Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1901, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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Ml.tOll MU.NTIO..
Davis sells drugs.
Blocker! sells carpsts and rues.
Motz beer at Neumayer's hotel.
CJas fixtures and globes. Uixby & Son.
Wollman, scientific optician, 400 uroadway.
New neckwear, glows and hosiery at
Smith & liriidley'H.
Missouri oak body wood, M.M cord. Wm.
Welch, 23 N. Main st. Tel. liiS.
For Itcnt Modern 7-room residence; 609
Eighth street, corner Sixth avenue.
Wedding prjscnta given spcclnl attention.
C. K. Alexander & Co., 3X1 Uroadway.
Munslhg union suits for men and boys at
Bmlth fe Hradlcy's, from 75 cents a suit up.
The Oakland nvcnuo foot ball eleven de
feated tho Hustlers yesterday uflernoon,
18 to JO.
fit. Alban's lodge, Knights of Pythias,
will meet tomorrow night for work in the
cconri rank.
Fall and winter overcoats and suit nt
Smith ft Uradlcy's. Kvcry cut, every color,
every price, from Ji? up.
Duke Van Ix-uven, Fourteenth nvenuo
nnil Hlcvcnth street, wuh reported to ins
Hoard of Health yesterday as suffering
from dlphthcrlu.
Chambers' dancing academy, Itoynl Ar
canum hull. Tuesdays and Fridays, adults,
7;.) p. m., children, 4 p. m. Assemblies for
adults Fridays, 3:30 p. m.
Manager M. H. Hlec of "Tho Two Merry
Tramps ' will Mar the Kltnore sisters and
James F. llrcen the coming season In a
new farce now being written for them.
Fudrrwcar, tlm greatest variety over
shown, at Smith ti. Uradlcy's, from 60 cents
a garment up.
Jaupb O. Hervls, a laborer, of Shenan
doah, has died a petition In bankruptcy In
the I'nltcd States district court here. Ills
nchrriulc shows liabilities of 5.:0 and assets
aggregating J3..
Frank Phillips, aged I." years, died yes
terday morning at Ht. Hcrnard's hospital
of paralysis. Ills mother. Mrs. Ann
Phillips, ilrtl Third avenue, and two brothers
lu tho eastern part of tho state survive him.
Deceased was single.
An airship free with every boy's Milt or
overcoat at Smith Ac Uradlcy's. The great
est toy you ever saw.
Mrs. Liiclndn ftrutilleld brought suit In
thr district court yesterday ror dlvurcj
from Robert llrusllcid, whom she mar.-io.l
in this city March 2, im,S. Sho says her
husband dcsurlid her In July, 1V0.
Krncst H. Hart brought attachincut p u
ceedlngs In tin district court yesterday
against Kilwanl IJoilcy to recover on u
note for JI95. IJealey, to protect the te,
fravo a mortgage on a fi-ycar-old stall on.
which, Hart alleges, he has Milppcd out f
the stalo with intent to dcrraud his
An ilegant line of new stlff-tuMom idilrta
Just rerelved at Smith & Bradley's.
f;tlcst of his brother-in-law, James O. Rrad
ey, city electrician.
Th" Iowa Furniture and Carpet company,
407 Hronriwny, bus Just received their ln
volcu or new stoves. consltlng of the fa
mous Acorn heaters, cooks and ranges;
nlso a big line of ilot lllasts and AI--tlghts.
The Airtight range In price from
J2.75 and up. Their line of carpets, oil
cloths, linoleum, rugs, lace curtains, win
dow shades, portieres, etc., was never more
complete. In tact, anything you may want
In the. bouse furnishing line yon can tlnd
at thnlr store at tho lowest prices to bo b id
With a rcconl of 227 nights lu Now Yoik.
