Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1901, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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Last Letter to
the Public
Tbres Hatch Gunit Pltytd on tka Countrj
Olnbs Qioatdi.
(.'nriillen llnve Thflr Inning nnd IMsiy
Moine l.nsr Nrotet J. 0. Johns
ton llefontp. W C. Mier
rrnod for n I'urid
Are von with us or not? UookB
of first Issuo cIobo Thursday, October
17th. Lnst day. AH remittances
loarlng pout mark or date Inter than
October 17th. 9:30 . m.. will be re
turned to subscriber und subscrlp
tton cnnccllcit. It wnu Intended to
cloio books ou the 21th Inst., but hs
Issue Is being taken rnpldly by homo
people, will not bo offered further In
this locality. Another reason Is pco
pie hero have been so "taken In" of
late by fake oil, mining and zinc
companies that a company formed on
legitimate lines to bring cheaper fuol
North and West, to honestly develop
Its holding, has uphill work, nnd wo
deom It ndvlsablo to. not spend any
more money or energy hero, for It Is
toe hard to gain the confidenco of
ihm mihlir. In n community where con
fidenco Is shattered. Most oil com
panies have been formed for tho sole
object of selllnB stock, capitalized at
a high ftguro. Nothing but leases of
worthless land to haso their futuro
on. There are immense iormnes
ihm nil business for shareholders In
legitimate companies who deslro to
come between producer nnn consume
as well as to produce nnd dovclop.
The United Btates Fuel Oil Company
of St. Paul Is Interested In getting the
crude oil In the North and selling It
at a profit. They have all along pre
dicted tho ruin to shareholders In
gusher companies. Thcso who road
our prospectus, printed several monuis
oro. will note our comments on
Bplndlotop properties. Companlos
who havo nothing but 1-32 or 1-16
of an acre In this territory for adver
tising purpose and basing inoir
whnln nronoeltlon on bringing in a
gusher, are now "on their last legs and
figuring with us, or somo other strong
oil company, to tnko their gusher off
their hands at any old prlee.'Tnere
are desirable localities In Texas be
tides Bplndletop, and any company
who has less than 10 acres or pam
for oil around In any one location
where they arc putting flown a wen,
An n without any knowledge of the
oil ouslness or Its requirements. The
United States Fuol Oil company, or
8t. Paul, Minnesota, established Its
offices In the metropolis of the far
North, whero coal Is the Qollah and
oil the David. Wo havo mado our
mnltiillinttnn small that shareholders
would receive value now, and not wa
ter, and mado 'our par value small so
u mold lie hnndlod advantageously.
Remember It matters not It a dollar
Is changed Into coppers, quarters or
halves, It remains ono dollar just
the same. Iook always to capitaliza
tion; there la the sum total of any
Our company Is strong and new, and
we come to the public with plain,
cpen, above-board statements, not at
tho time of great excitement when the
public's mind was Intlaraed by glit
tering and unauthentic field reports,
but when depression was on and truu
facts well known. This Is the hard
est time to sell honest stock, this wc
know, but it Is the proper time to
buy. If you will .compare our litera
ture, our holdings and our manner
Ism with that of other companies
heretofore advertised, you will find
embodied therein nothing but facts,
and tho company's wholo heart in the
Our' last notice, our lait day, Octo
ber 17th, you can over purchase stock
In this company. Prlco of shares now
and until that date Inclusive, 7 cents
each. No less than' 100 nharej Issued.
There will bo a big advance In the
price of these shares, nnd n big de
mand for them after this date; how
ever, none will be offered or advertised
In this locality. Are you with us cr
not? If you do not buy any stock In
this Company, keep track of It; eome
day this name stock will Icok cheap
to you at 8even Dollars per share. The
Company can save you tho money you
I' have as good as lost.ln other mining,
zlno nnd oil companies. We are not
to bo compared or clashed in tho tamv
category with any one of these. When
ft I other companies fall, the United
States Fuel Oil Company wilt prevail.
Respectfully submitted by the
United States
Fuel Oil Go.,
144-146 Enilico'lt BEdg.,
St. Paul, Minn.
A subitantlal, sound home ail com
pany. A company farmed to sell oil
at a profit.
Twelve golf ptaycrs registered at tho
Country club yesterday In the contest for
the Douglas county cup. Tho contest was
open to all comers and the number of per
sons entering was much smaller than was
expected, tats were drawn by the player
and they were paired off as follows. A. V.
Klnsler and J. D. Rahm, Harry 1twrlc and
J. It. Lcmest, B. M. Morsrasn and . E.
Martin. K. M. Falrehlld and II. 0. Leavltt.
W. D. Dancker and W. J. Foye, T. R. Kim
ball and R. R. Kimball.
The six players winning In yesterday's
contest will play next week to dccldo which
three shall enter the final contest. A. V.
Klnsler failed to play yesterday, thus giv
ing J. R. Rahm the game. Harry Lawrla
defeated J. R. Lemest with two up and one
to piny. H. 0. Leavltt defeated K. M.
