12 TIT R OMA1Ij DAILY BKE: SATUHDAV, M3U 9. 1M)1. E KHM.KV, fITIOf.ll CO. fllore Oprn 1 nf II HiHO SnltirlAj llrfi. inn I.tiillr.' mill riillilrcn Winter I'liilrrivcnr anil HcdIit. Antoninhlni, value today. An unusual Mortmrnt of medium to the beet mndc linen nt Bficclrtlly lowered prices. Wo havr the "Aertex" lltn-n mesh under wenr for lartlof stiednlly recommended by nil phynlclann for health containing all medlrlnnl riunlltlrn. 2Sc l.adlrR' heavy ribbed llecced veatH nnd pants, fltiUhed nenms, ecru or natural color, nil flics, 3 to (J. Jun' received n special linrfinln In Indies' tdeached vent, pantn anil tlRhtn, lle'-oed or unfloeecd, band rroclieted neck, Bilk tapes. boiiRht to Hell nt fac for Saturday's talo only f0f each. An extraordinary orferluK. I.idlen' shrink Ins natural wool ribbed vcsl and pants. Bilk crocheted neck; nlso an odd line of Biles In black wool tights, for Saturday only flSc each. "Jonness Miller" Sterling union suits for ladlnn arc mailo In two styles, buttoned on ahoulder, protects the chest and opened down front. U'o have In stork nn entire line. Tho only perfect fitting, full fash' loned lomblnallon suits. Tho "JenncsH lllller" Sea Island cotton ribbed union suits, pure white and ecru, at $3. The "Jennem Miller" full fashioned merino combination mills, heavy or medium weight, natural uray, new blue and cream, beautifully fin ished, sizes .1 to T, ltf.r.0 and $3.75 per suit Thn "Jennesa .Miller" all wool, steam shrunken, extra heavywelKht ribbed union suits, natural uray anil now blue., rcRitlar $."i.80 quality, for Saturday's salo only $4,75 arh. Our lines of children's underwear are complete In quality and sizes at extreme Uiw prices, children's natural and ecru lienvjr ribbed shirts, pants and drawers, n liargaln for Saturday's salo nt 25c each. Wn havo received Import order of ladles' hand embroidered puro thread silk hose. slio a beautiful line of bund embroidered .lisle hose, extreme patterns, latest dcslgnr., nit fast colors, from $1.00 to $10.00 per pair. LArilffl' fast black cotton hose, unflecccd or fleeced, waco soles, also black and woolen hose, plain or ribbed, double solo, heel and toe, our 3So quality, Saturday, 25c. rnlr. Tho "I'ony" brand, children's hose, fast black cotton, extra heavy, double knee, heel (and toe, novcr-wenr-out kind, sizes tl to 10, )J5c pair. A comfort for little folks, fine black 'ribbed wool drawer lcRftlns or tights, very 'warm, nlrely finished, all sizes, $1.00 nnd 41,15 per pair. Fifteenth nnd Knrnam Streets. 1BATES TO COMMAND DOUBLE Will Hrti f'linrK' f Two Depart ment Wlirn (iriirriil .tlvr J rliiiu Itrtlrm, A dispatch to The Uee from Denver .ays thut Oonoral John C. Hates, In command of thn Department of the .Missouri, will Rssumo tempornry command of the De partment of Golorndo upon tho retirement of General II. C. Merrlam, which takes place. Novnmber 13. "(Icnernl Dates," tho telegram continues, "will direct tho affairs nt both departments from Omaha, (len ernl MacArthur, It Is practically n pen red, will assume command of tho Colorado de partment permanently tho latter part of this year." Oenernl Date, who, with Colonel McClln oc.k nnd Cnptnln Krwln, returned to Omaha yesterday from a tour of Inspection nf the southern forls, says ho has no official ntlce thnt. ho will bo placed In command of tho Department of Colorado. "Still, I