THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Ifaikets Tnbl to Combination of leariih Inflietoji. i ARGENTINA'S REPORTED RAIN IS A FACTOR (t Knock. the Props from Under Wheat, CniiKlnB n Frnctlnnnl lie prcnnlon Spreading: 1 tue Other Commodities. Argentina CHICAGO, Oct. ,a:-a'n .'" ileprcssca dosed IOC to SWC ucir luc. Lowe heal 4c lower Jiat general Jna and nt once there was ?Jua,dntiun."not o ly of V,?A"lbla ioorier'l.a!! th bull c"aue wttcn r o Where It was not neetieu turn ""-'."ViV too" a quick 'l'lr"v4,VnLrMltChh0W MiH however, nnd when the. pu siiuweu S5bm of "growing .UlitifW. Prt" "".. . fIuV,",h rw.m .nr cloned weak, Kuac lower, i t 71'Ic. Local receipts wero So cari? one "f contract grade. M nnenp Si. ltitimii reported 993 earn, mnklng i total for the three points of .123 can, riMi 1.197 taut week and 1.319 a ear d rrlmarv rcceli.tH were 1.423,000 bushols, nnarcd w til 2.2SI.UC0 bushels a year ago. Sri? clearanccfi In wheat, nntl lini r wo. nmt '"Wyt" ?" n .1nrr.. ,KPd 938.000 EE " '&.,r '" ThlnmentM wero 7.268.W) Sushils lnsi week, against S.W5.0W busnois Vorn Mur'tcd weak, because of the sell ln r: 1 in wheat, but turned ;p Dignity un nuim no in" ,!,-,,- ". .,. i...7...- iinrnmln'r opened IVtlW lower 1 1 1 1 1 , hlng Inlluc.illnl. December jlosed easy, He lower nt 66c. Receipts mJ'A& clr .i l knot the oats Pit fairly linn and Independent of titl or mar- kets. When other pits were at their weak- est there whh no pressure to sell and the crowd fa voted the lout? Hide. December opened He lower on wiiciii mniii;""., ..... advanced to. MWB3V,c and case d off n nly 9n prollt-tiiKing a snauo ioli . uunij"',. Iteeelpts wero 192 cars. 1 1 ok products were profoundly dill, hay. i.... ,.,!.. I, ii iu iihhh tn establish tltlo- tatlons. Prices opened lower on n weaker hog market and on offering's and changing bf deliveries onset! a trllle. Janunry pork closed 20o lower at $14.92 4: January lard 12'Ac down at $8.73 and Jnntmy ribs 10c Estimated receipts for tomorrow: W hen t, tl5 cars; corn. 193; oats, ISO; Iiobs. .6,000 The. leading futures ranged as follows Articles.' Open, i Hlgh. Low. Closc.'Snt'y. Wheat Oct. Det:. May Corn Oct. Dec. May Oats Oct. Deo. May Pork Jan. May Oct. Nov. Jen. Rlbs- Oct. Jan. May Cash quotations wero ns follows: vi.niMil.'lrm: winter nntcnts. J3.40fl3.SO itriilBhtB, 2.0Clj3.30: clears. I2.60jl3.10; spring spc'clals. t.Oft5?4.40; patents. 3.2u1.6j; .ir(,rht timift:i.o. wiimat No. 3 snrlnc. CD'.i5T70Hc: No. 2 OATS-No. 2. 27,4c; No. 2 white. 33V4ffl0c; No. 3 white, iW4w. HAULKY Fait to choice moltlns. 610 7I Lr fUKDB No. 1 northwestorn. $1.52; prlnio timothy, 13.05(50.75; clover, contract grnae, til rn l'HOVlSIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., J13.B0 fiilXCO. Liril, per 100 lbs., J8.80fl8.90. Short rll.H. .HldPs llooso). Sfl.0OHS.23. Dry salted Hhouldcrs (boxed). S7.WM7.75. Short clear sides (boxed) S.758.S3 WHISKY llaslH of high wines. $1.30. The following arc tho receipts and ship mniiiia f,ir thn Inst fortv-elirht hours: Artlnlps. Kicolpts. Shipments. Kluur. bbla 28.000 40,000 Wheat, bu 22000 120.000 Corn, bu 153.000 95,000 OUB. bu 272.000 . 341,000 llyo. bu 14.000 Itarley. bu 48,000 lf.,000 On the Produce exchange todav tho Litt ler market was stendv; creameries, 143 2IV4c; dairies, 13g19c. Cheese, steady, 9?iU 10c. K6B. nrm, iresn, jac. NBW YUIIK r.ENEUAI, MAtlKCT. Quotations of the Day Commodities, on -Vnrlnna KKW YORK. Oct. 28. FLOUR Re- nefnts. 22.199 bbls.: exports. U.n65 bbls,; mirlv actlvo und barely steady: win- tor patents, $3.60433.80: wlnterstrnlghts, 13.80 yj,iu; tiiinesoiti paiciii.i, o.ivtio.iMi wiu,i:i stralghtB, $2.S0ft2.S5; Mlnnesotn bakers, $2.93 133.95; wlntet low graues,- nya Hour. Btendy; fair to fiood, $2.90573.15; chol"o to fancy. $3.30413.60. CORNMEAL Steady: vellow western, $1.19; Iirnndywlnc, $3.35I3.&0. RYE Firm; No. 2 western, 61V4c. f. o. b. ailoat; stato, 6745Sc. c. I. f.. New York, lots. BARLEY Steady; feeding. 60ff52c, c. I. f, nuffnlo: malting. 57fl61o. WHEAT Receipts. 151.150 bu.: exports. 128.C90 bu; Biot, easy; No. 2 red, 80c f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 red, 7,c elevator: No. 1 hard, Djluth, S3Mc f. o. b.. altont. Options were wank und lower nt first, owing to unsatis factory cables, rnlns In the Argentine and locnl unloading. On subsequent demands from shorts, however, Impelled by a Jump In corn and firm outside market, prices rartly recovered, only to drop oft again at hn close.. They wero finally Wc net lower. March, 80Vl4tWc. closed SlUc; May, 79 9-l 6jT4c, closed 79'fo; October clotpd nt ,0c; December, 76TMIIT 6-l8c, closed Tic. CORN Receipts 92,300 bu; exports. 13, tun tin. snot Btendv : No. 2. G2Hc clsvnto: nmt c.5Un f. o. b. ntloat. Options onened easier with wheat and cables, nfter which It turned strong on good western nnd Houthwestern support nnd locnl covering. closed llrm at unchanged prices. Mny, 0.1 ffjtU'.ic. closcil t'i2V4c OATS Receipts, 223,600 bu,: exports. 6,22$; spot llrm; No. 2. RViffUWcj No. 3, 40i; No. 2. white, 43H4f43ia; No. 3. white. I34I3HC; track, mixed, western, uninic: irncK, wnite, 414lM7c; options, irregular, but generally t trail v with corn. HAY Steady; shipping, 04T65c; good to choice. KiflKc. HOPS Steady: Btate. common to choice 1901 crop. 124ilBi4c: 1900 crop. OflOc; P.iclllo const. 1901 crop, l2i15V4c; 1900 crop, Ml He; ISM eron. 6T 11c. HIDES Firm; 20 to 25 lbs., lMUSc; Texas drv. 14Wo. LE ATI I E it Quiet : hemlock sole. Buenos Ayres, light to heavyweights. 2144T -G!.o: Held. 2IUe. PROVISIONS-Bcef. tlrm: hnmn. $20.00 4i 20.50; packet, $11; India mess, $17.o04il9 05. Cut meats, steady: pickled bellies. W5U 11.25; pickled shoulder, $7.75: pickled hams, $10.oo4il0.25. Lard, wenk: western steamed, J9.204ia.25; rellncd, quiet: continent, S9.50; compound. $7.87'4t( Pork, eusler; fam ily, $17.2541 17.50; mess, $15.6045115.00; short Cleitr. $17,604(19.00. HUTTER-Stettdyt crenmerv. ttflaiUc: factory, 12'4iil6o; June creamory. 17'.44J2l'.4c; Imitatlnn creamery, 144 18c. t'llEES" Steady: fancy large, colored. tiii4l9ic: l.nry largo, whltt 9,,44(9)ic; fiinry snutll, colored. loi6KHc; fancy smn I. white. lOlie EGGS Firm: western uncnndled, 10821e; western t'liiH'.ied, .'(io. TALLOW-Steady: city ($2 per pkg.), BHc; country (pkgs. free), 6U15s4c. MOIj.8SES Steady; New Orlean, open WpiiIp u-nofl tn choice. 374i42c. POULTRY, allvo, llrmer; springers, SV4o; turkevs. SlllOc: fowls, &Mc; dressed, easy: springers, 10c; fowls, 9SV4c; turkeys, 10 fiil'p. M ETA LB Tin In tho local market for metals was a simile easier today awing to a lack of buying and the market closed easy In tnno at $24.704i24.85." London Prices were unchanged ut 114 6s for spot nnd ior, l5n for futures. Conner advanced. 7s 64 at London to 65 for spot. 63 15s for futures, while the local market for that metal wan quiet and unchanged on tho basis of $16.