Fairfield by a score of flvn up and four to
piny. W. J. Foye won from W. D. Dancker
by a score of three up and two to play. R.
R. Kimball defeated T. R. Kimball with a
score of six up nud five to play. K. M.
Mdrsmnn defeated W. E. Martin by a score
of one up and twenty holes to ploy.
This preliminary contest entitles Rahm,
l.awrle, Morsmnn, Leavltt, Foye and R. R.
Kimball to a place In the contest to bo held
this week to decide who shall play In the
Vesterday was caddies' day at the Coun
try tltib. IJefore tho sun was Up thirty of
tho sturdy youngster who dovote their
live to chasing golf balls and carrying
bags begnn to practice ou tho links in
preparation for the annual caddies' contest.
At 9 o'clock the contest was declared on
and the fun started. Swedes In tho garb nf
tho Highlander bent their energies to
England's national game. Roys of all
colors and shades drove over tho course. It
took an army of Judges to keep the little
shavers from fudging and It 1b qulotly In
tlmated that somo of tho scores turned In
are a little low for the form the lads pre
viously showed In the game.
A. Welsh, II. Johnson and L. Rhcnn tied
for tho first nnd second prizes with n scoro
of 61 on the nine-hole course. II. Hackman
and Ed Hansen tied for third and fourth
plnco with n score of 52 on the nine-hole
course. Tho scores of the caddies rangod
from Gl to 80. The boys will play off tho tie
in a few days.
J. C. Johnston of the Country club do
fented W. C. Sherwood of Lincoln In an
elghtc'crf-hole match play at tho Country
club yesterday afternoon for a purse of $45
subscribed by members of the club. John
ston won by throe up and two to play. A
large crowd watched tho contest. The day
was too, cold and breezy for good golf,
Sherwood Is a well known player who has
been teaching golf In Lincoln for several
months. Ho made quite a record for him
self Inst summer at Mackinac and Johnston
Is tho first man who has succeeded In de
featlng him.
tenth. Mist Hccker, having to play the
odds, got her approach within five feet
of the green. Miss Hcrron played more
cleverly and won the hole In 6 to 4. being
then 1 down. Miss Hecker got a cuppy lie
on her teo spot for the eleventh, but she
had the better of the hrnssey shots, as
Mlas Herron half-topped hers. Miss Meeker
was on the green In 2 nnd won the hole In
i to 6, which gave her the lend by 2 up
ngnln. Miss Hcrron made tho better drive
for the twelfth hole, but she over-rnn the
green with her mashle, whllo she landed in
h nice place. Iioth nppronched perfectly
and they halved the hole In Is. Miss Hecker
outdrove her opponent on the 'next hole
nnd was equally successful with her brna
jcy. Roth were on the green In 3, Miss
Hecker wlnnlns- the hole In 4 to S. The
champion was now 3 up nnd 4 to play, but
on her next tee shot she met with n set-
uncK. Her drive went out of bounds nnd
he had to piny from the tee. Her second
ttempl wns several feet behind Miss Her-
ron's drive nnd ,both were short of the
bunker on their next shots. Miss Herron
found the hunker, tint h still lin.l n
chance to win the hole, She failed to gel
out of the difficulty nnd Miss Meeker run
ning nown to a nice put won the hole in S
to s.
The chamn on was now dnrmln 4. Mla
Herron plnyed on without losing nerve In
the hope that she could possibly hnlve the
match, nnd mnde n flne drive frnm tlio
fifteenth tee. Miss Hecker also drove- wclli
uui iiiui-ioppcn nrr scconu snot, wnicn
Miss Herron duplicated, losing n chance
thereby, ns her hnll went out of hounds.
Miss Hecker played steadily nnd bv neat
work on tho croen won thp hnle In ft in ?
nnd the match and championship 6 up nnd 3
nt urn ,
I no snectntors unnlauricd the w nnr
generously anu .miss nerron ran over nnd
congratulated the winner In the most nf-
rectionnte manner.
For the Consolation run Miss Kllxnheth H
Porter of the Oaklev Country rlnh nf M.
snchusetts bent Mis Hlsle Hurlburt of tho
.iorn iouwy cum or New Jersey, ny 1
up. Following Is tho card of the mntch:
.miss j -oner
put fi fi 6 3 ft R 5 ft 6 5-5'
Mlaa Genevieve Hecker of Ornngt,
J., Dents MIm Herron
for the Title,
NEW YOIIK. Oct. IJ Miss Oenevleve
JiecKer or the Essex County Country c iitt
urange. w, j cnnmnion woman goirer oi
the Metropolitan Rolf association, won tho
highest honors that n womnn golfer can at
tain in tne united males today, un me
Ilaltustrol Clolf cluh links, near Hliort Hills
N. J., Miss Hecker, In defeating Miss I.ucy
Herron of Cincinnati by flvo up and three
to play, won the much-coveted title of
chnmpfon woman golfer of the United
uo r nssoclat on. The llrst really ncKnowi
edged womnn's national championship of
tho United Stutes was won by Miss lleatrlx
Hoyt of the Shlnnecock HIIIb In 1W, nnd
she held the title durlnir the next two
tournaments In 1M7-8. At the Philadelphia
country eui linns in 1S99 Miss itutn rnuer,
hill of the Nassau Country club. Olencove
Long Island, was returned the winner, and
last year Miss Francis 13, Qrlscom of
Merlon. Pa., took the honors out of tho
metropolitan district to her Philadelphia
nome. miss tiecxer tnrougn ner victory to
day has recaDtured the honors for tho Met
rnnolltnn nssoclntlon. although at crltlcn
ficriods during the tournament just naaoa
t looked as if the prize would either go
wesi or to New Knglana.
