The Omaha Daily Bee. J-:sTAL1SJI.K1) .ICS IS 1!), JSTl. OMAHA, SATCKDAY aiOIVNlXG, 9, 1 1)0 1 - TWELVE PAGES. SICrJiK COPT FfVE ri2!NT5. ( CHANG DIES OF CARE Tmtlon Begirding Tmty t,?'V Cmting Erl Li'i Deatb.'"'' rith JAPAN INSISTS ON KNOWING ITS FORM Inula AnxUni that ths Mtncbnriai Agreimint 13 Stent EMPRESS DOWAGER ORDERS PUBLICITY H.morrkaja PnW an End to PirpUxltj of Cfciiti Btntumai. AMERICAN FlAG FLIES AT HALFMAST IHlirr iillim, HmiiMcr, Do .Mil ." '" IlPi'tiitiilvi- .tl I it I t " Hrntli .ucf clon I .Mill III lluiltil. rKKIN, Nov. S. A violent dispute with M Paul Lcsar, Russian minister to China, over the Manchurlan treaty appears to have been th Immediate cause of the death of 1,1 Hung Chung. The diplomatic confusion follow Ins this tragic climax him enabled Japan for a mo ment to fruittrato I be designs of llussla. A fortnight ii(;n the Japanese legation ac cural a reliable outline of Iho terms of tho treaty and thereupon demanded that thi Chinese plenipotentiaries ofllclally Iny bo tnro them the text baaing the demand upon the alienation that Japanese Interests were Involved In any change of tho Hiatus of Manchuria, Tin Chinese plenipotentiaries refused to comply with tho demand. Theicupon the Japanese government from Toklo commu nicated with tho Hoilthern viceroys and In duced thein to use their influence with tho empress dowager against tho treaty. In I the meantime the empress dowager In structed LI Hung Chang to communicate tho treaty after certain modifications to the ministers of the powers and if they did not object to sign tho same. K it-in '-lit I'nuiM'h lleiiuirrlinitc 1,1 Hung Chang visited M. Lcssar and ex plained to bltn the Instructions. The Rus Man minister strongly objected to reveal ing the text of tho treat) to tho ministers of tho other powers and a stormy Interview ensued. I.l Hung Chang went homo In n violent passion and had a hemorrhage, which the doctors attribute to the over exertion of n weakened system. While these things were happening in l'ekln, Instructions woro issued counter manding tho order to sign. This instruc tion came after I.l Hung Chang had becomo unconscious. When M. Lesser endeavored to havo 1,1 Hung Chang's Heal nfflxed to the treaty, Chou Fu, provincial treasurer, had arrived from Pao Ting I'u, ami had taken charge of the seals as tho temporary uecessor of Earl I.l. I'liltnl Vfnfea Jhn Itraprrt. ) The Hag of the United States legation was the only one half-masted today. Mu slclann beat drums about tho house of I.l Hung Chang. LI Hung Chang's estate will remain In tact for the use of his eldest son, who will provide for the other members of tho family. Yuan Shi Ka, successor In the governor ship of the province of Shan Tung, Is an unknown man, who haH been holding un un important though lucrative position as grain commissioner in ono of tho inland towns of the province. Ho will bo watched with the deepest solicitude as tho peace of China will largely depond upon his course. Wang Wen Shao, who Is 71 years of age nnd deaf, was nnver rated as b statesman or a diplomat, lite appointment is probably temporary. Prince IIhMimi to t.'onrt. Telegraphic communication with Prince filing was obtained today. He is hastening to meet tho court. After consultation he will return with Wung Wen Shao, who is accompanying the court, which Is now five days' Journey from Kal Kong Fu Kinpcror Kwang Su, report says, Is as- Fortius himself and leading tho Imperial cortege on horseback. Native papera as sert that ho will compel tho nobles to take military positions anil to study military science. A private lettor from a European now In Tal Yun Fu says that two llrltlsh officers, ' with n party of Indian soldiers, encouu tered tho imperial procession, were sus pected of unfriendly motives and were de tained ha prlsonrrs by tho emperor's body guard for a few days. Apparently this was an exploring party, commanded by Major Manifold nnd Captain Hunlee, which has bten operating In that region for tome time. Conner Tell-, of ( tinnitei. WASHINGTON. Nov. 8. Minister Conger nt l'ekln has Informed tho State depart inent that Yuan Shi Kal has been ap pointed succeed I.l Hung Chang as vice toy of llil 1,1 and that Wang Wen Shao has been apkilntcd deputy viceroy of the same province! Yuan U the present viceroy of Shan Tufc piovlncc. Yuan i Kal, who succeeds I.l Hung Chang nsWiceroy of Chi I.l, Is the best nppolntme that could have been made frdm all Cna, according to Mr, nockhlll th speclulWommlsslouer of tho United States to Piln. lie Is about I." years old nnd came ofplnally from the province of Hunan, when ho began his public career as a mllltnrnninrcr. He was made mln Inter to CorcniHiid for many years ably de fended Chlnest Interests In that doubled country. As bvernor of Shan Tung he showed surprifW ability In tranqulllzliiB that dangerous trnvlnce, while his gift for diplomacy was etjrclscd fully In preventing friction between turbulent