&Otfl7.00 for Lake Superior nnd Hit 0fiSiflAnftA4 for casting and clectrolltlc. Lcttd .waa dull and unchanged at borne and dpnrcsslon to nl the opening, .pecember tartirik . Htifl lipen KUUU nil"" II 70Vi 70U 70,i 70U TOW iwfflt 7i)i vswm iU mm 664 38 SflU 35T4 3rt M , 38WV4 37i6 W'.i 3SW M'i I IS 02 13 02 14 t2Vi 1J OVA )5 20 I 15 12(4 15 12V4 13 00 15 00 15 20 8 Ki 8 874 8 80 8 80 8 97H 8 0) 8 91 8 774 8 77V4 8 9714 8 S3 8 87V4 8 72(4 " "-Sb g 8 824 8 02V4 8 "5 8 75 8 92(4 8 33 8 33 8 25 8 25 8 33 7 77W 7 774 7 7214 7 72V4 7 824 7 85 7 S7'l4 7 80 7 824 7 92(4 abroad, closing nt $4. 3714 and 11. 10s, re spectively. Spelter, wns llrmly held at Now York at $I.37V4. while Ixjndon wan un changed at 16, 17s. 6d. Domestic Iron markets ruled featureless, but steady. I'lg Iron warrants, I9.0O&10.5O; No, 1 northern, J15.oOQ16.Oo; No. 2 foundry, southern, J14.0U 15.0o; No. 1 foundry, southern, J14.r 15.50; No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, J14.fJ 11.00. Glasgow Iron warrants closed nt Ws 9d. and Mlddlesboro at 41s 9d. U9IAIIA. AVnOLKSAI.E 3IAHKKT. Condition of Trniln nud anottloa on Staple nnil Fniicy Produce. KaaS Iteeelpts fair; loss off. 16&17C. LIVU 1'OL'LTHY Hens. BQ6c; young nnd old roosters, 4c; tumuys, iitfic; ducks ami gevse. liiio'.nc; spring clilckctis. per id., S4W'ic. . , jJi'TTKIl-Common to fair, 13c; choice dairy, in tubs, l&ylix:; sepaiutor, 2Ju24c. IJti-.UU bltSll iiiaCK DODS, wnn bass, luu: blucllsh, 11c; bullhead?. 10c; blue uns, ic; ounaioes, ic; caiusn, 12c, rau, iiu, truijiilcs. 10c: halibut. 11c: herring. 7c: had- Uot'K, lw; pike, 10c; red snapper, loo; s.n mon. lie: sunllsh. 6c: trout. 100: whltellah, OYSTEIIS-Mcd urns, per can. 22c: Stand ards. Pur can. 25c: extra scUcts. per can, 83c, New York counts, per can, ocl bulk btiinuarue, pel gal.. t..i.'tti..'j; uuik cxiru fcfU'Cts, l.0iai.C6. PIQEONS-Llvc, per doz., 60c. VHAlChoice, 64jac . , HAY Prices miottd bv Omaha WhoIesaU Hay Demera association: Choice uplaud, jtu.uo; No. 2 upland, j'J.ou; medium, H-i course, JS.00. Itye sttuw, JCOiJ. fheso prlcea are lor nay 01 good color una quality, mann, rair. WIIUAI -WC. CPHN-63U. UHAN-J15.5'). OAT8-C5C. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Homo grown und northern, bOll'.'Jc, fiall Luke, jl.Ou; Colorado, $1.00. JSUUJ'lAIM 1 i'cr uoz., 100. CAHHU'fS Per market basket, S5c. 1I1CH1 o I'cr halt-UU. basket. 350. TUHNlPa Per basket, 30c. CUCUMDKHS-llonie grown, per dot.. 10 15c. l'AJisi.tir i'er uoz., zuo. SWEET POTATOLo nomo crown, per .hi, 2c; genuine Virginia, pur bbl., J2.75. CAH11AOE liohanu seed, uralud. IKc. TOMATOES Homo grown. Pur la-lb. bas ket, buc. 11EAN8 Wax. ucr '4-bu. vaskot. 0c: string, per ft-uu. basket. 50c. O.MOiVH Homo Kruwn. per it.. 2Q2V4c: SpanlBti. 'jcr crutu, tl.5o. CKLbllY Kulamazoo, per buneli, 23)33c: Nebraska, per bunch, MxiJoc; Colorado, 40 wavy UKAKH-rer nu., F11U1T8. APPLKS-llen Davis, per bbl., $3.50; wine- ,,,,, UM. j beilelluwers, I'HL.NBS- PKACHKH jutiaiuun, ji.uuiivi.w; snows, vj.m; per box., i.u. ES Utah, jier crate, SOc, ES Cu lfurnla freestone, ner box. $1.00; clings, 85c; Utah freestone, 75c; El bertos, 6-basktil crnte, Jl.3oyi.40. I'jaAiia lienors, ;.ou; vmers, Law rence, OHAl'ES California Tokay, 4-lb. crnte. $2.00; Muscats, 11. Go; Concords, eastern, 20c. ciiAisuismuEB rcr bDi.. u.ii) per cuio, $2.50. guiNClSH Per box, fl.uv. TItOPICAL FHU1TS. OllANOES-Mexlcans, $4.fiO$5.0O. LEMONS Fancy, 3.764.O0. HAN AN AS Per buneli. accoidlne to size. $2.0U4l2.50. ftuss i-aiifornin, new cartons, vsc; im ported, per lb., 12U14C-. CAT EH Persian, In 60-lb. boxes, per lb., &4c; Salrs, Ec. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS New cron walnuts. No. . 1 soft lb.. I2c ; hell, lOHc; shell. i)pr lb.. 13c: nnrd-nhell. ner 1 No. 2 soft-shell. 11c: No. 2 hard-shell llrnzlls, per lb., 13c; filberts, per lb., 13c; ul mouds, Hoft-shell, 17c; hard-shell, 15c; pe cans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c. iiunisi-i'er zi-sectlon cast, j3.Wir3.75. CIDEIt Nehawka, per bbl., $3.25. KAUEHKIIAUT Per H-bbl 3.Wj3.50. HIDES No. 1 green. 7c: No. 2 green. ic; No. 1 salted, 8V4c; No. 2 salted, VAo: No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 124 lbs., 9c, No. 2 veal calf, 12 to la lbs., 7c; dry hides, 8313c; sheep nlw '.KiftiliT, hnrnhtfle 11 Mfii'i i. pelts, St, I.ouls Grain and ProvlNlons. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 2ri.-VHEAT-Lower: No. 2 red cash, elevator, 72?ic: track. 72?ii3 ii',c; ueccmner, i2tc; Aiuy, low, isu. nnrti. itu,c: .o. a naru. limiWAc. CORN Lower: No. 2 cash. 67c: track. 69i4Sj59c; December, 574c; Muy. 594c. oath Higher: xso. 2 ensn. 3c: track. M'Mwic; ueccmoor, mw, aiay, 4uc; .no. 2 white, 39V44J394c ilYK nrm nt &c?i&6Yfcc. FLOUR Firm, with hotter feeling In ox- port trndo; red winter patents, $3,404(3.55; extra fancy and straight. $3.00fT3.15: clear. 9-.w!i.;.:fu. heeds-Timotny. no snot otrercd: nom inally, $5.604J'3.C5; ilax. no market. i I it it' A i N.nn.ii. mi r t i. BRAN Firm: sacked lots' on cast track. 83c. IIAY Weuk on lnrge sunnly: timothy. jli.004 h.uo; prairie, JIU.00413.W). wiilalvx steady, ji.30. IRON COTTONTIES-Qulet, $1.10. HAGOINO-Cttffl7c. TWINE Hemp, 9c. PROVISIONS-Pork. unchanged: Job- til! M 1 .....I. Inn.n n tli:7l Vl... 1,111(9, , 1 lunui i.. 90,11173, Ul J suit meats, quiet, boxed lots, extra shorts and clear nus. jh.bu clear s ties. JS.ST,i. Bacon, ttulet. boxed lots, cxtrn shorts nud clear rlhs, 19.50; clear sides, J9.75. M ETAIv Load, dull nt $.27HiJI.30; spelter, firm at $1.10. POULTRY Firm: chickens. 6V4c: snrlncs. bVc; turiteys, ic; uucks, Dvttic; geese, 'H(oC. iiu u kii ateatiy; creamery, isy23c; dairy, miiuc. ;auH-stendv nt i,c. RECEII'TS Flour. 10.000 bin.! wheat. 63.- wo mi.: corn. 4t.iw du. oats, tz.oou nu. SHIPMENTS-Flour. 9.000 bb s.: wheat. 6i,w) nu.; corn, iu.uw du.; oats, st.vw du. Liverpool tirnln nnil Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 28. WHEAT Snot. stendv: No. 2 red western, winter. 5n9d: No. 1 northern, spring. 5s9Md: No. 1 California. 5. 10V4d. Futures, quiet; Decembor, 6s8)jd; Mnrch. ji im. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, now, 41 lid. Futures, quiet; November. 4s lid: December. 4s HHd: Mnrch. s lnil. t' l.uuu at. i.,ouis inney wmicr, nteatiy, 7s Cd. PROVISIONS Beef, firm: extra India mess, 74s ud. Pork, tlrm: prime mess, west em, 73s bd. Liird, stently; American, re- lined, in pans, hs tut; prlmo western, in tierces. 48s. Hums. Khort cut. II to 16 lbs.. steady. 46s. Bacon, utendy; Cumberland out, 2n to m ins., b9s tii; snort ribs, in to : ibs.. 48s ud: lonir clenr middles, llslit. 9s long clear middles, heavy, !: short ileur hacks, 46s; clear bellies, 14 to Hi lbs., 57s id. Shoulders, Miuare, 11 to 13 lbs., steady, L7a DO. Bl'TlER Steady; finest American. 