Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Utmbtri f Rial Estate Exohanp Talk
Further of Taxation.
Proposition llrlnu forth Vnrlona
Opinion nml Co-Operntlon of
Ollirr OrKntilr.nllon I to lie
Aslinl llrforc Final Action.
Tho supplemental report of tho commit
loo on luxation was tho subject of dlecus
slon beforo the Ileal Kitato exchange yes
Speaking upon the report of the commit
tee, In which consolidation of county anil
city olllces Is suggested, W. L. Selby said
that ,tho questions to bo considered were,
first, docs tho club endorse tho plnn? Sec
ond, does tho exchange dc.ilro to promote
"Tliern Is too much resolving, listening
to committee reports and then iHylnR
down," said he. "If wo rieslro to push
this we should iln It, but I know of no one
who could devote tho necessary time for It.
"Tho constitution of tho stato provides
that each county shall contain nt least 100
square miles, which will ninko tho work
still harder. Kvcry 0110 I have spoken to
Is favornblo to tho general plan, but thero
Is a question regarding details which will
have to bo worked out later. I am qulto
Impressed with tho fact that thero would
bo smoother sailing If tho new municipal
government could be made to Includo tho
cntlro county as It now exists.
NiiKKOt-i Co-(lirntlnii.
"t bellevo tho exchange might profitably
end a copy of this supplemental report to
all commercial and Industrial organiza
tions In tho city so they could discuss them
and net later."
A. I. Tukoy moved that tho supplemental
report bo adopted.
J. 9. Knox endorsed tho position of V.
L. Bclby nud thought that tho matter was
too largo nn undertaking for tho exchange
to tako up alone. Ho favored tho forma
tion of an organization from the commer
cial and Industrlnl organizations for tho
purposo of ndvanclng tho scheme If the ex
change should endorse It. "In St. Loirls
tho city was separated from tho county.
In Philadelphia and Now York I understand
tho city government has control of tho af
fairs of the county."
J. W. Lytlo said that tho constitutional
requirement of 400 miles to tho county
would practically kill tho segregation
Sir. Tukoy sold that In Its present form
the report Is too long and that ho would
movo Its resubmission to tho commlttco for
rovlslon and abridgment, the revised re
port to be sent to all organizations Inter
ested. AVnnln l'lit-thcr Time.
0. S. Ilcnowa asked that tho discussion
bo continued to another meeting and that
during that time a plan of organization for
tho purpose bo considered by the members.
M. J. Kcnnard said that If tho matter bo
laid over nnother week ho hoped each mem
ber of tho exchange would ho supplied
with n copy, io they could discuss it In
telligently and decldo upon some course, be
foro (ho other organizations are brought
Into tho scheme.
C. II. Olover thought the matter could
bo settled nt once.
On motion of 0. O. Wnllaco the sugges
tions of M. J. Kennard and A. P. Tukey
wero adopted, with the understanding that
tho rovlslon shall bo passed upon by the
club beforo being sent to other organizations.
The big clothing salo begins Thursday at
tho big storo of Hoyden tiros. Head all
about it on pago 7.
Why suffer with rheumatism? Ths
llathory, 216-220 Deo bldg. Tclophone 1716.
For ladles only.
Birthday rings. Kdholm, Joweler.
Aiinoiiiu'4-mrntn of thu Tlirnfern.
Of tho many triumphs that George W.
Ledcrcr has had In his Casino production
of tho last ten years, none has won greater
recognition than tho musical comedy, "Tho
Casino Olrl," which will bo seen for a slnglo
performance. Friday night, at the Boyd
theater. After establishing a record of
400 performances In Now York and 300
nights In Imlon, tho piece was taken to
Philadelphia and Chicago, where, In each
instance, It was received with Immense
favor, and now for tho first tlmo It Is be
ting taken on a tour ot tho principal cities
of this country.
noso Sydcll's London Holies have mado a
big hit ut the Trocadero and tho audiences
overy afternoon and evening almost tost
tho capacity of tho thoator. Tho specialty
acts offered by tho company aro much above
tho ordinary run, tho horizontal
bar net of tho Dunhams being
the leading feature of tho bill. The open
ing and closing burlesques aro gingery and
full of now pongs and attractive dances.
