintains by private charity half a dozen entirely with reference to their ability r put on trial for winning the battle ,,k. - one of last Jiday w,. I send th.
Thilt wholesale prison delivery at' the
1'ort LcAvcn worth pclillentlary is sim
ply it reminder that an4 occasional escape
of convicts Is likely to occur in thu
best regulated prison.
When Tat CroWo." learns that the.
freedom of the cltyhns been intended
to .llin Callahan, with Ihe compliments
of the Jury, he will' return to Omaha
to greet Ills old friends.
Judge. Sedgwick's plurality proves to
be close to that by-H'Jioli Nebraska was
carried for Hryan In 18'JO. Tile political
pendulum has swung from populism to
republicanism the whole reach. .
The foot bull craze, does not appear
to have subsided, to. any appreciable
degree. Neither doe. the gauiii appear
to havo lost any of Us prestige as a con
trlbutor to the annual list of killed nud
At. Us coming session the Jowa legisln
turn will havo the privilege of electing
two United States senators. It Is to be
hoped It will escape the deadlock bnblt
that has taken such u linn hold on re
rent Nebraska legislative bodies.
Nebraska should participate In the
Louisiana Purchase exposition, but the
legislature should say what form Its
participation should take and to' what
extent the statu treasury should be
tlrawn on for the bill of expenses.
hospitals that would be a credit to any to maintain n state government. No
city. Omaha also maintains out of vol- political considerations should Have nuy
untnry contributions several orphan. Inlluence In the matter. It, Is quite pos
sible that all of them will be admitted
bv (he coming congress, as western
SnotliliiH Kfffct of Klshlnir.
San Francisco Call.
Grover Cleveland has made a
speech to tho public and stated a convlc-
last vestige of lt careening to tho bottom
of the sea to. repose, In the sllmo of ob
livion, too rotten for food for even the
fabled octopus. '
little I r,- Tnr,Mt1lr,nn Thn nlnfllnn nf TlieH-
ln Nebraska was a most decisive vlc-
IIV I lie I'UllllllK l.-Ullfcll.-.TC, lunvuiu - . - . . ... lllty 111 ,icuiiw " -
J.untors nnd representatives generally tlon thBl bJro ,T, 100 ,mnn pe? ln tory all' over the state for tho re'publlcavs.
seuatois unu npics .iiiiiim i s l-uaii iij cmlntrj. who think only of getting rich. ' vehraska counties heretofore doml-
are believed to be In lavor o giving 1!robahly nc oc..e,ves ,t would be better If TiuZnS Zl chosen re-
them statehood
Klglitcen months ago the World-Her
ald made the "exclusive" announcement.
more men would go fishing and stay at lt
longer when they start.
homes, home's for-' the children of de
pendent ivomun, rescue' homes for fallen
women, a home for unemployed women,
besides homes for aged and lulirni men,
mlsslun schools; and nearly e've'ry church
Is organized for charitable work lo re
lieve the sick nud impoverished." A
score of fraternal organizations nre con
stantly ministering to ' the relief of
needy members and their -families, that the supreme court had decided to L nnt OI. mor urBent business on his of 'prosperity and plenty,
.... 1 t. a r I. . ii i 1 ....II .oi. 1 . ' .... n I J I t I rr"1 .l. . flkn
No worthy man, wqiimu or clillu reverse ust'ii on iih on- nun hjhl- hands on meenay insi man mei
nil niittiM wiim KtM'vtMl TinnHovplt: but he traveled hundreds of
urL'u iciiuiiii iiuuuij uuii-itut ui i ii--'i ...... ..w. . ,
(without shelter In Omaha. on the chlei ol police nnd tlie ponce
The taunt nbout political degradation captains to get ready to vacate. On the
Is euuallv a slaiider. There Is no open strength of this exclusive Information
unmbllm: In Omaha and there .has not Former Chief Gallagher burnished up
been for years. In proportion to .point- bis brass buttons and brushed the cob
lutljiii ilium iu n miifdi irtmi liltiM' mill I V ebs off his olllclal raiment, while
nnd Intellectual decadence.
venlory of our moral nnd juetitnl posses
sions ns a nation Is possible. Vet when w
reflect what happens to (he Individual wild
declines menially and morally and then
compare his stale with that of tho nation
ns shown by the treasury's figures, wo get
much light even on (hat question.
