THE OMAHA DAILY JJEE: SUNDAY, KOVBJIBBH a, 1001, 31 TURN OF BASE BALL WHEEL Manning mado money by selling the control of the Washington team to Krcd Paatsl. Tom 1oftus Is slated to manage the It Brinil AbUt6TirtlInorUntChtiM Washington team Instead of Manning in mg Lugun, JIMMY MANNING OUT OF WASHINGTON Turn l.oft ii Tnkm Mnnnmnieii t of Capital TMra nml I'nink SHeo Cnmrs Writ from flustnn to Take Chicago Ilrmnitnt. Only one turn was given the baso ball wheel last week, but that one caused sev eral revolutions. It may cause more bo fore the situation to entirely clear. Jimmy Manning han left the American league, his Interest In the Washington team to bo transferred to Kred I'astal of Detroit. Dif ferences of opinion as- to the policy of the league, said to exist between Mr. Man ning and Mr. Johnson, the president, aro ascribed as tho reason for the transfer. Not a great deal of surprlao has been ex pressed, nor tins, the change been debated very extensively as yet, probably because foot ball hns been taking up the sporting writers' space. Several lines of specula tion are oponed by tho deal, however. Thoso of us who know Jimmy Manning well know him for n shrewd business man nnd a most capablo ball manager. When ho followed tho fortunes' of the American leaguo from Kansas City to Washington It was the general supposition that ho had n better thins In a team at the national capital. During tho whole life of the American league Mr. Manning held a franchise and was one of tho leading members of tho controlling coterie. That ho was In line with President Johnson's policy a year ago, when tho era of expansion set In, Is shown by tho fact that he was on tho clr cult committee with Coralskey nnd John son. Theso men fixed tho present circuit, disposing of tho franchises, arranging for ownership and all tho details of tho new teams, and certainly they must have worked In harmony nt that time. Therefore, tho serious differences as to policy have do a eloped during tho last season's playing. What theso may be can only be guessed at In absenco of, a full statement from tho parties concerned. One difference might be ascribed to tho announced Intention of the American to further Invade the terrl tory or tno aNationnt apd .tho necessary alterations In tho circuit. This Invasion, as now understood, contemplates Jho planting or mo .Milwaukee team In Ht. Louis and tho Baltimore team In New York. Ono would hnrdly think that Mr. Mon nine's views would In a short year undergo tho radical change necessary to consider the aggressions suggested an Insuperable obstacle to his longer maintaining business relations with Mr. Johnson. This ought to effectually dispone of this hypothesis What seems tho more likely reason for Mr. Manning's retirement Is but an echo of n suspicion that kept cropping out all through the last summer, that the nctual paid ad missions to tno American league games Mere far bclciw the figure announced from tho box offlrc. No one who l;niws Jimmy Manning will suspect him of letting go of a good thing Just brcnuso he doesn't happeu to bo In line with ono of his business as sociates. Tho most reasonable conclusion la that Washington didn't provide tho cx ?eutcd bonanza nnd that the whole outlook or the American leaguo lacks tho roseate bun that would encourage a canny man to remain In the game. When tho mists hnve cleared away It will probably be found that Loftus' retirement from tho National brings Frank Selee from Boston to take charge of the Chicago team. Omaha friend of Selee wilt be glad to see him In a position where he can really havo a fchanco to show hit talent. His long scrvlco at Boston It certainly not appreciated by Messrs. Soden and Dllllngs, else Hart could never have secured him. Scleo landed Omaha at the head of the Western league In 1889 and went to Ronton. Slnco then he has five times landed tho Deaneatcrs, at tho top of the list and has always had them fighting In the first division. When the American Invaded Boston last spring and the Jumping of contracts commenced Selee was forced to bear the brunt of Sodcn's chagrin. He was blamed for the defection of Duffy and other stars, and apparently given no credit for getting together the team he did nor for thn efforts he mado to give Boston decent ball. At Chicago he has a hard task ahead of him, for it Is Stated that along with Lottus will go about all of the Hem nants who were really worth having, so that Soleo will be called upon to establish practically a new team. If ho gets any thing llko support from Hat the Chicago peoplo wilt see some corking good ball next season. MISSOURI TIGERS ARE NEXT Corohmkiri to Mett Miiuuritns it Orath Nizt Saturday. Nobody