Miss fleckers winning caused no sur
prjse. Rho is nn excellent pluyer who enn
be relied on to put up a good game, and
whllo sho is at times erratic, ft was nl
ways noticed thut the better the nluyer
(iKhlnst whom she Is pitted the better polf
bhe nuts un. Several times during tne tour
nament she played rather weakly, but ut
toned for thcso lapses by driving nnd play
ing through tho fntr crcen with tho ac
curacy of a professional.
Miss Herron, always a favorite among
eastern colters, surnrlsed many by mil
Hunt spurts of play, particularly !n Iter
short Kami', and It is no discredit to ner to
nave been neutcn uy tne new cnampion
To those who have studied irolf records tl'i
victory of Miss Hecker over Miss Her.-on
wns not ns easily accomplished ns nvi'iy
tr.ougnr u would nave been, it was quit
evident that Miss Hecker was fur (Mm
being on her best game today, and nt tilt.
tuimo tune u was noiiceuDie Hint .mibh nor.
ron. nrobnbly through ovrranxlousnesa
Dressed on her lone mine and was nervo'iM
i n her short trumoH nt times, mi that sho
also may be said to have been not qutteJ
ut her best.
When the plnycrs nnd their pnrtlsnns. of
whom there were nearly 2,000, assemblid
nt the club house, thorn wus n thick mis
overhanging the ground, und the luavy
morning new naa muue tne unxs almost
ns wet us if there had been a heavy ruin
fall. Hnlf nn hour before tho plnyiw
started the sun shone out und the weather
conditions then could not have been Im
proved upon.
Mis.i Hecker won the first for honor nnd
drove a beautiful ball, which went straight
us an arrow. Miss Herron ulso drove wetl,
but wns nenrly thirty yards short In dls
tunrc. She lopped her next three shots.
Mica Hecker vouched the edge of the green
lit four, but poor putting compelled h.r to
hnlvo tho hOie in seven.
Iloth drovo well for tho Hecoiul. Mhs
Herron going the longer ball. She topped
her third and fourth, while Miss Hecker
whs nn In three. Poor putting by b 4h
halved tho hole In six.
Playing tho third Miss Hecker sliced her
brassey nnd this cost her tho hole, which
went to Miss Herron In four to live. Mies
Herron one up.
Iloth wito on the fourth green in three,
but Miss Herron Ion a chanco in putting
und Miss Hecker won tho hole In flvo to
six, making the score nil square.
Miss Hecker drove n very long, straight
hnll, while .Miss Herror. found the hunker
und lost u stroke. Miss Hecker. with nn
Iron, cleared the second hunker, sllo'ng
slightly. Miss Herron made a beautiful
approach iho(. was on green In four, but
both missed seemingly easy puts, nnd tr.e
holo wiih hulved In six; the score nil square.
Uolng to eixtn green miss iiecKer nnu
the batter drive and was on 'he green In
two. Miss Herron wns huu on second
nnil was on In three nfter playing rather
Indifferently. Miss Hecker plnyed the bet-
o six, gnlnln
n 2 h56666TR 4-IS-DS
AIlss llnrlhiirt
Out ,,.7 (5 4 7 6 1)
n 5 G 4 8 5 7 7
llnrlnn Units nt the root nnil Look
I'imaril In Dltsy Al-mlrntlon.
The Council nl'lfTs ttlnh rhnnl fnnt hnll
boys proved too strong nn aggregation for
the High school boys from Harlan yesti'r
dny afternoon nt the Council Hluffs Driv
ing part nnd won, 17 to n. The two tennis
were nbout evenly weighted, but the Bluffs
eleven plnyed together better thnn Ihelr
opponents. The home tenm mnde Its entire
score in tin- llrst nn r.
(lame was callod nromntlv nt 2:M nnil
Council Hluffs kicked off from the north
goiu unu rrom tnat out mnnaged to kec
the ball most of tho time In llnrlnn terrl
lory, rweive minutes after the kick-oft
Ayicswortn secured the nrst touchdown
for the 111 II ITs nnd Pllllnir successfully
kicked tho goal.
With the pigskin still In llnrlnn territory
Treynor mndo a splendid end run nnd suc
ceeded in securing another touchdown, but
the attempt to kick a con! proved n fail
ure, jusi ncioro tne enu or tne llrst hair
rilling aitomptod to drop kick a gonl and
laneo. nut council lunrrs nrnred n tntioh.
down through a fumble on Harlan's nnrt.
