Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Advertisements for theae column
will bit Ulirn until 13 an. tat the
evening edition mid until p, m.
tut mornlic and Sunday edition.
Hatea, 1 l-2c a vrtird Hrat larertlon,
le a YTrit thereafter. Nothing taken
for. Ira (hull 2rie lor the flrat Inser
tion. Tlifie advertisements ami be
tmn rnnnecntl vely.
Advertlaera, by reqneaflpar a
berrd check, can have answer! ad
alreased tit m nn inhered letter ta ear
of The tier. Answers to addreaaed will
ba seltvered sreaeatatlea al !
aheek amir.
STENOGRAPHER, many years' experi
ence; good (jlllcc mnn. good references,
ltiUrit hnvo work: would accept position
out of town. Address J 30, Hee.
wanter-mali: help.
GOOD messengers wutilca. A. 13. y,, H.
13th. .
WANTED, a good, man in ovcry county to
inkn niilitrlplloii3 for Tlio Twentieth Con
tury Farmer. Our ugents iriuko good
wages overywncrc. iicicruuccs reiimreu,
I i wtnuuui leniury tanner,
Omiihii, N61).
wants representative to handle lino cf
pants, shirts and overall on commis
sion; state experience mid full particu
lars. Address J lo, Heo. IJ-MVJ7 14
MUN nml women to do copying :it liom -; write a fair Imiid; ?: to 112 weekly
working uvetilngs; positively no cniivns
slug; iioloHii stump. Northwest Copying
Co., Ilox K'), Minneapolis, Minn.
H-M9I2 1C
WANTED lit once, teacher of mandolin,
gultnr and tmnjo; must ho a good mundn.
lln soloist. Colorado Conservatory, Fort
Collins, Colo. II Mill 10
GOOD, strong, steady boy. Omaha llox Co.,
East Omaha. H 031
CIVIL service government positions: 9,S.v'J
appointments lunuu inst year; proouuiy
10.000 this year: common school education
required for the examination. Catalogue
or information rreo, rniuiuniau t. orrc
spouderio,o College, Washington, D. C.
WANTED,- reliable, middle-aged woman for
Kenerul work In small family, containing
an invalid, proier one or Homo, experi
ence .with sick persons. J. S. Knox, N Y,
L. .Hldg. H-M1V5 IB
salesmen wanted.
fiALEBMAN, Rood inedleal book salesman
to cnnvnss surgeons of Omaha on a nw
and Important' surgical publication Jl-si
Issued, t'amell Co., 7 anil U Went 18th
Htrect, New York. 1X1 II
wa n th i !' i :m a l k help.
WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 DodRC. Tel. S7G.
10 OIRL8, nil kinds work. Canadian Olllcc.
c I'.i
A OOOD paylilR position to an enerRellu
lady In enth town; aluo lady traveleis to
reprenont us. 'I'hyrold-l,yinph Co.. i
Ue IlldR. V(M
W'ANTBO. Rlrl for Reneral houeworkj
anmll family: no wmhIiIiii;; references ro
iiutrcd. Apply nt 415 N. L'Oth st.
C-M!l !!
OIHIj fxir Kcperal housework, 23T.I Call-
rornin. t. w in
M'ASTKD. ulrlH In our shirt faetoiy.
eoruef llth and UojRlas sts. .M. K. Smith
Co., oniana, rseii. sissii ia
WAMTtCn Yoiihk ladles to learn halr
dtrsslnK. matilciirliiR or maHsaRe, com
pletn 'course Riven In four weeks, posi
tions at P to $1." weekly Riiarnnleed
Rrndilates, tools presented, diplomas
awarded, ('nil or write ror caiaioRite.
.Moler C'alleec, 1C3 larnnin Ht.
C-.M IJ2-1S
OUt!,. for Reneral hoimovwirk In family tif
two. . Must ho Rood cook. SIM llarney,
VOH 1 1 1 5XT-1 1 U US U.S. v
IP YOU want your homes well rented
piaco uiem wiin nenawii & uo. D-IG3
8KirilI5NUYn. I'AYNH, C01 T'yTuU'K
D W0
TO MOV13 rlRht net Omnhn Van HtornRO
Co., dlllce IBU',4 l'urnam, or tel. ir.M-8G3.
U 171
HOU8KS, stores. Ilcmls, rnxton block.
HOU8KS, etc. F. D. Wend, 1521 nouijias
1IOU815S nnd lints. Illngwnlt, Darker nik,
I) 174
FOR IlENT, U-room stone house, -115 N
25th St. II. T. Clurkc. 427 ItaniRo Hlk.
' D 477
3S5 PAIUClCIt 8T., 10 rooms, city water,
lUIlltllt! UIMI llitlll, ll'Hl, fl-.OI',
lClh nnd OoiiRlns Sts.
I 1IOUBKB for rent In til parts of the city.
i iircnnnn-L.ove o,, noiiiu i.nn sireei.
FOtt1 llKNT, house and barn, all modern,
National Hank IIUIr. D-IS1
HOUSKS-WllEATON, 42S lnxton Illk.
I) IS2
C-HOOM rottoRe, 112. Itmulre 2710 l'nrker.
13 153
NO hard conl necdea, central, seven room
houBo: nlso tlve room lint. Tl.rurd. 221
is, 24th, n-Wti N !
6-ROOM dotnehed house, all modern, lnwn,
etc., ii'i a. aim. win nrowne, jr.
841 S. 23D ST., 4-room flat. In linn repnlr,
ciiy wnior in Kiieneii; rem, 10.
10th uud Douglas fits,
FOR .RENT, -six-room cottage, 2211 Call
forma street convenient; city and clsteri
water. Apply at 007 N. 1'Jth street.
DHSIRAniJJ dwelling, 10 rooms, modern,
gns, uatn, iiiruace, laundry, excellent re
pnlr, good location. 2W2 No. JSth St. Ap
ply to Garvin Ilros., 1001 Farr.nm St.
. . D-Mljpl
2747 B. 1ST 1 1 ST., B rooms, In lino condition,
city water in kitchen: rent. 110.
10th mid Douglas Sts.
7-ROOM modern. 2703 Howard st. Tel.
A1132. E. O, Hamilton, 211 S. 17th.
' D-MMtf
824 S, 29TH AVE., now brick dwelllng"of
S-rooins, thoroughly modern. Ilrst-elass In
every particular, 110. Garvlu llros., iwi
Farnam St. I) Dun
2201 MAPLlT St., 8 rooms, 120.
112 No. 2flth St.. 9 rooms, modem, 130.
ELEGANT apartment of 7 rooms, "The
Nonnnndle," steam heat, elec. It. or rhi,
Janitor, telephone, ball room, etc. Payne
Knox Co., inulu II. N, Y. Life Hldg.
