" 10" THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Spicu1tlT8 AetWity Br3 of Trtd Osnfiied Principally to Whut wORN MODERATELY ACTIVE AND STEADY Market for Oats I Narrow wllli De cember (losing Higher Provi sions Arr (nlr( ullli '.I , j" Prices Easier. f iO, Ot. 18. Spcculntlvn activity on the Hoard of Trade today was coniineu chleily to wheat, which closed c higher for December, Corn closed Uc and oats Viftttc higher In sympathy, while provisions ensed off slightly. . December whe:it at the opening registered & gain of c over night, In response, to an ndvunce at Liverpool and additional ncwM of the evil effect?, of dry weather 111 Argen tine. The market started with sales rang ing from ?"V(i7lc to 7oV. Liberal buying for thu long account and covering sent tho price up to "IVic during tho afternoon and ulthough there, was fair selling . by tho traders who were disappointed at tho Black export demand and an advanco In ocean freights tho market held llrm and Decem ber' closed He up at ?0747le. Local re ceipts were 1.16 cats, eight of contract grade, Minneapolis and Dultith reported 660 cars, making u toti.l for the three points of 7vi iiim. nuiiltiMt 1.01.1 last week and 9.(8 a ear ago. rrimnry receipts wero uh.wj in., comtiared with 1.017.000 last year. Soi- board clarances were 118,0") bu. Argentine shipments wero 2W,oi) DU. Corn was moderately active and prices held steady under thn strengthening In fluencn of wheat. There was llttln trade excepting that donn by scalpers, the stag nation of tho shipping trndo being affected in the speculative pit. wcccmocr soni oc iwrn f,6;Ma:e nnd &6Ur and c onn io higher at ta'.tHWic. Receipts were 188 cars. The oats marKPl was a narrow one. i Elevator interests offered monernieiy ni tho best prices, but values held In sympathy Willi me surrounoing sieniiiuen.i. m-ii-iiun i were 1S6 cots. December closed 'Vil'in higher at 3f,Ue and Mnv. for which there was u better demand than for tho nearer delivery, Vc up at 3VAru3ti,c. Provisions were unlet and nrlces easier. because tho run of hogs was greater than had been expected. Iocnl packers sold early, whlln thern.wiis buying for shorts soJ1.00; clings, S5o; Utah freestone, 76c; El and for tho Engllih occount. Pork closed tiortos. 6-bnsKet crates. St.30fll.4u. Bo lower at S16.22V4. lard 51J7HC down at 13.10 and ribs 6c depressed at S7.92I4 for January delivery. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 145 cars; corn, 215 cars; outs, 2L5 cars. The leading futures rnnged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. High. I Low. Close.lYcs'y. PWheat I I on. eo? i;6iiifi m . Dec. 70f71 7IU 70H70T'ir7l 70S . May 7ittUI 7414 71 74! 73Hfl-i '"r1 ' I 55K U ' Dec. 66HM-H 6CHHil 66Hl5CHfi Wtfl'i Jan. MMMWMWMlh 5Si E6HJl?i Oats Oct. 34Vi H'4 3V4 3IH Wi Dec. KSeVi :i5H33fJ'4 35H .Y.U'if-i, , May Xlya' 37H 37Vi 37Vs? 37?if!a ,1'ork- I I I I Oct. ' 13 82V4 13 TO Jan. 15 20 I 15 35 15 20 15 22(4 15 27 May 15 32V4I 15 37i4 15 2714 15 27ttl 15 33 Lard- I I I I Oct. 9 47W 9 55 I 9 47(4 9 KM 9 5214 I Nov. 9 32!4 9 -2V1 9 .17(4 9 40 9 Jan. 9 10 9 17141 9 1 10 9 171'j . May 9 10 9 20 I 9 10 0 1114 9 1714 'Rlbs- Oct. R 50 8 50 R 60 S 60 R 60 i Jan. 7 924 7 91 "W 7 92V4 7 9714 Mny 8 00 8 05 8 00 8 02V4 S 05 '""NoT! Cash Quotations wero as follows: ! I.UUK Hieudy ; winter patents 1 72c. CORN No. 2 yellow. 57Uc. OATS-No. 2. 3636ic; No. 2 white, 3SUW 3SVtC: No. 3 While. 37-W3KHC. RYE No. 2. 5iV!i56V4c. BARLEY Fair to rliolce malting. 5l(ff37c. HEEDS No. 1 llax, Jl.5.1; No. 1 north western. 11.54: tirlmn timothv. S5.65i!iC.65. PKOVISIONS-Mt'SR pork, per bbl., JI3.90 l 13.90. Lard, per luo lbs.. J9.52V49.&5. Short ribs sides (iooho). jx.iauN.ts. nry salted I Bhouldors (boxed). S7.60H7.73. Short clear sides (boxed). JS.Wj9.0O. WHISKY-Basls of high wines, J1.30. Tho following are thu receipts nnd ship ments tor ine lasi iwcni.'-ioiir notirs: Articles. Receipts. Shlnments. I li'loiir, bbls 31.000 130.0O) AVhcat. bu 159.000 121.000 l.'om, bu 09,0e0 63.C00 Oats, bu 203,000 122.0O1 Rye. bu 105.000 2.000 Barley, bu 65,ooq I5,.0) On the Produce exchange today the butter morKei was sienuy; creameries, imzio; dalr.'es, 13U19. Cheese, steady, 9i10ic. t-Bgs, nrm; iresn, iii-i"c. NEW VOIIK (JENEHAI. MARKET. Qtiotatlona of the Day on Vnrlona Coramodltlr. NEW YORK, Oct. 18. FLOUR-Recelpts. 29.870 bbls.: exports. 1S.IS1 bbls.: llrm and held higher on wheat strength; winter i.iii; uiiiuru in unit). .i..imo.u-'. CORKMEAL Firm; yellow western, J1.1S city. Sl.W: Brandywlne. S2.2GTr3.50. i RYE Firm; No. 2 western. 60e, f. o. b.. .afloat; No. 2 western. 60',4c t. o. n ntloni; Mtate. 57S6SC. c. I. f.. New lork. eanot BARLEY Steady; feeding. 52iJ55c, c. I. f., , Buffalo: mnltlng. uWIiHe. c. I. f. Buffalo WHEAT Receipts. 82,450 rr.l.; exports, 182.470 bu.; strong; No. 2 red. 784c, f. o. b.. ! nfloat; No. 2 red. 76c, elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth, 78?ic, f, o, b., ntlont; No, 1 hard Duluth, 8:c, f. o. h afloat, op tlons were verv strnnu nnd active all dav i showing tho heaviest trade In some mouths, Buying was stimulated by bullish Argen tine reports nnn cables, better outside in terest, small northwest receipts nnd crop rumors. Closed strong nt net nd vance. Mnv. 791M79 13-16e. closed nt 79t! October closed, 75,0; December, 76 M-ll ,i a-ibc. closed nt iiic. CORN-Recelpts. 116.200 bu.: exports. 62.. 800 bu. Spot, llrm; No. 2. 61c, elevator, und H2c, f, o. b., nllont Option market was nrm nnn a umo nigner on the whent ad vnnce and a moderate senro of shorts Pln.Ail ll.n . 1 . . 1 ,. .1 ........ 1 . . . . . 3. .mm, 1.1 -1,1. .iu ,1111-, iiit lu-'je T)2ic. closed at 62,0. October closed. 6Mio: j-ii-tuiiiui-r. Di:vtin.-",c, ciosen at bhc, OATS-Reeelpts. 73.IW bu.: exports. 7.CK1 bu. Spot, llrm: No. 2. 40Vic; No. .1. 39o; No. 2 white. 42(f7l2ic: No, 3 white. 41o track, mixed western. 39041c: track whitn. 40tf46c. Options, slow but llrmer with corn. HA steady; snipping, WHjOoc; good to choice. 85l90c. HOPS Quiet: state, common to rhnlee. 39:1 crop. loyi5c; 1900 crop, 9ailc; 1899 crop, nunc, i-aciuc coast, iwi crop, I.'sti5i,4c: 19U0 crop.914c; 1S09 crop, tV311c. HIDES Quiet: Gulveston. 29 to 55 lbs ISc; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 19V4c; Texas my. 1 111 on iu., 1172.'. LEATHER Quiet: hemlock sole. Ruenns Ayres. light to henvywelghts, 23V4ft2l14c; ..1.1 nttt ..0.1 .. sold. 23Wl21Uc. PROVISIONS Ileer, quiet: family. Jll.50 C12.00: mess. J9.50rn lO.tli): beef hams. I20.(KMi 81.00; packet. J10.0Wll.0i); city, extra India mess. J17.00! 19.00. Cut meats, sternly: pick led bellies. S9.60tfTll.sn: nlekled shoulders. ji.jii; picaicii minis. iu. -un m.wi. i.nru, nun; western steamed, J9.90; refined, quint; con- iinent, nound. $10; South America. SU; pom- 1S.0IWS2.V Tnrl. iiiiIbI- fnmllv S17.004M7.75; short clear, S17.5(xr19.50; mess, 115.5041 16.75. TALLOW-Stendy; city (S2 per pkg.), bc; pouiiiry ipKgs. ireei, ni'nn'.c. BUTTER Receipts, 4.3S5 pkgs.; firm; utato dairy. 14(B20c; creamery. 15ij(22c; Juno crenmen-. nWilJlc: factory. 