population of the peninsula am the Hermans when the latter were steadit encroaching from their original holdings llao Chow on tho north coast. As h mllltut man, Yuan showed his ability by the orgiluntlon of what Is un doubtedly the best Miliary force In Chtua. and they were hiiVroops that occupied l'ekln last Septcmfy when the foreign forces were wlthdr.ty, They nre thor oughly disciplined ait well officered, and. considering Chinese onservMsm, they form a magnificent play of Yuen's ability. Wung Wen Shao, H made deputy viceroy of Chi 1.1, In uIAji man of marked ability Fortunately hulas always been friendly to foreign IdeaWd Is not u re actionist. He was one riine grand secre taries nf state, and Is at Vsent one of the two ministers appointed form tho new Chlncso foreign o'llce, win will replace the tsung II yamen some sirs ago, besides of HtTulrs. and wuh litmscn member of the suing II )amen aomu ys ago, besides being Jlrector ot mines anlrUwy, PREMIER SUEDJY HIS MOTHER W I clou of Hubert l)uuuttilr AU for A wmi n 1 1 it u mi I'fi rl I mi of llcr IIiiiIiuiiiI'm l!tntc. VICTORIA. I. c . Nov. S Mto. Uryan ''nfmulr, widow of the late Robert Duns founder of the fortune of tlrltlsh ,,VVh wealthiest family, has entered art J' against her son, James Dunsmulr, pieiriitf nf lliitlsh Columbia, which In volves ii portion of tlio estate, Mrs. Duns tnulr asks for tin- deliver)' of 41,413 shares In thu It. CI. UunMiiuIr company. She alto wants an accounting of all dividend and profits upon said sli.iros from January 31, 1900. The shares mentioned in the action arc believed to be those left by the lute Alex ander Dunamulr to Ills brother and the action In no way affects the fortune left by Mr. Dunsmulr to the widow and her daughter, lMna Wallaco Hopper, I he actress. MAKES NATAL DAY NOTABLE Klnu Kilnmil l)ltrlbutc Honor to Vnrloiix Subject In Itccotinl llon of A uilc loim Date. LONDON, Nov. S. Among the honors be stowed on the occasion of King Kdward'i birthday, which occurs tomorrow, are a baronetcy upon the retiring lord mayor of London, frank Orecil, and knighthoods for Chief JustlccH Little of New Foundlnnd nnd Oray of Ilunda, 0. A. Crltchett, oculist to the king, and C.eorge Hussey, mayor of Southampton. Sir Francis Plunkltt Is made a Knight of the Hath nnd Clinton Duwklns, formerly financial member of tho council of the governor general of India nnd now u member of the firm of J. S. Morgan &. Co., Is made companion of the Hath. SLANDERS" PLUCK UP HEART ntenioc of I'orlo Itlco I'luil III l.'ImiKen I'rospproii nnil An- Ion foe IlllllCUtlOII, SAN JUAN. Porto Itico, Nov. S. (lov- ernnr Hunt has returned from his tour ot the Island. Ho expressed himself uh de lighted with tho spirit of co-opcrntlon which he found throughout the various sec tions of the country and the Increased hope fulness of tho people. He reports that the crops indicate a heavy s..gar production uml a large yield of coffee, improvements In municipal arrangements arc also no ticeable nnd Intense Interest was shown In education wherever ho went. There was demand for more achools. Fifty thousand pupils nro attending schools and L'00,000 are unable to obtain tuition. ADELAIDE HAS STORMY TRIP IneonllllB Hunt Hepoit IIoiikIi Wrntlier Off .Inntiii In Which Slennirr Cock on Hock. VICTOniA, II. C Nov. S. The steamer fjueen Adelaide arrived this morning after stormy passage of twenty days from Kobe, Japan. It encountered rough weather off tho Japanese coast and ,mnde very little headway for three days. From the Japaneso port It brought news of tho loss ot tho steamer Hlko Morn, which ran on the rocks off Ooto island on October 12, Its crew of flvo being lost. The stcamor was carrying coal from Kobe to Hong Kong. RELICS FROM THE FAR NORTH AmrrlcHii lnvctlRntor Sccnrr nl- unlilc Collection foe Kxlilhlt In Nimv York Muarnni, ST. PETKHSnUIKJ, Nov. 8. The Jesup expedition nan finished Its work. The leader, Norman C. Buxton, an American, has ar rived nt Moscow, after having traveled fi.OOO versts In Kamchatka and other semi polar districts. He. and his party havo brought with them 100 boxes of collections for the American Museum of Natural His tory of Now York City. Duplicates will bo given to tho St. Petersburg Academy of Science. The explorers have thoroughly In vestigated many tribes during tho last four teen months. CARNEGIE IS LORD RECTOR li'itUrrftlty of St. Ainlrciv Klect Hint unit flir NlnilrntH rhrrr flip Aniiou iicciucnt. LONDON, Nov. 8. Vice Chancellor Donaldson of the University of St. Andrew nnnnunced today tho unanimous election ot Androw Carnegie as lord rector. The stu dents greeted the announcement with pro longed cheering and the sluglng of "He's n Jolly Good Fellow." The vice chanrsllor remarked that Mr. Carnegie's election win with the approval of the whole nation. MAY BUY STEAMSHIP LINE J. P. MnrKnn Said to tie Rotlntlim for niuhtecn Orenn Veel. (Copyright. 11, by Tress Publishing Co.) LONDON, Nov. 8. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Tha Dally Mall's Berlin correspondent says the Ham burg-American company is negotiating for the sale of Its eighteen steamers. J. Pier pont Morgan Is mentioned as the prospec tlve buyer. ICE PROLONGS LONG VOYAGE VI ml of "ntlliiK VtHn Which HU- plncn Strainer I VI vr Month It r nc III ii R Plillnilrlpliln. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. S. The first vessel to be caught In Antarctlu Ice this season, a remarkable experience owing to the fact that tho lee was within 100 miles ot Cape Horn, was tho sugar-laden hark Nuuanu, which was docked at the Spreckeli sugar refinery today after a rui. t 129 days from tho Hawaiian fsUnds, Nuuanu left Honolulu In June last and after having en countered two severe gales In the Pacific ocean wna caught In the field Ice In the early part of September while rounding Capo Horn on H way to the Atlantic ocean. Far to the south nothing but drift Ice could bo seen. The sea waa smooth and there, was no sign of land. The weather was fair at this time and enabled Nuuanu to work Its way Into dear water. Captain Joselyn, the vessel's master, calculated that the Ire was about 800 miles south of Capo Horn. Nuuanu'a run was over H.000 miles. It is the tlrst of a Meet of sugar-laden sailing vessels hounds from tho Hawaiian islands to Philadelphia and New York, which, It Is said, are to displace steamers which havo found tho ttado uuprotltable owiug to the long run. , GRAVE CRISIS IN TURKEY SnlUi'i YitUIng t Freioh Dtraandi fihawi Tut Fonibilitiei. WHOLE LAND SEETHING IN DISORDER ltnln I llrliiml I'rnniT nnd the Present Trouble I l)rttncl to Shut llnulniiil Out of i:nt cm ('otiNlilernllon, (Copyright, JJijI, by Press Publishing Co.) CONSTANTINOPI.i:, Nov. S. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The sultan's yielding to the French demands brings out the full gravity of the possibil ities of the effect of the French seizure of Mltylenc upon the putt Id and crumbling ed ifice of Turkish despotism. These cannot be exaggerated. The whole of Kuropeiin Turkey Is seething in disorder. In Ar menia the annual tmtchciics have been in full swing for the past three months, and In the rest of the empire exist the pereu n la I violence, corruption, waetu and law lessness. From the army down to the magistracy, every part of the machinery of the gov ernment is In hopeless condition. The World's correspondent knows that lu the opinion of the illplomntte body here any nttcmpt at patching things up will lis merely futile cirort ami tlio sooner tne i ctvlllzcd world does Its duty In the matter j the less blood and ruin will follow. I The Intelligence of the French Inter- J ventlon was suppressed for three days, but tho fnct that the sultan's cabinet was in constaut session showed that a serious crisis had urlsrn. The sultan himself has been In a condition nf epileptic fury, and his ministers, who live lu perpetual terror of their lives at his hands, wero helpless and afraid to do or suggest anything. itussla Is behind France In this business and It Is felt here that the present trouble Is Inevitably destined to lead to opportuni ties In tho rastern question In which Kngland will be powerless to make her In fluence felt. Mnllnn I'rre ullli Proiule. PAH1S, Nov. S. France has secured :t complete triumph lu the Turkish dispute. The Foreign office this morning received advices, announcing that the sultan has yielded to tho cntlro demands formulated by the French government and only tho question ot form regarding tho execution of tho engagements remains to bo settled. This may be done within the noxt twenty four hours, or. It is expected, at the Intest. In two or three days. Then Admiral Call lard will relinquish his occupation of the island ot Mltylenc. An official note was issued at 1 p. m. today to the effect, that the porte had de cided to yield to art tho demands of Franco and that as soon us the sultan has Issue 1 nn Irade ratifying the decision tho French squadron will leave Mltylenc. President Loubet presided today at the cabinet council. The foreign minister, M. Delcasse, announced that the porte had Just advised him that It had decided to give satisfaction In the rase of the various Xrench demands, to which M. Delcasse re plied that so soon as tho nultan's order re garding tho porte's decision was com municated to Slim Admiral Calllard's squad ron would leave the island of Mltylenc. The Temps prints a dispatch from Con stantinople today which says that tho sul tan, in accepting the French demands, tlrst authorizes the working of the French schools, hitherto unrecognized; second, he officially the Importance of the religious and hospitable institutions already founded, and accords them customs Immu nity and exomptlon from certain taxes, and third, he authorizes the reconstruction of the schools and hospital Institutions de stroyed nt tho time nf the Armenian troubles, ot