Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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GoTrnmeat0fBcil Piam to Eitabliih One
in WtBttrn Hjbraiktu
Mnn Who Shot Omtilin Pollrcinnii
AVIII R (Slim Mil l.lhrrlr To
ilnj r.rtHTnl Jtrna of
(From a Stnff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Oct. II. (Special.) William
L' Hall of WnMilnnton, superintendent of
tree planting for the I'nltcd States
bureau of forrutry of the Department
of Acrlculturc, wns In the 'city tolay con
ferring with Oovernor Savage and Dean
Ilcssey of the University of Nebraska rela
tive to plans for creatliiK a permanent tree
planting reserve In western Nebraska. Oov
ernor Savage nud Dean Ilcssey assured him
that thoy would heartily support the ven
ture and would use their Influcnco toward
bringing about the desired end.
"The bureau of forestry has had n field
party In western Nebraska during the sum
mer months Investigating tho conditions and
possibilities of tho soil," said Mr. Halt.
"The party was organised nt Kearney and
from there went westward along tho Platta
river to the western boundary line of tho
state, thoiico In n northeasterly direction
nd back again to Kearney, completing ths
circle, which Included nil Important points
of interest. The object was to determine
tho possibility of tlmbor growth and the
adaptability of tho sand hill roll to tlm
bor. Our Investigations proved very sat
((factory and wo nro fully convinced that
certain kinds of trees can bo grown In any
part of tho state. Tho westorn bull pine
Little Liver Pills.
Must Hear Signature f
3m FscSlsalle Wrapptr Bctow.
rr assail aa4 mm mmmf
to take as afar.
Two Elements
of pleasurable social life
-are health and hospitality.
Contributes to
both as the phy
sician's and the
host'sfirst choice
because of its
Superb Flavor
It is (he American
We Know What We Are Talk
ing About.
That's Why We Guarantee
Smith's Green Mountain
We had heaid considerable of the won
derful ruratlve properties of thin medicine,
and knew that for years It was contldered
In tho Past, where It wnii known by bath
physicians and laity, as tho brat blood and
uervo remedy In oxlstence. Wo also knew
that II was sold only by one lending phar
macist In ouch city and town; nnd In view
of nil information we feel honored to repre
sent It in this section and can truthfully
ay that the snlo Is marvelous nnd that
It Is dolns lots of good hereabouts. We
Bunranteo It to cure nil blood 'and nervo
disorders, rheumatism, kidney and liver
complaint nnd dyspepsia. And we guar
nntee It to plvo streriKtti. Drmt department
Boston store, Omalm, Neb., solo ngonts.
Imperial Hair Regenerator
The Standard Unlr Coloring:
for !rj or Illrni'lird Hair. 1 a clfn.
dtirahls amt pntfi'tlr liainilrM Ita.r
Coiorln. An natural tliaite. Lravtui;
hair iM-atitltiil, rlran ami cIomjt, ON!
Haniiilr ut hair rolorM It. Prtvaf J
atauritl. bead fur Pamphlet,.
Imperial Chemical Mfg. Co, 133 W 23d, NY
and th Jack pine of Michigan are the
inr growth in the sand hills country.
The former Is tho tree so common In the
fine Itldgo territory.
"As a result of our Investigations the
recommendation will ho maAn ihoi ih nn.
vj .. ... r.v i
ernment set aside a considerable nrea In
it.e and hill region m a permanent forest
ireo planting icservc. It would be n na
tional affair and thn e.xpenno would be
oorno by the national government. It
would be for experimental as well as for
the establishment of a permanent forest."
air. nail win leave in a few days for
vtasmngton and will present bis recom
mendation tn the limner nfflrlnU. Ilo
Interest the Nebrnln roncreMlnntil iliOn.
gallon in the subject and with their aid
lie nopes 10 obtain the necessary conces
KiiKtiior'x I. Iff- Nrnt.Mire Com unit rrt
uovernor MAvnce tortnv mmmm i,.
three years, six months and six das tho
mo sentenco of August Kastner, who was
Kumiciu in uouglns county In 1898 for kill
Ing Police Officer !)nn Tleilrinnn. Tho toil
tion for executive clemency was signed by
Chief of I'ollco Donahuo of Omnha, the
trial Judge beforu whom Kastner was con
vlcted, the prosecuting attorney who had
tiinrgo or mo case for the statu nnd by
former Chief Detective Hcmmlnir. Th nh.
brevlatcd sentence will expire tomorrow
and Kastnor will then be given uncondi
tional liberty.