When a man decays morally o,r mentally,
he spends moro of his Income for physical
nnd less for moral nnd mental .needs nnd
pleasures. Wo see this nroiuul ns every,
day with tho man who falls Into bad habits
and vice. How do our expenditures an a
nation for our mental and usual needs
comparo with those of thirty years ago?
Upon two polnls of such expenditure, tho
evidence Is coocluslve.
While our numbers liavo not qultn
doubled since 1S70, wo send nearly nine.
times as many telegrams, we spend live
times ns much ln postage nnd wo pay our
school teachers three nnd one-hnlf times
as much as wo did then. Our expenditures
for charity and religion ennnot. for various
reasons, bo given with sueli. exactness, but
that they have grown much faster thnn our
population Is well known. While. o many
of us proportionately may nbt now go to
church regularly, wo havo provided room
for more of us ln our churches when wo
do go, nnd we pay our religious teachers
much better now; than then.
The mentally and morally decayed man,
also declines ln, efficiency ns ft workman,
whatever his work may be. Tiiutis noior
lous nnd we see lt around us nvory day.
Havo wo declined ns a nation lp. produotlva
efficiency? Do wo ns a. peoplo do our worn,
less woll than wo did lt thirty years ago; A .
Whlln our population has not qultrv
doubled wo produco nearly twlco as much,
corn, two and one-fourth tlmc,n ns much,
wheat, threo and three-quarters times ai
much cotton and two and ono-Uihd .tlmcrt
ns much of all agricultural products, Wn
also produco 143 times ns much .stcol ami
Ave and ono-halt times as much of nil manufactures.
In tho light ot tlteso facts there, senma
not tho slightest ground for believing, for
an Instant that tho American peoplo as; n.
whole, whate-ver tholr Individual faults.
havo ln any way declined In nught tha,n
makes for powor nnd progress., m tact
they havo greatly grown, materially, men
tally and morally In tho last uuriy years.
publico.! officers. In fact the results nave
been uniformly In favor of the republicans.
Worthy of Kmulnllon. This Is a most gratifying result and shows
Philadelphia llccord. that the peoplo are waking up to me rnc
n,nh.hlv n man In tho country had more mat repunucan supremacy i..u
miles from Washington to oyster nay 10
cast his vote. He could not have none any
thing moro Impressive to show his high re
gard for his civic duty.
riK'tlcal Ht-llKloii.
Indianapolis Journal.
Tl 1,t., tlnnunvull'B Tlia tl k tl V 1 n IT OTOC
ns much tolerated vice In Lincoln as In Captains Mostyn and Haze Invested In ,nmnton raakcs vory nttlng allusion to the
Omaha. Yet no Omaha paper has be- Prand new uuiiorms in oruer uiiii uie tragic death of President .McKiniey ana
mli'ht lu uiiii, to nrcscut an lmnosing nnninln this characteristic sentence: we
.... I . . . ,l,.n1.,nlnnne r, , 1, n At!iiui in t in iioaii oi inu reoruaii- ran neBi urove our luouniuimno .u ... ....
"i I .ui..u 1,ID nnU
l-ed conners. mighty uy mo way in which '"'
Hut 1
rated Lincoln for Its degradatiou and
moral depravity.
Friend Tolegraph: The republican state
ticket Is elected by a majority of not less
than 13,000. This places tho stato a little
farther up In tho republican column nnd
offers a striking rebuke to tho Liquor
Dealers' association for attempting to de
feat n good man for tho head of tho ticket.
