THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WESDAV. NOVEMJVEH 5, J 901. "LIKE HOT CAKES" . Remarked Our Popular Pharmacist of Dm Oeperlmant, Boston Store Whan AskcJ How Smith's Green Mount. tin Renovator V..s Selling. "Of course," said this popular gentleman, "there aro reasons for everything and two Kood reasons why the Renovator should sell like hot cakes. In the first place, wo guarantee It to cure all forms of blood and nerve disease, rheumatism and dyspepsia and to give strength to the weak and con valescont. In the second place tho medi cine backs up our guarantees by dolns tho business. Two good reasons why It should ell like hat cakes. BLOOD AMD NERVES Arc liffccttd By Electricity Properly Applied Just as Arc the l.lmbs Ry fcrclse-Thc Circulation Is Made Slronjc and the Ncncs Like Threads of Steel. Nature's Mysterious Potent fcemedy All Life Exists Only Through Electricity As a Motive Power-It App led in Cont.nuous Currents Directly to the Nerve Ctn tcrs By My Electrical Appliances Weakness Is Replaced Dy Strength and Tull Vigor, VI tality and Power Restored A Cure for All Ncrv. ous and Chronic Dis eases Secure At Once My Free Books. An abundance of Nerve Force mnkes n Strong, Healthy, Vigorous man. No man ccn be strong und Powerful unless ho tins a Kreiu rcsorvn nui ply or Electricity In his Hyatem. for Elec tricity Ih tho Nervo Forcc, tho Vigor, the Vitality htuI tho very l.lfo Itself ot every thing that lives alid breathes. If there Ih a Scarcity of Elec tricity In your Sys tem, this delicti li milcklv felt by grnd- lint doollno nr vnllr Vital Powers: the Nerves and Muscles become Weak nnd tho once atrong person Is soon only a spectre of his former Helf This Weakening of tho Nerve Power Is tho Phantom In the lives of persons no mulcted, for tho mind Is constantly brood ing on tho subject nnd this, together with the Weakness, totally unlit them to oc cupy rnnk among men: their energy ami nmbltlon nro destroyed and for them to succeed In any undertaking or calling Is utterly Impossible they tinvo not thu Force necessary for success. Electricity will mako you Stroiis, Vigorous nnd Manly If It Is properly applied, and Electricity, as applied by the medium of my Electric licit. :s tho only proper und perfected method of supplying the nended current for n restoration of Nerve Force and Power. My nppllincos are now used with success In tho radical euro of these Ail ments of a Nervous origin nil over the world i.nd If you will cast poisonous, nauseating and stomach-wrecking drugs nnd nostrums aside und apply tlio life giving, life-prolonging current of Nature's most potent r;mcdy Electricity you will make no mistake. Your 'restoration to health vlll bo rapid, perfect and perma nent. Do not confuse my' Electrical Appliances with tho many contrivances so-called elec tric belts, for mine nro not at all like them und nru exclusively patented. They have soft, tllken, chamois. covered sponge electrodes, which do away with that frlchtful burnluc nnd bllsturlmr caused by other belts, whlc'i havo bnro metal elec trodes nnd which accumulate verdigris, a deadly polscn. My Ilelt has Interchange able flattery Cells and can be renewed when'burncd out for only 73 cents; when others Lurn out they arc worthless. My New Electrical Suspensory freo to male patients. BACKACHE In almost a aure Indicntlon of Kid ney Trouble n tllarnap niMirly al ways nrRlfctcil or considered an u 'IlKbt InfllaiioMltloti" uiKII thorp liavn been uricunlu cluiwrva In (he Kliuidiilnr aiibatmioe of (he Klducja. (lien you linvi; llrlulit's lllarnnc nil. I (here In iio help for yon. Tho ccnoroua current of Electrlrltv sun. Piled by my Electric Helts will relieve that Dull Pnln In the Back and over the Kidneys from tho very first application and a perfect and permanent cure Is only a mutter of a short time. Secure my Free Hooks on "Kidney Disorders and Elec tricity" My Electric Ilelt will euro any form of Weakness In either sex; Varicocele and all Nervo-Vltnl diseases; restore Lost Vigor nnd Power: cures llheumutlsm In nny guise; Kidney. Mvor and Hludder Trounies. uonHiipunon, Htomuili Disor ders, Nervous Debility, all Female Com- llHIUIP, tii.. Call or wrlto todav. Sarredlv ronlldon tlnl. I have, written