Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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lilli Put Cr Wll Up td Kop it
December Whent Atlvnnreo I'ltc
Klghths of a Cent, December OnU
Attnnit m Mnch, but Prorlilon
Are Still Depressed.
CUICAOO, Nov. 4.-Bull nctlvllj; the
corn pit, ntdcd by a strong cable lint, helped
oil grains today, Deem ber corn cloali g
?Ac higher, December wlieiit WJSc ad
vanced nnd December oats 'Mfor. up. ro
visions closed n dull day ifraliVjO do-
l'corn'ruled strong and higher troUKhoui
thn session, December opening He to c
higher at &8Viu to on well Improved
Liverpool cables. There was n general
feeling at the c oso Saturday that today
would bring another advance and when the
cab ci showed a foreign sympathy lioearly
light trade picked up. o'nmls'don h ouscs
lind good buy ng orders and with but llttlo
offering here and higher prices In thn
west December advanced to 69Vic. LongB
wero almost sellers for proms and a num
ber of shorla wcro hurt In the upturn.
May traders nro nrgulng that the real ef
fect of the summer destruction of tho crop
Is Just beginning to be felt. December eased
lnte In the day on profit taking and closed
llrm. He higher, at 6Sic. Itcccipts wcro 110
"sTrong Ltvorjiool cables, based on the
advance here and weekly bearish statistics
were contending Inlluenrcs In tho wheat
Dlt. December opened kc to lflv4c higher
at 70T(,c to "0Ti71c, largely on tho foreign
bulge. Thero was n slight Inclination to
respond to tho numorous bearish Influences
of Increased receipts and world's shipments,
but when thn rise In corn began wheat
Immediately followed after nnd sold up to
71Sc Huslness was quiet, the cash demnnd
low and elevator Interest prominent sell
ers. Despite thn depressing factor, thn
general temper of tho crowd brought n nrm
close for December. f(c higher, at
hc. Loral receipts wcro 112 cars, eleven
of contract grade. -Minneapolis nnd Duluth
reported 1.000 cars, making a total for thn
three points of 1,203, against 1,13 last week
ond 813 a year ago. Prlmnry receipts were
a.410.000 bushels, compared with 1,119,000
nushels Inst year. Seaboard clearances In
wheat and flour were MO.OOp bushels.
World's shipments, for the week were 10,
6M.OO0 bushels, against 7,23,000 bushels last
week and 8,390,000 bushels a year ago.
Jlreadstuffs on passage had increased 3,
C32.000 bushels nnd tho visible supply had
increased 658,000 bushels.
Oats wcro strong, following corn. Trade
was active at times nnd on rather liberal
scale. There was fairly good outside de
mand and moat of the buying was done by
commission houses. December opened W
ic higher and sold up to 37c, closing: firm
iflic up at 371ic. Receipt 200 cars.
' provisions were dull and heavy nnd
rugged under the pressure of liberal offer
ings on a poorly supported market. Trices
were higher nil around at the opening,
Influenced by better prices for hogs, but
January pork closed 20J22HC depressed at
J14.77iMfll.SO; January lard, 10c down at
IS. 50. and January ribs 7Hc lower at 17.6214
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
190 cars; corn, 163 cars; outs, 265 enrsi hogs,
81.001) head. ......
The leading futures ranged an follows:
Articles. 6penT Hlgh. Low. Closc. Safy.
at J16.S5fl 17.00 for Lake Superior and 1Vr
18-Hc for casting and electrolytic. Lend wbs
unchanged here, but Is 3d better In Ion
don nt 11 10s. Spelter was dull at hom
nnd abrond, closing at H.Wj nnd 16 15
respectively. Domestic Iron markets were
quiet, rig Iron wnrrnnts, 9.6a 10.00; No.
1 foundry northern. S16.00til6.oj; No. 2
foundry southern, Sll.oogi5.0ft; No, 1 foun
dry southern, Jll.MJil5.60; No, 1 foundry
southern soft. IH.riOtrlfi.OO; Uhitgow Iron
warrants, i:54Ti 51 10 nnd Mlddlesboro
clofed nt 41s llUd.
TALLOW-Diilf: city. J2 per pkg.j coun
try (pkgs. free), ui.4fKsiC.
70V 70 Ji 70 70l
707(,'W7l 71(4 nmii 714Jj, 7i
6714 68(4 57U 67 &7Ji
68 f( 61 68fff(i 6Si 58 5
co-Haf. 6i4 60T eiH 6H4
37 37Ji 36TiT37 37H Smi
14 OS 14 97 14 77H 14 80 14 00
15 05 15 07 14 90 14 95 15 05
R SO 8 00 850 860 8 67tt
8 67U 8 57',4 8 60 8 60 8 57
8 C2(4 8 65 8 60 8 60 8 00
8 72!? 8 75 8 6214 8 62tf 8 70
7 72W 7 72W 7 62H 7 65 7 7214
722 7 82(4 7 76 7 75 7 82V5
Condition of Trade nnil Clnotntlnna
on Staple nnil Fnncj- Produce.
KCIOH Receipts, fair: loss off, 17c.
LIVE POULTHY-Hens, o'4'06ci young
nnd ild roosteri,, 4c; turkeys, iic; ducks
and gere, OfltiHci spring chickens, per lb.,
'lu'TTER-Common to fnlV, 13c; choico
dairy, In tubs. 16tilGc: separator, 231(240.
FRESH FISH-Black bnss, Isu: white
bauti, 10c: Llucllsh, Uc; bullheads, 10c; blue
fins, 7c: buffaloes, 7c; cntllsb, 12c; cod, 11c;
crapples, 10c: halibut, lie; herring, 7c; had
docK, 1005 plko, 10c; red snapper, 10c; sal
mon, lie; Dunllsh, 6c; trout, luc; whltcllsh,
OYSTKllS-Medlums, per can. 22c; Stand
ards, tier can. 20c; extra selects, per can,
33c; Now York counts, per can. 4oc; bulk
Standards, per gal., 1.2ul.25; bulk extra
selects, tl.G03fl.6F,.
1'iaiiONH-Llve, per doz., 00c.
VBAL-Choice, 6f(Sc.
HAY I'rlces quoted by Omaha Whole
sale liny Dealers' association: Choice up
land, 39.60; No. 2 unlnnd, tt.60; medium,
VSM', coarse, 17.50. Hyo straw, $6. These
prices are for hay of good color and Qual
ity. Demand fair. Itcccipts 22 cars.
WHEAT 50c.
1MAN-1 15.50.
lows; Wheat, ll.lM.'j bushels. Increase,
4'K.oyO. Corn, 12.!00,(XV) bushels, decrease,
736,000 burhels Onts, S.OOS.ruM bushels, de
crease, Uye, 2.0((,0i) bushel; In
crease, IfD.OOO bushels. HnrU-y, 2,36,0i,l0 buh
ols; decrcHSC, 4.1l,0).
I'lillndrlphln I'riMlncc .Miirltel,
I'lllLADELt'ltlA. Nov. 4,-HUTTEn-Flrm:
good demnnd; fancy western crentn
cry. 2.1e; do nearby, prints, 25i
I'XHIS Firm; good demand; fresh near
by. 26c; do western, 24c; do southwestern,
23c: do southern, 22c.
CltEESE-l'ncnnngrdi New York full
cream, fancy small, 10c; do fair to choke,
Toledo rlrnln nnil Seed.
TOLEDO. O.. Nov. I.-WHEAT-Flrm,
nctlvc; cash, 74'4c; December, "a'.ic; May,
CORN Strong, nctlvo; 69'c; December,
6O0; Mny. filc.
OAT8 December. 3Sc; May, 40c.
S E K DS C I O V E II 8 E E D prl me, 15.5D,4!
.November, Jj.r.T'.j; March, o.25i- Timothy,
Money 1(43 5 P'-r
!1X0; balances, $575,160.
HOSTON. Nov. 4.-Exchnnges. i:6,fio9.IS3!
bain noes. 2,4M.).
WASHINGTON. Nov. 1. Todays state
ment of the treasury balnnces In the gen
eral fund, cxcluslvo of the JlDO.nnooo gold,
reserve In the division of redemption:
Available cnth butunces, $175,195,936; gold,
balances. Jl.iil2.15-H: nionev. 5H6 per cent:
Now York cxchniigc, 35c discount.
Consols, money.. 9ljfc N. & W..
Mllttnnkee Rrnln Jlnrkrt.
close; No. 1 northern, 7l?i71',4u; No. 2
northern, rauw70',4e; December, 7fJc.
JlYE-KIrm: No. I, 55i35Uc.
DAHLEY Firm; No. 2, 6Dc; sample, 430
OATS-lllgher: No. 2 white, 40?iflllc.
COUN-Decembcr. 5Sc.
do account
do pfd
. & O
Can. l'aclllc ...
Clies. & O..
hi. nt. W.
Siiliirilnr'n IndlenlloiiN of IIIsIiik Mur-
Ket I'rove Fnlnr Prophesies.
NEW YOrtK. Nov. 4.-Speculntors wcro
dlsnppolnted In their hopes of a rise In
prices In today's stock mnrket. Hepnrts
continued reassuring of thn favorable prog
ress of negotiations of the Northern l'a-clflc-arcat
Northern matter, but thorn Is
room, for tho question how tho forthcom-
d. 11. a.
do nfd ....
do 1st pfd
no .a iiki ...
