HOME LIFE COMPANIES Keep the Surplus Savings cif the People Within Reach of the People anil Their Invest ment nt Home, STEADIES COMMERCIAL CURRENTS Ami Prnlci'tN 'Miliar CiimninnlilfN from Siiilili'ii I'liimn'liil Stnmm nml I'ruloiiKi'il 1'iinlcN. Ilnd Ncbrnskn policy holders In alien llfo rnnpnnlcH tlcpojltcil tlielr premiums with homo companion tho surplus nccumulntlons of tho yonrit preceding tho Inst nanln would Imvo Bavcd Ncbfaskn IiiihIiicm pooplo from I tin nwful bankruptcies of In tlino of peace prepare for war, In good times lay up storo for tho ovll day. Tho Insurer:! of Nebraska In ten years ;ontiiiiii!ti;ii tir..(ioo,(MK). lo alien llfo companies. This net sum over nnd nbovo all dividends and benefits wns locked up In the. v.hiIIh of the nllen cor porations nnd not a penny was avnllablo to alleviate tho llnanclal d'.HtiesH of Nebraska during tho panic. It takes no skillful financier to calculate, thu tcrrlblo loss to Nebraska by reason of this condition. i:.hti:ii mo.m:v ro.vor.sTio.v was onn of tho paramount muses of the serious commercial complications of those iiever-to-be-forROtten dnys. Men of" Ne braska learned a sovero lesson nt n fright ful expenso In 1803. They now seo how absolutely essential to the welfare of tho stato Is an Independent trensury. In no other way nro the savings of tho peoplo so successfully hnnillcd ns by life companies. l(MHH),0M A Y I'M It N what tho Ilankors Ilcservo will bo writing In less than ten years. Its accumulations for tho benefit of Its policy holders will be enormously Increased from year to yenr. One-tenth of tho rums paid annually to nllen companies will build a If I IMI.OIIO.IIOO COMPANY In less than ten years. Nchrnsknns know that tho Hankers Iteserve 1,1 vo Association Is progressive, ro hililo nnd nggrenslve. For that reason they rally to lis support and for that reasun they aro Riving It more huslucss every week thnn Is written bv any nllen company in tho Blnto. Tho Hank ers Ilcservo can still irno experienced solici tors or active business men In Its field work. Write for literature and terms, Ad dress, II. II. ItOIIINO.V, Pri-xhleiit. Your Health depends almost entirely on the condition of your stomach. If you suffer from dys pepsia, Indigestion, sleeplessness or that tired fcollng, THE PISItFEl'T I III 13 W lit, UK HllillON will put you rlght-soo that nothing enters your stomneli t tin t will Injure your health. vhen you drink III. UK ItlllltON you nro drlnkliiK tho best for yourself, best for your homo nnd tho entertainment of your friends. Your physician will tell vim an Impure beer Is imhcnlthful, lie will iiIhii tell you 11 perfect extract of pure mult and hops Is kooiI fur you, such Is III, UK lllil I ION tho porfect brow. Storz Brewing Company Telephone 1 2(10. Fine Work . . In clennlug nnd dyeing of drosses, clothing, silk, wool, plush drupes, plumes, kid Kloves, etc. Largest Establishment of Its Kind In the West Surpassed by None. TWIN CIIY DYE WORKS, OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS 319 South 15th St. 21 North 26th St. TEL. 1621 TEL. 310 SALESMEN and AQENTS WANTED HQ WAQBS-Onr r.mo RtaaiWattcr SU1L w... darnil IDf hUod al . Sllarv H.000 alrM.; aula. Dmu4 DorDMUt. Kf.rtbodr buy.. Onl the aitaha. .tare II rut. blih. nttnir ofdUUll!. 