THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1001. CONTESTS IN THREE WARDS Bpiblicn Poheol Boird Noraitioni Will Not Q Ucconttsted. LIST OF NOMINATIONS FOR DELEGATES t'liplrdni-d DCIPKiitliiti Aunlnat tin-Stidlinriiuuh-Mchnlaoii I'nmlilno In JKnurlli Wnnl-Tn Ticket Also in .Icirnlh nml Highlit. At the primaries Friday for the election of delegates to the republican city conven tion, which will nomlnato candidates for , the school hoard, there will be contests In three of the nine wards. In the Fourth the ijudborough-Ntcholson ticket will have to contend against an unpledged delegation. In the Seventh there will be a fight between delegation pledged to C. I. Hate snd nn which stands for the candldncy of R, U. Davlcs, and In the Eighth there will be two tickets, nnc for It, S. Mann nud the other for Dr, II. A. Foster. The filing of nominations for delegates closed nt noon yesterday and the list was as follows First Ward Fred Stubbendorf, I'. M. flack, Sara W. Scott, J. II. Schupp, Richard tlurnell, Henry Inman, l V. Farrer, Ous tave Helwlg, John Flala, II. C. Miner. Second Ward B, F. Orlmcs, IJ. n, Mai trom, OeorRo Held, M. J. Howell. Max Ilccht, William Oolsclman, D, Vllrusb. W. D. Gilbert, William Eddy. Andrew Klewtt. . Third Ward Louis Ulotcky. James Brooks, Georgo Crow, Aaron Ferer. Theo dore Hrown, William Oerke, Hugh Hubanks, . Edward Merrltt. Henry Rhoede, Victor U. I Walker. Fourth Ward Unpledged ticket; Gustave ' Anderson, John W. Cooper, J. N. Foster. 1 Lee Orler, J. L. Kulcy, Thomas Lamb. Vic . tor Rosewater, P. C. Morlarlty, Charles R, Turner, W. II. Whltehorn. Fourth Word Sudborough-Nlcholson ticket: Gustave Anderson. S. C. Unrncs. John J. Iloucher. Joslah W. Craig, Morltz Meyer, Frank J. Norton, Frank C. O'Hol loran, T. K. Sudborough, II. M. Waring, V. II. Whltehorn. Fifth Ward Howard Flruner, Ilrycc Crawford, George W. Craig. DcWItt Elllns wood. Richard Johnson. William I. Kler 'stead, L, E, Lucas, Hugo A. Myers, W. M. McKay, George F Shcpard. Sixth Ward Ethan C 'Wolcott, Hasll n. Ilall, Albert W. Johnson, James L. Hous ton, Srott Jackson, Edward A Taylor, Em roett G. Solomon, Jared J. Smith, Chnrles Jhcobson, Charles I.. Hart. Seventh Ward Davles ticket: Milton S. Tlouma, John S. Ing. A. S. Churchill. D. A. Coy, Samuel MacLeod. Fred Schamel, J. F. Coalswortc, W. A. Howland, J. D. Scdg vlck, Charles W. Haller. Seventh Ward Dates ticket: George A. Pay, Mel Uhl, John L. Pierce. Charles 8. Hayword, J. 0. Dctwcller, W. S. Wright, n, F. Thomas, Theodore Olscn, M. J. Kcn nard, M. II. Collins. Eighth Ward Mann ticket: Joseph M. Ilaldrldge, J. II. Dlalr, George E. Collins. Guy C. Fleming. J. R. Hummel. W. C. Mc Lean. D. F. Miller. A. M. Pinto. Ous A. ' Steberg. Victor White. Eighth Ward Foster ticket: C. G. Mc Donald, Ilr. George Gilbert. J. E. Rait. Joseph Llllle, Ed Tracy, Grant Cleveland. John Wallace, Henry Rrown, Edward Jen sen, J. A. Davis. Ninth Ward Harry W. Cowduroy. J. N. Daniels, Charles A. (loss. E. O. McOllton, A. II. Hcnnlngs, Charles S. Huntington, James W. Mnynard, C. E. Malm, Noah Perry, Charles E. Winter. MONEY FOR ANEW CHURCH t'oiiurrnntlnii Slinrcy 7,lnn In llnlxlnu HnltacrliitliMin SIpcIIiik him. ! KrrnlnK. Congregation Sharey Zlon of this city Is engaged In raising funds with which to build a new house of worship. At a meet ing last Sunday, over which President Ferer presided, the following subscriptions were made: President Aaron Ferer. $100: Vice Presi dent L. Flnkelsteln. 125; Secretary 7.. Coren mnn, I5. M. Rosenblatt. $20: A. Goldstein. JI5; M. Nogg. $15: M. Seiner. $15; A. Albert. $15; I. Corenman. $15; M. Fursht. $15; n. Gllckman, $16; I). Handler. $1J: II. Ober tnan, $15; S. Corcnmnn, $10: 7.. Katelman. $10; L. Rosenblatt, $10; Rev. M. Zlmman. $10; H. Kaplan. $10; M. Avcrbuch, $10; J. Rosenblatt, $5; M. Slobodlnsky, $5; S, Good man, $3. Total cash In fund, $378. There will be another meeting next Sun day evening for the purpose of taking further subscriptions, BANQUET GOES OVER A WEEK Commrri'lal Clnh Derides In tie! Onl ii f Wily of (Ithrr The entertainment committee of the Com mercial club has derided to postpone the banquet of that club from Tuesday, October 15, to Tuesday, October 22. This was done on account of the banquet lo the directors and advisory board of the Auditorium company