THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, OOTOBEK 23, 1901. DISCUSS INSURANCE RATES Commeroinl Olnb If.tmWi Protest Againt Adrtic Mud in Omaha, THREATEN TO SEND BUSINESS ELSEWHERE DrinlH Ilnw Compniij' Objct't In I.nrn tlon of Market I'lner Xcnr It Fac tory, hut Club Itefunen to In terXcro In tho Matter. Insurance wos tho principal subject of discussion at tho meeting of the Commercial club yesterday. Tho secretary reported thnt no work had been done by tho Insur anco commlttoo, to which tho resolution of A. Hospe had been referred. Ho remarked that tho chairman of tho Insurance com mlttco was H. n. Palmer and that probably, as an Insuranco agent, he would not Uko to tako the matter up. Tho secretary further said that some of tho local agents were with tho club In Its opposition to an IncrcaNo In rates. Ono firm reported nn Incrcaso from 75 cents to $1.35 In tho In suranco rate within thirty days and others reported striking Increases. Euclid Martin then mado tho statement that tho agent of a mutual company which In former years bad carried a large Hue of Insuranco in Omaha had been In the cltv nd If tho present rales wcro maintained it was probablo that within two weeks at least 11,000,000 would be placed outside of tho city with this company. C. It. Pickens and other members agreed with Mr. Martin, saying that tho only hope for a reduction In rates wan to Ignoro tho companies rep resented in Omaha and go Into outsldo com panies. Tho cntlro question was then re ferred to a special committee consisting of C. II. Pickens, J. H. Dumont. W. S. Wright, Euclid Martin, II. b Wcller and tho com missioner. They wcro Instructed to employ 11. II. Ileatty, who led the fight of tho retail merchants n fow years ago for a reduction In tho rates. An fllijrrtliinnlile Nelahlnir. Tho location of a market place canio up for discission upon a letter received by tho IUchardBon Drug company from M. C. rotors of tho Ucinls Hag company and by tho recipient presented to tho club. Tho letter protested against the location of tho market placo on tho lot contemplated by tho Hascall resolution In tho city council and stated that tho president of tho Dcrals Bag company would Bpcnd no money In con templated Improvements If tho markot placo is located so close to itH factory. Tbo position of this company was favored by J. S. Whlto and opposed by Euclid Mar tin. Tho letter was referred back to tho drug company without action, tho commlt teo taking tho position that such protests wero n matter for Individual action. Tho commissioner roportcd tho prospec tive location In tho city of a wholesale mil linery house, a fence factory, and wholesale hat and cap house. A committed consisting of J. II. Dumont, R, C. Pctora and II. 8. J Wellcr was appointed to rccelvo tho rep resentatives of theso concerns when they visit the city. The MrUcI I'lntc Ilnud .will soli tlckots each Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturdny during October to Buffalo Tan-American exposition and return at $6, good In coaches; return limit five days ffrom dato of sale. Tickets with longer illmlt ut slightly Increased rates. Throe through dally trains. Chicago passenger station, Van Duren street and Pacific ave nue: city ticket ofllco 111 Adam, street, Chicago. Tho Rathery I open Thursday and Sat urday evenings. For appointments tele phone 1716 or call 216-220 Deo Bulldlnf. Man Mretlnx. A mass moetlng will be held at National hall, corner Thirteenth and William streets, Thursday