THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1001. 9 RACE NEGOTIATIONS CEASE Iigliib Offioially Reminded tbat Cntit in Spring it Impmibli. KELLY SAYS ENGLAND HAS NOT GIVEN UP Secretary of lloynl tlUlcm Promises that Ynnkees Shall Mill llne Active Competition for the Cup. NEW YORK. Oct. D. A Joint meotlng of the committees of tho Royal Ulster Yacht club and New York Yacht club wna held to day at the clubhouse and Sir Thomas Lip ton's proposition submitted by Vice Commo dore Sherman-Crawford. Ho stated that his committee, on behalf of Sir Thomas, de sired to ask If tho New York Yacht club would withdraw In favor of Shamrock II that paragraph of the deed of gift providing that "no vessel which has been defeated In a match for this cup can bo again se lected by a yacht club by Its representa tive until a contest for It by soma other vessel has Intervened or until after the ex. plratlon of two years from the time of such defeat." He also stated thnt In the event of this request being acceded to, should a chal lenge for npxt year be -received from any enn else, Sir Thomas would withdraw his challenge. Commodore Lodyard stated thnt the mu tual agreement clause given the two clubs the right to mako any arrangements satis factory to both as to dates, coiiriicn, num ber of trials, rules and sailing regulations, togother with any and all other conditions of the match, Including waiver of the ten months' notice; but the commltloc of tho Now York Yacht club was of the opinion that the claiiflo gives no power to the club holding the cup to accept a challenge which the Instrument Itself prohibits absolutely. Tho commlttco did not think It was In tended that, after u boat had had a trial for the cup and been defeated, It should ho allowed to challenge again until the tlmo specified had elapsed, uud bo declined to accede to tho request, Hon. Hugh Kelly, secretary of tho Royal TJIster Yacht club, Railed today on tho Steamer Majestic. Ho expressed himself as being perfectly satisfied with the treat ment he had received hero nnd tho fair treatment that had been accorded Shamrock II. Ho said that Sir Thomas Mpton would not challenge next year, and Mr. Kelly had no Idea who would. Ho was satisfied, how ever, that Kngland would again atrlvo to "lift tho cup." CENTURY STAKES ARE EASY George Arnold t'opi Mls-Tlinnsnnil Dollar Kvent nt llnrlcm With out Much Kffort. o I r T r r. i" i t r. t i . viiiiiuu, uti. v. m-ui(,e Allllitu, per- Tectly handled by Jockey Wlnkflold, cap tured the Twentieth Century stakes at Harlem this afternoon, worth to the win ner 6,z.'u. 'i no instance was one nnd three Sixteenth miles, which was covered In 2:06. .Arnold opened equal choice with the lill- nrctn entry, Tno i.nciy ana noiiing noer. at 2 to 1, but nt post time the odds had changed to 16 to 5. with few Inkers. The heavy rain of the early part of the day had left the trunk, deep In mud, which caused the scratching of Pink Coat, Cam brian, Vulcaln, Gonfalon, Henry Bert and Btar Chamber, leaving only six of the original twelve to go. Owing to the change In the condition of the track the fifth rnco was declared off. in this were entered Hessle Macklln, Money luss. llurnle Ilunton nnd The Rush, and ft eras Intended to mako an effort to break ihe record for four and a half furlongs, lesulta: First race, flye and a half furlongs: If You Darn' Won, lCducato second, Harry jlerendcen ihlrd. Time: 1:11. Second rnco, rive furlongs: Herlod won, McCheaney, second, I, Samuelsun third. Time; 1:04 i-5. , Third race, steeplechase, short course: Queenshlp won, Dick Kurber second. Lord Chesterfield third. Captain Conover fourth. Time: 3:45 2-5. Queonshlp disqualified for fouling;. Fourth race, one mile and three-sixteenths, Twentieth Century stakes: George Arnold won. Hlxshooter second, llnvlland third. Time: 2:06. Fifth race, one mllo: Charlie O'Rrlen won, HI Nocker second, Goal Runner third. Time: 1:48 2-6. Sixth race, one mile nnd n sixteenth: Cnnova won, nonnlo Llssnk second, V. n. Gates third.. Time: 1:52 3-3. At Kalr Gronnda, Nt. I.onls. 8T LOUIS. Oct. ".Meditation nnhexed Ihe feature event nt the fair grounds today, a five and a half furlongs sprint for 2 S ear-olds. The speediest lot of youngsters training In the west 'faced the barrlor. There was a long' dclay nt tho post owing to the frnctlousness of half the Held. Dale fnt Meditation off well nnd he madn all he heavy going In splendid style, the lllly winning1 hands down, by three lengths from Huntress A, who wok the same distance in front, third. Hrularc, tho top-heavy favorite In tho fifth rnce, ;aslly aucumbed to Kltzkanot, The form reversal of both as compnrcd with their meeting on Monday was amatlng. Slddons was tho only favorite to earn n bracket, tho other winners turning up In threo second choices, one third and one outsider. Results: First race, five and one-half furlong": Horseshoe Tobuccn won. Diigiin second, Vaban third. Time: 1:11VI Second rare, six nnd one-half furlongs, purse: A. D. Gibson won. Ill Lee second, Oudenarde third. Time: 1:25. Third rnce, one mile nnd n sixteenth. June: Slddons won,. Miss Thresn second, lochestor third. Time: 1:54. Fourth race, five nnd a half furlongs, purso: Meditation won. Huntress A sec ond, ethylene third. Time: liiou. Fifth race, six furlongs, purse: Vltz won, Tom Collins second, ltrnlare Ihlrd. Miss Mao Day fourth. Tlmo: l:16i. Sixth race, one mile and seventy yards, felling: Sun Johnson won, Wallabout sec end, Orlandlne third. Time: 1:50. At St.irrls I'ark. HEW YORK, Oct. 9.