4tr a atM ddoklog velar, pare , da. unoue ana eeie. udij m.ioea. IlUUIltd WlUf .area DTepep. It, Suimftoh, Bow.1, Kldn7, nieaaer iH iieen TreuDieei T-teni. revere u4 eWeee... Wrlto fbrHMklet. New i-L,Tene, tie. muck Ilnrrltan Hla. Co., iiuiiwn SM., u Ju, a Vtm aula. Mtf1lurM, VarM.aAmastltaprr OW llU.-4j.,i.. IJiK. M.l.fl lk ( W.lt luf ...1 III Mn Carl, wllh Kl.i, CiUt,., .u. Aliaa.au. ULt.l CiKli CU, hUKIU I11II.1, COSH. r: dome HRUOfB MTU mm rrra fttvafal I ' ' v ' 14 Gleanings from the Story SENATOn CHAUNCEY M. DEPEW, while repairs aro being mado upon his houBo In Now York City, Is lly Ing nt tho Waldorf-Astoria. Somo tlmo ngo ho wont thcro and re Bervcd n suite of rooms, When ho camo bnck from Washington nftor attending the funcrnl of President McKlnley ho wont di rectly to tho hotel. As ho stepped up to tho desk there wns a woman arguing with tho room clerk. Tho argument rnn some thing llko this. Tho clerk said: "I nm Borry, madam, hut wo havo no rooms." "I wnnt n pnrlor, bed room nnd bath, nnd I must havo them," said tho woman, de cisively. "Wo hnvo none," said tho clerk, cour teously. "Then, I will tnko ono room, with bath." "flut wo hnvo none." "Who Is taking tip all the rooms?" oBkcd the womnn, combatively. "Well," snld tho clerk, "peoplo coming In for tho yacht races, tho horao show, tho fall shopping, nnd so on. Wo nro quite full." Just then Scnntor f)epow stepped up and tho clerk snld affnbly: "Tho rooms you engaged nro ready, scn ntor. I hopo thoy nro satisfactory." Tho woman turned nnd looked nt Senator Depcw, recognized him In n moment and said to nnother womnn with her, In with crlng scorn: "I should think that thoflo peoplo who pretend to Hvo In Now York would havo homes hero and not ro to hotols," and sho flouted off. Hector Maxtor of St. Mark's Episcopal church, Minneapolis, contributes nn anec dote of Illshnp Whipple, which tho latter related not long before his (loath. Cornclln Whipple, tho bishop's first wife, believed In drenms. Sho was a woman who seldom drenmed. but when sho did tho drenm Invnrlnbly came true. On a Sundav morning In October, nt Faribault, Minn., mnny years ngo, Bho aroused tho bishop nnd told him that her son, who wns living In Now Mexico, wns dying. She hnd seen him In a dream nnd there could bo nn mlstnko nbout It. Sho described him ns bo lav on n hnrd bed In n miserable ndobe hut nnd declnred thnt his serious condition wns dun to Innttentlon. Sho urRcd tho bishop to proceed without delnv to New Mexico nnd rcscuo tho boy. A few hours later Hlshop Whlpplo, obedi ent to his wife's wishes, wns flying south wnrd as fast as steam could tako him. When ho reached St. Iouls ho found n telo grnm nwnltlng him from his wife. It rend: "Proceed without delay to Now Mexico. Don't wnsto nny time; every moment Is precious." Ho followed directions to tho letter and reached his stepson's slda Just In tlmo. Tho sccno wns Just as Mrs. Whlpplo had depcrlbcd It. Tho boy was sick unto denth on n pnllot of straw In nn ndobo hut. What medlcnl attention ho had received was dolne him more harm thnn good. It was apparent that ho could not survive another day In such surroundings. Bishop Whlpplo had left In such n hurry thnt he had neglected to bring any moro money than ho needed for his baro traveling expenses. In his dilemma ho went to tho bank nnd