12Wlil5c. CHEESE Receipts, 6.32S pkgs.; stesdv; fancy, large, colored, 9c; fancy. In" e, white, 9ic: fancy, small, colored, lutjc; fancy, snvill. white. lOfoiniic. RaoS Receipts, 7.221 pkgs.; steady; state nno j-enusyivania, :i:ij..c: western, ran died. 2ivc: western, iinonndled. I6ig2lc. nrMt.-TTv aii... it... .i.;.,, cii. turkeys, kvioc: fowls. u; dressed, firmer: jprlngers. 9f914c; fowls. 9c; turlteys, Uff .Miii.AriHi; Hteany. METALS-Interestlng features were lack Ing In the metal market today. Tin nt London, ufter opening 10n lower, closed J0 net higher on speculative buying, spot being dually quoted at 113 and futures at 10B. Locnlly 11 quiet and unchanged mnr- UAI r.A,.l I lAil tal,,t r....i,n,1 n. V1, 'I'.jir '',,...., .... r,.... illlinril ll L 24.75. Cooper was without ehnnse loenllv nnd closed at S16.R5fil7.tX for Lake Superior and J16.3!41ll6.i'21,4 for casting nnd electro lytic. At London prices were 2s 61 better, closing spot at 63 17s 6d nnd futures at 62 12s 6d. Lend wns very dull and un changed, both nt home and nbroad, closing nt S4.371. nnd 117s6d, respectively. Spel ter was featureless, closing at SI.2tKi4.25 here and nt 17 2sid at Loudon. Domestic Iron warrants were nulet nnd unchanged rig iron warrants. i.Niio.tiu; no. i north till . ( I. ll ,.w',.n . ..v, ,- foundry, Jl5.0ii 16.00; No. 2 foundry, icrn, Ill.00-tfl5.00; No. 1 foundry, south- em rout southern 91 lha I HI inK nm lals'"' jf-1 , afin". w'SiSsM CO RN Firm : No. 2 cash, 67c: 'frnek. S triiVifhtH "s'70a310 m,cn,s' ?3..3tf3.5D. M, fig, Dcccmbcr, 67(B67?i,c; May, 69Hc. vM''r'lvrrcrt. v H 7i OA'Fs-Hlghcr: No. 2 cash, track. 37 utnilphtH xn niKci .l.-lll! Mlnnesnt.i nntenis. xtn l filVsjT winter extras. iWaM Minnesota t "rm- larc' 63 !",U5c?? CORN-Spot' 'quiet; American mixed, new. 3.40. Hyf flour. (Inn; fair to kooq, JZ.iWr iu iail.i. ..miu ,.nint nni.tiw,n i. ioim! crn, S14.S0iri5.50; No, 1 foundry, southern soft. S14.5Oul6.0O. OIaskow warrants eloed 63s 61 and Mlddlesborough closed at 45s IH'1. OMAHA WHOLESALG MARKET. Cnndltlon of Trade and Qnotntlona on Staple anil Fancy Produce. EGGS Receipts fair; loss off, 10317c. and old roosters; to: turkeys, duck. anu geese, cudc, spring cnicncns, yei i" RI'TTER Common to fnlr. 12Hc: choice dnlry, In tubs. 15t16c; separator. 23821c. iltlittll r tail UincK oass, uc; wnno bass, 10c; bluellsh, 11c; bullheads, 10c: blue tins, ,c, tiuiTaioes, ic; catnsn, uo; run, m-. crannies. 10c: halibut. 11c: herring. 7c: had dock, loc; pike, loc: red snapper, 10c; s.u moil, lie; sunllsh. 6c; trout. 10c: whltellsh, 10c. oysters Mediums, per can. 2zc; stnmi nrds, per can, 25c; extra selects, per can, 33c, New York counts, per can, 40o: bulk Standards, tier cal.. tl.20fll.2S: bulk extra selects, l.Jj 1.C5. I'miio.NS Live, per aoz., wc. VEALS-Cholcc, Sc. HAY Prices inioterl hv Omaha Wholesale liny Deaiers' association: Choice upland. lu.0: No. 2 upland, S9.00; medium, J.vwi; coarse, js.00. Hyo straw, J6.00. fhese prices are for hay of good color and q allty. De- mnnu lair, iicceipis, o cars. VHEAT-4C. COKN-63U. HRAN-J 6.60. UAT8-35C. VEQ KTAI1L.ES. PfiTATnua-llnnin crown. ?0fl90e: Slit Lake, Sl.30Ml.lu; Colorado. S1.0PUMO. ijuui'LA.M t'er not., itc. UAIUIOTH-Per market basket, 5oc. BEETS Per half-bu. basket, 3Jc. TURNIPS Per basket, 30c. CUCUMBERS Homo grown, per doa 10 15c. I'AicaijKi i'er uoz.. vc. SWEET POTATOES Home crown, per lb., 2c: genuine Jersey, per bbl,, 14.00. CAiuiAUK Holland seed, cratea, ic. TOMATOES Home grown, per ls-lb. bas ket, 600. BEANS Wax. per w-bu. basket. 0c: string, per -uu. uasKct. sue. ONIOf omo grown, per lb., 232Hc; upanisn, per crate, ii.w. .WATERMELONS Missouri, Iowa and ni-urannaivii.wi m iu dim. ..v. nutiin-mtuimuzuu. vum i, tuuaaw; Nebraska, per bunch, JO-USSc; Colorado, 40 NI5VY BEANS Per bu.. J2.23. FKU1TS. APPLES-Cooklng, per bbl., . 2.602.75: sr.ow apples, per titn., ys; jonatnnns, j.du; Uellcflowers, Jl.CUl.Ti. PHUNES Utah, per crate, hoc. I'll.? An 111. rt rallfnrnlu freefttnne. nur Unx. PEARS Utah Flemish Beauty, S2.00; Cal- lrnrnln full nenrs. 12.00412. 25. GIIAPEB California TOKay, -id. crate, S2; Muscats, J1.60; Concords, eastern, ISc. PINKAPPLKH Per crate or iz to is, 4.zu. CKANBElllHES Per bbl., SS.60; per crnt, S2.60. QUINCES Per nox. TIIOPICAL FRUITS. ORANOES-Valenclas. S4.00fl6.O0: Medi terranean sweets, S4.50. Lli.MONH tancy, w.ts; cnoice. bananas i'er uuncn, according to size, J2.00.fi2.50. I' K!o California, new cartons, .sic; im ported, per !., 124fl4c. JUA i n,s I'ersion, in wj-iu. noxes, per id,, lUc: Snlrs. Sc. HONEY Per 24-sectlon case, S3.50S3.75. CIDEH-Newliawka. per bbl., .2. SAUERKRAUT Per W-bbl.. $4.00. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Now croi niberts. ncr lb.. 12V4c: soft-shelled English walnuts, HHc; soft- siieiieii a monns. no. . 15c: nnro-aneiica almonds, 14c; brazils, 14c; hard-Bhelled wal nuts, nv4u; cucstnuts, italic. IIlDKa No. 1 green. tV4c; no. 2 green, 6Hc; No. 1 salted, Sc; No. 2 salted, 7c; No. I veal calf, 8 to 12U lbs.. 8c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, SW13c; sheep pelts, 27c; horsohldcs, J1.50U2.23. St. I.ouU Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 18. WHEAT Higher: No. 2 red. ensh. 71o: track. 72V44l73o: Decem ber. 7HWmu; May, 75ViSi75c: December, 3714c; December, white. WiVWc. YE-Htendv at B6'c, r liiJUIVi Hill, t.itv .11. let, aci. patents. 3.4Mi3.56; extra fancy and straight, U.K14I3.I0: clear. J2.6of2.90. hkku-I imotny, strong ana tenaing up; rnir to good, j.!Xfl&.u. l UKNMr.A 1. atcailV. K.SHI, f. O. D. BRAN Stronger and active: sacked lots. east track. 82c. Il.vi aieany; iimomy, ii.waio.i'j, ior choice; prairie, jio.wiri3.oo. Wilis ICY steady, jl.30. IRON COTTONTIES-Qlllet, Sl.W. BAC101NO-i(,ii7c HEMP TWINE-Qulct. 9c. PROVISIONS-Pork. steady: Jobbing. C1G. Lard. tirm. J9.45. Dry salted meats, firm: boxed lots, extra short and clear ribs, JS.6214: clear sides. S9. Bacon, firmer: boxed lots, extra short nnd clear ribs, J9.6214; clear sides, y.S(i4. METALS Lead, dull: Jl.2714ilM.30. Spel ter, tlrm: J4.O7V4ftl.10. i rw -r 'i-u - ai.,nii... i,i,.t..,., r . Bh.inn. 814c: turkeys. 7c; ducks, 6V4176C; geese, IfiSc. nun Kit Mienuy; creamery, lSW-'-l'-c; dairy. 14frl6c. RECEIPTS Four. 6.000 bbls.: wheat. 19.000 bu.: corn. 34.000 bu.; oats. 4.50J bu, SHIPMENTS Flour. 6.000 bu.: wheat. 64,000 bu.; corn, 43.000 bu.; oats, 42,000 bu. Liverpool drain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 18.-WHEAT-Snot. llrm; No. 2 red. western, winter, 6s 8d; No. 1 northern, spring. 6 Oil; No. 1 California. November. 4s 10id: December. -Is lid. n.uuil-Bl. Louis fancy winter, stendv. 7s tkl. PROVISIONS-Bcef, flrm; extra India mess, firm. 74s Cd. Pork, llrm; prlmo mess western. 73s 6d. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., nulet. 60s fid. Bacon, stendv: Cumber land cut, 26 to 30 lbs., steady at 60s; short ribs, 16 to 21 lbs., quiet nt 39s; long clear middles, light, firm nt 49s 9d; long clear middles, heavy, tlrm at 49s; short clear backs, light, llrm at 16s 6d; clear bellle.i, light, llrm at 66s. Shoulders, square, 11 to i.i ins., nrm nt Sis in. I.ard, dim; prime western, In tierces, firm at 49s; American reuneci, in pans, nrm at itis on. Receipts of whent during the Inst threo ilavs. 