Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1901, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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Httional Lire Etcox Exchnag Elects Cffl
cin sod Adjoirns.
nutlMTMrrn TitrklnR Ontrr flll to
Hp Willing tn Ally IUHf with
I In Itlinln (or Mnttml
lack of suitable Appliances nnd the con
slant heavy dwell on the bar. that obstacle
to navigation was successfully and ac
curately charted, ft work of much value
to commerce, While In command of Dot
phln, since that vessel has been laid no
at Boston for rcpslrs, Commander South
erlnnd has been serving In the Naval de
partment as naval nido to Secretary Long.
Lieutenant Commander Albert Oleaves has
been ordered to the command of Dolphin.
Questions the Euccjjs una Good of tht
FftB-Aair!ctn Congress.
Trrnsnrr llopnrtnipnt Lrt Diihh
Hnr for the Previously Con-tle-teil
r. linns Wanner Offer nn Lnno-
llclted Cerllflrwte thM It Is
TnrllT Tall I llelMK
Crtmileil Out.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Oct. 26. (Special Tel
egram.) Chicago was much In evidence In
tho cession of the National Ilvo Stock ex
chango today nnd tho election of officers,
which lamo Just before the flnal adjourn
ment. Tho officers rhoscn are: President,
William li. Thompson, Jr., Chicago; secre
tary, C. W. linker, Chicago; treasurer,
Levi II. Douil, Chicago: vlco presidents,
Ilrucc McCulloch, Omaha; W. M. Ward,
Sioux City, W. H. Stlckney, East St. Louis;
J. C. Loving, Fort Worth; A. Slelmcr, South
St. Paul; Horace. Wood, South St. Josoph;
O. n. VnnNorman, Mllwnukce; ('buries
Ilyrne, Loulsvlllo; S. W. Jeffries, Pittsburg;
0. H. Clark, Indianapolis; F. C. White,
I'corla. Kxecutlvo committee: Alex Oar
row, Frank Chittenden, South Omaha; T.
J. Slcnl, II. 0. Ponrse, Sioux City; William
Moody, Edgar Overstrret, East St. Louis;
J. D. Fanner, Mr. Wardell, Fort Worth;
James Sager, P. A. Thompson, South St.
Joseph; (Jeorge Aillnm, J. H. Holmes, Mil
waukee; Stephen Snodgrnss, Henry Embry,
Loulsvlllo; P. J. Ilrukman, S. It. Trnucr
tnan, Pittsburg; T. S. Craves, Prank
Churchman, Indianapolis; James Drown.
Charles .lones, Chlcngo; J. (1. Mclster, J. F.
Vlnrrnt, Peoria; F. L. Henderson, A. 1).
Moc, South St. Paul. ,
To Cinitrit All 1'ioliuMKrn.
Tho convention this nfternoon took ac
tion which will probably result In bring
ing under Its lnllticnco every exchange In
tho United Stntes. Tho Kansas City ex
change has nfforded tho strongest opposi
tion by reason of Its Jcnlousy of Chicago's
great live stock market nnd has used every
means to embarrass tho attempts of tho
national exchange to oxtend tho member
ship. It was brought out In today's ses
sion that the oincurs of the Kansas City
rxchango will now take n firm stand In
favor of Joining tho national body. Denver
will follow suit.
I'lKbt for I.imv' PoMnttr.
The first report submitted wan from tho
committee on poBtal rates. Tho report
brought up ono of the most Interesting
subjects that camo before tho meeting
This was tho matter of a ruling of tho
Postofflco department In regard to live stock
pnpers being admitted to the malls ns
second-class matter. Tho committee pre
scnted a resolution addressed to tho post
master general ending attention to tho
grluvous wrong that would bo done If this
ruling of tho department was allowed to
rtand and nlso calling upon the members
of tho different exchanges to ask their con
gressmen and senators to do what they
could to huvo tho ruling annulled. Tho re
port wus adopted and referred to tho ex
ecutive committee.
To llculnlni Arlil l.nuiln.
Tho commlttco on national Irrigation pre
sented n resolution nsklng congress to re
claim tho arid lands of tho great wozt. Tho
resolution recited tho Importance of tho
matter and of tho Inability of private en
terprlso to prosecuto the work succchsfully.