-At the Morris Park races today only two favorites won. thosn being Chnrawlnd, r.t 6 to 5, and Femsols, at 13 to 5. Charnwlnd won the Autumn hurdle race clevely from The Driver, nn lidded starter. These two had Ihe Issue botween them after the first mllo nnd wero all alone at tho end, ns Captain Junuary, who finished third, was twenty lengths back. I'emsole only had n good exercise gallop to win ihe Hurricane stHkes. Re sults: First race, the Autumn hurdle handicap, two miles: Chnrawlnd won, The Driver second, Captain January third. Time: Second race, five furlongs: Belle of Lex ington won, Cervera second, Antcup third. lime; v;uu4. Tttlr.t r r. IL. IT. 1 . 1 I. .... 1..A .....,-. iiiv J 1 11 1 1 1 1, .1 1 1 .j Rinnvn, nj furlongs, selling: Femsole won. Lelsrhen second. Presumption third. Time! 0:.19. rnunn race, six ami a nan luriougs: Chilton won. On ttcazrkn second, Mruns- wlrk third. Time: l:20'l. i inn rnce, one mile; i.oru I'epper won, Ellgy second. I.nmii O'l.eo third. Time: 1:42. Sixth rnce. one mile, selllnc: Alfred Vnr- grave won, Rowdy second, Wild I'lrafe third. Time: 1:41. Circuit liners Postponed. LRXINTOTOtt. If v.. rw. ft-Tha crrnnrt circuit trots scheduled for today were post poned until Thursday on account of rain. MRS. KOUNTZE WINS AT GOLF TnUn Third Scml-Annaal Women Competition for Omaha C'np. METHODISTS AT MllBANIi Gather far Eetonteenth Anneal Ceiferonce of South Tako! With fin fi 1 1n tun n r it 11 BtrnVAft nn Ik holes Mrs. Chnrlon K. Kninl won tho third semt-annunl women's golf competl- non ror tnc umnna women s cup weunes day. This trophy Is played for In June and again In October. It Is In this way a compnnlon cup to the Douglas county cup ior men. Miss Belle Dewey won the first contest for this cup In October, 1900. Mra. 8. H. Snraeue took the second last June. It Is a handicap affair, niedul play. In the con- lent Wednesday .miss ucrtrude Kounue led all tho contestant!) In gross score, play ing the 18 holes In 106 strokes. 8ho was on ccrntch. however. Mennwhllo Mrs. Charles E. Knuuuo played In 115 strokes and this with an al lowance of 14 strokes deducted made her net scoro 101, the winning figure. Mr. Oulot also surpassed Miss Kountze. play ing In 118 nnd netting 10 on an allowance of 16. Miss Helle Dewey had the lowest allowance. 3 strokes, ana she made u net score of 108. So far no one has any big chance at winning this trophy, which must be taken In three successive tournaments In order to secure permanent possession. Miss Kountzc's score was a disappointment after her 9S of last week. Score: Hnndl Oross. cup. Net. Mrs. Charles K. Kountze 115 14 101 Mrs. Gulou 118 16 1C2 .itlss Gertrude Kountze ..105 sc. 1l Miss Helle Dewey Ill 3 liW ..!-. . . - .1.1 ,u .0 ... .uin 4iny .Mcamine .... .....i-j in lit Miss Ella McShane 126 It 112 Miss Daisy Doane 127 10 117 Mrs. V. D. Ranckcr 135 16 119 WOMEN GOLFERS SIFTED OUT Championship Contest nt Short Hills, .V J., JVnw In Control of Klffht Players. NEW YOniC. Ort. 9 Tho womnn's ns on the links of the llaltuurol Golf club nt unort mils, N. J., yesterday, was con tinued today and the number of contestants who are striving for national honors has been reduced to eight. Match play at eighteen holes was the rule today nnd the contestants will contlnuo at this style of play until the Issue shall have been do cldcd next Saturday, Now that the Meld of over eighty players has been reduced to four pairs Miss Margaret Curtis of the ERsex County club, Manchester, Mass., and Mrs. E. A. Manlce of tho Lenox (Mass.) Golf club are looked upon as the most likely players to last out the week nnd meet In the final round on Saturday. Miss Curtis Is playing splendidly and as usual her lonir frame Ts perfect. On the rutting greens she Is rather weak, but her long game helps her wonderfully. On the other hand Mrs. Manlce Is always reliable and her Roncrai play so far in this tourna ment nas uecn so sieaay inai sne is just a tritio more of a favorite than ts Miss Cur tis. Next to these two players in most favor are Miss HcSsle Anthony of Chlcaato. the western champion: Miss Genevieve MtcKer or tne Essex county (N. j.) coun try ciurj and aiiss i.ucy fierron or uincin nntl. In the order ns named they reore sent tho best games so far played and when tomorrow's matches shall have been decided the four of these five should be tho survivors. The weather conditions today were excellent and most or tne players were followed over the links by large und enthusiastic galleries of men and women golfers. IOWA OPPOSED TO ROGERS Foot Ball Lender Agrees with Ne braska that Indian Is Inel igible In Vlay. ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Mutt Mmmr Signature f Am FacSUmll Wrapper Belew. Tea-y assail a4 mf )Uluaanar, CARTER'S FCd N EARACHE FOR IIUINESS, FOR IIU0USNES3. FOR TORPID LIVER. m CONSTIPATION. FIR I ALLOW SKIN. rOR THECOMPLtXIM 1 V B J m I WWffn I bMlps I I SJSTSK1W wnHnjuMwi, MIME 41 QK HEA&ACK. IOWA CITY. In.. Oct. 9.-(Soeclal.)-Prof. A. E. Wilcox, nresldent of the Iowa ath letic hoard of control, nnrees with Coach Hooth anil captain westover or Nebraska that Rogers, the new man at Minnesota who Ih playing end, Is not eligible to tho team. Rogers last year captatnea tne Carlisle Inrllnn tpnm and Is Inellslble to nlav on any other team this year, according to the ruin laid down ny tne conference coiieires. It Is dented nt Sllnnesotn thnt his playing will he in vioiaiion or nny ruie or ino uig Nine. They assert that Carlisle Is a pre paratory school, to which the rule does not nnnlv. In view of the fact that Hudson. the phenomenal Indian punter from Car lisle, wna DHrrea irom inc uurvuru icam lirrMiisr. cnriiflip wns noi cunsiuerco a nro- pBrntory school, It Is probable that Rogers will bo ruled out. When asKed If iowa wouin protest nocers Prnf. Wllrox said: "In case the nresldent of the games committee of tho conference colleges decides Carlisle Is not a prepara tory scnooi town win cerininiy firmest against itogers. u uopeiias upon in.j ao cfslon of the games committee of the con ference colleges." YALE SHUTS 0UT WESLEYAN I'ses HuhstMaten Gnnaath, Hnrrerer, to Makr the I'lnyliiic Far from Perfect. NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Oct. 9.-Yale ran up a total of twenty-four points against Weslcjtn this afternoon and shut out the visitors. Tho first half'wns a fast one. but In. the second there was much loose play on Yale a pari, auo to inc presenca or .sudsii tutis. weslevan. on the other hand, nlaved a better game In the second half. Indies was injured ana taxen out uciore ine nrst half closrd. , " Yale's bin rush line had a strong uttnek nnd Weslevan could form no defen e against the line bucking of Wllhelm and ClmtlwlcK; tne piunges 01 uosi nna riognn In the tacklesback formation nnd any against tho Interferences for Hart on end runs. HARVARD ALSO HAS TROUBLE Amherst Keep Cnmltrlrige Klcvrn Almost ns lluy ns It ,I)ld Nous of nu. CAMRRIDGK. Mass., Oct. O.-Harvord made the score attalnst Amherst n llttlo larger today on Soldiers' field than did Yale on Its Rrounns ngninti inc same rouege. Hnrvnril's scoro was 11 to II. Hnrvnrd had it hnndl full at nil times, belnc ininbli to score In the first half because It vas hold for downs on Amherst's five-yard line and then piayeu to n stanusiiu. Alter naro iiL-litlnir Harvard scored twice In the sec. nnd half, tho Ural touchdown being mode by it scries or line piunges ann -ine second resulting from two long runs. Harvard's fulH-aclts later nuvnncco inr oau seventy yards just as lime was cuiieu. I'rlneetnn's llollor Victory. nniNPKTflN. N. J.. Oct. 3. Princeton defeated the Now York unlvenltv foot ta'l team hero today. 21 to 0. The New York players were weak on the defep-e,. Its bucUn foiled to gain through the line and 1 s general team wor;t was raggcu. i-rinceion did not show up as strongly as In Satur day's wiiii',, Its bncks fumbled frequently and tho interference wan not very goon. Chlc:o University Ilefcnt Wesleynn CHICAGO. Oct. 9. Chlcaco tltitveMlts-de featcd the Illinois Wcsleynns at toot ball today. 22 to 0. Chlcni;o scored 5 In tho first nan, ii in tno second. flanker Defrnt Nnrlhniore, PHILADKIjl!! I A. Oct. 9 The I'nlvertltv of Pennsylvania foot ball team defea'ei! Bwnrtnmoro college today, is to o, Co n nnll Itrniilts, At Ithlca Cornell. 39! Hnmlltim. ft. , At Hanover Dartmouth. II; Poslon col lecc, Kins; ltepnrchne flrllnnnln. LONDON. Oct !.-Klng Kdwsrd ha re purchased Ids former racing cutter Britan nia from Sir Richard liulkeley. Ot' V OPENS TODAY TO LAST TILL MONDAY lllshnn Cyrns D. Toss of IMillnilelphln Is to Preside nnil interest Ins; Program Is Provided. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Oct. 9. (Special.) Many clergymen and othera from this part of the state have left for Mllbank to attend the seventeenth annual (inference of the Mebodlat Episcopal church of South Dakota, which opens tomorrow and will contlnuo until Monday. Blhop Cyrus D. Fogs of Philadelphia will preside. A num ber of other prominent men from the oast will be In attendance. An Interesting program has been prepared for tho occasion. Thursday forenoon Pentecostal services will be held by Evangelist L. H. Daker of Delaware, O. The forenoon'a session will conclude with the administration of the sacrament of the Lord's suppor and a busi ness sesdlon. In the afternoon the annual conference missionary sermon will be preached by Rev. W. S. Shepherd of Salem. At tho evening session Mrs. L. P. Hauscr of Aberdeen, president of tho Woman's Foreign Missionary society, will deliver an address on. tho work of tho society, lllshop Foss will also address tho gathcrng. Friday forenoon will be devoted to pentc ostal services and a business session. In tho afternoon there will be a rally of the Epworth league, of which Kcv. J. K. Houlgate of Pierre Is president. An ad dress, "International Convention Echoes," will bo delivered by Rev. J. E. Houlgate. Rev. W. H. Jordan of Sioux Falls will speak on "Mercy and Help Work." "League Lessons" will bo tho subject of an address by Rev. W. P. Thlrkleld, D. t)., of Cincin nati. Tho evening session will be pre sided over by Rev. D. C. McLean of Ver milion. The anniversary of tho Frccdman Aid and Southern Educational society will be duly celebrated with appropriate exor cises. An address will be delivered by Rev. W. P. Thlrkleld of Cincinnati, secre tary of the society. Saturday forenoon will bo devoted to Pentecostal meeting and a business ses sion. "The Woman's Home Missionary Society mid. Deaconess and Hospital Work" will bo the general subject of the after noon session. Addresses will be delivered by Mrs. John Taylor of Minneapolis, who will preside over tho meeting; Mrs. J. C. Shetland, Ph. D., of Ortonvllle, Minn., and Deaconess Adallnc Houston ot Minne apolis. Rev. N. A. Swlckard, D. D., of Aberdeen will prcsldo at the evening meet ing. Addresses will bo dellvord by W. I. Grnham, D. D., of Mitchell and W. L. Mc Dowell. D. D., of New York City, presi dent and secretary of tho Educational so ciety, to which tho evening session will be devoted. At D o'clock Sunday forenoon the con ference love feast will be held. The leader will bo Rev. O. Williams of Scotland. At 10:30 the conference sermon will be de llvered by Bishop Foss. In the afternoon deacona and elders will be ordained by Dlshop Foss. The remainder of the after noon session, which will be preaided over by Rev. J. O. Dobson of Sioux Falls, will be devoted to the anniversary of the mis sionary society and an address will bo roudo by W. F. Oldham, D. D ot Chicago. Elder J, P. Jenkins of Huron will preside in the evening. The sermon win be preached by Rev. W. F. Oldham of Chi cago. Pentecostal services will be held Monday forenoon and after a final business sea slon conference will adjourn. he Black Hills for this yeai. would be J1S,000,000. It will do well to make $12,om).- OtO or $13,000,000. This would be an In crease of $2,000,000 or $3,000,000, which Is considered a good Increase for the year. Next year a much larger output will bo made, becauio ot the new plants that have been built this summer. The estimate ot an output of $12,000,000 tor the year was made by members of the faculty of the Slate School of Mines at Rapid City after a thorough Investigation. Aliened Poturnee Ilnliber Cnnwht SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Oct, 9. (Special.) Fred K. Moore, who has served n term In the Sioux Falls penitentiary for postofflce robbery; Frank Rrown, who has a record, and Hilly Hayes arc the three men who were arrested In this city by Deputy United States Marshal Jerry Carlcton and Chief of Police W. H. Martin, on the charge ct postofllce robbery. They will have their preliminary examination before a Unl'.ed States commissioner. They are accused ot robbing the paatofflce at Henry, S. I)., two years ago. Suspicion was directed toward Moore In a peculiar manner. The day Im mediately preceding the night of the rob bery. Deputy United States Marshal D. 1). Collins of Aberdeen, while enroutc to Sioux Falls, saw Moore and some compan ions at Elrod, a short distance west of Henry. Hie deputy recognized Moore, and believing that ho might rob some postofflce In the locality, warned the postofflce In spector at Watertown of Moore's presence. Tho warning, however, through no fault of the deputy, proved to be too late, as the office at Henry was robbed that night. South Dnkota Incorportlons, PIERRE. S. D., Oct. 9. (Special.) These articles of Incorporation have been filed: First State bank ot Ipswich, with a capital of $8,000; Incorporators, Jamea M. Brown, J. Webb Lewis, John B. Taylor, Wllbert D. Swain. Peerless Oil company, at Pierre, with a capital ot $500,000; incorporators, Captain T. F. Schley, J. J. Meyers, T. P. Estes. Nebraska Qold Mining company, at Pierre, with a capital ot $1,000,000; lncor porators, Fred J. Hoyt, A. H. Woodruff, Oscar Nelson. Enterprise Paving company, at Pierre, with a capital ot $100,000; incorporators William M. Breyfogle, H. B. Clark, T. r. Estes. Yankton to Drink Missouri. YANKTON, S. D Oct. 9. (Speclal.)'