ru. eis-m. VK Cl.flfi: SiATf HUAVS m A Great ...Velvet Sale lloro is a word from the silk etock wnnlrl ht. nc.cou uteri Inrcr- niiiintitv in t ho lot. Tliessc regular slock. Von liavo been siiVfie goods. We wisli to dose liorire the extreme low price. . . .Regular 75c Silk Velvet on Sale Thcv will make excellent blue, unmet, tan, marine, veil, medium brown. Here is news of great interest to those who can 3 a. m. Thompson, Beldeh &Ca Y. M. C. A. RUILIllHa. COR. Itmt AND DOC0L4t WT. ERRING MACCABEE BOWS LOW Difaulting .Fipancs Ktipir .Thompitn Makti Ttirfal Ganftsiion. TELLS WHY HC MISAPPROPRIATED $57,000 I titles (he Otil Story of IntenlliiK Wlint Hp 'I'll cum lit Win n hiirp TliltiK Order I Pull a ProlPelPil. in i PORT HURON, Mich., Nov. 7. Charles H. Thompson of this city, supreme finance keeper of the supremo tent, .Knights of lha Maccabees, Is a self-confessed defaulter In the sum of J57.000. The order, however, Is protected from loss by Thompson's surety bond. Tho shortage Is acknowledged In tho fol lowing letter to f). P. Markey, supreme com mander of the order: i- n fnri,x- u,i..rr,,..n i v.,,. ,. t.t.- Knights of the Muccnbees-Oear Sir: It is i with a feeling of distress and shame that ...I.I. r. nAll.a- .if I I.I..1UU flM.1 lllli.liln ,l,n ' i tenner herewith my resign'ition its su premo finance keeper of the onb'r of which you are tho head. Ami this step Is tnken with a hitter realization that 1 inn no longer worthy the companionship and as sociation of my fellow ollictTH, I havo held tho position since the order was founded, havo during most of that time boon officially associated with tho present s.uriremn olllccrs and never until now did I In any wnv betray my trust. I was en gaged In a legitimate busings venture. In which I had made a large Investment, and found myself In a nosltlon when further money was necessary to save myself from I liankrntiti'V unit ruin. TIhti? was ann.'ir-i liankruntcv and ruin. Thm; was annar ntly no chante for loss. I then betrayed my trust nnd used the funds of tho order, at tho tlmo believing there was no iiiiop- ... short In, 'f'hP amount I used jtiT.000. I have no Hone of being nl o to tepay this amount. 1 know tho order Is ".T.' .... ,n ...V,,'. , i."V.- r ... I responsible company, hut this does not lessen. my mental suffering nor relieve me . tn"! may occur eau Increase the tortures which ,-an only await s i 1 actio . s nnv be . can onl await mik.ii action as maj tie taken and abldii tho consequence. No pun- ishmcnt can be greater and no suffering so intenso n that resultltiB fiom the losi of tho respect and esteem of the mumborshlp of the order and tho suffering' necessarily caused to my family. Charles n. Thompson. Supreme Commander Markey this after noon mado tho following statement In re gard to Mr. Thompson's shortage: "Charles 0. Thompson has been supreme finance' keeper of tho supreme tent since It was or ganized in September. 1SS3, and has han dled and disbursed more than $15,000,000 during that time, and until this defalcation no thought has ever been entertained against his Integrity and betrayal on his part will be keenly felt by tho membership. The supremo tent keeps on deposit largo amounts of money In leading banks In several com mercial centers on which warrants are t.n .,.-,.... nt .Inn., n I n I r till I w i,u llli M L i,, v 1 "", I all collections mo mado through the Com- merelal bank of Port Huron and It Is a part of tho duties of tho supremo finance 1 . .... ..I unnnnt , r. inm.inp nnn,. u nnnnv irnm Tiinin i,.nl,'in ,,ih.r ,1 1 1 ni-l ... ninnnt- fnt- 1 1. I purpose, nnd or keeping the account good at such banks. Tho money that wns used In this caso by Mr. Thompson was on a draft transferring from tho Commercial bank to tho First Notional bank of New York. Mr. Thompson's shortage is $57."O0, hut no loss1 will bo incurred by the supreme tent, as every flnanclnl official of thu asso ciation. Including Mr. Thompson, Is bonded In surety companlos and tho bonds held by the order as security for Mr. Thompson s Integrity Is much greater than the shortage. Hut UJe fact that no pecuniary Iosb Is sus tained does not rcllavo from regret the membership of the association. 