TILE OMATTA DATLT m:TC: SVXD.VY, INOVKMHJin 3, 1001. TEN f)AY piRE QALE SMALL DAMAGE TO GOODS, BIG SAVING IN PRICE. OMOBILES $ VEHICLES WAGONS RICYCLES AND A' jb Slightly damaged by smoke and water only, but we have to move and the goods must go regardless of cost Come now for bargains, 4 Surreys J225 Troy Kxienslnn Top Surrey VMi Troy Canopy Top Surrey MSO Troy Open Top Surrey J1S0 Meon nros. Surrey J 110 Moon Brcs. Surrey $110 McFarlattd Surrey $145 130 95 95 60 65 .85 $50 Clnrk for .... Phaetons 160 125 75 60 1200 Troy Phaeton fcr $175 Moon liroH. for M25 Knglcr for Automobiles 1 8 HC- E. FRBDRICKSON $1,200 Second Hand Gasn- GLf f lino Currliige tJvM ' $776 Second Hand Steam Mobile Iloth In flno condition. 450 Top Buggies $225 Troy Victoria Stanhope $f ()0 IUVj Troy "fop 'Buggy JQ $12fi Troy inp Huggy fnr $1J0 Tlmplfcn Top Buggy. tilted with roller bearings B $12.5 Light Top Buggy Q5 for IIOU Light Top Iluggy fiO for $UK) Moon Urns. Top Iluggy $75 Moon' Bros!' Top 'Buggy' ' ' -l for ou $.-. Haiinrr Top Huggy ACL for $C0 Banner Top Iluggy jg S12S Tlmpken IV4 nit." iluggy Qf for :vf llo 'Pmpken iv mt. Huggy 7K for llniinlmiitM. $15 Troy Basket Sent Hiivibotit J)2- Troy Kunabout for $125 Tlmpken Hunubnut for $12."i Tlmpken Hunabout, low wheel Ml" Moon Bros. Hunabout Tor $lno Moon Urdu. Hunabout, low wheel S"i Hannrr Hunabout for Troy Concord Rttnnbnitt for $7o (Mark Hunabout for !1." Tlmpken Stanhope, titled with roller bearings v.. $140 Tlmpken Stanhope for $l('t Tlmpken Stanhope for .100 95 90 90 "75 "75 ..55 70 . 45 125 100 70 Since the fire I have received a carload of Graphophones, Records and Supplies, These are the most perfect types of Talking Machines ever shown in Omaha LARGEST CONCERT MACHINE IN THE WEST. PRICES RANGING FROM $5 TO $150.00. Free concerts all day and evening. Come and hear them, Graphophones Latest price on Graphophones. $5 10 12 18 25 Bicycles Wagons Q nraphophonei for QQ Graphcphonis for HX Graphophones for A A Graphophones for , $32 29 22 18.so AT Graphophones for AO Graphophones, concert f f for OU 1U1 Graphophones, concert for (JG OraphophoncH. concert for January 1st we move into the 100 150 We will clean, oil and ad just your Craphophone at a special price of $1 for the next ten days. old Bennett $50 Orient Bicycle for $50 World Ilteycle for $10 World nicyeU for $30 World Bicycle for $43 Ivor Johnson Bicycle i50 $50 Olive Cushion Frame for , $40 Olive Cushion Frame for $30 Olive Cushion Frame for $35 Admiral for $2.1 Western for JOc Foot Tump for f.Oc Toe Clips for $70 3(4 Fish Bros, Wngon for $6S 3 rlah Brcs. Wagon for $55 2Vi Fish Bros. Wagon for G3 2i Fish Bros. Wagon for 32 ...24 19 1750 ll50 30c 10c Reduction on tires. All sundries at reduced prices. Sscond-hand wheels from S3.00 up. Building. $75 31.4 Fish Bros. Gear. 3x tires $70 3H Fish Bros. Gear. 3xH tires $S 3Vi Fish Bros. Gear. 3x4 tires $70 3U Fish Bros. Gear, 44H tltes $65 Fish Bros. Delivery Wagcn $56 55 43 41 65 55 50 55 45 & & $75 rlsh nre. Top Delivery Wagon UU $50 Small Top Delivery Wagon 1 $50 Laundry Cart for 35 30 $70 Clarlc Spring Wagons CT O for DJ 15th and Dodge Sts. SEW YORKERS ASK CUMMINS Ohtmbtr of Corcmsioi Would Etar E'.cqu.nt ProBptcita GoTernor. IOWA ARRANGING ITS SHOW AT ST. LOUIS SiilM-oiumltl f Stilt.