- The city council last night Instructed the city clerk to correspond with contractors and bulldora ot water works planta relative to expense of securing experts to estlmato tho cost of securing Missouri river water for the city. This action was taken In re sponse to a citizens' petition asking that the council do something to Improve the water system. For years Yankton, has used artesian water, which Is of a very poor quality, and the agitation for a change to river water has been going on for a long time. The council ordered an all- night electric light aervlce Instead ot the midnight service. 3et the Wrong; Prof. Knurr. SIOUX FALLS. S. D., Oct. 9. (Special Telegram.) Sheriff Huston today returned from Oosbeu, Ind., having In custody a clairvoyant named Snow, who waa arrested there a few days ago on susptclon ot being Prof. Show or Frof. Vance, a clairvoyant who recently swindled a number of people In this city and Omaha. It was discovered after tho prisoner had been seen by several who know Snow well that ho was not the maii wanted here and he was released, This evening he Intimated that hp would sue for damages. Men l.ofntlou fnr Blkliorn Depot. RAPID CITY. S. D Oct. 9.-(Speclal.) As soon as arrangements can be made with property owners on a street west of the Harney hotel In this city the Fremont Elkhorn Missouri Valley railway will move Its passenger and freight depots to a new location In the heart of the cltv, The company has been making many Im provements In town, among them being tho construction of a $15,000 trestle at the new smelting works being erected by the Na tlonal Smelting company. Odo Iterter Portion ci! by President. DEADWOOI). S. D., Oct. 9. (Special Telegram.) Congressman E. W. Martin re ceived word today from President Roose velt that pardon for Odo Rcder has been granted. Reder has been sorvlng a year's scntenco In Jail hero for timber trespass ing. Ho will be released October 17. He has served six months of his term. Con gressman Martin presented the matter In person to tho president. To Choose Klsnrehend for (.'miser, PIERRE. S. O.. 0:t. 9. (Special.) The executive committee of the State Historical society met In this city today to decide upon what material should bo embraced In the first annual report and to decide upon se curing a memorial figurehead for the cruiser South Dakota, now undor construction, Overestimate Cold Ontput, DEADWOOD, S. D.. Oct. 9. (Special.) Conservative mining men take exception to the report tbat the output of gold from School Teneher Ansnnlted. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Oct. 9. (Special.) Miss Violet Whlttakcr, aged 20. who teaches a country school In Highland town ship, Minnehaha county, was tho victim of a brutal assault. Sho went to school In the morning, but as the day wa rainy no pupils appeared. She remained nt work In tha schoolhouso until 11:30, when a dark com- plcxlonrd man about 25 years old appeared and nsked for money. Finding tho young woman alone, he grew Insulting. In the struggle which ensued the young woman's clothing was bntlly torn. She made n des perate and successful struggle. The sleeve of her waist was torn out and her flesh was lacerated about her shoulders and arms. The bruto drew a knife and out the girl In the arm. Miss Whlttakcr finally sprang out and ran screaming for assistance. This frightened her assailant, who disappeared. Relatives of the girl. hearing of tho attempted assault, formed a posse and thoroughly searched the country, but no trace of the villain could be found. Ilurns Church MortKiiKe nt llnrnn. HURON. S. D.. Oct. 9. (Special.) The celebration of tho cancellation of a mort gage of more than $2,000, against the First Methodist church of this city, was held here Monday evening. A large crowd gathered to witness the event. A history of the church wna given by Dr. E. C. Walton. Rev. H. S. Wilkinson made a short speech. Refreshments were served. The church Is now free from dobt and Is In splendid con dition, spiritually and financially. It In ono of the largest church buildings In this part of the northwest. There Is a mem bership of over 300. Goes from Prison to Jnll. SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. Oct. 9. (Special Telegtam.) Samuel Rcaenbcrg, who re cently finished a term In tho Sioux "tils penitentiary for counterfeiting at Center- vllle, was held by United States Commls sloner D. J. Conway today to appear be foro the next federal grand Jury on tho charge of stealing a mall carrier's badge. In default of bond ho was placed In the county Jail. ,r Heavy Ilalns In Tllnck Hill. DEADWOOD, 8. D '(it. 9. (Special.) Tho Black Hills bas been visited by an other heavy rainstorm, . lasting two davs, It has filled all the water boles on tho Black Hills ranges. Cattlemen expect an open winter. This Is the first fall for a good many years that there has not been a snowstorm. The weather has -cleared again and Indian summer has begun. John Griffith Killed Xenr Chlrnnn RAPID CITY, S. D., Oct. 9.