'Ills bondsmen have been notified nf the defalcation nnd tho supremo tent will look to them to mnko good the amount. Pending an adjustment with tho bond companies, there will bo no delay in the payment of death dues, It Is said that Mr. Thompson, who wns Interested In tho lake carrying trade, lost $75,000 In Juno on the salo of the steamer Harlem. The shortage was tllscov.irrd last Tuesday by Supreme Commander Markey, who was j examining the books of the order. On being confronted with the shortage Thopipaou broke down and confessed. He then signed h check drawn" up by Commander Markey. It has been Impossible to locate Thompson since tho mutter leaked outnt noon todny. WHISKY ENDS CHILD'S LIFE Hoy Drain Plunk eenreil from Kelt al)u anil Mult Into Dentil Stupor. IOLA. Knn,, Nov. 7. The 5-ycar-old son of Elijah Harbor, nn employe nt the ce Wnt plant, died today from tho effects of drinking a half pint of whisky, obtained by the father at a local "Joint" or Illicit saloon, The boy drained tho flask whllo his parents were away and when found was In a stupor, from which the physicians could not. arouse him. Iliiun GIipii l.lfp , FORT WAYNE. Intl.. Nov. 7.Chsrls rmnn was today found puillty of murder In the llrst degree and sentenced to the peni tentiary for life tor th murder of l0- enr oll! Allc Cothrell. whoso body was llshort trom a cistern beneath I mini's kitchen nt .CnllBh, thU county, July 7 last, Dunn Is 61 ycavp, old, Trust DniuuaP In the Mint I. (H'THniE, Okl Nov, 7,-Repot'tri troin all portions of Oklahoma and Indian Ter ritory state that recent frosts have killed tno top cotton, Constipation Headache, biliousness, heartburn, Indi gestion, ani all liver Ills aro cured by Hood's Pill Sold b til druggists. 2i cents. Bee",! Nov. T, 1901. Silk of splendid Calue selected values, by the way, that bn mains elsewhere. Not a velvets are selected from our paying us more "money for (he these few colors out quickly, Friday Morning at 19c Yard. waists, trimmings, etc. colors; use these goods. On sale at EDUCATION IN THE SOUTH Truslep of t'palmil' l'nnil MppI Kill VitpmiPle nnd llrnr 11c Itnrt of Work. to NEW YORK. Nov. 7. The fortieth annual meeting of the trustees of tho I'eabody educational fund was held hero today. Those present were: Samuel A. Green, Massa- count'. is; unities A', rune, i uiiuubdvu, Iicrpont Morgan, .New York; William a M. W. Fuller; Judge Henderson M. Somer- vtll. Alnhimni TnaAn). VT Chnntn. WW v.J. A r.iim Marvtn,ir fimrt-n r,...,... n-..),, m,.i T.ta. M n.. .i iiAi,'r.i mn.v i..n,i..BM and Or I I M Curry general agent, fhinf poiior nm.irimt. Three vacancies coined by death were filled. Seth Low takes the place of the lnti Wllllnni M. Evnrts. President Roosc- volt mirrrpiln Prpsldent McKlnlev and HoU; smiih nf nonnrin wn chosen to succeed tho lato William Wirt Henry of Virginia, I Ti,o vnrnnev rnuseil iiv tlm dpath of tho Ti h-iii wrtv. TTnnrv h. whinnip of Minnesota I WBm not filled. . . In his report of the work of the last year Or. Curry, general agent, called at- . I tcntlnn to tho remarkably heavy gifts given of late by nrlvato citizens to education, referring especially to the -efforts, toward higher education in tho south. He paid a high tribute to the. work of Dr. D. C. Oilman, Dr. . H. Tayne, James I), Porter and others. Incorporated In Dr. Curry's paper were reports from several 01 me sinio bchooi ruuiiiiinsiuui'i a m m" ,0uth, showing the educational progress In .. .. . . ... .. .. . mat section, rue i-eaoouy euucnuonai mini at present Is something over $2,000,000, The Income distributed between October 1. nr,'' October 1. 100188: Alabama, Sn.UUti: Aritansas, .uu; rioriua, ,i,ouu; r.eorgla, J5.W00; Louisiana, $4,200; Missis- slppl. J2.500; North Carolina, J4.1B0; South Carolina. $1,700; Tennessee. $1,500; Texas, $3,300; Virginia, $5,200; West Virginia, $2,000; Peabody Normal college, $11,000; Penbody scholarships, $24,239. . r-nr. niur r 1 1 niiir n ditu LMuunCno nHVC onuivcn Dnin I Illnst In pnrh.v 'I'rpnph I'rnctiit-pv Hiihp Wntpr Miiln nml .Mori on h DiiiunKP fh Oo. .r. NEW YORK. Nov. 7. A thlrty-slx-lnch wntpr in n In itint nnnnllps tlip. hltrh nrA'SUre service for Columbia and Washington swirling wnter down the hill Into tho ex- cavatlon for the rapid transit tunucl. Tho break occurred at Broadway nnd One Hun' dred and Thirty-third street and was caused by a blast In n nearby trench. The water quickly filled the trench and sent the laborers al work In It scurrying to higher ground. The water In Its rush down the hill made washouts ten feet deep In the trOttR. SflVPrnl tCnlUS WOTP Cnllclll I., tllfi " " " I stream nnd tho drivers had to Jump for safety. At One Hundred and Twenty-nlnth street part of tho flood was diverted Into . , .. .... ...u . i. . i . ..... I I n tin r er n'rn oiilr-klv rtrlvoiv nut. rtpforp I hiinii nt n ' inimi imiiHii iiniiiiM mill i m: i tho water was shut off at the pumping stn- tlon damage that wi 1 rcacn many inou- sands of dollars was dpne to the streets and tunnel. FAIR FRIDAY AND WARMER Weather OutlnoU for 'I'm Oays in .Nebraska Is All flint C011I1I Hp Desired. WASHINGTON, Nov. 7. Forecast for Friday nnd Saturday; For Nebraska and South Dakota Pair Friday; warmer In eastern portion; Satur day fair; south to westerly winds. For Iowa Pair and warmer Friday; Sat urday fair; westerly winds For Mfssourl Fnlr Friday; warmer In northwest portion; Saturday fair; warmer lu eastern portion; varloblo winds, For Knnsas Fair and warmer Friday; Saturday fair; southerly winds. For Colorado Generally fair Friday and Saturday; variable wintis. For Wyoming Fair Friday. probably colder In western portion; Saturday fair; westerly winds. I, lien I Iteeoril, OPKIOK OP THE WEATHER HUREAU. OMAHA, Nov. ". Official record of tem perature ami precipitation compareu wnn tho corresponding day of the last three years' 1901, 1500, ISM. 1SH Maximum temperature... U . fo Minimum temperature.... 