Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1901, Image 16

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    jlsr CATtlERINESS fHBjH
N THESE days, when ho much Ih
being said nml ilonu in tliu Inter
est of woinnn Unit lior sphere tins
expanded until the horizon Ih
hounilcil only by the lltnttntloiiH
of livr own ninliltlon anil nlilllty to lo uso
(ii I, there Ih probably no Hiihjeet to which hIiu
Ih turning her uttontlon with nioro eager
ness mid Intercut, or that sho finds more In
need of her enllKhtenmcnt nml Intelligence,
than the conduct of the twentloth century
home. Ah hIiu Iiob pushed out Into nil of
the linmtl iivcnucH of llfo It was hut natural
that fainter henrtH Hhould watch her with
grnvo npiireheiiHlon for not only her Inox
pcrlonccd solf but tho homo bIio scorned to
lio leaving behind. Ah sho liaH advanced In
tho great outer world and her Improsslon Ib
being felt on every hnnd, there aro thoso
who uhaku their hendH dubloiiHly and say
that Hho Ih outgrowing her home. In this
thoy are quite right and upon IIiIh fact
Ih bnHed tho rcnl problem of tho progressive
women of tho day.
Soma onu has wild that tho twentloth
century Ih tho woman's century nml It
would Hccm that he Is right, but tho ap
prehensive ouch may Hparo themselves their
anxiety, for while tho woman of today has
outgrown tho homo thnt waH her world fifty
years ngo Hho Ih Just an Htirely growing Into
a new homo that Ih conHlHtent with her
twentloth century womnnhood and ns tho
movement of her advancement hns ovolvod
n brondcr, higher womanhood this evolution
IT HAS been said that Admiral
Dewey was made prisoner durliu
the civil war at the time the
gunboat Mlstdsslppl was de
stroyed by confederates. Tho
admiral says this Is not true. "I
was not captured," rtild he, when
asked about tho matter, "when tho
Mississippi was run aground and burned.
About 150 ot our men were captured, but
tho cuptnln and I mannged to pull away
in a boat down tho river and escaped rap
ture I have seen tho statement made
Bovornl times lately ami am glad to say
that It Is entirely Incorrect. I have never
been a cnptlve." '
A well known general of tho civil war,
who has since become prominent in United
Stntes politics, nnd Ih now n senator from
ono of tho western states, was going to
speak at a political meeting nt Mnrlboro,
()., nnd so also was Mr. McKtnloy, then a
congressman. They drove down from Can
ton together. As thoy wero driving along
tho general asked his companion for some
suggestions, nnd tho latter kindly explained
tho, situation nnd advanced arguments In
support of tho position of tho ropubllcan
party, Mr. McKlnley, as usual, had his
subject well In hand, but In addition was
Iwcooking school I, yfmkML j
Modern Methods Applied to Housekeeping
Ih but tho medium that Is to give
world a broader, higher homo life.
Ilcautlful na wns the former homo whoro
oun mother's love and one motlier'a hands
milllccd for tlie guidance anil sufltennncc of
all, that home In the great generality Is
but a tradition now, having given place to
tho nurrcry of a peoplo of a later time and
ii new condition anil upon tho mother of
today rests a multiplicity of responsibil
ities thnt can only bo compassed by an en.
lightened undcrHtnndlng nml systematizing
of the nffnlrs summed up under tho general
heads of Domestic Sclcuco anil Household
TliliiU" Ntie In l.ciiriiiiiu:.
It Is not enough that Hho should under
Htnnd the general principles of conducting
her household, but sho must know some
thing us well of tho principles thnt under
lie these, hygiene, chemistry, bnetorloloisv
nnd mnny other thing thnt have In years
past been unclnssllled and In a mr-nsuro
inquired of her as "mother Instinct." It is
the great demand upon tno housewife of
todny thnt hns awnkencd her to tho neces
sity of classifying nnd systematizing her
work, thnt sho may properly prepare her
self for it. Of no class of women who aro
making their own way In tho world is as
little prepnrntlon required as of tho avcraso
domestic nnd hence tho woman whose cares
nccessltnto her having outside assistance
finds herself doubly handicapped nnd It Is
for tho training of mistress and mnld thnt
hundreds of clubs, classes nnd schools of
Episodes and Incidents in the Lives of Noted People
fortified with notes giving cortain statis
tics In corroboration of his nrgument. Ho
told the general nbout what lino of thought
ho Intended to pursue In mnklng his speech
nt Marlboro, and tho latter, who was to
Hpenk first, ngreed thnt ho would say
very Uttlo and would leavo tho bulk of
nrgument to Mr. McKlnloy. Tho gonoral
duly made his bow to the nudienco nnd
his speech. As ho became wnnncd up tho
recollection of what Mr. McKlnley hnd
been talking about on tho way to tho meet
ing beenme stronger nnd he begnn pursu
ing the line of argument thnt his compan
ion had prepared for himself. Tho gonoral
laid down tho proposition just as the major
had done In tho carriage, and finally said:
"And I can provo nil this; mnjor, Just hand
mo thoso documents," and then proceeded
to read nt length from Mr. McKinley's
notes. When tho general had finished thoro
was little left for tho maior to say.
