THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1901. miss mm RAWLSTON Stoat Successful Male Impersonator pn the American fttnue Cnrcs Iter Coash nncl Keeps Her Throat and Voice In Perfect Condition lTlth t DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP. MISS 55EL.MA 11AWLSTON. Mnny letters nro received dnlly. similar to thu following ntic, from Miss Ilttwlaton, from promlnoiit singers nml artists who U!o nothing but DK. lib L.VB COtJOII 8YUUP to prevent hoarseness nnd cure coughs. whenever I Imvo Imd a cough or been troubled with hoarseness during my profes Hlonal cureer I have always used DR. IIUMj'H COUOII SYRUP, which has worked llko magic. . It cures my honme ricHs und my coughs almost Instantly. This Is thu kind of medicine I must havo to as to keep my volco In condition, as you know my work as a malo Impersonutor Is very hard on tho volco nnd throat. I havo rover found anything thnt cures nx quickly nnd as thoroughly any affection of the throat as JJH. DUMAS COUGH HYItUI. Very truly. HEI.MA IIAWLSTON, 74 W. 3Sth St., Now York City, Aug. 7, 1901. For fifty years singers', actors, public sneakers and clergymen havo used DIt. DUMAS COI'OII HYItUI' to prevent hoarseness and to euro coughs nnd colds and nil affections of tho throat on account of tho absoluto security they feel In Its ctinttlvo qualities. Thousands of doctors prescrlbo DIt. UUMVH COUQH SYUUP und many of the prominent hospitals uo It exclusively for hoarseness, asthma, bron chitis, coughs, colds, grip, lnlluenzu and consumption. Ho sure you got thn genuine. Beo thnt the trade-mark, "null's Head," Is on tho . package. Cheap substitutes aro Injurious. LhITko bottles L'5o; at all druggists. FIUSK-A Ilenullful Calendar nnd Medi cal Hooklet freo to anyone who will write A. t Mover & Co., Uultlmorc, Md., nnd mention this paper. WEAK NERVES Slake Wrnlf Mm and Women, nnd Cause All Kinds of .Nervo-Vltnl Dln orilers Weak Nerves llesnlt from n wnadnx of Ihe Electricity In Your System My Method tt( Supply liiK Elqetrlclly for the Ilntf'Snl Cure of Human 111 Will Cure YoU Secure My Free Hooka. No matter with what ailment you nro afflicted, naturo is ulwuys doing hor level 'bent to mako you strong nnd well ngnln; but nature must bo aided, for in four cases out of llvo she bus been Imposed upon. Klcctrlclty Is nature's own remedy and when It Is properly applied will cure every 111 which may utlllct mankind. My method of applying electricity to the human system Is my own discovery, und ns a re ward tho United States government 1ms 'given mo tho exclusive usa of this method a method which hus proven so effective nnd curutlvo to weak, vlgorless men and women that tho numo of my Electric Ilelt Is almost u household word. I know electricity as applied by my Electric Uelt will euro oil tlio ullmonts for which I recommend it. You cannot afford to ex periment with unknown concerns and in experienced practitioners, battering your stomach with drugs and nostrums. You want to bo cured at onco and without de lay. Tho cures my Electric Ilelt mako speak for themselves. I cuu refer you to ' more than 10,000 well persons who were onco as badly off iib you can possibly be. My Electrical Suspensory Is freo to every malo patient. 1 If you linve un old-style Ilelt which burns or hllatcra, or Ktvea no current, end It to me ia half payment for ono of mine. Dr. Bennett's Electric Belt Must not bo classed with tho many so- called electric belts now offered to tho public "on freo trial. pay when cured," etc. It haH a Quadruplo Power Uattery nnd has soft, silken, chumols-covercd sponge water-chamber' electrodes that cannot bum and blister as 'do tho baro metal electrodes used on all other makes of belts. It has interchangeable battery cells and can be renewed when burned out for only 76c; no other bolt can bo renewedtfor any prlco und when burned out la worthless. My nppllance will euro Sexual Impotency, Lost Manhood, Varicocele, Spermatorrhoea nnd all Sexual Weaknesses In either sex; restore Bhrutikcn or Undeveloped Organs and Vltnllty; euro Hheumatlsm In every guise, Kidney. Diver and Uladder Troubles. Chronic Constipation, Nervous nnd General Debility, Dyspupslu, all Femnlo Com- piumts, etc. Call or write today. Sncredlv conflden tlal. I havo written two books on Nervo- vitai Aliments nnu moir cum by Elec tricity that will tell you all about It Sent free, postpaid, for tho miking. Ad. vice and consultation without cost. Bold oniy uy DR. BENNETT Electric BeltCo. nOOMS-304 and 31U Douglas nlock. Con ner ltfth and Dodgo streets, Opposite Uayden's, Omnhu, Neb. Hello 349! "Yes." "Send n ninn up to my house." "Wlint for?" 