S19 S. 2STH AVE.t S rooms, nil modern, good
16th nnd Douglas Sts.
UOG S. 32D ST., 10 'rooms, steam heat, mod
rn. D-M131 IS
FOR the winter, 4 cottages, with bath,
Insldo closet, sink, gus,. nil In good-re.
pulr, near car, good neighborhood, only
112 each. Wnllnce, 311, J, J. Ilrown block.
TEN-ROOMrmodern. large yard, 2019 St.
Mary's Ave,, 150, Others. Rlngwall Hros.,
Marker Hlock. D-M105-11
TEN-ROOM, modorn. .110 S. 22d St. Ring
wait Bros., Darker Illock. D-M107
FIVE-ROOM furnished hoie In South
Omnhn, splendid location. Address llox
G, Deo oftloe, South Omaha.
,w . D-.M2)7 15
COMPLETELV furnished home, ciio'ee
location, for rent for the winter, to small
tenilly. AUdreea J 30, lice. D-M2.J 10
rtm hi:.t iiotsKs.
FOH ItKNT, good 7-room modern hou.
.".r.'l I'HCinc, 12b. U. V. HIIOIS CO., JI'I
N Y Mfe U-M242 1J
DANDY 6-room cottage. !W N. 27lh st.
i'oh iti:.T-ri ii.isiii:n miosis.
DI2WKY Kuropean hotel. 13th nnd Farnam.
T1IK THL'ItdTON.'.Cool, airy rooms
2 .,t-1',',Y furnished rooms, well heated,
1S08 Capitol nve. K ffln
3 IIOO.MS, light housekeeping. 1112 S. llth
3 ltOO.MS with bath, none but those with
jut; nesi or rererenco need apply. (V, Sj,
th. K-M121 VJ
I'tKNtHIIHD or Unfurnished rooms frr
iiKiu nouscKeeping, steam Heat. 31314
lftth. Flat I.. K-M277 lo
FFNISMi:i rooms, itenm hent. 2011
iinrney. 11
ONK nice furnished room for rent cheap.
'0 N. 23d St. H-.M17S
LAROf; nicely furnished front room, down
town, to woman; can do light housekeep
Iiir. ltia Jackson. U-2tW 13
Ft It.M.Himi) HOOSl.t AM) IIOAItl),
UTOI'IA. 1721 Davenport St.
QLF.NCAIKN, transient $1.20 day, 1C09 Doug.
FL'JINISIIKD rooms with board. 2376 Har
ney at. F-UJS Oil' ,
N1CI3 home for young men. ICS S. 23th st.
r 01 j
ROOM for 2 gentlemen. C03 S. 23th nve,
A NICKI.Y f'jrnlshed room with hoard for
gentleman; price IIS. 71S So. 2Sth St.
F-M1! 15
DLSk room space, 13 per month, ground
Moor room In Tho Ueo building, facing
Farnam street; no expense for light, heat
or Janitor service. It. C. 1'etcrs & Co.,
Rental Agents, Keo Uulldltm. U lit;
LIGHT housekeeping, 2020 St. Mary's uve.
FOR I li: NT, store In Ilrst-class location:
rent reasonable. Appiy it, u. i-eters c
Co., ground lloor, Hee HIiIr. 1200
FOR HUNT, olllcc with vnult and part first
uoor or 1111 n.p uoor. iih-iu narney hi.
Midland ciless and Faint Co., 1410 llaruoy
St. I-4SS
FOR IlENT, tho building formerly occu
pied uy 1 no nee ui yiu I' lirnam hi. it nas
four stories anil n basement which wna
formerly ared as Tho Ilea press room.
This will bo rented very reasonably. If
Interested apply nt once to C. C. Rose
wntcr, secretary, room 100, Ueo llulldlng.
MKMOIUAJ. Mfe of JlcKlnley, four Un-
Riuiges, ip pages, ion nnutones, in.wi free
outfit. W. A. lllxenbaiuih & Co., SO)
Ware hlork, Omalin. J SC5
COUNTRY canvassers can mnko good
money uiKing suuscriptions to 'l no Twen
tleth Century Farmer as n side line. Ref
erences required. Address lice Publishing
Co., Omaha, Neb. J-012
AGENTS wanted for new publications;
prospectus, etc., rree. ueorge Harric &
Son, 1313 Walnut St., Philadelphia.
J-M281 Janl2
OFT FIT free; credit given: cut prlco
.mikis immiks; wir hook, lac; 11 noon, ;uc:
11.50 book. Me j 12.S0 book, 73e. Also best
life McKlnley. Ferguson, 3311 Fifth St.,
t'lneliinall. J M171 II
PACIFIC Storago and Warehouse Co., 012
814 Jones, general storago nnd forwnrdlng.
OM. Van Stor. Co., 13ll! Forn. TeIs7Tb53-cC3!
STORAGE, low rates. Derlght. 1119 Farnam
st. -S77
WAvruu-To nuv.
AVANTED, 10 carloads of furniture nnd
staves for St. I.ouls Expo. Tel. 771. Ad
dress J. Uvlne, 3W N. 10. N 5.S4 031
WANTED A secondhand bank safe. Ad
dress; J 7, lice N S.S2 20
WANTED, to buy, Rood second-hand top
buggy; must be cheap, for cash; state
price, and where enn be seen. Address
J 20,Ilea. N-.MDSI
ROYAL ACORN hard coal heater? staTo
price. J 32, Hee. N M232 15
i-'ou s.vmj PiritMTimn.
CHICAGO Furnlturo Co,, 1410 Dodge. Tel.
2020. New and 2illnnd, bought, sold, ex
ehanged. O I9J
FOR HALE, fine furniture nt private salo
lit 13uC So. 28th St. 0-UI7
FOR SALE Nice oak bedroom suite, noma
other furniture. US0 North 27th street.
O-UM 14
WE HOLD an nuction sulo of horses every
Wcdnesdny p. ni. at tho Union Stock
Yards. Walworth-IIUllkor Co.
P-M071 OH
GOOD repalis on wagons, etc., at Horry
Frost's, 14th and Leavenworth. P4D3
2DHAND safe cheap. Dorlght, 1119 Farnam.
SAFES, standard makes, sold.rcnted. 114 S 13
W iaj
EDISON & COLUMDIA tnlklng mnchlnos
and records. Omaha lllcyclc Co,, 10th and
cnicugo. Qm
1 FIR timbers for housemovers, etc., 40 to
1 71 ft,, cribbing nnd hog ftmce. Wl Doug-
Inn. f14'
RUGGIES. phaetons, surreys, wagons, ul
cycles; nig siook new, beconu-nanu uar-
gums. I'reoricKson, join ano uouge.
