12 THE OMAHA .DAILY JBEEt .IVEDKESPAY, OCTOBER 30, 100.1, AFTER DISTIIBUTING DEPOT Commercial Olab Reaching Oat for Ai other Go7cnmnt Supply Eosii, WANTS TO CONFER WITH GEN. LUDINGTON Object lo Sppurp fir Till Mnrkrt Ail tllliinnl I'rnilc from W'nr l)rinrl uiciil Chili Afikcil tn A III Okln Imiiin Ntnte llooincrs. At the meeting of the executive commit tee of. the Commercial club yesterday after noon It was decided to arrange for a meeting of a committee from that organization with Quartermaster General Ludlngton while ho ii In tho city for tho purpose of securing, if possible, tho location of n distributing quartermaster's depot In this city, similar to that maintained at Jcffersonylllc, Ind., or, if that Is Impossible at this tlmo, to have arrangements made whereby quarter master's supplies would bo purchased In Omaha to n greater extent than nt present. At tho present time tho quartermaster's tores purchased here practically consist of nothing but horso feed and furl for the posts within the department. Tho secretary .was instructed to confer with Uencral Isl ington and arrange for a meeting nnd to appoint a committee us soon as the tlmo has been fixed, A communication from tho Real Estate exchange referring to tho proposed plan of consolidation of tho city nnd county gov ernments was referred to tho committee on municipal affairs with Instructions to re port at tho next meeting of tho board, A communication from n committee of residents of Oklnhoma asking tho club to request the senators and representatives from Nebraska to favor n bill establishing n state to bo composed of Oklahoma terri tory and that part of tho Indian Territory Inhabited by tho civilized tribes, was re ceived and tho request granted, A gen eral convention will bo hold at Muskcgco November 14 for tho purpose of giving tho matter publicity, and tho club was Invited to send a delegate. This part of tho com munication went over Informally. Tho club was Invltod to send delegates to tho national reciprocity congress, which will convene nt Washington November 19, under tho auspices of tho National Manu facturers' association. In reporting upon tho dinner given to tho Branl of Governors of tho Knights of Ak-Bar-Hcn tho sccrotnry said that the re cclptH from tho banquet were suftlclent to cover all expenses. A vote of thanks was extended to tho ontcrtalnmcnt committee. Tho commlttco on Insurance roportcd that It had held u meeting with Mr. Dcatty, tho lnsuranco expert, nnd that ho has in course of preparation data upon tho subject, which will bo submitted at a futuro meeting. The secretary reported that a Chicago firm has mado Inquires ns to the feasibility of establishing a wholesale queensware and crockory house In tho city nnd that a rep resentative of tho firm will bo In the city Boon to look over the Held. BAND MUSIC IN PROSPECT Auditorium Company rtecelvra Propo sition from Ilnndn Ilon and Marine Ilnud. Tho auditorium company has tocclved from Manager Pew of Noiv York a proposi tion to play tho Danda Rossa In this city next fall and tho United States Marine band In April. - . Tho latter band was engaged for a day In Omaha last spring, but It was found that no hall would bo available nt the time and the engagement was canceled, tho band going to Kansas City, where It played to a $5,000 houuo. Tho propositions will be submitted to the bonrd.Thursday. ' Charles R. WeBsmar, Evanston, HI., writes: "My boy, 2V4 years old, had a sovero cold which rofuscd to yield to any treatment until wo tried Foley's Honey and Tart Jin was completely cured, beforo using one bottle." Tako nono but Foloy'a. Men's birthday rings. Edholm, Jeweler. Chlcngo to Iluflnlo nnd rtettirn SO. 75. ( Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday in October the Michigan Central, "The Niagara Falls Route," will soil tickets at $6.75 for the round trip from Chicago