THE OMAHA DAILY J3EE: PAlUKDAY. OCTOiTEK 20, 1001 1 ! SPECIAL NOTICES AflvertUrmeata far the columns ttIII be tahea nntll 13 n. for the vcnlnaT 4ltlan and until 8:30 p. ait tor aioralaa; .nil Sunday edition. Ratca, 1 l-2o a word Irat tnrertlan, le a ward ttiaraaftcr. Nalhlnc takra for less than 23o tor the Irat laaer tloa. Tare advcrtlacataata nut aa wvm cnase-cntlTCli'. Advertisers, by requesting a ns arrrd cheek, caa faava inintii ad dressed to a aaasbcrad latter la eara at Tha'IIce. Aaavrera aa addrcaaad will ahaak amir. SITUATIONS WANTED. COLLECTOR or salesman, town or coun try, lust disengaged, wants eniiio "'Si Address ,1 65, lice. A--M713 2S" WANTED, position by flour nnd cereal salpsmnn. on thr road or In the city, references furnished; ten 'ars j'JI'cri encc. Address K 21, Hoc. A-Mil. it WATHU-MAl,li IIUI.I'. QOOD mcMcnucrs wanted. A. D. T., -.'12 S 13th. m'ivwii. a mmA man In every county to take, subscriptions for The i weiitlcth Ceil- , tury Farmer. Our ,8enl makB good -rt(IrHfl Twentieth Century Farmer. Omaha. Nub. 11-013 WANTED A first-class watchmaker and engraver; ood salary; reference required. A. Mandelberif, Leadlnf Jeweler, lflth und Farnam 8ts. "WANTED, good horscshoer. Gregory & . son, 125 Main St., council jiiuns. THE HISDON Iron Works, Ban Krnnolsco, offer excellent IndUc'ntnunts to skilled m chanlcs at their new works covering ) acres on water rront or city; specially re oiilrn hnlUrmnlttfi-o. tmttirnniiiKers. Hhlll- nmlths, ulso machine blacksmiths capable or nanaunv worK witn steam nunuiici , 11 TA ntr ilnv fur tn hours: fare refundci! In short period for satisfactory srvlo; steady etntjlovment. Ofllce. Uualo ind Howard ati., Han Francisco. U-.M630 N5' WANTED Twtnty-llve men for general farm unrl Hf.lnilnrd Cilttln Co.. Alliel. Neb. B-AI0i3 2'J WANTED One llrst-class ruler. Trlbuno Printing Co., Jefferson City, Jto, ' WANTED. first-Class cabinet maker. 1316- 17 Farnam Ht. H-.Mfa8i 27 NURSES Training School, Pueblo, Col).: three months' course; diplomas; open November 15; write. H-M6.7 nv DENTISTS wanted; two hustling. wanted; two hustling, grad- uated men, ' adv. business, Kan., or Joplln CARPENTEH8 wanted right nwny at the Omaha Cold Storage Co., 11th und .luck son St. U-M073 27 "WANTED, man for work room In furniture dept.; must be capuhln of doing finishing ana caninei worn. Ancircss jv a', upb Ul rica. IJ 693 2o WANTED A good German advertising compositor. Address, l'ress run. i:o., l-in- coln, Nbb. ii-tiji jN-i MAN to travel In Nebraska; establlahfd business; distribute hnd advertise; rea sonable salury nnd expenses; experience unnecessary: eif-aci(in-ssei envelope. Mgr. E. Wlmmcr. 3-8 Dearborn st., nil- cago. 11-T.M710 20 WANTED, men without money to haw their half cut and shavo Fit EE nt Mnler'a Barber Cnllccc. 1623 Farnam St.. 3d '.floor. All work by students under I skilled teachers. Room for 600 men dally. THE MOI,ER Rarbcr College, 1S23 Farnam St., wants men to learn the barber trade. two months' term commutes, two year apprenticeship snved by free clinic, expert Instructions', lectures, ntc, tooU presented i eacn student, noarn inciuaeti, wages ann l experlenco In shopa Saturdays from start; y no traae oncrn petirr lnaucemenis, pon tlons always open. Call or write for cata- logup,,, , II AUOl 3i' WANTED, young man to tnko caro horso and cow an deliver goods. Apply, with city rererenco oniy. ippiy iiu ijouko. U-fiW25 SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED, first-class saddlery salesman tor Uah. Wyoming, Montana, North nnd South Dakota, Must hq well posted on stock saddles and ucqualnted with tho traae, Asxew Ha,auicry 1.0., Kansas uity, MO, U13 WANTED Salesman for Omaha and vicin ity to sell groceries to the retail trade tor a Chicago house having un estab lished trade; grocery clerk preferred; must give bond. Address S 16, caro of lxra 6t Thomas, Chicago. MC30 so' TRAVELING salesmen wanted who soli the country tradu to take a good side line or dry gooas, our own specialties, on commission. Manufacturer, box MO, Phil- aaeipnia, ra. u mwj 26' SALE8MEN, by long established maun- raciurcr or v lavoring lixirucis, Hpices. Rnklnff Powder; clvn fiillv vnur nmfrl. ence; wo offer exceptional opportunity and salary. Box 517. Chicago. 111. M698 27 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, 200 girls. 1524 Dodgo. Tel. 176. C-167 CO GIRLS, all kinds work. Canadian Office. C 46S A GOOD paying position to an energetla lady In each town; ulso lady trnvelors to represent us. Thyroid-Lymph Co., 501 ueo uiag. c 6S0 WOMAN for housekeeping on farm; no oDjecuon 10 cnuureu; ucrmuii preterrod. aiarun Aiunanuri, jiunucii, 111. C-MtUJ 2S WANTED, two young Indies to learn hair dressing, manicuring and chiropody. Call or write, itoom an, iieo isuig. C CCS COOK wanted, good wages, 2225 Farnam. C-67 COMPETENT girl for general housework. airs. t. h. nan, 33is bnermnn Ave. C-693 WANTED-Competent cook; good wages. Apply Mrs. T. J. Rogers, 1120 Park Ave, C-691 WANTED, girl for general housework; ftuuu iiuuii', Diiiuii luiuiiv. .o.j iastt-si. -Mill 2i WANTED, two young lady studentH to learn uaimressing, manicuring and rill- roiiouy Hiin srientiuc massago. I'nll or wrue, 1100m .J), iieo Ding. c-GCS WANTED, ladles to lrnrn hair droisln. manicuring or facial massage, only four ncoKs requircn, rompiiratlvely no oxponsp. snmo wages from start; cataloguo and Particulars mailed free. Molcr College, 1 niiium ai. C A17C3 31 HELP WANTED. MEN and women to do copyiut; at boms; must wrlto a fair hand; U tn 1j wpekly working evenings: positively no cnnvasS- iiig, i nc mse siump. Nuriuwest COni'lmi . tlv 'W 1l...A.i,ll V J '" wv.iA.VA vw, ... ii,,, llllll, MCI7 00 FOR RENT HOUSES. IF YOU want your homes well rented piaco mem wiin ueuawu .v wo, D 4(3 BEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. .j. D-KO TO MOVE right get Omaha Vnn Storaga I.D., uiuwo lii'.g ruiiiniu, ur ivi. loo-fili3. D-II1 HOUSES.' stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D-473 HOUSES, etc. F, D, Wead. 1521 DouKlas. p-4n HOUSES and ftata.i Ringwait, Barker Blk. u 174 HOUSES for runt In til parts of tho city. nronnan-i-dvo i,o auuin win sireei. ' D ISO NO hard coal needed, central, seven room house: also tlva room flat. Tttard, 221 N. 2UH. U 6i)0 N 1' l-ROOM detached house, all modern,, lawn, sic., m o. ma. win urown. jr P-SST-30' roit rent-holses. ;7rOOM modem. 