12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATTTRDAY, OCTOBER 2fi, 1001. MUDDLE IS GETTING DEEPER GmmnsionMl)lp Eleoti Cnfnud by Ordtri from tkt Gourti. EXTRA MEMBER LIKELY TO BE CHOSEN County CIrrU llnrrlr CmifroniPil hy .Mnnrinlnr) Orlr nml .MimiiIiit llnrlc Scri-iic In III" l'oc nlun of n Scnl. "The name of Lyman Waterman nml I'. ,W. Marsh, the tcnutiUcun and fusion lamlt- dates for county commissioner In tho Klrat dlntrlcl. will both be placed on the unmplo ballots unless the courts Interfere," said County Clerk I). M. Havrrly In ilIscuasltiK the controversy which has arisen over tho election of county commissioners. .Mr. Connolly's nnmo will also no on tho ticket. I nm powerless to do anythltiR else but put nil these names on the ballots. If 1 rcfusa to do bo I ft 111 bo In contempt of court. Judge Maker's order compels mo to put Waterman nnd Marsh on the ticket nnd tho decision of tho supremo court makes It Im perative that Drowning nno Connolly bo Dlaced on the ticket. "I havo heard rumors that Commissioner Hnrto will tnnkn some move to havo the matter ntralphtencd out, so there will bo no election In tho Mrt district, but ns yet I linvo not been notified of any move. 1 had hoped that Harlo would moko an at tempt to BtralRhten this tnnslo out somo tlmo ngo. As tho coso stands nt present thcie Is nothing for mo to do but put all tho names on tho ticket nnd lot tho problem work out Its own solution. It looks very much as tliough tho settlement of the dis pute Is to bo delayed until nftor election." Ilnrtp Urn n M v. J. L. Kennedy, attorney fo. Ir. Ilarte, Is not disposed to enjoin Mi. Haverly from placing tho names of Waterman '.ml Marsh on tho samplo ballots. In discussing tho question ho said: "Mr. Harto holds a cortiflcnto of election nnd thero Ib no reason why he should be worrlod over tho situation. There Is r.o power which can turn him out until ho has served his term. It will bo lmposslhlo to elect nnother commissioner from tho First district. Tho fact that n man moves out of a district In which ho 1h elected doos not prevent him from serving out his term. Tho authorities nro clear on this solnt." In discussing his position. Mr. Water man said: "I nm not at all uneasy about tho situation. My name will go on tho tlckot nnd if I nm elected I will rccolvo a ccrtlflcato of election nnd tnko my scat on thi board. Some of the other fellows will have to worry. There will bo too manv members nnd somebody will havo to get out. Action will probably bo taken to un seat mo, providing 1 nm elected. The mat ter will rest with tho courts nnd tho other members of tho board. I nm advised that thero will bo nothing to prevent me from taking tho sent In caso I nm elected." If it "Onrluml" That's nil you need to know nbout a tovo or range AmiotincctiiriiKt of tin- Tlirnlers. Thn newest Clydo Fitch play "Lovers' Lane," which will havo Its first nppcaranco in this city Sunday nftornoon, has been one of 'ho few real successful plays pro duced Inst season, pure, sweet nnd whole- pome, With ns pretty a lovo story running throUKh ns ono would enro to see, filled with hnndBomo scenic pictures nnd a welb balanced cast of thirty people. Wllllnm A. Ilrndy, under whose direction the piny will bo presented, guarantees the narno production in detnll ns Its five months' run in New York nnd thrco months In Chicago. "Lovers' Lnue" will be seen at tho Doyd for six performance, Sunday, Monday. Tuesdnv nnd Wednesday. October 27, 28, 29 nnd 30. "Two Merry Tramps,' n popular-priced attraction which has been receiving consld- rrablo prnlse from tho press In tho section of tho country where It hns been playing filnce tho opening of the senson, comes to tho Iloyd for two performances today, mat- ineo and night. Wood and Want nro the Btnrs of tho compnny nnd nro said to bo funny. A novelty Is promised In nn Indian opera scene, interpolated in tho second act. In conjunction with the regular pcrform- nnco tonight of tho High Rollers, 1'cter Loch nnd Joe Sullivan will decide who Is tho superior master on tho mat. The man ngnmout nnnounces "A Merry Chaso" for Sunday afternoon nnd evening only. ClilcftKO to nnfTnln and Itctnrn fO.T-V