0 THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: STJXDAV, OCTOIVEH 27, 1001. SOCIETY IS BACK IN TOWN Jammer Outiiji Art EntUd nd the Wiittr Eeuon Well SUrUd. MANY PRETENTIOUS AFFAIRS PLANNED Wtimrn IJipcfl In MnWr Mn trrn iMim r 1,1 rl Durlim Hip WrcltH I'rlnr lu I, rnl null Hi .Uinr HnlliMin. Since the season for the table de hote dinner una luncheon at the Country club has closed It may be snld that the Coun try club season has cloned an well, for the lato afternoon has ever been the popular part of the day out there and now that ooclety has to come back to the city for Its dinner there are few who enro to drive out Detiaon way after tho un goes down. Tho fine days of tho last week havo at tracted the golfers and seemed to lend a rest to the name that will hold it popular with many until tho snow begins to fly. After this week, however, these enthusl osti will practically bo In possession out there. Last week there was n round of teas, luncheons and card parties and with In vitations out for a number more thfs week society seems to havo nulte waked uu again. A good part of tho affairs for the next seven days nro to bo suggestlvo of Hallowe'en, but society will havo no oc casion to walk down cellar backward, peering over Its right shoulder into a hand glass or to employ nny of tho numerous other hazardous mcanB of Ascertaining Its "future," for everybody knows all about it now and tho most that society wants to know at present is when all tho wed dings are to be. A number of tho clubs organized laot winter have resumed their meetings of lato and tho dancing and card parlies nro becoming frequent again. It Is probable, howover, that their meetings will not be an frequent as thoy wore last winter, for It was largely duo to tho numerous enjoy able Affairs of this kind that thcro was such a general suspension of other things last season. Social Chll-Clint. Mr. Arthur Cooley pent a part of last week In Omaha. Dr. nnd Mrs. Mattlco will return from their eastern trip Novomber 1. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Oamblo are now re siding at 203 South Thirty-fifth street. Mr. If. I). Ncoly Is enjoying a weok's hunting nnd fishing at Hattcsvllle, Wis. Mrs. William Ilroatch will entertain a tiuchro party on next Wednesday afternoon. Miss Allco French and Miss Noll Drinker wcro recently pledged to the Doltn Epstlon Kappas. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Iloeenbcry havo taken apartments at tho Ilachelors' for tho winter. Mr. and Mrs. Hernard Thomas will be nt homo after November 1 at 1812 Chl caco street. Tho guests of the Mcrrlam enjoyed their first dancing party of tho season on Thurs. day evening. Miss Crounso and Miss Mario Crounso were Mrs. Hitchcock's guests for a part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Uosowater have taken apartments at tho Paxton until their new residence Is finished. Mrs. Hugo Drandcls will entertain on Tuesday evening In honor ot Miss Metta nuxbaum, who ts Mrs. Heller's guest. Mm. Lloyd, who has been the guest ot her sister, Mrs. O. W. Lyman, expoots to leavo tomorrow for her homo at Butte. Mont. The friends of Mrs. Charles C. Patrick Will bo pleased to learn that she escaped uninjured from tho fire at French Lick hotel recently. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Whitney nnd Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Ingram havo Issued cards for a Hallowe'en party on Friday evening at Metropolitan club. . Tho friends of Mr. Asa Shlverick will re gret to learn that ho has decided to re main in New York, having recently en gaged In business there. 1 Mr. nnd Mrs. W. O. Matthews are re ceiving the congratulations of their friends on the arrival ot a son. Mother and baby are doing well. Mrs. T. L. Kimball nnd Miss Kimball. who havo summered in Massachusetts and spent tho fall In Now York, aro spending the weok iu New Haven. Miss Eva neach entertained Saturdav evening in honor ot Miss Allco Doty prior to her departure for California, whero she toes to make her futurp home. Tho Six-Handed Euchre club will rosume Its meetings on Monday afternoon, No veraber 4, the first game to ba played at tho homo of Mrs. Oeorgo E. Prltchott. Mrs. Leopold Holler will entertain at dinner today in compliment to Miss Han chen Hehfeld and Mr. Etigeno Levi of No braska City and Miss Mao Heller and Mr. Davo Began. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Reynolds and Mr, nnd Mrs. H. L, Porterfleld have Issued In vitations for a card party nt the llov PLAIN TALK To I'nlnrrh HurTerom. Every person suffering from catarrh In Its many forms knows that tho common lotions, salves and douches do not euro. It la needless to argue this point or to cite cases ot failure, because every victim ot catarrhal trouble knows It for himself, If he has tried them. A local application, If It does anything at nil, simply gives temporary relief; a wash, lotion, salvo or powder cannot reach the feat of the disease, which Is the blood The mucous 'membrane seeks to relieve the blood of catarrhal poison by secreting largo quantities of mucous, the discharge sometimes closing up tho nostrils, descend ing to the throat and larynx, causing an Irritating cough, continual clearing of the throat, deafness, Indigestion and many other dlsagreenblo and persistent symp toms. A remedy to really cure catarrh must be an Internal treatment, a remedy which will gradually rloanso the system from ca tarrhal poison and removo tho fever nnd congestion alwuys present In the mucous membrane. The best remedies for this purpose aro Eucalyptol, Sanguinarla and Hydrastln, but the difficulty, has nlwnys been to get theso valuable curatives combined In one palat able, convenient and efficient form. Recently this has been accomplished and tho preparation put on the market under the name of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets; they aro large, pleasant tnstlng lozenges, so that they may bo slowly dissolved In tho mouth thus reaching every part of tho mucous membrane and finally the stomach and In trstlnes. An advantage to he considered also Is that Sluart's Catarrh Tnhlcts contain no cocnlne, morphine or polionous narcotics so often found In catnrrh powders and the use of which often entails a habit more dangerous than tho disease. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are sold by drug gists at 60c for full sized puinkngM and nro probAbly tho safest nnd most effectual ca Urrh cure on the market. nolds home at Florence for next Wcdncs-! day evenln:. j Mr. and Mrs. V, A Paxton will entertain party of Cleveland friends at dinner nt i tho Omaha club on Monday and again In tho evening nt the theater. The party Is cr. route to the Paxton ranch to make uo house party there. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Cortolyou, accom panied by Miss Knthcrlno Cortelyou, toft Omaha on Thursday evening for California, whero th?y will make their home. Mrs. John Cortelyou and her sons expect to Join them there as soon as the Cortelyou estate In Omaha can be arranged. Ollt-iif-Tinvil (illrot. Miss Bloom of Iowa City Is Mrs. Kahn's guest this week. Mrs. Lowe of Colorado Springs has been tho guest of Mrs. Herbert Wheeler. Mrs. C. C. Sheldon of Columbus. Neb., a visiting her sister, Miss Patrick. Mr. imd Mrs. M. C. Jones of Salt Lake City wcro guests of Omaha friends last week. Mrs. Hubert Cowcll has as her guest her mother, Mrs. James Latimer of Cleve land, 0. Mrs. Hlgley of Cedar Rapids, In., Is the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. T. Allen on Hurt street. Misses Ellznbcth Sheldon nnd Alice Luth f Columbus, Neb., are the guests of Miss Ccurtner Dale. Mrs. Helen Meyer of Chicago Is visiting her ulster, Mrt. Samuel Drclfuss, at 201.1 Harney street. Miss Jcnnlo McElroy of Dunlap, la., Is Isltlng Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Oozler. 2532 North Nineteenth street. Mrs, L. A. Johnson of Portland, Ore., Is visiting nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. I). , Lock wood at 2554 Mnndcrson street. Miss Maymo Hutchinson will havo as her guests this week two aunts, Mrs. W, C, rrlco of San Francisco and Mrs. W. 1). Crawford of San Rncfel. Cal. Mrs. Charles Hewett of Dcs Moines and Mrs. Edwin Hewitt of Denver arrived on Monday to bo tho guests of Mrs. W. E. Outhrlo nt 1112 South Thirty-first street. Dr. nnd Mrs. King, who havo been guests nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Victor Cald well for tho past two weeks, returned Inst week to their homo In Watktns' Glenn, N. Y. After spending threo weeks with Omaha friends Miss Dlancho Estabrook returned to her home in Chlcapo t,n Thursday to oln her parents nnd with them to mako a trip to tho coast. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ilonaparto Lcsncr of Kansas City, nco Miss May Carvor of Omaha, havo been for the past weok nt tho lcr Qrand, rnrouto to their future homo t Colorado Springs, Colo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Klrk McDcarmon of St. Loula wcro guests over last Sunday of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Dickey, Mrs. Dickey nnd Mrs. McDcarmon leaving on Thursday for a visit to Duffalo nnd other eastern points. Mr. nnd Mrs, William Ilr.tholl of Denver wcro tho guests on Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Webster, while passing through the city. Mrs. Dethell was formerly Miss Helen Worden and was well known in the city while her father, Captain Wordon, was stationed at Fort Omaha. WcdilliiKi null KiiKitRvinentM. Tho mnrrlago of Miss Dlancho Lowo and Lieutenant Wade will bo very quietly sol emnized on November 1. Mr. Theodore W. McCIure and Miss Delia . Edholm wero quietly married nt I o'clock Thursday afternoon nt the home of tho bride's sister, Mrs. Charles Harding, at 2910 Dodgo street, Rev. A. C. Hirst officiating. Mr. and Mrs. McCIure left Im mediately for a trip through the south. Ono ot tho pretty weddings of the season was celebrated at the Church of tho Sacrod Heart on Tuesday evening, tho contracting parties being Mr. E. J. von Glllen Of Ne braska City and Miss Nellie Cannon, Rev. P. J. Judd officiating, nsslstcd by Father Morlarty. Palms and cut flowers In pro fusion decorated the church, tho bridal party entering Just nt 7 o'clock. Tho brldo wore her traveling gown of castor brown and carried bride's roses. Sho was at tended by Miss Maty McShnne, Mr. Ed ward Cannon, brother of the bride, acting ns best man. After tho scrvlco at tho church an Informal reception was held at the home ot tho brldo's parents and later In the evening Mr. and Mrs. von Glllen de parted for Nebraska City, where they will make their home. Movement mill AVIiprcnlxiul. Mr. Denn spent tho early part of last week In Chicago. Mr. S. A. McWhorter has returned from (Vest Dadeu Springs, Ind. Mrs. Ellja Stoildnrd arrived homo on Mon day from a visit to Massachusetts. Miss Peck went down to Kansas City on Wednesday to attend tho horso show. Mrs, W. A. Paxton has gone to Missouri to spend a few weeks visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Groeno are spending tho week ,ln Washington, D. C. Mrs. F. H. Coo has returned from Fro- mont, whero she spent a part of last weok. Mrs. Albort Noo nnd MIbs Jean Campbell returned Saturday from a trip lo the Pa cific, coast. Miss Curtis went to Chicago on Friday, expecting to remain there until tho first of the year. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles D. Thompson havo returned from tholr annual visit with their parents In Iowa. Mrs. Charles A. Darton has returned from the Pacific const nnd expects to spend the winter In Omahn. Mrs. John A. McShano went to Chicago on Wednesday and from there will go to TexaB to Join Mr. McShaue. Mrs. Charles Cramer and Mrs. R. F. Gilder are back from n two weeks' visit to Duffalo and other eastern points. Mr. Victor Caldwell, Dr. King nnd Mr Charles Saunders returned Inst week from a three weeks' hunting In tho Dig Horn Woman's Work in Club The household oconomlcs department ot the Woman's club held its regular meeting Thursday, when, In addition to Its usual Interesting program, the members gave an Informal farewell reception In bonor ot Mrs, Mary Moody Pugh, who leaves soon to make her homo In Denver. Mrs. Pugh wns ono of tho orlgluators of tho department and has been active In stimulating tho In terest In domestic science In all ot the clubs of tho state. For some tlmo sho wns leader of the Omahn department, but has refused to serve for tho last two years, ad vising that other members derive the benefit of that experience. Her reputation as a lender In this work Is national, she having been recently re-elected vice president ot tho national household economics depart ment nt Duffalo, and the Omaha women feel that they will lose n valuable member when sho leaves the city. Miss Fitch has been chosen leader of tho oratory department, which will meet ut 10 o'clock Thursday morning In the club rooms. It Is protmblo tho department will follow the Emerson course this winter. The Visiting Nurses' association reports 132 visits to deserving cns.es during tho last week, typhoid fever claiming tho greater part ot tho nurses' attention. mountains, Mr. Caldwell leaving almost at once for the Pacific const. Mr. and Mrs. Ed 11, Williams nnd family left last evening for southern California, where they will spend the winter. Miss Alice JudRC left on Wednesday for Duffalo and Youngstown, 0., where she will spend some time visiting relntlves and friends. Mrs. Will Cnrtor, accompanied by Mrs, Carter of Fort Rrldger, left last week for a visit to Philadelphia, New York and Milwaukee. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Monroe, accompanied by Miss Elder, havo rono west on n six weeks' trip that Is to Include southern California. Mr. nnd Mrs. Morris Rosenthal, Mr. Henry Rosenthnl nnd Mrs. A. Mandelberg left on Monday for Dalttmore, where they will nttend the golden wedding anniversary of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Slgmund Rosenthal. Dr. and Mrs, A. C. Hirst left yesterday for Chicago, whero they will attend the marriage of their daughter, Miss Marguerite Hirst, nnd Dr. Frederick Drown Mnorehead, which In to occur In that city on Tuesday. After the wedding Mrs. Hirst will go to Columbus to spend two months with rela tives there. I'lenKiirrn I'nst, Mrs. 7.. Itecder entertained n party of thlrty-flvo women nt cards Inst Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. E. E. Dalch cntcrtRlncd a party of forty women at slx-hnndcd euchro on Thursday nfternoon. Mrs. W. J. Droatch waa hostess at a whist luncheon on Thursday, at which covers wero laid for fifteen. The Woman's Alliance of Unity church gave tho first of Its scries of winter danc ing parties on Friday evening. Mrs. Shepard entertained n party of about forty women at a luncheon at her home on Wirt street Tuesday nftornoon. Miss Hlanche Hungato entertains nt sim per this evening In honor of Miss Douglas, who will lenvo soon to Join her parents In New York. Miss Freda Konotsher entertained tho member of the D. D. D. club on Thursday nfternoon at her homo nt 623 South Twenty- ninth street. In honor of Mrs. Robert Smith of Salt Lake City, who Is Mrs. Luclan Stevens' guest, Miss Webster gave n most charm ing llttlo afternoon tea on Friday to about n dozen young women. Mr, nnd Mrs. Den Rosenthal celebrated tho fifth anniversary of their mnrrlago on Inst Sunday, when they chartered a car nnd took n party of friends to Krug's park, where tho tlmo was spent at bowling. Mrs. E. H. Spraguc gnve a charming llttlo luncheon on F:ldny, the tablo trimmings being of bright red carnations and tho places marked with cards done In the golf designs. There wcro twelvo women pres ent. Mesdames Coutnnt, Raich, Trltchctt, Shelton, Davis, King. Peck, Yost, C. W. Lyman nnd Guy Darton woro Mrs. S. D. Dnrkalow's guests at a six-handed euchro on Monday nfternoon, Mrs. Lloyd of Dutte, Mont., .Mrs. Lyman's sister, being the guest of honor. In honor of her cousin, Miss Hawko of California, Miss Shelly entertained at cards on AVednesday afternoon at her home on South Thirty-second street. Tho rooms were tastefully decorated with palms nnd potted plants, tho afternoon closing with refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Cobrey of 1127 North Twentieth street gave a very pleasant card party on Thursday evening for tholr sis ters, tho Misses Mooney. Progresslvo high five was tho gamo ot the evening and was greatly enjoyed byall. After the gamo re freshments wero served. Madame Powell and Mrs. Nichols enter tained Informally but very pleasantly on Tuesday afternoon at their homo In honor of Mrs, Lloyd, thoso present being: Mrs. C. W. Lyman, Mrs. Tllton, Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Donne, Mrs. Dalch, Mrs. Ten Eyck, Mrs. Wullaco, Mrs, Shelton and Miss Green how. Mrs. Draper Smith entertained the offi cers of tho Nebraska Federation of Wo man's Clubs at luucheou at the Omaha club on Monday. Tho table was prettily deco rated with bridesmaid's roses and the wo mon present wero: Mesdames Cross of Falrbury. C S. Loblngler, Dushnell of Lin coln, A. K. Gault, H. D. Neely, Hooblcr and Miss McCarn of Fremont. The South Sldo Whist club met on Tues day afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Hall nt Thirty-third and Cass streets. After the regular number of boards It was found that Mrs. Lachman had tho top scoro nnd Mrs. Hall tho