has as yet been suggested to taje Selce's plrco In Boston. Soden and Billings will hnve little trouble In getting aomcone to nianago tho team, but they will be a long time In getting a man to fill Frank Sclco'n shoes. In the meantlmo Tom Doftus goes to Washington with Tommy Hughes, Franlc Green and "Topsy" Hartsetl, the only real players developed during tho year by tho Itcmnanls, This will leave Scleo with prac tically clean boards to start on. It- will be queer, though, If he hasn't a list of good youngsters up his sleeve, and stranger things have happened than that ho should Induce somo of tho American players to come over to tho National. In tho meantime President Hlckcy reso lutely declines to make public the averages of tho Western leaguo players for the last season. Ills Idea Is to prevent the big league magnatos from getting n lino on tho performances of the players of tho Western. Some of tho big league managers may be as Innocent as our president thinks, but It's a safe bet that they know all they want to know about tho Western leaguors and that tho official averages of last season will havo very llttlo weight In making up tho decisions as to engagements. One thing Is nulto certain. Omaha fans needn't worry about any of Pa Rourko's brigade being kldnaned by either tho National or "the American. We're safe that far, anyhow A Daily Nuisance a. A Simple Remedy Which Will In terest Catarrh Sufferers. In Its earlier stages catarrh Is more of a riulsanco than a menace to the general health, but sooner or lator the disease ex It Is lust within tho range of probabilities that Jimmy Manning's action In leaving Washington may havo a decided effect on the destinies of the Western. If he should return to Kansas City nnd Tcbeau should go back, to Denver, a move not altogother unlikely, we would havo both cities greatly strengthened. A good man at Colorado Springs nnd Minneapolis will then put the circuit In good condition. There Is no par ticular objection to bo urged against Mr, BcalU He gave Minneapolis the best team he could, spent his money freely and did all he could to nfford first-class ball, but the people didn't appear to like him, and that Is all there Is to It. Out at the Spring tho conditions are somowhot different. Billy Hulcn managed to make hfmself unpopulsr with public nnd players Alike. He not only had trouble with his partners In tho team, but with other managers In tho leaguo us well. Omaha peoplo will remcm bor tho wranglo out -at Vinton street park ono afternoon when Hulcn refused to settle with Ilourke over tho clnim for Tim Dona hue's services. It was that sort of thing that got Hulcn disliked all around tho clr cult. Of tho other managers Chase Is about the only one who had any trouble with his conferees, but ho managed to keep things running along protty smoothly and did about all his kicking Inside tho league meetings. This la nil the patching tho leaguo appears to need. A meeting of the Western league to award the pennant and closo up the buslncbs u last season is now due. It cannot be told whon It will be held, for Czar Hickey, is still In the east and there's nawthln dolnV were a tie for first place, and the Interest ing feature of tho league games for tho week was that the two leaders met. Tho Clarksons canio out at the small end of thd horn, being defeated each of tho three games, so their rivals took a good lead over alt competitors. Meanwhile the I St. Charles team dropped off Just enough in Ha i tin with thi Clarksnna fnr nernnrl EST OF CITY'S INTEREST IN THE GAM place, and tho Germans, Gate Cltys nnd Krug Parka are all even for third. Clo'o to them Is .the Western team, but the Na tionals are bo far behind that their cause seems hopeless. They lost thrco game again, this time to the Germans, nnd ns a result they havo not now even one-tenth of 1 per cent standing. Tho difficulty with this tail-end tnm seems to bo largely that It persists In play ing new men. Despite tho fact that It Is so low, tho work of every ono of Its rigu:ar players has bettered each week. But ono or two new names appear In the list each time they como out to play. A noticeable feature of the weeks work f I'slrunsuc I'rovr ProfHnlile HIk Interstntr IJmnes Wilt tic' llrotiKht Here Xrxt Season Tigers Are llopcrnt. J ljjf tends to the throat, bronchial tubea and even to the stomach and Intestines. Catarrh li essentially a disease of the mucous membrane, tho local symptoms be Ing a profuse discharge of mucous, stop page of tho nostrils, irritation In throat, causing coughing, sneezing, gagging and frequent clearings of the throat and head. The usual treatment by local douches, snuffs, salves, etc., often gives temporary relief, but anything like a cure can only be obtained by a treatment which romoves the catarrhal taint from the blood and the disappearance of the Inflammation from the mucoui surfaces. A new remedy which meets these require ments and which so far has been remarka bly successful In curing catarrh Is Stuart's Catarrh Tablets. These tablets act upon the blood and mucous mombranea only. They can hardly be called a secret patent medicine, as they are composed of such valuable remedies as Sangulnarta, Hydrastln, Eucalyptol and similar cleanslngfantlsoptlcs, which cure by eliminating from tho blood nnd mucous surfaces the catarrhal poison. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are targe, pleas? ant tasting logeugcs, taken Internally, al lowing them to dissolve slowly In tho mouth; In this Vny they reach the throat, fauces nnd tho entire alimentary canal. If deBlrcd, they, may also bo dissolved In water and used uh u douche, In addition to tho Internal use, but It Is not at all neces sary to use a douche; a few of them dl salved In tho mouth dnlly will bo suffi cient. However, when there is much Btop pago of tho noHC, n douche made from these tablets will give Immediate relief, but the regular dally use Internally of these tab lets will cure tho whole catarrhal trouble without resorting to tho Inconvenience of a douche. Dr. Dement states "that the Internal treatment for catarrh la rapidly taking the place of the old plan of douching, and local application and further says that probably the best and certainly tho safest remedy nt present on the market Is Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, as no secret Is made of their com position and all .the really efficient reme dies for catarrh are contained in this tablet " Druggists sell Stuart's Catarrh Tablets ct fifty cents for full sized packages. Ask your druggist and If he in honest ho will tell you (hero Is uo safer, more palatable, more effl cleut and convenient remedy on the market. QI'AIN'T FI3ATUIIES OF 1,1 KK. Young women of tho University of Chi cago aro rejoicing over the announcement that they will bo permitted to dance In their gymnasium classes, despite tho fact that theso classes aro to ho held during tho winter in tho Sunday school room of the Hydo Park Baptist church. The Chicago Inter Occnn says positive assurance has been given by Dr. T. W. Goodspecd, secre tary of tho board of trustees, that the "coeds" would not be forbidden this pleas ure, which Is the favorite exercise of all the young women. In a mining camp somo eighty miles from Coolgardie, In Western Australia, a car penter died and the widow had offers of marriage from tho doctor who attended the deceased, tho undertaker, the clergyman who read the burial service, the local apothecary who made up tho modtclnos pre scribed for the departed and the custodian of the cemetery wnero ho wbb interred; likewise from about a score of mine man agers and miners. She did not accept one of the suitors and departed for her home In Melbourne. With three good games still before them on the schedule for this season, tho Ne braska foot ball men feel that they can yot make a record that will be cnvlablo In the eyes of their neighbors. Having broken Into tho big nlno with the result known, tho Cornhuskcrs aro determined to give both Kansas nnd Missouri such a drubbing that In tho eyes of everyone the Nebraska boys will be awny above and out of the class of foot ball In which Its southern frlend3 play. Wisconsin, by scoring GO to 0 against Kansas, demonstrated conclusively that the latter school was outclassed, that It was on a lower foot ball plane than the Badgers. Nebraska hopes to do this Just as effectively. Tho result of It will be that tho Cornhuskcrs will still be nblo to sign games with tho crack schools of tho middle west, while none of tho other teams In this port of tho country, with the exception of Iowa, will have that privilege First of all comes tho Missouri contest, nn annual event since 1894. In those seven years tho palm of victory has wavered back and forth between tho two unlvcral tics. Ianst season was tho Cornhuskcrs' turn. By right of alternation nnd succes slon Missouri should tako the coming game. but no Ncbrnsknn believes that this out come Is possible. It Is n matter of peculiar pleasure to Omabans that tho gamo has been brought here. In tho first place, Gato City athletic enthusiasts feel that nt least ono of the bigger rontcsts should always come to this city. As tho metropolis of tho state, It should be a center for such affairs. In years past It was more or less bo. Then thero was no ono of the western state games which could have suited Omaha