ovenlug, October 21, l'.iOl, at 8 o'clock, under tho auspices of tho First nnd Second Ward Republican clubs, lly order 'of the JOINT COMMITTEE. Garland, Wyo., needs n 25-room hotel nnd tho man who builds such n hotel and .runs It right will inako money. Wrlto for details. J. Francis. Oennral Passenger Agent, B. & M. It. It. It., Omaha, Neb. Send articles of Incorporation, notices of tockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bte, We will glvo thorn proper legal insertion, Velcphono 238. i Tho finest hair-dressing parlors In the city In connection with Tho Bnthory, 216 120 Beo building. Tolophono 1716. Now opcrn glasses, Edholm, Jeweler. ftia CUT PRICES cut mm The prices given below prevnll nt our store every day in overy week. If you nay nioro nt so-called cheap stores you navo been buncoed: Poruna lot course) "So (If you buy this nt any other store at this 'prion you'll probably find, our mime on the Jabol they ''sneak" It of us.) $1.00 Temptation Tonic, wo sell 10c $1.00 Cramer's Kldnoy Cure, wo sell t! $l.mwine of Cardul, wo soli Bio 2ooMonnen' Talcum Powder, wo sell.. .12(1 Jap Iloso Soap, wo sell 7c 11.60 Vln Murlnu, wo sell VOo 1, 50 Fellows' Bynip, we sell 9..o 1.00 Trommes' Ext. Malt, wo sell ,7nc 1.00 Duffy's Malt Whisky, wo sell "So 1.00 S. H. H., we sell 69c Otinrt bottle Tort. Sherry or Clnrot. we soil .Tic Mo Porzonl's Faco Powder, wo sell 2Sc 23oTotlow's Bwnnsdown, we sell 14c BodH Mint Tablets, wo sell 10c $1.00 Pierce's Favorite Prescription, wo sell 63c Wrlto for Catalogue. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go. Cor. 16th nnd Dodge, Omaha, Mrs. Hax Coats t 1 JUL &. i iM'iiviT n nu motion ciouis, colors reu, moue mm brown, ages to 12 years, prices Box Coats, circular cape collars, Venetian, ladies' elotli aiul broadcloth, colors blue, mode, tan, brown and red, ages, ii to 5 years, prices from ?2.r0 to $10.50. Pretty Bipple Eiderdown G months to 2 years, prices from Eiderdown Coats 2.50 up. Prettiest line of little bonnets to match coats ever shown iu Excellent Oiinurtunltr 'or Itlnht Stan, I-nnir f Mnhllnhn! nnd ranldlv deviloplng manufacturing concern In Omaha has an un usually Bood opening for capablo all round business man as slate agent, to cmpioy anu tinnrvlxn annnlllt nirrntl and take entire charge of sales In n good territory. Un questionable integrity, goou Dusinoss ex perience, high executive ability, discerning Judgment of salesmen and tho habit of suc ceeding arc requisites. Tho man for the position must be a hard worker, forceful, persevering and thoroughly In earnest. Salary commensurate with tho position. Applicant should glvo age, reference, sal ary desired, lull particulars of present po sition nnd past experience. P. O. Box 5, Omaha, Neb. Chlraojo to lltlffnlo mill Iteturn (.?1. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday In October tho Michigan Central, "Tho Niagara Falls Iloute," will sell tickets at $6.75 for tho round trip from Chicago to Buffalo and return. As tickets at theso extremely low rates are good In day coaches only, the daylight train of tho Michigan Central, leaving Chicago in the morning, will offer most satisfactory service. Four flno through trains each way. All trains passing Niagara Falls by daylight stop five minutes at Fall View. Very low rates aro nlso made every day for tickets good In sleeping cars. For particulars address O. W. Buggies, general passenger and ticket agent, Chicago. Tho finest hair-dressing parlors In tho city In connection with Tho Hathery, 216 220 Bee building. Telephone 1716. Christmas goods arriving, Edholm, Jewclor. 