- 4-iimml"lii Will On t Himlllim City ti Se lect Itiillilluu Silt Other Hnubcjc ctH. (From ii Stuff Correspondent.) DISS MOINES, Nov. 2. (Special.) A. B. Cummlus. who will be elected governor of Iowa next Tuesday, has been lnvled by the Chamber of Commerce of Now or!; City to nttend the annual banquet of the chnmbcr In New York November 19 next nd respond to tho toast. "The Present Prosperity of tho Republic; What Aro, the Kssentlnl In Its Com nuance. -",, who eeomnanlcd Prof. Lam mum has not hud time to co r - rmalniM. on thc tranpporl ani, B i .ecfpl.tt.ee of the invitation, u. - , doubtedly attend ami hpi-hr - moJt ancient commercial body. ilm Illiterates except one, and all of the younger prUoners In the penitentiary. Xcv (;nl l.'omn)'. The Diamond Block Coal company of Mystic wna Incorporated today; capital, $8,000; W. J. l.odwlck, president; David I.odwlcl:, secretary and treasurer. Twenty Vfitrit for .Murder. Mel demons, convicted In Hardin county of murder, was given n sentence of twenty years by Judgo Weaver In tho district court at Uldora. demons was convicted of mur- drrlng Will Burghduff In June last, after a quarrel In which demons accused Burgh duff of Insulting Mrs. Clemons. I.cft tin i ii it iii iNlnntl. In the party of seven persons left on Gunm Island by mistake by the army trans port Sheridan Is Prof. II. O. I.amson of Nevada, la., who was on his way to the Philippines to enter tho United States edu cational servlco there. Prof. Lamson was appolnfed to tho position on the recommen dation of State Superintendent Barrett and left for hh post on Sheridan. Tho party wan out slchtscelnc on Guam when the transport nailed away, and they wcro left. I.tifiilt- lintn lliilltlliiK " ""' Tho subcommittee of tho Iowa Statn com mission on tho Louisiana Purehaso expo sltlcn will go to St. l.ouls November 1 t locate the Iowa building and consult with the fair official) In regard to plans for tho Iowa exhibit. The Iowa commls nlon has resolved upon asking for an ap propriation of about $200,000 for tho Iowa exhibit and building. A plnn has been started hero for a special Des Moines ex hlblt at thc exposition. Will A'i '"f Piirtl"". Wesley Elklns, who Is In tho peniten tiary from Clay county for murder, will ask tho next leglslnturo for a pardon. Life only on recommenda tion of tho legislature. Klklns was a young man when sent to tho penitentiary cloven years ugo for killing his father and step mother. A number of almllar eases will go to the legislature at tho coming session on recommendation of tho governor. Stntr l'rliin Itt'iitirl. The roportB for tho present month from the two stato pcnltentlurles show that tho nt't gain In population at each of the peni tentiaries during October was twonty-flve. The prison school at Anamosn mnkes a re- nnrt xhnwlni? tntnl enrollment of ISO dur ing the mouth and average attendance of Mnn'.'a Sciitetiet- the district court for .ntilt. In the district court hero today Peter Hylaml was sentenced to three and a half years in the penitentiary on conviction for assaulting u cook In the Little Chicago restaurant. He struck the cook on tho he.td with a brick, Inflicting nerlous Injuries. Miuiiifupturrrn AnmIrii. The Economy Manufacturing company today made an assignment for tho honoflt of creditors. The assets approximate $6,000 nnrl tho liabilities 17.000. The assets, as listed, make a stronger showing than they should, ns they consist In part of worthless paper. LIFE CONVICT LEAVES WEALTH Andrew ThoimiNon, In limn I'rltiiin Thirty-Two Vfitrn, .MlKht llnvr Lived Well. Il'rom a Staff CorresnondentA DBS MOINES, Nov. 2. (Special.) When the will of tho lato Andrew Thompson was nncnprl thin wpfllc nt Anamosa. la., the fact was disclosed that ho was one of the richest llfo convicts who ever died In an American penitentiary. Ills property con sisted of 2S0 acres of good land in Claytou county, government bonds and bank credits, rtmnuntlni- In nil to about $20,000. Thorun- son, In his will, provided that nil this forty-nine. The school has enrolled