III. Central ...
& N
M., K. & T...
do pfd ......
N. Y. Central
aJeSJH?!? .BrSin?nS?dnn ' ,nB announcement of thn result has ill-
vt imV''L, -s, 1 1' ren(,y ,,een rtlscounted. The apparent le-
k,T.i'or-d-.z:'. .'A0:. 1 clslon on Saturday to adhere to nn op-
CAHHOTH Per mnrket basket, 35c.
IlEETS-l'er half-bu. basket, 30c.
tlmlstlc view of tho money outlook was
J'or b8kot, 30c. Rutabagas, eoo.OOO in gold 'for mW tono's
''iiTiAm'.'ri itLiinm. rn in ?!fmpI ."..'ropq and the renewed
o i sirenKin in me roreien exeiinni'e marKnt
I'AIlBIjKy 1'er I10Z., 25C
SWEET POTATOES Home grown, tier
lb., 2Vc; gcnulnn Virginia, per bbl,, $3.00;
ueorgia, pur uui., -id.
UiiiiJAUK Holland seen, crated, vac.
TOMATOES Home nrown. ner 18-lb. bas
ket. 60c;
HEAN8 Wax, per -bu. basket,. 60c;
string, cr V4-bu. basket. 60c.
per lb., 2c;
ONIONS Homo urown.
Snantsh. ner crate. 11.50.
uml,kiii Kaiamazoo, per ouncn, 253oc;
Ncbrasku, per bunch. 30if35c: Colorado. 40U
KAVI HEAKH-rcr bU., J2.2J.
APPLES Ben Davis, ner bbl.. 13.50: wine-
saps, (3.60; Jonathan, U-wHo.W, snows, $3.50;
ueueuowcrs, per dox, i.w.
ritUNKS utan, per crate, mc,
PEACHES California freestone, ner box.
$1; clings, 85c; Utah frecstons, 76c; Elbcr
tos, 6-basket crate, 11.301(11. 40.
PEARS Kolf ers, S2; Vikert, $2.25; Law
rence, 2.25.
uiiAPEH cnurornia rokay, i-id. crate,
$2; Muscats. $1.60; concords, eastern, 22c.
CRANHERRIE8 Per bbl., 17.00,; per
crate, 12.75.
QUINCES Per box. 11.60.
ORANOES-Mexlcans, 1.004.6O; Florldas,
tiiswuNa i- oncy, j.oyi.w.
In spite of sales against this shipment
wero clear notice lor it cntisldernbln re
quirement still unsatisfied. Tho light of-
icringH or government bonds ror redemp
tion, compared with tho large blocks of
last Friday, came nr. another disappoint
ment nnd dashed tho hopes of considerable
relief to thn money mnrket from that
source. Todny'a redemptions nt tho sub
treasury amounted In par vnluo to only
$169,491). Tho deposit nt the subtrensury of
$200,000 for transfer to Chicago wns an-
ouicr uiunvuruuie iiem in tno outlook.
Last week's currency movement gave hope
that the western demand had been satis
fied nnd tho current from that direction
turned toward Now York, leaving only the
south to be reckoned with for tho future.
Today's transfer had a disturbing effect
on this view, although It Is not necessarily
evidence of u renewal of nny considerable
demand from the west. Tho mnrket closed
dull and heavy, but ut some recovery from
mc iuwvoi, union i-acmo rising a traction
over Saturday In the final dealings.
Railroad bonds wcro Irregular: sales, par
value, $3,045,000. United States bonds wero
nil unchanged on the last call.
Commercial Aclvortlxer-'u l.nnHn,, innn.
clal telegram: Amcrlcun stocks were Arm
but there wuh little Interest taken In them
until New York Kent over some very heavy
options In Union Pacific, Reading. South
ern Pnctllc and Southern railways, all
calls, some at the eml nt iim vnnr i...,
UANANAS Per bunch, according to sire, "J,"1"1 l.3a,ft?nd, f, Jll!;"a.r''
!.25a2.75. cl!!1B0. -d-10' Ucrlln, 20.41.
FIOS-Callforn!a. new cartons, 75c; 1m- ,uhS1!lw,uKiL. tllc closing p
nrted. ner lb.. 1214c. tho Now lork ttock exchange:
norted. ner lb.. I214c.
DATES Persian, In 60-lb. boxes, per lb., A,M
tXLr Hnlr. Ko. . Atcnison .
NUTS New crop walnuts, No. 1
prices on
78JiHt. Paul pfd
,96(4 H. Paelllo
rs 8. Railway
uo iu
II A' II 1(W
I flfl TITII !4 I
lioll ner ill.. 1?n! hnrnnholl. ner lh. l?Lle I ,'.
No. 2 soft-shell. lie; No. 2 hard-shell, 10(40; can! Southern:::: 84 ,T St L &'w
Urazlls, Per lb., 13c; filberts, per lb., 13c; al- ches. & Ohio 46; Ad pt .......
UIU. t .llOIl UaUIIItllmi Pun 111,.
:::: a
cans, large, per lb., 12a; small, 10c; cocoa'
nuts, ner 100, $5; chestnuts, 12c.
HONEY Per 21-soctlon case, $3.6033.75.
CIDER Nchawka, per bbl., $3.00.
8AUERKRAUT Per 34-bbl $3.00.
No. 1 salted, 8 Vic; No. 2 salted, 7&o: No. 1
do nfd
C. 1. & L...
do pfd
C. & Gt. W.
do 1st prd.
do 2d nfd..
C. & N. W.
St. Iionla Grain nnd Provisions.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 4. WHEAT Higher 1
No. 2 red cash, elevator. 714c: track, 72ttu
7Jiic: December, 7214c; May, 7575V4o; No.
No. 2.
r-nali niintnllnns were as follows:
FLOUR-Steady; winter patents. $3.40
i.60: straights. $2.XKt3.30; clears, $2.603.l0;
Pring specials, ti.wui.iv, I'cutino, a.wiu
8,w; sirnmiiip. .iu'io.i.
. WHEAT No. 3, 67?4'8"0!ic; No. 3 red, 7:
nnnN-Nn 3 vallnw. 69W(S60c.
OATS-No. 2. 38V439V4o: No. 2 white, 40K
eilV4o: No. 3 white, lUBHic.
UYE No. 2. 654c.
BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 6358c.
SEED Clover, contrnct irrade, $9.
nnnVTflinNH-Mess nork. tier bbl.. $13.80.
Lard, per 100 lbs., $13.85., Short ribs sides
(loose), $8.66f8.fi0. Dry salted shoulders
i boxed). $7.00ff7.95. Short clear sides (boxed),
SUOAR-Cut loaf, 8.10r8.20c.
WHISKY Basis of high wines, $1.30.
The following are the receipts ond ship
ments for tho last twenty-four hours:
Articles. Receipts. Shipments,
Flour, bbls 47.000 1,000
Wheat, bu 222.000 193.000
Cocn. bu 95.000 29,700
Oats bu 236.000 231.000
Hye, bu 17,000
Har(cy. bu 122.000 14,000
On thn Produce exchange today the but
ler market was firm; creameries, 1421ic
nnlrles. H(319c. Cheese, steady, 9fc'jl04c.
Eggs, firm; fresh. 20c.
(tnotatlnas at tit Dr Vrl
NEW YORK, Nov. 4.-FLOUR-necelpts,
83,6i2 bbls.; exports. 42,060 bbls.: Inactive,
firm and a shade higher; winter patents
$3.5093.85; winter straights. $3.303. 45; Min
nesota patents, $3."53.95; winter extras,
$2.60r2.85; Minnesota bakers. $2.90$3.2S; win
ter low grades, $2.30ft2.4O. Rye, Arm, fair to
good, $2.903.10; choice to fancy, $3.3003..
CORNMEAL Steady; yellow western,
$1.33: city. $1.21; Rrandywlne, $3.23.
RYE Quiet; No. 2 western, 624c f. o. b..
nfloiit; state, 6758c, c. I. f.. New York car
VAKLEY-Oulet: seeding. 5062c. c. 1. f.,
Buffalo; malting. 6"&ilc, c. I, t Buffalo.
WHEAT-Recclpts, 13.600 bushels; ex
ports, 333.626: spot Arm; No. 2 red, 810 t. o.
n, afloat; No. 2 red, 8',;c elevator; No. 1
northern Duluth, 79Uo f. o. b. afloat. Op
tions were strong and active all day on a
further bad squeeze of December shorts,
stronger cables, good foreign demand, ex
port rumorH and Inrge clearances. They
finally eased off under realizing and closed
unsettled nt UfrT4o net advance later on
December. March, 80 5-l6ij8Hc, closed SOHc;
Mny, 794ff79 15-l6o. closed 79Ho; December,
77 6-1678 3-16c, closed 77.c.
CORN Receipts 20,000 bushels; exports,
W.427. Spot firm: No. 2, 65V4o elevator and
65c f. o. 1). afloat. Ontlon mnrket wns
likewise strong and higher on actlvo cover
ing, together with bullish cables, tho wheat
strength and a strong rash situation In
ine snuinwcsi; ciotien strong nt ic net ad
vanre: May. 64H4ifi5He, closed 61ic; De
tiemlior, 64H1l65o. cloned 66c,
OATS- Receipts. 120.000 bushels: rxnnrlii
l.05 bushels; spot llrm; No. 2, 42(442ic:
No. 3. 43c: NO. 2 white. 41ffi41U? Kn :i
white, 4le; track mixed western, 41ih"42,ic;
trnck white, 43t(47c; options tlrm with the
uttinr utntilea unrl fnlrlv nnllvn
HAY Steady; shipping, eoyoso; good to
2 hnrd. 691.4IW70O.
cobn-Higncr; no. s casn. wc:
C..C..C. & St. L
coio. aouin
do 1st prt
do 2d nfd
Del. & Hudson.
i i . Xw r
D. & Rio a
... 254'
... 87(4
... 1H
... 20-1
do pfd
, 60
, -I
, 45
. 2Uki
. sty
veal calf, 8 to 12V4 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, C, R. 1. & P
12 to 16 lbs.. 7c: dry hides. 8H13o: sIiccd Chi. T. & T..
pelta, 25S?27o; horsehldes, $l.&0(S,.,.ffi. do pfd 37,l
. 4Ui
do pfd 91
Erie 41(4
39V4c: May. 30T4c; No. 2 white, 40HlS41c. do 2d pfd ., 66
iiyk irm at uo-c. in, norm, pru....iiH't
kluuh-uuiet nnd steany: reu winter 1 iiocainc vauev.. no;i
atents, $3.408'J.&5; extra rnnoy ana straigni, io pia iu
616v61Ub: December. 69Vc: May.' Blvic
oath liignor; no. casu, wci trncK, awip
. 28
. 21
do pfd
W. & L. E....
do 2d nfil....
WIs, Central .
do nfd
Adums Ex
American Ex.
U. 8. K
WellH-Fnrirn Rv
Amal. Copper .... SOU
Am. C. & F 26'J
Am. LliiHeetl oVl" 16
fill ,lf,l art.
1D ,4
Am. o. & it idtz
lo pfd as !
Anaconda M. Co. 3IU
Brooklyn R. T... ?
Colo. F. & I..t... o3(J
Con. Oas ...213
Con, Tobac. PM..IH14
Qen. Electric . 25.V
1 uriM rnTTriN tirh. ii.cmk t iw; n er
BAaaiNa-6m4o. ?i" at ,., Wtr1 60
PROVISIONS-Dry suit meats, boxed, MvK'r 1 ' u. Mnll J114
steady! extra shorts, $8.124i clear ribs vrto, p-d,nV','i i?V" ir2i2.f ,n' 10l)'
IS.25; clear sides $8.60. liacon, boxed, V r-ni i4ntt fi.f;1, S c"r... l-'i
steady! extra Bhorts, 9.00; clear ribs, $9.12U; N- . Ccntrnl .150(4 Pfd ........... S2i
clear sides, $9.37, Pork, Btcadyi Jobbing N3' t ,"''"" ' C'tr.. 2S
$15.5O16.00. Lard; Lower nt $8.4254. N Pac np''nVd'''!imv SS V.m h,.ccl '" 13
$$$$1kSAt Dul1 at u-"m- 8pelter! omr&'w.r"::::"!!: sai-'.v.-.V.:::--!? 1
POUIrilY-Flrmi chickens, 6c; springs, ITcSElvanla & h' V"''
an, iitrUevB. 7Wct dl cks. 6(H6Ur! ireese. K(fi,. ltc.'in.".B VJ Hit uL''on P. Co 11
11111 CI1DIGUUJ .
Horn yuiet; state, common to choice.
1901 crop, 12l5V4o: 1900 crop. 98Ho; 1899
crop, 6(i Uc. Pnclflo coast, 1901 crop. IZti
lM,4n: 190i) crop, 9Q14C! 18!I9 crop, Wllo.
niDES-FIrm: Galveston. M .. s ti,.
11c: California, 20 to 21 lbs.. 2Hh26c.
LEATHER Steady; hemlock solo. Buenos
Ayres. light to hcnvywelghts, 25ti26?ie.
WOOI- Unlet; doinostlo lleece, 2526c:
ToxiiH, 16frtT7c. v '
K,VB1.NB.T,",rifi.,lrm: Packet. $10.6.)
ft 11.00; family. $; mess. $n,50; beef
2'.5 US. , 522aw'v ? 1 110 : eltv cx,ra ,nrt'11 'n,B.
$17,001(19.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bel
lies. W.nii: Plekled shoulders. $7.25'a
i.uu, ffiun-ii name, 11V,VU1),.. IUra, eaB-
lnr: western steamed. fS.fti! Km..n,k..
closed $9.00. nominal: refined venkor- rnii!
tlnont, $816; South America, $10.16; com
pounrl. $7.6207.75. Pork, dull; family, $17.23
BUTTER Receipts, 7,427 pkgs.; iirm:
state dairy, Htmin: creamery. 15W22V4c: Juno
creamnry, ii'.)i(.i'su; tactory, lZtttflou.
CHEESE Rocelpts, 931 t.kgs?; quiet
.1,11 ,.i,n, i-u.w, miiu Willie, i,1y4C
fancy small, colored. lOHJfl&Hc; white, ioic,
Eaos-Rcculpts, E.940 pkgs.; tlrm; stntt
tnd Pennsylvania, 23f(24c; western, candled
S0ii23e: uncandled. 17i22c.
POULTRY-Allve, unsettled: springers
IHc: turkeys. 8l0c: fowls, 8c. Dressed
weuK; spnngers, ;buc; iowis, svwjw; tur
KOJ luqiiii;.
METALS Ah Is Usual before n hiilMii
trading wns slow in the mnrket for metals
toduy utid. losses were evldejtt. Locnlly tin
wns unsettled ana easy at $24.50r25.00 for
spot, while values In London were also n
hade lower, closing at 113 lis 6d for sunt
and 108 16s for futures. Copper was 7s fd
higher with spot quoted at 65 12m 6d and
futures at. 64 17a d. At New York the
togfr market was unchanged and quie
OIucobo Sugar' :::!,:
Hocking Coal .... n
titer. Power .... SM?
nntents. i;i.4( e
I3.004r3.i6j clear, $2.7082.90. III. Centrnl HOU
kk Mas-. Ttmninv seen. iirm. fta.iutao.tu: i juwit iemrui .... 11
flax, no mnrket. I do nfd , 7JJ41
roniu i a HTnnv. xj.iii. 1 Lt. rj. i
BRAN Scarce and strong: sacked east uo. put ,w inter, power
track, 87V4o( nay, Bteaay ror prairie nnn M""". ".. i-ucietio uas
tftfti for timothy, Timothy, $U.OOgi4.00 Manhattan L...,.103JilNat. Biscuit
1 I on iwvH tv I Mot. Hi. 1 1 V Ih4l Nil f I .1
pr'"r"'!..v".V'T:. ... n;Vr' .w.,',,
WHiBivi-Dteauy, i v:""' . :!".' .:.
HEMP Twine, 9c. gmiioniu ., w -un pru
m. ii....,...iw;it tinier.
do 1st pfd
UO 2Q Din .
St. L. S. W.
do nfd
uu urn . .
do 2d nfd : 51 U. S. Umh'"" ii-,.
...... V .Fit, Wl
78 U. H. llllhlier Tii
67i do pfd J:f
...... 26i! u. s. steer......:: Vs
Dftft no, pra oiji
ItiaitlWestern Union:.. 94(4
iMlunces. S2.2S2.375. nmled exchnliEe. ll.St'i
?I.87W, New York exchange, 10 cents dis
count. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 4,-ClearlngJ,
$15,832,051; bnlnnccs, $7,690,417; money, ti'Js
ler cent.
CINCINNATI, O., Nov. 4. Money 4 to 6
per cent. New York exchnnge, 15U74
cents premium; clearings, $1,119,140.
MAlI IMUltl'J. NOV. 1. ClCarillRS. d,tiO,
Btif ItMri lotiT aid Ittoic t Tti
Iihr 0wi lrtight Strong Prleis.
London Kdick t)nnlnlnna.
LONDON, Nov. 4.-2 p. m.-ClosIng:
. 81
M. & St. P....171U
dn nfd
N. PnclflP nfd.
Out. & w......
Pennsylvania .
Rending .......
do 1st pfd ...
do 2d pfd ....
S. Railway ....
do nfd
S. Poclllc
. 91 (,
. 33(4
. 70
. 22'i
. 33
. 34(s
. 91
51 I
Sheep and Lambs In Actliv Demand nt
at Price RanKlna; Strong; to Dime
Higher Than Last Week, Feed
ers Sold Jnt About Steady.
Receipts wcro: Caltlo. Hogs. Sheep
muuua f
flu. Hiiv ii.M, i.i.i.u
same week before...:"
bame tliree Wet) us ugo
sauiu lour wevks agu..
oitmu any last year....
AVerillFA nrlr.a . ,1.1,1 r...
Oniana tllu liuat nevnral iIuvh
. 9lJ;l.t'nlon PnclHu ....105,'t
..... 42(1
do tifd
U. S. Steel
.... 43$
do pfd 94W
Wnlmslu 20(
vn;' uu win .......... ,i i
26(4!Spnnfsll 4 69f
fi7'4 llnr
1 liniul Mines
.16l(iDeIlcers ...