August Kastner was arrested with father
nnu urotner on tho triple charge of bur
glary, killing ortlcer Tledeman nnd wound
ing umccr mover. Tho two policemen
wero sent from headnunrters in invni.
gate a reported robbery of a saloon on
the north sldo of Omaha. As they wero
approacning the building somebody fired nt
them, killing Tlcdemnn nnd wounding Clo
ver. The Kastners wero subsequently ar
rested, but thu father nnd brother were
acquitted. Tho persons who wore Instru
mental m securing the commutation assert
iiiai me evidence upon which August Kast
ner was convicted was purely circum
stantial. NiiflnllM I.iilmr Protrnt.
Secretary of Stato Mnrch this afternoon
listened to nrcumnntn nn th nmi.i nt 11-
H. S. Aley nnd M. Herman of this city,
HMiinni pmcing the names of tho socialist
Inbor party nominees upon the offlclnl
ballot. Prof. J. A. Iloyce, chnlrman of tho
now party's central committee, nppenrod
for tho defense. Th
r.. Miftia ( ma v
tlio now party has adopted n portion of an
urn pany name, which Is contrary to the
election law. Tho matter was tnken under
advisement of Secretary Marsh and decision
will be given within tho next few days.
JVew Incorporation.
Articles of Incorporation of the Onto City
Tanning nnd Manufacturing company of
Omaha wero recorded in tho secretary of
stato's ofFlco today. The company Is capi
talized for $20,000 and the stock Is held bv
II. O. Douglas, Charles A Wagner, J. F.
Ely, J. C. Klllarney, D. B. C. Long.
Tho Southwick Loan nnd Trust company
of Friend, Snllno county, Incorporated to
day under tho laws of tho state. Capital
stock amounting to $100,000 Is held by Linus
R. Southwick and William O. Southwick.
Tho Lincoln Tent nnd Awning company
of this city filed articles of Incorporation
In tho secretary of state's onice. The stock,
J10.000. is held by Milton Durch, M It.
Burch, J. P. Stowc nnd II. l nose.
All Trneher Dxpectoil.
Tho fnct thnt no progrnm has been nr
ranged for tho superintendents nnd princi
pals at the forthcoming convention of the
Nebraska Stato Teachers' association. s
snld not to Indlcato that thoso educators
are not expected to attend tho convention.
'Tho superintendents nnd principals nro
expected to attend tho convention Just tho
snmo as before." said Superintendent Pow
er. "They form nn auxiliary organization
to tho teachers' nssoclntlon nnd It Is Im
portant that they nttend and pnrtlclpatu
lu tho deliberations of tho general body."
Two Contention nt ftiirliiRfldil.
SPRINOKIKLD. Neb., Oct. 14.-(Speclal
Telcgrnm.)-Tho Sarpy county democratic
convention was hf Id hero todny. There was
a full attendance of delegates from all
precincts. This ticket was placed In nomi
nation by acrlamatlon: For clerk, Charles
Dehrondt; for sheriff, IM McBvoy: for
treasurer, Patrick McCormlck; for Judge
A. K. Langdon; for superintendent, Ooorgo
Miller; for county surveyor, William Pat
terson; for coroner. Dr. not; for commis
sioner, loeomi district n r.
populist county convention wns also held
here today, the populism wanted to fuse
with tho democrats and desired to name tho
candidate for cither Judge, sheriff, or clerk,
but tho domocrnts refused. They then nut
up this partlol ticket t For clerk. Dr. .1.
C. Kllngraan; for treasurer, Arthur Ire'.
land; for sheriff, M. O. Arraes; for coroner
Dr .1 a. Peter; for commissioner, second
district. 0, W. noore.
The republican conty convention will
held hero next Wednesday.