nil should go to his surviving wife and to BEST FOR THE BOWELS Y run inc punu gg CANDY CATHARTIC GUARANTEED CURE for all bowel troublit, appendicitis, blllousneii, bid bresth, bad blood, wind on the itcmtch, bloatrd boweli, foul mouth, headache, Indleettlon, plmplej, patna after eatlne, liver trouble, aallow complexion and dlulneii. When your bowels don't move regularly you are sick. Comtlpation kills moro people than all other dlaeaiea taeether. It la n starter for the chronic ailments and long years of suffering that como afterwards. No matter what ails you, start taking CA3CARET3 today, for you will never let well and be well all tho time until you put your bowels right. Take our advice, atart with Cascarrts today under an absolute guarantee to cure or money refunded. Sampla and booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicaco or New York. " joj their children. During thc third of a cen utry Thompson had been behind prison bars ho had continued to own tho fine farm In Clayton county In thc henutlful Turkey river valley and during most of the time his wife had lived on the farm with her children. Tho widow still lives and tho children nrc now heads of separate families, Thompson had long been the oldest inmate of tho penltrntlury at Ana mosa and a few weeks ago died nt the ripe ago of 76, with a record of moro than thirty years, without having caused thc prison authorities any trouble. This' Andrew Thompson Is thc convict for whose benefit the Iowa supreme court, at the term Just closed, laid down u rule of justice for guidance In the matter of the business affairs of convicts In Iowa. Thompson had $300 In a bank at Anamosa and about ten years ago the prison clerk went wrong and took with him the Thomp son money. It had been tho custom of the bank to pay out money for prisoners on the order of the prison clerk. Tho su premo court reached tho case Just two weeks after Thompson had died, but tho court declared that the prison clerk had no right to drnw out money belonging to convicts nnd the bank chould not have puld out the deposit without thc signature of the prisoner, hence thc estate will tecover from thc bank for the stealings of thc clerk. The court further found that th notion that a convict has no rights is crro- neons, but that a convict Iiub thc same right to his own property nffalrB as any other person. But Thompson was dead when the courts hail finished tho case. In Thompson's will, when opened, wan found a proviso that his body should be taken back to Clayton county and bo burled on his own fnrm and this should be done before any money could bo paid his widow, tho expenses to he paid from the estate. This was not done, but tho state medical department of the Stato university claimed the body for dissecting purposes nnd the dying wish of tho old man was quietly Ignored. Thompson's crlmo was committed In De cember, ISfiO. Ho had beenmo too Inlimntn with a widow living near, named Maria Hagorty, and he reached tho conclusion that It would he best for his pcuco If she were put out of tho way. Ho Induced the widow and her threo children, a toy and two girls, to get Into n sleigh with him for a ride. Then ho smothered them un der blankets and drove to the Mississippi river. Tho river was frozen over and ho drove neross to the Wisconsin Bldo Just below CasBVllle. He found an alrholo, Into which he sunk tho four bodies, then burned tho clothing and straw In his sled and re turned home. Tho bodies were found In the spring. Tho Thompson trial waB a no table one. Chief Justlco C. T. Granger was prosecuting attorney and cx-i'ongress man Updcgraff defended. Thompson was convicted. A