10 TJTJ3 OrAnA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, OCTOBET? 11, 1001. HAVnn.vs nio cloth imj am:. ke Enttrf) (M.OOO Stock of Henry Son tinhorn A Co., IlnHlmorc, Septirpil FOR SPOT CASH AND ON SALE AT LK33 THAN COG ON THE DOLLAR. This Well known manufacturer made only the vory finest men's and boys' clothing. To closo nut nil IiIh (nil nnd winter 1901 -2 aults nnd ovorcoats he accepted our spot Mh offor of less than half tho wholesale value. These garments tiro made from the fcest selected fabrics, silk-sewed, artistic ally tailored and perfect fitting. The enormous quantities mado It Impos sible to put thcfio goods on sale In the sec ond floor department nnd we have displayed this stock In the main floor bargain room, filling every shelf nnd counter with the very finest men's and boys' 'suits, over coats, pants nnd ulsters at tho most as tonishingly low prices ever quoted In any tain over held In America. Note the prices and then soo the high grado quality of this clothing nnd you will bo more than sur prised. EVERY GARMENT MUST HE SOLD FRI DAY OR SATURDAY. We need tho bargain room space for dry goods nnd must close out this tremendous rlnthlne slock by Saturday night. The foods will bo sold regardless of value. You can buy two or threo suits for less than the regular prlco of one. Thursday's great crowds wero handled satisfactorily, ns tho goods were well ar ranged and experienced clothing salesmen ere there to wait on them. Friday wo will have a much larger forco nnd guaran- Sco proper fitting nnd atlfnctory selection o all, no matter how big the crowds. Come early as posslblo. Note n few of the specials: Men's fine worsted suits, French facing, worth $6.50, salo price, $2.75; Men's all wool cnsalmcro worsted nnd cheviot aultn, worth $8.50, salo prlco, $3.76; mon's $10 suits at $5; men's flno $12.50 sultn nt 16.60; men's vory best suits In new stylish pnttcrns, finest fabrics, elegantly made, orth $16.50, go In this salo at only $7.60; men's samplo coats nnd vests, worth up to $18, at $1.96 nnd $3.75; men's lino sample I pants, worth up to $4.50, nt !5c and $1.50; men'e $7.60 oxford gray overcoats, In this sale, $2.75; men's $12, 36-or.. frlezo ulsters, lanln price, $5; men's $15 flno overcoats nt 1$8.60; men's vory finest overcoats, worth I $25, In Imported fabrics, on salo nt $10; young men's suits, worth up to $12.60, nt 142.76, $3.75 nnd $5; boys' kneo punts nulls, North up to $5, salo prices, 95c nnd $1,95; boys' $5 long overcoats nt $1.95; boys' storm "reefers, mado of nil wool frlozo and chin chilla, worth up to $5, nt 95c and $1.95. The greatest clothing salo over known. Goods must bn sold nt ouce. Impossible to glvo any Idea of values until you sco tho goods. 'Be on hand early Friday morning. HAYDEN DROS. Selling most clothing In Omaha. Annonnoeiiirntk ! Ilia Thritera. At tho head of "Tho Casino Girl," which comes to Boyd's tonight, aro tho follow ing artists, most of whom aro well known In this city: Frnnk Hornnrd, Hen Grin nell, Harry A. Smith. R. E. Wnrrcn. (llarry Short, MIbb Clara Palmer, Nclllo McNaughton, Carrlo Reynolds and llattto Arnold. In addition to thesu .favorites of the Hroadway playhouso of Now York tbero are clover pcoplo In tho numerous roles of minor Importance, a pony ballet of graceful llttlo