Them was a recommendation In the reso
lutions that congress bo asked to appro
prlato $250,000 for tho preliminary surveys
for tho work. A motion was mude to
nmend tho report of the committee by
striking out tho reference to the amount
of money to bo appropriated. This caused
somo discussion, but the report was adopted
as nmended.
Tho convention voted to meot next year
in Pittsburg. Most of the delegates left
tho city for home tonight.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. Karl nussoll.
who was convicted of bigamy for marrying
s. second wlfo In this country after he had
been granted a dlvorco la Nevada, Is free
to enter this country If ho bo desires. As
sistant Secretary Taylor of tho treasury.
who has general Jurisdiction over Immi
gration matters, so decided today, over
ruling tho commissioner of Immigration,
Mr. Powderly.
On Wednesday the latter, upon tho rep
resentation of Hornco J, Smith of Phila
delphia, who is understood to be a rclntlvo
of tho earl's first wife, held that Eenrl
Russell has been convicted of bigamy and
was not admissible under tho laws exclud
ing persons convicted of crime or misde
meanor, "Involving moral turpitude. Ho
transmitted Mr. Smith's complaint to the
Ilonrd of Special Inquiry nt Ellis Island,
N. V., for Its Information In case he was
detained upon his arrival there br the In
spector. Today Assistant Secretary Tay
lor rescinded this letter nnd further In
structed tho board to udmtt the earl unless
other reasons than his conviction In Eng
land should nppenr. Mr. Taylor pointed
out that Earl Hussell hnd been granted a
divorce by an American court, under which
grant he was at liberty to marry again nnd
that In so mnrrylng ho was guilty of no
crime against the laws of tho United
States or tho slate.
spondent that ho Is not here on buslucsr,
but for relaxation only; yet tho flnnnclal
authorities persist In regarding the fact
that the New Yorker has bcn constantly
entertained by the Ilothschlld brothers ns
confirmation of the report that Ilussla In
tends to float Its next loan principally In
tho United Stntes through tho Helmont
firm. Another talc Is that the French
Itothschllds want to keep tho next nusslan
loan from tho public In order to save tho
usual huge commissions nnd expenses of all
sorts, offering to subscribe for half If Bel
mont will undertake to get a few American
millionaires to subscribe for tho other half.
Tho czar favors tho latter scheme. The
elder nothsehlld probably will tako Bel
mont to St. Petersburg for a secret Inter
view with tho czar and Russia's minister
of finance, M. Wltte.
Present Clilr of .ViivhI .nvlKntlon
Ilurenu Slnti'tl for Ciiiiiinniul
of Kiiro)uii Niiuuilroii.
Crliller Is to ItenlKii n Third An-
nlstnnt yeoretnry nml Plrroe.
to Siic'oeeil II I in.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20. The State da
partment Is nbout to lose the services of
Thomas W. Crldlcr, third assistant secre
tary of state Ho has accepted tho position
of European commissioner of tho Louisiana
I'urchnso exposition, a post which nffords
nearly doublo tho compensation of his
present position, and for which Mr. Crldlcr
Is fitted by rousou of his wtdo acquaintance
abroad nnd his connection with tho last
part of tho Paris exposition as a successor
to the late Moses P, Handy;
Mi. Crldlcr was appointed from West Vir
ginia as a clerk In tho State department In
October, 1S75, and has been continuously In
Its service up to tho present. Ho becamo
third assistant secretary of stnto In April,
It is understood Hint Mr. Crldlcr's succes
sor as third assistant secretary of stato will
bo Herbert D. Pierce, at present secretary
of embnssy nt St. Petersburg. Ho Is n na
tive of Massachusetts and entered tho dlplo
matlc service In May, 1894. Ho retired In
January, 1898, but re-entered tho servlco
three months later on March 15, being ap
pointed secretary to the St. Petersburg em
Attemlnntn nt flrlseom-nrnnsnn Weil-
illiiK Infinite n Wlilopr for
llest Mnti.
(Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Oct. 26. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Tho mnrrlngo
of Lloyd ('. Orlseom, American minister to
Persia, and Miss Elliabcth Duor nronson,
daughter of Frederick Uronson, which will
tnko place nt St. Margarot's, Westminster,
November 2. at 1 p. m., Is llkoly to call out
nil the fashionable Americans tn loiulon
Solid Cold Pocket Knives $6.00
Solid Cold Cigar Cutters $1.75
Same, Diamond Set $0.50
Solid Hold Match Boxes $20.00
Solid Oold Locket J 1.75
Same, Diamond Set.... f 6.75 to 142.00
Solid Cold Button (2.50 to $35.00
A full lino of Gorhnm Sterling Silverware
nnd Hawks Celebrated Cut Glass. Any
artlclo reserved for ou till called for.