The engagement closes with the Saturday
Sealed bids will bo received by tho W.
It. Ilennott Building company, at Its office
at Fifteenth and Capitol avenue until 6
o'clock, p. ra. Friday, October 11, for tho
cement sldowalk on tho north and east
fronts of their now building, corner of Six
teenth and Harney streets, Omaha, Neb.,
ns por plans and. specifications on fllo at
their office.
Bend articles of Incorporation, notices ot
stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bee.
. We will give them proper legal Insertion.
Telephono 23S.
All kinds ot baths, scientific massage.
Ladles only. Tbo Bathery, 216-220 Bee bldg.
Tel. 1716.
Harrison & Morton have nn attractive list
, of farms in today's paper.
Ask J. C. Greon if Cramer's Kidney Cure
is good. 60a and $1.00; nil druggists.
Publish your legal notices in The Weeklr
floe. ToUphane 238.
Dainty pearl brooches. Edholm, Joweler.
Chamois Skin
Utnrril Jlnnimrr Smith nnH Secretary
fioodrlrh of Onmlin f,lne At
tend Xcr Vurk Meeting,
General Manager Smith and Secretary
Goodrich ot the Omaha Street Railway
cqmpany arc In New York attending tho
annual convention of the Street Railway
association of tho United States and
Canada. , This convention will probably bo
the largest In tho history of tho associa
tion, and the display of appliances and
devices for the operation of street car lines
will probably be tho most complete.
It Is said at tho offlco of the company
that tho visit of the general manager to
this convention may have a marked bear
ing upon the futuro operation of tho
Omaha company If tho consolidation
scheme falls to go through. The company
has had for some time under consideration
a practical rebuilding of Its system, tho
work not to bo undertaken nil at once, but
to be gradual. In pursuanco of this policy
the lines of road whero repairs have been
mado have been laid with heavier rails and
on all corners havlcr curves havo been
put In. The new car orders have been In
excess of the present requirements In their
capacity. Al tho present convention tho
general manager will Investigate the merits
of certain devices now being considered for
Introduction on the Omaha lines.
Tho superintendent of tho company an
nounces that within tbreo or four weeks
cars will be running over tbo new lino ot
tho company on M street In South Omaha.
This lino could bo completed sooner, but
the company Is having troublo In securing
special work for the curves nt Twenty
fourth street.
The .N'lirsliiK Mother
Aids her offspring, and- herself by using
Mnlt-Nutrlno the food drink that doctors
recommend. Invalids and convalescents
boncflt materially by Its tonic properties,
stimulating appetlto and digestion. Pro
pared only by tho Anhouser-Busch Browing
association, St. Louis. U. S. A.
Don't fall to read our ad ou pago 7. Then
you'll know where to buy your fall suit.
Haydcn Bros.
Tho Bathery Is open Thursday and Sat
urday evenings. For appointments tele
phono 1716 or call 216-220 Beo Building.
1 We sell them In a dozen or more shades.
can ami neo mora.
We'vo always been cutters. No comb!
nations over affect us. Wo go right on
cutting, and to get tho lowest cash prices
oil drugs trade with us.
11.00 Poruna r.Se
11.00 Llsterlno 69c
I5o Menneu's Talcum Powder l2o
35a C'ustorlu 25c
Vln Murlanl IU
Tallow's Syrup $1.10
Hunyndl I.ujo.i Water 15c
liurnham'H Sarsatinrllla ia
Vtnol (tastolosH coilllver oil) $1.00
Hat Bleach (enough for three hats) .. 10c
Laxative Bromo Quinine 12c
2-lb. bar oroen (.'asuio noan jjo
wo etU 19c
Sherman 86 McGonnell Drug Go.