better. Missouri has played hero several tlmos r.nd was the last big team to opposo the Nobrnskans In this city. So the' style of the Missouri team Is well known and tho nppcaranco of tho striped gridiron war rlora Is familiar to Omahans. This Is nothing If .not nn opportunity for Omaha to Bhow that It Is a foot ball town and is worthy of the best game on the Ne braska schedule next Reason. Foot ball has grown to bo n business proposition. In these days when it takes thousands of dql- lar to conduct even a modest and minor cloven, games are located where tho money will como out, not where partisans wish to havo them go. If the University of Nor braskn foot ball management flndB that the Gate City gives royal support, It will be glad to schedule some of the more Import ant homo contests hero next year. And that Is whon the real big games will come west, In 1902 It Is the turn of both Minnesota, and Wisconsin to visit Nebraska. It is also more than likely that Iowa and Illinois nnd Northwestern can bo drawn In on tho sched ule. It will cost money to brlng,such teams to this state, for aslda from the travel It self, thoy are expensive propositions and demand big royalties. It, Is plain that Lin coln and the 2,000 students at tho university combined cannot support many such games, nnd If they come nt all, Omnha must be the place for a good share of them. Just how much the city can do for tho foot ball men will bo shown next Saturday, Every preparation Is being mado for the game. Railroads aro already generous In their offers, nnd will probably become more eo this week. A rate war between the Burlington nnd Rock Island for tho traffic up from Lincoln is expected. One faro for tho round trip Is already offered by each If this should be cut to about a dollar Lin coin would empty Itself almost ns effectu ally ns it did for the Minnesota gatrle, though not nearly so much Is at stake So It behooves cveryono to get In early ontho reserved seats, of which tho number Is limited. Theso will be sold for $1, nnd thero nro 1,600 of them to go nt the price It Is now npparent, however, that a large portion of the collegians and Omaha society peoplo who will attend will go In vehicles of various descriptions, with full regalia of colors and pennants. Rvery coach nnd om nibus In Omnha will be called Into use nnd the social sldo of the affair will bo almost ait prominent as the athletic. Ames Street park will for the time being presont a kaleldcscoplc vision of tho most brilliant hues. Tho Tigers are training very hard for this game, which Is the most important of their whole schedule. They are looking forward to the Nebraska gamo much as did the Cornhuskers to tho affair with the Badgers yesterday. So It Is certain that every ounce of Missouri strength ana ovcry strand of nerve will ho put Jnto that game As near as can bo learned the lineup of the two teams will bo NrcnriAS.c A. .1.. T. .u a. o. .n. a. .R. T. .R. 15. ...Q. It. t. It. D. Mrs. Beselln took the October women's tenpln prize nt Clark's wllh the excellent score of 104. She tins already registered ICS for tho November trophy. Charles French won a prize nt rubberneck with 1J7. mado nt Clnrk's. I.. O. Shradcr rolled 26 points In three successlvo games of ninepins, which gives him one of Clark's prizes. Every morning last week there wcro women bowling parties at Clark's. Tenpln scores of 200 and hotter at (late City nllejs; Hartley, 257. 200; II. Ueselln. 225, 208; J. J. Dnvcy, 201, Al Krug. 201; D. J. O'Brien, 215; Jim Ouney, 219. 202; II. I). Iteed, 2ii2, 217, 2uo; gwenson, 211, 2t'2i John i ocum, 202. 219 Head. Charles M. It, Huntington, 227, 21. 201. 203, 211. 2i; Ml. It. Nelson, 275; C. l3. Hcltcck, 2(0, H, 201, J. Lonrmi, .U". lx; ion ieiuo. au, m, Wltllnm Brooks of Des Moines, 204. Tenpln scores of 200 nnd bettor nt Clark's ntleys. Southy, KM, 2;!0, 212. 227, 21.1; l Yost. 2ftl. .Inn llittmntiti. 201. 201. C J. Frntielsco, 211, 203, 202, 217! I-. J. ltoilKeln-, II, a.,.,, tlllll viiiiii-;, !. v , ... L'. 202, 217, 2uo; Swcnson, 211, 2t'2; John i, 235; Avers, 202; W. S. Sheldon. 200, 9; C. l?onrnd, 200, 213; "PUmber'' 200. 201; V. J. licllKcle. . 2.11; s Senmun, 211; "Itob" Cucell, 212, ?I2; Mm it rvn . f iih.bui nir. n-Xi Ml I . Is that tho standard of play from top to i ft ,'-?. '-,", "yjHt V 2fi7. a. v:'. bottom lb deteriorating. Scores are getting ,247, 218, 221, 2i, 223, 201: II. Frllscher 250, very mediocre and more than half the forty ' ., 2S7, 21rt; D. J. O'Brleti, 202. 217; V. rollers have fallen off In their Individual is M. R. Uiinttiistoii', ac, 212. V27: Fred averages. Among thoso who icna the 1st 1 iinjnblet, 207; li. B. Molyiienux, 200; entries this Is especially true. Each one of ihs 1 Znrpt. 