'Why not look Into Copley's 7"
Special Watch numlntr 11. & M. fly.
Chl.f Watch Inpettor O. Sc S. U
K. C. & lit Ily. nJ K. C. Sc N Ily.
and many members of the English
aristocracy. The four brldemnlds will bo;
Muriel White, daughter of Henry White,
secretary of tho American embnssy; Paulino
Astor; Miss Orlseom, sister of the bride
groom, and Miss I)c Montsaulln. Tho best
man will bo Colonel Honorablo Charles
Chrlchton, brother of the earl of Kmc.
Colonel Chrlchton ! n widower, which
makes his acting as best man somewhat
unusual. After the marrlago tho guests
will go to the Coburg hotel, where Miss
Bronton Is staying with her parents, where
the wedding presents will be on view. Tho
honeymoon will bn passed at Seabara,
which Is lent by lady Theodora Quest,
loiter tho couple Will live In Teheran,
BERLIN, Oct. 26. The Pan-American
congress at the City of Mexico has caused
much press discussion hero the general pQJJp BRIDEMAIDS CHOSEN
lone oi wnicn is Dcuuiing nnu FKriHitai ui
Its success, it Is Interpreted ns being n
schemo of the United Stntes to lncrcnso
Its tnfluenro over Latin America. An al
liance be-wen tho United Stntes and the
latter Is regarded as chlmerlcnl, owing to
tho racial differences, tho only connection
between them being prouounced to bo
merely geographical.
"Therefore," says tho Berliner Neusto
Nnchrlchtcn, "Pan-Amorlcanlsm Is more
lacking In a practical hauls than Pan-Slavlsm."
Tho paper continues: "Tho Pan-Amcr-
lean Idea Is solely capable f develop
ment upon tho basis of the siiblectlou of
all America to tho hegemony of tho United
States. Tho representatives of Anglo-
Saxon and Latin Amcrlcn differ so, re
specting territorial conditions nnd tho com
position of tho populations, that a closer
union Is only concelvnblo upon tho pro
supposition of a decisive predominance of
tho United States."
fnyn Monroe Doctrine Contracts.
Dr. Hans Wagner discusses the subject at
length lu Dor Tng. Ho says tho Monroe
doctrlno no longer means America for
Americans, but North Americans. Dr.
Wagner ropes for nu International com
mission which will prepare n well-merited
gravo for tho beautiful Monroo phrnsc
Tho Cologno Volks Zcltung calls this
Utopian nnd also regards Dr. Wagner ns
being wrong In thinking President Hooso
volt Intends .to adopt n harsher policy to
ward Great Britain, since tho latter tins
already conceded what tho United States
The Cologno Volks Zcltung refers to tho
nllegcd attempts In American newspapers
to crcato an anti-German sentiment by tho
assertion that Germany wants to establish
colonies in South America, admitting that
thn Pn n .flnritin n nnu'anannri linvn trlvnn
abundant causo therefor. Tho paper clas- I WO oIGDS
. i - - r
as among mo mosi ... . , , . lt .... t.vo
nr.. o.
Amlrmle I'loltlnc Trouhle.
SAN JUAN, Porto Hlco. Oct. 26. General
Ignaclo Andrade, former president of Vene
zuela, accompanied by his wife nnd eight
children, sailed for the Island of Curacoa
by tho steamer Caracas, which arrived hero
from New York. General IVnaloi, who was
prominent under General Andrado against
General Castro In 1S90, Is a passenger by
the, Bamo vessol. Humors are current In
San Juan that he Is planning to Invadu
Venezuela, by way of Trinidad.
llu Ina. Potutiirn In Oernmnr.
BERLIN, i)ct. 26. Tho British govern
ment Is buying potatoes tn Germany for
South Afrlcn and 26,000 boxes have Just
been shipped to tho cape from Hamburg.
r Change
We will change your
shirt for $1.50 or $1.00
of your change.