9; cood. 77w. cheehk uuiet: nncst Amer cnn white. ios: iinesi American coioren. 103. TALLOW Prime c tv. nu et. 2Ss 3d: Alls trullaii. In I.'iii'lon, dull. 2Ps 3i1. im;ah-L'anadiun. nun. cs I'd. HOPS At London (Pacific const), steady. 3 6s4f3 23s. Unnurts or wheat Into Liverpool last week, 56,100 quartem from nil ports, nono from Pacific ports and 17,000 quarters from other ports. imports or corn from Atlantic ports last weei wero quarters. Kit null 1 City firiiln nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 2S.-WHEAT-De. comber. 6kSi6654c: Mny, 701447700: cash, No. 2 hard, 67!i467sic: No. 3, 66Vi4J67c; No. red. 71c: No. 2 spring. 674JGSc. CORN December. 5Si(,c: Mnv. SS'ic: ensh. No. 2 mixed. 694f69V4C: No. 2 white. t3S bu-e: .. J, we. UATS-No. 2 white, 3SJ73S14C UVH-Nn. 2. 56c. HAY-Cholco timothy. $13.004713.50; choles piltllll'. Hii.WVl I.I.W,, m; 1 1 fin creamery, 14Sfl5e. 19c; dilry, fancy, EGOS-Steadv: fresh Missouri and Kan- pas tiioted on 'chnngo 17c dozen, Iosh off, cnsei returneti. Rl'.CEIPTS-Whent. 112,100 bu.; corn, 9S4.400 Im.; oats. 26.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 41.000 bu.; corn, 49.600 bu.; oafs, 12,000 bu. Toledo tirnln nnd Seed. TOLEDO. Oct. 2S.-VHEAT-Dull; cash, Ic: December. 75c: Mav. 7714c. CORN Cash. 68c: December. 57ic: Mav. IV?4U. oa is December, 3c; Jlay, 33p. RYE 6Cc. riy SEEDS Clover, cash nrlme. $4.90473.40: October, $5,3714: December, $5,60; Mnrch, tinioiuy, OIL unchmned. Mllwnukee Grnln Mnrket. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 28. WHEAT Lower; no. . northern, 694j70c; Decem ber, HC. HYE Steady: No. I. &5Hc. BARLEY Firmer: No. 2. 5S!4c: samnle. ,Jti'!lC. 1 cuiwm uecemDcr. teiic. Elgin Butter Market. EIvGIN. 111.. Oct. 25. BUTTER Thn nf. ferlngH nf butter today 'were 12,600 lbs,, and nil wns quickly sold at Sic. The demand was lively nnd the market tlrm nt 22c. The saies 01 me ween aggregated w)7,ooo ibs. Visible Supply or Gruln. NEW Y'ORK. Oct. 28. The vlslhle 'minnlv of 'grain Saturday, October 26, us complied oy me isew iorx I'roauce oxenauge, is ns follows: Wheat. 40.704.000 bu.. nn increute .OX 1,311,000 bu.; corn, 13,C36,OCO bu., an In- crease of 187,000 bu.; oats, 8,217.000 bu., an Increase of 203,000 bu.; rye, l,914,l0 bit., itn Increase of 79,ouo bu.; barley, 2,820,000 bu., an Increase of 234000 bu, I'hllntlrlpliln Protltiep .Itnrltct, PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 2S.-DUTTElt-Flrm, fair demand; fancy western cream ery, 22Wc; fancy nearby prints, 25c. EGOS Firm, fresh nearby and western, 23c; fresh southwestern, 22c, fresh southern, 21c. CHEESE Quiet; New York full creams, fancy small, 10Si1ic; New York full creams, fair to choice, 9fl9',4c .Mlniirntiolln When!, Flour nnil Itrnn. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 2S.-WHKAT-Cash, (&c; December, fxVjc: May, 70Hc; on track, No. 1 hard, "o)i,p: No. 1 northern, CDTc; No. 2 northern, 67T4c. FLOUll-Flrst patents, $3.70iJ3.80; second patents, $3.55?3.fiJ; tlrst clears, $2.,5g2.8o; Becnnd clears, J2.20. UltAN-ltl bulk, $12.75(313.00. Iliilnth Ornln Market. DULUTH. Oct. 28. WH EAT Cash, No. 1 hard. 72c: No. 2 northern, 67Uc: No. 1 northern, C3c; October, 69Hc; December, 67-4c OATS-3fiJ(93CHc. COIIN-6514C I'eortn Market. TKOItlA, Oct. 28, RTUp. -COIlN-Stendy;No. 3, OATS Firm; No. 3 white, 3Sc, billed through. WHISKY On the basis of $1.20 for fin ished goods. MOVUMEXTS IX STOCKS AXO IIOXIJS. Morainn'M Dellliernte Course Ilrpressts Over Mxtiretnnt Operator. NEW YORK, Oct. 28.-No aggressive bull spirit was manifest from tnn outset In today's stock market, nlthouuh there wa4 somp support tor special stocks from time 1 10 lime. Auoiit mniuny an nitemiii wis made to hid up a group of specialties, but tho demand for stocks wns nt a minimum and prices kept sagging to n lower love). The weakness became general at the 1 st and the majority of the nctlvo stocks fell a point or more be!ov Saturday. Thn full In Northwestern was CV4, Delaware & I Lid son 4, St. Paul 3S. Amalgamated Copper Oenernl Elfctrlc nnd Colorado Fuel 3, New York Central 2K. Union Pnclllc '-"i. Missouri Pacific, Northern Pnclllc pre ferred. Ilaltlmorc & Ohio. TennefHec Coil and Heading prcferretl 2. The taking of bear protltH by tho room miners cause-l only feeble rallies nnd the close was weak at about the lowest. undoubted y tho hardening tendency r,r the money market and the prospect of gold shipments to Parts this week prompted me specuiniivu liquidation. The clouds of uncertnlntv which hnvo gathered again over the Northern Pnclllc settlement seemed to gather gloom In tho speculative mind after Mr. Morgan had arrived at his olllce nnd no Instantaneous stntement of a settlement wuh given out. I no renewed weakness of Amalgamate.! Copper was also nn unsettling iulluonce. mo selling 01 mis siock nnti 01 augnr was heavy for Hoston nucouut. Call loans roto todny to 4 pet cent. Foreign exchnuge con tinued llrm. In thn domestic money rale a renewed activity of money nt western points was reported nnd New York ex chnnge nt Chicago dropped back to 25c discount, while shipments to New Orleans from nere continue. Tho rnllraad bond mnrket was Inlluenccd somewhat by the weakness In stocks, but chnnges wero not Impnrtnnt. Totnl snlei, par value, .',iw,tw. uuiicu mates bonus were all unchanged on the Inst call. Tno commercial Advertisers London tlnnnclal cablegram says: The stock mar ket wns heavy today. American stocks wurn becalmed, dropping finally on small New York sales. Rio tlntos Jumped to 47Ji on American orders. Tho price of gold has recoverod to Tis niu on tnc scarcity of supplies. Berlin exchango Is 20 nnd Paris Th fnllnwlnir arc the closlmr rjrlces on tho Now Y'ork Stock exchange: . Atchison .. 77'iSt, Paul pfd.... Pacific 190 do pfd. .. 9Vk So, n. & o.. 104 So. Railway 314 86 do nfd. 91 do nfd. ...7.. Canndlan .109 Tex. & Paclllc... . 82 iTcl., St. L. & W . 41' do nfd 38i Canada Si 2014 Ches. & Ohio.. , 31 Chicago & A.... 35 Union Pacinc, 99H , 8S-4 , 194 do pfd 77 I do pfd Chi., Ind. & L.. do pfd Chlcngo O. W... iu wnnnsn 71 do pfd 24!Wheol. & L. E. 88 do 2d pfd 487i'WlH. Central.... 1714 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd...... 2)i .. i'O'.ti .. 40 Chi. & N. W.... Chi., R. I. & P.. Chi. Ter. & Tr.. 205 I do pfd 142 Adams Ex..., 20 American Ex , 26i U. S. Ex ..1N ..190 do pfd 90 r. a. C. & St. L. 6t We Is-Fnrgo Ex. 160 Colorado So 13a. Amal. Copper.... 8374 do 1st prtt ww Amcr. car a: tr, do 2d pfd 23 do pfd 79 Del. & Hudson. ..16S Amcr. Lin. Oil Hi 47 Del.. L. & W ...231 do nfd... Denver t it. G.. 434'Amer. S. & R 42 95 do pfd ... 904'" do nfd. Erlo .... 40 Anac. Mill. Co.. ....69 Brooklyn R. T.. .... 65 Colo. Fuel & I.. ....192 Con. Gas 34H 60 dq 1st prtt. 'do 2d pfd. 91-i Gt. Nor. pfd ...ill Hocking V ,'alley.. 61'Con. Tub. pfd ..111 ..2544 ilif nfd... 75'Gen. Electric Illinois Central. .146 Glucoso Sugur... .. 