THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. English Women at Home and in Politics October 27, lOOt. 4w aflllt T441ni clta kOMPARED to the WOIUCn Of SOUth- U nnrtlnllv rnonnn.ll.1o fnr hl. mnilorn Knullnh hnllana mM, o nrn tn l.n cm Europe, who aro dependent whole fabric of English society revolves found nlmost overywhero In our own coun- upon their fathers, their hus- around the oldest son and heir. In a great try. Water for tho morning hath must bo bands or sons from the hour of many Instances tho education of the daugh- carried to tho rooms and coals for tho birth until death, tho English ters Is curtailed because tho sons must fires n furnace nr stpntii-hpntrcl hniwn woman Is permitted a great degree of lib- bo trained for professions by which they being eiccptlonal-and for this work a man crty. Although less unhampered than tho may earn a living; but It Is hoped that Is never employed. All tho rooms aro fur women of tho United States, yet with tho tho girls will marry and every effort is nlshrd with bells, which must bo answered, Increase of higher education, tho abolish- mado by tho mother to secure sultablo hus- ami tho maids run up nnd down the stairs mcnt of tbo old useless convention, tho bands for them. There Is no pretense of on errands, or In nnswer to summons, nil opening up of new avenues of work and tho letting this Important consideration take day long. This has Induced a disease, a modern respect for labor, her freedom Is euro of Itself; It Is worked for and planned swelling of tho kneo Joints, recognized by constantly Increasing. for from tho tlmo tho daughter reaches a physicians as "housemaid's knee." Eng Tho English law recognizes tho husband marriageable age. Much greater thought flh servants aro not expected to sharo tho as tho head of the family a law that still ls Riven tho wherewithal tho Income for delicacies of tho family table; n separate obtains In some parts of our own country tM0 maintenance of tho newly cstnllshcd tnblo Is spread for them below stairs, pro and tho estimate of tho law ls obediently family than In tho United States, and when vMcd with plain, although abundant, food, reflected by tho family. In nine households lho w,fo'8 '""'no 1 settled upon herself ani any luxuries thoy dcslro they must got out of ten tho best of everything Is reserved nml hcr cnllaren by tho marrlago contract for themselves. for "tho master;" the best chair Is placed 11 cnnnot bo touched by tho husband or Mnny of lho grcnt ,lrnpcr8 .hops board In tho most comfortable corner of tho fireside, and It would be little short of sacrilege for wife or child to occupy cither. If tho faro Is plain there must bo something "tasty" to use tho English expression for tho man of the house. An English woman who lived In a London suburb said to the writer: "Tho family dine upon a log of mutton on Sundays, and It comes upon the tablo dally until It Is nil gone." Tho husband. In the meantime, dines In town, or dering tho-dlshes he most pre fers! Tho greater part of tho Jconomlzlng falls upon the wlfo; If retrenchment Is neces sary her brougham Is sacri ficed that tbo husband may retain his cob. Everywhere In London, even In tbo most fashionable quarters, ele gantly dressed men, accom panied by decidedly shabby women, may bo seen, and It Is tho rule, rather than tho ex ecution. An Englishman's clothes nro well chosen and well made, wbllo tho dress of bis wife or daughter ls very often "a thing of shreds and patches." Few English women have much senso of color or form. Tho people a8 a whole aro afflicted with a species of color tulness. They seldom know clearly what they want and exerclso llttlo discretion in shopping. They nro exquisitely clean, as their do- diverted from tho object to which It ls and lodgo their women clerks In apartmcntx votlon to tho "morning tub," tholr clear to bo applied. In tho upper floors of their establishments, skin and their fine color attest, but they English children, if