THE OMAHA DAILY JJEE: SUNDAY, yOVEMJilSK 10. 1901 1 T NEBRASKA STANDS WELL IF 'Vanitj Team Hai Woi tbi Heiptot f It. Btroagait Oppoitnti. TWO BG SAMEJ ARE STILL TO COME Cunlrata tilth Krtnaua nnil the Cnrllalr I fi ct In it Hull) Mil Hi of InlrrrM to thr I'nllinvrr of the (irlillrnn. Though Nebraska's score against the Mis- j 'ourl Tigers yesterday was satisfactory II hardly Indicate thn real extent of tho su , jierlortty of the Cornhuskcrs. However, It a sufficient to show that Ncbraitka has this season stepped away up and nut of the j rlass In which It has been recognized since j foot ball became an Institution at tho unl- .vcrsltr. Thcro are now left to the Cornhuskcrs , Just two more chances to demonstrate still i more clearly this fact, and for that reason training will not let down n particle till the 1 Inst game Is played. Next Saturday at I. In- I coin comes tho contest with the Jayhawk rrs from Kansas. Almost two weeks then Intervene before, tho Thanksgiving game, I which will be with the Carlisle Indians and . also nt tho Capital City. Nebraska should win both battles with i rano and the men Intend to do so. Deduct ing from form shown thus far, however, the Karsas men should proc far tho lrsl formldablo of tho two teams. Wisconsin beat Kansas SO to 0 and could have dono more. One wook later Nebraska played Wisconsin 0 to 18. and every Chicago news paper gave thn Cornhuskcrs credit for giv ing thn lladgcrs tho hardest game by all odds It had played this season and tho hardest It wouM play with the exception of thn .Minnesota content., It ts not probablo that Nebraska's scon; against Kansas can uulto oial that made by Wisconsin, for the Cornhuuker backs arc tiot as effective as thoo of tho lladgcrs. That Is no discredit to the plungers of tho 'varsity slnco It Is conceded that Wiscon sin has the best trio of chargers anywhere In thn west. They aro admittedly the stars of the nig Nino In their offensive play, llowiivcr, Nebraska will undoubtedly play tip Into tho high figures against the men from Law rencc. Tho Indians arc nf far better stuff, judg ing from their work thus far. They pla)cd Minnesota last Monday In the snow, 0 to 28, and tho scoro Is not discreditable consid ering tho conditions of tho field nnd the i weather and tho fact that tho red men were much lighter than their antagonists. Krom what can bo learned of tho Has kell men, they arc about of a size with thn Cornhuskcrs and, like Indian teams tho country over, play n gamo notable 'hlo(ly for Its rapidity and Ilerettess. Thus tho two elovuns will bo lighting each other with similar tactics and with power nnd merit equally mntched. or nearly bo. Tho score tho (lophcra piled up against tho Indians meant only ono moro touch loivtl than they made against Nebraska, and that with many weeks' advantage In the progress of tho season. Ho It Ib a certainty that tho red men arc no soft thing and the Thanksgiving contest may turn out to bo tho best of tho year. However, It Is with Kansas that tho men niUMt first argue, and no effort will bo pa rod to put tho team In shapo to do sreat execution on next Saturday. Tho men on tho Nebraska team feel themselves very nearly If not completely the equal of tho nadgcrx and maintain that Umpire Wrenn robbed them of every chance they bad In that game. Ho In vindication of this sentiment they would llko to troat tho Jayhawkcrs about ns Wisconsin did nnd walk down University Held for about ten touchdowns. That Is why they will train thin week even more carefully than before. It Is certain that a great crowd will witness tho Kansns game. For years this was tho great contest, tho victory alter nating thn two schools, and moro money Is always bet on that annual affair than any other gamo of tho schedule. Tho Katisa team has wonderful support nt homo anil great crowds always accompany It to any game In Lincoln, as the Cornhuskcrs are there considered tho crenm of the year. It Is probablo that no team In tho United States Is just now attracting so .much at tention as the eleven nt tho Univorslty of Michigan. Tho record already mado this season by tho Ann Arbor frrldlron men Is something Hint cannot bo duplicated In all foot ball history. Competent critics arc already saying that thin team can defeat any In tho country, and tho only pity Is that It Is not carrying some one of tho bl lour on It b schedule. In tho first place tho Michigan tram Is "a heavy one. as heavy as any foot ball eloven needs to be, so It would never suffer from nnv (HunrlvniiinpiiN nn thnt Rrnriv Again, Coach Yost, has brought his men quicker to tho standard of training and ab olute discipline desirable than any other rollego coach. Thoso two featuros, com bined with tho fact that tho Wolverines nre ovcry ono made of tho real foot ball stuff nnd that they have been drilled on team play It CURE YOURSELF AT HOME RESTORE YOUR HEALTH, VIM GREATEST OFFER EVER MADE TO WEAK MEN. j To show how tuUft (juiokly and oompletolr James BestoratlTt) InvloranU oun LOST MANHOOD, EMISSIONS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOCELE. Tlttr