2705 Howard "st. Tel. AUJ3. E. U. Hamilton, 211 8. nth. D-M96 DESIRABLE tlwellltitr. 10 room, modern, gas, bntn, furnace, laundry, excellent re pair, Rood location, 2003 No. ISth St. Ap ply to Qarvin Bros , 1601 Farnam fit. HOUSES WHEATON, I2S Paxton Rlk. u ts: 324 8, 29TH AVE., new brick dwelling of Broome, thoroughly, modern, first-class In very particular, uurvin mo., jwi r.trnnm m, u 2204 MAPLE St., 8 rooms, 120. 112 No. 26th St., 9 room, modern, $30. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O, u .MD1S FOIl HUNT, 7-room house, good barn, modern improvements. r i-onpieion Ave, 'Phone 2313. Ill 10-ROOM, strictly modem house, best loca tion, -.Kin nnu jncKson is., w. . r. Turklngton, &J5 Dee. u M3iJ TEN-ROOM, modern, 510 8. 22d St. Ring- wnit uros., Warner hiock. ij .mioi DANDV 6-room cottage. 3S0 N. 27th St. D-MI5S N12' NHATI.V furnished house, 7 rooms, south west part or town; a snap. i.ymnn Waterman, M Hee HldR. D 611 :5 FOH HUNT, fi rooms, mortem with furnace, g rmni m0dcrn, with furnace, bar tft1utiru hadeci lawn 120x10 feet. zit isouin Kin avenue, i.v. irn and 130. 2G22 No. 21th St. atrltiBcr, 031 Paxton bloek. FOR RENT, brlrk house, 8 rooms, modern, 316 ,N, UIUI HI 320 N. .311. VMZ FOR JtENT, rlegnnt 15-room residence and nurn, tnorougiuy modern, compieio in an respects; known as the Karbach house. cor. tu anu ieavenwortn. imiuiro i 3. 20th St. D Mm Nl TWO modern houses, 8 rooms each, near 23th and Farnam Sts,; now being thor oughly overhauled. Rent, J25 per month eoch. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th and uougias Hts. u w FOR RENT, 4-room cottage, 2606 lllondo at., zs.w. imiuiro nt C07 No. win a: VII EI,EGANT S-room house, nil modern Im provements. w North 23cl m. D MU) 2i M'CAOUE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Dfulan. 6.17 H. 2Dth Avp.. X-r.. mrulorn 127 60 2125 Davenport, 6-r city water, barn 16.00 -uj ncwuni, closet, city water, gas, ham MID Patrick Ave., 6-r., city water.... IH5 N. 28 th Ave.. S-r.. pltv wntnr 16.f0 10.5) 10.00 321 N. 25th St.. South Omaliu. 5-r., second floor and store below, t.n.t. ..t . . Willi MKjT tttlll'l t... 2!.50 f '"". "oni I a . a-r . 1S.00 00 eso ce M'CAOUE INVESTMENT COMPANY, ivm uodge Ht. D-M50 2 FOR RENT G-r. house; (10.00. Iuquiro r,0U Douglas St. U .M653 MODERN t-r. flat. 1112 S. 11th. ( D-M6IS FOR RENT. 7 r.. tiorcelaln bath, wash bowl, closet. laren lot with lino shade irees. j3w a. .list nt., nenr naiiseom park. McCague Investment Co.. U0J UOURC Ht. U MB 26 GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 10 rooms and Imm. modern except fjrnace, 9 rooms, city water. 1120 8. 19th St.. 120. ; rooms, city water, Kmmet, 13. 5 rooms, city water, 1126 8. 18th St., IN. JOHN W. ROUD1NS, lb03 FARNAM 8T DAY board for two gentlemen; prlvftto rumiiy; rates reasonaDie. Apply i;av enport. F 696 31 SIX-ROOM cottage, largo yard. 2222 North inn t., lis; io-room, modern, zurj mi Mary's Ave., ISO. Rear 230 Davenport inreo rooms, jt. 713 center nt., four rooms, 13. others. Ringwait nros Harker Illock. - D-692 27 15.003324 Frnncls. .1 rooms. 120.WV-3314 Francis, 8 rooms, modern, bath souin rront. on naveti street. 120.002628 Charles St., 8 rooms, modern wiin uain. 3S2t N. 24th, 12-room mansion, all modern larice stab e. box stal s. cnaehmnn's room cowsiieds ond other outbuildings, corner lot with larRo yard. THE OMAHA REALTY CO., 1301 Douglas. hi., upniHirs. j ZT FOR RENT, house. 2124 Caldwell St.. 10 rooms, bath nnd furnace; large yard, nice snano trees, goon statue; rent, lo. Apply 10 jiimes .Mcienn:i, f irst National naiiK, D-M712 28 FOR RENT. 1516 Howard st.. 6 rooms, irnort rnmlltfnn. 1?J) nnrcr. jC. f-. lni I.-,. n HI- D M1O5 25 FOIt nENT FURNISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam, E 113 j- THE THURSTON. Cool, airy E-IS4 3 ROOMS, light housekeeping, 1112 8. 11th i E-MB71 oivk nice furnished room for rent cheap, S30 N. 23d St. E-M273 Housekeeping rooms, IS. 2623 St. Mary's ti 35 NIB' Nit 1st, furnished rooms, modern, over Merger's restaurant, 1120 Dodge. Gentle men preferred. E 666 25' Fim.Msimn rooms a.d uoaiid, UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport 8t. F-4S3 GLENCAIRN, transient $1.25 day. 1609 Doug. NICE home for young men. 108 8. 25th st, F Jia 509 8. 23TH AVE., for gentlemen. F-M56) NICE large room. 411 N. 2tth. F-AI310 THE ROSE. 2020 Harney, rooms, good bourd. V MWi N10' STEAM-HEATED rooms, with or wlthou uuiiru. Aiiuiuuu noiui, Join una iiiicag LARGE and small front room to purlles empioyeu during the duy, at 19n Ciiil;isu St. i Mbjj FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. bESIC room space, 15 per month, ground noor room in uno ilee building, racing Farnam street; no expense tor ligtit, haul ui' Janitor service. K. C. Peters i.'o., Rental Agents, bl-u ButldiiiB, U 41t LIGHT housekeeping, 202C St. Mary's uVe. u W3 THREE unfurnished light huusokeeiilng rooms, niouvru except neat, cneup. uu N 2otli. u .Hu 1-OR RENT STORES AND OFFICES, FOR RENT, store In Orst-clais location; rent leasouaoiu. Appiy i. reitu s Co., giouild tlour, Bue iildg. 