91.1.00 to llufTnlo I'aii-Amerlran nil it Itrtnm, ftn.UO via the Nickel Pinto road dally, with limit of fifteen days; twenty-day tickots at $18 for the round trip; five-day tickets at $6 for tho round trip, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, tho latter good only In roaches. Throuch service to New York and Boston and lowest available rates. For particulars and, Pan-Arocrlcan folder of buildings nnd grounds wrlto Jphn Y. Cnlnnan, general agent, 111 Adams street, Chicago. -iri;-K'lK"t Hour to Portland from Missouri river via tho Union Pacific. Compare this tlmo with other lines and seo how much quicker it Is. Through Pullman l'nlaco sleepers aro run lally. Pullman or dinary sleepers lcavo Omaha dally at 8:20 a. m. nnd 4:25 p. m., and nre personally con ducted every Friday. For full Information call at city ticket office, 1321 Farnam street. Telephone 316. All kinds of baths, scientific massage. Ladles only. The Bathery, 210-220 Bee bid. Tel. 1716. THIS PAX-AMKIUC.VK EXPOSITION - n i lltiffnlo. With its magnificent spectacle, the nightly Illuminations, will bo over In a few days. The Pan-American Special, tho swell trnln of tho Michigan Central, leaves Chicago 6 p. ra. dally, serving dinner, and arrives Buffalo 7:1.') noxt morning, via Niagara Falls. Very low rates during October. O. W. Buggies, O. P. nnd T. A Chicago. Why suffer with rheumatism? Bathery, 216-220 Bee bldg. Telephone For ladles only. KANSAS C1T1, .MO. The 1716. The Rreat llnrae Show. From October 18 to 26 inclusive the Mis souri Pacific railway will sell round trip tickets at one fare plus $2. For further In formation call or address company's offices, S. E. cor. 14th nnd Douglas sts., or Union station, Omaha, Nob. T. F. GODFREY, P. & T. A. Everybody praises Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure. Two sizes, 60c and $1.00. All druggists. llufTnlo Tun-American Ticket via tho Nickel Plato road. $13 for the round trip, good fifteen days; $16 for round trip tickets good twenty days. Three through trains dally with vcstlbuled sleep ing cars. Meals In dining rare ranging In price from 35 cents to $1. Address John Y. Calahnn, general agont, 111 Adams street, Chicago. A household remedy Cramer's Kidney nnd Uver Cure. GOc and $1, all druggists Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In connection with Tho Bathery, 216-220 Boo building. Tel. 1716. Birthday spoons. Edholm, Jeweler. A Postal Will Bring it. When you require coal Just send us your order on n postnl and It will be delivered promptly and accurately. Wo are now sell ing tho very best hard coal at $9.50 a ton. Will probably havo. to cbargo more when cold weather comes. lletter Send thnt Postal ToiUr. Hald 6c Rice, Tel. 1238. 506 So. 10th St. J. Benson Children's Cloaks . . with velvet collnrs nnd cuffs, in 1 .1 II . - 1 1 -1 A Jjst.'Jn to 15.50, according to age. Coats, in white, blue and red. apes 2.25 to 2.75. MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS Twanty-Fifth AnnWermy 0lbratiu tf PmbjterUn Sjaodical Organization. MANY NEBRASKA WOMEN TO BE PRESENT Feature of I'rournm for Convention, Which Will Meet nt First Preshr lerlnn Clitircli Mnrnluv, After noon nnil KrcnliiK Sessions. Tho twenty-fifth anniversary meeting of io Women's Synodlcnl Missionary society ! Nebraska, which was organized In the Irst I'rcsbytcrlun church of Omaha, will 5 held in that church on Wednesday and