Nebraska may bo said to have nono of tho
free silver or antl-lmperlallsm sticking to
Its garments at thlB time, but has rllmbed
a little farther up the laddor among re
publican states.
Hobron Champion: The result of Tues
day's election simply confirms a previous
suspicion of the editor that the populist
pllments from tho opposition, but very few
votes. Fusion Is fairly and sqilRrely beaten
In Nebraska for tho second time, nnd by
an Increased majority.
Valentine Itoruibllcan: Wherever an clee
tlon was held Tuesday republicans were
the victors and in nearly every Instnnce
made Increased gains over last year. lie
publicans of Nebraska have triumphantly
carried the state by n declslvo majority and
therefore remains firmly anchored In the
republican column, whoro It resumed Us
former position a year ngo. In spite of the
persnnnl appeals of tho Into candidate of
tho fuslonlsts for tho presidency, tho state
ticket has been cnrrled by Increased ma
Jnrltlcs. Many counties that have not been
carried by republicans In the Inst ten or
twelve years have elected republican off!
cers this yenr, Indicating a largo gain
for the permanent voting strength of tho
party In tho future. Thero Is no doubt
now, that Nebraska will contlnuo to roll
up republican majorities so long ns gov
eminent of tho state Is properly conducted.
Tecumseh Chieftain; Tho majority In
Ihe stato Is much larger than was antic
ipated. Judge Sedgwick made a magnlfl
cent rnco nnd tho latest returns Indicate
that his majority will be 12,000. Tho liquor
dealers circular which was circulated
broadcast over the state ln favor of tho
fusion candidate really operated against
him and only served to Increnso Judge
Sedgwick's vote. Messrs. Ernst and Cal
kins,- the candidates for regents of tho
university, wore nlso elected by handsomo
majorities. Tho days of Ilryanlsm nnd fu
sion control In Nebraska are apparently
gone forever.- Many counties which tho
fuslonlstB havo cnrrled for a number of
years wont republican this year by good
majorities. Tho votors of Nobraska and of
tho entire north have reached tho conclu
sion that republicanism Is tho only safe
brand of politics to tlo to,
Randolph Times: Tho contest of Tues
day was ot greater Importance In No
i,n . ii,... i. ... j . Thn sultan cannot borrow from. Ids
tviuu,iv.iii iiynui. it aiuuuuiL'u tu u trim I , . , . -
nf t, .r.n,.il, f .. iii, ,.j, friends to pay tho French, claims? first be
of tho people to uphold tho principles and causn no haB no crct,t' an'1, BOcom1' 1,0
theories of Hryanlsm. It was tho hone of causo no nas uo irionus,
tho republicans of tho stato that the teach- San Francisco's now mayor Is fiddler
lngs of Ilryan would bo repudiated com- hr trndo and answers to tho name of
plotely by n declslvo victory at the polls Bchmltz. His admirers dcclaro no Is an
this year. Their hopes have- been realized, artist with a long bow,
itepunnenns havo carried the stnto by about Tho kaiser's warlike predecessors -would!
ju.vuu plurality. Tno gala Is not ln see- -nmnlimentcd bv his noast
..... . ,u uiuni. i-ry couuiy ,h , th c,nlolts of his troops .In Oninn
n i0Drnsnn. ino teaching of Tuesday's ....j . i ,. , nnniont inrv
.oiit i. ioi i . . naum ucBii mu,c. ............. .-.