P-.M903 N7
CHOICE lot of milch cows for sale cheap,
S. T. Campbell, 4213 Center St. Q 197
CADET cont, good ns new: will fit boy 13
or 11 years uiu. miurusa 11 aj, uen.
SO SQUARE plnnos, 130 each; SO cents per
weeK. hcnmoiier iv .Miicuer, i-arnam
strcot. Teiupnono g ausi 19
500 OVERCOATS, bargains, Morowltz, 41S
N. 10th, g-sra
PIANO boxes, good for coal bltiB, cheap,
1313 Fnrnnm street, 'felcphonn 1025.
Q-M7S0 19
PHAETON, steel nnd rubber tires.
lliiRglcs, open and top.
6 family carriages.
1 C-nass. carriage.
1 Victoria and 1 Roekaway.
1 hack and 2 broURhuins.
1 depot wagon.
Second-hand harness also.
lSth and Harney.
FOR SALE Sharnless senarator. enclne.
boiler, vats and other creamery supplies
cneap. w, i;, insuor, wt. mwaru, isen.
G-991 IS
FINE gold tlah, two for 23c, nt lftfiU Lenv
enworth St Q-MUS-14
RASE HURNER, Radlnnt Home, nlmo.n
new, u-i n. aiat nve. Q M2m 11
MRS. FRIT., clolrvoynnt, M9 N. 16th.
S 43
DON'T fall to call and consult the Ron
mtinlan gypsy, who revenls all secrets am
reads nnd explains n you your entire life,
vja wouuiaa st,, corner .mui.
MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 315 S.
ill. 8-499
DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu-
ojs nair removed uy electricity. 11. 1.,
Frenzer block. U J0)
M. GOLDMAN fc CO.. only perfect nc-
coroion pieating piant in tne west; man
orders solicited. Suite 2W, Doilglus block.
U 301
RUPTURE CURED without the knlf. Em
pire liupiu'e cure, 932 N. Y, Life IHd.
RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to CO
iays; semi ror circular, o. s. wood, M.
D., 621 New York Life Iildg., Omaha. Neb.
ELITE PARLORS, 013 80. lth St., 2d floor.
u 43 ua'
MME. SMITH, bnths, US N. 13, 2d floor. R 2.
u un jsi"
MME. AMES, 3174 N. 15, flat E, baths.
VIAVA, woman's wny to health; rational,
wnoiesome nomu tieattnent. 3is nee mug.
OMAHA Accordion Pltg Co., 1521 Douglas.
U !l
ACCORDION plcatlmr, cheapest, best nnd
quicKest. .Mrs. a. l;. fliurK, mil ana i'ar
nam. U 507
WHi RENT sewing machines for 75 cents
per wcelt; wo repair and sell noedles and
parts for every machine manufactured.
'Phone 1G3. Neb. Cycle Co.. 13 & Harney.
Hrunch Olllees: 012 N. 24th, South Omaha:
'phone 2173. 331 Hroadway, Council I thins.
U-874 021
GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesnlo
nrai retail, uoiuns 1'inno uo., dour
Ins. U-MC03
ADV. calendars. Rurklcy Ptg. Co
M597 Jnnl
PRIVATE hospital, beforo and during con-
iincmcnt; Dames adopted, Z300 Grant al.
Mrs. Gnrdels. U-9II
PRIVATE home for Indies beforo nnd dur-
mg conlluemetit: bnbles adopted. ltZ)
Hurdette Ht. Mrs. Uurget. U-P35 N9
RIOLIARLE party wishes to borrow 1100.00
lor tnreo montns. win pay 10 per cent in
terest. Address J 16, Hee olllce.
U-937 14
WALL IAPER cleaner. C. Meddlemlst,
Phono 12uS, Leave orders at 1519 Fnrnnm.
Rooms cleaned, 1 up. U M177 19
Is good ndvlco In most cases, but It wont
hold good always; when calling for u
cigar Just say:
nnd you enn't miss It, whether on first
or second tlioucht.
IloiiRht for 1,17 per l.OK) nnd sold nt Co
U-.M233 19
AN upright grand plnno. In nbsolutely per-
rcct condition, to no nnu nt a very low
figure. Fred R. Wnltcr, 3112 California
st. U-M23S 14
IA1RDRESSINO, manicuring nnd chiro
pody, for ladles only. In connection with
The Hatliery, 21G220 Hee bldg. U 2S3
IIAOGAGE, express, moving. Hoff's Ex
press rn new management, soo 8. loth.
Tel. 1717. U-M2CS N12
ADHESIVE. Invisible, harmless, 8ATIN-
hkin Powder is tnq only one unit doesn t
clog the pores. 25c. U-M29I IP
b AND 5'4 per cent lonns. W. II. Thomas,
First National Hank building. Tel. 164S.
w 505
LOANS on eastern Nebraska nnd western
lnwn tarms at 0 per cent; uorrowers can
pay IK") or any multiplo; any Interest
date: no delay. Hrcnnan-Lovo Co., 309 So.
13th St., Omaha, Neb. W 509
WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants.
George & company, 1001 Farnam street.
WANTED, city loans and wnrrunts. W.
Farnam gtnitii c uo., 1320 iFarnam street.
' W-CU
WANTED, elty nnd farm loans; also bonds
and warrants, it. Peters & Co., 1702
Farnam St.. Hee Hldg. AV-312
ib TO 5 P. C. money. Benils, Paxton Blk.
w S13 .
130,000 SPECIAL fund: loans 1500 up; lowest
rates, uarviu uros,, iwi rnrnam.
4H AND 5 PER CENT-R. C. Patterson. S10
Piew lorn uie. w-ju:s OJl
1300, $100, 1500 PRIVATE money to loan; 1,
2. 3 or 5 years. W. I Sclby, Board of
I'rode mug. V ,il5
SEE HENRY R. PAYNE, 001-2 N. Y. Life.
W 516
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate, iirennnn-i.ove co.. 3oa south 13th.
W. B. MEIKLE. 401 S. 15th St., loans money
011 rewiufi;t-u jiuii:ii- ui u ptir cent,
PRIVATE money.
Sherwood, f37 N. Y. I
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wend. 1521 Douglaa.
110. 115, 120, J25, 13n, J35
110, 150, 175. 11W,
-w, -V, ,,W(
I'l.i un iiiuii- ilium iiuiu ui rates wnlcil
erty to remain undisturbed In your nos-
.,(.... ' 1 . ., , . V, .. . . , , .. .
rv;oDiui(i i.i. .iiuni;jr uiu nitlliu 'lay
yuu usk 1 in 11 mm uiu transaction IS Held
lit Diiibuni VU1IHUVI11.V, Willie 11UUI9, O l.
