South America's Way (Copyright, 1901, by J. I. Dlaas narcenns.) NAP.CI1Y (ltuls short shift In South America. The man with tho bomb or the bullet (aces an unpleasant alternative deportation or Incar ceration. The bars are up, not In a single country, but throughout the en tire southern half of tho hemisphere. No better Illustration of the sternness of tho methods employed against anarchists can bo found than In the course of tho offi cials of tho Argentine Republic (where there Is a largo Italian population), following the murder of King Humbert by Drescl. Tho po lice, who keep n record of such things, knew that thero had been a Drescl In Ilucnos Ayres several years before the crime was committed. They had no particular reason then for watching him. Ho did nothing that was Illegal and eald nothing that could be construed ns Incendiary. After n time Drescl left Buenos Ayres. Ho went to the United States. Tho next heard of him was that ho had fired tho shot that appalled the world. Then tho republic's watchdogs took to nosing about. Tho Argentine hnd no Intt mato concern In Hrcscl's act, It would havo appeared. Dut tho olllclnls figured It out that, having onco lived there, ho must have had companions. To them ho must have talked; with them, harangued. Whcro wero they now7 Sowing llko seeds of vlolenco and disorder among that dangerously largo and alien nrmy of Italians, Germans, Slavs nnd Huns? So tho watchdogs nosed on, and finally Drescl's friends of seven years be fcro wero unearthed. In n few days they wero hauled before natlvo Judges, examined and cross-examined, threatened, cajoled and persuaded. A hundred oaths and affidavits of peaceful citizenship nlono saved them from deportation. Today, under tho law's eye, they suo for tho light of Its approval In a warm espousal of statutory observance nnd nn equally ardent detcstntlon of an archy In all Its forms. All through South America tho anarchist Is the object of popular hatred as well as of political repression. It ho undertakes to disseminata his creed ho is promptly taken Into custody nnd released only upon agree ment to leave tho country. More than this, his kind is prevented ns far as posslblo frcm settling thero. In nil parts of tho world tho representa tives of tho South American governments nre constantly on the watch to learn what hnv run nt thn mnvntnnnta nt (hn nnne.ti- Onco ono is known to have set sail for tho forbidden land, tho government Is notified of tho departure by cable. A little surprise Is arranged for El Scnor, tho an archist. "This looks like a promising field," ho says, as ho walks down tho gnngplnnk of tho steamer or steps oft tho railroad train. Ho feels a tap on the shoulder. Two or thrco suavely courteous gentlemen are at his side. "Tho climate hero is not suited to such as tho senor," they say. "Ho would best depart by tho atxt boat." "Dut I wish to remain," tho newcomer says, indignantly. "I know nothing about tho climate." "Ah, that is too bad," enj-3 ono of tho suavo strangers, producing something that looks llko an official decumcnt. "Tho senor MRS. S. M. WALKER, PRESIDENT, LINCOLN; MRS. DORA V. WIIEELOCK, VICE PERSIDENT, SUPERIOR; MRS. MARY D. RUSSELL. CORRESPONDING SEC RETARY, LINCOLN; MRS. MEDORA D. NECKER, RECORDING SECRETARY. BEATRICE; MRS. EUSEDIA M. CODB. TREASURER, YORK STATE OFFICERS OF THE NEBRASKA WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION, ELECTED AT THE OMAHA CONVENTION Photo by a Staff Artist. will have to study the climate In a poor place tho prison." This usually effects a conversion. The visitor decides that tho climate, In fact, would bo bad for him, and ho carries his bullet and his doctrine elsewhere. Tho "elsewhere," I nm afraid, Is too often the United States, for tho .same barrier at each gatewny keeps him out of the south. On tho other hand, tho freu scopo which this snmo man Is afforded In tho United States would astonish nny South American who had not been mndo familiar with tho condi tions by long residence here. Upon assuming tho duties of tho Vene zuelan consul at Philadelphia I found Im portant, reasons for following tho course of tho Itcds, and I was continually shocked, not to nay scandalized, nt tho license of speech allowed. Tho violence of tho de nunciatory phrases used to characterize men In high public office, as well as those prominent In commercial llfo, was such that nt times I could hardly bellevo that tho authorities wero cognlznnt of what was going on under their very noses. Thoro wns Indicated absolutely no respect for au thority, hatred for the leaders In trndo and commcrco was tho doctrine Inculcated, nnd, If murder