211: Tom Hey first four has dropped and Frllscher at ths ) .V." C Itn.Wlof Don i.nneHSter. 202. 2no; w. li. winery, sn, 213, 205; K. Colirrtil. 217: J. II. HodRes, 200; W. II. Wlgninn, 201, 201. top has lost four points from his nveinge. Clnli MtniiilliiK". t W. 10 Omnha .. CUtrkson 7 St. Charles.... 7 n n i; r, l v German (lato City.. Krug I'nrK Western ,, National ,. High Score: Inches (Clnrkson). 21". Initl vliliint .vornKox. II P.C. .8X1 .183 .m .600 .&no .500 .410 .08.1 High. Tot. 911 9 MS 921 I'M 830 10.05!) 0,925 10.070 10,025 9.5Vi 9,807 8,899 Ay. 8"tt 5-12 R3S 3-8 827 1-12 K.19 2-12 S35 5-12 797 1-12 817 H-12 741 7-12 Games. IIIcli. Tot, Frltscher. St. Chnrlcs..l2 210 2.201 weymuiior, uorman .. n Iiwlor, Western ......12 Seaman, Onto City 12 Rend, Omaha 9 .urp, Omahii 12 Stnpenhorst, German ..12 Schneider. St. Charles. 9 lleeullu. German ........12 Emery, Oinuliu 12 Brunke, Clnrkson 12 A. Krug, German 12 'Amunisier, I'laruson .is Wlitman. Omaha 9 Enccll. Onto City... Clarxnon. L'l.irKson Hutlngton. Onto City.. ,12 lleiiRcle. Krug Park. ...12 Reed, Westerns 12 Hartley, Gate City 12 Flanagan, St. Charles, 12 Furny, Omaha 9 C. Conradt German 12 Zltzmmi. Krug l'nrK....i. Swcnson, Western .. nation. Ht. tj narios . Wnchtler, Krug Park. 12 F. Conrml, Gato city... 12 Molynenux, ClnrKson . u Ayers, Western 9 snvnigc, oil i;nnric....i2 F. II. Krug. Krug Pk. Scllcck, Westerns 9 Conery. Krug Park. ...12 Miller, National 12 Rolls, Clnrkson 3 Jackson. National 3 n.-ivev. National 9 Almnnson, National ... 9 Itosennery, .National ...i. Players whose averages below thoso of last week. 208 20i) 205 20(1 201 210 210 213 20S 197 210 19S ..12 191 ..12 1SS 19 218 211 202 195 197 187 219 9 201 6 180 200 217 112 202 1S7 17i 201 in; iMl 170 i;i ISO 182 185 1.000 2,117 2.103 1,573 2.1)9 ( 2,0!O 1. E5S 2, a5"i 2,052 2.052 2.04S 2,030 1,520 2,027 2,020 2.010 2,007 2,000 1,908 1,901 1,472 1.95S 1.950 1,453 Mil 1,911 1.911 955 1,422 1,879 931 1.3M1 1.M2 1,701 IH I3(i 1,293 1,340 1,001 have AW 1S3 5-12 177 4-K 170 "j-12 175 3-12 174 7-9 174 0-12 174 5-12 172 S-9 171 4-12 171 171 170 8-12 109 S-12 1CD 5-9 10S 11.12 16S 4-12 ICS 167 3-12 107 2-12 101 1113 S-12 1(3.1 5-9 HU 2-12 163 1H1 4-9 10) 1-0 159 0-I2 15n 3-12 159 1-0 15S Munt I'iiIIimv Hie Itiilr. Chicago Tribune; Tho soft-voiced Salva tion Army girl with tho bundle Crk-i under her arm stopped at trance of tho apartment house. "I have come," sho said, "to bring good tidings of " "Tako It around to tho roar door," arro gatitly Interrupted tho Janitor. of War the en tile 150 155 151 153 147 140 115 143 7-12 1-0 0-12 1-3 8-9 138 S-9 138 R-12 fallen HtrlUm nml Spines. Victor Hayes took thn October nincpln prize nt tho Gato City nllcys. Just as W. W. Hartley thought ho had the October tenpln prize won nt the Gato City alloys G. It. Nelson 'came along nnd took It from him In n hot finish with n score of. 276, close to tho Omnha record. Nelson's mark was 258. H. Frltscher Is the slnglc-gnmo star of the week. Ho rolled 287 nt tenpins nt Clnrk's alleys. This gives him tho stnto record and two prizes ns well. W. II. Carson started out strong to make the .300 points possible nt tenpins and get the $25 In gold offered nt Clark's for tho feat. He rolled seven straight strikes, and on tho next frnmo his first ball left n, split stand. Ij. E. Lucas duplicated this act carllcrjn tho week. DANDERINE Corrtcis ill Disorders off Both thf Hair and Scalp. MEN WORRY Developer No Drugs to ruin the stomach. No F.I re no stalls 10 ouster ami uuru. onr Vacuum (Irian should be used by every man. It cures where ererytliing else falls and hope Is dead. It re stores small, wesk organs, lost power, falling manhood, drains, errors of youth, etc. Stric ture null Vnrlcocrlo permanently cured In 1 to 4 necks by our wuuderlul Appliance. Our Vacuum Developer Is n local treatment ap plied directly to the weak nnd disordered parts. It gives strength ,and development wherever applied. , , ' . Old men with lost or falling manhood, or the young and lddlc nged who nte teapltig the re sults ol youtlilnl errors, excess or overwork ate quickly restored to health and strength. Our marvelous nppiisuee has stonislied the entire world. Hundred of leading puyslclafis In the United States arc now recommending our appliance in thtseverest esses where every other known device has (ailed. ... You wilt see and (eel its benefit from the first y,lor It Is applied directly at the scat of the STOP TAKIN6 WEOICIHE OUR Vacuum Organ Developer WILL RC8TORE YOU. No Cure No Pay. 75,000 IN USE Not One Failure. Net One Returned. disorder. It makes no difference how severe ths case or how long standing, it Is