last evening. "Many of the persons who will be present at the banquet tonight are expected to take part In the annual banquet of the Commercial club," said tho chairman of the entertain ment committee, "and to bring the two dinners wltbln one week of each other would be too much, so we havo concluded to postpone the banquet of the club." Mrs. T. Ilrlddleman of Parshnllvm Mich., was troubled with salt rheum for thirteen years nnd bad tried n number of dnstors without relief. After two appllca llona nf ItAnner flnlva her hnnria hernm better and In a short time she was entirely cured. Rewaro of substitutes. FOR SERVICE IN PHILIPPINES Vnrle Sain Wnnl llnrar shorrs, Wheel TvrluhU Mini lllackamlth. (n On tn Islands. Tho quartermaster's department of the United States army has called for twenty five each of wheelwrights, blacksmiths and horsesnoers for labor In the Philippines Tho men will bo transported free. Several applications havo already been received at the headquarters In Omaha. The govern ment Is strict In Its specifications for this kind of men, demanding those In perfect health, of robust build and hardy constltu Hon, sober and skilled tn their work, Stricken with l,ural.l.. Henderson (irlmmett of this place was stricken with partial paralysis and com pletely lost the uso of one arm and side After being treated by an eminent physician for quite a while without relief, my wife recommended Chamberlain's Pain Ralm and after using two bottles of It ho Is al most entirely cured. Georce R. McDonald Man, Logan county, West Virginia. Several other very remarkable cures of partial paralysis have been effected by the uso of tnls liniment. It Is most widely known however, as a cure for rheumatism, sprains no cruises. For sale by all druggists. rttilmimiii Tnkfs Final I'npi-r. NEW YOItlC. k. -ii,,),-... t.-i.. ,i. rnons. the pugilist, has made application In llronktvn for hi tin,. i ....m.A.i.,.. The former champion of the ring whs borrt ii o.m jiw. nn moK ms nm r litem, i n - - upv in .lew uricani. MAYOR TALKS OF EXPOSITION Drclnre the Pnn-.tmericnn Minir Is Xnt Kittnl ( Omnlin'n Trnin. mllliil. "The Pan-American exposition Is grand. One could not wish for finer grounds and buildings and the electrical display Is beau tiful beyond belief,'' said Mavor Frank E. Moores, who has returned from Buffalo. "Tho exposition Is nit a success, however, as the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition was, The management lacks the vigor and push of tho men who mado our exposition pros per In the fate of awful odds. "Located as It Is In a country where the population Is very dense, the Huffalo expo sition should be having two or threo times the attendance It Is attracting at present, It Is thought that all the bonds Issued to build the exposition will be paid, but stockholders wilt not be paid back what they Invested In the big show. The In come was mortgaged to bankers, who have had control of expenses and have limited the advertising to such an extent that tho exposition has been greatly handicapped. "The electric tower Is the pride of the grounds nnd Omaha should be proud of Henry Rustln, who made such an electrical display possible. I do not believe that anything more beautiful than the Illumina tion of the grounds will he created during this century. With all the power of Ni agara behind the electricians, they were able to turn the grounds Into a fairyland. It Is a beautiful sight when the lights are turned on In the tower each evening. All the lights In the groundB arc extinguished for a moment. Then the tower and the buildings show a faint touch of red and In moment all nre ablate with brilliant lights, "Mrs. Dowser's sod house Is probably the most successful conccKslon on tho grounds, from n financial point of view. Mrs. Bowser Is serving tho best meals on the grounds und has more business than she can attend to. Her concession la strlctlv Nebraska affair. All her cooks and wallers are from Omaha. She Is showing eastern people what good chicken pies and other homc-mado dishes Nebraska women can make. It Is estimated that Mrs. Dowser will clear about $25,000 on her sod house. "All the Omaha men who have conces sions at Huffalo are making money now, but are much disappointed In the size of the crowds. Tho largest attendance for