-(Special.) A telegram has been received nnnounclnir tho death of John Griffith near Chicago. He was one of the best known cattlemen In this section. A few days ago, ho started for New ork with a carload of horses and was killed, it is supposed, while transfer Ins bis car to another road. WESTERN PACKING STATISTICS Moderate Increase Is JVoteil In Market- Ins; of Hob; Over the Preced ing; Week. CINCINNATI; Oct. 9. (Special Telo gram.) Price Current seysr there l moderate Increase in the marketing of nogs, rne total western packing Is 380, 000, compared with 350,000 tho preceding week and 120,000 last year. Since March 1 the total is 13,480,000, ogalust 12,850,000 year ago. prominent places compare a follows: Chicago , Kansas City OMAHA St. Joseph ... St. Louis .... Indianapolis . Sioux City ., Milwaukee ... Ottumwa ..... Cincinnati .... St. Paul Cedar Kapldr 1901. MfA ,.3,825,000 S.RSS.O'.O ,.1.9M).ono t conu ..1,305.000' l,325,O:0 ,,i.iw,w 1,010,0 ..l.OOO.OOO 8I5.0 660,0 151,0)0 403.000 316,000 303,0(10 275,000 261,000 427 446.000 354,fO0 333,fK 9il Ofti 263.00) KasTtosfn's Festivities llea;ln. ball at Convention hall, while fully 20.000 Wit fl PR thf flft nth nnniitil ho II A nii A then. The huso hall was boautlfull dtrnrfitfr1. Tfimnprntv n ffapnnnn et,. vol parade will bo given nnd at night San u ..,. ..... niu iifiuiu uti muiiiii'U m r.XpOFl- tlon park, and Friday night the carnival mask ball will take place at Convention nan. j no cny in niica witn visitors. Jeffries Post Forfeit. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct, 9,-November 15 hr.s been agreed upon n the -date for tho Jtffrles.Ruhlln tight In this city. Jeffries has posted his 12,500 forfeit In cash and pothlng remains now but the selection of a referee. It Is generally understood that Harry Corbett was to be chosen If ho can be prevailed upon to nocipt, Tim Hngorty. the AuHlrallan, who came to this city to meet McQovein, has agreed to meet "Kid" Lavlgne. flnlloon Knee nt Ifurfnla, BUFFALO, Oct. 9.-Tho balloon race from the stadium of the Pan-American exposi tion this afternoon between Prof. Llclnu field Htul Lee Stevens for n purse of $3,000 was won by tho former. The men started at the samo moment and their balloons roe rapidly lo a high altitude before the parachutes were cut loose. Llrhcnueld's I'olloon nscended 120 feet higher than did Stevens'. Proled "lien lltir" from lliirlesqneri., CHICAGO, Oct. 9. Klnw & Krlanger who ore producing "Hen Hur" nt the nolo theater In this city, served notice nf preliminary Injunction In the I'nlted States court today on W. S. Cleveland. The pro ceedlng Is asnlnst it travesty on "Bon ''mP'.' wh'ch Mr. Cleveland had announced will be given nt his minstrel theater here A hearing Is pet fnr Friday before JudKe Kohlsnat. ColcrlilK? Hout Wayne. COLKRIDOK. Neb.. Oct. 9.-(Speclal Tele gram.) In n gamo of base, ball plnved here today between the home team and tho Wayne nine neither sldo scored for seven Innings, then Coleridge scored ten runs In the next two Innings, shutting nut Its op. ponenti Batteries: Coleridge. Noyes and Wood: Wnyne, Mcintosh and Skren. Struck nut: Hy Noyes. 10; by Mcintosh, 9. Hits. Coleridge, 9; Wayne. 4. ehrnakn Indian In loss, BAYARD. In,. Oct. 9.-8peclaU-.The Nebraska Indians defeated Woodward IS to 4 and Boone 23 to I. REINFORCEMENTS FOR SAMAR General Smith with Mora Troopj Learn Manila to Quail Upr.sinjr. EXPZCT TROUBLE ON THE ISLAND OF CEBU I. ate llepnrt from .V'cnc of Disaster Tell of In hunt mi liiillunitle' Per pcrpetrateil t'pnn Bodies of (he .Mnln. MANILA, Oct. 9. General Smith sailed from here today for Ihe relief of the Island of Samar. He will tako command ot Samar and Leyte, so as to enable General Hughes to devote himself to the Island ot Ccbu, whore trouble Is possible unless strong measures are adopted. General Smith will be accompanied by a battalion of the Sev enth Infantry, who are anxious to avengu the disaster to Company C, of the Ninth Infantry. Further accounts from Samar received hore show that horrible Indignities were perpetrated on the dead bodies. SHOOTING AT LIVE BIRDS Oinnhn (inn Cluli llns n Cleter Con tent on the t.rn ii nd Across the Itlver. There was nn mtcrpntliii? llvp bird con test at the Omnhn Oun club grounds vet lerday nftcrucon. In which seven members of the club participated. Tho event was inienueu in n ror llttecu turn!,. Jj entrance fee. money divided BO and 10 per cent after the price of the birds was taken from the pot. When tne contcit was tailed It w.ts found necessary to reduce the number of birds to tlttcen, ns the coops were nctr.y empty. All of the rontcstnittp except tho pi of lant entry were plnccd nt the thirty-yard line, hut "Itedd" was given the benel.t e one yarn. The day was fine nnd the score kih.iI. Tho feature of the contest wan presentel by the sevnth bird of "itll.y ' Towi s ml. a white one which nnpnrently died of heart dlsensf. The bird tiew from the ttnp strongly. Mr, Townsend emptied both I nr rclH at It ns It railed away. The bird m ide three circuits of the croutul Inside of the dead line. It alighted gracefully near Inc imp nnti nncr wniKing around tor a mi nine fell over deml. When examined not u maik of n shot wan found upon Its body, al- inougu tnc nirci was nicKcu in tno fcarcn. .linn nan mi'iicit one mot. First InnrWy wus divided between Town- send. Brewer und Lewis, second money go ing to "Redd." Following Is the score: A. C. llarto, 30 yards 0222 2202 20 w 7 i yogs, so yardi 2li 1121 OlOw 9 W. D. Towtiend. 