THE OMAHA DAILY BKE: MOKDAY. (HT.)ltEn 21, 1001. 0 SPECIAL NOTICES! AATOTtUemaata far thea totnam will take 111 it m. for Ike vetag altloa Ml natll Smo p. at. far aaarala aa Saadar ealllea. data, 1 l'2o a war 4 Aral latartlaa, la a war thereafter. Tfathlna; take far leea tkaa Mo far the are! laaer Claa. Thcae a4rtlseaate aaaat ba ru coase-oattvelr. Atfrertlaera, r reaealaar a aaaa-feere- cheek, eaa hava aaawara aa- treaeea ta a aaaaberaa letter la ear f The Bee. Aaawara aa aa areas- will be aellveraa mm areieatatlea mi at ahaak amir. S 1 T i; ATI ON S WA .T 1 5 II. COLLECTOR or salesman, town or coun try, Just disengaged, want employment. Address J 65, IJee. A-Mf 21" filTITATtrtV tvnnlod am housekeeper widow of 13. At references. Address J 61, iifO. UY a competent bookkeeper; best of city i i .1.1 if flan reiercncea. aiiuii-m iv M3S6 2" WANTKD-MAI.n HELP. COOD messengers wanted. A. D. T., 412 8. 13th. B M504 WANTED, a good man In evory county to intra .Mtw.-clnltmiH far The Twentieth Cen tury Farmer. Our agents muko good wages everywhere. References required. Address Twentieth .Century Farmer, Omaha, Nc' u-" WANTED, chicken. plcUer," experienced, for scaiu inciting; muai do man ui nn-uuy nnmis. jucnnrn weuuer, sioux uny, in. WANTUD. mull to learn tho barber trade: nnlv two months reiiulred: thoroughly nrurllrnl tmliilnir hv our method; nOHl tlons furnished when competent at 112 lo yl5 weekly; complete ouiiu oi toois given puph siitilpnt recommendations from hllli- dreils of students; catiuoguo anu pariicu- lars irs mailed free. .-Mgicr liarner criuegv, 1023 FomMin St. H-M37U 2l WANTED, sexton for a church; work light; man and Wife preferred. Address .1 51, Bee. HMllU2r WANTED, men to learn barber trad: comparatively no expense; only eight weeks required, board Included; complelo outfit Of tOOlS. prOFPnted: wages Hatlir- days: 116 weekly paid graduates, fall or write Molcr Harljcr College, 1623 Fumam St. H MMi ml' iWANTKD A first-class watchmaker and oner aver: cood salurv: refprenco requiri-d. A. Mandelborg,, Lending Jeweler, Ifith and Farnam Hts. u i.v (WAKTRn. .nllrltnm for tho Modern Wood. 1 mon of America, tho largest fraternal snrlntv In America: cood moucv for men ' of ability. Apply C. 11. T. Hlcpen. 103 Bo. 1MH Ht. 11 U j -.'l" .WANTED, two first-class coatmukers; pay h hill! nlnln sack coals. 17.75 t. 111.IO for iV- dttj ini ........ el n..m uuuin tv 111. niiirif i.u. II, ivi uui tmi inn ... . . r.. i I luoine, in, . ii-iimo iCIVIL service government posMlons: O.fwo appointments main nisi year; pronauiy 10.000 this year: common school education required for tho examination. Cataloguo of. Information free. Columbian Corre- snonrtenca Collccp. Washlmctou. D. C. H-MK8 21 WANTED Stato organizers for Nebraska ny Ol'l esiuuiinilLMi iimuiiiiii:tT rifiuu:i) , liayii sickness, accident and death claims, Plan popular nnfl easy to secure members. Salary and commission. Wrlto for terms. Address, 'Society," 70G New York Llfo nulldlng, Kansas City, Mo. Mention paper. U M45I 23 r 1 " . , i WANTED, upholsterers and finishers. Dowey Stono Furnlturo Co.. 1117 For- nam street. u ai&2 22 NlCKP.t, PLATING. BTOVES. lamps, etc., replatlng. Plating Co. Roc Blrtg. Tel. 2535. Omaha -518 STOVES. tWK carry the biggest line of etovca In City. uuy Ul us, x-l iucb riijiii. filial- prise Furniture Co.i 102-1 8. 14th. Tel. 2236. M574 Q31 WANTIfiD V15MALK liui,P. (WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S7. C-467 to GIRLS, all' kinds work. Canadian Office, I C-468 ji GOOD paying position to an energetic lady In each town: also lady travoleru to represent us. Thyroid-Lymph Co., 501 Refl Bldg. C CS6 TiADIEH, to learn halrdrcsslng, mnnlctir lug or facial massago; ugow and thorough method of teaching; only four veekn re- iiuireu; ono years apprenticeship saved; tools presented: comparatively no ex pense. Call or wrlto Molcr College. 1623 Karnamei. c aiaO 21 WANTED Experienced girl: general bouse- wnru an rnm iv tin iiiiii,i. nn.i wages. Sirs. Robert H. Ringwnlt, No.- M0 I Worthlngton Pluco. C.IG.s-22 COMPETENT girl for general housework, smaii uiiniiy, fcuuu wiiffes. uouue. C-M512 21 "WANTED, a comnetent cook: irood wanes paia. Appiy Mrs. 1. J. r.ogcrs. iiji l'ark AVC. C 22 VOJl RENT HOUSES. IF YOU want your homes well rented place llitm witn ueimwu & uo. D 469 BEE HENRY 11. FAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. D .0 TO MOVE right got Omuha Van Storoge Co., ofllco 1511 Farnam, or tel. 1539-863. D 111 IIOUBEf?, stores. Uemts, Paxton block. D 173 D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. HOUSES, etc. F. D-473 HOUSES nnd Hats. Rlngwalt, Darker nik. U 174 HOUSES for rnt In ill parts of tho pity. Tl.n..n..l f-.. ',,11 It 10.1. u...t ui eiiiiiiii-Av v v. w,, w.j ouuiii iuiii rum. D-480 t-- , tI"OR RENT, house and barn, nil modern. 2137 Houth 33d St. Apply 462 Merchants' 1 national nanK uiug. u 131 niOUHES-VHEAqON. 128 Paxton Rlk." D 482. ROOM cottago, 112. Inquire 2710 Parker. IJ 1M 3MO ard coal nepdert, central, seven room house: also tivo r.oom .flat. Tiiuird, 221 fi. 21111. i U 600 N 1 '-ROOM detached houso, all modern, lawn, etc. 721 8. 3fth. Will Browne. Jr. D-SS7-30 DESIRABLE dwelling, 10 rooms, modem, Kim, uuiii, iiiriiagv, laiiuury, excellent re pair, good location. 2002 No. 11th St. Ap ply to uarYiii i)rus iwi rarnam nt. D-M6H 1717 8. 13TH ST., 6 rooms. In lino condition, city wuicr in niu iu'ii; rent, iiu. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas Sts. D-M272 7-HOOM modern. 2705 Howard st. Tel. .aiu.-. rJ. u. Mumiiion, .'U a. 17111. D-M906 ROOM house. 1931 S, 11th. D-M31I 2 E24 8. 29TH AVE., new brick dwelling of S-rooms. thoroughly modern, llrst-cluss In every particular. 