two books on Nervo- vital Ailments nnd Their Cure by Elec' trlclty that will tell you all about It Sent free, nostnnld. for the asklnz. Ad. vice und consultation without cost. Sold oniy ny DR. BENNETT Electric Beit Co. ROOMH-3014 and 31 Douglas Block. Cor ner Itith nnd Dodex streets, Opposttt Huyden's, Omaha, Neb. Always open. MEDICAL TREATMENT FREE For Three Mouths is Offered to All Invalids Who Cull Upon the British Doctois In the Board of Trutie Building, Uooms 4U8.430, Before No. vcmber 8th. A staff oi eminent physicians and aur a-eons from thu British Medical Institute have, at tho urgent solicitation of a large number uf putlentB under their care in this country, established a permanent branch ot the Institute In this city at Curlier in tola it no e'lu'iiam ulreeta, Hoonia 4Ui:iO tluurd u( TruUa lliillillnR. These eminent gentlemen have decided to glvo thelt urvtces entirely freo (or three mouths (medicine excepted) to all Invulldd who cull upon thtm for treatment between now und Nov. S. These surviccu consist not only or con ulutlon, examination und udvlcl-, but aUo of all minor surgical operation. The object In put suing tills course Is to bccon.u rapidly und poraonully ucuuulnted with the sick and afflicted, and unuur no cuualiious will uuy cliurto whatever be mado tor uny services rendered for thru luunihi.. lu uii wuu call bciuru Nov. X Tno doctors treat ull turms of dlseuta nnd duiurmttlcj, and guurumee a cure In every case ihey untenant). At the tlrst interview, a iiiurougu exumiuniioii u mado. una. u incui-ume, you urn iruiiKiy and Kinaiy toia uiso auviseu against upeinl lnu vour ir.onuy (or useless trL-utmin(. Mule and female weakness, catarih and cutarmui ileuun., rupture, goltro, cancer, all kiii uiseuses, ana ull diseases of the rectum ure positively cured by tliolr new treatment. Tho chief ussoclato surgeon of tha Instl- luiu io in jii-iauuai vuarac. Office hours from 9 a. m. till 8 p. m. No Sunday hours. SPECIAL .NOTICK-lf you cannot rail end tarn ii for question blank fo bom tveataaeat. V NEBRASKA AT ST, LOUIS FAIR G7ernor 8trtgs f ripssti thi Btat Ihall Fif nn creditably. TENDS TO APPOINT COMMISSION TO ACT Will I'lnrf KMf Vulnntrrra on llnnril llnlar .Mnnry liy Mtiliaerlptliui, Olllclnltr Hcconiinriiillnn Itc Imlinraenirnt l.ntcr. (From n Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. t. (Special.) If tho plans of Oovernor Savage do' not miscarry, Nebraska will tako n prominent position In the field of exhibitors at the Louisiana Pur- haso exposition at St. Louis In 1003. Tho governor proposes to appoint an extraordin ary commission of live persons, who shall servo without compensation nnd provldo the necessary funds for making the exhibit. This plan contemplates the raising ot funds by voluntary subscription, and the promise Is made that In his biennial mes sage (Jovornor Savage will ask tho legisla ture to reimburse those who may havo ad vanced money to the commission. "1 cannot consent to Nebraska not being: represented at the Louisiana Purchase ex position," said the governor, today. "The state Is part ot thu territory purchased from France In 1S03 and It would reflect on our pride, our enterprise and our patriot ism should we fall to Join with our sister states In promoting this great undertaking. "The last legislature having failed to make an appropriation for nn exhibit," con tinued tho govornor, "and It being lmpos- lble to secure an appropriation before most of tho money required should be expended, havo decided to appeal to the pride and patriotism of the citizens ot the state with a view to securing the necessary funds. My plan Is to appoint a commission of flvo to be composed of citizens whose patriotism and loyalty nro unquestioned, who shall serve without compensation and who shall havo charge of the exhibit and provide the funds required to complete and maintain It. n my biennial mcssago to the legislature shall ask that money be appropriated to reimburse thoso who havo advanced funds for this aurpose. JVrtirnaUn'a Chance (o Advertise. "It Is estimated that S12.000.000 will be In vested In this enterprise, aside from tho amount Invested by Individual exhibitors and by the different states, which Insures an exposition of