told his Btory to tho cashier n mnnly young Mexlcnn. Ho needed money to get his son nut of tho country; would the bank honor n drnft? Tho cnshler was Impressed with tho bishop's recltnl. "Any ono could tell by looking nt your foco," said he, "that you wero n hlslion of tho church of Oml nnd thnt you speak tho truth. I will ho glad to accommodate you. How much money do you wnnt?" Tho bishop drow on tho bank for $500 nnd ho nnd tho sick man wero soon on their wny north. The mother's drenm saved tho boy's llfo and tho loan wns repaid as soon as tho bishop reached home, Former Attorney Ocnornl Miller recently told this story, which Is thoroughly enjoyed by the narrator: "When President Hnrrlson tnvltcd mo to become n member of his cnblnot," ho said, "I determined to visit my boyhood homo In Indiana beforo going to Wnshlngton. I hnd not been In tho town for twenty years. At tho railroad station I wns mot by tho vit iligo hnckman, who knew mo when I wns n boy. He greeted mo ns If I had left tho town only tho dny boforo. On tho wny to tho hotel In his ramshackle 'deep-sen going' hack' I said: " 'Well, William, whnt has happened since I hnvo been horo?' " William,' I continued, 'I've been chosen n member of tho president's cabinet, Whnt do tho neighbors sny to thnt?' " 'Nothln',' ho nnswered, 'thoy Just lauRh.' " Tho uniformed functionary who Is In com mnnd of n reRlment of boll boys nt a local ; ho'el, relates tho Detroit Free Press, tnkes pride In tho mouthful of Jewelry thnt Is ills played every tlmo he grins. He had bad luck with hlfl teeth In earlier life, nnd several Ivories havo been replnced with gold fillings. An ncqualntnnce, one of tho prom inent regulnr boarders nt tho hotel, notic ing the nnlmnted showcase the other dny, observed: "I nm nfrnld, captain, thnt after you nre dead and burled, you won't remnln long In your grave. Somo ono will dig you up for TIIE IL1T1TJ ST BATKn TIV.V. Teller's Pack thnt gold In your mouth. You'll be worth moro dead than you aro alive." Hastus laughed so heartily at this that tho Jowclry display dazzled tho eyes of tho guest. "Oh, no, ah," ho said, "dcy won't dig mo up, snh no, snh, cawso I'ao gwlno tch ho Incrlmlnnted. I am. Ah'll Jes fool nil doso gold-huntnhs. Dey's dun got mah odah down nt do creamery long tlmo ngo." "Not long ago," remarked n traveling mnn, "I went up the picturesque Kentucky river on n little steamboat which runs from I.oulsvlllo to Frnnkfort. Dy the wny, thcro iBn't n wilder or moro beautiful stream In tho whole country than that same Kentucky river: tho boat passes through eight or ten government locks during the trip. On tho boat I encountered n queer old customer n 'ong-bcarded, grizzled Ken tucklnn, who was full of Interesting rcml nlscenccs. . " 'Onco on a time,' ho said, 'I mado n heap o' money up nn' down this llttlo cd' river n-peddlln'.' " 'Whnt did you pcddlo?' I nsked. " 'Kenrds,' ho answered, 'plnyln' kenrdi nn' bibles.' " 'That was n queer stock In trade,' was my comment. 'How did you happen to havo such n mixed lot ns thnt?' " I bought It nt n auction down t' Ixjo's vllle,' bo explained, 'tho auctioneer lumped 'cm, bo I hnd to toko 'cm. Put I got rid of em yes, slrco ev'ry ono of 'cm. People nlnng this river Is alius wild for playln' kenrds; I sold them plnyln' kenrds for $2 n pack. They wont off rnpld, ev'ry ono of thorn ycs-slreo; nn' I didn't hnvo nary bible left on hand, nuther.' " 'How much did you get for your bibles?' I nsked. " 'haws,' tho reminiscent Kentucklnn ex plained; 'them bibles went off rnpld, too; I glvo 'em nwny with In' kenrds.' " Sonnto.