1 26t FOR RENT, ofltcii with vault and part tlrst poor or ail lup nour. iim-io iiurucy oi. Midland Utcas aim Paint Co., lliu Hurney Bt. 1 4S FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by Tlie uec at vis 1'arnam at. ii ims lour stories and u basement which waJ tormeriy Uica iis The ueo press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at oncv to C. C. itose v.uttr, tecr.tury, room 100, iieo Building. AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvasslni: ngciits In every county, to solicit subscriptions tor iim TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK Uld COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1,00 imperial octavo pages, iw ouisci-tencning engravings and is the only book on live stock ever published ailanted to the evsrv. day", practical money-saving use ot every farmer and stock owner. Steady employ ment with assured good Income. Agents in the country with horse and buggy peclally desired. Canvassers maku easily ttf) to Itoo per month. Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Dee building, umauiu JiU AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, nzents to sell kitchen utensil of great merit; noncst women or men oi re- tpcctauie appearance maKe uig wuhv. lail or nuuiess cnus. ocnuiiiieins, B way, Council Bluffs, la J MJIs COUNTRY canvassers can make good money taging subscriptions to tub 'iwen lleth Century Farmer as a side line. Hef. erences rcquirtd. Address Ueo Publishing Co., omnna. Nob. j ui. MEMORIAL Life of McKlnley, four lm- misses. ikXJ liners. iuu naiiiouvs. ii.uu: ire outnt. W. A. lilxenbatMh As Co., . .V)) Ware block, Omahn. J S65 AGENTS wanted for new publications; prospectus, etc., free, ueorgc name ft Son, 1313 Walnut St., Philadelphia. J-M231 JanlJ 2u PEANUT vendlnc machines, well lo cated; pay from 190 to 11M) per month; agents wanted. Ion a Vending Machine Co., Humboldt, la. j .mum N.r.i' AGEN'TS wanted i our great set of ''hrlst- mas iiookh now reniiv: ncsi and newesi books for children; colored pictures, low- est prices; best sellVrs ever known; agents selling from 12 to 2. books per day Also life of William McKlnley and compiuto sloty of his nssnsslnatloti, including llVes of Lincoln and Gurllcld and stories of their nssnHsl'i.ittou, about 500 extra, largo UHKes: hlk'Kest. best book: superbly IIIjm- trated, lowest price; hnndsome nnd valu able premium, ,0 per cent to agents; ono book free with each ten ordered; frelsht paid; credit given; no experience neces sary; uuiiH irer, sen me ocsi dook; make thi most money; wo give the most liberal treatment; alt orders shipped day they nro received; wo own the largest lilnderies and lire the only nubllshorn shipping books promptly. Honry Nell, S23 Dearborn st., Chicago, ill. J MOTS N7 AGENT'S outfit free; credit given for sell- ini: the llncst set of Instructive, entc t ul 11I iik Christmas books, graded for chil dren of nil ages, nt the lowest prices ever known: 50-cent book containing beautiful lllliutrnfp,! nniim nf T.nrrt'a lrnvr. nnlv ,1A I 12'.i cents; 11.00 book 21 cents; ll.W book 50 cents; :'.,o hook if cents; liberal commis sion to agents. Ferguson. .1172 5th st., uincitiunii, u. j nivi 3,' WASTED TO KENT. WANTED', room and board by young man in tamuy wnero tncro nro not many tinnrrlers. Must be near carllnp. Stnto price when nnswerlng. Permanent If sntlsfactoty. Address K 12, Hce ' K-617 27 Jy-617-i WANTED, front room nnd alcove, with hoard, ny marricu coupie; reiercncos. Address, stating price, 1C 11, Hee. K-643 25 hTOItAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912- 914 Jones, general siornBO anu lurwariuim. 4V3 OM.VnnStor.Co.,151WFarn. Tels. IfiSM STORAGE, low rates. Dorlght, 1U9 Farnam st, WANTED TO IMJY. WANTED, 10 carloads of furniture and stoves for Bt. luls Kxpo. Tel. 771. Ad dress J. Irvine, 306 N. 16. N-384 OJl CHEAP farms In enstern Nebraska. G. E. Tiirklngton, ox ueo Hldg. N .M374 INbl'RANCE policies purchased. Call on or write the Putnam Co., 501-5 N. v. Llfo building, Omaha. N-M70S FOR SALE FUHNITDRI5, CHICAGO Furnlturo Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. New ana -ananu, uougnt, soia, ex changed, u li DINING room, bed room and other house hold goons; bargain 11 sold at once. mi. 1604 or call 1034 Ho. 30ln Ave. t-W4 FOR SAI.K HOnES, WAGONS, ETC. GOOD repairs on wagons, etc., at Harry f rost s, mnanu ieavenworin. 1- vjj FOR SALE, A-l horse and phaeton, cheap. inquire 1318 Farnam, or 1723 uougc. P-M6S7 a HORSE, 4 years old; city broke. 2322 Harney St. I' JlllO i' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 2DHAND safo cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. wuv - SAFES, standard mhkes, sold, renlod. 114 813 I erty to remain Undlsturbcu .in your pos 1 . Q 193 scssloh'. You got' tho monoy'the sUmo ilay" EDISON & COLUMBIA talking machines uiiu tckuiuai uiiiuun a,wv. ww, v.i h.iu unicago. w out FIR timbers for houscmovers, etc., 40 to 71 ft., cribbing and hot; fence. 901 Doug- 1U. i ntfv CHOICE lot of milch cows for sale cheap. H, t. Campbell, 4213 center at. y iui 500 OVERCOATS, bargains. Marowltz, 418 N. 16th. VI S33 CADET coat, good as new: will fit boy 13 or it years oiu. Auurcss ii oj, uco., Q-M381 UUQGIES. Dhactons. surrevs. wacons. bi cycles; big stock now, second-hand bar gains. rreancKson, ism anu uouge. P-JI903 N7 PHAETON, steel and rubber tires. Buggies, open and top, 6 family carriages. 1 6-pass. carriage. 