next. Light refreshments were served after the play. Tho next meet ing of the club will bo held at tho homo of Miss Mary Smith at Thirty-third and Cass streets. Oneot the pleasnntest dancing parties of the week was that given by tho Et n Vim club on Thursday evening. The club wbb organized last winter with a memborshlo limited to fifty nnd Its meetings proved so enjoyable that they have been resumed this year. Chambers' hall, whero tho party was held, was hung In purple and gold bunting for the occasion and n full string orchestra furnished tho music for the dancers, of which thcro woro about forty cotvies. On Wednesday evening, October 23, the Friendly Greeting club held an other of Its enjoyable meetings nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Daly, Thlrty-flfth and Franklin streets. After friendly greetings nnd tho routine business of tho club tho members proccoded to enrds. After cards refresh ments wero served. Tho first lndy's prlzo was awarded to Mrs. John Keyser. There was a draw between John Keyser and P, J. Corcoran for the first gentleman's prlzo, In which Mr. Keyser was successful. Tho lady's consolation prlzo was awarded to Mrs. A. L. Lynch nnd tho gentleman's con- solntlon prize to Raymond McKenna. The next meeting will bo at the homo of Mr Among the largo number ot convalescents comes an urgent demand for undergar ments and tho superintendent of nurses nppeals to tho public for clothing of this character. The Omaha Equality club wilt meet at S o'clock Tuesday night In the parlor of tho Paxton hotel. The Clio club met with Mrs, J. E, Christy Friday afternoon. "Alfred, tho Great," was the subject for the day. Miss Currons rend a paper on tho musla of Al fred's time. Mrs. J. T, Cathcrs read an nrtlclo on "Alfred's Candles," Mrs. Christy spoko of tho recent Alfred millenary cele bration nt Winchester, England, reading selections from tho London Times ot Sep tember 20 and 21, A paper on Dr. Samuel Johnson was read by Mrs. H. L. Tostevln. The music of the occasion was furnished by MUs Kerr, who favored tho club with a vocul solo and also an Instrumental solo. The next meeting will he with Mrs. H. L. Tostevln, 2620 North Nineteenth avenue. The sixth annual convention of the Mis souri Federation of Woman'B Clubs closed In St. Joseph Friday, the annual election ot officers, which was closely contested, re nnd Mrs. P. J. Corcoran, Thirty-eighth and Charles streets, on Monday evening, No vember t. In compliment lo Mrs. Gates of Mil waukee nnd Mrs. Cheney, Mrs. D. F. Crummer entertained nbotit forty women nt n whist luncheon nt tho Her Grand on Wednesday, Tho guests wero all seated at one table In the shnpe of a hollow square, the Inner edge of which was bordered with ferns nnd meteor rosen, largo bunches of them being arranged at the corners. After the luncheon the guests repaired" to Mrs. Crummer's apartments at tho Mcrrlam, where tho afternoon was spent at whist. Tho Omahn guards celebrated tho four teenth anniversary of their organization on Monday evening with one of tho most enjoyable dancing parties that they hav ever given. Their armory hall wns hand somely decorated nnd the new uniforms of tho guards, worn for tho first time, ndded to tho brilliancy of the affair. Tho Thurs ton Rifles wero the guests of tho evening, nbout 150 couples being on the floor. It Is the Intention ot tho company to give Informal hops every two weeks during tho winter. Mr. nnd Mra, Charles Robinson enter tained a few friends nt cards on Monday evening. In celebration of their sixteenth wedding anniversary. Suggestion of the Hnllowo'en season was carried out during tho evening. First n hugo pumpkin wns passed to tho guests, tho top being re moved nnd from it hanging tho ends ot numerous ribbons, to each of which was at tached n different variety of vegetables, tho partners for the gamo being found by matching vegetables. The score cards were also designs in pumpkins. Tho first renlly large tea of tho season was given nt 4 and D o'clock on Frldnv afternoon by Mrs. Chnrles Clapp at her home, 1128 South Thirty-first strcet. Throughout tho house, decorations of red predominated. In nddltlon to the profu sion of red roses and ribbons the tnll sli ver candlesticks, with their slender red tapers, wcro shaded with novelty caps of tho snmo color. Mrs. W. R. Kelly nnd Mrs. Horace Hurt presided In