Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1901, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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mi.voh jiu.vrio.v.
Duvis tells drugs.
fitnokert sells curptts and rue.
Met beet ut Neumayer's hotel.
Oaa fixtures and globes. Blxby & Son.
Wollman, scientific optician. 40) Broadway.
I'erry plHurt for wile. C. K. Alexander
& v.o., an Broadway.
MlHAourl oak body wood, il.RO cord. Win.
Welch, Zi N. Main st. Tel. 12S.
Tuk" your prcscrlplhiim to Drll (2. Mor
gan, tin- drugglM. I I'J Uroadway.
For rent, modern 8cen-rooni icald-iicu,
60a Highlit strict, corner Sixth avenue.
HudlnnU Home Move, guaranteed not to
crui'k Hold by retciitii tc Hcliocnlng. Mcr
rlam block.
The K.-oiul Oakland .Wenur foot ba 1
learn drfiird tli' Denny Clruves ;leeii
yesterday afternoon, 1" to .
Tin. I.adv MaiealxeH will hm n i"pceliil
Sectlng Monday afternoon at the home of
ru. llriiieher. Iiffi 1'lflh avenue.
Attorney John Limit arrived home yestet.
day from a trip to llelenn. when1 he lino
been looking after hi mining Interest.
Axel Hhlerti, charged Willi
Zep IIiiKhex. wan dleliargei
In .In.'lUo
Ftirler's court yesterday
tor want of
A nmrrlage ller-nso wan Isxued ypMrrduy
to John H. Collin, aged ;ri. of UallbacU,
Neb., mid ChllHtlne IJ. Ha2cr, lined II, ol
ClrlMvuld, la.
1'ulerseii & Kehoonlng. Merrlam block,
Jrnvf. the mot complete line of Hot Ulast
Iov-m In tho city and ut prices that will
urprlsu J oil.
Juincn fadwallader pleaded guilty In
Justice Hrynnt'n court yesterday to ns
ettttltliiK lid win Williamson and was fined
tl und rosts.
The Ministerial association will meet to
muirow morning at lo o clock In the Kliat
Congregational church to urrangc for
'Jltuiiksglvlng cervices.
Chambers' dancing academy. Koyal Ar
canum hall. Tuesdays and Fridays, adults,
p. m.: children, I p. m. Assemblies for
dulu Fridays, s:3o p. m.
Miss Larson has resigned as stenographm
In the other of the city nuperlntenilent of
tchooU and will leave next week for Pueblo.
Will Hlchanls will succeed her.
Adolph Olson -i ml ('. A. (lustafson yes
terday forawore their allegiance In tho
king of Denmark-and were cranli-d niiturn
llzatlnn papers by Judge Wheeler of the
district court.
These eases of contagious diseases were
reported to the Hoard of Health yesterday:
V Nelson. Ui .South Twelfth street,
"diphtheria, Florence Tipton, Avenue
U, scarlet fever.
Judge Wheeler will be al the dlstrlrt
courtroom Monday in '.:? a. m. anil 1:3')
p. in. to Kraut naturalization, papers lo
hiicIi as may be entitled to them and who
desire to cast their ballots Tuesday.
A. It. Wlllard. fourth member of t li .
gang of plekpocketM which robbed Farmer
Hester of Ottawa, Kan., at the Transfer
depot, entered a plea of guilty In district
cojrt yesterday and was lined jlfie. Me was
the only one of the four who mnuaKcd to
lurnlsh hall.
A drunken I ramp giving tho name of
Jones got In the way of (leorgo Mlller'K
tiorse and buggy last night at Ilru.ulway
and Htnte stieet nncT was knocked down.
Jones' foot was badly bruised by the
horsn'a hoofs, lie was cared for at the
police station.
