Agints fir lufftrfck MAVllkll: IS lift I UMli This summer wcnthcr has forccJ tho manufacturers to sell their shoes at less than coat and tho Dig Storo was quick to take- advantago of theso prices, and closed out several lines of ladles', men's, misses and children's Bhoes nt a mcro fraction of their cost and alt will be put on sato Satur day morning nt eight o'clock. Brooks llros'.' shoes $3.00, J3.C0 and $i.00, worth 13.50, $i.00 and $5.00. dray Uros.' fine vlcl kid, a $4 valuo for $2.50. . Moore, Shaffer fc Co.'a vlcl kid, lace, worth $3.50, for $2.00. i A flno vlcl kd, cork filled. welt shoe, Just I tho thing for a rainy or damp day, worth I3.C0, whllo they last for only $2.48. Do your feet bother you? Buy a DROVER 'hoe and euro them. A full lino of theso j Bhoes carried In stock In, both serge and I 1... t 1 - 1 Women's lino vlcl kid laco shoes, worth $3, for $1.8ii. Women's flno vlcl kid laco shoes, cloth tops, worth 13, for $1.89. Women's flno patent leather, kid or cloth tops, worth $3, for $1.89. Men's fine vlcl kid laco shoes, worth $2.C0, for $1.89. V Bargain Room YAIUVWIDH MUBtilK, 2TC: 19C THIS VIU, UK A HAM-J TO UK HKMHM IFOR WHEN 1IAYDHN8' ADVERTISE Y rX)KAtiERS OH MANUFACTURERS SOLD Muslins, Linens. Etc. ! Yard wldo muslin, worth G'.ic, heavy, ac. Yard wldp blenched, worth Gc, 214c. 35c bleached damask, flno patterns, 19c. , S5c turkoy red damask, 19c. 10c towels, 5c. 15c towols, 7 54c. Special salo on nil klnd3 of wide sheet ings. Prints and Ptrcilss Full standard 50,000 yards remnants, dark nd light colors, the 754c grade, 254c. 36-Inch wide percales, dark and light , .colors, remnants and full pieces, regular '19c and 25c grade, nt 5c. Outlnr Flannels and ' Flannslsttss 10c Shaker flannel, 2Tc. 16c Shaker flannels, 6c. 12V4e cotton flannels, 5c. 15c flannelettes, 5c. 19o Imitation French flannels, 5c. 25c Imitation French flannels, all the fine hades, with and without sldo bands, 10c Satssns 600 yards of Simpson's black sateen, In long remnants, at 5c. 6,000 yards Simpson's black and white and fancy sateens, worth 19a. nt 754c Linings 10,000 yards of skirtings, worth Gc yard, at 254c. 6,000 yards of doublo fold waist, linings, worth 15c yard, at 6c. 600 yards of mercerized skirt linings, worth 19c, at 5c. (rAtlSHAN TIKES' A- SHAKE Priionor Iu Chill ii Court an Trial Adjourn Biddtnly. ON. VERGE OF NERVOUS PROSTRATION Attorneys Kxplnlu that IIIiicnh Is Duo to nlflorrnco In Court Itoom and Jail Teinpernturcn lCddlc . ' Cndnliy on the Mtnud. James Callahan, tho alleged kidnaper ot Edw&rd Cudahy, Jr., Is thrcntcned with nerv ous prostration. Criminal court was ad journed at 11 yesterday morning on ac count of tho sickness ot Callahan. The prisoner was unusually, pa'lo when ho was brought Into tho court room nnd showed nervousness when Kddla Cudahy Identified him as tho dnrk-complcxioncd man who wasln chargo of tho Melroso Hill prison house, N Shortly beforo 11 o'clock Callahan suf fered with a chill and told his nttornoys that he was very faint. Tho condition of tbe prisoner was mado k,uown to Judge Keysor and court wns adjourned until 2 o'cluck, , ''Callahan has not been well for a long time," ono ot tho prisoner's attorneys o marktd In discussing tho condition ot his client. "Ho has been shut In tho hot Jail ao long that ho is not accustomed to .fresh air. lib took cold when ho was brought into the court room. The dlffcrcnco In tho