to Buffalo and return. As tickets at tbes) extremely low rates are good In day coaches only, the daylight train of the Michigan Central, leaving Chicago In the morning, will offer most satisfactory service. Four fine through trains each way. All trains passing Niagara Falls by daylight stop five minutes at Fall Vlow. Very low rates are also mado every day for tickets good In Bleeping cars. For particulars address O. W. Ruggles, general passenger and ticket agent, Chicago. Cnrd of Tlinuk. For tho beautiful tokens of love and affec tion bestowed, as thoy were, In so great profusion by the numerous friends of our dearly beloved son and brother on occasion of his departuro for "Tho home over there" on Sunday last, wo beg to return, as here with wo do, our warmest heartfelt thanks. Mr, and Mrs, J. I'. Johnsen and sisters three, It's tho best Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure-COc and 11.00.- All druggists. Pearl handle tableware. Edholm, Jeweler. Diamonds, rubles, emeralds. Edholm, jeweler. Publish your legal notices In ,Th Weekly Dee. Telephone 23S. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Bee building. Tel. 1716. 23-Jewolcd watches. Edholm, Jeweler. Cramer's Kidney and1 Liver Cure Is tho name 50c and J 1.00. AH druggists. MRS. J. 'A good quality of bristles and celluloid back Flair Brushes, worth Tap, Wednesday just half price ;J7c. We have a large line of the prettiest styles ever brought to Omaha. - Lambs' wool, in all colors, plain or elegantly trimmed, price $2.00 to $5.00. Flannelette and eiderdown, 75c up to 2.00. Boston Store Clothing Dept. A Complete Line of Rogers, Peet & Co's Fine Suits and Overcoats Now on Sale. THERE IS NO FINER Iltfnr in Mind Hint We Are the Sole Agents for Rogers, Peet & Co's Men's Suits and Overcoats Which is the Highest Grade Clothing Made In America. SUITS AND OVERCOATS FROM $17:50 to $35 Rogers, Peet 6t Co's Suits and overcoats in black, blue, dnrk oxford grny, find the new fall colorings lined and tailored as only I?. P. & Co's garments are tailored; the same styles as yon would secure at the finest tailoring establishment at double the prices prices range from $17.50 to 35.00. There is a style tone about lj. P. & Go's clothing that careful dressers note the art of fashionable tailoring is evident iu the garments until the last day it is worn. , Men's $15 all wool Suits $5.98 Our purchase and Bale of the entire wholesale stock of Levy, Roseufield Co. is tho greatest ever known in Omaha. Such prices and such values are without an an equal. The suits are worth $10, 12 and" $15, and them and the selling f has boon orljjlnally hnd A r the assortment Is still very gOodTako your choice of these $10, $11! and $15 suits for jnnAunns Artistic Stationery Wo have all the late, up-to-date papers, monogram and addressed dies, uiamninir Stamping and envelopes to match, -stamped or I lumlnatcd win mane a cnrisimas present ror a lad let us talk this over with you and gtvo us a lady MAWHINNEY Jewelers and Art Stationers, HEADQUARTERS FOR WAITERS Local Union Put Up Tlulldln V on i Dodge Street for Ita Ex clnalve. Vae. The waiters' union of Omaha baa leased tho north half of the lot at' 1512 Dodge street, on which they are erecting a head quarters building. The room will be used by th local offi cers and ns a library and reading room tor the members of the union. The. waiters have one ot the best libraries on Industrial questions In tho state, and this, will be placed In the new 'room. Dressing table silver. Edholm, Jeweler. TUB FAK-AMHIUCAN EXrOSITIO nt Buffalo. With its magnificent spectacle, the nightly Illuminations, will be over In a few' days. The Pan-American Special, the-swell train of the Michigan Central, leaves Chicago 6 p. m. daily, Berving dinner, and arrives Buffalo 7:45 next morning, via Niagara Kalis. Viry low rates during