THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 190. r, COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Enrjtking Except PmtJbUbi Olimbi Fw Pointi Upward. CORN IS ASAIN THE PILLAR OF STRENGTH H'cutrrn Rnlns Caasc Tempnrni"y S In nip In Shipping nnil t'nensy Short Renin Covering vrllh Consequent nine. CHICAGO, Oct. 31.-Btrcngth In corn, an the result of wet weather for shipping and s. scarcity of offerings, outweighed bearish influences on the Hoard of Trado today and December corn closed higher, De cember wheat He advanced and December oats lie tip. Provisions closed unchanged to S'i'tfca higher. Corn was given nn Impetus at this open ing by Improved Liverpool cables anil Do comber opened unchanged to lific hlgnor at 5714c to 57MI57c. Wet weather In tho west prevented movement of crops nnd (,n mall receipts shafts began to cover, booh tending December to 58c. Advices Indicated u poor average In quality and a Quantity being fed to mock from tho ehock. Thero wan nlso a fair Improvement In tho ship ping demand, nnd 'some news of lots taken lor export. Trado In tho May delivery was prominent. At tho high price there was a setback due to profit-taking and a quiet trado until December sold back to Its lower opening price. Toward the end of tho os elon there was renewed buying and De cember closed ilrm, 4fr6c higher at 6774W 58c. Ilecclpts were 130 cars. Wheat In tho main had nn easy feeling on numerous bearish Influences, but sup ported by corn held well throughout the day. December opened a shade lower to a shado higher at 70c to 7014c on weaker cables. Primary receipts were almost doublo thoso of the corresponding Jay last year. Clearances also were small, but on the corn bulge December advanced quietly 1 "AT . "AT .ilnaln n 1 1. r, t f 1 m I A Arm Jc higher than yesterday. I.ocal receipts wcro 105 cars, none of contract grado; Mln- lenpolls nnd Duiuth received 518 cars, malt iib 11 Intnl for the three points of 623 cars. against oss last wcck ana w n year ago. Primary receipts were 1,109,000 bushols. compared with t.22,000 n year ngo. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour were 701,000 bushels. The seaboard reported 9 loads taken for export. There wns somo nctlvlty In the oats nit. following the strength In corn. December opened He higher nnd n small advance fol lowed tho operations of several bulls and buying by commission Iwuses. Enstern houses were fair buyers. December closed llrm, lie higher at 3ic. Receipt, 123 cars. Provisions wcro dull nnd steady, Prices wero unchanged at tho opening, though thero was an easier feeling In the hog mar ket. January pork closed unchanged at 14.90. January lard 2l4Jf5c lower at $8.65ig 8.6714 and January ribs 214c down at $7.6714. Kstlmnted receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 115 cars; eom, 111) cars; oats, 155 cars; hogs, 22.000 head. Tho lending futures ranged ns follows: Articles. Opon. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. 'Wheat Oct. Pec. May Corn Oct. Dec. Mny Onts Oct. Dec. May Pork Jan. May Lard May Oct. Nov. Jan. tllbs- Oct. .Tan. May 70 70U KH lOCOKQK 73'i 74',J 73JU4l'.OW 73 574 5711 57 67 5614 S7Hfli 68 C7W r.7T;51 574 37 37 S6M 36ft 364 37 3714 36i!?!f. 37 36i 3$Q39 3914 3M(. S9J, 38 14 90 14 95 14 &74 14 90 14 90 14 CTJVi 15 024 14 95 14 974 14 90 8 75 8 80 8 724 8 72Vi 8 75 I 8 674 8 674 8 00 8 60 8 70 I 8 674 8 674 8 674 8 60 8 674 8 70 8 75 8 63 8 6714 8 70 7 924 7 974 7 92U 7 974 8 10 i 7 70 7 75 7 674 7 70 7 70 7 SO 7 85 7 7714 7 (0 7H No. 2. Cnsh quotations wero as follows: FLOUR-Stcady: winter patents, $3.40(5) KO: straights. 12.90fl3.3O: clears. I2.G0W3.10: rprlng specials. (4.00W4.40; patents, $3.25j) 8.60; Htralghts. $2.7013.10. WHEAT No. 3 spring, 68Q694c: No. 2 red. 7H4C. OATS-No. 2. 38ff381ic: No. 2 white, lie; wo. ;i wnue. avwavrftc. RYE No. 2. &514fi66c. HAHLEY-Falr to choice malting, 6(? DSC. SEBDB-No. 1 flax, $1.46; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.47; prime timothy, 15.7005.80; plover, contract irruiln. $8.76. PROVISIONS-Mes pork, per bbl $13.50 i i.t.w. Lrfira, per ivii ids., .uux(s.w. Hiiort rlba sides (loose), $7.85fl.00. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $7.257.60. Short clear 111(1('R (boxed). WHISKY-Uasls of high wines. $1.30. Tho following arc tho receipts and ship ments for tho Inst twenty-four hours: Articles. Receipts. Shipments, Flour, bbls 42,000 33.000 Wheat, bu 309,000 276.000 Corn, bu 143,000 147.00O OatH, bu 160,000 313.C0O Ilyc. bu 120,000 20.(00 liarlcy, bu 69,000 3S.0C0 On tho Produce exchango today tho but tcr market was steady: creameries. la 21Hc; dairies. 13019c. Cheese, easy, D14W jvc. .ggs, nrm; irrsu, ivftc. M1W YOIIIC OKNBRAli MARKET, Qnotntlona of the Day Commodities. on Varlona 23,131 bbls.; exports, 16,469 bbls.; firmer and moro active: winter patents, f3.so3,go; winter straights, $3.303.40; Minnesota pat ents. $3.70413.95: winter straights. $2.S0W2.85: Minnesota bakers, $2.95W3.95; winter low grades, $2.30(02.40. Ityo (lour, steady; fair to good, $2.90dT3.15; choice to fancy, $3.S0y) 3.60. COTINMEAI-Flrmer; yellow western, uux J.i xirmuij wiiif, i.dou.DU. IIYH-Klrmer: No. 2 western, time f. o. b.. afloat; state, 675Sc, c, 1. f., New York, car lots. nAHLBY-Btcady: feeding. 6052c. c. I. f., Huffnlo: malting. 67UUle. WHEAT nccelpts, 91,050 bu.; exports, 18.773 bu. Spot, llrm; No. 2 red, KHc. f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 red. 77Wc elevator; No. 1 norinern. uuiuin, u'.tc, i. o. p., ntloat No. 1 hard. Duluth. S2'c. f. n. li.. nflnnt Options were geuernlly tlrm all day, except right at the start, being stimulated by tlm torn advance, foreign buying and local covering, uioseu nrm, ho net advance May cloned at 79ic; December, 76 7-160760 closed at 76c. COIIN Hccelpts, 18.000 bu.; exports, 6,002 bu. Spot, tlrm u No. 2, 63T4c, elevator, and HV4c, f. o. b., afloat. Option market was strong and falrlv active, with buying mimuinieu wuu nigncr cauies, duiiisii news ligni onerings everywnero and a scare o shorts. Closed stronsr. i$iLa hlaher. M:iv Cic, closed at 64Hc; December, 63H063'4c closed at 63Hc. OATS Receipts, 130,800 bu.; exports, 6.7i0 ou.i h. i, i.rtc; io. .i, 41-40; so. i Willie. muia; No. 3 white, 44 0 44Ho; track white, 42ftW47c. Options firm and htcher. HAY Steady; shipping, 6CKjj65c; good to cnoicc, eoniiuc. tirra i.t. .iniA . . 1901 crop, ISiflSHc: 19U0 crop, 9U10c; Pacific coasi. iwi crop, izujoftc; iuu crop, cgiic HlDEB-Steady; 20 to 25 lbs., 16ftlSc Texas drv. 144c. LEATHER Steady; hemlock sole. Ruenos Ayres, ugni 10 ncavyweignts, ZIU-BUc acid. 244c. PROVISIONS-Beef, quiet: hams. $33.00 f?20.60; packet. $11; India mess. Il7.00frl9.0. Cut meiitB, quiet; pickled brlllcs, HlOffl 11.25; pickled houlders. $7.i5i pickled hums.; rfiuiPii, Hicnuy; continent, J9.4) clear. $17.60(19.00. ' ' ' ltllTTKTt Rppnlntx Jir.l . ...i. state dairy, 14fl2lc: creamery, 15W22U0; jure creamery. 17J4li2U4c; factory, 12fii5e. CHEEHE Receipts, 2,077 pkgs.; quJci; white, 9H(u9ic; fancy. mail. 'colored, 1014 fatini t.mn1l n-liltu tAi ' lf llOOS-Rece iita. 4.711 likes 1 ..