12 TUB U31AHA DAlLtY B.KK: SATl'UJMY, (K'lOHEIt 1 ?), 1001. BRISK DEMAND FOR PICKLES ShorttiKft nt fiUMiniluT t'rn C nil .. Scarcity iiml Denlrrw Arc I'n nltl Supply Trmlc. Omaha wholesalo grocer nro having a hard tlnio to meet the itcninml for cucum ber pickles. The complaint In thU respect is general. The cucumber cron was a fall uro In a large part of lht country, but In 1 Wisconsin It was up to tho average. If not ' slightly nbove. The rsult Is that Wlscon- sin Is called upon to supply pickles to tho ' cation. Tho pickling wot Its In that part of tho ' country cannot supply orders as fast as thov are rccolved and aro from three weeks lo two months behind. Omaha jobbers aro Rolling directly from the car and have back orders which will tako half of the goods received yesterday. Do not filclp a word of our nd on page 7. Hoyden Ilros. Chatclalno watches. Kdholm, Jeweler. Tlio finest halr-drcsslng parlora In the jlty In connection with Tho Hathery. 218 120 Ilco building. Tclophono 1710. To rnldlc unit Whom II May Ciiiic'prn I I, Edward A. Cudahy. do hereby withdraw my offer of a reward of flvo thousand ($5, C00.OO) dollars for tho nrrest and convic tion of any ono of tho kidnapers: fifteen thousand ($15,000.00) dollars for tho arrest and conviction of any two of tho kidnapers, and twenty-flvo thousand ($2S,000.00) dol lars for tho nrrcst and conviction of three f tbo kidnapers Implicated In tho kidnap ing of Edward A. Cudahy, Jr., on or hbout pocombr 18th, 1900, hereby unconditionally revoking and recalling my said offer of re-word horotoforo mado by me In any way Whatsoever. K. A. CUDAHY. People that use It rocommend it. Cra mer's Kidney nnd Liver Cure. 60o and $1. KANSAS CITY, MO. Hereford Cattle IlrrcilerV Assnclntlnn. From October 18 to 20 Inclusive tho Mis lourl Pacific railway will sell round trip ickets at ono faro plus 2. For further In ormatlon call or address company's offices, S. E. cor. 14th and Douglas sts., or Union Itatlon, Omaha, Neb. T. V. GODFREY, f & T. A. , Dmiuo Tonight. Jolly Eight's lively boll this evo'g., Wash ington hall, 18th nnd Hnrnoy sts.; Ann or chostra, a grand, good tltno for you. Qents, Kc. Welcome. The Bathory Is open Thursday and Sat urday evenlnss. For appointments tele phono 1716 or call 210-220 Deo Building. I2xrMitrix Snip. Tho Rnmge block, with lot adjoining, will bo offored at public salo October 22, 10 u. m., at courthouse. For particulars seo Lysle I. Abbott, attorney for executrix, '400-401 Wnro block. A llttlo money makes money here theso days. Haydcn Ilros., with an ad on pago 7 Diamond rings. Edholm, Jowclor. Publish your legal notices In Th WsskI Dec. Telephone 238. All kinds or baths, sctenttflo massage. Ladles only. Tho Ilathcry. 318-220 Dee bldg. Tel. 171C. KKLLEY, STIOKtl CO. Store Open I ntll fll.to 5ntnrdn livening. WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S t'NDEll-WEAH. An unusual assortment of medium to the best grades at specially lowered prices. Remarkable bargains In hosiery. Women's vests nnd pants, fleece-lined, In Egyptian cotton, silver gray or ecru, silk toped, pearl buttons, gusseted sleeves our price, 25c each. Women's vests and pants, extra heavy or medium weight, fine Egyptian, ecru or white, also a special line In pure white tights, open or closed, ankle length, fleered or tinflccccd, all slzc3, 65c quality, Saturday 00c each. The "Munslng" women's extra heavy combination suits, open bust or down front, ocru or silver gray, nt II per suit. Tho "Munslng" union suits for boys and girls In sliver gray, tho only perfect fitting suit made, nil sizes, only SOc per suit. Wo will give our customers a bargain In boys' underwenr, broken sires, extra heavy fleeced, natural color, well made, 33c and 45c qualities, Saturday's salo only 25c each. Tho "Iluben" vest for babies, a special mnko for comfort and wear protects the chest; all scams finished on outsldn of gar ment; tho merino nt 35c to COc each; all wool, 75c each. Full lino of sizes In silk nnd wool, nlso nil silk vests. 