144.000 ccntuls. Including 62.000 Amer ican. Receipts of American corn dtirlnc the last three days, 19,500 centals. Weather dull. Knnsua City fSrnln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 18. "WHEAT De- peinher. 6fiT4e? Mnv. 7ln! rnsh. Va. 2 liuril. 7Ti67Hp; No. 2 red, 71c. roiiN- December, wc: May, ssTiiTSJc; I I. V 1 uiii-ii. 69mi6fle. mixeu, KiioMVic; no. 2 white, iiaio no. 1 wnite. uiiwaic, RYE No, 2. 5614c. HAY-Choice timothy, S12.6013.00; prairie, S13.50W14.00. BUTTER Creamery. 1614019c: dairy. tan,cyA J Wilbc miun-i'inir, ircnn niiHsuuri nno ivansns stock quoted on 'change, 17c per doi., Ions off. cases returned, RECEIPTS-Wheat, 46,100 bu.; corn, 69,2(0 cats, sa.umi mi. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 27,200 bu.; corn, 1 ,-1 j du ; oats, ia,vw du. Toledo Urnln and Need, TOLEDO. O.. Oct. 18 WIIRAT F.ilrlv nctive. nigner; cisn, i4',ic; December, 757c; Mny. 77ic. CORN Dull nnd stendy; cash, fc; De- cemner. in'ic; amy, wuc ua 1 a Nominal; casn ana December, 37c amy. .n-tv. RYE MUc. OLOVERSEED-Aetlvo. hlcher: cash Wi'ioh ir iiv 1 UPr' ! L,ccemDcr. -. amrcn, .i.l('. Minneapolis Wheal, Flnnr and Bran, MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 18 WHFAT-Cnsh. rci-c; wvremoer, wuc; ay. il)c; on tr.TCK, No. 1 hnnl, 7liic; No. 1 northern, 69Hc; No. 2 northern, 67Hc. Kl.UL'lt First patents. I3.fi53.75: second patents, S3.60tf3.60: llrst clears, S2.75fl3.85; Kl'i'iiiiii uii'iim, BRAN In bulk, S12.6C12.75. Milwaukee Grain Market, MILWAUKEE. Oct. 18. WHEAT Mar I get uiKiier: no. 1 nnrtnern. 70it7ic: No. 2 ' t.mV'iii,T' ' v. iii.L " Srj!!?: noM2.45S1469c; simple, 46?lfS!p. CORN December, 5S,c. Teoria Market, DULUTH. Oct. lS.-WHEAT-Cash. No. naru. ,30: no. ; norinern. oiw, no, northern, 70Uo; October, 70ic; December, " - " I N I.H7 1 li V ir. CORN-65C OATS-35H?351c, Nuirnr Marked NEW YORK. Oct. IS.-SUOAR-Rnw firm; fair rcilnlng, 3 5-lt,tr3Hc: centrifugal, :'ti test, a lA'iiic; molasses sugar, J i-inc; rtv lined, steady; No. 6. 4.50c; No. 7, 4.40c: No. 8, 4 30c: No. 9. 4.35c: No. 10. 4.20c: No. 11. 4.15c No. 12. 4,15c: No. 13. 4.06a: No. 14. 4 95c: standard A. 4.90o; confectioners' A. 4.90c; ....... t I . m . ..... nn f. CA... n ' . - V. . .1 r I IIICIIIU 4t .lll llll.l, u.wi, .l U.-FIV , I granulated, 6.10c; powdered, 6.20o; cubes, l 5 35c. r i TiftVTiiio Ainu 7si'.&i:i" n nnrn. .1 e. BUSINESS SICNS FAVORABLE Only Ritardinr, Iiflaenoi in Bitill Dis tribution is Mild Weather. STEEL STRONG WITHOUT INFLATION i Footwear Factories Hate Weeks ol Eniploj tnent Cottons Move Freely, nlth Prices Well Snstnltied Cerent Fluctnntlonn Hninll. NEW YORK. Oct. 1S.-R. O. Dun &. Co.'n Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: unfavorable signs are rare in tho week s business. Mild weather Is the one Influence to be charged with retarding relnll mer chandise distribution, yet there Is general conlldence that any sales thus postponed will be made un later. The same Intlilenro Is Invaluable In facilitating the handling of cropB, erecting buildings ami other cm door work. Bank exchnnces for the week at New York nre 33 ner cent laruer than last year and 8.1 per cent above 1899, whlln lit other leading cities the gains wero 16.3 and 9.1 per cent, respectively. Strength without Inflation still summar izes the Iron nnd steel situation. De-iiilto two months of Interruption by the strike, evidence accumulates that the vear will surpass all records In the production of finished material mid consequently In con sumption of ore and pig Iron. Heavy orders urc recorded for rails, with a tree move ment of structural material, while wire nnd wire nulls go abroad In large iiuautlll i. Pig Iron Is hardening under tho vlcorom demand, forge and southern foundry secur ing deiiniin advances and besscmcr in Pittsburg Is llrm at J16. Tinpintes nre a most rcEtored to nnrmnl prices. Since domestic mills have resumed nnd Imports ceased, the Loudon nvirk' t has declined sharply. Copper rose In the face of reports that a lnrue reduction in list prices was contemplated by lending producers to reduce stocks. Footwear factor es st have many weeks of full employment cm heavyweight goods for winter. Supplementary orders for seasonable lines still arrive from eastern Jobbers. Prices are not quotnbly higher, tnough the rnmd r so of leather anil hid s has taken so much of the protlt that shoo I must soon deterorlate in quality If better quotations are not forthcoming. Leather lias begun to exhibit symptoms of specula tion, dui Diiying oy tne leaning manufac turers for Immediate consumption reaches a largo total. Cottons move freely, with prleeB well sus talned for nil lines nnd definite advances ill blenched goods. Woolen iroods ore more quiet, yet shipments of over 6,000,000 pounds of wool wtokly from Boston indicates no decrease in activity nt tnc mills. Fluctuations In cereals were rmall. Corn receded a little further, Influenced un favorably by the Inslgnlflcnut shipments from Atlnntlc. ports, only 601,555 bushels for tho week, compared with 2,779,800 last year nnd 4.764,297 In 1S99. Wheat lost a llttln of the erirU' trnin. although declining prices a year ago makes iue uiuercnco smnuer man it lias been at any timo this crop year. Foreign buying of flour Is still unsatisfactory, but the outgo of wheat Is still heavy, for tho week United States exports, flour Included, amounting tt 4,391,053 bushels, compnroi with 3,646,761 last yenr and 4,255,766 two years ago. Western receipts of 6.K3.6M bushels, against 7,426.651 last week and 7,126,419 a year ngo, Indicate that the new crop Is being mnrketed less freelv, growers holding back In expectation of better prices, despite tho estimate of the foreign nu thorltles that the world's yield will exceed 2,700,000,000 bushels nnd on unofficial pre dictions of a domestic crop ot more than 760.00u.ai0 bushels. Failures for the week numbered 229 in the United States, against 209 last year, nnd thirty-one In Canada, against twenty-six last year. WEEKLY CLEARING HOUSE TABLE, AllKrecate of Business Transacted by the Associate Jlanks. NEW YORK. Oct. lS.-Tho following table, compiled by Bradstreet's. shows tho bank clearings nt all principal cities for tho week ended October 17, with tho per centage of increase and decrease as com pared with tho corresponding week last year: CITIES. Amount. I Inc. Dec. New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia St. Louis Pittsburg San Francisco Baltimore Kansas City Cincinnati Minneapolis S1.3 16.051.401 33.01 152.754,228 147,21 8,606 lOO.Ot'w.OOl 13.6 15.0 i: 62,55I,1I9 45.0 31.881,255 27.918.779 18.7 11.4 22,752,8181 13.6 15.3 20.3 6.0 22.5 21,UoU,ni 18.093,130 10.090 701 Cleveland 14.O93.606 Detroit Now Orleans 13,562,913 00.1 13,50.).1S9 12,580.071 10.11 20.5 Houston Clnlveston 10.9SS.000 10.25S.3151 30.5 Indianapolis 68.4 Columbus, O 8,331.200 65.6 Louisviun 9.236.1M! 14.4 11.1 23.1 Providence Buffalo Milwaukee 8,337.200 7.031.153 0.9SS.06I 6.9 OMAHA 6,791.7691 St. Paul Savannah 16.2 21.3 C.233.237 Denver 5.583.749 11.1 St. Joseph 5,047,M 4.3SS.777 25.9 Richmond Memphis 21.6 '34 j 10.3 9.5 3,625,513. 