Hull Vigor ErTjimRTw smIm" jESf'ssTMl ERm BEEwYRvTEEEvRi Evl EEm Ex EEL Es jBEEf Rf Rfiv antiaaab 'BBBBBBBBa.'W.II 'VU Wbuubbw- 'JAIIEI & JAMES CO., Htnufaoturino Chemists, " Jant Bleak, Cflviattafl, Ky. AFti!J'''frt"' f prtpantim uwMf (a trlitU fQrmulm In ( Qll4 Statu. ' above, all o'her things, explains their easy supremacy over all they have met. When Michigan finished tho game with the I'nlverslty of Huffalo two weeks ago It had amassed a total nf 2'. points during Ote season, whllo Its goal Jlne had not then been crossed. Then the score of 12S made the Ulsons' eleven was eleven points moro than the Ann Arbor men made in all their games last season. When It Is considered tbnt there still remained at that time seven more games to play, tho significance of this comparison assume stupendous proportions. Theso 2D7 points have been mado In only five games, and many more will doubtless be added before tho end of the season. Coach Yost has certainly had marvelous success. Coming to the University of Ne braska In 1898 a practically unknown player from Itfayettc university ho built up a team that took tho championship In this part of the country. The next year he went to Kansas and under his drilling thnt team became supreme, defeating Nebraska by to 20. Iceland Stanfotd next got wind of Yost'n prowess, nnd called him there for the season of 1000. Tho new team Immediately became the champion eleven on tho west coast. Michigan was next to fall under tho spell, with tho result described. It Is very Improbable that any team In tho country can defeat the Wolvorlncs today. Yost's success would scent to llo largely In tho fact that he Is not only n coach, but n player as well. He Is always out In a suit nnd wljl take any place on tho team, giv ing his opponents the severest kind of treat ment to get him roused. He is n bulldog sort of fellow Bnd lives In tho game. When watcnlng n contest he Invnrlably coaches the team to himself from tho sidelines, especially If tho contest Is close, picking out thu different players by name and In structing them, exhorting them or scolding them. If nny post-season gnmcs arc to bo played between colleges of tho east and the lnlddlu west this yenr it Is to be hoped that Mlchl mn he first of all tho onc3 to havo a try with the big fellows. In any event tho Wolverines will certainly bend every nervo to secure a gamo with either Princeton, Ynlo o.1 Harvard next year. Tho University of l'cnnsylvnnln would also bo acceptable, but it has to clearly demonstrato Its class this season to bo the big mark that Michi gan hopes to reach. Tho comparativo strength of tho Ann Arbor men nnd the sccoml-clnss teams of the cast Is easily shown by tho fact that the University of Buffalo defeated both Columbia and Lehigh universities shortly beforo meeting tho Wol verines. In tho incnntlmo tho Michigan team Is playing a schedule henvlcr than that of any other oloven In the west, and It will show tho pcoplo clear to the Pacific coaBt what it can do, ns It bus games with Inland Stanford out there. Thc foot ball enthusiasts of Omaha havo still so;no line games to look forward to. Tho Omaha High school team, being tho undisputed champion of this part of Ne braska, the work of getting first-class games depended on It. Kor this reason tho schedule of tho Omaha High school team contains a list of much better contests than Is usual for even a championship school to secure. West l)cs Moines, the champions of Iowa, were brought hero nnd defeated, and now tho champions of another stnto nre to be brought a distance of 400 miles In order to havo a foot ball game for Thanksgiving that will bo a record breaker for Omaha. It has been said that Omaha Is full of foot ball cnthuslnsts, if good games were presented. The High school team will test this. On Thanksgiving day, at Young Men's Christian association park, tho local boys will meet In fierce contest with tho Minneapolis High school team. This cloven Is the champion of Minnesota In Its class. The men arc heavy, speedy nnd versed In tho sclenco of foot ball. At tho beginning of the season they held the Minnesota 'varsity down to no scoik for one half. They havo defeated St. Paul High school, their great opponents In the state. They come from a elty that expresses great foot ball rivalry with anything trom Nebraska Nebraska 'varsity has been twlco beaten by tho Minnesota 'varsity, and now the High school teams hnvo taken up tho con test. If the Omaha team can defeat Mln neapolls it will give Nebraska a sweet re venge. Hut thero Is another game to be played hero In Omaha that will be even llerccr thnn tho big Thanksgiving game, If It be true that brothers' fights are the worst fights. The two great rivals In tho state nt Nebraska in foot ball are Omaha and Lincoln. There Is nlwnya metaphorical blood in the nlr when theBo two como to gothcr. Last year neither team scored on tho other, although two games were played. This year, on November 2, a game was played at Lincoln, which was won by the Lincoln team by tho overwhelming