somewhat shy, aro They aro required to wear black gowns, havo llttlo of tho trlmness that ls cssen- delightful. Simple, nntural, unspoiled, they mado with a dcml-traln, white collars nnd tlally tho characteristic of tho American nro taught respect for their elders and cuffs, tho hair to bo elaborately dressed, woman. Furthermore, thoy laco them- obedience to their parents from tho tlmo Tholr wages whoro their board Is furnished selves in "stays" that aro aB stiff as tho that they aro old enough to understand aro small nnd thero are mnny llttlo shops mediaeval cuirass and with all that ls anything. In all well-to-do families they whoro tho girls employed as clerks work said of their lovo of oxcrclso they havo nro kept In tho nursery, except when tholr from Mondny until Into Saturday night for adopted In recent excessively high-heeled presence is requested in tno urnwing room, no other compensation than board and boots for tho street. With tho body com- given plain food and dressed In simple, lodging nnd must And tho menns outsldo pressed In tho torturing stays, balanced comfortablp clothing. Thoy take their meals wherewith to clotho themselves and pay upon Impossible French heels, no graco or ' regular nours anu navo a great aeai tholr Incidental expenses. . .... ... ... . nf nt. I n .ilnni. nvnpnl.n Thn hnvd nn onnt ireeuom or motion is possinie nnci mo gaii " ....... Th . .oniini in m.iim, iinnii.i, - .... ' ..... , In thn nnhlln nntinnla Rlnn Ttnohv nr Win. mere IS Ono eSSentlnl In WHICH KngllSl) oecomes or neccssuy an nwKwnr.. c.ump. ll---""" thero women far excel those of tho United States An American girl, with her usunlly admlr- cncsier, wnen moy aro mere cniiaron, inero lntelllcent comDrohcnslon nhlo rnrrinfrn mnv hn rnvwml7orl nt nnrn to rnako their way, In splto of tho Eng- ,m iul IB luuir inioiiigcni comproncnBion abio carriage, may bo recognized, at onco BVStcm ot ''facelne" which ls fnr of Krcat Political questions. Tho English nnywhero and easily distinguished from "sn system or ragging, wnicn is rnr wom0n of nosltion must know nolltlca nnd w Pnoii.h .utnr worBO than Bny hazing known In Araerlcnn T i P08'uon mul "now p",t,ca anu hcr English sister. colleges bo nbI not onljr to tnlk- but t0 no,D ,n tho Tho English woman's tendency to bright, GlrB n wcithy or titled families rarely canvasB- " her services aro required, as unharmonlous colors-posslbly n natural nttcna 8choo,Si Eyen nt Nownhnln ,, they usually aro. In a parliamentary can- reaction from their gray fog and dull skies , th , nr n,moat f hu vnss tho women on both sides work vlgor- -has been much mproved within the past , , claBaC8 nnd percentage ox- ously' ma,klnB houso-to-houso v sits and decade, but sho still has n fondness for a , . ..,. i.,. w spenklng from tho hustings and tho result variety of ruches and ruffles and flying ends Tm a .i ' " S " a election Is to them a matter of vital of ribbons, Jingling chains and bracelets . . !, ..', . j. .. ,, Importance. Tho two grcnt political or hnt nnf onn h Dn.U t h. llr. 'h """" I' I uivooiuiin u icuutm,, UIO- nn-nHnno In u,hlM, Wn n,n nn.l iiiiiiiiiMfe&iiiiiiiiiK.HH iiiiiiiiiiiiiK&HflHKi 'Tfy.rLiiiiiiiiiiiiiB JOHANN RUDOLPH AUGUST SPETI1MANN AND HIS WIFE, MALVINA SI'ETHMANN. WHO CELEBIIATED THE SIXTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THEIR MARRIAGE AT GRAND ISLAND, Neb., WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1901. that not even the severity of tho tailor mado ado gown has been able to correct. couraged by Englishmen who are Intensely bo, hayo ft rflombor8hp runnlnB up lnt0 t Jealous of any encroachment upon what ,hn hnnPrt. , .hn.nn,i. ,n nnn Af .h ii i uit uuinu, However, mai mo eng- (hnv hnvn hllhnrtn rnnl.lnrn.l ttinlr nwn Z. : .. . lish woman particularly shlncs-lf tho hus- B'",', i,nmin oiner inciuaes aimosi overy womnn or ranK Tho position ot working women of all and distinction In tho United Kingdom. T la nn iH.n.iillu , , n n .1 . 