Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1901, PART I, Page 12, Image 12

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Tomorrow at 8 O'clock Begins that Most Remarkable Sale of the
Finest Dressmaking Stock in New York
Montanye-Wells Co. Closed Out to Us Their Entire Stock On Hand to Do an Import Business Only
Montan.vo-Wclls Co. are known nil over Xew York and t ho cast
for their liiph claPH rirens poods, nilkn, laces and trininniRH. whieli
thoy import and sell only to dressmakers. Hut they decided to
discontinue carrying slock and in the future will only take
orders for import. Therefore they sold us their magnificent
stock at such a very low figure.
We desire to state that the importance of this great sale
cannot be too strongly impressed upon the fashionable women.
It's an unequaled opportunity to secure magnificent and high
class dress robes and cost nines at a nominal cost. The prices
we ask are trifling compared to the values.
Silks and
Velvets Worth
$5 yd., at SI
In high class exclusive silks and silk
velvets, we will offer exceptional values
for Monday.
Hundreds of pieces of fine French
imported novelties, plain silks, taf
fetas, highest grado imported black
and colored brocaded silks. Many of these are exclusive pat
terns and contain only enough for waist,
ethers enough for whole costume. Home of
these goods are worth up to
.).uo a yard choice in our silk depart- :
nicnt, yard M
Imported Novelty Waistitig Cloths, 49c and 69c yd.
- Hundreds of waist patterns, broadcloths, silk corded and
e.t;!iisivo pal ferns in French flannel
fco in two lots A g-
S:: 49c-69c
Dress Robes
Ten Dollars
Each robe contains from 5 to 7 yards of mater
ial worth $5 a yard and up, '
your choice for $10.
All the finest unmade dress robes from the dressmaking
Mock of Montnnye-Wells Co. consisting of the highest class
dress fabrics in broadcloths, black and colored, satin panne, camel's hair, Venetians, hand
some novelty cloths with border, the new thing, also dress fabrics for dinner and reception
gowns in evening shades, including embroidered silk grenadine, in stripes and floral designs,
open work and heavy satin striped. This well known concern of .Montanye-Wells Co. only
imported f he highest class exclusive fabrics for dressmakers, materials worth from r.00 a
yard up we will sell an entire robe, containing live to seven yards -
(depending upon width of goods), enough
for an entire street dress or
gown, choice for entire
unmade robe Monday,
at: '
Wells Co.'s
Laces, Etc.
Wo have purchased, every yard of
high class lace from Montanye- Wells Co.
These are especially adapted for dross
trimmings, consisting of all widths in
black, cream, white, ecrue, Arabian
shades, applique effects, bandp, in
sertions and serpentine elVects, in the new mesh ell'ecls, net, top,
C any, Venice. Chnntilly, Kscurials, P Af
ltatisto, Irish laces, etc., worth up C. m I C
to ?li yd, go at, yard w VW
All-over laces from Montanyo-WollR Co. in Venice, Chan
tilly, the new mesh nets, chill'ons, liberties, etc., worth up lo
So.OO, yard,
20 at
75c, 98c, 1.50, 1.98
Thousands of buttons of all kinds, worth up
to $1.00 dozon, choice
We are selling the stock of the Lincoln Cloak and Suit Company
at forty-three cents on the dollar just as we bought it.
The Lincoln Cloak and Suit Co. had a reputation for the high-class garments they sold and having been in business about a vear their stock was en
tirely new. We bought it at an extraordinary low figure and offer it to you at the lowest prices such elegant and stylish garments were ever sold for.
Women's Tailor-Made Suits
Ladies' tailor-made suit4.!,
all sizes, blnck, tans,
browns, Lincoln Cloak A
Suit Co.'s price fin, on
sale at
Women's Tailor-Made Suits
Lincoln Cloak & Suit
Co.'s 25 nnd ?35 tailor
made suits, on sale at
22-inch Astrakhan and
Electric Seal Jackets
Guaranteed furriers' satin
lining, large collars and
rovers, Lincoln Cloak &
Suit Co.'s price 29, our
Lincoln Cloak & Suit
Cos Furs
Eight-tail cluster scarfs of electric Real,
Urge full size, Lincoln Cloak & Suit Co.'s
prlco $3.50. our
Genuine marten cluster scarfs, large full
nlzo, Lincoln Cloak & Suit Co.'s prices $7.50,
$10.00 ami $12.00, our prices $4.9S, $3.?S ami
30-Inch astrakhan capes, full size, guaran
teed satin lining, fine glossy curls. Lincoln
Clouk & Suit Co.'s prlco
$20, our price
30-Inch plush capes, large full sweep, heavy
llnlDKB. fur edged, Lincoln Cloak &. Suit
Co.'s price $0.00, our
$3 98
Flno seal plush capes, 20 Inches long, 120
Inch sv.ccp, guarantcctl linings, hear and
thlhct edged, Lincoln Cloak & Suit Co.'s
prlco $12.60, our
Cloth and Silk Skirts
Lincoln Cloak & Suit Co.'s scparato cloth
skirts, also walking kktrts, their prlco $10
to $15, on sale
Lincoln Cloak & Suit Co.'s high-grade nov
elty silk skirts, their price C - sy CZ
$25 and $.10, on galo ;it.. . ipliOU
Flannel Waists
I'rtiin tlir I.Iik'iiIii Clonk &, Suit Co.'n
Tho Lincoln Cloak & Suit Co.'s entire stock,
consisting of all new, this season's French
flannel waists, mado In tho latest stylo,
many of them embroidered nnd beautifully
trimmed, cnrdlnals, blues, pinks, old roso
Silk Waists
l'roni tin- l.llli'iiln Clonk ,1 Suit Co,'
All tho Lincoln Cloak & Suit Co.'s silk
waists, black and colors, their price up
to $10 and $12,
Children's and Misses'
From the Lincoln Cloak & Suit Co.'s stock.