score of 17 to 0. It was not n test, how ever, of the foot ball ability of the twit teams. Tho gamo was played in a tempest of rain nnd Icy wind. The grounds wcro too slippery to run on and the heavy Liu colnltes, on their homo grounds, having discarded their water-soaked and mud covered clothes for dry, warm ones during the Intermission bctweon halves, were ablo to run tho ball during tho last portion of tho gamo almost without opposition from tho shivering, sopping mudballs that then .composed tho Omaha team. Dut on November 23 Lincoln plays here STRENGTH. MANHOOD. and VITALITY OLD MAN YOU MQ MAN. U not rmm of LMlilulMod, N.rrraa, Ulnar or (fiuiil WmIlbms. Lark or Jlrrnarlli. and Vital Power, KxnausftBB Ilralaa me KnalMlon. Weak Bark, railing Hrmory Imao Scary, Varlrorrlr, or any of Mm orrvvna or aexual cantara la aUTar yosiaaj Iko matter now raiiaaa or haw aimnMai laa Jantva Brat oral I a iBVlaoraata Will fall lo rare U sail oulj ana tnvlfforant aa a doaa S llatva a dart OUR REMARKABLE OFFER. 10 DAY? TRf&TMENT FREE. ... SEND YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS TODAY. Thl tea di' treatment will to glr.n to rou h a prcitnl. BT.rr man tuar share la tbti grand offer, Ten put rourseif und.r no oVUiattooa whatever. W. want to thow you how rsarvetoua I. in. curative, restorative, vltaltiint; and lnlf. oratlnc ilrtuaa nf (kit unfailing Ir.atmeut. You can cura yourself at bom. or at your work, safely, naturally and with rouventtnea, no Ion of time, no publicity, no personal em. Urassment, Just .natural and certain restoration to hsallb, strength, visor and manhood. BEAR IN Mllin This la no C.O.n. or FREE rreacrlp. er ichtm. of any Kind. Tbcr'lino uorlMantni about It at all wbn you writ, to ut. kuow aaactly what tbu u abf olut. mud wrmuiMt rnr for IhMA (lltnrnara aud w.aktiMm. that roll will do to at .T.ry opportunity. Don t wait until withdrawn, but write at one, Afttr a few day. tie. of tbla wonderful treatment you will feel u If born an.w. ftreuirh, vtaor, tnanbood, psrlect and complete In all tbelr belt ltroeoli. will b restored lo you. aaa naaaca neia alrlruy aa and If every ounce of ntrve and muscle on the team will win the same for Omaha it will be woo. The last thought of every Omaha atudent at night anil the llmt lu the morning now Is: ''We must beat Lin coln on the 23d." Next Saturday the Omaha High school team will play Uellevuc college. Uellevue Is getting better every day. They have been clamoring for a game with such per sistency that they must have some sur prise secreted somewhere nnd they will be given nn opportunity to trot It out. Tho game will bo called at 3 p. ui. at the Young Men's Christian association1 park. Foot ball In tho colleges of the Ills Four In the east this fall shows a remarkable falling off In the standard of play of Yale, Princeton, Harvard and Pennsylvania. All through the season the minor colleges of that section have been making mot cred itable showings against these peers, nnd 11 to 0 "Ms all the scoro that Pennsylvania could make against tho weakened Chicago team two weeks ago, It Is probable that the Quaker?, however, are even more seriously deteriorated than the other three. Their schedule so far has been full, but easy, none of their hard games commencing till the one nganst Columbia yesterday. They still have Har vard, the Carlisle Indians, West Point and Cornell to meet. On foot ball form Yale should have becu far and awny the champion of all this year and It was so placed by most of the wise ones at the beginning of the season. With a list of players such as this school started with In September all precedent, tradition and fitness of things would suffer violation If Yale did not easily outplay tho trio of bitter rivals. However, that this overturning of the pins Is to occur now seems very probable. Iloth Harvard and Princeton are making showings that, compared to tho work of tho blue wearers thus far, Is easily as satis factory. A short time ago Columbia uni versity held Yalo to a tlo at C to S till the last minute of play, when tho Illuc pulled out a tardy victory by forcing Ub way to tho goal through left guard, who had col lapsed for the last few minutes of the game. This Is the same Columbia that tte University nf Huffalo defeated. On the snmo day Princeton did a similar thing, not scoring against Lafayette till only six minutes remained. Harvard mean while showed better form, defeating the Carlisle Indians by 23 to 0. The red men, however, aro not nearly so strpng this year as In previous seasons. From all that Is written concerning thesn threo teams It would seem that Harvard's strength Is an all-around development, of fense and defense, forwards and backs, whllo Princeton has a superb kicker In Do Witt and enormous reserve forco and latent strength. Yalo is strong on the offense, rhlefly because of Its phenomenal fullback and plunger, Weymouth. This man is making a big mark. However, Just as soon ns tbc possession of the ball changes for any reason the Yalo men seem to lose spirit nnd their defense ts nowhere