dancers from England and an abundant chorus of bowltchlng fern Inlnlty. . Illinois Central Ilallraad. Official lino to missionary convention of the Christian church, Minneapolis, Minn., October 10th to 17th. The Illinois Central railroad has been de clared tho official lino from tho stato of Nebraska to tho Minneapolis convention. Special service has been arrangod for the delegates to leavo Omaha union depot Wednesday, October 9th, at 8 p. m. Tick ts on salo October 9th, 10th, .11th, 12th and 34th, good for return until tho 19tb, at rate of $10.65 for the round trip. Hy depositing ticket with tho Joint agent limit can be extended for return until October 31st. Call at city ticket office, 1402 Farnam street, for full particulars and reservations In apeclal sleepers, or address, W. II. DRILL, D. P. A., Omaha. A. O. II. W., Attention. Tho funeral of nrother Ernest H. Hoffman will toko plnco on Friday, Octobor 11th. at 2 o'clock p. m., from tho family resldcnco. 1412 S. 17th street. All members of Omaha 'lodge No. 18 nnd sister lodges aro re quested to nttend. Hy order S. M. HROOKS, Master Workman. Birthday rings. Edholm, Joweler. Knna.li City, Mo. From Oct. G until Oct. 12 tho Missouri Faclflo Railway will soil round trip tickets to Knntas City nt the one way rate. For further Information cnll at union station or city offices, S. E. Cor. 14th and Douglas. THOS. F. GODFREY. P. & T. A. BOSTON STORE REMNANTS. Our Friday Remnant Sales Oflor UncqtialuU Opportunity to Save .Money. Friday's Sale Abounds In Values that arc Wonderful. Desirable Lengths of Dress Coods, Silks, Velvets, Flannels and All Kinds of Cotton Goods go at onc-quartcr, one-third and one-half price. IT'S I SALE THAT MERITS YOUR ATTENDANCE. !M no Drrpp (iniMln. iltle Ynril. Our best domestic dress goods, nil wool tweeds, diagonals, whipcords, mercerized novelties, English coverts, brllllantlncs, mohair Jacquards, all wool cheviots, storm serges and Ger man hcnrlcttns. Thcpo goods nre worth up to $1.00 u ynrd, go at 3Dc yard. Kt.r.fl l)r-NN (inoitft, -ItM Vnril. At I9c wo lncliido nil tho new fall weaves In strictly nil wool French poplins, extra heavy cheviots nnd storm serges, granite cloths, Mclroso suitings, mohair brllllantlncs and tho new corduroy nnd tailor Buttings, all the latest shndes, worth $1.50, go at 19c ynrd. Hriiiiinntn In llnnfinrnt. Ono big lot of flno outing flnnnol remnants, 6c ynrd. Rest grade extra heavy outing flan nel, light nnd dark, at 84c yard; worth 16c. Ono big lot fine Imitation French flannels, nil tho now Persian patterns, 11c ynrd, One big lot whlto India linen rem nants, .VjC ynrd. Strictly nil wool eiderdown flannel remnants, nil colors, 19c yard, 36-Inch percale, best quality, 8Vic ynrd. Extra heavy black mercerized sateen, worth 40c, In long mill remnants, go nt 12'e ynrd. One big lot of drnpery velours, In mill remnants, nt 20o ynrd. Ono big lot drapery velours, In Bhort remnants, 6c each. Ono big lot tnblo padding, very heavy, mill remnants, nt 15c ynrd. Ono small lot damaged muslin rem nants, lc ynrd. Ono lot damaged calico remnants, lc yard. ' HrnitiiititM of SIIUi. Thousands nnd thousands of rem nants nnd short lengths of satins nnd silk serges, In black and all colors, taffetas, gros grains, etc., In lengths of U, 14, 91 yard, one yard and un; many pieces to match: suitable for lining cloaks and Jackets, also for dress trimmings, fancy work, etc., go at 25c, 16c, 10c nnd 5c each, Longer lengths of silks, running from 2 to f yards, In taffetas, pcau do sole, black and colors, broended silks and foulards, at 39c, 19c and 69c ynrd. lie in ii mi I of .Silk Velvet, ri, nic niui .". Velvets for waists, velvets for mill inery purposes, velvets for all kinds of trimmings, worth from $1.00 to $2.60 yard, In black and all colors, go according to length of piece at: U yard lengths, 6c. 14 yard lengths, 10c. One yard lengths, 50c. I'rrnrli I'liiiuirl Itrmnnn t . Flno French flannel remnants from our great sales of tho psst week. In plain colors, silk cmbroldsred, printed, dots, stripes and checks, running In length from 1 to 21-3 yards, on sale at 39c ynrd. . Drrnx Coin!, Vnril. Figured black brllllantlncs, wool suitings, twills, extra wide plaids and checks for waists, homespuns nnd n Saxony coarse weavo dress goods, so popular for entlro suits, on mntn floor, 15c ynrd. l-'rliltty Shoe Hnrunlnn. 1,000 pnlrs women's $3 satin slippers all colors 76c a pair. 2,000 pnlrs ladles' $3 nnd $4 button and lncn shoes nt $1.9$ a pair. All tho latest and newest styles. Lndles' warm houaa slippers, 29c, 69c nnd 76c n pair. Underwear Sale Saturday, Oct. 12th. A. V. l'ortor k Co., Oil Franklin St., Now York, sold us his en tire sample, lino, odd lots, nnd surplus stocks of iUen's, Women's nnd Children's Wool and Cotton Underwear ut a discount of AO per cent, owing to tho contlnuod warm weather. Saturday wo will plnco this stock on salo and promho you tho greatest undorwoar bargains you havo ovor bought. Monday, Octobet14th, we will place oti sale a large quantity of madeup Carpets and room size Rugs at just about one-half their worth. s SONS FRIDAY HAYDENs ' Remnant Day in the Bar gain Room. This will bo the Greatest Keinnant Day of them nil. Hun dreds of yards of the finest remnants from tho high grade slock at from one-third to one-Jifth of the regular value. Special sales on every line, as well as remnants. ttpiiitimitn uf Trillin. - 1 -'-'. 10,000 yards full standard prints, worht 7&o at 24c. Itcmnants of Indigo blue, from A to 10 yards, remnants of flno fancies, rcmnantn of robes and other prints, nil goods worth from 5c to 7',4c, nt 3c. He tun nil In of Apron Checks .1 l-I!o. 10,000 yards of remnants of apron checks, worth 74c, nt 3Uc. iiv Tin: VAim. Flannelettes, 36-lnchrs wide, flno heavy cloth, worth 15c, nt 6c. All bordered for klmonas. Kxtra henvy flannelettes, 27-Inch wide, by tho ynrd, 7Wc. Imitation French flannel, 36-lnch wide, worth 15c nnd 19c, nt 10c yard. no.MK.HTICH, I.IXr.VS nml TOWHI.S. Itcmnants of 7Hc muslin, full bleached, at 4 7-Sc. Hcmnnnts of lonsdato muslin, worth 10c, nt 5c. Remnants of 10c drills, 5c. Itcmnants of 8 He unbleached, 5c. Kxtra heavy 1,1,, worth 6c at 3 7-Sc. 19c towolB, at 7Sc. 10c towels, nt 5c. 5o towels, nt 24c FOUR NEW DIVORCE CASES Wlvr Coniplnln Hint Their HnaltnniU Fall to I'rnvlilr Neecusnrr .Support. nnw Mvnrnt r.iRf xvern filed In tho district court yestcrdny. Johnnna Phlfer, who was married to William J. rnirer ai ureic. Nob., la December, 1805, askB thnt tho matrimonial bond be severed, alter cnarg- Ing her husband wltn cruelty, non-suppon and Infidelity. Ilertha