- Piatt was In n hansom cab with two ladles, reports tho Now York Times. Tho cab was stopped at tho ladles' ontrnnco of tho Fifth Avcnuo hotel. They alighted. After tho scnntor hnd escorted tho ladles to tho door ho hailed the cnbman, who was nbnut to drlvo nwny, nnd tipped the mnn a quarter. Three half-tlpsy loafers In good clothes wero pnsslng. One of them saw the net nnd snld insolently: "Is It a good qunrtcr, Tom?" Tho senator turned nbout nnd replied: "It Is far better thnn your manners, at nny rate." Then ho Joined tho Indies. DON'T BE SO THIN. FREE REMEDY, Many ladles nnd gentlemen who cannot complain of nny kind of sickness nre ab normally thin and cannot Ilnd nny medical treatment which will correct this condition. Dr. Whitney's Nerve nnd Flesh llulldor Is not nlonu Intended for tbo.10 who nro sick, but also for thoso who nppenr well nnd hearty, but cannot acquire sulllclcnt llesh to round out tho form. In dyspepsia, Indigestion, nil stomach troubles, debility and nervous diseases, no remedy Is so prompt nml powerful. In order to demon strnto tho wonderful merits of Dr. Whit ney's Nerve and Flesh llulldor, every per son who will nddress tho C. O. Jones Co., Elmlrn, N. Y will receive n trial packngo 111 plain sealed wrapper absolutely free. AtJKNTS WANTED MEN and WOMEN for ih lfix1ldlf HlmtratM ul won.lrrTu.lf iiulr tit 1.00k THIRTY YEARS IN WASHINGTON llr Mil. Ull.V JOHN A.l.tMiAV It rtreye tlitwn.r life, womltrful activities. itmrffU and myitrnt-i ol Hie Ciniul a- rainuua anil hlshljr iiriTllrgn! woman area them. Ilraull. fully liluitralnl (bo 1'Utcil hy (invrrlimcnl rniurnt ami aid. C"''ld l HKriila imlv. Hlaillioiuand, D.l l' mm irlialilr agenta wanlnl. Mh mm and vumrn, but only oiif ajirnt a plarf. (JJ'N"nr nt nur am nil arr milinc ami a mniilh. O OfMnre no htH'hunrr for we 'iiw t'rrmSt, tlivt Virtltt. httnt Trim and nuaranlrr h'xrluuvr Trrrttotv. Aildrrta A. II. WUIC I III.M1TO.N X CO., Hitrlfon!. Cuun. YOU CAN BUY OUR HALFTONE ENGRAVINGS which appear from tlmo to tlm In The Illustrated lice. On small portrait cuts wo mnko a nominal price of 11,00. On largor cuts ( cents per squaro Inch. Tay ar all In first-class con dition. Our photographic, department will also print additional copies of our original photographs at a reasonable rate. The Bee Publishing Co, Omaha, Neb. Moderate Priced Hlfh-Cliss Ladles' and Gentle men's Tailoring. 'Phone 805. 4 Dolls FREE "A TRAINING IN CLEANLINESS IS A FORTUNE." COMPLETE YOUR EDUCATION WITH SAPOLIO Hiller's Pure Rye 8 Years Old S3. 20 per gallon Charges Prepaid. Pure, health-atW-Inr, Invigorating. PREVENTING DISEASE. Pre-eminently MEDICINAL WHISKEY. Put up in four full quarta, or oaa- aaaPaSlaaaClaai gatlon Jug. HENRY HILLER. .121 Nn. Iflth Sir ret. Omaha, Nebraska.. Ordara weet of Nabraaka suit eail tm I gallon to be prepaid. Mr., WIiinIimv'h SiioIIiIiik Syrup Itna been tiseil for over FIFTY YRATIS by MILLIONS of MOTHKHS for their CMII. DIIHN WIIII.K TKKTIIINa, with PER FECT SUCCESS. IT SOOTHES the CIIIIiD, SOFTENS tho OUM8, ALLAYS nil PAIN CUItES WIND COLIC and Is the best rem edy for DIARRHOEA, Sold by druggists In ovory nnrt of the world. Tie sure nnd ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup" nnd tnko no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. A Fine Line of Boston Ftrns 15 Cents Up. Out-of-town customers will lileuso send 10c oxtra for uostiiKo. HESS & S W0 BOD A, FI.OHISTS. Phone 1601. 