25c An extra value In women's heavy black cotton hose, fleeced or unflccced, dottblo sole, heel and toe, nlso a very pretty line of fancy stripes, silk clocks in reds and blues placed on counter for Saturday's sale, COc values only 25c. Women's linn black cashmere hose, light weight, superior quality, very comfortable to wear, doublo sole, high-spllced heel and toe, 65c value, Saturday 60o pair. Tho "Pony" brand school stockings for boys and girls, fleeced or unfleeccd. extra heavy or medium weight the never wear out kind doublo kneo, heel and toe, fott blnck, alt sizes, G to 10, Saturday 25c pair. Wo havo a complete lino of sizes of the celebrated "Dr. Denton" sleeping suits for children, non-shrlnklng, do not Irrltnte. sizes I and 2, COc; 3 and 4, 65c; 6. 6 and 7, 75c; 8, 9 and 10, 85c each. . KELLEY. STlQER & CO.. Cor. 15th and Farnara Sts. There Is not n department In our store but what has Its tempting price attractions. Read our ad on pago 7. Haydcn Bros. Why suffer with rheumatism? Tht Dathcry, 216-220 Doe bids. Telephone 1716. For ladles only. Holiday goods. Edholm, Jeweler. Send articles of Incorporation, notices ot Itockholders' meetings, etc., to The Dee, We will glvo them proper legal Insertion, fcltphono 238. POND LILY JUICE This is One of the Ingredients Which Help iu Making -POND LILY CREAM- the most valuable skin lotion ever made. POND LILY CREAM has been mnde by us for nearly thirteen years and tho salo has Increased each year. It Is BO RATED, UENZOATKD nnd AIINICATED. It Is not ii "whltcwnsh," but a healing lotion that makes tho skin soft, white and rosy, erad icating moth patches, blackheads, pimples, red blotches, pustule. IF YOU ARB TANNED and hnvo unsightly eruptions. get n bottle of POND LILY CREAM PRICE 25C-nnd a bottlo of VICTOR'S TONIC LOTION PRICE 60C-nnd use on nltornate nights, nnd within two (2) weeks tlmo you'll get results that will surpriso nnd please you. POND LILY'CREAM Is sold In 25o and COc bottles. SAMPLES FREE. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Cor. 16th and Dodce, Omaha. It pleases ovoryono who takes It. Cra mor1!! Ktdnoy nnd Llvor Cure. All druggists. Tho finest halr-drcssing parlors In the ally in connection with Tho Bathory, 216 S20 Deo building. Telephone 1716. For Salo Cheap Ralanco of lumber used on carnival grounds. Call nt Eighteenth and Douglas. Opera glasses. Edholm, Jeweler. Cramer Remedies aro a lino of family medicines mado by a responsible ooncorn of Albany. N. Y., known an tho Cramer Chemical Co.. nnd consist of Cramer's Kidney Cure, Vegeta ble Pills, Liniment, Salvo and other neces Fury household medicines. Theso goods nro being llbernlly sampled nil over tho city by men who understand their business who put a Hiimplu In the liouso not nil over the yard as theso Koods cost too much money to throw away promiscuously. AVo are headquartnrH for the complete lino of Cramor's goods nnd sell: Cramer's Kidney Cure- 40o 25c Vngotablo Pills 20o ' 2.1(1 Liniment 20c 2Ro Salvo . 20c yj.uO Karl Cramor's Tansy, Cottonroot nnd Pennyroyal Pills 11.00 J1.00 Temptation Tonto 75c MK Dlmmltt's Cough Syrup 3bo Mr. rnlilwall's Svrun Pcnsln 29a S1.00 Peruna , &sa J2.0O McDade'8 Huccus Aiioruns i.ia flnttln nf flna Malt Whisky SOc II. TO iNFwnro H ucruiciuu Cut Price Drug Store Tel. ?47. S. W. Cor. Kith ami Clilcua Goods delivered FREE to any pnrt of city. SGHAEFER'S 4- Saturday Only A-Solld Window of 4 In 1 Hand Ties 35 CENTS 3 For One Dollar. 