Irwin says thnt her husband, James Irwin, has ror a long time failed to support her and sho wants to ho restored to slnglo blessedness. Lllllo Cox prays for a divorce from Henry E. Cox. Jr., to whom sho was married on July 6, 1900, on tho grounds of habitual drunkenness and non-support. Snrah E. Crarapton, who was married to Henry J. Crampton nt Logan, O., In 1S74, charges non-support and asks tho court to untie tho knot. At ton Mull, firriiinii-Aiii primus. A meeting of tho German Republican club will be held nt Oermanln hall Friday even ing, October 11th. A largo attendanco Is utsircu. IlOnERT 0. FINK. President. Physicians recomtnenil our iiimnni tnr rheumatism ns tho most successful. Ladles only. Tho Ilathorv. 21B-220 lien Mile-. Toln- puono mo. r.ROIICiF. WAHIIINOTO.VS OUKIIR. Fifth Ward Ilrpulillcuna. There will bo a meeting of tho Fifth "Ward Republican club at Young's hall, 10th and Corby streets. Friday evening, October 11th, 1001. Hon. Frank B. Mooros and Hon. Nelson C. Prntt will address tho meeting. All candidates heartily Invited to attend. C. W. DELAMATRE. President. TAUL n. SEWARD, Secretary. ISIS.7.. IliilTnln nml Itrlnrn. BURLINGTON ROUTE. October 11, 14, 1C nnd 18. Tickets, 1502 Fnrnam street, or at Ilur llnRton station. Don't dcspnlr, tako Cramer's Kidney Cure, two sizes, 60c and $1.00; all druggists. Why Buffer with rheumatism? Tht Bathery, 216-220 Deo bldg. Telephone 1716. For ladles only. Send articles of Incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc.. to The lift. We will glvo thorn proper legal Insertloa. Telephone 238. Publish your legal notices In The Wteklr Bee. Telephone 238. It Hid a Luxuriant Suit of StrnlKlit anil Very Dnrk Hair. The Father of his Country concealed n luxuriant suit of hair beneath his queue wig. Many now wish tho old fashion wero In vogue, to conceal thinned hair or bald ness. Yet nn one need have thin hnir nor bo bnld, If ho cure tho dandruff that causes both. Dandruff cannot be cured by scouring the scalp, becnuso it is a germ disease, and the germ has to bo killed. Nowbro's Her- plcldo kills the dandiuff germ no otner hn r nrenarat on will. "Ucsiroy uie cause, you remove the effect." There's no euro for dandruff but to kill tho germ. Dlrthday watches. Edholm. Jeweler. All kinds of baths, scientific massage, Ladles only. The Bathery, 21C-220 Bee bldg, Tel. 1716. St. I.ouln, fto. From Oct, 6 until Oct. 11 tho Missouri Pacific Railway will cell round trip tickets to St. Levis, Mo., at tho one way rnto For further Information call at union stn- tlon or city offices, S. E. Cor. 14th and Douglas Sts. THOS. F. QODFREY, P. & T. A. Tho rtatherv Is onen Thursday and Sat urday evenings. For appointments tele phone 1716 or call 216-220 ueo uuiming. Ank J. C. Green If Cramer's Kidney Cure Is good. 60c and $1.00; nil druggists. First wntcr diamonds. Edholm, Jewclor if Ion MRS. J. BENSON. Have you seen it? Corset Francaise de Bon Ton. The most perfect fitting corset in the world represents the highest de gree of perfection in the, art of corset manufacture. Straight front, ns well ns the curve rout, required by certain flg ures. i Colors Drab mid White. Price only 2.50 Dnlnty pearl brooches. Edholm, Joweler Must Be Ashamed of It causo ho said In Ills ad thnt trust combl nations never affected