W) nights In Hoston and 125 nights lu Chi
cago, the successful New ICngland p ny,
"The Village Postmaster," will come to the
Dolmny theater tonight. The piece Is alto
gether new to our patrons. Among the
dramas of rural life It has won an chvlablc
place, by reason of the deftness of the
authors In giving atmosphere to the wor,.
A complete anil most effective production
of this now famous play will bo given here.
Carloads of scenery and properties are
carried for It and the company seen here
will Include many or tho original cast.
' N. Y. Plumbing Ct . telephone 250.
Unioa Ficitio Stepi U th 1mq of Its
Wsrklig People.
Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, Sil Broadway.
Davis tells glass.
Attend the Sons of Herman danco Wednes
day evening, October 23, at Hughes' ball.
Ilnnqnrl of Veterans.
Forty-Bvc members, with their wives nnd
daughters, attended the annual banquet last
night of the Union Veteran legion In Wood
man ball, Tho bamiuct was served at two
long tables, tho length of the hall, which
were artistically decorated with cut flowers
nnd ferns. In the center was a tabic, laid
and decorated as tho other' two, at which
were twenty-five vacant chairs, each bear
ing the name of a departed comrade of tfcc
legion. Colonel Spera presided and toasts
were responded to by Captain Itltc, Judge
Carson, and others. The banquet Is held
annually on October 19 In celebration of
General Phil Sheridan's victory at Cedar
creek, on which day Colonel Spera was
commanding officer of Sheridan's escort.
The October Bride
wilt bo especially pleased with tho wed
ding gifts that are bought at our store.
Wa have such a big assortment to select
from that you can always And hero the ap
propriate and peculiar gift that you are.
in search of, nnd you havo a choice of
prices to suit your means every price the
lowest for the quality,
ftptlulan Jeweler and Engraver,
238 Jlroadway, Opposite Olcn Avenue,
Council muffs, Iowa.
Vlit lor thins ssi ''t' -3
Ganymede Chocolates
ajOpera Bon Bons
Mad By
John 6. Woodward & Go,
'The Candy Men."
Council Bluffs
Iowa Steam Dye Works
!10 Hroailway.
Make join old clothes look Ilk n.
Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing.
Funeral Director
IduccvMor u W. o. risttpi
ltd I' U A III. sTIttCliT. M'buao ,
Negotiated In Kutrii .Bbr.ufc
and Iowa. James N. Casady, )r,
US Main St., Council Bluffs.
FMthtr Rspovttlni orOillmoor Felt Mattreuei goto
MORBAN ft KLEINyilMAi2N Itr'eet
Determination to Abolish System of
Attaching Wage In lovra for
Debts Said to He Dae
in .Nebraska.
The Union I'aclflc Railway company has
come to tho assistance of Its employes who
have been harassed by the garnishment of
their wages In Iowa for debts duo In Ne
braska and a test will be made of four
cases to be tried In Justice Bryant's court
next Wednesday. Tho local attorneys for
the railway company have been retained to
defend tho cases and It Is understood that
If the decision of tho justice of tho pcaco Is
unfavorable to tno'defendants the cases will
be taken to tbo district court nnd, If neces
sary, from thcro'to the supreme' court.
Tho defendants are Edwin M. Arnold ot
Omaba and J, Costcllo, J. A. Taylor and
M, Burke of Grand Island, employes of the
Union Pacific. The claims against tbcm
have been assigned to one J. B. Fulton, said
to bo a collector ot what are known as
"bad debts." Fulton brought suit In the
court of Justice Bryant In this city, gar
nlsheelng the Union Pacific, as the defend
ants not being residents of this stato are
not entitled to exemption as heads of fam
ilies. Tlieao suits havo been brought des
pite tho fact that a law was passed several
years ago In Nebraska making It unlawful
for Nebraska creditors to assign claims to
persons outside the state for the purposo
of avoiding tho Nebraska law on exemp
tions. Tho Union I'aclllc for the protec
tion of Its employes has determined If pos
sible to put a stop to this practice and
with this end In view a te3t will be made
of these four cases.