1 Victoria and ,1 Rockaway. 1 hack und 2 broughams, 1 depot wagon. Second-hand harness also. DRUMMOND CARRIAGE CO., IStli and Hnruey. Q-M819 FOR SALE, two Rood Rambler bicycle, one a laaies' wneci; 110 each to save win ter s storage, call 10G0 Ucorgla live. Q-M403 25' FOR SAI,?:, human skeleton, In first-class cuiiaiuon. Aadfess j aj, ut-e omce. Q M411 LARGEST stock of latest combination graphophoiu-s. records nnd sunnlles. Come and see them. Frederlcluon, 15th nnd ijouko BIS. tj 622 N21 FOR BALE, ladles' Rambler wheel for 110, to KllVP TVlntrr'R lnpiii-o r-nll U)R nn,. gla Ave. Q-615 FOR BALE Two bnse burners. In good repair. 1015 Fnrnnm St. Q 671-27 UNREDEEMED garments and baby rart 10 nun, ioi 1 iiowaru si. MiVJ 25' ' SMALL "National" cash register for sale. t an on or nuuress u. 11. l,iver Co,, 1407 iinrney si umann. y .Mill NJ FOR SALE, a very largo frnme stable, 3902 wnvenpori si. Appiy to Mr. Roman Oard- ner. on tno pince. Q JI707 30 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 819 N. 16th. 8-491 MM E. GYLMER, genulno palmist, 315 8. ibtn. H 199 PERSONAL, DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous nair removcu uy ciccinciiy. u. is, i renzer oiock. u cuu RUPTURE CURED without the knlft. Em pire Rupture cure, 922 N. x. Life Bid. U-561 ELITE PARLORS, 615 8o. 16th St.. 2d floor. u ij u:i- MME, SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, R 2. u an N7' MME. AMES. 317M N. 15. flat E. baths. U-M573 031 VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 34D Bee Hldg. u aoj OMAHA Accordion PItg Co., 1524 Douglas. , U 404 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. Mrs. A. C, Mark, 17th and Far nam. 11 GRAMOPHONES nnd supplies, wholesals ni.'u reian. ennuis i-iuno lo iba uous- las. U .M603 ADV. calendars. &5 M597 Janl PRIVATE hornltal, before and during eon nnement; Dailies adopted. 2308 Grant St. Mrs. Gardcls. c n FOR RENT, line Knabe piano. 1607 Lothrop street. Apply at u itf .a rtlllMO.NAI,, PRIVATE home for ladles before nnd lui- lug contlujineut; nauies adopted. .'J Uurdetto St. Its, llurgct. U-M N9 HAIRDRESSING, manlrurliiK and chlM- pody, for ladles oniy. in eouneution with The Uathcry, 215 220 Ueo bldg. U-2S5 13 50 HUY9 TAILOR MADE PANTS, J3H No more, 110 icf. ' sneoiions. -iuaue rlglit here. Grand Pahls Co., 309 No. 16th. L Mi Nil 1MUNCE OF OMAHA. The famous Prince of Omaha Is the best cigar ever saw. Not because of Its name Did It gain such wondrous fame, Hut Its duo to qunllty. Then It smokes so cool and free, And, ngalh, ll's union made That's a guarantee to trade. The prices are 137 nt wholcsalo And 5c straight nt retail. w. f. stoecker cigar co. u-m: I 26 CHIROPODY n specialty. In connection Willi 1 ne uaim-Tj, luuinn ucc ihur, Tel. 1710. U-ol9 Rt'PTURE permanently cured In 30 to 60 nays; stnn lor circular, u. t. voi. .m. D 521 New York Life Hldg., Omahn,. Neb. WALL PAPER clenner. C. Meddlomlit. 'phone 1258. l.tve oruers ul lnl9 Farnam. ltooms cieancu, i p. u aiih . TRAINING SCHOOL FOR Nt'ItSES. A number of young ladles wanted Immedi ately to tnKc a course or training, ror particulars addrcus Fremont Hospital, Fremont, Neb, U-M691 NIS) SHAMPOOING i nnd hair jircsslng, &jo. Ii In e ii rr it -i building. .Tel. 1716. 561 MR. S. HOEHM, who has been for tnntiy vears.wltn the noston aton-, desires tv Inform his friends thnt he Is now manager nf tho cioaK anu sun iicpnrtment or tno People's Store, 16th nnd Farnam streets, where ho will bo glad to sco his many friends. u ij-j ao. ClitMATIC changes, winds, exposures, de mand tho magical neautiuers. Hiititi-HKlh Creum and l'owder. 25o. V M.IS1 2o MONEY TO I.OAX-ltEAl, ESTATE. AND 5Ji per cent loans. W. II. Th first National Bank building. Tel. oni as, 1643. W-MS LOANS on eastern Nebraska nnd western lowa rarms in a per cum, uorrowers can pay 1100 ot any multiple; uny Interest date; no delay. IJrennan-Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W 509 WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd warrants. Gcorgo ei "-ompany, iwi farnam street. w 010 S'flffi To.& Faranl'stre pniVATE money. F. D. Wcad, 1521 Douglaa. W-520 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. W-019 U'ATOTP.n. pltv nnd farm loans: also bonds nnd warrants, it. u. rctcrs & Co., 1702 Farnam st ueo liiug. w sis 4H TO 5 P. C. money., Bemls, Paxton I31k, V OIJ $50,000 SPECIAL fund; Jonns l.'OO up; lowest rates, uarvin liros., iwi iarnain. W-5H 1300. 1400. 1300 PRIVATE. money to loan: 1 Z. 3 or t years. v. 1 sciDy, lioara 01 Trade Bldg. W 015 SEE HENRY B, PAYNE, C01-2 N. Y. Life. MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. urcnnnn-i.ovc uo., aw eoutn istn. V 017 W. B. MEtKLE, 4G1 S. lGth St., loans money on residence property at 5 per cent. iv 01s WANTED, several CHOICE CITY LOANS for nrlvato clients. 11. C. peters St Co 1702 Farnam st.. Beo bldg. W-M599 26 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. ONE HUNDRED.'THOUSAND DOLLARS 110, 115, 12U, -125. 130. 135, 140. . 150, I6, 1100, . 1200. -250i- S300.' nV WlirtKITI IHR. IANI1S. llnrtRIfH WAGONS. ETC. Also to SALARIED I'EO PLta on incur plain. 