Anothor naval contractor convicted ot
...... ......w. . ..... ...u.,.,.,, ,,0,1, llliui . . , , ,v
thn r an t Ufn pi Inn fnr thn mlnl.i..lln. nriDOry niUl huuiuiicuu ui I'lio'i"
stato and nntlonal affairs under renubllenn York has been grnnted a stay of exectiUon,
officials. Tho result Is not dun to Mm tending appeal. A man never known
great popularity of individual candidates whether ho Is guilty or Innocent nftoronlyr
nor to lack of harmony or work on the ono trial over there.
part of fuslonlsts, but can bo trnced dl- Mrs. Oeoriro Cornwullls "West's dlscon
rcctly to tho chango of political views by tlnuanco of tho publication of tho Anglo
tho peoplo. finxon Itevlow. which has boon described,
North I'Intto Tribune: The result of tho by a wit ns "a wonderful sixpenny worth.
emotion ln rsobrnska Is particularly gratl- for a guinea," Is Intimated by somo or tun
tying , to republicans, tho ticket being Enisllsh papers to bo duo to her dcslro t
elected by a majority greater than one year devote her entlro tlmo to matrimony.
ngo, This In tho fnco of tho fact that lt l
Hut you
r,rmi' iviu'iiini vni.uw it.. I,, ,.f nrntuaivn .HhpIo. ana iu mm ume emu u, Uvr , narty has gone to pieces, wo no not o-
. ...w .v. ..t ... ... ..... fpllnw-men." That Is tho Iloose- ,, vr , imnnrtant factor
Two interesting, and Important utter- sures of the World-Herald the supreme ... 11pa nra,tcal rellglon-"What- ' nMi. Mnnv oonullsts
nnces bearing upoti the future economic court declined to perform the acrobatic sncvcr tDy hand flndcth to do" ln the way fn,.cd t0 votB last Tuesday, becauso of the
policy of Ihe country have been made feat, nud the Poynter commission, so- 0f present duty "do It with thy might. feeling that they were "not ln lt." To bo
within tbe last few days. One of these Is lectcd exclusively for the .purpose of ....... . ... ..,.. sure, a largo portion of tho popu ibis are
i.n .iA..inp.itimi nf nTirHeiitnt.lVi (Sins- iiiinentliiL' discord ntid anarchy In the . and were perrccuy wining io muimiy u
.:.. . ; ,.. ...... ..,i , ..ii n.i, r..n.l to Kearney hud. selves with the democratic party,
vcnor ui wiiiu 11
tariff revision me
i-oiiilnir concress nnd further that then! exclusive experience emphnsizes the old nnrdnn. cocs on forever. He has been
' i - .... . , j , .
will be no reciprocity treaty ratllled adage that there is many a slip between impeached for maiconauci nnu y i
that will affect protection. .Mr. Ores- the cup and the lip. of ofllce, but still ne '''
. .. ........ .. r .i. llrln. A successor was elected at tno eiec-
venor reguids tne result or mo une ciec- neincr uie eAciusivc up uum - Tuesday. Judgo Gordon
tlons as 11 popular- veriuci. hoi ouiy supreiue cmiii. ruuuif, uiii-mmuiiniu . ARtvaitA bv Judgo Ilorka, nut, oravo
against any rcvislou of the tariff, but the Installation of a governor-appointed mBn tnat ho u, judge (lordon announces
Tho sugar trust must be extremely
alarmed over tlie possibilities of Ihe
beet sugar Industry. Kor no other
reason could the trust be induced to
pose ns a philanthropist for' the benefit
ot consumers In. the beet sugar urea.
The day after election The llee gnvo
It as a conservative estimate that the
republican majority In XebrasUa would
not be less thnn 7.000, while opposition
papers were Insisting that It would not.
jo over 11,000. Full returns show that
It is close to lii.OJM).
The demand for periodic publicity by
custodians of public funds of the
amounts and whereabouts of public
moneys in their safekeeping is Just, as
much In thu lutcrest of strict account
ability of public olllcers after election as
It Was before election.
And now lt iransplres that a Ne
brabka miller crossed tho Missouri ou a
tour of inspection and managed tn lose
$:t00 ln a gambling house at Council
llluffs, which goes to show that Holwj
Klynt lost tho ehnnco of his life by fall
Ing to Investigate the wickedness In
Iowa before ho came over to Omaha.