him nnd that he'd always been a cutter and nlways expected to bo. This sounds funny, 'cau3o It comes from a president, nnd from tho way ho talks guess he's quit tho gang. Fine Cnndlc 20c 11). and un 2Cc Schlltz Malt Extract 15c 2 for 25c 91.00 SfXlno 1'illH V.'c SI. 00 I'crunu mo jl. 00 Temptation Tonic 75c 50c Pozzonl Powder 2So li'.OO McDndo'H Succus Altoruns (1.4 J 1.00 Austln'H llnlr Tonic 43a 60c Cramer b Klilnoy uuro wc i:,c llnx Dost Bonn 3 enkes ISo 25c Qulnucetol best for colds 2Vc t'M Karl Cramers Tansy. (Jottonroot anu I'cunyruyiu i-uia Cut Trice Drug Store Tel. 747. S. W. Cor. Kith anil Chicago Good delivered FREE tu any part of city SGHAEFER'S imnss goods. 62-Inch all wool homespuns, worth $1.00 yard, nt 49c. 64-Inch Indies' cloth, worth 85c, at 49c. El-Inch strictly all wool plaids, worth $1.50, at 49c. Silk nnd wool plaids, worth $1.75, at 49c. Strictly all wool black novelties, worth $1.00 ynrd, nt 49c. Gcrtrnn hcnrlcttns, worth 75c yard, nt 29c. 75c black satin herber, at 39c. 60c serges, nt 25c. 35c cnalinicrc, nil colors, nt 19c. 15c cashmeres, nil colors, at 10c. HII.KS, VIJI.VKT.H, counuiiovs. REMNANTS OF SII,K In U. M. And lit yards, at 2c, 6c, 7c, 9c. Remnants of velvets nt tho ramo price. 29c silks nt 19c. 40c silks at 26c. $1.00 silks nt 39c. $1.00 silks nt 49c. $1.60 black grcnndlncs nt 49c. $1.60 black fancies nt 49c. 60c velvets nt 19c. 60c corduroys at 39c. Hardware, Stoves and Housefurnisliitigs. i n rSELLS ON QUALITif We have Just received another CAR of those flno heaters. We can sell you a FIRST CLASS BASE BURNER, ono that others sell for $40, for $32.50. WE HAVE 4 LINES OF DOUBLE HEAT I NO BASE BURNERS ALL FIRST CLASS. CALL IN AND LOOK THIS UP. Wood alr-tlght, burns anything but coal, $1.10. No. 8 cook, worth $13.50, for $9.49. Stovo pipe, 6-Inch, 11c. 6-inch elbows, 7c. Wood lined stovo boards, sc. Flro shovels, 3c. Elegant $16 Universal oak, $11.50. 6-foot step ladders, 46c. Wood wash tubs, 35o. Kindling hatchet, 10c. 10-tnch turkey dusters, 9c. 2 rolls toilet paper, 6c. More Bargains in Silks Something spcclnl all tho time. That's mado this tho leading silk department I nro right. ' Now Jacqunrd silks, black with colored stripes, very pretty." jvorth 75c, ut only 49c. Crcpo do chlno, In black nnd all colors, this ts tho best $1 grade, and wo otter them to you nt 69c. Black corded hemstitched silk for wnlsts, real cholco styles, regular $1, nt only 49c. Swell black grenadines, 44-lnch wide, in designs now so stylish, worth $2, for only $1. Big salo on black taffetu, 27-Inch wide, at 59c, 69c, 75c and $1. Worth 50 per cent more. MERCHANT, MECHANIC, MILLIONAIRE if anybody ALL LIKE OUR SUITS FOR READY WEAR, The object of this store is to furnish good clothes cheap, not cheap clothes, We are not aiming at the lowest price, but highest quality Good cloth makes good clothing, if tho cloth is properly prepared, properly con structed and properly cut. You'll find Nebraska clothing to be. good clothing, properly . prepared, con structed and priced. Your money back can change your mind. Every day brings in new things in suits and o'coats, all clean, fresh and new Nobody's misfortunes or jobs to offer you Suits, $4.50 and up. O'coats, $5 00 and up. A Wedding Gift of Sterling Silver will not necessarily bo expensive, but