20.1 Seattle 4,2Sl,41i.i 2,955,831 2.7t0;23l 3.CS0.277 3.778.001 Washington Hartford Los Angeles 53.5 47.2 Salt Lnke City Toledo , 2,481,610 11.9 Portland, Ore , 3.161.426 10.8 Rochester 2,363,446 25.1 Peoria , 2.52S.3S2 3.35S.6I0, U.S Fort Worth 38.9 19.fi' 2.3 Atlanta 3. 121.130 1,642.965 Norfolk Dcs Moines l.ilVMXW 5.1 New Haven , Sprlngllcld, Mass.... Augusta Nashville 1,693,163 1,536,258 2,376,609 1,603,503' 9.5 12.8 27,8 8.9 25.6 Worcester 1.760.331 Grand Rnplds 1.386.66S1 1O.0 tsioux uity Dayton. O 1.611,760 2.7 25.5 i,;u;),ix,.) 1.291.2SO Syracuse 12.8 26,6 3S.8 tscranion Portland, Me Spokane Tnenma Wilmington. Del 1.313,273 1.&5I.701 1,3015,376 6.4 1,332,007 1.101.931 24.0 14.0 Davenport 1.110.816 15.1 20.1 Topeka 1.246.0X1 f.vansviiin 787,742; 17.6 18.6 Fall River Birmingham 'Jld. HI 9I,S10 850,000 fi.l Macon Little Rock Helena 5.8 !iOX,3I3 655.706 12.5 24.5 "ii'.i Knoxvlllo Lowell 6S9.420 006,530 3. 6. Wichita 448.721 kron fi.19.00O 44S.2S3 48S.SS9, 20.5 Now Bedford I.nxlneton 4.0 12.5 "h'j 21.8 Sprlngllcld, III Rlnghnmtnn Chattanooga 612,674 41.9 33,8,400 524, 700! 6IW.S06 Kalamazoo 2S.8 37.6 Fnrgo Younestown 516,210 512.14 54.6 8,0 49.6 Springfield, O Rnckford Canton Jacksonville ,, 310,663 298,235 399,6i10 22.7 377.237 61.8 6),5 '26!7 Sioux Falls Fremont Bloomlngton, III Jacksonville, III. Colorado Springs., Wheeling, W. Vn.. Chester Wllkesbarre Totals. U. S Outside N. T 2.M).443 128,602 272,605 148.186 1S.9 4.6 663,866; , il.uto 3177,1161 775,319 I ,3,142,084,172: 795.432.7C6 26. 16.3 DOMINION OF CANADA. Montreal S 15,917.310 19.6 Toronto 11.052,615 23,0 Winnipeg 3.211.728 104.8 Halifax... .. 1.573.952 43.3 Vancouver. B. C 1,025.122 13.3 Hamilton 828,81 7.1 St, John. N. B 825,737 48.8 Victoria. B. C , 712.213 10.4 Quebec 1,308,763 Totals IS 35,181,488 25,6 Vnl Ineiiniled In totals because contain Inir ntlior Items than clearlncs. Not In eluded In totnls because of no comparison for last year. llRAIJSTnEET'S nKVIF.W OF TRADE Western Railroads In Market for Cars C'erenls Grow Firmer. NEW YORK, Oct. 18.-Bradstreet's to morrow will suv: Iron nnd coal consumption continue equal to nnd In some cases In excess of produc tion. Features this week have been the sale by merchant furnnces in the Pittsburg district of 75.1100 tons of Bessemer pig iron to leading Interests at from S15.25 to 115.50 per ton at Valley furnaces, steel bluets havp continued scarce and nre practically unobtainable for prompt delivery, hotih J27 and S2S per ton Is offered, against tho new quotation of J26 for distant delivery. Pig Iron stocks In tho central west nre said to not exceed one week's supply. Orders for fully 1,000,000 tons of rails for next year's delivery have been booked, al though the principal consuming Interest has not yet apportioned Its business, which Is expected to exceed 165,000 tons. Plates, bars nnd sheets and structural material nre all active, but iron bars are reported easier. Tlnplato mills are catching up with their orders and a cut is reported in the prlco of wire nails. Railroads are in the market for cars nnd ono western tlrm has bought 2,000 this week. Export business in Iron and steel Is not promising. Cooler weather and fear of frosts, coupled with good reports from tho print cloth Industry, hnve stimulated raw cot ton, and this In turn Is reflected In higher quotations for nearly ull leading bleached cottons. Woolen goods nre rather quiet ns regards new demand, but the mills are busy on heavyweights nnd when these nre out of the way a large volume of orders for spring weights guarantees continued activity. Wool Is steady nnd llrm, with a large con sumption progressing. Tho eerenl markets wero rather apathetic early this week. Reduced speculative Inter est and liquidation, cnuscd by larger te celpts at the northwest, weakened prices early. Decreases in these receipts nnd smaller Argentine shipments nnd poorer crop reports, brought a rather llrmer feel ing Inter, from which the early loss was regained and a slight advanco registered on the week. All advices agree that tho world's wheat supply will be larger than a year ago, the Increases being hero nnd in Canada and tho decreases in Europe, but ngaliiMt this Is to bo cited the fact that the rye, corn and oats yields, not to mention other foodstuffs, are smnller this year than for some years past. Whent, Including flour, exports for the week aggregate 5.03'i.073 bushels, ns iignlnst 4..19.S9S las week unci 3,796,463 In this week Inst year. Wheat exports July 1 to dote, fourteen weeks, uggregatc 95,104,251 bushels, as ngalnst 61,251,891 last senson. Corn ox ports aggregate 640,033 bushels, as against 678,216 last week and 2.SS6.P93 Inst year. July 1 to dato corn exports nre 14,945,113 bushels, ngalnst 48,SS3,926 last senson. Eastern shoe shipments are 24 per cent larger for tho week and 13 per cent higher for the season than they were n yenr ngo. Failures In tho United States number IPS, ns against 130 last week, 223 last year, 221 In 1899 and 213 In 1898. Cnnndlan failures for the week number 29, ns against 35 last week. 22 In this week a yenr ago, 20 in 1899 nun .i in i met nno 41 in Jts7. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS. Attention of Sessions Is Centered on Northern Pacific. NEW YORK, Oct. 18.-Attcntlon was wholly centered on the Northern PaciPc question today and the more the operators In stocks studied tho problem tho more they did not understand It. Thn continued ncttvlty of Northern Pacific preferred. In strong contrast to Its stagnant condition yesterday and tho corner In tho common stock, wns tho topic of Interest. Tho con clusion seemed unavoidable thnt actual steps wero being taken In the Northern Pnclllc settlement. Another rnther far-fetched explanation was that the new Burlington rnllwnv In corporated Wednesday would exchange Its, buiuk ior mo bonus wnirn were issued Jointly by Northern Pnclllc and Great Northern In exchnnge for the Burlington stock purchase. This would bo In effect to cancel the whole Burlington Issue and thus remove tho causo of tho conflict for con trol of the Northern Pacific, but this wo-.fld not explain the ubsenco of a single sharo of Northern Puelflo common In the deal ings. The tirond intimations from sources usually accredited to Morgan influences of the undoubted right of tho Northern Pa clflc company to retire Northern Pacific preferred caused an uneasy feeling that the wholo dispute was In dancer of lir.