temperature ot tho court houso and tho jail Is so marked that ho has been cold dur ing tho trial. Then tho closo confinement has told on his nerves and his general con dition Is bad. Ho will bo fortinato It he escapes a serious sick spell." ISdillf! Cudnby'a Testimony. Eddie Cudahy Bpcnt nearly two hours on tho stand yesterday. Tho prosecuting attornoys 'brought' out every detail of tho kidnaping nnd the boy Ideutlflcd Callahan as positively as he did at tho trial for rob bery. Ho stated that his identification ot tho prisoner was by voice as well as by ap pearance. Callahan's attorneys asked young Cudahy but low questions In cross-examining hJm They' laid great stress upon tho fact that the only tlmo tho boy saw tho face ot tho man' alleged to )o Callahan was when toe kidnaping toed place In front of Gen eral Cowln's residence. 'An attempt was mado to show that young Cudahy stood be twecn tho streot light and tho man who thrust a revolver Into his face, but tho boy stoutly maintained that the ktdnaoer was between him and tho light. Ropeatcd attempts wcro mado by Cnlln hkn's attorneys to have Kddlo Cudahy statq whether ho ever smoked cigarettes, but tho Judge would not nllow tho witness to nn awor tho question. The lnwyers maintained that tho' cigarettes found In tho Melroso Instead of using ttm or alcoholio drinks as ft stim ulant when fatiguod, chilled or depressed, tako a quarter tcaspoonful of 1 irBin klbDIUcpppiiYs EXTRACT or Beef, put in a cup or 8 loss, fill up with hot water and sip ;, It gives real strength -without exciting tho nerves. Better than tea, coffee or any laud of liquor. PaHirm. Special Shoe . Values Saturday Men's (narrow)' fine vlcl kid tan lace shoes, worth $3, for $1.89. . Men's flno calf laco shoes, worth $3, for $1.89. Men's fine patent calf laco shoes, worth $3, for $1.89. Misses' school shoes In vlcl kid, worth $2, at $1.C0. Child's of same, sizes 8 to 11, worth $1.75, nt $1.25. Child's of same, sizes C to 8, worth $1.50, at $1. ' Boys' shoes, solid, tho $2 kind, at $1.35. Youths' shoes, solid, tho $1.75 kind, at $1.20. Don't forget tho babies soft-sole shoes to flt them, always 50 cents, Saturday 19c. Shoes In tho Bargain room: Men's satin calf, lace, worth $1.75, at $1.10. Boys' satin calf, lace, worth $1.50, at 98c. Youths' satin cnlf, laco, worth $1.25, at 75c. Misses' dongola laco shoes, worth $1.65, nt 98c. Chllds' dongola lace shoes, worth $1.25, at 69c, Infants' dongola button shoes 65c, 60c, 35c, 25c and 15c. Salos Saturday. IJNIKOB. BC: BC! LININGS. 2'iC. ETC. UKRKD. DO NOT MIPS THIS SALE. OH ALWAYS GET IT. IN THIS ROOM. NO VEDDL.ERS, Drapsriss 25c draperies, flno colors, at 1254c 1254c drnpcrles, at 754c. Drsss Goods 20,000 yards of dress goods, plaids, stripes, Henriettas, serges nnd other weaves) worth up to 75c yard, at 10c. 25,000 yards' of 50-Inch nil wool suitings, 50-Inch silk and wool plaids, 60-Inch serge's, 40-Inch all wool hcnrlettas, $1 fancies, and all will go at less than one-third of origi nal cost, at 25c to 39c a yard. 54-lnch strictly all wool black chovlot, 49c a yard. 50-Inch strictly all wool storm serge, 49c 42-Inch all wool grnnltc, 60-Inch alt wool homespun, 50-Inch all wool ladles' cloth, all worth up to $1 yard, nt 49c $10,00 dress patterns nt $3.98. $12.00 skirt patterns at $2.98. 