would not. be surprised It that nrranRcment Is carried out," said he. "It very prob- hly will be. nnernl Merrlam Is to retire noon nnd Oeneral MacArthur will not be In a position to succeed him Immediately, being engaged on tho brnvot board nt WashlnRton. However, I don't want to be quoted an Baying anything positive on tho mibject." Mini C olli re quickly cured by Chamberlain's Couch Tlemedy, It acta on nature's plan, loosens the cough, relieves tho lunRS nnd opens tho Hecrntlons, effecting a permanent cure, It counteracts nny tendency nf a cold to result In pneumonia. It Is pleasant to take, both ndults and children like It. For sale by all druggists. The big clothing snlo Is now on nt liny Ben Ilros, Rend about It on pngo 7. Shampooing and hnlr dressing, 25c. In ronnectlon with Tho Ilnthery, 21C-220 llee building. Tel. 17J0. Finest wntrhea carefully repaired. Kd holm, Jpwelcr. MAIL BOXES FOR TARGETS fcnuntrr Ilnr Destroy Fiicllltlr AIoiik the II u rill Wi Dellvrrr Itoutrs. Many complaints nro being received by pnstofneo Inspectors regarding thn destruc tion of boxeR placed by patrons nlong rural Iroe delivery linen. Tho last complaint comes from Mlndon, Neb., whence William neems writes stating that boys havo used everal boxes ns targets for prnctlco with Hiin, the boxes of Iouls Rooms nnd Charles J. nurrhelt bolng particularly mentioned, rrcvious to this complnlnts or tho same nature worn received from'Vnlley. Thn provisions of tho fedornl law guard ing tho boxes Is very severe, making their destruction n felony, nnd the postnl au thorities hnvo been requested to Investigate the matter. Thn Vldneyn nro smnll, but Important or ksns. They need help occasionally. I'rlrkly $Ah nltters Is n successful kidney tonic Ifind system regulator. Tilt- irtlMTrtTII Mill. SHOHTKNINO TIMK. IMl'llOVINd 8KIIVICK. Nov. :. Daylight Chlcngo special leaves 7 20 a. m. Instead of 7 a. m. Snmo time of arrival at Chicago. Daylight St. raul-Mlnneapolls Express leaves 7:10 n, m Instead of 6:55 a. m. Bame tlmo of nrrlval at St. I'aul-Mpls, No, 2, tho Overland Limited to Chicago, nt 7M5 p. m carries SI.KBI'l.VO CARS ONLY. 'Much quicker tlmo westbound. Chicago to Omaha. Tho Northwestern can do this, H01-U03 Knrnam St. B.OO for llnlC it llnr'n Wiirk. If you live In tho country or In a small town nnd hnvo a good acquaintance among tho farmers nnd Ktockralsers In the neigh borhood, you rnn make $5.00 easily by four nr five hours' work. Write us nnd wo will end you our proposition, Tho lleo Publish ing company, Solicitor's Dept., Omnha. Neb. Clothing at prices you uevcr dreamed Df, now at Hayden Ilros. Read their nil bu page 7. BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE Special Saturday Sale Ladies' Very Swell House and Street Shoes. in Turn Soles with in Welt Soles with Extension l:dc Soles now Cuban heels new Milit'ry heels new Opera heels. $3, $3.50, $4 Special S:ituriluy Prices Louis XV Heels with Cuban Heels with Opera Heels now Plain and Patent Tips. Kcnulnr selling price of these run from SI to $0. Special Saturday at $1.98 tt.OUO pair Ladles' fine SH.00 Shoes at S !.!:. VERY SWELL. This includes nil the new styles of kid, box calf, velours calf and vlci, as well as about 800 pairs of the famous Hoylcston $11 liyyjciiic shoe all now $1.08. Fifth Avenue Sale, 3rd S Pay of the Sale of the Meyer, Levy & Bohen Stock . . . . . HAYDEN Special Children's Shoe Sole 50c, 75c, 98c, $1.25, $1.50 In all the new styles In all weights of soles. Ivvcry pair warranted. Sec the boys' shoes on special Hale Saturday. Kor the benefit of those who arc not acquainted with the facts, we again print the SECRET of this unmatch.ible sale II ere. I tho secret. TELEGRAM: "N'KW YOHK, Nov. 1. 