-nlrlnr. out again. J ho source of the selling of Northern 'acillc preferred continued to bo shrouded n mystery and tho fact thnt iiurrim.1,1 brokers wero concerned In tho selling udded iu uie cuiuuKion ot sentiment. As it is be lieved the Morgan-Hill claim to nbsoluto control rests entirely on their holding a majority of the common stock, with n pro posed retirement ot the preferred, It was ingeniously suggestcid that their holdings of the preferred might bo coming upon tho mm nci. urn mis wouin not explain tho advancing price of tho preferred, which renched 10STI at oho tlmn tmim. ti,iu served also to cfiHe tho suggested retire ment nt par. In all this whirl of rumor an J suggestion there waa no further mig goHtlon that the plans for the community of IntoreHt were' to bo taken up where thoy . ,1 w"cn 1,10 cyclone Inter- i llfill-U lllt'lll. The late cnursn nt the mnrirat .no orally downward, resulting In reducing ur wiping out the early gains except In spo t-mi iiiHinnces. notubiy Brooklyn Transit and Amalirnnir.teil Pnntup ti.o.-.. u . 1 . . ' . ii- .-... nnn nil- other sale of 200 Bhares of Lnke Shore nt n ,i,.i.,ivi iiiiuui.-u 01 u points. 1 tiero was Htrength In Lackawanna, the Minneapolis & St. Louis, the Iowa Central stocks. Leather preferred nnd other less prom Inent stocks. The railroad bond market was pretty firm, owing to the demand for some of the convertible bonds. TotuI sales, par value S2.065,ow. united States bonds wero alt un- W..1IIP...-I, un UIMU Cilll. 1 11-" . yommercinl Advertiser's T-onHnn financial cablegram says: The market was r . uiiijiimuuii 01 tomorrow's holiday and the stagnation of American nuiuns was pnenomenai, uopper rallied 10s but tho copper stocks wero inclined to hang The following are ths rlnuin m... (he New York 8tock exchange: Atchison 77?i St. Taul .16514 .188 . 59H . 3214 do pfd !)14' Kt. I'aul pfd 80. Pacific So. Railway .... do pfd..., Tex. & Pacific. Tol., St. L. & W do pfd Baltimore & O...102 do pfd 93 Canadian Pnc....llo . &6 . 38 Canada So 82 Ches. & Ohio.... 45'i Chicago & A 364 . 2014 . Soli do pfd.. 711 Union Pnellln Chi.. Ind. & L. 40i' do pfd . 88 un niii n'i Wabash 1974 Chlcngo & E. 111.124 Chicago G. W.... 2.1 do pfd 36li Wheel. & L. E... ml do 2d pfd 2s do 1st Pfd do 2d Pfd 4414 in. teilirill i'U C llcago & N. W.200' do pfd 41) C. R. I. & P 141 Adams Ex 1KA Chicago T. d Tr, 3ff American Ex 181 C. C. C. & St. L. 9714 U. S. Ex S3 Colorado So 1314 Wells-Fargo Ex. 160 do 1st pfd 6314 Amal. Copper ... 87iJ 110 -u inn iiuiur. uar ai - J.ii-4 Del. & Hudson.. .168 1 ulo pfd Del. L. c v szbii Ainer. Lin. OIL Denver & R. a.. 4414 Amcr. S. & R.. do nfd 914 do pfd 461J 43?. 9714 Erlo B lAnac. Mln. Co.... 3514 do 1st pfd rou Brooklyn R. T... 6H do 2d pfd 55 IColn. Fuel & I... 92 Ot. Nor. pfd 19314 uon. uas 2175: Con. Too. pfd,...115h Gen. ICIectrlo ...,23)i Hocking vauey.. d.iu do pfd 7414 Illinois Central.. .145V Glucose Sugar ... 421$ Iowa Central .... 4114 iiocHiiiK uoai ...iia do pfd J Inter. Paper 22 78 Lake Erlo & W.. 6S no pm Inter. Power Laclede Gas National Biscuit. do pfd i- 871 L. & N 10314 VI 42 19 Manhattan L 120 Met. St. Ry U7H Nil. Lend Mex. Central .... 22 Na, Salt pfd 63i Mex. National .. 14 'No, American ... as Minn. H. St. L .109-14 I'nclllo Coast .... 62. Mo.- Pacific, . M.. K. & T.. Jir. Pacific Mall 4j" - People's Gas ....10514 do pfd CIO 1)111 n"?a ri L-aam a, LUr... N. J. Central ....im do pfd si N. v. v-cniriu m- i iiiiiiiuu i-. car. ;lti Norfolk & W 6o'4 Republic Steel .. 15 no. i-aciuc 1111...1J174 ousur jrj4, Ontario & W ,33j Tenn. Coal & I... 694 Pennsylvania Rending uiuuu nag ec .. lb do pfd 72V1 U. 8. Leather ... 1911. do 1st Din io do 2d pfd attt do nfd x li st. L. & S. F 41 U. 8. Rubber .... 16V do 1st pfd i7 U. S. Steel 43U do 2d pfd 66? do pfd 92H St. L. Southw.... 264 Western Union... 914 do pfd 55V4, Ilostaa Stock tnotat,)iis. BOSTON, Oct. is. (.'oil loans. 3 per cent: time louns, iuo per cent, umciai closing: A.. T. & 8. F. 77HtWest End ni, 'xt tl--L M14 do nfd Shi West ngh. Elee.. 71 Atner. Sugar . ...110U American Tel. ..169 Boston Elovatcd.2ll Boston & Mo .. .192 Dnmlnlnn Coal... 47 Adventuro 241 Binghnm M. Co.. 30H Arnal. Copper ... 89 Atlantic 3914 v.Hi. v iiecia ...,biii) Centennial 20 Franklin 17 do pfd..... U714 TT. S. Htee 431 do pfd mimnoidt 10 Fltchburg pfd. ...Ill Osceola 100 Gen. Electrlo .... 25x14 Parrot 38: Mexlcnn Central. 22tf Qulncy 155 N. E. G. & C 5 Santa Fo Copper, 4 Old Colony 20614 Tamurnck 290 Old Dominion .... 27 Utah Mining 24 Tluhher 1414 Winona 21 Union I'nclllo .... 99V4'Wolverlnes 60 llnnk Clearings. OMAHA. Oct. 18. Bank clearings today Jl,255,624.32; corresponding day last year. Sl.liu, w.w: increase, ibj.uj.u.. ST. LOLfLS. Oct. 18. Clearings. J7.415.266 balanres, J692.708; money, steady, 5 per cent: New York exenange, sic discount, CHICAGO, Oct. 18,-ClearlnBs, S25.752.731 balances, S2,0o,5t2; posted exchange, S!.86J 87! New York oxcnange, ivc aiscouiu. BOSTON. Oct. 18.-Clearlngn, S,993,tKSi balances, SI.818.47S. . new YORK. Oct. la. Clearings. a.3ji,- 913; balances, S10.6M.693. BALI l.MUllfci, uci. is. uiearings, w.i.- SOi; balances, J340.761; money, 4Hfi per cent. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. is.-cicarinrs, $18,092,535: balance, S2.79S.52S; money, 4gH4 per cent. uiNViNNAii, uct. is. Clearings, h,,m.- 600; monoy, 49$ per cent; New York ex change, 10c discount to par. New York Money Market, NEW YORK. Oct. lS.-MONEY-On coll. tendy nt 3fl3!4 per .cent; last loan, 3 per cent; prlmo mercantile paper, 414 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with ac tual business In bankers'. bills nt JI.86 for demand and nt SI.SSHffl.SSii for sixty days; posted rates. ji.MVsSH.Nfi and J4.87 commer- -lnt lillla tl.ttiCTi K.1IL SILVER Bar, 57ie: Mexican dollars, steady; stnto, In- lasc BONDS Government. attlve: railroad, firm. The closing ouotallons on bonds ar follows: U. II. ref. 2s, reg 109 109 10714 10S1 L. & N. unl. 4s... 101i do coupon .... do 3s, reg tin rntioofi Mex. Central 4s., do Is inc Minn. &. St. L. 4s 84 3014 103 99Vi 79 do new 4s, reg. 13S M.. K. & T. 4s.., do 2s no coupon do old 4s, reg.. Hii rnlmnli 139 112 N. Y. Central la. 105H 112 do gen. 314s N. J. C. gen. 5s. No. Pacific 4s... do 3s N. & W. c. 4s... Rending gen. 4s, St L & I M c. 6s S. L. S. F. 4s, St. L. S. W. Is.. do 2s 8. A. & A. P. 4s So, Pacific 4s..,. So. Railway 5s.. 109J4 130- 10414 724 102'i 96 1167 95 9814 7S'i 861, 92-s 119 do Es, reg 1061 i i n rolllioti 1071j Atoll, gen. 4s 103 I 971 1021J 96 lOj'i 1081, 107 I 7U4 107 SSli 97H U0L4 m 100 10 IV 93 88 10211 9Si' , 871 ,1064! ,106V do adj. 4s Bal. & Ohio 4s... do 34s , rln ronv. 4s Can. So. 28 Central of Ga. 6s do Is Inc Chcs. & O. 44.1... Chi. ft A. 314"-... C. U. & Q. I). 4s Tex. & Pacific Is, .119 . 81i .1054 .107 .119V4 .110 . 77Ti .113 . 9014 . 8S'i . HIT, I.' .M fe S 1' g. 48., f N'. W. r. ?s T. St L & W 4s. Union Pac. 4s... do con v. 4s.... Wabash Is do 2s do deb. B C. R. I. & P. 4s. CCC Ac S L g. 48. Chicago Ter. 4s. .Colorado So. 4s., 'D. R. G. 4s...., Erlo prior 1. 4s.., West Shore 4s.. W. & L. E. 4s.. Wis. Central 4s. do general 4s.. F. W. & D. C. Is Hock. Vnl. 414s. Cons. Tob. 4s.... Offered. London Stock Market. LONDON, Oct. 18.-4 p. m.-ClosIng: Consols, money.. 93 I Norfolk & W... do pfd No. Paclflo pfd, Ontario & w..., Pennsylvania .., Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd So. Railway .... So. Pacific . 67H . 91 .10314 . 34-4 754 . 301, . 391 . 