"The Drug Storo on the Corner."
lllliioU Central Itnllranil.
ORlcIal line to missionary convention of
tho Christian church, Minneapolis, Minn.,
October 10th to- 17th.
Tho Illinois Central railroad has been de
clared tho ofllclal line from tho stato ot
Nebraska to tho Minneapolis convention.
Special servlco has been arranged for tho
delegates to leave Omaha union depot
Wednesday, October 9th, nt 8 p. m. Tick
ets on sale Octobor 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and
14th, good for return until the 19th, at rate
of $10.65 for tho round trip. By depositing
ticket with tho Joint agent limit can bo
extended for return until October 31st.
Call at city ticket ofllce, 1402 Farnam street,
for full particulars and reservations In
special sleepers, or address,
V. 11. BRILL, D. P. A., Omaha.
St. l.onla, Mo.
From Oct. 0 until Oct. 11 the Missouri
Pacific Railway will sell round trip tickets
to St. Louis, Mo., at tho ono way rate.
For further information call at union sta
tion or city offlofs, S. E. Cor. 14th and
Douglas Sts. THOS. F. GODFREY,
P. & T. A.
First water diamonds. Edholm, Jeweler.
Odd Fellow, Attention.
All members of Omnha lodge, No. 2, sis
ter subordinate and Rebekah lodges, en
campments and cantons are requested to
assemblo at I. O. O. F. hall. Fourteenth
and Dodge streets, Thursday, October 10,
at 1 p. m for the purpose- of attondlng
the funeral of our Iato Brother John Evans.
All visiting brethren aro also requested to
Physicians recommend our treatment for
rheumatism as the most successful. Ladles
only. The Bathery, 216-220 Bee bldg. Tele
phone 1716.
Attention, Odd Fellow.
Beacon lodae. No. 20. I. O. O. v.. wilt
meet at Odd Fellows' hall October 10, nt
n. m. share to attend Brother John
Evans' funeral. N. J. MAXWELL, N. G.
Ksnnai City, Mo.
From Oct. S until Oct. 12 the Missouri
Pacific Railway will sell round trip tickets
to Kanias City at the one way rate. For
further Information call ai union station or
city offices, S. E. Cor. 14th and Douglas.
Biggest clothing sale of tho season com
mences nt the tig storo of Hayden Bros.
Thursday. Read about it on page 7.
Don't despair, take Cramer's Kidney
Cure, two sizes, SOc and $1.00; all druggists.
Birthday watches. Edholm, Jeweler.
Funeral Nutlue.
John Evans. Thursday. October 10. 2 t.
m.. from First Presbyterian church. Hov.
entcentli and Dodge streets. Interment.
rrospeci tun cemetery.
or Lace,
' or Turns
$3.50 ALWAYS.
Fifty different styles of women's Sorosls
now In stock. We fit the widest foet ns
wen ns the narrowest. Kvery puir n
$5.00 value Always $3.50 per pair.
Frank Wilcox, Mgr. 203 So. IStli
Send for catalogue.
Philadelphia Dental Rooms
1517 Douglas St,
Good set teeth $5.00
Gold crowns (22k) 5.00
Vitalized air v 50
t Fillings, as low as "5
I All work first-class.
Imclad Aitl-Fass Afrttmtit Entarid
Iito oj Bailradi.
Decision Is Itcnched nt a Meeting; In
Jieir York, Where All Prlnclpnl
Honda Are Heprenented Idea to
lnorensc Passenger llccclpta.
Railroad presidents, officials, agents and
newspnper men will havo to pay railroad
fare, If they ride, after January 1.
1002. Tho custom of giving railroad passes
wos nbollshed nt n meeting bf representa
tives of nil tho principal lines of tho coun
try. The commlttco rant in Now York
Monday and Tuesday.