wnB not Instigated In so many words, destruction nnd revolution wns al ways tho unconcealed Implication of tho speeches. In mnny cases I saw tho police standing by and listening without apparent Interest. In the course of last winter I went to mnny nnnrchlstlo meetings nnd heard such well known advocates of tho de structive dogma as Hcrr Most, Emma Gold man and Voltnlrlno de Cleyre. One point that struck mo forcibly was tho overwhelm ing propfirtlon of foreigners In tho audi ences; nt least ten to every ono American, oven In tho open nlr meetings. Most of th" few auditors who looked llko Americans gnvo, overy evidence of being present out of curiosity. It Is this foreign clement that Is tho great danger; and I wns tho moro surprised that aliens should bo allowed so broad a freedom of speech. In Venezuela, as in tho neighboring coun tries, summary punishment would havo been Indicted upon orators who hnd darod to uso languago half as Intempcrnto as much of that I heard at tho mildest of the Philadelphia gatherings. At tho least they would havo been seized nnd thrown Into Jail, and If tho spenkors wero foreigners ns was tho caso In Philadelphia nothing would havo provented a riot In which they would havo been roughly handled. Hero even tho publications of tho an archists aro under tho ban. Not that thero aro laws actually aimed at suppressing them; under tho letter of tho law they could bo published, so long ns tholr utter ances were guarded. But public sentiment constitutes tho strongest kind of a prohibi tion. If tho pollco failed to raid tho pub lication office of nn anarchistic sheet, tho populaco would mako short work of It. That South America has gained tho unhappy and largely undeserved distinc tion of being rlfo with tho spirit of assassination Is not duo to the prevalence of nnarchlstlo dogmas. Attempts upon tho Uvea of political rulers in South Amcrlcn have not been raado by anarchists, but have been usually tho result of tho fury of par tisanship on tho part of somo hot-headed Individual. Such a case was tho attack on with Anarchy QIIOUP OF WOMEN WHO ATTENDED THE WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPER ANCE UNION CONVENTION AT OMAHA Photo by a Staff Artist. Julio Roca, which resulted In landing him In tho presidential chair of tho Argentine Republic. His predeccsor, Juarez Celmn, hnd made himself so unpopulnr that In lSUO ho resigned to escnpo the public Indignation arising from accusations of mnlfonsnnco In office. Ills first minister, Roca, was In cluded In tho dcnunclntloiiH, and, ns ho held olllco after his principal hnd retired, tho denunciation ol him was particularly vio lent. Ono dny several of the oratorical hot heads of tho opposition met and harangued each other in a grocery store. Tho discus sion went beyond tho limits of moderation nnd rash measures wero advocated. Tho speakers know each other well and felt that there wns no danger In expressing opinions which nono of them would havo carried out In nets. Dut thero was n listener who didn't appreciato this n 13-year-old grocer's boy. As tho men hnrangued nnd orntcd ho grow moro nnd moro interested. For several days ho brooded over what ho had heard. Then ho went out nnd bought n revolver, walked to tho government house, and when tho first minister got Into his car riage thero wns an unsuspected passenger on tho springs behind. Presently tho pas senger lifted tho curtains, pressed his pis tol into Rocn's back and llrcd. They took tho boy to prison to begin n term of twenty years nnd Roca was driven homo. Physlcnlly tho effects of tho shot wero In considerable, politically they wero tremen dous, for when ho nppearcd In public again, Roca, tho crstwhllo hated official, was ac claimed a hero, and gained steadily In pub- Thommason's Troubles Indianapolis Sun: When I enmo home yesterday tho mnld mot mo at tho door. "Mr. Thommnson," bIio said, "somo ono with a bill wns hero yesterday." I glanced nt tho parlor nnd snw that the room was full of neighbors. "Somo ono with a bill?" I queried. "Was It tho lnwyer?" "No," answered Mnrlc, with n smllo; "It wbb the stork." I havo slnco heard that some pcoplo say that tho dlaloguo between tho mnld serv ant and myself wns arranged lioforelinnd, so as to glvo out tho Impression In the neighborhood that I was n wit, but thnt'n a lie. She Understood Clovuland Plain Dealer; "Excuse me," ho said to tho applicant for the typewrit er's position, "but I would llko to know your age?" Tho young woman looked astonished. "May I ask what that has to do with my fitness for tho placo?" she Inquired. "Nothing," ho promptly nnswored. "You seo It's my wlfo that