Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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the defendant was discharged, thn court
holding the evidence offered by thn state
to bo Insufficient.
BtaU Fails to Make Out Iti Can Aidnit , HELD
the Accnaid Woman.
Puttier .ShiHMimUrr Utile Mini tin:
I'roKi'i-iitloti l)ll ot OITcr llvlilrnee
MrfiiiK lliimittli tit Wnr
.?) rnnt n Con Ictlun,
Horn Mlllrr In I'tMtciilj- llpr
AwnllliiK Itrtiirn to
Mrs. Molllc Mabray. the alleged acid
thrower, Is free. Justice Shoemaker 1 1
charged her Tucudny afternoon nftcr n
preliminary hearing that occupied the
preater part of the day.
Maud Hanitnn wan the first witness on tho
Hand. She told how Mrs. Mabrny, In com
pany with n young woman named Nettlw
Myers, had i-ntered her rooms at Sixteenth
Hired and Capitol avenue im thn forenoon
it September 12 and asked to see somo fash
ion platen. While they were examining; the
plates a woman named Mrs. Oresh of Al
bany, Neb., had entered. Then Mrs. Ma
brpy had scan her husband's picture on the
mantel and had asked what shn (Miss Han
ion) was doing with It. 'Well, I am Mrs.
Mabrny, bin wife.' were her next words,
'nnd I Ruess I II lake It with me.'
"I told her," testified the witness, "that
ehc could have It for all I cared, as It wbb
not my property."
Then Miss Hanson told tho story of Mrs.
Mabray'H second visit.
"Sho went away with Miss Myers as soon
an she pot thn picture nnd about an hour
later she enmn back again, this time alone.
I heard aomeono rattling at the screen door
In the hall nnd went out to sen what was
wanted and was mirprlccd to find It whs
Mrs. Mabrny back again. Sho started tho
ronvcrsntlon by saying, 'I wnnt to tell jou
that you nre anything but a lady.' I told
her I didn't have tlmo to discuss that, and
then she snbl, 'If you ever speak to Mr. Ma
brny again, or lot him come Into this hall
way again, I'll fix you nnd fix you proper.'
I told her I wnsn't nfrnld of her, and at
lhat sho drew a bottle from tho bosom of
her dress nnd dashed thn contents of It
Into my fare, throwing It through the
icreen. I Hcrcamed nnd ran Into Mrs,
PIIUburry'H room. I didn't see anything
Bioro of Mrs. Mabrny, as 1 was half blinded
by the ncld."
Mrs. Anna I'lllsbury, who occupies two
(ooms leading off the hall, corroborated
IIIsh llnnson'a testimony In part. "I didn't
no the ncld thrown," sho said, "but I
verhenrd n few words of tho conversation
!hnt passed between them beforo It was
thrown and I heard Miss Hanson nddress
thn woman as Mrs. .Mabray. Tho flwt
ilnio Mrs. Mabray camo tip I had a good
look at her."
DimiumIsI nifiillflrft niittlr.
N. A. Kuhn, druggist. Identified the acid
Mtlo as liavlng come from his store. It
Kan a two-ounco phlnl, benrlng n skull nnd
srossbono label, upon which were written
Ihn words, "cnrbollc ncld." About a table
ipoonful of tho fluid still remained In It.
Din druggist examined It. "I would sav
t. was about !." per cent carhollc acid."
laid he. "If It was any stronger than
lhat It would rrystnlllzo In this tempera
ture." "Ih this stuff ns strong ns what Is com
Jinnly known as vitriol?" asked the Justice.
"I would say It was Just about tho same,"
fas thn nnswer.
Dr. II. It. Porter, who had attended Miss
rinnsnn, described 'be. nature and location
if thn hums, lie paid that her left oyn was
lomewhnt nffecten, but not permanently,
I ml thnt hi! would eventually entirely re
lover from the burns. At no tlmo had her
Ifo lieon In danger. Ho had called twelve
limes to treat her.
Mm. Sophia l'rlcst, onn of tho tenants
If the house, testified to finding the acid
lottlo on tho window ledge In tho hall, nnd
identified tho am- In evidence ns tho ono
Ihe bad found.
On cross-examination thn nttnrnoy for the
lefenso asked Miss Hanson several ones
lions nR to her relations with John Mahray,
Most, of which wore ruled out by tho court,
she denied that her relations with him had
iver been Improper. Thoy hnd been ac
IttalntnnccR, that was all. Asked as to her
iccupatlon, Miss Hanson said sho was a
Drffiiilnnl Tell Her Nlorr.