Black the $2.50 Hatter f
107 S. 10th Street
SJ & 0
Ymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmm n nn ujiblihiii n
WASHINGTON. Oct. 20. Secrotary Long
announced today that Admiral A. S. Crown
tnshicld, chief of the naval navigation bu
rcnu, would tako command of tho European
hquudron next Mnrch, being relieved of his
present duties by Admiral Henry C. Taylor,
Tho secretary said this plan had been ar
ranged last April, whon. on tho expiration
or Admiral t'rownlnshleld s four years' com
mission ns chief of tho naval bureau, ho
was rccommlssloncd for another torm. Tho
ditto was fixed for March 9 next, because
on that day Admiral Crownlnshlold, who
now holds tho title cx-ofncln as hood of
the navigation bureau, will become a renl
ndmlrnl In fact through the ordlnnry courso
of retirement and promotion. It Is the
rulo for nn admiral to fly his (lag over a
squadron In actual servlco before he ro
tlrcs and this would not be posslblo In Ad
miral Crownlnshtcld's enso wore he to serve
out his present commission, for he will
retire early In 1905.
Hear Admiral Henry O. Taylor, now n
member of the general board, commanded
Indiana In tho Santiago campnlgn. He de
clined to be head of tho navigation bureau
whon Admiral Crownlnshlold wns appointed.
Tho Navy department has selected Men
tenant Commander W. II. H. Southcrland
to succeed Captain C. O. Todd ns chief
hydrogrnpher of thn navy and orders have
been Issued detailing him from tho com
innnd of Doluhlu.
Commander Southerlnnd has come to be
regarded us an expert In hydrographlc
work. Ho mado raowt deflnlto survey yet
had of the mouth of tho Amazon nnd. al
though tho work was conducted from Dol
phin with great dlftlculty, owing to tho
Mint nirrptnr Compiles Tnlilr SIioit-
liiK CnlniiRP of Gold In Dif
ferent Countries.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. A tnblo pre
pared by tho director of the mint shows
that tho coinage of gold for the world dur
Ing the last calendar year was $354,936,497,
a decrease from MC6, 110,014 for tho pro
ceding year. The coinage of silver was
$177,OU,,)02, an lnr-"aso over tho preccd
lng year df $10,884,'. . ,
The coinage of gold and silver for tho
principal countries for the years 1899 and
1900 was as follows:
United States MU.3ll.220
Great Brltnln 43.S52.0S'.
Russia 191.481,077
Germany 33,628,455
United States S 26.061,320
Great Britain 7.910.8S0
Russia 20.967,769
Germany 4,346.302
Blflt-B tho wholo Idea
splendid castles built In tbo air. The
Cologno Volks Zeltung also says lt will
bet 100 to 1 that suspicions will bo cast
upon Germany's policy becauso that coun
try has decided to establish an Information
bureau In Berlin for emigrants, under tho
mnnngomcnt of an official who was formerly
a German consul In South America.
Colontnl Affnlrn l)lsilne- Turin".
Colonial affairs and the establishment of
tho emigration bureau have been widely
discussed during tho week. The object of
tho bureau Is to guide Gorman emigration
into tho colonics, but tho press Is largely
skeptical of Its success.
The tnrlff situation Is regarded as being
entirely obscure Tho papers complain
that Chancellor von Buelow does not show
bis hand and that the government's Inten
tions nro carefully disguised. Even the
North German Gazetto's semi-official ut
terances regarding the denunciation of tha
commercial treaties lenvo tho govern
ment's Intentions as clouded as before.
Tho equipment of the German army with
the new rule, wmch was suspended a year
ago, will bo resumed In November, enough
rifles having been mndo for several army
Array officials recently have been wrltlnp
too freely for tho newspapers and the corps
commanders, acting on Emperor William'
Instruction, havo called the attention of
their commanders to tho servlco oath re
garding divulging army secrets.
Alma Stoucel of San Francisco, who Is
only 13 years of age, mndo her debut hero
tonight, nppearlng at a concert with tho
Philharmonic orchestra. Miss Stcucel was
highly successful.
KO overywhi'io Special for ono week,
coinini'iieliiK Saturday, October '20, we
will olTer over 11,000 popular two-stops
nnd ninrelies at 10o per eopy or three
for 23c Why? Accumulation of utock
compel ns to make this uacilllre Do
not miss this Rlpuitlc sale You will llutl
many of your favorites Sec our counter
display It will cost you nothing All
music at popular prices.
Music and Art. 1513-1515 Douglas
We do nitlstlc tuning. Phone 1SS.