'I'hrc Vfsn Apiece for Robbery.
Robert Stephenson and Charles Jones,
convicted of robbing William Davis while
ho lay helpless from Intoxication on the
sidewalk at Twenty-first street and Broad
way late one night In August, wore sen
tenced to three years each In the peniten
tiary at Fort Madison by Judge Macy In
the district court yesterday afternoon.
The length of the sentence was a great
surprise to both the young men and they
broko down and wept when they heard It.
The aged mother of the Stephenson lad
gasped out "Oh, ray God!" and her grief
was pitiful to witness. She had to bo sup
ported from the court room by friends.
Before passing sentence Judgo Macy read
the young fellows a long and earnest lec
turo In which ho took occasion to bitterly
denounco the young women who wcro In
company with Jones and Stephenson tho
night of the robbery. He severely rebuked
the young women for their levity of man
ner while In the court room.
Jones and Stephenson were taken to the
penitentiary last evening by Sheriff Cous
Ins, with E. E. Belknap as guard.
Tho jury In the case of Ed Thyuescn.
charged with breaking Into and robbing
1.10yd s grocery storo, after being out since
Thursday aflcrnoon brought In a verdict
yesterday morning at 10, o'clock of acquit
tal. Thygesen was very nervous while
waiting for the announcement of tho ver
dict and beads of perspiration stood out on
his forehead. Ho gave a big sigh of re
lief when ho heard tho verdict was one of
acquittal. He was at once released from
Bert Owens, who was Indicted on the
same charge, pleaded guilty and Is serving
a thirty-day sentence. His evidence was
the principal testimony fjr the Stato
against Thygesen.
The case against Attorney Fremont Ben
jamin, Indicted on tho charge of extortion
In connection with his Injunction proceed
ings against Charles Blorwlth, has been
continued to next term at the request of
Benjamin, one of whose witnesses Is at
present In West Virginia.
The trial of C. J. Dobbins, the former
saloon keeper, charged with maintaining a
nuisance was postponed until Thursday.
Judge Macy left last evening for his
home In Harlan, He will return Monday
afternoon, to which time court was ad
journed, and Tuesday will go to ncd Oak
for the term there. Judge Thornell went to
bis home at Sidney nnd will be here Monday
on his way to Audubon, when the written
documents In the Slcdentopf estate matter
will be submitted to him. Judgo Green will
arrive here Tuesday and finish the business
ot this term.
Ileal Estate Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterday In
tho abstract, title and loan office ot J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl streot:
Druslllu B. Shoemaker and husband
to John Johnson, seU sw',; 9-74-43,
w. d 3,700
John niohl to Clarkson Godfrey. nU
mv',4 29-74-38, w. d 4,200
jucaweeney uros. to George A. Bloom,
lot 16, In block 6. town of Carson,
w. d 37
George A. Bloom nnd wife to James
McSweeney, part of lot 3, Auditor's
subdlv. s swtf nwVi 2-74-40, w. d.. 675
Joseph .Miller to John Garner, lot ft.
Millers subdlv., w. d 250
ueorgo v. i,ipo and wife to John
V. Garner, lot S and ndv. 4 feet nf 4.
Miller's subdlv., w. d 3,200
junn jonnsou ana wire to urusllla
n. Bhoemakcr. lots 14 nml 15. In
block 20. Howard's add., w. d $00
jonn a. uooin anu wiro to Alice C.
Stork, lot 2. In block 28. original
plat, Council muffs, q. c. d 00
Executors of John T. Stewart to
Daniel Drlscoll, lots 11 and 12, In
block 6, McMahou, Cooper & Jer
ferles add., ox. il ?jq
Ashbel Hill to J. A. Churchill, lot
3, In block 6. nayllss' 3d add., w. ... 20
Arabella A. Brown nnd husband to
r:nklln P. Elder, sfc eft swi
1J-74-44, W. d , 2.0SO
Eleven transfers, total $IM72
Council Ilium Ch arches.
A three weeks revival mission, conducted
by the pastor. Rov. W. J. Calfeo, assisted
by Rev. 0. W. Abbott, D. D., of Hastings.
Neb., will open today at. tho Broadway
Methodist church. The initial service will
be at 10:30 a. m., when new members will
be admitted. This will be a sacrificial
service. The evening nmslcal service at
7:30 o'clock will be evangelistic. The pas
tor will preach, taking as bis subject,
"Achan, or, the Whlted Sopulcher." being
the first of a sor)es of sermons on "The
Men of tho Bible." Dr. Abbott will arrive
Monday and will preach In tho evening.
This will be tho dally program: Morning
watch, secret prayor at home, 6 to 0:15
a. m.; noonday evangelistic service In Mis
slon hall, corner of Main street and First
avenue, from 12 to I o'clock; afternoon
cottage prayer meeting; laymen's service
at church at 7 p. m.; general evangelistic
servlco at church at 7:30 p. m conducted
by pastor, and preaching by Dr. Abbott.
Rev. Harvey Hosteller, pastor of the
Second Presbyterian church, will take as
tho topic ot his sermon this morning "The
Word." In the evening he wjll preach on
"The Carpenter's Son." Services will bo at
10:30 a, m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school
will be at noon, Junior Endeavor society
at 3 p, nt. and Young People's meeting at
7 p. ra.
At Grace Episcopal church this morning
there will be Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock
and morning prayer at 11 o'clock. There
will bo no evening service.
Elder R. Wright will preach at 10:30
o clock this morning In the Latter Day
Saints' church. In the evening Elder F.
M. Cooper will preach at 7:30 o'clock. Sun
day school will be at noon. A social serv
ice will be Wednesday evening at 7:30
The First church of Christ, Scientist, will
hold services this morning at 10:45 o'clock
In the Sapp building, when the subject of
tho lesson will be "Probation After Death."
Experience meetfng will bo Wednesday
evening at 8 o'clock.
M. W. A. dance Monday evening, Octo
ber. 28.
Davis sells paint.
Marriage License.
Licenses to wed wero Issued yesterday
to the following;
Name nnd Residence. Age.
Max Tlnirpr. nnmirll lllnff -m
Helen Brockman, Council Bluffs ., 23
Mike It. Harlcnhoff, Council Bluffs .... 29
hmma Haven, Council Bluffs 22
Council II In IT Society.
.Miss Adelaide Swanson Is home from
Kansas city.
Miss Mlnnotta Field went to Keokuk
yesterday on a visit to friends.
tJh,? n.'Kh. school cadets will give a hop
In It. A. hall Friday evening.
?orBe ,Mc'Bs of First avenue enter
tained at enrds Tuesday afternoon.
,u a.' .Cnss ,Pf Washington avenue
Mi5.rtu,J,ed Informally Friday evening.
Jtiit "T1 lla"cl"? Party of the season
W, ?'" ,T,"cs3ll' evening nt tho club
house of the Elks.
.Nfl MI'chcll will entertain the members
of the Broadway Methodist church clinlr
Thursday cvenlnc nt m ii,.mn nn vi.
street. " "" "
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred S.xooner of Glen ave
nue entertained Informally at cards last
evening in honor of their guest, Mrs. Ash
ton of Now York.
Drt and Mrs. J. M. Barstow of Sixth
street entertained at dinner Wednesday
evening In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. C.
Hhepard, who will leave soon for Knnsas
Mr. and Mrs. (hrl Himiili in,n..i
Thursday from Europe. As fellow travelers
"ii wm nieamsnip i,nnn tney Hail J. W.
Squires and family, who arc expected homo
Cards aro out announcing tho marriage of
Miss Walter Williams to J. Albert ifiirrl
son, to take place Thursday afternoon,
October 24. at the homo of thn hrlilo'n
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Swanson, 206
Park avenue.