4-yards of $1.98 mohair crepon, $2.98. C yards of extra heavy rainy-day skirting In gray, oxford, black, navy, worth 75o yard, for entire pattern, $1.25. Silks, Valvals and Corduroys 25c fancy silks, 10c 60c fancy silks, 19c. 75c Roman stripes, 29c. $1.50 silk flannels for waists, 39c. 60c velvets, all colors, 19c. $1.00 corduroys, 39c. Special on Blankets and Comforters $1.00 blankets nt 59c $1.25 blankets at 73c Blankets from 69c up to $4.23, worth up to $7.50 each. , $1.00 comforts at 59c. $1.25 comforts' nt 75c $2.60 comforts at $1.50. Hill 110U8O and gald-to.hnvn lxnnmnW.rt hv Callahan might havo been Bmoked byho 1 1 -- - ML ". ' ' .. - i-upuvo. ino ooy was linaliy allowed to icsuiy mat no did not smoko cigarettes whllo In chargo of tho kidnapers. l'. J. McGrath and Chief Donahuo were alto on. tho stand. Mr. McGrathi- testified that ho accompanied Edward Cudahy, sr.,, tho night tho money was deposited on tho Center street road for tho kidnapers Ho described tho lantern with a light and dark ribbon on tho handle, nnrl In nvnrv corroborated Mr. Cudahy's description of ino trip. ARREST POACHERS AT CUT OFF Deputy Gnme Warden Catch Two Men In the Act of Selu Inir Fish. Thursday night Deputy Game Warden Brown of lown and Deputy Oame Warden Counscman of Omaha captured two poach ers at Cut Off lake whllo In the net ot tak ing fish with a seine. Tho officers, bollovtng the men would bo at work Thursday night, concealed themselves In a boat along tho shoro and soon tho poachers appeared. They made one haul with the net and wcro so busy getting the fish that tho wardens came upon them unawares. Two hundred feet of eo'.ne and halt a barrel of fish were .taken from them. Tho arrest was mado on tho Iowa sldo. near Courtland beach, and the mon were taken to Council .Bluffs, whero they will be tried. Tho men gave the names of Bur well and Druncr. If It'a a "Garland" That's all you neod to know about stove or rango Announcements of the Tlientcrs. 'Tho Immonso hit mado last year by tho "Olrl with the Auburn Hair," has been 'more than duplicated at tho Orpheum this1 week. The beautiful and Impressivo stago sotting, beyond doubt tho most Ingenious bit of theatric mechanism, holds tho audience spellbound, while tho fullness, and richness ot tho singer's voice, better than ever, car ries out tho effect nnd usually leaves her hearers too much carried away to applaud wlththo drop of tho curtain, and thero Is n decided pause botweon the curtain's de scent nnd tho first handclap. She has changed her songs for tho latter part of the week and nt the mntlnce nnd evening 'performances today will sing two new se lections. At Boyd's .Mlttenthal Bro.'s big sconlo production, "Lost In Now York," will bo seen Sunday matlneo and evening. For tho Interpretation of tho play tho man agement offers a company ot a higher order ot excellence than Is usually identified with this form ot attraction. Some ot the best known In tho clever enst aro Nettlo Do Coursey, an extremely comoly, bright tand vlvacloua lljtle woman, who has mado thou sands laugh while playing the leading roles In tho Hoyt farces. Ferris' Comedians will open a week's en gagement at Boyd's theater next Monday afternoon, Novembor 4, presenting "A Daughter of tho South." Numerous vaude ville specialties will be presented between acts. On Monday night will bo presented "In tho Land of the Cajuns," The com pany numbers twenty-five- pcoplo, Including ten vaudevlllo artists. Surd for Infringement. A suit was, started lu the U, S, circuit