At tho beginning of tho afternoon's scb
lion thn defendant was called to the stand.
Iho admitted that sho had nrrtved In
Dmnha from Kiwmih City on tho day prc
tcdlng tho assault and Mien went on to
tell what alio hnd done nnd where sho hnd
Iccn on September 12. Sho denied having
returned to Miss Hnnsnn'H apartments after
!ho occnslon of her llrst call. Asked whore
Ihe whs at 12:30 of that day she answered
:hnt she had been at her rooming houso,
1312 Douglas street, In consultation with
i mnu nnmed J. W. Wilson on a matter of
She hnd first seen Miss Hanson about two
md n half yearn ago In tho noyd thenter,
Ii company with her husband, John
Ha bray.
Netlln Myers, a stenographer, followed
Mrs. Mabray on tho Htand ami In part cor
roborated her testimony. Sho Hdmlttcd
icrompanylng her to Miss Hanson's rooms
Ibout ll:S0 In tho forenoon nnd a short
tlmo nftor that pnrted compnny with her.
Sho added thnt she hnd been In corro
ipondenco with Mrs. Mabray In Knnsns
J. W. Wilson, 2.112 Dnuglna street, wns the
tllbl witness. Ifo thought It wns about
12: in thnt hn met Mrs. Mabrny nt the
Douglas street address, when he was In
lonsultntlon with hor for fully an hour,
Miss Madgo Klley, who rooms with Miss
Settle Myers nt Sixteenth nnd Capitol nvc
sue, saw a woman rushing down the stHlrs
if that building about 12:30 on tho after
onon of Septembor 12. Tho woman was
Irehsed In blnck and wns much excited
Jlto was i stranger to thn witncHR, but
tho witness was certain she was not Mrs
Uabray, whom she has known Ihreo years
Miout thin tlmo the witness detected a
itrong odor ot carbolic acid In tho hall
Tho chbo was concluded at 1 o'clock and
Mrs. Dora Mllltr Is being held nt the
city Jail to await tho arrival of an officer
-J from Wellsburg, In., where she Is wanted
on n charge unknown to the Omaha police.
She was arretted yesterday In company
with B. K. Ilrlnkcrman, with whom she has
been living.
Mrs. Miller says she ii the common law
wife of a Wntlsburg man and Is the mother
j of several of his children. Recently sho
, became tired of his abuse and nppllcd (or
a divorce, but could not obtain It because
thcro had been no marriage. Then she left
him and came to Omaha with Ilrlnkcrman.
S, A. Ingalls, Crown Point, N. Y., writes:
"My wife suffered from kidney trouble for
years. She was Induced to try Foley's Kid
ney Cure nnd In less than a week after she
began using It she was grently Improved
and three bottles cured her."
All kinds of baths, scientific massage.
Ladles only. Tbo Bathery, 216-220 lies bldg,
Tel. 1716,
lliitTnln I'nn-Amrrloim TIcUcH
via the Nickel Plate road. 113 for tho
round trip, good fifteen day; $15 for round
trip tickets good twenty days. Thrco
through trains dally with vestlbulcd sleep
ing cars, Meals In dining cars ranging In
price from 3.1 cents to $1. Address John Y.
Cnlnhnn, general agent, 111 Adams Btrcet,
Diamonds, pearls, rubles. Kdholm, Jeweler
j Illinois Cciilrnl Itnllrnitd.
i Official line to missionary convention of
the Chrlstlnn church, Minneapolis, Minn.,
October 10th to 17th,
' The Illinois Central railroad has been dc-
dared the official line from tho state of
' Nebraska to the Minneapolis convention,
Special scrvlco has been arranged for thp
1 delegates to leave Omaha union depot
I Wednesday, October Pth, nt 8 p. m. Tick
! cts on sale October ftth, 10th. 12th and 14th,
j good for return until tho 19th, nt rato of
I $10.f),i for the round trip. Hy depositing
ticket with tho Joint agent limit can be
extended for return until October 31st.
Cnll nt city ticket ofTlce, 1402 Fnrnam street,
for full particulars and reservations In
special sleepers, or nddress,
W. II. niUlAj, D. P. A., Omaha.
Iftl.00 lii llurfnlo I'nn-Ainoplrnn mill
Itrlnrn, Iftl.OO
Via the Nickel Plato road, Tuesdays, Thurs
days and Saturdays with limit of Ave days
from date of sale, good In coaches only;
fifteen-day tickets nt $15 for tho round trip
nnd twenty-day tickets at $16 for round
trip, good In sleeping enrs. Three through
dally trains. For particulars and Pan
American folder ot butldlngti nnd grounds
nddress John Y. Cnlnhnn, general agent,
111 Adams street, Chicago.
Wedding slivor. Edholm, Jeweler.