1901. - Hayden Ilros., Omaha: Reluctantly sccept your cash otTer, $25,000, for entire slock of women's K.iRlans, Suits, Automobiles, Jackets, Wnlsts, Rnluy-Day Skirts, ehlldten's Jackets, Rox Coats nnd fixtures, Your resident buyer ships nil goods excepting fix tures, which he can dispone of to party renting building. ".mi:yi:r, mjvy coiik.v The house of Meyer. Levy & Cohen was visited not only by the prominent buy ers of the United Stntes, but many buyers from nbro.nl, and few ever left New York without pitying a visit to this poputar con cern. Wo were the fortunate ones from a hundred bidders for this tremendous stock. Thn crowds that have attended this sale tho Inst two days show thnt our efforts are appreciated by the people of Omaba nnd surrounding country. We positively h ssure )ou that without the least fear of rontrndltlon for the next seven days of th Is sale we will offer the grentest values ever known In the history of Oiuatm or t o be had for years to come. 50 Raglans, made of all wool, sntlu lined made by M. j. & C, to sell for 11.S0; HAYUBN'S l'RICE 100 Raglnns. mndo by M 1. & C . to sell for JIB.OO; HAYDUN'S ' homespuns, nil wool every ' thread, fur only 7.98 & C . to sell 12.00 HA Special Saturday Sale MEN'S SHOES $3, $3.50, $4.00 The finest shoes in Omaha for men's wear drill or leather lined in box calf in vici kid in velours calf in patent calf in patent coltskin in patent enamel in swell styles in every style in freak styles. The Best Shoes The Finest Shoes iJDDAunns I KEELEY 0'"' ,,IC l,r' ",,,l,l,Prt r ,," IfPPlpy lrm of InstU fllOP tutrx, flic only Keele.v liiKtlliiln In .rltrnKn. Cure Drunkriinesit. t'nr Drill; llxorr,, Trlmreo I'urria. TIIK KKHI.r.Y I.XSTI TU'l'K, ll nnd I.envpiMVfirtli, Oimilm, Bhampnolng and hair dressing, I5c. In connection with Tho llathery, 21fi-22o neu building, Tel. 1710. . Wedding rings to order, Edholm, Jeweler. rubilsh your legal notices in The Weekly fee e. Telephone V IIOsTOX STOHK fiKTS IT. I'ln- I'lnost llrrmiiinklnt Stoek In All A'cvr York llrniinlit 'in Oniiiliii. ON SAI.K MONDAY. NOV. U. Montange. Wells Co., llroadway, cor. Iflth street, New York. Purveyors of dressmaking fabrics nnd mn -terlnla of the very highest order, decide to go Into e.xcluslvo Import business and sell their entire stock nt a fraction of Its value. Their stock consists of tho highest gr.ulu of black and colored broadcloths, the latest novelties In dreH goods nnd suitings, silks In the newest I'nrlslnn designs nnd tho most magnificent collection of laces nnd trimmings ever shown In Omaha. We cannot urge you too strongly to attend this sale Monday. DRESS CIOODS THAT THEY SOII) KOR K. A YD.. W'K SE1.1. THE ENTIRE DRESS PATTERN KOR $10. Remember the date, Monday, November 11, nnd be suro to nttend the sale. IIOSTON STORE. OMAHA, J. L. llrandels Sons, Proprietors. Selling Rogers, l'eet & Co. Men's Clothing. ROBERT WILL PROSECUTE Jinn lltitihiMl liy Xrreic tllvos llonil for Aiiprnrsncn na Witness. John Robert, a