30 vitrds.2ltl 11'? 2'2 J. C. Head, 30 yards 222) 2ill 12 w S W. Drawer, 30 ynrd... 2112 2122 i'212 12 C. A. Ia'WIs. 30 yards 2222 211: 2112 12 tteuu, mj yards.. w.i 2222 2222 11 0MAHAS DEFEAT WESTERNS Tnke n l.encne (inmc liy n MnrKln of Senrly Three Hundred Pins. The Omaha defeated the Wcsternn on Clark s bowling alleys last night In a league game. Score: OMAHAS. v , 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Lehmnnn 174 177 175 S2B Smend 157 148 1M) m Furay 179 IRS 197 .'-11 r'mcry m an us 4?s Zarp 189 178 IS7 5M Totals ISiS S62 S96 20i WESTEUNS. lt. ",1. 3,1 Tnlol "Reynolds lis 20O iff! 520 Ayers 140 140 130 116 1 Selleck 135 1M 125 411 1 uawter KVi 183 ) b,K Keed ICti 127 157 450 Totals Tt61 m "743 2305 Had Ntart for Itecoril IlreaUliiR. NEW YORK, Oct. 9. Tho coach "Tan tlvy." In which Alfred O. Vanderbllt, Jntnos H. Hyde nnd Morris E. llowlctt are en deavoring to lower the coaching record from New York to Philadelphia and return, left the Holland house In this city nt S..v o'clock this rnornlnjr. According to schedule the party expects to nrrlve lit Philadelphia nt 2:45 p. m. and to reach New York on the return trip nt 10:3ir o'clock tonight. At Nnwnrk, N. the conch arrived nt 7:07. seventeen minute? behind schedulo time. When the -each arrived at Elizabeth, at 7:50 a. in,, It was twenty-Ilvo minutes be hind the schedule. Mr. Vnnderbllt said thnt the ferryboat hnd delayed them and that this partly accounted for their bcliu behind the schedule time. TRENTON. N. J., Oct. 9.-The Vnnder bllt tallyho reached Trenton nt 12 o'clock on schedule time nnd left nt 12:02 for Phila delphia. Arrest Untie Hull Prenlilent. FORT WAYNE, lnd., Oct. 9.-Wll!lnm Meyer. Jr., president of tho Western Haie llttll association, was nncBtcd this after noon on the charge of embezzling $500 be hingtng to the Columbus (O.) Ilnso Hall club nr.d deposited with tho president aa forfeit. Meyers alleged :i shortage of funJs Vlonglnc to tho various clubs and the nhrrtage of the association Is said to ex ceed fo.OOO. The arrest or the president was nt the Individual Instance of the Cn ljtr.biib club owners. What action the other members of the association will tnk.i is not yet known. Tho annunl meeting of tho association Is being held here The pennant for tho championship of 1301 was today nwarded to Dayton, O. Grand ltaptds claimed to havo won It. Promises SI. I.oitls n Strom Tenm. ST. LOPI8. Oct. 9,-"St. Louis will not only have an American le.tguu team In 1902, but will havo one that will finish well 111 the pennant rnce," nnld James McAIecr, former manager ot the Cleveland American League club, who arrived In St. Louts today. "The club will be composed of the pick of tho players of tho Milwaukee American League clih. strengthened by material from the National and other leagues." Omaha Wlilut Clith rteNiimc. By admitting several now members Inst night the Omaha Whist ol'jh inaugurated what promises to be u flourishing peaittui of winter play. After a summer of Inter mittent work the members Intend to get down to chnmplonshlp play, nnd there were seven tables Kolng Iaiit night. Play will be each Wednesday and Saturday evening during the winter. Koclol Digests what yon Eat Dyspepsia Curs Tho process of digestion s simply explained. In tho niotitli, food Is masticated and mixed with saliva containing a dlgcstnnt called ptyalin. In tho stomach, It Is acted upon by gastric Jnlee containing pepsin, which digests albuminous foods. In the Intestines, pancrcatin Is added to digest fats and starches. Indigestion always Indicates an Insnfliclcnt amount of ono or all of thesodlgestants. At 11 rat thought It seems proper torlbstaln from foods not easily digested; but reflection bIiows ns that, while this affords relief by giving tho weakened organs less to do, It only makes them weaker by giving them less nourishment. If you suffer from Indigestion, tho only right thing to do Is to cat a generous variety of food and digest it by using such a preparation as Kodol PYsrKrsiA Cure, which contains ull tho known dlgcstants, and completely digests what you cat. It can't help but do you good Prepared by E. O. DeWItt AOo., Chicago. Tho f 1. bottle contains SH times thofA". slie. Whonyou need a soothing and healing application for piles, sores and skin diseases, uso Da WITT'S Wltoh Hazel SALVE. Bcworo of counterfeits. "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO 5. ?1 Land Marks Mads famous by the early Traders, Explor ers, Pioneers, Mormons, Emigrants, Pony Express Riders, Overland Stage Coaches, Indian Encounters, etc., are seen