SI. I.ouls, Mo,
From Oct, fi until Oct. 11 tbo Missouri
Pacific Ilnllway will cell round trip tickets
to St. Louie, Mo., nt the one way rato.
For further Information call at union sta
tion or city offices, S. B. Cor. 14th nnd
Douglas Stn. THOS. F. GODFREY,
P. & T. A.
Physicians recommend our treatment for
rheumatism as the moat successful. Ladles
only. Tho Datbcry, 216-220 Heo bldg. Tale
phono 1716.
Don't despair, take Cramer's Kidney
Cure, two sizes, 50c and $1.00; all druggists.
Kamia tilt-, Mo.
From Oct. S until Oct. 12 tho Missouri
Pacific Ilnllway will soil round trip tlckots
to City at the one way rato. For
further Information cnll ni union station or
city offices, S. E. Cor. 14th and Douglas.
Send articles of Incorporation, notices of
stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tho Ileo.
We will glvo them proper legal Insertion.
Telephone 238.
Publish your legal notices In The Weekly
Bee. Telephone 233.
Why surfer with rheumatism? Tho
Rathory, 216-220 Deo bldg. Telephone 1716.
For ladles only.
Ask J. C. Green If Cramer's Kidney Cure
Is good. 60c nnd $1.00; nil druggists.
Chafing dishes. Edholm, Jeweler.
n K UTE L.S H N N I e 1 s, aged 77. Sunday, Oc-
loocr h.
1', 1a.4nAa.lAl tniU-m ft n. O
from residence, 1032 South Twentieth. ' "
Chamois Skin
We sell them In a dozen or mpre shades.
Cnll and neo them.
We've always been cutters. No eombl
nntlutlH ever affect UK. We co rlcht on
cutting, nnd to get the lowest cash prices
on drug trade with us,
$1,00 IVruim E,c
$1.00 l.lnterlnn r0c
2.V. Mouuen's Talcum Powdor 12c
35c Castorla 25c
Vln Marian! Jl.03
Feilow'8 Hyrup
Miltiyadl I.iiJoh Water 15c
ntirubnni'H Snrsnnnrllln 4lo
Vino! (tasteless codllver oil) Ji.oo
lint lilcncn (euouKli ror mreo lints) .. 10c
I.axntlvn Hromo Quinine 12C
2-lb. bar Oreen Castile Soap 15c
wo sell , , 49C
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
"The Drug Store on tho Corner."
II A Vllll.N into.
Why Mot .Mnki Vour Monoy Sprnil
Wll? t,iil- Our llroeery JiPelnl
Corn meal ISc sack. 24 -lb. snck pure rye
flour 45c. 10-Ib. enck pure graham 15c. 24
lb. sack pure .ye graham 45c, Fancy
evaporated California penches, new 1001
crop, tic. Strictly choice Cnllfornla peaches,
new crop, 1901, nt 12iie, Very good old
crop penches, 6',4c. New crop evaporated
blackberries, 9c. Now crop evaporated
apricots, 1901, nt 124c. New cleaned Pa
trous currants, 12ijc. New California mus
catel rnislns, 10c. New California prunes,
3Wc, 4c, fic, 84c nnd 12c.
Siberian Dlnmond coffee, 12Hc Siberian
H. II. coffee, 13V4c. Very fine Snntos coflee.
IGc. Guntemaln coffee, 20c. Interior Java
coffee, 23c. Private growth, Java, 31 He.
Ansola Javn, 32c. Mandellng Java, 33c.
Arabian Mochn and Old Government, 35c.
With every pound of good ten from 45c to
COc you got a fancy ten pot.
Our new candy makor was for many years
ono of tho leading enndy makers In tho
celebrated lluyler factory In New York
City and Is very desirous to show tho
Omnha people how high grade candy looks
nnd tnates when pure, fresh nnd well made.
Noto the following prices: Ecllpso mixed
candy, S'ic. Crown mixed, 7',4c. Moon
light Klescfl, 1SV4C Hobson Klwes, 15c.
Swedish Kisses, 12tic, Sunbeam Kisses,
12e. Trilby Kisses, 10c. Hon bona, 7Hc.
Vanilla crenms, 25c. Rose crcnius, 22c.
Mint opera crenms, 2H4c. Iluttcr creams,
22Ho. Opera wnfers, 25c. Mnpln wnfers,
25c. Flno hand made chocolutes, 20c. Fine
mnrshmallow chocolate, 25c. Cream al
monds, 23c. HAYDEN HROS.