tho dining room and Mrs. Clnpp wns further assisted by Mesdames Coutaut, Guthrie, Ogdcn, Jordan, Davis, Miss Ltndscy and Miss Wnkclc;-. Mrs. J. R. Muslck, ostco'pnthlst, has had remarkable success In tho treatment of dis locations, acute nnd chronic diseases. Call on her at Douglas block. Tel. 2S23. Resi dence, Iler-Grnnd hotel. Calls promptly ons. IIIkIi fi'lmnl .n Irs. A cheering club has been organized to en courage tho foot ball team. The second number of tho High School Register win Issued last Tuesday. Miss Ireno Perfect and Mr. Donald Kennedy havo been chosen ns ninth grndo cdltora. An excellent story written by Miss Con nell was a prominent feature In tho literary department. Tho opening of the High school girls' class at the Young Women's Chrlstlnn asso ciation wns largely attended. Thcro aro about thirty girls who nro very enthusiastic to represent the High school basket ball team. Miss F. Mcintosh will bo captain of tho first team. Tho Thates fraternity of Lincoln has Invited a number of senior girls to stop at tho Fraternity homo next Saturday to see tho fqot ball game to be played against Lincoln High school. Miss Peterson nnd Miss Randall will accompany these girls: Zola Dcllecker, Dessle Moorehend, Juno Phelps, Fny Towne, Marlau Conncll nnd Laura Congdon, Ten members of tho Donrd of Education visited tho High school last Tuesday after noon. They all seemed to take a great In terest in tho drilling. During the laat few weeks the regiment has made a groat Improvement. The signal corps, under tho direction ot Mr. L. Hicks, ts making line progress. All members of this squad aro represented by two tings on each arm. The boys practice three times a week and aro now able to carry on qulto a conversation with their signals. The hospital corps also seems to bo Im proving. The officers In this squad are Stewart nnd two acting assistants. The only Impediment In their moro speedy learning Is n lack of fit objects on whom to practice. Everything possible is being done for the welfare of the regiment. A letter has been sent to tho government re questing 250 rifles, with a similar number of bayonots, belts and cartridge boxes, for tho companies, some torches and a helio graph for the signal corps and several stretchers for the hospital corps. These aro expected to arrive soon. Miss Julia Officer, piano, Karhach block. One month's treo tuition to students be ginning October, continuing to Juno 1. Mrs. Pnrthenla D. Neely, voice, 514 Shcoly block. Capltola Williams, piano, vldge block. Studio 8. Da- OMAHASUBURBS. Unison. Miss Gertrude McGuIre has returned from a visit with relatives. Services will bo held at tho Methodist church today by tho pastor at tho usual hour. Joo McGulro has moved his Icehouse to mako room for the turning of the imple ment bouse. Tho town board expects to get tho town hall moved nearer the center of town bv election day. Tho women of the church will servo lunch all day, In some convenient place, on election day. An evening song servlco will bo held at the Methodist Episcopal church next Sun day evening. Everyone Is Invited to at tend. Miss Lucllo Jorgenson gave a party to a number of her little friends Inst Frldav afternoon In honor of her birthday annl- voraar;. The pupils of tho public schools, at tended by their teachers, spent last Friday and Charity sulting as follows: President, Mrs. Phillip N. Moore, St. Louis; first vlco president, Mrs. Honry Ess, Kansas City; second vlco president, .Mrs. C. H. Darby, St. Joseph; corresponding secretary, Mrs. W. R, Chlv- vls, St. Louis; recording secretary, Mrs Julia M. Ellison, Klrksvllle; treasurer, Mrs, J. Cary, Joplln; auditor, Mrs. J. M. Petti bone, Hannibal. Tho meeting was largely attended and successful In every respect. Tho much anticipated discussion of tho color ques Hon, which has attracted something moro than tho usual attendance of club women from the adjoining states, wns deferred un til lato Frldny afternoon, the women real izing tho posslblo consequences of such nn event having succeeded In crowding It lo the last of the session, when tlmo would not ndmlt ot any extensive discussion of It. When It was nt laat permitted to como up fiero wero but a few minutes for tho do bato and It was derided to iccommend post ponement of dellnlto action and to lake It up nt some later dato. Contrary lo ex pectation, the little