October. O. W. Ruggles, O. P. and T. A., Chicago. nest cut glass, Hawkes. Edholm, Jeweler. Ftftr-Elarht Honrs ti Portland froin Missouri river via tho Union Pacific. Compare this time w'fth other lines' and sea how much quicker It .is. Through Pullman Palace sleepers are run daily. Pullman or dinary sleepers leave Omaha daily at 8:20 a, m. and 4:25 p. ra., and are personally con ducted every Friday, ' For full Information call at city ticket office, 1321 Fa mam street. Telephone 316. Cut glass wine .eta. Edhoim, Jeweler. S,end articles ot incorporation, notices ot Itockboldera meetings, etc., to The Bit. We will give them proper legal Insertion, telephone 231. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Bee building. Tel, 1716. Exquisite pearl brooches. Edholm, Jeweler BENSON For Wednesday we will soil all our dress linings,' lmir cloth, Manvass, etc., nt 25 PER CENT, OR ONE FOURTH, pFF REGULAR PRICE. Colored Rrush Braid for bottom'of dresses at one cent nor yard. CLOTHING MADE. we are selling them for $5.98. Don't pay any attention to what others would have you believe. Come and see use your own judgment. Every customer that has bought one of these suits has sent his frjeuds and is irjeua 5 every day WtKM Oft remarkable. We laaaaaw S V-F 5,000 Bults, ancf We are selling the overcoats from the Levy, Rosenfield stock at $5 and $10. They are worth from $10 to $20. Boys' $7.50 Ulsters go at $1.98. Boys' Lon Pants Suits for $2.50. Bys' Knee Pants Suits for $1.25. SONS shades. nnn n and lllumlnatlnc. An .iS irainiiica Willi an ciiKraveri mnnnrr-om Ji. which will be nnnrrrlatrwl r. i j your order early. & RYAN CO., Sth and Douglas Streets. Our firewood facilities Are first-class, as we are prepared to fur nish promptly wood fuel cut to any length desired In pine or oak. We are selling tho best Missouri oak (stovo length) at $2.75. Pine, for kindling, at $2.25 a cord. Now Is the time to buy wood for your grate. Hald & Rice. Tel. 1238. 506 So. 16th St CONSOLATION That's what the trust combine are hand ing around to each other, trying to make them believe they huve the original Cut Price druggist cornered. Some of them are writing letters to the manufacturers asking them to have their 'remedies cut out of ojr ud. Will we cut them out? Watch us, '.:5c Laxative Hromo Quinine 12c 25o Carter's Liver rills J20 25c Victor Pills sc 11.00 Sexlno Pills 75C 60c Dlmmltt's Cough linlsam 33c 60c Howard's Cough Syrup 33c 25c Schaefer's Cough Syrup 20a 25c Quinacetol (best for colds) 20c $1.00 Peruna 68o $1.00 Pierce' Remedies i 67a $1.00 S. S. 8 67c $1.00 West Brnln and Nerve Treatment 9c 75c Fountain Syringe .-' 50c 76c Hot Water Bottle 60c $1.60 Combination Hot Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe $1.00 These rubber goods are all guaranteed and wo have a full line, $2.00 KarlyCramer'H Tansy, Cottonroot, and Pcnnyroyul Pills $i.oo SCHAEFER'S ' Drug Store Tel. T4T. S. W. Car. Kltb Ohio Goods delivered FREE to any part of city. Trenton Coal Lump and Egg $5.75 per ton Nut $5.50 per ton A PERFECT DOMESTIC COAL NO SOOT NO CLINKERS LASTING SMALL ASH G. B. HAVENS & CO., 1522 Farnam St. Telephones 301, 317 and 835 U Anru' The Leading Dress HAY Dens " ti,e As the season la advancing we are finding some of our heavy goods not moving as rapidly as we would wish and for one day we will sell tho following goods at a great sacrifice: 64-lnch heavy Mellon and grey Oxford, blue and black, worth $1.00 yard, 69c. Priestley's extra heavy Waterproof Suitings, proofed, by Cravenelte company the genuine goods In black and colors all 64 to 60 Inches wide, $1.98 Cravenettcd Suitings, 91.25. $2.50 Cravenettcd Suitings, $1.50. $3.50 Cravenettcd Suitings, $2.60. $1.50 and $5.00 Cravenetted Suitings, $3.25. Lupin's Celebrated Cheviots $5.00 black, extra heavy, $3.50. $4.50 black, extra heavy, $2.98. $3.60 black, extra heavy, $2.50. $2.60 black, extra