These formed a Jolly picnic party yes
terday at William' rmv.. Mr u.,,1
Frank T. True. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Mltcheli
aim nuns ttiucneii, Miss wens, Mrs. ueorgo
in, u iuiu, ,irs. w. iviaoic, Mr. nnu sirs.
I C. Donham, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gorman,
Mr. fltld Airs. Frnntc Mnnrnn nml Thnmna
Mr. und Mrs. K. N. Slvter nf 1029 ThlrH
avenue arc holding a family reunion, their
guests being J. D. Bcatchll of Clyde, Kun.,
irn. j. m. ivenneuy or Jogan, Ja., and
Mr. and Mrs. Platte Ovrrtnn nf ttnirun
Mont. Mrs. Slyter, Mr. Ueatchll, Mrs. Ken-
iieuy aim airs, uvenon aro nrotiicrs nml
sisters and this Is the tlrst tlmo they
havo all been together In seventeen years.
Mrs..y. II. Dudley of Sixth street gavo
threo card parties Thursday afternoon and
cvcnlmc and Frldnv pvnnlnir nt hi.r hnn
The ht.use wns decorated with cut (lowers
nnd palms, red and green predominating
In tie. decorations nnd refreshments. Prizes
Thursday afternoon wero won by Mrs. I.
C. Bonhnm and Mrs. Eaton; Thursday
evening by Mrs. C. W. McDonald and Mrs.
J. T. Tldd and M. J. Davenport: Friday
evening by Mrs. A. W. Casady and Wal
lace onepara.
The Dinrrlaie of J. Kilwnrri Mumhv of
Omaha and Miss Anne Wlckham, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. James Wlckham of this
city, was Thursday morning at 8:30 In St.
Francis' Catholic church, tho rector, Rev.
Father Smyth,, celebrating tho nuptial high
mass. The church was decorated with
Ealms, cut flowers and autumn leaves. The
ride wore a gown of white silk batiste
over white taffeta, over which fell the
misty bride veil of tulle. Sho carried a
bouquet of bride roses. Her attendant, her
msier, jviiss veronica wiCKnam, wns
gowned In pink organdie and carried a
larce shower bouauet of I-a Krnnoo rnn
The best man whs, Charles Barry of Omaha.
iney win no ai nome aiier isovcmDer i
at 1340 Nineteenth street, Omaha,
natdrro Invade C'npe Colony's Itlch.
est Districts nml British Am
Powerless to Defeat Them,
(Copyright, 1901, by PreBs Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Oct. lfl. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Tho per
sistently bad news from South Africa con
tinues to excite tho keenest fears in Great
Britain. Botha, tho Boer commander, has
again outwitted several' British columns,
and Is In an entrenched position where
they dare not nttack him. The successful
Boer raid Into tho richest districts of Capo
Colony within sixty miles of Capetown
painfully Illustrates the helplessness of
the British army.
The reports published in oven the Jingo
papers declare that the soldiers are ut
terly worn out by the Inceasant Boer
movements and attacks and that universal
discontent prevails. Desertions Into
Rhodesia are becoming numerous. Re
cently two squadrons ot a lancers regiment
disappeared In this way.
The attempt of the War office to re
enlist the discharged Imperial yeomen re
sulted In about 200 roturnlng. Sevonty
flvo per cent of them did so to avoid star
vation through non-receipt ot pay for their
former service In South Africa. Fifty ot
these yeomen deserted yesterday when
paraded to embark for Capetown. War
Secretary Brod,crlck has Importuned King
Edward to Issue a special appeal to tho
nation to provide 30,000 mounted volun
teers, to enable Lord Kitchener to end
the war.
According to a well authenticated report
In the military clubs, the ktng declined to
tako this responsibility, though the war
minister Informed him that his military
advisers were convinced that It Is the sole
chance of raising the men except by some
form of compulsion. The king said fur
therm'oro that be was much angered at
this attempt to push him Into an unconsti
tutional position.