should bo of standard quality, good workman ship, finish nnd pattern. Wo enrry tho liost known to tho silversmith's art. Our stock of Diamonds, l'enrln, Watches nnd rich Jewelry Is tho largest and tlnest In OmnJin. We'll tnko pleasure In showing you our stock. MAWHINNEY & RYAN CO., Jewelers and Art Stationers, tStli anil Douglas Streets. )niri:ti7 taiivam STiinirr. DINING TABLES Ilegulnr Now l'rlce. Prlco. Mnhogany, round Jiro JU2 Mnhognny, round "s W) Dak, round 40 21 Oak, squaro 20 12. Z5 Dak, snuaro 10 7.5a KVUItY ONB A HAROAIN. tShimick Jutiiiluic Va 11 why wo nro busy nil the time. You havo u tho city becnuto you believe our methods We are ngcnt3 for the Laurel fancy silks. tho finest sllk3 tho world has produced. Our business on Wlnslow taffeta la tho greatest that wns over known 100 'colors nnd black. It Is -wide, It wears good and the prico Is $1.00. Wo handle- mirror velvet, Panno velvet, corded velvet, Persian velvet, striped vel vet, nnd many other velvets for wnlsts, and trimmings this will be tho largest velvet season over known and wo havo tho only complete velvet stock In Omaha. LOCKETS Wo nro showing a beautiful lino In gold nnd gold filled lockets to be worn on neck chains. Ono of tho latest things of tho season Is a largo neck chain with n beautiful locket. Wo havo them. Spend n few minutes at our store. S. W. LINDSAY, the Jeweler, 151 DoukIuh St. 0 fall Pictures This Is a good time, now that the leaves aro turning, for taking nlco photos. Wo are oxcluslvo dealers In kodnks nnd cameras nnd can Bhow you the lnrgcst assortment of high grade Instruments in tho west. Our No. 22 6x7 Special Is tho best camera on tho market today for tho money. Call nnd seo us or wrlto for particulars. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Fnrnam Street. Wholcsalo nnd retail dealers In Photo Supplies. Developing nnd Finishing for Amateurs. Delicious and Pure Our new candy maker was for many years ono of tho leading candy makers In tho celebrated Huylcr factory In Now York City and Is vory 'desirous to show tho Omaha pcoplo how high grado candy looks nnd tastes when puro, fresh and well made. Noto tho following prices: IScllpso mixed candy, 8V4c. Crown mixed 7V4c. Moon light KIbbcs 18',-iC. Hobson Kisses 15c. Swedish Kisses 12',jC Sunbeam Kisses 12V4C. Trilby Klssca 10c. Hon bons 7',c. Vanilla Creams 23c. Itoso Creams 22c. Mint Opera Creams Sl'.ic. flutter Creams 22'ic Opera Wafers 25c. Maple Wafers 23c. Fine hand made Chocolates 20c. Fine Marshmnllow Cliocolato 25c. Cream Al monds 25c. Tobacco C l . mur luimum ......3iV2C Horscshoo tobacco 370 Nervo tobacco 29o ISattlo Axe tobacco 350 Newsboy tobacco 33C Fruit Julco, per plug ioc Hull Durham smoking f0o Duke's Mixture 3,1o Mcrschaum ) 35c Uncle Tom 35c HAYDEN BROS. Registered A. Mayer Co,, 220 BEE BUILDING OMAHA. NEB. Phone 1711 Re-No-May Powder relieves and cures nil disorders of the fe flue to excessive perspiration. Price 50 Cents. Sold by dmgklits uud glove dealers every where. Bent hy mall for Cc additional to cover postage. Temptation Tonic The World's Greatest Ideal French Tonic, Stimulator, Invigorator The only genuine Imported French Tonic and posttlr remedy for Debility and Inipotency. A NERVE TONIC. Brings th pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the flr