Dltlfftnnn flllllllir'oil the hnll. Plltlnr- niraln
succeeded In sending the bnll between ths
posiH nnu wnen tne nnir was cnllcd th-i
scoro stood 17 to 0 In favor of tho Hluffs
Neither lfnm mmriA in tUn maam t.nlr
although tho Hluffs boys mnnnged to keep
,uo nun mum uif time in tneir op
ponents' territory. Things looked bright
for (mother touchdown fnr thn Illnffu n.,nr
time Was Cllllrrl. Twvnnp miHn n un1n,tl.t
Iwenty.yard run nnd wns followed by Cor- "iwi ii ivn-j.iru run nnu tne bull
wns within n few feet of Hnrlnn's gonl line
nnd a touchdown seemed Imminent whon
time wns cnllcd nnd the second hnlf wn
The game wns witnessed by 300 people.
unauera (.nnnize the Color hr Honm
Ited-Letter Playlna; In Faat
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 12.-The Unlver
u- oi, rennsyivania root ball team de
icmca mo urown university eleven today
In a fast and well-plnycd gnmo 1'6 to o.
nroyrn piayen rennsyivntua, to a standstill
in me nrst nan and came within a vnrd o
scoring n well-earned touchilnwtv Th via
(tors got the ball on their own fortyyard
lino and by hard line bucking forced tho
learner sixty-nine yarus flown the held
Here Brown lost the ball on a noor nass
coupled with a fast and fierce charge on
ine pari or ino l-ennsyivanians. (jnarter
back Howard seized thn ball nn.1 ran ih
length of tho field for a touchdown, but it
was not allowed. The referee olnlmod he
ran out or bounds. The hard w.irk i.f t i
first half told on the Urown pUyern nnd
their playing In the second half was not
powerful. Pennsylvania took a v.inderful
braco and carried the Providence f.'riyers
on tneir icei. iney scored an ir.iir point
in mis nan.
Dellevae nlrrs Thrni a Large, Kat
rill While Taklna; TrrrlTC
Lumps of Hao-ar.
The foot bnll teams of the Omnlia Med
Icnl collego and nellevue college playv
yesterday afternoon on the Rellevu
grounds nnd nellevue won. 12 to 0. scoring
onco in eacn nun. w large crown was I
attenaance. lineup;
Cope L. K.
A. Cooper L. T.
Stroud L. O.
Schofleld C,
Kerr R. O.
McWhorter R. T.
Throw R. B.
C. Cooper, Capt.Q. 11.
Cornwell ,.,.R, H. R.
Mooro L. H, li.
.F. .
R. K Stewart
R. T Carson
u. u .Smith
C.... McArthur
L. 2 Keri
L. T Kohot
L. E Poterson
Q. R Dickinson
i.. ii. ii... Chambers
It. M. II..,,
Greyhounds Will Chase RnhhiU
Inrac of Two Thousand
ter on the green nnd won the hole In tlvo
beautiful drive and Miss Herron made one
just as
sr the lead by one un,
the seventh Miss Hecker mnde a
he spectators and got
tho ball struck one of
sot stymied behind a
tree, Mlts Hcrron took two to get nut of
this difficulty and consequently lost the
hole In seven to six, Score! Miss Hecker,
two up. seven Holes.
For tho eighth hole Miss Hecker dro-'e
over the bunker In long grass Hnd Miss
Hcrron narrowly cleared the obstnclc, get
ting a nood line. Mix Hecker Inst n
stroke In getting nut of the grass and
was short of the green on her third, while
Mtss Herrnn's Iron shot over on the preen
and both were on In four, the holo being
hulved In six.
The ninth was halved In fours, so
MUs Hecker was two up on the turn,
cards for the flm nine holes:
Miss Hecker.,.,.... 7 d 5 5 fi 6 i
Miss Herron , 76466676
The return cards were:
Miss Herron lu 3 f 4
Miss Hecker In 4 4 4
Both drove ehort ot the green
s 7-33
6 6-2S
for tho
A national coursing meet will bo given nt
rrieno, jmcd., nPRinmng uctoDcr iz nnd Inst,
Inor flv Hnvn Th.i-A will V,a f fwi In ni,p.n.
rot- wnicn nearly soo or tho most promising
gieyhounds lu the country will compete.
Entrance fees of HR of these high-tired
nr.ltnala have already been paid.
This Htnkn will be mnnnced liv thn ninrnra
of the Mississippi Valley Futurity Coursing
ram. in uii-hkv piurc. opnn io ino worm,
will be conducted by the Friend Courslnc
club Tho coursing grounds of the Friend
club ure said to hnvo been gteatly Im
proved during the last year and are now
Hfconci to nono in tne country. i;xtsiiMiv
urernratlons have been made to furiut
hotel accommodations ror a nig crowd.