The truth Is, the ministers having used
"Bobs" to protect themselves In the early
stages ot tho war, want to take' cover be
hind the king in tho present desperate
Prince Henry of Hruas Pardons Of
fenders After He Has liaised
Welts on Flesh.
(Copyright, 1901. by Press Publishing Co.)
BERLIN, Oct. 19. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Prince
Henry XXII of Reuss, ruler of a small
principality In the middle .of Germany hav
ing scarcely one-third the area of the city
of New York, and with no larger population
than Staton Island, has taken' It Into his
head lately to pardon all the boys and girls
convicted of breaking the laws, provided
their Darents consent to floe them In his
'presence or permit him to flog the young
sters In their parents' presence. Several
children, glrU Included, have been treated
this way, being flogged on their bare skin,
fi r n rd r II. Sims Marries a Chorus Girl
and Dorothy Richards Is In fie
Mrs. I'rendrrsiaat.
married Florence Wykos, a chorus girl In
one of Gcorgo Edwardcs' touring companies.
Sims says ho told nobody, as he considered
It purely a personal matter. Ho has
amassed a large fortune nnd stilt Is Inde
fatlgably working at newspaper work and
Dorothy Morgan Richards, sister ot Mrs.
Pearl Cralglc, the latter known to litera
ture as "John Oliver Hobbes," Is to marry,
October 30, George Yelverlon Prendergast,
the British vice consul at Scutari and son
of General Sir Henry Prendergast, at Ven
tor, Islo of Wight, where Morgan Richards
has a country residence.
He is Reported Dead and the llrltlsb
Find Corroboration in
Ills Inactivity
DURBAN, Natal, Oct. 19. General De
wet's recent Inactivity has produced the
Impression among military men that ho Is
cither dead or Incapacitated through Ill
ness or wounds. According to a letter from
Pretoria a prominent Boer recently wrote
to a friend there relating the terrlblo hard
ships suffered by tho Boers In tho field,
especially from n lack of surgeons.
"Dowot, for example," wrote this Boor,
"suffered the most terrible agony before he
died. Ho wns wounded 111 the shoulder by
a splinter from a shell and the wound gan
grened In consequence of it being dressed
with dirty rags."
Five Boers captured at different places
recently said Dowel was dead, but gavo a
different version of his death. Against
these reports Is a statement of Plot de VII
Ilcrs, the field cornet recently taken pris
oner In the northeastern part ot Orange
River Colony, who said that on tho morn
ing of his capture he took breakfast with
General Dowot. ,
8T. PETERSnillin rw ioti. nmnlnl
Messenger, referring to foreign reports that
the CZIir's Visit tn Pronrn uaa In nr.
der to prepare the way for a new French
loan, quotes the finance ministry as declar
Inc that neither durlmr nnr nfinr the lour.
ney was n loan mentioned.
J. T. Clnrk's HrnrliiR Postponed.
CHICAGO. Oct. 20.-8iiccIb1 Telccrnm.W
The hearing of J. T. Clark, Omaha drug
gist, held for being an occupant of an
nutomobllo that ran over Mrs. D, B,
Hutchinson, wns toilay postponed.
For Sale
No. S2S 5-rrom house, two closets, pantry,
ceuar, wen, smau siauie, tiw; it aown,
balance? monthly.
No. 833 5-room house, two closets, cellar,
barn, cistern, two lots, $700.
No. 716 4-room bouse, summer kitchen, cel
lar, cuy water, coui nousc, largo lot,
S1.100; $100 aown, balance monthly.
No. 1021 6-room house, pantry, storo room,
cioseis, ceuar, cuy water, cistern, uarn,
1,350; $100 down, balance monthly.
No. 629 7-room house, cellar, city water,
. coal house, two blocks from P. O., $2,000.