110. Garvin Bros., 1604 r-arnum Ht. u-wj s:oi MAPLE St., 8 rooms. 120. 212 N'o. 2tilh St.. 9 rooms, modern. 130. JOHN N. FREN'ZER. OPP. OLD P. O. D-M91S FOR RENT, 7-roon house, gooil barn, Im. ...... ...... !l1 tf......ld,nt. modern Imtirnveiuvnt.. 2-iVl PopplKlnn Ave, 'Phone 2313, U III J-'OR RENT. 5-room flat, 110, Rees or Puelllc 8J Apply reis D-3.J7 19 P-lt HOUSE, nil moderii. Dnmlpe. JM. 7-r, house, with or without barn. M5 S. 46, 4-r. house, So, 2Uh, near Vinlon. IS. W. 1 8KLHY. Phone 1510.. Board of Trade Bldg. 10-ROOM. vtrlellymodcriL house, best loca tion, .sin. nnn jscksoii ms,( u. t,. uurkington, m uec u aUT3 roit rknt lint sr.". TEN-ROOM, modern, 616 8. 22d St Ring- wan uros,, uarKcr hiock. u aiioi DANDY 6-room cottage. 9S0 N. 27th st. D-M258 NI2 I-'Oll RENT, brick house. S rooms, modem, .no .hi, inn ni jxi j. ;au. umi FOR RENT, 6 room, modern with furnace, 21.8 .South 35th avenue. S2(. 8 rooms, modern, with furnace, barn and ncmmrui snnupu lawn ijuxiso reel, kjo, jikk No, 21th Ht Stringer, C3I Waxtou block. U MSii FOR HKNT, elegant 13-room residence and nurn, thoroughly modern, complete in an respects; known as tho Knrbsch lioure ror. 20th and Leavenworth. Inutilrc 514 S. 20th at. D-M333 Nl TWO modern houses. 8 rooms each, nar ."Jin nncl hnrnam Sts.; now lielng tnor ouclily overhauled. Kent, J2S per month each. OMAHA LOAN fc TRUST CO.. 16th and uoiigias Hts, D 420 3835 PARKER St.; large, fine 0-room real- nencc witn city water, rurnnce ana goon bam. A very comfortable home at a low rcntul for ono who may be willing to llvo out that far. Will rent for J12.50 to good tenant. Mnnv bouses not one-half as good rent for 123. OMAHA LOAN & Tllt'ST CO,, 16th and uiugnis sis. D 421 21 GOOD C-room house cheap. 2001 Grace. 1) 42 22' HIGIJT-HOOM modern house, cor. 27th and j toward, ovemier l. linquiri' W2 n. 27th. D-M51G 21 FOR HKNT, elegant S-room house, all modern improvements. vi iii st. FOIl HKNT. 4-room eottngp, 2W, Hlondo Ht., js.w. inquire at m .no. I'jtn hi. roll HK.M FUllMSlll'.ll HOOMS. DEWBY European hotel. 13th and Farnnm. E I S3 THE THURSTON. Cool, airy rooms. E 131 2 NICELY furnished rooms, well heated. iws lupiioi nvc. 3 HOOMS, light housekeeping. 1112 8. 11th E-M971 si. ONE idee furnished room for rent cheap, JM IS- -lu . l01pl(pnliiIr r,nm It Mnrv'7 - Housekeeping rooms, .623 St. Mn .v s. FURNISHED rooms, new modern house 1"2I) . Z2(l. IJ Jlftll 21' FURNISHED rooms, also 2 rooms for light house Keeping, ruruisiied or unfurnished, steam heat. 31314 N. 15th. Flnt L. K-M683 22 FURNISHED ROOMS AND MOAIID. UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F-485 m.KVf A 1 rM irnn.l.m i r.n., icnn t, iw isvym. n.. 1 JVJ FURNISHED rooms with board. 2570 Har ney St. F-MS 022' NICE homo for young men. 108 8. 23th st. F 073 COD S, 25TH AVE., for gentlemen. F-MS69 NICK largo room. 411 N. 25th. F M310 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, rooms, good A NICELY furnished room with board for gentleman; pneu lis. 718 so, 2Sth Ht. STEAM-HEATED rooms, with or without noaru. Aimianu notel, lum ana Chicago his. r fluos m FOIl HEJtTVNFl'IlNISIli:!) HOOMS. DESK room space, 13 per month, (round nuor room in a no xico uuiiuing, racing Farnam street: no expcuno for light,, heat or janitor service. R. C. Peters & Co., jicmai Agents, uuo uquaing. u 118 LiailT housekeeping, 2026 st. Mary's nve. U 0x1 3 ROOMS with bath, nono but those with thn best 01 roicrcnce need apply, 06 801 13111. U AU25 .. I'OK RENT STORKS ANU OFFICES. FOR RENT, Btoro In nrst-class location: rent reusouablo. Apply IX. U. Poters & Co., ground lioor, Dee Uldg. 1266 FOR RENT, ofllco with vault nnd part first lloor or ull top floor. 1114-16 Harney St. Mluiana uiass ana i-aini uo iiiu iiarncy Ht. I 4S5 FOR RENT, tho building formerly occu pled by The Deo at 916 Farnam St. It has four siories ami a uascment wiucn was formerly nreu as Tho uce press room, This will bo ronted very reasonably. If Interested apply at onco to C. C. Hose- water, secretary, room luo, iico Uuliuing. 1261 Ui ln,c"' n,"" moreroom lor impiQ inent or llko business; well located. nr;.Mia. i'axton ijlocic. 1-M11R AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS for JIcKlnley ImjoIjh can savo I t... ..i i.... ti...r. ...hi. ..... I'.ngusn, Hweuisp, uerman ana jjano-mor. weulan larmuaces: nutllt frco: communl ratu with us before ordering elsewhere western t'uiiiisiung company, gsu-ihi iax lOll UIOCK. J .MoOl - WANTED, cnnvasslng agents In every county, to solicit subscriptions for THI TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER nni i tho NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE KTOUlv OKI L'Ol 'LETE STOCK DQL' TOR. This splendid book contains 1,400 Imperial octavo pages, MX) object-teaching engravings nnd is the only book on live siock over liuuiisueu auamcu to tno every duy, practical, money-saving use of every rarmor unit siock owner, sicnuy emplov menl with fissured irnod Income. Auent In the country with horrid and buggy es peclally ilclred. Canvassers make, easily W to lloi) per month. Address Century Farmer Solicitors uureau, lieu minding. umali.i. J aw WANTED, agents to pell kitchen utensil of great merit; honest women or men 01 re spectable nppparnnco make big wages. Call or address Clms. Schulthclss. 2315 Ifwuy, Council muffs, lu. J M37B COUNTRY .ennvnssors can make good money luiting sunscriptionB to ine i wtni. j lietn eeniury i-nrmer bb a siuo line- iiej. erences required. Address Bee Publishing Co., Omaha, Nth. J 61 MEMORIAL Llfo of McKlnley, four Isn- guages, uoo pnges, iw niuitones, irre outnt, W. A. Hlxeubaugh & Co., 50.) Ware block, Omuha. J 865 AGENTS wanted for new publications; prospectus, etc., freo, Georgo Bnrrlo & Son, 1313 Walnut St., Philadelphia. J-M2!: Janl2 R-U-A HIPPER? The latest novelty. Send 10c for sample. P. O. Box 59, Detroit, Mich. Agents wanted. J-M4S0 2I WANTED TO KENT. WANTED, for winter, nicely nnd com pletely fiiruisncii 1 to v-room uouse, cen trally located. Will pay reasonable rent and give best of euro. Address, J 19, Beo. IC-M495-21 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Wnrehouso Co., 012- Sit Jones, general storage nnu lorwaruinic. 