Members of Cape llrcton Yacht C'lu
to nulltt Competitor for
Amcrlvu'a Trophy.
CnijhUn Foot Bait Team ii Iifiatad hj
tcore af ElnTen to im.
Only Successful Defense of Ine coi-
lealnfr Team Is Its Tackling
Story of Ibc vmnir :n
v..t..a.v ih Omaha High school toot
ball team for the eccorid time demonstrated
its superiority over tne pigBiwn cuui
Crelghton university by a score of 11 to ...
Last year Crelghton laueu to score
even In failure they must be content. On
the bank overlooking the university campuj
were stationed the mgn smooi n...
whllo alonp the sidelines was In evidence
the blue and white of Crelghton. Never
as more enthusiasm soown in a iocsi urm-
lron battle,
u'hnn ihn imiki came out to warm uo it
was apparent that the college boys had the
best of It as to old "stars," weight and 'ex
perience, but after the wnistie was oiou
this fact was goon forgotten.
In Crelghton's Hue were ex-Hign scnooi
w-the stars of former teams-ana
furaous Andover tacaie. nun iue uu
procpects they had expected to play Kansaa
university, but yesternay nnioiuouB iU1 ..
highei" class wcro driven to eartn uy -.uij-
taln Englchard and nis uanu oi unaurKi'-nftiti.
A team which looked at first as nothing
besldo Crelghton's supposedly unconauera
ble line of stars Is now regarded as one of
the swiftest, steadiest aggregations or pig
skin artists that ever represented tne pur
nln and white.
Every man on the team is wormy oi spe
cial mention, as each played llko expe
rienced plungers. Captsln Englehard was
tho main star from wnicn tno ouier ten
may be named in succession. The new
nn. Thnmnson. Rterrlckcr. Shields and
Coryell plnytd llko veterans and play tb,lr
respectivo positions fully na woll ns their
predecessors. Shields nt nuartoroncK was
vcritnb e whirlwind. He never lunioini
nnn did somo tackling or tne star orner,
Coryell, who played Tracy's old position as
left halfback, plunged through the col
Ikn'i tackles llko a battering ram and
reminded many old grldlronitca of Ike Rav-
mond. Nebraska's famous fullback. This Is
Coryell's first season In High school foot
ball and It Is much regretted that It Is his
last, as ho graduates this year.
Steady nt the lOmls
The High school ends wero so steadv
that attempts at end runs by Thomas and
Welch were most effectually blocked. The
line held tho collcglnten to repeatedly for
downs that they were forced to punt as a
last resort.
Crelchton's tackling was its only sue
eessful defense. Dutler, Walker, Welch nnd
Thomas nlayed tho gnme for their team
whllo Callahan played at his utual steadv
The ball was In Crelghton's territory
four-fifths of the time and at no time after
the first seven minutes play did tho col
leglntes come within fifteen yards of the
High school line. If the undergraduates
do not become over confident over th' Irst
blush of success, as they have done b fare
they most assuredly will win tho state Hlch
school championship from Lincoln
At 3:40 Thomas kicked off to Engelhard
who returned ten yards. High school ad
vanccd twenty-five yards by line bucks and
lost bnll on downs. Rutlcr broke through
right guard for twenty yards. Walker re
peatcd the performance for a touchdown
Welch missed goal. Time of play, seven
Englehard kicked to Welch, who returned
flvo ynrds. On third down Thomas punted
out of bounds for five yards gain. Coryell
bucked for five yards and Standeven wen
round right end for ten yards, where ball
wns lost to Crelghton on downs. Thorns
and Welch gained five yards by end runs
High school got ball on fumble. Coryell
and Englehard gained ten yards by fierce
line bucking. Crelghton took a good brace
here and got ball on downs. Standeven
made the prettiest tackle of the game by
blocking Thomas' end' run. Crelghton got
ten yards on off tide play, but was held for
downs. Callahan snatched the pigskin on
fumble. Thomas Bunted on third down t
Englchard, who fumnled to Walker. Cretan
ton waa again forced to punt, by which th
High school gained fifteen ynrds. By
aeries of line bucks through Crelghton'
guards It advanced thirty yards. Here the
wearers of the purple and white cheered
themselves hoarse, as Standeven seed
twenty yards further to Crelghton's ten
yard lino. Coryell bucked for Ave yards
and Englehard went over for a touchdown
He kicked goal.
On Forty-Yard Line,
Thomas kicked orr to Griffith, who re
turned ten yards. Marsh went throunh
right tnckle for ten yards and time was
called on High school's forty-yard line.