heavy, $1.75, Hundreds of other bargains will go proportionately, ! : : Widnisdiy In tht Bargain lUom. Wednesday will be a day of GENERAL RARGAINS. There will be more goods on sale at less money than there was any day1 this year. Our purchase ot three large stocks will be closed out as rapidly as possible. They consist of 25c Ging hams at 6Hc; 124c plain back Satin at 6c; 25c Imitation French flannels at 10c, 16c Imitation French Flannels at 6c; 15c and 19c yard-wide Percales at 6c. $1.00 Underwear at 39c, and thousands of other bargains. Prices are what talk. No ped dlers, dealers or manufacturers sold In this room. Dratt floods Remnants, In lengths of 2 to. 6 yards, of all wool Dress Goods, halt wool Dress Goods, silk and wool Dress Goods, etc., worth up to $2.00 per yard, will go at 15c yard. These are Homespuns, Henriettas, Plaids, Sergos, Suitings, French Flannels and thou sands of ptber goods. Droit Goods by tho Yard. 76c all iyool Granite, 75c all wool Ladles' Cloth, 75c all wonl Black Novelties, $1.60 all wool Plaids, $1.60 silk, and wool Plaids, 4pc. $1.60 fine' black Crepons, the finest Mo hair, the finest finish, four yards to pat tern, enough to make a skirt, $2.98. Extra heavy Scotch Tweed, In brown, Oxford, gray, etc., 5 yards to skirt pat tern, worth 75c yard, entire pattern, $1.25. Silks, Volvofs and Corduroys 25c Silks, fancies, only 10c. 39c Plain Silks and Checked Japanese, 19c. 85c Silk Foulards, 24 Inches wide, 39c. 75c Roman Stripes', 39c. $1.00 Satins, 39c. $1.50 Black Grenadines, 49c. $1.60 Silk Flannels, 49c. $1.00 Corduroy, nice line ot colors, 39c. , Dross Patterns. $10.00 Dress Patterns, $3.98. $10.00 Skirt Patterns, $2.98. Be sure and examine these patterns. Furnishings and Undirwtir Wodnosday-Mon's SI Shirts 29c 100 dozen men's colored Laundered 8hlrts (slightly soiled), Griffon and. other well known brand., In stiff bosom or negligee, separate cuffs, worth up to $1.50, at 29c. 200 dozen men'a wool fleeced lined Shirts and Drawers, In plain and fancy colors, worth up to $1.25, on sale at 39c. , ' One lot of men's heavy Jersey ribbed Shirts and Drawers, worth up to $1, at 29c. Men's 60c Night Shirts at 25c. Men's 60c White Unlaundered Shirts, all sizes, 25c. Ladles' 35c heavy Jersey, ribbed Vests and Pants, at 19c. One lot of ladles' heavy Jersey ribbed Vests and Pants, worth up to $1.00. on sale at 39c. ' ' Ladles' $1.00 Union Suits, at 49c. Men's 60c Working Gloves, at 25c. Men's 39c Gloves, at 19c. One lot of men'a fine Suspenders, worth up to 50c, at 15c. Garidy Salo Stick Double Teflned. per lb 694c Stick Hoarhound,.tper lb 7c Stick Fancy twlsj perjb 74c Mixed Choice, 5Hc; 'fancy. 8o Mixed Broken, .7c; French 13c Mixed Kindergarten , .. 7ic Caramels .. 6Hc Lemon Drops Chocolate Drops, lie; fancy 13c Jelly Beans SVic Conversation Hearts 8 Ho Cinnamon Imperials 8c Lozengea, mint 8Hc Wlntergreen 8Vc Peanut Squares 7 He Rock Candy, all string !.... 9c Rock Candy, part string SHc Eclipse Mixed Candy 8Vic Crown Mixed 74i Moonlight Kisses 18Hc Hobson Kisses'..... 15c Swedish Kisses ...v 12c Sunbeam Kisses 12Hc Trilby Klsse '. 10c Bon Dons 7Hc Vanilla Creams..' 25c Rose Creams 22c Mint Opera Creams 24Hc Butter Creams 22c Opera Wafers 25c Maple Wafer 25c Fine hand-made Chocolates 20c Fine Marshmallow Chccolatcs 25c Cream Almonds 25c Haydtnlros' Droit Silt of Cannad floods 2-lb. 2-lb. 2-lb. 2- lb. 3- lb. 3-lb. 3-lb. 3-lb. 3-lb. can Strawberrle 10o can Gooseberries !)c can blackberries.... ( 9c can Raspberries 10c can Apricots ,..12'ic can Peaches 121&C can very fine sifted Peas liftc can MX kinds of Plums 120 can Tomatoes 0c can Corn..... TAo 2-lb. lb lb. lb. lb. lb. can String Bean 7 Vic can Succotash 7V&c can Red Kidney Beans 7&c tcan Wax, Beans.. "He can Garden Beets 10c HAYDEN BROS -- y OBI CV ne a( 'he beat equlppe of he Keelejr ay'atem of Inatl 1 inn tntas, the onlr r Vl)tC Drunkenness, Core. Drug Uaerr, Tobacco Users. TUB KKELKV INSTITUTE, 10 aad Leavenworth. Omaha. I HATS HATS f2.50 HATS HATS fa.no HATS Black the $2.50 Hatter s 111 s. iuiu aircei i T Extra Spoclals. 