mammoth proportions and one likely to attract visitors from all parts of the world. It Is founded on a broader and more modern plan thnn was the Colum bian, and In a general sense, to Nebraska at least. It rises above that one In Impor tance. Nebraska Is tho garden spot of the territory purchased at that tlmo and being yet a young state and rich In nat ural resources, affording opportunities tor the profitable Investment ot capital to be found nowhoro else on this continent, It can enter as an exhibitor with assurances of amplo reward. Wo have thousands of acres of unde veloped land; wo havo opportunities for the Investment of capital In commercial and manufacturing Industries and we have an abundance of opportunities for the Invest ment of capital on large and small scales. Nowhero else In the world Is capital or la bor more certain of reward. "A creditable exhibit will enable us to advertise our resources, which will give tho public a better understanding of the opportunities afforded and bo the means ot attracting both money and population to Nebraska. Apart from the fact that tho Transmlsslsslppl exposition was tho most successfully managed, from a financial standpoint, ot any In tho history ot expo sitions, It was tho means of strengthening confidence In our domestic securities, In strengthening our credit, elevating ohr com mercial standing and of attracting both population and capital to this state." Governor Savage expects to announce the appointment of the commission within the next few weeks. No definite plans as to tho amount of money that should be raised or the nature ot the exhibit havo been formed, It being tho Intention of tbo gov ernor to lcavo all arrangements with tho commission, subject, of courso, to his ap proval. Educational Funds Invented. Tho uninvested balance of the permanent educational funds ot the state today dropped to S9t.816.S6, an Investment of $10,000 being mado In Washington county refunding bonds. Treasurer Stuofer has bargained for 1100,000 of Hall county bonds and when delivered they will take prac tically all of the funds available at that time. A call of warrants will swell tho fund several thousand dollars so that there will still bo a small balance Fusion newspapers havo charged that less money Is being earned for the schools of the state than by tho former administration. In support of this they point to thv last school apportionment, which was slightly lower than a previous apportionment for a corresponding period. The next apportion ment will be mado In December and If re ceipts continue as they have in tho last few weeks it will be a record breaker. Today thero was 17,700 more available for distribution among the schools than on the same day last year. Morican for Deputy Clerk. Raymond B. Morgan will be tho next deputy city clerk. Mr. Pratt formally announced today that ho bad appointed Mr. Morgan and that he would take the office on tho 16tb Inst. Minor S, Bacon, who has been Mr. Pratt's deputy for two years, was recently named as official dis trict court reporter by Judge Holmes, and he will take charge of that odlcce on tho 11th Inst. Mr. Morgan Is a lawyer and has been employed tor some tlmo in the offlce of City Attorney Strode. ''Shorty" Turner is Dead. E. F. Turner, once a stalwart on tho Nebraska university foot ball team and popularly called "Shorty" by bis admirers, died yesterday, so It was reported today, as a result of Injuries In an accident at Cedar Itaplds, la. Ho was employed by a Mln ncapolts Iron Arm and was superintending work there. B, F. Turner wns a member ot the class of 1899 and lived at Wllber. In stature ho was a giant, measuring six feet live Inches in height. He was right guard on tho foot ball team for four years. Groom la of Oiunhn. PLATTSMOUTH, Nob., Nov. 4. (Spe clal.) Postmaster and Mrs. C. II. Smith have Issued Invitations 'to the marriage ot their daughter, Tlnsey, to Jouas II. Tee garden of Omaha Thursday evening, No vember 14, In the First Presbyterian church In this city. Aahland'a First Snow. ASHLAND, Neb., Nov. 4. (Special.) Tho weather here took a sudden drop today and tonight the first real tnovvstorm of the sea son Is raging. Most of the com close to Ashland has been picked and