Old Solillrrn or lllulr Mourn.
nLAIIt. Net,., Oct. H.-(SpeclaI.)-Odd
Fellows hall wns crowded yesterday after
noon where memorial services wero held for
William McKlnley. Mombers of tho Orand
Army of the Republic nnd of the Women's
Relief lorps ami their families. The memo
rlnl sermon wns preached by Rov A. D
Finch, pastor of tho Christian church, who
Is a member of the firand Army of the
Republic. Chaplain Theodore Hallor rend
the ninetieth psalm and tho ritual momo
rial servtco wns clven. Tlin rhnir .
Congregational church, assisted by tho pas-
lor, uev. j. vi. uarken, furnished music.
Rev. M. L. Ooff of North Plnttn nmr !
Kindly Light." The charters of both lodge'
wero draped In mourning.
I'lnttfimoiith Woninn'a Club,
PL'ATTS.MOUTII. Neb.. Dot nia
Cint.) Mrs. II. D. Trnvls
....... . -1 vuntvw ad tun
meeting of tho Plnttsmouth Woman's club,
aire. M. Kison. delegate to tho stnte federn
tion at Wayne, gave an intoresil lltr iinn mint
of thnt meeting, Mrs. M. n. Stouten-
norousn was elected a dolegato to tho na
tional biennial mcetlnc of w
to be held nt Los Angeles, Cnl., next May.
Mrs. unrun delivered an address on the
llfo nnd death of Iresldent MeKlninv i
new club paper, under tho management
of Mrs. Follows and Mrs. Sleoth, Is bolng
Ktuntj friparn to EnterUit 600 Dale
gates to Orand Lodge,
VetHrnnn Hold .tlpinorlnl,
SCHUYLER. Neb,, Oct. 11. (Special.)
Under orders from headyunrterB, Phil
Sheridan post No. iO, Orand Army of tho
Republic, held memorial services for Wil
liam McKlnley In thn Methodist church
Sunday afternoon. Comrado Miles Zent
meyer delivered the principal address, bo
Ing followed with a short closing address
by Rev. Yost. The choir sang "Sweet Dc
Thy Sleep," "Nearer, My Ood, to Theo"
and "America."
Catholic Vou nnr lriiilt Confirmed.
SUTTON, Neb., Oct. . (Special.)
Sixty young people were confirmed in tho
Catholic church yesterday. Illshop Rona
cum conducted tho exercises. The services
wero largely attended by Catholics and by
many of other denominations.
nnlsr Mnnc for School l.lhrnr'.,
SCHUYLBR, Neb., Oct. .-(Speclal.)'
Tho net receipts of a Midway museum and
entertainment given Friday and Saturday
nights amounted to over 150. The money
will be used for tho benefit of the school
I. W. .Mchiitn of Onmhn, Cnmmntiilnii
of Mir Pntrlnrcha Mllltnnt, tes
nil Aililrr-fta nt the Oprn
Iiir MrctliiK.
KEARNEY, Neb., Oct. 11. (Special Tele
gram.) Kearney hos been preparing to re
eclve delegates to the forty-fourth annual
session of tho Independent Order of Odd
l ellows. The city presents a pleasing
spectacle today. Streets have been deco
rated with flags bunting nnd banners, and
from ono end of the city to tho other are
emblems of the order. The many delo-
gates of tho Independent Order of Odd Fel
lows nnd Rebcknh orders begnn nrrlvlng to
day, and things will bo in order for regutnr
business tomorrow. The Rebckah lodge of
this place will give nn cntcrtnlnmcnt for
tho Rebckah delegates, followed by a re
ceptlon tomorrow evening.
A short meeting was held tonight by tho
Independent Order of Odd Fellows to gather
the delegates together. A short speech was
made by Colonel J. W. Nichols of Omaha,
commandant of tho Patriarchs Militant
When the delegates have all nrrlved they
will number COO. Places of accommodation
have been provided for their welfare. The
program for tomorrow will be n session of
the grand encampment at the hnll In tho
forenoon. In the evening there will be a
special session of the grand lodge nt tho
Armory, when 300 delegates will take tho
grand lodge degree.