Thursday ot this week and will be attended f women Interested In tho work from all Jits of tho state. The meeting will oncn nt 9 o'clock this morning with a pialse service led by rs. Porter of Central City. The address : wclcomo will bo delivered hv Mrs. Crelgh of Omaha nnd Mrs. Pollack of Plaits mouth wilt mnko the resnonse. Thn rn. malnder of the morning will be devoted to cports and routlno business. An address nn homo missions by Miss ilncoln of Now York. "Two Views nf ChrU. tlnn Endeavor Work," by Miss Kennedy and irs. LonKiin, and n presentation of the now ncs of work by Mrs. 1). B. Wells nf CM. cago, who represents the Board of tho Northwest, will be tho features of the aft- rnoon session. Tho eventne mentlni? will open at 7;30 with exercises led by Mrs. rice of Falrbury, after which Itov. C. A. t. Janvier of Allahabad. India, will de. liver nn address. On Thursday morning Mrs. Palmer nf Pittsburg of tho Home Mission board will speak on "Krccdnicn" and Mrs. Haskell nf Wnkcflcld will read a paper. Thursday aft ernoon will bo devoted to n program In celebration of the silver anniversary of tho organization, opening with a lerf by Mrs. Pomeroy of Kdgnr. Thero will bo greetings by Mrs. P. I,. Porlno nnd n ro vio.v of the society's history hv Mrs. HnrHv of Beatrice. Music and several addresses aro also on the program. The silver thank irroring nnd consecration service will con lude tho session. "Pleturesnun ITnmo Mio. ilons" will bo tho subject of nn Illustrated lecture Thursday evening by Row D. E. inks of New Jersey. Physicians recommend our traaimont tnr rheumatism as the most successful. Ij1I only. The Bathery, 216-220 Beo bldg. Tale- phono 1716. I?(1.00 to llufTnlo I'nn-Anierlcnn anil Iletnrn, fd.OO via the Nickel Plato road, Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays with limit of flvo days irom date of sale, good In conches only; flftccn-dny tlckots nt $15 for tho round trip nnd twenty-dny tickets nt $16 for round trip, good In sleeping cars. Thr'co through dally trains. Kor particulars and Pan- American folder of buildings nnd grounds address John Y. Cnlahan, general agent, 111 Adams street, Chicago. Publish your legal notices in The Weekli Bee. Telephone 223. Shampooing nnd hair dressing, 23c. In connection with Tho Bathery, 216-220 Beo building. Tel. 1716. Chests of silver. Edholm, Jeweler. UPRIGHT PIANO $135 S5.00 MONTHLY XKW STKINWAY, VOS13, BMtillSOV, STF.CIC, MASON A HAMI.IN, A. II. ciiAsi:. ivr.ns & pond, srisnKit, FACKAHO AND STHAIIH1C IMANOS. CASH On KASV PAYMENTS. One Year'a Itentnl Allowed If Pur chased. Schmoller & Mueller 131.1 Fnrnnni Street, Omalm. n.1T nroHdrvny, Council muffs. Egyptian Lotus Cream. Our old-time customers know Egyptian I.otUH Cream. In order tn unt tipu rim. lomcrs to use it wo will have n special sain nexi oaiurnay, ucioDcr M, wnen tlio prlco will bo 5 CentH Per llottle. Old-Tlme lloarhound Candy, lb.. 20o llottle nt Fine Mult Whisky ana By express, prepaid 750 25c box best 'soap In America (S cakes). 15c ui:ia nnius louacco uure, guaranteed 60c 1 West Brain nnd Nerve Treatment... 9c J1.50 Wlno of Miirlnnl 11. nn $1.60 Follow' Syrup IIypophosphltes..