Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1901, PART I, Page 12, Image 12

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$2.50 New Tailor Cloths 98c yd.
The largest assortment of these fashionable goods, including all
the new rough effects, Russian crashes, canvas cloth, English
French Flannels and New Waist Materials
exlni HtK'cinl offering of the fluosl grade of silk embroidered
French lliiiinels in handsome dots. triangles, flour do lis and
l.mmfifiil linrInr otforiu. nlsn f0 nieces of tilt IIOW PriUK'Ull
vicunas, camel's hair, homespuns, meltons, Venetians and broad
Liie new rruneiia
49 c
cloths in all the latest colors, including bine
These goods were imported to sell up lo
JfU.oO yd., go on special sale Monday in,
dress goods department, at, yard
wnistings ill all the now pastel colorings.
These are positively the finest waist ma
terials impoHod to retail for up to. $1.00,
go on bargain square Monday, at
Extraordinary Sale of Black Taffeta
Monday morning we will place on sale 500 pieces of high grade black dress and lining taffetas at
about half their regular value. Its an, extraordinary sale and you should take advantage of it
100 pieces all pure silk black 100 pieces elegant rustling kid 200 pieces very wide, 2cinch
taffeta- finish taffeta- g ZLlS& 7 7 1 n
worth 59c, at, rLlt worth 1, at, 7)711, to wear. $ quality M M
yard v yard . . .
100 pieces yard wide taffeta, Sterling Mfg. Co., every yard guaranteed for G months hard
wear, in three, different finishes, this quality usually sella at $2 to 2.50 yard, 1 IK
special price Monday, at, yard
$1.00 New Crepe de Chine at 674c yd, 05 pieces of 24-inch elegant now crepe do
chine in all the now fashionable shades, selling all over at $1.00, f7Ln
fmeeial. at. vard -
8,500 yards of silks Con
sisting of plain and fancy taffetas and
satins, cords, novelty silk", black
satins nnd brocades, all kinds of lin
ing and waist taffetas, black hem
stitched novelties, black nnd colored
Louscncs, SG-lnch wide washable,
black and white Japa
nese silk, worth up to
$1.25 yard, go at
$2 Silks at 6Dcyd.-
3,000 yards of elegant Imported, new
fashionable silks, 27-Inch wide col
ored taffetas, Including black, whlto
and black fancies, now Terry poplins,
self corded taffetas and
evening brocades, worth
up to $2, go at, yd
Unusual Dress Goods Bargains
It is llot difficult to grasp the true significance of these offerings. The greatness of the values is ap
parent at a glance. Another thing, you'll find the goods just as advertised.
50c All Wool Dress Goods 15c yd. Mon- 75c Melton Skirtings 39c yd. Extra
day we place on special sale 100 pieces of strictly heavy nieltou skirtings, the best wearing ma
all wool dress goods, extra heavy plaid mixed terial. especially suited for uolf skirts, walking
suitings; fancy novelties and plain hcnrlcttas In a
big range of ' colors. The so goods are suitable for
street dresses or children's wear, and arc worth
tOc yard, on bargain squnre, yard
skirts, capes and Jackets, .can bo made up
without lining, worth 75c yard, Monday
they go on special sale on bargain square,
at, yard , ...
$1.25 Dress Goods 49c yd. 200 pieces of $3 Imported Dress Goods, $1.49 yd.
line lull and winter dross goods, comprising All of our linest foreign dress goods, including
nil thu bUiidon'a lntost wcavca and most stylish colors, 60-Inch the new French panne cloths, silk and wool Aolclnnes In plain
ull wool Vonotltms, Iti-lnch nil wool choviots, o4-lnoh cnmol s and fancy effects, satin faced Vcnotlans, steam finished chev-
hiilr plaids, poplins, primollns, storm sortfo, A -v lots nnd fiS-ln, wide nil wool suitings In the proper
frrnnito olntli, whipcords nnd Henriettas nnd weights to bo made up with or without lining. Thos
outer nil wool jaurics, wovia in mo roguiar ' goods nro worth up to $3.00 yard, go on special salo
way up 10 i.-.,sh:chw biuo on ourpain square in dress goods department, at, yard
nisned cnev-
KtS. Ib
i9 m3kr. hsq
New lots of
tailor-made suits, box
coats and golf skirts,
will be placed on sale Monday.
i iuii uiu
Just received a large lot of stylish raglans with full yoke
front and back, big full sweep, man-tailored, in
oxfords, tans and blacks, made to sell at $15.00,
(Other stylish raglans from $12.50 to $29.00.)