These nro the names of the head officers
who will participate during the three days
session: H. C. Johnson, grnnd master,
Holmesvllle; C. A. Randall, deputy grand
master, Newiuau drove; I. r. Oagc, grand
secrotary, Fremont; F. 13. Bryant, grand
treasurer, Omaha.
I'liiKsiniintli Co in puny Incorporated
mid Sui'vi-rnrii Sent Into
the Field.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Oct. 14. (Spe
clal.) Tho Plattsmouth Canal and Powor
company has been Incorporated with n
capital 3tock of $230,000. Tho directors
elected these olflcors: Charles C. Parmelo,
president; C. D. Long, vice president;
Frank J. Morgan, secretary nnd treasurer.
Civil englncors were put In tho field this
morning nnd will push tho survey ns fast
as possible. Tho names of tho men con
nected with the enterprise aro sufficient
ovldcnco to convince tho most skeptical
thnt tho canal will be built.
Clinrle Slurry TnkiMi to 1'nlrliurj- to
Anniver ClmrKf of Steal
ing Hok.
BEATRICE. Neb., Oct. 14. (Special Tele
gram.) Upon ndvlce received from Sheriff
Donnowltz of Jefferson county Charles
Spcrry was arrested here yesterday. Spcrry
Is accused of stealing $45 worth of hogs near
Falrbury. He wns tnken to Falrbury today
to stand trial.
lohimnn County MorlgnReii.
TECUMSEH, Neb., Oct. 14. (Spcclnl.)
During July, August and Soptombor these
mortgage transactions accrued In Johnson
county: Twenty-seven farm mortgages
wero filed, amounting to $41,872, while
twenty-eight were rclensed, amounting to
$30,616; of city mortgages, twenty wero
filed, amounting to $6,091.34; and twelve
were rcloased. amounting to $5,530.85; 171
chattel mortgages, amounting to $81,299.41
woro placed on file, whllo flfty-slx wero
released, amounting to $17,676.25. Tho
grnnd lotnl filed was 218, nmounting to
$132,262,72, nnd the totnl roleases wero
ninety-six, nmounting to $33,731.10.
Alleged Ilonltcr Tnkvu to Ilcdford.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Oct. 14. (Spe
cial.) W. C. McGinnls, tho sheriff, from
Bedford, In., returned homo today with
J. II. Reed, and Mozo Weston, arrested
on the charge of burglary. Deputy Sheriff
II, M. Loug, remained here, and Is looking
for two other men, who It Is alleged, as
sisted them in tho robbery of Chilcott
Bros,, nt Conwny, la.
To Take Trip Arnund tho World.
FREMONT, Neb.. Oct. 14.. (Special.) II.
A. Mulllkcn, who was one of tho early
settlers of Nlckerson township, but n resi
dent of Fremont for the. last flv years,
left today for a tour around the world. He
expects to bo gone eight months. He will
visit many plncc of Interest In Europe
and Asia, Including the Philippines.
I jar . t w I ii rti- m
"Imitation is the Most
P Sincere Flattery."
Oh, yes! You sec Nicolfs prices all around
town, but there's a decided difference in the
meaningwhen Nicoll's name is there to
back them up.
Who's Your Tailor?
Does ho Satisfy you in JPrioe, Quality, Stylo, JPit and.
Workmanship ?
Does ho offer you a generous variety to select
The price alone has no meaning; it's necessary to compare the quality of the ma
terial, the trimmings, the tailoring, the style and lltting.
You'd hardly think it, but the fact is, there's a great ileal more in the 1XS1D10
than on the OUTSIDE of a garment.
It is customary, when ordering garments, to feel of the cloth in a knowing way in
order to judge of its quality. That's all right! Some cloths aro better in texture
than others in iinish. in wearing quality and durability of dyes.
But the cost of that cloth, however good, is considerably less than the cost of la
bor and linings. It is in what is called the TAILOHlXCi that the real quality of 11
garment lies the sewing of the seams, the pocket points, the edges, the sliapuig and
the finishing.
These are the points that add cost and give quality to properly made garments,
nnd they are the particulars of which the average buyer knows the least.