M 4, H .1 ,1, U'AlltlUDlll.U Qn....J
bu. j ,.. .... , MtiiLDuuj hiiu Rumiuuy
evenings until 8 o'clock.
iiuuin iiw, iiiru r iuur, x'uxiou ulOCK.
Furnlturo nnd pianos.
Horses, wagons nnd carriages.
Yon get the money on short notice.
You receive tho full amount In cash.
You may keep It one month or more.
You pay for only what time you keep It.
Our rates nro as low us tho lowest.
Our huslness Is conlldentlal.
Our motto Is, "Try to pleuse."
119 Hoard of Trado Hldg. Tel. 2233.
(Established 1892.) 300 S, lt'.Ul St.
MONEY loaned on plain noto to salaried
people; uusiness conucientltu; lowest rates.
514 Paxton block. Tho J. A. llutton Co.
nu niuuK, un. vuiuii Burvjuu aim lowest
rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 633 (top
floor) Paxton block, northeast corner 10th
and Farnam; entruueo on lGth street.
nai.nihir.tJ 1 iwt- 1,1-., uii-i Limilin. ivillll-
sters, boarding houses, etc., without se
curity; easiest terms; 40 ofllces In princi
pal cities. Tjlnian, 440 Board of Trado
BldR. X-321
MONEY loaned on furniture. live stock, Jaw-
eiry ; uido iu saiariuu people witnoui secur
ity; cheap rates; easy payment.;; business
conlldentlal. Foley Ixian Co.. successors
to Duff Green, R. S, Barker Blk. Est. 18S9.
MONEY lor.uej on pianos, furniture, Jew
elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8.13.
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses,
1-uwb, jrwcii)-. 11111 ureeu, n, 0, uarKer ttiK
FOR SALE, hardware and harnesa stock
located in the best agricultural county In
town, inn- roomy neat town; siock in
come over 110.000: lurge annual business:
worth Investigation. Addiess J 33, caro
Jlee, Oinalia, .Nell, Y M2I4 19
FURNITURE and fixtures of 60 rooms in
brick block, centrally located; roomers
only: will consider good land: what have
you; j, 11. jounson, .m. v, i.ire.
Y-M252 II
13.00 STOCK staple hardware and furni
ture, goon .-sen. town; paying uusiness,
J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y M2IC 15
12,500 STOCK groceries in So. Omaha doing
goon nusiness; win consider nouse and
lot. J, 11. Johnson. N, Y. Life,
17(i tll'YS furniture of 10-room flat, well
equlpiied, line location, full of roomers
and boarders"; fine opening for money
making. J. H. Johnson, N. V. Lire.
Hk FOR well furnished 10-room flat; idee
location, full of roomers; lady golnc
nway; be quick. J. II. Johnson, N. Y,
Life. Y-.M25I II
1225 FOR S-room flat furnished; h:i room
ers; good location: US") cash, balance easy.
See J. H. Johnson, N. Y- I "'.
Y-M253 11
16.000 LIVERY business; none better In city;
fine location; 1.VK) monthly revenue exclu
sive of 30 regular boarders: hero Is a
money maker: owner has other buslnes;
have you good property? Maybe we can
deal, J. II, Johnson, N. Y. I.Ue.
Y-.M2I9 II
RESTAURANT, finest equipped place nnd
controls best class of trade In town of
7,m) souls, nlso furniture of 7 looms
above; owner a non-resident; can give
profitable deal; will consider Rood prop
erty for part. What have you? J. II.
Jolinson, N. Y, Life. Y-.M250 15
HOTEL of Rood capacity, 12 holte In live
country town; will lease furnished with
option of purchase. Address
13.000 GROCERY, bakery nnd confectionery
in Rood country town; line trade: ll,()
cash, balance good land. J. II. Johnion,
N. Y. Life. Y-M245 15
THE finest confectionery and catering busi
ness In town of Its size In (ho state; 7,uu
population; manufacture and control
trude both wholesale and retail: for sale
at bnrRnln on easy term; golden oppor
tunity. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life.
Y M24S l.
WANTED, to sell, n new process photo
gallery, cheap: Rood opening for an 11111:1
teur: will teach man or woman the busi
ness: little experience necessary. Apply
620 3. 10th. Y-.M23I 15
GARLAND, Wyo.. needs 11 25-room hotel
anil the mnn who builds such a hotel
nnd runs It right will make money: wrl'e
for details. J. Francis, G. P. A.. H. K- M.
R. It., Omaha. Neb. Y M259 .'.
FOR SALE, good steam laundry, In town
of 3.000 Inhabitants. Address Rawlins
Steam Laundry, Rawlins, Wyo.
Y-M2SS 14
UACIIE ft lilt farm, within U mile of city
limits, for snlo cheap, or will trade for
stock of goods, or groceries. Address H,
Bee oinco, Council Bluffs. RE-M221
iTsoo BUYS 33x120. with S-r. house, city
water, east front, ICth st. F. D. Wead,
1521 Douglas st. HE M193 19
10 PER CENT Investment guaranteed; two
frame and brick. 8-room, all modern resi
dence!, two blocks from Bennett's new lo
cation; ground 50 ft. front: rented 105 per
month, 17S0 per year. Price. 17.S00; one
third cnBh, balance 5 years without Inter
est. Address Owner. J 22. llM1J8 .
12.700 WITHIN three blocks of Crelghton
college, 7-room, 2-story cottnge, all mod
ern, bath, furnace, gas, etc. Owner has
left city nnd property must be sold.
House newly painted nnd nil In good con
dition. Pnvne-Knox Co., main floor New
York Life Bldg RE-M902-10
HOUSES, lots, fnrms, ranches, loans; also
Uro Insurance. Bcmls, Paxton Blk.
SEE HENRY D. PAYNE, 601-2 N. Y. Life.
RANCH and farm lands for snlo by tho
Union Pacific Railroad company. II, A.
McAllnster, land commissioner, Union Pa
cific Hcudiiuartcrs, Omaha, Neb.
FOR SALE, fruit and garden placo and
grocery store, seven acres, part In choice
grapes, plums and other fruit; a splendid
business locution; barn, ice house, sheds,
well, flste-n, otcr 0110 mile out of town
on mnln road. Inqulro nt 333 Broadway,
Council Bluffs, la. RE-M445
HOUSES and lots In nil parts of city; nlso
nere property and farm lands. Tho O. F.
Davis Co., Room 532, Bee Building.
RE-312 N5
CHAS. E. W I LL I A M S 6N, 1203 'Fnrnnm St.
7-ROOM, nil modern house. 3320 Dodge St.