any day so far was 127,000. This Included all per sons employed on the grounds and was no larger than the TransmlssisslpprR banner day. when 99,000 paid admissions were re corded. "If the management of the Huffalo show had had some Omaha push and get-up the show would have been a great financial suc cess. Thcro seems to havo been no well developed plans for rushing crowds In on special days. As soon as the exposition opened the management choked off adver tising, assuming that the exposition would advertise Itself." SURFEIT OF BUFFALO STAMPS Oin film I'ii a I Minuter Una So Many .Souvenir that Ilr Doesn't Know What In Do. Postmaster Crow Is not particularly pleased over the fact that his offlco now has on hand more than 3,000,000 stamps of tho Pan-American exposition Issue. Tho Hale of theso stamps concludes on October 31 next, and all surplus remaining In offices nt that time Is to be forwarded to the redemption division of the Postofllce department at Washington for credit. The postofllce authorities here would much prefer selling these stamps to returning them, so they wish published broadcast over this community the fact that they havo plenty on hand. There are some pcpple, es pecially stock yards business men, who for some unknown reason prefer the Pan- American stamps, and nil such will have the opportunity before October 31 of buying In a stock. They will be good for an In definite period, although the sale will be stopped. Postmaster Crow has 1,500,000 each of 1 and 2-cent stamps of this Issue, but It Is not those that are worrying him. They can bo easily sold out by tho end of the month. However, there Is also on hand nbout 25,000 each of tho 4, 5, S and 10-cent varieties, and It Is feared that somo of these will be loft over. MORE MONEY THAN NEEDED rrntrllnic Men Kind n Surplus In the Kiili-rlnlniiiriit I'll nil Aflrr Nettling. The traveling men of the city havo held a meeting to hear reports from the com mittee having In charge tho festivities on Traveling Men's day during tho carnival. The committee reported a considerable sura of money on hand, which was ordered de posited to the credit of the custodian to be used next season. Arrangements were also made for the Improvement of the lot owned by the trav eling men of the city at Forest Lawn cem etery. There arc two bodies burled on that tract now. The graves will be marked and the grounds beautified. HEADQUARTERSARE LOCATED neiiiilillrnn Exrrutlvr Commit fcr- K.n- unuf" llnonia nn Second Klnnr nf Merchant lintel. The republican executive committee has taken quarters on the second floor of tho Merchants' hotel and the first meeting of the committee with the candidates will oc cur this afternoon at 2 o'clock. J. Odgers of Frostburg, Md., writes: " hurt n vrrv hnil nltarlf nf lfli1n- pnmnlDln ...... 'w " . . " W vw...,-....v anil t r I iil l?nlva VlAiytn r.tvn wliUk b.a .(. vsmiw, 1UIVI1 (ftTD me Immediate relief, and I was perfectly cureu alter taxing two Domes." no sure you lane r oiey t. AtlllOllllct-llliMi t of I 111- Thrnlrm, As was anticipated, the Reaux and Relies' octette, the original octette In vaudeville has duplicated Its New York success In Omaha. Theater-goers of this city have been enjoying the dainty dances and catchy songs and the octette has achieved new- triumphs In new fields, They will bo seen both at the matinee and cenlng perform ances today. To uso a popular expression, the perform ances of Roso Sydell's London Relics at the Trocadero havo "caught on" In great shape, The attendance has been large at every performance thus far, tho entertain ment provided for being the best ever pre. sented to an Omaha audience. The Dun hams head the olio with tho best act of Its kind over witnessed here. Tho engage ment Ib for tho balance of the week, In cluding dally matinees, excepting Satur day evening, "The Casino Girl." which Is one of the most important attractions that has been booked for the Royd theater for a single performance Friday October 11, Is a rausl cal comedy, which has been eminently sue cussful both In New York City and In Lon don, having been played for 400 perform ances In the former city and for 300 nights at the Shaftesbury theater In Londou. A very large company has been organized for the presentation of the piece and the pro. durtlon will