not much will be Injured by the change to winter wenther. Wlualde'a (jaaollne Scare, WINSIDE. Neb., Nov. 4. (Special Tole gram.) Fire In the Hodaon restaurant, caused by the explosion of a gasoline lamp, was extinguished with slight damage. Crete Gunner Knlnlly Shot. CRETE, Neb., Nov. 4. (Special, )-Le Blllhoru, ion ot Councilman Adam Blllborn of this city, accidentally shot himself while hunting on the river north of this city. The young man lived only n short time, the full charge of shot having entered his . breast near tho heart. The boy wus only 20 years old and was a member of tha Crete Gun club. Pevernl Ministers nt Ordlnn t Inn ASHLAND Neb., Nov. 4. (Special.) Thn services attendant on the ordination of Itev. Walter C, Blakesleo to the ministry of tho Congregational church occurred In Ashland today. At 3 o'clock this afternoon a council of representatives from tho fol lowing Congregational churches was held; Avoca, First, Vino Street, Plymouth and Butler Avenue churches, Lincoln; First nnd St. Mary's Avenue churches, Omaha; Syra cuse, Wnhoo, Waverly nnd Weeping Wntcr. The council took action on tho ordination of Mr. BInkcsleo and tho ordination serv- trei fnnlt nlnrn nt thn Plmt Cnnerruatlonal church ot Ashland tonight, beginning at 7:30. Following was tho program given: Ordination sermon, Itev. Dr. Hubert C. Herrlnc. naslor First church. Omaha; prayer, Superintendent Dross, Lincoln; "Illght Hnnd of Fellowship," Itev. William H. Mansd, Lincoln; charge to pastor, Hev. S. I. Ilnnnfnrrl. Wnpnlnir Water: charee to church, Itev. Dr, Sargent, St. Mary's Ave nue church, Omaha. Stormy weatnor cut down tho attendance. Miss Chnse In Cnnhler, Xoir. GRAFTON, Neb., Nov. 4. (Special.) Emmet 3. Hennessey, who recently re signed the cashlcrshlp of tho Bank of Graf ton to accept a position with a bank at Michigan City, N. D., left for that placo yesterday. His successor hero is Miss Ida M. Chase. Minnllpox In Three Towns. AINSWORTH, Neb., Nov. 4. Special Tel egram.) Smallpox has made Its appearance at Long Pino, Johnstown and Wood Luke, towns cast and west of Alnsworth, but so far thts town has escaped nnd tho greatest precautions are being taken. Heavy Hnorv In llnmnhrcy. HUMPHREY, Neb., Nov. 4. (Special Tel egram.) A heavy snowstorm Is pnsslng through hero today. Tho ground Is cov ered nnd Indications are that It will con tlnuo during the greater part of the night. Trenton Frost IIIKen. TRENTON, Nob., Nov. 4. (Special Tele gram.) Trenton is having Its first brenth of winter. Ico has, formed and all tender vegetation Hint had not been killed by tho frost Is now ruined. ChnrRcd with Foritery. NEBRASKA CITY, Nov. 4. (Special Tel egram.) Charles A. Gault was arrested by the sheriff upon tho chargo of forging a check. Ho was released upon a bond for 1000. Mormy MkIiI n( AVlnnldc. WINSIDE. Neb., Nov. 4. (Special Tele crnm.l Snow has been falllnc for hours and prospects aro good for a stormy night. St. Edvrard'H While Coal, ST. EDWARD. Neb., Nov. 4. (Special Telegram.) A light snow fell this after noon, the flrHt ot tho season. GAS WELLS FROZEN TIGHT Indiana House wive Itcsurreel Old l.n in lis Not In Service for l.nst fourteen Yen. MUNCIE. Ind Nov. 4. The wells of Muucle, tho pioneer natural gas city of the Indiana gas field, aro frozen up tonight and people nro suffering Intensely from tho shortage of gas. Old lamps, candles'" and wood stoves aro In scrvlco tonight for tho first tlmo In fourteen years. HYMENEAL. Wnilc-Uwr, ' Miss Blanch Lowe and Lieutenant Ben jamin F. Wade, U. S. A., were married last evening at Unity church in presenco of about thirty people, none but the Imme diate relatives and closest friends of tho contracting parties being present. Rev. Dr. Newton M. Mann ofllclajed. After the ceremony tho wedding party went for din ner to tho homo of Mr. Will H. Crary, 2141 St. Mary's avenue. Tho bridal couple left at onco for Chicago, where they will make a short stay, returning to Fort Crook, whero Lieutenant Wade Is stationed, by way of St. Louis. Haugooil-Turner. LEAD, S.' D., Nov. 4. (Special.) This afternoon Hon. John W. Hawgood aud Mrs. Jennie Turner of Terry were married. The groom was two terras a member of tho state legislature from Lawrence county. European expositions have awarded their premiums to only ono America champagne, Cook's Imperial Extra Dry. Try It. fnrter Case In the Courts. SAVANNAH. Qa.. Nov. 4.