A monument was unveiled at Tltusvlllo,
Pa., Inst week to Colonel Edwin Lnurentlne
Drako, tho pioneer of tho petroleum pro
ducing business nnd tho man to whom
western Pennsylvania owes much. The
central flguro of tho monument Is of
bronze, and represents Industry smiting
tho rock. It Is a curious fact that Colonel
sprung up
over tho Innd.
Of theso tho Orend Institute nt Worcester.
Mnss., furnishes the finest example thnt tho
world affords and Is every yenr receiving
nnd training women from every land, who
will in turn spread their knowledge of
homemaklng. Tho National Household
Eionomlcs association, which includes some
ot tho most brilliant women of America. Is
organized for tho advancement of scientific
liomcmnking nnd Is doing more, perhaps,
tl'nn nny other one ngency to Increaso tho
popularity of domestic science
Tho household economics department Is
ono of tho most popular branches of the
women's club movement, and thousands of
dollars are being expended annually for
tho Instruction of women who hove had
every advantage excepting that of proper
training in tho things essential to tho wel
fare of tholr families. These women oro
In turn Imparting tholr knowledge through
tho Industrial missions to thousands of
young women whoso vocations ore to bo of
a domestic chnracter. Tho cooking club
has corao to bo a pet diversion of tho fash
ionable women nnd so tho popularity hns
spread until tho fancied stigma attached to
domeRtlc service Is gradunlly being removed
nnd it Is being raised to tho dignified ranks
of other professions that aro claiming tho
attention of cultured women.
Some Itrcciit AdtllllmiH.
Ono of tho most completely equipped
schools of domestic sclonco Is that opened
In September, In Chicago, under tho
Drake's first well struck oil at n depth of
Uttlo moro than sixty feet, and that no pay
ing well has been found slnco at so small a
depth; so that accident bad Its part In
Colonel Drnko's discoveries, as well as tho
faith and pluck tho man Is known to have
Ilcoker T. Washington tells this story in
his autobiography, "Up from Slnvery;"
"Tho number of people who stand ready to
consume one's time to no purposo Is almost
countless. At ono time I spoko before a
largo nudienco in Boston In tho evening.
Tho next morning I wns nwnkened by hav
ing a card brought to my room and with it
a mosaago that somo ono was anxious to sco
me. Thinking that it must bo something
very Important I dressed hastily and went
down. When I reached tho hotel ofllco I
found n blank nnd innocent-looking In
dividual waiting for me, who coolly re
marked: 'I heard you talk at a meeting
Inst night. I rather liked your talk nnd so
I came In this morning to hear you talk
somo more.' "
Prof. P. Waldenstrom, a mcmbor of tho
Swedish Parliament, who has como to thla
country to nttend the Yalo bicentennial, is
at present in Boston. Speaking of tho gen
household economics
ousplccs of tho women's clubs of that city,
tho apparatus being furnished by Mrs. P.
D. Armour. Hero women of overy station
In llfo nro In dally attendance, receiving
Instructions in tho principles of caring for
tho one thing common to them all the
home. Tho school Includes classes In
plain, fnncy and scientific cooking, plain
sowing and scientific dressmaking and many
other branches that not only teach tho
mistress ot a mansion how to superintend
her establishment, but trains young women
to skillfully do tno work of any or nil of
its departments.
Within the last month a similar institu
tion has been opened in Omaha at St.