39 Iowa Central 40 llocklng Coal... Inter. Paper .. 14 do nfd 11 .. 19 .. 7514 Lake Erlo & W. 63 do pfd do pfd .125 .1024 .i2oy4 .15514 ) Intor. Power ... . 89 . is L. & N .... Laclcdo Gas Manlvtttan li.. Nat. Biscuit.... Met. St. Ry.... Mex. Central... Mex. Nntlonal.. National Lead... Nntlonal Salt.... . 31 . 61 . 93 . 60 . 43 . 1314 do nfd Minn. i t. Li... ,.109 .. 96 No. American .. P.iclnc Coast.... Mo. Pacific M. K. & T Pac uc Ma do nfd ,. 43 .166 People's Gas Pressed S. Car. .1031J N. J. Central . ,.156i' .. 65 X. Y. central.. do pfd Norfolk & W.. Pullman T Car.21D do pfd Republic Steel 14 No. Pacific nfd ..100 ,. 3!ft. do pfd , 6 Ontnrlo & w.. Sugar Tenn. Con! & I. ,11714 , 5914 Pennsylvania Reading .. 41k Union Bag & P. tlo pfd U. S. Leather... tlo pfd U. S. Rubber ... tlo pfd U. S. Steel , ii'.4 do 1st prd do 2d pfd .. 76 , 70 , 11T4 , 79J4 St. L. & S. F.. 04 do 1st prtl do 2d pfd 76 IWV. , 49 St, Louis S. W. 26 .V?4 . 41 do pfd. tlo pfd 90 St. Paul. ...167T Western Union. London Stock lluti tilt tons. LONDON, Oct. 2S.-2 p. m.-ClosIng: Consols, money.. 91th N. Y. Central ..1621 tlo nccounii..i in-""' iori"iiv .., Anaconda "U do pfd......... Atchison Nil N. Partflc pfd . . 57Ki .. 9! .103! do pfd 'jjVaUinnrio a: ... Ba'.tlmoni & O...Ws Pennsylvania .. . ajvi . 1,1: . 21? Canndlan Phc....113 Reading Ches. & unit Hii4 no. itauwuy ... Chlcngo G. W.... '-'5il do Pfd.. - ai St. P...175USO. Pac I c . 3.114 . 89k . Gl'I .lli . 91 Denver & R. G.. 451'j Union Paclllc do pfd 0,l'do P'd"; v.r 42 U. S. Steel 43U tlo 1st pfft i no pia yi do 2d pfd 67 AVabnsh 20 Illinois Central. .142 No ptti.. 37 I,. & N 10MJ Spanish 4s (B3t SI.. K. & T 20T Hand Mines 10 tlo pfd ui'.s ueueero "SILVER-Bar, steady. 26 7-18. MONEY" 2472 per cent. Tho rnto of dis count In tho open market for snort bins Is 34(3 per ccntr for three months' hills, SiiS'.i per cent. Huston Stork Quotation. BOSTON, Oct. loans. 2S Call loans, 34jl per cent. 3474 per Olllctnl cent; tlmo riosiuj.': A.. T. & S. v.... 77 ; West End 93 tlo pfd i'-vs Wcstlngh. Eloc. Amer. Sugur 11714 N. E. G. & C, , 6s. 61 21 Amerlcun Tti....ias Boston & A 256 Boston Elevated. 16, Boston & Mo 193 Dominion Coal... 4574 tdventuro Ring. Mln. Co.. 29 Amal. Copper.. Atlantic Cul. & Hecln... . 83r4 . 35 ,667 ,. 15 do pfd , ..117?4 Centennial U. 8. Steel , do pfd Vlichhurtr nfd. .. 41 .. 90! Franklin Humboldt ,. 16 ,, m ,. 96 36 ,.155 .. 4 ,.2S7 ,. 21V. ..144 Osceola Onncrnl Electrlc.254 Parrot Qulncy Sunta Fo Con., Mex. Central 21 N. K. 11. & C... 6 Old Colony 206 Tamarack Old Dominion.... 25VV Utah Mining... Winona Wolverines Rubber 141 99 Si .. 2 ,. 67 Union Pnclnc... Union Land 2 Xeir York Mining notations. NEW YORK. Oct. 2? The following aro the closing prices on mining siocks; Adams Con 20 a:ico 40 Ilreere ..100 Llttlo Chief Ontnrlo Ophlr Phoenix Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada. Small Hopes ,,, Standard .. 12 ,1030 ,. 80 ,. 6 .. 8 .. 7 .. 14 .. 40 ,.3S3 RrunswicK con.. 1 Comstock Tun... li Con. Cul & Va.,170 Dead wood Ter... 65 Horn Silver 190 Iron Silver 6n Lendvllto Con.... 6 ForelRii I'lnnnelnl. LONDON. Oct. tS. Americans wore Ir- reculnr and an Improving: tendency. Thev continued stendv nnd Inactive and closed quiet, oeiow me pesi pricu 01 ine lav. On thn street Americans weakend. uoia premiums ore uuoiea as iuhuwi. nuenns Ayres, 132,fiO; Madrid, 42.32: Lisbon. 35,75; Home, 2.70. silver' closed llrm nt 2SM per ounce. The Stock exchange will close on Friday, November 1, nnd Saturday, November 9. PAIUS. Oct 2 Itujlness on the bourso today opened hesitating. Later thero was a general improvement, except In Turks, which were freely offered nt the close. Parquet stocks toward tho end of the day were firm. Suez Canal wns In great de mand. Thomson-Houston nnd Sosnovlco sharply recovered. Metropolitans were maintained. Itio tlntos were In good de mand on the advance In copper. Three per cent rentes, loflf 45c for the nccount. Ex change on london I5f 9c for checks. Span ish 4s, 6-U.2H. HEIILIN, Oct. 28,-Prlccs on the bourso today wero Irregular. Internatlonnls were quiet, Americans were nctlvo and Canndlan Paclllcs hardened 011 option buying. Mines relnpsed. owing to unencouroglng reports from the miiiiiiriipturlnir districts. Ex change on Ignition, 20m 38V5pfgs for checks. Discount rates for nhnrt urns, i'4 per cent; for threo months' hills. 2; i per cent. Xcw York Money Market. NEW YOIHC, Oct. 2S.-MONEY-6n call, steady at 3V4TH per cent; last loan, 3'4 per cent; primo mercantile paper,' Wa lr cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with nc tual business In bankers' bills at $l.86Tfi for demand and $4.834y4.83n for sixty dnys; posted rates, $4.M14Q4.S5 and $1.87; com mercial bills, $I.S3;4, H!LVER-Unr, 5iUc; Mexican dollars, 45'lc liONDS Government, steady; state, Iru nctlvo; railroad, easier. Tho closing quotations on bonds aro as lollows: U. S. ref. 2s, rcg.l0SV4 L. & N. mil. 4s..l014 do coupon .....I0SV4 Mex. Ccn. 4s 83Vj do 3s. reg 107 do 1st Inc So do coupon 10SV4M. & St. L. 4s. ...103 do new 4s, reg.lJS M., K. & T. 4s... 99i do coupon 133 do 2ds 79H do old 4s, reg..lll'i N. Y. Central ls.lOu-V do coupon 111)4 do gen. 3H....10S do Cs, reg 10iU K. J. t). g. 5s...,120?4 do coupon 107(4 No, Pnclllc 4s... ,1011s iVtch. gen. 4s liM(i do 3s 73' do ntlj. 4s 97 N. & w. c. 4S... .wzyk Dal. & O. 4s 102U Rending gen. 4s.. 97 do 34s 9h S L A: I M c. US..113V4 do couv. 4s .107 fit. L. & S. F 4s. 97 Can. So. 2s Ccn. of Ga. 5s., ..101U St. L. S. W. Is.. 0$ 79V4 87 .,10Vi do 2s .. 71 S. A. & A. P. 4s. do 1st Inc...., nl,.... jt! 0 .1u.11 .107'ilSo. Pacific 4s.. 113 Chi. & A. 3V4s.... SoLlSo. Railway 6s...ll94 C, B. & Q. n. 4s. 9S Tex. & Pnc. Is... 119 C. M & St P g 4s.ll0ii T. St L & W 4s.. SI C. .v: s. w. c. Ts.isa union I'aciuc is.'.iw4 C. It. I. & P. 4s..luti: do conv. 4s 107'.4 I'CCftSLg 4S.10I .Wabash Is 120 Chicago Tor. is.. yji' tit) ;s no',4 Colorado 80. 4s.. !S,1 do deb. II 67, D. & R. G. Is....l02i West Slioro 4s.. .112)4 Erlo prior I. 4s.. 9S. W. & L. E. 4s.... CO. no general 4S... stv4 is. t-enirai s.. m F. W. l. C. 18.10,)i Con. Tob. 4s. 43 llock. vol. 4V4S...107 flank Clearings. NEW YORK. Oct. 28.-Clearlngs. $138- 170.912: balances. $10,957,372: New York ex change, 25c discount. CHICAGO. Oct. 2S. Clearings. I27.513.66i: balances, $2,614,693; posted exchange, $4,854 4.87. BOSTON. Oct. 2S.-ClcarlIlKS. $18,271,658 balances, $1,575,795, BALTIMORE. Oct. 28. Clearings. J2.857,- 311; l alnnres, $534,327. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 28. Clearings, $14,700,631; balances, $3,863,183. ST. LOUIS. Oct. :s. Clearings, ji.twi.iiix; bnlanccs, $S,308; money, steady, 64J6 per cent: Now York exchange. 40o discount. CINCINNATI. Oct. 2S. Monoy. 