TIIE ILLUSTRATED BEK. November 10, 1001. TURKEY AND FRANCE AT WAR Moderate Priced ll!j;li-Class Ladles' and Ocnllc mcn'i Tailoring. Advanced Styles Clecr Ideas Newest Effects WiiiiKI .Mnlic Kiiropu a Croat .Mill, tary Ciunpniul Arouse the Sleep ing Djiiioii of .(inrntiKC J. A. Kervan Tailoring Co., IN EVERY HAMLET OF EUROPE Hill ini'l li'li folllil I, mil. On tlllill lnrlii'il mill Continue In I'll r nlli I In- Mness ul War. 424 South 15th Street, Omaha, Neb. Phone 805. 8 sr a M IIchoiiim of ili Htmrtlon .Hid : rti I viiIh of iiiiiiiiko ilrllKlit huitianll y oven In Hi h pi'iieeful twentieth I't'iitury. Franco linlil.i li.ii'k tlir iI'ikh nf wur with ti'iiHM li'imlii'H mill all I C 1 1 r c J i . ( 1 1 1 1 I rilHil to I lie hvmii iI iiii ii wry xlL'ht pretext. Turkey Ih todiiy, nx hIh' Iiiih ln'i n for half a ri'iitury. the 1 1 1 1 1 i-ii n 1 1 1 to a liolii "ti i iMt ulihh t tn I y fear 1i;ih it vi'titnl long iikii. HilHHla Ii;ih hoped over hIiiiii SelmMupol fur an exiuiio fur tiii: imti in: or rosT.TiMiii.i:. tin1 i lty wlili'li niatrolH (lie HlrallH lending fin. a tin' Mediterranean to Mm llliirk Hen. Fiiini'e, niiw mi a knowli ilged ally nf Uuh Hla, IiIiIh fair to open Hi 1 way for tho mail IiiihIiii'hh uf war. Sim tlircati'iis 1 tut Star ami CiTHirnt ami licfnro many moutiH the MaiHi'ltlalhi' may In' ri-mni ml In K on hoii ami laml iih Hiililli'iH ami Hallom I'Kiirr tiii: i sn:i in,i: i t iik. Menu! line America will iurHHo her penro fill cat'i'i r ami Like enre (if her own, while, at tlio Haiiin tline, fiirnlHliliiK tlic cuuilmt 11 ii t h Hiieli kooiIh, wariH anil mercliamllHii iih are mil ennlratiaml nf war. Tln Kreal liri'Hperlty of our own eountry lias hIIiiiu lateil every line of tniHllienn, ntnl eHpoclul'y thai nf llfn liiHiiranee. .Men ami women everywhere are innhitiK Hiiro of llui fiituru of tlniHii left behind when death Hounds the hint roll. Tliu iiMi:ns itrr.it i: i.iri: Ahhoi'IiiIIiiii Ik iIiiIiik the Inrgest liimlneHH In IIh hlHtory. ICvery week adds to Its ro HiiureeH ami IIh HiirpliiH. The Kod people of N'eliniHka reeiiKUl.e IIh value lo the Mate ami arc rallying lo IIh Hiippurt with nrutl fyliiK, pet-HlHlent loyalty. Tim alien ene mli'H nf home nnuriineo are Riven u t:old rereptlun ami the malice of nmllKitniit enu iiiU'h Ih wiihIciI In futile attemptH In break down an liiHtltiitluii muru valunlilu to thu Htulo al la run than IMI'lilMi HOI M: oil I'AnilllV, The fact that $l.fi00,000 per ntiniim goes out of Nclinmka In alien conipnnleH, every year him not been iippreheiuleil until now ami few people have given thu subject the thmiKht Uh luipniiatieo ileiiuuuls, They are now reaily lo Join hands with thu Hankcm Henervn ami therefore every day hccb the good work of the elllclent cbrpH of ngontH now In the Meld m-nillng to (ho home olllco at Ojiialia application! for policies. .Menu I lino. If ynu wish luforinatlnn or a contract for territory, write to the McCnguo build I iik. Omaha, to ii ii. HiiMiMiN, i-mosim.vr. SCHOOLS ami ciM,i.i:iii:s. Bee Bldf 0 Omaha. Nek IIiihIiidhh, Shorttiiind, Typewriting nnd KiikIIhIi. HtmlontH who desire It are as Hlateil to positions to earn board while at tending. Heml for catalogue, Hoe Hulld Ing, Omaha, Nob. ....YOU SEE More Style, Better Leather n ml a Finer Finish in the Regent $3.50 Shoes tlmn you do In most $! and ti hIioch on the market Shoes for Men Only. Our f lS.no Hlioe cannot bo ben ten. REGENT SHOE CO 205 South rth St. Send for lliiHtriited Cutnlogue. 