near the standard of what should nccompany tho grade of game they exhibit when running tho ball. It is generally admitted that tho cham pionship lies between these three, but Harvard still refuses to take tho Tigers on Its schedule. This will make "the championship largely a matter of comparison unless Yale should defeat Princeton nt New Haven on November 16 and follow that up with a victory over Harvard at Cambridge on November 2a. That would mako tho bluo unquestionably tho best of all. Any other results will leave, tho matter in doubt. Should both Princeton nnd Harvard defeat Yale, each would claim the premier honor. BOWLERS KEEP ALLEYS BUSY I, ensue (iniiicM nnil Inill vlilmil Mnti'lic Are ' ii m pro it a ,1111 n( I'rexrnt. Tho close of the llfth week of pluy In the Omaha Howling league llndu the namesake team, tho Omnhas, still In the place at the lop of the percentage column which they havo occupied from the start, but with their percentago slightly diminished. This team Is still, however, safely to the fore nnd can weather several defeats yet before the near est of its rivals can deposo It. The most noticeable change In the stand ing Is that tho German and Krug Park teams have both vaulted to second place, where they are a tlo with tho St. Charles quintet. The Clarksons havo fallen from second to fifth. The Nationals stll remain at tho bottom and tho loss of threo moro games this week has reduced their per centage woefully. These men fell off In their gamo considerably Jut when It seemed that they had taken a permanent braco and they aro now all at tho foot oil tho Individual averago column. Surpassing that of all the other teams has been the week's play of the Germans. Each manof tho five Increased his In dividual work and that is true of no other team. This has, of course, raised tho team averago as well. On Individual rolling Flanagan of the St. ,Charles team easily excelled all and made the record of the league contest thus far for threo games, or ono night's pluy. Hie total In tho contest last Tuesday night be tween tho 8t, Charles nnd Clarkson teams was 007 and tho nearest figure to it was rolled Thursday night by Seaman of the Gate Cltys, who mado 5S4. Flanagan's scores for the threo gameiiwcro 200, 201, 203. Individual scores In general are de teriorating badly, Frltscher still stays at the top, but drops n peg each week, carry ing n star every time. Weyruullor bettered himself a llttlo this week after taking a star last time. Tho most consistent player of them all si) far, however, Is Seaman, who Is slowly crawling toward the top, though ho takes a star now and then llko the rest. However, tho end of each week's play finds him n llttlo further up tho line. For this week tho echedule Is: Monday night, Gate Cltys and Westerns at Clark's; Tuesday, Omnhas and Germans at Lfltitz & Williams'; Wednesday, Clarksons and Na tionals at Clark's; Thurnday, St. Charles and Krug Park at Lentz & Williams'. ('lull Htnildlliu. W. U I'.C. High. Tot. Av Omaha . ...12 3 ,800 KmJ 12.7S3 SJ2 .1-13 German ... a f. .oo m K.cos fio s-)5 Ut. Chnrles.. 9 6 ,fifX SIS 12.MS SJiJ S-13 Krug Park...! 6 . 600 021 12,014 800 14-15 Clarkson S 7 ,53.1 !X 12,612 R14 2-15 Gate City.... 7 S .444 MS 12.5SI M81MS Western f. 10 .SO M4 12.142 SOfl 7-15 National 1 14 .W oPO 11,070 TJS High score: Inches (Clarkson), 213. Inillvldnnl AvrraKra, Games. High. Tot, Av. 1S2 im s.i nu 2-13 Frlthcher. St. Charles.. 15 2ltS 30 Weymuller. German ... 'J 221 1.C17 2.6S7 Beamnti, Gate City .15 224 Inches, Clarkson V.arn. Omaha .12 1S8 '.'.114 170 2-1 15 2C0 2,623 174 13-15 Read. Omaha 12 203 2.W3 173 7-12 172 6-15 Ktnery. Omaha U :,&. eselin. Uarmtin 15 210 J.r.76 171 11-15 Flanugnn, St. Chnrles. .15 Ml 2.571 171 6-15 A, Krug, German 15 197 2,5?3 1701.1.15 Nielsen. Krug Park, ... tl 19s 1,0:.' 170 ;-6 AmbruSler. CUirkeon 15 211 2.5VI lto Schneider. St. Charles. 12 210 2,o3l HW 11-12 iirunKe, i;iurKou ..i. 20S !.514 IM n.U Wlgmitu, Omaha .12 1H4 2.(mi it:i; 9.1" Huntington. Gate City 15 1'9 2,500 16J Heed. Western 15 SU :',4t9 llo 14-15 lladun, 8t. ChHrles ... F Conruil, (Into City C, Conrad. German.. .Itxmnn, Krug 1'arl! Uini-aster, Clarkson Lehman, Omaha . , Hartley. Gate City, nevnolds. Western .. 1,4;S 163 3-!l 2.4G2 lfit 2-15 ..15 .,15 . L.D2 217 187 2.43S 113 13-15 15 219 2,153 103 10.15 9 18B 1,461 1.4t4 f.l 7-9 162 i'.-9 ! 1. 13 10 2.432 162 2-1 15' 7-1 ..12 200 1,975 Christie. St. Charles... 12 1S1 1.910 159 2-12 Wnchtler, Krug I'nrk. 15 :iw ;i7s 15S 8-15 Swenseu, Wenlern ...12 201 l.MSl 15S Molyneaux, Clarkson., 9 im 1,422 i.vj Bhddon, Gate City 2 Kb 471 157 2-3 MAN MALADIES MASTERED 1 made up my mind, soon after graduating from college, that no one man was great enough to master the entire flrld of medi cine and surgery Many physicians havei tried to do tills, but they lmve met with results usually disappointing to themselves nnd often disastrous to their patients. For this reason I determined early in my pro fessional career to confine my prnctlco strictly to a single line of diseases and to originating nnd perfecting cures for them. I therefore treat only what t am absolutely cr.r.,nl". 