(,.. .. and PenHHylvnula, 22li2Jc; western ca'ndlert 21(22c; weHtern uncnttdled. 16tf2Uc. TAL,i,u-aicauy; city, ⁣ country. :4 f6?io. POULTRY Alive: llafler: springer... sia 619c: turkeys. SnlOc: tnwln. se. iir'.n.i: Firm, springers, 10c; fowls, Oo; turkey-, ii m v, ' I,lvrrioul n nil 11 Mini I'rnvUloim. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 3l.-WIIEAT-Spo No. 2 red western winter, steady. Rs Jd jno. 1 noriiivru npruiK, imh'i, os mi; r,o. Cullfornla, steady, 5s lot : futures sternly CORN Spot llrm; American mixed new Bs V4d; futures llrm; November, 5s ; Derem ber. 6s id; May. 4s llftd. FLOril-St. Ixiuls fancy wlntnr, ste.idy PllOV'lSIONS-Reef. llrm: extra Indt mess, 74s 61). Pork, llrm; prime mess, west em, 72s Od, Lard, quiet; American, re nncut in pans, 10s; primo wcsiern, 11 tierces. 47s. Hams, short rut. 14 to 16 lbs. quiet, 4Ss6d. Uacoti, steady; Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., 60s 6d; short ribs, 16 to 2 ,bi., Hi 6d; long clear middles, llsht, -:9s long clear middles, heavy, 4?s; short clear backs, 43s 6d; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., 66s M. Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., steady, 37s 8d. HUTTER Steady: finest American, W; good, 77s. . CHEESE Quiet: finest American white, 45s: finest American coloTed, 45s fid. TALLOW-Prlmo city, quiet, 2Ss; Aus tralian, in London, dull, 29s. PBAS-Oanadlan, dull, 6s 2M HOPS At London (Paclllc coast), steady, 3 EsQ3 25s. OMAHA WHOLESALE MAHKKT. Cnndllliin of Tradi anil notations on .Staple' nnd Produce. KOOS-Receipts, fair; loss off. 17c, I.IVK I'OITLTRY Bjens. SUrific! Volinc nd tld roosters, 4c: turkeys, ,1(Sc; ducks nd gtcre, &tj6',4c; spring cldckctiH, per lb., ntJTTUR Comaion to fair. l"o: c holco dairy, tu tubs, ItitlSo; separator. 238210. 1J11i.mii c IHM--IJIHCK pass. isc. wnuo IMS. 10c: bluetlHli. 11(1. bullheads. 10c; blue llns. 7c; buffHlocs. 7c; rntilsii. 12c; cod, lie; erapplcs, 10c: halibut, lie; herring, 7c; had dock, 10c; pike, 10c; red snuppcr, 10c; sal mon, 11c; tiunnsn, ;c; trout, iuu; wiiiicusn, 10c. OYSTERS Midlums. per can. 22c; stand- rds. tier can. 25c. "xtru selects, per can, 33c; New York cottats, jer can. 4c; bulk Standards, per gal., $1.20yl.25; bulk extru selects, $1.60W1.6j. riuisuNs-l,ivp, ior uoz., wc, VEAL-Cholcc. ClUSc. HAY Prices nuoted bv Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice up land,; sso. upland, w.ov; menium, $8.00; coarse, $7.50. Rye straw, $6. Those rices aro ror nay or gooo coior ana quai- ty. Demand fair. Receipts, 6 cars. Willi at wc. CORN-53C. HRAN-$15.60. OATS-3SC. VEOETAULES. POTATOES Home srown nnd northern. 80i90c: Salt Lake, $1; Colorado, $1. liom'iiANi. rcr aoz., dc. CARROTS Per market basket, 35e. UEET8 Per half-bu. baskot, 30c. TIJRNIPS-Per basket. 30c. CUCUM HERB Homo groxvn, per doz., 10 (&16c. l'AiiHieiY i'er aoz., ivc. 8WKKT POTATOES Home crown, ner lb., 2c; genulno Virginia, per bhl., $2.75. UAHliAUfc-noiinnii seea, craica, 151c. TOMATOES Homo grown, per 18-lb. bas ket. 60c. DEANS Wax. ner U-bu. basket. 60c: string, per H-hu. basket, 60c. ONIONS Home grown, per lb., 22Hc; Spanish, per crate. $1.50. ri I." T 1.' I) VnlnMBVAn r.A 1. . n V. Nebraska, per bunch, 30fi35c; Colorado, 40 60c. NAVY uisawb i'er du., f.-.m. FRUITS. APPLES Ren Davis, ner bbl.. $3.50: wine- ans. $3.60: Jonathan. J4.mW5.00: snows. S3.50: llellcflowers, per box, $1.65. PRUNES utan, per crnte, soc. PEACHES California frccstoue. ner box. $1; clings, 85c; Utah freestone, 75c; Elbcr tos, 6-basket crate, ll.3Wn.40. pears Kcirers. z: viker. jz.zis: Law rence, $2.25. QRAI'EB caiirornia Togay, 1-10. crat, !; Muscats, $1.50: Concords, eastern, 20c. CRANRERRIES Per bbl.. $6.75: per crate. $2.50. QUINCES Per box, 91.W. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Mexicans. 14.5OIi6.00; Florldas. ijIS.munh f ancy, 3.76'gn.w. 11 ANANAS Per bunch, accordlne to slio. - ;2.00W2.60. FlOS California, new cartons. 76c: Im ported, per lb., 125U4c. DATES Persian. In 60-lb. boxes, per lb.. 5V4c; Salrs, 5c. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Now crop walnuts. No. 1 soft- shell, per lb., 12c: nard-shcll, per lb., 12V:c; iNo, i soii-sneu, 11c; io, . iiara-sncn, iovc; Hrazlls, per lb., 13c; lllberts, per lb.i 13c; al monds, soft-shell, 17c: hard-shell, 15c; pa cans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoa nuts, per 100, $5. HONEY Per 24-scctlon case, 3.&o3.75. CIDER Nehawka. per bbl., $3.25. SAUERKRAUT Per 4-bbl., $3.003.50. ' HIDES No. 1 green. 7c: No. .2 green. Cc: No. 1 salted, 8tfc; No. 2 salted, 7c: No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12V4 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 7c; dry hides, 8W13c; sheep pelts, 25027c; horsehldcs, $1.602.25. St. Lonli Grain and l'rovlslons. No. 2 red cash, elevator. 71Hc: track. 72U& TiW, uocember. v.'Vjc; May, la'oiac; no, CORN HlKher:' No. 3 cash. 60Uc: track. eoHWBic; uecemDor, osvtc; Aiay, nic. 39a)Hc; December, 39c; May. 40Hc; No. x wnue, waiic. hyk Kirm at bee. FLOUR Quiet and unchanged; red win ter patents, $3. 40 J. 55; extra fancy and traiKiit. ciear. j;.cMr..w. SEED Timothy, scarce and firm, $5.40 K.65. CORNMEAL Steady, t. O. o. RItAN Scarce and strong; sacked lota. on east track, S5S85'-4c. 11A1 uuii; iimoiny, prairie, $10.00W13 CO. Wltisni-Bieaay ai tt.av. IRON COTTON TIES-8teady at $1.10. BAGGING-Steady at 6Jc. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS Dry salt meats (boxed). lower; extra shorts, $8,124; clear ribs. $8.25; clear sides, $8.60. Bacon (boxed), lower; extra shorts, $9; clear ribs, $9.12'4; clear sides, J9.37H. I'orK, steaay; jobbing, 516. T.nrrt. lower. $8.52H. ter, nrm at w.iu. poultry itigner; cnicxons, sw. springs, 7c; turkeys, 7c; ducks, 6W6V4c; geese, 5c. RUTTER Steady; creamery, 18W23C; dairy, mjuc. iguun Hieaay at 11c. RECEIPTS-Flour. 7.000 bbls.: wheat. 60. SHIPMEN To r lour, lo.wo ubis. ; wneat, lZ.ouo du. ; corn, t,wu du.; oais, as.wu ou Kansas CHr Grain and rrovUlona. KANSAS CITY. Oct. S1.WHEAT De comber, 6M40CW4c; May, 70',4c; cash. No, kudu, tt No. 3. 69J4 hard, 6itiVsc; mo. 3, wxawfto; 70c. CORN December, 59 560o ; May, 60c; oic; no. - wnue, eic; no. 3, eoHc. oath .no. i wnue, aaia'wc, RYE No 1. 56e. HAY Cholco timothy. $12.50313.00: cholco pralrln, $13.00W13.50. RUTTER-Creomcry, 19c; dairy, fancy, 14 ai6c. EGOS Firm: fresh Missouri and stock quoted on 'change, 12c per doz., loss off. cases returned. KBUKii'TS-wneat, w,zw uu.; corn, 30.400 DU. oais. iu.uuu du. shipments wneat. so.wo du.: corn. 61. GOO bu.; oats, 11,000 bu. riillndclpbln Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 31.-nUTTER- nrm, goon aemanu; rancy western cream cry. 22V4W23c: fancy nearby prints. 25c. EGOS Firm, good demand: fresh nearby ana western, uc: ircnn soutnwestem, c; iresn souinern. 21c. cheese Firmer: New York full creami, fancy small, 10; c; Now York full creams, lair 10 cnuicc, i'yiu)jg. Toledo Grain nnd Seed. firm: cash. 74c; December, 74T4c; May, 77&c, wuiif-airontii cuhii, ouc; ucceinoer, tUViC May. 6lV4c OATS December, 3Sic; May, 39?c. RYE 66 ',4c. CIA3VER8EED-Cash, prime. $5.67S: De ceinbcr. $5.60, March, $j,6iH. Minneapolis Wheat, 1'lonr and Dran MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 31.-WHEAT-Cnsh 69Hc; December. 6S74c: May. 70-HyiO'4e. On track: No. I hard, 7IHc; No, 1 northern, 6He; No. 2 northern, 074c. flui'h f irst piuenis, w.( second patents, jj.vii.i.ho: nrst cearj, $2,75tf2.S3 secmid clears, $2.W. RRAN-UnchHtiged. .Mlhrankre Grain Market, MILWAUKEE. Oct. SI. WHEAT Rtonriv Nn, 1 northern. 70Hj70-1c; No. 2 northern RYE Firm: No. 1. 55tio. v BARLEY-Steiuly; No. 2, 5S'u59o; sample 10710V. CORN-Dcccmber. 5Sc. Peoria Market. PEORIA, III., Oct. 31,-CORN-Hlghcr No. a. a w. OATH Firm; No. 2 white, SSHc, billed through; ,u, tnicit. WHISKY On the basis of $1.30 for flu Ifhod goods. imv York MlnhiK tnotnllona. new viiitiv, uci. ai. rne loiiowing aro tne closing price 011 mining stocks: Adams Con 20 A'leo 40 Rrecoe W Brunswick Con., 10 CoiHHtoel; Tun... ! Con. Cal. & Va. 19) Deadwood Terra. 60 Horn Silver ...... U Iron Silver 61 Ltadvlllo Con.,.. 5 Llttlft Chief, .. 13 ,1000 .. 74 ., 6 .. 4 n Ontario .... Ophlr l'hoetil:; ... PlItOHl KuVllgh ... t Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. Standard ... 10 ... 40 ...JS5 FnrrlKti Financial, LONDON. Oct. 31. Tho werklv atalmin of tho Bank of Eng:and shows th follow Ing changes: Total reserve decreased 9tb, (i"0, circulation Increased 249,000, bullion decreased 696,000, other securities lncreaed 1,970,OijO. other deposits Increased 11,69(. 0X, public deposits decreased 881,0"X), note reserve uecreascu tLS-fMiw, govcrnmeiu securities tlnchangcd. Tho proportion of the Bank of England's reserve to liability Is 45.63 per cent, as compared with 49.38. per cent last week. paris, Oct. 31. The weekly statement of the Bank of Franco shows tho following changer.. Notes in circulation increased 117,3.Vuof, treasury accounts current In created 400,000f, gold In hand lncrcacd 16.775.0O0f. bills discounted Increased 223.- &W,U0Of, silver In hand Increased 475,OuOf. MOW YORK STOCKS A.M)' IH.Di. Ilnnl of EnKlntid'x Perplexities nesln In Affrol .lnrlc(. NEW YORK. Oct. 31. Kxeent for move- m'-nts In liidlvldunl stocks today the stock market run down to stagnancy ninny tlmcH. Thrro wits no pressure to sell, but prices gravitated to a lower level on count of tho pnrnlyslN of demand. Tho ten tral cause of this stnto of affairs was 1 110 advance lu t Mo discount rato of tno Bank of Enuland to I tier cent, compared with the 3 per cent rate which has been maintained since June 13 list. This gives tinmlNtakable notice that further demands nre pending upon tho bank's slock of gold, wiucn 1110 rise in tnu discount rate is in tended to protect by diverting the demand upon Now York. iNo tioiitu roms to bo entertained mat this object will be achieved. In fact, ar rangements were already perfected today jor snipmeniH or gold to I'nrts next week. Tho weekly statements of tho Rank of England and the Rank of France show 'ho need of the former to cheek the French demand upon their reserves and as clearly tno necessity for recuperation. The French bank has sained In cold dtirlnir the we, k about what the English brnk has lost, Tho latter's credits havo also extended to tho extent of $10,000,000 Incident to tho month end requirements. In Paris the require ment Is supplemented as n pending ittock exchnngc settlement, so that the bills dis counted havo been Increased nearly $43,000, 000 and tho note circulation has been ex panded over $35,000,000. These conditions seem to explain tho largo recall of Paris credits, which has been going on for nomq tlmo past, nlthouch It has been succested nlsa that foreign lenders of money aro thus expressing dissatisfaction with some of th? syndicate, purposes to winch the borrowed mmis nave ucen put. , The gold exports figured In the subtrens tiry statement todny, bringing up tho day's gain by thnt institution from the open market to $3,169,000 and tho gain since Frl dav last to S3.830.0TI0. Chlcnun njrhrinun mi wiiw York nlso weakened today nnd $149,- wt was deposited at ttio stiiiirensury for transfer to New urteans. un tno otner hand the subtreasury paid out over $."W,00i) on account of gold deposits nt San Fran cisco and Seattle nnd mndo u payment of $112,217 for redeemed bonds, thus cleaning un tno last or mo acceptances under tno lat4 offer of tho sccrntury of tho treasury. Thu renewed doubt ns to the extent to which the foreign demand for gold may go chilled nil speculative enthusiasm. Hopes aro professed, that tomorrow's dividend nnd Interim disbursements will soon como back to relievo tho money market, but this did not r.etni to revive any feeling of cheerful nodi In the stock marknt. Neither did the announcement of tho' determination of thn seen lur of tho treasury to resumo bond pt'.rcluiFcs, although the inclusion In tho offtr of thi- long 4s Is likely to attract con siderable tenders, Judging by the experi ence ol the last summer. Among the stock:) advanced today without nny special reason assigned wcro: l.ucKnwnnnu, uciawarc & Unison, a number of tno vnnuernilts nnd Chesapeake fit Ohio, the last on Phllndcl nhbi mdcrs. attributed to Pcnnsvlviinla railroad nccount. Amalgamated Copper was aeoressea on xno inclusion or new plalntlfis in Montana suits against tho company. Tho stock closed above tho low est. Tho Northern Pacific settlement foil Into the background with tho heaviness nnd neglect or the Pnclllcs. which con tinued to tho close and made the market easy. There wns considerable selling also or unitcu maicH meci ana uiucose anu Smelting were weak. Thero wore soma strong spots in tho bond murket, but tho price movement wuh Irregular. Total sales, par value. $1,165,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on tho last call. ... The following aro tnc closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison iln nfd.. . 77?4 8t. Paul pfd . 96?, So. Pacific .1054 So. Railway . 93Vi do pfd ,109$4Tex. & Pacific. . 84J5 To!., St. L. & W . 46HI do pfd . 354 Union Pacific.... . 76tt do pfd . 40V4 Wabash . 7H4' do pfd 190 6914 314 S6 Baltimore & O.. do pta Canadian Pac... Canada So Chcs. & Ohio BOV 8 31 Chicago et a.... do pfd Chi.. Ind. & L.. do pfd fhlrtnirn A E. Ill 100 .0 , 36 .124 IWheel. & L. E. Chicago a. W... . 87&Wls. Central ... . 49l do pfd .207' Adams Ex do 1st pro rin ?H 1M 40V4 Chicago & N. W r.. n. I. & P.... ,l4Zi American kx... .192 Chi. Ter. & Tr.. . 3Jft a. ux . 37 tWells-Fargo Ex. . 99'Amal. Copper... . 13'Amer. Car & F. . 87 .165 . 86 . 25 . 80 . 17 do pta r r n. St. I, Colorado So do isi pro do 2d nfd . kiv4 ao pru.. . 23?i Amcr. Lin. Oil.. do pfd Amer. 8. & R... do nfd Del. & Hudson.. .172 .233 , 464 Del. L. & W.... Denver & R. O.. . 4IK' . 92 . Vi . 70 . 56i. .193W . 56 . 754 .139 . 40tt . 95Vli do pfd Erie Anna .Mln. Co.. Brooklyn R. T.. . 31ft . 61i do 1st pru do 2d nfd Colo. Fuel & 1.. Con. Gas Con. Tob. pfd... Gen. Electric ... ,2131b rl Vnr. nfd .114' .257' Hocking Valley.. ao piu Illinois Central . Iowa. Central ... rin nfrt Glucose Sugar .. . 37?i uocKing uoal .. Inter. Paper .... do pfd Inter. Power ... . 19V4 . 75V4 . 8811 77Vi Lako Erie & W. 014 do pfd NT 132 iLucledo Gas . 924 .103'Na. Biscuit 122?4 Nn. Lead . 4 Manhattan L.... . 20',4 Met. St. Ry 161? "Hiionni oil It .. . ;a . 66 . itt . 60 Hex. Central ... Mex. National .. Minn. & St. L... Mo. Paclllc ao pin No. American .. Paclllc Coast ... ,109V4 . 97?4iPncillo Moll .... . 25 iPeoplo'H Gas .... . 50 .Pressed 8. Car.. . 43V4 M., K. & T .lU3i do ptd N. J. Central ... N. Y. Central... Norfolk & W.... do pfd Mn Vnclrtn nfd. .174U .158U no prd Pullman P. Car. Republic Steel..-. du ifd .218 . 14T4 . 66t, .103 . 344 .UW . 43 . ni . 53i . i . 764 . 66(4 . 264 . 66 Sugar U8k Ontario & w.... Pennsylvania. ... Reading Tcnn. Coal & I.. union Rag & p. do pfd U. 8. Leather ... do pfd U. S. Rubber ... do. pfd U. 8. Stcol do pfd Western Union.. 14 71 do 1st pru do 2d ufd mi 80-ft pt. L. & 8. V.... do 1st pfd do 2d nfd 4S 41i St. L. 8. W do nfd St. Paul 91T4 .169U Ex-dlvidend. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: The stock mar ket today was quiet, lu anticipation of n holiday. The rise In tho rato of discount from 3 to 4 per cent came as a surprise and suggests tho belief that heavy money de mands are Impending, but tho market was Kind to nave tno mntter unaiiy sottiod. American stocks wero llrm. with tho coal ers leading. London regards New York gold exports as a bull point, since they divert the French demand from this center. Paris exchnngc Is steady nnd Uorllu li 20.41. The Indian banks nave reduced tho discount rate from 4 to 6 per cent. New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 31-MONEY-On call. Bteady, nt 2(41)4 per cent; Inst loan at 3 ner cent: rullne rate. 4 per cent: nrltne mercantile paper, 44Tj5 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with ae- tunl business In bankers bills nt J4.M.3;'if 4.86T4 for demand and at $l.s3jfl3 for sixty days; posieu raies, ti.etft ana i.S7s commercial bills, $1.S3 4.8314. SILVER Bar, 67ic; Mexican dollars, BONDS Government, stfuily; railroad, irregular; state. Inactive. The closlliR quotations on bonds are ns lollows: U. S. ref. 2s, reg.lMVi do coupon lui'.4 rin Mm. reir 107'i L. & N. mil. 48..101V4 .iii'x, i.enirni is., m do Is Ino s9Vi do coupon 108Vj du new 4s, re. 1374 do coupon 13S? do old 4s. reg..lll?4 do coupon 111 do 6s. reg lOii! do coupon 107lj Atch. gen. Is VW do adj. Is 9i?4 Ra). Ohio in...lOlli do :4 do oonv. Is 107'4 Can. So. 2s. IWj Ceil. Of G. 6s.....l0i!s do Is Inc 7U (lies. & O. H4S...I07 Chi. & A. 3Viu ? C. 11. & Q. 11. Is. ( M & S P g. 4s,lll , ( & N. W, c. "B.139 ' C. R. 1. : P. 4S..1C6U C C C & S L K 4H.10I I Chicago Ter. 4s.. 93 Colo. So. 4s,, HSU1 I, & R. G. 4s. ...UOt Erlo prior 1 is... 99 do gen. Is N774I F. W. & D. C. ls.107 Hoclllnu V. 4liK..J0n4 ' 1 Aiuin. i. 1. is.iiti M.. K. & T. 4s. ,,190 do 2rt Ml N. Y. Continl Im.KM do gen. 3!4s....Hi4 i. j. 1.'. gen. iis..iapi No. Pacific 1H....10H, HO ,H1. , , ,,, , . ,;(! N. ft.W, C. 4s 103 Ki'itdlllf; gen, .h., 97T! h L tc I M c. ."is,.lir.v Ji, ,,, v o. c , in, ;m si. l. s. w. is,!, in do 2s 79 S A & A P Is.... t7i ho. I'acillc 4h.... 9i4 So, Rnllwny 5.1.. ,119', Tex. ,t P.10. ls,..Hsi ,T.. 8. ,. W. Is 8liJ 'Union Pnclllo 4b..iojv , i'ohv. 4a ioU I n,i;.i iM,, lJ do '.'P. HO', ' do deb. R vi, cki nuu 10 IS., ,.11 . & L. E. 4r... rm i is. wciiiroi Is, , hS Cons, Tob. 4s 61 Rank Clrnrlnnra, RALTIMORE. Oct. 31.-Clearlngs, $3,393, au nniancer, .i,i,vi. CHICAGO, Oct, Sl.-Clearlnga, $23,307,679; balances, $2,619,256, posted exchange, $1.8714; New York exchange, 20c discount. OMAHA, Oct. 31.r-Hnnk clearings today, $1,049,409.6-1: corresponding day last year, $917,916.48. Increase, $131,493.16. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 31.-Clearlngs, $7,878,412; balances, $("16,610! money, active, at 636 per cent; New York exchange, 60c discount. CINCINNATI, Oct. 31.-Clearlngs. $2,955, 900, mone, 4g6 per cent; New York ex change, I5ft20c premium. BOSTON, Oct. 31.-Clcarlngs, $23,C53,780; balances, $2,677,979. NEW YORK. Oct. 31.-Clearlngs, $206,033,. 522; balances, $9,549,322. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 31,-CIcarlngs, $17,591,356; balances, $2,463,016. Ronton Slock (Inotatlona, RuKTON. Oct. St. Call loans. 3iT4 ner cent; time loans, 4tflV4 per cent. Official W1U91UO , ., T. & S. F. do pfd 1. 7714 Atchison 4s ,. . Ofli'N. E. O. & C. Es .102 B1V4 23 Anier. Suuar IK I Arlvrtntlirn American Tel,,.. .US Ring. Mln, Co... Boston & Albany Boston & Mo..,. i257 Amul. Copper .. Iln lAlliiitlc . w. . 36 .660 . li . 1V4 . no . 99 . 33 155 . 4 .280 . 23t; . 68 Dominion Coal ., ,. 4SU 117(i . Mi Cal. & Hecla.... Centennial Franklin Humboldt do nfd U. S. Steel .... do pfd Gen, Electric .iai Mox. Central . 2lU,Pnrrot N. E. O. & C. Old Colony .. Old Dominion . jiiQulncy .206i Snntn Fc Cop. Tamarack .... Utah Mining . Winona 2t 14)4 .10o4i :& Rubber Union Pacific union Laud , West End ... Wolverines ... v, London Stock (Inolntlona. LONDON. Oct. 31.-4 p. m. Closing: Consols, money.. , 92 . 92 N. & W. Pfd 91 do nccount .... Anaconda ....... No. Pacific pfd.. 106V4 Ontario & w Pennsylvania Reading do 1st pfd.. do 2d pfd... So. Railway ::s ...2214 .. 39V4 itch sou Baltimore & O.. Cnnndlnn 'Pno..,. ,11.1 , 47 Chcs, & Ohio.,,, Chicago G. W... C, M. & St. P.. .. 27V4 ' 1 25V4 174)4 do pfd.. .. 88J4 .. 61S ..104H .. 91 .. 43 .. 9314 .. 2014 v. Sfe ::18 Denver e it. u. 45VlSo. Pacific ... do nfd S Union Pacific 1 424 do pfd , 714 U. S. Steel ... 67 do pfd im4Wnbash 105?4 do pfd 2614 Spanish 4s . 57UiRnnd Mines . 162(,;DoBeers , PSIi1 Erlo do 1st pfd do 2d nfd Illinois Central.. L. & N M K. & T do prd N. Y. Central .. Norfolk & W.... BAR SILVER-Qulet at 26 9-16d per ot. The l'nte nf discount in thn nnpn tnnrlr,, for short bills Is 314 per cent; for three months' bills, 494'4 per cent. Cotton Mnrket. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. SI COTTON Steady; sales. 875 bales; ordinary, 614c: good ordlnury, 6 3-10c; low middling. c; middling, 7 7-16c: good middling, 711-16o; middling lun, i lo-ioc: rcceipis, bales; 310CK, 18ti,401 bales. . ST. LOUIS. Oct. 31,-COTTON-Marktt quiet; sales, 100 bales; middling, 7Hc; re ceipts, 5.6S3 bales; shipments, 6,569 bales; stock, 40,336 bales. NEW YORK. Oct. 31.-COTTON-Spot. closed quiet; middling upland. 7 1-1637 5-16c; iniutiiuiK gun, a.i-iic; saics, bis bales. Fu tures. Htcadv: Novcmher. 7.41c? rwomHor 7.49c; January, 7.37c; February, 7.42q; March, i.u; yiirn, .iic; May, i.irjc; June, 7.3SC1 July, 7:37c; August, 7.27c GALVESTON, Oct. 31.-COTTON-Markct steady at 7Hc. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 31.-COTTON-8pot. small business, prices lower; American middling fair, 4 23-32d; good middling. 4 17-32(1; middling, 4 7-16d; low middling 4 5-16d: good ordinary, 4 3-16d; ordinary, 4S1 V 1U-AUU. Coffee Mnrket. NEW YORK. Oct. ai.-rflPPRtf-nin.ln prices were 15j20 points lower, with this tono described ns Irregular. xnlc nmmmt. ing to 36,250 bags, Including: November, 5.9otj6c: December, 6.10c; January, 6.15 6.20c; March, 6.33J6.40c; April, 6.40c; May, 6.5556.60c: June. 6.605T6.63c: July, 6.70fl.75c; August. 6.80fl6.93c. Spot Rio, easy. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 11c. Futures opened steady in iuiic, wuu prices inuicaiing a decline or 15 points under realizing by room longs nnd foreign selling, started by heavy primary receipts and continued wenknena In fnrnlim speculative markets. Heavy domestic warc- nottse qcuvencs comprised about the only bullish factor In tho day's news and this wns offset by nn ensler spot mnrket. Thero were few changes from the opening basis during tho day. Tho declines abroad wero said to be duo to heavy unloading by longs. Houses with foreign connections sold here. Active support from tno bull contingent was packing, tho market receiving Its steadiness from demand from shorts, who UJUK JHUHIB, Oil and Roaln. ntf mm . n, nr. r. , , , . vj ,xj vaa, 4. .... vui, oi. ww v,rean oai anoes, $1.30; certificates, no bid: shipments, m,dw imjim.; uvcruKe, iuu.111 DDIS. ; runs, 109,942 bbls.; average, 82,603 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oct. SL-OIL-Snlrlts fur. pentlne, firm, 3514c bid. Rosin, firm, un changed. TOLEDO. Oct. 31. OIL Northern T.lmn. 9lc; South Lima nnd Indiana, S9c. iJjnuun, uct. ai, uiLt-Llnsccd, 32s 7Wd, Turpentlno spirits, 46d. NEW YORK, Oct. 31.-OIL-Cottonseed, weak; prlmn yellow, 36c. Rosin, steady; strained, common, $1.424(H.45. Turpentine, steady. 3S',4ri39c. Petroleum, dull. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 31.-OIL-Tttrpentlno spirits, steady. 37s 3d. Rosin, common. quiet, 4s. Sugar Market. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 31.-SUGAR-Mar-ket steady, good demand; new plantation, open kettle, centrifugal, 3'43 9-16c; centrif ugal, white, 414c; yellow, 3144c. Molasses, now, quiet, but steudy; open kettle, 30Q35c: centrifugal, 17fi'23c. Syrup, quiet; new, 2jg NEW YORK, Oct. 31.-SUGAR-Steadv: fair retinitis, 3 5-16c; centrifugal, 96 test, 313-16c: molasses Fiigar, 3 l-16c. Refined, insy: No. 6, 4.40c: No. 7, 4 30c; No. 8, 4.20c: No. 9. 4.15c; No. 10, 4.15c; No. 11, 4.06c; No 13, 3.15c. LONDON, Oct. 31. DEBT SUGAR-Oc-tober, 7h 114d. Xetv York Dry Good Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 31.-DRY GOODS-The Fall River market has been very quiet to day. Tho decision of tho operators not to strike has checked bidding 314c for (regu lars. Tho demand for brown cotton is dull nnd prices unchunged. Blenched nnd conrre colored goods tiro quiet at previous prices. Prints are firm and In demand. Ginghams aro scarce In nil lending markets. Cotton linings nre Arm and cambrics advanced 14c 11 yard. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fralta. NEW YORK. Oct. 31. EVAPOn ATRn APPLES Trading was on a moderately ac tive Heme, wuu inn icuiuiK Hicnuy at run former prices. State, common to good, 6ft Sc: prime, 814c; choice, 9o; fancy, 9'ift9!4c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUIT-Mnrket quiet. Prunes, 3?if37c. Apricots, Royal, 814 (uc; iuuur jiirn, miii.l-. x-encnes, peeled, HQlSc; unpeelcd, 6(09',4c Rcnnetl Suwnr Costa I.ess on. NEW YORK, Oct. 31.-The American Suuar Retinitis company has reduceil r. fined sugar grades Nos. 1 to 5 10 points and Nns. 10 to 16. Inclusive. 15 points. Arburkln Broil, nnd Howell & Sons reduced tholr prices on reuncu graaes iu point. nuliilh Grain Market. DULUTH. Oct. 31.-WHEAT-Cash, No. 1 t,n.,l 7lio Vn tlnrlhprn XT t .(.... ,,JI ..... m ...... ....... w, I, V. , 4. .,, 4 northern, CDUc; December, 6SHc: Way, 72Uc, CORN-57C HomIoii nrokrra Fall. BOSTON, Oct. 31. The failure of Topllff & Brooks, bankers and brokers, of 48 Con crcHs street, was announced todav on thn Boston Stock oxvhungc, of which they wero members. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 31. WOOL Inactive and uncharmed. medium grades, lid 17c; light line, U"yn'$r; nouvy line, attuiiftcj tub wnsneu, -ikiic, .St. I.011U Live Slock Market. ST.' LOUIS. Oct. 31.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 3,70i) hend, Including l,6r) head Tcxana; (miiikcLf sternly to 10c better on ton crndrf: native slilppltig and export steers, $5.00 li.i&; (iresseu ucei prnueK, i,uu0.mj; steers under 1.000 lbs.. $2,C0U3.00: stockcrs and feeders, $2.0061.00; cows and heifers, $2.20'(p 4.wi; cnnncri,'o"i onus. .iiKflj.,-.i; Tevns find Indian stecru. $2.50(1.30: rn kind heifers, $2 OWU3.23. lioi.s titceipis, i.i'Jii nenii; market 6j li0 lower; pm nun iikui", .wk)j.ou; pack' cm. $3.4ofi5.S0: butchers. $5.7M6.2i). SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.700 henci; nv.irKoi hicnuy; nmive niuunns, jj.75 M.m; inmos,'uo.u"; cuns nnu Ducks, $1.50(02.25; stockers, $1.502.00. Stuck In Slaht, The following tablo shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep nt thn five princi pal biock marueis lor wciouor u; Cattle. Hog. Sheen, South Omaha Chlcngo "K"unsas City St. Louis .... St. Joseph ... 4.205 8,224 3.391 8.000 8,000 3,700 2.4S2 14.000 6,000 1.700 3,900 11,000 7,400 6,500 Totals .26.3S7 63,124 28,991 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Good to Chflc Caul fold F1II7 Ettadj nt Otiirs Wtrt NtglMUd. H0GS TOOK ANOTHER DROP TODAY llut Kerr Fat Sheep and Lambs al tered, Which Brought Jnsl About Steady Prices Feeders a Utile Slow, but Nearly Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 31. Receipts wero: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. OmcJnl Monday 6,011 IU.Mm Oillclal Tuesday t,ou 0,iu 16,!b Otllcial Wednesday 4,146 h,u77 7,46j Oillclal Thursday 4,iYi 9,221 3,091 Threo days this week. 20,410 26,111 47.5M Samo days last week... 23.4aO 22,61s Same Week beloro 24,189 ll.Wi 3l,7oJ Sumo three weeks ngo.. 14,877 24,116 37, iW Samo lour weeks ago... 26,iui 2j,ujo Ui.yoi Samo uays last year,... lt,ft w.tlv Z1M6 Total this incntll 109,496 1M.781 218,323 Total October, llw luJ.iiKj 167,646 ':ll,too Total October, lMfJ....12s,67a 162,176 13J.M1 Totul October. 198 12i,175 161.4UO 13,167 Total October, U'JV 11A102. 105,364 6.',t91 Total October, ltW 8,730 4,42J Total October, la to.'j'JO 1W,!U7 2o,4i6 Totul October, 1894 112,927 113,010 iv.iM Average prices paid for hogs at South Omaha the past several days, with com parisons: Date. I 1901, 1.18S.1U8.1S97.1SJC.1!. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 1.... 2.... 3.... 4.... 6.... .... 7.... .... 9.... 10... 11... 12... II... Oct. lift It... 15... 16... 17... 18... 19... 20... 21... 22... 23... 24... 25... 26... 27... 28... 9... I 30... 31... Oct' Oct. Oct. uct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. uct. Oct. 3 44 3 39 3 36 3 40 Oct Oct. Oct. Indicates Sunday. Tho official iiiimhor nf rnrn of Stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. HoKS.Sh'n.H'ses. P.. M. & St. P. Ry 6 .Missouri I'acino iiy 11 1 .. .. Union Paclllc svstem... 13 19 1 .. U. & N. W. Ry 9 8 1.. F.. E. & M. V. R. R 30 24 u., at. 1:, ai. & o. Ry.. s e H. & M. R. Ry 70 31 7 1 C, B. & Q. Ry 3 12 K. C. & St. J 5 3 C, R. I. & P., east 2 11 tr ;., it. i. & f west 12 1 .. .. unoia central 2 Totals 157 121 12 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing mo number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hobs. Sh'n. omaiia packing Co 201 1,654 u. 11. iiammona io., 484 590 Swift and Company., Cttdahy Packing Co., Armour & Co Omaha Pack. Co.. K, 1.939 2.254 2,244 395 225 C R. Becker & Dcgan 5 r . 0 a. VHnHUIll oc v-u 0 J. L. Carey 100 Lobman & Co 41 Hill & Huntilnger 17 Benton & Underwood .... 61 Livingstone & Schaller ... 60 B. F. Hobblck 29 Hamilton & R 48o North P. & P. Co 160 Wnlf Kr M Z Other buyers 580 .... 3,67. Totals 4,320 8,191 3,931 CATTLE There was a very fair run of cattle here today, but thero were appar ently none too many to meet tho demand. A noticeable feature of the trade wan the active demand for the good to choice rroitM. vntio huvvrs wern miner mainer. ent when It camo to the common stuff. This vfts true both of killers and feeders, Th worn not manv corn-lea steers on sale today, but thero were some good enough to sell as high as $4.15. Packers were anxious for the bettor grades una everything answering to tnai aescripnon was picked up early at fully steady prices, n enmnnred with vesterday. The com moner kinds did not move as freely, but still they sold in just aDout yesteruay s notches. , Cows and heifers wero-quite plentiful In theyards this morning nnd there seemed to be Tnoro or less unovenness In tho prices nnld. Thn trnod to choice heavyweight cows and heifers met -with tho best demand and fully steady prices wcro paia. me medium kinds, however, sold uneven and sellers In some cases tnougnt tney gui steady prices, while In others, they un doubtedly had to take less money than the same kind sold for yesterday. Trade was not very active, but still most every thing was sold In fairly good season. veal catves ana stags soia at just hduui steady prices. Hulls were In better de mand this morning than they havo been of late and both feeder buyers and packers paid stronger prices. Good heavyweight feeders nnd choice yearlings sold readily this morning at steady to strong prices. Buyers, howovor, were not at all anxious for tho less de sirable grades, as tho domand from the country is not very heavy, but still right closo to steady prices were paid. Western range beef steers, of which very few were offered today, sold steady where the nuallty was at all good. Range cows of desirable quality also brought steady prices, but otner Kinas were a lime siow and weak. Choice yearlings and heavy feeders could also be quoted fully steady, but others were neglected and hard to move, "leprcsentatlve sales: BEEF STEERS, No. AV. . 740 . 860 Pr. 2 25 2 40 No. 7... 8.., Av. Pr. 1.... 1.... 2.... 3..,. 1.... 3.... 952 970 4 85 6 25 630 3 00 42 ..1178 5 35 ...1150 3 16 20 1117 5 60 6 75 ,1140 3 25 135 1217 853 4 00 27 1269 5 90 650 4 10 16....'. 1202 6 05 1228 4 25 30 1276 6 10 1002 4 35 38 1223 6 10 920 4 50 42 1182 6 10 1025 4 75 41 1226 C 15 STEER8 AND HEIFERS, 36.... 23.,.. 12.... 4 8 14 8S6 4 00 8. .1097 6 00 COWS. 2 2 1 820 910 950 1 75 2 00 16. . 857 , 868 .1005 , 977 , 915 . 946 2 75 2 80 2 90 2 95 2 95 12 7 8 2 00 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 40 2 60 2 65 3 75 2 75 2 75 2 10S 3 1010 3 916 16 841 2 1100 1 1000 1 1220 2 720 2 930 3 1010 29, 019 1 1080 3 770 15. 66. 19. 1. 2 95 903 2 95 946 2 93 870 3 00 920 3 00 1.... 1. 1. 26. 1. 2. 5. 1460 3 00 1120 3 00 986 3 10 1310 3 25 1095 833 3 25 3 80 COWS AND HEIFERS. 795 2 40 HEIFERS. 13 1 1 1 1 6 $60 790 970 790 980 2 40 1 2 40 1 2 50 1 2 50 I 3 00 BULI.S. 1 60 1 2 25 1 . 410 . 600 . 964 .1520 3 25 3 60 4 00 4 25 1.. 1.. 1.. 2.. 1.. 15.. 1160 1410 1140 1340 1600 1630 1090 1490 2 50 2 50 3 65 3 25 2 35 1. 2 40 1. .1480 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS . ... Jil i 1U STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 3 29 O 13.'.'.'.'. 730 1 25 2 50 1. 760 3 00 636 710 675 653 630 4 2S 4 ..1100 3 00 2 75 3 U0 3 00 3 00 863 910 3 05 3 30 3 60 SSO NEBRASKA 6 cows 1016 9 cows 1000 3 cows W6 7 cows 854 U feeders., as 25 cows 1023 1 cow 1090 1 cow 890 6 cows I'lS 8 COWS 802 3 cows 1196 2 35 11 feeders,. 786 2 feeders,. 7fr0 39 cows 10x1 3 55 2 75 2 M) 3 10 2 00 1 3 IV) 2 85 2 85 2 2") 2 25 2 h5 2 75 2 25 2 20 3 25 3 25 3 25 1 bull 1380 6 cows 930 1 COW 1200 1 cow 910 1 feeder... 1600 12 feeders,. 993 16 feeders,, 761 2 feeders, ,1115 6 cows 106) 17 cows 988 26 cows 960 2 35 2 85 2 85 2 5 2 90 3 65 3 20 2 75 2 95 2 95 3 05 1 bull.... 1 bull.... 1 steer... 1500 1380 860 1 steer. f60 1 steer 1000 COLORADO. 4 00 2 feeders,. 970 3 40 3 60 2 feeders.. 920 2 50 2 25 1 bull 1200 2 00 124 steers.. .1093 3 steers. ,,,1243 cows 935 6 75 ill 3 71 3 85 2 91 3 98 58U & Is 4 30 3 79 3 02 3 9i 6 59C 6 1 4 42 3 66 2 7 3 kti 6 67 0 20 4 37 3 64 3 73 3 83 6 t2Vi a 16 31 3 9 I'll 211 3 t 5 114343631 74 3 04 4914 43536I343043 S6 6U5 0s 3 59) 3 1)21 3 13 3 tl 6 13 I 6 03 4 351 I 3 63 3 13 3 85 4 14J4 4 W 4 331 3 64 314 3 34 15 ) 4 90 4 31 3 57 3 59 3 79 2014 4 9.1 4 23 3 56 3 26 3 18 3 77 I 4 93 4 SO I 5$ I 66 I 30 6 281 4 24 8 63 3 64 3 33 1 1 18ft 4 32 3 6 3 61 3 19 6 li 6 22 4 721 4 201 I 3 69 3 20 3 70 6 29i 4 64 4 1 3 70 3 23 3 70 6 2?g 4 62 4 10 3 67 3 E4 J 6 23 4 51 4 15 3 73 3 60 3 26 3 ol 4 63 4 61 3 71 3 54 1 27 6 26W 4 13 3 65 3 62 3 23 3 EI (03H 462 365 363 325 3 60 5 99 4 61 4 16 3 53 3 26 3 49 6 01 4 51 4 14 8 66 325353 6 05H 4 48 4 13 3 68 3 46 3 ol 6 00 4 68 4 18 3 61 3 41 8 26 3,48 I M I W 1 II 1 ! 5 894 4 10 3 62 3 42 3 13 5 81 I 4 62 3 641 3 38 3 15 5 7214) 4 601 4 09 t 3 31 3 17 6 67 4 47 4 03 3 56 3 19 1 cow 12S0 3 75 27 cows 1053 SOUTH DAKOTA. 1 cow 920 3 65 2 steers,. ..1285 610 5 (0 3 00 2 25 2 25 2 75 2 76 2 75 3 40 3 50 3 75 3 75 4 60 4 30 4 SO 4 50 4 SO 1 cow 1090 3 65 2 steers. ...1290 2 cows.... 1160 1 cow 1140 1 cow 950 3 65 3 I'm S 65 5 IV, 3 C5 3 IB 4 00 3 00 3 25 3 25 2 lO 3 35 3 35 2 60 3 25 2 25 3 To 1 stag,.,... 910 1 bull 1300 1 bull llt 1 cow 11 M 1 COW 1060 1 cow 910 1 cow. 9$0 1 steer 1203 1 steer llt'O 1 steer St 4 steers, ,litfl 18 steers. ...1172 1 steer 1100 22 steers. ...1185 1 steer Ill") ' 5 cows 1070 1 cow 970 8 cows In62 1 COW. .....1170 1 cow 90 10 cows 968 2 COWS 1180 1 cow 600 1 cow 1140 2 COWS 1120 5 cows 1012 IS COWS.... 1611 2 bulls urn 1 stag 1560 P, Becker -Neb, 26 cows 1018 2 l . . . M. E. Webster-Neb, 28 feeders.. 916 3 7o G. Ross M.-Neb. 2 heifers... 970 DO cows... 22 cows.., Ml 30 2 CO 2 "5 3 Do 993 F. II. Hlgglns-Nru 14 cows. Ml i ti cows.. .. 92S ..1210 1 cow 910 2 1 bull. 3 cows,. 83 7cli llnrwl ,vl,.-?l. 38 feeders.. 1207 4 15 2 nulls..'. .1000 .1187 2 30 3 10 3 feeders. .112.) 7 50 4 cows... J. Kenrnnv TCfli. 51 feeders.. 95S 3 w II. B. Rend Neb. 114 cows.... 833 3 ( 6 cons... 921 423 2 40 2 75 2 60 1 85 1 85 3 CO 3 40 1 (0 4 00 3 10 3 10 u COWB... 65 2 40 11 lii'lfiTH. uuuert Revere .Neb. 23 feeders. .1092 3 50 11 cows.... 991 1 cow 1220 2 ("1 4 cows. j... 877 1 COW 1190 3 25 1 cow 102i) R. F. FVnnor Mnli. 23 feeders. .1058 3 70 1 feeder... 9S0 Ell Swallow-Neb. 1 feeder.. 1050 3 40 31 feeders,. 1003 IVIIIInm llnnUlnr Vol. 25 cows 776 1 60 3 cows 730 Ackcrman & B. 8. D. lstag 1070 2 75 5 steer 1120 1 cow 1130 3 10 13 cows 1063 lCOW ,1120 2 50 2 COWS 1063 3 cows 1136 2 50 A 11. Huskell s. n. 22 steers.... 955 3 60 3 cows,., 946 2 85 J K. Dow-S. D. 13 cows 1061 3 OG 4 cows 1005 1 cow 900 2 60 1 cow 970 1 COW 920 2 33 1 steer 10)0 J. E. Welsh-S. D. 1 COW 1250 3 00 1 COW 1100 2 cows 1150 3 60 3 0 2 35 2 75 2 73 4 65 3 63 2 75 I 15 4 15 4 15 J. W. Thomns-wyo. 6 feeders.. 803 3 26 2 steers.. ..1200 14 cow 1152 3 65 1 COW 1070 3 65 4 feeders.. 750 3 GO 68 feeders.. 743 4 10 22 feeders.. 76S 4 10 23 feeders.. 763 4 10 7 COWS 1121 4 COWS 1050 5 steers. ...UOO IS steers.. ..1085 10 steers. ...1090 J. Elsel-Wyo. 2 steers. ...11S5 4 40 7 cows 1 steer UOO 3 23 2 cows 941 790 2 85 C. N. McDougall-Wyo. 26 steers.. ..not 4 40 8 cow 927 11 COWS 1003 3 60 3 COWS 956 W. E. Morse Wyo. 4 90 7 COWS 1141 5 00 1 cow 1050 17 steers., 1 cow .1176 3 50 2 75 2 90 3 73 4 60 2 75 2 00 2 00 . 9S0 F. K. Protst-Colo, 2 cows :i70 : so ! 80 10 calves... 438 1 calf 240 1 calf 90 9 heifers... 618 1 bull 1350 19 cows 90S 12 cows 830 1 cow 780 1 COW 1010 1 bull 13S0 2 80 3 35 00 1 bull 630 A. Davis Cnlo. 17 feeders.. 1005 3 40 Brynnt, Rces & P. Colo. 7 cows 9S8 w. 2 75 U feeders.. 1023 3 70 3 75 3 65 .1 75 2 50 2 90 1 1 Gerdts Colo. 21 cows 887 3 10 2 ft). 3 75 2 90 2 90 7 feeders.. 994 cows 1135 10 feeders.. 970 9 feeders. .1041 1 cow 1150 2 cows 1015 12 feeders,, 964 1 cows 114j 2 cows 1145 HOGS There was n generous run of hogs here today, and ns other markets wcro nil quoted lower puckers at tills point Hturtcd in from the beginning to pound prices here. Tho first bldr vcro 6fj7J4c lower, but most of the hogs finally sold only u big nickel lower. Tho bulk sold from $5.65 to $5.70, with tho long Btrlng nt $5.6714. The first hogs hold mostly at $5.67H. but they wero tho better loads. Later on packers would not give over $5.65, but llnally the market strengthened up a llttlo and the close Tras moro active. Thero wns very llttlo over $5.70, nnd but little under $5.65. so that the rnngo todny wuh small. Although tho market wan slow In getting started every thing was out of first hands in good seneon. Todny's decline cnrrles prices to tho low est point reuched since August 8. Repre sentative saies: No, AV. Sh. Pr. No. 67... Av. ...304 ...302 ...254 Sh. Pr. 69. 14. 31. 29. 72. 61. 72., 39. 73. 83., 81. 70., 44. 69. 71. 80., 82. 74. 144, 61., 79., 63., 55., 41. 50. 89., ...103 ... ...118 ... 5 25 5 25 5 60 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 6 65 6 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 6 65 5 65 6 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 6 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 6 65 6 65 5 65 C 65 5 65 6 65 6 65 5 67V4 5 67V4 B fuVs 6 67Vd 5 67V4 5 67'A SO 40 67'.4 39, 66. 66. 5 67V, 5 6714 5 671a 5 671s 5 6714 5 6714 5 6714 5 671 5 6714 5 6714 5 67fj G 67', G 6714 5 67Vij 5 6714 5 6714 5 6715 6 6714 6 6714 5 6714 5 67J 4 5 67',4 5 6714 5 6714 5 6714 5 6714 5 6714 5 6714 5 6714 G 6714 6 6714 6 6714 G 674 5 6714 5 47714 5 6714 5 67 (A 5 6715 G 6714 6 6714 5 6714 5 6714 5 70 5 70 5 70 5 70 5 70 5 70 6 70 265 120 40 80 340 ..302 ..240 ..297 ..236 ..230 ..224 ..203 2'?2 ."218 ..302 !!5io ..231 ..209 ..243 ;;2i4 ..21 ..251 ..274 ..291 ..333 ..203 ..310 .216 240 160 120 100 40 40 120 67 281 62 281 63 273 81.... 69.... 241 300 120 40 80 320 600 80 40 40 160 360 40 120 120 80 160 160 200 80 200 200 ..264 ..277 ..251 ..235 ..262 ..281 65... 67... 75... 77... 62... 78... 57... 59... 62... 77... 40 120 200 120 120 200 120 2S0 40 2(W 80 120 240 160 ....241 ....219 ....259 ....270 ....2S5 ....292 ....269 ....248 67. 61. lit... 81... 13... 64... 65... 68... 89... 66... 44... 61... ..216 ..245 ..317 ..243 ..242 ..214 ..260 ..274 45. 69 227 ... 72 227 120 53 270' 120 240 80 280 240 80 411 SO 80 280 80 120 240 40 "v 120 74... 69... 64... 360 232 214 ..2SI ..236 ..258 ..294 ..231 ..25S 40 200 200 120 80 80 8S. 113 278 66 273 66 231 65 281 61 2S0' 70 257 62 2,7) 67 22S 75 240 72... 51... 29... 67... 48... ....215 ....217 ....201 ....183 82.. 69. 83. 62 252 80 200 160 2S0 40 240 160 40 400 .206 .217 70 255 60. 68.. ..271 67.. ...273 ...205 ...242 ...252 ...300 ...264 ...181 ...296 ..226 ..275 0.. 70.. 74.. ..314 SO ..259 40 ..235 ... ..2S6 120 ..270 ... ..255 ... ..285 SO 5 6714 66.. 3.. 5 67V 62.. 6 07' 5 80 42.. 120 & t74 5 67V4 6 67VS 6 674 G7214 5 72V5 G 72(4 67. 73. .215 .233 40 6 67A 60 260 80 65 291 160 6 6714 68 296 ... 6 72 SHEEP Thero wero onlv a few rnr nt sheep and lambs on tho market this morn ing anu mosi cverytning orrered was feeders. Tho few bunches of klllcra nra bought up at Just about steady prices with yesterday, hut thero was hardly enough lu , liana iv mil icni ui uiu IlltirKUl. Tho demand for feeders did not seem' to bo nulto as active as It wnn In tho week, ns thero wero onfy a few buyers on the market. Tho prices paid. nowever, 0: not iook much different from yesterday and tne situation could, per haps, best bo described by culling It n slow but about steady markot. miotauons: onoico yearlings, $3.3O3.G0: fair to good, $3.1603.30; cholco wethers. $3.203.35; fair to good wethers, $3.0O4i3.20; cholco owcn, $2.753 00; fair to good ewes, $3 25Cf2.7D; cholco spring lambs, $4.254.60; roir to gocu spring iambs, $4.ooiM.25; feeder wethers. 32.90M3.25: fwnder Iambi. $3.604.00. Representative sales: No. . Av. Pr. 2 natlvo bucks 90 $2 25 32 native owes 83 2 75 44 natlvo ewes 107 3 10 1 native wether 110 3 10 U nntlvo lambs 43 3 60 6 native ewes SO 2 GO 245 feeder wethers 71 3 25 165 Mexican ewes 86 2 90 107 Mexican lambs 61 4 25 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle and Sheep Sternly to Mtrnnif II'iKs Lower. CHICAGO. Oct. 31.-CATTLE-Reeeints. 8,000 head, including 1,100 head Tcxans, 6O0 head westerns; steady to strong; good to prime steers, $6.ooiys,80; poor to medium, 3.805iO.&u; Blockers nnd feeders. $2.0001.25; cows, $1.2Vm.G0; heifers, $2.2505,00; canners, $1.2JW2.1'; bulls, $2.0ojfl.50; calves, $3.0006.23; Texas fed steers, $3.0004.10; western steers, 3.6O0 5.15. HOGS-Recelpts, 30.000 head; estimated to morrow, 24,iO head; left over, 3,000 head; 50 1UC. lowr; mixca mm ouicneiH, m.iihib.i.'i; good to choice heavy, $5.750O.17"4! rough heirvy, $5.4005.70; light, $3.6006.85; bulk of sales. $5.7006.85. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 11.000 head; sheep, stendy to stronger; lambs, steady to stronger; good to choice wethers, $3.5004,25; fair to cliolrii mlxciL. $2,900:1.40: western sheep, $3.0003.75; nntlvo lambs, $2.50 04.65; western lambs. $3.o01j4.4O. nn-PKIVTK Olllclll: Cattle. 22.623 head: fnogs, 30.72.1 hend: sheep. 22.273 head. Hllli'AiKo 1 B-vinn' '-Mine, i,iw noaa; hogs, 2,902 tuad; uhcep, 3,057 hend, Kuiinhm 'ltV Live Stuck .Mnrket, KANSAS CITY, Oct. 31, CATTLE Re ceipts, 7,ii00 head natives, 1,000 head Tcx ans 400 heud culvrs; com fed steer urn! cow's, strong; other cnttlo stendy; cholco export and dressed beef steers. $5.8000.15; fnir in enod. $1,700 5.70: stockcrs nnd feed ers, $!.8j04.25; western fed .steers, $5.2501 6.25; western rnngo Hteors, $.1.2505.30; Texas nnd Indian steers, $2.7003.83; Texas cows, ll.7503.tO; natlvo cows'. $2.6004.40; heifers, $3.0005.25; bulls, $2.3503,90; calves, $3,000 D.M HOGS Receipts, ll,fl head; market steady; -top, $9; bulk of sules, $5.9otp3.9j; 82.. 