flaw was found nnd ho was told he could have a now trial, but, It was Intimated, that an Indictment would hs found In Wisconsin nnd he would ho taken thoro for trial, where tho penalty then wus hanging. He chose rather to abldo by the decision of tho Iowa court and received n llfo sentence. He was sent to Fort Mad Ison in January, 1S70, urn when the new penitentiary wns built at Anamosa was taken there. Thompson wus apparently content with his lot nnd had u good recoid in the prison In recent yenrs It Is said that his mind had shown signs of weaken lug. Counting In the time ho spent In Jail (.uniting trial ho had been confined nenrl) thirty-two years. llet'oiniiifiiilM It to Trn liiini'ii. O. II. Hausan, Lima. O.. engineer L H & W. It. It., writrs: "I have been troubled a great d'al with baekaeho, I was In dueed to try Foley's Kidney Cure and rns bottle rntlrdy te le e 1 me. I gl d y recoil mend It to anyone, especially my frl ndi among the trainmen, who arc usually simi larly aflllcted." TABOR DEFEATS RELLEVUE Sixtttn to Nothing; is tht Ecora on till Malum Field. IOWA ADMITS BATTLE IS A HARD ONE lliijH from .Vt-lirimkii I'nt I p n SUIT I'IkIiI unit (ilir Their Opponcnti mi ICnniili of Tneklp IIiicUn, MALVKIiN, In., Nov. 2. (Special.) Tabor defeated Bollevuc toduy In u hard-fgughl buttle, lti to o. Tubor won the toss and Bellcvuu kicked the ball to Tubor'x ten- yard Hue. Tabor advanced It to the twenty- yard Hue. After a merles of weii-piuyuu runs Tabor steadily udvanccd toward tho goal and mudc u touchdown. Laird kicked goal. Hellevue ugnin klcKert ore una ny ex cellent playing on both sides llif ball wiw kept In about the fame spot. Moore tried n limit and sont the, ball to Tabor's fort- yarn line, ruimr iuiio u nur i-un-n .um by n milgnllleenl kick kicked goal, making a score of 11 to u at the end of tho llrst half. The second mill wus a greiu oe.-ti nrurr. BelleviU) gut loose with the liall several tlmcn, but L:iird never fulled to get Ills mun. TI10 only Mure run ueiii'vuu mm our lug the gnmo wan when Cnniwell, right lu.miiick. cot around tin- whole team nnd collided with n policeman of about 200 pounds. I lie tlay was rainy nun ne grotindH were slippery. Tubor outweighed Mollevue by several pojnds n mini, but tho game was evenly played. Throw of Helle vun and Cornwell were slightly disabled. The game was characterized by Its clean ubiylng. I nc Timor inam won on rnu runs chiefly, and Hellevue played tacklo DtieKs. together Willi end runs, i.uieuii: the second half, when he skirted Indiana's left for n twent.v-llve-yard run. Jtitton made the third touciidown a min ute boforo tlnin was called. This. Ilk- the tlrsl one of tho uame. was iii:comidlshf d Hfter n hard battering of the line. Lowen- tlial ani L nduren did mii end d worn, ns did f'ayou, The latter had his nose broken 111 tno second lineup utter lie iciievcn Stahl, who went to guard, but he played .hrntigh. Indiana was simply unable to withstand the fierce onslaught on Its line. Its offen sive play, too, was weak. Lineup 1I.I.INOIS-1S. rook L. E. Humly L. T. Stone, Stahl anil Elder L. O. Lowenthal Kalrweutlier ...II. O. Llndgren H, T. Ootid ntiil Slier. It. K. MeKlnley Q. II. Uruuilagc and Jluntoon ..I.. II. 11. Parker, Coons nnd Jutton It. II. H U. H It. T.. . .' It. G C L. T.. T . . . . I.. K Q. H.... It. II. H L. II. U. 0 INDIANA. .R. L. Smith . .. anil Jones ... Davidson ... Kul'sb.irk Mnrkle ...Elfers and II. Smith Hlghtey Itueker Foster ...t'ovnl apd Sunders ... Plevenger Gordon Stahl, Cayoti....!'