1 cn" Positively cure to stay cured -VAicocKL!-:, STUirTini:, conta- 1V..1 1 "LOOD POISON. NUnVO-SKX-l -L, OB1ULITV. Hl'PTt'llK, KIDNEY nnd I'HINAUY hlHKASKS nnd all reflex complications and associate discuses anil weaknesses of men. To these- maladies alone the best years of my life huve been ear nestly devoted and on them all mv faculties nro concentrated. Our consultation and op erating rocms nre thoroughly equipped with every scientific apparaUs, instrument and device essential to the most modern methods of practice and our references, both pro fessional and financial, arc among the best citizens of this vicinity, who have been rtireil bv us and made happy. 1 want evcty afflicted man to freely and fully In vestigate our treAtment. Kadi case Is treated separately, scientifically, closelv watching It nnd carefully following Its symptoms with remedies Varied through every stage. The diseases that constitute m specialty are more fully commented on below and are well worthy the enreful per rusul of nil men In need of medical atten tion. Varicocele Whatever may be the cause of Varicocele. Its Injurious effect Is well known It de presses tho mind, weakens the bodv. racks i n,.nmi-."" .W" n,u1 ultimately "lend to a comple e loss of sexual power. If von aro a victim of this dire dlsene cotno to our rJLCr.n?.'V K me .ffPj,n "O- process of hn!"'...!0." wl" 'l10." not wonder why I hnve positively cured hundreds of cases ?,Ln?i,Hr iT'S dur'nB the past twelvo d. Under rny treatment the patient Improves from the very beginning, All lialn Instantly censes. Soreness and xwnll. Ing quickly subside. The poo" of Magna nlopd uro forced from tl'o dilated v7lns, r!niiv.rnl)l,!,y nH5um' their normnl size strength and soundness. All Indications or ?.? iT, JiVi W(,"kM" Danish completely nnil In their sti-ud come the pride, the power nnd the plensuro of perfect health und restored mnnhood, "Mim Stricture It matters not how long you have suffered from Stricture nor how many different doc State Electro-Medical Institute, 1308 Farnam Street, Bet. 13th and 14th Streets, Omaha, Neb. RHl'KRKNCKS IJest Hunks and Leadinu Business Men in tills City. CONSULTATION in person or by letter VR.KE. Offioe Honrs 8 a. in. to 8 p. in.' Sunday 10 a. m. to I p. in. Avers. Western . .12 :o2 i.r nr. s-12 (oiierv, Krug Park 1.1 lH 2.:t27 15.1 2-13 HellecU, Western 12 :ni l.Niu US I. Krug. Krug Park. Weber. Oermiin Miller. National Almansou, National . Duvoy, National .. Itoscnbery, National Chnmller. National . y its lew 1:0 s-n II llil ,r.i5 l.'iO (!! 15 K 2,Z1 US ll-l.i 12 : 1 TiKi 117 C-12 12 Ml l.TCrt ll'i S-12 15 IS." S.ilii HIS 'J.15 li It," S2.i 1:17 8-15 1'iayors wnose nvernges nave tauen below those of lust week. Plumber ltend's (iiout Work. The feature of the week on Omaha alleys and what may continue as such through out tho season was the rolling done by "I'lumbcr" Head on Clark's nllcys last Tuesday. Ills accomplishments were three. In the first place he bowled eight straightaway tenpiu games of ten frames each, every score of which exceeded 200 und tho aggregate averaging 22S 4-8 a game. Nothing comparable to that In the bowl ing lino has ever been dono in Omaha be foro, but .Mr. Head did not stop there. Flvo successive game? of these eight, from tho third to the seventh Inclusive, nveraged 23S 4-3 a game. Hut what was probably the most phe nomenal feature of the entire perform ance was the fact that the howler played Blxty-thrco successive frames without nn error. In other words, he made a strike or a spare In each of thoso frames. The highest score of the eight was also very creditable, 207. Thero are only two better recorded ones that havo been rolled In Omaha this season. Krom tho first to the fifth gnmo of the scries Mr. Head Im proved his scoro each game. At that point he let down somewhat. The eight games In sequence ran: 203, 207, 220. 23C, 207, 247, 218, 224. "Plumber" Head Is an experienced player, having been In the game ever slnco Its latest rise In Omaha. If he could throw such scores ns that In tho league games ho would have left the Omaha Howling club, of which he Is a member, even far ther up the percentage ladder than it now stands. Read Is the star player of tiir, team, thus being tho most reliable mon of the five. He also led his mates in tho Individual average column till this week, lllnli .Scores of the Week. Tenplri scores of 200 or better at Clark's: M. H. Huntington, 200. 204, 24", 223, 207. 204, 277; J. I,arham. 215; W. II. Emery, 201, 222, 212, 214, 214; Captain Gutroan, 202, 207; W. P. Clarkson, 203: "Plumbor" Head, 204, 220, 22C, 232, 215; Al Krug, 211; J. C, Kaufman, 221; W. S. Perry, 202; Frank Fogr. 202, 213; John Kelly, 232. 211, 201, 212; W. II. Ahrnanson, 206; II. K. Orlfflths, 212; Dlllle Ambruster. 213; Phil Miller, 217; P. J. Ilengele, 203; Hddle Law Icr, 200, 234: C. J. Prnnclsco, 212, 200, 200; S, O. Voder, 227; John Yocom, 201; Charloa Seaman, 228, 237, 203; C. Conrad, 210; W. S. Sheldon, 210; L. R, Lucas, 210, 220; O. D, Kdgerly, 237; Sam I'ltzcr, 202, Tepln scores of 200 and better at tho Gate City nllcys: II. Ileselln, 210; 7.. Wey muller. 