2.'. "I 41 "S Mean temperature .14 41 51. 9 precipitation ."J 1 .w ltccord of temperature and precipitation nt Omaha for UiU'day nntl slnco March 1, 1'joi: Normal temperature ..14 10 8ir. 04 Inch 01 Inch ..21.2S Inches . . 5.0S Inches .. 1.17 Inches . . 5.17 Inches ueiiciency ror tne any. ...... rotnl excess since .Mitrcn 1 Normal precipitation Dorteloncy for tho duv Total rainfall sineo .M nrc 11 1... Dellcleney since March 1 Excess for cor. period HA Dellcleney fur cor. period jwj. Report from Msllnni al T y ui. AT r. M. a ii J; 2:9 H STATION..! AND STATE ;S;g E Or'WKXTHSR. 1 3 ' 5 2 . " ' , I : 1 r : D Omaha,' clear.', North Platte, clear ,. Cheyenne, clear.., 42' .CO 6JI ,00 un; .0.) &S CO wan itKn rity. cicar iiupi.i t'tty; clear Huron, nlt'ar...'. ... 53! M ftl 321 3 .00 3 t .... I T 4i fo; ,oo :! ;:2 ,co 38 .0.) 4-i! V, ,f) 50' 70 .ftl 40; 4! .00 ChleiiKO. clear hi. inJiilH, clear St, Paul, clear Davenport. Clear ' Kansas i.ny, cienr Helena, cloudy Havre, pari ciou.iy , Hlsmnrrk. .1 30! ? .(0 I (iiilvrston, cloudy 70 .( T ludlcMlp ticc nf precipitation. L, A. WELSH. Local Forecast Official. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, J5" O BEEFSTEAK MAT BE 1 LUXURY Hirds Arc Decruiiig on tb Rtipi at an Altrmlnf Ratt. CONGRESS WILL BE ASKED TO INTERFERE Wnp nnrt llpstruellnn of L'nttlp nnd (Irnrlnrv t.rounrt Jioiv UiiIuk tin Which Will fir (.rletonalr Kelt l.nlcr. CHICAGO, Nov. 7. According to Informa tion received at the. headquarters of the National Live Stock association in this city .congress will have the western public land question brought to Its attention this win ter In a new manner. A number of prom inent rattlcmen of the west, who have been quietly investigating, arc prepared to show that during the last five years there has been an enormous decrease lu the number of cnttln In this country, a decrease which seriously threatens tho beef food supply, and unless speedy action Is taken by con- gress In the rourse of a very few yearn beef will be selling nt such a fabulous price that only the wealthy will bo able to afford to "We are fearful of an epidemic of small ludutgo In the luxury of a beefsteak. pox on the Indian reservation," said Com- The cause of this rapid decline In the number of beef rattlo Is said to bo due solely to the contraction of tho western public grazing lands nnd tho Incrcaso In tho consumptive demand. The rapid settle- ment of the west has caused tho ranges left to become crowded. Grasses have not been reseeded and consequently millions of acres of once good pasture have been turned Into absolute desert. f.nt-KP Hprd Are l)liprril. Most of the large herds havo been dls- persed nnd slaughtered and the bulk r the small stockmen, but the evolution from the largo herds on the open range to the small herds In pastures Is too slow', owing to un favorable land conditions, nnd where a few years ago the markets wore supplied with cattl 1, C and 6 years of age,- even year- Ungs arc now being slaughtered to make up I th? 8,,nPly of bccf' Th stockmen claim that the unfnvornblo metnons or administering tne puniic lanus of 'he west are back of the threatened shortage, and nt tho coming national con- ventlon In Chicago next month an effort will be made to throw the whole matter mio congress, i ne convention win as that a committee be appointed, with expert assistance, to investigate and devise plans for relieving the situation. . ... .1 The stockmen In tho national association have been striving for several years to do- vise some plan for amending tho land laws that would remedy existing evils, but have been unable to ngree. One foctlon Is In favor of leasing the lands by the govern- ment. Another wants tho lands ceded to the Utotes; another wants tho laws left on they nrc and irrigation wonts constructed 10 ro- ,eem ino lands by Irrigation c" v .unun .,j ...,hu..uu Connreon .tin)' Take Action. As n compromise for all, It Is now pro- posed to have congress take charge of the wnoic nmiier uiiuukii u wiuiuiuic, ii.iu, after Investigation, tako such action as will tend to stop the waste and destruction now going on and encourage the establishment 0f small stock farms. The plan will aslo recommend government aid In building storage reservoirs on the ranges near head- ntm of Rtream- ti.. v.i.. ...i,i, ,ui n,. i.o. ! ",c U,H n "" "" " oeen ,t scrniu uucrcusi- ... .no nuinnj u. i came uunng tne insi nve ycHrs nnu wicy aro looking forward to higher prices in tne near future, but they sny tho peoplo will be forced to eat mutton Instead of beef, though even mutton- will probably become scarce later on, as tho same conditions which nrc diminishing the beef supply will also af f"1 ll sll,eP suPI'b' LUKBAN LIVtd UN fUlMIUtd Insurant Leader In Saninr Is Kniulat lK' r.Piiprnl Marlnn's Dirt tvlth III Sncppsa. n-,. . CATHALOOAN, Snmar, Nov. Filipinos who are surrendering say that the provisions of the Insurgent leader. , , . , . . , . ,, , ., I 1 j i-amnnn. are cmmu.. ... .. ...... m.