wnnts to know." "In thnt caBe," said tho applicant, who wns protty as well as young, "tell her I nm 47." And tho smllo thnt followed this In genious statement brought out four de lightful dimples. Alphabetical Courtship Baltimore American: "Yes," said the fair young girl, "I had a great many alpha betical courtships whllo I wns In tho coun try this summer." "Indeed?" ho murmured, not knowing what olso to say, but being anxious to get nt tho next paragraph. "Yes," sho continued, "you know I would roll my eyes, nnd then the Jays had to fol low tho eyes, didn't they?" After repeating tho nlphabct up to the "I, J" part wo carao to tho conclusion that tho fair young thing knew whereof she spake. By Colonel J. I. Diaz Barcenas, Venezuela's Consul nt Philadelphia. lie esteem from thnt day, tlmtlly being elected president. Even soctnllsiti Is banned In most South American countries. The people of Veno zuoln, Ecuador and Colombia In particular are bo strong In their opposition to the cult that, without waiting for the pollcu to In vestigate, they would Inform ngulnst nny Individual attempting to propagate tho doc trine. Pamphlets or papers liiculcntlng so cialistic doctrines nro barred from tho malls. Persons suspected of writing Incen dlnry matter are closely watched and when a writer of socialistic tendencies comes Into tho notice of tho government ho re ceives a letter with nn official seal. In the South Amerlcnn way It Is wondrnusly pollto. "Most respected senor," It begins, "It Is with much regret thnt wo bog to direct your nttcntlon to certain paragraphs which appeared In nn nrtlclo written by you tu Ruch-nnd-such a paper upon such-nnd-such a date. No one could ilnd fault with tho fluency of your style, or tho lltcrnry quali ties of your composition. But, nlnsl senor, wo fear thnt It Is dangerous to tho public wenl. Tho sentiments nro Incendiary. Wo Famous Pictures Tho Dee has secured a series of beautiful reproductions of famous paintings nnd beautiful pictures In colors. These pictures aro all sultablo for framing and will 'ork handsome In nny house. Tho second of the series will bo ni . IV'JffaaaaaV ,.,,LMth 'it fldMBBBBaVrBBBBBBHBBBBBV THEHUNTER'SfcJOY Tills picture Is indeed a work of art and has boon oxecutcd with reiunrkablo skill. So natural and truo to life thnt tho huntcr'B thoughts and feelings steal upon you un awares. You seem to fcol tho fresh morning air nnd oven hear the sighing of tho rushes In tho wind, tho whirr of tho rapidly approaching gnmo and nro only awakened from your unconscious reverie when your nrms Involuntnrlly start upward In an effort to mako ready to fire. f I How to Get Thetti. Theso pictures nro 10x21 Inches nnd have never been sold at the art stores (or less than ono dollar. Dy securing an Immense, quantity of them we are able to offer them With a Coupon for 15 Cents. When ordering state the name of the subject, and If they are to be mailed enclose etx cents additional for poitago and packing. CUT OUT THIS COUPON Present at Dee Office or mall thla coupon with 15o and get your choice of Photographic Art Studtei. When ordering by malt add 60 for postage. AIIT DEI'AHTMISNT, IIKH PUBLISHING CO., OMAHA. AHT IlKl'AHTMKJVT, THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY, 17th and Farnam Sti. trust wo shall not seo tho llko ngnln from you. With great assurances of respect nnd esteem, wo beg to remntn, your devoted servants," etc., etc. If the recipient of this nrtlclo Is wise, ho will lay asldo tho quill ho has dipped In gnl! nnd tnko up ono sweetened with honey. If ho Is proud, tho spirit of tho letter may ovndo his mentnl grasp, nnd ho continues to disseminate, his dangerous views. Hut not for long. Thero Is another letter. "Itespected senor," It runs, "onco you Imvo been warned. Tho doctrines you preach nro In violation of tho law. Must you be warned ngnln? Tnko heed. We beg (o remain, your devoted servants," etc., etc. Not mnny Instnnces nro on record of a third warning. Such ns they are, they com prise entries In tho criminal court ledger. This In South America's way with on nrchy. Perhaps It will bo North America's way, too, before very long. It isn't the Cook's Fault, It isn't your Grocer's Fault, thnt tho bulk coffee you just purchased turns out to he differ cut front the ' 'same kitnl" botihi before. Coffee purchased it) bulk is sure to vary. The sealed package in which LION COFFKH is sold insures uniform flavor and strength. It also keeps the coffee fresh ami insures absolute purity. FOB. SALE BY ALL LEADINO RETAILERS Williams-Hay ward Shoe Co., OMAHA. Tho Only Agent In Nobrnska Handling HOOD AND OLD COLONY KUIIIIMItH.