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills nnd Ixmdnn Is 3H03V4 per
cent. The rnto of discount In the open mar
ket for three months' bills Is Z per cent.
Neir York Mining ((notation.
NEW YORK. Nov. 4 -The following nro
the closing prices on mining stocks:
Adams Con 18
Alice 400
Ilreeco ion
Brunswick con.. 10
Comstock Tunnel 6
Con. Cal. & Vn...l65
Deadwood Terra. 60
Horn Silver 190
Iron S lver 60
Lcadvtllo Con.... 5
Little Chief 13
Ontnrlo 1000
Ophtr 75
Phoenix 6
Potosl 6
Savage 5
Hierra isevnaa ... s
Small Houes 40
Standard 3S0
Cotton Market.
w.......u i'-ic.i 74tii iur cL'iii. ntcriinc? ev-
iSLr60 08 L!?'.IS.8,.r.V.' w"A. actual business in
iv ""; - uiiiiwr uu at i.t)i ior demnnd ami
-Beef, tlrm: extra India at $4.834.83 for sixty days; posted rn?es
srk. llrm: nrlme mess west- u uhtrnjL -. ua u riiiSiY. ' r'"r!
' ... luiiiiii,;! v,,ll
creamery. 17023c:
dairy, nunc.
vrnriH Hicncr at isc.
BEOEIPTS Flour, 8,000; wheat, 82,000;
CUlIlf POftrW 1IUIO, lWWi
SHIPMENTS Flour. 15.000: wheat. 16.-
000; corn, zs,uuu; oats, n.uuu.
LlTerpool Grata and Provisions.
v . 1 1 r 1 1 ti i rr, n .
i .1 v r. rifi ii 1 1 nnv. i. 1 nnn niiui, . - .
firm: No. 2 western, white. 6s 0',4d: No. 1 i,ew ,orK oney ainrket.
northern, sminff. 6s 9V4d: No. 1 California. vkw vnnif Vn ii
5s lOHd; futures, steady; December. 5s S4d; steady nt 34 per cent;' last loan. 3 ner
March. Sa lOd. cent: ruling at 4 per cent: prime mer-
entiN flnnt. firm" Amerlenn mixed, new. in ..u. l-ur- ' zr" IJ :"!! ner
bs iod; futures,
mini. 74h 6ii. Pi
ern. 73s ta. lara, American . rennou, in Dills. $4.83i4.83U.
palls. 44s; prime western, in tierces, dull, SILVER BAR-Silver, 57Uc; Mexican dot
1Kb. Ttams. short cut. 14 to 16 lbs., nu et. lnr jsi-.,. ' n.n uoi-
48s. Bacon, quiet: Cumberland cut. 26 to 30 BONDS Government bonds. stertv.
fclnidSySirifin't: 3 to 5, iffi'. 35s! long M"'"' ,nac,lve' 'bonds,' Iri
Clear mmaies, ncavy, to iu ids., ism on;
short clear Dacus. w 10 zu ins., ias; cicar
bellies, if to iu ma., mm ua. unoumers,
square, II to 13 ins., quiet, ai.
BUTTER Steady: finest United States,
92a; good United states, 72H.
CHEESE Quiet; American finest white,
45s: American, finest colored. 45s tid.
TALLOW prime city, stenny, zss 6a;
AtiBtrallnn, In London, quiet, 29s.
F LOU it at. x-ouiB innuy winter, steaay,
I M,
I'E AS Canadian, steady, as 2M,d.
HOPS At London. l'aclllc coast, steady.
3 WBIJ lbB.
lmnorts of wheat into Liverpool Inst
week wcro 60,900 quarters from Atlnntio
ports, none from Pacific ports and 61,000
from otner nurm. iiuiHjrin oi corn irom
Atlantio ports last wecK wcro quar
Tho closing quotations on bonds are as
U. 8. r. 2s. reg...l09
no coupon iua
do 3s. reg 108
do coupon 108
do new 4s, reg. .139
do coupon ....139
do old 4s, rcg..U2U
do coupon ...,112(4
Kansna City riraln
ud Provisions,
cember, 6654c; May. 70HtT70c; cash. No.
2 hard. 67&6So: No. 3. 66'A74c: No. 2 red.
70V4o: No. 3. 6970c; receipts. 121 cars. ,r'ri'A fit ie in ni'1
CO UN December. 6lSc; May. OHJc: cash, rn Termlnnl 4s ov.
No. 3 mixed. BWWBOI No. 2 wkte, 624fi63c; Solorndo So 4s.': ssfj
do 6s. reg 107
do couDon .A...107
Atchison, g. 4s.. .,103
do adj. 4 93
I), at w. in jiuvi
do 3!aa !Us
do conv. 4s 109
Can. South. 2s.108ty
Cen. of On. 6s..,.104J
do is tnc iu
Ches. & O. 4V4S..107
Chi. & A. 3',4 85
C..B.& 4s. 9ST4
CM & St P
C. & N. W. c- 7s,137T
C. It. 1. & P. 4s..lWi-Ti
llt unl s...lOi
.Alex. Central 4s. 82V4
oo ist inc 29!S
M. & St. I., iu im'1
i'M K. & T. 4s... 100
uu ia g0i4
N. . Central ls,105-'i
do gon. 3V4S....108U
v 'n' C.fn'.B' 5s130Ts
N. Paclllc 4s Mm
do 3s 72i?
N. & W. c. 4s losij
ci. o 6. Rfll, IN,. V
D. He R. G. 4s 1031,
Erlo n. lien 4s... 99
do gen. 4h 87T41
Ft.W. & D.C.1S..106H
1IOCK, VIII. 4i8..,lUl',B
St L & I M c. 6s..ll6i:
St. L. & s. F. is. OS
oi. u. a. w. is... in
do 2s 70
8. A. d A. P. in.. S7
So. Pacific. 4 9
S. Railway Cs.... ljiyti
"I'ex. & p. Js jls,?
?X& U- W, 4s 81(1
uiuuii i iaiiic, 1..lli,i'.
dn i conv. 4s 107U
Wabash Is n'li
lo 2. novj
do dub. n r.n
est wnore Is.,
W. & L. E. 4s.,
Ms. Central 4s,
Con. Tob. 4fl...
Boston Stock Quotations.
Nn. .1. 63e.
OATS No. 3 White, 18c.
11 YE NO. 2. MC.
HAY Choice timothy. $1.6013.00: choice
prairie, $13.004rl3.50.
nun tiiiv v-rcnnicry, ;vc; aairs, rancy,
EGGS HlKher: fresh Missouri nnd Kan.
sas stock quoted on change, ' 17c dozen,
ioms on. cases reiurneu.
Keceints: Wheat. 96.800 bushels: corn 58..
uu nusneis; oain, ,vuu nusneis.
snipmcnts: wneat, w.w nusnois; corn,
2S.800 bushels; oats, 13,000 bushels.
.. ZZZ ... " Atchison is 10a
Minneapolis wheat, Flour and Oran. Gas Is 7S
MlMWPATini.lO Sn.t 1 TVITI.-Arr. r..i- I M.8X. CCntml 18,, HI
I 1. . w , . fcj , ...... II llUJtl
71Uc: December. 69Uc: Mav. 71i!i7nie
" m. . - ' - ... I 111 UIU ...
trncK: o. I. imru, liiui o. 1 nortnem, imslnn & A 256V4
Boston ct Me in- Conner Itnnico
Iiomlnlau Coal
-ItlAXT I.. I "t tl, , I . ii,,.. n i'., .. . i.,"i". "
IlHrt.l All IJUIIV, itk.UUlf il.W,
. M
. 46H
closed quiet, 14-16o higher: middling up
lands, 715-16C! middling gulf, 8 3-16c; sales,
2,246 bales. Futures closed steady. No-
voinDcr. T.boc: uecember, i.eac; January,
7.60c: February. 7.57c: March. 7.55c: Anril.
7.5Cc; Mny, 7,60c; June, 7.47c; July, 7.46c;
JMIgllM, I..KC.
Plrm? aol.H 7 "Til linli.. nhllnari' (!.-. imn.l
ordinary. 6'4c; low mhidling, 7 l-16c; mid
dling, 7 7-16c; good middling, 711-16c; mid
dling fair, 7 15-lOc; receipts, 17.450 bales;
siocit, naies, ruiurcs, steady; No
vember. 7.43ft7.45c: December. 7.43r7.44c:
January, 7.3i(ft7.3Sc; February. 7.357.37c;
Aiarcu, ,7.:ifHDr.3iic; April, y.3ij'i.)c; May,
7.34(W7.35c: June, 7.33fi7.3lc.
ST. kuuih, Nov. i. cotton steady;
sales. 325 bales: middling. 7 9-16c: recelots.
6,998 bales; shipments, 9,221 bales; stock,
43,090 bales.
creased, demnnd higher; American mid
dling fair, 4 2-32d; good middling, 417-32d;
nuudiing, 4 i-itxj; inw muiaung, 13-im;
good ordlnnry, 4 3-16d; ordinary, 315-lfxl.