produce merchant of I.o bnnan, Kan., has given bond to Insure his presenco In tho city to prosoeuto tho two colored women who plclcud his pockets for ?U0 Thursday night. Tho Job was dono In a room at Tenth nnd Jackson streets, Rob erts says. Tho police hnvo tho names of tho two negresses who occupied this room nud hnve placed one of tho tenants under arrest. Shn gives tho nnme of Mnmte Hicks nnd Roberts hns Identified her. Tho other woman Is still" nt large. There nro two half-page nds In this Issue for Ilnyden Ilros. Reid every lino of both. A iiiiiiuiirrineiits of Ihe Tlirntrrau One of tho biggest scenlo productions of today Is "Dangers of J'nrls," which will be seep nt tho Uoyd theater Rundny mat inee and night. It is by E. Hill Mttchelson nnd Charles It. I.ongdon, the authors of "Man's Enemy." The plot of tho piece concerns tho life of nn ex-convlct, Plorre Vuljcan, whoso present day charncter is n curious examplo of the Inlluenco of prison life on nn nil but innocent nmn, tho crime for which ho suffered the penalty of the law being as sault upon an officer who Insulted tho girl ho loved. The closing week has been a profitable one for tho New Night Owls nt the Trnca dero, tho engagement closing tonight. Next week tho Moulin Rouge Hurlcsquers. Cut glass cider pitchers, Edholm, Jeweler, fontlillll! I'linlhnll! Footltnll! Nebraska vs. Missouri, Saturday, Nov. 0, Y. M. C. A. park at 2 p. m. Reserved seats on sale at Myers-Dillon Drug Co,, Ifith nnd Kama m. You've a chance to save. Read Hayden Ilros.' nds nud go and see. I The Character in S0R0SI8 1 VX at $3.50 Always Is successfully Imltnted In very few lo.tui mni $o.oo hIiocs tor women They lit the feet like custom work nml arc In nil leathers, as woll ns nil new. tip-tn-diitn nnd comfortnblo shapes. Tho prloo never clmnges $:t.5n always. OUR SURPASS WELT FOR WOMEN FOLKS IS $2.50 ALWAYS. And a genuine welt It Is. We enrry no niMchini'-snwed shoes. This $'.'.,")0 widt N iilso In all leathers- putent, vlcl kid nnd box calf wide soles and Cuban hoels, Kr WANK WILCOX MGRj Rend for catalogue. More Refills Every new drug clerk which we employ always makes the remark, after having been hero ft short tlmo: "Why, you retlll more prescriptions in this store than In any plueo I ever worked," This shows thnt tho price which we ntnkn on prescrip tions is much more satisfactory than at other places. Don't pay 4Hn when you enn get THMI'TATION TONIC ate ll.oo I'erumi 5Sc Jl.Oi) IMerco's Remedies n7o Jl.oo Sexlnn Pills 7-)C l'5o Victor Pills c Wo Cramer's Kidney Cure 10c Mo Dlmmotts C'dugli Syrup S5c Ii'c Qulnacetol, best for colds SOo $J.oi) Cramer's Cotton Root, Tansy nnd Pennyroyal Pills j oo 2,"e Eaglo Brand Condensed .k ic $l,0i) Plnaud's Enu ile Quliitnn 730 Ifm Wlnslow'H Soolhlim Syrup , 5e Cramer's Vegetable Pills 'jiv A full lino of Itubber tloods at cut prices. SCHAEFER'S " Druj? Store rl. 747. X W. (!nr. llllh mud Clilcas Goods delivered FftliE to uny part of city. 12.50 Coats, direct newest thing 12.50 ted materials, 25.00 2.98 if American In America; 4.90 most worthy, coats today d, including tlT. 0(1 pnnffl 10.00 irus; linisticd 2,75 most elegant 3.35 to $35 ".Vomcn's Automobiles, made from the best Amerlcnn woolen mills kerseys, lined with guaranteed satin throughout, M. I j. & C's price $22 -HAYDEN'S PRICE ONLY . 