be the tame In every detail as tnai wnicn ngured In the big International succees achieved by the pleca, NEW BOORS AND MAGAZINES Storj of WtsUrn Miiing Camp in the Early Days. NEW YORK ROMANCE OF DEEP MYSTERY Indian Stories Doni-dlnR School Girl Tlliln Jnnr Mnrle llaaltklrtsrfr Western Outlaw Valnahle Works for Writers. Stewart Edward White has laid the set ting of "The Westerners" In tho Rlack Hills during the early rush to tho gold fields. Tho two central figures to the plot oro a young girl, Molly Iafond, growing to womanhood In a rough mining camp, and Michael Lafond, n scheming, revengeful halfbreed, her supposed father. In his younger days Lafond had been wronged, as he thought, and to repay the Injury he had caused the death of a young mother and had stolen her child during an Indian raid. "If you wish to harm a person tako away that which he loves best, but that Is not life," a white man had told htm. So the child was preserved and brought up on bd Indian reservation ns tho daughter of the halfbreed. Men asked few questions tn those days. When the girl, Molly, was almost a woman Lafond came for her and took her to tho mining camp of Copper Creek. To have her grow to womanhood coarse, hardened, disreputable, as were the women of the camp, that was his plan. Then he would tell her of her family and her birth. Her shame and remorse would be bis rovenge. Rut this end was never accomplished. A New England conscience asserts Itself at the right moment the love of Jack Graham, a young miner from the east, offered a refuge. The evolution of tho girl's character and the development of Michael Lafond's cunning and coolly laid schemes furnish the Interesting elements of tho plot. The Intermittent humor and the sketches of the western life of that picturesque period ore especially note worthy. McClure, Phillips & Co., New York. Price, $1.60. "Equal Partners," by Howard Fielding, with a number of Illustrations, Is a New- York story of a mysterious assault to mur der, In which police detectives, for a con sideration In money, become "equal part ners" In a schemo to divert suspicion from the real criminal. Clarence Alden, a broker of consequence, engaged to Drenda Maclane, nn heiress, falls in love with Elsie Miller, a beautiful young actress, and breaks his marriage engagement In consequence. A few hours later Elsie Is found cruelly stabbed In her room, with n gory knife be- sldo her and a tender note from Alden In closing money. Suspicion rests upon Alden and others, and Drenda visits the hospital to which the unconscious actress has been romoved and assists In restoring her to health and making her the wlfo of the In fatuated broker, O. W. Dillingham com pany, New York. Price $1.25. George Dlrd Grlnnell. whose new book of Indian tales entitled "The Punishment of the Stingy and Other Indian Stories" Is Just published, has had a unique experience. He has been dignified by the title of War Chief by his friends nnd admirers, the Pawnee Indians, and during his association among them and with other tribes of the red men he gathered material for most ex cellent Indian stories. Sitting with them by the aides of their fires at night, he has had tho unusual privilege of listening to their legends and folk-lore, Just nt they have been passed on for many generations from slro to son. Such records are not only most entertaining In the form In which the author presents them, but they nre of last ing value In the history of tho native races of the American continent. Among the stories contained In the volume are: "Little Friend Coyote," "The Girl Who as," "Rluejay the Imitator," The Noth ing Child," etc. Harper & Hros,, New York. Price $1.15. "Fighting Under the Southern Cross." bv Claude H. Wetmore, Is a story of the Chlll- Peruvian war, W. A. W'tlfle company, pub lishers, Roston nnd Chicago. Mr. Wet moro Is peculiarly fitted, by nature, train ing and circumstances for the telling of this story. A practical newspaper man, his stylo Is strikingly simple nnd direct, and to this he adds tho observations gathered in extensive travels. Ho was for Bome time city editor of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, nnd has been prominently Identified with other papers, but his best known pleco of newspaper work, perhaps, was his re port of tho