In 1000 tho Nebrnska fusion circus
bad three rlucs. In 11)01 It bad been
reduced to a two-ring show by the ills
uppearanco of the so-called silver re
publicans. Will II get down to an old
fashioned one-ring performance next
venr anil If so, which ring will be re
tallied? That Is the perplexing itiestlon
that Is puzzling several fusion leaders
against tiny reciprocity that will, affect police commission, will niiiterlall.e, re- that he will continue to ne ponce ji uku jui.
the principle of a protective system, mains to be seen. For the time being the same. We believe that he claims to
This vfew. It will doubtless be found, It affords exclusive amusement and .,wg unJfpr nj th"u?h "kin"
fs In accord with thn opinion of most recreation for the exclusive demo-rep should rise nnd fall and future
and perlnfps all the republican leaders.
Such of them ns have already nn
nouiiced their posltloil are, with few ex
ceptlons, opposed to any revision of the
tariff, chlelly for the renson that It
would have the effect to disturb bus!
ness and thus give a check to prosperity
Henresentatlve Haucock, who goes no
coterie niai loves io liiiiHipienuie in m
irnrb of reform under the exclusive
pntent right title of municipal leaguers.
.lvnn.ilKH ho committed to tho sacred dust,
' ... . . ,,, .. m
(lordon nnd his gnnsi win run m,. .mi...,
last mentioned contingent will go Is now
an Interesting problem.
Creto Vldctto; The circulars gotten out
on tho eve of election by the Liquor Deal
nra' n onnpin t inn . urclnc the members to
"oIue" It to Sedgwick because ho was a pro
hlhltlonlst and to voto for Hollenbeck bn-
cause he had great capacity for lager beor
and would be "their Judgo," proven
hoomerang. Judge Sedgwick Is a republican
and not a prohibitionist. It Is truo, and
wo are picascu io mum, mat '
strictly temperate man. These senseless
circulars opened the eyes of hundreds of
St. Louis has decided to nbnndon the
repairs of asphalt pavement with Its
city plnnt nnd return to the contract
system. The city nsphnlt plant has
farther than. to urge that certain duties been In operation for a period of leu
should be reduced or removed alto- years and was generally presumed lo
gether, appeals to bo almost alone havo been n profitable Investment. Tbe
among republicans In congress. ' city has carried on the repair work ou
The other utterance Is that of Senator aspbalt paved streets with Us own force
Ledge, who In an address at the dinner of men, under tlie direction of Its board
of the Middlesex club In Uostou Sat- of public works, with apparently satis
urday Is reported to liavo strongly urged factory results. The excuse given by
reciprocity with other countries, nlong tluv members of the council who voted
the lines mentioned In tho Huffalo for a ten-year contract with the asphalt
speech of the hile President McKluley. trust Is that It Is Impossible for the
The Massachusetts seuator Is a recent city to purchaso asphaltum with which
convert to reciprocity, having opposed to carry on the work because the com-
until the last """""' X" temperance populists and they switched t.
incro il no nut nin,". -- s,i,ii. a, the last momcni. mma
fore ho turns over the books to tne hl1" enough. It served 'em right.
premc Judge on tne r. ,,.,., Tribune: All Is woll thai ends
-u. Thn voters In Nebraska havo done
exceodlnclv well In keeping tho stale In
tho republican column, wliere mey put u
iwniNti i.usins or iiiiva.msm.
.cnraHn m,rn,n - snlendld lendorshln of
the habit of going " ;h .,,. .h.
I'reBiiieiii iuiinw- --
r,iMlriin niirlv left 110 StOOO UntUrtlCd to
Evidently Mr. ncccmpHsh the defeat of tho republican
Washington Post
to havo CLntracieu
against fusion.