26i . S3V . 6114 .102'4 . 904 . 344 . 931-4 . 37(4 . 69U . lOi .. 37!i do account ...93 1-16 Anaconda 714 Atchison ROVi do pfd w-i Baltimore & O...106U Canadian Pac....ll34j Ches. & Ohio 46 Chicago G. V.... 33VJ C, M. & St. T...170V4 Denver & R. O... 45J Union Paclllo .., do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Wabnsh , do pfd , Spanish 4s , Rand Mines DeBecrs do pfd 94i Erie 42Vj do 1st pfd...k... 71', do 2d nfd... It.. 58 Illinois Central. ..150 & N 10',i M.. K. & T 15H n. 1. central. ...iwis BAR SILVER-Qulct at 26c. MONRV-lflW ner cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bl li Is 2'3t4 per cont; for threo months' bll.s, 2D-16i2S per cent. New York Mlnlnff Quotations. Nnw YORK. Oct. 18. The following nre the closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con 18 Altco 45 Little Chief .. .. 12 .1060 .. 75 .. 6 .. r .. 7 ... 14 .. 40 ,..383 Ontario Ophlr Breece 110 Brunswick Con... 11 Comstock Tun... 614 Con. Cnl. & Va..l70 Dendwood Terra. 60 l'hoenix Potosl Savago Sierra Nevada Small Hopes . Standard Horn Silver 18a Iron Silver 60 Lcadvlllo Con.... Coffee Mnrket. vim- rnlil.- c1 1 r,nT.-T.-Ti?R Snot. til- .. . .1 .. V -T ni'A pa V1 Til Ull. steady; Cordova, 714Jillc. Bull sentiment still predominates In the market for fn ttires. The opening was steady at a gain of n points on local covering, following sat- isiaciory curopriiu nun nr-mii ! j" hies, only to react Immediately after the call under benr profit-taking. In the early nfternoon unfavorable crop reports were received from Santos and, like yesterday, prices began to climb Immediately nnd a tremendous sale movement began. Before . v. . n .1.... (IrtlU f-tnnml a net enln of lvw Illll limine. ,,ti...j v ' . . . . 1 20 points wns noted. Totnl sales reached .. . . . .. I I 1m TEA l.nnu nfl in tne unusual mini "i """r i .......... v, - e civ, . niiimhAr. r. , I 5.75c; January. 5.80-8-5.850 ; February. 5.8u .....i. i;a-.inr.-i..n. Mnv. 6 16176.400: Juno. 6.255if..40c;' July. 6.30'46.65c; August, 6.40!il.60c; September. 6.5OiJiu.i0c. Wool Mnrke , aw.tc CO u-nAlftlnw nnd ensv. with light demand; medium grndes, 12V41l'17V4c; light line. 12(fJ1414c; heavy tlno. SH'iillVic; tub washed. 20fi!lc. BOSTON, UCl. 18. 1 nil wiililiimiuiin mil.- un win suy in iuiiiwiiu" i- i,'"i "', Wool has sold steadily this week. Prices. show no cnange una uir mm, ' ..... cnlng tendency, particularly on the finer grndes. The receipts of wool In Boston since January 1 have been 225,351,7ii9 pounds, against 146.794.615 for the same period In lDW. llOHiUll Hllli-llivitir. ... ... ' 682 pounds. agnlnBt sales of 114,221,000 pounds ror tne same jienou in n "yj,"-, "' hand In Boston January 1. 1901, , wj i6,J(B,rj'0 pounds. TOtal SIOCK XOOUy, l,m,tvt jwuuua. I .. .. n a - lln.,.-.l iew orit ur .....-.. "-.li l.lAnl,eH tlom nomo lurinci mimii"; -today, in keeping with those made yester day, and a fair demand ut fair prices. No change in brown sheetings, nor In coarse colored cottons. Prices of nil were cmlte firm. Print cloths firm, with fair sales. Prints nnd glngnams conunui.- siiii-. Linens nre flrm. with modornto sales. Bur laps are lnnctlve and still weak. with a moderate inaulry. arns quiet and ncnangea. Cotton Mnrket. . J . M1ln. finlfiml KU.f tnlfl- dllng gulf. SVc: sales. 440 bales. Future closed quiet: uctoner, i.-.-jui -uvcinum , o ., December, 8.04c: January, 8.03c; February, sac: Marcn. i.m-i aiuh, 'i- , . n.M.vP.a-mN'. Oct. 18. COTTON Market steady at 8 6-16c. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 18.-Spcrcitary Hes ter's statement of the world s vis ble sup ply of cotton shows the total visible sup ply as 2.144,987, of which 1.700,937 was Amer ican cotton. Evaporated and Dried Fruits. ..r.... vnm "W 10 WVAPOllATETJ I A V I unit, . . . - " APPLES Thero was a good business trans acted In tho mnrket for ovoporated apples todny at full former prices, while the undertone wns generally steady. State, common to good, &fl8c; prime, 8V4c; choice. 9c; fancy. 91.fi9V'ac. CALIFORNIA Ullll-iU ! nulla-Dieuny at old prices. Prunes, 3iir7c. Apricots, Royal. 8V4fll3c; Moor Park. 8ijl2c. I'eaches, peeled, ll(818c; unpecled, 6fj9i4c Dnlnth Grain Market, PEORIA, Oct, 18. CORN-Hlgher; No. 3, 6'oATS Firmer: No. 2 whito, 30ic, billed th"wil1skY-S1.30 for finished goods. Oil and llnsln. OIL CITY, Pa.. Oct. lB.-iiTeuii oai ances, S1.30; certificates, njl bid: .hlpmonts, 91,088 bbls.; average, 82.6W bbls. 8t. I.onls Live Stack Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct. M.-CATTLE BecelpU. 3.900 head, Including 2,000 hend Texans; ni nit anil r I j u r u pii "i ew.we .t . Seef and butcher steers. S4.5iVu-5.80; steora under 1.000 lbs.. S3.V35.0O; stockers and feeders. S2.26fT3.70; cows and heifers. S2.25; i lU. -'.rl" 1 1Kr1 IK. hull. MflJ "f- Texas nnd Indian steers, 2.90-tJ4.25; cows ana neirers, ja.un'ini.io. ... , . HOGS Receipts. 6,800 head: mnrkot easier; pigs aim ngnis. g.ii"ujD.iuj itii Afl&l. DC. ....... k.PU tit ?Rtf?l 70 V in,T,nn T.IMDU nntnl l fUl head; market Bteady; native muttons, J.1.00 t m. , tl rjHK ftA. .,I!d an.l Kllnta KfJ-U-i; IUIIIUI. --" Jl.f2,25; stockers, J2.25; Texas sheep, S3.00 !U3.4. New York Live Stoek Market. NEW YORK,' Oct. 18.-BEEVE8-R- i J On l, alanrt llll 1 fV fltt'pr! cows lower: steers, S3.75i85.50: oxen. 12.25 4.2a; uuiis, c, i.ovuo.u-., "-"'- lower; live cattle, ll(Ti12e, dressed weight; refrigerator beef. SlifSc. CALVES Receipts, 38S head; lower; veals, SHEEP AND LAMBS RecelptH, 3,992 hend: sheep, slow; sheep, S2.4Ufi3.25; extras, . n t n . . V. .. . r.'. . " .ft .).lu; Ittllllin, ... HpGS-Recelpts, 1,410 head; higher at OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Diirbl. Qrt.fi of All Kindt f 0ttl old String to a Dime Higher. H0GI EASED OFF A TRIFLE TODAY Not Enough Sheen and Lambs Offered to Make a Fair Teat ot Market, tint AaythlitK nt All Good Could Safely lie Quoted Mend). SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 18. Receipts were: Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep, Official Monday 7.9..D 2,92 I3,2i6 uiuciai Tuesday t,w: 6,107 i,rJ3 Official Wcdiipsdnv 6. M0 5.11VI 6.5iK"i Official Thursday 2,558 4,t3 3,262 UfllClIll Friday 2,191 4,742 296 Klvn rtnv tlil . "i. !W-l 21.S0S 17.1SS 29.03,1 26,76'J 23,517 33,325 35,051 41,710 &S.I61 44,84.) 35,64.1 57,008 South com- Same days last week 17,311 Same week before 27.3SJ Hatno threo weeks ngo. ..27,710 Same four weeks ngo... .20,191 same days ast veur 20.172 Average prices paid for hogs at Omaha tho past several days with parlsotis: Uate. I 1901. '1900.I1899.I1S98. 1S97. HS'i.lk95. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Uct Oct. Oct. I. .. i... .1... 4... 6... 6... 7... S... 9... 10.. II. . 12.. 13.. 14.. la.. 16.. 