Catherine's academy, Eighteenth and Cas3
streets. The work is ut present being car
ried on under tho direction of Miss Her
baria Jaynes, recently returned from tho
Oread institute. The classes aro conducted
In a large, airy room, in tho center of
which tho tables aro arranged in n hollow
Bquarc. On this table, at regular intervals,
are arranged small gas stoves, which are
each shared by three of tho students, two
fcot ot table spaco being allowed each. On
tho shelves and lu tho drawers below aro
completo outfits of tho utensils used In
tho preparation of tho materials during
tho lesson. In tho center of tho square
tho teacher stands and, with her big re
volving blackboard and stovo before her,
Illustrates tho principles of each demon
stration. Thcro 1b also a big range In tho
kitchen and tho first lesson is on tho fuel,
eral sorrow In Sweden over tho death of
President McKlnley he said the other dav:
"To my mind, ono of tho most lmDresslvo
Incidents In Stockholm at the tlmo oc
curred when tho United States minister to
Sweden, the Hon. W. W. Thoma3. addressed
tho people at tho unveiling of John Erics
son's statuo In tho Derzelius park. Tho
news had reached us of tha president's
death and It was feared that tho United
States representative would not bo rjres
ect, but he soon appeared cn tho Dlatform
nnd his oponlng remarks wero, quo'lng from
memory: "Could the president but speak at
this moment ho would suroly say, 'Do your
duty on this occasion and let not mv death
Interfere.' As he uttered these words tho
flags, both tho American and Swedish, were
raised to tho tops of tho staffs nnd whon
ho hnd finished his address thev wero nil
lowered together."
Senator Ilurton Is ono of tho best known
men in Kansas. Ho Is popular becauso he
is a good fellow, and ho Is always In re
quest nt public meetings becauso he can
mnko n good speech. He told two stories In
his Lnbor day address at Atchison that will
bear reproduction: "In my youth," ho
said, "I got it Into my head that I was cut
out for an elocutionist. So I let my hnlr
grow long, printed some handbills and
the stove, the building ami care
II ro and tho use and enro of the
Li'iirtiliiK lit t'mik In i:iirnt'Mt.
Next, tho class Is taught tho abbrevia
tions and rules tor measuring nnd ' the
methods of cooking are defined. Next they
aro shown how to boll and bake potatoes
and something ot cooking cereals. A third
lesson is on soupraaklng, and then comes
instruction regarding the cooking of vege
tables. The methods of preparing tea,
coffeo and other beverages constltuto tho
fifth lesson, and then comes Instruction
regarding batters, griddle cakes and like
mixtures. The preparation and cooking of
meats aro tho eighth lesson, cakemaklng,
puddings and jellies coming last. Tho tabic
will accommodate about twenty students at
each lesson and when the demonstration is
finished each washes and puts awny her
own utensils. The demand for Instruction
Is great and the students are women from
tho best families of the city.
While these instructions in domestic
science are being given to tho more for
tunato ones, who enn afford to pny well
tor It, It is encouraging to know that tho
samo privileges, with tho same excellent
Instruction, aro being given to many girls
and women over the city through tho In
dustrial missions, nnd, though widely apart
ns their stntlons in Ufa nro, the womnn
hood ot tho city and of tho nation Is being
brought together through tho medium of
an effort for tho betterment of tho home.
started to giving entertainments. At n
umnll town wbero I was to clocuto ono night
I was going along tho street when I met u
nice Uttlo girl leading n dog. 'My dear,' I
said, 'what aro you going to do with that
dog?' 'I am going to sell It bo mamma
and mo can go to the show tonight,' she
responded. It touched mo thnt tho Uttlo
girl should bo willing to sell her dog, so 1
gnvo her two complimentary tickets and
thnt night sho nnd her mcthcr wero in the
front of the hall. And nfter tho show wns
over they spoke to me when I enmo down
off tho stage. 'How did you like tho show?'
I said to tho girl. 'Woll,' sho responded with
somo hesitation, 'It was pretty good, but
i in giaa i uiun i son my uog.' "
Otto Schultze, a stenographer, writes In
tho "Brandenburg Schulblntt" that Bis
marck had a wonderful memcry. "When he
had delivered a two hours' speech and
looked over our shorthand rennrlR thn novt
day ho reraombered every expression ho had
used exactly and did not forget them for
years." Tho novelist Splelhagen once told
Schultze that ho could recall vlvldlv every
ono of tho thousnnds of p;rsons ho had
met In his llfo and every word spoken by
casual acquaintances, together with tholr
gestures and tho cut of tholr hair and