THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, 2s OVEMTIEH 0, 1001- s COUNCIL BLUFFS. MIXHl MK.VHON. Dnvls tells drugs. fitockert sells curptt and rugi. Met beer at Neumnycr's hotel. Wclsb.irh Hurwrs. Mxby & Son. Wollman. scUntlnc optician, 403 liroadwiy. norn, lu Mr. ami Mrs. J. I. Tuylor. n son. Perry plctutes for sulc. U. E. Alexander Co., 183 Uroudwiiy. lllniiourl oak body wood, Jo.f-O cord. wm. yVchU, 23 N. MhIii at. Tel. 12S. tlcclst.tid prescilptlon elcik at Hell u. Morgan's, tin- iltuuelnt. 112 Itrondway. Home stove. KUantntccd not to crack. Hold by Petersen & Sclioenlns. Mcr lUniblork. Hex I. Col.' of Mobo.rlv, Mo, , wit jc; cupv tin pnlpll tomorrow in tin- clrsi nap tletVhurch. , Mm. I,. Dwlnnell of Lake City. In.. ctuft of her parents. Mr. nnd Mis I'. Hhcrwood. 12 Bunt Uroa.lway. Prof. II. W. Sawyer, late democratic can dldatr for county superintendent of scIiooib, Juts Kon.' to Hi. louls on a vlidt. A niarrlaH" "censo was Issue, yes r d- to Kred It. Willliims. nit.d 21. and Orllla 1.. I'arkcr. iiKPd II- both of Omaha. John I. MpiKpI. who recently returned from Colfax rlprlnpt much. Unproved In lipnllh. left List "VenlliK for ChlcaKO. t'eteiscn . HchoenltiB. Morrlam block, Iihvo Hip most roniploto lino of Ilot Hlast Hows In thu illy nd ut prices that will surprise ou. ThP Woman m Itellef .:otis will meet th nonius 1n lir.iml Army or the ci;ub',e hall to dlxpo-..' of Hip .III qnllt for tho bene Ut of th" r.'llrf t'liul. Mr I. i:. (Iilnishaw of Sioux City, nc cnmpanlcl by h'T con and ihuiKhter, Is visltliiK hr mother. .Mrs. SavenberB of 2110 tjouth Twelfth street. J A Itaticlt. asslHlant librarian of the Nebraska State Historical society l-ln-roln was the Klirst ycMlcrday of Ills brothrr. II. P. Hurrctt. Chambers' ctnnclnR ncadctny. Hoynl Ar canum hall Tuesdays and Fridays, adults, 7.20 p, ir... children. I p. m. ADsembllcs for adultM Krldajs, S:20 p. m. Two rases of diphtheria wimp leported to thp Hoard of Health ycterd.i.v : l oir.'st HiitlUld. 2Mi South Sixth -trod; Martin Uallcy. 'i South Highlit sited. The suit broUKht In .ItiHtlrp Bryant's court bv Miss lllnuchc Kelsey to i renvoi' J100 claimed to huvo been by her to a'ir Patterson, a motor conductor. compromised out ol court yesterday. Ilev A. A Maitnussell was Installed us jiastor of l he Swedish Lutheran church 'rliticu.i. v nv.inlni The erclHPH Were I'OII- .llii'ted lij Itev. 1,. Holmes or nurlliiRtou. assisted by Itev. .1 II. Ity.lbi ck of Stanton, Ja : Itev. C S. I.ernbert; of Nornrin. la., and lire. II. Modln of lletliesda. la. Mrs. Cllllil Urrw. nurd fi" ears. died yes tetdiiv nioriilnt: at Ml North Sixth street from consumption. One datmhtcr and two sons survive her. The funeral will bo this afternoon at : o clock rrom the residence wnd burial will be hi l-'nlrvlew cemetery. Itev II. H Walk, rector of St. Paul's Kpls copal chiirVh. will conduct the services. Anions the many leatuio of "A Modern "Woodman" that the Mills llron. will tic Kent at Dohiiny's opera Iioiimj Krldiiy. No vrmbrr 15 Is the sltiKlnt; of little Ituy JIllls "My Pupa Was a Woodnrm" cud "Thf Volunteer Soldier's Last Onodhy." two of lluiiiee lloiirall's popular souks. will be rendered by him durlin? the second net of the drama l)n I less report the following real estate sales recently made by theni In farm properties; I'M ward Pullman, eliht neres neir Sliver City. John Davis, forty nine acres adjoining city on the south; thirteen neieM to J. II. Miller, ten acres to I,. Kern. elKhly ncre.s near Orlswold to J. V. Hush. "rlRhty acres near Silver City to "William I'ullmau, ten acres near Maimwu to K P. Kldor. "Pnele Josh Spnii'eby" lll be at the Ttnlinnv theater In matinee today and even ing performances. Nearly everybody In i Council ItliitTs Is no doubt fnmlllar with ' llio play and will kIvp the company a . heartv welcome. The story Is dramatic lor tho renson that It Is Idled with sIhup siii prises, At the same llmo It Is a simple story, because It deals with only simple J people. While not claiming lo be a home- ( spun story It Is at the same time, true lo lire. One or the present successes hi a drama- j tic wa Is the new and beautiful