16c Percales, 5c. 19c Percales, 7Wc. 25c Percales, 10c. 15c Flannellettes, fine colors, 6c, 36-lnch Flannellettes, With border, 5c. Remnants of Fruit of the Loom,- 6c. Remnants ot Lonsdale, 5c. Remnants of Hope &. Hill, 6c. 25c Imitation French Flannel, 10c. ISo Fancy Sateens (Simpson's), 5c. $1.00 Fleeced Blankets, ,59c. $1.00 Comforters, 69c. Grand special on all kinds ot Comforters and Blankets. Waistings. 50c all wool French Flannel, 25c. 75c all wool fancy striped Waistings, 39c. $1.00 Striped Crepe de Chine, 49c. $1.00 plaid French Flannels, 25c. $1.00 Satin Prunella, '45c. Plain black Sateens, worth .12c, 5c. 6V6c apron check Ginghams, 3Hc 12tfc plaid back Covert for rainy-day skirts, 5c. 12V4c Outing Flannels, 6c. $1.50 Cantor Plocos Only 75c Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock we place on sale 200 pieces of elegant hand-made, Battonberg Center Piece,, worth $1.60 to $2.25 each, go on sale at 76c each. Crackor Dipt Soda crackers B" Oyster crackers T. ( 5c Milk crackers 6o Pearl crackers 6c Farina crackers Bo Ginger snaps ......... 5c Fresh oysters, per quart 35c Dates, per pound Ec Tobacco Dopt , Star plug chewing tobacco 37Ho Horseshoe plug chewing tobacco ....37 Nerve plug chewing tobacco 37Hu Battle Axo 35c Newsboy tobacco 35c Bull Durham smoking tobacco o0o Duke's Mixture . 35c Meerschaum smoking tobacco' 35c Uncle Tom smoking tobacco 35c Old style smoking tobacco 25c Grocery Specials Corn meal, 15c sack; 24-lb, sack pure rye flour, 46c; 10-lb. tack pure Graham, lEc; 24-lb. ssack pure rye-Graham, 45c; fancy evaporated California peaches, new 1901 crop, 9c; strictly choice California peaches, new crop, 1901, at 12Ho; very good old crop, peaches, 8c; now crop evaporated blackberries, 9c; ' new crop evaporated apricots, 1901, at 12Hc; new cleaned pa tros currents, 12Hc; new California mus catel raisins, 10c; new California prunes, 3Hc, 4c, 5c. 8Ho and 12Hc Coffee and Tea Prices Siberian Diamond coffee, 12Hc; Siberian II. B. Coffee, 13Hc; very fine Santos coffee, 15o; Guatemala coffee, .20c; interior Java coffee, 25c; private growth, Java, 31Hc; Ansola Java, 32c; Mandellng Java, 33c; Arabian Mocha and Old Government, 33 o. With every pound of good tea from 45o t 50c you get a faucy teapot. Fruit Department New largo dates, per pound 6c New Calif brnla 'figs, per pound 6c Fancy lemons, per dozen 10s j Bananas, per dozen 15c I Kealer Iiiatltnt In Nebraska, Caras Appendicitis Can Be Cured Br taking Shrnder'n Fig Powder. Oue dose u week will prevent it. If In doubt, try Fig Powder or send for sample. Address, DEPARTMENT A, W. J. Shrader Medicini Co., New York Room 10, No. 30 Esst U at r 1(02 N. 24th St.. Omaha. Ntb. ) Beautiful Snow Poems HOHIwtxTlaPBHF satisfy them and to jog your memory of the w anted things for colder weather. Men's Fall Suits - $4.50 up Men's Fall (VCoats $5.00 up Men's Fall Shoes $1.90 up Men's Fall Underwear . , . . . . 35c up Men's Gloves 35c up Men's Caps 25c tip UAVnCU! IIAT UCIfS Tho tremendous spot caBh purchase his recent trip, Is received. They all go Women's new Raglan Coats, mado of nil In the new oxford shades selling In Omaha for $18.00 Haydcn's sale prlco Women's now Raglan Coats In dark gray nnd black made of Irish frieze silk lined throughout IA CA Haydcn's sale prlco laC'UU Women's now Ilaglon Coats mndo of American Mills broadcloth lined with guaranteed satin black sizes 32 to 41 Haydcn's salo price Women's Automobiles lined throughout with Skinner's satin for Women's Box Coats mado from American Beys lined with Skinner's satin guaran Iced worth 112.50 for Women's Jackets made of tho finest quality lined with Skinner's satin warranted for two