Tho sales of the day were 8,000 bales, of
which 600 wcro for speculation and oxport
u ml Included 6,900 American. Receipts, 15,
ooo bales, Including 8,200 bales American.
tenures openea nrm ana closed very
steady; American middling, g. o. c, No
vember, 4 lo-wci, uuyers; Novemuer and
December. 4 ll-64d. buyers: December and
January. 4 10-64&4 U-6ld, sellers; January
nnti ieurunry, 4 iv-um, seuers; iCDruary
and March. 4 10-64(1, sellers; March nud
April, 4 9-6484 10-6td, buyers; April and
May. 4 9-64JM 10-64d, buyers; May and June,
I 9-64t4 10-61d, buyers: June and July, 4 9-64
(l410-64d, buyers; July nnd August, 4 9-64
4 10-6ld, sellers.
Oil nnd Hoaln.
OIL CITY. Nov. 4. OIL Credit balances.
11 'Hi' certificates, no bid: shlnments. 176.623
bbls.; uverngo, udis.; runs, o,ira ddis.;
nvernce. &7.UH ud s.
SAVANNAH. Nov. 4.-OIL-Splrlts tur
pentine, iirm, 3jc. iioEin, nrm.
TOLEDO, Nov. 4.T-QIL North Lima, S9c;
South Lima and Indiana, 89c.
LONDON. Nov.- 4. OIL Calcutta linseed.
spot, 324V41. Roslri',' line, 8s 9d. Turpen
tine. 46h 4d.
NEW YUKlv. Nov. . uiu-cottonseed
llllll, fllllllO jr.tvr., W7Z1.. . DUIUUIH, UUI,,
rellned New York. $7.65; Philadelphia and
llnltlmnrn. S7.60: Phllndelnhla nnd Baltl
more, in bulk. $5. Rosin, quiet; strained,
common to good, $1.22Ji'&'1.45. Turpentine,
steady. 36Ff38V4c. .
LIVERPOOL, Nov. 4. OIL-Cottonseed,
Hull rellned, snot. 22s 9d. Turpentine spirits,
qulot, 27s. Rosin, common, quiet, 4s. Petro
leum, rellned, tlrm, 7ftd. Linseed, llrm,
Muuar and Molasses.
Steady, cood demnnd; new plantation, open
kettle. :P,t03Hc; open kettle centrifugal,
3Ufi3 9-16e; ccntrlfugul, granulated, 4R1c;
white, 3V3V 15-16c; yellows, 3V43 13-16C
Molasses, new, quiet, but steady; open
kettle. 261j33c: centrifugal, 1526c. Syrup,
quiet: new, '.itiSjZNC.
NEW YORK. Nov. 4. SUGAR Raw m;
kct quiet and easy; fair refining, 3i33 5-16a;
centrifugal, 96 test, 3ic. Refined, quiet;
No. 7. 4.30c; No. 8, 4.20c; No. 9. 4.15c; No.
in 4.l0n: No. 11. 4.05c: standard A. 4.90c:
confectioners' A, 4.90: mould A, 4.60c; cut
loaf, 5.u)c; crusnen. a.boc; powaereo, o.ioc;
. niien. R.35e: molnsses sucar. 3c. Molasses.
steady; New Orleans, open kettle, good to
choice. ;i7STc.
LONDON. Nov, 4, SUGAR Beet, No
vember, 7s 2Ud.
Evaporated Apple and Dried Frail.
aptt.ES Trudlim In the mnrket for evap
orated apples was moderately actlvo today
with clioico anu tancy grnoes receiving ine
mnst ii ttr nt ion at old nriccs. state, com
mon to good, 6lf8c; prime, S'4c; choice, 9o;
fnmiiv. nvirfi'jiic.
CAUII' UltNlA umr.u r nut IB were
Inactive; prunes, 4ic; apricots, royal,
8V4ttl3c; Moor park, 8ftl2c; poaches, peeled,
llilisc; unpccien, ooavsc
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 4.-COFFEE-8pot Rio
steady: No. 7 Invoice, 6Hc: mild quiet: Cor
dova, 74011c. Coffee futures opened stoady
in tone at unennngea pners to o points ai
rline. Final urlces wero steady at a net
partial loss of 5 points. Total sales were
M.UOO bags, Including November, 5.90if6.00c;
IJecemner, u.wtto.wic; January, t.wi oiarcii,
6.2506.650: April, 0.40c; May. S.iS'aS.Wc;
July, 6,606.6oc: September, a.sso; uctouer,
New York Dry Good Market.
vp.w YOrtK. Nov. 4. DRY GOODS In-
i.raat In the election tomorrow has Inter
dlriernblv with business here todav
and the market has been dull In nil direc
tions, ine tone nus ruien quiri. aiib ran
nkr mnrket has been Inactive without
change In price. Tho market will be closed
Elgin Butter Market.
Kl GIN. Nov. 4. BUTTER Tho butter
market remained unchnnged today, being
declared llrm at 22c. Thero wero no offer
ings nnd no rcgulnr snles. Tho sales of thn
week nggrcgnto wmh"i poniinu.
Wont Market.
Indicates Sundav.
Tho Official number nt rnrs nt stock
brought in today by each road was:
, M. & St. V. Ry.... 3 i
& St. Ia. Hv l
Missouri Paclllc Ry.. 2
Union Pacific system. 29 3 , 30 6
u. in. w. jty in l
F., E. & M. V. Ry.... 24 7 20
C., SL P., M. & O. Ry S 3 .. 1
B. & M. R. R. R 95 4 4 2
C. , It. & Q. Ry 10 7 .. 1
K. C. & St. J. Ry 13
C R. I. & P., cast 8
C. R. I. & P., west.. 7
Illinois central l l .. l
Total receipts ....197
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the
nurauer oi ncaa inaicateu:
Omaha Packing Co...... 214
G. II. Hnmmond Co 806
Swift and Company 621
Cudahy Packlns- Co 634
Armour & Co 432
Swift, from country
Hammond, from country 131
nccKcr fc uegnn ixi
Vansant & Co 132
L. Carev 171
Lobman & Co t... 6!
W. I. Stephen 1S9
Benton & Underwood.... 172
Livingstone & Schuller.. 3
B. F. Hobblck 79
Hamilton A. R 207
L. F. Husz 4
Wolf & M 156
Other buyers 516
BOSTON. Nov. 4. Call lonns. 3W4 ner
cent; time loans, 484V4 per cent. Official
71o; No. 2 northern, 634J63?ic
lAllnuez ......
, . Mex. Central 4s,. M Baltic 41V
-Cash, Atchison 78 Bingham S7!4
,'v. " rt0 "M SoNCal. & Hecia 660
Hi'. 4
FLOUR Firm and higher: first patents, n StoH Ele... 67
$3.753.83: second patents. $3.603.70; first N. Y. ,N. II. & i 1 213
clears. $2.802.0: second clears, $2.25. F icliburg nfd .114
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Nov. 4.-CORN-Hlffher: Vn n
OATS-Flrmj No, 2 white, 39i839Wc, billed
WHISKY On tho basis of $1.30 for fin-
Duluth Grain .tlnrket.
Dt'LUTII. Nov. 4,-WHBAT-No. 1 hard.
2s.Vc! S". 8 northern, 07o; No. 1 northern,
704u: December, 69Uo; May. "iVtC.
i ' . i ri iwiioi-ac.
Union Paelllo ...,103
Mex. Centrnl .... '-'1V4
Am. Sugar 117
Am. 1 . & T lot
llnmlnlnn I .C S 'H
'Gen. Elpctrlc 258
Mnss. Electric... 3,Vi
il(i nfd 91
N. E. Gas & C..,. Ii
United Fru t .... Kiu
r. a. Kieoi i.
t o nin in1.
Advepiuro ..'N
Old Dominion .
Rant a Fe Cop..
Trlmnuntaln ...
United States .
Wlnonu ,
. 16
. -u
. S
. 37
. iu
. 25
. 12
. 23
. 7
Visible Supply of Grain.
NEW YOniv. Nnv t Tin. i-uihi. ...n.
ply of grain Saturday, ns compiled by the
Now lork Produce exchange, was as fol
llnnk t'lenrlMK.
OMAHA. Nnv. 4. Bank clearings today.
(1,126,052.92; corresponding day Inst year,
H.lho.wu.OT; netTease, i,uai.uu.
NEW YORK. Nov. t.-Cleurlngs, $142,211,
K2: balitiues. 19.157.922.
CHICAGO, NOV. .-Clearings, $30,S42,3U;
ST. LOUIS, Nov.-4. WOOI Dull, steady
in mil inn urnnes. iiuvi'iici umiii uu. w
HVio; heavy line, lOflllHc; tub washoi
W.York Live Stock Blarket.
Rff YORK. Nov. 4.-BEEVE8-Re
erints. 5.122: steers, firm to 10c higher
lmiiK. stendv to lower: cows, lower,
Steers, $3.80(5.50; tops, $5.75; oxen and
Htags, $3.2.r4f4.S0; bulls. $; choice
fat do. $3.80; cows, 1. 60a3.2o; citDies steady
exports tomorrow, 750 cattle and 3,700 quar
lra nf liecf.
CALVES Receipts. 2.356; veals, steady to
strong: grnssers, nnn. eais, 4..iuns.Z6
tops. $S.37H5?S.60: llttlo calves, $3.504.00
crnsscrs, J-'. ia,j.jiv4; wcsiern caives, j.
BllEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. 14.9SO
Mheen. llrm to lOo higher: lambs. 104115c
higher. Sheep. J2.00Sf3.25: choice, $3.4040
3.50; nuns, i.o'i(rn.,n; minus, - .-.Wfti.HI;
Canada lambs. Jl.851fJl.10; chills. $3.003.50,
IIOuw iteceipts, iu.ito; mwer; mixed
western hogs, jd.baw.iw; sinto hogs, 6.2,
516.35; tew inside unies at o.w.
.Stock In flight.
The following t.ihln shows tho recelnts o
cnttle, hogs nnd sheep nt the live principal
kiook niarKeis tor Novemner 1;
Cut lie. I loirs. Sheen
Smith Omaha 6.323 2.5M 15.S99
Chicago ,. 4,000 25.000 27.(0)
Kansas City 9.000 6,00) 3V)
St. Ixjills 4,800 6.10O '0)
St. Joseph 2,500 4,500
Totals 1 111 1 Ml It I 25,0 43,U U,M
7 cows,
K3 2 20
, t),lHt
, V,9j'J
. l.i'jJ
liogs al
with coin-
Date. 1 1901. 1J00.1899.1SJ8.1897.U9.1S95.
16... I
24... I
29... I
6 23 I
bji 1
6 2614
6 03 1
6 01 I
6 0o
6 00 I
6 73
a ii I
S 82H
4 721 4 20
4 Mi 4 l0
4 52 4 1V
1 til 1 I 10,
4 M 14 61
4 62!
4 bl 4 IS
61 1 4 14
1 191 4 131
4 681 4 1!
4 54
4 621
4 601
4 47
4 61
4 Wi
4 66
4 10
4 091
4 03
4 01
4 Oil
4 04
4 0:
I 3 69
3 7( 1
3 67 3 54
3 ?Ji 3 lJi
3 71 3 64
3 60 1 3 tZ
3 65 3 53
I 3 Ml
3 56
3 bS 3 46
3 6l 3 41
3 471 3 3s
3 62 3 42
3 51 3 381
- Mill
3 561
3 63 1 3 29
3 451 3 41
3 46 3 43
3 51 3 43
3 20 3 70
3 U t iO
I 3
3 2b i ji
3 2.-
A V3 3 62
A 25; 3 bj
3 lb, 3 49
3 2J 3 53
I 3 54
3 26. 3 13
3 17
3 13 3 41
3 15 3 39
3 Hi 3 36
3 19, 3 40
3 42
3 27 3 It
3 30.
3 31 3 33
CATTLE Recelnts of cattle wrro fnlrlv
liberal today, though not as many arrived
as a week ago. ns the tuble of recelnts
above will show. The demand on the part
of packers was liberal and consequently a
strong, healthy market resulted. Anything
at all desirable was out of first hands In
good season and very satisfactory prices
wero paid.
Offerings of cornfed cattle were rnther
limited today, but the few. good bunches
that were offered sold at good, strong
prices and In some cases sales were mil do
that looked a little higher. The common
and uair tat stun; was of course more or
ess nt'Klected. ns Backers senernllv nrefer
the westerns to the common cornfeds, but
sun tuny steaay prices were paia as com
pared with the close of last week.
ine cow mantel was also active ana
trong today. A few cornfeds were on
sale and they brought very satisfactory
prices, though there have been so few
offered of late that It Is difficult to mnke
comparisons. The general run of natives.
tnougn, Drougm goou; strong prices all
Bulls, calves and stags met with ready
sale at Just about last week's prices.
There were quite a lew stocKers and feed
ers in tne yarua mis morning, nut any
thing at all good sold without trouble at
steady prices. Tne common Kinds, though,
were hnrd to dispose of and the trade on
sucn Kincis was siow nna uneven.
There were not very many western beef
steers. on sale as compared with tho total
receipts, nna, ns tne aemana wns neavy,
tne mantel ruieu active ana strone tn .1
dime highor than last week's close. There
were some coiorauo cattle good enough to
sen at 3.uu, which iuukuu uae a gooa,
Biriinc nrlcc. Range cows were nctlvn nmi
strong today, everything being sold in cood
season. uiocKers ana teeners 01 gooa qual
ity also nrougni gust a no m last weeks
prices, lieprcsentauve sales:
uativ HT1SEKS
... 840
... 930
,.. 870
... 760
... 830
... 968
3 00
4 35
4 90
4 90
6 10
2 00
2 00
2 00
8 15
2 15
2 15
2 15
2 35
2 40
2 40
2 60
3 60
3 70
2 75
1 ,
36 ,
.. 950
.. 984
.. SOO
.. 890
.. 830
.. 980
.. 950
... 400 2 25
... 875 6 60
...1300 2 60
... 140 4 25 1 140
... 160 4 60 1 200
... 210 4 50 1 110
70 1 60 5
5 25
6 25
5 90
5 90
2 75
2 75
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 25
3 25
3 25
3 35
3 35
4 00
4 00
5 00
6 00
S 00
410 3 1
1 770 2 40
3 1006 3 00
25 339 3 00
1 WOO 300
66 741 8 10
22 feeders.. 1053 3 60 6 feeders.. 1058
oiaf Liinaoerg Neb,
3 696 3 15
7 1028 3 25
14 784 3 35
18 1022 3 65
,0 cows 1002
4 cows 857
2 bulls 1195
32 COWS 891
3 cows 910
1 bull 1470
6 calves... 165
1 bull 1350
1 heifer.... R00
1 bull 1270
1 steer K
1 steer 970
2 steers.. ,.10n0
1 feeder,
2 bulls..
1 bull...
2 bulls..
2 steers.
7 steers.
6 cows..
.. 700
.. 995
... 794
1 COW 1000
1 COW.
1 COW,.,
4 cows.,
1 cow...
16 cows..
2 90
2 00
2 35
2 15
2 65
2 00
4 75
3 00
3 00
2 30
3 75
3 60
3 60
3 00
2 25
2 25
2 25
4 26
2 ,0
2 10
2 75
3 25
2 60
3 25
2 60
3 05
'1 cow 760
I stag 1120
4 feeders., 937
51 cows 1010
13 cows..... 874
1 steer 910
2 cows 1120
9 cows 1031
1 cow 1050
5 cows 1132
1 COW 1010
II cows 975
35 feeders,. 833
17 feeders,,
1 stag....,
6 feeders.
3 feeders,. 626
4 steers, ... tos
6 cows 840
1 cow 920
2 cows 800
2 steers.. ,,1000
2 neirors... 670
6 heifers,
2 cows...
3 03
2 00
2 80
3 40
2 50
3 60
2 85
2 20
3 25
2 23
3 25
3 60
3 60
2 25
3 23
2 50
2 70
2 10
3 00
2 75
2 60
2 65
3 00
21 feeder.. 1004
2 reeders.. iw
29 feeders.. 1071
1 bull 1250 '2 10
2 bulls 1295 2 25
1 feeder... 1130 2 75
3 feeders.. 783 2 40
1 feeder... 1180 2 90
1 feeder... 850 2 15
5 feeders.. 606 2 20
n feeders.. 618 2 60
fih feders,.100l 3 10
g reeoers,,iiu .1 iu
1 cow 1330 3 25
6 cows 1050
15 steer 1230
C. J,
2 cows.,..
1 cow,,,.
1 cow..,.
3 cows...
1 cow....
1 row.,..
1 cow,,..
1 cow...,
1 cow,...
1 cow....
1 60 2 feeders,. 910
3 00 101 feeders.. 1038
3 60 1 feeder... 780
64 cows 906
60 feeders.. 997
10 feeders.. 1012
106 steers.... 896
8 steers.,,. 1022
1 steer 670
10 steers.. ..1106
13 cows 907
1 cow 900
65 cows 1031
1 cow 1100
85 21 cows 1050
4 0
Benjamin Neb.
. 960 2 60 1 bull 1470
.1070 3 60 lbull 1170
.1060 2 60 2 feeders.. 99
. 976 2 CO 1 feeder... 810
.1000 2 60 I cow 930
.1020 2 00 2 COWS 1060
.low 3 l 1 cow....
. 7S0 2 00 1 cow....
.1060 2 00 1 cow....
. 750 2 00
Dennis & P. Neb.
32 cows 1054 3 15 13 cows...
1 COW 1010 J 16 3C0W6...
Joy & uordnn Neb.
89 COWl 1021 2 a 27 C0W1 964
, IKiO
3 00
3 40
3 25
3 00
3 25
2 80
3 25
3 65
2 00
3 65
2 50
2 60
3 25
3 76
3 60
2 15
2 25
3 25
2 5')
2 60
2 60
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 35
2 00
1 helfct..
3 steer?....
1 cow
V cows.....
3 10
3 40
2 VI
2 15
3 20
3 SO'
3 25
3 00
3 (0
3 80
2 25
2 00
2 SO
2 30
2 GO
1 cow.. . ..1100 2 75
172 feeders. 106:1 3 85
.1, W. Bush-Wyo.
11 cows 1072 3 10 1 cow 10G0
H. Swlnlmck Wvo.
3 feeders.. 96 3 10 4 feeders.. 912
6 feeders.. 910 3 40
William Stcwnrt Colo.
lOSedecrs... 975 3 25
Charles Thompson Neb.