. H.iK. It.. Touchdowns: Stahl (2), Jutton. Goals kicked: Stahl. Cook (2). Time: Twenty-llvc-mlnute halves. TIGERS WIN ON A SAFETY tin I'nlntN Allinvt-il by Ht-fert-e- (tiiv. liny for I'rliit'etmi In I'lico of Cornell's I'rntt-Nf, day, 28 to 0. Touchdowns were made by Doty, Hall (2), Scheeslay nnd Fenlon. and Doty kicked throe goals, rtefereo. Knvi laugh. The feature of the game was the long runs of Unll nnd Doty for touchdowns BROWN'S LINE PROVES WEAK llurvitril Holla lip t'nrt) -CIk"! mint, HeliiHT Able tn tlrrnk ThrotiRh with Little Difficulty, 18. TAHOU Lnlnl Hill Drlnble ... Goodfellow fUearmon Davis Colby AHKlll Ferroht . . HoiisIh ... Lulrd T.. (i.. ..L. 13. L. T. L. U. C. It. (I. It. T. rt. 1-3. q. H.iL. 1-3.. ...1.. 11. RIO. H.. ..It. II. II. 'K. II. II. I' 11.IL. H. II. IF. H L. G L. T...A HI3LLEVI E. Throw MoWlmrler Kerr .... Scholleld SlroiKl , Cooper mid Mann I'opr . T. Cooper .... Corn well .;oori Horn KNOX TESTS JTHE HAWKEYES Titl.t-N un llonoriible neft-nt tlirtt Slum h. tin- Mnjor lotrnnx Where In Streimtlieii. IOWA CITY. la.. Nov. '..-(Special Tele gram.) In the best gnmo on Iowa Held this year the Ilawkeyes defeated Knox college team Ti to ti. (Irogau, Knox's iimirtorbacu, got tho ball In n scrlminuge and ran ninety llvu ynrds for a touciidown. lowu Hhowed great teamwork ami at limes walked through the lln- nt will. The best gains were made by Mason, tackle, bjlberts, Iowa's left end, wus the star line bueker. and In one down got away for u slxty-jurd run and touchdown. Muey at fullback minle astounding hurdles that averagco tight vards. Tho lowu team outwelgh'-d Knox, but both played desperately to lh end. t'o.ich Klllpe si'ld: "kiio b.is u good, straightforward team and one which we enjoy playing wi'h Ibwu plajed good 111 spots. There aro many weak points jet which must bo remedied." ILLINOIS TAKES ITS REVENGE lnl HiliiilllntloiiN Are Alooeil For. its 1 ml ill III! Pi-OM-s Ton l.lnllt tn Hold i: Uwil. INDIANAI'OLIS, Nov 2. -Illinois eveneil up with Inilluna for the defeat of two yeurs ago ami the stund-nff of a year ago nt tho Newby Oval gridiron litre today. The orange and blui rolled u, a total of 1!. While Indiana falleil to score. Illinois played u line bucking name throughout. It massed Its heavluefa against the IndlanuuiH from the tlrst lineup and used up seven backs In smashing through for gains of from threw to five jards. Stahl made two of th. touchdowns, the llrst after a straight riMt down the Held lur guilt utter 6ulti,' thc second came In ITHACA. N. Y.. Nov. 2. rrlneetoii scored n hiiril victory over Cornell today by tho narrow nrirgin of two points, the llnul score being S tn . Princeton won on a safety allowed by Heferee Wrlghtllltou, but vlgorojMly protested by Cornell. It resulted from a trial for a goal from the Held by Itlght Tackle Dewltt The bull missed the goal posts by several feet, but was picked up by Hrewster, Cornell's (uar terback, who was shoved back over the line by a Princeton player. Cornell tnoK the position that tho Princeton man was off side when Hrewster took possession of the ball, but the olllclnl decision was to the contrary. The game was the longest played on Percy Held In several years, ii was tno dark tn distinguish the teams when time was called and because of this tho decid ing piny was made more tmcert-ilii. The score liml stood t tn 6 throughout tho greater part of the second half and a tie game wns looked for. Lineup: PHINCI3TON-S. I tV-COHNKLL. Davis, McClave.L. L. It. 13. ...Tydeman anil Hen (t'.i i.. i ! Dana, Short L. CI. It. T Fisher c. it. c. Mills. Ilutklwlz.lt. (J. C Dowitt It. T. L. G Henry, Knper...It. 13. L. 13 Freeman, Meier Q.II. u. H Foulke L. II. II. H. 11. II. MeClave 11. II. ll. L. II. 11. I'nderhlll nnd Mo- Cord F. II. F ft