of youth. Ask for our book of tetlmonlals. TEMPTATION TONIC ho effected cures In either saz where all othar known treatments have failed. TEMPTATION TONIC has long enjoyed the reputation as a toajo for men and women of weakened vitality. Compounded by L. M, LAOAAHD, Paris, France. Temptation Tonic is for Sale Every wh ere. In case your dealer should not have oar goods write to ns for full Information. Begin taking "Temptation Tonlo" at once. Sent to you on receipt of J1.00. Correspondence ans wered and advice given In strictest confldecce. MADISON SPECIALTY CO., 40th and Cuming Street, Omaha, Neb Ki3 K Cpf CV (n "le '''" "in llipi'il nt Ihf) ICerlry yalrm uf lu. vUIC nrimkrniieaa. Cure. Drue Uef", Vataro Uaera. TIIU K 13 12 LEY INSTITUTE, 10 nnd Leavenworth, Oiualta. A Piano Avalanche 200 Instruments offered nt less than factory cost, Including such well known makes as VOSK, EMERSON. STKOICR, IVEUS & POND. A. II. CHASE, MASON & HAMLIN, STECK. STRAUI1B and many others. Theso pianos must be closed out regardless of cost, owing to heavy shipments arriving dally from eastorn factories. llpnullfiil ClilrkprliiR (tCCT elinny inmr IDv) Kin it son rnnpTrnnd COC coup J)0 J wninut drier IJprluM 3)" J MeCinunn CI I (v UprlKlK vj)ll3 Sleek Concert Ornnil (PlOt? only Now samplo pianos, worth doublo the money, only $148, $156, $185 nnd us. We Sell New Pianos on $5 Monthly Payments, take old instruments In exchange nt full value, rent, tuno nnd repair Dinnos. Schmoller 6c Mueller HKADQIfAH'rr.llS FOIt HTKIXWAY I'lAXOS. SIILF-l'I.AYIXf; lIAOI,.N. lilla I'M It NAM, OMAHA. itiur, IriMrn llrmiPh a.'l7 llroail tvur, Cnnnvll llliifTs. Tpleplioim ,'I7N, I Don't Nose Putty We sell "iioso putty" (not putty noses) nnd other make-ups for actors and nctroHscs nnd would-bo followers of tho histrionic nrt. 'a eoll tho goods ns mado by Clias. 1). Hess, ns follows: Noso Putty, per plcco 25c Oreaso Paint, small slzo 20c (Ireaso Crayons, Bm.ill (all colors),... 15c "Spirit dum," for sticking on whis kers, wigs, etc 250 ninck Wnx, cake 20c Ilurnt Cork, (perfumed) box 25c Clown White 25o aud 50o boxes Hess Cold Cream, 1-lb. screw-cover cann 1.00 Youthful Tint Liquid, whlto, pink and bruuetto r0c Mascaro, blondo, brown, black, white, gray, red, box 25o Complete mako-up, box $1.00 "Book, "ART OF MAKING UP," frco for tho nuking. Sent by mall on receipt of 2o stamp. Sherman & McConneil Drug Co, Cor lCthandDodee, Omunn. Bee Want Ads Produce Results give tip your money for poor coal that's as hard to burn as flro-proof oulldlug. If you want a coal that's clean, will Ignlto readily, give a steady heat and reduco completely to ashes, ordar our "Ohio." Lump and ogg, $7.25. Nut. $7.00. Hald & Rice, Tel. 1238. 50G So. lfithSt. APPENDICITIS You hava no oxcuse to offer If you havo appen dicitis when Shrader Fig Powder Is a ponltlvo euro and a provontlvo within reach of all for 25c a box. Sold by your druggist, or sent by mall. Address W. J. Shrader Medicine Go,, New York Room 10. No. 30 East UU 3L or ICO: N. 24th St.. Omaha, Nob, COAL Are You Particular Don't want tho lawn cut up? Don't want a swearing, swag gering driver sboutT We Can Please You on all these points and send you tho best coal mined, frco from dust, dirt and slate, C. 6. Havens & Co,, 1522 farnam St. Tcls. 317 and 825. COAL i