2 bulls 1230 2 20 10 cows 1091
2 cows 925 1 75 9 cW 1U51
H C. Mcrrlninn Neb.
10 cows. ... 855 1 80 5 heifers... 6S2
1 cow 700 1 SO 1 heifer.... S2U
1 cow 1100 2 l 21 heifers... 6O0
670 2 76 3 lietfcrs... UW
A. Mlller-Ncb.
710 2 ft) G cows 912
910 3 () 12 vows 10t))
7D2 3 00
Monte Dlovlns Colo.
100steers...lllo 6 00 15 stwrs....llS0 6 00
189 steers. ..1:11 b w
n. 11. nus 1 vyo.
26 steers. ...1221 4 85 27 toffs 1116
4 steers. ...lira 4 i"i
u. a. wnson wyo.
22 feeders. 815 3 75 7 bulls..
2 feeders., 3 2.1 s nuns..
1 feeder. ,.1'UO 3 W
T. J. Mltchcll-Ncb.
3 steers.... Mm 2 Wi 15 steers.. 810
9 steers.,.. 910 2 30 1 steer 6S0
William Stuart-Colo.
100 feeders. 988 3 25 8 feeders.. 9SS
John Wilkinson wyo.
2t steers. ...12sl & 03
E. Pauls-Colo.
75 steers.. ..1189 4 75 18 feeders.. 861
2 feeders.. SIR aw
lj. Dorset o. u.
2 steers. ...1320 3 60 1 cow.,
8 steers.... 9.S6 4 25 5 cows,
3 ntecrs....l0S! 4 60 25 cows,
3 feeders.. 970 3 40
J. O. Ryan Wyo.
61 cows 973 3 15 .
lions There wns about a' usual
day's run of .hogs here today nnd as tho
demand was 01 lltierai proportions win
mnrket opened In good season at nn nd
vmice of nearly loc over closing prices
of last week. The bulk of tho hogs sold nt
$5.80 and $3.8214. Tho choicest loads sold
mostly from $5.85 to $6.00. At those prices
It was a fairly active market and owing to
the limited offerings the marKoi noon camo
to a cioso.
As will he seen frnm the table of average
prices given above today's advance carries
the market back to about whom It was
on Tuesday of last week. In spite of tho
ranld declines nf thn Inst few weeks prices
nro still nearlv$1.25 higher thnn they wero
a year ago, $1.75 higher than two years ago
anu ii3o mgncr tiian lliey were tnrco yars
ngo. In fnct prices are now at tho highest
point they have over been at this time or
tho year since 189.1, when hogs were selling
from $5.90 to $6.0") Representative sales:
No. Av. Sh. Pr,
76 241
61 26S
3 (5
3 11
2 75
3 55
Av. Sh.
65 297
31 289
61 291
55 265
66 252
69 253
63 261
6 25
6 60
6 6
5 75
5 7714
5 80
5 50
6 SO
6 SO
5 80
5 80
5 80
5 80
6 80
5 80
6 80
6 80
5 80
5 8214
6 82$
6 82k
61 263
6 82 4
6 82$
6 82',
6 82U
6 82ft
5 82U
5 82 T
6 82(4
66 266
37 219
1.3. .
G 8:
G K,
5 82 5
5 82A
5 821
5 85
6 90
G 95
6 00
SHEEP This week onened with liberal
receipts uf sheep, but evidently there wcro
none too many on sale to meet tho require
mcnts of locul pnekcrs. Buyers started In
early nnd practically everything deslrnble
Iu the way of fnt sheep nnd lnmbs was
out of llrst hands ut nu early hour. The
prices puld could safely be quoted strong
to a dime higher than those In force 11 1
the close of Inst week. The Chicago mnrket
was only quoted steady, but that did not
seem to Infliienco the trnde at this point.
Feeders sold nt .lust about steady prices.
It was noticeable, however, thnt there wcro
hardly ns niun buyers on the mnrket ob
wero hero the llrst of last week. That
fnct took some of tho snap out of tho trade,
but about steady prices ruled.
Quotations: Choice yearlings, $3.40373.65;
fair to good yearlings, $3.204j3.40; choice
wethers. $3.30fl3.50; fair to good wethers,
$310f)3.3o; choico ewes, $2.903.10; fair to
good ewes, $2.6002,90; choice spring lambs.
JI.30m.G0; fair to good spring lambs, $I.101ii
4.30; feeder wethers, J3.0OM3.&0; feeder
minus, Beprcscntntivo sales:
67 Wyoming owes
1.021 Wyoming wethers.
71 Wyoming Inmbs
3 feeder wethers
271 feeder wethers
222 feeder wethers
267 Wyorr.lnrt sheep
159 Wyoming sheep
2.3S6 feeder lambs.
259 feeder Iambs
1,215 feeder lambs
2 75
3 50
4 25
3 00
3 30
3 30
3 45
3 45
3 80
3 90
3 90
Knvnl Constructor Anderson Sen
tenced to Yrnr'n Cnnflnemcnt
In Slim Slim Prison,
NEW YORK, Nov. 4.-E. C. Anderson, a
naval constructor, convicted of attempted
bribery, was today sentenced by United
States Judgo Thomas to one. year In Sing
Sing prison nnd lined $1. Anderson had a
contract to furnish brass fittings to the
United States government and offered
Lieutenant Wlllard Howtsnn, one of the
naval board supervising architects, $2,000 to
approve short deliveries. After Anderson
was sentenced ho wns granted a stay of
cxectltlon pending appeal.
Former Clilrnno Oil OmiRrr nnd III
Assistant Produce the Necc
snry Tliousniiils.
CUICAOO, Nov. 4. Robert E. llurUo,
former city oil Inspector, and Max PraRor,
his assistant, under Indictment on twenty
counts charging conspiracy, gave bonds of
$10,000 today. No capiases wcro lusucil,
Teini (ill ,(mt.
From Beaumont Dally, Oct. 2S, 1901:
"Tho Apex Oil company's noil was
brought In today In good shape. Its action
at first was spasmodic, hut soon got down
to business and tho flow was a 6-Inch
steady stream."
"Spindle Top No. 2 wns brought In Sat
urday morning with n flno 6-Inch flow.
Saturday was a rccord-brenker on Splndlo
Top. Tho day wound up with four gushers."
"Flfty-ono cars oil sold hero on track
today. A very good day."
"Over 400 shiploads Beaumont oil now on
tho briny deep enrouto to Europe, to ho
used In the vast furnaces of tho, factories
in tho old world."
Tho Omahn Texas Oil company's well on
tho Ilrlco tract Is being pushed on rapidly
as possible. This is tho only 12V4 Inch
casing Id tho district nt present.
Tho good people of the United States,
outside of Texas, cannot realize what grent
fortunos nro canned up In our oil fields In
nnd around Beaumont and Splndlo Top
heights. Each gusher pours out on an
avcrago of 65,000 barrels per day, and
thoro nro about seventy-Ilvo gushers. Total,
4.875,000 barrels per day, and sellr. rendll
for 30 cents per barrel, whleh brings In nn
unparnllclcd Income dnlly of $1,462,600.00,
It seems almost Incredible yet It Is nil
true. i
Tho Omaha Texas Oil company Is selling
a limited number of shares of stock on
their holdings at tbo extremely low. price ol
26 cents per share of $1 par value. Nn
personal llnblllty. Every shareholder par
ticipates In tho same Immense profits.
Write tho Omaha Texas Oil company, Coun
cil Bluffs, la., for full particulars.
Oct their prospectus and read it carefully.
Cattle StroiiH Hogs HlKher Sheep
' Stroller to Higher.
CHICAGO, Nov. 4.-CATTLE Receipts,
4,000, Including 3,000 choice strong; others
steady; good to prlmo steers, $6.00i6.SO;
poor to medium. 13. 755(5. DO; stoekers nnd
feeders, $2.00t4.25: cows. $1.25(fi4.0O: heifers,
$2.0085.25; dinners. $1.25W2.25; bulls. $2.00fS
4.50; calves, $3,001(6.25; Texas steers, none
here, $3,005(4.00; western steers, $3.65ft5.25.
HOGS Receipts today, 26.000; tomorrow,
21,000; left over, 4,000; 60 to 10c higher; closo
weak. Mixed and butchers. $5.76U6,15: good
to choice heavy, $5,765(6.20; rough heavy,
$5.50i6.75; light, J5.G0if5.S5; bulk of sulcs,
SHEEP Receipts, 22.000; sheep strong to
10c higher; Inmbs, 105il5c higher; good to
choico wethers, $3,50(f( 1.25; fair to choice
mixed. $3.00513.50: western sheep, $3,005j(3.S3;
nntlve Inmbs, $2.505J5.05; western lambs,
Official SaturdayReceipts: Cattle. 191;
hogs. 17,938; sheep, 457. Shipments: Cattle,
1,305; hogs, 613; sliccp, 28,
Kansas City Live Stock Mnrket.
I.MVCAO PTTV Vnt- i r" ATTl.T."rte.
U.a 7 Ann nqlli'Ha 1 lYlO T.ivnilB TflO filR'eR.
Choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.90
,n. ..- . t-, , 1 tl "' T I". Lrt Dlnnlnra tinrl
'HU.UUi lilll III H"""! ,lilu(W,l m ;
feeders, 5J,iWi..u; western icn siecrn.
(86.30; western range steers, $3.00515.25;
Texas and Indian steers, $3.005J4.65; Texas
cows, $2.o0fi3.oo: native cows. $2.405f4.60;
heifers. $3,255(5.25; bulls. $2.005?G.po.
HOQS Receipts, 6,000; market 65lOc
1.1" 1 . . if. tr. Knllr nf u.ilna tr. fiOfi,
6.00: heavy. '$6.00516. 86: mixed pnekers. $5.75
sjli.uu lignu a..wua.wji 111KH, i.'
HtlEril' Urt.iinn-iieuenjiu, ii,vwi
...!., , rnn r- tn 1 Cln IlllfllPP. tintlVA Iflmha
$4,0034,65; western lambs, $3,f55J4,50; natlvo
tl'iMS SlV n-nnlern U'ellieru. .1 Tiira
3.65; ewes, '$2,9083.40; culls. $2.005J3.00.
St. Louli Live Stuck Market.
RT. LOUIS. Nov. 4.-CATTLE-Rccepts.
4.800, Including 3,200 Texaus; market better.
Native shipping and export steers, $1,755
B.75: dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.'G
Ci6.90; steers under i.mni lbs. 2.3U5j&.ii:
stoekers nnd feeders, $2,005 1.00; cows and
heifers, $2.60514.70; canncrs. $1.00412.10; bulls,
$2.25513.70; Texas and Indian steers, $3,759
4.10! cows ana iieuurs, ..ioj,iu.
HOGB Itercipis, a.imi; mnrKct strong;
Igs and lights. $5,505(5.70; packers, 3.03y
.80: butchers. $5.80fJ6.15. AND T.AMBH Ttecetnts. 800: mar.
ket nctlvo and strong; natlvo mutton, J3.00
53.50; iambs, vi.ioojt.ui.
St. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket,
rAints. 2.600: stendv to 10c higher: natlw.
$3.00516.60; cows nnd heifers, $1.2557), 15; bulls
mid Stags, CWUI.sJi suicki-ir mm n-uuum,
ti FitfM.?r..
iinrss neeelnts. 4.600 : 6e to 10c higher:
light and light mlxeil. $5,705(5.90: medium
nnd heavy, $5,80516,00; pigs, $l.25fj5.85; bulk,
SHEEP Receipts, 2,3'J0; steady to weak.
Colli nnil Sihmv tn the Southward.
KANSAS CITV, Nov. 4,-An Inch of snow
Is reported from tho northwestern corner
of Missouri and snow alun fell In Fnyetto
county. In tho center of the state, Inst
nignt, tne ursi i i m i. .;
.mm uimenru ccnornl over tho state, with
a drop In temperature ranging from 20
to 2D cicgreen ujiiiiiiii',-m i-iii,i i"oi
MUSKOGEE. I. T.. Nov. 4.-A fall of 60
degrees in temperaiuiu hi iwcivu n"nn
marks the llrst cold wavo of the season
,..,... ri,mi the Indian territory. The wavo
was preceded by a llerco wind and rain
storm, an iiiun ui i, i, iwiiiiifi in .
fivo minutes.
MUioarlnii Freeses to Dentil.
. ... Vn,i 1 Wllllnm
Thomas, a 'blacksmith of 'Smlthvllle, wan
found frozen to death off tho country
. .llli...n. t rt m liAr.. Int.. I'AU.
roans nuiiiv umiuuio ...... '
terday. Thomas had been .drinking and
wandered from tho roadway Into a pasture,
. i. . i ... . . 1 .. In u nn
wiir no " " - ' i
PrUex for Voiimk Preachers.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 4. It Is an
nounced today that tho late C. Hol
brook of Boston gave to lain university u
fund, tho Income from which shall bo
divided Into prizes of $50 nnd $25 lo bo
awarded for thn best two essuys by mem
hers of tho Yale divinity school,
Murlrtta to tin to Colon.
NEW YORK. Nov. 4. Tho United States
gunboat Muilettn urrlved hern today from
Portsmouth, N, l'. It Is to sail from hern
November 1 for Colon to relievo the
Chicago Horse. Show Opens.
CHICAGO, Nov. 4. Tho second nnnunl
horse show of tho Chicago Horse Show
association opened today at the. Coliseum.
Although tho formal opening will not take
plnco till tonight, when society will be
present in force, a good-sized rrowd wns
present during the afternoon. Tho feature
of the nftornocn'h program was nn exhibi
tion by C. K. O. Billings' rccord-brenklng
pacer. Little Boy, with a record of 2:01U to
wngon. Judging began ut 2 p. m. Officials
of tho show repeated their predictions that
the exhibition would prove to bo tho most
successful and the largest ever glvon In the
Funatnn la to Come Home.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. I.-It Is stated thnt
General Frederick Funston will shortly op-
piy ior leave oi nusencn irom tno 1'nwp
pines nnd return to tho United States on a
visit. It is said he is recovering ranldlv
from the operation for appendicitis recently
iinaerKuiw ui u .uiiniiii nospitai. uencrni
Fred 13. Grant will. It Is stated, likely suc
ceed General Funston In command of tho
San Fernando district.
Shot by Colored Gambler.
TOPEKA. Kan.. Nov. 4. A sncclnl tn thn
Stnte Journal from Manhattan, Kan., says:
mm .abiiiij-, i colored gammer, snot and
killed Frank Wolf hero early this morning.
Wolf was it 'tinner nnd unmarried. It Is
thought they were gambling nnd quarreled.
Asnuy surrendered to tno oiuccrs.
Four Drown Dnrlnu .Storm.
MICHIOAMSIE. Mich.. Nov. 4. Four
promlnont young men of this village.
Georgo W. Iovln. Abel Luvln. Emll Carl
son nnd Albln Carlson, wero drowned Inst
night In I.nko Michigan by the capsizing
of their boat during a storm.
If It'a a "Gnrlniul"
That's all you need to know about a
stovo or range.
OFFICE Chief Quartcrmnster-Omnhn,
Neb.. November 1. 1901: Sealed proposals,
In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions,
will be received at this office until 10 o'clock
a. m central time, November 20, 1901. nnd
men openea in tne presenco of nt tending
bidders, for fu.'tilshlnc nml settlni; tin com.
plete, rendy for work, new pump nnd boiler
at Fort Robinson, Nebrasku, In connection
witn water ay si em at mut post. n. H. re
serves right to reject or accept nny or nil
proposals. Blank forms for bidding and
circular giving full Information and re
quirements will bo furnished on applica
tion to this ottlcc. Envelopes cnntnlnln?
proposals should be marked "Proposals
for Pump and Boiler nt Fort Robinson,
Neb.," nnd nddressed to JNO. W. PULL
MAN, C. Q. M. N1d4t-N18-19 M
Chief Qinrtormaster'H Oftlce, Chicago,
HI., Oct. 23, 1901, Sealed proposals, in tripli
cate, will bo received n thli office until 13
o'clock, noon, standard time, Nov. 7, 19)1,
tor luriusning una delivering i.' Artillery
Horses nt Chlcaco. 111., or New York rltv.
I'ronnsals will bo entertained for ilellvorv
nt railroad points other than those stated
nDove, I'nrucuiars and ninnkn tor pro
posals will be furnished on application.
Envoloncs containing nrnnosals to bo nn-
dorsed "Proposals for Artillery Horses."
and addressed to Col. E. IJ. ATWOOD,
Chief Quartermaster. O2i5-2S-29-30 N4 5
Oftlce Chief QuartermiiFter, Denver,
Colorado. Oct. 21. IDOL Soiled nronosMlH In
triplicate will be received '.t! until 11 n.
m.. xov. t, iwi, ior inruiBiiuig anu nunureii
ond twenty-six (126) artillery hort-cs re
nulred nt Fort Douelas. Utah. HorsCH to
bo In accordance with Hrxcltlcntlons In cir
cular of instiiictlnnM to manors, winch will
bo furnlsheJ, together with blank pro
posals, nn appllratlon tn this olllce. U. S.
reserves ,tho right to nceept or reject any
or nil proposals or any part thereof. En
velopes containing proposals ' should lie
marked"Propoiiiils for Artillery HorseH" and
addressed Major J. W. POPE, Chief Q. M.
OFFICE constructing quartermaster, Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas, October 28, 1901,
Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be re
ceived nero ui.lll 11 a. in., central time,
November 6. 1901 for construction of a
sewer, mnnholes and flush tanks, nnd
changing water main at this post. Infor
mation furnished on application hero. U.
B. reserves right to accept or reject any or
nil proposals, or any part thereof. En
velopes to be endorsed, "Proposals for
Sewer System, etc." Addressed D. E. Mc
Carthy, Q. M, Oct-28d4t-N4-G
Grain, Stocks and Provisions
Room 4 N. Y. Life.
Telephone 691.
Teiapaaa 10M.
Boyd Commission Co
Suocesiors to jamea C. Bjra Co.,
Bftf of Trade Ballala.
Direct wires to Chicago and Now York,
Jitw-onde, John A. Wuria U C