After tho first of next year dead head
tourists will turn up missing and railroad
presidents will do considerable less Junket
ing on other roads. No exception will be
made; ovcry person on tho train will have
to poke n ticket at the conductor.
Tho rnllroad presidents, however, were
In favor of tho "no-pass" system, for tho
roads will bo benefitted by tho change. A
big railroad company Issues tens of thou
sands of passes nnnually, nt a loss ot many
thousands ot dollars In receipts. Somo
ronds report a dally loss of ensh passen
gers on account of them being crowded out
by the pass holders.
Tho subcommittee which voted to abol
ish the frco pass system wos appointed
nearly a year ago at n meeting In Now
York. Tho action ot tho committee was
Tho ndoptlon of tho new rule will nffect
many thousands of persons who havo been
tho holders of "annuals" for various rea
sons. To members of tho legislatures,
congressmen, senators, stnto nnd county
officers, tho news will come with a deep,
dull thud.
Ono of tho rtrong reasons advanced by
tho rnllroad managers Is on account ot
tho numerous passes Issued to tho railroad
employes. Tho new rulo cannot reduce
the amount of passenger business nnd tho
Increased receipts will bo very gratifying
to tho companies.
First Week In October fUinwa tin-
fiivnrnlile Comparison.
For tho first week in October western
roads mado tho poorest showing for four
years In their grnln trnfllc. Aggregate re
ceipts In Chicago wcro 4,013,000 bushels, n
docreoso of 1,674,000 bushels for the week
and of 2,589,000 bushels from last year. A
comparison with 1808 shows a reduction of
4,934,000 mishels. or only 10,000 bushels less
than tbo total deliveries tho last week.
Shipments of grain lost week were 1,235,-
000 bushels, a decrenso of 66,000 bushols for
the week and 633,000 from last year. Flour
shipments were 121,316 barrels, an Increase
of 12,891 barrels for tho week and n gain of
80,542 barrels over last year. Provision
traffic aggregated 31,152 tons, an Increase
of 166 tons for tbo week nnd a decreaso ot
12,414 from last year.
Eastbound roads out of Chicago nre doing
all they can to keep up tho volurao of grain
shipments, but desplto tho lower rntes of
fered and tho prospects ot an advance tho
business Is disappointing.
v VnhJl J.
$20 to $40 for suits that
the credit tailor must of
necessity charge $40
to $60 for the quality
and workmanship of
our suits is guaranteed.
Tants, $5 to $12 Ovor
coats, $20 to $40 Cut
and mado by Omaha's
best cutters and talloro,
with 4,000 patterns to se
lect from.
Karbach Block, 209-11 So, 15th St,
Is Metz's lager beer, but It has other
merits equally strong. It Is nutritious, In
vigorating nnd a stimulus to digestion, be-
cnuso It Is absolutely puro In every respect
Ot splendid flavor, body and strength.
There's none better.
Metz Bros. Brewing Co.
Tel. 119. Omaha.
Thursday will bo a day ot trimmed
hat surprises.
ica are
Have you seen our magnificent as
semblage ot bat beauties at $5,007 It
not we solicit you to do so nnd ac
quaint yourself with what wo stato Is
positively the best lino of trimmed
hats at $5.00 In America.
You will find tho correct and most
approved designs adopted In tho fash
ion centers of tho world
for tho fall and winter
season of 1901
mo insu-
TltlMMKII HATS AT flt.tlO.
450 very artistically trimmed hats
fresh from our own work rooms, rep
resenting a remarkable nnd cholco
collection of tho splendid Ideas, such
as you ordlnnrlly would pay doublo
for In tho general run of millinery
stores. These hats aro made of vel
vets, felts, chenilles, etc., and are
rlcbly trimmed with tho very nowest
of the season's dcslra- fv "v
bio materials, . -3 I
Tltl.MMi:i) HATS AT f2.4).