court at New York last, Tuesday by F, M. J'etors against biscuit manufacturers for Infringement of paper boxes' for crackers. Tho pacltagq. In dispute, Is ono used by tbo National Biscuit company for Its Uneeda and In-er-scal goods. An Injunction and ' heavy damages are asked for. , THE OMAHA DALLY BET5i SATURDAY, 2fOVEMB131t 2, 1001. II JLVnCII! GREAT $75,000 UNDERWEAR nAT UCriS AND HOSIERY SALE SATURDAY As announced this tremendous spot cash purchase from tho best mills lit tho country will bo on snlo Sntimlny nt most astonishingly low prices. THE IHOOKST SAIilJ KVKU IIKMJ IN OMAHA. We carry tho largest lino of the best underwear mude. All tho well known brand. American lloMerv Co.. Nnrfnllt. New Brunswick, Sterling. Stoncmnn, Har- vii ru wins, ijuxcrne, ii. rc. urntirord, Swlts Condo and New England Knitting Mills. $1.50 Swlts Condft wool nnd silk under wear. In all sizes, hlrts nnd drawers, Jer sey ribbed, for men, on sale nt 75c. Men's lino Wool mid ulllc HfiTn IImmI olilrlo nnd drawers, worth up to $2.00, on snlo at 9Sc. Men fl 11.00 InmliH' wnnl Hiorn lined nlitrfa nnd drawers, In plain nnd fancy colors, Wo will put on snlo 500 dozen ladies' nnd men's flno llslo thread stockings, In plain nnd fancy colors, regular 50o duality nt 10c. Every pair warranted to bo worth 5Cc. Ladles' light llslo thread vest, long sleeves, nt 25c. Ladles' half wool vest nnd pants nt 49c. Ladles' fine Harvard Mills vests nnd pants at 50c Trimmsd Millinsry A beautiful display, specially priced. Saturday wo Innugurato for this Ecason our sale of pattern hats. All theso beauti ful hats will bo sold as advertised ot Hay den Bros, at astonishingly low prices. Wo also put on salo fashlonablo black velvet hats, our own designs, beautifully trimmed with largo plumes, velvet ribbons and ornaments. Unusually good values at $8. Haydcn's Saturday price, $4.98. Turbans and draped hats, artistically trimmed with large birds, breasts and wings; good quality volvet and silk; stylish and becoming; equal In ovcry way to tho usual $5 hats. Haydcn's prlco Saturday, 2.98. Salt on Toilet Soaps 60c toilet soaps, 9Ra only 96 This Is tho greatest bargain In tho very best toilet soap over offered. HAYDEH BROS TIME CUTS' GO INTO' EFFECT Unioi Paalfio Amoncsi New Eohedila for Nut Innday. SAVING OF THREE HOURS TO THE COAST Pennsylvania, with the Santa Fe In Connection, May Meet the Fast Service Given liy the Vnndcr-bllt-Ilnrrlman Lines. The official gchcdttlo of the Union Faclflo for tho winter months, which goes Into effect noxt 'Sunday, was nnnounced by tho passenger department yesterday morning. No. 1, tho Overland Limited, tho equip ment ot which Is to bo entirely new, will savo three hours over tho present tlmo bo twee n Chicago and San Francisco. It will leave Omaha at 8:S0 a. m.' Instead ot 8:20 a. m., arriving at Choyenno at 10:40 p. m., an Increase ot one hour and twenty-five minutes In the running time over tbo Ne braska division. It will arrive at Ogdcn at 1:40 p.m. Instead ot 2!10,a saving ot ono hour and twcnty-flvo minutes on tho Wyoming division. It will arrive at San Francisco at 5:15 p. a. instead of 6:55 p. m., a saving ot one hour and ten minutes on tho Central Pacific. The remainder of 'tho total saving of three hours will be mado by tho North western between Chicago and Omaha. No. 3 will bo known as tbo California ox press Instead of tho Pacific express. It will loave