222; M. H. Huntington, 200, ail; F. Conrad, 226; J. Hengele, 201, 220; Hob Kncell, 20S, 203; II. need, 201, 238, 231, 201: F. S. Inches, 210; W. II. AhmanBon, 233, 200; A. F. Swcnson, 200; Ted Nealc, 201, 200, 211; It. V. Ayor, 202; I). W. Houston, 213, 203; Lyman Searl, 207: W. Hartley, 210, 201, 202; K. M. Tracy, 202, 208; E. J. Orover, 201; Tom Roynolds, J27; John Yocum, 221; H. Haden, 203; W. C. tlrunke, 203; W. Inches, 213; Charles Seaman, 200, 233, 224, 215: Willie Usher, 233; C, A. Hoson. bcry, 210; H. Frltscher, 207; Southy, 204, "Plumber" Read, 200, 210. Tenpln scores of 200 and hotter nt Lent & Williams' alleys: P. Nielsen, 200, 200; T. A. Klrkpatrlck. 201 : Fred Krug, 211: Al Krug, 201, 206, 216: C. Conrad, SOS; Will Zltzmau, 22C, 200, 200, 210, 203; W. F. Weber, 243; II, Reselln, 202, 211. 216; Jack Dauble, 200; Will Butts, 230; M. 55. Foracutt, 214; W. H. Ahrnanson, 21C; Hen Leary, 204; Rey nolds. 200; naden, 200; Ed Whltehorn, 221, 212; Art Rogers, 223; James Smith, 204, M. R. Huntinton, 217: A. E. Pnrmelee, 213; II, M. nenedlct, 22; Gall Johnson, 201; George Asch, 222; F. J. Conery, 209. Strikes mid Simrea, G. It. Nelson took tho October tenpln trophy at the Gate City alleys, with '273 j points. M. II. Huntington rolled a 277 this week at Clark's nnd the figures aro good enough to get him two prlie. E. Sterrecker proved himself tho week's champion nt seven down on the (late City 1 alleys, making 3. Mrs, Fred Krug look woman's honors ai Clark's, with 175 at tenpins. C, Conrad broko the ulloy record at five back at Clark's, making 01. This aur posses his previous mark by threo points. Charles French threw 27 In three suc cessive games of ninepins at Clark's and gets g prize. With 133 at Rubberneck i. s Hunter take a prize at CUrk'a. , -4 aaaw jr ar iwttttiiiiit't i , i i aw t 0 0, MASTER SPECIALIST. I do not treat all discuses, but cure nil ,1 treat. I trcnt men only, and cure them to stay cured. tors have disappointed you. Our treatment will cure you just ns certainly ns you come I to our onlco for trentment. I will not do It !) dilating or rutting. My treatment Is new, entirely original with me and per feetly painless. It completely dissolves the Stricture and permanently removes every obstruction from the urinary passage It. stops every unnnttirnl discharge, alfavs all Influtntnatlon. reduce the pnstato gland when enlarged, demises and heals the blad der und kidneys when irritated nnd con-' SflTt e' 1"v,f.1r',,r'! the sexual organs and, ........ ,,, ,, ruuiiuncsi to every part of the body affected by the disease. Nervo-SextiaJ Debility Men, many of you are now reaping the result of your former folly Your manhood Is fulling and will soon be lost tiniest you do something for yourself. There Is no tlmii to lose. Impotoncy, like till sexual diseases, Is never on the standstill, With tit you can make no compromise. Hither , 3 oil must master It or It will tnnstcr you ond till your whole future with ot t of tin: oitni it v. The khedlve or I'.gypt recently sent n present to Leo XIII lu the shnpo of .i mummy, dating back to 2,000 yens before tho Christian era. I). P. HlmpFon, n horse buyer In north western Kansas, has adopted a now plan of buying horses. Me pays so much u pound. Good drivers nre quoted at It cents per pound, farm horses 10 cents and ordinary plugs 5 cents. A Hoston woman will ngltnte for a law prohibiting the boiling or roasting nf chest uutH, on tho uroutid thnt It Involves pain ful death of worms, "whose right to 1 to, liberty and thu pursuit of happiness Is no lesn than that of tho most highly dowered man." Failure to provide n suitable dwelling; 'place, with the contoquetit exposure to cold, and to prnvldo sulllclent food nnd toothing. Is held lu an Illinois decision not to be within the meaning of n Htatutu al lowing ii divorce for extreme and repented cruelty. Edward lleatipre of the province of Asslnlbolue, Northwest Territory, claims lo bo tho tallest man In the world. Ills exact height Is 7 feet loi Inches, nnd hu Is still growing and expects to reach the S-fout murk, lie Is 2u yours old, wears u No. 21 shoe and u No. 21 collar. Jntnes A. Taylor, an eccentric old resi dent of Hamburg, N. Y.. holds peculiar views of the hereafter. IIo has had his fuuerul vault prepared and carved over tho door Is this inscription: "No orthodox llcnd, with cloven hoof und barbed lull, wl.l ever bo scon in this pleasant vale. My futo you wish to know. 1 um tho same us 1 wns millions of years ngn MATTER " Denver Jewelers mo reported to bo start ing n movement to havo the hands on dummy clocks the country over changed from S:1S&, "the hour ut which Wilkes Ilooth shot President Lincoln," to 3:53, the time vhen President McKlnlcy was shot. Hut It needs to tie said for the fortieth time that Oil would bo taking from thu Lincoln tragedy no measure of recognition. Lincoln was shot nt ti Inter hour than that, nnd dummy clocks