-In the United States court today answers nnd demurrers were tiled by tho defendants In tho case of the United States against Oberlln M. Carter nnd others. This Is tho caso In which tho government nns proceedea to hold up cer tain securities and other property held In the name of Oberlln M. Carter and thoso associated with him. The Oddfellows' Widows and Orphans Home, Corsicana. Tex. We have in the Oddfellows' Widows' and Orphans' Home eighty children from i to 18 years of ae, and for the ills of indigestion and constipation to which children nre frequently subject, we have found nothing so satisfactory, so pleasant to take and so effective as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and Herb Laxative Compound, which we have used since June, 1900. This remedy was introduced into our institution through the kindness of a member of our order who was formally-a citUeu of Monticello, 111,, where Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is manufactured. It is as good for grown people as for children and we heartily recommend it to all sufferers from stomach and bowel troubles. Corsicana, Texas, May 10th, 1901. ' J. W. HURGKSS, Suptv Oddfellows' Widows' and Orphans' Home. Vou can get Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and Herb Laxative Compound from your druggist. If he docs not supply you, write us stating symptom And wc wU tend you a sarunlc bottle free tnd valuable book 00 stomach troubles. Pepsin Syrup Company, Monticello, III LIGHTS TO GUIDE MARINERS' CoMt Strrici Makei chewiig of Its Prou tions for 8aftrE. WIRELESS TELEGRAPH SYSTEM IS NEEDED llnnril llrllevea It In (tie tnlerest of Economy nn Well nn of Commerce (o Have Speedy Mcitim ot ItenchltiK l.lKhlfthlpn, WASHIOTON", Nov. 4. The annual report of tho United States Lighthouse board shows that at the cud of the fiscal year there were under the control of tho light house establishment tho following aids to navigation; Lighthouses and beacon lights, l,30t; light vessels In position, 31; light vessels for relief, 8; electric lighted buoys In position, 11; fog signals operated by steam, caloric or oil engines, 17U; fog sig nals operated by clockwork, 222; post lights, 1,827; day or unllghted beacons, 7i2; whistling buoys In position, 77; bell buoys In position, 122; other buoys In position, Including pile buoys nnd stakes In Fifth district and buoys In Alaskau waters, 4, "SO. ' In the construction, caro and maintenance ot these aids to navigation there were em ployed: Steam tenders, 31; steam launches, 11; sailing tenders, 2; llghtkecpcrs, 1,420; other employes, Including crows of light ships ard tenders, 1.42S; laborers in chargo of post lights, 1,574. Service In Porto It Ico. The board asks for an appropriation of $90,000 to reconstruct a buoyaga system and man the lighthouses of Porto Rico, und $25,000 for the maintenance of the Hawallnn systems. Tho board also asks for other appropriations as follows: Supplies for lighthouses, S502,SSG; Im provements nt lighthouses, $750,000; sal aries of llghtkecpcrs, fuel, rent, etc., $SS3, 000; expenses of light vessels $525,000; ex penses of fog signals, $190,000; lighting ot rivers, $330,000. Authority to construct' live now light vessels nnd several now light tenders also Is asked. Tho report says that whllo the board docs not propose, either to gather or disseminate marine news, It Is desirous In tho Interests of commerco and navigation, as well as of economy, to bo put Into early nnd quick communication with Its outlying light ves sels and lighthouses, and It Is for this pur pose alone that It asks an appropriation to enable It to Install a wireless system ot telegraphy between such points In tho lighthouse establishment ns shall seem to be most necessary. MONEY IN SOUTH DAKOTA - Con (1 1 1 1 mi of Nntlonnl IlnnUa us Itc Iiorled In fioveriiineiit f llclnta nt VnahliiK( WASHINGTON. Nov. 4. (Special Tele gram.) The condition of national banks of South Dakota at the closa ot business Sep tember 30 shows: Loans and discounts, $5,972,358; gold coin, $278,0S7; lawful money reserve, $734,134; Individual