1411 Farnam St., Omahn. WE TEACH YOU FREE 5. to SIO. PER DAY. Ofcfc UTCr, nitkcl til MUI PUtlse. uwHi- u, MBVvi.u., gnof lav aajiiaa Proft Oraj MaehlsM. riaua I fTauh... J.vlrj, Tabloaa, llfnla., an Bnai rod., so uriaiucB. i Haarj plau. Hodwa auUada. la uja. W. 4a (ila'lof. au. oaitu, tu Han. Oombla-. all lanli. lalhaa hum,.!. .10., raadj for ort. The Karat. n- dlpploi pmaaa. o.U. and ... n rll liMlay. r.tl.i, iinulx. i , rBEK. I'. UUAY A to., ll.(ln( Wurka, t'l.NCl.NATI. 1 M I A.' I. ROOT, PRINTER I I 414-418 South Twelfth Street I Tel. X604 OMAHA, NEB. 1 'Jl LaaaV!aTwv" aW n October 13, 1001. Advanced Styles Cieter Ideas Newest Effects J. A. Kervan Tailoring Co. 424 South 15th Street. Omaha, Neb. r.Trrr little (rirl lore a doll. How dflljrMM the wuii.il If ith n wholu fnnilljr of Medulla with which M "iluy lioim-," Thw ilulln htv nmrl? two fcit liltfh, lmr rty tiit't-k. Uuutirul Iia.i, hratU tlint will hot hniik. vyvn thnt will nut fall In, nor mi tier nuy of tlu mfiOmp ttuit tlotlh-n n likely to pncutinttT. They art thy th Cmttiry mmlt-1 of the old foul 1 lot icd doll that Uinndma umiI to make, and would make (Irandnm own her eyrfl In wonder. They nru mode of extra heavy Kitteen that will nut tear, and aie drewd tn hrlcht color that will not fmle. They an tery it 11 ml. hi and will (Tire n ehlld tnore trill lriv.re than any tin 11 made. We will irhe ttu-r four I autlful doll atHwtltiti ly free for n-Hlntf only ih lnii.es of our Illative Stomach TaMit nt Z"i nM n hot. Write tinlav nnd we will f.'inl th Till 'N't n hy mall lNf.tnld. When Hold wnd 11 the mmiey tl.ft') ami we will wnd you the four dolti nmiio day money M reelTi'd. .ildnnm, NATIONAL MEDICINE CO., Premium Dept. 102 IC . New Haven, Conn THE pe0ENT -SHOE Co ft rail and Winter Styles are now In the new shapes neat and dressy tn patent leathers, patent vlel kid, enamels, calf, etc. the best men's Bhoes on the street look the best and wear the best that's the famous Regent and the price your choice only 13.50. Regent Shoe Co. 205 S. 15th St. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Typewriters New Century, New Dens more, New Yost. We sell, reiit, exchange, repair type writers. Everything considered speed, grade of work, cost of keeping in repair, durlabllllty, etc. ours are by all odds the cheapest typewriters on the mar ket. For Information regarding type writers, adJress or call on United Typewriter & Supplies Co., 1114 Faraan St.. Omaha, I TBUAI. VRKATXENT FREE. Iw.wiu jorr.lt aoottir .in run of lalaraal.Katernalii lirtalna; IMIee tto Urn. Flla-Curr fail. locnr.r'lD.Uol.nd prm.D.ut relief Wrltr at nnr, rsa Metfleal Vo., ill K. Sd St., CluclaaaU. O. Jabon do Atniem, ataron Dentifrice D'Aralcu, Arnica Zmhn Selle. The Only International Dentifrice. The Btaadard far jo yeari. aacatAII Druaalito. ON.arrRomi co.(rop,(whtiMroiuiAi fi ii IHAW aSW m aV MAKER aW7 TO WEAR ED