with handH ut S:1SH wore known long beforo 1S03, "It lakes n lot ot thinking to get up n new rmmo for it clgur," suys n clgur manu facturer quoted by tho Philadelphia Record. "Tho popularity or a clgur Is influenced more or less by tho Judicious ffidcctlon of n name I am referring, ot cotirpe, to thu cigar that Is retailed nt n nickel. I've known somis that didn't go ut all under ono name to hnvo qulto it largo sale when put on tho market us another brand. A good natno for ti cigar Is one that Is short and catchv. It must sound nice, for u nnmo that Jars on tho ear will hoodoo nny cigar. Wo do a lot ot Htudytug when wo nre about to Introduce, n new tow-prlccd clgur to tho public. At tho factory u prize Is usually offered for tho best name, and thcro Is much consideration given to the selection of tho name. Tho smoker won't stand for n clumsy, unwieldy title, nnd wo have to uso Judgment If wo wnnt to enjoy hh patronage." Oood champnRno repairs waste. If you feel tired try a bottlo of Cook'B Imperial Extra Dry Chatupagno. hoquct unrivaled. 1)H. A. 1). blwVKLHS, , ( lr Must Itrllablr SprolnlUt In !) easea of Men, STRICTURE Cured with a new Horn,. treatment, No pain, no detention from business, URINARY"dnry and Hlcdder Troubles, Weak Hack, HurnlnE Urine, Frequency of Urinating, Urine IIlRh Col bred or with milky sediment on standing. w n LJ 1 1 C cured for life and rnilsalO poison thorouRhly Cleansed from the system. Soon every tlcn and symptom disappears completely nd frever. No "DHEAKINO OUT" of the fUseaso on the skin or face, Treatment bontslnt, no dangerous drucs or Injurious hcdlclnce, WEAK MEN 'rom Kxcrsse or ,vlo tlnu of Nervous De illlty or Uxbaustlon, Wasting Weakness, r.'ltlt early decay In young and middle scd, lack of "vim, vigor and strength, With organs Impaired and weak. Cure tuaranteed, CUBES GUARANTEED CHARGES LOW misery and Indescribable woe I hive trenterl n timiiv cases of this kind that I am ns familiar with litem yntt nre with the very dayllcht Once iiiro'l bv us, vou will never iignln b" bother il with emissions, drain'", preittntttrMiess, small or weak organs. nervousnes. falling memory, lot? of ntubltlon or other symp toms which rob you of your tniinh od and Absolutely unlit you (or slimy, nu t ness, pleasure or marriage. Our trentment for weak men will nrrect all these i-vlls nnd restore you to what nature Intonded ,i hale, hearty, happy man, with physical, mental mid sexual power complete. Contagious Blood Poison On account of Its frightful hlileousin -Contagions lllood I'nUoti Is common1 called the king of vencri-al dittenstx I tnnv be either hereditary or contrait' ' Once the system Is tainted with t. ib disease may manifest Itudf lu the form ' scrofula, eczema, rheuluutlc pains, stlrf swollen Joints, eruptions or copper-color spots on the face or body, little ulcer MEN; BE Prior. JULES tiADORDB. DISCOVUBKIC Of "1'AI.TIIWSI.' Foryenri III" err ImnKotie up ft tint liiiml r'la nnd thtaieaniln of men, uuiiK niel ulil, for u temeilr tint would rid tliem of ttio terrible l milt ot eallt- folllet or eirveaea, or of tlifl oierwolk ulnl worry that up the I'lijuiml rltalltv. Tli lueJIrnl rrofeiilnn of tliln countrr leemeil pmverlru to rope, with tlie appalllne inil dlmtloiu llieiiei and annovlnit wenVtimnej of nu n reiultlnc trom violation of Nature.! Un. PROF. lABORDE'S WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. It remained for the eminent I'teneh nuttiorltjr. 11 of. Julra I.alioiite, to conduct rlentino imiulir Into t Ii e emit anil cure of l.oet Vitality, Seximl Weiikneta, Speriilalorrliii', Kpllepar, Inipotencr, Small I'nrtt, anil Ilia world tniUir iicknnuleilcea Ilia aupreniACy of the wonderful remedy "'.1T1I(1I." The Von Mold l.'iiinpniiv, of Clneinuall, Ohio, rei'ocnlrlng tiilueof I'rof. I.atnnnle'a illacoverv. eertired the aula American rltlila for "t'Al.Tllli'V," and through lis agency tlinuaaiula nf men who auftereil from eexual iliaeaaea ami en. feehlins nervous malMllea ham heen reatored to health ami the virile powera of perfect manhood. THE VON MOHL GO'S. REMARKABLE OFFER. We sro now authorized, by The Von Mold Com., to announce that eiery mail who eemla aimply ill name and addreaa will Im aunr'leil nbaolutrlr IVee, hy aealed mill, with flTe.diiya full ttentnient of "VAI.TIIOM." Thla la no (!, O. I. or .Scheme, and there la poeltlvely no condition nt.' tacheil to the offer. You need not ghe humiliating detalla regarding your trouble, You need not aeml one cent of money not een a poatago rtamp. All The Von Mohl Co, Ui) B. PSSi, Cincinnati, 0. Clark's Bowling Alleys j 1313-15 Harney St. t Biggest-Brightesl-Best .j torn , -- a a 3Pj 1 ' " f TVl C laGaaO ICUU JL JT1C M Cy Dr. SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA, NEB. SPECIALISTS FOR DISEASES OF MEN The Secret of Our Unparalleled Success is Told in Two Words: ..WE CURE.. Varicocele, Acquired Blood Poison, Nerv ous Debility and all Reflex Complications and Associate Diseases and Weaknesses of Men. VARICOCELE ' Are you afflicted with Varicocele or Us resultr Nervous