459 OM. Van Stor. Co.. 15114 Farn. Tela. 1559-6J. (STORAGE, low rates. Derlght, 1119 Farnam I C at. -S77 WANTED TO III.Y, WANTED, 10 carloads of furniture nnd stoves for St. Louts Expo. Tol. 771. Ad dress J. Levlnc, 2C6 N. 16. N 3S4 OH EASTERN Nebraska farm for Investment: must tin iuiiii tiiiit win rent well, with good improvements; give prlro nnd sec tion number. Address J 43, Bee. N-M337 25 CHEAT farms In eastern Nebraska. G. B. TurKingiou, uu uto uiuc, w M37I WATfiD TO 1H V. ECOND-HAND furnace, state price, make, size and how much used; an wit quirk. Address K !, Upc. N-.M601 ! WE MAVIS cutomers for several Improvsd lartns in eastern NcurnsKa; list yotr farm with tn It ou want to tlnd a buyr without delay. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Main Floor New York Life Hide N-M401 23 WANT to buy a good paying stock of drugs in a. goou town town ot l.ow or moio population. Address -! 40, Hce. N-319 19 FOIl SALE F I! KNIT Ull E. KITCHEN cabinet and small dining table for sale. 2319 Jones St. 0-M416 23 CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2V.-U. new ana 2unana, uougnt, soiu, ex uhanged. O (3i F1N13 oak bedroom set, parlor mirror, hot- racic, niso oincr nouspnom goous, at less than half cost. 25GI Douglas. O 321 22 Oil SAI.E-IIOllSES, VEHICLES, ETC, GOOD repairs on wagons, etc., at Harry i'rost'8, ntn ana lravcnworin. i' m A GOOD, sound, young driving horse, also hroKe lor snuuie, nurness, lop nuggy anu light wagon for sale. 22l'J Douglas. P-M529 22 FOIt SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 2DMAND Kifo cheap. Dcrlght, 1119 Farnaui. SAFES, standard makes, sold, rented. 114 8 13 W I'Jj EDISON & COLUMBIA tnlklng machines and records, umunu lilcyclc co.t I6tn ana Chicago. Q-v4 FIR timbers for, housomovers, etc., 40 to 71 re, criouing ana nog xencc. vui uoug las. Q I9'l CHOICK lot of milch cows for salo cheap. s, r. campncii, 4213 ucnicr at. vji 500 OVERCOATS, bargains. Marowltz, 41S N. 16lh. CADET cont, good as new: will fit boy 13 or 11 years 01a. Auurcss 11 w, nee. Q-M3S1 BUGGIES, phaetons, surreys, wagons, bi cycles; uig siock new, sceona-numi oar gains. Fredrickson, loth and Dodge. P-M3X1 N7 PTIAETON, steel and rubber tires. Huggles, oben and top. G family carriages. I 0-pass. carriage 1 Victoria nnd 1 Rockaway. I hack uud 2 broughams. 1 donot wagon.. Second-hand harness also. miuMMursu carriage co., 18th and Harney. Q-MS2J FOR SALE, two good Rambler bicycles, one a iniiies wneei; jio encn 10 savo win ter's storage. Call 1030 Georgia live. Q-M4U9 25 FOR SALE, enlarging nnd Blcreoptlcon lantern; goon us new. call or address 312 N. 221 st. Q-Mlll FOR SALE, huninn skeleton. In tlrst-class condition. .Address j ij, nco ouicc. Q-M41.1 FOR SALE, my law library, 51 volumes L. R. A., new: 136 Mass. Hens.. 36 Neb.. in A. M. digests, 4 N. W. H. digests, HO icxi oooks, mauogany roncr-top ucsk nnd chair. Call Monday at 2 p. m., room 931 M. 1. iuo mug. vm. i.ecse. Q-M412 21 GOOD baso burner cheap. 3119 Burdctto st. g M72 32 FOR SALE. Monday and Tuesday, rav household goods. Mrs. uoc Smith, 2202 uerinan nvc, it aiwi 21' CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 819 N,' 16th. , a 193 MME. GYLMEH. gcnulno pnlmlst, OH 8, ism. b I'J'J PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu. 011s hair removed uy electricity. 11. i-, Frcnzer block. i U id1) RUPTURE CURED without the knlft. Em pire Rupture Cure, 932 N. Y. Llfo Bldg;. U-551 ELITE PARLORS, 615 So. 16th St., 2d lloor. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d lloor. It : uju i MME. AMES, 31i',4 N. 15, flat E, baths. U Moi3 U31 VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational, wnoiesome nome treatment, ais uen uuig, U 502 OMAHA Accordion Pltg Co., 1521 Douglas TTAnr. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quicKest. Airs. a. c AiarK, iitn ana inr- nnm ' f T?JT? WE RENT sewing machines for 75 cents per week; wo repair nnd sell needles and parts for every machluo manufactured. 'Phone 1663. Neb. Cycle Co., 15 Sc. Harney. Branch Offices: 612 N. 21th, South Omnba; 'phono 2173. 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs. U-874 021 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale nnd retail, Collins Piano Co., 1622 Doug las. U-M603 ADV. calendars. Burkley Ptp. Co. U-M597 Janl PRIVATE hocpltnl, before and during con finement: babies adopted. 2306 Grunt St. Mrs. Gurdols. U 944 PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing confinement; babies adopted. 2620 Burdctto St. Mrs. Ilurget. U-056 Nli HA1RDRESSING, manicuring nnd rhlro- pody, for ladles cnly. In connection with n wit U-2S5 1 ne uainery, -itu nco mug. BAGGAGE, express, moving. Hoft's Ex prcEH Co., new management, 606 8. liith. Tel. 1717. U M26'j N12 13.50 BUYS TAILOR MADE PANTS. No more. 110 less. 330 selections. .Undo right here., a rand Pants Co.. 309 No, ifith. U-M369 N17 PRINCE OF OMAHA. The famous Prince of Oninha Is tho best cigar over saw.. ' Not- because ot Its name Did it gain such wondrous fame, But Its duo to quality. Then It smokes so cool and free, And, again, It'll union mado That's a guarantee to tranc The prices nro 137 nt wholesalo And 5c straight nt retail. XV. F. 8TOECKElt CIGAR CO. U-MI21 26 FOR RENT, tine Kniibe plana. Applynt 1607 lxithrop street. V 44" i5 CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection witn ine iiatnery, rooms 2it-220 ueo hidg. Tel. 1716. U-519 RUPTL'RB permanently cured In 30 to 60 days; send for circular. O. H. Wood. M. D 521 New York Life Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. U-528 WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Moddlcmlst, 'phone 1238. I-ave orders nt 1519 Farnam. Rooms cleuned, II up. U M177 f6 TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES. A number of young Indies wanted ImmoM. atcly to take n course of training, For particulars address Fremont Hospital, Fremont, Neb. U M59) N19 SHAMPOOING? and hair dressing. 