If you understand all these points, as well as it is our business to know them, you
would appreciate more fully why garments made by Xicoll The Tailor are far superior
to the ordinary kind.
Nicoll's cash methods, wide assortment and extensive business have placed
moderate priced tailoring foremost in the clothing world.
Trousers, $5. $6, $7, $8, $9, $10.
Suits, $20, $25, $30, $35, $40
All of our garments are made by the best skilled tailors of Omaha,
209211 South 15th Street, Karbach Block,
Cora Grnliam Aaka for Divorce.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Oct. 14. (Spc-
rial.) Cora A. Oraham, through her at
torneys, Clark & Itawls, has filed a petition
n district court asking for a divorce from
her husband, William Graham. Sho al
leges desertion and cruol neglect and asks
that her maiden name, Corn A. Cotner. bo
More Honor for Drinl President.
nBATRICK. Neb.. Oct. 14. (Sneclnl Tel.
egram.) Memorial services In honor of
William McKlnley wero held at the Cnn.
gregational church hero yesterday. Colonol
W. S, Tllton. editor of tho Evening Times,
paid nn eloquent tribute to tho martyred
president. A large congregation was present.
Funeml nf Mri. I'hllpot,
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Oct. 14. (Speclal.)-
Funoral services over the body of Mrs.
Will H. Phllpot were held In tho Oaptlst
church Sunday afternoon. A largo number
wero In attendance. Rev, John A. Currlo
of tho Presbyterian church preached tho
More Trnnim Sent to Fort Itunaell,
CHEYENNE, Wye. Oct. 14. (Special.)
Citizens of Cheycnno are pleased to learn
that tho headquarters staff and band of the
Eighteenth infantry will be stntloned ut
Kort Russell. This post has nlways been
an Important ono In the west, but not since
tho outbreak of the war with Spain has
there been a largo force nt Fort ItussolU
Tho storo houses nt Kort Rii66cll have
been filled with supplies and It Is expected
that 'a large force will bo kept there from
now on. Tho company of tho Twenty. first
will bo ordered away, but with the battalion
of the Eighteenth nnd tho battory of artil
lery and hospital corps, tho force at Fort
RusBell will number 600 men, as many as
wero stationed there beforo tho war with
lniMnnn Acrimeil of Home Stealing.
YANKTON, S. a. Oct. 14. (Special.)
James O. niatno and Henry nialne. Indians
from tho Yankton agency, were brought
nerore united States Commissioner E. T.
White on a charge of horsu stealing. They
wero bound over to the next term of United
btates court on 1500 bonds.
Prickly Ash nitters cures disease of the
kidneys, cleanse and strengthens tnie liver,
tcmacn and towels.
DcleKUtt'N from AH Out
Dnkotii AHsemlilo nt
Knplil Cll.
RAPID CITV, S. D., Oct. 14. (Special.)
Tho annual meeting of tho Federation of
Woman's Club of tho lllnck Hills was lu
his city Friday and Saturday. Delegates
from Lead, Deadwood, Hot Springs, Whlto
wood, Keystone, Custer nnd other places
wero present, every woman's club In tho
Hills being represented. Frldny Mrs. W. T.
Coad of this city delivered tho annual ad
dress, covering several Interesting sub
jects. Mrs. J. n. Dakgr of Load spoko for
n few minutes on "Domestic Economics."
This was followed by the annual rcportb of
tho ofTleors. Tho program for tho evening
was made up of vocal solos and duets nnd
Instrumental music, In which Miss Abblo
Whttesldo and Miss Laura Host, formorly
of Vermilion, S. D., took part.
Saturday Mrs. Loomls S. Cull read n pa
per on "Libraries" nnd .Mrs. I. R. Crow
of Lead sang a solo. Mrs. W. T. Robert
son of Deadwood had a paper on "Village
Improvements," This topic wns nlHo ills
cussed by MrB. James Holmes of Whlto
wood. Mrs. Jumcs It. Sharp of this city
gave a piano solo. Mrs. Fred Whitney of
Keystone read a paper on "Child Study."