War Survivors HiMiiemlicrcil ! the
Geucrnl Government.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. (Special.) The
following western pensions have been
Issue of October 7:
Nebraska: Orlulnnl. War with Soaln-
Pane L Newton. Omaha. J17. Inrrense.
Rcstorutlon. Reissue. Etc. Ohnnlon Gatrel.
Tecumseli. 110: George Daniels, lllun
Springs, JS: Charles D.tvls (deceased). Hod
Cloud. 517. Reissue, Widow Ruth Davis,
Kfll UlOllll, J1-. l
Iowa: urwlnnl Dnvld rontlout. ucs
Moines. J6; Olo Anderson, Down, JO; Alnnzo
H. McCord. Curson. $6: Oconto R. Tracer.
Duninp. s. uriginai, war witn spaln-
MIIpb . 1'nrWnr. Pnmrnv. IrV Innrnnu.
Restoration. Reissue, Etc. Rufus M. Pier, e,
Ottunnvn. $10: Andrew J. Keller. Marion.
J12: Haiuilel L. Kennedy. Cedar Raiildx, $X;
Ktincn .Miisce. cemir univ.ciH, sio; iFanc c.
Way, Hampton, $17; LowIh K, Holtoti, East
ucs .Moines, ss: urnsiUH noun cm v. Mar-
sbnlltown. 117: John T. Gault. Vinton. J8:
lleiilnmln b . l'nlmer. MlMsmirl Vitllov. ffii
Lnnson Itushford. Aniimocn. J8. Orlclnul
Widows. Etc. Hannah A. Lorev Isoconil
accrued iciouer nj. i.eon, w.
.Nortn uanoin: original Jnlin r. nuck-
ley. Fort itice, io.
South Dakota: Increase. Rpstornt on. Re
issue, Etc. Joseph H. Feuron. Sioux Falls,
Colorado. urlKlnal Henry u. Illnctier.
uenver, u.
issue or uctonor a:
Nebraska: Orlnlnal Georco Rlnehenrt.
Palmyra, 16. Inerease. Rrstorntton. Re
issue, Ktc. Kneedham N. Crandall, Ponea,
IS: William Austin, Ponca, $12.
Iowa: Original Wilbur V. Knnwles.
James, J8: Patrick Hagan. Soldiers" Home.
Mnrshnlltown, 16. Increase. Restoration,
iieissue. inc. oscar t'ornisn. K wood. Jv
Alonzo LuslibaiiBli, Llnvllle. (II. Original
mows. Hic. lsmerinn usliorn (snpi- al nr.
orued October 10), Decatur. J.
oouin uuKotn: increase. Restoration,
ueissue. uic i-nui n lviri. .mi. vrrnon. s:
Calvin R. Lovcland, Huron, JS: Alonzo
iviirnwoou, uory, s.
.Mo uann: ur icinai win am Nhnrmnu.
HrownltlK. 112: Gcorcn Orninnrl. t.U-l
Thry Prove to lie Do I nu I'nelr Sum
n Service Anionic Kimliliuiulilc
Amerlenns Abronil.
Sampson or Schley
Drqx I.. Hlioomnn is not n jutiRe nn-
vocatc on naval nrntters, lint no is n.
,1udKe advoetito on shoes and shoo qual
ity, and when ho tells you that tho
llnunn & Sons' shoe lends them nil for
style, comfort and wear he does so be
cause his experience, has taupht him so.
IJoth men nnd women find In these shoes
a Rreat satisfaction. The latest Is the
now Ideal patent kid with tho welt ex
tended sole rope stitched, military heel
a swell shoe that adds tonn to tho
wearer. We are sole agents for theso
shoes and carry complete lines lu all
sizes and widths. f
Drexel Shoe Co,,
New Poll Catnlnijtie Now Henily.
Unmlin'a t'i-t-lntc Shoe House.
First Trial
Relieved Pilot.
From Geo. C. Gelck. Owens Mills, Mo,
"Some time ago I bought a package of
Tyramld Pile Cure for my wife, who had
suffered very much. Tho first trial did
her moro good than anything she hss ever
tried. It is just what Is claimed for It
for It cured her completely." For salo by
all druggists. Llttlfl book, "Piles, Causa
and Curo," mailed free. Tyramld Drug
Co., Marshall, Mica.