9 .WiKNTS WAN'N'.D Ml'.N and WOMl'.N tur lh I'lrii.lldl; llluiirtliM ati-1 vu-tf fully ouUr new tM k THIRTY YEARS IN WASHINGTON llf MUM. IJI'V JOHN A. I. 111! AN. llimrtiT lh nit... Iil, wuitdrrful artlvltU't, mirrrla ttitl niy.Urirt nt the Ciiu mm m imiiuui nun ihhuii 'ITMbh wihiibii m infill, IWIIIII' futlr ti1utr1rtl (bo rUti-oi hr (iovti-nmeitt nmarut uui iM C J'"ill lr Htfviit unit . ti I t tlioiiKKiuI, 0; A ttw imirt reliable agviit- wRiitftl Uttlnurii tint ihihii. tint only nut tgtn CJ I'ftHHd no Am tniHCf lor I ttw nrtuM tint (ni r.4t'd trtm nl uuitinlri fWumv Irrntoty, AitJrrit A, II. WOUllllNCnON A 141m lluriford, iuuii. AYI.NO THU COHNKUSTO.NK OK TUB 01)1) KKI. LOWS' CITY, Nob., OCTOIlHIt 2U-l'holo by Reynolds. 1IL'IU)1.N0 AT DAVID Watch tor the Asteroids (t'untlniird from Seventh I'nKo.) the whole ntleiitlcti nf the nbserver while It Ih In prnKrcHH. lb Hides thla matter of num berH a ml hrlKhtncHx, nliMervatlntiH nf color, nf the direction ami character of path. whether Ftralnlit, curved or having an niiKle, of Hlinnllni; HtnrH rotiHplcuuiiH for le. ex- plnHlim nr for leavhiK a trail, and ho on, nro Home of (he lute ri'HtliiK thliiKH Hint may bo noted by the curloun oboerver rontent with the iiho of the linked eye. With a kooiI enmera a hlKher Krado nf work may be done, and the. photoKrnptiH will afford data to the nstronnmer for determin ing the exact place of tho radiant, provided, of courHe, any Htrenks on them appear tn bo referrable to the presence of slinntlnR stars, which Is by no means a sure expectation. Shent I ii x HtnrH aro too brief In ilurntlnn to make much of nn ImprrsHlnn on tho pinto, but It Ih pnRRlhto to Kct them nnd nno good trace tuny he considered iih belnc well worth while by the amateur. Tho rnra nvlH of photographic observation would bo the HccurlnK of n spectrum of n shooting star, bill this must probably be left to ob servations like those at Harvard nnd Ynle, which nro equipped with special apparatus. Ilnrvnrd, Indeed. Is the only observntory that has yet succeeded In gvttltig a spec trum of a Fhootlm; Htar. but this sucews was Hccured only by accident. And tho chanccH of a shontlni; stnr flnshlng across the field nf view In Just the rlnht wny nro nlwnya extremely small, nf cnurwe, under ordlnnry enndltlotiH, althniiRh with tho Krent swnrm thnt wns llrst oxpected nnd may still, It nppenrs. be looked for with a, renBonablo dej;ree of hnpea spectrum could be bnped for with somo confidence. "We nro In nn such stnte of lively nn- tlclpnlloti nH In the last three yearn," says l'rof. I'lckerltiK, "hut shall bo rendy nt Hnrvnrd for nny oinerKenry. Hope Is by no menus abandoned, nnd should this rare phe nomenon appear In IIh pristine splendor It would be a pity tn lose the opportunity to secure for nstrouomlcal science nil thnt Is pensllito In derive frnm It In the wny of nn IncreiiHed knowledge. Our experience while waiting for them hns been n good drill, nt least for this work, and the observntory staff could undoubtedly step In now nnd have tho meteoric observing nppnrntus In full working crder within n few minutes." In the snnie wny nny preparations mndo by amateurs of photography will bo useful, whatever happ"iiH, as a drill nnd prepara tion for that most fiiHclnatlng department of photogrnphy, the recrrdlng of tho phe nnmenn of nstrnnnmy. The Hnrvnrd ob servntory. moreover, will bo glnd to have nny assistance which mny bo nfforded It from those who nre particularly Interested In the phenomena, No Hindrance Chicago Tribune: Hnrold, nged 20, had Just returned from n trip to the mnuntnlns, having been out uf reach of the barbers for n period of about six weeks. He brought back with him, therefore, a perceptible