$1.15 Cramer's Kldnoy Cure. 40o 25c Vegetable, Pills 200 Z3c Liniment 20c 25c Salvo :0c $2.00 Knrl Cramer's Tansy, Cottonroot and Pennyroyal puis $1.00 $1.00 Temptation Tonic 75c $1.00 Pcruna 5So $2.00 McUado's Succus Altcrans $1.45 $1.00 Newbro't Uerplclde 62o iseworo h tierpiciuo in gallons, nnit gal lons and quartB. Wrlto for prices. SCHAEFER'S " Drug Store Tel. 74T. H. W. Cor. 10th and Cbloaaa Goods dollvered FREE to any part of city. Hard Coal $9.50 ton. We handle only the best of Pennsyl vania Anthracite. SAVil MONEY by laying In your winter's supply now beforo the ADVANCE IN PHIOE. G. B. HAVENS & CO., 1522 Farnam St. Telephones 301,317 and 823 Boston Store Bargains Most Extraordinary Special Off e rings on Sale Today. PERSIAN PATTERNS FRENCH FLANNEL WAIST1NGS 12Jc YD Lining Cambrics, lie Yd. Dress Trimmings lc Yd. Lad ics' and iMcn's Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, flic Each Pure Illnck Silk TnlTetns, :l21c Yd.-SOc All Wool Dress Goods, lBc Yd. 75c Melton Skirtings U9c Yd.-23c Silk Rlbbbn, 5c Yd. ItnRcment llnrnnln for Totnor , roir. 10,000 yards plain nnd fancy, all silk Taffeta lllbbon, In mill lengths, regu lar prlco 26c, tomorrow at Be a yard. One big lot very wide nil silk Liberty Satin, Taffeta and Satin Taffeta Itlb bon, generally sells at 40c, tomorrow nt 10c a yard. Ono big counter of tho finest quality Mercerized Drapery Sateen, suitable for alt kinds of Drapery nnd Comfort ers, worth up to 30c, go at 12!4c yard. Ono big co'untcr ot Drapery Ticking, regular price 10c, tomorrow at 10c yd. One big counter Drapery Sltkollne, regular price 10c, go at 3',4c a yard. Ono immense lot of new Chnmbrny Olnghnm, regular price 10c, go at 6',4o a yard. One big counter ot Flannelettes, all the new Persian patterns, worth 20c, go nt 11c n yard. Ono big counter of Outing Flannel, light colored, regular prlco 10c, go nt 5c a yard. Ono big lot of Wool Eiderdown, plain and fancy colors, worth up to 7oc, go at 11c n yard. nOe big lot ot all kinds ot nit I.lncn Hemstitched nnd Drawn Work Damask Towels, most of them worth 33c, ns displayed in our window go at 17V&Q each. The biggest towel bargain ever offered. One big lot of light colored Percale ncmnants, regular price 12',&c, go to morrow at 6c n yard. Our Great Clothing Sale is Now $5.98. We offer stock for nnd made assortment unbroken 50c Linen Tray Cloths, 23c WednesdiyS o'clock, we hemstitched tray cloths, regular retail price 50c at 23c each. Limit, two to each customer. ' - f -' Mn a sin r UMUIU UULL ON IX 9,500 dolls, worth 5c to 25c each on sale Wednesday at olr fin arm IOp. flnnii. Sptcial Dnss Trimming Sale Wfdntsday. The Big Sale of the Wholesale Silk and Vel vet Stock Continues to This stock is so big that every share in these wonderful bargains. ILKS THAT WILL GO WITH A ItUSH Stripes; plaldiv novelties, plain China surahs. White wash silk, black silks, great lot; some worth 60c, 75c and $1,00 all from tho great . wholesale stock and on sale Wednesday at 25c YOU NEED THESE SILKS, OR WILL SHORTLY. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY. BLACK CORDED' SILK SATIN FOUL ARDS, Persian silk, taffetas, brocados, fancy silks ot all kinds; over 200 pieces of the finest lot you ever taw; worth up to $1,50, from wholesale stock 49c WIDE SILKS in plain nnd fancy heavy taffetas, brocade satins nnd hemstitch and corded waist and dress silks, all colors and black, crcpo do chene, crocodile .waist silk, worth from $1.00 to $2.00, nt 69c $3.00 SILKS FOR 9Sc the finest silks for evening costumes, beautiful brocado and applique novelties, Morocco alike, crepe de meteors, peau de cgyne, eclatant, latest style, double width granadlne, the new crocodile silks, rich, soft, clinging silk In the most delicate tints, gorgeous designs that surpass anything beforo seen UIU DCCU 98c In Omaha, worth $2.00, $2.60 and $3.00 on sale nt THK BLACK TAFFETAS were the roost Important part ot this great stock. There HAYDEN BROS mr y 13131 13 V nr ' ne eat aqnlpped of the Keeler aratem of Instl f ,T.i, lata, Ike only Keeler Inatltnta In Nebraska, Cnre "V. WUKC Drunk enneas, Cures KEELF.Y INSTITUTE:. 