17.. IS.. 6 75 I 6 Ml-Ji 6 W1, 6 571t 6 o2vi 0 tU 5 jyi 5 13, 5 IS 6 191 I 3 71 3 S3) 2 9I 3 7i 3 02 2 971 3 731 3 'A 2 93, I 74 3 01 3 64 3 01 3 9i 3 V3 3 86 3 82 3 Si 3 S6 3 8 3 85 3 SI 3 79 3 77 e III 3 76 S 70 3 70 3 4 39 4 4 3 66 3 64 6 20, 4 37 lb 4 31 3 11I1 5 11 4 31 4351 3 63 3 61 3 6l 5 081 3 621 3 19 D li 6 14H 6 15 6 20U & Oil 4 33 i 63 I 3 59 3 13 4 92 4 3 64 3 57 3 14 4 90 4 31 4 93f 4 23 3 66 3 3 18 I 4 S3 4 S2 4 201 3 69 a 66 3 61 S SO, 1 32 3 19 3 20 3 23 28 4 21 4 201 3 tJ 3 t 3 61 3 69 4 72 4 64 4 16 3 70 4 62 4 10, 3 67 S64 Indicates Sunday. Die ofllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hags. Sheep. C, M. & St. P -r O. ft St. I. 1 Missouri Pacific 1 3 Union Pnclllc System 9 13 C. & N. W 10 P., E. & M. V IS 18 C, St. P., M. & 0 5 4 1 B, & M 56 3 ('., B. A. Q 6 C, R. 1. & P., east 1 C. R. I. & P.. west I Illinois Central 1 Totnl receipts 88 71 1 The disposition of tho day's receipts was as followu, each buyer purchasing the num ber or head indicated: Buyers. Ci Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cuduhy Packing Co Armour & Co Swift, from Kansas City R. Becker &. Degan iKibtnan & Co Livingstone & Schnller... A. S. Mnwhlnney Hamilton & R U F. Hube Wolf & M Krey Packing Co Other buyers ittle. Hogs. Sheep. CO 618 221 1,2.'3 422 5 236 767 2,551 Si) 65 164 95 4 9.1 24 29 Ill 92 Totnl 2.10) 4.49S 296 CATTLE Tho receipts of cattle todny wero Just about normal for this time of the week. There were n few cholco bunches In the yards, but as n general thing tho quality of both tho natives and the westerns was nothing extra. Packers, howwver, and also feeder buyers, took hold In good shape and as a result the market was active and stronger all unund on anything at all desirable. Good to choice beef steers wero In active demand this morning nnd strong prices wero pnld.tV string of thirty-two head of steers wclYhlng 1,392 pounds sold nt JS.20, which was considered a very satisfactory price. The market Is now fully ns high as it wns nt the close of lust week or ot any time this season. Common cattle this morning did not meet with very ready sale, as packers all scorned to be anxious for the better, grades and neglected com mon corn cuttle for the western rangers. There was not much change noticeable, though, In the prices paid. The cow mnrket was nctive nnd granger today. Packers nil bought freely irnd any thing desirable sold 5 10c higher than tho same kind brought yesterday. Prices nro not now more than a dime below those in force at the close of Inst week. Bulls, calves nnd slags may bo quoted fully steady today where tho quality was nt all satisfactory. Stockers and feeders of desirable quality were at a premium and n good many bunchcti sold considerably higher than tho snmo kind did yesterday. Prlcea nre now Just about back where they wero at the close of last week, the dcclluo of tho first two days of this week having been regained. Common cattlo also sold uteniv to strong today, ns comimrnd with vat-- day. Desirable grades of western beef steers wero In good request today at steady to strong prices, but the common kinds were more or less neglected nnd hard to dispose of at satisfactory prices, Stockers could a so safely be quoted strong to a dime higher whore the qui llty was good, and ine same was true of Iholco heavy feeders. Representative sales: BEEF SOBERS. No. A v. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. 1 760 2 25 13 952 4 60 1 650 2 25 22k 1083 4 60 2 25 26 1036 6 60 1 1060 4 10 31.' 1216 6 00 54 1081 4 40 32.1 1392 6 20 COW;?. 1 860 1 60 1 970 2 60 1 1050 1 50 3 1000 2 60 8 903 1 75 14 912 2 50 1 840 1 75 1 860 2 03 1 930 2 00 3 1040 2 75 4 942 2 10 8 1093 2 73 1 890 2 10 6 BOO 2 75 2 920 2 10 3 1006 3 30 8 970 2 16 1 116,1 3 6 896 2 25 1 1300 3 75 4 912 2 25 1 HfiO 3 73 3 1000 2 25 10 972 3 85 HEIFERS. 2 890 2 60 2 76.1 2 75 4 695 2 70 1 6.10 4 25 BULLS. 1 820 2 00 1 1200 2 40 2 1250 2 10 1 1080 2 60 1 1270 2 25 1 1250 2 6.1 1 1400 2 X 2 1695 3 00 1 1420 2 25 1 960 3 00 1 ..1100- 2 25 CALVES. 5 466 3 40 1 420 4 10 STOCK CALVES. 1 270 3 40 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 3 623 2 76 5 1118 3 60 2 620 2 75 20 1163 3 00 14 1001 3 10 14 1195 3 60 2 660 3 25 26 1074 3 75 NEBRASKA. 14 cows 1076 4 cows 1087 7 cows 961 1 feeder... 1000 3 36 19 hteers,...1034 2 steers,... 815 1 bull 109) 1 hull 10 0 1 bull 1510 1 calf 4f0 2 cows 970 1 feeder. . . 970 22 feeders . 542 3 75 2 V5 2 :o 2 ') 2 66 2 85 2 00 2 60 4 05 3 20 3 00 2 30 3 (0 2 00 4 60 3 25 3 60 3 00 2 0 2 0 2 2 2 ) 3 60 6 25 3 00 3 75 2 20 2 30 1 25 1 25 2 30 2 85 2 2 86 2 20 3 10 3 40 2 70 1 75 3 35 2 35 1 85 3 V, 2 60 3 70 3 7) 3 70 3 ) 2 25 2 00 2 90 4 30 2 35 2 86 3 35 1 60 3 00 2 40 2 00 2 86 2 75 2 90 4 50 3 00 2 75 2 26 2 75 3 00 2 80 2 25 2 25 2 93 2 00 3 35 3 00 2 .V) 2 85 2 85 2 85 1 21 2 85 2 85 2 30 2 20 2 75 2 10 1 75 4 60 2 75 2 75 1 85 2 75 4 steers.. ..1282 12 cows .1005 26 cows. 2 cows. 1 cow,. 1 cow.., 2 cows. 1 cow.. ... 963 ... 910 ... 670 ,..1060 ... 790 ...1190 2 feeders 1 feeder. 803 480 78i) 1 bull. 1 bull. 1 bull. 1 cow 1OS0 ....1260 ...,1210 1 COW 801) 15 cows 81,6 22 steers.. ..1072 1 Bteer 1000 1 bull 970 1 bull 1220 2 cows 830 1 cow 1060 3 cows 793 1 cow 870 1 cow 830 1 cow 1050 1 bull 1300 3 feeders.. 1024 1 feeder... 730 1 cow 1000 44 cows 1030 1 COW 1190 1 COW 1030 1 COW 960 2 cows 990 1 cow 1180 2 cows,. . . 92a 1 bull... ...1390 3 feeders.. 926 4 cows 962 IS feeders.. 724 4 calves. ,. 135 1 bull 900 1 bull 810 1 bull 1410 1 calf 130 2 feeders., 62. 48 feeders,. 895 6 feeders., 796 3 feeders., 760 1 feeder... 800 2 cows 865 6 cows 1082 1 cow 1140 1 calf 160 1 calf 300 1 calf 300 1 cow 1030 b cows..,, 1 cow 1 cow 1 cow 1 cow 1 row 1 cow 1 stag 1 stag 16 feeders. 34 cows..,, 1 feeder.. 6 cows.. . . 1 cow 1 hull 1028 . 750 . 910 . 910 .1010 .1070 . 820 .1470 .1260 . 923 . 952 . 900 . 811 . 90) 1360 5 feeders.. 938 8 cows 877 20 cows.., . 959 O. L. Harris Neb. 1 row,,. ...1130 3 25 2 feeders.. 1020 2 rows 102b 2 10 6 feeders.. 10-2 6 cows.. 4 cows.. 1 bull... . 7U z is 2 feeders. .1000 ,1012 2 75 1 steer 800 .140 1 60 E. P. Sklllmari-Neb, . 927 2 CO WYOMING, 22 cows. 16 cows 10M) 3 40 3 Btecrs. 830 1 75 6 cows 1015 2 95 Lahoute Land & Stock Co. Wyo, 1 steer... . 990 4 25 21 steers.. ..115 U Culvert Wyo. SI feeders, 1145 3 85 1 cow 1160 1 feeder.. .1127 3 85 1 cow 1240 2 feeders. .1265 JS5 1 cow 1210 1 feeder.. .1170 3 85 7 cows 1108 4 7( - i 2 75 3 25 3 25 1 stag 1600 3 25 Iron Mountain Ranch Co. Wyo. cows 970 3 35 S cows MS 2 60 43 cows,.. . 975 3 35 6 cows..... 961 2 !) 21 cows 97S 3 35 1 COW 1030 2 10 63 cows..,.. 901 2 ! Iron Mountain Ranch Co. Vmo 132 stecrs...HX7 3 55 115 steers. ...1030 3 6j 13 steers.... 9H6 3 u) 1 steer 1250 3 o 1 steer 1020 3 65 1 steer 910 3 55 1 steer ....1530 3 65 8 feeders.. 93S A 50 13 steers.... P." 3 t'i 1 steer 910 3 !) 1 steer.... lit') 3 -i 1 Htcer .. 1190 3 65 1 steer 1160 3 w HOGS There wero about tho same num ber of hogs ncro today tnat nnvo oecn nit have been , other mnrket' V ut this point tm et opened Just 1 ny sellers hnd T coming in of iitie, nut us outer wero reported tower prices n ...-irit off a little. The mnrket niwuit wii-ruK hut before miinv an opportunity to cut loose packers loweicd their bins nnu inn luiirKci wus wean io .-ju inu-nr. Thn hulk of the early sales went at J6.2714 nnd 16.30. Iater In the morning, when Chicago was roponcu closing sicauy in ou lower packers worn only bidding Jo.2.i mid J6.27'4. Sellers would not cut loose at thoso figures, however, so tho mnrket was rather slow for a time. Tho mnrket kept getting worec though, Instead uf better, and tin ploso whb Just about 6c lower, ns puck rs would not give over J6.25. It was n little lato before everything was out of llrt-t hands. ... Commission men nro now advising the r shippers to bo careful about buying old town, na the tendency Is for packeis to pound the market on them. They arc s II Ing fully 3oo higher hero than they arc In Chicago. Representative sales: No. av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 83 179 1 20 C 20 68 226 160 6 2714 63 279 400 6 26 61 283 Ml li 2i'4 C 25 66 250 320 6 27'4 6 25 r 304 240 6 2711 6 25 76 246 200 C 2714 6 25 47 303 10) 6 S7fj 6 25 35 288 ... 6 2714 6 25 60 271 ... 6 2714 6 25 73 244 120 6 274 li 25 77 229 240 6 274 6 25 60 261 80 ll 271j 61 2SI 40 65 308 40 75 228 40 64 337 160 22 253 ... 73 202 ... 4 210 120 48 187 80 47 254 40 100 164 80 o 2.1 62 Z6 W U .. 't 67 225 240 6 25 51 264 76 244 67 220 16 249 68 265 79 225 67 231 61 276 320 6 271s ICO 6 274 80 6 271 ... 6 2714 160 6i'7(j 200 6 2714 240 6 271a 71 235 401 6 274 62 283 200 6 2714 tv., iii ti ii's 60 26J 40 11 6 2714 6 2714 6 2714 6 2714 6 2714 6 271, 6 27W 7 268 61 262 62 269 60 279 00 262 63 330 68 260 68 240 200 40 'so 120 80 65 234 80 68 261 ... 69 212 SO 61 28S 200 61 244 120 30 0 30 t; so 1; 3i) 0 30 40 5 ?:W 66.. .296 320 6 2714 7i. 6 41 160 6 30 120 rt 30 44... 62... 63... 87... 62... 27 120 6 2714 6 271 74. 60. 64. 65. .. 195 ...267 ...215 ...268 ...2S7 ...191 ... 9.1 ...209 .1.257 ...202 ...2S3 ..235 ..221 ..214 ..247 80 6 90 240 6 27k ... 6 27, SO 80 G 30 tl 30 6 30 6 30 6 75 6 20 6 2714 6 87s 6 40 t 6 271 6 2714 6 2714 6 2714 60.. ..270 SO 160 480 40 69... 113.. 60... 41... 82... 43... 67 293 68 220 61 295 120 73 ,265 200 6 2714 63. Sill Jul 6 i'7'4 66 260 160 6 27U SHEEP There were not enough shreo on the market today to make a test of prices. All that was offered were a few odds and ends carried over from yesterdny, which sold at fully steady prices. A car of com mon lambs nrrlvcd. nnd they alio sold at wnni looKcu 10 oe iuuy sieauy lirii-n-. Judging from the way pnekers acted thoy 1 were anxious for good stuff, nnd nnythlrg k desirable would probahly have brought ai f much as It did yesterday. As noted y vs- i terd:;y, prlcer arc now 15tf25o higher than they were at the close of last week, both 'in fat Bheup and lambs, and nlso on feeders Quotations: Choice yenrllngs, J3.50'if3.C5; fair to good, J3.35'f3.50; cholco wethers, 3.3OCj3.50. fair to good wethers, J3.OOS3.30; cholco ewes, J2.75(3.00; fair to good ewes, J2.23Q2.75; choice spring lambs, SI.30tf4.CO; fulr to good spring lambs, S4.IWI.G0; teeder wethers, J2.90h3.25; feeder lambs, S3.2633.80. Representative sales: No. Av. Tr, 366 western wethers 66 3 85 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cottle Steady, Hogs Lower 11 ml Sheep Dull. CHICAGO, Oct. 18.-CATTLE-RecclptH. 2,000 head, Including 300 head Texans nnd 7 cars westerns; steady at decline of Wed nesday nnd Thursday; good to prime steers, nominally J6.10ii6.80; poor to medium, J3.75fi) 3.90; stockers nnd feeders. J2.25fr4.25; cowi, "$1.0034.60; heifers, J2.60flil.76 canners. JI.HIf 2.23; bulls, Jl.25fj4.76; calves, J.l.ltKiiO.r,; Texas steers, 12.803.75; western steers, J3.75'u0.50. HOGS Receipts, 21,000 head; estimated to morrow, 15,000 head; left over, 3,000 hend: Blow nnd 6iif.'10c lower, closing dull; mixed nnd butchers, S6.0flift6.60; good to cholco heavy, SC.2OIf6.70; rough heavy, S5.80ftn.l6; light, J5.90fi6.25; bulk of sales, J6.00fi.20. SHEEP AND LAM IIS RecelptH, 8.0OO head; dull und lower; lambs, dull and lower; good to choice wethers, J3.50ff3.90j lair to choice mixed, J3.lWf3.40; western sheep, J3.(jj(3.50; native lambs, S2.76iifl.75; western lambs, Jj.2flf4.60. RECEIPTS-Ofllrlal: Cattle. 9,165 hend; hogs. 21.618 hend; sheep, 18,526 head. SHIPMENTS-Olllclal: Cnttle, 4,192 head; hogs, 2,051 huad; sheep, 7,335 hend. Kansas City Lire Stork Market, KANSAS CITY, Oct. 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,000 head natives. 600 head Texans. 200 hend calves; best beef steers and choice teders, steady; other cattlo 10fll5c lower; cnoice export nnn uresseci ucer stners, ilt'i.40: fnlr to good. J4.Ko1i5.75: stockers feeders, J3.rKg 1.40; fed western Htecrs, J4.S5J 6.20; western range steers, J3.25ft4.75; Tex ans and Indians, J2.25ff3.60; Texas cows, J2.O0iS2.75; native cows, j2.6Og4.OO; holfers, .(r5.26: canning cows, S1.50t&0; bulls. . ioqii. raives, j.ik-j.di). HOGS Receipts, 7,0"0 head; market 60 lower; top, J6...0; bulk of sales, J6.05iJC.60; heavy, J6.4ofi6.60; mixed packers, J8.20'ii6.30: light. S5.fi5flfi.30: pigs, J4.90g5.C5. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.500 head; market steady: western lambs, $3.80. 4.75; western wethers, S-1.10f('3.5O: ewes, J2.4) aa25; feeders, J2.6O03.25; stockers, J1.7S4J tj i.75. I Nt. Joseph Live fitock Market. ST JOSEPH, Oct. 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,400 head; mnrket dull, but gen erally steady; natives. S3.0n)6.40: Trxnns nnd westerns. S2.75tJ5.90; cows nnd heifers, Jl.60.ftr,. 15; bulls and stags. J2.00ft5.no; stock ers and feeders, Jl,50fr4.30; yearlings and calves. J2.O0ff4.O0; veals, S3.23Afi.30. HOGS Receipts, 4,500 head; market steady to 5c lower; light and light mixed, J6.15fl6.30; pigs. Jl.50fffi.00; bulk. S6.30'r(6.IO SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. 2,0 0 head: mnrket steady; lamb-i, J3.S5ffl.75, yearlings. J3,25i?3.75; ewes, J2.85fj3.25; weth ers, J3.0O33.60. Stoek in Sight The following table shows tho recolpts of cattle, hogs nnd sheep at tho live principal stock markets for October 18: Uattie. nogs. Hheop. South Omaha Chicago Kansas City . St. IxiiiIh St. Josoph ... TotulH 4.742 21.000 7,000 6.K00 4,600 8,000 3,600 2. 00 2,000 13.094 44,042 16,656 Men Suffering from lots of nerveus force often owe tlieirconditlon to youthful ignorsact that fearful enemy to health. It is the builiien of science to repslr the dsmsge ceuted by the thoughtless yi.kiii.Ti w. f voilth. Dabllltv iimr - II f Itself. 1 Its victims drsg throurh a miserable orisicace, despondent. wni, listless, Utemlly feed the hungry nerves, rivlnf them th yreclte insrcdlenr de. J e-...e nuHuiiiui remedr cures Nerveus Debility, stops 11 ainai, icpiCT wskica iittucl, sends rich, wsrm life blood tingling through eery part, nuking every or- esnsctsnd csujlng you to glow with ealtb. 11.00 per box; 6 boxes (withguaran. tee to cure), S-ifo. Book free. " For sale by Kubn Be Co., Fuller Paint 4k Drug Co,, Omaha; Dillon's Drug store, Eouih Omaha, and Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs, la. Boyd Commiiiion Co 8ucceisors to James K. Boyd 4 Co., OMAHA, NEB. COMMISSION GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. Board of Trad lUta-. Direct wires te Chleage as New York. Correspondence. John A. Warren 4s Ct i WIIUIUV lower; . s. J5.80 y rs nnd 236 i