The Lincoln Cloak Sc Suit
Co. were very well known for
carrying an extensive line of
children's and misses' jackets
and we close fhem out as fol
lows: $.1.50 and $3.00 Jackets, all this season's
fH,:,.l..a.Kc; 50-2.50
All of their $5.00 and $10.00 Jackets
nt ....
200 chlldicn's nnd misses' golf capes, their
price $5.00, while thoy
All their $1.50 child's nnd misses' Jackets
on snlo In basement
Women's Coats
Lincoln Cloak X' Suit
Co.'s long 12-Inch coals,
black and Ian. (heir price
up to 52.", go al
Rajflans, Newmarkets
Lincoln Cloak .fc Suit
Co.'s raglans, paletots and
newmarkels, hlack, tan
and oxford, go at
Women's Jackets
Lincoln Cloak iV: Suit
Co.'s ladies' short jackets,
their price $L0 to in, go
Lowenf els & Heilbroner's Millinery
on stile at a mere fraction of its value.
French Pattern Hats
120 beautiful French patterns, representing
the cream of the Importations of Lowenfcls
: Hellbroner's stock. Not ono
ever priced at less than pmm torn m
$19.00 wholesale i i
.Monday x
Ladies and Misses
Trimmed Hats $3.59
310 hats, made of the finest French felt
and velvets, trimmed with beautiful goods,
such as ostrich feathers, large birds, hand
some breasts, Jets, fine silk, wldo ribbons.
ihcos, ornaments, pompoms,
aigrettes, etc.: L. & H.'s
wholesnlo prlco $6.75, at .
J-4 Length Ostrich
Plumes 6ifc
i 72 dozen 15-Inch black French dye, Kgp
tlan otock ostrich feathers, f
& II.'h wholesale prlco $12 QUP
jdoicu, Monday
Black French Felt
(Sixty dozen black French felt turbans, six
iyies; L. Sr. ii.'b whole
sale price, $6 dozen,
iMonduy at
Black Velvet Hats
;i2 cases black velvet hats, mado on 3-ply
lluekrum frames, hI shapes, A' t
li. H IL's wholesale price. idUC
$0 dozen, at
Silk Velvet Hats
Twenty shapes of black silk velvet hats,
r.xira goon quality, prettily
drapfd, L. & H.'s wholesale
price $30 dozen, at
Mink and Chinchilla
Twenty dozon mink and chinchilla turbans,
full crown and brim, six shapes, L. &. II. 's
wholesale price,
$IS dozen,
Wings and Feathers
600 dozen assorted sample wings and feath
ers of every description; L. & H.'s whole
sale average price, g
$3 a dozen, iC
ench W
Dress Making, Robes, Lingerie and Tailored Suits
Messrs. J. L. Brandeis & Sons Announce
tha t they have instituted on the third floor of their establishment a high class dress making
department. MISS FOX, foimerly of Karbach b ock, who for a number
of years has catered lo the best trade of this city, is in charge, assisted by a very able staff
coats are made
Special Monday Basement Bargains
10,000 ynnls lienvy outing tliiiini'l fie ynnl.
Ono 1)Ik counter dniihlo imppnl siuiltiuy llntuipl, Oo ynnl, worth 15c.
Ono 1Ik table of comfort wllkollni', full pieces, not romnnntB, tic yiuil,
worth 10c.
neninnnts of line comfort snteon. 10c ynnl, worth -Tic.
Full pieces of drapery ami comfort cretonne, fie ynnl, worth 'J,"c.
Ono IiIr tlcpartnient, all the new Persian pattern Imitation French Man
hel, lU'VC-e ynnl, nelliiiK all over Omaha at l!."e.
Itlaelc and white ilreHs prints :t!c yard,
llhtek anil white extra heavy Khlrtliitf 5c ynnl.