deposits, $7, 891,204. Tho postofllces nt Box Elder, Mills county, Iowa, Aspen, Ulna county, nnd Hnrtman, Big Horn county, Wyoming, havo been or dered discontinued. William H. Richards of Liberty, Nob., was today ndmlttcd to practice before tho Interior department. The following railway mall clerks wcro a'ppointcd today: Morris Mortcnsen, Dan nevlrkc, Neb.; Ed H. Jeflers, Talmage, Neb.; D. W. McRae, Schuyler, Neb.; Gcorgo R. Phillips, Kcnnesaw, Neb.; Mghton F. Holllngsworth, Genoa, la.; Al bert C. Forbes, Votga, S. D. W. A. Peck wns today appointed post master at Vienna, Clark county, South Dakota. I'EXSIONS FOIl WESTKIt.V VETERANS. Wnr Survivors Iteiueiulicreil by the General Government. WASHINGTON, Nov. 4.-(Speclal.)-Thc following webtern pensions havo been granted: Jpsuo of October 17, 1901: Nebraska: Original William A. Crawford, Belgrade, $6. Increuse, restoration, reissue, etc., Peter R. Ah-Coy. Bethany. $10; Abrnm Jones, Illldreth, $S. Original widows, etc. Special accrued October 19, Cnthurlna Crooks, Superior, $8; Mnry O. Orm, Dlllcr, $s. Iowa: Orlglnnl James Qettys, Conger, $6. Wnr with Spain Henry Gamber, Daven port, $C. Increase, reissue, restoration, etc, -John W. Vaughn, Knoxvllle. $12; Ell ah M. Trent, Aukeny. $17; Eugeno L. Wines,. Indlunola, $12, John A. Morton, New Hurt ford. $S. War with Spnln-Petcr J. Harlff. HendorKon, $14. Original widows Special accrued October 19 Charlotte 11, Morris, Newton, $8. Colorado: Original Jacob II. Market, Sul phur Springs, $0. Increase, restoration, re issue, etc. Mexican war, William L. Reeves, Trinidad, $12. South Dakota: Increase, restoration, rots sue, etc. Wlnlleld S. Hell, Cedar. $. v North Dakota: Increase, restoration, re Issue, etc. Andrew A. Torstcd, Valley City, $12. The kidneys are small, but Important or gans. They need help occasionally. Prickly Ash' Hitters Is a successful kidney tontc and system regulator. cody-taluca road finished Lnnt of Two Hundred of Mllca of Itnlln l Dorrn nnil Tonin lulillnle. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. 4.-(Speclal Telegram.) A letter wns received hero to day from Cody saylug thnt the last rail would be- laid on tho Talucn-Cody railroad today. The people had proposed to give the graders nnd tracklayers a hearty welcomn and it Is presumed thnt Buffalo Bill's town participated In a grand Jollification. Tho new read Is about 200 mllc3 In length and taps one of tho richest agricultural, stock raising nnd mining sections to bo found nuywhero In the. west. The several colo nies of Mormon farmers nro now placed within easy reach of railroad facilities and the Fticcess of tho farming nnd other In dustries In thnt section Is assured. DR. L. E. SHAWFOUND DEAD Cheyenne I'll) nU'Ihii Kccmn to lim e I'lillen from Union I'lioHlo Trnln nt Ilrynn Slnlloii. CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Nov. 4. (Special Tel rgram.) Dr. L. E. Shaw of Cheyenne was found dend near tho Union Pacific tracks at Bryan Elation, twenty miles west ot Green River Inst night. His neck was broken nnd It Is believed ho fell from n westbound train. Dr. Shaw had been prac ticing mcdlclno here, but left a week ago to go to Garland, n new town In tho Big Horn basin, to settle. Intending to stop nt Green Rlvor nnd other places enroute. Ilo was Been nt Green River Saturday night. Wnrd lluiien for New Trial. DEADWOOD, 8. D Nov. 4.(Spccla1.) W. II. Ward, who ha3 Just been found guilty of murder In the llrst degrco for killing Leo Slicphnrd nt I'luma, expects to get ti new trial. Ho Is emphatic In his de nial of guilt nnd ntllrms thnt both of tho Shcphnrd boys will yet mako their uppcar nnco. Wnrd camo to tho Black Hills from Massachusetts nineteen years ngo. He worked thero ns an expert cotton weaver. Tho mother of Lee Shcphnrd testified thnt sho hail patched n portion of n suit of underclothes found on tho corpso that wns unearthed In Ward's garden nnd she pro duced a piece of the cloth from which sho had cut tho patch. t'n Ion I'm-1 lie Orpin Ileal. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. 