niclo- j drama, entitled "The VIIIubc Parson," which will be presented at the Kohany theater Sunday. November 10. Tho play deals with the afrcctlons of the heart and ' tho cardinal virtue of truth and strongly portrays Intenso human emotions and arouses keen Interest. The piece has been likened to that in:cessfu drama, "Human Jlcnrts." but Ironi a literary standpoint Is considered a bit. superior' In characterisa tion, Splendid srenle environment Is used mid a full acting company has been In trusted w ith the vat lows roles. BLAMES THE LIGHT COMPANY Cofonr'i Jiry Icldi Oorprttloi Partly Raipmibl for Dutb. ABSENCE OF CUT-OFFS KILLS M'CORMICK crillct that Accident Wsis .Vol til Anj Wn Iiip to CHrrlPSsnris on the Part of the Yinniu Mhii, At the coroner's Inquest yesterday morn lus; over the body of Frank W. .McCormlek. the young llnemni electrocuted Thursday nltfit while nt work on tho top of tin1 electric light tower lit Twelfth avenue and Sixth street, tho Jury brought In a verdict to tho cflect fhat the Citizens' Has and Kleetrlc Light cotnpuny was partially re given Judgment for the amount of the four notes surd on and n decree of foreclosure of the mortgage on the plant The action commenced by the Flint llrlck rompany of Des Moines against Contractor K. A. Wlekham and Wlckham's counter claims were dismissed yesterday by agree ment and thp costs taxed to the plaintiff. Tbe motion for n new trial in the ease of II. 0. Hammltt against S. I. Albro, city marshal, was overruled. In the suit brought by Thomas F. Gatch ell against J. B. Kmlnger, now nn Inmate of the Insnne asylum at Clarlnda, D. L. Hos was yesterday appointed guardian nd litem. J. Colllile irttli Motor Cnr. N. OhIIiip, a well known farmer Uv- lng cast of the city, was severely shaken and bruised In a runaway accident on nroadwny last p-.enlng, resulting from a collision with a motor ear, Mr. Oalltip, who was driving n double team hitched to a hayrack, whs turning onto Broadway from Bryant street when a motor struck the wagon. One of the horses was thrown to the ground and the wagon turned partly over on Its side. The horse srrambled to Its feet and this frightened team started to run. The wheels of the hayrack caught In the car ttacks, with the result that they were torn looe. the wagon turned com sponsible for the dealt of its employe, In- , pktely over and Mr. (Jallup thrown heavily to the ground. The horses, with purl of the running Rear I railing behind, made a dash east on Broadway, but were caught after running two or three blocks. The wagon was a complete wreck. Mr. Onllup was removed to the homo of his son-in-law, J. M. Flagler, on Kast Pierce street, where a physician was called to attend him. It was found that while no hones were broken he was severply shaken and bruised. The accident caused considerable excitement on Broadway. Moot City nt Hull. nsmueh as "cutoffs" were not provided whereby the current could he cut off from tho tower when a man would be at work on It. This, the Jury said,' showed negli gence on the part of the electric light com pany. It found, however, ' thai MuCor mlck's death was accidental and that there was nothing to show -.any. carelessness on his part. Tho principal witnesses at the Innuest wero: City Klectrlclnn Bradley, Lon Hatlt away, foreman of the light company; 0. II. Smallhouse, a lineman, and Charles Walts of tho tiro department, who climbed the tower and lowered tho dead body of .Mc Cormlek to the ground. City Kleetrlclan Bradley's tetlmony re latpd chlotly to the results of his examina tion of the tower whore young McCormlek met his death. He said he had made the examination Just prior to the Inquest and hail found that three of tl.w four lamps "cut In." Current Win. (In. This, ho explained, meant that tho switches were so thrown that the current would How through the lamps. The switch on the fourth lamp was found thrown ho ns to "cut out" and with the outer globe, lowered, Indicating that McCormlek was Id all probability working at this lamp when killed. The main lino wires running to and from this lamp were burned olf, al though on.; was hanging by a mere shred of metal. The Insulation of both wires and globules of melted copper at their ends. the. witness said, Indlcntod clearly the Intense heat of tho current. Mr. Bradley's theory was that McCor mlek In throwing thlb switch brought hl.t hand in contact with the wire. He save It as his opinion that the towor lights could bo safely handled only by cutting out the tower whllo doing so. aa each tower fur nishes a perfect metallic "ground." which Is much more tllfllcult to guard against than In tho rase of an arc light near the prniim Itnrir. where Insu atlng material i .,-.. A. th. nnli in., rlr ! UlOliy L.lll ov l-.triij f, if ..