110m ut ruled which I Unn.iat n.nnlti pnn nfffiril In unv. Thn tii..n. vnn nsk fnr It und tho' transaction Is hulil fn strictest confidence, uttlce hours, 8 a. i u j, ill. t vuucaua uiiu UUVUIUUJT evenings until s ojjiock. RULIAULU iC.tliDlT UOXl'A.Nlf, Ilooin 303, Thus Floor, Paxton .Block, Jt v MONEY TO LOAN ON Furniture and piunos. Horses, wagons nnd carriages. Also on SALARIES. You get the money on short notice. You receive tho full amount lu cash. Vim mnv Uppn It onu month- or muro. You pay for only what llmo you keep It, uur rates nro as low ns ine lowest. Our business Is confidential. Our motto Is, ''Try to pleoso." OMAHA'MORTUAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board or Trade, Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established lb9J.) 306 8. ICtli St. X-S27 LARGEST BUSINESS In LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team stars, boarding 'houses, etc., without so ptirltv- pnsieMt terms: 40 unices In nrlncl pal cities. Tafman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-521 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE. live stock, etc. Quick service und lowe8 rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 633 (ton floor; Paxton block, northeast corner 16th and Farnam; entrance on 16th street. X 522 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock; Jow- eiry; aiso to salaried people witnoui secur ity; cheap rates; oasy payment; I business confidential, Foley lan Co., successors to Duff Green, R. 8, Barker Blk. Eat. 1SS9. X-M583 MONEY loaned on plain nolo to salaried people; business conuuentiai; lowest ruiea. 514 Paxton block. Tho J. A. Hutton Co. X-524 11 VT..T 1 . . HlnM- . . t . , An-. elry, hoj-ses, cows. etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8.13. VS"1 DUS1NESS CHANCES. FLOUR mill for sale; owing to death ot proprietor. ono ot the uesi eriuippcu nuui mills In' Vowa. doing u line business, Is offered for sain. Address P. O. Box 6il, Newton, Ja. Y-M331 Mo' WANTED, guod business mail with la.TOl to iv.wo capitni to ibko puBiuuu m ii portance. An opportunity seldom found. Address K 15, Bee. Y""2. i FOR SALE, racket store: stock In good condition and will luvoico nnoui ii.wi. Address J, M, Dalley, Seward, Neb. Y M6-3 31 rVKSTAltnANT. finest cnulmied: controls best class 'trade in town iu,uw, i;i oc Omahn; eastern business rtqulrcs owner c attention: tlxttires very nest inowi; rurni- tur of 7 rooms above; at bargain, pari cash, balance easy j, li. jonusoti, n. v. i.ue Y-M6 FOR BALE, Btenm laundry at Ii Unrguln; good bURlness cxtensivo. ouisiuo territory. Address Bargain, 1C 19, Bee, Y-.M701 27 FOIl EXCHANGE. GOOD Omaha property for western land; might add some casn. j a, uee. Z-333 26 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. F.XUl'RSION TO SOUTHEASTERN SOUTH DAKOTA, MONDAY, OCTOBER. 28. 1901. We have a lurk-e list, or south DaHnta lands only 25 MILES from the NEBRASKA STATE LINK in eusicrn pari ot mnip. Land mostly cvol, a neii iiiuck loam with clay sunsou. a uuuu urruuii .Mii inr v uni Mr.n i . ub iiiunu iiiiuih 'iiu rapidly-selling to Iowa and Illinois farm ers. Wo have arranged to lurnisn cheap RA1LROAH RATES for the nbovn date, Ono of our salesmen Will accompany the party. For FURTHER INFORMATION cull upon or address it. v.. jr.. ii. ii. vu,, Omaha, Neb, RE-M6.V) 27 RANCH nnd farm lands for sale by thn Union racinc iiuuroaa company, tt. a. McAllaster, land commissioner, Union Pa- cine lieauquutiKrf, uinuua, ncd. RE-631 for mai.e-iieai, estate. anistercoVnty faIim for sale CHEAP. 320 acres. 13 miles from Lincoln, 215 ncrcs In cultivation, balance pasture. The soil Is a rich black loam; all fenced and well Improved. Splendid location for a stock farm. On B. M. and V. P. rsllroads; convenient for shipping cattle from the west. Worth 115 to 150. Owner must have money nnd will take (40 If sold at once. Not one cent less wilt buy It. Terms; One-third ensh, balance easy. Expenses paid If you buy through tis. pply at once. Similar adjoining farms have sold for 150 within thirty days; price on this Is to. PA YN E-K NOX COM P A N Y, Main Floor New York Life Hldg. RE- 663 ; A CHOICE LOT. A COM FORT A RLE HOME. New house; Just completed! porcelain liatli, enamel sum, nicacieii puimuiiiK; six large rooms and large pantry with china ciosel! lot 70x112 fret; nicely gra.lod nnd sodded; Leavenworth and 3(th Sts.; ptit-npr till. A tiunpletc, homelike home In n pleasant locn.ion, on cur line, cmiu iu urnnuin, cannot bo duplicated for Hie money. Price, 2,750.(O. Glad to show the prop erty. It Is worthy of your Invcstlgitlon. GARVIN BROS.. 16-vt FARNAM ST. HE-G0I-2! CHEAP FARM. 32o ncre&, Cedar county, Neb., 3j miles from town, nil good, 125 nn acre. HARRISON & MORTON, N. Y. LIFE. HOUSES and lots In rill parts ot city; also acre property Hnu iarm uintin. ino u. ir. Davit Co., Room 552, Bee Building. ' RE-630 FA1LM8. C. F. HARRISON, 913 N. Y. Life. IWV Ml HOUSES, lots,- farms, ranches, loans; also tiro insurance, iiemis, l'uxioii uik. RE 164 FOR SALE, fruit and garden placo and grocery siore, seven acres, pari in cuoice grapes, plums nnd other fruit; u splendid business location; bnm, Ice house, sheds, well, clstt-n, etc.; ono mile ouc of town on main road. Inquire at 335 llroadway, Council Bluffs, la. RE-M445 7-ROOM, all modern house. 3520 Dodga St CLARKE POWELL. Phono 921. 420 New York Llfo. RE-373 FOR SALE, JO-ncro farm, four miles from city; good ivtrtij nousa nnd wen, imiuiro John T. Tldil, Council Eluffs javliiRS linnk, or 731 Willow avenue, Council BlUITa. RE-M3W SI CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. JIU ?31 SEVERAL rood farma for sale In a Rood farming country, l-ifr further partleulars write or call on H. L. Ludluin, Plnlnvluw, NOD. llli TEL. THREE-ONE-FOUR. HARRISON. RE-342 N5 SEE HENRY B. TAYNE. C01- ECL'LATION-FInn Ninth St'. I trackage ot.'nenr depot, JS.OO;. Todd, 621 Now York Life. RE-611 19' l.AHtiE house, on North 2lst Ht., near i.aKe: city wnter: nne cellar: Rood reualr, Rents well. Two car lines. Only $1,600. lerms easy; discount ior easn. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Main Floor New York Life Bldg. RE-662-26 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, tho acknowledged leading specialist In diseases ot women In Omaha, would call the attention of suffering ladles hi, his unsurpassed accommoda tions before and durlnc confinement, and his treatment for Irregularities, no mat ter what cause. Call or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513 uodge, umana. m mdw LADIES $500 reward falling to relieve caso nf nbnormnl suppression In 36 hours. Price, 12. Dr. Mead Remedy Co., 112-17 tjuincy St., cnicago,- in. LOST. LOST, two large envelopes containing pupi.TH vnluublo to owners only, ono nil messed to J. H. Berry, chief engineer, and tho other to J, s. HyKos, tnicr cieru gon. pral manaircr'H ofllcc. Union Pacific Omaha, between Union station nnd Union l'aciiic nenunuaricrs anoui 3:1a p. m., uc tober 17th. auitaoie rewura tor return. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel, ika Alice Johnson. D. O.. ladles' dept.: Gld E. Johnson, Ostoopathlst, Mgr. 537 DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton Blk. Tal 1367 OuS DR. A. T. HUNT, aulto 512, McCague Bldg, TCI. 2362. -91V DR. MRS MUSICK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 2S23, 341 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16th & Doug A. C. VAN BANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Ufa, - 533 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal, Bee Bldg. NEB. Business & Shorthand College. Boyd Theater. 6 FOUND. L-ntlND. near Y. M. C. A. entrance, nal of spectacles; owner can ni ueo omco for sume. Found M627 PATENTS. WILL BUY any Bdod Invention or patent. Address L4OQK nux w, ua -iiuiuca, in. 547 HAVE cosh for good patent or Invention; Address P. O. Box fc5, Omaha, Neb. tat ni- MUSIC. PROFESSOR Charles Peterson, piano In struction and voice training, Italian method. Roundness and carrying power of tone guaranteed. 513 W. of W. Bldg. -293-O STOVES. WE carry the biggest line ot ntovos In city.. Buy of us. Prices right. .Enter prise Furniture Co., 102-4 8. 14th. Tel. 2296. M574 031 NICKEL PLATING. STOVES, lamps, etc., replallng. Omaha -613 1'iating co., ueo iiiuc. 101. mj. EXI'lfESS AND MOVING, BAGGAGE, express, moving. Hoff's Bx prcts Co., new management, fou 8. lbth. Tel. 1717. -M26S NU PHYSICIANS. Dr. Gertrude Cuscadcn, 1607 Doug. Phone 6 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 5i3 FARMS FOR RENT. 400 ACRES near Gretna. Sarpy county. Duff Green, room 8. Barker block. 568 TAILORING, LADIES' garments cleaned, altertd, re paired reasonable, Max Fogel, 1207 Farnam ana IIOOKivHElM.MJ. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc , day or ren tug. R. 15, Com Nat. Bank. G. R. P.atnl - in jli PAWNBROKERS. I EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, nccoinmodnt- i in,., nil 1MI Hniiclin. I "-..,' 1,, -$41 CAItl'ENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing : promptly attended to. J. t. ucniuree, win una ijikc ois. y'v IIOILER .MAKERS. OMAHA BolUr Works, steam boilers, tanks, mucks, etc. Tel. is;. i:tn anu iz.iru ois. jtj MIRROR FACTORY. Damaged looking glasses rcsllvcrcd. 703 N It. j-i DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 2576 Harney. -6CO-N-3 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7ci collars, c; cutis, ic. iiju lv.ii uiinui in. v... oil TRUNK FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases: trunks repaired, um. ituiik f nciory, j.w r urnum. FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEr 1331. M. S. Vnlklln, 2111 Cuming St. 10 The Test ot Time dlsclosra no dontnl work. defects In our It has enduring qualities. Gold Crowns, J.VOO. Bniley the Dentist :tl2 I'nitou lllncK', 16th nnd Farnam Sts. Lady attendant. Phono 1S5. GOVERNMENT .NOTICES. pnniiniAia fnr llnpf and Mutton Olllco Chief Commissary of Subsistence, Omahn. Neb.. October 25, 1901. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will bo received hero until, 11 o'clock a. in,, central standard time, No vember 25. 1901, and' then puiuiciy openeu fnr fiirnlalniiir mii'li fresh beef and mutton as may be required by the Subsistence Uc partmi'nt, l S. Army, at Omahn, Neb., Fort Crook, .Neb., jenrerson imrrnpus. ,i Forts lyPiivenworlli, Kan., mgnii ii. in ois, Ark,, Niobrara, Neb.. Reno. O. T , Riley, Kan.. Robinson, Neb., and Sill., O, T.. dur ing six months commencing January 1. 1902. Proposals will also bo received until 10 o'clock n. m., mountain standard time, nt Fort Robinson, and until 11 o'clock a. m., central standard time, nt Jefferson Bar racks, Forts lavcnwortli, Iognn II. Roots, Niobrara, itcno, itiipy nun iu anu opniL-u nt nnii, in- rpKnpptlvp pnmmlssarles: each receiving proposals for his own post only. Proposals Will UlSII lie li-rt-ivi-u nimuif, ,.ri ni whlph lilddpr will deliver fresh beet or mutton of temperature, not greater than 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Information fur nished oh application nero or io commis sary at post authorized to open proposals. V. S. reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. En velopes should bo markixl "Proposals for Fresh Beef nnd Mutton." and addressed to undersigned or Commissary at post au thorized to receive proposals. D, II. .H SON. Lieut. Colonel Infantry. Acting Chief Commissary- 0-25-dlt-N22-13.M PROPOSALS for Subsistence Stores-Olllcq Purchasing Commissary of Subsistence, Omaha, Neb.. Octnbur 25, 1901. Sealed pro posals, subject to tho usual conditions, will bo received tit this, office until 10 o'clock n. m., Novi-mber I. 1901. at which llmo inul plnco they will be publicly opened for fur nlshlng subsistence stores as follows: Bacop. Hour, cohee. sugar, canned goods, etc. Preforonco will bo given to articles of lUmnstlc production. Blank proposals and sneclllctttlons can be nblnlned at this ofllcc. 