1 I Black the $2.50 Hatter j i$ No More No Loss. t 107 S. lUth Street ? -J--$--i-$ i 3 $-$ DDAND m i w --m G9p" SONS Em mmm 3,000 PAIRS MEN'S SWELL SHOES in all the new styles of toes- all weights and thicknesses of sole in kid, calf, box calf, vC lours calf, kangaroo, patent leath er and enamel, ON SALE SATURDAY EVERY PAIR WORTH FROM FOUR TO FIVE DOLLARS BEWARE OF FAKE SALES. Since starting its selllnc-out sale tho 'Ouaranteo" has been Belling "the most clothing In Omaha." Jealous competitors aro now having al sorts of fttlto sales. Somo of them go so for as to mnkn thn mnt ridiculous statements, such as 20 suits for etc. If you come to tho Guarantee's solllng-out snlo and expect such things you had better stay away because von won't find anything like that here, but you will find men's suits at $2.50. $3.98, $5.00, $7.50 anu jiu.uu on which you can save from ono to tbrco dayH' wages. Another thing Is that whatever tho Ouaranteo quotes prices on Ih hero In BUfllciont quantity and sizes to go around. Go to any other store In town nnd ask them to show you the following articles at the bolow-mcntloned nrlces then compare our goods for the ssrao price with tholrs. If ours nln't cheaper don't buy them of us. Boys' sweaters, 23o. Canvas gloves, Cc. Wool socks, 10c. Winter caps for men nnd boys, 19c. Rubber boots, $1.7!. bur coats. $5.85. Blankot lined duck coats. COc. Turkey red, bluo, plain whlto or fancy bordored handkerchiefs, choice, .1c. Roys' overalls with bib 15c Heavy gray mon's ovorcoats, with volvet collar, $3.25. Work gloves, He. Roys' long pants, 25c. Puro fur stiff hats, 76c. Duck ulsters, heavily lined, $1.85. Men's heavy -working pants, 09c. Monarch stiff bosom shirts, with sep nroto cuffs, 48c. Heavy storm ulsters, $3.75. Kid gloves, 45c. Manhattan white shirts. clean and perfect, 60c. Roys' long pants suits. $1.98. Leggings, 26c a pair. Laun dered men's shirts. 25c. Men's good shoes. 75c. Jersey gloves nnd mitts, 15c a pair, ish brand slickers, $1.98. Shawknit socks, 10c. All goods marked In plain flg uros strictly ono price. Satisfaction guar anteed on all purchases. It's a bona fide sale on account of Bennett's removal. Look for big signs: Tho Guarantee Selling Out. 1516-18 Capitol avenue, nenr Bennett's, ' r. S. Saturday night sales remain open until 10:30, but tako our advice and como in the morning it possible. Special Ribbon Sale From i well known Now York ribbon mill we pet big ship n.Pnis of their remnant. We have a contract to my these rem nants just nn they accumulate at the mill. Saturday we offer the finest lot we ever had. 10c Plnln and 15c All the narrow Taffeta Itib bon, that generally sells at 10c, go nt, yard All the wider Silk Molro an Plain Taffeta Illbbon yard 3c 5c All the 25c All Silk Molro and Tialn Taffeta lUbbo'n ' vnrd '. All the 60c very heavy' all silk Plain nnd Molro Taffeta, Satin Taffeta and Liberty Satin Ribbons, of finest quality, go at yard.... Saturday Stationery Bargains Ten million' Envolopes,, of every grad e. at two packages for- lei 25 enveloDes In a package. , All kinds of Writing Tnblots, that gcnorolly sell for 6c, go-at, c each. All kinds 10c and 16c Writing Tablets, at 3c each. Big lot of fancy boxed Writing Paper, that generally sells at. 15o nnd 26c. go at 7140 box. JDDAMdE is 1 SONS Drawing Teeth painlessly Is promised by many, prac ticed by not so mnny. When VITAL 1HKD AHt Is used there is never any