which a detailed list is attached to tho French note. Tewtlk Pasha, the Turkish foreign min ister, has announced that tho recognition of the Chaldean patriarch asked for, France has already accorded. Porte Trie to Conclllnlp. VIENNA. Nov. S. Tho Neue Frclc Presso published tho contents of a circular note addressed to tho Ottoman foielgn minister. Tewtlk PaHha, to the represtntntlve of Tur key abroad, announcing that the Porte has catls'led all the French demands and ex pressing a hope that Fiance will appro elate the conciliatory spirit thus displayed and teLume the relations so unfortunately Interrupted. FRANCE GIVEN A FREE HAND l'n llnl Stnte tin No Objection Offer to llepiilille' AKgren- Ion In Turkili Wntcr. WASHINGTON. Nov. 8. The answer nf the United States government to tho Fiench overture respecting France's move ment In Turkish waters. It Is understood, has been convoyed already by Secretary Hay to M, Mogerle, the French charge here, and to have consisted of a statement that tho United States government Is not concerned Immediately In the republlo's action in view of the French statement that It was not proposed tn affect our trade Interests unfavorably. It Is surmised also that our government Is not dissatis fied at the establishment by France ot a precedent for the collection of Indemnities from Turkey. YOUNGER LEADS QUIET LIFE I'oro I I'd llnnilll neclilf nt to Arcept Poaltlon it ('uptalii on tin' Poller- Vorcc. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 8. A. A. Ames, mayor cf Minneapolis, today tendered Colo Younger, the notorious bandit, recently re-' leased from the Minnesota State prison on parole after serving twenty-live years ot n life sentence, a position aa captain on the local police force. Cole took the matter up with his friends In St, Paul, where h is now engaged as clerk In a grocery store. He emphatically staled that he did not want to accept any position that would carry with It the least bit of notoriety. Upon the advice of hl3 friend be decided tn refuse the olfer. NUN IS SH0JBY JANITOR Mtr .Superior of o .lcrc Aeail em Itecclvi' WoiiiiiI friiln l)lclinrKcil lluipto). NKW YORK. Nov. 8.-Slstcr Superior Agnes of the Acadomy of St. Mary of the Lake, Lakewood, N. J., was shot In the shoulder today by John Lawler, whom she had dlmnibsed from tho position of Janitor of the academy, I.awier's discharge was because of Intemperance, mid he was drunk when ho shot Sister Agnes, whom ho way laid In the hall of the academy, The wound Is not serious. NEW BRIDGE WILL BE LOWER (icnernl .MntiiliTKou ( oiivlncr AYnr Dcpai'tiiii'iil of Prnctliiililllty of 111 PlniiH, ft'ron h Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Nov. S. (Special Telegram.)--The proposed new steel bridge over the Missouri river at Plattamouth, us planned by thu engineers of the llurllngtuu system, will bo built ulong the Hues that Oenerul Manderson Indicated to the War department ofllclals last week. After a great deal of argument Oeneral Manderson succeeded In bringing tho oillclals of the en gineer corps of tue army to his way of thinking, overcoming objections that for a time seemed Insurmountable. The new ' bridge, which Is to take the place of tho present structure, will bo ten feet lower and will be built with the Idea of tunning two tracks ucroes it instead of one. as at present. The War department, which has charge ot the bridges across the navigable streams of the country, was mcrso to permitting the new bridge to be lowered, but when hown that vessels could pass under the pioposcd structure without dif ficulty the oIMcIhIs approved tho plans an submitted by General Manderson. Captain II. 13. Palmer )f Omaha is In Washington, having come to tee his daugh ter, Mrs. II 1). Kountze (formerly Clara Palmer) of New York, who, with her hus band, leaves for Hot Springs, W tonioi row. Captain Palmer goca to ih'vr York tonight , i ii i ,i i,i ,.. i J III .mill u . , ,,. . . .. .. . , , pomirior In the nubile building at llu- )U,m,, t. i,, t,. ... ji.,rri. todav nnnolnted ,cnHon examining mrgron at Sheridan, Wyo. S. G. Moore has been nppolnted post master at Cambria, Wayne county, la. I .nan contracts awaiuvci; .nuiiifHii, miii to Ord, J. W. (idrlrh of Altn, South Da kota, Ktien to Sulley, Lorenzo Uuckeu berger of Kucn. Indian Supervisor K. I.. Chalcraft. lato superintendent of the Wind Hlvrr school, Wyoming, has been assigned to tho fourth school district, embracing W) inning, Mon tana, Idaho, Washington anil Oregon. PIE COUNTER IS LOCKED UP Prclilent Will Not lli' Out lilt Any .llurr Appointment f'oiiBrc Open. WASHINGTON. Nov. 8. President Itoose- veil has decided not to make any morn ap pointments until congress mcels. All re cess appointees must he reappointed upon the asAenibltng of congress nnd tho prcwl- dent thinks that all the larger appoint ments should be held up until ho can send tho names directly to the senntc. No Im mediate nctlnn, therefore, will