Omaha tbo sntno as at present, 4:25 p. m., arriving In Cheyenne at 7 a. m. Instead of 7:35, a saving -of thirty-five min utes on tho Nebraska division. It will nr rlvo at Ogden nt 12:30 n. m. Instead ot 3:50, arriving in San Francisco at 8:25 a. m. In stead ot 12:25 p. m. A. total saving of four hours will be mado between Oniaba and tho coast. No. C will run through solidly from Chi cago to the coast for tho first tlmo and will bo the New York Central's western connection tor Its now twonty-four-hour train between New York nnd Chicago. No. 5 wilt leave Omaha at 11:10 p. in. in stead of 11:35, arriving In Chcyenno at 12:30 p. m., instead ot 12:05 p. m. It will arrive at Ogden at 7:30 a. m. Instead ot 4 a. m., and at San Francisco at 4:15 p. m. Instead of 12:25 p. m. Thero Is no change ot time on tho Fortland and Spokano con nections ot trains 1, 3 and 5. No. 101, tbe Fast Mall, will leavo Omaha at 9 a. m., ten minutes later than at pres ent. No. 102, tho corresponding train east- Zinc Douche Pans The best doucho nan made. Has an out let at end, fitted with screw plug and a con nectton for attaching rubber tubing for drainage. Trice, each, $2.00. We aro headquarters for this class of goods. Write or call for catalogue. THE H. J. PENFOLD CO., Invalid and Medical Supplies, 140S Farnam Street, - - Omaha, Pianos Sold en Easy Paymanfs. rcgulnr price, $1.00; on snlo nt 49c Men's 25a socks lit 10c. 300 dozen men's lino llslo thread socks, In plain nnd fancy colors, nt 10c. Men's 60o lisle thread socks nt 19c. 300 dozen men's tine llslo thread socks. In plain nnd fancy colors, regular prlco 50c, on salo nt 19c. Men's union suits at $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 nnd up. Men's nnd boys 13c collars nt 6c. I.Cfl) dozen men's nnd boys' 4-piv linen collars, In nil the new styles, nil sizes from 12 to IS. every collar wurrnnWd new nnd perfect, sold everywhere ut 15c, on salo tit 6c. HOSIERY SPECIAL, from 10 to II Ladles' exlrn heavy flccco lined combi nation suit nt 49c Ladles' lino hnlf-wova combination suits nt $1.0O. Lndles' flno cnmblnntlou suits, Harvard Mills wool, nt ll.'.'S. . Lndles' flno Vega silk combination suits. In pink, bluo nnd white, $2.9$. Children's extra heavy ileece lined vests, pants nnd drawers, nt 23o each. Grand Book Sale $1.00 copyright books, 39c .only Tho new book, "Lives of tho Hunted," by Ernest Seton Thompson, now on sale. 25o NOVELS, ONLY 5c Tho Original McKlnloy Book, by Bishop Fallows; regular prlco $1.50; 98c at Haydcns' , Saturday Specials 60c Hose Supporters (hook and belt). ...25c 60c l'ockctbooks 25c 60c Chatclalno bags 25c $1 Satin told Belts . 50c Special salo on cut bead bags. Tho very latest 60c automobllo tics nt Haydcn's for 25c. $2.25 Battcnbcrg centerpieces, each only 75c. Pearl Buttons 15c, 20c nnd 25c pearl buttons only. All sizes; all perfect. Optical Goods A full lino of opera nnd field glasses, magnifiers, reading glasses, tharmomcters, compasses and all kinds' ot optical goods. Our spectacles and oye-glasseu aro fitted by an experienced optician and refractlonlst. Our prices aro tho lowest". Vo save you monoy. bound, will arrive In OniajLik.the.sanjo as now, 3.25 p. m., A chajigOt.wIlKbo mado In tho equipment of No. 101 'and It will carry a rccllnlng'cbalr car and n tburlst car out of Omaha, picking- up Ja Kanins City tourist car at Cheyenno ,androaklng n closo connection for- Portland via tho