23oT In connection with Thu Bathery, 216-220 Rue building. Tel. 1716. U-361 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. b AND 5tt per cent loans. W, II. Thomas, First Nutunal Bank building. Tel. 1619. W-.VJS LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa fnrms at "j per cent; borrowers can pay 1100 o' uny multiple; any Interest date: no delay. Brennan-Love Co.. 309 So. 13th St., On.nha, Neb. W-509 WANTED, city loans, bonds and wnrr.ints. George & Company, 1601 Farnam street. W-51Q WANTED, city loan and warrants. XV, Far tram Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam street. W-5U MONEY TO I.OAX-ltEAI. ESTATE. WANTED, city nnd farm loans; niso bonds and warrants. R. C Peters & Co.. 17(2 Farnam St., Uee Dldg W-513 liiTO 5 P. C. money. Bemls, IVxtoiilllkl W-513 130.W SPECIAL fund; loans 130) ,tp; iowes rates. Uarvln Bros., 1601 Farnam W-3H M AND 5 PER CENT R. C. Pntterson, S10 S'cw York Ufe. W-M133 021 jji-ioTiiooTjjW PRIVATE money to loan; 1," 2. 3 or 5 years. W. 1 Sclby, Hoard of Trade Bldg. W-315 SEE HENRY n. PAYNE, 601-2 N. V. Life. W-316 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estule. Breunan-Love Co., 300 South 13th. u 517 W. B. ME1KLE. 401 S. 15th St.. loans money on property ui u imr cent. W-5IS PRIVATE money. Sherwood, D37 N. Y XV I 19 PRIVATE money, F. D. Wcod, 1521 Douglas. W--.-.20 WANTED, several CHOICE CITY LOANS ror private clients. 11. i-eiers iv co., 1702 Farnam St., Bee bldg. W-M699 26 MONEY TO I.OA.N-CIIATTI.HS. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS J.N SU.11S Ul' 110, 115, 12U, J25, n 533, I III, 130, 173, HW, 1200, 1250, J300. ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. MORSES, WAGONS, ETC. Also to SALARIED PEU PLE on their pluln nolo nt rates which honest people can aiTord to pay. The prop erty to remain undisturbed in your pos session, ion KUl "I", iiiuiiu)- iiiu HllIllO duy you ask for It and tho transaction is held 111 strictest confidence. Olllco hours, b a. in. to. 6 p. m. Wednesday and Saturday evenings until 8 o clock. RELIABLE eIlEUlT COMPANY. Room 3W, Tim- 1'ioor, i'uxion Hlock. MONEY TO LOAN ON Furniture anu pianos. Horses, wagons and carriages. Also on SALARIES. You get tho money on short notice. You receive tho full amount lu cash. You may keep It one mouth or more. You pay lor only what tlmo you keep It. Our rules arc 11s low us tho lowest. Our business Is conlldcntlul. Our motto Is, "Try to please." OMAHA .MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trado Bldg. Tel. 22u3. (Established 1892.) 206 8. lGlh St. N-327 LARGEST BUSINESS In LOANS TO SALAitii'.u i'Kui'ii mcrcnams, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 olllces In princi pal cities. Tohnan, 440 Board of Trado Illdg. X-521 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, llvo stock, etc. Quick servlco and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 633 (top floor) Paxton block, northeast corner 16th and Farnam; entrance on 16th street. X-322 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, Jow- elry: niso to salaried pcopio without secur ity; cheap rates; easy puyinenta; business conlldcntlul. Foley loan Co.. successors to Duff Green, R. 8, B.irkcr Blk. Est. 1S9. X-M563 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. 511 Paxton block. The J. A. Mutton Co. X-5:t MONEY lor.hod on plnnos, furniture. Jow elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8.13. X-620 BUSINESS CHANCES. FLOUR mill for sale; owing to death of proprietor ono of tho best equipped flour mills lu Iowa, doing n lino business, Is offered for sulc. Address P. O. Box 671, Nuwton, la. Y-M3.1t N15 WANTED, hotel of good capacity, 12 house, in live country town: will. lease furnished with option ot purchase. Address J .17, Bee Y-296 GOOD locntlon for ,n doctor; largo terri tory. J 60, Bee.. . Y-M523 23 PATENTS Hook of Informlttlnn frfle. Lnte of 'examining corps U. 'Bj Patent Otllce. prompt, rciinnio service,, 1 j. jv. aiock, Washington, D C. 1 Y-443 24 PRINTING plant for snle: Iho plant of thn Ueloit rvowH win lie sour uniier cnauei nwirlcneii nt llrlolt. In.. October 31. 1 n. m. Enquire of Shnw, Sims & Kuehnle, Dcnlson, ic.wn. 1 Mow 13,000 CLEAN staple stock of groceries: line, locntlon; volumn of business 130,000 an nually: golden opportunity; have you a good Improved farm not over 73 miles from umana; leu mo tun purticuinrs muvbo wo can deal, J. II. Johnson. N. Y Life. Y-M579 21 A LEGITIMATE mercantile business; re rmlron Sfi.OiK) tn rnntrol: owner beenn bus! npss In 1897 with 120() cash, today Is rnted worth US.OOO; this buslnpss made It; fall ing health compels dlscontlnuulico: court closest Investigation. For full particulars see J. 11. Johnson, i. 1. i.ue, FOR EXCHANGE. QOOD Omnliu property for western land; might add some cashr J 44, Bee. .