Englehard kickod off to McShanc. who
was downed in bis tracks. Line bucks bv
Coryell netted ten yards. Crelghton got
ball on downs, but lost it on fumble. Men
school bucked for twenty-five yards, Creigh
ton getting ball on downs gained ten yards
by lino bucks and nve ynrds on offside play,
High school gained on Thomas' poor punt
but lost ball on downs. Crolghton lost on
end run. Callahan's punt was returned five
yards. Thomas knocked out: loft tho field
Both toams bucked fcr equal gains. Coad
retired from eame on Crelghton's thirty
yard line. Englehard puted to Callahun
who returned five ynrds. Fnlrbrother
picked up furablo and went twenty yard
to touchdown. Roth teams played without
gain to either and game Is callod In center
field. Llnup:
t. r.. i4. r, Thomns-Schau
gun. This condition wns favorable Io tho
Maroons, who outweighed the bojs ironi
In the llrst hnlf neither side scored nnil
me wns called with the hall on Chlomo tf
twentv-vitrd line. Chlcuco started thn ire-
ond half with renewed vigor and ut -i
series of line plunges nnd musses ou tnKM
succeeded in lorcing aniuon across rur- .
due's line for the tlrst touchdown of th'
gnme. Purdue rose Io tho occasion n n-ia-
nincent style Morrow, itussell nnd (.'rnrii
performed prodigies of valor and. aided i
tne goon punting or i.eene townru no enu
nf th znme. forced thi bull n'tr I lie llni
lsiie, nowevcr, like Kllswnrtn or tne .Mn eleven !l to o. in four minute arier ine
roon?, missed goal and wnat inignt opening or the contest laic put me unu
Minion ...
Orlfflth ..,
NEW YORK. Oct. 12. A dlsnntch tn the
Herald from Halifax. N, S., says: It
Is positively stated that A. J. Moxhnm
of Bydney, of the Dominion Iron and Httel
company; Jamos Ross or Montrenl, presi
dent of the Dominion Coal company, and
other members of the Cnpe Ircton Yacht
club hnve determined to build n yacht
to challenge for the America's cup. The
vacht will be hullt In Canada nnH win
certainly challenge for the cup this year
or next.
I.nat Onme of the Season,
FAIRMONT. Neb.. Oct. Iflnn..u
Fairmont nnd Exeter nluyed a cam.' nt hm
ball yesterday ut Exeter. 8cora. :5 to 11
In favor of Fairmont. Ilatterlcs: Fair
mont. Corl and Wells: Exeter, Wheeler,
Ueardsiey. Anderson and Fow er. siruuk
out: 11 y Corl. 13: by Wheeler nnd llearus.
ley, b. This is tno Inst game of the tea
son by these teams.
I'otapom Amerlran l.rngne Mrrtlntr.
CHICAGO. Oct. Ii. Owlnc to nr:m un
settled conditions in base ball ft has been
decided to hold the annual meeting of tho
American irngiio in mis cuy ueeembcr 2
Instead of next Wednesday, the date iet
In the league constitution. Ry December
It is thought thn personnel of the teams
will havo been perfected.
Revenue 'Wins York "takra.
LONDON. Oct. 12. Revenue, ridden
ciem jenKins. won tne Duke nf
stakes, a handicap of 2.000 sovereigns, dls
tan?e one mlie nnd n qunrter. nt the Kemp
ter pnrk Octoher meeting todny. Royal
George was second and Vpsllantl third.
i wcniy aorscs ran.
R. T. L. T
R. G. L. a....
C. C
L. G. R. O
L. T. R. T
L. K. II. K
Mnrsh R. H. U. L. H. R.
coryell u H, n. R. H. U.
Engelhard F. R. F. H
Umpire: Plxley. Referee:
Timekeepers: McShane Hnd Arnold. Lines
v,,,v,wn, i'iiDii;i. lime: .min 1B
.... McShane
... Crelghton
Tlsera Display Hotter Team Work
and More Strength In Defeat.
Intc I.elilfch'a Eleven.
PRINCETON. N. J.. Oct. 12. The Lehlrh
eleven met defent here today in a game
with the Princetons, 35 to 0. Three rn'mites
after the first kick-off, after several line
attacks nnd short end runs, McCord was
sent thrnugn center ror a touchdown. On
steady gains, chiefly by end runs, Dewttt
added two more touchdowns nnd Fnulke
got a fourth around right .end. Princeton
maue improvement in ns team work nn
its Interference wns the best It has mud
this reason. The lino hold well and n,
twice did Lehigh make nppreclahle gains
uiruuKii it.
Fifty Mlnotra fllnn- Piny on Verllahl
Kiramp Olvea Tenm Five
CHICAGO. Oct. 12,-Purdue today held Its
own against the University of Chicago,
each side scoring five points nfter fifty
minutes' play on a gridiron more nt for a
reg&tta than a foot bnll contest. Already
n. pond nfter hours of rain, the field wan
converted into a veritable morass by a
game which took place between two "scrub''
ulevtn before the championship game U-
i.l. ,ni. rn,l,,n.l ,1 Ha W.llil fill
! ' Incessantly throughout the some, tnuklm
Inst play Impossible.