1. . n 1 1 r.Kui.u, uu- , ,s on(J of ,h0 ,mportnnt prob,oms " " Z 'unZ , In this event , .. : ,. ., womon ratepayers aro qualified to vote dlnate. whose f ho,ur' Thore' "8, hcro,' th, flo,d ot In municipal elections throughout England MARY H. KROUT. band Is not abnormally domestic, as fro quently happens taking her rightful au tnorlty Into his own hands Bho lo nl n 1. ... 1. 1 n ...t,nvnnn " 11 V to WU 1 j uuiiiuiu Duuuiuiuati:, nuiau . l. , ,1 I nl 1 h 11 ..ivv.iuiin business It Is to see that tho wishes of her "'"",u" '"m T""V' " and that thousands of women vote In Lon- lord and master aro carried out. The woman stops Into a place formerly hold by don for tho county councll throURh whlch British husband and father superintending a man there s an Instant disposition to put almoBt tho cntro govcrnment , amns. tho purchase of a gown nt tho Army and up" hcr 0,1 er ot additional tnsks tercd, Tho eiect,ons aro hm ln tho town Navy stores told by tho "American girl In whlch wcro nover required by hor malo hnn of cnch parl.h and tho votlng of tho London," and his stern command: "I will !-" '"r euinpm, u ioji wo- women attracts no comment or attention, nnt k... ,n .1.1... ,, i. n t h. man. for the first time, was appointed sec- nnh iin ,aikinn in .1 11.. Imagination; such Incidents nro common rctnry of ono of tho grcnt London nos- casting her ballot and wnlklng out at tho enough. When tho mnscullno will takos Pltata. Sho was a person of exceptional rear door. With their Increased political this turn thorn la nnthlne with which "thB ability, holding a degree of M. A. from privileges, thoy havo been chosen to Im- head of the family" does not meddle the London university, a clover writer and an portant public offices, upon school boards gowns of wife and daughter, the employ- extraordinary llnguUt. Nominally secro- nnd boards of guardians. In 1898 six women mcnt and dlschargo of servants, the order- tnrv ,n addition to hcr secretarial duties, Berved upon tho London school board, being Ing of the flvo meals dally, with which 81,0 aaa eniiro supervision or an me serv- represented In all the most Important com- tho English constitution needs to be nour- ant8 KePl an account or out ana in mlttees Ishcd In the depressing dampness and chill Patlonts, bought all tho supplies, aollclted of tho climate. contributions for, like all other Instltu- When not Interfered with tho women of t,ons ot tho klna 'n London, tho founda- tho educated classes, It may bo said, are t,on wa8 very Inadequately endowed-sho practlcnlly trained for housekeeping; nl- blnkcd all funds paid In, was present at most nil aro good accountnnts, keeping a" meetings of tho directors, besldo at- reful nolo of every farthing of expend- tending to an enormous correspondence, few ituro. Even tho lodging nnd boarding t theso duties having been placed on tho house keeper sends In tho wcokly bill with malo secrotnrlcs. Sho rarely returned to Its puzzling list of extras properly set down, her homo before 10 o'clock at night, no Illustration of accuracy and Ingenuity There nro thousands of governesses In alike They think It worth their while to England competent to tench Latin, mntlio- consider saving a farthing a pound nt tho matlcs, music, drawing nnd tho continental butcher's upon n Joint; n ha'penny a dozen languages whose salaries do not exceed upon the eggs from tho poulterers, and all $100 n year. A lady advertised In n London such matters that tho American house- nowspnper for a governess possessing theso keeper so ofton considers too petty to dls- qualifications, offorlng a llttlo less thnn tho cuss, thejr never fall to hear In mind. salary abovo named, and Bho received over .The English method of rearing children 1.000 replies. An exceptionally well quall- but for the fact that the daughters aro fled cook is paid about 12 shillings ($3) n too subservient to the sons Is altogether week, a housemaid half as much and there commendable. The law of primogeniture aro few