-',, ...7 ..... ....... ........ on the dead man s body was a tteep mini ,)nnPC tnnlRht at Hughes' hall. on the little finger of the. left hand, and this corresponded to a nole In Ills glove,) I ten I llnte Trnnfcr. Mr. Bradley said it was his brllof that. Thph0 tMlIf,fcrtl wcre mr, y(.,trrdny McCormlek had happened to touch the wire I ))(, nHlnil,, tt0 anrt a omec of J. at the point where the hole was In " I s.iulrr. 101 Pearl street: glove Ho also gave It as hi- opinion tint , cireenshlelds and wife to something must have gone wrong with Hie , ii,.iinnihi Marks, nart nw sci 13- l.imn connections and there must have been ! "Ml. u, c. il a "ground" elsewhere on tho line. x "Theory In I'orrnhom'lfi". Foot I The return game between Ihe Council I Bluffs and Sioux City High school foot ball teams will be played this afternoon at the ' Driving park. The formur Rame was played j at Sioux City and resulted In a victory for I the Bluffs boys, It Is said that the Sioux City team has been greatly strengthened ! since the former game nnd some good foot j ball Is looked for this afternoon. This will be the council Bluffs line-up Left end. Scott; left tackle, Byron, left guard, Ball; center. Smith; right guard. Flick Inger; right tackle. Kettering: right end. Orason; quarterback. Dlngmiin. left half, Fuller; rlht half. Treynor; fullback. R. Ayleswortu; substitutes, W. Aylcsworth. Warner, Ppctman and Van Order. BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE Special List of Prices for Gur SATURDAY SPECIAL SALES Dance lonlght at Hughes' hall. Flic- Suit tor DUoi'ce. Mrs. Klla Stovlck of llfi Vine street, who caused the nrrett of her husband. B. F. Stovlck. last Monday night, on a charge of disturbing ihe peace of their home, fllcd notice of suit for divorce in the dlsttlct court yesterday. The notice states that she will base her application for divorce on tho grounds of the alleged habitual drunken ness and cruel nnd Inhuman treatment of her husband. She will ask for the custody of their minor children and for an order giving her all the household goods and all- i In W. flounced Ladies' Wrappers 69c 98c 1.25 .50c Ladles Percale Wrappers skirt, nil sizes, regular $1,00 goods, on sale nt Ladles' fleece lined Wrap pers, good dark colors and well made, for Other grades In Ladles' Wrapperi, In percale, nnd llanneletto, !.". $l..0, Fur Collarettes flood line of Fur Boas In Coney Blectrlc Seal, Stone Marten. Beaver, Marten and Mink, nt tbe following prices: $1.2.-., Jl.flS. J2.50, $3.26, $r..00, $7.50 to Sfl.50 and $17.60. Ladles' Gapes and Jackets 375 N. Y. numbing Co.. telephone 250. lllirrcl llcxiilln III n I'll. The polirp wpic called at ." o'clock last evening to tho homo of John llalle. Jr.. on Tipper Harrison, by a telephone message, .stating that Hallo had Killed his wife. On 1h. nffleera, who were a.companlcd by a physician, arriving nt tho house. It was found that Mrs. Halle had been poized with tin epllcpilc lit during a dispute with her huebnnd. Tho report, which was started by the children running to a neighbor's honso crying that "their mamma, had been killed," caused Inlpnse cM'.ltemeut In tho neighbor hood. Mr. Hallo was elected townsh'p trustpp. on ho republican ticket Tuesday nnd his wife's objections to his dabbling Jn polities led to tho quarrel. Davis sells glum. I Charles F. Deetken nnd wife to I .ieorgp F. Itaucr, ' sc' ne'.i swH r 20-75-4;i. w. d i Sheriff to Council Hluffs Ileal Kstatp Mr. Tlradlpv's th'eo'rv' as ttl thf manner I uml liimrnvpntpiit coinuauv. lots 9 .,let. MrfVirmlrk