'Phono 921. 420 New York Life.
FOR SALE, N. E. 14 nnd tho N. E. S. W.
.,, section 14. township 3, N. R. 18 W.,
Hnrlnn Co., Neb.. 22S acres broke; price,
lio.iio un ncre; eusy terms. W. N. Nnson,
Her Grand hotel, Omaha, Neb.
RE-M9I0 10
12,700 WITHIN three blocks of Crelghton
college, 7-room, 2-story cottage, all mod
ern, bath, furnuce, gus, etc. Owner has
loft city nnd property must bo sold.
House newly painted nnd all In good con
dition. RE-M902 14
THE PUTNAM CO.. 501-5 N. Y. L. Bldg.,
Omaha, purchases nil kinds of Invest
ments InHiirnncri policies, which Include
endowments, seml-eudnwmeuts, Install
ment policies, bond policies, Investments
tontine, limited, semi nnd freo tontines,
distribution policies, 5-ycnr dividend
policies, nccumulntlon policies nnd Ufa
policies (whole life, limited payment llfo
or paid up),
Any policy that has n paid up vnlue, which
for any reason you desire to dispose of,
we are In a position to sprvo you.
Call on or nddress Tho Putnam Company.
JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel.
iwrt. iuce jnnnson, -. j., lames dept.;
GUI E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. 537
DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton Blk. Tol 1207
DR. A. T. HUNT, suite 512. McCnguo Bldg.
DR. MRS. MUBICK, Douglas Illock. -311
WILL BUY any good Invention or patent.
Aaiiress' lock jjox iw, iycs atonies, la.
HAVE cash for good patent or Invention.
Address 1: u. hox 8a, omana, Neb.
1S4 N7
DR. PRIES, tho acknowledged leading
specialist In diseases of women In Omaha,
would call the attention of suffering
Indies to his unsurpassed accommoda
tions before and during confinement, nnd
his treatment for Irregularities, no mat.
ter what causo. Call or address, with
stamp, ur. rries, 1013 DOdge St., Omaha,
ieu, M ftlb2
LOST. In or between Omaha National and
First National banks, rol of bills, about
100. Return to Model restaurant. 1009
uowaru. mineral reward. Lost uat 15'
GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 10th & Doun
A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y, Life
BOYLES' College, court reporter principal,
Bee Bldg. 534
NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd'a
Theater, f 535
OMAHA Boilor Works, steam boilers, tanks,
stacks, etc. Tel, 1359. 12th and Izard Sts.
TEL, 1331. M. 8. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St.
. -516
IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 2576 Hnrncy,
LADIES' garments cleaned, altered, re
paired reasonable. Max Fogel, 1207 Farnam
31:21 ua
Mi sir.
PROFESSOR Charles Petetson, piano In
struction nnu voice training, Italian
method. Roundness and carrying power
of tone guaranteed. 513 W of W. Illd.
-293 02s
ESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even
ing. R. 15, Com. Nut. Bank. G. R. luthbun.
NICK.r.1. Pl.ATI.Mi.
STOVES, lamps, etc., replatlng. Omaha
Plating CO.. Ueo Uldg. Tel. .'335. 618
EAGLE Loan Olllcc, reliable, accommodat-
ing; un business confidential, 1301 Douglas,
ALL kliuls of carpenter work nnd repairing
promptly intended to. j. t uciilltree, 20111
and Lake Sts. 370
CURED. Julia. Vnuglin, 430 Ramge Bldg.
Damaged looking glasses resllvered. 70S N 16.
TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases; trunks
repaired, urn, TruiiK ractory, uvi Farnam.
400 ACRES near Gretna, Sorpy county.
uim urcen, room s, unrner uiock. dm
WE carry tho biggest line of otoves In
..I... t.... .. .
III. l.UJ Ul UP. 1 IILLO lllll. ,4111V. -
t.ilse Furnlturo Co., 102-4 S. 14th. Tel.
2290. M574 Q31
OMAlIA Stenm Laundry: shirts, 7c; collars,
zc; etuis, 40. 11M i.euvenwortu. ici. nn.
MEN wanted for the V. S. navy: Kinds
1111. 11 for Iriilnltiir ns sea men. nun IS to 23.
116 per mouth; lnndsmen for yeomen, age IS
to .& WO per mouiii upon nppoiniiiieni 111
yeomen, 3rd class); seamen, age 21 to 35,
124; ordinary seamen, nge IS to 30, 119: ap
prentices, 3rd class, nge 15 to 17, 13; machin
ists, first class, nge 21 to 35, 155; machinists,
second clnfs. age 21 to 35, 40; hospital ap
prentices, ngn is to mi, --u; nospuiu nppr-n-iinra
tlrsL rlnss. ace 21 to 2. 140: electri
cians, third class, nge 21 to 35, 130: copper
smiths, ago 21 to 35, ISO. Candidates must
pass n physical e.xninlnntlon showing them
to he freo from dlsqiiullfylng ailments, nnd,
PTnimi landsmen nnd niilirentlces. an ex
amination showing them to bo qualified for
their ratlnRs; landsmen ami apprentices
tho physical examination only. Tho term
of enlistment Is four years. A bonus of
four months' pay and an nddltlon of 11.30
t.i tin. monthly nnv for each ro-enllstment
within four months on honorable discharge.
Rations, medicines ami menicai attendance
f?rntl. PrtvlleKO of retirement on three-
quarters pay after thirty years' service.
Able-bodied Americans especially wanted,
who will enjoy exceptional opportunities for
advancement to petty oiucers ny tne eariy
completion of n number of larRo ships, A
recruiting ofllce will bo opened at Omaha,
Neb., from October 14 to October 19, 1901, In
tho MeCague Building. Room 103.
OH dSt
iroposais, 111 triplicate, win do received
here, or nt following named posts, until
11 o'clock n. in., October II, 1901. for fur
iilshlnir such woo'd. coal. oats. hran. hay
nnd straw, as may bo required .during tho1
remainder or tne uscni year enoing .iimn
30, 1W2, nt Forts Asslnnlbolne. Hnrrlson
nnd Keogh. Mont.; Fort Yellowstone, Wyo.,
and Fort Moaue, . 11. instructions rur
nished on application here, or to the quar
termasters at tho posts named. United
State reserves the right to nccept or re
ject any or nil proposals or any pnrt there
of. Envelopes containing proposals should
be mnrked "Proposals for Fuel, Forngo
and Straw." uku. is. I'U.M), u. w. m.