debotn scorned to Indi ra to a genernl sentiment In favor of Indi vidual stale choice In tho matter of colored membership, but hnd time admitted there would doubtless have becu a spirited dls-cutsloa, afternoon nt Rlvcivlow park taking les sons In nature study Miss McCoy, who has been visiting with relatives In Henson, hns gone to Iowa to visit before returning to her homo in tho western part ot Nebraska. Miss Mary Dosse, who hns been visiting with friends in Denson and Omaha for some time, left for her homo In Wnusn. Neb., Inst Tuesday nfternoon. meeting for the purpose of reorganiz ing n ladles' nld society wns held at tho church last Thursday nfternoon, but the organization was loft to tho next meeting. Nelson llollcnburg has been appointed by the government to succeed Hurry Fox (re signed) ns carrier for tho rural route de livery from Denson. Ho will take chariso November 1. Henry Donehoff, who was charged with ond tried for Intending to sell uninspected meat In Omaha, has been discharged for want of evidence. Judge Gordon snld thcro waa no evidence showing Donehoff offered the meat for sale. The membets of tho Methodist Episcopal Sunday school celebrated Sunday school ally day nt the church last Sunday morn ing. Rev. Mr, Dale of Omnha gavo nn ad dress and other addresses wero made. In terspersed with music. At tho closo of tho exercises emblem buttons wero given to nil scholnrs nnd medals to those who had been present every Sunday during tho your. IMnreiii'e. Miss Nettle Myers of Omnha visited her mother Sunday. Prof. Gordon nnd wife were Omaha visit ors on Saturday. Elroy Goodcll enlisted In tho United Slates navy, going to San Frnnclsco last Time and labor saved by using tho Ball Bearing 0 9 This Is tho Twentieth Century Sewing Machine. Faster and easier running than others. If you want a cheap machine, no difference what mako or prlco machlno you want, wo can save you money. Our Free Sewing School open every Thursday and Saturdny all day and evening. No 'difference whero you bought your mnchlno nor how long you have used It, you aro welcome to come nnd take ndvantngo of this school nnd uo ex pense. During this week wo will sell second hand machines cheaper than ever. Good Machines from $1 to $12 Modem, drop head machines, slightly used, nt one-half regular price. Wo rent machines at 73 rents per week, or $2 per month. These are modern, up-to-dato ma chines, with complete attachments. We sell needles nud parts for and repair every sewing mnchlno manufactured. Thursday. October 31, nt 3 o'clock, wo will give nway the sewing mnchlne that we have been giving numbers on. Call and see who gets the machine. Nebraska Gyc! Go., Cor. loth and Harney Sts. 'Phone 1663. GEO. E. MICKEL, Mgr. Drnnch Offices. CIS N- 21th St. 'Phone 2173., South Omahn, Neb. 331 Droadwny, Council Muffs, la. Heavy Soles or . Light Soles SOIOSIS V are $3.50 Always. You may havo nlwnys pnld $3.00 for similar quality. That Is no good reason why you should nlwnyn do so. Knnmel box calf, patent calf or kid for full wear lu SoroslH nro ciiuulled by few nnd excelled by none at any price nnd Sorosls price Is $3.50 Always. FRANK WILCOX NGRj 03 3. Si? ST. Send for catalogue, MADAM SNIFFEN, Direct from New York. Ladles, ned me word by mall nnd 1 will call nt your convenience. Sham pooing, Ilnlr Dressing, Fnco Massage, Manicuring. Also chapped hands treated. Madam Sniffen 1.106 South 28th St. Medlontorl Complexion Powder Is thr purent in the world; no limp, chalk, ltad or ilnr. kpepi the Vln ioft baby's. Sample Ire J A I'ozxotil.St t.ouit, Mo nCMHMWCMBaMMMHmMIBMHHI 19 Saturday, whero he will be stationed on n training ship. Mrs. J. S. Paul wns an Omaha visitor Saturday nnd Sunday. Chnrles Purcell went to Missouri Valley on Sunday on n business trip. Miss Hultlc Tucker and Dlancho were guests of Omaha friends Saturday and Sun day. George R. Whitney, who has been visit ing friends here for the past two weeks, returned to his homo nt Lincoln Tuesday P. A. JohausCM, employed on thn bridge ANYBODY Intending to buy a plnno within n year, should not miss the rhnnvo to buy from n fine selected stock of 200 Stelnwny, Vose, Emerson, Ivors & Pond, Stcck, Steger, A. It. Chase, Mason & Hamlin and Stroubo pianos thnt must . ...t l i .. 