- uU nien nre living on a scanty supply of Hwect potutocs. uuKuan is nctng sirong.) uru. fn unrrnnilnr Hi, If. wnnkcnlni; and it is ' iu,,u... ,, - bellfVPtl ho will yield by November 10, owing to the blockade making It Impossible for him to procure more food, Tho Insurg 'i ...... . ii.c ents are' described as being in great fenr of the soldiers. CATDALOGAN, Samar. Nov. 7. Tho In surgents are becoming more active In tho Island of Leyte. Yesterday the town of Matulon was attacked. At Inopacan the Insurgents cut the telegraph line. Wbllo .1 detachment of American troops were re pairing It they were fired upon by a band of Insurgents. After a brief skirmish the rebels wcro dispersed. 1 ACT ne DATURnruP'Q aooctp LAST OF Kft I MDUNt O Aaat I 5 MnrtKiftp filvpii ly Sir. Minor Can eeleil l.y Order uf Hamil ton Court. ' HAMILTON, O., Nov. 7. Judge Thomp son, In the case of Mrs. Kate C. Minor against Major Estes O. Rathbono, former I director of Cuban posts, , handed down a 1 1 decision which cancels mortgages given by Mrs. Mlnot when she purchased from Rathbono an Interest In tho Riley block In this city. This decision cleans up thn last of Rnthbone's assets, which ten years ago amnnnieu in -uu.uuu, ('lull .IIPPtlllK. The next regular meeting of the Unity club will be held this (Friday) evening at tho residence of R. C. Patterson, 2513 Pnr nnm A nniipr will ho rend by Henri' Parmer nn "The Influence of the Institu tions of Greece. Rome nnd England On Our Civic History." nml a paper by T), L. lohn snn on "The Inlluenee of the Common Law." All members of the club and others interested In the work uro cordially In vited. It it 1. 1. 1 Mnion' Subject. At the Harney street Rilhbl "The I Abram Simon will preach tonight on Significance of tho Recent Election." Till UHAI.TV MAIIKI.T. INHTHPMENTH placed on lite Thursday. November Warranty IIppiI. T H. McCorkel estate to H. M. Allyn. lot align & w.'s siiD.iiv W. T Wyiniin to S. A. Orchard, I lots SI and S?. Windsor Place 1MI...1 Vntn anil I.UHhuii.l to Adam j 00) Stcnglrln. nw'i sw', 10-15-10 3,600 A. 11. Murdock and wife to E. W. Nash, part uVi nei 3-H-W SI5 E. R. Farrlnnton et al to M, B, Wink ler, lot 6. Heverley & R.'s subdlv.... 1,100 (ult 4'lnlin tired. J. S. CaultJ'ld to E. H, Scott et 1. n tract nt South Thlrternth street and rltilit of way of Omaha & South western railroad 1 H. II. Doud et al to L. P. Crofoot et al. part of 4 set .1-14-13 Josfa Hoiidek to itelay Houdek, lot IS, block 2. MellH's 1st add IIppiIn, Master in chancery lo National Life Insurance company, lot 7, lllmo ha ugh Place 3.010 Sheriff to J. II. Phelps, lot II. Pelhain Fliu'o " Total amount of transfers $i:,t$7 T0 STAMP JLT smallpox iipnntnr Dietrich I'mf" I'pon Inillttu t'uiiitultnner Hie .Need of 1 rni'.ni Mensurr. (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Nov. 7. (Special Tele- gram.J - Senator Dietrich today through his secretary bronchi to the attention of the commissioner of Indian affairs the pessl- blllty of an epidemic of smallpox anions the citizens of limner, Thurston county, a village Just north of the Winnebago Indian reservation, unless Imperative action Is taken by the authorities. The senator urged Immediate action on the. part of the government In view of tho seriousness of the case and asked that something bo done to prevent tho spread of disease. As the Indians arc cltlns of Nebraska, It was decided that the question of quarantine rests solely with the Thurston county au thorities, and It. devolves upon them to move In the matter. Commissioner Jones, when the matter wab brought to his attention, dispatched n vigorous telegram to Agent C P. Matthews, calling his attention to the condition of Affairs and Instructing him to use all the means possible to stamp out and Isolate all cases of smallpox and guard against the spread of contagion. mlssloficr Jones today. "The Indians havo been free from the disease for several years, but our physlolans havo warned us to take the utmost precaution, and accord ingly we have sent out Instructions to all agents to Isolate rases and quarantine rig- orously. Tho Indian ofllcc stands ready to do whatever Is possible to prevent eon taglon and all wc ask Is the help of tho citizens to stnmp out tho disease.1' , Depurlntpn t Ante. Rural free delivery routes have been or- dcred established January I as follows Nebraska