Every Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday In October the Michigan Central, "The NMagara Falls Route," will sell tickets nt JS.7& for tho round trip from Chicago to Iluffolo and return. As tickets at then) extremely low rates are good In day coaches only, tho daylight train of tho Michigan Central, leaving Chlcngo in the morning, will offer most satisfactory service. Four fine through trains each way. All trains parsing Niagara Falls by daylight stop five minutes at Fall VJew. Very low rales nrn also mado every day for tickets good In sleeping cars. For particulars address 0. W. Huggles, general passenger and tlckot agent, Chicago. Ivory handle umbrellas, Kdholm, Jqweler. A meeting of tho depositors of the German Savlnss bnnk will be held at room No. 213 New York Life building, on Saturday evening, October 26, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of tnklng action to protect the Interests of the unpaid depositors In that bank. All depositors nre earnestly Invited to bo present. - flLl'B VALLRY I'LASTHFl CO., by Arthur Kngllsh, Sec. J. S. KNOX. i 0. S. conn. M, WOLLSTEIN k CO., by George Sells- rohn. OKOKOK SKLIOSOH.V. OMAHA PLATTDKUTSOHEK VEREIN. by W. F. Slocckcr. Don't skip a nord of Hnydcn nros. ad on pngo 7 or you may skip a dollar. Cnril of Tlimilta'. Wo desire to extend our thanks to the many friends for their assistance nnd sym pathy during the sickness and death of our beloved son and brother, J. ELLIOTT AND FAMILY, tf.7r ItnfTnlo nml Upturn, Via thn Ilurllngton Ilouto October 25, 28 nnd 30. Tickets, lf.02 Fnrnam St. Everybody praise Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure. Two sizes, 60c nnd $1.00. All druggists. Shampooing nnd hair dressing, 25c. In connection with The Oathery, 216-220 Deo building. Tel. 1716. Publish your legal "notices In Th Wtsktr Ilee. Telephone 233. Elk tooth emblems. Edholnv Jowcler. Hnyden Tiros, nd Is on page 7. Head every word of It. ns 43c 2!ic 31c 3Sc 31c 49c Itc These Are Cut Drug Prices. Anil (lin nlnpo tn flnH tllPSP PRICKS nnd tho tlOODS Is at Sherman & McConncll'n Drue Store: $2.0i) Siiccuh Alteruus, wo sell JI.3S J 1.00 Cramer's Kidney Cure, wo sell.... -I!ic UooK out nnu don't pay nimusi much for tho fOc sue.) tt.W) Temntntlon Tonic Mo Cnlthvcll's Syrup Pepsin, we sell.. cnkn'B Dandrurr cure, we sen KOc Ilnys' Hnlr Health, we sell COo Hinds' Honey nnd Almond Cream wo sell 11.00 Kirk's Hnlr Tonic, we sell ?R l.vnn'n Tnnth I'owiler. wo sell...... 25o Mennen'H Tnlcum rowuer, we sen itc BOo Malted Milk, wo sell "1o fi.w l'erunn, wo sou 25c Stunrt's Arnlcn Snlve, we sell He J1.00 S. S. 8., wo Hell 6'c M.75 H. 3. 8.. we Hell $1.11 $1.50 Vln Mnrtiinl, wo soil Mc $1.00 Wine of Cnnlul. we sell 51c 25e Kirk's Juvenile Soap, cake, we sell So Woodbury s Fncuu Honp, cnKe, wo sen hc Write for cntnlogue. Sherman &. McConnell Drug Go. Cor. IGth nnd Dodge, Omaha. HERE,MEN GET UNDER A NEW COVER AT BLACK'S The $2.50 Hatter. COME IN AND HEAR THE TALE OF OUR $1.00 SHIRT. 107 S. 16th St. THE rAJt-AMKftlCAJI I3.rOSITIOX n II n ft n to. With Its magnificent spectacle, the nightly Illuminations, will be over In a few days. Tho Pan-American Special, the swell train of tho Michigan Central, leaves Chicago 6 p. m. dally, serving dinner, and arrives Duffalo 7:45 next morning, via Niagara Falls. Vry low rates during October. O. W. Ruggles, G. P. nnd T. A., Chlcngo. Send articles of Incorporation, notices ot Itockholders' meetings, etc., to The Be. We will give them proper legal laiortloa. Telephone 238. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In connection with Tho Dathery, 216-220 Bee building. Tel. 1716. Before you throw this paper aside turn to page 7 and read Hnyden Bros. ad. Christmas goods arriving. Edholm, jeweler 1 Wearers of S0R0SIS V at $3.50 always. The Perfected American Shoe, Know what foot comfort Is from personal experience. That's why they wear Sorosls. Some shoo dealers get $3.00 for $3.50 shoes. Sorosls are $5.00 values costing you $3.50 always. SURPASS Our other line of welts for women. In any leathers and all new shapes, $2 50 nlways. Misses' Surpass, $2.00; Children's Surpass, $1.50. We carry no machlne-scwcd shoes. FRANK