rw t . . r a r mm N t mm mm rv m r
lauor-iuaae suns tailored suits
$8.50 Blouse, oton, Norfolk and reofcr
stylo suits with flounce and flared skirts
Jackets taffeta lined, trimmed with stitched
taffeta and satin, also braided ft gT f
many samples Included, fcOvF
$7.50 Box Coats $4.98
Kngllsh kersey, 27-Inch box coats, mada
with inlaid stitched satin revores and
cuffs, alt lined with good heavy guaranteed
linings, castors, reds, royals
nnd blacks worth J7.50
13 samples of a Now York Manu'acturer,
in some of the swellcst of this fall's crea
tions, blouse, Korfolks, etons, etc., taffeta
trimmed, with full taffeta drop skirts and
new high cut flaro skirts. The lot In
cludes values worth up
to $27.60, all go
Automobiles $8.98 An-
lomobllea mado of heavy Kngllsh kerseys,
with high storm collars, elegantly stitched,
with full satla lining, 12-ln. Qaq
length and extremely ZO
tunty effects, at
A full lino of beautiful nutomnbllcs at
$11.85 up to $15.00.
Ladies1 Golf Skirts Made Ladies' Jackets -Made of
of heavy frieze, all colors, wide stitched R00(l henvy kersejrs' COVerls' ctc" heBVy
flounce, norfect hanging nnd serviceable ' Unlng, very nobby styles-odd sizes
garments worth up to Oft nncl assor,cl colors. They
$5.00 on sale CJ nro $10 values on sale
at Monday, at
Silk Waist Special
400 new Silk Waists, more elatv
orate than ever before, in all the
latest styles, clever ideas, with
solid rows of stitching and inlaid
pleats, in all the fall c Q
colors for day oreve
J on main floor
mng wearvHt
Skle of Imported, Hosiery
At About One-Third the Value.
05c and 50c Imported Hosiery for Men arid Women
at 15c pair-rMEN'S line imported half hose or socks, in
blacks, tans, fancy colors, including lace' effects, also a great
variety of silk plaited hose, all sizes, full regular made, some with
double soles and spliced heels, Hermsdorf dye, 35c and 50e value.
WOMEN'S line imported regular mnde hosiery, fast black, brown
and tan, plain and drop-stilohed lisle, silk
finish. 40-gnugo gauzo cotton, with double soles and spliced
heels, pure Hermsdorf dye, all ilzos, up to 50c value
on sale at '.
Misses' and boys' 23o Hose, 10c Misses'
nnd boys' fast black hosiery, line and heavy
ribbed, plain and lleece lined, with double
heols, extra heavy soles
nlzes 6 to 94 worth up to
Sue a pair on salo at
Infants' and children's 16c Hose, Be In
fants' and children's fast black hosiery
in plain, Ann and heavy ribbed
full seamless, worth up to 15c a
pair on sale Monday at
Women's, Children's Underwear
At prices that average one-half.
Misses' union suite, all size. Children's underwear, vests
up to 16 years, tn medium weight ribbed. nnl Pants medium weight, rib- g
.Ilk trlmmed-worth !dl.Wrth 25C- IOC
10 cents go
-w Mi8-' and boys' underwear,
T , . all sizes, nice fine quality, In light, medium
..actios' UniOll SUU8, 111 line ani heavy weight, ribbed vests, -f "v
Kgyptlnn cotton and silver gay, In medium PantB oml drawers, worth up IMP
and heavy wolght ribbed, all
sites, with light fleece,
worth 76c go at
to 40c go at
Ladies' vests and pants, made
of fine Egyptian cotton, band-
i j i i - i- omely silk trimmed, medium .vfl!
Ladies wool union suits, made aU Uei-g0 ,t Jz7
of nice, sott wool, Jersey ribbed, In silver Ladies' Ulldorweai", ill
gray, Florence style, buttoned across the wooli meilam nnd hcavy we,-nt
chest, all sizes, medium
weight, worth $1.75
go at
ribbed, also plain heavy
lleeco lined, worth up
to J1.00 go at
Monday Basement Bargains
1,000 pair of cotton blankets One big counter all weights Ono big counter linest qual-
that generally sell at 60c pair,
they are singles and we will
sell them tomorrow at, each..
1,000 felt window shades that
generally sell at 25c, f0
go at, each v-Fv
One big lot of calico, the
regular 7-eent kind -Ol ri
at, yard " 2s
One big lot drapery silkoline
in mill remnants, just EStfr
the thing for comforts,yd-'
One big counter of light col
ored outing flannel, the regular 10c
kind, for Monduy only wo will
sell three cases, at, yard
of canton flannel in mill lengths, some
worth 12c, and none worth
less than 7Hc alt go at,
One big counter of short
remnants black mercerized sateen, theso
aro also In mill remnants, but of n
superior grade and worth up to 40c,
suitable for linings' and
skirts, go at, per
Ono big lot fleece back
wrapper flannel, this is tho Vicuna flau
nel, each plcco branded, tho regular
price all over Omaha 1 lS'.c
tomorrow we will sell
It at, per yard,
lly drapery nnd comfort sat- fjm
eon, henvy mercerized, worth I llC
40c, KP at, yard
One lot imitation French
llnnncl remnants, In all tho new -4
Persian patterns, they nro Just I I C
received, and go at, yard
A big lot of remnants of
plain drapery swiss and or
gandy, mado to sell at IHc,
In mill' rcmnnnts, at yard ....