Superior. Nuckolls county: Route embraces ninety-four miles, contain Ing a population of 1,000; P. N, Hrakaw and 8. U. Headrlck are appointed cflrrlets Iowa Clsrlnda, Page county: Additional service; area, 105 squaro miles; population 1.5SS; II. A. Hurdle, K. M. 1-ako and J. C Morrison were appointed carriers. Tho poslofncc at Hawleyvllle Is to be supplied by rural carrier. Poslmastera appointed Nebraska Georgetown, Custer county,' V. V. Edmlnstcn, vice R, llrlghnm, re signed; Inez, Ilolt county; J. W. Moss, vlco C. W. Roarke. resigned lowo uoa vi e. woosicr county, a. .i. White; Mlllcrsburc, Iowa county, C. A pierce; Treynor, roitawutiami? couniy, u. O. Ruck. . ... civil service examination Is to be held December 14 at Dubuque, Iu for firemen In tho custodian service. A postofflce has been ordered established at Lnhoyt, Henry county, la,, with Kmer non E. Glover as postmaster HEROES' FAMILIES ARE AIDED Itclntlie of Mnllors Klllnl nil .llnlno Arp Xoir In Position to fnre fur TliPinspIt i', WASHINGTON, Nov. 7. Having spent all the money (OllcCted by the Ilattleshlp Malno Relief association, Captain Slgsbco naE reniicstcd Secretary Long to appoint n hn.ri, , -,.., hu ncrounts. He savs that .'Brnatfv nrnded relief has been afforded to distressed relatives of the Maine's dead by this fund, contributed by the generosity '. .,..,-).., .u..i ... oi uic painonu-n..u njiuiiaiuuut mo country, it is pieasani 10 rvpuii umi wbcrcas appitf nitons tor- aR-.isianc iur u long tlmo afterMho loss of tne Maine, were both freouont nd pressing, that theso so fell off during my administration of tho fund that It became necessary to publish from tlmo to time, through the courtesy of the Associated Press, notifications of the fact that thcro was still a balance of tho fund. Theso conditions show apparently that where there was much destitution about the time the fund was contributed, It was relieved bo largely and opportunely bv the fund os to enable beneficiaries to manage tholr own affairs without further assistance. Secretary Long, In releasing Captain Slcsboo from bis trust, expresses his ap i..i r,.ninln Blrrshrn'M Rnrrlrps nnrt " . ' .Tt inv h n.Vn. SUVA I UU UttWl" " . ...""V" " ' elated with this famous ship (Maine) and I can well understand tho pleasure you have found In this renewed association with the brave trow whose cuptnln you , A n ' .,,,. ,,,,. nt nf ninnnv enllei'ted nnd d(,burse,, j. ti,s relief association was 31 31s. TOKENS FOR VALIANT DEEDS Brevet ami Mp1h1 nf Honor Hnnril IIp lorr HeeoKtiltlon on PluhfliiK .Mpii Worthy of lloniirs. WASHINGTON. Nov. 7. The bre-vct and medal of honor board, of which General MnoArthur Is president, practically has completed Its, work and has adjourned until Dcceraber l. The board has gouo over tho papers in all cases Involving recommenda tions for brevets arising from the war In Cuba, Porto Rico, tho Philippines ami Chlnu, Including those already submitted to the senate Jast sesslun, but subsequently withdrawn. The recorder of the board now is putting these In shape for nomination again and the list will be ready 0 few days after the reopening of congress. The board has found tnai 11 is prociuncn ... ,. ,.., nnlrrs from considering ' ...,.-., ,,, f nr medals of honor which . . nH.r,i upon formerly by the Hm.nmmi. so contrary to the original expect.tlon lt ,,111 not be posslblo for the board to recommend the award of such a medal to President Roosevelt, ror Uio de partment acted adversely In that matter last year and It Is understood that tho rocommendatlon In the president's case wilt bo limited to n brevet. , DINNER IN THE WHITE HOUSE I'rrxlilrut anil Mr. Ilooevelt Knter. tain Thplr Flrt I'ornial Parly at i'nl.le. WASHINGTON. Nov. 7 President nnd Mrs. Roosevelt gave their first formal din nor in the White House tonight, when a company of eighteen persons assembled In the famll" dining room, wincn was Dentin fully adorned with white chrysanthemums. The guests included- Secretary and .Mrs mtchcncW Admiral Dewey. Colonel and Mr.i. Sanger. Mr. and Mrs. Whltclnw Held Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Adams of Uoston, Mr and Mrs. W. W. Hockhlll, commander and Mrs. Cowics, MlfS AUce Roosevelt and Mr Marvin. ItPdiii'tlnn In tinvprnntput t:ahp TnU WASHINGTON. Nov. 7. General A, W Greeley, chief .-Unal officer, returned to Washington today after nn absence of nv months sncnt In tho Philippines m com pletlng the cable nnd telegrnph service tf the Islands. General Greeley roturned to 1 the United States by way of Europe, He had sn Important conference in London with the officers of the cable ana teiegrapn com panics, which resulted In an agreement to reduce the tolls to and from .Mqua on gov ernment business shout one-third. General Greeley reported tbl" 'ct to Secretary Root today. V EM BE IT a. nnn. 3A1LLARD LANDS MARINES Taku FcssiiBioa of Tnrkiih Ctitemi Htit Without RuliUnci. GOVERNMENT'S REPLY TO FRENCH NOTE rhnl of I iiltcil .HtnlPK In I'nrt Inline Creates n I'ntornlilp liuirci sliiii In (Mtti'lnl ( lioli nt I'nrl. PARIS, Nov. 7. 