600 very desirable hats, medium
slzo effects now so popular, In both
black and colors, draped with good
quality mohair felt and trimmed with
breasts and ornaments a
easily worth $4.00, 4 1 I
Thursday ., v-' STIIHKT IIAT.S, 9 1, IIS.
1,000 street hats comprising ns great
an assortment as Is generally shown
by six ordlnnry millinery stores.
Hats from tho very finest to the
medium grades. Ten special styles
ror Tnursday, usually
sold at $3,50,
at ,
Cloak Sale
Tailor-mado suits, automobiles,
Jackets and skirts nt special prlceJ
$6.98 42-Inch
specials. Good
heavy kersey,
body lined,
storm collar,
well tailored,
In castor, navy
values, Thursday
(lolf skirts mnde of heavy materials.
scparnto flounce, heavy stitching, ox
ford, gray and navy,
worth $5.00
$9.98 tailored suit special, In Nor
folk blouse and Eton etylcs, good
Venetians and cheviots,, worth up to
$17.60 cholco
Thursdny tZSJ
fSO .Xertinnrkcts, IlnKlnim, fD.Ufl
$9.98 for Newmarkets and Ilaglans,
worth up to $20.00, nn odd lot of gar
ments bought at 50c -v
on the dollar, cholco Vf
while thoy laet
$3.60 Jacket, special, worth up to
$10.00, mode of winter weight kersey,
silk lined, well toll- yy
ored, nil colors .A !m I
Thursday IIOX COATS KOH f 4.08.
$4,98 Uox Coat, special, mado of
English kersey, heavy lining, storm
collars, In cantors, a g-
reds, navy and black, s J 4
a good $7.50 voluo.... r KJ
Wait for the sale of room-size rugs and
made-up carpets on Monday, October 14th.
boys' and Youths' $1.50 and
$l.75:Shoes at 75c.
Sale of Boys'
Youths' Shoes
Hnydeu HroK' buyer secured, for spot cash, the entire floor
stock of ,i celebrated eastern shoe manufacturer, making noth
ing but boys' and youths' shoes.
These shoes were made to
retail at $1.50 and 1.75. They
are made in the newest fall and
winter 3001 styles, from the
very best selected satin calf
stock, strongly sewed with
heavy linen thread, with solid
sole leather inner soles, outer
soles and counters. The bot
tom stock is the very best oak
sole-leather, such as is used in
the better quality of men's
shoes. Through the (fortunate
purchase we. are enabled to sell these iine shoes g
as long as this lot lasts, for only
Remember, these are,regular $1.50 and $1.75 boys' and youths'
shoes. The sale starts Thursday Miorning at 8 o'clock. Come as
early (as possible. Extra sales people to wait on all promptly,
and to lit every pair perfectly. These, shoes are nicely linished,
neat in appearance aiuI will give tho very best service. A chance
to secure such a (genuine bargain has never been' offered before.
Remember each pair will be fitted as carefully as if you paid the
full regular price of 1.50 and $1.75, and that, while fiE
the sale-lasts, you can buy them at M.
Come in and examine these and you ,will be convinced that it
pays to keep your eye on the Big Store's special sales. Boys'
and youths' .$1.50 and $1.75 shoes at 75c .Thursday at
T lTpCI gV One of the livat quipped of the Koeley mtem of lntl.
f ruirtC tiiten, the only Keeler Institute In Nebraska, Cnrca
m: VUUB Drunkvnn
eaa, Carea Urui Uaern, Tnnuoco uaera. 'I'lllJ
KI3I3LBY INSTITUTE!, 10 nud Lenvenwarh, Omaha.
Which wp have created on tho price of
patont medicines don't loso slcht of tho
fact that we can savo you equally hh much
or more on prescriptions, for this Is our
hobby. We don't seo any reason why peo
pie should pay tho old fashioned prlco for
proscriptions any moro than they should
on patent medicines. From complaints
mado by tho peoplo who hart prescriptions
filled elsewhere, wo Judge that tho trust
combine are mnklnit up their loss on
patents by charslnB exorbitant prlcs on
prescriptions. Try us .with your next ono
and see If this isn't true.