100 Women's Prlnco Albort Coats, direct copies of London styles, tho newest thing In the mnrket; made by M. L. & C. to sell for $20 HAY DEN'S PRICE 20 Velour Coats of Imported materials, most beautiful garments in Omaha, they nro worth $75 on sale for 250 Women's Hox Coats sell ing in Omaba for $V00; 11 A DEN'S PRICE Women's box coats, mndc of American woolen mills kerseys: the best in America; mnde by M. L. & C. to sell for $7.00-HAYI)EN S PRICE ONLY , COO Coats, tho mo?t notable, most worthy, ! most stylish and best made coats today tn America or monev reruniieu, lnrnming 100 of our own celebrated $1,00 coats, lined with Skinners satin, guaranteed for I.no years on sale foi only Women's tailored suits and ftklrl 'rom llili fmiir.ii MtoeU for ir.it nioiipy tliim J mi i'n n lm Ihe imiti-rliil. CO Women's Sutts remember what wo say- they nro nil wool, tho Jackets nro lined with taffeta, tho skirt is tho new flounce, they are worth $12.00 HAYDEN'S PRICE ONLY 27o suits in nil colors Including blacks. In ctons, norfolks, blouse, doublc-broasli-il, slnglo-breaHtcd nnd tlght-IHttug styles; tho finest lot of suits ever shown In America; they nre sold In Omaha as bargains nt $lt.7." lined with Skinner's satin or (llvernaudN taffetas; the skirls are the new bias flounce, lined and velvet bound; they were made to sell for $18. HAYDEN'S PRICE ONLY . CO suits, their very best famplo gar ments worth up to $35 00, HAYDEN'S PRICE ONLY Skirts by the Thousands. Double the quantity of all the other Omaha stores combined In silks, cheviots, ( serges, rnlnydays and everything from this I magnificent stock nt one-third value. 400 skirts In serges, cheviots, Venetians nnd other cloth; every one trimmed with satin or stitched silk bands; I hey nro a most magnificent lot; mndo to sell for $10.00 HAYDEN'S PRICE ONLY 100 skirts, worth $2.r0. for OSe. itKAit ;iu;at .vm:s o.v 4.S5 8.75 ample gar- 15.00 Walking Skirts 450 of them, made by this well known house from hoaUost ma terials, In black, grays nnd oxfords; finished with 16 to 20 rows of tnllorod stitching; mnde to sell for $fi, HAYDEN'S PRICE C00 sllli skirts, these nro n most elegant lot of goods and run In prlco from Children's Day. So-called tor the reason that It Is the only day during this big salo that we will hao children's Jackets on the bargain counters In tlie cloak department. They come In nil sires. This concern wns known as having the most complete line of Children's Jnekets In the world. Thero nro 250 Long nnd Short Jackets, elnborately trimmed with capes nnd coat collar; In brnld nnd other trimmings; In one grnnd lot, worth $5.00 On snlo for 200 Jnekets In long garments, lined thioughoitt, elaborately trlmmod -made In first-class style, worth $7, llnydcn'H price 17C Children's Jnekets, sl2es 4 to 14 tho best made In America; they are worth $8.00 Hnyden's price Women's Waists This concern was the best known In tho country for the best qualities of Woolen Waists, mnde tip In their factory 1 New Jersey. We gut the whole output. They rnngo In price from 4!c for nn nil wool waist, to $5.00 for a flno Imported Kronen flannel waist. They are worthy of your attention fOO Kronen Klnnnel Waists-, slifs 32 to 46 worth $1.00. for $1.C0. .100 Wool Wnlsts--Trimmed with brnld, for. COO Wnlsts. mnde of 'tuported Kre:.ch i'nnnel; tho belt vnlsts ever ,-bown in the west; their prlcn $6.00-HAYDE.N"S PRICE miikt in 1.39 te, lined 2.98 5.00 49c Kre:.ch 2.98 Furs. The Kur department of M , L, C. wns one of the best In New York City Every thing they had is now on aalo here, lined with 5.00 Women's Astrakhan Capes Skinner's hatln, warranted for two years, worth $ 10.00. for Women's Electric Seal Jackets, collar, cuffs and revere trimmed with beaver nnd with Jlver mink; lined with Skinner's Fatln, for only 1,000 Scurfs nnd Collarettes worth up to $.'