WILCOX MGRji 203 j.s&jr. Send for catnloguo. A household remedy Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure. 50c and $1, all druggists. Wl! no.VT sell $10.00 overcoats for $2.50. M T WK no sell a better ono for $2.35 than any other fellow soils for $2.50. WK DOVT sell knee pants worth $1.00 far 29c, iu;t wb no sell as good ones ns their 29c ones for 15. Wi? novT sell Stein, Blocks nor Rogers, Pcet clothing, hut wn no sell other makes which wo consider equally ns good at way down prices. WK HO.VT advertlso anything of which wc have not plenty on-hand nor do wo misrepresent any thing, IIL'T WK no sell goods cheaper than any other house In town. Tho proof of tho pudding Is to ent It. WK IIO.X'T ask you to buy of us If you can beat' our prices, ' IIL'T WE no expect you, In your own Interest, to give us a call beforo you buy elsewhero and seo men's shirt waists, 39c; strong working pants, 69c; men's shoes, 75c; work shirts, full size, 29c; laundered shirks, 25c; men's extra strong suits of clothes, $3.98; pure all wool suits, $5.00; linen collars, 714c; leather gloves, 9c; fleece lined underwear, 25c; choice of all tbo light weight boys suits, 75c; hoys' overalls, with bfb, 15c; men's flno pants, $1.50. Tho better grades of suits and overcoats way down cheap at the . ' GUARANTEE CLOSING- OUT SALE, 1616-18 Capitol Ave., Near Bennett's, m Poor Teeth will ruin n erood disposition. We II keep your teeth In order wo that they will benefit both your hcnlth and dis position. V nn hold Crown, 22k -yM Fillings 75c "P Tatt's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 IIiiiikIi" Street. Diamonds reset to plcaso. Kdholm, jew eler. Go to tho big storo Saturday big bargains In every department Hnyden nros. What's the use of paying 20c. 25c, 35c nnd even as much as 60c for theso bo-culled face lotions when you can tako ndvuutago of our special sain nnd get our gentium Egyptian Lotus Cream for oc a bottle. Remember this In for Sat urday only, October 26th. OLD-TIME HOARllOUND CANDY, lb. 20c FINE BOTTLE MALT W1I18KV fiV Hy express, prepaid "6c 50c Cromer's Kidney Curo 4kj $1.00 Peruna to Talcum Powder 5c, 10c, 12c, 15o and 19c $1.00 ller"H Malt Whisky 75c Wo Pozzonl Powder 2Sc $1.00 Pierce's Favorite Prescription.... fic $1.00 Plerco'B Golden Medical Discovery 67o $1.00 West'8 Brain and Nervo Treatment 9o $1.00 Undo Sam's Tobacco Curo 60c 2&c Cramer's Vegetable, Pills ale 26c Cramer'a Liniment 20a 25c Cramer's Salvo '.Do 12.00 Karl Cramer'B Tansy. Cotton ltont and Pennyroyal Pills Ji.oo $l.oa Newbro'i. Ilerplcldo 62c Newnro's lierpicnui in gnjinns, unit gal lons aim (unris. rue inr prices. Cut Price Drug Store Tel. 747. 8, W. Cor. Ifilh nml CIiIcuks Goods delivered FREE to any part of city. 00 SGHAEFER'S 'TWIXT THE GLASS AND THE LIP there will be no delay when the glass eon tains our beer, with Its rich, palatable flavor. It Is pure beer, tho only beer you should drink, nnd thero Is no exception to its purity or Us attractive qualities. If a good ucer to nave in ino nouae. Try a caso of two dozen battles, delivered. Metz Bros. Brewing Co., Tel. 111). Ontthn. f rtEU Challtnge Sale mm' nMI ULUo " Boys' Clothing Men's $10 nil wool cheviot and enssimere suitn, in four flno patterns, every suit is cut in the newest tan style, and is exceptionally well made and lined, M r ski lisilleiire nvice WB Men's $20 and $Ur Kitohuer yokt overcoats our special sale ot these handsome 20 and 25 overcoats for $10 and $15, is creating no end of excitement. They are made from the iinest materials, are cut extra lontr and full, have the broad shoul ders, vertical pockets and Skinner's guaranteed satin sleeve linings Challenge price $10 and $15. Men's S7.50 I'arnuon Pants These pants are the finest ready tailored pants in America, made in the latest style with spring hipped, Challenge price $11.75. Men's $15 line covert cloth over coats, at $7.50. Men's $12.50 extra fine worsted suits, in fine stripes nnd checks, also plain blue, serges and finest cassi meres, Challenge price $7.50. Men's $20 to $30 tailor-made suits cut in the new military Yale ant Varsity styles, made by the Stein Ttlooh Co., Ilart. Sohafl'ner & Marx finest wholesale