7.10 p. m. A dlnpatcit from Admiral' Calllard has lust been re ceived announcing that ho landed marines on the Island of Myttllno and took posses sion of the customs nt Mldclllo without re sistance. Tho Prench government has received re plies from nil the governments to Its note explaining the measures taken against Turkey. An excellent Impression has been created lu circles by tho tone of the response of the United States, which Is couched In most friendly terms. Advices received here say tho Turkish authorities have cut the English line be tween Mltylene nnd Constantinople. Thus Admiral Calllard was unable to communl- cato with M. ll.iptlstc, councillor of the Prench legation at Constantinople, nnd was obliged to file all dispatches at the Islnml of Syrn, The Prench government Is fairly satis- fled with the progress already achieved In tho dispute by tho naval demonstration. Tho sultan has promised to settlo all mone tary clnlms and has offered guaranties which fall little short of those demanded. Prance, however, will Insist on full guar ties nnd also on tho surrender of Turkey In the matter of treaty right before evacu ating Mltylene. No International complications are an ticipated In view of the powers' response to Pranro and no trouble Is expected on tho Island Itself. NO SLEEP FOR THE SULTAN Frnncp nml llnssln Arp .nll In llnvp t nltpil (n 'I'nkp Actio., fur A'ppiIpiI Itpforn.x. RERUN, Nov. S. It is imported her. rays a Ulrpalch from St. PoUrBhun? to tho Col&Riie Gazctt?, thit Prnnco otid RtikhU havo nriived nt an agreement for common action,- with a view to the execution nf re- fornis in Armenia and tho Eutopean 'prnv luces of tho Ottoman empire uuar.uitccil Immunity by tha sultan la tho Ilorlln treaty. They propose to Invite tho signatory powers to meet In conference for this ob ject. It is expected here that all the powers will ac-ept the Invitation, but the conference could nut well he held before spring. In well Informed circles lu St. Pcteibur a fear Is expressed that the present steps of Prance may cause matters to develop so rapidly that Russia, desplto the. czar's lovti of peace, may find Itself driven Into an attltudn of another kind In order to safe guard Its own Interests. Events In Turkey and the Ralkans are regarded In political circles with great nnxlcly.. Sultan Nnhl to Hum- IpIiIpiI. PARIS. Nov. S. The Greek minister In Constantinople, nccordlng to a dispatch to a Paris news ugency from Athens, has tele graphed the Greek government that the portc hns nccepted all tho demands of France. llrltnlu'N A lil ot Soimlit. C)NSTANTINpPi.E, Nov. S. There 'u absolutely no foundation for the report which originated with the Paris Echo dp Paris,, that the potto had demanded that Great llrltaln should protect Asiatic Turkey from Prench attack. CONCEDES MORE TO FRANCE Turkey Grant It Authority to Unit, I ur llppnlr Slxtppn t.'liurphps i ml Context. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 7 The portc has yielded still further to tho French de mands and hns notllled M. Huptlstc. coun cillor of the French embassy, that author;' Uy Is granted Franco to build or repair sixteen churches, convents and other Insti tutions situated In different villages. I'lipe Token I'eneeful ('ourp. ROME, Nov. 8. Al n reception nt llrltlsh pilgrims yesterday the pope forbade tho reading of their address publicly, be- auso It expressed a hope for the restora tion of the temporal power of the pontiff. and his holiness did not denire a renewal of the trouble caused by tho duke of Norfolk on the occnslon of tho provlous pilgrimage. DIES T0 SAVE HER HUSBAND IhlciiKO Won. 11 11 I Hnrneil to l)enth KolluyvliiK Accident rtitli lloll luu KpUIp of 'I'lir. CHICAGO. Nov. 7. Mrs. Julius Yunkee, was burned to death and her husband serin ously Injured In n fire which badly damaged tholr home hero today nnkee, who lived nn the top floor of the building with hW wife, wns boiling tar In a pot on his stov. The tar ran over on tho floor, Igniting the woodwork nnd setting fire to Yankee's clothing, In her ejforls to aid her husband Mrs. Yankee was enveloped in mimes sun when found by neighbors was beyond old. Ynlikco was taken to a hospital. FIREREC0RD. Ilii.ili.utot. Park Put lllnu. BURLINGTON, la., Nov. 7. (Special.) Chris Bonn's Ferris Wheel park pavilion and outlying buildings were destroyed by fire early this morning. Tho oss will ho $10,000, About $3,200 Insurance was carried. The effects of tho voudevllle company play ing nt Bonn's were also destroyed, pnnnyn iwiihiihhiihiii Embroideries and Laces and the daintv thincR which you hesitate to entrust to the merciless care of the tub, w ill come out Of the wash clctin