-33.1 26 FOIt SALE-HEAL ESTATE. nEAUTlFl'I. 7-room MODERN DWELL ING, 3 blocks from Crelghton college and Ht. jonn s cuutcii. riuo icpair. uniy 12,700. TAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Sole Agents. Main lloor New York Life Bldg. RE-M576 22 HOUSES and lots In all parts ot city; also ncro property and farm lands. Tho O. F. Davis Co., Room 532, ,Bco Building. RE-530 FARMS. C. F. HARRISON, 913 N. Y. Life. RE-301 N13 11-ACRE f:ult farm, within Yi mile of city limits, for sule cheap, or will trade for stock of goods, or groceries. Address II, Ueo ofllce, Council Bluffs. HE-M2JI MOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also tire Insuruiio. Bcmls, Paxton Blk. HE-46'i RANCH and farm lands for salo by tho Union Pnclllc Hiillrnnd company. B, A. McAlltistcr, land commissioner, Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-532 FOR SALE, fruit nnd garden placo and grocery store, seven acres, part lu choice grapes, plums and other, fruit; n splendid business location; barn, len house, sheds, well, "elstc-n, olc.j ono mllo out of town on main road, Inquire ut 33J Broadway. Council Bluffs, lu. RE M443 7-ROOM, all modern house. 3520 Dodge St. CLARKE PQWELU 'Phono 921. 420 Now York Life, RE-S73 CM AS. E. wTlMAMSON, 1203 Farnam SL RE-f31 FOR SALE, .W-ncro farm, four mllci from city; goud trim, houso nnd well. Inquire John T. Tldd, Council Bluffs Jnvlngs bank, or 731 Willow avenue, Council Bluffs. RE-M:)31 SEVERAL good fnrms for snlo In a good farming country. For further particulars write or call on H. L. Ludliitn, PIuIiivIjiv, Neb, HE-.M392 A. P. TP KEY AND SON. Wo have the sulu of some 10 or 12 farnn In Lnncnstcr county, Nebraska, nil well Improved and offered ut an exceedingly low price. We have niso for salo two entlrn town ships In Aitkin county Minnesota. Partly covered with timber, but excellent land for wheat, potatoes, blue Btiss, utc. Only three hours' rldo from 8t. Paul and offered for 10 per acre. Wo luivo also u largo body or grass hind for sat"' In North Dakota at a very low prli , v deed. A. P. TUKEY AND SON, Board of Trade. RE-122-22 HERE 18 A SNAP." Lot within two blocks of Crelghton col lege ami at. Johns church, W. Flno neignuornooa: on grade. PA Y N E-KNON COM PA N Y, Sotn Agents. Main lloor New York Life Uldg. RE-M675 22 TEL. THREE-ONE-rOUR. HARRISON. RE-312 N5 SEE lfNRYlirrAYNE. 601-7 J7, Y. Life FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. FARMS. 120 acres west of Bennington, well Improved and farm lays well, p per acre. 120 acres 5 miles southwest of South Omaha, good house, Inrge barn, hv shed, windmill and water system, Urge bearing oreh.ird. land Is llrst-class, $.s,0i. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. RE-M5I6 22 DHESSMAKI.Vl, IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 2576 Harney. 660 N-3 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged lending specialist In diseases of women In Omaha, would call the attention of suffering ladles 10 his unsurpassed accommoda tions before and during confinement, and his treatment for Irregularities, no mat ter what cause. Call or nddrms. with stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513 Dodge, Omuha. M M562 LADH:s-.'00 reward falling to relieve case of abnormal suppression In "1! hours. Price. 12. Dr. Mend Remedy Co., 112-17 Qulncy St.. Chicago, III. U9n.; LOST. LOST, two large envelopes containing papers valuable to owners only, ono ad dressed to ,1. H. Berry, chief engineer, nnd the other to J. S. Sykes, chief clerk gen eral mnnnger's olllcc, I'lilon Puelllc, Omaha, between Union station and Union Purine headquarters about 3:15 p. in., Oc tober 17th. Suitable reward for return. Lost LOST, red cow, without horns, while spot nil bark, sore eye. Return 673 North 43th. Last seen In Dundee. Lost 3V6 1! OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON tnstltute. 515 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. llWI. Allco Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; Old E. John.oli, Osteopathia, Mgr. 537 DONOHUa, Osteopath, Paxton Blk. Tol 1267 335 DR. A. T. HUNT, sulto 612. McCngue Bldg. Tel. 2332. -a IV DR. MRS. MUSICK, Douglas Ulk. Tel. 2"2:?. 311 PATENTS. WILL BUY any good Invention or patent. Address iaick hox iw, ucs .aiuiucs, in. 347 HAVE cash for good patent or Invention. Address I". O. uox umuua, sseo. -4SI Nl SHORTHAND AND TYPE WHITING. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16th & Doug OJS A. C VAN SAN 1 0 SCUOOl. 717 N. V. Life. jai BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Bee BHIg. 534 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd't Theater. Mj MUSIC. PROFESSOR Charles Pctetson, piano In struction nnd volco trnlnlng, Italian method. Roundness nnd carrying power of tune guaranteed. 613 W. of W. Uldg. -293 0- STAMMEItlNG ANU STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Bldg. 5U FARMS FOIl RENT. 400 ACRES near Gretna, Snrpy county. Duff Green, room S, Barker block. 5GS LAUNDRY. OMAHA 8tcam Laundry; shirts, 7c collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Lcuvcnworth. Tel. 517. TRUNK FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases: trunks repulrcd, Om. Trunk Fuctory, 1209 Farnam. OSS Ml II II Oil FACTORY. Damaged looking glasses rcsllverod. 70S N 16. -521 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. 8. Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St. -516 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS, ALL Kinds of enrpenter work nnd repairing promptly attended to. J, T. Ochiltree. 20th and. Lake Sts. 370 IIOILER MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tanks, stacks, etc. Tel. 1359. 12th and Izard Sts. &1G TAILORING. LADIES' garments cleaned, altered, re paired reasonable. Max Fogel, 1207 Farnam M221 025 2IOOKKEEP1NQ. .E88ONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even ing. It. la, cum. Niti. uanK. u. u. iiatnuun. 644 PAWNBIIOICEHS. EAGLE Lonn Office, reliable, accommodat ing: all busincr.s connacniiai, isui uougias. 