tailors, Challeuge price $10 and $15. Extra special sale for Saturday in our boys' and children's depart mcnt. Read great sales on page 7. HAYDEN BROS SELLING THE MOST CLOTHING IN OMAHA. Women's Shoes Tagged to Sell at $K95 Instead of $3. The $3.00 tag on something like 2,800 pairs of extra quality Women's shoes must give way to a "better-to-you" price tag for one day. We miss our guess if that price tag does not create the liveliest interest among clever women folks that know what $3.00 shoes should be. They'll be willing to admit that it's US and US ALONE that DO sell $3 ladies' shoes for $1.95. Tell the salesmen to show you the newly tugged shoes tomorrow. $1.95 for WOMEN'S $3 Shoes. INSTEAD OF it Tnn $l-95 for . $3 Shoes. Now, then, we are at your service all" day Saturday with women's Patent Leather Shoes, Eilamel Shoes, Hox Calf Shoes, Vici Kid Shoes, Chrome Kid, King Kid, etc., with high and low heels, thin and thick soles, flexible and hand sewed shoes, all with the new $1.05 price, tag. These will be sold without reserve at that price all day Saturday. TV 'f'l'IP kT0kT We have about 450 pair of RJJ Mlw J women's $2 satin slippers, that we will place on sale n SLr Saturday, at jf JBDAND El? SONS U 1 LICIT "Particulars-Saturday 11 AT-UCIlS the Crowning Day of All" THE AW NS Now that the greatest of all bargains recently secured by our buyer nro hero we havo tho most elegant stock of ladles' stilts, raglans, jackets and capes at half their value, ever shown by any house In tho United States. Bear In mind that, theso bargains can only be not pqsslblo even for Haydeus to get. such values We got aecurad at present time; that It only at a Ume when the manufacturers aro overloaded and want tho spot cash the goods at our;. prices lower than any h ouso ever bought them beforo. Grand Spiciat Offerings Saturday. 200 raoro aults ot all wool materials mado In tho newest styles; jackets lined throughout with best qual ity Olvernaud's tnffota; a suit mado to sell A AA for J15.00; call and sec It at ; ...QitfO 600 more suits In the new blouse effects, In the new Norfolk stylo in doublo-brensted, single-breasted and , other fancy styles; made from flno Venetians, broad cloths and other materials; made to sell for I A EA 120.00; call and see them, at , lUlVU 200 women's suits In black nnd colors; silk lined throughout In all tho high claw? leading styles of the season; mado of Imported mnterlaU; by man-tatlors ot known ability; to sell for $25.00; call 10 C A and see them, at' IWlwU The Best Skirts for the Uea3t Money of Any House in America. Women's rnlny-day skirts made of Import- Q QD ed corduroys; sold in this city for $6.98; price. ,UwO Women's silk skirts, made of tfie famous Qvernaud taffetas; warranted not to crack; worth 15; Q C A during this sale for VI 9(1 Women's rainy-day skirts, with flounce, 22 rows of stitching; sold in thla town for $6.00; A An great special price gQ Women's velvet skirts trimmed with satin A AA bands of taffeta; worth $15,00, for 0 wD Women's Raglans, Box Coats and Automobiles Women's new Kaglan Coats, mado of all wool materials In the new oxford shades, selling in Omaha for $18.00; sale price Now naglnn Coats, made of flno kerseys and other rough materials; lined throughout with Skinner's satin; a garment worth $30,00; sale price ... Women's automobiles, lined throughout with Skinner's satin for Women's box coats, made from American mills, kerseys, lined with Skin ner's satin, guaranteed worth $12.50, for , Women's jackets, made' of the finest quality kerseys, lined with Skin ner's satin, warranted for two yenrs wear; worth $16; on sale at only Special for Saturday Women's wrappers, worth $1.50, for 08c. Women's all wool waists, worth up to $2.00, for 98c. Women's $2.00 dressing sacques, for 98c. Women's wool waists, worth $5.00 for $2.98, Women's collarettes, worth $2.50, for 08c. Read great sales on page 7. 