IRfMrn Carrlex I In- Cipher In
Little Uiitintloti ! .Sons
of nil.
over the line nnd kicked a goal. Ten min
utes Inter It repented the operation.
burger, for the cadets, tried a gonl from
tho forty-vnrd line, but missed, in ine
second half Ynle got n touchdown nn.i
kicked oul In six minutes nnd anothtr 'i
thirteen minutes
ANNAPOLIS. Md , Oct 12. - Ynle ur.lver-
ulty's foot b.UI team defeated the Navy
Cornell Detent I nliin,
ITHACA. N. Y . Oil. 12. -Cornell defeatjd
1'ulon nt Percy Held this nfternoon. 2 to 0.
Twelve polpi r-cre mndr in ei-h hnlf.
Purcell's sixty-live-yard run nnd TausMV
chno ilnwn the Hold nfter the bill h'd
rolled by Union to Its ten-yard lino wrj
features of the sume.
4 4 His head was silver' d o'er with age, And long experience made him sage," Cray.
Pure Malt
AtlKAtlAM n. n.MEIt,
t'tlca. S, Y .ton. 2(1, 1001.
President Duffy Malt Whiskey Co.
ny .mt miciiii. un ini4, nij
ltclretmt arent iilcirure tn le)
ful I (eel lor what your vnltritilo wlil.'key lun
none tor m3. ;i h my nmy mcuinne. uy iieniin
liittll good, and I am ns dmng and vlgnrouiiK
n man could expect to Ixi nt eljjhty yonmot age,
notwlthn.inillnn I am 11'.) yoariold to dnv I hnvo
taken no medicine but Daily's l'uro Malt wh!Lcy
furroveral j-cars. I tuko It In nn epg-iiog llirco
or four time a day, nnd it stimulate tnvbliHxl
and keeps mo well and strong. It Is both food
and drink for mo, My hearing Is good, I ran
walk around, drei and undress in) self, nnd I
thank Ood for what Duffy's l'uro Malt Whiskey
has done for mo. It Ii truly a lilcsilng for old
people. I cannot tay tno much in Its prnlfc. 1
know I would not bo nllvo to-day If It uorcnnt
for your whiskey, it has Just nulled mo thmuch
a siege oi grin very grateiiiiir yniiM,
AUi;.UlA.M 1..,
ii you now grsti-
iauam i:. n.Mi:it,6j Tracy st.
Jan. 1, 1M.
Duffy Malt Whiskey Co.. Rochester. N. Y.
(Icntlemrn: It gives me ercnt pleasure to write
you on the birth of the new century to thank you
for the benefit your whiskey tins done me. am
lot titnrt oM, can see, hear and sleep perfectly.
I share, tnkc long wnlkiercry day, i hsre used
wlilikeynsa medlclno stneo I tras St years old,
and using whiskey 81 )pnm, I have learned tn
appreciate n good, healthlul stimulant like your.
I have used it constantly tor years, and can find
nothing to take Its plsre. netlhtr food nor drink
It tones my system, stimulates my blond, aa well
ai keeping me proof from roughs and colds. 1
hope with God's will end the aid ol your whiskey
to see much more ol this wonderful csnturr.
Yours very respectfully,
Josi:i'ii M'onvrR,
411 Cast KM .St , New York City.
THEN USE DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY. It Brings Health and Strength to Every One All Along Life's
Pathway. It Aids Digestion, Stimulates and Enriches the Blood, Invigorates the Drain, Builds Nerve Tissue,
Tones Up the Heart, Fortifies the System Against Disease Germs and Prolongs Life. It CURES Consump
tlon, General Debility, La Grippe, Colds, Bronchitis, Malaria, Dyspepsia, Depression and Weakness from
Whatever Causes.
A tconmonlut In half a class nf water or milk tlirre timet a dnv. nnil tnkn nn nthpr mnllolne. It Is rlanermii tn f" vnur irstrm with itntfti!
iney poison ine nyncm nnu depress ino iicmi. ijiiiuino iicpresses ine ueart. wnue liuifi rum, hai.i uui.'jKi.i .01
neari action nua imriucs inocniiru syrirm. irue us nnu siutc your case. It will cose jou nominK tor nance.
.ones nnd mvlenrntes ths
nctnxe nu iniercsi in nil our patients.
We will send you n medical booklet freo, which contains symptoms nud treatment of each dleaio, nlso ninny convincing tcttlmnnlslt ot
u rum, -MAL,i iiibKr.1 is tne only one taxed by tne united states tiovernment ns n medicine, ii nss u-eu tno mean
tnsrvelnus cures. DUFKY'
nfinvlnir thousands nf lives.
gist sua grocers, or direct, $1.00pcr bottle
It will suvo yours If urn w 111 trv It. There Is none "Ii
huffy MALT WIUSKLY CO., llocliester, N. Y.
rhero Is none "lint ns good s" DUl'KY'S PORE MALT WHISKEY. All drug-
That Prof. S. A. Weltmer, the Great Scientist, of Nevada, Mo.,
Has Originated a Method of Magnetic Healing Known as
Weltmerism, Which Without Drugs or Knife Will Cure So
Called Hopeless and Incurable Diseases.