1 1 i -1 uo sum luiiui'uinicia EVERYBODY Knows that "Christmas trade" Is tho piano man's harvest when you pay big profits. Wo are selling theso nt "MONEY-LOSING PRICES" now to mako room for Nmns stock. NOBODY Can object to buying n little early TO TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS. It DON'T MISS IT. $000 I'prlgbt Pianos only MOO $500 I'prlght Pianos only $300 A number ot other substantial Snuaro ninnos and organs, JIB, WE SELL NEW PIANOS ON $ Instruments In exchnngo nt full vnl Our stock Is no riff-raff collect est grado Instrument!! manufacture warranted. Satisfaction guaranteed nnd ono year's rental nllowed if pur nnd repaired at lowest rates. Write for catalogues, prices nn tpectlon before buying. Wo will s OHMOLLER Largest handlers of 1313 Farnam St, Iowa Branch 337 Broadway, FIRE SALE Tuesday morning I will place on sale my entire stock of now and second-hand VEHICLES, BICYCLES, WAGONS AND AUTOMOBILES which were slightly damaged by smoke and water. Now is the opportunity of your life to buy high nnd medium grade goods at. sacrifice prices. Tremendous bargains as long as they last. Since the fire I have received a car load of the latest, improved GRAPH0PH0NES, RECORDS AND SUPPLIES and extend to you a cordial invitation" to call and hear the "machine that, talks." just half price 37c. i I 02 -- l V. Dressing Sacques We have a large line of the prettiest styles ever brought, to Omaha. Lamb's wool, in all colors, plain or elegantly trimmed, price 2.00 to 5.00. Flannelette and eiderdown, 75c up to 2.00. Rook Qargains Clearance salo of choice flctlou lo mako room for our Immense lino of holt ilay hooks Wo havo (seo our cast window) put on our bargain counters some snaps that you will ho making a hi g mistake In not Inspecting. Our entire stock of tho "Heroes of tho Nation Series," in half - -tr leather binding, while they last (regular prlco J1.7G) 1..AW All tho 1. M and $1.75 copyr.lght Action on tho countors among them such hooks nB nalph Marlowo ond Captain Itavenshaw and many others 1 1 that would he a wolcomo addition to any library 1..J.VJ Tho $1.2.'i copyrights, ond thero aro among tbcm such authors Qkp as Chambers, Jokal, Cornoy. ote OUIj Thero aro a fow $1.00 copyrights that we will close out 75c Theeo books aro all nice, clean stock and aro real snaps. Wo have in addition about K00 copyrighted Action publishers' prices, $1,00, $l.l!5 and $1.50, which havo become slightly shelf worn and some of them soiled, that wo havo placed on ono counter and will let them 50c You can't afford to miss this opportunity and as thero aro only a few copies of most ot theso titles, call early while tho assortment Is unbroken. 1308 Farnam St. Fraville Glass and Art Goods We aio receiving thn nowent Importations In tho abovo goods. Tho I'ravllle 01as comes In beautiful delicate Bhar)es- In pink, bluo and red In many artistic shapes. IN ART OOODS wo have Perorated China, Musts In marblo and bronze. Wo will tako pleasure In showing you theso goodrf. 1HAWHINNEY Jewelers nnd Art Stationers, gang of the railway company, Is at horn a few days on sick leave. David Andrews attended tho funeral of a nleco lu Council Muff Saturday. A socialist meeting nt tho city hall on Frldny night w3 attended by a big crow 1 .William Poperhom, who hns been n rest dent hero for n number of years, has soli his place to nn Omnha party, who will take possession In the early spring. Mr. Peper horn hns not decided whero he will locate. PALACINE OIL, best In the world. If by doing so they can SAVE FROM ONE s tho CLOSE DUYERS' OPPORTUNITY. $400 Upright Tlnnofl only $200 $300 Upright Pianos only $1501 upright plnnos, $75, $105, $135 nnd up. $25, $35 nnd .up , 5.00 MONTHLY PAYMENTS nnd tnko old uo. Ion, but tho choicest products of tho high- d in tho world. Every instrument is fully or money refunded. Now pianos for rent I chased. Instruments moved, tuned, stored d bargain list or pay us n visit of in avo you money. & MUELLER, pianos In the west. Omaha. Tel. 1625. ' Council Bluffs. Tel. 378. We move into the old Dennett building Jan. 1st. H. E. FREDRIGKSQN, 15th and Dodge Sts. MRS. j. BENSON For Mondays We will sell all our dress linings, hair cloth, canvass, etc., at 2.r PER CIS XT OK ONE-FOURTH OFF REGULAR PRICE Colored brush braid for bottom of dresses at one cent per yard. A good quality of bristles and celluloid back hair brushes, worth Toe, Monday, Tel. 234 ATIONERY (g. & RYAN CO., 15th unit Uoiiglu.i Streets.