streak of duwn across his upper Hp. Well l'uss," ho Bald, ib his 10-ycnr-old ulster met him nt the dour, "I suppose ynu won't kiss me this time." "Why not?" sho naked. "Ilcrauso l'vo rnlscd n mustnehe." Huh'" snld l'uss, putting up her mouth, "when 1 want tn kiss anybody do ynu think a little thing like that Ih going to top mo'" Pointed Paragraphs Chicago News: A wnninn'8 nerves often make n man nervous. When some people stnnd on their dignity It wabbles. life Is too sbor. to bo speil In nursing animosities. If night Is n clonk for ln It must bo a fall overcoat. Many a man's best thoughts appeared In yesterday's paper. A wuuinn without sentiment Is a misfit Hpeclmen of her box, A man never really knows the value of a dollar unless he Is followed by a persistent collector. Tho selfish man, llko n ball of twino, Is wrnpped up In himself. The caglo Is only hnlf ns dear to tho American henrt ns tho double eaglo Is. I.ovo Is a wonderful thing, yet thero nre people who would rather marry for money. "Hnndsomn Is ns hnndsomo docs," says tho proverb; but If n girl Is hnndsomo she does as she pleases. Tho fnct that you haven't nny volco Is no excuse for prnctlclng on n cornet In n thickly populnted neighborhood. It Isn't nlwnyn snfo to mnrry a girl who looks good cnniiKli to pat. A wlfo dlsngroes with n man nftencr than a dinner. Kain mul sweat have im tllcct on harness treated with hureVa liar ness Oil, It re sitts the damp. keeps theleatn- cr suit ami pn alle. Stllthes do not I rcalc. No rutigli fur lace to chafe anil cut. ihe harness not cmly keeps locking like new. hut wears twlc as longby the M t.ureka Harness Oil. Sold everywhere in cans alt sires. Made by Standard Oil Company A A BUSINESS DISPUTE is easily settled when accounts ore properly kept. Don't practice false economy by trying to save on BLANK BOOKS. We will make you a set ruled and printed to order at such a small cost that you can buy the best. A. I. ROOT, Printer, 4M-4IS S. nth St., - - OMAHA, NEB. CLEANING DYEING REPAIRING and PRESSING of MEN'S and WOMEN'S GARMENTS. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS 319 S. 15th St., Omaha. Telephone 1521. F; DOME mimimi ittmotd email I SALESMEN and AQENTS WANTED BIO WAOES-Our -sboqi Purltitn WatrrMUlk woo. darrul iDf.Dilou mm 9 JIUr. M.04MI AlMil n.m.n4 Y nurmoa. KrcriboJr huf.. T.r lb. ittchen lion tt mr niihei iidij oratiaiM, wr. ail drUltnf wst.r, pure, d., llelnus dJ i.r., Otilr rnilbod, ni.illlM Wtur ear.. Df .ptp. la. Htomsoh, Rowtl. KUny, mw.r .oa man TrouDl.t 'rr.iiui r.rer. to4 alclBMi. Write fur llonklet. w lan.Trrma, ete. rUV.K llarrluni 9tr. '.. f.l liurl.uo bIJ,., (I.rl.asll, U The Bottled Beer For the Home Ih tmnuextlonnbly "Hluo Hlbbon Hcer." thu perfect brew. It Is not browed nnd hur- neii on tno mnritot. u is jieriectiy iur mented nnd properly nged boforo leaving .1... I. ,linpnnpn lin-fnilll, 1. nfl 1 1 1, f 1 1 1 IH, lli vt.vi J i v: ... v ii.l ..v.... .... u., naliitnblc, nourishing nnd no bad aftor-ef- lecin. 3 1 Vo havo a lino lino of Chrysanthemums 111 llllll Itllll IIIOSMOtll IIO.STO.N KKIINS Sl'KtMAI.'l'V Mnll orders promptly HESS & SWOBODA FI.OKIST8. Phoua IfiUI iu i-iiniain bt.,OmnUa FAMILY OF DOLLS FREE Of murwM-w ry little trlil Imittn l)olI, lint him (Ii'liulitctl flu' wtHilil U with ii hull famll) r hIIuith whl h ti "IjiyhniM ," Itolfli Mtlic lty unt (nil I h tliu hrrc piitimtl, then- H n tfiiitiilini nii a U liiiitnitt I .ill, (imii'li.i hi rttll military imirnrm, nnd (iiiin.tmu In flu ilalnty ttMtinif f ttii'ntilt n tln.r. Tin' l.uvi"l"IN in' lit ail v two tut Mh, (lie fimll utM'M 1 