The Hoard of Commissioners for the In
sane Investigated the case of Elizabeth (ill
lam, the county patient removed from the
Womati'ii i.'brlstlau AsMOclatlon hospital
to the Insane ward In St. llernnrd'M, ami
decided that she wiih not Insane. Hhe was
ordered turned over to the care of tho
overseer of the poori
C. F. Nelson, who seemed the of
John and Henry Quade mid J. K. Nellsen
on an assault and battery charge ami whh
In turn neciii-ed nf assaulting John Q.iado
with a saw, tdeaded guilty In Justice
Bryant's court yesterday mid paid a tlm?
of Jl and costs. The hearing of the easo
against the Quadea and Nellsen was con
tinued to November ft.
K. C. Mosher, asslstanl secretary, and
A. 11. Woodward, advertising manager nf
the Sandwich Mainfacturlng company,
were In this city yesterday, guests nf
Alderman l W MeOonaKI, local manager
of the company, on their way homo to
Hnndwleh, til , from attending the conven
tion of the National American Agricultural
Implement and Vehlclo Manufacturers' as
sociation In Kansas City.
Manager Arthur l. Alston, who gave uh
"Tennessee's Partner" and scored Much n
permanent success with that' fuvorlte
drama, has purchased from Hal Held his
new play. "At the Old Cross ltoails," and
ulll present It In this city tonight at
IJohany's. with the principal members of
last season's "Tennessee's Parduer" com
pany, augmented by a number nt other
artists popularly known hern for their suc
cesses with other companies. "Al the, Old
Cross Itoads" has an attractive title ami
every one who has seen tho play conceded
It to have even mnio literary value and
heart Interest than "Tennesseu's Parduer."
The production of "At the Old Crosa
Roads" Is carried complete, regarding the
appropriate southern settings and correct
costumes, properties and effects.
N. Y. Plumbing Co., telephone 23a
(mini Hotel Is l.rnsril.
The Grand Hotel company has leased the
Grand hotel to W. W. Cttcs of Platts
mouth, Neb., subject to the npproval of
Judgn Smith Mcl'liorson of tho federal
court, In which the rcceUerslilp proceed
ings aro pending. Mr. Coatea had charge
nf tho Dcllone hotel In Omaha during tho
exposition and was with the Koehler In
Oratid Island and more recently with ono
of the hostelrlcs In Plattsmouth.
IIohI Hstntr Trnnsfers.
These transfcra wore tiled yesterday In
ho abstract, title and loan office of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
J. D. r.roul and wife et al to V. A.
Oroiit. lot I. In subdlv. of original
plat; lot :n. Council Bluffs, q. c. $
William Plumer and wife to J. A.
L. Waddcll, part nwt( swU t-7 1 -i:t.
w. d
J JO. Bender, commlt-sloner. to W.
H, Freeman, n',4 swtt und n'.j nVj
so',4 hw'J in-"3-4a, il.
Lemuel Layton and wlie, Jennie, to
W. C. Jacobs, east llii feet nf lot in,
In bloek 7, town of Oakland, w. d..
M F. Boren and wire to Ceorge Den
nis, lots in and 11. In block I'J, How
ant's add., w. d
C. F. Landing to V. A. Street, lot 13,
In bloek 3. Casady's add., w. d
JI. II. Run and wlfo to I'arthenla P.
Rue. part hw'i He'S 0-71-i'l. q. c
K. D. (tuo et al to same, same
Frederick J. Day and John P. Hets
and wIvch to Pomona Land and
Trust company, so', nwti s-l-in,
q c
Pheriff to Iowa Central Uulldlng and
Loan association, lot l, In block I,
(inns' add. to Oakland, s. d
Ten transfers, lotal total
..? S.U73
Utt lor thou who tno wht'
Ganymede Chocolates
ajiopera Bon Bons
Uada By
John G. Woodward & Co.
"The Candy Men."
Council Bluffs
Funeral Director
tbucceKkor to w. c. tCntmt
Negotiated In Eastnrn N rtirajK
and Iowa. Jumos N. Cmady, Jr.,
ut Main mi., t-nuncu iv.un.
MB linUfll CTCniUn Rtnilrlna. Mat
run urnuLa i cninu tr.i. x;i
PMthtrRonovttlngorOitlmoor Felt Mjttrenei gotj
Iowa Steam Dye Works
'.Wl nroadwiiy, Council Bluffs.
Make youi old clothes look like new.
Phono AtiliL
Bonthwiit Aiiocltttia Elects F. E. Palmer
of Villiica PniitUnt.
I'riicrnin if thi .Ncnnlonn In Our of tin;
ll-M i:rr I'rntldcd lilt of Ftm
Crerpx In Tliriitiuh llronliitlon
on I'lilllppliir- IvKMir'lon.
What wan considered lo bo the most tuc
icssful meeting ever held by the South
western Iowa Teachers' association closed
yesterday noon and by evening tho 500 vis
iting teachers had started for their homes.
Not only was the attendance, at tho meet
ing this year larger than ever befor, but
tuo program provided for the general ses-
slcns was a record-breaker. On the pro
gram appeared the names of the president
or every leading Iowa college, the foremost
superintendents, principals and tducutcr.ij
In southwestern Iowa and two of tho lead
ing lecturers on education matters In the
country, Dr. A. K. Winshlp of Bo ton, editor
or the Educational Review, and Dr. Arnold
Tompkins of Chicago.
Theso offlcers were elected for the cnsulnt
year yesterday morning: President, F. E.
Palmer of Vllllsca; vice president. Miss
Lizzie Haas of Boone: recording secretary,
fleorge II. Colbert of Clarluda; railroad
secretary, 0. E. Kllngerman of Aflon;
chairman executive committee, w. N. Clif
ford of Council Bluffs.
The selection of the meeting placa for
next year was left with the executive com
mittee to decide.
The association adopted resolutions ex
pressing Its appreciation of the courtejy
of tho Board of Eduratlon In permitting
the use of the High acliool auditorium for
the sessions and extending Its thanks to
all who had taken part In the program
and assUted In making the meeting the
success It was.
A bit of humor was Injected lnlo the
Inst session by President Hussle. of the
Western Normul college at Shenandoah of
fering the following resolution:
Other things being equal, but believing
th it since so many of our teachcrsi enrouto
last summer to our new possessions ac
quired new possessions even before reach
ing Honolulu; believing since this event
some mings arc not equal, und rurther be
lieving that all teachers should ho klndlv.
affectionate, warm-hearted and united:
therefore be It
llesolved. That we. the members of tho
outnwestern Iowa Teachers' assoc iitlon.
do hereby memnilallze the executive com
mittee of the National Kducntlonal asso
elatlon to hold the next meeting of that
body In the Philippines, and we proml.o
our heartfelt Interest In such meeting, pro
vided steamship passage be afforded for all,
wnn me cusiomary stop ill Honolulu,
In offering tho resolution, which was re
ceived with laughter by the mule members
nnd with blushes by the young women
teachers. President Hussle said that owlna;
to certain entanglements he would not bo
able to go.
The program of Mm closing session waa
an address to the teachers by Hon. R. C.
Barrett of Dcs Moines, stato superintendent
of public Instruction, and a lecturo by Dr.
Arnold Tompkins of Chicago on "Tho Beau,
tlf nl as a Universal Element In Educa.
Superintendent Barrett In his address
did not take any particular topic, but spoke
orfhand on a number of subjects of Inter,
est lo tho teachers.
C'onnell II Infra Chnrrlira.
The last of tho series of revival meet
ings In tho Broadway Methodist church
will be this evening, when the choir will
be assisted by Mrs. I P. Hypes, soprano
soloist,- and will glvo this program:
Organ Prelude Berceuse (from Jocelvn)
airs. Lena, s ins Hvlvesler.
filnrhi Pallia
Ilymn-Salvutlon, Oh. the Joyful Sound
I Randall
llonum Est fu "" flat Dlldtev Hnrk
Benedlc Amula Mea In t' ftnnld
fun tii, saut-w nn- .iiiiin (i annus
Sounds Brown
Duel Jesus Saves "Westcott
I lt.i. t I n... LJ. . I. V, .
Miss McFadden and Mr. Mltrtif.ll
Offertory Ballade Johannes Pache
Mrs, Sylvester.
Solo I'm a Pilgrim Rocera
.Mrs. it. i '. iivitns.
Hymn I Love Thy Kingdom Lord
I'osuuuc Hungarian .March Schubert
In St. Paul's Episcopal church the rector,
Rev. George Edward Walk, havinc returned
from California, will conduct aervices nt
10:30 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Holy communion
will be celebrated at tho morning service,
In tho First Congregational church this
morning at 10:30 there will he communion
service and a fhort sermon by the pastor,
Kev. J. . Wilson, followed by the re
ception of new members nt the Lord's sup
per. Preaching will bo at 7:30 p. m.
"The Guest Chamber" will bo the topic.
of Rev. Harvey Hosteller this mornfnG nt
10:3' In tho Second Presbyterian church
His evening subject nt 7:30 will bo "Do a
Gocdllncsj Pay?" Sunday school will bo t
noon, Junior Ktiueavor society at a p. m.
and Young People's hervice nt 7 p. m.
In tho Latter Day Saints' church on Pierce
street sacramental service this mcrnlng
will bo at 10 oclock. Evening sermou will
be at 7:30 and Sunday ncbool nt noon
Prayer service will lo Wednesday evjnlus
at 7-30,
The rector, Rev, E. D. Wilson, will preach
today at Mt. Zion Baptist church nt 11 a
m. and S p. m. Sunday school will bj at
3 p. m
This will bo Rally day and roll call for
the bible school r.nd churqh tn the Christian
tabernacle. .In celcbro' Ion of tho completion
of tho repairs to ths building, Bible n'hool
will be at n:l3 n. m. and preaching and
roll call at 11 a, ni,
In the Grace Episcopal church Sunday
school will bo at 0:43 u, m. and morning
prayer al 11 o'clock.
Tho First Church nf Christ, Scientist, will
have services ut 10:15 a. m, in tho Sapp
building, Sunday school will be at the
close of tho service. Expfrlenco meeting
will be Weducsday night at S o'clock.
For Sale A nlcn draft horse, true, gen
lie, broke double, 1,'JfiO pounds. Al Bourl-
cIoiir' muslo house, 333 Broadway, where
tho organ stands upon tho building,
Davis tells class
Gravel roofing, a. II. Read, Ml Broadway.
To Iliad Off .Mm, Hntzellc.
City Solicitor Wadsworth said yentorday
an appeal would bo taken at once to the
supreme court from tho ruling of Judge
Macy ,of the district court, granting Mrs.
Jennie Ho.zclle of South Omaha a now
trial of her personal Injury damage suit
against the city. Such action on tho part
of the city will prevent Mrs. Koizctlc, even
If the supremo court sustains Judge Macy's
ruling, from securing a new trial for pos
elbly two years.
In iiistaluing Mrs- Rozzello'a motion for
a new trial, Judgo Macy referred to the
fact thai at the time the leglslatlou was
tecured providing for local option and the
licensing of saloons, the advocates of tho
measure promised that the public schools
would be enhanced ami tho roads and
streets kept n better condition from the
revenues derived from tho licenses. Ho
said Council Bluffs was receiving a largo
portion of its revenue from saloon licenses
and (hat such being the caso people from
other dttei should certainly be able to
visit Council Bluffs without receiving a
baptism of mud.
A motion hart been Died In the suit of
N. Uolnn against .tcnnlo Krawley and
others, heirs of Mrn. Kox, who was run
down and killed by a motor ear on Avenue
A, asking that Michael Kox bo made a
parly to tho suit. Mrs. l'ox left a consider
able estate, over which litigation has en
sued. Council llliifTs oelet.
Miss Carrie. IS. Auteurleth was married
Wednesday evening at the home of her
parents, Mr, nnd Mrs. C. 0. Aulenrlcth,
1331 Pleasant street, to Austin K. Klchhorn
by Rev. W. S. Harnes of the First Pres
byterian church. Tho Invited guests were
the relatives nnd Immediate friends of flu
bride and grcom. The bride was becomingly
gowned In blue crepe do chine, entrain, and
tarried a shower bouquet of bride roses. A
wedding eupper was served. Mr. and Mrs.
Elchborn received many costly presents.
They will make their home at 1313 Pleasant
Ralph II. Williams and Mrs. Kmyllne
Vearndt Mum were married Tuesday at tbi
home of tho bride's father, Charles Yearndt,
J Ova Indiana avenue, Laporte, Ind. Mr. and
Mrs. Williams arrived In Council Bluffs
Thursduy and ore at home nt 411 South
First street.
Young friends and sehoolmats treated
Miss Hmmu Kvers Friday evening to a
surprise party In celehrntlon nf her four
teenth birthday anniversary. The evening
was delightfully pased with music and
games and refreshments were served. Tho
young hostebs received o, number of me
mentos of the happy occasion.
Mr. Rnd Mrs. I. (.. nonham s pleasant
home on North Second street was Invaded
Hallowe'en night by a number of friends,
who wero dressed In the most fantastic
garbs they could design. Although ts.ken
by surprise Mr. and Mrs. Bonham proved
equal to the occasion and nn enjayab'.o tcn
lug was passed.
Mrs. John Moran returned yesterday from
a visit with her parents In Chicago.
Mrs. O. M, Brown of South Seventh street
Is home from a visit with relatives In Kan
sas City.
The Elks lodgo will give tho second of a
series of dances for
tho members and
November 'J7. It U
their wives Wednesday
promised that It will be even a more elab
orate affair than the ono last month.
Mrs. R. P. Moore of Dubuque U guest of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S, Barclay.
Mr. and .Mrs. J. W. Morse are home from
a visit to New York.
Davis sells rami.
Mirllliorn Mny Mil neeovrr.
The physicians were compelled yester
day afternoon to amputate the arm of Er
nest Shellhorn, the young man who wau
shot by the accidental dlschargo of his
gun Thursday afternoon while hunting at
Lake Manawa. Inquiry at the Woman's
Christian Association hospital last night
elicited the Information that his condition
was critical, with little hope for his sur
viving. CliniiBeil lo the WaliiiNli.
James S. Bluncharri, agent of the Omaha
& St. Loulu railroad, and other employes,
received notice yesterday that at midnight
tho name of tho road would ho changed to
the Wabash. Tho employes wore also noti
fied that their services would be retained
until further notice. It Is expected a num
ber of chnnges will bo made In the local
Jinny More Register.
The efforts mado by both parties resulted
In tho registration of a large number of
voters In every precinct In tho city yes
terday. In some of the precincts over fifty
names were added to the list yesterday,
making tho total of new voterB registered
In these precincts for the three days over
First Snow nt Den Molnra.
DES MOINES, Nov. 3. At 1 a. m. the
first snow of tho season Is coming down in
heavy flakes nnd tho ground Is covered.
A cold rain preceded tho snow and tho
temperature Is still getting lower.
Tho best bargains In tho paper nro on
tho want ad page. Don't miss them.
olnlil) I'nslilonntile Ik I he AVrdilliiK
or Thin Actual Itnler of
(Copyright. !!v, by Press Publishing Co,)
LONDON, Nov. 2. (New York World Ca-
blegram Special Tcltgrara.) The earl of
Cromer, for eighteen years the actual ruler
of England under tho modest title of Brlthh
agent and consul general, goes back to his
post with a bride, a sister of tho marquis
of Bath.
The wedding vvns a uotably fashionahlo
affair and the reception given hy tho
dowager marchioness of Bath was at
tended by, among othors, tho marchioness
of Bath, Lady Castleross, Lady Keumare
and Lady Margaret Douglass, tho
marchoncss pf Hastings, Lord Revelstoke,
Lady Sarah Spencer, Lord and Lady
s,lfl,c,d' ,'a,1r Antrim, tho marchloneis of
iiianuenioro, uorn una iiuy uiirrington, the
dowager marchloners of Hcadford. Lord and
Lady Baring, Lord Granville, the American
charge d'affaires aud Miss White, Iidy
Cranborne. the marquis of Northampton
and Lord Cork.
The gifts Included ono from King Edward
to the carl, of Cromer, consisting of n sil
ver Inkstand In an oak case, engiaved with
tho Cromer crest ami the Inssrlptlon:
Evelyn, Earl Cromer, on his marrlugi,
from Edward R. and I.. October, 1&0L"
The bridegroom's gifts to the brldn wero
a massive single stone diamond necklace, a
splendid diamond tiara, a gold pin with
"K" In diamonds, and n diamond pendant
with a largo pcnrl In tho center. Tho
dowager mnrcbloness of Bath gave tho
bride a gold-mounted dressing eate with
monogram and corouet; the marchioness of
Bath, a massivo diamond oruument with
drop; Lady Cranborno and Lady Esther
Smith, a diamond serpent with ruby eyes;
Lady ABhburton, a diamond nnd ruby pin
"ml dlamcnd pendant; Coun'ets Glelchen, a
green enamel pearl brooch; the dowager
marchioness of Bath, Lord and Lady Dj
VohcI, Lady Beatrice Thynne, Lord Thynue,
Lady Shaw Stewart und Shaw Stewart, i
magnificent diamond necklace; tho mar
chlouess of Blandenford, a gold, dlumoni
and ruby cloak fastener; the duchers of
somerset, an engraven gom nox, an.i tho
marquis und marchioness of Lansdowne,
three silver tea caddies In case.
To Miss Lllllab McCarthy has been
awarded the palm of being the most beau
tlful nctrcss upon tho English stage. Fred
eric Harrison has pronounced that verdict
and no one has come forward to openly
challenge It. Miss McCarthy Is Wilson
Barrett's leading lady In Australia.
W. J. Shlvely, Batcsvllle, 0 speaking of
Banner Salve, says: "I used It for plies
and it has douo me more good than any
salve I have ever used and I havo tried a
great many kinds,"
The waut ad page la tho poor man's mar
ket piece. Small price and big ptoflts.
Artesian Flow nt .Vormitl.
TYNDALL. 8. D Nov. '.'.(Special.)
Water has been struck in tho artesian well
which Is being put down at the Springfield
Normal school. Tho first flow was reached
at 501 feet. The drilling will contlnuo
until a deeper flow la secured at about 700
Don't miss reading the waut ud pago.
Unit Statu Delegate Refai to le Ont
dm in OturUij.
WnsliliiHtou CSiM eminent lines .Vol
Mend Plnec Hunters tn Mrjlco, lint
Only .Seeks to Promise Hel
ler riiilerslniiiHiiR.
MEXICO Nov. At (bis morning's
nuetlng of tho Pan-American congress Gen
eral Rafael Reyei, delegate, from Colombia,
In n speech full of praise for the United
States, proposed that H. C. Davis, chairman
of the Hulted States delegation, be elected
permanent president of the Pan-American
conference. In supporting ex-Senator Davis
as permanent president Oencral Reyes mid:
"In offering the proposition which has
Just been read I feel sure that I have Inter
preted the wishes and sentiments of all
the delegations of Latin America. In ten
dering the offlce of the president of tho
congress to the chairman of the United
Statca delegation wo are perlormltig an act
of courtesy In assigning tho place of honor
lo the chief representative of tho nation
which has taken so Important a part In
convening both Pan-American conferences
nnd which. If on no other ground than that
of language, figures among all Latin Amer
ican nations hero represented In tho role
of a guest."
When General Reyes had named Mr.
Davis for the presidency of the conferencs
C. M. Pepper, a United States delegate,
spoko tn Spanish declining tho honor.
Ex-Senator Davis then spoko In person,
thanking (lencral Reyes and tho congress,
saying the Americans are not hero for place,
but to incteose tho general feeling of nnilty
and goodwill among the nations: that his
ration wanted no more territory and tood
as tho Medes and the Pnrlans for the Mon
roe doctrine and for the preservation of
the commercial rights of the republics,
Ex-Senator Davis having derllncd the
presidency of the conference, the pro
visional president, (icneraro Ralgosa, chair
man of the Mexican delegation, was elected
r resident of the International American
congress. Dura I o Prelra of Brazil was
elertcd tlrst vice president and Bnlletzar
Esturpiulan of Salvador econd vice pres
ident. Senor Carbo of Ecuador proposed naming
Secretary Hay as an additional honorary
president, Senor Calvo of Costa Rica seti
onded the motion and Senor Corrca of Nic
aragua askrd that the appointment be mado
by acrlamatlnn, and after another spe eh
by Oencral Reyes the meeting accepted
Senor Carho's proposition unanimously,
f'olouililii Doth ol Respond.
At the morning session General Gil For
iotll said ho had lecclvcd nn word that
General Castro had compiled with tho
trsolution with respect to tho war between
his country anil Colombia and he asked tho
president of the conference If a reply had
been received from Colombia.
The latter bald that the reply of Vene
zuela had been received, but up to the pres
ent moment no reply had been received
from Colombia. Oil Fortottl said he thought
diplomatic usage demanded that no
record qf I ho reply of Venezuela be mado
until the reply of Colombia should bo ro-
clved. He therefore asked tho chair tn
withhold tho reply of Venezuela until Co
lombia should be heard from.
Bargains of every description on the want
ad page.
Pens .
HIgglns' India Ink COc
Faber Pencils, per dozen 30o
Dixon Pencils, dozen
Eagle Pencils, dozen
Other Good Pencils, dozen
Less than a dozen at the same rate.
School Pens, ten for Fc
Ten-cent Penholders 5c
live-cent Penholders
Foolscap or Legalcap, 3 sheets" for
Folded Letter Paper, 4s sheets for..
Folded Note Paper, 120 sheets for
Shorthand Note Books Sc
307 Hroaawuy, COUNCIL BLUFFS
Mall Orders Filled Quick.
Sunday Night, Nov. 3
First of the season's successful new
Plays and guaranteed nttructlons
Alti'llt'lt V. A1STOVS CO.
Presenting an Intensely Interesting
story of today In tho llvc-act romantic
southern comeuy-urama,
By Hal Reld. The sweetest story ever
told No play Willi greater ncari inter,
est was ever written. Splendid com.
party Special scenery. Prices: 23c,
3io, PV, 75c,
Pure, Freshly
Warmed Air
TURE is essential to man's ,
greatest comfort nnd vfgor.
E. E. Aylesworth
415 Brondway, Council Bluffs, la.
A Private
That's what our prescription de
partment Is. Do you know that the
Piling of prescriptions Is one of tho
most exacting things lu the. linn of n
druggist? It Is, and to every person
having u prescription tilled 11 is some
thing ho should carefully consldsr nnd
lake It only lo those competent to fill
them properly. Our work In this
line gives perfect satisfaction. Wo
havo a regular registered pharmacist.
Our apartment for tilling prescrip
tions Is exclusive from oilier parts of
the store. It is a neat little room,
built for this purpose only nnd freo
from any annoyance In oilier parts of
causo ours Is the only exclusive pro
scription department connected with
n drug store In town. Don't forget
to take a, look nt our window tilled
with the finest lino of sponges In tho
city. Any kind of a sponge you
want and yon won't kick on the
price, either.
George W. Fletcher's
Drug Store,
Phone 27fi
106 Broadway, Councils Bluff
The Good Dressers
send their shirts, collars and cuffs to the
W. L, Douglas, Prop,,
71! I llroiiilvvny.
I mako original designs and
suggestions for advertising cuts,
mo, Council ntuffs, Iowa.
-Water and Steam Systems
warm and change the air as often
as is necessary to suit the needs
of the several occupants of the
home or office.
IDEAL Boilers and
air of elegance than you ever dreamed could be
put in ready-to-wear clothes at moderate prices.
Costs nothing to investigate No trouble to show
goods and furthermore. Vxl have them from us they're right.
Suits from $7.50 to $20
Overcoats from $8.00 to $25
Can You Save Money by Trading at the Big Store?
Read Carefully and Convince Yourself.
A Few of Our Every-Day Prices:
Now t'omb Honey, per pound.
Tomatoes, three-pound can....
New York Buckwheat, per sac
Full nreant New York Cheese.
Hliek Cheese
I.tintiurin'i' Cheese ,
Celluloid Starch, per package..
Salt, per sack
Three, cutis Pens
Three, cans Corn
Two packages oatmeal
Navy Heans, per pound
onions, per peck
Turnips, per peck
Large Hitlibatd Smiash
Raisins per pound
Dried Peaches, per po.tnd
Economy Crenm, thrco for
Kluo Label Catsup
Milker's Monnca Coffeo
New Figs, per package
flood Broom
Five gallons Gasoline
Thrco glasses best Jelly for....
. I.Sc
. ltv
. :i,i.'
. I..C
. loo
. To
. '.V
. 23c
. 'Jfio
. J5c
. le
. Kc
. "no
, Co
Best Rolling Reef, .1c to...
Rest Shoulder Roast, tic to
Bert Shoulder Steak 1c
Lean .Meats, ror mlnco meat, 5c to.... fic
Kidney Suet fe
Corned Reef, fie to , Sc
Smoked llacon, lHc to IL'tii:
Wo do tho business because wo muko
tho best meats wc can buy.
Sour Krnut, Apple Mutter, Mince Mout. Pepper Mangoes, Melon Mangoes, Pica
Illy. Chow-Chow, Sweet and Sour Pickles, Cranberries, Lettuce, Radishes nnd Orwu
Onions. Wo carry u full lino of Breakfast Foods und Pancake Flour. X'riccs the
311-13-15 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Phone 59
The Bee Want Ads Produce Results-
Apple Orchard
For Sale
153 ACRES.
Apple trees are all in good physical condition 9 years
old and in full ben ring.
One-half miles from Glenwood, Iowa.
Small payment down, balance long time.
Know It
Our line of Suits and Over'
coats carry a more distinctive
,New Wnluuts, per peck
, One gullon can Syruj JV
Meets, per peck IV;
I New Sorghum, per gallon jv
New N. O Molasses, quart lie
, 2'i pounds Dark Mrowu Sugar
(Two loaves Urcnil on
.Celery, two stnlks for f.c
Sweet Pickles, per bottle v
Pickled onions, per bottle !'.;
Pickled Caiillttower. imr bottle !i-
Pickled Celery Relish, per bottle !o
! Mixed Pickles, per bottle So
I New Package Raisins Inc.
I New Package Currants pie,
! Duko'n Mixture Tobacco, 1 pound Klc
ro ! l eu oars woap lor . ;jo
So XXXX Coffee, package He'
ArtiticKle coneo uc
Herman Coffee i:'c
Lion Coffee JC
Mop Sticks ; No
New Kill Pickles, per dozen loo
Mell Coffee, package l'ia
no Rotiid Steak in,-
Sirloin Steak, loo to 12'e
Porterhoiiso Steak, llKj to r.'Uo
Mutton Stew c
Mutton Legs (
Puro Pork Sausacn to-
Tcn-pouud pall best Lard , II. 1U
the price right and sell you notblnc tint
You Will
To fllirl Rticli nil lip-to diilp
Block of furniture in
Council Bluffs. A Ri-piit
ninny Omuliit people linvo
rllbcovornl Hint tliuy enn
stive money nt our prices.
So Can
Mnkr us ti vMt nnrl w
will prove It to your sttt
Infliction. The Contrast
in the linen wo launder and thai done by
others Is all in our favor. We have an
up-to.dato equipment and do up-to-date
v.ork. Wo tako special pains with nil
tho work wo do. This Ik all for your bene
fit, as you will appreciate If you send your
linen here. We call for nnd deliver. Spe
cial rates to agents. Write to us.
North Main St.,
Telephone 311, Council Dludi.
Price low.
5 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, la.