4. (Special.) Tho falling off In freight traffic on tho Union Pacific has caused a reduction In tho forco uf train crows, several having bcon laid off nt this place, North Platte, Ruw llus nnd Green River. A number of en gineers havo been set back at firing and others havo been placed on tho extra list. It Is expected that as soon'ns cold weather sots In aome of tho crows will be put back on, as tho Increased coal (radio will neces sitate it. Clieeiiii. Ma nun lleaunic. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. 4. (Special.) Today work was staited on tho superstruc ture of Cheycuuo's big public building. The foundation was laid over two years ugu, but It is expected that tho building will now be hurried to completion. A stono sawing mill has been placed lu position at tho buildtug alte ccd this will cut nnd dress tho huge blocks of stono as fast as It Is needed by the maaoiiB. Sheepmen on (he Defensive. CASPER. Wyo., Nov. 4. (Special.) A re port has been received hero from Fromont county that tho sheepmen and cattlemen of that section have combined to resist tbo Invasion of tholr range by Utah and Idaho sheepmen. It having been reported that tho latter will bring In several bands of sheep this tall. Twelve Cam Ultcheil nt Ozone. CHEYENNE, Wye, Nov. 4. (Special Tel egram.) A broken wheel ditched twelve cars In a freight trnln at Ozono, twenty miles west of Cheyenne, on the Union Pa cific, today. No ono wns Injured. A track was built around tho wreck nnd traffic was not seriously delayed. EnoriiioUN Potato Crop. DEADWOOD. S. D.. Nov. 4. (Special.) Tho potato crop in tho Black Hills Is enor mous Dan Sturr, u rancher near this city, planted forty acres of ground last spring to potatoes and thts fall ho dug over 3,500 bushels, which aro netting hlra $1,75 per 100 pounds. I'lerre'n Downy Corrrlng, PIERRE. S. D., Nov. 4. (Special Tele gram.) After a cold wuvo yesterday the first snow ot tho season Is falling today. Indications are that It will be light. Cublen In the l'hlllpplnea, Our government has concluded thnt surety nnd secrecy can only bo obtained by a cable ship owned and worked by Its officers. To this end tho first official cnblo vessel will bo put In readiness. As necessary ns the cable Is In times of war, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Is of far more Importance, for It makes people well. It cures Indigestion, dyspcpsln, flatulency, constipation, biliousness and nervousucss; also prevents malaria, fever aud ague. Wo urgo you to try It. tuc nut tuit riioce . 8v5tlwtthP"Ilull'5lcnd'Msonthe'ncknRo,tlieti you know It Is tho genuine. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup m ircserilHd by nil doctors and usoi In leading hospitals excluslvnly Largo bottles al all druggists, 5c. SMALL DOSE. PLEASANT TO TAKE. FREE. A llenutlftil Calendar and Medical Hooklct sent tree postpaid to nny one who will write A. C flUYER & CO , Baltimore, Haryland, and mention this paper, ROOM FOR ALL AT CEREMONY Cniiftceriitlon of MunnclKiicur Count) In Ti'itnnf erred (o Cnlhcdrnl (o Aeeoiiimoilnlo Crowds, WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. Right Rev. Mgr. Conaty aunounces thnt It has bcon found ' necessary to transfer to tho cathedral at ( Baltimore the ceremony of his consecra- I Hon as titular bishop of Samar. Tho num ber of prelates, clergymen nnd lay people , who have signified their Intention to be ' present is so great that nny chapel at thn university would be taxed fnr beyond lis power to nccommodnto them. Tho cere mony will therefore take placo at Baltimore Sunday, November 24, In tho Cathedral church of Cardinal Gibbons, tho chancellor of the university. Tho dinner to the Vis iting clergy will bo given nt St. Mary's seminary In Baltimore. Greut l.uolt ol nn Editor. "For two years nil efforts to euro Eczema In the palms of my hnnds fulled," writes Editor H. N. Lcstcrn of Syrncuse, Kan., i "then I wns wholly cured by Bucklen's Arntcn Salve." It's tho world's best for Eruptions, Sores and nil skin diseases. Only 25c nt Kuhn & Co.'s. SUMMER RENEWS ITS SWAY Fnlr Wen I her nnd r Tc m pern turca .Mnlip. Up I'orecnnt for Xext Two Uii ft. WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. Forecast for Tuesday and Wcdncsdny: For Nebraska Fair and warmer Tues day; Wednesday, fnlr nnd wnrmcr In east ern portion; east to southerly winds. For lown Fnlr und warmer Tuesday and probably Wednesday; variable winds. For Slisirourl Fulr Tuesday; warmer In northwest portion; Wednesday, fair, warmer In eastern portion; north to east For South Dakota Fair and warmer Tuesday; Wednesday, fair, with warmer lu eastern portion; variable winds. For Kansas Fair and warmer Tuesday; Wednesday, fair; cast to south winds. For Colorado and Wyoming Generally fair Tuesday and Wednesday; variable winds. Local Ilecord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, Nov. 4. Oftlclal record of tem perature and precipitation compared with tho corresponding day of the last three years: 1901. 