be made In the appointments to the npprnlsershlp and collectorshlp of tho port of New York. Such action as will be tnken has nut been de termined definitely, but if tho present In clination of the prcsldrnt prevnlls both Ap praiser 'Wakeman and Collector Illdwell will bo succeeded by other appointees, Representative Payne, chairman of the ways nnd mrana committed of the house and republican leader of that br'l.T, saw tho, piesldent today In company .tvlta Repre sentative Steele, who Is also n member of the committee. The meeting today fol lowed a conference which they had with the president yesterday. Tho president dls- j cussrn w iin mi'iii inuiiTH in i ui-ijn ui-ny. , revenue and tariff which come before ihelr committee at the approaching session of ! congress nnd yesterday read to them the business man who was prosecuting attorney nPW fighting cruiser for tho Turkish gov portion of his message covering these si- i of Wyoming in 1SS7, when Longbaiigh was eminent has been begun nt Cramo's shin Jects. Mr. Payne and some of his col- leagues on the committee are firmly op- posed to tariff revision nt this time, dis agreeing entirely with the views of Mr. Uabcock of Wisconsin, who favors revision on certain linen. PLANS TO BUILD THE ARCH Tun Aoeliitlnn I'ormeil to Perpet uate MeKluli'.i'M in ii rv llolil it Conference. WASHINGTON, Nov. 8. The plans of tho two associations formed for the purpose of erecting memorials to William Mc.Klnloy, the monument al Canton and the memorial arch at Washington were the subject of uu luformal conference this afternoon between Senator Haiin.i and Secretary Cnrtelyou, representing the Ohio organization, and Commissioner H, II. F. McFarland of tlw Washington Memorial association. There was a general comparison of notes regarding the work undertaken by the two bodies and nn exchange of Ideas as to tho methods adopted for rnlslng money. Au eurnest desire was expressed to avoid any conllict of tho two organizations, ns the enl sought by both associations is thu same, viz.. tin perpetuation of the memory of the late president. An effort will be made to prevent nny pos sible cnnfllrtlon or embarrassment In the cnllertlun of subscriptions, and both organ izations will use their utmost efforts to ac complish tlio purposes for which they wero set or. foot. The conference showed that both todies aro wall organized to prosecute tho work undertaken. No definite actloii was taken, as the gathering wos informal and for purposes ot consultation. stockmen's'fIght-TAKEN UP Supreme Court Hear ru anient on LoiiiiiiInIoii'n l)eclloil Auulnsl Chli-nun Terminal i Iiiuk.'-. WASHINGTON, Nov. S -The United Stotes supreme court today heard atgu ments In the case of the Interstate Com mercc Commission agnlnst tho western rail roadj terminating nt Chicago. The case In volves the legnllty of the terminal charge of $2 tier car on all cars for tho Union stock yards at Chicago In nddltlou to tho through rate charged. The commission decided against the terminal charge, but the rall loads appealed to tho court. Arguments were made for the commission by William A. Day, S. II. Cowan and D.tvld Wllcov and for the lallroads by Lloyd W. Dowers. CAPTAIN SWOBE APPOINTED tni'iiiie.i Vlunlly llrliiu Ouiiiliaii an Altnnl unrlerninlerblp vi Itli t'njilalu' Haul.. WASHINGTON, Nov. k The president has appointed Thomas Swobe of Omaha an assistant quartermaster In the nrmy. with the rank of captain, to till a vacancy. Captain Swobe served In the civil v.-nr. first as corporal of tho Twelfth Michigan volun teers, and afterward as first lieutenant of that regiment. He also served as a rap tain and assistant quartermaster of volun teers during the recent war with Spain. Get IMttnril'- Old Title. LONDON, Nov. S. The duke of Cornwall and York has been created prince ot Wales and earl of Chester. FINALS FROM THE ELECTION Nibraika ii Iipublicaa hj Flnralltj of Thlruu Thoaraid. PRACTICALLY REVERSAL OF LAST OFF YEAR llcpiilillcnu Plurality MiliMiiiitlnlly the Smnc n Hint for 1'inlon Su preme .IikIkc In IMMI-Vote l)ecrcae Itll.dlKI. All except four counties Dawes, Mcpher son, Sheridan mid Sioux are Included In the table of election results pi luted else where. Theo four counties combined last ycor cast only 3.0SS votes and gave u plu rality of 220 for Poynter. fusion. Tho coun ties Included In the table give Sedgwick a plurality of 12.7S.1. Tho missing counties will not change these fljures materially cither way. The republican candidates for regent are elected by substantially the same plurality. These figures, n compared with the last off year election, 1S!3, show a change of about 13,000 votes, when it went fusion on r.upremc Judge by practically the same plurality ghen to Sedgwick this year The eighty-six counties reported cast a totnl vote on the head of the ticket of 1S1.S07, ns ngulnst 22I!,S00 for governor last u inu rcinaiuiiig year. If thu remaining uouutles should .M ag ,niny ,ialot!) ng ,n m) ,t wo(ll(1 show a falling ntt from tie vote on gov ernor of W.002 nnd a still larger amount If compared with the voto on presidential electors. HELP FOR STRANDED MOTHER Wife of I it t it I 111 soliller I'luil Will ing llnml to All Hit on Iter .In ii rti cy. CHICAGO. Nov. 8. "Investigate case of dlstrcKS at Harrison Street station ami If found genuine foiward to Fargo, my ex pense." This Is the telegram which United States Senator Hansbrough of North Da kota sent to Assistant State's Attorney Ilarnes today when he heard of the dis tress ot Sirs. George Gllltgan of Fargo, who was stranded In this city without money or friends nnd with a slx-wccks-old baby boy. Detectives looked Into the matter Im mediately, found the case to bo ono of teal need, and notified Mrs. Gllllgan that a ticket to Fargo awaited her at the depot. Scores of persons who had heard nf the woman's sad plight alfo vent her liberal contributions. Mrs. Gllllgan's husband Is nn Invalid soldier of the Spanish-American war and she was on her way to Fnrgo from her home In Indiana when she became stranded hcic. HE IDENTIFIES L0NGBAUGH funnel' l'roei'llllliu Attorney W oinlof lleturinber lleueil lloliliip' t'nsl llreoril, of ST. LOUIS. Nov. jf. The Post-Dispatch today says tho man arrested suspected ofnj, being one of the robbers who held up the Great Northern flyer near Wngtior, Mont., last July was positively Identified today ni j jinrry Longuaiign, w no is liiiow n 10 niou I been one of the participants In the robbery.; The Identification was made by n St. Louis I arrested as a member of a gang of horse i thieves and convicted. This man asked tho police to conceal his identity, which is done. 0 he finished In eighteen months. The Longlaugh stnrteil when the St. Loul new wnr vessel will be built alongside the man llrst walked Into his presence today, cruiser Colorado, which the firm is bulld Thi prisoner still refused either to admit lng for tho United States government. It or deny his Identity after the Interview. will be of 3,200 tons displacement. REPUBLICAN MAJORITIES IN NEBRASKA Supremo Judgo. COUNTY Adams . Antelope Manner lllulno lliione ... U(i Iluttc Hoyil Hrown Huffulo . Hurt .... Ilutler .. Cass .... Ccdur ... Chase ., Cherry .. Cheyenne Clay f.'oltav .. Cuming t uster . Dakota Dawson Deuel .. Dlxou , Dodge ., Douglas Dundy I'illmore Kratilcllu Frontier Furnas Gage ... fiartield fjosper Orant Greeley nan .. Hamilton llnrlnn I laves Hitchcock lot Hooker Howard Jefferson Joliiifon Kearney Keith .. Kcva J'aha Kimunii Knox Lull Lincoln Logan . Loup ... .Madison MertlcK Nance .. Nemaha Nui kolls Otoe .... I'awnev I'lfltte .. I'erkln helps Hamilton r.-M nss; , list! ites llnrlnn 7971 7sr,i 7711 T.'iM .SMI P3-I Ilnyes I f97 ,.0 1 302 21 (...VUVWO ,,,, o;.'. ...... , I.. luU Itil I ii'i ia.'.'l ioai IA Jll n.'l li!'h liuuivfi if. ' i ti i Howard 7fi 1091 j M71 1263 jcnerson loVo jirn 1351, ion 1123 1142 179, U Johnson 1312 937 1 I4i.ii 11S0 Kearney 9Vi vh 1 1 1 !mi 1112 K'mIMi .l -.,A r," "I7( 'H,. ,wy tr,- ..t-1 001 1 ni'jii 1111111 1 ..ivi ii aia awi 330 ;;iii sci ICImbnll 1201 46 no lis! 4J U; 1201 49 iviiiia 1,111 iiw j i, , 1 l'l, 1 Vh, i;,)il caster .i0r3i L"Juli I .1 '.ani f.rai Mertli'K I'M St7l imOl 972 79( 7S3, 11M i Nance K2fi i!",0. SI7I 41 C39' r,ll 9791 ? Nemaha 1.M9 1279 1 16S2I 17C2 Nurkolls 127S 1I9S I I Will 131a Otoe 21 IC 1757, 2191! 2122 17581 1700 2514 2317 I'awnev ISSJj S73 ' I 1.V.4 lloj Platte lOIli 190H lOStil ll'Jj IW61 1731 1510 21S fierro , n.i uu, ,n'.i H, r, , 1 wj w- Talk I 9921 1112, 932 SK, 107SI l'S 9311 W -Itcd Willow fSJ F.22 ! I 1112 91k Itlchardon 21131 )h53l 23SII 2472 Itock 433! 2101 4161 129 IK' 210! 426' 251, Saline H9I iwt.lj 1812', M0, 1333 1597! " 2072 2011 Sarpy fiMi 07 ii2 i7i 7.".'il 757' ZS21 1027 .Saunders 192V :u) S97i 1932 H92! 'JfiOCI 210II 2iei ScottH lltllff Ittri 24b !') 2161 219! 210 .173 J10 Seward 139 1509i 1 1 1 ItW IWrt Sherman , 419 Mf 405 4271 '6 KG;. 151 723 Ktlllltou I'-'l h"i 6251 -3S. 616. 63il t'.VM 763 Thayer VJft 1170! JSCI' VM 1135' 1157! 17231 Thomas W 79! Ml SS 71 7Jl 37' 73 Thurston 7111 T4S! j I 7251 fl'7 Valley 7301 761' 702 7351 715) W3 7li M2 Wiiytio I 971 2i 9M !IS9' 777, Hi' UW 97u WashlUKtoii I 1379, I060 1.179 11101 D76' 1007 1579 1109 Wheeler ' 1221 170, 1201 !. ;i 1M lffl m Webster I 122i 1H2, iM, ' 12l5j 1015 luTt, 1265! 1353 York 2W)i l:3 ' 1 1 2WS' 1iS Totals 97260 "Mies' . .' ' 7.1 '"iTmTi' TintH One precenct mlsslne. CONDITION 0FJTHE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska-Fair Saturday; Colder In Southeast Portion, Sund.iJ Fair. North to tfast Winds. Temperature nt Otiinliu A ctrnl J t Hour, Den. Hour. OcK. n, ni . . , t p. in r""' 11 n. in ..... . till U p. n '1? T n. ni . . 