Johnstown flood for the New York World, which was remarkable for its graphic descriptions nnd faithful portrayals of fact. Mr. Wetmore was In tho very vortex or the extraordinary struggle of which ho writes In the "Southern Cross." As a non combatant he mingled freely with both sides, and Is ns conversant with tho people and conditions of these South American republics as Is Kipling with the various phases of Indian life. Tho story Is full of sparkling Incident, charmingly told. There is not a dry page In it. Much his torical and descriptive material is Intro duced, but so cleverly Is It Interwoven with the thrilling situations of the narrative that It Is dominated by them, nnd tho reader absorjba unconsciously what would be otherwise rather dry facts. Threo Amer- can boys are Introduced during a regatta In Callno bay and are the medium through whom tho reader learns the facts of the controversy between the two countries. which later culminate In a declaration of war. The history of this war has been but Beldom touched upon and still less often In story form. The book has been so well re eclved that the author promises to follow It with another, dealing with the troublous reconstruction period after the war. "Caps and Capers," by Gabrlello E. Jack son, is n genuinely wholesome and modern Btory of boarding school life, and quite unlike the general run of this sort of liter ature. It Is a book that young people will read more than once. The girls Rro happy, healthy, Jolly creatures, ready for any fun that offers, yet willing to do their best for their teachers, who treat tho girls as though thoy were rational, reasoning beings and not a lot of Irrcrponslblo creatures who must be watched from morning until night lest they disgrace themselves and those who havo them In charge, Mrs. Jack son writes charming books for the young. leading them through most delightful fields of Imagination and romance. "Caps and Capers" Is beautifully printed, bound and illustrated. Henry Altemus company, Phil adelphla. Price, $1. Marshall Saunders, author of "Reautlful joe, has added a new novel to the year'i Sllnnlv. It Is "Tilda Jinn" nnrl a -o freshing little story, with ten really good Illustrations by Clifford Carleton. Tho story appeared originally In the Youths' Companion, though rather more condensed man in us present torm. Tilda Jane is simply a waif, a very much disappointed Inmate of a Maine orphan asylum, but she is snrewa in the extreme and wins h er way. Her escape from the charitable In stltutlon, her wise selection of the on passerby who might aid a runaway, he experiences on the railway train In th hands of customs aeents nn tho linrdvra r Canada in the winter wondi nml hr Ami rest tn the bome ot a churlish old man. Alt this has Interested little people and will Interest them again. Her devotion to Olpple, the friendless and maimed poodle, and her quick mastery over the deerhound poacher Int. est her with an attractive quality. L. C. Page A Co,, Roston. Price, $1.25. "The Last Confession of Marie Rashklrt seff," with a foreword by Jeannettc L. Gilder, hlch was promised some time ago, Is at hand. There la a certain attraction In theso frank nnd utterly self-centered confctslons, but after all they nre over done: one wearies of so much of them. The writer of them said nothing save as It bore upon hersolf, and cared nothing for aught else. The noted letters that passed between her and Guy de Maupassant (to whom she was anonymous) are In this little volume, which will probably bo the last of her "confessions." Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York. "The Outlaws of Horseshoe Hole" Intro duces a new and vigorous writer of Juvenile Action, Francis Hill by name, who writes pure romance with a clearness ot style and originality ot expression that has almost a touch of Stevenson. He paints western life with n full appreciation of the real at mosphere, and his story Is distinctly a stirring one. It Is a story of Montann vigilantes. Percy Hill, the outlaw, and his horse thieves and Indian daughter; Curlew, tho Ideal cowboy, and Hurt Sayres, the lively ranch boy, who tells tho story, aro natural types. The recovery of the stolen horses by their rightful owners Is fraught with a hundred exciting adventures. The book Is appropriately Illustrated. Charles Scrlbner's Sons, New York. Price, $1. Literary workers and all students ot the English language will appreciate to the ful lest extent "Word and Phrase: Truo and False Use In KnglUh," by Joseph Fitz gerald. During tho tlmo that the author was assistant editor of the North American Review and the Forum, where his work was largely revision and correction on articles printed In theso periodicals, he formed a habit of scrutinizing words and phrases and making notes, the outcome of which Is tho present work, It will be found n most novel and Interesting book on the subject, with many new Ideas and much original thought. Tho author's wldo and searching scholarship has enabled him to Impart valuable Instructions In such an easy and agreeable style that It will be welcome to nnyone who cares to Improve the use of his English, either In writing or speaking. A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago. Price, $1.23. 'Views by an Ex-President" Is a collec tion of public addresses and writings by Renjamln Harrison since the close of his administration ns president of the United States, compiled by Mary Lord Harrison, The subjects Included In this volume cover wldo range, governmental, religious, edu cational and political topics being dis cussed. The lectures on the constitution and Its development, the lecture on "The Status of Territory Annexed to the United States," papers on the subject of expansion and tho address on the colnago problem are contained In the book. The fearless frank ness of Renjamln Harrison at those times when he differed with his contemporaries on questions of governmental policy, nnd his broad statesmanship and clear, con vincing style, nil serve to make this n volume to be read and re-read by every citizen. The Rowcn-Mcrrlll Co., Indian spoils. A work of value to students of English literature Is "History of American Verse." by James L. Onderdonk. Mr. Onderdonk was a constant contributor to newspapers and literary Journals, up to the time ot his death In 1S99. During his entire life he mado a close study of American literature and this book represents the definite re sults of his extended researches. He has covered his subject from the primitive efforts of one of the Jamestown colony In 1610 to the close of the nineteenth cen tury. His book Is sufficiently compre hensive and scholarly lo satisfy the most exacting student of Amcrlcnn literature. Tho style Is so eminently readable and tho treatment so entertaining that tho "his- tory" will appeal to the general reader as well as to the scholar. A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago. Price, $1.25. Joseph N. Quail, whose book, "Rrock- raan s Maverick," is just at nana, iresn from the press, knows Intimately the llfo which ho depicts In his story. Ho has worked on the cattle roundup, has lived In camps on tho rnnges and In hlB book ho has Introduced some actual personages. The cowboy as a feature of our frontier civilization Is fast disappearing, which Is a fact that nil who form the acquaintance of Ed Brockman In this story will regret. Although not written for boys, It Is safe to say that no boy will read the story without becoming fond of Rrockman and his plucky "Maverick." Dan Smith, tho well-known artist, has designed a strlk- We Gall Your Attention- That our line of Shetland floss Is the most complete west of Chicago We havo all colors In stock again and can All all orders promptly now our Saxonia quality Is the best and Is no higher than Inferior quali ties Our line of yarns Is the most completo In the west We have all shades In all kinds and always fresh dally Remember wo nre yarn dealers (not yarn tellers) Knitting and crochet material Is our specialty. Jos. F. Bilz Tel. 1993. 322 So. 16 St. Mall orders promptly filled. Drex L Shooman Will Rive every boy Hint buys n pair of new boys' specials one of Ills unique nlrsblps-llko the shoes, there Is notliinp; like them In Omnlin-these special shoes nre made of heavy grain calf up-pers-wlth sail cloth linings nnd extra heavy rock oak sole leather soles, with tho new wide, extonslou edge the full, round toe that gives comfort to the foot Just such a shoe as the boy should wear these days sizes 24 to .1, In widths n to E. for only ?2J50-aud they are n big $2.50 worth. Drexel Shoe Co. Omaha'. Up-to-dute Shop House. 