as sure to yield to our treatment ss the sun is to rise. The blood ts the lite, toe let tuner ot tne numan Our Instrument forces tnc mooo intocir- culntlon where most needed, giving strength snd development to weak nnd liteiess patu. The Vacuum Organ Developer was nrst intro duced In the standing nrtulcs of Iturope a (ew years ngo by the I'rench speeUllst, lie Bousset. and Its remarkable success in these countries led the Ixral Appliance, Co. to secure the eicliuhs control ot Its sale on the Western Continent; and sinte Its Introduction Into this country Its re markable cures have astounded the entire medi cal profession. It has restored thousands of cases pronounced Incurable by physicians. It cures quickly, harm lessly, and without detention from business. RememWr there Is no exjxute, no C. O. D. or attv other scheme In our dealing with the public. Write (or free particulars sent sealed in plat envelope. L0CAL PPLI.NCt COMPMNV, 117 Thorps Block, InttlsnspcHls, Indian WEAK, WASTING, STRICTURED IVIESM Cured While You Sleep, -IN 15 DAYS! C4ia!tsi.4a' lniisntly Relieved and tku OUkrus 3 LriCLLlr'"" Dissolved Like Snow BcntMh U stwa Sun, IN FIFTEEN DAYSt i ii, l r1irir at h CURED, and Vealc Me Ate fUstsred YclillUCClCbythc M'jrfc St. lames Trcstmsirt, Ac plied Locslly sndDtrectly to the Affected Psfts. VD,84S CURES LAST YEAR! Write Today. Do Not Delay. ' Any sufferer front HTlllCTI'lIK nml lis offspring Viirlroorlo. Prostatitis nnd Sem inal Weakness. Is Invited to cut out thn roupon herewith, write Ills mime nnd ml dress plainly, mnll It to tho St, Jntnos Medical Asn. 62 Ht. .Inmes llldg , Clnrlti natl. O.. nnd they will send their lllm- trntod Trentlse, allowing tho parts of tho male soxum ays-1 torn Involved In urethral ntlments, securely se u 1 o il , prepaid. Yiiig mo parts or tno FREE FREE TREATISE COUPON ST. JAMES MEDICAL ASSOCIA'N IU St. .In 111 en lllila;...'lm-liinatt, O, t'lruse. send me n copy of your Illus trated Work upon the Mnle Sexual System, scentoly sealed, I'KEPAID. KKHK of nil CIIAItOKS. .wnir Aililress A BEAUTIFUL FACE WITHOUT BEAUTIFUL HAIR! There Is no rcsson nhy anyone should not have beautiful hair, now that there Is remedy. DANDERIN'F. MAKKS HAIR BEAUTIFIM.. It makes the scalp healthy and producth e. Such scalps produce hair and a satisfactory amount of It. Damlerine acts specifically In all hair and scalp affections. Us applications are healing, eoolinc. and very Invigorating, (let a 2."c lmtlle and use. It as directed. It li the only remedy ever discovered that will stop hair falllnt and Insure lit growth. Results are seen at once. NOW at all drugslsta In three iU, 25c, 50c, and $1.00 per hoi tie. Bs sure you get tho genuine, made only by the KNUWI.TOK PANDKR1KK CO., Chicago, III.- CRAN'SOLVENT Dissolves Stric ture. LUto Snow Bgnonth tho Sun, Re duces Enl a r g e d Prostate. Stronjjthoniii; tins Seminal Ducts uptl Korcvcr stoppinj Drains and Emissions. No Drucrs to Ruin the Stomach, but n Direct nnd l'nsitlvo Local Application to the ICntlro Urethral Tract, f mm c TDC A TMCMir nv mail ca.v nn t;i:n by he ta- ri VIWlH I ntM I NfldlV I TIKNT AS SI CCK.MSI'l'IXY AH at OUK.HKI.Vr.S. We linvr Cured Slon In Brery Vlty In Ihr If. M. and Almost Every Country nn llnrth. ST. JAMES MEDICAL ASSN. "HoittHIK CINCINNATI, 0. Howell' Anii-Kawf Don't try to by stop cough ly swear ing. It cun't lo done. Antl-Kuwf will stop n rough, cure ii eulil nnd keep yon In n cond humor. J''or suln by all druggists, only 25e n bottle. VARICOCELE A safe, painless, per-ronucntcuroRiisrsn-teed. Twontv n years experience. ,iMo money accorded until pa tient Is well. Consultation and flee Ftt, by mall or at office. Wrlto to DOUTOR O. M. CfoE. 10 Wlr,u3 Street, KAHS.1H C1TT, MO. MILLIONS OF MEN Mrs. Etna Dungan ot Oold Hill, southern Oregon, has been for six years In corre spondence with a largo number of men In various parts of the country who wero anx ious to seouro wives, and under promises to marry thorn she secured various sums of money, ranging; from 5 to $300. Through ono of her many correspondents tho atten. tlon of the postal authorities was called to her. resulting In her Indictment by tho federal grand Jury and her subsequent ar rest. Her scheme was to nnswer mntrl roonlal advertisements, exchange photos nnd then agree to Join the prospective hus band If ho would send money. Sho cashed money orders or checks nnd kept tho pro ceeds. A queer feature of the caso lit that her father Is wealthy and furnished ball for hor. "The woman from Mississippi," says tho Duffalo Commercial, "who contributed largely to the lively conversation and social pleasures of nn evening In nuffalo last week, en Id that It was bard for northern