'III ft p. tn...... '" a, in :is . p. ni " ii a. ii to r p, in ri Ill n, in II II p. in . . . :i ii n. in .mi 7 p. nt no iu ii nil s p. ni ii p. nt SURETY COMPANY NOT SO SURE Ttionipnoii' llonilsmrn .Mny Contrt Pnrl of Mnernhrc' t'lnlin tor ltelnilniremenl. POUT HURON, Mich., Nov. S -The board of trustees nnd tho supremo officers of the supreme tent. Knights of the Maccabees, ate holding nn executive session today with representatives of the National Surety com pany, which was on the bond of . D. 1 hompsnn, supreme finance keeper, who Is short in his account. It will probably be decided during this meeting whether Thompson will be proeeutcd. It was an nounced today that his shortage was $60.00 1 instead of $57,000, as given out yesterday. Thompson Is still at liberty. Supremo Crmimaudcr Markey has sent a communication to every tent In the United States, stating that there Is no cause for alarm over tho shortage and that every etfort will be r.iBile to collect the money. It Is said thai the order may hao trouble In collecting all of the shortage from the surety companies. It is asserted that part of tho money was stolen before July 1. on which dale the auditors of the order fur nished the boudlng companies then on his bond with a statement thut his accounts were correct. This statement, it Is n,ild, releases the bonding company. GAMBLER TOO QUICK ON DRAW lloblirr Are Voltril In Attempt to Viupty Info cW the Content of HnnlcMe i'nl.le. LOS ANOULKS, Cal., Nov. S. A special from Phoenix says: One bandit was killed and one wounded as the result of on at tempt by three ransked robbers to hold up the gambling house of l")eol & Co. last night nt Nueo, nn Arizona border town. Tho dead bandit has been Identified as Will Cravens of Dog Springs, N. M. A group of gamesters and loungers obeyed when the nespcradoes entered the saloon nt n late hour nnd demanded hands up. Cravens approached the roulette table and proceeded to rill a hag with the bank roll, amounting to several thousand dollars, H. K, Kills whipped out a revolver before tho movement was detected by the robbers end Cravens was shot dead. The other bandits were demoralized and fled In disorder. One of them was wounded by another bullet from Fill' revolver. They reached their horses, which were hitched in the brush, j and rode for the mountains, closely fol lowed by a posse which had been hastily organized. BEGIN ON ABDUL'S WAR BOAT ler ut i-rnmps' Phtinilrlphln nril t ntler Contract tn 11 it I h in I'lubtern Month. piiii.ADKLPHI Vnv S The work nf iavinc thp blocks for the must run Ion nf yard. A contract was entered Into severul months ngo and undor Its terms tho cruiser Regents state Governor, .inugo. university. jaw. ! ?! 2 a I pj I s I s ' a I "3 31 r-h 3 S3 Si ' 3 Is PI P 1 PI It I If ?3 ? : 3 : s : ,( 1W!. lSfijt) l.-.m;, 1022! J53S 1560 19141 2133 1212 VV HSf 1217' H'll ) 1M7 1378 I H l ' 1 1 1571 S'l I Ul Rl 73 Wl 481 291 951 72 I 1202 10.-.91 ...- 1 1 1 Ho&l HI2 I 57BI ,10t f.S.6, 60S 377 X77 581 121) U71 72l list t.!7 37ti 7X1 713 291 031 29-d Vm 202 271 Wl W 1702 1479 175' :075 14121 iUI I l'J! 20.. 1439 ItUli 13741 l.'ICHt 161S l5 172UI 12:11 22321 IK'Ui , 2773 2194 12271 12) lM, KM3I 1233 1471 131H l.'iTti 2971 23fi, 29S1 Lti9! 249 W. 3C0I 278 72Si .Ml"! 7nl I 74:: 197 f.US, 794 1 ti77 17 432 til! ttfl, 343 421! ti'Mi I To ITU)! 1411! I li3K IMSti 841, 11.1:1 S73 9201 IU13I lOjfl 9.131 13.71 nr,si i::r.i hoi ms, ms2 him rno. 1745 1913 17701 lS2o 1S72 lti'13 1(K 19ft) 20W! i' fftM twit 170. 192 am 711 11731 llSl! lift'! llSOf llSSi 1I5, 12121 irrs M, 23J 34l old I 2011 209 "57, r.A 992 7U1 i liiTftl HOI ' 17271 2102! , 24111 2S1S 92S9I 75tiii 1 135.21 12S5S 2S9 259! 2S7I 290 250 259! 2H7; 295 1710 1H03I 171 B 1731 1S911 16941 77Si !SV! K50 tflll Ki5l Mi 9J0I M7, 1071 IA1 57i!i US 433 434 S791 fc!6 1132 102S , 1273i VW 31M 1S91 1 .Wl 2304 251 2121 23,. 251 190 200, 231 217 :7 4391 377 2"9 410 441 S7fi 0 I5 70 79 49! I9i 132 0o t 719 i 44S X51 I 1ii"A 1Pl,. lr.m if.m iiftfi nni irioi irr-i 1170 973, KM iW:. 934 9H4I 12IH: 115.1 93 9i 1 1 1 1 ioo lot 133 12j 1121 1431 1221 125 1371 110 ,,.v 1 1 jnui I " ' I I lioi 2011 1 ! 183, 213 I K'.! MSI I ' 1 10731 1012 NINE MEN RUN DOWN Firmtr Bnrprisii Frt of Go.T.e.i Who An HidUj in Hit Earn, PURSUERS JOIN IN THE CHASE IN A WAGON FijItiTti Taktn tit Diisdrtitag Art 6bt s Thij Flat. TWO ARE HIT FATALLY, TWO WOUNDED Attracted bj liward Manj Take Fatt In tb Urn Hn.t. GUARD WALDRUPE 1$ EXPECTED TO DIE 110ther lujiirril Keeper V 111 He Crip pled for Life . Mot Mnlurr of I'UKlllira tliilj' .Viinilier 'I'm cut -IIIhIiI Xcar. LLAVKNWOUTH. Kan.. Nov. S. All till police, deputy sheriffs and farmets In the lountry adjacent to Lcacuwortli were on the lookout today for tho twenty-six fed eral convicts who ebcaped from thu stock ade yesterday. As a tesuit two tioiivlctf have been killed, two wounded and live captured unhurt. The casualties took plaii in a light near Nortonvlllc. Kan., that re sulted In tho death or capture of fhe men. The dead: James Hoffman, aged 20, while; J. J. I'offctiholz, nged 25. white, a soldier con vict; John tlrccu, nged 21, white, and Wll