Touchdowns; Coflln. Henry. touchdowns: (jomn, uewttt. Clave. Hansom Smith Hunt Kent Warner (C.) Taussig . .. Hrewster Coflln .Purcell and Shepcrd . . Bcheo koft Goals from Safety: Mc- Tlmei Thlrty-tlvc-mlnuto halves. AMES WEAKENS AT FINISH (irliuit'll l I' mi lla- tn Seoie In I'lrtt lliilf, lint Doi-n n a It I'li'lises In Set'iiuil, AM ICS, la.. Nov, 2. (Special Telegram. ) The Ames-Grlnnell foot bull game ii'ay-d hero today whs somewhat of a surnrMi, Ah It was won by ilrlnnell, 2,1 to o. The Hrst half was played nearly altogether In Orl i- mdi's torrltnry, but Aiiick went to pee in tiic second. Ames nan tno n.iu wnu n half a yard of Ilrlnnell s ko.iI. but 'ost on a fumble and Grlnnell .untd out f di ge 'the second touchdown In the vee nd hilf wns maile by a. Iifty-vard tun through th whole Ames team. Orlnncll wis entirely loo fast tor the Ames men, the frrmor hnv. Ing the ball In p. ay before tli latter wnul i line up. The largest crowd turned out to the gumo that has ever uppeureri on the Ames atnictio tieid. l.ineup GniNN13LI-23 CA.MHIlIDat3, Mnss., Nov. 2. Hur.ard easily defeated Brown this afternoon, 43 to 0. Five touchdowns were mndi- In the first half and three In the second. Tho Harvard Ilm was much stronger thsn Hrowu's and effectually stopped Ilrown's rushing, while It nllowed Harvard's pliys to get well under wuy without being broken up. Tho strength of Harvard's attack s shown by the fact that In the Hrst half U punted only once, scoring Its Ave touch downs by a consistent rushing game In addition. Harvard once advanced the ball from Its own fifteen-yard line to Hrown's two-yard line by rushing, only to loie It on a fumble Brown could gain Its distance only onrc' und could not hold Harvard on downs a single time. Both sides fnmb'.ed badly. Kcrnnn strained his right ankle seriously nnd this will probably affect his kicking for the Pennsylvania game. Putnam, who succeeded him, In punting did almoit as wen, nowever. the record will be broken. The Deh Molnef track Is estlmuted lo bo from one to tw. I.ltl)rl " brt-ak the reeonl will be nmde we,,ihe',,!"CW,',y' ',r"e,lfJ, '' HORSE SHOW" IS"a SUCCESS TlinrtiiiKlilirrilM H.-.-rh r I'onstnnt St-riMliij nt Ml, l.oul-l3i -iin fin Women mill Children. ST. LOl'IS, Nov. 2 The hor-e shnu in ih.H,, there has never been so mm h In terest shown In horses as there his the "T, o"k,' ,v,rry ''N"H ''"' ' been tilled with represenliillw men ami women or St. l.ouls and the crowdw hint, remained until the last event was mm Pletod. I he progriini for this aftei noou was made up largely for the boncik or women and children. There wem 'tw events for ponies, Ineltidlng both saddle n d harness exhibitions Tonight's prngnni m eluded event-, In which the elm mpon of the last week were cntem and also con solation prizes for horsis which liuvu not secured blue ribbons JAYHAWKERS WIN AT TENNIS , e 1 1 r a U n I'l-ovcn Inferior tn I IM South ern elKlihnr tin llntli llonbf. mid SlttRle Ctiurla. LAWRKNCK. Kan.. Nov. 2.Th annual tennis tournament between representatives of the I'nlverslty of Kansas nnd the Uni versity of Nebraska was finished here to day nnd resulted In favor of Kansas, In both double," ind singles, Hebron nutelnaipa ISflsiiir. I3DOAK. Neb., Nov. 2.-(Speelal T'le gram.) Kdgnr and Hebron p'ayefl foot hall on the home grounds today. The game was u good one, excellent work being doni on both sides, but Kdgnr was evidently out classed. Score: Hebron, IS; Kdgnr, 0, Referent McNally. lirlniipll Hitch School Itlichrr ftlll. GKINNKLL. la.. Nov. 2.