1418 FARXAM STREET. New Fall Catalogue Xoir Raa. Ing cover for the book and David F. Thomson, a young Canadian artist has made half a dozen attractive Illustrations for It. There are a number of odd char acters pictured, but the oddest of tho lot Is "the Fighting Parson." The efforts of this gentleman to reclnlm sonic of tho bad men of the frontier aro told of In tho book nnd they arc unique as veil ns ex citing. Quail & Warner, New York. Price, $1.00. "The Modern Mission Century. Viewed As ns Cycle of Divine Working." by Rev. T. Plerson, Is a review of the missions of the nineteenth century, with reference to the superintending Provldcnco of God. The study of forty years of n studious life I Ik behind this volume, and in It nru nil the vigor and force for which Dr. Plerson li I known. The object of the book Is not so much to give tho annals of the century as to And the philosophy of Its history the center about which all Its events revolve. It studies the men nnd women, occurrences nnd developments, forces nnd factors of this hundred years, as divinely appointed and adjusted to this work. It Is especially addressed to students of missionary history and lovers of n world's cvnngcllzatlon. nut every per.ion. bo he Christian or other vine, v.-Ill find much of value nnd Interest In these pases. The Hahcr & Taylor Co.. New York. Price. $1.60. Itn-rnt MiiKitlnrs. The current number of "The Rohemlan" possesses more than usual Interest for Omaha readers. Inasmuch ns It contains a very well written and entertaining sketch of Indian life, by a young Omaha writer, Harry Llndsey. Among all the magazines nnd periodicals to be found on the counters of the book sellers none is more conspicuous or more attractive In Its general make-up than the Omahan, dressed In bright red covers nnd bearing the opproprlate design of nn In dian war chief. Tho October Issue Is n Rlnck Hills' numJjer. The leading article, by Joseph Rurk Egan. Is a well written de scription of the Rlack Hills, the home of tho gods. Ronna May Morris contributes a bit of very ai proprlate verse, entitled "Moonrlse on Rluck Rock Peak." Tho re maining spneo Is occupied with matter both Interesting and Instructive. Tho Illus trations nre exceedingly line, especially those accompanying tho nrtlclo on tho Rlack Hills, tho most uotnblo being a rep resentation of the grand scenery at tho en trance to Spenrflsh canon, South Dakota. The Omahan Is dcstluctly a credit to tho city from which It takes Its name nnd as a 1308 Fartiam St. rwst ATIONERY (? py Allll Oysterettes served with the Blue Points and Consomme will give the guest a pleasant recollection of the feast. Sold only in In-er-seal Patent Package. Price 5 centa. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANV western production is derervlng ot tho friendly attention of every western reader I.ICi-riiry .otci. Robert ritzslmmom hns been In Phila delphia for several days. Ho Is there tn regard to his book, "Physical Culture nnd Self Defenre." which Drcxnl Diddle, tho publisher, will shortly Issue. Tho ndvnnce list of new publications nnd new editions to bn brought out this fall by A. Wcsscls company la nt hand and n most Interesting list It Is. The llrst men tioned Is 11 new edition of Waverlv novels ami then! nre many other works of great Interest nnd value. A few words nro sometimes morn expres sive t tin ii a whole column. An Omaha bov who bad been rending "The Hears of Ditto mver closed the- looK slowly ns thu last page was Mulshed, looked at It regretfully nnd remarked with n linlf sigh, "Why limn i nc 111 -.ikp 11 seven limes lis mug : Funk & Wngnnlls company announce for fall puhllcntlon: "King Mldns," a novel bv fpton Sinclair; "The Princess Cvnthln." n novel by Marguerltn Hrynnt: holiday edi tion. "Tarry Thou Till I Come." by Georce i-rniy; rim Hcul i.ntln Quarter," bv I Rerkloy Smith; "The Miracles of Mis slniiK," Volume IV. by A. T. Plerson. D. D. "Holy-Days nnd Holldnyn," n cyclopedia Index volume to "Parker's People's Hllilc;' "Sclentltlo Lights nnd Side Light?," com plied by J. V. Femald. The nbovo books nre for sale by the Mcgcath Stationery Co., 130S Fnrnam St. NOW READY! The Authorlied ind Olllcal LIFE OF WILLIAM McKINLEY A complete suit authentic Life of l'reildent