Kino Candies 20a lb. and up.
25c Bchlltz Malt ISxtraot 15c-2 for Mo
11.00 Bexlne Pills J5c
11,00 Peruna Mo
11.00 Temptation Tonic .5o
50o PoKonl Powder !So
12,00 McDade's Succus Alterans H, U
tl.00 Austin's Hair Tonic 45o
Mo Cramer's Kidney Cure fi
o Hox Heat Soap 3 cakes.. 10a
Mc Qulnacetol best for colds 2Co
12.00 Karl Cramer's Tansy Cottonroot
and Pennyroyal Pill $1.00
CPUICCCD'Q Cut pr,oc
Olm ACrCd O Drugstore
Tal. T4T. I. W. Oar. lUtu aad Cbleaa
Qotfi dcUvtrta ViUZS m tuur. sut ot cit
Wo can furnish a glazier.
Will send you a competent man.
Telesbona 349.
We carry In stock all sixes anl
can fill your orders at onco.
Telephone 349.
S4ta aad Doaalaa it.
We Look Ahead
With confidence, for in the suit room tho fall stock of
ready-to-wear suits, etc., is tho largest of its character
that has ever been prepared, holding moro novelty and
beauty than any collection wo have over shown.
Women's Suits, Coats, Etc.
New nnd handsome costume arriving
dally. Women's cxqulsllo man-tailored
garments cxqulslto in ovcry senso of tho
word, In stylo, quality and workmanship.
Prices thnt demonstrate "Tho Nebraska's"
methods of popular prices.
Women's Tailor-Madc Suits
Made of n flno nil wool Cheviot, now rton
Jacket, with lottK dip front, taffeta lined
nnd handsomely trimmed with sntlu bands,
new ilounco skirt, trimmed to match Jacket,
n suit that brings $li;.d0 1 (y tf
elsewhere our prlco lAUU
Women's Tailor-Madc Suits
Kxtro flno quality of chovlot, Jacket with
now vest fronts of taffeta silk, with tnllor
stltchlnK nnd florins cuffs to match, new
panel slinpo skirt, lined with tho best qual
ity Forcnllno HnliiK, perfect "1,1 f Z
flttltiK our prlco X I O
Women's Tailor-Made Suits
rn flno cheviots, Venetians nnd tho now
basket cloth, In nil tho new shades, velvet
trimmed, nnd ntltclyd with satin bnnds,
new Ioiir dip front skirt, "I Q Ti
with deep bias Ilounco Xf I M
Women's Stylish Box Coats
In cheviots, meltons, monlnnacs nnd nno
kerseys, I", and 27 inches Ions, new notch
or high storm collars, new flarlns cuff
alcoves, well tailored nnd elegantly lined
$1.90, $6.75, $9.75, and up to $25
Women's stylish automobiles and hip
eeam coats, nil mado of this season's new
est materials, 42 Inches long, many aro
samples of which wo havo only ono of a
kind they nro nil high class garments nnd
It will pay you to soo them boforo making
your purchases.
$12.75, $16.75, $19.75, up to $55.
Ready-to-Wear Millinery.
Our first Invitation to soo tho pretty,
now and economical rendy-to-wear milli
nery, nendy-to-put-on, no bother, no fuss
with tho milliner, Just pick out what suits
you, try It on, and It's yours, If you wish,
$5.00, $3.75, 12.45. Ono-thlrd mlllluory
storo prices.
ifXnry' Thursday in the
llAl ULCUS Bargain Room.
Will be a day to ,bvi long remembered -in addition to other
things there will be THREE OAKLOAD8 OF MUSLINS AND
SHEETINGS just in from that grout muslin sule in New .York
every lady .in Omaha should attend this sale, as muslins will be
sold for one-third less .than it cost the manufacturer to produce
10 bales of flno unbleached muslin, regu
lar 4c value, nt 2J4c
1R bales of tho finest T.Ij that was over
made, extra wolght, worth Cc, at 3Tc.
Tho very heaviest mado unbleached, 4Tc
vr,i wirtn flnn bleached, soft finish, oxtrn
heavy nnd fine, regular 7V4c, nt 4c
vinn iii.nvv blpaclied musl In nothing llko
It on tho market for less than Sc on this
sale all will go at 5',4c
Tho finest mado In tho unbleached, 6c.
42-inch unbleached, 0?ic
8-4 unbleached, 14T4c
0-4 unbleached, 16c.
10-4 unbleached, 1874c.
8-4 bleached. 16c.
0-4 bleached, ISTic.
10-4 bleached, 20Tc.
Print Sale at 3ic
All tho standard, Indigo blues all tho
standard fancies, etc. worth from Do to
74c yard, nt 34c.
Percale Sale 5c
36-lnch flno full weight. In all tho stripes,
figures, etc., dark and light colors, regu
lar 16c and 10c goods, all go nt fic.
5R.inrh oxtrn henvv flannelettes, tho finest
printing, with border; looks Just llko
French flnnncl, nnd mado to sell ai uc, ni
27-lnch flno foreign styles. 7V4c.
36-Inch imported French flnnnolottes, all
the Persian, Peasley and French styles,
worth 25c, at 10c.
$1 Fine Lace Handkerchiefs 25c
Thtirmlnv wn nlnee on salo n nntilDle lino
nt 1bp handkerchiefs, worth 7Bo to ll.RO,
all go nt one price, 26c each. Only ono to
each customer.
Dress Goods
from Be to 4f)c
2S-inch doublo fold, do bolgcs, 5c.
28-Inch doublo fold, plaids, 6c.
2S-lnch doublo fold, fancies, 7V4c.
36-Inch flno worsteds, worth 25c, at 10c.
42-lnch storm serges, worth 60c, at 25c.
38-Inch nil wool ladles' cloth, regular 60a
value, 3ic.
75o strictly nil wool henrtctta, 39c.
75o black satin borbor, 33c.
$1.00 strictly nil wool black novelties,
60c French flannels, 24c.
7fic wnlstlngs, nil wool, 39c.
$1.00 wulstlngs, 49c.
39c silks, 19c.
75c silks. 39c.
60c silks, 25c.
Ma volvots, 19c.
$1.00 corduroy, 39c.
Comforts and Blankets
$1.00 blankots, 69c.
$t.25 blankots, 73c.
$1.50 blankots. 95c.
$1.00 comforts, 59c.
$1.25 comforts, 75c.
$1,60 comforts. 98c.
E.X.THA SPUCIAL on outing flannols and
donots, at 3V4c, 6c, fio nnd 714c, worth
75c Brushes Only 25c ,
Wo will havo a grand brush salo Thurs
day, Including tooth, hair, flesh, hand, bath
and clothes brushes.
16c tooth brushes, 6c
25c tooth brushes, 10c.
50c hair brushes, 25c.
$1.00 hnlr brushes, 49e.
$1.50 genuine ebony hnlr brush 76c.
$1.00 bath brushes, 49c.
$1.00 cloth brushes 49c
2,500 hand, scrub and nail brushes, worth
23o to $1.00, nil go nt 16c and 250.
Itcgular New
Prlro. Prlco.
Mahogany, round WA $112
Mahogany, round ,,,, 78 60
Oak, round f. 44 21
Oak, squaro ,. 20 12.25
Duk. wiunro , 10 7.50
Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to imported cigars.
jnu!aCtu.rVty V. Ut Blca Mercantile Cigar-Go,, OU Loulav Union AU4 v