1), B. Wilson, Purchasing Commissary. PROPOSALS FOR ARTILLERY HORSES Chief tjuartcrmasier h uuicu, vuiu iku, iini-upo nt niiipniio. 111., or New York City Propomls will bo entertained for delivery nt railroad points other than those stated above, l'artlcuinrH anu maims ur ihu posals will 'be furnished on uppllcntion. ,FOSiTOI:FICE NOTICE. (Should bo rend DAILY by nil Interested, as chnnges may occur ut any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending Oc tober 26, 1101, Will Closo (PROMPTLY In all cases) at 'the general postortlce us fol lows: Parcels post malls close one hour earlier than closing tlmo shown bulow. Parcels post malls for Germany cloto nt 5 p. m. Monday. Regular '.nil supplementary malls close at foreign branch half hour lnur than closing time shown below. Trnnsnilantlo Mall. SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. Hynduni (mall must ") dlrcctnl "per s. s. Ryndnm"); at 9:30 . m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s s. Antliorla (mall must bo directed "per s", s. Anchoria"): at 10:30 11. m. (supple mpiiint v 12 in.)- for EUROPE, ner s. s. Etrurla via Qucenstnwti; at II 11, m. for DENMARK 'direct, per s. h. Island (mall mini ho rilroctod "ner s. s. Island"). PRINTED MATT Ert, ETC. Tills steamer iaKCS iTimuu .wiunci, .uiiiiiiui'.,ui x'apurs and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts ot Euroro win not oe b.-iii uy hub enip un lii II v directed by It. After the closing of tho Supplementary Trans-Aiuiiiiio aiuus iiuinuu uuovo, addi tional supplementary malls are opene-J on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers nn.l remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of stcumer. 'Mails for South nnd Ceplrnl America, West Indies, Etc, SATURDAY At 3 n. m. for PORTO niCO. per s. s. Ponco via Han Juan; at 9 a. in. for BRITISH. DUTCH and, FRENCH GUIANA, per s. h. Uller (mall for St. . Kltts must bo directed "per r.. 3. Ullor"): at 9 a. m. (supplomontnry 9:30 a. ni.) for CURACAO nnd VENEZUELA, per s, 8. Mnracalbo (mall for Savanllla nnd Carta geiiH mus be directed "per s. s. Marn calbo"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA. SAVANILLA. CARTAGENA und GREYTOWN, per s. s. Alleghany (mall for Corta Rica must be dlrocteii "per s. s. Alleghany"); nt 0:30 n. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.J ior i.eewaiiu nun ninu- WARD ISLANDS and BRITISH. DUTCH und FRENCH GUIANA, per s. h, Fontu belle: nt 10 a. m. for CUBA, ner h. f. Morro Custle via Havana; nt 12 m. for AROENTINE, URUGUAY and PARA GUAY, pev s, 8. Hcsperldes. Malls for NHWfoundland by rail to North Sydnoy. und thence by steamer, close ut this office dally at 6: p. m. (connecting close hero ovcry Monday, Wednesday nnd Saturdayj. Mulls for Mlquolon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steumcr, closo at this ottlco dally at 6:30 p. m. Mails for Cuba, by rail' to Port Tampa. Fla,, and thenco by steamer, closo ut this office dally at "C a, m. (tho connecting closes are on Monday. Wednesday and Satur day). Malls for Moxlp'j City, overland, miipRs pneclally addressed for illsnatch by steamer, clo&u at this olllco dilly at 1:3) P. in, nnu 11 p. m. iuuiis ' uosia uica, Belize. Puerto Cortez and Guntcmala, by all to Nlw Orleans, and thenco by steamer, close at this office dally at "1:39 p. in. (connecting closes nero Mondays for Belize, Puerto Corler and Guatemala and Tuesdays ror cosia uitaj. -jtesis-tcrcd mall closer at 6 p. m. previous day. Transpnclflo Malls, Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle, close here dally at p. m. up to Octo ber "23, inclusive, ior uiscatcn per s, , HI., Oct. 23. llKji. aeaien pro niniuri, in i"i'i' cate. will be received at this olllco until I 12 o'clock, noon, standard time, Nov. 7. 1911, rnr urnuiittif ,mii iipllverliiir 12ii Artillery Envelopes coiuuiiiiiik iuiiihjpuih ''"- en dorsed. "Proposals for Artillery Horses." nnii addressed to Col. IS. 11. ATJVOOO. Chief Quartermaster. O26-2S.29-20 Nl-B posnc-i'it i: ot i(,E. KIkJuii Maru trpgller' d mad must br dl- Irl'UII MM Sl'lltl (p . Mulls ror Hawaii, rhlitu. .Iiibini niSI PIUiM -plnrs. '-la San Franclio, 'Iim hif. .Lilly nt 8.30 p in up to OcU.bpr "26, iiiduiive, ir uisp.ntn per s. s. ny or i pkiiib Mulls for Hntviill via sJan Frntu-laco cloe here ally at (..) p. m. up to October t'li'l llsl (. . !.ll' IIHKltlll lilt f. s. AI,llHCdl. ,n. .. .,,r.....p -llllllt l'l lllllll tlllll .1111, Mil 1111 v u closp hen dally at 6;30 p. m. up to Of tobi-r . Ini'ln-Hp fur illminlch ln-r s Emprcs ot Japan trcglsterpil mall mint be dlrct ted "via Vancouver"). Mull, '' ept iiierihnndl'e, which cannot be for warded via Canada, for tho r. ;?. l'Jstul ArpiiI ut Shanghai, closes at 6,a0 p. m. previous, dev. Minis fot llawnll, Japan, China nnd Phil u Pino Island). ln Sail FriincWi-ii close hern dally at 0:3ij p. m. up to November ; 2. Inclusive, fot dispatch per s. s. Gaelic Malls for Australta (except West Austrnll i, Ahli-li Is foi warded via Europe) New Zet land. FIJI, Samoa nnd llnwnll via rUn eluse brie dally nt rt:30 p, m Hfter October "li and up to Novcinl er !. Inclusive, or on arrlvnl of s s. I.u canln, due at New York November J, for ills mtch per s, s. Ventura. Mulls fur Australia (except West Australia, which gnc- via Europe, and NVw .enl.iiul. which Rfi-a via San Francl'i'o). inul I'll! Islands la Vancouver i-losti hero ilnl'.v nt 6:30 p. in, up to Novombor Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s, Warrlmoo (supple meiilury null via Seattle and VlelormJ, clnso nt p. in. Noveiuber 10 (innll tiiusl be illreoleil "via Vancouver"), Mills for Tahiti and Marquesas tsbinds v'a San Francisco close here daily at 6.3) P. in. up tc November il. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Australia, Tr.inspaillle malls are forwarded to t rt ot sailing dally and tho schedule of rins ing Is arranged on tho presumption ot their uninterrupted overland tranlt. RcglMerod mail closes nt il p. in. pre vlnus d ,y. CORNELU S VAN COTT. PPStmaMer. Postolflce, New York, N. Y.. October 1. 19)1. R AIL WAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION 10T II AND MAROV. ClilriiKo, It nek Island A Pnelllc. EAST. Den Moines nnd Diiveu 1 port Local a 7:25 am a 9:35 pm V. iiiciiko l,Ail rn. .... ,. im no mil a iioj inn Des MoIiips LocnL a 4:20 pm bll:50 am Chlcngd Fast Express. .a 6:t pm a 1.23 pm Des Moines, Rock Island and Chicago a 7;10 pm a S;10 am WEST. Lincoln. Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo ami West u 1:30 pm n 4:15 pm Colorado, Oklahoma and Texas Flyer a 5:20 pm a 9:50 am ( hli-ngu A Northwestern. CIiIciiko Special ....a iiOO am all:30 pm ....a. 4:15 pm a h;40 am .,..alo:5o am u 4:05 pm ,i..a 4!6 pm u 4:i$ ptu .... a. 2:41 om Clilcugu Passenger, Eastern express..., Eastern Special... t, 1-Mst .Man. umuhn-Chlcago L't'd,..a 7:45 pm a S:oo um l'nst Mall .....a 8:30 am Cedar Ituplds Passenger a 5:30 pm Twin 'City Express a ii:tw am aioi'.'S pm Twin City Limited a 7:55 nm a 8:15 um Sioux City Local a b;w nm a 3:ao pm a Dully.', b Dally except Sunday, Union I'nclllc. Overland Limited.. ...a $:20 am a 7:00 pm ...a S:.Vi am a 3:25 pm ...ull:35 pm a 4:2J pm ...all;3o pm a 6:50 am Fast Mall Mail unit Express,. Colorado rjpeciui. l.lni'iilu.Stromsburir Ex.b Clio nm 1,12:M nm Puclilo a Atlantic Ex. ..a 4:26 pm u 6:60 am Grand Island Locnl b 5:30 pm b 9:3o um AllNsoiirl Pneille, Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Express. ,......alo:oo am a 6:2.1 pm k c. Sr. st. e. Exprpss.iiiuiw pm a una am Omiiliii A St. LouU. St. Louis "Cannon Bnll"a 5:15 pm a S:20 am Kansas City and tjulncy Local a 7:25 am n 9:00 pm Illinois Control. Chicago Express a 7:00 am a 5:10 pm Cl'lciigo, Minneapolis & St. Paul Limited u 7:45 pm a S;05 am Minneapolis Ac St. Paul Express ; b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm Fort Dodgo Local, trom Council Bluffs u 6:00 nm CIiIciikii, Mllwiinkc-e A St. Paul. Chicago Limited Chicago ic Omahu Ex. Wnbnsli. a 6:00 pm a S:03 am .b 7:15 am b 3:40 pra St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express ,..n 5:15 pm n 8:20'ain UURLINGTON STATION-IOTH & MASON nurlliiKton A Missouri Rltcr. Leave. Arrive. Nebraska Express a 8:40 nm a 7:33 pm Wymori',, Beatrice und Lincoln a s:40 am 1)11:53 am Denver Limited a 4:25 pm a 3:00'pm Black Hills nnd Pugot Sound, Denver Cod- nectlou 11 9:00 pm a 6:45 am Lincoln Fnst Mnil b 3:uo pm a 9:17 am Fort Crook und Platts- mouth b 3:20 pm bll:05 am Bellovuo & I'nclllc Jet.. a 7:40 pm a 8:20 am Bellovuo d Paclllc Jet ,u 3:10 um Kniisiis City, St. Josepli A Council Bluffs. Kansas City Day Ex..,,n 9:20 nm a 6:0 pm Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:15 um St, Louis Flyor u 5:10 pm all:15 am CiilriiHO, HiirlliiKtoii A tlulncy. Chicago Special a 7:00 am ai0:20 pm Chicago vcsiiouiea r.x..a i;w pm a i:a nm Chlcnuo Local ,a !.30 nm n 4:05 pm Chicago Limited Fast Mall a 7:53 pm a 7:45 am 2,45 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. WEBSTER DEPOT ir.TII WEBSTER CIiIchru, SI. Pool, Mliiucnpolls A Onmlm. Leave. Arrive Twin City Pnssonger....a 6;on nm a 9:10 pin Slonx City Passenger. ..a 2:15 pm allUOam Emerson Local b 5:30 pm b 8:30 am Fremont, Elk'liorii A Missouri Vulluy Blnck Hills, bcadwood, Hot Springs a 3iOO pm a 6:00 r.m Wyoming, Casper nnd Douglas d 3:00 pm 0 5:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter und Howard, i..b 3:00 pm b 5:01 pm Norfolk, Lincoln . and Fromoni b 7:30 nm bl0:25 am Fremont Local 0 7:50 nm Missouri Pnclflc. Npbraska Iical, Via , Weeping Water ,.b 4:10 pm al0:25 am n iiniiv. h Dnllv nxcent 'fiundav. c Sun day only, d Dstly except Saturday, o Dally except Jiionaay. tfcJU.I'II.UI.lll.'IJ SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! Neiv Sorvlro to Mnlltr rrnnenn, Tho now gigantic twin-screw steamer "Commonwealth." 13,000 tons, CC0 feet long, from BOSTON TO OIBRALTARi NAPLES AND GENOA, Nov. 27th, 11.01, nnd Jan. 4th, 1I2; TO ALEXANDRIA. EGYPT. VIA NAPLES, Jan. 4th nnd Feb. 12th, 1902. Tor further inullnf orlon, addrms Company's office, (10 Dearborn Ht., Chicago PHOTO OF ANNIE R0DGERS Chief Doiininip HpppIvps Llhrorss nf Wo 111 no Arresleil fur Trnln -llotilipry, Chief Donahuo lias received from the chief of pollco of Nashville, Tcnn., a photograph of Annlo Rodgers, allns Maud Williams, with the request thnt an attempt be inado to Identify it, It was given to Detectlvo Johnson, who will compare It with photo graphs In tho local Ilortlllon cabinet. Annlo Rodgers was arrested at Nashvlllo a week ngo Monday, charged with complic ity In tho Great Northern train robbery, near Helena, Mont,, last JuTy, when 440,000 In unsigned notes was taken. Sho Was ap prehended at the Fourth National bank, whllo asking that many small notes he ex changed for largor ones. The bills bore tho tamo serial numbers as thoao stolen from the Great Northern train. The Nashvlllo authorities and Plnkertons bellevp her ar rest will lead to the detection of the enttrn gang, a well as to the recovery of tho money. Chlof Donahue Hays ho doesn't recognize the woman trom her photograph, 9