Inril Drake, white, aged 19, are wounded and recaptured, and the llfth. I'red .Montr, aged If!, 11 negro, Is teeapturcd, unhutt. The five men were discovered In tho ban: of I'ay, a i.iartcr of 11 mile from Norlonvllle, Kan., about 3 p. ni. today. Welshaar went Into the barn ami was or dered nut at the point of guns. He lushed to Nortonvlllc anil gathered a of men, who, with roolvcrs. shotguns and a few Winchester rllles, hastened tn the scene. The eouvlcts saw tho men coming and rushed from the bain. The posmi puisucd them and n tunning duel resulted. Tho convicts were at n disadvantage and theli shots had no effect, while at every volley ftom the posse one of the convicts fell. The convicts had 11 lille, a shotgun and au old revolver. I loll man had the shot gun. He was shot first In the hand, lie yelled and dropped tho shotgun. Just then 11 bullet entered his bock and he fell dead. roffonholr died forty minutes after being shot. Orcen was brought down by a bullet In the knee. Drake was Hhot twice. In the right wrist ami arui. Drake says Sol Houtherland, an Indian, was shot In tha fight nt the stockade. After two of the fugitives fell, two of the others gave thcinsch c.i up, one being wounded, the other unhurt. The fifth wa. fully 200 yards away, when a man with .1 rlflu drew a bead on him and tired. Ho was evidently hard hit. hut tiled to go on. A volley was tired nt him' arid he? fell ilea-1. None of the citizens was hurt. I'liRltlvi' rr oiiuk Men. Two unarmed convicts. Donald Norle and It. L. Davenport, were found hiding In n ravine 011 a farm near .larb.ilo, Kan., and they surrendered without resistance. Tho sheriff of Douglas county has captured two convicts at Lawrence. Kin.. The convjets captured at Lawrence were Ole ltaho. a halfbreed Indian, and Joseph II. Ueckln. a soldier serving a term for desertion 11 ml aesault to kill. Frank Thompson, the negro despetndo who led the outbreak, Is sup posed to bo near Lawrence, heavily armed. Tho oldest nf the fugitives is aged 2. Quint) Fort, who was killed yesterday, was 19. Ono nf the convicts still at largo Is a mllltaty prlsouer nnd the remainder wer serving terms for robbery or assault. One is an Indian and two are negroes. Nearly all came from Oklahoma ttnd Indian Ter ritory and they aro suppnred to bo making for that country- They ato hardy men. used to llrcarms and horses. Some have obtained both, but others are afoot. Wordon MeClaughry says ho will rapturo every ono of the men. In the districts around the city eveiy road nnd river cross ing that tho fugitives might be expected tn use Is guarded by Brmcd men, the farmers having turned out to earn the J60 reward that will be paid for the return of each convict. Those of them who ato armed aro likely to be ahot at sight. KANSAS CITY. Nov 8. Ouard Waldrupe, who was shot In tho head, Is still alive, but tho surgeons have nn hopo ot his re covery. I.eonurd. whoso leg was hroken. will be n cripple for life. The other guards are doing well. SAILOR DIES FROM EXPOSURE Tito of Crctv from Menm Wlinlec Ur rrl mill Suffer llxfrcmr llnril lilp In Nome Country. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 8. Ths itnam whaler Narwhal, from the north, brings a story of extreme privation that resulted In the death of one sailor and much suffer ing to another. While Narwhal was In winter quarters at Bailee aland, two of the crew. Andrew Bllstrom and Hermun Myrue, deserted aud started to Capo Nome overland with a iiledload of provisions aud two dotjs. ' When a few hours on their Journoy they lott all of their provisions with tho excep tion of a bag of Hour. After tramping seventy-two hours without resting .Myrus siicmimhed to the cold. Kllstrom. with the dog team, drugged Myrua after him to ,1 deserted hut. For several days the two men subsisted on dry flour and dog flesh. A man from Narwhal sent to tradn with the natives discovered thn men and a relief party wns sent nut from Nar whal. The relief party when It reached the hut f.iund that Kllstrom had died (torn cold and Myrua was uneonsUouB. In opine to save his life both his fcot wore ampu tated. Movement if Oeenn Vr"Hi ov. . At Hambuig Atrlved: Dnnt-ciiliind, tmm New York; 1'nlntln. trom New York. At Hoiton Arrived: titcula, fioro Liver pool. At Yokohama- Arrived: Duko of Fife, from Tacoma ami Victoria, II. I., for Kobe, SlutttKhul ami lloug Kong. At Brisbane-Hulled: Mlewer.i. from Hyd liey, for Honolulu, Victoria uml Vancouver. At Olasguw--At lived: Huenos Ayerliui, from Montreal. At Liverpool Arrived: flernuinlc, from New York. At New York -Arrived: li Savole, from Havre; Mongolian, from Glasgow. At St. Vincent -Arrived: Cymbcdlne, from Han FranHscn via Montevideo. At Imdoii - Arrived ; Menominee, from New York. Sailed. Minnehaha, for New York At Cherbourg Sailed' Kaiser Wllhelm der (Jrosse, from Hrcmen and Southampton, for New York. Detained by totf. At I'lymouth-Hnlled: Patricia, trom Hamburg, for New York. i (