me. his death was1 and 10. block II. Riddle's MlbdlW. s.d. 1 ,HS In which MrCorm ck met his death was a .i u. ... mu i.e i- o m .. r.. . a ' . , . . JL ' ,,. Uua linn , .1. .. ?u r nnd wife to William Arnd, corroborated by Fireman Watts and Lino- )r( ()t , A,i,0,.v aubdlv. of se-i man Sinallhouse. who brought the body , 1K.i, r,.tM.i s. w. d 1 Four transfers, total .?l,Hfi Cusps III Keilernl Court, The arguments In the Pralor-Llndt suit were concluded yesterday before Judge McPherson In the federal court. Tho court took his decision under ndvlspment. Tho application of Samuel H. Olxon to fllo a petition of Intervention In the Omaha & St Louis recolvershlp was denied. Dixon Bought to IHo a claim for damages for al leged peifcounl injuries. Judge McPherson went last evening to Fort Dodge, where he wjl hold court for Judge Shlras. Ho expects to return hore Monday, when the Orntid hotel receivership cast) will bo taken up again. down. They testified that they found tho body, lying on Its left side, with the fico Indicating that he was standing near the , TACKLES GIRLS' DEPARTMENT fourth lnmp when ho received the shock 1 which killed him. Dei... Alice V......B ol !.. "VnrKlty Both Foreman Hathaway and Lineman ( Smallhouso In their testimony declared trie ( tnwprs were dangerous to work on when the ; current was turned on. Smallhouse went so far as to declare that he would not go on a towpr when the current was on. even t If ordered to do so. He said ho had heard other linemen say the same. Young McCormlek was 21 years of age. , His remains were taken to his home at , Tabor. la., yesterday morning by his ; brother-in-law. The funeral will bo Sun day. Dcolllltil Thc.v Flu v In Dif ferent F.irmn I Inn. IOWA CITY. la.. Nov. 8. -(Special.) Ladles flolf Capes that sold for $7.60 and $10, on sale at Ladles' Cloth Capes, trimmed braid and edged with fur, that sold for $6.76, on sale for JXM and Ladles' Bouclo Cloth Capes, trimmed with Thibet nnd .Marten Fur, regular price $7.30, on sale nt , .Misses' and Children's Jackets, sizes 4 years to 8 years, regu lar $6 and $6 garments, on sale nt Misses' Jackets, In good line of colors, nt $12, $10. $S, $C.7u, to Ladles' Jackets in 27-In. . 40-lti. and 12-ln. lengths, nt $2.1, $16, $13.60, $12 to Lot of Ladles' tight fit ting Jackets, worth from $6 to $10, on sale nt .4.98 med with 2.98 b, trimmed 4.98 :kcts, sizes 3.39 5.75 10.00 3.39 Ladies' Walking Skirts j. In grays. 2.98 A good 10-4 Cotton I Blanket for ' 75c grade Cotton Blanket, fancy col- ' ored borders, op RQp j sale at UOu , $1.00 grade 11-4 Cotton Blanket with I striped border, on ORp sale at I 76c value In Comforters, extra well made, on sato 49C Special prices on Itegulutlon Army ' Blankets, "nil wool." $.1 all wool Blanket in 0 f(l KlorL- fnr fcl UU $6 all wool Blanket in gray for $7.50 nil wool Blanket, In white for Cc grade 1-1 LL unbleached muslin on sale Q 1 n at tnb Damask, 6? .3.50 4.75 Ladles' good Walking Skirts, In grays. blarks" blue and tans, at $8. $.., $4 50. $3.76 ami 35a value in Bleached Inches wide, on sale nt 15c grade all Ltnen Iluck Towel on sale at Kxtra good valuo in Dress lull line of colors. 36-ln. wide, for 60c grade Ladles' and Mlsse9' Umbrellas, on sale at $3.00 grade In Fancy Kmbroldered Waist Patterns. Just a j QO few left, on sale at, per pattern li uO S!H: lino of Ladies' nnd Misses' (lolf (Moves, on shIo at Ladies' 15c quality all linen collars, nn sale nt SDo and 60c wide val. laces, In cream and white, on sale 25C Ladles' mercerized black waists, $1.00 value, nt Just half price A good all wool llannel waist, neatly made, tucked front and back, on sale at The best line of Coutll and Jeans Corsets In the city, regular 76c value, for ...25c IOC Flannel, ...50c 39c 25c ,5c 50c neatly 1.00 Jeans 50c A handsome black mercerlrcd under skirt, with corded flounce, worth $1.26, on stilo QQ Boys nil wool sweaters with fancy silk stripes In red, blue and white, regular $1.50 Roods, on QOp sale at wuu 60c grade In men's and boys' winter caps, full line sizes. 2j)Q Men's good strong elastic web sus ponders, 26c trade. ' IKp Our price ,v'u Men's husking cotton flannel mlttem on sale at, 0 pair . 