10 ami Leavenworth, Omaha. Shrader's Fig Powder Is n preventive for nppendlpltls ns well as a CURE. YOU ask why can FIG POWDKU do thls-HK-CAUSE no other MEDICINE In tho world ean bring nbout nn alvlne discharge, nnd when the nlvlno poison is out of your bys tern you aro out of danger. Wo send free snniple to doctors address, W. J. Shrader Medicine Go,, New York Room 10, No. 30 East Ult 31 r IKS N. 24th St, Omaha. Neb. 60c black silk taffeta, 32!4c ynrd. $1.00 black silk taffeta, o.'c yard. $1,60 black silk tnffota, 77Hc yard. $2.10 blark fllk tnffetn, $1.16 ynrd. $1.00 new crepe do chine, 6"V5o ynrd, 60c all wool dress goods, 16c ynrd. 76c melton skirtings, nt 39c ynrd. $1.50 dress goods, nt 49c yard. $2.50 new tailor cloths, 9Sc ynrd, $3.00 Imported dress goods, $1.49 ynrd. DrrM Lining nt 1 l-'Je Yd. 20,000 ynrdH of short lengths and odd nnd end pieces of cnmbrle. dress lin ings, blnck nnd colors, at lJ4c yd. Clilldrrn'n Hone, Be. Pair. Misses' nnd children's fast black, full seamless hose, nil sizes, go nt 6c pair. tr.c Ilnndkerrlilefx. .1 1-Sle. 600 dozen nil kinds plain nnd fancy coloitd border linndkerchlefs, all widths of hemstitched, worth up to 15c, go u. J',4o each. line lire us Trimmings, lc Yd. Ono big bargain squnrn of over 100 pieces nil styles plnln black and fancy dress trimmings, worth up to 25c yd., go at lc yd. Misses', children's nnd boys' medium weight vests, pants nnd drawers, all sizes, worth up to 35c, go at 19c each. nr. Hose, in Pnlr. T.ndles' nnd men's flno Imported hosiery, full regular made, black nnd colors, worth 3jc, go at 15c pair. Ladles' 0 tlzo chatolnlnn watches, sterling silver cases, worth $4.50, at $2.93 Ladles' C size, 14-K, filled case, with American movement, worth $10, at $5.M. Gents' 18 size, Elgin movement, In 4 oz. Donbnr case, nt $4.19. Gents' 15-Jewel Elgin movement In scrow bezel cases, nt J5.9S. iti Full Blast. $15 Men's All Wool Suits you the choice of any men's suit In this $o.08. Theso suits aro pcrfoct fitting in the very latest styles of high grado raDrics. Tney are $10.00 TT -v values and you'd better Jfc f J is still Your choice ot any of tho MEN'S OVERCOATS at $5.00 and $10.00. They nro worth $10 to $20. HAYDEN 1 S place on sale one case of fine mmi Attract Great Crowds lady in Omaha can secure a are hundreds of pieces nnd you would think wo could never dispose of such quantities, but wo nro going to do it and do It quick, for the price that we will sell them at will clear them out with lightning rapidity. Wo know these taffetas well. They nre nearly nil of the wldo kind. They nre perfect, flno silks nnd you may be assured of their reliability. BLACK TAFFETA 21 Inches wide; worth $1,25; at BLACK TAFFETA 27 inches wide; worth $1.33; nt 59c 69c wo wero fortunate to secure so many nnd such fine velvets, for, as you all know, this is the greatest season for velvet waists, costumes and trimmings that was over known. We have our own stock, so that all these aro surplus. To sell quick wo name these prices: VELVETEENS all colors, at only S5c Black Velvet, 60c. $1.00 Black Velvet. 