Finest quality light and
dnrk pcrcnlc, worth regular- f 1 i
ly 25c, tomorrow will sell F oC
all wo havo at, yard I
One case extra heavy black
nnd whlto twilled shirting,
regulnr prlco 16c, thoy
go tomorrow at, yard
The Greatest
Clothing Sale
Omaha has ever known is now going on at
Boston Store.
We bought the entire
Wholesale Clothing Stock
Levy Rosen
field Co.,
719 Broadway, New York.
They retired from business
and we are selling this enor
mous clothing stock
Regardless of
Cost or Value
We offer you the choice
of any man's suit in the
entire stock for
They are worth $10 and $15
Evory suit made up in tho latest stylo from tho
best fabrics and in tho nowost pattorns.
Your choice of any young men's
long pants suits in this gQ
purchase sizes la to
19 years
Your choice of any boys' knee
pants suits in this purchase 25
sizes 4 to io years
Your choice of any of the
Men's Overcoats
in this entire stock for
$5 - $10
Thoy aro worth from $10 to $20 you'll find tho
nowost stylos in tho lot overcoats, yoko overcoats
and ulsters.
Your choice of any boys'
young men's ulsters in
the stock worth up to
$7.50, for
The young men's overcoats go at $3.98
Child's reefers and top coats go at
$1.50 and 98c.
l Cli
mmmS lKt WP.
lRDn-P?n!-P jKrVM-GK9-lflK
i rwwffin ii T ilt ir ramr
rlrH- vi!MUJyfaoiiB
Wc arc .sole iigcuts in Otnuha for
Rogers, Peet 6c Go's Men's Fine Clothing
You can't Bet better looking or better nttlnB clothing If you PM a tailor three
times tho price Stilts und Overcoats, $17.50 to WS.Ort.
Second Special JZxhtbit of Late Fall and Winter Modes.
Ostrich Plume Hats -Fur Turbans Tailor-Made
MONDA Y we place on sale a recherche assemblage of the
smart and swagger late fall and winter creations, com
prising the very newest arrivals from Paris, London and New
York, embracing a. range of styles, which is at once striking nnd
imposing in it's grandeur of novel designs. First come the beau
tiful large picture hats, made of .the soft French beavers with
their wealth of lovely ostrich plumage, then there are the chic and
dainty fur turbans of mink, chinchilla, baby lamb and ermine
with their soft and filmy drapery of rich laces, chiffons, malines
and exquisite panne velvets, and lastly a .complete new line of
the popular fashionable new London shaggy cloth tailored hats.
And all at figures in keeping with the well known Brandeis
methods of underselling everybody. Monday prices for these
hats are
$5, $8, $10, $12 and $15
The Best $5 Trimmed Hats in America We say
ob.u im. niu run in. iiusi irnuniL'u nnis in America, a Htntcmont that
we have proven time nnd time agnln. Como to morrow nnd
see for yourself. 300 now, fresh lints for tomorrow, every one
a millinery gem, nt
Trimmed Hats nt $2.39550 protty Trimmed Hats at $3.75450 black
black and colored, exquisitely trimmed .co!or,cd 'J""'! aA? "! branch
' ' ' . fe,u hats n n of tho best shades, trttnmod
luiumia .inn iuiku unio. uiie ui mem wun osincn plumes, breasts,
laces, ornnments, etc., a very
iii-iii. mm
was ever offered boforo
for less than $4.00,
fully worth J6 each,
iiuy worm eacn,
'tomorrow, nt
The Balance of the $20,000 Millinery l'ttrchanu an Sate in Basement -
$1.50, $2.00 Street Huts 15c, 39c.
1,200 tlacknavy, brown, cardinal and gray line English wool - f
street hats,' some heavily drapod with pretty silks nnd others Tf7,a
trimmed with bands end quills worth up to $1.50, at W
Four thousand pairs
Every pair absolutely worth
three to four dollars a pair,
in all the new styles of kid
and box calf, in lace and
button, regular and extra
high cut, all sizes, go at
nM mmW, AmmWLmt,
H--H SmmmW fmmmW
In this tremendous lot of fine shoes you will find every kind
worn today. Some are lined with kidskin some have plain tips
others patent tips there are heavy soles and light soles plain
kid uppers and cloth uppers. We never offered so many and
such fine shoes for such a price before.
Slipper Sale in Basement
6000 pairs women's plain and fancy warm House and
Bed Room Slippers at
29c, 49c, 59c 75c