2j() Lot of men's neckties OCn on sale nt fcUW Men's 50c grado fleece lined leather mitts, on sale 25C Men's 30c grado working gloves dur ing this sale 2j( Men's r.Mc colored stiff bosomed shirts, In sl.e 15 only, on Cn sale at Men's 50c soft Shirts, OC only tUU Men's 60e knit shirts, Ince OQP front, on sale at tub Men's shield front knit shirts In blue only. $1.00 value, RQp on sale nt UuU Men's nnd boys' sweaters. In reds and blues, 75c grade, on . QRp sale nt UUV Batwing bow ties, 23c Cn value, on ho lo at UU 16c string ties, on sain q Men's heavy wool fleeced underwear, full lino of sizes, Cfln at OUC Ladles' extra heavy fleeced hose, 20c value, sale price Qq Kxtra heavy ribbed fleeced lined hose, for misses and boys, 9E 16c, 2 pair for CiVW 12c grado 36-ln, Percales, good lino of colors, on in sale at ...lUu Millinery, Second Floor Saturday wc wilt sell at a reduction of 25 per cent tiny of our Misses' and ladles' trimmed Hate and shapes. $ 1.00 ilats for "3c $ 2.0Q Hats for 1"'0 $ 1.00 Hats for $ 3.00 $ (5.00 tints for $ -l'50 $10.00 Hats for $ "."'0 $15.00 Ilats for $11-I"' $20.00 Hats for $lf 00 Ladles' Outing Gowns 50C n, neatly 1.00 tattles' Outing downs, made extra full, with double yoke, in good colors, at A tallies' heavy Outing down, neatly trimmed with finishing braid and embroidery, nt Ladies' Underskirts A new tine of tadles Underskirts, with corded, ruffled, tucked ann plnted flounces, nt the fol lowing prices. $2.25. $2, $1.75. $1.50. $1.25 nnd .... :ncu an ii 1-00 I Ladles' Waists Ladles' good Flnnnel Waists, extra well made, trimmed and I AA tucked, all slzts nnd col- I ors. nt $1.50, $1.25 and llUU 4c Kxtra wido Colonial 1'crcalos, good assortment, formerly A I sold at Sc. 10c. now n P on sale at I L If 6c Full stnndnrd width Out- A lug Flnnnel, In light nnd Yl dark colors, to close nt UU 8c flood value double-facod fl Percales, good valuo nt KP J'.'H'C, on sale at, UU ?c Full and complete line of ft light Outing Flannel, good UP 10c value, on snlo at UU 6c outing flannel In pink and blue Q3 stripes. On sale ut 0u Full width storm llannel In gray Dip nnd brown, l-'Hc grade, on sulo ...Dab WHITELAW & GARDINER Boston Store Council Bluffs, Iowa BOONE TEAM DEFEATS CHICAGO Dance tonight at Hughes' hall. CI ravel roofing. A. U. Head. S41 nroadwaj. NO LONGER SCHOOL TREASURER W. K. Understock Hemmed from Of llee llpfittinc of Ilia Stroke (if li.cnl "Is Davit sells runt. Clinime Anionic Firemen. By orders of Fire t'hlef Templeton. two changes have been mnilo In tho department. H. H. Adams, driver at No. 2 engine house, has been succeeded by William Mnttheson, ii former fireman, nnd C. H. Jones has been appointed to tho plncn held by W. W. Tioyne nt No, I engine house. Adams and Poyne were let out for Incompetency, ac cording to the statement mado by Chief Templeton, Dohany Theater Sunday. November 10 "The Most Natural Hay of the Age, The Village Parson Thrilling In Climax! J'nwerful In ActlonI Intenso Heart Interest! All Special Scenery! A Story as Sweet ns tho Frngraneo of Hoses! I'ltll'I'ifi-iiril', .all', l.H LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Di rector itiuccaor u v. -,. 3d FARM LOANS 5oH? Negotiated In Koatern NbnMK Vi Main St, Counall BluSa. Iowa Steam Dye Works? 1101 Hrtmdwny, Council III nil's. i.,Ln vnm nht clothes luok liko nuw CLEANING, DVKINU and UKrAIlUNO, i'oona &v.t A vacancy now exists In the offlc of treasurpr of tho independent srhool district of Council Hluffs. In district court yester day nfternoon Judge Green on tho applica tion of the Hoard of Education remove.! v. K. Hnverstock from the ofllco nnd ordered thnt all monoys, papers and hooks belong ing to tho omco or district be turned over to his successor when elected or appointed. Treasurer Hnvprstock was stricken with pnralysls July 27 Inst and has since been Incapacitated from attending to the duties of the oftlcp. This made It necessary for the board to appoint some one pIso In his place nnd this could only be legally ac complished by securing an, order of court removing Mr. Hnverstock. For the pur pose of the action in court G, H. Stlllman was appointed