69c, $1.26 Black Velvet, 75c. $1.60 Black Velvet, 98c. $2.00 Black Velvet, $1.26. $3.00 Black Velvet, $1.60, BLACK 27-INCH VELVET worth $2.00, for 19c 98c Trading here by mall can bo easily done with great profit to you. I DruB Users, Tobacco Uaera. THK BLACK SELLS ALL KINDS AND SHAPES OF HATS FOn ONE PRICE ONLY $2.50 NO MOBE NO L.ES3. ! Black the $2.50 Hatter 107 S. lUth Street ALL OVER WOmen'S TAJLOR-MADE SUITS mndo Ciijfo of A"1' nil wool t'lieviol, now olon jacket, 0IIII3 with lono; dip front, taffeta lined and linnd somely trimmed with satin bands, new flounce skirt, trim med to match jacket, a suit, that brings $10.30 elsewhere our price $12.00 Women's women's taiwbta SILK SK1RTS made of best, taffeta silk, new bias flounce, CUrtc tri,mnc(1 w11 niching, hemstitching and oMI Id velvet, lined with best perenline lining, skirls that would be cheap at $15, here for. . .$9.75 Ready- '"TO" 0 nre lowing a fine collection of ready- liprip . to-put-on millinery, at prices that will save M'H'n v ()U l)or oont' om" fa" ,"N''nc,,y money. lYIIIIinery lJats with all the style and workmanship that, go into High priced millinery at one-half that of same quality elsewhere, our price .?5.00, .'l.7r. . . .$2.45 IVIen'S Men's extra heavy quality mottled fleece Fflll lined shirt and drawers, regular 7oc ,. rf , iualii.v, each 500 UnUerVVvur Men's light weight 3 wool, natural gray, for early fall wear, an exceptional good garment, all sizes, to d(5, shirts or drawers each 75c Men's best qunlity strictly all wool French merino under wear, in a choice line of colors, perfectly shaped and nicely trimmed, extra good value, shirt or drawers, each $1.00 WOmen'S WOMEN'S FAST KLAOK HOSE seam H . less cotton, extra good values, for .... 10c llOSiery WOMEN'S extra quality hose ma co cotton and lisle thread, full fashioned and perfect shaped, genuine onyx dye, per pair 25c BOYS' B0YS' TWO-PIECE SUITS made of good rinthinn n11"1?' suiting, an exceptional line of pat- LlOlniny tems to choose from, ?:).75 and $2.75 BOYS' THREE-PIECE SUITS The kind you will bo pleased with both in quality and price, big assortment of patterns , : $3.75 Boys' Overcoats Wo aro showing a new line of boys' yoke O'coats, in olive shades, blue and gray mixtures, sizes 4 to 15 years, $0.50, 5.00 and ....... $4.50 Boys' Norfolk Suits In a pretty collection of pat terns, all the rage just now, 2.75 up to ....$4.00 UAVnCMl lift I Uklid SOME EXTRA Extra heavy L. L. muslin, regular Be Roods, 36 Inches wide 2o 36-lnch bleached muslin, tho Cc Rrnde..314c 1 cbso of Hklrt linings, finest made, In Mack and gray, regular Ec goods 2c Simpson's fancy sateens, worth 12'(4c, handsome now designs 7V4c Sea Island and Wlilto Star percales, 3G- Inch wldo, best mado and sells at loc, at Ec Full Standard prints, fancies and Indigo blues, worth up to 80 yard 3V4c Extra heavy fleeco lined llannclcttes, In all tho new, bright fall colors, worth 16c. at cc 27-Inch all wool plain and printed French flannols, regular DOc and 76c goods, for Wednesday, as a flyer 22',4o Children's heavy fleece lined underwear, 25c, 15c, 12',fcc and 10c Men's 75c heavy shirts and drawers, all sizes, flno fleeco 30c OllOOliltV HPHCIAI.S. Corn meal. lCc sack; 24-lb. sack pure ryo flour, 45c; 10-lb. sack puro Graham, 16c; 24-lb. ssack puro ryo. Graham, 45c; fancy evaporated California penches, new 1901 crop, 9c; strictly choice California penchco, now crop, 1901, at 12Vjc; very good old crop poaches, 64o; new crop evaporated blackberries, 9c; new crop ovaporatod apricots, 1901, at 12'jc; new cleaned pa tros currents, 12',jc; now California mus catel raUlns, 10c; now California prunes, 34c, 4c, 6c, 8V4c and 12Ho. TOBACCO nKl'AIlTMKNT. Star plug chewing tobacco Horseshoe plug chewing tobacco ., Nervo plug chewing tobacco Dattlo Axo Newsboy tobacco Dull Durham smoking tobacco Duke's Mixture Meerschaum smoking tobacco UncloVTam smoking tobacco Old style smoking tobacco .37V4c ,37V4o ,37'ic . 