from the car windows of the Union Pacific trains. In traveling over .hls line you can the wonderful achievements of the Union Pacific engineers over mighty chasms, lofty peaks, nnd through mountains of solid rock. V sure your ticket reads OVBR THIS ROUTE. '4, City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam 'Phone 316. un. a. n. src.tni.ns. DOCTOR Searies & Searles OMAHA SPECIALIST Most Successful and Reliable Specialist in Diseases of Men. VARICOCELE Are ycu afflicted with Varicocele or Its results Ncrroua Debility and Loit, Mn 1 00(17 Art you nervous, Irritable and deapondrnt? Do you lack your old-tlm inergy ind ambition? Are you MiftrrlUK from vital weakness etc.? There Is a derangement of the sensitive organs of your Pelvic System, and even though It gives you 09 trouble at present. It will ultimately unmon you, depress your mind, rack your aarvoiii ystem, unfit you for married life and shorten your exlstenco. Why not b cured be fore it is too late? WB CAN CVUB YOU TO STAY CURED UNDER WRITTEN GUAR ANTEE. We have yt to sec the caee of Varicocele we cannot cure. Medicines, elec Irlr. belts, etc.. will never cure. You need expert treatment. We treat thousands of tasen where the ordlnnry physician treats one. Method new nnver falls, without cut ting, pain or loe of time. KTnifTIIIIF Home treatment; now, i i?i trc-r lnfiUllaliie unit ltnillcul and uLtcl cure without liimru incuts; no pain, no detention from business. PRINARV Kldnxy and Bladder Trouble, weak Back. Uurnfnk Urine, Frequency of Urinating;. Urine High Colorod, or with milky sediment on standing; Gonorrhoea. Oleet. QVD1I I fC cured for life and the poison v I rrl latO thoroughly cleansed front the system. Soon every sign and symptom filsanpoars completely and forever. No "URISAKINO OUT" of the disease on th kin or .tace. Treatment contains no dan cerous drugs or Injurious medicines. WEAK MEN (VITALITY WEAIO.mada so by too ole application to. business or study; severs mental strain or grief HKXUAL KX CE8BEH In middle life or from tha effoats "'youthful follies. , , v&AKTJ??i' ,ARB ViCTIMS TO NER VOUS I5RB M.1TV ntl vvuiiloniinu ftffi" 0 WK AKN E8. INVOUJrlTAY fDM, Willi JSAKL.Y UKCAT In TOUNOt anf MIDDLE-AOED; lack of v"ni. vigor, and strength, with sexual organs Impaired " Jrk0P,e1a i?'7"ltur.. It approaching v.. rtii jm i inuiy lo our new Home Treatment luccessful and strictly private. Our c CURES GUARANTEED. CHARGES LOW treatment for loss of vital power. Una personal visit is preferred, Bat if you cannot call at my office, wrlU us your symptoms fully, Our home treatSMnt Is Our counsel Ii free and sacredly confidential. Consultation Free- Cull or add rent Treitsjggt bvMal Dr. Searies & Searles, Omaha. Neb. Tt, V.. Cnrnor Diiiiuln nnd Fourteenth Hrrrtn. LOST MANHOOD MAY BE THE CAUSE OF YOUR TROUBLE. LET US SEE. 1 ML & , MASTKn SrHCIAUST. IS THIS THE WAY YOU FEEL? 0 There l n puln in your bm:k, blun rings under your eye$, specks lioforfl your nyes, ulslit bairn, liendaches, bad taste In mouth, sour rlalncs from tlii ntnmriph. nn rinnrtltr. rnn'l siren nt nlsht. bad ilrenniH. lOHeei In nleou. fearful, rvrncrtlnir the worst to hnnnen. tired. weiik, nervous nnd trembly, poor memory, no nmbltlon, hate work, havo dlzr.y xpolls on Retting up In the mornlnK, dlslke of Indies' so ciety, prefer to bo alone, sometimes selrod with thought of suicide, OUR TREATMENT. Will correct oil of the wioiix In your system, tone up your nervous Hyrtem, ntrqngtlU'i) and Invigorate your sexual system nnd fully, re store to you the vigor of jiorfept manhood. Cause you to feel llkn a new man. vlth new hopes, oomctlilng to live for nnd thi whole world then will seem different to you. We do not treat nil dlnrnses Imt we rare nil lie treitt) Me treat mo Vnrleoeele, atrlctnre, synlillltln til noil iioUim, nrri o-Kcxnnl debility, and all associate dlnenees and weaknesses of men, We charge nothing for private LiFStiAli COXTIIACT to hold to our promises, is It iipt worth your while to Inves to multitudes ot men? BEWARE OF IMITATORS! K'jt nn utio bo deceived by Icnurunt Imitators or fal methods by copying our medical announcements, None of them possess our new con only be obtained at our offices. It Is our knowledge nnd skill born of vast e moms mat cure diseases of men and not our medical announcement ana writings w at our omce, writo tne symptoms fully. nejprenres Bet Hunks nnd I.enalliiB lliislnt-ss Men of the City, Con til Office honrsi H n. in. to S p. mi. Snmlays 10 n. i only nnil nine them to stay rnred. Tuptiirr, kidney, urlnitry diseases. counsel and clve to each natlent a tlgate a cure that has made life anew t-e pretenders who seek to Imitate our and original treatment for men, which j:nerlence, together with scientific equip hlrh Imitators copy. If you cannot call tiillon frL-tt anil nnnfldeiitlnl. in to 1 p, m. STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE ino PAHXA.1I ST., Between Kith nnd Hill its., OMAHA, MSmtAKKA: