8 THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER ill, 1901. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MI.XOH MIXTION. Davis sells drugs. Btockert sell carpets and runs. llet beef Ht Ncumayci's hotel. Gas fixtures and globes. Btxby A Son. Wollman, scientific optician. 401 Broadway. Jupnncsc koocS. O. K. Alexander & Co.. 33 Broadway, telephone 3V. Missouri oak body wood, J5.M cord. wm. IWclch, a N. Mnln st Tel. 123. Dr It. O. Williams left yesterday Jor Audubon, In., to nttcnil 11 wcddltic. 11. Jf. Whittlesey has none to Otttimwa to become city editor of the Democrat. Cur stock of furniture Is moro comp c to than ever, rcterscii & Srlioenlm?, Men Kim block. , The Peorla-I.nxliiKtnn steel rntiRr Is the .test mailt. Petersen & Schoentni?, Mcrrlum Mock. lladlant Home stiive, Kiiitrnntcol not to terack Hold by Petersen & HchocnliiK, Mor xiam block. Mr. II H. Harkctt and dftuchter Klrnllpr 'of I'hlraBo are KUests of Mr. and Mrs, C. It. iyylcr of Sixth nvciiun. Tho patrons of rural mall routo No. 3 9iavc bought a new waiton for the uao of iho carrier, James Mclsncr, C. K. Woodruff of this clly and Vlra Cade f Waltfut. In., wcrn marrlod yesterday afternoon 'by Justice Bryant. Miss Adela Dohany Is homo from Des Moines, where sho has tnken a course of atudy as nurse In ono of the hospitals. Tho Colored Iteptibllcnn club will meet lonlRht nt vnti uroanwny, MHircsmvi wm fce made by several county candidates. Petersen HchpenlnR, Merrlnm block, hove- tho most complete linn of Hot Blast tovex In tho city and nt prices that will .urprlso you. Chambers,' danclnR academy, ltoyal Ar .ennum hall Tuesdays aiid Fridays, adults, '1M p. it..; children, 4 p. in. Assemblies for dults Fridays, 8:30 p. m, J. I'. Mitchell, city passenger and ticket agent of the Union Pacific and Northwest tern, Is home from Mxcelslor Springs, Mo., "flvherr he went for hln health. The DodKO Unlit Cluards foot ball team will line up for practice IIiIh ovenltiR at First avenue and Seventh street for tho llrst tlmn rlnce the victory over the Bcllc vuo eleven. Ralph Williams and bride, formerly Mrs. Emyllne Monroe, arrived home yesterday from lenl'nrtr, Ind., where they were mar ried Tuesday. They will live nt 111 South Tlrst street. Receiver Murphy of the Ofilcrr & Pusoy lank said yesterday It would probably bo tun days or two weeks before the next 'dividend pf 0 per cent would bo ready for 'distribution. The current events and household eco nomic departments of the Council Bluffs "Woman's club will meet this afternoon In the clubrooms, the former at 2:H0 and tho latter at .1:30. 0. K. Nelson has lllod an Information In Justice Bryant's rourt eharRliiK John nnd H"?nry QiwkIp, K. Shanqulst nnd J. K. Net aon with nssaultliiR him with h hammer. The troifble occurred nt Cut-Off, where they live. "Tho Old Cross Honda" will be the nt trnctlon at tho Dohany theater next Sun day night. It Is from tho pun of Hal Held, author of "Tcnnesseo Partner," and H Is Bald that the formation of the plot was made wlillo Mr. Held was witnessing the production of the latter pleco at the Dohany In this city sumo time ngo. Thu new play Is .claimed to be H'.ipcrlor to any of the uuthor'n other productions. It. Hansen, a fHrmer of Harrison county, hnn established u credit In tho police court here which stood him In need yesterday. He .was lined 10.IO for Indulging too freely In ardent liquors. This was moro money than he had left. Ho promised to send It as noon ns he got home and wnH released. Once boforn Hansen was fined for a similar causo anil given the same privilege and tho money iwnii received next day. N. Y. rluinblng CY, telephone 250. Cavli lellt k1u. MnrrlnKP Mrrnaes. Licenses t,o wed were Issued yesterday to tho following: Name and.Address. Age. T. C. Tucker. Omaha 15 Mary Otis, Omaha 41 William Francis, Council Bluffs ... Martha Kaderelt, Council Bluffs .. C. 8. Mooncy. Vnlloy, Neb Kvn Moses. Omaha p. E. Woodruff. Council Bluffs .... VTrft Csdo, Walnut, In Austin B. Klchhorn. Council Bluffs Carrlo Autcnrelth, Council Bluffs.. I . Davis sells paint. ..24 ..23 ..27 ..20 ..27 ..19 2' Gravel roofing, A. 11. Head. Ml Broadway. ,-llEP.E'S A FRAST FOR TUB F3YTC on eve'ry tablo derlted out with chaste and '.daintily designed silver and other ware on- talnabln at I.efferfs. Hverythlng that art J or mechanical Ingenuity can devise and ... ... i i .. uiouiiiuKiuin ii rtiiivun. lamp, hjiuuiib, fie, In solid silver' or solid quadruple plato, lasting for years, Is hero In pleasing va riety., Wo sell tho celebrated "1847" brand of plated wnro and guarantee Its durability jftod excellence. HERMAN M. LEFFERT Optician, Jeweler and Kngravcr, 2S3 Hrdndwny, Opposlto Olen Avenue, Council Bluffs, Iowa. tfii for then wH know whtt'i I Woodward's Ganymede Chocolates MLOpera Bon Bons Mad By John 6. Woodward & Go. "The Candy Men." Council Bluffs Iowa. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director iducceiwor u W. c. ibstspt H' PKAIH. S'l'KKKT. 'Pk.uo 7. FARM LOANS 50? Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska, &nd low. Jamea N. Caeady, jr., If Mln St, Council Bluffs. FOR UPHOLSTERING f Mthtr Raitovatlnq orOttlmrjor Felt Reptlrlai. Mat. trail Wark sna MittrtMM oU IMBIIlll If I El 110 122 SOUTH i UAUlll KLtlH daHAIM Sffti If 1 1 . I Iowa Steam Dye Work s 304 liro.idwuy, Council HI tills. Make voui old clothes look like new CLEAKXNO, DVEINQ and REPAIRING!. BLUFFS. NEW HIGH SCHOOL OPENED Fnblio IcBptoU the Itildiig aid Ceti that it it (had. HEARTY EXCHANGE OF CONGRATULATIONS nr.iroen tntli c of Alumni KmphnsUes Ihr (irortlh of (he City. as Inillenlctl lij Hie Altciilnni'i nt the Chief If n 1 1 of I.cnrnliiR, The heavy rain last evening prevented many from attending the format opening of the now High school building and less than 200 people were present at the exer cises. Most of tboso reached the building before tho rain. The exorcises were also delayed, as several on tho program were unable to reach tho school until tho rain subsided somewhat. Those gathered at the school took advantage of the delay to In spect the building under tho guidance of tho members of tho faculty. 'The building wan thrown open to tho public- during the afternoon and 100 persons visited it. The exercises wore held In the handsome auditorium, tho massive chandeliers with their numorous electric lights showing It off to advantage. On tho stage, which was decorated with carnations nnd roses, were l'rcsldcnt Hcs and B. M, Sargent of tho Board of Education, Superintendent Clifford, J. K.' Cooper, S. 1 Henry, William Moore, I R. Bridcnstoln, former school directors; Itov. W. J. Calfeo, E. P. Schoentgcn, archi tect; flcorge Hughes,1 tho contractor who built tho school, and tho speakers, Victor E. Bender and Emmet Tlnley. Tho exercises opened with a duet by Mipses Ellis nnd Porttrfleld, followed by the Invocation by Rev. W, J. Calfce, pastor of Broadway Methodist church. Then Con tractor Hughes, with a neat speech, pro sonted tho keys of tho building to Archi tect Schoentgcn, who in turn handed them to President Hess on behalf of tho Board of Education. President Hess, In accept ing the keys, spoke of the difficulties tho board had encountered in getting tho High school built and paid a compliment to both tho contractor and the architect. Ho read a letter from Jacob Sims, who was to speak, regretting his Inability to bo pres ent, having been called to Monona county on urgent business. Miss Portcrflcld entertained tho audlcnco with a vocal number and was obliged to respond to nn encore. Superintendent Clifford, who spoke on "Our High School," laid special stross on the meaning of "our," saying that the school belonged to tbo en tiro community and that to mnko it what It should be, not only tho parents of the pupils, but every citizen of Council Bluffs should give It th'lr hearty co-opcratlon. He told of tho work being accomplished In tho school and spoke of tho graduates who were making their mark In the eastern colleges and universities. The building, he said, was not gaudy, but had been built on the utilitarian plan. Emmet Tlnley spoke" for the alumni' of tho High school and In maklug comparisons said that when be waa graduated tho en tire enrollment of the High school was only eighty, whereas today closo upon 300 pu pils gather within the walls of tho new building. He complimented the Board of Education on having eroded such a build ing nnd said It was due to the Integrity of tho directors, tho contractor and the architects that the district now owned such a building. Following Mr. Tlnley a quartet, com posed of Mrs. Welch. Miss Worlcy, W. B. Rlgdon and C. W. Coker, sang and Victor E. Bender. In a humorous strain, told of "Our Neighbors." The exercises were brought to a close by tho singing of "Amer ica" by tbo audience. CASES IN DISTRICT COURT Jury fa 1 1 to Iteocli Verdict In the ' Trlnl nf C. .1. Ilohlilna for Aliened XtiUunce. The district court Jury In tbo case of C, J. Dobbins, former .saloon keeper, charged with maintaining a nulsanco, was discharged yesterday noon by Judgo Orecn after being out since 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon without arriving at a verdict. It Is understood the Jury stood eight to four for conviction. The case will not he tried again this term. Tho Bellinger & Belllnger-Harrleon suit was settled after the jury was Impaneled and counsel had made their opening state ments. This concluded the Jury cases for the term and the Jury was discharged. Judge Green adjourned court to Saturday, when Judgo Macy will )o here, nnd went to his homo at Audubon. He will not return hero until tho Novembor terra, over which ho will preside. Judge Macy on Saturday will hear several motions, among them that of Mrs, Ilozzello for a new trial of her personal injury damage suit against the city, but will not tnko up nny new mat ters. Oeorgp I Wright nppcared beforo the court on behalf of J, T. Hart In the matter of the Thomas Officer estate, In respect to the course to be pursued by the admin istrator, Charles Officer, regnrdlng the Colo rado mining property. Hart Is Indebted to the Officer estate $10(5.000, socured by a mortgage on the property of the Persey Chestor Mining company and by stock hold by Hart In that company. Hart desires to secure a five-year lease of all properties of the Porsey-Chester company, subject to tho lease hold by tho Delaware company of tho Mabel claim, which has two years to run. Ho proposes, If given such a lease, not only to pay the royalty, but also to turn over 50 per cent of tho earnings In liquidation of bis Indebtedness. From statements made by counsel to the court Mr. Harl is of the opinion that If given this lease he can liquidate his Indebtedness to the estnte without difficulty within tho life of the lease. Judge Green declined to make any order in the matter, but will take It up on the second day of the November term, when all tho creditors of tho estate can bo rep resented. 1.. W, Ross, master In chancery, heard n number of petitions of Intervention yester day In the federal court in the matter of the receivership of the Omaha & St, Louis rnllfonil. John D. Ross was allqwed his claim of $73.25 for stock killed and Nicholas Klrecbt was allowed a compromise Judg ment for $35 tor hay and grain burned by a spark from an engine. Klrscht asked for $100. The claim of Oscar Carlson for $120 for the alleged, killing of a colt by a train was resisted and taken under ndvlsenient by Mr. Rosa. Carlson claims tbe colt was killed by a train nt a crossing, while lne rnnroau company comenos mat it was never struck by the train, hut was killed the railroad company contends that it was by a blow from Carlson, who was riding It nnd endeavoring to prevent Its going in front of tho train. J. O. Trimble of Kansas City and O, B. Jennings of Shenandoah appeared .on be half of the railroad and James I,. Mlnnls I of fit. Loula on behalf ot the. Guaraaty, Trust company of New York. W. S. McCaul of Kansas City, claim agent of the Omaha & St. Louis, was also present at the hearing. HARRISON STREET PAVING City Council Orders Cnntrnrtnr Wlek linm fo flcRln Work ext At on tiny MornliiK. "1 have been ready for eighteen months, ever since the contract was awarded me. to begin the paving, but tho street was not In proper condition until October 17 for me to do so," was the statement made bv Con tractor Wlckham to the city council last night when ordered to begin work on Har rison street Monday morning next. When asked If he had a sufllclent supply of Coun cil Bluffs brick to pave the s.rcet with Mr. Wlckham nld ho was afraid not. but that If It was agreeable to the council h3 would use cither Nebraska City or St. Jo seph brick. As to this proposition the nldcrroen declined to commit themselves. Harrison street property owners declared themselves ns In favor of the paving being done without further delay. They left the council chamber apparently pleased nt the action of the aldermen in ordering the work begun next Monday. The matter of the delay In the fourth ward was not brought up and the council adjourned after deciding to meet Saturday afternoon ns a committee of the whole to Investigate the matter of tho proposed foot bridge across Indian crcrk at Eleventh street. FORLORN IN THEIR OLD AGE Ilecnimr Their Sitnnlld Home In on nn I'nusetl HlKbvrny Tlicy Are Cfiltcil to Court. John Isley, who with his wife has been occupying a at Twenty-fifth street and aged shack Ave- nuo I, which Is said to be on the public highway, wns in police court yes terday morning, charged with maintaining a nuisance. Complaint had been made to tho city council that Uley's shack was ob structing tho street nnd tho city mar shal was Instructed to have It removed. On behalf of the old nnd almost destitute couplo It was shown that the street on which the shack Is situated Is never trav eled nnd Is In a portion of the city sur rounded almost entirely by cornfields. Judgo Aylesworth took tho matter under advisement On his way homo after tho hearing Isley fell In a fit at Broadway nnd Eighth etrcet and had to bo taken homo In the patrol wagon. Voting IMneeM for City Klcetlon. Tho voting places In tho city precincts for tho election, Tuesday, November 5, will be as follows: First Wnrd, First Prcclnct-132 Enst Broadway. First Wnrd, Second Precinct 207 Enst Broadway. Second Wnrd, First Precinct 23 Bryant street. Second Wnrd, Second Precinct 731 West Broadway. Third Ward, First Prcclnct-103 South Main street. Third Ward, Second Precinct 919 South Main street. Fourth Wnrd. First Preclnct-36 South Main street. Fourth Ward, Second Precinct fiVi Twelfth nvenue. Fifth Wnrd. First Precluct-Co'.inty build ing, corner of Fifth nvenue nnd Twelfth street. Fifth Ward. Second Precinct County building. 1511 South Thirteenth street. Sixth Wnrd. First Precinct County build Ing, corner of Avenue B nnd Twenty-fourth street. Sixth Wnrd. Second Precinct Johnson's building. Fifth and Locust streets. Frank 1'nrker Hurt on Hnllronrf. A telephone message last evening from tho city marshal at Missouri Valley asked the police to notify George J. Parker that his son Frank had been seriously Injured from Jumping from a box car In the freight yards there. According to the boy's story, to'd to ths city marshal at Missouri Valley, he was In a box car in tho Northwestern yards hers ytaterday afternoon picking up shelled corn when someone slammed the dtor shut and In a few minutes the trnln of which tha car formed a part was In motion. The bov attempted to open the door and only suc ceeded' In doing so when the train reached Missouri Valley. It was atlll In motion when young Parker got the door open and Jumped out. The nature of the boy's in juries was not learned, the city marshal only saying that the physician who had been called to attend him had said that thev were serious. Young Parker Is 15 years of use ISnrlr Celelirnte Hallowe'en. Complaints were made at police head quarters last night that tbe young peoplo wero celebrating Hallowe'en a day ahead of time nnd that they were doing consider able mischief, tearing up sidewalks, fincjs and otherwise misbehaving themselves. The worst case reported to tbe police waa that of boys who throw a head of cabbage through n plato glass window 30x42 Inches In tho residence of Mrs. Appel on Fourth' street. If the Identity of tbo young van dals is ascertained, the pollen said last night, they would be arrested. Following the custom of past years Chief Albro expects to appoint a number of spe cial policemen to prevent as far as possible damage to property tonight. Mot Insane, but Incorrigible. John Cecil Kelly, 15-year-old adopted son of Rev. J. P, Kelly of Noola, was taken to the State Industrial school at Eldora yes terday by Deputy Sheriff Canning. The young lad was recently committed to the Stato Insane asylum at Clarlnda on com- I plaint of his adopted father, but Superln- tendent Wltte notified tbe authorities here that young Kelly was not insane, but In- corrigible. An order of court committing htm to the Industrial school was then se- cured. City KiiKlneer on 1'nvlnK Contracts. This notice was formally served on Con tractor K. A. Wlckham yesterday by City Engineer Etnyre: The present progress you nre making on your paving contracts with the city dntes July 23, 1900; August 23, 1900, nnd September 4, 1901, Is such that I am satisfied you will not bo able to complete them within the time Hnecltleil. As I linve no definite in formation that the work Is not unneccs' time specltled. hnve no definite In- sarlly delhycd I will presume It Is and will expect you to make every effort to com plete these contracts by Jnnuary 1, 1902. I nlso hereby notify you that I consldor the crbsslngs nnd manhole covers In the streets In tho Fourth ward, where you have taken up tho old paving, to be dangerous to travel, nnd that you place danger slgnala nt nil these points after dnrk, ns provided In your coutrnct. Heal Kutiite Transfers. These transfers were filed yesterday In the abstract, title and loan office nf J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: George H. Mnyne to J. P. Green shields, lots 3 and 4, Oakland Place, w. d $ 2,200 Receivers of Officer & Pusey to W, 8. Cooper, lots 15. 16 and 17. block 20, Williams' 1st add., rec. d 750 Fremont Benjamin and wife to John If. Jenks, w4 sett wtt t-77-39. w. d. 1,500 Sheriff to William Q. Moomaw, part of lots 32 and 33, Johnson's add,, Nberlff's d 1,110 T. J. Thomas and wife et nl to George C. Young, lot t and sub swi4 se'i 23-77-t. q. c. d 1 R. J. Hancock nnd wife to Albert W. Barrett, lot 1. block 4. Hale's add.. Council Bluffs, w. d 2,500 Six tranifcxs, ogsTCjatlni-,,, BLIND PROTEGE GRATEFUL Liaala 'Hagaewoad Tells Iowa Paopla Sha Apprtoiatti Their lindam HER TRUSTEE AND TEACHER GIVE REPORT Latter Nnys the Girl Improves Her Opportunity nnd ltn Become Ilxpcrt In Mnny law ful Arts. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MUINES, Oct. 30. (Special.) The annual report of Bernard Murphy, trustee of the I.lnnlc llnguewood fund, wns filed with the governor today as required, by law. The report shows tho manner in which the appropriation made by the leg islature has been expended and there le appended the report of Miss Dora McDon ald, tencner of the blind nnd deaf girl. Miss llnguewood has been under the tute lage of Miss McDonald for several years, first In tho blind school at Vinton and now at Gary, S. I)., whero Miss McDonald Is in charge of the South Dakota State Blind school. The part of tho report most In teresting Is that In which Is related the progress made by Miss Haguowood In her studies and work. In her report tho teacher says; Llnne'n dxt.erlly along manual lines line been often mentioned. Her lovo for tho feminine arts Is deeply rooted In her nuturo and serves to 1111 each vacant hour with never ending plcas.irc. This nblllty has been cnlled Into activity In tho Institution printing oirice, where sho has taken llrst honors ns nn operator of the stereotype maker. All Llnnle's natural characteris tics urn lure called Into activity. She is not cnlled upon to depart from the well known path, and lin writes with nn nssur auco born of conscious power. Proof rend ing nnd binding make Llnnlo a valuable ncslstnnt In tho printing otflce, while it opens an avenue ot employment that mnkes hur future Independent in a llnnnclnl wny. Her work In mathematics hns been a continuation of the work done In other yenrs. Sho still considers It n useless study, but has bravely determined to master it. The work has In this wny become n valuable, factor In her training. Through It she hns learned to control nn Impatient temper, and la fast gaining a knowledge of the every day occupations of mankind. This lack of general Information, which comes to thu normal child by unconscious obser vation, has been ono of Llnnle's most serious difficulties. In the study of mathe matics it makes the nppllcatlon of num bers to tnnterlnl things useless nnd there for.) voxlng. Notwithstanding these con ditions her work along this lino has been very snttsfactory. To understand tho work done In language It Is nececsary to consider Llnnle'R untural characteristics. She Is methodical, pains taking, accurate and Intensely practical. Jler composition Is clear, concise and to the point. Lunguago Is a conveyance, of thought nnd her thoughts nre nrranged as her mnterlnl belongings nre arranged. They occupy ns little spnee iih possible, with no thought for beauty of expression. We nre trusting that Llnnle's appreciation of nil that Is beautiful will come to her rescue In this particular, nnd that she may be In duced to avoid sacrlllclng beauty for the snko of accuracy. In concluding his report to tho governor Mr. Murphy says: Llnnle has long desired an opportunity of expressing her thanks to the people of Iowa for tho priceless gift of understand ing .whlrlr has been made possible for her nnd I bpg to close my report with her words: ' v "I wnnt to thHUktJhp Iown people for sending me to schonl I like my work very much and want to be educated. I am happv every day when I'rinr'slhdylng nnd I wnnt to learn how to control myself and to do my work well." ,, Completed the Tleket. The secretary of state today certified to the auditor of Johnson county the name of O. R. Hall as republican candidate for member of the house of representatives. His name had been sent In by the repub lican county committee to fill the vacancy caused by the withdrawal of M. A. Clapp. who had been nominated at the county convention. This completes tbe republican ticket In Johnson county. Judge Wade hav ing issued nn order directing the county auditor to placo on tho bnllot the names, of the county nominees, on the ground that tho law permits filings at this time. .Ven-spnner Comiinny. The articles of incorporation of the Telegraph-Herald were filed with the secre tary of state touay. The company Is to publish the consolidated Dally Herald and Dally Telegraphy at t Dubuque. The capital Is $160,00 and the Incorporators are: P. J. Qulgloy, W. C. Luther, M. M. Man, John EUwanger, C. D. Ham and J. M. McFadden. The Incorporation of the Rolfo das com pany has been completed by the filing of tho papers. The capital Is placed at $10,000, Incorporated by C. M. Webb, J. O, Grant and -hers. (iroom doea to Jnll. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. T. Hartnett have been arrested here and taken to Indlanola, where Hartnott Is now In Jail awaiting trial and tho bride Is with her parents. Hartnott mot Lena Shank at Atlantic some time ago and Induced here to elope with him. Her purents wero awoy at the time. They are all connected with a thoatrical troupe and Lena was the star actress. Hartnett and tho girl went to Indlanola and were mar ried, one D. R, Parr swearing to the age of the girl. When Lena's parents found out what had happened they canceled their dates In southern Iowa and sent, an officer to Des Moines, where Hartnett and tho girl were found. They had been married two weeks. Both Parr and Hartnett are In Jail and the girl Is being cared for by her parents, who say she Is but 15 years old. Old Soldiers Go Insane, A remarkablo number of old settlers who are given admission to tho Iowa Soldiers' home go Insano and are subsequently transferred to tbe Insane hospitals for treatment. It has been the custom here tofore to avoid as long as possible the sending ot Insane old soldiers to tbo hos pitals, but title policy Is now to be changed and this week seven soldiers who have been residents of the home will be sent to tho Insane hospitals. Those who hnve been adjudged insane nre: William Von Drcsky, aged 7$, Company G. First Iowa Infantry, Muscatne; Sberburn R. Drew, aged M, Company D, One Hundred and Sixty-third Ohio, Jasper county;s Napoleon Dorsee, aged 60, Company .0. Sixtieth New York, Linn county: William H, Crlswell, aged 81, Company B, Independent battery, Ohio volunteers, Wapello county; Jacob Ludwlg, aged 71, Company A, First Dakota cavalry, Emmet county; John B. Howe, aged 57, Company I, Seventy-eighth Illinois, Story county; Bryan O'Connor, aged 70, Company F, First Iowa cavalry, Clayton Us CODfiDemeol of its Pain More children would be borne If the mother could be sure that the paint, worrits "and tribulation of gestation conld be avoided. "MOTHER'S FRIEND'' (that marvelous liniment) Is unique In relieving aid relaxing all the strained tendons and mnscles, a well a ino aisienaea organs, -mere it noimng like It. .. u U(M M MRS. LUCINDA PASCIIEL, Lambcrton. Ark., promt ika tbM mitntut when ika llyn 'M hi,, kid !.. eh'Wreiiilwjlw)nl Uborfromlwaty-louriothlrtr fcuri. TM Una I uted onlr one bottle et Melhrr Friend with mf inth child indox in labor only abeui four hourl. ' Mother Friend ' U luit whttllli recommended lata. 1 UI peter he wtihout U tajaln." ' Sold kjr til bell drugjlm or rent br etciru piepttd on receipt of price, ai.oo Mr kattla, Bnk. " Moueinooa." nue loe TEACHERS' GUIDE TO BIG BARGAINS We welcome the teachers of south weatern Iowa to our city and invito them to cull at our store and eee what an up-to-date concern can do in the way of selling the best goods made at prices that make buying a pleasure and a prolit. Here are a few of our leaders: Ladles' Raglans, up to $10.00. Ladles' 42-Inch Cloaks, made of good ker sey, nil shades, lined with guaranteed satin, trimmed with tltchlng; other stores sell at $23,00; our price, $11.00, Ladles' 31-Inch Jacket, qont or storm collar, lined with guaranteed satin, regular value, $12.00 to $K.00; our price, $8.50. FINEST DISPLAY OF FRENCH FLANNELS AND SILK WAISTS IN THE WEST. AND THE FIT AND PRICES ARE RIGHT. county. None of the men Is violently in sane, but tho Iowa Homo for Old Soldiers la not prepared to care for them as thoy should be cared for. Disapproves llelnteil llnllnt. Tho wrltteu opinion nied by the State Ballot board in the Httfschmldt case and prepared by Attorney General Mullan l In direct conflict with tho decision of Judge Wade In tho case In Johnson county. Tho state board mnkes It plain that the theory followed In Johnson county, by which names are placed on the ballot after there has been neglect to do so within the pre scribed time, It not approved nor com mended. Advance Agent of Knntern Cnpltnl. D. O. Hayncs, publisher ot the New York Commercial, appeared before thu Commercial exchange of Des Moines to day in an effort to Induce western cities to make great offers to eastern capital ists to enter Into business in the west. He went to Omaha this afternoon, HAS IOWA FIRM'S CHECKS Hewitt. Arretted at Grlnnell, In lie. lleved to De Itnpllcnteri In Oskn loona Forgeries. ORINNELL, la., Oct. 30. (Special Tele gram.) It is thought that tho man an swering to the namo DeWltt. arrested here Monday on suspicion by Marshal Munger, Is connected with tho Slegal & Co. forgeries of Oskaloosa. Three men en deavored to pay In part for a supper at a restaurant with postage stamps. Tholr ac tion aroused the suspicion of the marshal, who mado a hasty pursuit and succeeded, after several shots. In capturing DeWltt near the cemetery at tho edgo of town. Several notes and checks drawn on Slegal & Co. were found on his person. Marshal Munger took nlm south on tho evening train, whero he was lodged In Jail, having failed to furnlBh tbe $2,000 bond required. (tunrnntlne Against Wlnnehnareo,. SIOUX CITY, Oct. 30. Reports rccolvod In this city Indicate that twenty Indians have died ot smallpox in the past ten days on the Winnebago Indian agency In northwestern Nebraska. The dlscaso has spread rapidly and It is estimated from 200 to 250 are stricken. Tho cases nre near Big Bears' Camp, near the Missouri. Homer, Dakota City and Wakefield, Nob., and Sioux City, Sloan and Sallx have quar antined against Wlnncbagoes. About a month ago Dr. Hart, the agency physician, consulted with Agent Matbewson and be gan at once trying to vaccinate the In dians, They rebelled and as a result thou sands of them were not vaccinated. Destructive Storm In Mlaaonrl Valley. MISSOURI VALLEY, la., Oct. 30. (Spe cial Telegram.) One of the heaviest rain falls In years occurred here tblu evening. Two business houses on lower Erie street were flooded with water. The lightning was severe and set fire to a large barn In the south part of town, destroying It, at a loss ot $600. Tbe fire alarm system was burned out by lightning. Governor Shaw was to speak here tonight, but on ac count of tbe heavy rain tbe meeting was Indefinitely postponed. Farmer Killed nt HIiamtiauRh, CLARLNDA, la., Oct. 30. (Special Tele gram.) William Qulgg, a farmer nenr Col lege Springs, was killed In a runaway at Shambaugh this afternoon. He was taking a load of lumber from Clarlnda and on the way home the clevis loosened and the wagon ran off an embankment. Mr. Qulgg was thrown off the wagon and instantly killed. He leaves a family. Meliools In I'orto Itlco. The expenso pt maintaining schools In Porto Rico Is very high if we consider the amount bpent for the small number nt pupils enrolled. Education, however, Is always essential to success. In our coun try the people are being educated to the fact that there is not a sure euro for In digestion, dyspepsia, constipation, nervous ness and malaria, fever anr ague, and that medicine is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, Try It. Our Private Die Stamp Is over the neck ot the bottle. Kevr York Savra Ilouml Mum. NEW YORK, Oct. 30.-A decision was handed down today by the United States circuit court of appeals In the famous case of Brlcklll against the Mayor, etc., on the City of New York reversing the decision of the United States circuit court, nnd thereby relieving tho city of tho pnyment of fl,036,G6fi, obtained against It for the in. frlngement of tho Brlcklll patent, which war for apparatus for heating the water In the boilers of steam Are engines. aroaaaa of all at. a i tied (tee. aej7 Lot of light weight short Jackets, not all the latest styles; value from $4.00 to $5.00; our price, $1.9$. Golf Skirts, made of good cloth, with flounce, 14 rows of stitching, at $2,98. Another lot of (iolf Skirts, made of best melton, In nil the tending shades, i'-lncli flounce, IS to 24 rows of stitching, perfect, fit and graceful swing; other stores sell at from $7.50 to $10.00; our price for this week, $4.98. j NOVELTY CLOAK STORE 17 and 19 South Main St., COUNCIL BLUFFS, eJl RT IN THE HC$USE BUILDS THE HIGH WAY TO BEGGARY." BE WISE IN TIME AND USB SAPOLIO REPLACES WEAKNESS WITH STRENGTH My Method of AppljliiK Kleetrleltjr for, the. Tlnilleal Core of crvo-VI tal nnd Klnilreil Ailment linn Priiviw the Greatest Iloon liver Offered Mankind Henri My Free Ilookn on .crvou Disorder nnd Kleetrlelty. A Vigorous, Strong Mun Is looked up to people nro proud to know him.' All that keeps lilm strong .bodily nnd mentally la his great Norvu Force, which Is, In real- Ity, the abundance of Kleetrlelty In his system, ff from any cause yon are Weak, or Nervous, or If you are suffering from nny form of Nervo-Vltnl Disorders there Is a lack of Nervo Korco or Kleetrlelty In your system, nnd before you can hope to become strong and vigorous again elec tricity will have to bo Infused Into your system. After many yenrs of patient study nnd work l have discovered a means of Sup plying Kleetrlelty to Weak Systems which will not fall to cure. My Kleetrlcnt Ap plIanceH are used In every known part of tho world, nnd I urn dally In receipt of letters from now cured nnd happy pa tients praising them, I call my Klectrlcal Appliance an "Klectrlc Belt," becauso that Is really the proper namo for It, ns the Appliance Is worn nround the body as a belt; but do not confuse my discovery with tho muny contrivances, io-called elec tric belts, which are now being offered tho public In great variety on the reputntlnn of my Belt. I owe my success entirely to the sterling worth of my Appliances. My Klectrlcal Appliances have soft, .silken, chomols-covered sponge electrodes which do nway with that frightful burn ing and blistering caused by all other electric belts If they give a curent. Mine has Interchangeable battery cells and can bo renewed "when burned out for only 75c; when others burn out they nre worthless. FAILING POWER Wenkneaa anil a I. nek of Visor are tlnnicer IsnnU held nut Ity Nature, warning you that your Nervons Sys tem Ira rnplilly breaking- down. Secure my free books on "Falling Power" and lenrn Just how and why Klee trlelty, properly applied, will effect a cure In your case. My Klectrlcnl Appliances will cure in nny stage Varicocele and Weakness; will rcstoro Btrength, Power, Vigor nnd Vi tality to either sex; will cure Rheuma tism In any form, Kidney, Liver nnd Bind dor Troubles. Constipation, Stomach Dis orders, all Female Complaints, etc. My New Klectrlcnl Suspensory for the cure of Men's Weaknesses freo to malo patients. Come Into my offices today, or write to mo and get mv free books on "Nervo Vltal Disorders and Their Cure by Klee trlelty." Sent postpaid to anyone. Con sultation, advlso nnd diagnosis without cost. No electric belt genuine unless stamped "Dr. Bennett" and numbered. Sold only by OR. BENNETT Electric Belt Co. BOOMS 304 nnd 31U Donglns Block. Cor DoitaTt ner ibtn nnu uotigo streets. Onnoslte Hayden's, Omaha, Neb, CURE YOURSELF I lit Dig 3 for unnatural alieharfea.lnlammttlona, Irrltatloni or alcerttloni 'ialloliara. IPre.eati Ciniaaleaj. ' rtlnleei, and not Mlrta THttVa.lCHtyitat.Co. gent or polionoutu a. . f ,m rt .1 M.tnh?.nia uawHwrf "or tent In plain hi expraet. pripi XO, or S bottles, FOR SALE VACANT LOTS In all parts of the city, At l ow Prices and fiasv Payments Call or write for lists, H. W. BUNDER 6c CO.. 5 Pearl Dreis Skirls, made of best Venetian cloth, thlbet, covered cloth nnd pebble cheviot, In nil the leading shades, trimmed with taffeta and sntln folds, well worth $7.50 to $10.00; for this week, $(.9S. Millinery Department Here wo have bnrgalns and slyles necr bofore shown In Council Bluffs, for such a line of millinery. For Instance: HRts that sold for $7.50 to $8.00 and $10.00, your choice, $3. PS. OUR Fl'R DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE WITH SCARFS, BOAS AND COL LARETTES, ELECTRIC SEAL, STONE MARTEN, ETC, OCR PRICKS WILL INTEREST YOU. DR. McGREW (Age 52) di-coiALlST Ulaeaaea nnd UUottieia Men Only. 20 yeara' eiitrlruue, 13 year fat Omaha. VAHIUOCELE lJ?JS!titR 10 WUllll IV and all Blood Diseases cured OirniklO tor life. All breaking out and signs oi tut disease disappear at once. HICD On nnd cases cured of nervous UVCn IUiUUU debility, loss of vitality tuu all uiniuiural wcukntKoca oi tuoiu Stricture, Ultet, ividuuy atm madder JJte watt's, tlyuiucolo cured pormuiU'iilly. Curea Guaranteed. Conaultntlou Free. CHARGES LOW. .Treatment by mall. P. O. Box TCC. Office v-r m South Uth street, between Farnara and Douglas SU OMAHA. NEB. NO CURE. NO PAY. HEX. Stop taking medkln. If you have aniall, weak nt-fran, loat pftteer or weakening rlrnlne, our Vacuum Organ Pereloier will leatoreyon. No triitr. Stricture ami Varicocele per manently cured in I to t weemi 14.000 In uioi not one failure, not one rrturneil, effect tmmcltatet no O. O. I), frauit i write for free nnrtlcii' larf. tent aealed In nlaln eneelnne. 10CAI APPLIANCE CO. lie Thorn Bill,. mtlir.aoilU. Inl Your Fairy Godmother enn not nitswor your fishes quicker Hum the BEE Want Columns. Everybody rends them, so you nro sure to Imvo tho right person sec your nil. Evtry Woman It Intcreateit and afiotiM know about tlie wonderful MARVEL WMrling Spray ThenewTaalaalifri.ee. . J nsol rttirffan. nut-Jaf. eat Mnet eAn.nl.n Itlleaaaea laelaallr. Aak I eor teaeekit fee It Wal kj, accept n i no y w MVe. I ailralaMlAnal In. other, but aend alaii lualrarnil hnnk--... full partlcnlaraand valuable ro Utile. MAHVIxro. if ., i Room aw Time- m.iir . s V. "JulMiS The Whirling Spray Syringe Per Sale By Sherman &McGonnell Drug Go, ltJtb nnd Dodge, Omaha, Neb. IinUCATIONAI,. ST. LOUIS SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS 51'il Mf ''L,h '"'"oMea In brewing. MoJallni, ralnilnf. ileeoratlTaplfn,reri(ellTe, Companion, ArllaiTo anetotor, Arf kllaclural an Mechanical Prawloi, Caramla Co ratlen and other ferneet arrtM Art. Alllnatruetlan Indl.H.ali it.l.nu raae enroll at anr tin,.. Taarkera front the Art Kekaola mf F.aroae. tor lllaalrete clreutart e-Mreet HAL8EY O. IVKS, Dlraotor. St. Lout. SohOOl of rin.Aru.8t.Loul., Mo. St., Council Bluffs. Ia. 4 m i V7 .faTaW v h, M Am.