No. fill 8-room house, bath and closet,
launury, nrepiaces ana mantles, iurnace,
gas nnd lino gas fixtures, barn and fine
Large list of houses to select from.
Ko. 1018 120-acro farm 3V4 miles from
town, iu acres in cultivation, 10 acres
tine meadow, house, stable, corn crib,
yards, shade trees, only $37.50 per acre;
$1,000 down, balance easy terms; a snan.
No. 1019 Fine IGO-acre farm 3 miles from
town, 140 ucrcs in cultivation or tamo
grasB, 12 acres of meadow, good house,
cave, barn for 16 horses with loft, corn
crib, good granary 20x22, chicken house,
cattle shed,, orchard and small fruits,
whole farm fenced hog tight; price $47.50
nor acre.
Call and get list nf farms. t
Tel. 417. 641 Broadway.
Paul JB. Wirt
Fountain Pen
You can get them here cheaper than
any other place in the city. This also
applies to tho Waterman Fountain
120 sheets of writing paper lGc
100 best XXX cnsclopcs, per box 15o
50c Hurlbut's box papers 3Go
Faber lead pencils, per dor 30c
Dixon lead pencils, per doz 30c
All other good pencils, per dor 30c
25c Jar Diamond paste 15c
Diamond and Carter's Inks In all colors
and sizes.
Mall Orders Filled.
Sunday Night, October 20.
The famous New England Play.
ThtVillagt Postmaster
Exactly as played In New York.
In order that full effect may be given to Its
niany striking and Intensely Interesting
scenes and Incidents. s
PniCESl rtftc, BOo and 75c.
I make original designs and furnish
suggestions for advertising cuts. Write
me, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
b.?.ft'v ass,
5 M
Mr. Good Dresser
! Will you please call and
take a look at a few of our
"elegant SUITS and OVER
Nowhere in this vicinity
will you find as complete and
up-date assortment of extra nice clothing at
popular prices as you will here,
Cut, tailored and finished to a fault at prices
from $7,50 to $22,00,
"If you have them from us
they're right."
A Private
That's what our prescription de
partment Is. Do you know that tho
IllUng ot prescriptions Is ono of the
most exacting things In tho lino of a
druggist? It Is, and to every person
having a prescription filled It Is some
thing he should carefully consider and
tako It only to those competent to All
them properly. Our work In this
lino gives perfect satisfaction. Wo
have a regular registered pharmacist.
Our apartment for filling prescrip
tions Is exclusive from other parts of
tho store. It Is a neat llttlo room,
built for this purpose only nnd freo
from any annoynnco In other parts of
cause ours Is the only excluslvo pre
scription department connected with
a drug store In town. Don't forget
to take a look at our window filled
with tho finest line of Sponges In tho
city. Any kind of a Sponge you
want and you won't kick ori the
price, cither.
George W. Fletcher's
Drug Store,
106 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
High Grade
Dining Tables
Little Bo-Peep
Has lost her sheep
We haven't gone Into tho Mother
Gooso Juvenllo business of selling
books, but we have a large lot ot the
most beautiful llttlo pictures you ever
saw. They'ro not cheap, advertising
pictures, but mat-reliefs, nnd will
t make dainty souvenirs for the parlor.
They nro models of art. Wo aro go
ing to give ONE OP THESE PIC
They are finished In water colors nnd
the scene Is lifelike. It is hard to
explain In an ad Just what they are,
so that your could thoroughly under
stand their beauty. Come In and
see them. We always welcome
everybody, whether you come to buv
or not. Look for the Yellow Kid.
'Phone 387. 416 Broadway,
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Sideboards and Buffets
311-313-315 Broadway
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
We Are Always Leaders iti
Giving the Public Bargains
Look over this list of goods nnd
XXXX (Infffif Ill ,,!li.bti.n
Arhnpktn'u f 'nff.i ...... i.
i.ion Coffee, per packsgo
German Coffee, per package
Hell Coffee, per package
Unecda Ulscults, per package
New Dried Peas, 7 pounds
New Navy Ilcans. 6 pounds
New Flaked or Cracked Hominy
Dr. Price's Unking Powder, per lb..
prices and convince yourself thai
no nro tho
New Comb Honey, per pound
hul Soda, per pound
New Sorghum, per cimrl . .