.00 for Childien's Kur Sets worth $5.00 for , Women's Wrappers Mado of elegant qunllty percale, 12-Inch flounce, lufllo over shoulder, trimmed with braid at each Women's Klannelctte Wrappcrs- 12-lnch flounce, extra heavy, for i'aci'.h r a vi) s. 12.50 IH'iU VI HUH 15.00 2.50 1.50 elegant 49c 59c HAYDEN BROS. PROTECTION Wo protect you You must protect your girls and boys from the rigors of winter, from high prices, and show you tho smartest and most durable (URLS' SCHOOL JACKETS. MILLITARY $500 (URLS' SCHOOL JACKETS, DOUDLH CAPH $5.00, $6.00 and $650 CIRLS' WAI.KINO CLOAKS $0.50, $7.C0, $10,00. $12.00 up (URLS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS IN CORRECT STYLES with wldo range of prices which, however, you'll find nlways tho lowest for dependable wear. (JIHl.t SIIITHI) AMI COATi:i-y TO I.' VHAHS. HOYS HI'ITHI) .MI I'tHTBII-S TO III VI3lt. I'.tUH.vrs m-itud ami im:am:i-om or roir;. iiihhiinrm.i i TIkr A9211 moor Opp.Oreh.ri1 ft TOIIh.lm Send articles of Incorporation, notices of stocl holders' meetings, etc., tn The Reo. Wo will give them proper legal Insertion, Telephone 23S. New photo studio, Sanberg it Allen, 107 S. 16th Dr. E. Holovtchlncr returned from thn south. Solid silver salad Edholm, Jeweler. In Ye Oldeti Time No ono ever quaffed n bumper of good, pure nlo or beer Hint was imy richer in llnvor or purer In quality than our cholcu Mutz Ileer. Fur soolnl enjoyment nt home and for health and muscle building thero Is nothing llkn Metz Deer. Delivered In enres of two Uozimi quarts or pints. Metz Bros. Brewing Co., Tel. II!). Ottiiiliu. Or Jacob Neumayor, Agt., caie Neumnyer Hotel, Council Dluffi, Iowa. Pay Your St.Ol) Hat Met with a $2.50 flat With n $1.00 Value I Black the $2.50 Hatter 107 S. Kith .Struct The Other fellows nre selling goods kind of chenp, Look nt theco prices' Other fellow's prices Our prlcoi 6tlc Plerco's Onlden Medical Discovery 60c I'Jc Temptation Tonic riTc S. S. S,, smnll $1 25 S. S; S large... 2Su Syrup b'lgs 20c I'iso Cure 6c I'lnkhnm Comp.... Coe Swamp Root 67o Scott Emulsion..., 67c Ayrei Sarsaparllla. . 3!ic . tiOa ..$1,20 . 35c . 20c . 60c . fiOc . GOo COo You w.ll notlco thesu are nil atapln goods. nono of Smith's Jones' or Hrown's stuff, I i hat people know nothing about 1 T t4 $ i li1 J -- J-y FULLER UHUC, AM) I'AINT CO. 14th auil Duuula ilt. 15he Store's Power The store's power to sell cheap has never before reached its present status. Throughout the house every departs ment shows itself able to outclass any competition we know of. Men's Clothing I'Mi'Sl, there's nn a liuost endless va riety to choose from. Then, we know how to put; style into them without put tinji the cost there. Cordial rela tions exist between this store and tho tasteful men of this city. The graceful and elegant styles of our clothing com maud recognition and get it. .M ION'S FALL AND WlXTtiU SI ITS. In all the wanted kinds ol fabrics suits