Oregon Railway & Navigation, company. Tho change In time In tho eastbound schedulo Is slight. No. 2 nnd No. f will contlnuo to nrrlvo In Omaha, as nt present, tho former nt 7:30 p. m, nnd tho latter at 4:35 p. m. No. 4 will arrlvo hero at 7:05 a. m. instead of 6:50 n. m. The Oregon Short Line has also nn nounced Its new tlmo card,- offectlvo next Sunday, to connect with that of tho Union Pacific. It provides for an extrn train each wny dally between Salt Lako and Og den. Tho shortening of tlmo by- Iho Vanderbllt and Harrlman roads from tho Atlantic to Our Usual Matinee Takes Place Saturday Now nrrivnls in our boys' and misses' departments the new rope stitch double sole the extension heels in fact the swellest shoes ever shown are to be found at this store only Saturday wo price them A Cfl (all widths and sizes) $1.75 and OliJU MEN'S SHOES the new double deckers in vici kid, box calf ftQ CA and patent leathers price OuiuU WOMEN'S SHOES Just in box calf matt kid upper welts only AA Cft all widths and sizes price : OZiuU The Rochester Shoe Go 1515 Douglas Strut 1515 SATURDAY BARGAIN BASEMENT Men's nnd women's shoes broken lines QQfl values up to 4.00 sale price, 1.08 and gQ(j Boys and girls' shoes broken lines, 88c and 69c. Just a Little- Tulle nliout boys shoes won't bo niiilss today Wo llko to tell you nbout our shoes for Svo'cnn't nay enough nbout their wearing qualities Mado as good shoes nro always inndo from hon est leather from too to tin Just such a shoo as thenverago boy wants be cause It will stand lots of linrd knocks and still look nnd wear well Hrlng tho boys lu Saturday and let us give tliem n careful flt In tho best $1.50 shoo ever sold in Omnlia. 4 Drexel Shoe Co., Omaha.' Vp-to-Uata Shoe House. 1410 FAHXAM STIIKET. Kerr Fall CatatoKue Novr Heady. The largest lino of men's flno colored laundered shirts In Omaha nothing but tho best brands made on snlo nt 49c, 75c nnd $1.00, worth double. ... Men's nil wool sweaters, In plain nnd fancy colors, nt 9So, $1.60 nnd Jl.'.K. Men's cardigan Jackets, In black, blue nnd brown, nt $1.00, $1.60, $2.00 nnd up. Men's 25c wool socks, In camel s hnlr color nnd black, nt 12',ae. Men's 60c Suspenders nt 25c. Men's heavy work gloves nnd mittens nt 23c, 4Do, 75c nnd up. . Men's 60c neckwear nt 23c, In nil tho new colors nnd styles. a. m. Children's heavy cotton ribbed vests nnd pants, In Hnrvurd Mills mnke, nil sizes, nt Children's lino Harvnrd Mills combination suits, in nil sl7es, nt 11.50 nnd $1.75. Children's black tights, In ull sizes, nt tOc. Ladles' outing flannel skirts, knee length, nt 39o. Lndles' outing llnnncl gowns nt 19c, In nil sizes. Graat Jewelry Sala Wntches, guaranteed to be nccu- QQa rnto timepieces wUU Gold-plated watches, American tA AO movements V&lvO Ladles' gold-filled wntch chnins, Boldcrcd links, with solid gold tl 4Q siido MliHO Gold-nilcd rings, Tiffany style, mountings sot with rubles, pearls, emeralds and tor quolso; also plain band nnd chased rings, In nil sizes, cqunl to $5.00 to $o0.00 2"?: . 