-fHpcc'nl To'e gram.) Grlnnell High school defeated West Des Moines High school, 6 to n. Neither gonl was at any time In danger of being crossed. Cllllcy saved tho day for Grlnnell by kicking goal In the second half, from the rorty-yard line. WeepliiBT Witter AVeepn o More. WBEPJNO WATKH. Neb.. Nov. 2.-(Sie-clal Telegram.) The Nebraska City High school foot ball team played the Weeping Water academy eleven here today, nnd was defenled by the latter. 12 to D. It'iln Interfered somewhnt, but both sides played a good game, Ct-ilnr County's Flral Gmne, HAIITINOTON. Neb.. Nov. '.'.-(Special.) The llrst foot ba'l game ever vvlinessed In Cedar county was pliyed Friday be tween Wayne and Wakefield. Touchdowns: Wnyne Skecn, 2; Irwin, 3: Crlss. 2. Goals: Crlss. 3. Score. Wayne. 3S; Wakefield. 0. Itentrlce SlnitN Out Wjiuoir. 1U3ATHICK. Neh Nov. 2.-(Spee!al Tele gtiim.) Tho foot ball game here today be tween the Wym.ire and Heatrlee High irhool teams resulted 111 tho Heatrlee team shutting out the visitors 21 to o. Nt. I I linns .tl'l' I'll.ft. CHICAGO, Nov. 2.-(!reyhoiindH fr tu S Iouls curried off everything In sight this afternoon at the open mulch of the mei lean I nursing club. There were sl Mis sourl animals tu the llrst round and lee from Chicago. The llnul round wus be. tween Linlithgow lass, owned bv I .1 Dwyer or St. louls, and llaiinlster, tho V,y "f. M K' (JII,1,o" of SI. I .mil Linlithgow Lass won the heat hv two and a half points. MUM. MAIIY Gltr.GUVICII Of I'lilllpsliiirK, .lloiilnnn, Telia llmv Mho Wns Cored of lliiiiilriilT, Mr. Mary Oregovleh of Phlllpsburg, Mont., under dale of November 26, 1S03, writes: "I had typhoid fever this rummer, consequently was losing my hair terribly and my head In places was perfectly bald. Newbro's Herpleldc had Just como Into use In I'hlllpsburg and tho doctor strongly rec nmtnended It to me. After .1 or 4 applica tions my hnlr stopped falling nut and Is coming In ngaln milte thick. I used to ho troubled greatly with dnndruff, of whlrh I am now qulto cured." Kill the dandruff germ with Herplclde. Tho want ad page Is tho poor man's mar ket place. Small price and big profits. D. I3vuns... Cord Dunn Ilaggs Smith Collins Marsh . Ibo i Lyman .... K. Kvans... Clark ..L. 15.' H. 13. L. T. It. T. L. U. II G. C.'C It. O. L. C. It. T.'L T.. It. 13,'L. 13 O. ll. Q II. L. 11. it. 1. II. H. II. 11, I.. II. F. ii. F. 11. 0--AMKS . .. Keyker Jorgensnn . Schoi .. Klevons .... Telller Scott Stur.lnter Daniel Cuvu cove .... Smllil I 111 I il Clt I'lnd" n tiolllitli. DAVID CITY Neb.. Nov 2 --(Sperl Telegram. I- "avid City High si Iru I hat Sewuiil High bihool at foot bull here tu- Hedford's Liinh la C'tolon'i Gnln. CHF.STON, la.. Nov. '.'.-(Special Tele gtam.) Bedford High school defeated Cres ton High school in an exciting contest (his afternoon. Score: Bedford, 10; Crcston, 0. Huffs llefcnt Creat-fiita. The Huff Specials defeated the Crescents In a match game of mot ball Saturday. 7 to u. '1 he Crescents outweighed the Huffs, out tho Hunt) put .ip too goon a game. Cri'M I'll Try n Kite Tract., OF.8 MOINKS, Nov, '.Crwrus, the champion trotting horse of America, ar rived In Des Mo'nes this morning for the purpose of making an effort to reduce, his record, 2:02!t. He has never raced on a 'tlte-shatied track and as Des Molms hue Me most expensive kite track In the world Mr. Kotcham, owner of the horse, prtdlcts Cured of Poles After Many Years. Mrs. D. K. Herd of Albany sajs "I would not take JfiOO and ho placed where I wns before luaed tho Pyramid Pile Cure. I suf fered for years anil 11 Is now IS months Mnro I used It and not tho slightest trace of the trouble ha returned." For sale hv all druggists. Little book, "Piles, Cause end Cure," mailed fice. Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich,