N'civcmlici- !I. 11X11. THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. OHOUP OP DELEGATES TO THE NEHItASKA CONVENTION OP THE YOUNO PEOPMS'S SOCIETY OK CH1USTIAN EN DEAVOR TAKEN IN FRONT OP KOUNTZE MEMORIAL CHURCH Photo by n Staff Artist. White House Kitchen (Continued from Fifth Pace) In. All of tho woodwork was torn out and t ho clean, white tiling which now makes these rooms so bright was substituted. This did nwny with tho rnt and mice nuisance, but It was not until Colonel Illngham, tho present efficient superintendent of public buildings and grounds, put In his perfect sanitary system of plumbing that they weru able to copo with the roach pest. There arc two kitchens, a small one to tho west and tho main ono leading out of It, which Is about forty feet long by twenty-five feet wide. Iloth rooms have cement Moors, whllo tho walls nro wains coted to tho height of six or eight feet with whlto tiles. These rooms nro supplied with every modern kitchen appliance. Over on tho south sldo of tho large room Is n great hooded range covering almost tho entire wall and provided with numberless baking and warming ovens. In the center of tho room Is a long -deal table, and suspended from the celling directly over It is a mam- nth circular swing, on which nro hanging tficcooklng utensils, brass kettles and pans shining like burnished glas9. Over on tho north sldo of tho room nro two closets reaching from celling to floor. Their up per parts nre Bhelvcd and filled with tin ware and crockery, while tho lower Is di vided Into flour, meal and cereal bins, with other compartments for sugar, salt, spices and so forth. Over on tho south sldo nro tho sinks and appliances for dishwashing, while on the north, underneath tho big windows with their ground glass panes, are tho sldo tables. In tho northeast cornor of tho family kitchen, which Is furnished on a smaller scnlo In tho same manner as tho larger one, Is tho dumb-waiter, whore tho food for tho dining room is sent up to the butler's pantry. As may bo Imagined, it Is something of nn undertaking to preparo nil of tho viands In theso kitchens for tho magnificent stato dinners which nro given ach winter in tho executive mansion, but that it Is dono In so faultless n manner reflects credit upon thoso who manage It. Tho stato dining room Is a stately, spacious apartment, but It can only sent forty persons, and Is now too small for the number of guests who must bo entertained at these official functions. For that reason during tho past three years tho tables for theso dinners havo been laid in tho long Tiffany corridors an expediency which should mako us reallzo tho necessity of a larger dwelling houso for tho president of this great nntlon. On tho night of a stnto dinner tho en tiro main floor of tho mansion Is turned Into a fairyland of beauty. Every nook, corner and available space Is filled with palms, tropical plants, cut flowers and pa triotic decorations. Chains of vnrl-colored olectrlc lights nro swung across tho celling, over tho mirrors nnd frequently outline tho floral designs. Tho table is ns handeomo ns rare buds nnd blossoms, cut glnss and priceless china, sliver nnd flno napcry can OON'T BE SO THIN. FREE REMEDY. KAny Indies nnd gentlemen who cannot complain of nny kind of sickness are ab normally thin and cannot find any medical treatment which will correct this condition. Dr. Whitney's Nerve and Flesh Builder Is not nlone Intended for those who nro sick, but also for those who appear well and hearty, but cannot acquire sufficient flesh to round out the form. In dyspepsia, Indigestion, nil stomach troubles, debility nnd nervous diseases, no remedy Is so prompt nnd powerful. In order to demon strate tho wonderful merits of Dr. Whit ney's Nerve nnd Flesh Builder, every per son who will address tho C, O. Jones Co., Elmlrn, N. Y will receive a trial package in plain sealed wrapper absolutely free. mnko It, whllo tho bill of fare Is such ae any lady of taste und refinement would place before her guests nt n choice dinner. It usually comprises from six to eight courses nnd Is about two hours In being served. The White Houso cook, who Is a capable, middle-aged Ocrman woman bear ing tho given name of Anne, prepares all of tho food with the aid of her two as sistants. On the night of tho dinner tho dishwashers nro reinforced by tho three laundry women, ns, despite tho tales which occasionally go tho rounds of tho newspa pers of the filiations amount of plato In tho executive mansion, the limited number of spoons, knives nnd forks mnkes It nec essary to wnsh thoso which are used In ono courso to supply tho next. Tho waiters on these occasions arc hired from the es tablishment of ono of tho uptown cnterers ns tho regular Whlto House forco Is not Inrgo enough of Itself. Thoso dinners ore, of course, official nf falrs and are given by tho president as a part of his official duties. In consequence of this fact It would seem naturally to fol low thnt tho government would pay for them, but such Is not the cose. With tho exception of tho music and flowers the en tire expenso Is borno by tho president. The cost of each of theso dinners rarely falls below $500, and ns thero aro three regular ones, thoso to tho cablnot, the su preme court and tho diplomatic corps, be sides tho lesser ones which constantly havo to bo given In honor of distinguished people whoso duties bring them to tho cap ital and whoso positions mako It incumbont on the president to show them this atten tion, It can easily bo computed what a drain theso entertainments are on tho ex ecutive salary. The government appropri ates $20,000 annually for tho expenses of the Whlto House. This Includes tho $1,800 paid to tho steward: all servant hire, with tho exception of tho cook, coachman and ono mnld; all usunl repairs nnd ordi nary refurnlshlngs. Tho president will pay out of his own pocket tho housekeeper Mrs. Roosevelt has Installed. With a young nnd vigorous matron nt Its head onco mora and a debutanto daughter to bo Introduced to society tho historic old mansion is sure to retain Its nrlstlno rep utation for hospitality. Mrs. RooBevelt has announced her Intention of resuming tho Saturday afternoon receptions which woro such fnvorlte social features under Mrs. Cleveland. In many Ilttlo wavs sho al ready has shown n gcnulno kindliness that bids fair to mako her ns popular In hor ex alted position ns was tho flrst-nnmed lndv herself when sho captivated all hearts bv tho charming mannor In which sho pres'ded ns mistress of the executlvo mansion dur ing two administrations. And thero is n warm welcomo in American hearts for the big family of Roosevelt children. ABBEY Q. BAKER. Pointed Paragraphs Chicago News: An old fool Is nlwnys moro foolish thnn a young fool. Long sermons nro sometimes referred to as clorlcal errors. When Amorlcnn meets Creek tho chnnccs nro he can't read It. Always do the best you can and let others think as they will. The swimming Instructor Is npt to be Im mersed In business. Beauty Is a doluslon nnd n snnre espe cially to women who lack it. A hypocrite Is like tho letter p tho first In pity and the last In help. "Never give up" Is a good motto for poo plo who don't pay their debts. Lovo Is blind. Thnt Is why so mnny women marry men to reform thorn. Every man knows a lot of othor men that ho would like to class as strangers. Mnny n man's success Is duo to tho fact that ho never attempts to do nnythlng bo yond his nblllty. A physician always asks a sick man what alls him, and then proceeds to charge him $2 for tho Information. Some men got on In the world on the same principle that gives a man with a paint pot the right-of-way through a crowd. Eureka Harness OU"J 1 . 1 ll.nl.h.n.. HH.1 ttt I liorno lock tietter, but make th I leather non nnd tillable, tiulittln eon. union 10 huh iwicu m iuag .STIIO.NUKST I V Till: WOltl.tl. i:vi:iiy t'oi.iev r.qi i. to a nhiiit diiai't at mti urn. For Information or an Illustration of a policy suited to your needs, call upon or .1 Ii.rtwi H. D. NEELY, Merchants' National Hank Building. Omaha. Manager for Nebraska. Famous Pictures Tho Ileo has secured a series of beautiful reproductions of ftim- in paint ngs unit brnutlful pictures In colors. These pictures nre nil suitable for (raining and will link handsome In nny home. The 10th rf the bmIch will be ill it ordinarily would. CoM rtfrhcr In cast all I Hi Give Your Horse a Chance t STANDARD OIL CO. tJ Good Beer IS not so plentiful. There nro n good mnny beers upon the market, but not so mnny good beers. Some people don't care all they want Is beer, and they wnnt It cheap. Others demand quality and wo havo their opinion. Our "Gold Top" bottled beer Is not only puro and wholesome as a tonic, but Is also a delightful beverago clear, sparkling and Bnappy. Bot tcr try a case. SOUTH OMAHA BREWING CO,, Brewers and Bottlers of Fine Beer. South Omaha, Neb. LIFE SIZE DOLL CDEE"Bjb)'olothMKin Olrla can got thll beautiful Life Hum lull absolutely Free for t-lllnif only four boien of oar Ureal Gold & Iluadarhu Talileta at 25 ncU a box. Write. Unity and we will tend you the tablet by niaU postpaid iwhen Hold wnd ua the money (IMW) and we will end ran Uila IJf Wlt'Doll which U ItM fact high and ran wear tiaba clothe. Dolllo )ia an lit ....n.,it.i imj ftftMpti Hair. Roirr ChiH'ki, Drown Kyn. Kid Col ored lMjr. a Onld Ilalid IJ'autj I1n. Ked Btncklna, lllaek Shoea, and will utandalona, Ttiln doll l an exact reproduction of the flnrrt hand painted French Poll, and will lire In a chltd'a memory lorn after child hood day. nnre lauara. aaarera, NATIONAL MEDICINE CO., Doll Dipt 02 1, JIwHan,Corui CLEANING -DYEING -REPAIRING and PRESSING of MEN'S and WOMEN'S GARMENTS. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS 319 S. 15th St.. Omaha. Telephone 1021. HIS HOLINESS, POPE LEO XIII. Tho magnificent painting of His Holiness, Popo Leo XIII, Is thu work of tho culo- bratcd artist, J. A. Mohltc, who has had tho advantage of tho constant criticisms and advlco of tho highest dignitaries of tho Ilomnn Catholic Church In America, who havo devoted unusual time In going over tho dotnlls with thu artist so that tho finished work would be as near perfect as anything that has aver been brought out, Thoso who havo been fnvored by His Holiness with nn nudlcnco exclaim over tho remark ablo likeness of this painting. It Is Indood a portrait nbsolutely truo to life. Tho work has been gotten out at an expense of over $5,000, tho lithographs being finished In 12 scpnrato printings on tho highest grndo of chrome paper, mid has been trcntcd In a very artistic manner. Tho valuo of this plcturo Is almost bevond calculation, since It Is tho very latest, nnd, In all probability, will bo tho Inst plcturo ovor gotten out from such nuthorltntlvo sources. Tho plcturo Is a trlbuto to tho unusual reign of Leo XIII. On Wednesdny, February 20, 1901, His Holiness received tho Cardinals nnd high functionaries of tho church, who wnltod upon him In tho Vntlcnn on that day to con gratulato him upon tho nnnlvcrsnry of his election to tho pontificate. Tho reign of Leo XIII is tho longest of tho 206 Pnpnl rolgns. Only flvo Toiioh havo so far exceeded Loo XIII In tho length of sorvlco. TIicbo woro: St. Fetor, who reigned 24 yenrs, 5 months and 10 days. Adrian I (722) 23 years, 10 months nnd C days. Plus VI (1775) 24 years, 6 months nnd 14 davB. Plus VII (1800) 23 years, G months and G days. Plus IX (1846) 31 yenrs, 7 months and 22 days. With tho denth of Cardinal Oaleatl. on January 25, His Holiness, I'opo I.oo XIII, had burled 135 Cardtnnls slnco ho began his reign. His remarkable strength of body, as well ns of mind, Is now tho subject of uni versal comment, making him one of the most Interesting men of our tlmo. So faithful a likeness and so magnificent n work of art as tho present plcturo Is, thercforo, of Incalculable valuo to everyone. How to Get Thetti. These pictures are 16x20 InchcB nnd havo novor boon sold nt tho nrt stores for less than ono dollar. By securing nn Immonso qunutlty of them wo nro ablo to offer them With a Coupon for 15 Cents. When ordering stnto tho namo of tho subject and If thoy aro to bo mailed encloso six cents additional for postago and packing CUT OUT THIS COUPON Present at Bee Office or mail this coupon with 15c and get your cholco of Pho tographic Art Studies. When ordering by mall add 60 for postage. AIIT ntCPAKTMRNT, II KH PUIIMHIIING CO., OMAHA. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY ArtJDepartttie.it, Omaha, Neb. Theso pictures aro framed and on exhibition at ROSE'S AHT STORE. We have provided a lnrgo number of frames for The Deo pictures and nro offering thorn nt a special price. Call and see them. ROSE'S ART STORE, 1521 Dodge street, Omaha, Neb. t