Is hereby given that tho time Is extended
ten days for submission of bids for con
struction of now steel cells at tho Statu
Pen tent nrv. niaklnir the c ate Thursday,
October 21, 1901, 12 o'clock noon, and all bids
miiHt no submitted ny unit time. iJacn
bidder to prepare specifications of the work
In all respects, to conform to tho cells now
In place. Blue print plans and specifications
of the cells now In tho nenltentlnry may be
had upon application to the olllco of the
commissioner or imiuiic i-mns nnu iiuua
Commissioner Public Lands nnd Buildings.
ocllt diotm
Ofllce of Hnrrls & Co.. Omnhn. Neb.. Oct.
8. 1001. In compllnnce with tho compiled
stntuics or 1110 siuio 01 rsenrasga ror ivu,
and especially in compliance with section
130 of chanter 16. entitled "Corporations."
we, the president nnd n mnjorlty ,of thp
bonrd of directors, hereby rIvo public notice
that nil tho existing dents of Harris & Co.
amount to tno sum or t1i8.110.1vs.
F. U HARRIS. Prcbldent.
E. K. HARRIS, Directors.
(Senl.) -OH
(Should be read DAILY by nil Interested,
ns cnangos may occur at nny time.)
Fnrelun malls for the week endlna- Clr
tuber 19. 1901. will closo (PROMPT!. V In
nil cases) at the general postofllcc ns fol
lows: parcels poat mans close one hour
earlier than closing tlmo shown below.
Parcels post malls for Germany closo nt
5 p. m. Monday.
Regular and supplementary malls close at
foreign branch half hour Inter than closing;
time shown below.
Trnnantlautlo Mails.
TUESDAY-At 6:30 a. in. for EUROPE, per
s, s, Columbia via Plymouth, Cherbourg
and Hamburg (mull for Irelund must bo
directed "net s. s. Columbia"!.
WEDNESDAY-At 4:So a. m. for IRELAND,
per s. s. ucennio via yuet
for other parts of Europo
reeled "per s. s. Oceanic'1);
for EUROPE, per h, s.
per s. s. ucennio via uueenstown (mull
10 must no 111-
; nt g:30 11. m.
St. I.ouIh via
Southamnton: at 10 n. m. for HEIHUM
direct, per . s. Vnderlnnd (mall must bu
directed "per s, s. Vndorlnnd").
THURSDAY-At 7 n. m. for FRANCE.
QUEiC, per s. s. La Bretagno via Havre
(mall for other partH of Europo must be
directed "per s. s, La Bretngne").
SATURDAY At 0 a. m. for EUROPE, per
s, s, Lucanla. via Qucenstown; at 7:3)
n, m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per
h. s, Btuutcudam (mall must bo directed
"per s. s. Btuntendam"): at 9:30 a. m. for
SCOTLAND direct, per h. s. Astoria (mall
must be directed "per s. s, Astoria"),
PRINTED MATTElt, STC.-Thls steamer
takes Prln cd Matter, Commercial Papers
nnd SamplcH for aermany only. The same
class of mall matter for other parti of
Europo will not bo sent by this Ehlp un
less specially directed by It,
After the closing of the Supplementary
Tran&-Atl"tlB Malls named above, addi
tional supplementary malls are opened on
the piers of tho American, English,
French and German steamers and remain
open until within Ten Minutes of the hour
of sailing of steamer.
MnlU for South and Central America,
Weal Indies, Etc,
TUESDAY At 9:30 a. m. (supplementary
10:30 a. in.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (ex
cept Costa Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC
PORTS, por s. b. Flnunco via Colon (mall
for Guatemala must bo directed "per s. s.
Finance"): nt 11:30 n. m, for BRAZIL,
per s, s. Itngusa (mall for Northern Bra
zil, Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay
must bo directed "per s, s, Ragusa"); nt
6:30 p, m. for JAMAICA, per s, s, Admiral
Fnrragut. from Boston.
WEDNESDAY At 9:30 a m. for INAOUA
and HAITI, per s, s. Iwiiinnburg; at 10
a in, for NEWFOUNDLAND direct, per
s. s. Silvia: at 11 11. m. for YUCATAN,
per s. s. Ravonsdalo via Progreso (mall
must bo directed "per s. n. Ravnnsdale");
nt 12 m. for CUBA, YUCATAN. ('AM
s. . Havana (mall for other purl? of
Mexico must be directed "per s s. Ha
vaiiu '); at 2,3o p. m. (supplementary 1
p. in.) for TURKS ISLAND uud DOMIN
ICAN REPUBLIC, per s. s. New York;
nt 12.30 p. m. (supplementary t p. in.) for
per s. s. Mndlann. ht II p. m. for JA
?.vvl A l,tr Admiral Schley, from
Pill .lilelnlila
nun .-SUHTHKIIN IIRA.IU per s. s,
Aniaxoueiiie; nt 12 111. for SANTIAGO,
I'f'' s. Santiago ile Cuba, ul 11 p. in. for
NKW OI'.Vlll.ANMl iw.i- mlwirlmi.
fiom Philadelphia.
Ill IDA Y-At 12 in. for MEXICO, per s. s.
(mall ror Snvanllla nnd Cnrtngenu must
lie directed "per s. s. Cnrncus"); at 9:30
,,,:.,.,.,.',..,.?ul,l,,,,mcn,l,r' 10:30 u m.) for
.MLLA and CARTAGENA, per s, s,
Aletie (mall for Costa Rica must be dl
lected "per s. s, Alene"), at 9:30 a. m
(supplementary 10:30 11. m,) for CAPE
MARTA, per s. s. Alps (mull for other
parts of Haiti must be directed "per s. s.
Alps'); nt 9:30 a. 111. for BRAZIL, per
s. s. Coleridge (innll for Northern Brazil.
Argentine. Urttirtmv mid Piirnunnv imui
be directed "per s. s. Coleridge"); :tt M
11. in. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico vlu
Havana; ill 111 11. in, ror HAITI, per s, s,
Prlns Mnurltn (mall for Curacao, Veiie
.iielu, Trinidad, British nnd Dutch Guiana
must be directed "per s. s. Prlns Mail-
fi.l'. .1K,1?:3. I1- f,,r 51 ATA NZ AS,
HARACOA. per s. s. Curltylm (ordinary
mull only, which must be directed "per
s. s. Curltyba"): nt 1 p. m. (supplemeiituty
l:S" P. 111.) for BERMUDA, per s, s, Pro-tut-In.