guardian ad litem for Hav- erstock. Charles H. Hnverstoolt, son of TrenBurcr Hnverstock, filed application la court yesterday, asking thnt Stphblns A. Te'al of Missouri Valley be appointed tern- pnrnry guardian of his father. Mr. icat is father of Mrs. Haverstock. President Hess has 'called a special meet ing of the Board of Education for Monday evening to appoint a successor to Treasurer Haverstock. It Is understood that tho ap pointment will be tendered Thomas II. James, Mr. Havorstock's business partner, and that ho will accept It. The suit brought by Oeorgo S. Davis. formor treasurer of tho district and demo cratic candidnto for the office at the time of Mr. HavorBtock's election, contesting tho Intter's election, is still pending in the superior court and the appointment of successor to Haverstock by the boj.-.f may cause some complications. Horman Facrber, whose property at the Country club, l.ako Manawa, was attached hy A. Motzger & Co. on a claalm of 1117.70, hied n counter claim .yesterday, In which he nsks for $2,000 damages for less of busl ness and lnury to his reputntlon as a busl- ness mau and for $."00 for expenses he was r.ut lo in the matter. In hU answer he ad mits owing the $117..0 to Mctzgor & Co but emphatically denies that at the time the writ of attachment was Issued he was about to dispose of his property with In tent to defraud his, creditors. The prop erty attached he claims were his "tools and Implements" hy wh'ch as head of a family tm Rallied his livelihood. Ho sets up fur ther that part of the property attached was his household furniture temporarily removed from hi residence In the city for uto In the Country club, also that part belonged to his wife and that he did not have full title to part In the case of Charles T. Ilendrle against the. Spruue Iron works' the plaintiff was Dean Alice Youiik. the consulting authority ! 5Pvcnth giiim or mo women or ine university oi iowa, has begun a war upon young women stu dent'! v.ho "waste too much time with voung men." Many of tho girls have been cHlled upon the enrpct and confronted with .his charge and given some good advice on shunning the male box with greater de gree. Dean Young has particularly declared hostilities ngninst telephones In young la dles' rooms. Ono girl was told absolutely that sho must have the telephone taken out of her room. Girls who wear black as a prominent part of their apparel havo also fallen under Dean Young's disapproval. One who created a sensation nt a party by nppearlng In a striking black gown thnt became her finely was reprimanded and told not to do It again by Miss Young. Dean Young ha also begun an investiga tion of the boarding houses and houses that take women as roomers to sro that the rules laid down for young women are properly observed. The women have been required to answer lengthy printed ques tions about their boarding and rooming places, character of the landladies, the rules observed and many other things. Miss Young has also et about to dis cover why somo landladies rcfuso to lake women as roomers after having had it particularly lively set of girls one year. (inline to He tiinmplon ill nimlinu; unit Would Meet All ('uinrra, HOON'K. la.. NoV. ff. (Special Telegram) A howling tournament between i.'hlcauo and Hooue took place this afleiuoon and .'Veiling. Three games were played this afternoon ami four In the evening. A large number of men nnd women attended and the lino playing was watched with the greatest Interest. After the games were over a reception whs given the Chicago team at tho Hutler house and n bamiuet was served. The llrst game was won by Chicago. The remaining six games wete all won by noonc Score: HoniiP. Chicago. First game s:,o T!i Second game !M:i Ml Third game 91". "'!" Fourth game W Fifth name Xa !! i h V71 Mil The Individual averages were: For Chi cago ticrnux. IW5-7; Lewis, ItiTi Anson, Plfi 1-7: Warden, 171 C-7. Hunne McKerney, 172 5-7; Moorf, 15.r-7; Knowiton. 160; Strong. 