25c and 50c Theso rlugs aro wnrrnntod to wear and not to turnlsh. Kxamlno them. Chickens and Ducks Fresh dressed spring chickens 7c Fresh dressed spring ducks 10c Fresh crisp celery, per stalk 254o Capo Cod cranberries 754c Choose and Fish Iowa Cream Chceso 10a Wisconsin Brick Chceso lla New Anchovies, per lb 1214c New Holland Herring, each 214c Fancy Codfish tablets, each 1254c t tho 'Pacific will, lit Is oxpected In .rail-- road circles, arouse tho Pennsylvania ito decisive action. ,It Is Intimated that this road, In connection with the Santa Fe, Is preparing to tricot the action by cutting ttift tlmo still more than has been dono by tho Vnnderbllt-Harrlman roads. Tho contest may affect rates as well as. tlum beforo nil Is over. St. John's I.oiIkc ,n. S5, A. 1'. & A. 31. I ' 11 11 r nil Notice. I All members nro requested to nttend the' funerat of our lato brother nnd past master, J. B. Bedflcld, at tho Masonic temple, Sun day, Nov. 3, at 2:15 p. m. Friends of the doccascd who aro not members of tho fra tornlty nro Invited to ussemblo in tho largo hall. Interment nt- Prospect Hill. CHAHLES S. LbDINOIEU, Master. 1 Youth's and Boys' Stylet and Novaltics A display remarkable for Ms extent, variety and prices. Rather nil unusual special In boys' suits nnd overcoats for Satur day. An offer you will II ml urently to your benefit. A special lot or samplo lines of suits nnd overcoats, cont lining but a few of enrli kind, nnd mado by tho best mnkors In Now York. They aro for youths from 13 to 20 years of ago nnd woro designed to retail nt Jlo.oo to $15.W-your choice for $5.00 nnd $7.60. Hoys' flno yoko overcoats, ages 5 to II. Special lines Just re ceived, tho most exclusive novelty fabrics. Overcoats that nro made to Hell for i6.w to $10.00 specially priced for Saturday nt $2.93, $3.73 nnd $3.00. Hoys' chinchilla frlezo storm collar reefers, specially priced for Saturday nt $1.95, $2.93 nnd $3.75. . . Hoys' very flno RuhsIuii blouso overcoats, ages 3 to 7, specially priced nt J3.7K nnd $5.0). Hoys' 3-pteco kneo pnnts suits, nges S to 10, nil new fabrics, spe cially priced at $2.93, $J.75 nnd $3.00. FINE FALL HATS Saturday very special values. Men's stiff huts, In tho best stocks nnd newest blocks, on sato nt $1.0o. $1.25, $1.60 and $1.75. Men's fedorns, patdins nnd R. R. lints, on snlo ut 76c $1, $1.60, $2.00, Men's golf lints, In nil colors, nt $!.. $1.23, $1.50 and $2.00. Roys' huts on snlo at 40e, 60o nnd "3c. Hoys' enps, nil good patterns, n special purchaso of about 110 dozen, on snip nt 23u and .TV:. Children's camel's hnlr Tarn O'Shantcrs, regular 73c nnd $1 values, on salt) nt 50c. SUGAR The trust Is broken. Sugar going lower Haydcn's 20-lbs graulated sugar Candy Department Stick Doublo refined, per lb Stick Hoarhound, per lb Stick Fancy twist, per lb Mixed Choice, Slic; fancy 6io 7o 7Uo So 13c 7c 654c 8Uo 13c S54c 81io 8-ic SVic 814o 754c, 9c 84o 8V4c 754o 1814c loo 1214c 1214c 10c 714c 25c 22c 2414o 2214c 25c 25c , 20c 23c . 25o Mixed Broken, 7ftc; French Mixed Kindergarten Caramels Lemon Drops Chocolato Drops, lie; fancy Jelly Beans Conversation Hearts Cinnamon Imperials Lozenges, mint .... Wtntcrgrecn Peanut Squares Rock Candy, all string Rock Candy, part string Ecllpso Mixed Candy Crown Mixed Moonlight Kisses Hobson Kisses Swedish KIbbos Sunbeam Kisses Trilby Kisses Bon Oons Vnnllln Creams Roso Creams Mint Opera Creams Butter Creams Opera Wafers Maplo Wafors Flno hnud-mado Chocolates .... Flno Marshmallow Chocolates .. Cream Almonds Fruit Departmant Now largo dates, per pound Cc Now California figs, per pound Cc Fancy lemons, per dozen 10c Bananas, per dozen 15c Coffee and Tea Prices Siberian. Diamond coffee, 1214c; Siberian II. B, Coffee, 1314c; very flno Santos coffee 15c; Quatcmalu coffee, 20c; Interior Java coffee, 