'To set n light of Rlnss." "AH right." "Say?" ' "Yes." , "How's your prices?" "They nro nil rljjht." "Iluvo you n good man to send?" "Yes." "Cuu you do It right nwny?" VYes." "Very well, send him up." "All light." FULLER DRUG GO. AND PAINT Mtli anil Douglas its. E CHieitEiTraia Hni i.u i.r CIUUUKHTKK'N KNULISR la MID ul 614 u.llllh felu. I.) Ilk tlu rltUt. Tak urn atktr. Kfe lUagrnau BafelllatUu mmi Trail Uaa. Buy f j.ur lrmfl'.l. r 4c. la VK'J':. a'Mala..Ta4lli.alal ara mbii a w.wuu THiiMsaian 1.14 mm m. Mailt saan. IfiuSZttB BaEjtafafcff ssatsistm SYRACUSE HEIRS GOVERNORS CaTtf f Htbruka ud Ihaw tf Itwa Entiut LTf Crowd. HANDLE STATE AND NATIONAL ISSUES Ilatrkere Execatlre Devotes Illmaelf to fieneral Affairs and Ncbraakan to Showing tip Local Financial Condition, SYIIACUSE, Neb., Nov. 1. (Special Telo gram.) A crowd of nearly 1,000 people gathered In and around tho opera houso to hear Governor Savage and Governor Shaw of Iowa speak on tho potlltlcal situation. Ex-Senator Teft of Cass county and county republican candidates were also present. Governor Shaw's speech on national issues was delivered In a convincing manner and created unbounded enthusiasm. Governor Savage dwelt on state issues, saying: "Under tho last fusion administration tho Interest-bearing warrant Indebtedness of the state was enormously increased. The outstanding warrant indebtedness of the stnto at the closo of business for the fiscal year ending December 1, 1808, was $1,571. 684.01. The amount of outstanding warrant Indebtedness at the closo of business for tho fiscal year ending December 1, 1900, was 11,727,447.7?, showing a net lncrcaso in tho outstanding interest-bearing indebt edness of tho state during that tltno of 1155,763.71. "In a'ddltlon to this the last fusion ad ministration expended all tho available funds and left unpaid bills nnd claims amounting to $182,735.07. This means a cor responding increase in the warrant indebt edness and, added to tho $165,763.71, makes the total Increase In tho state's outstand ing indebtedness during the last two years of fusion $338,400.68. As these warrants bear 4 per cent Interest, this means not only an lncrcaso In our state Indebtedness of more than a third of a million, but It means an Increase In tho amount of Inter est tho taxpayers of Nebraska must pay of nioro than $13,500 per year. "During tho ton months of the repub lican administration we havo Invested ed ucational funds In the amount of $1,082, 581.77. Tho trust fund investments for tho first ten months of 1900 under tho fuslon Ists amounted to $606,543.66, being $46, 039.71 less than tho investments this year for a llko period of tlmo. Tho investments for tho first ten months of 1890 amounted to $564,220.79, or $518,353.58 less than this year. Tho total collection of trust funds for the ten months this year under tho republicans amounts to $1,008,611.83; tho collections for the first ten months of last year under tho fuslonlsts amounted to $581,388.64, or $517,223.19 less than this yoar. Tho amount of trust funds on hand at tho closo of business October 30, this year, was $106,866.04. A year ago today tho balanco of theso funds on hand was $209,489.03. or tin? fi"rt ri more than is now on hand: tho balanco on hand of theso funds two years ago under tho fuslonlsts was $357,146.54, being $250,280.50 greater than at present. "That ovory taxpayer may realize now lmnortant It Is to havo tho funds Invested, I will say that unless theso funds aro In vested not a penny of Interest thereon can be turned Into tho treasury. The consti tution and tho law require the Investment of trust funds In certain Interest-bearing securities and enjoins tho collection of Interest through any other medium. Un less theso funds are Invested, therefore, not a penny may be realized by tho ctntc, and the larger amount on hand, the greater tho loss to the taxpayers. Thn fusion state treasurer. Mr. Mcserve, during hU last term, had an avert age dally balance on band or $Z5i,ooo, which represents a clean loss to the tax payers of Nebraska In Interest money of $20,000, with interest, aunng mat ierm. Beatrlce Awaits Them. BEATRICE. Neb., Nov. 1. (Special Tele gram.) Great preparations havo been made here to receive Governors Shaw and Savago tomorrow. Governor Shaw of Iowa will address the voters of Gage county and an overflow meeting Is assured. VICTIM FROM SOUTH OMAHA Mrs. Mary Glbbs, One or Nurse 1 op- pan's Aliened Sacrifices, Lived in Nebraska. FHEMONT, Neb., Nov. 1. (Special.) Mrs. Mary Glbbs, ono of the four peoplo for whose alleged murder by poisoning Miss Jane Toppan, a trained nurse, was arrested nt Amherst, N. II., on October 30, was formerly a resident of South Omaha, where her husband was employed In the offices of one of the packing companies, coming there In 1888. They returned to Massachusetts about eight years ago, Mr. Glbbs talcing charge of the business of tho company at some point in that state. Tho murders aro alleged to have occuried at the Jachln hotel, Cataumet, Mass., of which A. P. Davis, Mrs. Olbbs' father, was the proprietor, In June and July last. Hor mother, Mrs. Mary Davis, died first, her death being given out as caused by a fall. About ten days Inter ter sister, Mrs. Eliza beth Gordon of Chicago, who had come east on account of her mother's Illness, died of nervous prostration. Mr. Davis died very suddenly about two weeks after. The cause of his death was said to havo been apoplexy, caused by grief and prostration. Mrs. Glbbs survived her father about ten days, dying six weeks after her mother. Miss Toppan was the nurse who took caro of each of them. On account of somo Irregularities In tho certificates of death and other suspicious circumstances the relatives and friends of the family secured an order from tho district attorney for tho exhuming of tho bodies. This 'was done August 30 and the chemist who made tho tests reported that each had been poisoned. Other circumstances tended to show that Miss Toppan was implicated and as soon as possible hor arrest followed. The charge on which she was arrested was the murder of Mrs. Glbbs. The motive for the rour- xler Is a mystery and no reason Is known why Miss Toppan should desire the death of the Davis family. Mr. Davis was the proprietor of tho Jachln, the oldest sum mer hotel on that part of the coast. Mrs. Glbbs' husband and two children, tho old est a boy of 12, survived her. Miss Toppan is now In the Jail at Barnstable, Mass. DUERR EXONERATED BY JURY It is Decided that tlte Iladar Farmer Shot Fetterly In Self- Defense, PIEItCB, Neb., Nov. 1. (Special.) Christian Duerr Is exonerated of blame for fatally shooting Georgo Fetterly on his (Duerr's) farm ntar Hadar. lu tho examination of witnesses at tho courtbouso last night nothing now devol oped bevond what was reported In Thurs day's Dee. County Attorney Darnhart sub Jected each witness to a rigid examination, Edmund George, who went with Fetterly to Plorco, said there wero only two shots fired and he immediately got out of his buggy to look after Fetterly when he saw mm lying on the ground with bis face turned upward. He called to him twice and hearing no response he concluded ho I must be badly hurt and Immediately west to the buggy nnd drove to Norfolk for n physician. George was asked It ho saw any bridles In Fcttorly's hands or anywhere near him and ho answered he did not. When asked why Fetterly carried a gun along when he went to tho yard for a drink ho said Fetterly was afraid of tho dogs. Duerr's testimony was about tho same ns published in Thursday's Dee. One thing that puzzled tho jury and county nttor ty was how It happened that Fetterly, being shot In tho forehead, was found lying on his back. Dr. Aldcn and Dr. Nyo wero asked to give reasons for this and said that possibly Fetterly rolled over after bo fell. Tho , Jury exonerated Duerr from any attempt to commit murder, holding that tho evidence showed that ho shot In self--defense. Duerr Is a Husslnn farmer and has lived In South Dranch precinct for four or flvo years. Ho understands Ilttlo Eng lish, but was greatly pleased when It was explained to him that ho was freo from tho chargo of murder. UNITE TO OPPOSE REMOVAL Grand Island Folks In Mass McclltiK riedge Workmen Committee Fall Support. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Nov. 1. (Spe cial.) Tho local committee having In chargo tho matter of the Balo of tho Ancient Order of United Workmen building to the grand lodgo of tho Ancient Order of United Workmen, ns per Its action at tho biennial session at Nebraska City, called n mass meeting of workmen and citizens last even ing which was largoly attended. Resolu tions wero adopted endorsing tho action taken by tho local commltteo In securing an Injunction, restraining tho trustees from removing from the Ancient Order of United Workmen building, rovlowlng tho history of the caso and pledging tho local com mltteo Us unqualified and unlimited support In whatover action may seem necessary to compel the trustees to carry out the In structions of tho grand lodgo. About fifty members of tho local Ancient Order of United Workmen lodges went to Aurora tonight to attend tho Initiatory exorcises and ceremonies of 100 new can didates to tho Aurora lodgo of tho Ancient Order of United Workmen. " Tho Workman band of Aurora was present nnd n special train from York also brought In mnny Workmen from thnt city and lntermcdlato points. It was ono of the largest meet ings of tho kind over held In tho state. Grand Master Workmnn Jaskalok, Grand Medical Examiner Gngo and Grand Recorder Darton of this city, whoso homo Is In' Aurora, and under whoso homo lodgo tho event was held, wero present. A banquet was scrvod. Ilualncas Stops During Funeral. STROMSBURO, Neb., Nov. 1. (Special Telegram.) Tho funeral of John Wilson occurred today from tho Baptist church. Tho sermon was preached by Dr. Balllngcr of Lincoln, presiding elder of 'tho Freo Methodist church, assisted by Rev. Ilult man of tho Mission church and Rev. Carlson of tho Baptist church. Tho largo church .was entirely filled with friends of tho do ceased. Tho business bouses of tho city wero closed during tho funeral hours. Among thoso who attended were: Hon. Frank W. Samuelson of Humboldt, Nob., Victor E. Wilson and wlfo of Kerns, Cal., and Miss Nolllo Lundcn of York, Neb. Snider of Stromabnrir Leas Wealthy. SHELBY, Neb., Nov. 1. (Special.) E. E. Snider, a rosturant man of Stromsburg, came hero several days ago and yesterday was said to bo drinking qulto frcoly. Ho let many of tho peoplo know that ho was carrying a full wallet. This morning ho had no recollection of where, he pusscd the night, but two $20 gold pieces and $175 In currency aro missing. Ho thinks It pe culiar that nil of the money is not gone, for $190 In bills was loft In the pockctbook. Gretna Wreck Delays Fast Mall. GRETNA, Neb., Nov. 1. (Special Tele gram.) A Burlington freight train wreck delayed traffic hero flvo hours today. The air connections broko on tho heavy freight and thrco cars wero derailed. No fatalities. A wrecking train from Lincoln cleared the track after delaying tho fast mall nearly two hours. Tho wreck occurred half a mile east of town. Kearney Clnb Organises Gym. KEARNEY, Nob., Nov. 1. (Special Tele gram.) Tho now gymnasium of tho Kearney Athletic club was opened this ovenlng nnd Is complete In every particular. Tho bow ling alley, which Is being completed ns fast as possible, will bo in running order next week. The K. M. A. defeated tho Kearney High school In a gamo of foot ball hero to day, 29 to 0. APPEAL TO LIQUOR DEALERS (Continued from First Page.) lutely no question as to tho success of the republican ticket. Tho opposition has been half-hearted from the beginning and no ona baa had any expectation that our tlckot would bo defeated. Mr. Cummins has re covered from bis illness and is again doing active campaign work." Governor Shaw stopped in tho city two hours, enroute to Syracuse, where ho de livered an address tonight. After an after noon meeting in Beatrice Saturday he will return to Iowa and Monday and Tuesday he will devoto to his homo county of Crawford. Governor Shaw confirmed tho report that W. J. Bryan bad not been urged to continue speechmaklng In Iowa. Mr. Bryan mnda one or two speechos In that state,' but the re coption was not especially cordial, accord ing to reports received hero. Two Governors Cninpalitniuir. Governors Shaw of Iowa and Savago of Nebraska left tho city early' this afternoon for Syracuse, where tonight they delivered addresses on tho political Issues. Tomor row afternoon they will address a meeting at Beatrice. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure A healthy Ptomach, capable of digesting a good, squaro meal, IB a great blessing. It keeps tho body strong by Insuring plenty of nourishment. In fact, It means perfect health. But some thing must bo done when tTio stomach Is so tired that It can't digest what you cat, for undigested food poisons tho blood. We can recommend a preparation that completely digests all classes of foods that is Kodol Dyspepsia Cube. It gives tho stomach perfect rest and allows you to eat and enjoy tho variety of food that is necessary for maintaining health. It never fails to cure Indigestion, after everything else has failed. It Is pleasant to tako and can be used in all conditions. "For many years I suffered from chronic Indigestion, and it Bcemed as though nothing was going to do mo any good. On tho advlco of a friend 1 commenced using Kodol Dyspepsia Ouro. It gave mo Immediate relief and I continued Its use, until now I feel that I am cured." Henry P. Cramer, Wendelvlllo, N. Y. - It can't help but do you good Prepared fay E.O. DeWltt St Co., Chicago. Tho fl. bottle contains i times tho 60c slie. The favorite household remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, throat and lung troubles is ONE MINUTE Ceuh Cur. It cures quickly! TO ESCAPE HIS ENEMIES 1, R. Miller of UntdilU Taku Morphiie ii Liactln. FOUND DEAD IN BED AT HOTEL Trnat Comiinnr of Oinnlin Flics Ar ticles of luoiirpontlon l'lnttaiuontli Telephone Company Continues Its FlKht. (From n Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 1. (Speclat.) Imagin ing that bo was' cut oft from so ciety nnd beset by bloodthirsty enemies whoso ono deslro wns to murder him, A. It. Miller of Unadllla camo to Lincoln and took his own life. Ho took ten grains of morphine, quietly sleeping his way Into eternity from his room at tho Boyd hotel. Ho was found shortly after 0 o'clock this morning, , his body stilt warm, but llfo en tirely gone. Ho was Btrctchcd In his bed with trousers nnd shoes stilt on. At his head hung his coat containing letters telling of nil his troubles, whllo by his sldo lay tho Ilttlo tell talo paper, bearing tho caution la pencil, "Poison. Morphine. 10." Governor Savago today appointed Leslie T. Carter commissioner of deeds tor Now York. Articles of Incorporation of tho Phenlx Trust company of Omaha wero recorded In the secretary of state's ofllco today. Tho company Is capitalized for $100,000 and tho Incorporators arc: E. J, Sullivan, J. E. Christy and D. W. Morrow. , IMntlsinoulh Telephone Flsibt. Tho Plattsmouth Tolcphcno company has applied to tho supremo court for a writ of mandamus to rcqulro Judge Baker of the district court of Douglas county to adbcro to bis original ruling In tho Injunction caso In which It was tho defendant. A temporary order wns Issued restraining ths Pmttemouth company, which Is an Inde pendent telcphono company, from entering tho Omaha Held, but the order was subse quently vacated. Lnter Judgo Baker at tempted to modify his last order, and from this action tho company has appealed to tho supremo court, Spanish-American Vctcrnns. Veterans of tho Spanish-American war met at tho ofllco of Adjutant Central Colby lato yesterday afternoon nnd organized a stnto camp. Seven local camps of tho na tional organization wero represented. The following officers wero selected: General L. W. Colby, Beatrlco, dcpnrt.mcnt com mander; Colonel C. J. BIUh, Fnlrbury, senior vlco commander; Major F. A. Wil liams, Gcifbva, Junior vlco commander; Colonel J. II. Brown, Wakefield, assistant adjutant general. Tho council of adminis tration comprises tho following: Captntn E. H. Phelps, Schuyler; Lieutenant J. F. Chambers, Schuyler; Ltoutcnant C. M. An derson, Nebraska City; Lieutenant. Frank Whlppcrman, University Place. Tho local council In Nebraska aro at Columbus, St. Edward, Wakefield, Schuyler, South Omaha, Nebraska City and Geneva. Kcnrncy Listens In Silence. KEARNEY, Nob., Nov. 1. (Special Tele gram.) William J. Bryan rpoko In Kearney this nftcrnoon to a very shifting audlcnco nnd discussed the tariff nnd currency ques tions, but aroused Ilttlo enthusiasm. STOCK WILL WINTER WELL Special Ilcports fronit Agricultural Sub-Stations OIvo Ren4aurlng; News of Crops. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. 1. (Special.) During tho latter part of October Prof. Palmer, in chargo of tho Wyoming station of tho climate and crop scrvlco of tho De partment of Agriculture, called tor reports on tho condition of ranges and stock from substations In all parts of the state, and tho answers received Indicates that tho out look for the winter is unusually favorablo over nearly nil sections of Wyoming. Tho most complaint from short range feeders comes from tho southwestern portion of tho state where, It Is said, tho ranges nro over crowded with sheep. Grasshoppers de stroyed scrao range In tho northern portion of Laramlo and Albany counties and south ern Convorso county, yet theso ravages wero, not as extensive 'this year as las,t. Tho amount of hay throughout tho state this fall is probably far in excess of that of any other fall in tho history of Wyoming. Unless nn unusually long nnd sovero winter provalls etock In Wyoming will not suffer this winter for want of food. ScnrliTodn Heiresses Found. LARAMIE, Wyo., Nov. 1. (Special.) Tho long-lost Scurlwoda sisters, whose parents died in Denver In 1876 and who wero tho next year adopted by n Mr. Clay, who re moved to Laramie, havo been found. An attorney of Chicago, who has bcon con ducting tho search and who states that u small fortune Is held In trust for tho girls, now grown women, writes to W. H. Lovett of this city that ho has found tho women, but neglects to say In what part of tho' country they aro located. Tho Chicago attorney states that be Is now in corro spondonco with tho Scnrlwodas and that they will recolvo the money that Is duo them at once. Sioux Falls I'ustor Turns Editor. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Nov. 1. (Special.) At a meeting of tho Society of tho Freo Baptist church Rev. F. E. Davison, who for tho last two years has been pastor of tho church, tendered bis resignation, to tako effect at once. Rov, Mr. Davison Is now editor of a prohibition newspaper published In this city and resigned his pastorate to give his full tlmo to tho papor. Tho so ciety has a nowpastor In view and a com mltteo was appointed to extend a call to hlro. Digests what you Eat A BROOKLYN BELLE PE-RU-NA , Miss Kitty Mahcr, 471 Eleventh street, Brooklyn, N. Y., writes: "For weeks I had a most distressing cold contracted late hi the fall by Retting thouroughly chilled driving, aud although I took the matter in hund in its early stage, still my cold kept getting worse. It seemed to be through my entire system and soon developed into a serious couch on my lungs, with catarrhal troubles. I had often heard and read of Pcruna for colds and catarrh, so I finully decided to try it, and am a very grateful woman to-day as your medicine was almost miraculous in its cure, relieving me before I had taken it two days und curing me in three weeks." KITTY MAHER. WHAT I'liOl'Ml MAY About IV-rii-nn. ns a ltemcdy In All Utacnsi'S of Winter, C'IiiikIis, Colds nml Cutnrrli. Pcruna cures catarrh,- coughs, colds, Is well known to both tho medical profession and tho people generally. It Is undoubt edly tho most popular remedy for this class of diseases In existence. Head tho fol lowing lotters: I'e-rii-nii Cures n Cold lit tho Oiinrt. Miss E. M. Isaacs, Armstrong, Pa., VIco Presldont of tho Fortnightly Out;, writes: "No ono who has tried tho comforts Pcruna brings would over bo without It. I used to drend tho slightest cold, as its consequences woro so lengthy nnd fo un pleasant, and tho catarrhal condition which Invariably followed so hard to get rid of, S5.00 A MONTH SPECIALIST in All Diseases and Disorders of Men 10 years In Omaha VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE cured. Metbod new, wltbout cattiuu. xric r loss ot tune. CVDUII r.cursdforllfeanatnepolson OT m I UI9 thoroughly cleansed from the system. Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely and forever. No "DKKAKINO OUT" ot the disease on the skin or face. Treatment contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious medicine. WEAK MEN from Excess js or Victims to Neuvoub Debility or KXHjcbtion, WARTINO WaAKHESS With KAIILY DCCAY in Youmo and middle Acjsd, lack of vim, vigor and strength, with organs Impaired and weak. STRICTURE cured with a new nome Treatment. No pain, no detention from busi ness. Kidney and BladMet' Troubles. CoMsltiffw f.OE?rMtmeB by Mall. Call on on or address 1 19 So. 14th St, Dp. Searles & Searles. Omaha, Neb. DR. McCREW (Age 52) SPECIALIST Diseases aud Ulaorilers f Meu Only. 3(1 years' experience, IB years la Ontalifi. - VAHICOCELE SlMcar" 10 VVfJUII IC und all Blood DUeiisea cured OlrnlLIO for llfo. All breaking out und Ub'ns of tlio disease disappear at once. nVJCD Of! flfin casus cured of nervous UVtn ZUjUUU debility, loss of vltnllty mii ull unnatural weaknesses ot met). Stricture. Ulcet, Kidney ana iiladdcr Dis eases, iiydruculo cured purnidutnilly. Cures Guurunteed. Consiillulluii I'roe, CHARGES LOW. Treatment by mall. P. O. Uox 7M. Olllca cv:r 215 (South lUh street, between Farnam and Douglas at.. OMAHA. NEB. NO CURE, v NO PAY It FN fllcntklni?mf(1lcln. I troll baro tinall, tatc ortfann, loitt uwrr i or wtabrning drain,, our Vacuum Orttanpeeloirwlllitureyou. Ni druK. Strlrluie and VarlCiH'tlo Pr- m I manrntlv cured In I to I uctloi SV-iSki. 73.000 In ui not on failure) not JBasBPJP oaa rturnrd crTrct Immrillatei no VBPB CO. P. fraud i wrlta for free paitlcu aflBlBHRBt lara, Mnt araled In I'liln envelope. lOCAUrrUAHCE CO. Ul Thorp lis., maii:.UH. lot avSaflaaaaSvBtalSSPVaaa PROMPTLY SAVED but slnco I havo known of tho blessed re lief secured through 'tho uso of Pcruna, I ara freo from all this unpleasantness and suffering. "A fow doses never falls to euro mo of a cold nnd I koop well through Its uso." M"ls3 E. M. Isaacs. WINTI2K COI.US Ilrccd Cndirrh, Couiths nnd Consump tion. Joscphlno Stolhammor, Denver, Colo., enro Soderburg Palace Studio, writes: . "My physician ndvlscd mo to go to Colo rado because my lungs wero dollcato, and I had catarrh of tho bead which tho damp cllinato cast seemed to aggravate. I spent two years hero without improving. Read ing of tho valuo of Perunn I began taking It nnd In two months I was completely Omaha-Texas Oil Co. (Incorporated Under the Texas Laws.) Organized and managed by Omaha nnd Iowa business men of the htghest bust n.ts standing. Tho largost sales of stock to date have been rondo to somo of our wealthiest and shrewdest cltlzoUa, who recognlzo tho possibility of tho FORTUNES TO BE MADE IN OIL Tho company's holdings of oil proper by nro cxtenslvo and VERY VALUATJLE. To onablo them to quickly dovclop tholr properties a limited amount of treasury stock is offered nt 25 Cents Per Share Par value, $1.00; fully paid and non-asscssablo. INVEST NOW whllo you havo Iho opportunity and whllo tho stock Is offered at Its lowest price. The Slnndnril OH Company I'nlil More Ilivll(!iuls In Olio Year 'I'll u n All the National Hanks In (ho UnlK'il Stales Co mil Inert. Don't Walk Your Legs Off Looking for A SITUATION A ROOM A HOUSE A SERVANT A 25c Want Ad in The Bee will do the work. When writing to advertisers mention having read their advertisement in The Bee, THBE.TEHEP WITH CONSUMPTION HER LIFE. cured nnd well. This Is nearly thre months ago nnd I havo Buffered no relapse I consider Pcruna very superior to Colo rado air for catarrh. If I had known of It before, It would havo saved mo hundreds of dollars." Josephluo Stolhammor. Hon. W. J. Purman, Ex-Member of Con gress from Florida, writes from 1428 Q street, N. W Washington, D. C, ns fol lows: 'From representations to mo and my own experience 1 feel jtistlsrled in recommending your Pcruna to any nnd all persons suffering with catarrh, nervousness or stomach troubles. I regard it as n great tonic aud remedy for such nfflctlons. I, and others to whom I recommed it, arc using it now with beneficial results." W. J. Purman. It you do not dcrlvo prompt nnd satts factory results from tho uso of Pcruna, wrlto nt onco to Dr. Ilartman, giving a full statement of your caso, and ho will be pleased to glvo you his valuable advlco gratis. Address Dr. Ilartman, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. DON'T WAIT-SEND IN YOUU SUBSCniPTIONS NOW TO Omaha-Texas Oil Co., Sapp Block. Council Bluffs, Iowa. OR WILLIS TODD, Fiscal Agent, 624 Ntw York Lift Bid., Omaha, Ntb.