44J6 per cent; New York exchange, par bid; clear ings. 3.Ma, iT. IOUIS, Oct. 2S. Bank clearings, 658.612: balances. $886,308: exchango on Now Y'ork, 40c discount. Cotton Mnrket. NEW YORK. Oct. 2S. COTTON-Spot Rio, firm: No. 7 invoice, 6ic; mild, nulct; Cordova. 7fllc. Final prices of futures were 154126 points net higher, with tho undertone stently. Tho nays business was t. . cn-.A V. .. I .... 1 . I lieiivy. uiuiiuuiiiiK iu im.iiai uti(.n, iiin.u Ing November at a3.Vf0.40c: December, ii.404i.5Oc; Janunry, 6.5T4J6.66c: March, 6.7&C: i! SOc; May, 0.904T7r: June, 7.10c; July, 7.604 7.r.5e! Spntemher. 7.15c. ST. LOUIS. UCl. ai. COTTUIN 1-16C lower: sales. 25 hales; middling. 7 13-lOc; receipts, K.529 bales; shipments, 6,317 bales; Mock, .H.tM naies, NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 28.-COTTON Runt, stendv: sales. 5.300 balen: ordlnnry. 6 ll-lfic; good ordinary, Gc; low middling, 7 3-lOc; middling. 7?4c; good middling, 7J4c; middling fair, h'.ic;- receipts, w.oii naies; stock, 174,001 balds... Futures, steady; Oc tober. 7.6l4i7.56c : November, 7.64417.57c; De cember. 7.1407.45c;' January. 7.4207.43c; Feb ruary, 7.43c; Mnrch, 7.40c; April, 7.ssc; May, 7.384 7.39c. LIVERPOOL, uct. as. CUI-lO.N Hpoi, limited demand: prices, lower; American middling fair, 4 29-32d; good middling. 4 3-32d; middling, 4d; low middling, 4d; good ordlnnry, 4H1; ordlnnry, 4d; sales, 5,000 bales, of which 500 wuro for specula tion und export nnd Included 4,400 Amer ican:' receipts. 16,000 bales. Including 12,900 American. ,, Futures opened quiet nnd closed ensy. GALVESTON, Oct. 2S.-COTTON-Steady, 7.154?7.1Gc. Sngnr Market. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 23.-SUaAR Steady; good demand; new centrifugal, white, 44HHC! yellow, 3 13.1R4;t-IV4c. Mo lasses. In good demand; open kettle, 82c; centrifugal. 64?13c. NEW YORK. Oct. 2S.-SUGAR-Raw, steady; fair refining, 3 6-16c; centrifugal, 95 test, 3 13-16c, Molasses sugar, 3 l-10c; refined, steady, No. 6, 4.55c; No. 7, 4.45c; No. 9. 4.30c; No. 10. 4.15c; No. 11. 4.20c; No. 12. 4.20c; No. 13, 4.10c: No. 14, 4.10c; confec tlonera' A. 4.90c; moiild A. 4.50c; cut loaf, 4.60c; crushed, 6.60c; powdered, 6.20c; gran ulated, 6.15c. Oil and Itosln. OIL CITY, Oct. 2S.-Crcdlt balances. $1.S0; certificates, no bids or offers; shipments, 21J.I19 bbls.; average, 101,069 bbls.; runs, 102.26S bbls.; average. 80,221 bbls. LONDON, Oct. 2S.-Q1L Calcutta Un seed, spot. 57s; linseed oil, 32s 9d. SAVANNAH. Oct. 23. Spirits, firm, 3c; turpentine. So" 47360. NEW YORK, Oct. 28. Tallow, steady, 5o: country, SS'Ue. Cottonseed oil, quiet; prlmo yellow. 3814c Rosin, steady; strained, common, 45c. Turpentine, quiet, 383C9c. i; vnpornteil Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. Oct. 28. EVAPORATED APPLES While not exhibiting much ac tivity, tho local market for evaporated ap ples holds llrm, owing to the scarcity of otTorlnes. State, common to good, 64J8c; prime, ,Nv.e; tnoice, no; mncy, y!tisc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRt'lT-Dufl. but about steady nt old prices. Prunes. 3'14?7p. Apricots, iioyai, s'moi.c; moor ram, tip 12c. Peaches, peeled, H'o'lSc; unpeeled, 64 7c. jierv York Drr Good Mnrket. NEW YORK. Oct. 28. DRY OOODS- Prlnt cloths ndvanced another 1-lflc to 3c fnr reimlnrs on nurchases by Borden. An advance' of !4c In several different Unco of prints was noted, iirown cottons una conrso colored cottons are qulto tlrm. Some Improvement in ticmnnti for nicacnoa cot tons. Ginghams scarce In nil leading lines. Whlto goods well sold for next spring. Wool Mnrket. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 2S. WOOL Very quiet, ivitii nnlv alleht dpmnnd: medium erodes. I44il7c: light line, 124M4c; heavy fine, 0V& llc; tub washed. 204T24c. PEXSIOXS l'OIl WESTERN VETEItANS, Wnr Survivors Remembered Hjr the r; t-iie nil Government, WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. (Special.) The following westorn pensions have been grnntcd; Issuo of October 10: lown: Original Chall-iiy Thomas, Dcs Moines, $8. Increase, restoration, reissue, etc. Joseph lleattle, Mt. Pleasant, $12; Orvll M. Rohblns, Correctlonvllle, $10; John King, Red Oak. $12: Freeman A. Lowell, Dayton, $14: Alfred Lewis, Swedeshurg, $S; George H. Ervln, Seymour, $S; Andrew J. Reeves, Fnlrport, $10: Newton Heath, Lc roy, $1. Original widows, etc. Polly E. Tower, Wnucoma, $8; Jnno Brlley. Gilbert Station. $8. Original widows (special ac crued October 12) Sarah Clark, Le Mars, $S- Roxcy Norrls, Ottunwa, $S. South Dakota: Orlg!naI-(Var with Rimini. John McKeon. Sioux Fnlls. 16. Increuse, restoration, reissue, etc. Thomas M. U'lffen. Hot Snr ncs. J12: Char es W Ford. Cavour, $8; (special accrued October 12i. Oliver Bailey, Madison, $30. Original widows, ett. (Special accrued October 12), Emma S. Sharon. Tyndnll. $8. Colorado: Orlglnnl-(War with Spain), Hoy N. Selph, Alamosa. $6. Increase res torntlon, reissue, etc. Wiley S. Jenkins, Denver, $10. l.iidy Bunnell (ietH Absolute Divorce. LONDON, Oct. 28. The decree of divorce granted Lady Russell from Karl Russell March 28 last on the ground of tbo carl's bigamy with Mrs. Somerville was today made absolute, no opposition to Lady Rus sell's application being presenter' OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET cef Oattls ttrtif md Aotite, bit Ftdtn ' Blow tnd Weak. HOGS SOLD A BIG DIME LOWER Today' Hun of Sheep nnd Lnmtia Broke All Previous Itevordu nt This Point by Over Two Tuuiisund Head ActUe nnd Strung, SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 2S. Receipts weru: Cuttle. Hoes. Sheep. Otllcial Monday t,uil 4.44J lj.vS sumu day last week b,u7s 3,'jjl 2,'i'n bumu week before 7,'Jo'J 2,i9J 13,.'io aamo three weeKs ago... 4,21 4,4i Il.i'.O bamu lour WCeKS ugu.... i,ui6 2,40 l'j,5,3 sumo day last year 4,i40 -,of ,10i Avcrugo urlccs paid fur hoes at Sou ill Omaha 1110 past buvcrui days, with com paiisuus: Date. I 1901. lD00.1899.1898.il897.183C.1895. Oct. uct. 1... 2... 3... I 6 73 I 5 13 I 3 71 3 85 2 94 3 9i I b 03 Ul 0 111 4 39 I J 7i 3 It 1 3 93 Uct. 3 0o 1 2 9i a 3 bl 3 73 j 3 i'j UCt. 4.... b.... 6.... 7.... 8.... 9.... 10... 11... 12... 13... 11... lu.i. 16... li... U uiui a 2Ui 4 31 uct. Oct. UCt. u u.), u it,, 4 ol .1 ui J il 2 93 16 1114 34 3 631 3 741 3 04 3 6 4914 i 4 3j 3 W) i t a !M 3 84 Oct. U Ai-.l U W) - I U 1191 O J.I J it) o 01 C 13 I & C2l 4 351 I 3 5J 3 131 3 80 6 H?. 4 92 4 33 3 Oil 3 lt 3 81 6 la I 4 UJ 4 31i 3 oi 3 5! I 3 79 6 20141 4 W 4 23 3 56 3 26 3 18 3 .7 ! 4 9Jj 4 2J 3 69 66 3 30 r. :s?;i j 4 24 3 wi 3 &i 3 321 3 7! U IS ft I 4 X-' I 3 W 3 bl 3 iu, i Hi a if"! .... J ... .' 'I fc'i, 'I 'Hti 1 ?il Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. uct. UOt. Uct. V mm I 1 1.1 mVl I Wl " uct. Oct. 6 4 01 4 lb ?. 21 3 23 3 70 IS... 6 2i U .S 1 4 62 4 10 a bi 3 64 I 3 uct. UCt. Oct. Uct. UCt. Oct. i'J.. 20.. 21.. 22.., 23.. 24... 2o., 26.. 27.. 