peoplo to understand the complicated social relations of the colored peoplo In plantation circles. One of her colored maids came to her one day and said: 'Miss Agnes, I'se jwlno over to de cotehouse dls afternoon to let a dlv'occ' Knowing that the girl had to husband, her mistress exclaimed: 'A 'vorco! Why, Mllly, what do )u mean You aro not married. How can you be divorced J' 'Well, I tell you, missy. nln t n nrrlcd, but I'se engaged to do preacher, an' I'se gwlne to get a dlv'oce at do cotehouse.' The girl went on her queer errand, and when nhe came back said that oho didn't get a divorce because folks said It would 'scandalize de linptlses out rageous,' which sho was unwilling to do. Instead, she married the preacher, who, It tppenred later, had a wife and family In mother town In the same county." Have Been W recked on the Rock of Sexual Vice. thousands Have Been Rescued by The State Elecro-Medical Institute. Which Combines All of the Curative Powers of Both Medicine and Electricity in Our Electro Medical Treatment. johnson-Bhedd Stringer Tobin Koch'.cr Brew WoBtover (G).., uorteiyou Drain .... Kingsbury ...1, .n. ti-ii r . Is R. E. It, T. It. U C I j. O I j. T , Ii. K Q. I! it. II, B Ii. 11. B P. B MISSOURI. Hlrnoy Washer (C) Kills Coo Frnsler ... Ahumoso Perry Kirk Forrester , Bcnnott ..... Hull Specialists for Diseases of Men Master Specialist. I do not treat all diseases, hut cure all I treat, treat men only and cure them to stay cured. Q. Sliedd- KaKer ... Bell-Mllshury WHAT THE BOWLERS ARE DOING s First Month's Work of the I.oniMin Shows the l'nrei of the1 Plnyrra. At tho end of the first month ot the league, bowling season In Omaha tho Omaha Bowling club has forged well to the foro In tho rnco between the eight members of the local league. Ono week ngo this team nnd the Clnrkson quintet a .- lr of a w , a. I Ina Tka Iraikll IB Mat I anaka extrnTaastnt assastlon rrhru I tnr tfcat millions of ansa kavt sees Trr -. v.. ... " bi aMWI thrt tfcay s ais.aVa, 1 but .W !-r It to mroxw rr.r.c tbro.h ..(loot or lmpr. tre.tns.sit . This fact la ! svsay aaoa. oaatiNrt . or (bay Z 111 oaltrot r snl r.nltr y.u salt far tb. oralasurr kM trlai tfcm U.w.. iocirl" "m I riW Sninnlo.. Tr'nl and the Ilk. don't cao ooaaplalaU af this kind, as ay on. who ha. trtoa thorn know.. But l" yon hnve VAHtCorTXK? TIIHTIJUK. CONTAOIOIJS BLOOD POISO .V, NEnVO-SKXIiAI. HRIllMTV, lU ITI'UIO, KID.F.V Olt IIIMKAIIY DISBAflEt, or any associlnte dlsense or weaknean, you owe It to yourself to fully nml freely liireatlirnt my I rentment. My iiiimtery of these innlndlrs I. complete. I beenn a npocliil aluily of them noon nfler KrniliiiitliiK from eollejie, now nearly a quarter of u century im. anil dnrlnir all of the yrnrs since thea they have lieen my uttuly nnd persist ent practice. I treat nnthlnsT else. Does It not occur to yon, then, Hint 1 mil hotter prepnred to combat and conquer disease nml wenkness peculiar to men than the genera! practi tioner, who, Instead of concrntrntlnu his faculties on a sliitflc class of disease, scatters them over the entire field of medicine nnd snrifrryf VARICOCELE AND ITS NEW CURE it 77 99 3 HR1'4VKS Ul CATARRHAL COLDS .V colli partly stispomls iinlnmtloii. tho spirits tlroop, languor illspliicon puprpy; this Is tho effect of n colli on tho stoiuneli, liver mid nervous sys tem numbed vitality. The. use of Dr. Humphreys' Speellh' "Seventy-Seven" restores tho mitnhetl rltnls, ninkes tho blood tingle, relieves tho congestion; nrouses the sluirglsli liver, permits the system to cleanse Itself, anil "breaks up" the Cold. At all Druggists 25 cents, or mailed on receipt or price. Doctor s hook malleu free. Humphreys' Homeopathic Modfcino Cq., Corner William and John Streets, New York Whatever may bo the cause, of Varicocele, Its Injurious effect Is well knewn. It tlppresoa the ' mind, weakens tho body, racks the nervous system and ultimately lends to a complete loss of sexual power. If you are n victim of this illro disease come to our office and let me explain to ...... . . - a I. VV... ...Ml then not wnniler whv I havo positively cured hundreds of cases of varlcoceln during tho past 12 months. Under our treatment the patient improves rrom inn very beginning. Al pain Instantly censes, Borcness anil swelling quickly subside. The pools of stagnant blood are forced from the dilated veins, which rnpldly ns sume their normnl stie, strength nnd soundness. All Indications of disease and weakness vanish completely and In their stead ceme tho pride, the power nnd the pleasure of perfect heulth and restored manhood. CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON On scount of Its frightful hldeojsness Contagious