Mnlls for Newfoundland by rnll to North
fiyonoy. and inencc ny steamer, close nt
this omco dally nt 6:30 p. m. (connectlnK
close hero every Monday, Wednesday and
Saturday). Malls for Mtquelon, by rr.ll to
Boston, and Ihcnco by steamer, close nt
this olllco dally at 0:30 p. in. Mnlls for
Cubn, by rnll to Port Tampa. Fla and
thence by steamer, close at this ofllce
dally ot "0 a. 111. tho connecting closet
uic un .11111111.1, I I'lim'putiy ano Satur
day). Mall for Mexico rliy, overland,
unless specially addressed for dispatch by
steamer, closo nt this olllco dully at 1:30
p. m. nnd 11 p. tn. Malls t'.v Costa Rica,
Belize, Puerto Cortez nnd Ountemnla. hv
rail to New Orleans, and thenco by
steamer, close nt this ofllcu dully nt "Dso
p. m. (connecting closes hero Mondnvs
for Belize, Puerto Cortez nnd Guntenin'l.i
and Tuesdays for Costu Rica). Regis
tered mull closer at 0 p. 111. previous day.
TrntiKpaclllc Mnlla.
Mnlls for Australia (except West Australia,
which goes vln Europe, end New Zealand,
which goej via San Francisco), nnd FIJI
Islands via Vancouver close here dally
al G:3o p. in. uftcr September "28 and up
to October 12, Inclusive, for dhipateh per
h. s. Aorangl (supplementary malls vln
Scnttlo nnd Victoria) close nt 6:30 p. 111.
October '13.
Mulls for Hawaii, Japan. Chlnn nnd Philip
pine Inlands via San Francisco close here
dully ut 6:30 p. m. up to October l.s,
Inclusive, for dispatch per s, s. America
.Mar w.
Malls for Australia (except West Australia,
which is lorwarded via Europe). New
Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hnwnll vln San
Francisco close hero dally at 6:30 p. m.
after October 13 and up to October lO,
Inclusive, or on nrrlval of s. s. Etrurln,
duo nt New York October 19, for dis
patch per s. s, Sonoma.
Mulls for China nnd Japan, via Seattle,
close, here dally at 6:30 p. in. up to Octo
her 23. Inclusive, for dlspntch per s. .
Rlojuii Mnru (registered mall must be di
rected "via Seattle'",.
Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan and Phllln-
pines, via nan p ranciscn, close nero uallv
nt 6:30 p. m. up to October 26, Inclusive,
for dispatch per s. s. City of Peking.
Mnlls for Hawaii via San Francisco close
hero dally ut 6:30 p. m. up to October 28,
Incluslvo, for dispatch per s. s. Alameda.
Malls for China and Jupi-n via Vancouver
closo herb dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to Oc
tober 29, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s.
Einpess ot Japan (registered mull must
be directed "via Vancouver"). Mall, ox
oept merchandise, which cannot be for
wurded via Canada, for tho U. 8. Postal
Agent bt Shanshnl, closes at 6:30 p. in.
previous day.
Mills for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands via
San Francisco closo hero dnlly nt C:30
p. in. up to November 24, Inclusive, for
dispatch per s. s. Australia.
Transpacific malls nre forwarded to port
of sailing dally nnd the schedule of clos
ing Is nrrnnged on the presumption of
their uninterrupted ovcrlnnd transit.
Registered mnll closes nt 6 p. m. pre
vious day.
Postoftlce, New York, N. Y October 11, 1901.
Missouri I'nclflc.
Leave. Arrive.
St. I)uls Express al0:oo am a 6:25 pm
K. C. & St. L. Express. al0:50 pm a G:16 am
Union Pacific.
Overland Limited a 8:20 am n 7:30 pm
Fast Mall a 8:50 urn 11 3:26 pm
Mali nnd Express, .......uU:S3 pm a 4:25 pm
Colorado Special ull:S5 pm 11 0:50 am
Llncoln-Strotnsburg Ex.b 4:05 pm bl2:S0 pm
Pacific & Atlantic Ex. ..a 4:25 pm a 6:50 um
Grand Island Local b 5:30 pm b 9:35 um
ClilrnKO, Hock Inland A Pacific.
Dos Moines and Daven
port Local a 7:25 am a :S6 pm
Chicago Express 1)11:15 am u 4:65 pm
Des Moines Local a, 4:20 pm bU:60 am
Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:00 pm a 1:26 pm
ivro .iiw.iii-c.. iwvA imtlliu
und Chicago 11
7:40 pm a 8:10 am
Lincoln, Colo. Springs,
Denver, Pueblo and
West a. 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm
Colorado. Oklahoma und
Texaa Flyer a 5:20 pm a 9:60 am
C'lilcauio, Milwaukee & Ht, Paul.
Chicago Limited u 6:00 pm a 8:05 am
Chicago & Omaha Ex...b 7:13 um b 1:40 pm
Omaha. A Ht, Loula.
St. I.ouIh "Cannon Ball"a 6:15 pm a 8:20 am
Knnsas City and Qulucy
Local n 7:25 nm a 9:00 pm
Ullnola Central,
Chicago Kxprcss a 7:00 am a 5:10 pm
Chlcuuo. Minneapolis &
St. i'aul Limited a 7:46 pm a 8:05 am
Minneapolis & 81, Paul
Express b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm
I'ori ijougo i-ocui, rrom
Council Bluffs a 6:00 am
St. Louis "Cannon Ball"
Express a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am
L'hleUKo A: North weatcru.
Chlcngn Special a 7:00 am
Chicago Passenger a. 4:15 pm
Eastern Express nl0;55 am
Eastern Special 11 4:65 pm
Fust Mall ,
Omaha-Chicago L't'd,,,a 7:45 pm
Fast Mall a 8:30 am
Cedar Rupids PuNsenger
Twin City Express a 6:53 am
Twin City Limited a 7:65 pm
Sioux City Local a b:O0 am
a 8:40
a 4:06
li 4:00
a 2:45
a 8:00
a 5:30
a 8:16
u 3:50
a Dully, b Dally except Sunday
HiirlliiKtnn ,1 Mlaaonrl Hirer.
Leave. Arrive,
Nebraska Express n 8:40 nm n, 7:35 pm
i yiaiire, ueuirico anil
Lincoln a 8:40 nm bii:55 am
Denver Limited. ...v a 4:25 pin a 3:00 pm
omen inns ana j'ugei
Sound, Denver Con
nection a 9:00 pm n 6:45 nm
Lincoln Fust Mnll b 3:00 pm a 9:17 am
Fort Crook nnd Plaits
mouth b 3:20 pm bl:0u nm
Ilellovue- & Pacific Jet. .11 7:40 pm u 8:20 nm
liellevue & pacific Jet ,u 3:10 am
Knnaaa City, SI. .Inacph Jt Council
Kansas City Day Ex.... a 9:20 am a 6
Kansas City Night Kx..nl0;30 pm u 0
St. IjuIs Flyer a 6:10 pm nil
ClilciiHC ItiirlliiKton A Unlncy.