1M 1-7; Jenkins. li'.t;s.7. The game averages were: Hoone, P2S 1-7; Chicago, sill 11-7. limine has now met ami defeated the champion teams of Iowa, Nebraska and Illinois and has it team which never lias been defeated and which Is ready to meet all comers. the advice of his seconds stayed down until six was counted. When he got up they nixed it again and after a mutual ex change of half a dozen terrlllo rlghtH and lefts, I'elcr spilt his right to Hip stomach nnd Immediately lauded on the chin, with the same hand, and Jcfforda was down and out. Time of second round one minute and four seconds. NEW RECORD FOR HIGH JUMPS Year-Ol.l fielding I.cmia Set en I'eet I'o.ic mill Half Inches at (iilciiKO HnrNC Miow. Westerns Win. The Westerns defeated the Omaha Red ding company's team on the Onto City bowling alleys last night. Score: WKSTHKNK. Swenson A yet- .... 8e leek .. Ilecd llcynolds 1st. . IV. . K . 1W . 2i . m 2d. 11 1 to 17 201 IS1) 3d. Total. 17 1H1 i:.i iw ICS 41. I r,29 !,t"3 Total ....HIS SSS OMAHA HKDDINCI COMPANY. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Huntington 153 131 Stapenliorst 1SI U'l ouran -' i- Ilengel 1 l. Senman SOI 1st BLIND I0WAN PLEADS GUILTY Otis Greene of Ilea Moines. Inillctril ror 5lurlerlnK Ilia Wife, Mnkea Assent, DKS MOINES. Nov. 8. Otis Greene, In dicted for murdering his wife September 0, pleaded guilty to murder In the second do greo today nnd was sentenced to the peni tentiary for life, Greene shot his wife on the street and then shot himself tnrougn the temple. From the effects of the shot ho became totally blind. Hunter Loses Ilia Ann, MT. AYR, In., Nov. S. (Special.) Henderson Chance, n prominent young farmer living one mile north of Mt. Ayr, accidentally discharged a rifle ball Into his left nrm Wednesday evening. Hn was hunting nnd the accident occurred whllo he was getting through a barbed wire fence. It was necessary to amputate the arm abovo the elbow. That ThrnhhliiKT Headache would quickly leave you If you used Dr, King's New l.lfo Tills. Thousands of suffer ers havo proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 2.'i cents. Money, back If not cured. Sold by Kuhn & Co., dmsKlsts, Hunter sio.l French Win. A nlneptn contest last night on Clark's howling alleys rcnuncu; 1st. 2.1. 3d. Total. II. inter 9 7 R French 7 s il Total.. ...PI 1st. Little . Uerger 13 14 !d. 3d. Total S S 10 6 15 157 PIS 151 17.1 1M Total 018 77 2.538 norrlli.K Contest hy Women. Women bowled a. tenpin contest on Clnrk's alleys last night. Scurc: UOUNDICHS. 1st. 2d. Hd Total. Miss Tin Inman 110 12S in .Miss Maynie nocrno.. 151 111 us Mrs. Julia Ilalin 7t 122 Miss se tiocrne... m n " Miss Um l'egau.....'.. Hit 91 1-7 3.11 410 2tR 321 .".40 Total. KB.'. v L'CCUNTICICS K!S 57 1 G'O CHICAGO, Nov. S. At tho horse show In the Coliseum tonight the high Jumper. Hcatliprbloom. a bay gelding il years .1 and sixteen hands high, owned by Howard WlllettH or While Plains, N. Y.. broke the world's Indoor record for Jumping horses. Hcatliprbloom cleared the bar at seven feet four and a half Inches. The previous record wns maile by Hoscbery, who made a Jump of seven tet l lure and a hull' Inches lu competition with Fllemaker In this city several years ago. diehard Donley was on llealherblnoin when tho .lumper was brought out. The horso wns at his best. The llrst Jump was made with the bar standing at six feet threo Inches. Twice tho bar was raised slightly and each tlmo wns easily cleared by Hcatherbloom. Then tho barrier was .set for a world's record and the great crowd awaited the outcome of the test. The suspense was not long, for in n few minutes more Hcatherbloom had sprung lightly over tho mark nnd tho new world's record was made. On. aim Gnu Club Mioot The Omaha Gun club will shoot at Its grounds Saturday afternoon for the third Meyer trophy, u gold mounted tobacco box. The majority of tho members of the club nave returned ironi .hick and ciiicKeu shooting and It Is believed that more per sons will enter the contest for the third "tronhy than went after any of the others'. The llrst trophy was won by Frank t'armo leo and the second by W. D. Townscnd. lenkliia Hnrs Vo tine. CLUVULAND, Nov. S.