Blood Poi son Is commonly called tho king of venereal Ing out of the hair or eyebrows and finally a loprous-llko decay ot the flesh and bone. If you havn any of theso or similar symptoms you nr cordially In vited to consult mo Immediately. If I find youl" fears are unfounded, I will quickly nnbjrden your mind, nut If your constitution is Infected with syphilitic vi rus I will tell you so frankly, and show you how to get rid of It. My special treatment for Contagious Blood Poison Is practically the result of my Ufa work nnd Is endorsed by tho best physicians of America and Europe. It contains no Injurious drugs or dangerous medicines 6f any kind. It goei to the very bottom of the disease and forces out every par ticle of Impurity. Soon every sign nnd symptom of blood poison disappear com pletely and forever. Tho blood, ths tlasuo, thn llikli, the bones and the whole sys tem aro cleansed, purified and restored to perfect health and the patient prepared for the duties and pleasures of life. It matters not how long you have suffered from Stricture, nor how many different doctors have disappointed you. I will cure you just ns certainly as you corns to us for tteatment. I will not do It diseases. Xt may bs either hereditary or by dilating or cutting. My treatment Is contracted. Onr a the system Is tainted ' new. entirely original with me, and per STRICTURE PAINLESSLY REMOVED NERVO-SEXUAL DEBILITY with It, the disease may manifest in tne form or Bcroruia, Kczem Itself Rheuma tic pains,, stiff or swollen joints, eruptions or copper-colored, spots on face or body, little ulcers In the mouth or on the tongue, sors throat, swollen tonsils, fall- dissolves removes fectly painless, It the Stricture and permanentl every otistniction irom me urinary pas saee. It atons every unnatural discharge, allays all Inflammation, reduces the pros tate glnnd when enlarged, cleanses and i heals the bladder nnd kidneys when Ir rltated and congested. Invigorates the sexual organs and restores health and soundness to every part of tho body at fected by the disease. Men, many of yo, aro now reaping the result of your for mer folly. Your manhood is railing, and will soon b lost unless you do some thing for yourself. There Is no time to lose. Impotency, llko all sexual diseases, Is nover on tho standstill. With It you can make no compromise. Klther you must master It or It will master you and fill your whola future with misery and Indescribable woe.' I havo treated so many esses of this kind that I am as familiar with thorn as you are with the vlvv daylight. Onoe cured by me, you will nover ngaln be bothered with omissions, drains, prnmatureness, small or weak orguns, nervousness, falling memory, loss of ambition or other symp toms which rob you of your manhood and absolutely unlit you for study, business, pleasure or marriage. My treatment for weak men will correct nil these evils and restore you to what nature Intended a hale, hearty, happy man, with physical, menial and sexual powers complete. In curing on ali ment of any kind I never fall to remove all reflex complica tions or associate diseases. If the case Is Varicocele, tho ALL ASSOCIATE DISEASES CURED weakness caused by It disappears. If It is mnciure ana nas aeveiopea into rro- tntlc. Uladder or Kidney affections, thf Injured organs are all restored to a per fectly healthful condition. It It Is Con taglous Wood Poison, any and all Bkln, lilood and Hone Diseases arising from the taint arn entirely and permanently culminated from the system. If It Is Im potency, the mnny distressing symptomt following In 11 a" train arid ThdloaUng premature deollno of physical, mental and sexual power are totally removed and rapidly replaced by the youthful energy of robust manhood. Hence, all resulting Ills and reflex complications, whloh may be properly termed assoatate diseases, and which, In fact, are often mors ssrl oils than the original ailment that gives rise to thorn all, ' we say, disappear com pletely and forever, with .the cure of tha main malady. Home Treatment by Mall Op5 personal visit Is preferred, but if It is Impossible or Inconvenient tor you to call at our office, write a full and unre served history of your case, plainly Mat log your symptoms. We make no charg for prlvato counsel and give to each patleM A hVM AL CON'I'R AO I' to hold for out promises. If you cannot call today, writ Address, STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 1308 F arn am Street, Between 13th and 14th Streets, Omaha, Nebraska. REFERENCES: Best Banks and Leading Business Men in the City. ' ' ,s .. CONSULTATION in person or by Letter FREE. Office Hours, 8 a. m. to 8 p.m. gundaysj IP a. m.tolp.nv s