Cranberries, per quart ...
Syrup, ipiart can '
Snucr Kraut, iier iiuart
Home Mario Mince Meat
Tomato Soup, 2-pound can
i.cmon Extract, per bottle ...
iH-niB- i'.in-.ii tjonp, y for ...
New Dried Fruits.
Wood & Ward's big company, presenting
"Tne Two Merry Tramps."
(Copyright, 1901. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Oct. 19, (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) George R.
Sims, supposed to be the most confirmed
ot old bachelors, two months ago privately
Getting a
Good Hold
on public favor and patronago Is ono ot our
main objects In giving, the linen-wearing
folks just a little belter work, a llttlo
raoro perfoct service than Is found elan
where. Family washing department best In
the city.
Telephone 1D7.
W. L. DOUGLAS, Proprietor.
721 Uroadway.
Are you content with Indifferent or pos.
Itlvely unsatisfactory laundry work, or do
you desire something bolter'.' You can
"pay your money and take your choice,"
With ub you may bo certain of launder
ing tbat cleans clothes, that makes them
leave here properly Ironed and folded.
Your cholco, then, will bo a wlso ono If
you fix upon us.
Special rates to agents, Wrlto to us.
S'J-21 North Main Street,
Telephone 311. Council Dlurti,
TSow Dried Pears, 1! pounds fur
Now Prunes, 7 pounds for- ....
rvew Seeded Hnlalns, per pucka
New Raisins. 4 imtlllllu fur
New Brleri Peaches, 1 pounds for .
isew Dr ed Grapes. 2 pounds for .
Now Dried Apricots. 2 Bounds fnr
Special Meat Sale Monday.
."Hum oichk, per pound
Porterhouso Steak, per pound
Round Steak, 3 pounds
Shoulder Steak, t pounds
Rib Rolling Jicef
Shoulder Roasts, Cc to
Mutton Mtew
.. ' Hq
., Id
.. Inc
.. ff
.. b)c
.. 7 Ho
.. 7Vie
.. 2c
. . 2oc
Mutton Roasts
Corned Reef, 4c to
sun rork '
Smoked Ilaron
At'antn Hams ""
Lean Meat for Mince Meat '..!"
If Irl lino Un.W
i 10-pound l'all''best''i7ird.'.'..'.V.V.
i ' Pork Sausage
. in
vo nre neauquarters for fancy Minnesota Potatoes. Sweet Potninra
onions, carrots, Turnips, Rutabagas, Parsnips, Recta and Hubbard Squash.
Our Specialties.
Dill Pickles. Oysters, Jcrhey Cream Kloitr, Wholo Wheat Flour. Urlek and Swiss
Cheese. Ask to samplo our new New York Full Cream Cheese.
Our' New Maple augur und Syrup will arrive this week.
An Abundance
of Hot Water.
For domestic use, bathing,
Stock . fnrlHr niirnncrc (, old)
1 I Komin Hot.Wtter BolUr.
etc., is afforded where bun,MisicwciJl''''"
Hot -Water or Steam System is
used, and at a cost of but a few
cents per day for fuel.
Council Uluffs, lown.
IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiator
" ' '- .m.-,.M-,mi"-.,)m
Kmall payment down, balance on long time; low rate Interest.
16,000 applo trees In ono ploce, half mllo from Glcuwood; trees 9 years
old, full bearing.
Ki-acro vineyard, two miles from Council Muffs poatofflce.
4V& acres garden land.
10 acres garden land. I 44 acres garden Und,
20 acres garden land. I 30 acres in vineyard,
5 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, la.