Ira hrs Tlit'V haurniy rlai ki, t uutiful lalr, Iicmlr Hint Mill not tn-cak, (hut will imt fall In, ami ati halnl-imifly (licfsfMil In titlifht cttltiiK that will not l.nle Wnnh can nt cr t-x n -t tla'ih lttflitwhii hiiiiyi-lilllHiUrirIliiH4inkMhNntiriinil Wo 111 irUethew foil rln autlf ill (InlUiiliohiieh fiM'fiT m lllnu only Hut ntv nf nnr IiUiitle MntiiiicIiTaliU txnl 'iiiidtwa m iltotiMt'iy ami ut will w titl the Tiit.K Ik liv tnnil Mmtjmli. Win n ib n ml tmthu iMMHt y,i$l,'i')anil ui will H-ntl u thi family of four UIU at umu AUtlnw, NATIONAL MEDICINE CO., Premium Dept. 102 I. New Hnvenf Conn. "IT IS IGNORANCE THAT WASTES EFFORT." TRAINED SERVANTS USE SAPOLIO Purltv In beer Ih cverythliiK. and to uot purity you must liuvo puro witter, no i;erillH. I'.very oni in wilier ueu in III, UK KIHHON UVA'Al la from our pri vate nrten!iin well, heneo wo enn Kiinran- tee iiu.'i': itiiiiio.v Tiii'; I'umcsT m:i:u made. A beer for your home nnil fnmllv Is worthy of n little consideration. Ill, UK ItlllHON Hi;i:il will fully suiistnntlnto nil that enn be sold for It. Will not inako you bilious or kIvo you n hendiiebe. Storz BrewitiR Company Telephone 12(i(. Hitler's Pure Rye 8 Years Old S3.20 per gallon Charges Prepaid. Pure, health-cW-Inn, Invigorating. PREVKNTINO DIBEABR. Pre-eminently MEDICINAL WHISKEY. Put up In (our full quart., or ob khIIod Jug. nrrinu iiii i r-n I i Hli II lli.MII I lllbkblll OnUn WHt of N.branka muit eall far I gallon, to k prapald. Mrn, WIiihIiiss'm SimtliliiK S riii bns been used for over FIFTY YRAH8 by MILLIONS of MOTIIKIta for their CI11L DltllN WIIILK TKHTIIINO. with PKIt I'KCT SUCCESS. IT SOOTIIKS tho CIULU, SOKTKNS the OU.MS. ALLAYS nil PAIN, CUHKS WIND COLIC nnd Is tho best rem edy for niAUHUOKA. Sold by druuKlsts In every part of tho world, Ho suro nnd nsk for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup" nnd tnko no other kind. Twcnty-llvo cents a bottle. thhi,tiii:aiii;m t in::. will furii-lt two fur imrriitruf liili'i'iiiil.i:xl'rMitl nr llrlilnic I'llt-a Hie sJerill IMIel'iiK- fulli im-iiri". In.l.iiil iiiiil ii'iiiiniii'iit relief t rlin ul iinrn IIitui Mrilli ul Co , II, pi. '. I 8,1 .1., ( Im liiiMitl, o, Typewriters ! New Century, New Densmore, New Yost. We Mil, Nit, azehange, repair type writer.. BT.rythlng considered epeed, gra4 of work, eo.t of keeping In repair, durUbllllty, etc. ourt ar. by all odd. the cheapest typewriter, on lb. Mar ket For Information regarding type writers, address or call on United Typewriter & Supplies Co., MM Farnam St., tmaha, YOU CAN BUY OUR HALFTONE ENGRAVINGS which appear from time to time In The Illustrated Bee. On small portrnlt cuts we mnke a nominal price of 11.00. On larger cut. 6 cent, per squnre Inch. Thiy nre all In flrwt-clnsH con dition. Our photographic department will also print additional cople. nf our original photographs at a reasonable rate. The Bee Publishing Co,, Omaha, Neb. K4V S"prMi. v.,M.Q.,,fii.pf7. tnr tsl IIIU.S Ntia CirU vtill Klut, CauUfu. ti. AllSMftU. ULIN C1K11 Cu.. MOHTIt ii.wv i,.n Tte Mr tatenutlsul Deatlfrlce. Tfc. It idar ler )m years. f.atAgiBTwMto. CM.ATftONa AG.rap..,eiilM.,U4.A. LET US START YOU! Vo$ ;.;.l.i, Mivrr, .-slrkrl end MUI I'lMtlng. Al ri 'Ris or trsrrllBi, utlo Mrri, uirj soj stljn l'rof. Grsrs Marblnrs. Plsui Wiiclm, Jswtlrr, TsbUwsrr, HUjol", til mrttl foods. S Kiyrttmir. Iltsry lsu, Nw niftboiSs. Mr di pltilnt, msooruiiiri omtu, til sIim. llutrtoirM. OnlrotuattwapUu, til looli Uih,i. nturltl, !., ntij tot rornnlisrms. Wrltr tiidtj. rtmr-blti, nf!". fio. KHKK. P. till VV A CO., IMatlna Workt, CINCINNATI, U.