Kansas City Journal
Hrvan's speech Is not an euecuvc m tlcket ono 0f the best ever pin noioro mo
braskn m It once was. nomn uj ir. pe0pei Kvon Horoe unusiml anq not very
lirvan should nrcparo a new speecn. honnrahln means were used to foist iioiien
imllananolls Journal. Mr. Hryan has no jieck on tho bench. Tho goon senso oi urn
.i m R1iv irintivn to Mr. Croker's do- voters overcame all these unscrupulous
.... cm rmimbor his wordB; mpthnrin. Tho stato Is In lino with tho
"r.r,'.nt is Tammany and Ttlcbard Croker is best political thought of the age
Its nronhet." York Times- Judge Bedgwics nns a saie
uin vv.irnr.. There were two stales maior ty. Ho was eiecien nernunti .uiimnnu
..,..... H- . , , . . ... , ..,
nnmnaicn was ioukiii is reniinnran. rnero never n laiiiiiwni,-
only in which the
on tho Issues of Hryanlsm.
They were Ne-
ratlllcatlon of the treaties negotiated panics which have a monopoly of that braska nnd New Jersey. And boih gave
under the McKluley administration, and material decline to sell It to the city, good republican majorities.
the' Importance, of his present position it also transpires that the supply St. Louis Republic .Nenrassa is tne
may be measured by Ihe fact that he needed has always been purchased for greatest democratic ;1Unnpl'"'nrlra,,',; "
enjoys the most co..lldentll relations the city by an outside parly and the S,. and the bakotas,
with. President lloosovelt and will prob- man who hns neon nuying tne aspnait jhat th(; popilIlHl rppUbllcat
cans are repub
licans still, with whom aiimncu unci a iiu
rewardB In practical politics.
Pnrtlnml flrnirnnlnll The silver CraZS
ablv be the chief representative of the for the city has recently been frozen
admlulstratlon"In the senate. Mr. Lodge out. The asphalt paving companies
n Hiinrt tlmo iico lmil n conference with ninko no secret of lt that the reason
ilu. tifiku lilitttt tlm. tin turn tf iliti'h lit I n hnrr rofiiKpd to soil It to thn v.liv Iu luvlnir nnRaert the slates or nansas,
........ -i ... ,i. . -i ... .n.i i. iJ, ..... M.,,,- .,,( fr k..,.iirn in,, hraska. foloiado. Wyoming, Montana,
lieeiiiicii ni ini inn" iu hhcium-. ii. iHiium.- .... j - - ..." ,t,..m,nn will takn
now obvious that the president, who work themselves. Way down deep tho ;hcm already have taken
had previously declareil in lavor o.t reel- fact oozes out tnni ino nt. j.ouis niiiunri- tlie,r pnPH n ,he republican column
proeity, Induced Mr. Lodgu to support ties nave suecumneu to tne pressure Ugaln, and they will keep it. mo.crazo
tlint policy and ,lt Is needless to say which tho asphalt trust is nble to exert was one of the strangest, If not positively
that his adhesion to It will have a In promolng Its own Interests the most extraordinary "r "n.."----. .
our politics. It was """ -
... i. r.iiarv and a curious
-.i..i r,'r ,. ,i,i ( ,u immuiucnmi cuunnmii
..wujuii ir nun iihiiKM ""i .."in nn' .,.i,iii u..n.av It w certain
great deal of Intiuen'ce' In 'the
on the republican ticket In Nobraska who
was so universally commended ror mo po
sltlon. There hns been absolutely nn criti
cisms, either public or private On thn
other hand It Is not out of placo to say, now
the election Is over, that Conrad Hollenbeck
Is not considered at all fit for so high nnd
Important a position by anyone who knows
him. Ho posed as a Herman, but Is no more
Herman than Judge Sedgwick Is. htlll that
was a harmless deception. Very few Her
mans voted for him on that account. The
hleh esteem In which Judge Sedgwick Is
held got him tho republican vote, and not,
very many more. Here at home the popu
lists and democrats were very generous
with votes and comnllmcnts, and this
hlKhlv appreciated. After tho absurdly
false circulars of Mr. Fields to the liquor
leaeue was made public a number or popu
lists and even some third party prohibition
Ists voted for him as a protest against ma
nnd n'rton niihlli: sentiment',
- i i n&venoioiricHi iinHiiiacj i . . . . ... . .......