69., 65.. 70.. t 70.. i 38.. 55.. 65.. 60.. heavy. $5.956.(0; mixed packers, $5.70Q-S.M! light, $5.23ifV.75, pigs, $4.8H.25. uliv-l.-l) AVn i.a tt,u iin.ji.i. a a head; market steady; native lambs, $U)jJ 4.75: western lambs, $3.75ff4.60; nntlvo wether,,. 1:1 2.",tfn iV . h-aiIam. ,i.aii,,,.. ti oi. 3.60 uwes, $3.UOCf3.40; culls, $1.50413.25.' ,mv York Mvp stock Mnrket. NEW YORK, Oct. 31.-HEEVES-Re-eelpts, 4(0 hrhd, all consigned direct; no nles reported. Cnbles nuoto American stei-ts nt liyi2!4e. dressed weight, nnd re frigerator beef nt 949'40. No exports. CALVES-Recelpts, 165 head, no trade of Importnncei mnrket quoted steady. SHEEP AND LA.MBS Receipts, S.OIS head: extremely dull; sheep steady, lambs easier; good sheep, $3.35; good Inmbs, $4.71 HOGS Receipts. 3,006 head; one car on sale; slightly easier; good state hogs are quoted around $6.45. Nt. Joseph Live Mock Mnrkrt. UT fntinnif . i, c. , t"-. - - . . . UWOI-I li. UVl, Ui !W 4 1 IjL. llC- CClptS, 2.4S2 head; steady to 10c higher; na tives, $3.uu&6.6(; cows and heifers, $t.2JO 5.10; bulls and stags, $2.0004,85; stockera and feeders, $1.60l.25. nnnfl , , .. . ' - ,m , ,. . , . . . . 1 IUVI O ll'Cl'lFir, o.uvv licuui oiciiuj in oo lower; light nnd light mixed. $5.60fi.M; ttlnriltlMl uml l,nnt. 1Z Vrf. n nla tlltirk ......(( ...... v v. , isi v. vJ , lra i.ii 6.75; bulk, $0.65115.80. NMKUr AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.900 hend; strong to 10c higher; ndvanco lost; lambs, $1.7!. STANDS WHERE UNCLE FELL Lottie l.enrit Visits Police Conrt Formerly Presided Over by Her Uncle. Lottie Learn, 13 years old, niece of tho lato W. R. Lcaru, police Judgo, has Just finished nn engagement at tho Hoyd theater, where she played the ptrt of the "llttlo romp" in tho "Lovers' Lane" company. Wednesday afternoon she visited the pollco station and was shown over the building by Sergeant Dempscy. She took groat In terest in the court over which her uncle formerly presided. She then expressed a wish to stand on tho spot when her "Undo Will" fell dead nnd was taken down into tho woven wlro cago used by tho desk ser geant, where tho spot was pointed out to her. TtlA Vlvanlnil. Illfln am.vabb 11.... I r. L t - ..v v...v.w,,o iiitiv n.,i L'.n livrn III V.II1- cago, and this Is her first season on tho roan, sne win travel with the company until May before returning to her homo. PAPI0 CREEK AT FLOOD TIDE Present Senson' Worst Storm Cntn Oft Pnpllllon's Trade Communica tion with South Omnhn. PAPILLION, Neb., Oct. 31. (Special Tele, gram.) Tho most soverc storm of tho sea son visited this section about 9 o'clock last night. The fall of rain was very heavy and It wns nccompsnlcd by wind and some hull. Papio creek was soon at flood and in many places over the banks. At noon today tha water Is receding and no further damago will bo done. At Sarpy Mills the brldgo over tho creek was carried nway and It Is Impossible to reach South Omaha by team. Considerable damago was dono by tha storm at other places. "TEXAS Oil, SUWS." Present Output Inndequnte to Meet Present Drmnnds. From New York Journal: "The question of market docs not at tho present tlmo en ter Into tho question of oil production, ps crude oil Is practically tho only fuol used In southern California for steam and man ufacturing purposes, most of the product of the Los Angeles district being consumed at home. "Tho continual substitution by the south western railroads and transportation lines, as well as by river- and ocean-going ves sels of oil burning apparatus In tho place of coal burners for steaming purposes, promises to moro than quadruple the pres ont Hold for the oil producer, and keep tho demand constantly In excess of the supply. "That no over-production can possibly take place is demonstrated by the fact that the most responsible of companies stand ready today to contract nt a fixed price tho rapidly Increasing product of oil, for a period of five years In advance, and whlln the production may reach ton times Its present output before tho expiration of the flvo-yenr contract, tho oil companies aro positive that oil today Is at Its bottom figure." People of a speculative turn of mind will not bo slow to take advantage of the abovo statement of facts, which apply to tho Beaumont oil roglon also, by investing where their money will make largest re turns In shortest tlmo. Tho Omaha-Texnn Oil company of Council Bluffs, la., offers Just such Inducements. Investigate their prospectus before placing your money. A letter or postal card to them will bring you full information. Firemen Catwlit In llnicniciit, CHICAGO, Oct. 31. Fire enrly today de stroyed tho three-story brick cooncragu shop of John Johnson at 210-212 North Car- pcnier Birueit uuunuifc, u iunn ui quhju. obv oral nernons living In cottages adjoining UIU DllUfm ni.ii: u , ih.ui.iu j uniunu were carried out by tho police. Flvo lire men were caught In tho basement nnd moro or lesB seriously burned. They wero rescued by other llrcmen. The Injured V.i'i.-., t ,.,U. l),..Ur XVII- JkllClltll'l M . ilJUUl-UII, .- unm Fernhalder and Andrew Carson. THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Thu'.B- oay, uciuuci ai. Wnrrnnty Deeds. Omaha Realty company to C. M. White, w lots 21 una -J, niocn 1.1, llnnnrnm Plncn $ 4.710 Same to Rarbara Rruce, lots 46 and 59, Nelson add k.'mj Louisa Adam nnd husbnnd to Andrew Adam, nndiv'4 of twenty acres In n'J nnil 3fi.r5.12 1.20 J. O. Anderson and wife, to J, W. Swnn, lot 9. block 1. Relvedero ndd . 2.5'0 Samo to snmc, lot 21, block 11 Druid Hill , i'v Hnrry Mnrowltz nnd wife to J. R. Robinson, nl5 lot 28, block 9. and lot 29, block 9, Kountzo's 3d add i'.OTQ W. R. liumnn nnd wife to J. Knight, r30 feet ot w85 feet lot 1714. Mlllnrd fie C.'s ndd 2 8 0 Atlnntlo Realty association to C. K. Stokes. S8 feet' lot 41 and n32 feet lot 45, Reen Place...... 3l5f Same to Frederick .Herman, lot 3, block 9, RrmlH park............ 6'2 Johann Edercr to Charles Edercr. lot 7, block 15, Hedford Place, nnd 132x178 feet In nwli noli U-16-13..... ........... 2,0 0 M. L. Schmidt nnd wlfo to J. H. Sherwood, sSO feet lot 8, block 19, Wilcox's 2d add SB Quit Claim Deeds. C. E. Dyer and husband to Lucy Mitchell. w48 feet of n37.12 feet lot 19 and w4S feet lot 20, Terrace add.. f A. C. Andreeu to Michigan Mutual Life Insurance company. n!4 of ni4 of c',4 sw'i 8 and n20 acres of W49.34 acres of wV4 s.:4 S-16-13 60 Deeds. Sheriff to W. J. Rronson, e!4 lot 10, block 2, Plain view ndd,.., V3 Total amount of transfers $.,,5(,o RAY C. MERRILL & CO., Grain, Stocks and Provisions Room 4 N. Y. Life. 'li',uillok. P!1. Boyd C02SJ mission Co 6ucceton tu Ja:i B. Esa 4 flo VMAHA. :,en. COMMISSION OrlAIN, rJVOVIHOKg ANI TCK. 1 Hoard ol Trnd llalldtn. Direct wires to Cnlcaco nnd Nsw York, Cvnccndencs, Jehn A. WMrto C I..- .. ...u,...' ... .:.,.i . i . , .