23cj prlvnto growth, Java, 3114c; Ansola Java, 32c; Mandolins Java, 33c; Arabian Mocha and Old Government, 35c. With every pound of good tea from 45c to 60c you got a faucy teapot. A' BRIGHT HOME rviAKES A MERRY HEART." JOY TRAVELS ALONG WITH SAPOLIO Foxy Quiller - With all. Its chnrmlug songs, will bo hero this week Look' out for "Tho Swearing Skipper," for "Quiller Has tho Hrnln." Tho "Cheating I'eddlar" and "Polly Wants a Cracker" nro nlso eye openers Como nnd see our display Wo liavo all that Is In demand Our special sale of "Two Steps" closes Saturday ulght nfter that regular prices again Don't miss this sale you will surely regret It. A. HOSPE, Motlt and Art. 1513-1515 Outfit. Do You Feel Like Candy today? Do you want somo delicious confectionery? You can got as flno ns Is mado from us and It will not cost you so much as poorer enndy would Wo don't harp all the tlmo on tho purity of our candy because we're cranks on that subject or because wo think nobody else on- earth makes puro candy Wo simply want to have you reallzo the great Importance of buying nothing but pure, fresh, wholesome confections nnd to impress upon 3'ou tho fact that If you buy It of us you're SUltH. W. S. Baldufl. 1620 FmrttBtti St. If Young Wives- would Insist upon placing only n guaran teed mnko of heater or range In tholr new homo thero would never be heard tho old complaint: "Tho houso Is cold," "tho gas or coal bill Is too much," or "your biscuits aro not tho ' kind mothor used to mako" Tbo wlfo is, or certainly ought to be, tho boos ot tbo stovo Question, and It's a wlso wlfo who comes hero to mako her selection Wo sell Favorlto stoves and ranges that havo cxcellout winning features about their con struction to win back the affections ot a discontented husband Thon our-prices aro always lowest for good stoves. A. C. Raj'mer Builders Hardware and Tools. 1614 Farnam St. Mill Ordtrs Filltd. UlXriCII' flAT UMiS SALE. every day. Saturday nt 1.00 Cracker Department Soda crackers So Oyster crackers 6o Milk crackers Go Pearl crackers Kq Farina crackers 6c Ginger snaps Eo Fresh oysters, per quart 86o Dates, per pound Co Tobacco Department Star plug chowlng tobacco 3754o llorscshoo plug chewing tobacco ....37(40 Ncrvo plug chowlng tobacco 3714o Battlo Axo 35a Newsboy tobacco 350 Bull Durham smoking tobacco 6O0 Duko's Mixture 35o " Meerschaum smoking tobacco 36a Undo Tom smoking tobacco 35 0 Old stylo smoking tobacco 25c Grocery Specials Corn meal, 16c sack; 24-lb. sack puro rya flour, 45c; 10-lb. sack puro Oraham, 16c; 24-lb. ssnck puro ryo-araham, 45c; fancy ovaporatcd California peaches, now 1901 crop, 9c: strictly choice California peaches, new crop, 1901, at 1214c; very good old crop peaches, C14c; new crop ovaporatcd blackberries, 9c; new crop evaporated apricots, 1901, at 1214c; new cleaned pa ir os currents, 1214c; now California mus catel raisins, 10c; now California prunes, 314c, 4c, 6c, 814c nnd 1214c?" HAYI)i: UROS' fiHIIAT SAI.H OK Can Goods can Strawberries iq0 cau Gooseberries 50 can Blackberries 80 can Raspberries I0o- can Apricots 1214o can Peaches 1214a can very flno sifted Peas 12V4o can nil kinds ot Plums 1214a enn Tomatoes , 0o can Corn 714a can String Beans .75410 can Succotash i 714a can Red Kidney Beans 714o can Wax Beans 714a can Gardon Beets 10a 2- ? ' En S WBBBaaaaaP :llt! bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbUIb - - . w , J v.- I Salt-It