4 ul 4 15 4 61 4 13 3 i,l, 3 71 3 63 3 lull 3 6 3 14 6s 3 64 3 62 3 271 b 2em 3 '.3 3 62 3 25; 3 &J 3 26i 3 ,9 3 2j 3 53 I 3 51 3 26, 3 48 3 1 3 12 3 44 C tXI'.i 4 62 3 65 3 63 I & Wi, 4 61 4 16 3 631 6 01 4 511 4 141 3 06I UCt. 6 toy, 6 00 t 1 4o 4 58 I u4 4 131 3 bS 3 46 uct. Oct. UCt. 4 la 3 oil 3 41 4 10 3 47 3 38 4 10 3 6.' 3 42, 5 S9?i Indicate Sunday. Tho oiltclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. ll'scs. c, u. & st. P. uy.... O. & St. L. Ry Union Pac. System..... C. & N. W. Ry F., E. & M. V. R. It... C, St. P., M. & O. Ry... B Ac M. It. R. 11. C, B. & Q. Ry K. C. & SL J C, It. I. & P., cust C, R. I. & P., weJt Illinois Central Total receipts 10 .... 1 .... 60 4 28 3 11 .... 36 6 21 13 1 100 10 22 4 5 1 8 2 12 .... 13 1 . 1 .... "228 63 73 Tho disposition of tho day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tho number of head indicated: ' Cattlo. Hoes. Sh'p Omaha Packing Co 210 636 995 G. 11. Hammond Co 474 Swift and Coninuny 789 1.086 333 Cudahy Packing Co 691 1.3U4 3,lb3 Armour &. Co 704 l.-'l, W4 It. Becker & Dcgun 436 Vansant & Co 41 J. L. Carey 179 Lobmnn & Co 149 W, I. Stephen 396 Benton & Underwood Ill Livingstone & Schallur 85 Dennis & Co.... 39 .... ... B. F. Hobblck & Hamilton & R 338 L. F. Hubs 109 Wolf & M 43 Other buyers 906 .... 14,81: Total , 5,728 4,273 19.70J CATTLE There was a fairly liberal run or cnino today, but me ucmnuu was luuy etiual to tho sunnly. und us a. result a good, active, strong murKot was experienced on most lines. Packers were tho moro liberal buyers today, us tho bud weather Injured the trado In feeders. Packers seemed anxious for cornfod steers this morning, and as thero weru on.y a few tn the yards they paid strong prices for them. In n irood many casus sales were made that looked fully a tllmo higher than tho same kind sold tor last ween. 11 wus a good, actlve.markct, nnd everything at all desirable wus out 01 tlrst nanus 111 good season. ino cow mariict was .aiso acuvo nnu strong. Packers evidently had liberal orders, so that tho offerings changed hands rapidly ana mere were it goou many .n stances of where sales weru made fully a dime metier than last weem rno com moner kinds wero not as ready sellers and probably brought no more tnan steady prices. Bulls, calves und stags met with rendy sale this morning nt Just about last week's quotations. A good many siocKers ana rocucrs wero included in tho receipts this morning, nnd owlnir to tho rainy weather trado was rather slow. Speculators wero cautious about loading up too heavily for fear that tho bad weather would keep buyers ut homo. Homo of tho choicer cattlo sold Just about steady, heavy feeders being in tho best demand, tho same as usual. Tho com moncr kinds wero neglected, nnd In most cases were a llttlo lower thun nt tho close of last week. Thoro was a. good, strong demand today for ranee steers Kood enough for killers. The market could safely bo quoted strong to a dlmo higher than last week. Good cows also sold nt strong prices nnd In seme cases wero a little higher. Stackers und feeders sold steady to a shade lower. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. A v. Pr. No. 16 1011 4 13 3 1 1 1000 6 00 "14 22 1138 6 35 67 1 18 1233 5 S3 34 1 4 1370 6 00 COWS. 4 1012 2 00 1 : 1 610 2 00 6 IS 941 2 00 8 : 4 870 2 23 3 : 2 1045 2 35 1 : 1 1100 2 50 1 2 930 2 GO 23 : 6 1018 2 65 HEIFERS. 6 693 2 73 1 2 900 2 75 1 1 710 2 75 BULLS. 1 970 2 30 1 : 1 1130 2 35 1 : 2 1040 2 50 1 : CALVES. 4 162 5 00 4 STOCK CALVES. Av, Pr. 4 20 4 20 6 40 5 75 1330 1116 1176 1160 2 75 2 85 3 00 3 00 3 25 3 50 3 60 898 1037 1032 1060 1310 740 910 3 00 3 60 2 85 3 15 3 25 1120 150 5 00 250 3 00 120 412 3 90 331 3 90 1 370 4 23 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 473 3 25 "'sfoCKERS AND FEEDERS. 874 2 60 4 655 3 25 690 3 00 28 871 3 25 600 3 00 13 620 3 43 742 3 15 14 1000 3 75 10.. NEBRASKA. 1 COW 1 cow 2 cows 1170 3 00 1 COW 920 2 35 2 40 2 60 2 jj 2 60 4 00 2 25 3 40 2 75 2 90 2 15 2 15 2 15 3 05 2 75 1 75 2 70 3 03 3 (6 2 00 3 25 900 , 9S5 . 741 1110 , 975 , 760 860 . 621 1 90 2 60 1 75 1 75 2 10 2 35 1 50 2 95 2 25 2 35 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 70 2 70 1 75 2 70 3 40 3 05 3 45 2 85 2 cows 1150 1 COW 1170 1 heifer.. ..720 1 helfcr.... 700 1 calf 250 1 hull 1050 16 feeders.. 891 20 cows 1 bull 2 COW3 2 cows 1 cow 33 heifers.. 1 feeder... 910 3 heifers.. 730 13 cows. 946 cows 1C0O 45 COWS 832 21 cows 820 22 COWS 8S6 II cows 767 1 COW 730 20 cows 9S 14 cows 745 2 cows 735 63 feeders.. Mil 36 cows 978 1 steer..... 90) 7 calves. ,, 322 6 calves,,, 211 23 feeders,. 10iW 2 feeders.. 935 15 cows 20 cows., ., 777 781 77fl 856 805 791 936 630 989 614 611 17 cows...,, 29 cows cows 28 cows 3 cows 20 feeders,, 25 cows 22 feeders,, 35 heifers.. i m 10 feeders. 828 3 20 3 90 14 feeders.. 1122 2 85 MONTANA. 1 bull..., ,1320 1 75 1 cow 1110 2 70 .1192 3 20 J. M. Edwards Mont, 13 cows.. 14 feeders.. 1061 3 75 W. M. Gordon Mont. 8 cows... 1 cow... 11S1 3 73 1 cow 1240 2 70 G. A. Dover Mont. 930 2 70 4 cows 1120 2 70 W. J. Kelloy-Wyo. 1255 5 00 70 steers.. Ware Costln Cattle Co. Nob. il bulls 1263 2 15 45 bulls 1256 2 15 10 bulls 1295 1 75 , O. E. Prlchard-Neb. 23 feeders.. 996 3 35 M. C. Fox Iduho. 2 cows., 2 bulls., 2 cows., 505 1 25 10 feeders.. 605 615 3 00 19 feeders.. 731 7C0 2 60 4 cows 750 A. W. Keller-Neb. 3 40 2 80 2 S5 52 feeders.. 918 3 00 James McMillan Neb. 27 feeders.. 1065 3 1 5 1 feeder... 10X0 14 feeders.. 938 3 15 1 feeder... S70 Dodge & R.-Neb. 7 feeders., 905 3 CO 1 cnlf 560 14 feeders.. 812 3 30 II, C. Merrlman-Neb. 6 helfert,... 800 3 15 38 feeders., 567 1 calf 180 4 10 2 feeders.. &00 15 cows 873 2 70 6 cows S6S 2 cows 963 2 00 1 cow 830 J. A. Dawes Mont. 1 steer 1130 3 26 11 cows 1063 1 steer U7U 3 86 6 cows 1030 3 15 2 59 4 15 4 10 .1 50 2 70 2 70 3 20 1 75 .1 85 Zi 4 40 4 40 4 40 3 75 3 25 3 cowa.....UU 1 cow Jia 1 ht(fhr.... JM 7 feeders., U5i 11 feeders. .1071 2 feeders.. 1114 3 75 2 70 J eJ 3 '5 3 75 3 25 4 40 Joo smith-Mont. 75 bull 1420 1 Soonr Bros Mont, steers.. ..1277 130 1 cow 11(0 3 50 steer 1410 4 SO 1 cow 1000 3 60 steers.. ..1218 30 2 steers.. ..1200 3 70 steer 1210 3 70 1 steer 1210 3 70 sttcr 1320 3 7(i 1 steer... .,1230 3 70 steer 1340 3 70 M. Ferguson S. D. feeders.. 1150 3 70 Atant Bros.S. D. cows 690 1 60 3 COWS 926 2 00 cows 1130 3 00 2 cows 560 2 50 bull 1110 2 25 John Lemlng S. D. 10 cows 1013 2 75 COLORADO. 3 cows 1040 2 73 23 COWS 1041 3 45 28 COWS 913 3 50 100 COWS WS 3 1.1 COWS 1071 3 60 1 COW 110O , 1J 118 feeders. 716 3 70 j. v. steiier iseo. 3 cows 916 1 75 8 cows 860 2 60 33 cows 100." 2 9." . J. R. i hoinn isoo. feeders. .1007 3 ( 44 feeders.. 1067 3 90 W. L. Tlllotson-Wyo. 1 steer 1010 t oo 36 steers. ...1223 4 75 9 steers.. ..1217 4 75 ltoscoo Kecnc s. u. feeder.. .1100 3 70 23 steers.. ..1092 4 2a feeders.. 1092 3 70 llnnSTliurn uurn more hous on Sltlo to ll ay than Is generally tho case the first day . I. n . 