conveniences In any but the most Some Coffees are Glazed with a cheap coating. If glazing helps coffee why aren't the high priced Mochas and Javas glazed also? Lion Coffee is not glazed. It is per fectly pure and has a delicious flavor. Th acftle.l iackiv Iniurtt unl iwru qutmjr .1,4 lrhliif. PROSPECTING uncertain in remits n mmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMkr". -nvMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim m i FOR iiOLiULM illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliaK ... t, aM9!x.u NTHOMIKMT IS THIS WDIII.II. r.VKHY IMIMC' KUIMI, TO A MIOIIT IIIIAKT AT MATl'IIITV. For Information or nn Illustration of a policy suited to your needs, rail upon or nddrcss H. D. NEELY, Mcrchnnts' National Bank Building, Omnlm. Munngcr fur Nobrnskn. Famous Pictures Tho Beo lifts secured n series of beautiful reproductions of famous paintings and beautiful pictures In colors. These plcturos nro nil sultablo for framing nnd will look handsome In nny home. Tho 10th of the surlcs will be HIS HOLINESS, POPE LEO XIII. Tho mngnlllcont painting of Ills Holiness, l'opo Leo XIII, Is lho work of tho cele brated artist, J. A. Mohlto, who has had tho ndvnntngo of tho constant criticisms and advlco of tho highest dignitaries of tho Ilnmnn Catholic Church In America, who havo devoted unusual tlmo In going over tho dotnllB with tho nrtlst so that tho llnlshcd work would be as near perfect aB nnythlng that has over been brought nut. Tliono who havo been favored by His Holiness with an audlenco exclaim over tho romnrk nblo likeness of this painting. It Is Indoed a portrnlt absolutely truo lo life. Tho work has been gotten out at an oxponso of over $5,000, tho lithographs being finished ln 12 separate printings on tho highest grndo of chrome paper, nnd has been treated ln n very artistic manner. Tho vnluo of this plcturo Is almost bovond calculation, bIhco It Ib tho very latest, nnd, In nil probability, will bo tho laBt plcturo over gotten nut from Biich nuthorltntlvo sources. Tho plcturo ls a tribute to tho unusunl reign of Leo XIII. On Wednesday, Fobrunry 20, 1901, His Holiness received tho Cnrdlnnls and high functionaries of tho church, who wnlted upon him In tho Vntlcnn on that day to con gratulate htm upon tho anniversary of his election to tho pontificate, Tho reign of Leo XIII Is tho longest of tho 2C0 Pnpal rolgns. Only live I'odph havo so far exceeded Leo XIII In tho length of service Theso worn: St. Tetcr, who rolgnod 24 years. f months nnd 10 days. Adrian I (722) 23 years, 10 months nnd C days. Pius VI (1775) 24 years, C months nnd 14 dnvs. Plus VII (1800) 23 years, 5 months and 0 dnys. Plus IX (1846) 31 years, 7 months and 22 days. With tho denth of Cardinal Oaleatl, on Jnnunry 25, Ills Holiness, Pope Leo XIII, had burled 135 Cardinals slnco ho began his rotgn. His remarkable strength of body, as well ns of mind, Is now tho subject of uni versal comment, making him one of the most Interesting men of our tlmo. So faithful a likeness and so magnificent a work of art aB tho prcsont plcturo Is, therefore, of Incalculnblo valuo to ovoryone. How to Get Thetti. These pictures nre 16x20 Inches nnd hnvo novor beon sold nt tho art Htoroa for less than ono dollar. By securing nn Immenso qunntlty of them wo nro nhlo to nffor thom With a Coupon for 15 Cents. When ordering stnto tho nnmo of tho subject and If thoy aro to bo mailed unuloso six cents additional for postago and packing CUT OUT THIS COUPON Present at Dee Office or mall this coupon with lBo and get your cholco of Pho tographic Art Studies. When ordorlne by mall add 6c for postago. ART DEPAItTMKHT, HUB PUIIMHIIING CO., OMAHA. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY ArtlDepnrtitient, Omaha, Neb. ThcBo pictures aro framed and on exhibition at ROSE'S ART STORK. We havo provided a largo numbor of frames for The Beo pictures and nro offorlng thom nt a special prlco. Call and see them. ROSE'S ART STORE, 1621 Dodge street, Omaha, Nob.