1900. 1899. 1S9S. Mnxlmum temperature ..30 fiO E9 f.S Minimum temperature .. 20 41 so K! Mean temperature 23 52 41 CO Precipitation 01 .00 .00 .(0 Record of temperature nnd precipitation nt Omaha for this day and slnco March 1, 1901: Normal temperature 46 Deficiency for tho dny 21 Totul excess slnco March 1, 1901 847 Normal precipitation (5 Inch Deficiency for tho dny 04 inch Total precipitation slnco March 1. .21.31 In. Deficiency slnco March 1 5,0.1 lu. Excess for cor. period lu 1900 1,29 In, Deficiency for cor. period In 1S99.... 5.03 in. Itcporta from Stntlona at 7 p. in. 1 2 "3 6TATION.1 AND STATE ? : 3 H OF WEATHER. -j : - g O ft a " : H : : 3 : Omaha, snowing North Platte, partly cloudy. Cheyenne, partly cluudy Salt Lake, clear Rapid City, clear Huron, clear WllllHton, cloudy Chicago, clear St. Jouts, clear St. Paul, cloudy Davenport, partly cloudy KunsaH City, cloudy Helena, partly cloudy Havre, cloudy Bismarck, cloudy Galveston, clear 24 30 .01 .14 42 .09 tl 53 .00 ct no .oo 21 30 .01 22 26 T o 04 X 26 30 M 26 38 .(HI 22 '') rji 24 2S ,(K) 36 40 .CO 50 52 .0) 36 50 .m tO 22 ,0) OS 10 .10 T indicates tiaco of precipitation. I,. A. WELSH, Local Forecast Olllclal. Dreadful Croup Croup attacks a child without warning and needs very prompt attention or It may prove sorlou, evert fatal. If you notlconny symp toms ot croup, give baby n small iIojc ot Dr. BULL'S G0UGH All niltil ltwl11 reliovo It Instantly and 2wK III cure It Inn night. Nodam;er W VI from choking after vou have civen baby out ortwoiloe. Ererr mother should keep n bottlo of Dr. Hull s Cough Hyrup in tho houso to bo prepared for sud den attacks ot croup. Thousands of letters nro received from grnteful mothers, who y their babies' lives havo been saved by Dr. Bull's Cough Bvrup. He careful and sec thnt you cct the gcn (line; do not let an tinrellnblode.iler.wll you mmuo cheap proiwtrotlonthnt hnsnys Is "Jtntns goodns Dr. Bull's. " Ho is thlnkluc of his m-oill's onlv. not of vour health or tho liealth of vour bnbv The Maximum Is reached In the production of Hunter Baltimore Rye The psrfecl type of tho purest whiskey. lis lasts Is a treat. First Called und First Recalled 8o,.'.l..".t.lL.'lr."t'',', '' hT lobbfri. 11. I.anaIUN a PON. naltlmarp. Mil LOST APPETITE RE0AINED BY MULL'S GRIPE TONIC A Orushod Fruit Laxative. Delicious to the palate, mild nnd gentle In action. Creates a nravlnir for wholesome food nnd pioduccs a condition that life enjoyable, and cheerful. Promptly doilroys poison and fermentation In tho bowels. It's a simple' compound ot f rapes, fruit and herbs. Corrects mpalred digestion, enriches Impov erished blood, nnd tunes up a run down nervous system. Try a Bottle. Onm Dome Benoflt: tOc buys a lurgo bottlo at your druggist or sent direct by THE UOHTNINa nEDICINE C(., Rock Island, III. Mull's Lightning Pain 'Killer cures alt kinds of aches. Drink It or rub it on. 25 cents. tttt ) RejUlered A. Mayer Co., 120 EE BUILDING OMAHA. NEB. Pboue 17 It Re-No-May Powder Mllavei and cures all disorders of the feat tua to excessive perspiration. Price 50 Cents.- bold by dtuggista and movn dealers every where Sen. by mail for 5c uddltlonul tt cover pestace. A Good Position for j 25 Cents. j Are .von out of work? Do you want a bettor position i A Bee want nil will cost only I!. couts for nu insertion Everybody rendu them. CURE YOURSELF T IJiit llli fnr ummturil dlifhr',lnt!iiiuitluiii, Irrltnlum or Iwrntlon) of m u on ui niript'riiura m fa lu hi, anu uui isinu" llHlEvBCHtuilu0o. f'"1 f roltonuui. kcmOisstTI.O.MB mo,a r wrnntlaUb mjlIlW la 1 to a 4 7 1. w MWw tiutrott4 V- mM Prevent font or ivm in pittiu wrapM Ufttiitr ftm fioimu A