and whole nntl bright when you use The Purified Ox-Gall preserves the fabric, briglitens the colors.nnd Is just as desirable for hands, and fares as for costly laces, It cleanses.woolens and flannels wjtuotit, shrinking and leaves them soft as new to tin; touch. Use it everyw.hcrc. for everything that.iS soiled. Sold by all dealers. Cudnmn Primer sent free on request. THE CUDAHY PACKING CO., 1IITII.IIHIIIIIIIHIIIII RIO GRANDE DIRECTORS ELECT Choiisp i:iri!ittlp Mnff fur Until tin! ' Wpti'rn llliiiils nt MppIIiiu t tt pm VnrU, NEW YORK. Nnv. 7. -The directors .of (he It lo dViiude system of railroads hne here ratnl-.jrlected olllccrsj The Jo.lnt directorship of the Denver Rio (linnde hillroad und.of Uie Rio Ornndr Western railway clocleii as chairman ni the board Grorge J. nVTuhl president, E.-V. .leffory; vice prosideiit .stid general inannger, Rus sell Harding, secretary. Stephen Little; treasurer, T. Wr Gllully; first nelstant treasurer Jsepn' White. .i.v Il. Andrews whs' rjeclejl 1 nsMlstnn't secretary for the Denver Illo Grande and W. P. Coltoti assistant sccrelriry for Rio Grande West ern. ' ' The directors of the Rlti Giande South crtr le"ejrd (he-' tolldw Ingf ' Preside ht. E. T. Jefferj", vice president nnd general man ager, Russell naidlng, secretary, J. II. An drews; treasurer. T. W. Gllully: assistant socrolary. 'Stephen Little; assistant treas urer, Joseph 1 While. SWITCHMEN ASK RECOGNITION Vnril "WnrUitiPii of II In fJrniiilP He- plnri- Mrll.p nml I'rpluht TriilUf Is I)pIii piL DENVER, Nov. 7. The switchmen tin Ih? Denver & Rio Grande railroad today dc tiatVil .1 general Strike nnd the men went out iit Deftver, Pueblo nnd some other pplnts on the system. It Is uudersood that the remainder win gb out tomorrow. The question lllVdlveiV'Is snfd to b'e the recogni tion of the Switchmen's Union of North Amoiiefn. Tho ctiinpany maintains that lis agreement with the Hrothcrhood of Rail way Trainmen covers the yard service and declines to reeu'gmzc the other organization. In Denver the men now out number llilrty-'onc. In Pueblo twenty and n lesser number nt nthen points. W. O. Leo of Cleveland, first vice grand master of the Hrothcrhood of lUllwny Trainmen, Is now In Pueblo' In conference with the t-trlking swltt'iimen ' So far the business of the rsllWay has been (Inly delayed, -as the other tarlnmen have done the work of th6 sttiWers. r " EACH ROAD H AS -ITS VOICE VtmrfrMIt, 1to'r1rrelIer mul 11111 In- trri'slK Arp HpprPMPiitPil Viuoi.n . t, ' .IlinUimto.. .Dlrcytoi. f i NEW YORK. Nnv. 7 The Times will sny tomorrow; Th tangible ovlrtcnt'e bf the settlement , nf the northwestern railroad systi-m became linown"yo.stfriUty, when It leaked o tjmt. ,E, 11, Hnriimnn, .lapies SvtlHmnn. Jm-ob H. Schl.T. Norman 11. Ream. Robert Hacotv mill? II.-McK. Twonibley had befttt' elect.(;d Into -the board of directors of thi- llurllugton 4'oad at the stockholders' annual meeting held last week In Chicago. An attempt wtiH. lnuilo to withhold the mitues of tho directors elected nt this meet ing until llin adjourned meeting of the board, to be hoh noxt Thursday. Only lllnth. o?. Iliirllnuton t; vtei.Kloii. GPEliNSEY. Wyo.', Xov. 7. (Special.) T. , JJ. Calvert. ,g,ejiernl superintendent o the IlU(llnglnnk hart been hero for several days looking over the company' piopeity In this vlcluit.v 'Tho Iron nilnrs at Sun rise wcro visited and arrangements made for a .number uf now ore cars. Mr. Cil vcrt...iis noncommittal regarding tho pin posed .extension 10111 Guernsey to Suit l.ako City, but, ho did drop tho jemark .that the projects was .a-pix'tty lively corpse. Tho .nituprAiteiidciit ..callcj uptm, Conti actor Stoilda.r,1-l'",lH IP.i00ng a, uujnbijr .of' deep, tjti'lti .through the illjs wehl' of town;' mH urged upon htm the 'necessity of iuirrylug work. " - PROSPECT P.LEASES CARTER In flip I'l'iiulneil Cuiirl Trial Up K lipetN to In roiliiep. Testimony - Hipliiiletl fn ('utirt-Miiiiliil. , Leavenworth, Kan.. Nov. 7.- oboriin j al. rafter, cx'-cnbtaln of engineers In (he. rcuular urmv.'ilow rnnnned In Hie federal penltcntlay at Port Leavenworth, has been iiiL.i.v-u in. K....HI..H 1,1 ..... ...... ... the United States circuit court In Chicago ill connection with tho suit Instituted there by the government to take his property. tjolonel L. I). Carter. I. Carter and Horace. sulfation with the prisoner, gathering Information- for1 th'i1 approaching trial. Thn iMVjWV' m"oMtyvat this trial to Introduce evidence thilt Cantaln Carter slates wns cvi.unce tnai, t-aptain ,nrtei stales, was excluded at tlie cniirl-martlar and ho, he alleges, would h'nve estnbllshed' his' Inno- concp. Cnronoi tibrtff was asked about the tVlnl I J'ust'befori! he started for Ohlcngo hhd tftldf "Captuhi Cufler'nfid his ffleildh hfo nnirif l)lctistd over the piospects of a hearing Hi' a court ol Justice, at least. All the evi dence in his fnyur was excluded at tho court-tiiartial and now It can bo Intro duced. My "nVphew has offered to turn over all his properly to tho government,- pe'ndlug a fair trial in ln court of-Justice." SAVED BY BREECHES BUOY I, tne Over u Mile l.oou SiiccpNrully iiirituti from Shore to J,'tTy f Wrpi'k. ORLEANS, Mass., Nov. 7.