(Copyright. 1901, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Oct. 26. (New York World Cablo
gram Special Telegram.) Two dashing
American women, twin sisters, named Hoi
land, suddenly foil from nobody knew
where three months ago and cantured the
American colony. They were dressed stun- striped nil the way tliroucn ior terns
Our Sweaters- ,mJ,
are just the thing to wear for all Kinds
of athletic work. Wo make the best
sweater that you can Ret for $.5.00, or
nlngly nnd moved from ono fashlonablo
hotel to another, which latter circumstance,
though suspicious, was ascribed to their
originality. Nobody could vouch for them,
yet they were so winsome, witty and entor-
talnlng that they soon secured Invitations
everywhere. Then, It being found that
they were exports of feminine dress, they
were called upon to act a ndvlser3 to many
American women In tho purchasing of
gowns, bonnets and jewelry, until gradu
ally, through social gossips, dressmakers
and jewelers, tnoy Knew nusoiutciy every
purchase made.
Now It is discovered that tho Holland
twins are, detectives who were sent here by
tho Treasury department at Washington to
Inform the American customs officers of
probable Importation!, also to mako a gen
eral study of tho methods and extent or
smuggling by fnshlonnblo people nnd by tho
buyers went hero throo or four times n
year by many American firms. Tho Identity
of the twins wns disclosed by n warning
lettor sent to friends here by one of tho
chief officials of the New York custom
extra. Thesis sweaters win always Kuri
their shape and the necks lu tlieso
sweaters will not stretch all out of shapo
other sweaters do. bor boys no
make these sweaters for less In price,
according to size. We tnko your mens-
and make them to order for you
and guarantee ihein to lit. We can give
veil a nice sweater for l.uu, i..iu,
U wool and extra good quality, iiivu
a trial and you will always coinu
again, becauso we always give y.ou tho
quality we represent.
Jos. F. Bilz
The most completo yarn store in the west.
Tel. 1993. 322 So. 16th St.
Mnll orders promptly micii.
A Box of Chocolates
Is always an acceptable present-provided
they are the good kind There Is
a big difference lu the manufacture of
confectionery - If you want Hie best got
ours- Our chocolates are smooth and de
licious -Our candy tickles the taste with
a toothsome twang makes folks long
for n palate ns wide as a town lot -"Delicious,"
"Finely flavored," "Fresh,
crisp,', are the expressions dropped nt
our candy department - Kvcrybody
wants a Mte - Kvcrybody can have one -Hotter
take home a box with you today.
W. S. Bald uft
IB20 Farnerfl St
One of the Kind Received Daily
A. O. Uaymer.
Onmbn, Neb.- -
Dear Sir: Kudosed llnd check to your
order for llfty dollars In payment of the
l'nvorlte Huso Hurnur purchased from
you thirty days ago.
I wish to stnte that the l'avorlle Is the
finest and best stovo In this city.
K. A. ClJSHINtl.
Wo nro alsq agents for the Majestic
Stool Range unquestionably the best
steel range madu lu the world.
A. C. Raymer
Builders Hardware and Tools.
1514 Farnam St.
Yacht Racing at Manawa
Is over for this season, hut our fall hat
ecason hns just begun with a showing of
more styles, colors and shapes than ever
before, particularly In the medium
priced grades for boys, youths and men
at $1..ri0, ?U, $'.,..,i0 and This Is where
wo excel, for wo not only give you tho
best hat you ever saw at that price, but
we give you a greater assortment to
choose from than any throe Omaha
stores oombluod. Of courso wo are still
the only place where you can buy the
famous Dunlap. Wo nlso show a line
Hue of Stetsons.
C. H. Frederick,
The Leading tint Mnii of thr West.
mi. MAW.
A. Mayer Co.,
Phone I7U
'A '
ftTk I
Re-No-May Powder
relieves and cures all disorders of tha fef 1
Cue to excesslva perspiration. '
Price 50 Cents. j
Bold by diugh'iHts and kiuvo dealers every i
where Hen. by mall for Co uiJdltlonal to !
cover pestuee. i
for a n-w cook, reul The lire's
want columns, If you do not
llnd tho conk you wnnt, adver
tise tn The Huo'h want columns.
A lite want, nil will cost n few
cents nnd will save you hours
of time nnd discomfort.
Hen wnnt mis will llnd pood
men or women to till nny posi
tion find them iiulckly, too.