1 . 4 ,n.,lfn,a fl fll Ul UIU I.VI'IV, All Ulilii iiiiiinvia ' , quoted lower und ns a result ptlccs nt this noini n so iook a t ron. I'licKern sinricu hi hldiltliir IIIHt about n dime lower 1111(1 tllO first sains wero mostly at $3.90. Before many loads changed hands, however, pack ers wero orfcrliig only j.87 nnd jo.yu nnu ns sellers wern holdlnc for thn morning bids tho mnrket wus very slow nnd It wns n little nun nernrn too duik wns tiisposcu oi The s tuatlon did not Improve ns mo morning advanced and consequently sell ers had to tako ,$3.87 nnd J.i.90. Those prices caught the built of nil tho sales, tnnnen nt.tno nr inn enoiecr innns went from S5.021& to IC.1C Althouch the market was r.ot very nctlvo nt nny time practically everything wan out of first hands in rea- onau y goou season, mo cioso peine wiy 12c lower than Saturdays general mar' koi. Keprescniau No. Av. Kh. Pi. StOC!S...-1104 steer low steer 1630 steer..., .1270 steers... .1170 feeders,. 1HI stag 1280 steers.. ..133.8 No. Av. Hit. Pr. 75 316 ... 6 90 75 237 40 5 90 UC 203 40 5 91 60 243 160 6 90 57 281 160 6 90 67 238 1 60 5 90 53 321 210 5 90 SI 241 240 6 90 57 239 ... 5 90 80 228 ... 6 90 02 260 80 ft 90 60 331 ... 5 90 CO 229 40 R 90 63 273 80 6 90 81 208 ... 6 90 26 218 160 5 90 CS 239 80 5 90 67 240 1 60 5 90 74 252 160 5 90 63 263 SO 5 90 63 287 ... ft 90 61 233 ... 5 90 73 270 200 6 DO 6S 26S 80 6 90 (V) 278 SO 5 90 34 263 ... 5 90 61 272 120 6 90 00 226 280 5 90 70 243 80 B 92 69 211 40 5 92 60 280 40 5 92 35 250 ... 6 00 43 221 ... 0 03 43 210 ... G 10 14 78 6 25 6 35 5 70 10 155 ..301 ..332 ..236 ..217 320 80 5 72 6 83 5 83 5 8714 3 87 5 87) 5 6 87 6 8714 5 87 5 87 6 87 5 87 6 S7 87 5 87(4 5 87 5 87 6 87 C 87 6 S7 6 87 6 87 5 87 6 87 5 87 6 87 6 87 5 87 6 90 6 90 5 90 120 19 316 .321 .269 40 310 160 200 120 80 200 120 160 210 68 296 .239 53.....3u9 ..207 61 283 235 61 296 66 306 242 .232 .193 63. 66 294 49 239 ...290 200 40 200 80 40 120 320 80 40 'so 80 63 281 1.. ...296 ...230 ...288 ...302 0.. 69.. 64.. 1.. 272 69.. 93.. 66.. ..290 ..199 ..30'J ..197 ..237 it.. 66.. .224 200 5 90 SHEEP The receipts of sheen nnd lambs at this point today liroko nil previous rec ords. Up to this tlmo the record wuh held by Otcobcr 10, 1900, whon 17.682 head arrived. Today, ho we vet, tho supply oxcoeded that by over 2,000 head, as thero wero 19,865 head on saie. ' It was evident, thnuirh. from tho wnv both packers and feeder buyers acted that there were none too mnnv to meet tho de mand. Packers stnrtcd In early nnd bought up the tiiecp nt prices rnnglng Btrong to a tllmo higher than the close of last week. n somo cases wethers and yearlings sold moro than a dlmo hither. Thero no strictly choice lnmbs In tho ynrds. but thoso that wero offered sold nt fully steady prices. I'eeder buyers wero also anxious for sup plies so that sellei1. had little difficulty In disposing of what they hnd nt very satis factory prices, in spue oi tno ract. men, that tills wns tho biggest day tn tho his tory of thw yards, bo fnr as receipts aro concerned, the demand was fully equal to hu sunnly and trndo ruled nctlvo. with the tendency of prices upward. Quotations: Choice ' yearlings, $3.30413.60; fair to cood. $3.154ii3.30:. choice wethers. $3.204?3.33; fair to good wethers, $3,0043.20; noice ewes, i.,u(UJijo; rair to good ewes, i 254(2.73: choice spring lnmbs. J4.234XI.60: fair to good spring Iambi, $l.004j4.25; feeder wethers. J2.9CW3.23 : feeder lambs. JS.GOSM.OO. Representative Hales; No. Av. Pr. 4 nntlvo ewes 135 $2 60 fi native owes 122 2 75 101 nntlvo lnmbs 90 4 40 11 nntlvo ewon nnd wethers.... 84 3 10 ,093 feeder nmbs 51 4 (O 19 South Dakota wethers 116 3 40 33 South Dakota wethers 116 3 40 feeder lnmbs 9.1 3 50 South Dakota feeder lambs. 63 3 SO 652 693 Wyoming feeder lambs 60 4 0) ,402 Wyoming feeder lambs..., 61 im 312 Idaho lnmbs 63 4 10 366 Idaho lambs 63 4 10 10 Wyoming feeder owes 02 2 25 120 Wyoming feeder ewes no 2 25 190 western wethers 115 3 2) 643 western, wethers 75 3 30 westoru yearlings SS 3 25 western yearlings. 83 3 35 Wyoming wethers 117 3 40 57 67 121 16 Wyoming wethers 96 2 40 335 Wyoming wethers 88 3 -10 lis snum uaKnta wctners ii a 40 504 feeder lnmbs 62 4 00 317 feeder lambs 67 4 10 317 Wyoming lambs 84 4 40 CHICAGO LIVE STOCIC MAIIKKT. Cnttle Active nnd lllfrlier liana Lower Sheep Stronir tn Higher. 11 WtllTVy, WUb. . nmjlm 1IVI.I1IVD 18,000 head, including 300 head Texans, 8,600 head westerns; active nnd 104J16c higher; good to choice prime steers, j6.2bW6.85; ' -. . .. .11.. tn i-rtJJ! IUI, m m, A MIU iu lliriiiuill, i.ouuv.w, ohuwituio unit feeders, J2.254M.25; cows, Jl. 2544. 75: heifers. J2 25475.00; canncrs. Jl. 25412.25; bulls, $1,754$ 4.50; calves, $3.00476.00; Toxas steers, $2.76 5J3.75; western BteerB, J3.6MJ5.60. noun neceipis looay, u,uuj neaa: io. IIIUI 11,11. .d.UU., I.ITIIII, (Oil. UVEI, OiUW IIU.UJ. mostly 10c lowor; mixed and butchers. $5.90 1D IVII . . n rl I ntwmm IKTVI VmjM 510.40; good 10 cnoico neavy, b.wro.ii; rougn neavy, jo.winD.uu; ngni,; bulk of ralcfl. S5 90416.05. SHEEP AND LAMBS receipts, ZZ.OOQ head; sheep strong to 10a higher; Iambs, Btrong to loc higher; good to choice weth ers, $3.40473.90; fair to choice mixed, $2.90 4(3.40; western sheep, $3,0043.75; natlvo lambs. J2.ri04)4.uo; western iambs, j3.254pi.tM. Official Saturdays RECEIPTS-Cattle. 211 head; hogs. 1S.- 667 head: Bheep, 1,975 head, SHIPMENTS Cattle, 836 head; hogs, 1, 472 hend; sheep, 2,122 head. Knnsnn City Live Stock Mnrket. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 28. CATTLE Re- celnts. 9.000 head natives. 1.600 hend Tex- nns. soil calves: market generally strong to 10c higher: choice oxport nnd dressed beef steers, $5.834T0.50; fnir to good, $1.20476.75; Btocktrs and feederB, $2.754j4.25; fed west ern steors, $5,254(0.25; range western steers. j3.354js.20; Tcxns and Indian steers, J2.604 3.85; Texas cows, Jl.7643.00; nntlvo cows, J2.7a4i4.50; heifers. J2.S0475.33; cnuiier cows, 11. UK'! -.i') : nuns, calves. j3.ou4t3.2, IIOOS Receipts. 7,000 hend: mnrket 64 10c lower; ton, jts.iu; bulk,; heavy, $0,0346.10; mixed pnekers, J5.76fi6.oS; light, J5.2045.90: nlKS. J4.634i5.1.i. tt 1 1 E I'J I ' AND LAM US Receipts, b.lH'i head: mnrket strong; nntlvo lnmbs. JI.004J 4.75: western lambs. J3.754M 60: natlvo wotn ers, $3.25413.75; weatern wethers, $3,2543.60; owes, J2.7b43.&j; cuiis, j2.uu4j3.bu, St. L011U Live Stock Market. st. i nttm n. s r-ATTt.t.'neeelnts. 8,100'head; market steady to easier; nntlve Hninnin? 1111,1 cvnnri. 1.1 m iti .1.1: iiii'itst'ii heef erndes. 11.00416.00: steers under 1,000 pounds. $2.33475.00; Blockers and feeders', n"prs. Jl.004i2.25: hulls. $2,104(3.35; Toxas and Indian Meers, $2.50471.60; cows and heifers, "lion's Receipts. 6.000 hend: market 5o lower: pigs and lights, $5,8044.90; packers, C rrT,r. fm Imtnlinru tiWrifilVln. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rccelpts, 1.600 U r. . I . m.1A utanril" rial in mllttfltlH. 12. 7. W 3.60: lambs, $3.7647.76; culls ami bucks, 4(2.25: stockers, J1.3O4j2.0O; TexaB sheep, J3 00473.40. Stock In SUM The fnllnwlnir table shows tho recilnts of cnttle. hogs ami sheep at the tlvo princi pal stock mnrKCis for uctouor is: Viillir, li, c?ncu,. South Omaha,.. Chicago Kansas Pity St. Ioiiln St, Joseph Total 6,041 4.249 10.865 18,000 10.6T0 8,100 3,508 3V00O 7.OJ0 6,0V) 4,112 22 000 5.000 1,50 1.401 46.219 66,361 49,8:9 St. Joseph Live Stock Market, ST. JOSEPH. Oct. 28. CATTLE Re celpts, 3,508 head; market, steady to strong Texas, steady to weak; natives, $3.0036.40 Texas and westerns, $2.754K.00; cows and I. - I . . . . n' . - . ...... .... . . 11 . ii. in ii., ii ioio.wj onus linn niuK", .'vt 4.83; stockers and feeders, $l.XU4.10j year it, mm .....1 I . . - . ....... rt. . ...... ' ,, Qnr 411111 t-UIVCS, l.lViJ.f.JM, VtTllIP, o.lM ' HOGS-Reeelpts, 4.112 head; mnrket 5c lowers pigs, steady; light nnd light mixed, $5.ifit..(ij; medium and heavy, $5.lS6.10; pigs, $l.254jf..00; bulk, $S.S0Jf X. , SHEEP AND LAMRS-Reeclnls, 1,461 head; mnrket active, nrm; lambs, $I.W 4..5; yearlings. $3.25413.75; wethers, $3.00f 3.63; ewes, $2.754j3.25. Xeir Y'ork Live Stork Mnrket. NEW YORK, Oct. IS.-BEEVES-Re-celpts, 6.6SO head; top steers steady to strong, medium nnd common a shntlo lower, bulls steady, cows 10?15c lower; steers, J3.76IiB.75; oxen nnd slags, J2 0STP 4.10; bulls, J2.231J3.60; cows, $1,2513.60; Block ers, $2.654j3.25. Cnbles steady. Shipments, 810 cattlo, 1,760 sheep and 4,875 quarters of beef. SHEEP AND IwMBS-Rccelpts, 19.W4 head; easy; good to choice lambs steady to strong, others barely steady; sheep, $-'.f4J 2.35; few extra. $3.374f3.37! culls, $I.255T1 75; lambs, tl.0OffB.I5, one oar at $5.25; Cnnndi lambs, J5.(X4t5.15; culls. J3.0O46.50. CALVES-Rccelpts, 2.637 head: active and steady;, venlB, $1,6048.60; gras?crs, $2.754J 3.25: western, $t. HOGS Receipts, 9.S0J bond; easier nt $6,1046.50. NOT TO BE WORLD BEATER Thirty-Tiro Hours, Not Twenty-One, to Be Union Pnclllc Time to Otfdcn. The special story sent out from Choy enno 1 characterized by Union Pacific pas senger department ofllclnls as being ab surdly untruo. In referring to tho now schedule which goes Into effect next Sun day, It says that "ono train will be mndt tho fastest regular passenger train servlct on any road In the world. Train. No. 3 will bo tho fast train, and It will maintain nn avcr.igo speed of nfty-flve mllet an hour, exclusive of stops. Tho time from Omaha to Ogdun will bo twenty-ono hours, which ls4 four hours fustcr than tho time now mndo by the Union Pacific's fastest train." Tho present running tlmo of No. 3 be tween Omnlin and Ogdcn Is thirty-five, hours nnd twenty-flvo minutes. Commenc ing next Sunday it will bo reduced to thirty two hours, but not to twenty-one, which is nn absolute Inipof elblllty. Tho row schedule, ns fnr ns tho castbound trains aro concerned, Is held up for the present by the Southern Pacific, which has not given its decision on several Important points involved. However, tho changes mado will not bo great. Whon tho Southern Pacific completes Its part of the schedule tho Union Pacific will bo ready to nnnounco the ontlro tlmo card. Tho westbound Bchcdulo has been definitely sottled upon ns previously nnnounccd. Donhta II rente In Price nf Lead. DENVER. Oct. 28.-Tho News says: J. B. Grant of the Smcltor trust Is not In clined to bcllovo that tho price of lend has fnllen. Ho said: "An agreement wnn made to sustain tho prlco of lead at 4 cents dur ing tho present year, and 1 hardly think that ngrcemcnt will bo violated. Tho Coeur D'Alleno mine owners will meet In New Y'ork next month to discuss the nm and the company with which I nm alllllated will also meet next mouth. I do not enre to talk In rofcronc-e to the matter further, ns both pantlos will probably arrive at some ngrecment." It Is stated that the Coeur D'Alleno min ers mndo an effort to control their own output a few years ngo by thn formation of n western combination which would consolidate nil tho lend mines In that county nnd Missouri. The matter never came to any head. It Is probablo at their meeting In New Y'ork somo attempt will bo made to renew efforts tn this direction. THE niSALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Monday, October 28: Warranty Deeda. P. S. McOulre and wife to C. A. Glse- lcr, e 43 foot lots 11 and 12, Free man's add J l.COt James Callahan and wlfo to T. L. Phelps, a 16 fcot lot 47 and u 31 feet lot 48, Rocs Placo 3,371 , B. Glsh et nl to M. S. Baker, lot 6. blcms.len Place 85( G. W. Curtlss and wife to Anthony Loan and Trust company, lot 3, block "F". Lowe's ndd 10( Anthony Loan nnd Trust company to isnnei i-orney, same i,uui Lafayette Shipley et nl to Do W. C. Bryant, 45 acres In so 5-16-13 o.uoc Rena Geppncr to Amanda Carlln, lot 6. block 52. South Omaha 60( Andrew Murphy and wlfo to Omaha Renlty company, lots 10 tintl 11, block 1, Hnnscom Place 2,00( Omaha Realty company to J. M. Nel son et nl, same 1,20 Same to Theodore Vogel, lot 10, block 3, 8. E. Rogers' ndd 1.20J A. P. Brady nnd wlfo to E. A. Hend- ley, lot 13, piock 2, Stevens I'Juco,. i,2W, Qnlt Claim Deeds. , B. Bcmls to Atlantic: Renlty asso ciation, lots 11, 12 and 13, Bemls riark, lotn 3 and 7, block 16, College Mace j Elizabeth Lewon et nl to Peter Ulandt, r.w iu-15-12 out Ilccda. Master In Chancery to E. R. New, lots a nnd iu, convent l'ince Total amount of transfers $32,671 IJL CALIFORNIA The . aint old mission town and th lovely seaside resorts of Southern California aro VISITED rlVKIlY YEAR by thousands of tourists who travel OVER THE UXIOX PACIFIC becauso t Is the best and quickch route. In nddltlon to the Pullman Palace Sleepers the UNION PACIFIC runs Pullmun ordinary sleepers every LEAV1M3 OMAHA AT 4i"i5 P. M. These ordinary enrs are personally conducted every Wednesday und Fri day. A Pullman ordinary sleeper also leaves Omaha every Tuesday at 11:3a p. m. for Los Angeles. Foi full Information call at CITY TICKET OFFIUK, 1 .1-1 BTUKISr. Telephone nil!. DeWITT'S Witch Hazel SALVE A wall known cure for Pilot Till salve cannot be equalled wherever Is needed. It quickly cures sores, cuts, burns and scalds without leaving a scar. For piles, eczema and all skin diseases It Is considered Infallible. Beware of Counterfeits Unscrupulous persons may offer you worthless Imitations. Take only the or Iglnal DkWitt's Witch Hazel Salvb Prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO., Chlcoflo. TrtephB ieJI. Boyd Gommiisiou Oo Successors to James C. Boyd Co., OMAHA, NIB. COMMISSION ilRAIN. PBOVIM. AHD TOCKt Boar mt Trad Hdla. Street wires to Chicago tad Now York, Cortoiadtac. John A. Warren h Co