--Tli large British schooner John Parker of St. Johns, iN. 0.. bound from thnt city for n Long Island sound port, with a inrgo of lumber, struck on the bar off here during a heavy northeast gale today and was wrecked. Captaliv Ef.niU nnd his crew of five' men wore rescued In tho breeches buoy by the Orleann llfo-usnvlng crow after a gnlhiut struggle. TJio Hues, which wcro cast over the schooner by means of a niortnr. were1 more than a mllti'lnng. The vessel will probably bo a total loss. Tbl I'rull Will Keep. CHRISTIANA. Nov. 7. Petrified IroplcHl fruits have been found In some Spltzbciguu coaL 1 MilltjlltollttllllHWIHlMlrlillllHlhl 0mabu...Kansas City. CHECKS THE' SCHOOL BOARD Clri'iill .Inil hp InMruet lilun Hotly It Inmtu.t ,eanl.v I'nrnl-li I'rep 'Vvxt IIiiiiUh. CHICAGO. Nov 7-Judge Noely In the circuit court lodity deeldivi ;he petition of the school board of the clt of Chicago ask ing that the Injunction be disrobed which restrains that body from furnishing free, text books tti .rjilldua of the lltst four grades of thy. Chicago public schools. Tho court held tlint special legislation on the subject was necessary before the Hoard of Education could legally expend public money for Mich a purpose. The Injunction was granted some time ago nt tho Instance of local Catholic educators The Oil Age We nrc now entering the oil tige which will ndvapre. Industrial progress with greater rapidity than any patt period., The Manufacturer's Dream, Cheap Fuel The wondeiful gushing wcllsi of Spindle Top Heights and other; southern Texas oil fields makes p.osMblo this dream. Think of the great eainlngrt hleli.wlll arcrun tit tho foitunntc owners nf these great, gushing wells. The well of the OMAHA-TEXAS OIL CO promises to be the largest producer among thee b'O.nno to MO.Od'Miarrel wonders. Do you want to become it part owner of this company In Us Infancy, when It need money to develop Its profitable holdings,' You can buy now at 25 CENTS PER SHARE shares which will pay the same dividend per shave as may be paid on sharen which might loter on cpst -the owner $1.00 or $2.00 or even a much hjgher price. Take Advantage of the present opportunity. Subscribe now. Thn company reserves tho right to advnnt'o the price, of shares 0: withdraw the sale of sharca without notice. OMAHA-TEXAS OIL CO Sapp 1!I6CU, Council lilufts, la. i!2t New York Life Hldg. Omaha. Neb, Willis Todd. Fiscal Agent. ri- l.MlP'llf . ci)i ia IVIvArVEi WW rljiC jL) I jjHrJ . IS IJiari.KC uuil Ulhorilui'M or .tie u Only. 2(1 years' eiperlejice. 1C eur la VAHICOCELE ,,,nuut,'i"c,uuu8.,rn 10 Uay" vVIUllt IV ami all lilood UlscMses curad , OirniLIO tor life. All breukltiK out and Lii;n ol tnu d!;easo disappear at once. DVPR 00 (inn es cured of nervous ucuiiity. loss ut vuuuiy j ,((u uh u'uulurul wukue,ss of men. i fiincture. aim, Kidney iinu AJIadder cubes. Hydrocele- cuted permanently. I Cure (JuuiaiilPed. Cuiinultntlon f ret, CHARGES LOW l .J""1'"?"' .PV ,R?"' fj ,",'.. V.?.t. ir.V. Vua au u-.'uitl I1UI o i. t-t -- i-si(hw and: Douglas Stn.. OMAHA. NUB. "np oD'nrc. no pay. HKN-Sloplnklns'iinJli'lnc. If on hfifn imall, folt orvM. !"' I'w,r ii hraLrnlnft itralm, our, Vs.nim O.irati Pcvrlopf r will rfti.rf70ii. Kn d.iirf., Sirlctuie nnd Vnrtciif-'l P'!' lil.niiilljr ruint III I to 4 nerk. Vl.liiO In uir, nut mir nut onp rMurnid. elfn-t Imni.'Oiati n ..P.O. H, f i mid i vrrlle for lr- ii.rtlru lar, nnl .-,ilt1 In hlaln niTrlni,.., lOCAl APPIUNCE CO, 138 Thorn Blk,. InClir.otlU, tt. AMIiSK.tlli.NTh. W00d7.a,!,ar,l" All thlH week: li'.ittiis (tou;iiAs. Today, 2:30. "Till". MOIIOH I'." Tonight. S:15, roii tin: i,n i: oi' a woman. ' Saturday matinee, Two Orphans ,Snf til da v eveiilng. The Plunger. PRICES Mntlneo, 10c, 25oi Evening. 19c, 20c, 'JOc. We. Siimlny Mntlnee and Evening, Xov. 10, 'DAXJI'.IIS Ol'1 AtCI." PRICES Matlllee 2T,e, Wo; evening, 25a 50r. 75e Seats iuw on Mile, Telephone I ."It I. Mais Sun . Wed,,. Sat,, 2'li Eves,. 8;1S, HIGH CI.AMM V At l)i:Vll,l,U. Felix and Harry, Parros Urns., Nugent and I'Vrtll,', Hodman nnd Allelic, Made Pox. .Mile- Lotiv,.ToHHliw Austins. I'll it'i'.s lo'. ar.p, r.tie. Miaco's Trocadiro i0NIi . itim;i: 'i'iiii.i i ("'. -') Entire Week, Including S.ilurdny lCvgnlng New Night Owls Burlesquers . -HEAl'TIPl LLV FORMED WOMEN - .Ki'M'uN'Oio;W ho.nos- - EVEN I Nf. PR I IPS, lc. ?0c, 30c SMOKE IP YOU LIKE IS the JOHN THOMAS CONCERT GO. opening oP'lhn ASSOCIATION COURSE, IIOYD'S TIII5ATKK. Alomlny NlRht , Nov. lltli Received seats on sale at the Y M. I A , HatlirdH , Nov !t, a i I) a. in. , r, f