pain. Good Set Teeth $3.C0 Killings , , 75c up Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 !)chikI Street. BEAR IT IN MIND! OUR GOODS SPEAK FOR THEMS ELVES. EACH GIRL OR BOY WE PIT WITH A JACKET, OVK RCOAT OR SUIT, BRINGS TRADE v. T0 THE NEW GIRLS' AND BOY S' STORE. We find It easy to sell dependable goods at moderate prices. Boys Suits, li to 10 years $3.f0 4.00, ?5.00 up Boys' Overcoats, 2 to 10 years $11.50, $4.00, ?5.00 up Fleshy Follows Finely Fixed in 3-Piece Suits. Girls' Cloaks, it lo 15 years, (the Thos. J. Johnston kind) $1.50, $5.00, $7.50 up BEAR IT IN MIND! IS Lilliputian Bazaar, Opposite Orchard & Wiltielm, 1415 Douglas Street. KfiELEY Ul "' e'a,,tlled of tIln Kcelrr yatrm or Inatl- lu,e"' iUe "uly l"' Institute In ,eirakn. Cnrn WU1C DriiiiUPiinrio, Cure Drum t'er, Tofaauco Vaera, TUB KUULEY INSTITUTE, la and LcftvcarTorta, Omaha - U At nCII' "Particulars as the HAY UEITS Goods Gome In." We will glvo you tho particulars as tho goods como In from day to day, ami Just as fast as they aro unpacked nnd on our counters wo will advise you. Ot all tho frequent trips our buyer has made to the eastern market, there has never been ono on which he has mode such wonderful purchases as on thls occaslon. THESE SUITS AND SKIRTS, arrived by Express. HEADV FOIl NATlfll DAY'S SELLING. 1 i.,lnii 4 1 1 o f rninluBf1 am A nn tila Cstiiriliiii 1,500 more suits, such ns we soiu yumm j . ..u,u.., """sdrjults In new all wool Venetians, jackets lined with an excellent quality of all silk GIvernaud'B taffotas. worth J15.00 for 6.B0. ...... 300 suits In the Norfolk, eton, blouse and other styles-ln Venetians, serges and cheviots, Jackets lined with taffeto, tbo new flare flounce, never equalled In Omaha for less than J20.00 HAYDEN'S PRICE. $10.00. 400 Bults in fine Imported cloths. In imported atyles-some silk lined througout, In broadcloths and Venetians, and serges, worth $25.00 and $35.00-HAYDEN'S TRICE S18.50. SKIHTM AT OXK-TIIIIin TIIKIK PIUCK 2,654 skirts bought by our buyer at one-third their prlco.- 200 skirts In rainy-day nnd dross skirt styles, mado from golfing cloth, serges, Venetians and other materials, for 11.08. 400 SKIRTS, made of fine serges, Venetians, silks, broadclotua and golfing cloths, silk rklrts rainy-day skirts, and wool dress skirts, elaborately 4rlmmed with satin and taffeta bands, In ono great big lot, worth up to 112.00, ycr choice at Hayden's for J5.00. Only one to a customer. ..... 100 skirts In fine velvets, trimmed with taffeta and satin bands, Including all silk taffeta skirts worth up to $20-HAYDEN'S SALE TRICE. 110.00. WOMEN'S .IACICUTS- Special for Saturday Women's Jackets mado of finest American woolen mills ker seys lined with Skinner's satin, stitched bands of taffeta trimming, tho best In Amer ica tnko ono home and If you change your mind bring it back and get your mouey back, HAYDBN'S PRICE only 110.00. THE NEW RAGLAN COATS arrived by express, on sale at 112.60, 15 and 118.50. noon Tiuxns vim tjik ciiimhikx patuhday- Hayden's buyer's purchase of children's Jackets exceeded that of any ever made 375 children's Jackets, worth up to 3. at U.K. . 1,100 children's Jackets, in heavy cloths, nicely trimmed, in all colors. Including rod, worth up to $6, Hayden's salo price, 12.98. 400 children's clonks, mado of all wool kerseys, elaborately trimmed, high storm collar, beautiful garments, worth 19, Hayden's sale price, 14.95. KVTIl A SPECIALS KOU SATUnDAY Women's cony collarettes, with 0-ln. collar and 10-ln. cape at 95c. Women's wool waists, made of twilled French flannel, worth $2.50, for 98c. Women's dressing saeques and klmonas, worth $2.00, for 45c. Women's wool waists, made of tho famous Glvernaud's tarfefas, warranted not to crock, worth $3, for $2.9S. Women's near-silk underskirts, beautiful garments, worth $2.60, for 98c. Women's silk underskirts, In nil colors and black', made of Glvernaud's taffetas, very elaborato, on salo at $4.90. Children's fur sets, In nil colors, muff and scarf, worth $8.00. for $1.50. 40-dozen women's wrappers, made ot extra heavy' 'flannelette, the $1.50' quality, for 9S.C READ GREAT SALE ON PAGE 7. HAYDEN BROS Farnam and Fifteenth foKioaCa Farnam and Fifteenth Ever y bddy f s Store y his store is watched by every- body, by customers, for what it sells, by mer chants for what it undersells. Common conBenVraakos it the standard for this trading bom munity. We accept the distinction and aro glad to bo of service to anybody besides our customers. Nebrskac Clothing is Good Clothing Our customers wouldn't be satisfied with just aB good as else where they expect and find it a little bettor for the money than, any competition can offer them. t Circus methods of advertising seem to be in favor ot late by merohants who pick up the driftwood of salvage from commercial wrecks and unload it upon the com munity as new fall styles, etc. Will you or will you not? Our selection of Men's Fall Clothing has been made with particular care and particu lar reference to the tastes of our trade. "A stock well bought is half sold," says the proverb, and you can appreciate to some extent our pleasure when confidence in our goods gives us assurance that they have only to be seen to be appreciated and eagorly purchased. Women's Taffeta Silk Skirts Women's 811k Skirts, made of the best taffeta silk, new - bias flounce, trimmed with niching; hemstitching and velvet; lined with tho best percallne lining skirts that would be cheao at $15.00. for 9.75 Women's , Flannel Waists 245 Handsome Flannel Waists, made of the best French flannel: trimmed with tucking, velvet and lace. Waists sold around town as a wonderful bargain at $3.90 our price WOMEN'S STYLISH AUTOMOBILES AND HIP SEAM COATS All mado of this season's newest materials, 42 Inches long; many are samples, of which we havo only one of a kind they nre all high class garments and it will pay you to seo them before making your purchases. &13.7B, 10.75. 010.75 to &B5 Women's Suits, New and handsome- costumes arriving dally. Woman's M8.ulslto man-tailored garments oxqulslto in every sense of the word, In style, quality and workmanship. Prices that demonstrate "Tho Nebiaska's" xnetbodB of popular prloss. Women's Tailor-Made Suits Mado ot a flno nil wool cheviot, new eton Jacket, with long dip front, taffeta lined and handsomely trimmed with satin bands, new flounce skirt, trimmed to w r-tk v-v match Jacket, a suit that brings $16.50 f If A elsewhere our prloo M.mw Women's Tailor-Made Suits Extra flno quality of chovlot, jacket with now vest fronts of taffeta silk, with tailor stitching and flaring cuffs to match, new panel shapo skirt, lined -ar tmr mmt with tho best quality porcallno lining, ft, J F perfect .fitting our prlco Women's Tailor-Made Suits In flno ehevlots, Vonetlans and tho new basket cloth, In all the new shades, volvet trimmed and stitched with satin bands, now long dip front skirt, with deep bias ftcunooj 19.75 Men's Neckwear Men who'll agree on everything else, who're In complete unison on all other questions relating to ap parel, have Irreconcllablo notions when It comes to the selection of a tie, and can't be Induced to colncldo with anybody's view on the subject. That's why wo keep a tbousand-and-ono varieties, all tho new kinds and colorB 35c, 25c Boys' Clothing Clothing cheapness depends first of all on quality and second to the mother's eye on getting really good styles at a fair price. 275 HOYS' TWO-PIECE SUITS Of,a nlce.qual Ity and an exceptional lino of patterns to choose from, $3.76 and BOYS' THREE-PIECE SUITS The kind you can depend upon regarding styles, quality, pattern and price, tho kind that only The Nebraska .can offer you at such a prlco We msko a specialty of pleasing the mother and boy In tho way of real good things for boya wear. 3.75 Women's Shoes WOMEN'S DONGOLA SHOES Lace, with medium toe, medium and heavy soles, Just -gt the thing for early fall , H wear only....- WOMEN'S KID SHOES Medium toe, straight kid or patent tip, genuine welt sewed, extension soles, selected plump, smooth stock, military heel, shoe f stores' price $3.50 our v- price only WOMEN'S VICI KID LACE SHOES Dull kid tops, wido, round or medium toe, straight patent tip, full or medium extension soles, military or Cuban hf heel, A A to D, b,V sizes 3 to 8 . Women's Hosiery Women's good quality fast black seam- less cotton CC hose pair Women's extra quality maco cotton and lisle thread hoso, full fashioned nnd perfect shaped, onyx dye, per pair.. Hoys' fast colored ribbed cotton hose, Just the thing for school wear, per pair 15c 25c Boys' extra heavy ribbed hise, double kneo, heels and toe, guaranteed to be fast black, per pair 19c Men's Underwear MEN'S EXTRA HEAVY QUALITY Mottled Fleece Line Shirt and Drawers, regular Too quality each ,. 50c MEN LjaHT WEIOHT WOOL,. ntura gray, for early fall wear, on exceptional good garment, all atzes, 34, to 46 shirts or drawerseach 75c MEN'S BEST QUALITY STRICTLY ALL WOOL FRENCH MERINO UNDERWEAR In a choice line of colors, perfectly shaped and nicely trim med, extra good value, shirt or drawers, each... l.OO Men's Shoes MEN'S SHOES, In box calf, coltskln, vicl kid Oft or velour calf, regular $2.50 values...., J.tV MEN'S SHOES In box calf. In medium or heavy solas, velour calf In medium soles, vicl kid with O KiTl Medium soles, regular $3.50 values, for fVJ ALL STYLES, ALL SIZES, ALL WIDTHS. MEN'S SHOES in velour calf, medium or heavy soles, box calf, heavy soles this special shoe comes In all alias and all widths, Just ns good ob a $3.50 or $4.00 Q q shoe sold outside this sloro-our prlco WVf MEN'S SHOES "Freak lasts," In enamels, seal tops, heavy soles, Just ns good ns any Q Kf $5 shoes rold elsewhere , .VJ MEN'S BOX CALK SHOES In Freak lasts, box calf In stitched heels and extra heavy shanki; Ell Kid, In medium soles, latest finish, velour calf, t etc., $5.00 values, for r.UJ MEN'S SHOES Tho kind that sells for $5 and $6 around town, enamels In doublo dock soles and extension heels, tho very latest finish, all sires, widths,, O Qf AA to p .-.O.ifU SPECIAL Thoie Velour Calf Bluchers with Ooo Ooo Eyelets, double soles, with yellow ' Xf stitched edges u,u" $1.50, $2 and $2.50 Ther worth 3.GO, $8.00 anil 9.1.BO. On Saturday we'ro going to offer to men who want hats tho greatest hat snap of, tbo ..nn Thiv are sample1 bats sent us from the factory to make selections from. All clean new hats, all tbo latest styles and colors. Two alsea onlf, J nnd, T All soft hfts-mosliy..lilfras,' There is no qdestlon'sF'regards the bargains 'In yfM' "sale, , If you're here early ro .aro.tiuri of one of them. If you delay you are sure to get left. dy-to-Wear Millinery New and economical ready" to wear millinery. Ready toput-on, no bother, no fuss with the milliner, juBt pick out what Buits you, try it on, and it's yours, if you wish, $5, 83.75, $2. 45. One-third millinery store prices. Rea