made for the most particular class of buyer -suits made that bring vou back and back nuain to this store. IMIOX'S ALL WOOL CHEVIOT Sv ITS In a choice collection of patterns the same quality and styles that bring $10.00 around town 1 are here for - JJ .MUX'S (MIIOVIOT St'ITS Made of best quality worsteds, tweed", etc.. made by li'mh-class tailors, guar anteed to please Hie most critical buyer, here i Q OO in a complete line to choose from at IV.VfV M ION'S l'ALL O'COATS- - 5679 DOLLA1JS DOLLAIJS. )OLLAJS. DOLLAlite. and up to 122.50. 2.25 JlOVS' CLOTH INfJ BOVS' ALL WOOL CHHVIOT SUITS in a choice collection to choose from 150 VS' SCOTCH CI.IHV10T SUITS in olive O fcO and other new shades, handsomely tailored liOVS' FALL OVEKCOATS We are showing for Satur day, a special line of boys' yoke o'coats, correctly tailored, in the latest styles EC ( regular $S.OO values for tJJVJ 1JOYS' JiUSSlAX HLOUSIj O'COATS in a great variety, sizes -1 to 8 years :.'J") to HOYS' TWO-IMECE SUITS-in all wool Scotch cheviots, iu blue, gray, olive and brown mixtures, reg- EZf uiar price around town $1. they nre here for . . JIOYS' TIlHEE-IMECIi) SUITS in all wool cheviots, made with great care, nicely finished, C regular -1.00 quality, for kJJ JIOYS' GENUINE "HUSH FK1RZI5 O COATS in ollvo and other new and popular shades, elegantly tailored, sizes -I to 8 HOYS' GENUINE "I WISH FJUEZE" O'COATS-Chester- tield cut. Farmer satin lining, well made, sizes 7 to 15. regular S.()0 values for... 9 3.00 6.50 75c .MEN'S UNDEKWEA I Men's good quality, heavy lloece lined underwear, Jaeger colors Ept per garment. MEN'S HEAVY DIORHY THUHED cotton, in blue and pink stripes, also line mottled lleece A lined cotton. ier garment tCw MION'S HEAVY NATURAL GRAY UNDEIJWEAU - Three-fourth wool and heavy blue-gray wool lleeced, extra good value, per garment .... Women's Suits, Cloaks, Etc WOMEN'S HOX COATS--Positively the greatest, value iu the city. Coals that cannot be equalled in style, qual ity or workmanship. They are 27-in. long, made of the very best kersey in the market, lined with guaranteed Skinner's satin, high storm collar, lapel pockets, 10 rows of stitching all around the bottom of coat. Compare it with any ftlf) garment iu the market. Our Saturday price WOMEN'S AUTOMOIHLES---12 inches lone, made of the best Washington Mills kersey, iu black, castor, tan and rod, large beaver fur collar and revere, heavy satin lined, finished with tailor stitching. We doubt if the coat, can be duplicated for less than $120.00. Our i A Pi Cf Saturday price 1". JL kJ Skirt Special for Saturday One lot of Women's Handsome Silk Dress Skirts, made of Hie best quality taffeta silk; every gore fin ished with hemstitching; graduated flounce, trimmed with I rows of taf feta rullles and braid; well lined and perfect fitting; a skirt thnt Avould be cheap at !; 15,00. Our Q 7E Saturday price J O Fur Specials for Saturday GENUINIO NEAR SEAL STORM COLLARS Of best s. lected skins $3.90 GENUINE MARTEN COL LA RETTKS I leavy satin lined, worth $18.00, for $9.75 FRICNCII MARTEN HCA RFS Willi cluster of 0 tails $2.90 GENI'INF, M INK SCARFS With 0 tails $3 90 GENU INF MARTFN SUA RFS Full size, duster of li tails $4.90 GENUINE LONG MARTFN IIOAS With large (ailc, worth $18.00, for $975 9.75 y J 'ia;iVAA:.iat;,.Jifafe-ja,.j;M,..,f..1 Vim in f hi i itrtrfrv ifiiliiiHtm' . i i im