341 POSTOFFICE NOTICE. cshould bo read DAILY' by nil Interested. as changes may occur ut nny time.; Foreign malls ror mo wens ending oc tnlier 1901. Will Clnso (PROMPTLY In nil cases) at the general postoftlco as fol lows: Parcclt- post malls close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany close at 5 p. in. .Monday. Hcuulur -.nil supplementary mulls close nt foreign branch half hour later than closing time shown below. Triiusatlmitlu Malls, TUESDAY At 6:30 n. m. for EUROPE, per s. s, iv. win, ucr urosso' via I'lymoutn, Cherbourg and Bremen; at 8:30 n. m for ITALY, per . N.'HIcltla via Nnplert (mall must be directed "nrr s. s. Slcllfa").- WEDNESDAY-At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE. per k. s. I'hiiniieipnui via Houthampton (mall for Ireland must bo directed "per s. s. Philadelphia"); at 8:30 n. in. for ITALY, per s. h. F. Blsmnrck via Naples (mall must bo directed "per 8. b. F. Bis marck"); at 8:30 n. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Teutonic via Qui'cnstown; at 10 a. m. for BEL GIUM direct, per , 8. Kensington (mall must bo directed "per . s. Kenilngtnn"). THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN. PORT UGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH INDIA nnd LORENZO MAR QUE5C, per s. s. L'Aqultnlne via Havre (mall for other parts ot Eurupn must bo directed "per s. s. L'Aqultirlne"). SATURDAY At 7:30 n, m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per h. s. Hyndum (mall must bo directed "nor s. s. Itvndnm": ut 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per H. s. Auchorla (mall must bo directed "per s. s. -Aucnoria j; ni ncao n. m. (supple mentary 12 in.) for EUROPE, per s. s, Etrurlu via Queenstown; nt 11 u. m. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. Island (mall must he iiirecieii -pur s. s. island"). nrilN'TED MATTEH. STC-This Hte.nn.r takes Primed Matter, Commercial Papers and Samples for Germany only. The sums eluss ot mail matter for other parts ot Europo will not bo sent by this thlp un less specially directed by It. After the closing, of tho Supplementary Tranti-Atlaiitlo Malls named ubove, addi tional supplementary mulls nro opened on tho mers ot the Amerlcar. t-v.r.iii, French and German uteamers and remuiri open until within Ton Minutes of tho hour ot caning oi gtcainer. MulU fur Su tilh una Central America, Writ Indies, Etc. TUESDAY At 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. in.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (excent Costa Rica) and SOUTH PA CIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Orlv:ab.i via Colon (mall for Guatemala must bo directed POSTOI'ICE NOTICE. "per s s. 1. nt lw 11 m. f'ir (MIENADA, TRINIDAD and iHDVD HOLIVAH. per s. s. Grenada, nt tn m. for J.M:aUA. ier s. s Atlm'nl Dewey, from llolnn. WEDNESDAY- At 9 a.m. for MA VAGUE.. per s. s. Porto Rlen tmall for nthir putts of Porto Rico must bo 1II1 reted "per s Porto Hleo") at 9-.H a. in. for lNAGl'A and HAITI, per s. s. Mt. Vernon, nt 9 3' n m. for FORTUNE ISLAND, per s Hungarla tmall for Haiti must be di rected "per w. s. Hungarla"); nt 12 nt for CUBA. YUCATAN. CAM PECl IE. TA BASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s Segurnn a (mall for other parts of Mexico must bo directed "nor s. s. Seguranca"); at 11 p. tn. for JAMAICA, per s. s, Admiral ?nmpsoii, from Philadelphia. THURSDAY At 12 in. (tipilomeUtary I21 p. nil for BAHAMAS. GI ANTANA.MO and SANTIAGO, per s. s. Santiago. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, pes' . ?. City of Washington via Tamplco tmall must be directed "per s, s. City of Wash- Inntou"). I fcA 1 I HDA 1 At 9 a. in. for POH IX) lilt O. per s. s. I'once via snn Juan; ill 9 a in. . r.,r ihmtiii iwTi'ii .....i i.-tn'vi'i i 1 GUIANA, per s s Filer (mail for St Kltts must be directed "per s. s. Filer"!; nt 9 u ,x in. tstipplpinontary 9:30 ni.) for CURACAO nnd VENEZUELA. pr s. s. Mnracalbo (mail for Savnpltln nnd Carta gena must be directed "per .4. s. M:irn calbo")! at 9:.1 a. in. tsuppleiuentniy Ui:::0 n. in.) for FOIfTINE ISLAND. JA MAICA, SA VANILLA, CARTAGENA nrd GREYTOWN, tKr s. s. Alleghany una I for Cortn Rlcn must be directed "per . s. Alleghany"), nt !:." n. m. (supplenientarj 10 a. m.l for LEEWARD mvl WIND WARD ISLANDS ami BRITISH. Dl TCH and FRENCH GUIAN.V. per s. s. Fontu belle: at 10 n. m. for CUBA, per s s. Mono Ciis'le via Havana; nt 12 in. for ARGENTINE. I HUGUAV iittd PARA GUAY, per s. s. llespcrldrs. Malls for N-wfoundlinid by mil lo .North ! this oiucc daily nt oi.iii p. in. tconu-i I ng , close here every Monday. Wednesday and ' Saturday), Malls for Mlquelon, by rail In , Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this olllce dally ut il:.W . m. Malls for , Cuba, by rail to Port Tumpa. Flu.,' .ind thupcu by steamer, cloc ut this oince dally at a m. ttlie couiicctiug oso-1 nro on Moiubly. Wednesday nnd Sattir- day). Mulls for Mexlrn city, oveilnnd. uuipsr sprciiiiiy uuuresseii ror iiitpatch ny iteamrr, close at this ufllce dully nt 1 3) i ii, m. anil 11 p. tn. Mulls' r Costa Rica. , Belize, Pi-erto Cortee and Guatemala, hv tail to Mv Orleans, and thenco by , steamer, close nt this olllce dully nt 1:3) P. in. (connectliiK closes here Mondays for Bcllzi, Puerto i.'ortcz and Gunlcmala it nil Tuesi'.ays for Cos.u Rica). " He; Is- ' tcrcd mall closer ,uj! p. in. previous uiy. Trnnspiu'lrlu .Mitll. Mulls, for Cblnn nnd Jnpun. via Seattle. nose neie tinny nt i:.w p. m un io uctu- her 23. Inclusive, for tllspntph per s. . ' Hlojun Maru (rrglstcrrd mall must bf dl- rected "vhl Seattlo"). ' I Malls for llawnll. China. Japan and Philip pines, via nan i rnni'isuo, cioso uere tianv , nt u.:;o p, in. up to octoher "2. inriusive, for dlspnti-h per s. s. city ot Peking. Mulls for Hawaii via Sun Francisco clo here dally nt 6:.!0 p. m. up to October "28, Inclusive, tor dUpatch per h. s. Atameda, Malls for China mid vm Vnixotivei' close hero dally .it 6:30 p. m. up to Oc tober 29, Inclusive, for dispatch per s s Empress of Japan (registered mnll must be directed "via Vancouver"). Mnll, 'X- ...rp,.l,,..llu ...Itlftl, (xntiinl I. a tnfm wnroeu via u-Hnacia, lor tnc u. . i-o-tni ' ti,,, ,,...,. i, i. ... ..... fnr .. pirc. Agent i.t Shanghai, closca at 6:30 p. in. j 1 1 . ,,. , ..u previous dpy. . ,r,t "tie to connect .Minnesota City nlth Mulls for Hawaii. .In pan. China and Ph'I'p- the Twin Cities. I (niching nianv groiMrc pine Island), via S.ui Fmnrlsen rh-s ' lur; i.1,,.l,0I1 inw.,, l.