:03 pm
la am
;15 am
Chicago Special a 7:00 am nl0:20 pm
Chicago Vestlbuled Exv.a 4:00 pm u 7:45 um
Chicago1 Iocal a 9:30 am a 4;06 pm
Chicago Umlted a 7:50 pm n 7:45 am
Fast Mall a 2:45 pm
a Dally, h Dally except Sunday.
ChlcaBO, Nt. Paul, Mlnnrapolla A
Leave. Arrlvn.
Twin City Passenger.. ,,a 6;00 am n 9:10 pm
Sioux City Passenger, ,,a 2:46 pm nll:10 am
Emcrion Local b 6:30 pm b 8:10 am
uviiiiin via rampieo iinnil must be di
r,',V,,r1 "l"'r Ymsitan").
.VIURDAY At 9 a. in. (supplementary
I' :J0 a m.) for PORTO RICO. CURACAO
mill -nxiy.ii.:i. - -
Prenmnt, F.IUborn ,t Mlsaonrl Valley
Jllack Hills. Dead wood,
Hot Springs it 3;00 pm n 6:0) pm
Wyoming, Casper and
Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm
Hustings, York, David
City, Superior, Geneva.
Exeter and Sewnrd....b .1:00 pm b 8:00 pm
Norfolk. Lincoln and
Fremont ,b 7:30 nm blOilS nn
Fremont laical c 7:sv nm
Mlssunrl 1'nelrlc.
Nebraskn Ioent, Via
Weeping Wnler b 110 pm 010:15 nm
n Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun
day only, d Dally except Saturday, e. Dnlly
c.xcrpt Monday.
.Monday In the Day and There Are
Important f'aaee to Receive
Early Attention.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13. The United
State supremo court will nssnmbto to
morrow nt 12 o'clock for tho fall term.
As usual on such occasions, when tho presi
dent is In the city, the court will adjourn
nnd formally visit lie White Houe to
pny Its respects to the White House execu
tive. This will bo all the business trans
nctod thnl day. The court will proceed to
regular business. 011 Tuesday.
As Monday Is the usual day for handing
down decisions It Is not expected there will
ba any decisions on Tuesday Tho Unto
probably will be occupied by motions for
Hilmlsslons to the bar, for the advance
ment of rases and for writs of certiorari.
Then such cases us linve been set for argu
ment wilt bo heard.
Several Important cases are to be argued
early In the term. Two lottery cases, ono
from Chicago nnd another from Cincinnati,
nhlch Involve tho validity of tho nntl-
lottery law, will be heard early. Another
Important case to be taken up foon i.t
known as tho "Mixer" case, the Carncgln
company against the Cambria Iron com
pany, Involving rights In a patent process
for limiting steel. When the court ad
journed last spring there- were twenty-
eight cases which had been argued but not
decided. The most important of these were
two Insular cases, one from Porto Illco
which involved the rljlst of tho Unite!
States to levy and collect duties on goods
going from this country into Porto Rico
after tho Foraker law went Into effect.
There Is pending tho "fourteen diamond
rings" rase, which is tho only one affect
ing the Philippines. This case arose on
the arrest of a soldier who brought fourteen
diamond rings from tho Philippines into
tho United States without paying duty. Tho
opinions In both these, cases nre awaited
with interest.
Tho senate Judiciary committee room,
whero the court will meet temporarily, In
fitted up and made ns comfortable as possi
ble for tho distinguished tribunal.
Attorney General Councils President
In Walt for Coiiipnny's More
Specific Announcement.
WASHINGTON.. Oct. 13. Aolorney Gen-
ernl Knox has had a long conference with
President Roosevelt in regard to the ap
plication of the Pacific Commercial Cabin
company to lay n cablo from the United
States tn tho Philippines by way of Hawaii
and Guam. Mr. Knox advised tho president
to tako no notion at present, but to await
further Information as to the purpose ot
tho company after Its cabin wan completed
to the Philippines. It is deemed desirable,
to know whether it would extend its own
lino tn China or would mnko some ar
rangements with tho English company that
already had a cable from Hong Kong to
The ntlorney genoral regarded It ns very
Important that this should be n complotn
lino from the United States to tho Philip
pines by way of tbo continent of Asia, ns
In coko of war it might be necessary for
the United States not only to control a lino
to tho Philippines, but also to control a Una
from tho Philippines to China or some other
point In Asln.
The matter of the Spanish concessions
granted In 189S to tho English company,
giving it an excluslvo franchlso for cable
connections In the Philippines, sas care
fully considered. Attorney General Knox
ndvlsod tho president that this exclusive.
franchlso would not hold. He cited tho ro-
cont action by the TranBvaal eommliston,
which held that the concessions granted by
the Boer government In tho Transvaal
would not bo rccognliod aa valid by th
British government. The probability Is
that no definite action will be taken by tho
prcaldent In relation to tbo company's
proposition until tho company shall maka
clear Its Intentions regarding tbo cable)
line between tho Philippines and China.
Yankee's Dalldlnar nretisea netlalr.
ST. PETERSBURG, Oct- 13. Major Gen
eral Rcttnk, manager of the Baltic ehlp-
yards, Is going to tho United States to study
the American steel industry. The construe
tlon of tho American-built Russian cruiser
Vnrlag has surprised him. ,
Seasonable Fashion
3948 Child's Creeping Aprs",
Ons 8lss.
Child's Creeping Apron, No, 3948 Ever)
mother recognizes the needs for and ad
vantages found in a creeping apron. The
child must bo free to kick his young legs
and learn tho art of movement, yet contact
with tho floor means Inevitable soil. Such
a garment ns the one shown completely
protects the clothing, yet leaves the small
legs nnd body quito unhampered. As shown
It Is mndn of bluo and white checked
gingham, but any washable material pre
ferred can be used.
The apron Is simply shaped, being not
unlike an ordinary slip at tbo upper1 por
tion, but ia full at tho lower edge, where
It Is gathered Into a band, and long enough
to allow of turning up undor tho outer
clothing. The opening extends all the way
down the back, where there is a hsm finish
with buttons and buttonholes. When re
quired the apron is slipped on, closed and
turned under thu little skirts with the
band attached to the underwslst with safety
plnn or buttonholes.
To cut this apron 2 yardi of material 32
Inches wide will bo required,
The pattern 3948 Is cut iu ooo size only.
For 'ha accommodation ot The Bee read
rs these pattern, which usually retail st
from 2i 'o 50 tents, will be furnished at s
nominal price, 10 eants, which covers all
xpenie. in order to get any pattern tai
close 10 ntnts, give number and name o
pattern wanted ind buat measure. Alloa)
about ten days from dato ot your lettti
before beginning to look for the patters.
Adlrsii, Patters Dtpartmsut, Omaha Bsa