3.-.C . 35c . DOo . 35c . 35o . 35a . 25c HAYDEN' linOS.' OnKAT SAI.12 OF OAX noons. 2-lb. can Strawberries 10c 2-lb. cau Gooseberries Sc 2-lb, can Blackberries 9c 2- lb. can Raspberries 10c 3- lb. can Apricots 12,4c 8-lb. can Teaches I2ia 3-lb. can very flno sifted Peas 12c 3-lb, can all kinds of Plums 1214c 3-lb, can Tomatoes 10ii 2-lb. can Corn 7'c 2-lb can String rteans "V4o 2-lb. can Succotash 7'4c 2-lb. can Rod Kidney Deans 7'4c 2- lb. can Wax Deans 7',c 3- lb, can Garden Dcets lc OA M1V KAMI. Stick Doublo refined, per lb ?ic Stick lloarhound, per lb " Stick Fancy twist, per lb "Uo Mixed Choice, 6',4c; fancy So Mixed Broken, 7?c; French 13c Mixed Ktndergarton "iY0 Caramels 6I.4 Lemon Drops 8Uc Chocolate Drops, He; fancy 13c Jelly Reans s'ic Conversation Hearts "Via HAYDEN BROS CUT Nothing that we can suggest will mako a morn dchlrable gift than a beautiful pleco of cut glass. Our mirrored rut glass room is flllsd with somo of the most exquisite designs it haB hcen our pleasure to show. When In our store don't fall to visit this department. , MAWHINNEY THE HOUSE lithe Bargain Room Wednesday SPECIAL BARGAINS Ladles' COc flno winter undorwear .... 10o Ladles' $1.00 union suits, supernno .... 49o $1.60 blark silks, for shirt waUtg 49o 51.00 superior quality Roman stripes, In all tho fancy colors 390 60c silks In plain colors 190 GOc volvots i9o 13c half wool drees goods t,a 19c halt wool dress Roods 7o 25c half wool dross goods 10a 39c half wool dress goods ....16a 60c sergenes, 42 Inches wide, all colors, and blnck . 25o 85c strictly all wool Venetians, In all colors, ono day only 49o $1.00 granlto cloth 49a $1.00 black goods - .19 n $0.00 strictly all wool red blankets ....$3.98 Flno fleecy cotton blankets, worth up to $1.00, at 69a CAM11' SAI,K. Cinnamon Imperials 8$4c Lozcngos, mint 8Vc Wlntergreon 8V4c I'canut Squares 7V4g Hock Candy, all string .' 9c Rock Candy, part string 814a Ucllpso Mixed Candy 80 Crown Mixed , Moonlight Kisses lS!4o Hobsou KIhsgs 15o Swedish Kisses 12',4c Sunbeam Kisses 12Vi Trilby Kisses lOn Don Dons 7 ',4c Vanilla Creams 26o Roso Creams 22a Mint Opera Creams 2M&u nutter Creams 22',4u Opera Wafers , 25u Maplo Wafers 26o Finn hand-madn Chocolates 20o Flno Marshmallow Chocolates 2."c Cream Almonds 25u CRACK F.ll IIKI'AIITMKNT. Soda crackers Oyster crackers Bo Milk crackers fo Pearl crackers 5o Farina crackers Bo Ginger snaps 60 Fresh oysters, per quart 35a Dates, per pound 60 CO IT 131? AM) 'IT'.A I'lllCHS. Siberian Diamond coffee, 1214c; SlberUn H. II. Coffee, Wjc; very flno Santos coffee, 15c; Guatemala toffee, 20c; Interior Java coffee, 25c, prlvato growth, Java, 31 V4c; Angola Java, 32c; Mandolins Java, 33c; Arabian Mocha and OJd Government, 35c. With overy pound of good tea from 45c to 60o you get a fancy teapot. FISH DHI'AHT.MKXT Norwegian anchovies, per pound 1214c Russian sardines ,.12t4o Fresh roockorcl from Norway (bloat ers) 2.'.a Fresh mackerel, No. 1 20a Fresh mackerel, No. 2 17V4c New England mackerel (bloater) loo Irish mackerel ,..12Vlo Holland herring, fresh 10o Fet slid herring 12V4o Hamburg rolled mops 16o GLASS & RYAN CO., Jewelers huU Art Statlouers, lath nnd IJouglus Strcjtt. Omnha from 50c to 4.50.