The Indications point to a sharp dlvl- recent election returns that omnbn's ; BDend mn ti, end came sooner kind or worn, mil ouimnn m mr
sUnoUi; the republicans lu cougress populallou excecus uy more man -u.wuithaa mleht have beea supposea. "
an. "oft year" nnd tho further fact that the
now passn Mr. Hryan took an active In
tercst ln tho campaign ly dertverlng a num
ber of speeches. It Is now qulto certain
that In the future Nebraska will be s re
liably republican nn Is Iowa. Ily this vic
tory fusion has met Its doom, the prophutlo dew."
You sparrows look
Philadelphia Press:
gloomy this morning,'
""Why shouldn't ivn?" replied, th
sparrows in cnorus, - our imiih nro uu
remarked tho trOo
words of our M, C. Harrington have come
truo, nnd tho name ot "people's Independ
cnt" hns for tho Inst time appeared on tho
ballot. Henceforth tho lines will be drawn
nn rnnlllillrnn find iL.mnprnt llnhlm.t
nnllHpnl hnmn hv Mm mnnhlnntln.,. f ,l. Detroit Frtn ITCHS: . Uie Ilie linOIiri
- v..... ....... ... ,w . , ni, rnni nn,?" nKicpfi in,, vntini?
,i. i ( ,,.!... .... uu"""
... iiii.junif ui mo attorney oi tno wnnrH,
Pittsburg Chronlclo: "Ah! goodanornlne,.'''
cheerily cried tho good-natured, man. " t
hope 1 seo you well." , .. " ,
Mf you don't," snapped ( JvruaU', von a
linilVl UUllHllll. "II IH-blllim,
populists will naturally return tn thn re
publican fold. To those who return the
glnd hand will be extondod, nnd part of tho
fatted calf In tho Ahnpo of continued pros
perity under triumphant republican prln
clples will bo theirs.
Wnhoo Wasp?, The result of Tuesday's
olcctlon Iff, most, gratifying to republicans
Saunders county has been giving from fiOO
to ftflO fusion majority for a number of
years, this yc.r the fitBlon candidate for
nuprcmu Judge rerelved less than 100 ma
Jnrlt)'. We can seo no hntter Indication of
tho passing away of fusion than Is pre
sented ,by the result nf Tuesday's election
ln b'a'undcrs county. Tho fuslonlsts made
an aggressive Campaign In this county. Mr.
Drynn' was hero and everything possible
was dono by the fusion committees, but
tho good time that Is prevailing through
out tho country, nnd especially In Saunders
county, together with tho excellent ticket
nominated by thn republicans, all eon
spired to bring about thoso excellent re
sults. Tho Ann majority given Mr. Slama
for cou
deeds an
'n Mr." milled tho latter. "I never
knew him to take anything but whisky."
Wnahlnutun Rtnr: "You know .Ocorgei
Washington said ho could not tell nil Un
truth. .. . ..
'Nonsense, nnswereu inn nrnciicni poli
tician: "that was probably ii campaign,
slander. lnv'ittert lo make .his-party man
agers think hara mun f.o nnm)e.
I'hliniiolphla HullotlnJ esii t)ipy"cfill lt
a 'rural piny, nut it'noeins io .ni inrc-
omething larking.'' ; ."'(-;
"Why. so there Is: there's no. rnortBuiie. on
the farm," . .. . . v
Cnthnllc Btnndnril! Klnnlck-lV, you no
tice, tho poels Invariably-refer, tii the eiirlli
us "she,'' Why should the earth Vic,' cpn-
Binereii lemimne, i u nn hu.iti,.'