-H urA ulilmiit rnl.rmrl dally nt 6:3h p. in. up to November .'"''"" ow wnunaro without Inclusive, tor dispatch per s. s. G;u-'c J conimunlrntlon with cither St. Paul or .Mill- Malls for Australia (except est Austr i i.t. i which Is foi win ded via Eiirono) New '.en- land, FIJI, Siimon nnd Hnwnll via -Smi I'Viinclscu close here dally nt 6:30 p. in, after October 'MO nnd up to November 9, Inclusive, or on nrrlvnl of s. f. L'i canla, due nt New York November 9. for ills')utch per s. s. Ventura. Malls for Australia (except Weit Australln, which R.To via Europe, nnd New Zoiland. which gn. n via San Francisco), and Fiji Islands U Vnnrnuver close here dnlly nt : p. m. up to November 9. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Warrlmoo (supple mctitury malls' via Senltle nnd Victor n close at 6:30 p. m. November lo (mall must be directed "via Vancouver"), Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands via San Francisco close here dnlly at 6:3) p. ni. 'np tc November 21. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Australia, Transpacific malls are forwnrdrd to port of sailing dolly and the schedule of dos ing Is nrrnngod on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland tnui-lt, Registered' mall closes nt 6 p. m. pre vious .ii.. y. . CORNELIUS VAN COTT. roflmaster. Postofllcp, New York. N.- V., October 1?. 1901, (OVER NM EN'T NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR ARTILLERY HORSES Olllco Chief Qitftrtcrmustor, Denver, Colorado, Oct. 21. J!K)1. Sealed proposals In triplicate will bo received here until 11 n. in.. Nov. 6, 1901, for furnishing ono hundred nnd twenty-six (126) artillery horses re quired ut Fort Douglas, Utnh. Horses lo bo In accordance with sppclllcntinns In c r cuhir of Instructions to bidders, which will bo furnished, together with blank pro posals, on application to this pittce. U. 8, reserves the right to nccept or reject any or nil proposals- or nny part thereof. En velopes containing proposals should l:o marki'd"ProposalB- for Artillery Horses" and addressed Mnjor J. W. POPE, Chief Q. M. rrn Ait xj VMlUlUll'il SHERIDAN, Wyo.. Oct. 21, 1901,-Senled proposals In triplicate, will be received bore until 11 n. m , Nov. 20. 1901, for Construc tion. Plumbing. Heatlns and Electric Wir ing, Barrack Building, Brick, nt Fort Mac kenzie, Wyo. U. S. reserves right to accept or reject any or all bids, or any part there of. Information furnished upon application here or to Chief q, M., U. 8. A., nt Chi cago, Omaha or Denver. Envelopes con taining' proposals should bo endorsed "Pro posals for Construction, Plumbing, Heating nnu ttiPcinc winnc R. L. Brown, Q. X ng." and addressed Cnpt. ill. 02104 1 JNH-J0M LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE. Is hereby given that the time Is extended for submission of bids for construction of new steel cells nt tho Stato Peniten tiary, makl.ig tho ditto Monday, Novem ber 11, 1901, 12 o'clock noon, and all bids must be submitted by that time. Each bidder to prepare specifications of tho work In all respects, to conform to tho colls now In place. Blue print plans nnd specifications of the cells now In the penitentiary nmy he had upon application to the ofllco of the Commissioner of Public I-unds and Build ings GEORGE D. FOLLMER. commissioner Publlo Lands and Bulldlncs. ucin uiuim RAI. ,WAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION '10TII AND MAHCY. MUsourl Pacific. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis' Express a 10:00 am a : pm K. C. & St. L. Kxpress.aiuitw pm a o;i am Union Pacific. Overland Limited Fast Mall Mall and Express ...a S:20 am a 7:S0 pm ...a 3:50 am a 3:25 pm ,,,nll:33 pm a 4:26 pm uoioruuo npeciai. ,au:s pin a t:n am Llncoln-Stromsburit Kx.b l:i pm 1)12:30 pm Pttdllc ik Atlantic Ex. ..a 4:20 pm a 6:60 um Grand Island Local b pm b 9:25 am Clilcntfo, Itouk Ialnud A Paolflo. EAST. Des Moines and Daven port Local a 7:25 am a t:35 pm ChlcfiKo Exnress. bll:15 nm a 4:55 urn Dpb Moines Local ,a 4:20 pm bll;50 am Chicago laist express. a ii;w pm a i::o pm DCs glomes, hock isiuuu and cnicago a t:io pm a b:io am WEST. Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver. Pueblo and West a 1:30 nm a 4:15 nm Colorado, Oklahoma and Texas 1' iycr a ir.zu pm a 9:00 am OiiihIim. A SI. Loula. St. Louis "Cannon Hall"a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am Kansas city ana uu ncy Local a 7:25 um a 9:00 pm CblcuKo A Northwestern. Chicago Special...., Chicago J'niseneer Eastern Express... Eamern Special,,,, ...a 7:00 am all:30 Dm ,.,a 4:16 pm a 8:40 am ,.,ulo;55 am a 4:03 pm ...a 4:55 pm a 4;0G pm .... a 2:45 um l'-ast .Man, Omnha-Chlcago L't'd..,a 7:15 pm a b;00 um Fast Mull u S:Si um Cedar Rapids Passenger ft 6:30 pm Twin city express. .....a nm miui.j pm Twin City Limited .a 7:53 pm a 8:16 um Sioux City Local a t;00 am u 3:50 pm u Dally, b Dally except Sunday, Illinois t'rnlrul. Chicago ExprosB a 7:00 am a 6:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis ft St. Puul Limited....,, .a 7:45 pm a 8:03 am Minneapolis & St. Paul Express b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm Fort Douge i.ocai, irom Council Bluffs a 6:00 am Chicago, Mil anker A St, Pnnl, Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:05 am Chicago 4 Omaha Ex,..b 7:15 am b 3:40 pm ltllAV.ll TIME LARD Wnbnsh St Louis "Cdiiuon Halt" Esptesf J:15 pm i am itritUNtiTON srTrnTN" iotii a mason llurlliiK ton A .lliiiiirl Hlter, Leave. Arrive. ...a 8:10 am a i:2J pm nnd a :40 Am blI:J5 am NVbrask.i Express . Wyiuore. Beatrice Lincoln Deinrr Limited 4:23 pm ft 2:00 pm Hlacl: Hill? and Pusot Sound, Denver con nection a 9:00 pm ft 6:45 m Lincoln Fust Mall b 5:W pm ft :17 am Fott crook nnd l'lstts- mouth b 3;N pm blt:05 ant Hellevtto A Pftclflc Jct..R 7:0 pr.i n n am Bellevue .t Pnclllc Jet .a S:10 im Kniisns t ll.v, St. Joseph A Cnnnrll niiirr. 1. ..1... 1. . . . ... i.-,....,,, citv Nluht Ex nlil:M 11111 it -ls im i, iji 1 u Flier n ft in ni ii am i' i cr noiiupm mi.Ij nm l'lilpiiK"i Hiirllimloti A- Odliu-y. Chicago ft 7;M am nt0;20 pm Cblcano Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:01 pm n 7:45 nin CblCiiuo Local .ft Si.50 nm ft 4:05 ntn Chlcngo Limited Fast Mall ..a 7:M pm 7:45 am a 2:45 pui o Dally, b Dally except Sunday. WEIISTEH DEPOT I ST 1 1 WEHSTER t'lilcnnu. M. Pmil, .Mlniu-npiitl A Oinnlin, Ltftve. Arrive Twin City Pnseiner.. .a 6:f nm n 9:10 pm Sioux City PHsaeiiRcr...n 2:13 pin nlLIOiuu Emerson Local b 5:30 pm b 8:3,0 nm I'li'iimiil, ElUliiii-n Av .lllssiiurl nlli-y . u,.,-!,,-. -t.nA , t ai ,,, vvV ,ihiu Canr n d 1 ? V i5o,icl 1 s' . .1 3-00 nm o VW nm ,,"" ,1 ' Vor'k iw'vl'il "WM 'Vitv Superior '(Jencva i:sMer and Si-wn'rd'. 'h 3:M pm b 5:6) pm Norfolk. Lincoln nnd K,Pmoni h 7:S0 am blo:'.S am Fremont Local o 7:J am- ... . .., Nebriipl-it Local, Via Weoplng Wuter h I 10 pm alO:. . . 6 nm Diillv, b Dull day otilv d Dilly pxi-ppt Monday, . . b Dally except Sunday. Sun- , except saturn.iy. o uany SURVEY IS FOR TROLLEY LINE Mlinii-ftiilii City I'oiiiiei'llon with T In t'lllrs t n Nnrllmestriii Urn licit. CHICAGO, Ort. '.'o.--lt nas learned tody that the survey recently made for n rati toad lino between Mlnnrsotn City, Minn., Htnl St. Paul and Minneapolis, and which Iihh cBtned much speculation In rMlrcml circles In tho liurthwrst. Is not In the Int.i et of oltlier the Chlcngo Great W'rsterji or the Chicago ft Northwestern i'onip.iny, n lifiu been generally believed. nenpulls. The enterprise was promoted . SI. Paul and Minneapolis parties and tr, money necimrary to complete the lino li furnished by Chicago nnd Philadelphia cap itall'jfs. Const' notion woik will bcRln next spring, Connection will be msde with the Twin City flnpld TrnnMt railway Htnl cntrauce thus given to nil parts of St. Paul and Mm neapolli. The road is unilrrt as a purely passenger line and must prove ot great ndvnnt.igc to the section of Minne sota through wlilrh the survey lies, Stiret Knlr nt CIhjt t'pnlrr. CLAY CENTER. Kan.. Oct. 20.- -(Special.) The nierchnnls of Clay Center gave (lit lr ctitnlry customers a free cntc tilnni ill Sat urday. The fun commenced nl I (30 p. in. and consisted (if t'rnpYzc Vfr'nt-niancce. htilloon ascensions and n foot ball gsmo he tween Clifton High school and Clay County High Rchool. the latter winning, 12 (d h. There were fireworks in the evening. Constipation Is (he rock that wrecks many lives; It poisons tho very life bood. Regularity can be established through the use of Prickly Ash Hitters. It is mildly cathartic nnd strengthens the stomach, liver nnd kidneys. Seasonable Fashions 334 Hem Oown, a- 19 Z BUR. Woman's Home Gown; No. 3954 Comfc able homo gowns, that are' taiteful and be coming at tho same time that they can be allppad on with ease, are essential (0 ovary womaa's outfit. This charming modal fu- nns an mo requirements and baa tbe atrtt ot being In tho, latest style. The original , is nine 01 turquoise mue cnaiue witn biaok flgurei, the front and uaderalccvea being of plain blue Sapbo satin. Tho revcrs ot blaok velvet and tho edging a fancy galloon. In which ihreads of cold are woven, hut tnaay equally satisfactory materlalu might bo sug gested, Cashmere, albatross, prlccas crepe, nun's veiling and French flannel are all fashionable, while soft silk always makes a handsome town. Tho back Is fitted with a center seam side-backs and tinder-arm gores that curve to tho figure and glvo a princess effect. Tho (ull front Is tucked to yoke depth, then falls fiee, lis edges being attachod uider the fronts proper which aro turned back to form rerer. Boueath Is a snugly fitted body lining that extends slightly below tho waist line. Tbe fancy sleeves are arranged over fitted linings and are curved at the lower edge, where they fall over soft Duffs. At tbe front Is a velvet ribbon that Is at tached at tbe uuder-arm Beams, brought around to the froit and bowed. To cut this gown tor ft woman of medium slio 13 yards ot matorlnl 21 Inches wide. It yards 27 Inches wide or 7 yards 44 Inches wide will bo required, with 214 yards 21 Inches wide for full front and underslasvas and V of a yard ot velvet to trim as Illus trated. Tbe pattern 3954 Is cut In sizes for a 32. 34, 26, S3, 40 and 42-Inch bust measure. For '.he accommodation of The Bee Mad era these pattens, which usually ratal! at from im 'o 50 tents, will be (uralabed at a nominal prlco, 10 cents, which covers all expense. In order to get any pattern ta close 10 cegls, give number and nam ot pattern wanted ind bust measure. Allow about ten days from date ot your Itttir before beginning to look tor tka pattara. Adlrcn, Fatten Department, Otjuba ftUa. i ' AW fU r