l'rof. 8. A. Welt-
U'ellmer's Abm-nt Treatment, teatlilcH that
Bhe would hnvo been dend Inns nrtn If It had
rot been for tills wonderful method of cur
lin; disease, A multitude of men und
u'nnip.'i. lint nnlv In tin. l'nllitil HtntM. lint
diseases and ulftlctlonH without the uhu of j in the entire civilized world, owo their lib-
years hco
the great Hclcntlut of Nevadn, Mo.,
About four
zavo to mankind hln method nf Mucmitli
Healing, known as Weitmerlsm. Mke till
great nuccesaci. thin method, which clircH
medicines or nurKeon'H knife. Ikik lud many
Imitators, hut Weltmcrlum W n druKleM
medication known to mankind, which linn
the endorfement of men and women of i,u
tionnl reputation, un well nn thn endorse
ment of both press and pulpit, The mar
velous cures made by WeltmerlMTi of rnsea
which have been termed hopelesH und In
curable are such that It should have tin:
endorsement nf civilization. ThoiiKanda of
men and women who havo been tortured by
diaeanen nf mind und body and who had
tried hundrt-dH nnd hundreds of methods to
relieve their mifffrllic without avail haw
found perfvet health In the mthcd
originated by thla wonderful man. .M..ij
A, Crandall of OwnntoniiH, Minn., went be
fore n notnry juibllc und nworo that fche
suffered with Kidney mid I.uiu trotiblK
and had tried medicines and doctors with
out avail: was completely cured bv th
Absent Treatment of Prof, Wo'tmcr
more than one year iiko, und reRard., in. -
reir perrcctiy nnu iiermanenuy curen. spu
Amanda Mndglln, Jonesboni, III., mffered
for fifteen years with a I'ompllcatiun of
chronic female troublec, nysneinla. Heart
Trouble. Netirnlgla, HheumatUm nnd Hick
Headnches, wns cured more thnn two years
ngo by Prof. Weltmer's Absent Trcntment
nnd Is todHy well nnd fre from pain or
dlteaee. Mis, M. K. Miller of IJwyer, N.
M., waa ntlllctcd for twenty years with
ntieuniatlt-m, atomarli und Kl'l-r
Trouble, wan cur.-d two ).urir 1130 '-jy ir-i,
tienci" of dlceaw to Weltmerism, and many
under their cat 11 wwear tnat their very life
hub been mivid by this method, which cures
dlHi'iiae without the uld of either medicines
or the Burgeon's knlfo A (.Ister of a It. 8.
senator who was rerently cured through
the Weltmer Method writes: "Havlns
lived on llnuld loods for a year, my lung
so Involved thn cough was Incessant and
life a continual agony, I am now able to
rat anything my appntltn craves, I have
no lough whatever, I can wnlk three
miles witli eime, whereas I could not walk
threo blocks without a hemorrhage. I
havo itullv observed tho recovery of pa
lUntH which challenge the credibility or
any hut nn oye-wltneiis, 1 have seen an
elrterlv woman curU of shaking .palsy nnd
fully developed i-ancer cured In six weeks."
It Is the wish of l'rof. 8. A. Weltmer that
thli great boon to humanity be known and
understood by all. If any reader Is in
any wy anilcled, no matter what the dls
mse mny bo r how helplpss or Incurable
It may seem, if you will simply fccnd your
name and address to the Weltmer Hchool
of lionlli'.K. Nevada, Mo., Hinting aa near us
nopslMe your nflllctlon, you will receive,
absolutely free, a full diagnosis of your
iasn und will nlso receive, absolutely rroo,
a new book rrom tno pen or rror. m. a.
Weltmer, which will not only give In
full an explanation of this grand
method 'f in-'Ilrig, Vut v.'l'l at t o
nw timv fe'Vu names und Jddrcsscs of
men and women who have been cured at
every dlaenso Imaginable.
Absent or Homi Tnatmint.
The treiumt'iit which has become famour
ns 1111 "Absent Treatment" gtyea Professor
H. A. Weltmer the ability to eure patients
unable to come to Nevada, Mo. ThroUEh
this treatment patients arc cured no matter
at what distance, they may live. It, is in
no way mysterious or supernatural, It is
Imply a method whereby tho disordered or
lost functions of the body are restored
without the uso of the surgeon's knife or
medicines. Any one Interested In thla
science or who Is suffering, If they will
simply send their namo nnd address to the
8. A. Weltmor Hchool of Hoallng, Nevada,
Mo., will receive absolutely free complete
liternture, as well ns n new book from tha
pen of Professor B. A. Weltmer, without
any expense whatover.
Teaches His Science as a Profession,
This noble profession Is either taught by
mnll or personal instruction. The mall
course of Instructions s very elaborate nnd
complete. Through this course you are
taught, without tho necessity of leaving
home or detention from business, this grand
system of healing. It Is beyond question
the rxwt pny'nB profession of tlie age,
Send your namo and address to the Welt
, School of Healing. Nevada, Mo., and
you will reoelve absolutely fre s. book ex
plaining fully the manner In which .you
are taught to practice this grand profession.