Hlnnick wny not? fioiionj- icuoyyir
11UW OIU mo in, . .
' just
or mis Liiaox, i
Josh Wink In llnltlmnro Aniortcal
An editor named Hrynn sat wecplnc hy, hh
press: ' , j
Tho headline, rr-adliig ."Victory," nu pled,
to his distress: .
Ills scissors lay beside him, with edges Mull
nty Judge. Mr. Mauck for register of ji8 j""rt wlth'sad ornotlonwAB turbulcltly
nd Mr,- Webstor for sheriff la cor- torn.
i mini mis was my Just uitcn no nearu
the victors' dliw . '
I said lt was my lust one, and they have
pushed mo in, .V
' .
Alas!" ho muttered) feebly, irwlmt'jirotlt-
,. . ...
Vlll IL lilt, w
To write my gems of wpdbmllt ru-alM- of
liberty.' ' -: . "Q
What giiln have I In plcadlnii lif rlnplntc
bllver tones? -'
wny couiif i not iiiio .counsel or instep
Jlip'iiyjones? ', ,-' s
Why did I shun Kir-. oil wclj.i: that', nlbcr.
KOIIglll ll. JIHHIO? , .".1 r
i I'm I'oiidemned t .wrisUo with' .pels-..
..a., ..1... .,.,.1 .ni(n-, -
tnlnly" a porsonal compliment to theso men.
The Wasp Is .very sorry that tho entlro
ticket was not elected, and It would have
been had the republicans throughout thn
county heejlod Jh'o ndvlco of this papor nnd
supported all their candidates. Wo do not
feel llko' crowing over1 thn republican vic
tory too voelfofnusly, fully appreciating
ns wo do Ihe source from whenco tho re
nuhllrnns rerrlved substantial nld. nnd can
assure the penpU of the county that every
republican elected wjll merit tho confidence Now
I 1 V. I . f
IVIUBl''l I" Mil' - I ' " ' .------ , .
' ! I "I llMHtleil tr. 'Vi.lirfiHUn .1 w5nln t'ftH 'ttnfiH
l-.ilmii ,'AiIiii-ihIIoii I'rnliletn. I rnimlv fiifrv -. ' v ,
I praised tlie portly .pumpkins,, kissed every,
l,iilf llirr".
llldlanapnlls News,
Cuban annexatjonlsts declare that their I shook the hard -anil, horny uinds of th
policy would bo the best thing for tho fit- . ' sons of toll;
luri of tho Island, in thSt It would give 1 "TutVZP hMyP,1 1
I told the honest Voter 'exnetly what wnn
Cuba absolute freo trade with this country.
ii... l.n... An linir Lnnu" fnlia unrlnp
Scouion of the 'supreme court would bo H'liVihe'ndlt!-',Irn,,UP't,,0Jf PUBhC'1 m
"Anmirtnnant terrllnry" nnd would have to
accept the tariffs that congress saw lt to "I" bead bowVd low In sorrow, lifs brestll
!n,1!!!P;....,,!"lt.,"L"n:n,Str,n::,," ThrnSIKlS', the teardrop.
Ifl Kll 1IIIIIIVI ... ", ... w" w
state or several states? i nc prospect ot
having nix or eight L'nlteil mates sugar
senators from Cuba Is not pleasing at the
present time. Let the annexationists pro
ceed slowly or, they may defeat tholr own
from IiIh nv,,M-
Ho grasped h I k pen nnd p;iier ho wrote In,
lively style,
And soon bin face wnn wearing tho snmu
,... '"mpniKii smile.
"Ihn Inndsllilo slid." ho Hcrlbbled, "wo how;
to bluff and bribe.
Now In thn lime," ha added, "tho best tlmJ
to subscribe,"
iu Nebraska.
. I