Wool fnceil eiderdown tlannel l.lo yard.
Fleece, hack wrapper ilannel anil llannelette i)ijc yard.
Hi-Inch wide percale, full pieces, not remnants, oc yard, worth inc.
Sale of All Kinds of Yarns
Snxony, all colors, Tic skein.
Ccriuautowu kultllni;, all colors, 15c n skein,
j Flolsher's fienuniitown Unlttlui; yarn, all colors, i5r a skein,
Shetland lloss, white, cream anil all colors, 13e n skein.
IU'bt Biaile Imported baxony lOo skelu.
iermantown zephyr, best quality, 10c. skein.
Ice wool, white and black, InrRo ball, 10c,
and the World's Greatest
CLOTHING SALE The people of Omaha huve never hud nn op.
portunlty Unit's the equal of this one. ho ever henrd of selling
tine, high grade and stylish clothing for half and less than half its
actual value. The opportunity if yours now while this sale is in
progress, but it's drawing to a close and you'll have to hurry to se
cure these Immense values.
Men's $20 Overcoats, $10
These overcoats are made up in the very newest styles and
of the choicest materials. The new "KITUUHNKR YOKE"
and KULLMOKE styles are greatly in evidence. The fabrics
are the new English combinations, black and white and
other fashionable patterns. These overcoats are made
with broad military shoulders, vertical
pockets and are just (he right
length. You can also choose
from the correct -dress styles, all
S20.00 values, at
Men's $15 All Wool Suits, $5.98
We have had a number of men come in the store and ask
our salesmen, with a look of incredulity, "Where are those
15 suits you advertise to sell for $5.5)8?" After having seen
the garments and carefully inspected tho materials, trim
tilings, etc., the look of incredulity changed to realization.
Invariably they would say, "Well, I guess they are what you
wise you'll
get one of these $5.5)8 suits
tomorrow. The materials are t T
stylish, greenish brown, mixed
cheviots, Thibets, serges, wor
steds, etc.: all go for
Your choice of the men's $10 suits for $3.98
300 boys' vestee suits go on sale at 50c
Boys' and young meti's long pants suits. . .$1.50
$5 boys' overcoats and ulsters for $1.00
Young men's .overcoats and ulsters $1.98
$10 men's overcoats and ulsters $5.00
$7.50 men's covert overcoats go at $3.75
$5 men's overcoats and ulsters for ... $2.50
$7.50 boys' and young men's overcoats $3.50
If you are
Special Monday Shoe Sale
Ladies' Very
Welt Soles
Edge Soles
Cuban heels
Milit'ry heels
Opera heels.
Swell House
J ff $1.98
3,000 pair
A VV Ladies'
Jk tine $;M)0
A Shoes at
$3.50, $4
and Street Shoes.
Turn Soles
Louis XV
Cuban Heels
Opera Heels
ri tin and
Patent Tips.
Keytar selling
price of these run
irom SI- lo $0.
This includes all the new styles
of kid, box calf, velours calf and
vlcl, as well as about 800 pairs of
the famous Iloylcston $.'1 hyulenic
shoe all now $1,08.
Special Children's Shoe Sole
50c, 75c, 98c,
$1.25, $1.50
In all the new styles in all
weights of soles, livery pair
warranted. See the hoys' shoes
on special sale .Moudav,
Special Sale of Fine Blankets
Wo purchased a Jobber's samplo linn of lilanknts at Iors than GOc on tho rloll.-ii
and now offer you the samn ndvantHRO. Tho otituldo fold of somo uro soiled. Thcj
are nil lino roocIm, tho California blankutH aro worth l!i.r,0 a pair.
All those which sold wholesale aa high as 1.1.00 pair, and fG
which are ficnerally retailed at $7.50. wo will Hell at, pair "VO
All thoso which sold wholesalo an hl;h as $7.50 pair, which means about $10.0t
and $11.00 retail blanltots, wo will sell at, O i"k O
pair O-Va
All those which sold as high as $12.50, Homo mrct'liilly tlno a q
blankets In this lot, wo will sell at, pair vtzrO
All tho cotton blankets that Konerally oll at 50c, wu will w
Hell for tomorrow at, each ,,,, IOC!
Immenso barKalnn In heavy cotton blankets, at, pair, 40c, 75c. 'jSc, $1 25 nnt
Ono big lot of roho or wrapper blankets that Konerally noil 'an
hlsh as $1.23 path, fio at
Immonso bargains In flno sllkollnn and sateen coinfnrta, worth $1.23 to $5,0(
each, at 75c, S5c, 9Sc, $1.25, $1.50, $.d$ and $2.98. r
Special bargains In eiderdown comforts, regular $7.50 fCl
comforts, at Ui"Q
Hegular $10.00 (romforts $5.!iS each.