10.00 18.50 10.00 7.50 10.00 HAYDEN BROS An Age of Specialists Experience donionstrntoH Hint those who devote tholr whole nttentlon to one subject approach nearest to perfection. Our specialty Is Rirls nnd 1)o.vh' wcnrlnp nppnrel, nnd in this we excel. You'll have to 8cc them to appreciate the values. . Girls' Cloaks ages 2 to 16 $1.60, $5 00, Boys' Overcoats-ages 2 to 36 $3.50, $T.M UP. $3.75, $5,0) up. Hoys' Suits-ages 2 to l-$3.60, $4.00, Girls' Sailor Sults-ln bluo and red $4.60 up, forge ages i to 14. An nge of specialists. JiUifiiutanxJJ azaar Opp. Orelwr TTIIhdi K13C CV One of the liral quipped of thn Koelrjr a atria of Inatl flnC tnt, the unlr Kcolry Institute In Nebraska. Curca VUtIw Drnnkennraa, Care Drnir Vnern, Tnhacoa Uaera. 'I'll 11 KEtSLBY INSTITUTE, 10 and LcaTCunortli, uiuaha. Saturday act The Nebraska Men's Suits and Overcoats are here in all the newest shades and shapes and in all the sizes. Suits that cannot be duplicated for the money anywhere by anybody. The $7,50 Ones Men's all wool worsted cheviots, made as in the manner above stated. Buits that bring from 10 to 15 dollars else whore. RkO aro here for Men's Fashionable Fall O'coats. Correct In every detail big line to select from. Ten to Twenty Dollura. ysi Suits, Coats, Etc. New and handsome costumes arriving daily. Women's exquisite man-tailored garments exquisite in every sonne of the word in style, quality and workmanship. Pricen that, demonstrate ''The Nebraska's" methods of popular prices. Women's Tailor-Made Suits Made of a fine all wool cheviot, new eton jacket, with long dip front, taffeta lined and handsomely trimmed with satin bands, new flounce skirt trimmed to match jacket a suit that brings ?K.n0 elsewhere our Jt QQ price M.m Women's Tailor-Made Suits Extra fine quality of cheviot, jacket with new vest, fronts of taffeta silk, with tailor stitching and flaring cuffs to match, new panel shape skirt, lined with the best (LI AHf quality percaline lining, perfect fitting, price J. Women's Fall Jackets leaders in their line re garding Btyle, quality and price $4.90, $5.90, $6.75, $7.90, $8.75. Automobiles Galore moBt complete showing in tho city $12.75, $14.75, $16.75, $18.75 up. Women's Shoes Women's Dongola Shoes lace, with medium toe, medium nnd heavy soles just the thing for early fall (LI gQ wear only X Women's Kid Shoes medium toe, straight kid or patent tip, genuine welt sewed, extension soles, selected, plump, smooth stock; military heel, shoe stores' price $OF)0 $3.50, our price only 4 Women's Vici Kid Lace Shoes dull kid tops, wide, round or medium toe; straight patent lip, full or medium exten sion soles, military or Cuban heel, A A to D, flt'QO sizes 3 to 8 ipvr Men's Underwear Men's extra heavy quality mottled fleece lined g fn Shirts nnd Drawers, regular 75c quality, each. VW Men's light weight three-quarter wool, natural gray, for early fall wear, an exceptionally good garment, all sizes, 34 to !(; shirts or drawers, each Men's best quality strictly all wool French Merino Under wear, in a choice line of colors, perfectly shaped and nicely trimmed, extra good value, shirt or drawers, $jOO Boys' Clothing Clothing cheapness depends first, of all on quality and second to the mother's eye on getting really good styles at a fair price. Roys' Two-pieece Suits of a nice quality and nn exceptional line of patterns to choose from 3.75 and $275 $375 Hoys' Three-piece Suits the kind you can depend upon in regard to styles, quality, pattern and price the kind that only The Nebraska can offer you at such a price We make a specialty of pleasing the mother and boy in tho way of real good tilings for boys' wear. Boys7 Waists The Greatest Waist Values of the Season Boys' Colored Madras Cloth and Percale Shirt Waists, in beautiful light and dark patterns, wif h or without collars, sizes 1 to 13, worth up to $1.00 choice of any r BS- shirt waist in the store OOv Pest, quality French Percale Waists "Mother's Friend" nicely laundered waists nice line of handsome patterns box pleat hack and front, with two separate collars and cuffs made with patent separable waist hand B2i regular dollar quality our Saturday price. Men's Fall Hats All the new styles in men's hats. You can't see the lint on the top of your head, but, oh, how often you wish the other fellow would get a new one that suits him better. Tell him about: our "Nebraska Special" at $1.50 regular hat stores say $3.00 for same style and quality. We Sell Stetson Hats