-Ocorge D. Tun hey. manager for Tom Jenkins, announces tonight that Jenkins is open to challenge from any uinn In tho world to contest tor the cntch-as-calch-cau championship for a purse ranging from JS.fiOO to JIO.OOO a side. The weight limit is 250 pounds. I'loiiform Wins Autumn Ci.i. LONDON. Nov 8. T. Simpson Jay's Florlform won tho Liverpool autumn cup of 1.2ik) sovereigns at tho Liverpool autumn meeting today. Lord Stanley's I'clllsnn was second and coionci u, .Mct aimont s hi. Maclou wns third, Tho illstnnco was ono mile nnd three furlongs. St Louis Flyer Leave Iturlinton Station. Omaha, 5:10 p. m. Arrive Union Station. Si. Louis. 7:10 a. m. Tins train carries Hiifl'cr Sleeping-car and free rnrlin inj: chair-curs all the wa.v, runs over a smooth track, ami offers the best service between Ouialia and St. Louis. TICKET OFFICE, 1502 Parnam St. Trl. 250. BURLINGTON STATION, lOthand Mason Sts. Tel. 310. V. S, Presumo you know nbout tho Hurllngton's four dally trains lo Chicago 27i! I!2S 3'S Total 5 9 11 5 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. .Mrs. W. it. WlRinan.. St. Ml in.l Miss Ihmann M I"-' Mrs. II. itescun in jj. j. Mm A.lnlnll llrillliloU Ifl'l 123 112 Mrs. Fred nrug v. u" '- Total W 511 1,502 The HounderB won by 123 pins. TWO BLOWS WITH ONE HAND I'etei- .llMlirr Makes Speedy Heiie tltlon Which Tilts Jeffords Hon ii ami Ont, HALT1MORK, Nov. S.-Peler Mailer put a sudden stop to the championship aspira tions of Jim Jeffords of California tonlsht lu the second round of what was to hnv.s been a ten-round unnteal before t Up tit rtkn Athletic club nt Oermanla MucnniT- I, ..II llnll, rr.n., tr fined OS lit MS I. (Iddle, with Jeffords having all the best of It In height and reach. . .... , Tho first round began with a light punch and a clinch, after which both landed lightly and clinched again 'I hen Jonord torn bed Deter with a right on the rib and they came, to -a clinch. As they broke away Jeffords touched I'eter on tho chin and tho latter arowled about a foul, which the referee declined to allow. Jeffords lauded lightly again and after another clinch touched I'eler on the ribs and they locked arms onre more. When they broke away they sparred awhile. I'eter sent his right to the, head without effect, the boll rung wllh honors easy. , , In the second round Mnher swung his right to the body. They mixed It and x changed a series of right and left swings, in which Jeffords got .. hard light punch on tho Jaw and went to the floor lis hy there until tho referee rountcd live. W hen ho got up they mixed again, both sending In hard rights nnd lefts to the rib- and I'eter got H this tlmo with a stllf rjpht JaW In the neck, b'olnjf to the lloor, und on ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Baur Signature mt $ FsfeMaub Wrappr Blw. on Distanced -A. 8 oinTnR' Three Fast Trains Daily to California via "The Overland Route" Splendid" Through Dining Oar Service. Pullman Pnlace Sleeping Cars Pullman Ordinary (Tourist) Cars Uuffet Hmoklng and Library Can Free Hecllnlng Chnlr Cars Steam Heat, lintsch Light Only 58 Hours to San Francisco from Missouri Ftlver. City Ticket Office, 1324 Fsrnam Strt, Telephone 316. Union Station, 10th nnd Marcy BtreeU, Telephone 6JS. Dohany Theatet Saturday matlneo nnd night, Nov. 0 Davo II. Levi's big production, Uncle Josh Spruceby Twenty People! "Hayseed" Hand! Orand Operatic Orchestra! Carload Special Sconeryl Novel Mechanical Rffects! The Great Sawmill Scone! All Now Specialties! Watch for the Dig Parade! Prices 10c, 20c, 30c, Cfic; matinees, 10c, 20c. A HOME PRODUCT Better than Imported. Cook's Imperial EXTRA DRY Delicious liivlgoratltm harmless. Absolutely pure. Woodwnrd's means Guud Candy. Good Candy means Woodward's. ( WOODWARD'S Synonyms and ( GOOD CANDY. JOHH Q. WOODWARD & CO., "The Candy Men." Council Bluffs, la. Tary tmaiX SJUI as f 14 take M nfn, FM HIAIACMK. CARTERS TU IIOIHEtt. roR IIUOUUEIt. MR TIRPID LIVEN. m CIMITIPATIOK. FOR IALL0W SKIN. FOR THECOMPLEXIIR .OUftK ajOKJlXAaAaHK. ii I t Apple Orchard For Sale 153 ACRES. A)ilo In.'OH anj all in good physical condition 9 yeara oltl and in full bearing. Ono-linlf miles from Cileinvood, Iowa. Prico-low, fiinull payment down, balance long time. H. W. BINDER & CO., 5 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, In. t.