Jle Klnley irrltten by Hon. .1. R. Youno, formerly clerk I H. Senste. Eiery period to trncic end brilliantly depleted. Filled with Ix-nutlfiil Imlf-tone picture with portraits of our Leading fitatcruen. AGENTS KHitcnerii Mmllfortuiie tell- uAiiTCn tnc thl took. l)mt all otliern at quick vmn I CU leller. Acenta' lernu moit liberal Mei offered. Thl l the opportunity of your life. Bend 10 cenla for aatnple volume outfit. Bend tod ay. MoKINLEY'S MEM- teeoratlie, flnlfll DIPTIIDC erlptlve. historical, Site UHIAL HIOIUHt. (!,, nVf wUddre. Aeenta make MO per cent, profit, Send !S centa for .ample picture. Addrr.a THE PROVIDENCE CO., 324 Dearborn t.. Chlcsoo PRACTICAL. ECONOMICAL. FRENCH COOKERY FOR AMERICAN HUMES 12mo. (.'loth, Jl.OO. CM delicious and practical recipes, A.,N ''OMI'AXV, X. V. Comparison Solicited. To appreciate shoe defiance you must comporo OUIl STYLES with others offered chewhere Wo constantly Introduce cxclu slvo shoo Ideas next to stylo nnd quality compare price A saving hero always OUR MAIN FLOOR now crowded to Its utmost capacity. Men s and women's fnshlonoblo footwoa r showing tho touch of renowned shoo do signs Our men's and women's shoes In all tho leathers newest styles at $3.60 and $2.50 Our record-breaking shoo values pleased to sea you whether you purchaso or visit THE ROCHESTER SHOE CO., 1515 Douglas Street. N. 13. Our recent mammoth purchaso now on salo In basement OUR NEW CATALOGUE NOW READY FREE KOR THE ASKING. Some People Have Nerve We linve pianos In nil kinds of makes nnd styles and woods at all kinds of prices, from ?Utr. up to ?H00-on nil kinds of terms either nil cash or tho easiest of ensy monthly payments no matter what your tastes or whether your pocketbook be lean or fat, wo lmve some pianos Hint will suit both your tnsto and purse you get an elegant piano bargain this week, as we nre mak ing n llttln business push-don't delay "now Is the nccepted time." A. HOSPE Music and Art. 1513-1515 Douglas Wo do artistic tuning. I'hono 188. A Society Girl- Knows a thing or two about candles you can depend upon that every tlmo nnd there Isn't a society girl In our city who won't say that our confectionery Is greatly superior to all tho "Just as good" kinds wo never grow tired of telling you how good our candles nro how pure and fresh and tasty they ap pear to tho most critical palate you have missed a treat If you nro unite (lualuted with our lino confections. W. S. Balduft 1530 Faracm SU "A splendid stylo that suggests thn better elements of Kmerson, Rusktu, Hugo," St. Iritis aiobo-Dcmocrut. The Affirmative Intellect By CHARLES FER0USON. Here Is n man with ii tnessagol The rcmurkublo reception given to "Tho KellKlon of Democracy" showed that his message Is u vital one. In this now book It Is clcnrer, tho style, more lucid nnd no lcssTTtllllnnt, tho noto of confident hope stronger and fuller. In nn "ago of Intellectual depression," It rings out like a bugle-note on a frosty morning. Under .Mr. Ferguson's pen, Christianity Is no longer seen ns mere cccleslastlctsm, but ns n new world-order, of which Americanism Is the foreshadowing; tho t'nlverslty, broadened nnd democratized, tho center; the ulllrmntlve intellect tho Intellect Hint crcntes. Initiates, leads Is the dominant force. The part to be played by tho I'rotostant Episcopal Church Is of special Interest. Julian Hawthorne: "Ho Ims tho power of Independent thought, nnd of the creative, or artistic faculty. He Is not a mere echo. Ho Is positive, not passive. These nre great merits." l!mo, Cloth. 90 cts net. Postngo 7 cents. The Miracles of Missions vol. iv just out. Ilr A. T. rioraon, 1). II. Stories of Interesting marvels nnd heroism on mission fields. Four vols., uniform stylo nnd binding. Now York Observer: "Stories of adventure nnd heroism, conversions from Idolatry nnd paganism, which constitute a new book of tho Acts of the Apostles, nnd will be read with thrilling Interest." Vol. IV-12nio, Cloth. Illustrated, 00 cts. net. postngo 11 cts. ; Taper 00 cts. net. postngo S cts. Vols, I. II and III llnio, Cloth, Illustrated, Jl each: Paper, 3o cts, each, 'IIXK A WA(,l,s COS! PAX V, Publisher, Xeiv York. BOOJf S Itevlewed on this Pniie can be hadl of us. We can nlao fiirnlah auy boolc published. Barkalow Bros,' "Book shoV lOlii Famani St, 'Phona OXO, nil