A paper was read by Mrs. O. C. Moody of
Deadwood on tho same topic, which had
been prepared by Mrs. E, F. Tucker of
Lead, In the evening n reception wnh
given tho visiting delegates and their
friends nt tho homo of .Mrs. W. T. Coad,
president of tho federation.
tho Holy Terror Mining company nnd P.
B. McCurty of Rapid City. During tho trial
discouraging reports wero placed tn circu
lation about tho mine and the town becamo
dead. Only u portion of tho stamps wero
used and most of tho men wero lot out.
Now the announcement has been rando that
the oro on tho 1,100-font level Is found to be
richer than expected. A shaft is being sunk
nn additional 100 feet, which will make It
the deepest shaft In tho niack Hills. The
company expects tn start up fifteen mora
stamps, making thirty In all. Regular divi
dends will bo resumed In n short time. Tho
mlno has paid nearly $200,000 In dividends,
besides paying for the development of the
property. Its mills and original cost of thn
mine. A Milwaukee company Is erecting
forty-stamp mill near town, which will bo
commissioned soon. Tho Keystone district
Is located on the southern end of tho Home
stako oro belt.
Kejntoni! linn n llooiii.
KEYSTONE, S. D., Oct. 14. -(Special. )
Keystone has tnken on new life slnco tho
settlement of tho famous lawsuit between
Viiiil.lon liotN lletter Trnln Service.
YANKTON, S. D., Oct. 14. (Special.)
Senator Gamble nnd Judgo Hartlett Tripp
received n letter from President Earllng
nf tho Milwaukee railroad Friday, stating
that ho would Immediately lake up tho
question of better train Bcrvlco for this
city on tho Plntto uxtctiHlnn. Some tlma
ago tho road changed Its train scrvlco on
tho Plntto branch, ' cutting Yankton out
nnd running tho passenger trains via
Marlon Junction. Yankton business men
objected to tho change nnd carried tho mat
ter to President Earllng.
ContlutN lleeoine CI tl.i'im.
PIERRE, S. D., Ort. 11. (Special Tele
gram.) Oovernor Ilerreld has granted par
dons for Otto nnd Gust Hogo, sentenced in
Codington county for assault with dan
gerous weapons. Tho pardon lakes ef
fect ono day heforo tho expiration of cn-
tenco nnd restores citizenship.
what you
Dyspepsia Cure
Some people wonder why pepsin preparations don't
help their dyspepsia. They probably suffer because
they can't digest foods that pepsin does not affect.
The reason is, pepsin digests only nitrogenous foods,
while different substances arc required to digest the
variety of other foods necessary for proper nourishment.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure contains all the digestants, and
is capable of completely digesting every kind of food.
That is why it digests what you cat and allows you to
cat all the variety you want; and that is why it cures
indigestion, even after everything else has failed. As
it is the only preparation of the kind known, the de
mand for it has become enormous. Its use affords in
stant relief from all forms of stomach trouble.
It can?t de vou nnnrl
Prepared by E. 0. DoWItt & Co., Chicago. Tho 11. bottlo coftalnsSK tluTes tho 60c. susa.
When you suffer from biliousness or constipation, ine the famous little liver
pills kuovfu aa DeWIU's LiUio EARLY RISERS. They never gripe.
Land Marks
Mads famous by the early Traders, Explor
ers, Pioneers, Mormons, Emigrants, Pony
Express Riders, Overland Stage Coaches,
Indian Encounters, etc., are seen from the
car windows of the Union Pacific trains.
In traveling over this line you can sec the
wonderful achievements of the Union Pacific
engineers over mighty chasms, lofty peaks,
and through mountains of solid rock.
Be sure your ticket reads OVER THIS ROUTS.
City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam A
Broadway, Stli Avenue and 27th Street, NEW YORK,
In tho Cantor of tho shopping district.
A Modern Klrst-Class Hotel. Complete In all its appolntmints. Furnishings and
decorations entirely new throughout. Aooornmodntlons for BOO hucMs; 150 suite with
hatha. Hot and cold water and telephono in every room. Cuisine unexcelled.
UBUHCB W. 8VEU.ti;t. 11 oprletur.