Bco wnnt nds always brins
tutlsfnctory returns,
Am n Show nf tlio llrccntrlr t'tmtiintcn
of Old KiiKlnnd It Is lntrrt-Mt-hiff
for Awhile,
Mrrinl for Meiitfiuiiit llnxciird.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 16. Ooncral Chaffee
has recommended to tho War department
tl.nt Lieutenant Russell T. Hozzard. Flrot
cavalry, commanding" tho Macabcbo scouts.
bo slven n medal of honor for entering the
camp of the Insurgents with a few scouts
it night In order to effect the capture of
a deserter, which be nccomnllshed.
,mv Consul nml OllU'rrn,
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. The president
made tho following appointments: State,
Ethelbert Wntts, Pennsylvania. United
States consul at Prague, Austria. War,
Samuel D. McAllstcr, second lieutenant, or
tlllery. Navy, Augustus C. Almy, lieutenant
commander; Martin J. Clenncy, warrant ma.
(Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Oct. 26. (Now York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Clyde Fttch's
'The Last of tho Dandles" finds scant favor.
In the eyos of the London critics. As a
show of the elaborate and eccentric cos
tumes of the mot dandified of English
hlstcry, Ueo, bolitu Tree's presentment of tbo
play Is highly Interesting for the first act,
but when tho co.Uume Interest vanishes
the human Interest of tho drama la much
too vnguo and unreal to arouse sympathy
or hold attention. Tree himself Is tinnble
to Invest tho utterly shallow, artificial part
of Dorsay with any reality. Out ho has
excelled him In the artistic perfection of
scenic effects.
Is Your Body Warm?
If not, buy a suit of our
Fleece lined Underwear
$1.00 and $2.00 suit.
They Kelley & Heyden,
Make Shirts & ciiicuRa
Will Relieve lown
WASHINGTON, Oct, 26. The Navy de
partment has decided to send the gunboat
Concord Instead of the cruiser Phlladeb
phla to Panama to rellove the baltlcahlo
Iowa so that the last named vessel mtv
proreod down the Chilean coast and dock
for ueccesarr rtialri.
nrlninnt'a lli-lntlons with Itotlisehllil
Inillcutr Opi-rn tliin In
lu II oil Stntes.
(Copyright, 1001, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Oct. 26. (New York World Ca.
blegram Special Telegram.) August Bel
mont left Paris yesterday for London. The
bunker told the World's Paris corre-
A full line of amateur photograph
era' supplies, Htock the largest. Prices
the lowest. Wrlto for catalogue and
when In the city call ond sen us, Mnll
orders solicited. Call nnd see tho
nicest line of albums ever shown in
The H. J- Penfold Co.,
lldS Farnam St., Omahii, Neb.
Opposlto l'axton Hotel.
broken lines, V,,V)
ana 51.00 values,
sale price,
and 1.38
300 pairs samples,
including some of
ine nest makes
and 98c
welts and turns,
tan and black.
sizes 2H to 6, A A
to D widths, hhIu
)JI ll'M
and 69c
Our Latest Purchase
The foremost factorien were represented in our conven
tion while placing spring orders. We also louj;lit shoes that
were on hand. Every train lias been bringing them. A nior"
elaborate collection of the real swell shoes would be hard to
conceive. The unlimited range of styles gives greater scope
for the originality of style. Wo decided to put the entire pur
chase on sale at price concessions never head of on real high
art shoos.
WOMEN'S SHOES Armstrong's. Eddy & Webster's. E. P. Reed & Co.'s, C. p.
Ford's. Foster's turns and welts all the new extensions and
close trimmed soles new heels 17.00, J6.00 nnd 15.00 shoes
tale price, $4.00, 13.50 and
WOMEN'S SHOES From tho factories of Voting, Julian & Korlnge,
Utr and Dunn 13.60 and $3.00 shoes salo prlco
$1.85 and
MEN'S SHOE3 From tho factories of Schwab Pros., Tilt & Co.,
Hanan & Son $6.00 and $5,00 Shoes on salo Monday,
$3.50 nnd
TIOYS' SHOES From three factories best collection ever shown
values up to $3,50 sale price, $1.75, $1.5 0 and
MISSES' SHOES Tho celebrated BLACK CAT line-none better
welts and turns Monday, $1,65, $1.25 and
Vlrl kid, box calf
and patent Iruthars
1.98, 1.69
and 98c
broken lines,
79c atid
I5I5 Douglus Street-1515
Main Floor.
worth $1.75,
Mi 'i women',
mlc nri'i
children n
?9 20c,
10c and 32