Debility and ra yoa nervous, irritable and despondent" Do you lack your old-tlms energy nnd ambition' Aro you suffering from Vital otc? There Is a derangement of th sensl -lve organs of your Telvlc System, and even though .It glvea you no trouble nt pres ent, It will ultimately unman you, depress your mind, rack your ncrvom system, ua fit you for married life and shorten your existence. Why not be cured before It li too late? WE CAN C'tjlU: VOU TO STAV QUItKI). We have yet to see the tase ol Varlcccelo wo cannot euro. Medicines, Klcctrlc Kelts, etc., n 111 nver euro. Vou need expert treatment. We treat thousands of cases where the ordinary phyclelai treats one, Method new, without cultlu, pain or loss of time, the mouth or or the tongue, sore throat, swollen tonsIN famng out of the hair if eyebrows and dually a lrprou-llke dcciy of the tlenli aA bone tf vrtii linvn nnv of j these or similar svmptonis you aro ror- umuy ni uru i,' cniiuii ut imuiraiiuciy 11 I find your fears nre unfounded I will quickly unburden your mind. Hut If your constitution l Infected with syphUlt o virus I will tell yon of It Our special treatment for ('ontnglotis Mood Poison l practlcnlly the result of our life work nnd is endorsed by the best physicians ct Ami'flcu and Kurnpe. It contains no lnjurl. ous drug" or dangerous medicines of any kind. It goes to the very bottom of tin disease and forces out every particle ol Impurltv. Soon every sign and symptom of blood poison disappears completely and foreer. The blood, the tlsm the fl'sh C'e bones nnd the whole system " cleansed, purified and restored to perfe health ami the patient prepared for thi duties nnd pleasures of fife Associate Diseases In curing an nllntcnt of any kind ws neer fell lo remove nil Hellev Compiles thins nr Assoclnte Dlteaies. If lite i-af4 Is Varicocele, the weakness called li U disappears. If It Is Stricture and lia do vclnped Into I'rostatl. H adder or Kldne' Affection", the lu'ured organs are all re stored to a perfecll healthful conditio! If It Is cotitnutous lllood Poison. nv nr all Skin, lllood it ml Hone Phenses orlstri from the tiilnt are entirely and nernia' uentlj I'llmlnuti'd from die system If It l luipolenrv. the many distressing symptom! following In lt train nnd ludlcntlnir a pre. mature, decline nf phylral, mental anf I ...... ,..,.,1t(. ntie I Mlllll Mivi , ..... .... rnntdlv teidaced bv the youthful erergj . . . l....l .,11 ...iitMiii 111 IIHUIIM lliailllin"! - ,-.,.., I Ills ntnl relle eompll ntloir. which mat be proper! termed Arroc'nte li'tente ant 1 which. In fact are oflen mor stIiu that ! tho orlglinl ailments that give rje to thrt Pill. ,r mj . 'niii'i' ..,-.. foteer wlih the cure of the main mal.ioy Correspondence ( " personal visit Is preferred, but If I' t -miinstllile or Inconvenient for you t ,!' nt our otllee, write a full nnd ntt. r crved history of your case, plainly stnt, imp vi, ur HMtiptoms Wo make no clmrgi for private . uimsel and give to end patient . I, KG Al CtlNTltAl'T to hold fot our promlsis. If )ou cannot call today, write Address STRONG! You Can Bo Cured of NERVOUS DEBILITY and LOST MANHOOD BY "CALTHOS" Full 5 Days Treatment ABSOLUTELY FREE By Sealed Mall. NO G.0.D.0R DEPOSIT SCHEME. Tho Von Mold Company dedreala that ton cite tin itmedy fnlr ami thorough trial, nnd they nra will Ing to ataud Hit the ri).u, connected with the tila to prove the faith In Ita merlti. POWER OF "CAITHOS" PR0VE0. "The flrat day jnil take tin treatment you will I" benefited. T he aecond day you will feel an Improve men t. TL third day )uil will note an luuea.e n strength, The fourth U.iy will ehnw a gain hull meutiilly and physically. The fifth day you wll feel Ilka a new man, If ou suitor from any fuin of Nervous perllim ami Sexual Weakness, fperwi tnnhiea. Vatiiocele, Inipotency, fmll Parts, NUIil rineats, Palpitation of the Ilenrt, Nervousness, CVi fiuloii of Ideaa. and l.n nf Memory, you can lively be cured hy "rAI.TIMH." hut If tho dlsea.i his progressed In the Mm!" marked hy the symptom nf l'pllepsy, t'onsumplinu or Insanity, wa canin, promise complete rrutvur PROMPT ACTIO!) IMPORTANT. Aa vou value your health, your hupplness. you very life, l suit alrlasy beclonliie; Irraltnriil The Vou Mold t.'iiuipnny Iihs thousands nf lestlmu nlals on (II n ftom peisons who hale taken tho treat incnt, ehowlns Ha marvelous teslnratlve power. The Company does not publish testimonials, auc your correspondent is sscredly rouflitentlnl. Many who take only the frea ttaatnieu write that they are rutliely cured, '1 For the sake of your family and friends, ass wet ns for your own best interests, write to The Vol Mold Company for the flea treatmrut by mall, Il plulii aeaieu package, ut once. V"iVVVtTVVVfVVrVA; Kciicvci Kidney or. uiauaer tiutitile Jt once. Cures in 48 Hours'" URINARY atBOsn DISCHARGES; 1 ..i Ii On name tVT " IleiSTe of iikele.s cntile,eli. VVIVWysVVWAVVrWi I' t'liiiaiillnllnii h'rrr, 'rrcnliiinnt lij- ntsll. Unll ii r mlili raa I JO , 1 (th 11. 118, bUAItl.KH ,t M;AII1,K!i, O.MAIIA, till- btdia the IHlrMI2 imiui 12