years' wear worth $18 on salo at only" Women's Automobile Coats made of American Mills ker seysfull lined with guaranteed satin most remarkable value for Women's Kersey nox Coats Just received the best value In America for tho money at Special Skirt Sales 200 Rainy-Day SklrtB with several rws f stitching perfect fit and hang worth $5.00 for Women's Rolny-dsy Sklrts for $6.98 prlco -mado of imported Women's Silk Skirts mado of tho famous Olvcrnaud taffctos warranted not to crock worth $15 during this solo for ' Women's Rainy-day Skirts with flounce 22 rows of stitching sold In this town for $6 00 great Bpcclal prlco Women's Velvet Skirts trimmed with satin bands of taffeta worth $15.00 for Special Values in Fins Suits 200 moro Suits of nil wool materials made up In tha newest styles Jackets lined throughout with the best quality Givcrnaud's taffeta a Bult mado to sell A AO for $15.00 call and see It at. 600 moro suits In tho new bleuao effects breasted. slnKle-breasted and other fancy cloths and other materials mado to. sell for at 200 Women's Suits In black nnd colors leading styles ot the season mado of Imported materials by man tailors of known ability to sell for $25 call and see Uiem at Special for Women's wrappers, worth $1.50, for 98c. $2.00, for 98c. Women's $2.00 dressing; sacnucs, for 9Sc, Women's wool waists, worth $5,00 for $2.98. Women's collorettos, worth $2.50, for 98c. HAYDEN BROS. ANYBODY I Intending to buy a piano within a year, should not miss the chance to buyH from a lino selected stock of 200 Stolnway, Voso, Kmcrson, Ivers & Tond.H Ste.ck, Sieger, A. D. Chase, Mason & Hamlin and Stroube pianos that muttH bo sold Immediately. H EVERYBODY Knows that "Christmas trade" Is tho piano man's harvest when you pay hlgH profits. Wo are soiling theso at "MONEY-LOSING TRICKS" now to makoH room for Xmas stock, ' H NOBODY I Can object to buying n llttlo early if by doing so tboy con SAVR FROM ON&H TO TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS. Its the CLOSE RUYERS' OPPORTUNITY. H DON'T MISS IT. H $600 Upright Pianos only $100 $400 Upright Pianos only, $200 $500 Upright Pianos only $300 $300 Upright Pianos only $15oH A number of other substantial upright pianos, $75, $105, $135 and up. H Squaro pianos and organs, $15, $25, $35 and .up , H WE SELL NEW PIANOS ON $5.00 MONTHLY PAYMENTS and take old Instruments In exchange at full value. . H Our stock Is no riff-raff collection, but tho choicest products of the high- est grade Instruments manufactured In tho world. Every Instrument Is fully S warranted. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Now pianos for rotuBSj and ono year'a rental allowed If purchased. Instruments moved, tuned, storedH nnd repaired at lowest rates. H Write for catalogues, prices and bargain list or pay us a visit of ln-H ipectlon before buying. We will save you money. SCHMQLLER & MUELLER,! ; Largest handlers of pianos In the west. H 1313 Farnam St, Omaha, Tel. 1625. Iowa Branch 337 Broadway; Council Bluffs. Tel. 37B. that arc usually rev garded as slush, will be finding their way into the columns of this paper soon. Arc you prepared for any change of the wea ther? How about your fall suit or o'coat,sUocs, underwear, g I o V c s, caps, etc? You'll find this store the greatest distributing mart of the great northwest. Every d e pa r t m cut manager insists upon a hearing, so we men tion the above items to "THE RAGLANS ARE HERE of tho now Tlaglans, made by our on sale tomorrow. wool materials, 10.00 In grays and 15.00 10.00 Mills Iter- 7.50 r kerseys, 10.00 1111s Iter- 8.98 4.98 I. corduroys- sold In this city 3.98 9.50 2.98 8 UiOU In the now Norfolk stylo In styles mado from lino Venetians double-broad- $20.00 call and seo them 10.50 Bilk lined throughout In all tho hlfih class hlfih class 16.50 Wednesday Women's all wool waists, worth up to buyer on i 98 r A