Tailor-made box coats in melton cloth
broadcloth, kersey, Venetian and .other ma
Child's box (Coats of beaver or ripple eider
down, round deep collars, trimmed with braid,
ribbon and beaver Jieads. Price $2.25 and 2.7si. Tailor-made
box coats, double breasted, velvet pockets, cuffs and collars, sizes
i to.S, years ?1.2o; S to 12 years, $5.00. Lncc trimming with fur
or .velvet, $1.00 up.
Handsome black velvet iiuid satin coats.
I'rottiest bonnets to mutch these coats ever Bhowu In Omaha.
Tho Datherv Is onen Thuradnv nnd Snf.
Urday cvculncs. For nnnnlntmentH teln.
phono 1716 or call 216-220 Rco Rulldlng.
Thp Mrki'l I'litlc llnnil
will sell tickets each Tuesday, Thursday
nnd Saturday during October to Ruffalo
Pan-American exposition nnd return nt $6,
good In conches; return limit five dnys
from dnte of snlc. TleketB with longer
limit nt nllghtly Increased rates. Three
through dally trains. Chicago passenger
station, Vnn Huron street nnd Pacific ave-
nuo; city ticket ofllco 111 Adnms, street,
Reed Dnrton sliver. Edholm, Jeweler.
Don't give up
your motiey
for poor coal that's as hard to burn ns n
flro-proof building. If you wnnt a coal
that'e clean, will Ignite rendlly, give n
stendy hent nnd reduce completely to nshes,
order nn "Ohio." Lump and egg, $7.23.
Nut. $7.00.
Hald & Rice,
Tel. 12.18. 506 So. Kith St.
Black Hats
Brown Hats
Gray Hats
Blue Hats
all $2.50
i. Men's Furnishings everything,
eluding Night Shirts.
I Black the $2.50 Hatter f
V v
1. in? c i i!i. ..,.. 1
Are You Particular
Don't want the lawn cut up? '
Don't want a swearing, swag
gering driver about?
We Can Please You
on nil these points and send you
tho best coal mined, free from dust,
dirt and slate,
C. 6. Havens & Co,
1522 Farnam St.
Tels. 317 and 825.
fall Pictures
This is n good time, now that the
leavoa are turning, for taking nlco
photos. We nre oxcluslvo dealers In
kodaks and cameras and enn show
you tho largest assortment of hluh
grude Instruments In the west. Our
No. 22 5x7 Special Is the best camera
on the market today for the moncv.
Cnll and sec us or writo for particulars.
1215 Fiirnmn Street.
Wholesale nnd retail dealers In
Photo Supplies.
Developing and Finishing for
OS OwllV
Extra Special Bargains in
Dress Goods and French
Flannels for Tomorrow.
$1.25 for Entire Dress Pattern.
200 drees patterns each containing 7 yds.
of wool dreBs goods In fancy novelties, nil
wool plaids and plain colors. These nre
Hctunlly DOe quality nnd 7 yards would be
3.B0, on mnln floor nt $1.25 per pattern.
98c for French Flannel Waist
.100 strictly all woo! French flannels In
wnlst patterns containing 2',J yards, plain
colors, satin stripes nnd printed French
flannels, PSc per pattern.
$1.00 Dress Goods, 49c Yard.
All wool serge, pehblo cheviot and black
silk nnd wool novelty dress goods, on front
bargain square nt 49c yard
Balance of the $20.00 Purchase
at 25c and 49c.
60 enscs Amcrlcnn felt, Military, Floro
dora street bats, nicely trimmed with silks
of prevailing colors nnd designs. lints
aro gray, castor, blnck, brown nnd navy,
aro worth up to $2,30 each, tomorrow at
25c and 19c,
Ostrich Plumes 19c.
GS dozen French dyo black ostrich plumes
10 and 12 Inches long, a real 50c value, at
19c each.
Trimmed Hats.
220 trlmnifd hats especially prepared for
tomorrow's rapid selling. Thcso goods aro
tho kind generally sold for $3.00, but In
order to further prove our Immcnso forco
ns a bargain giving center wo any tomorrow
112 hnndsoraely trimmed lints In castor,
gray, black nnd brown, which are marvels
of tho milliner's art and nro tho best bar
gains wo havo offered this season, Moat
stores ask double for thcso goods. To
morrow nt $3.90.
Extraordinary Sale High
Class Shoes for Women.
Biff Sale of Fine Sample Shoes for
Children and Misses.
!Mi'lnl rtrnrlnu Snlc of Lndle' If'.l
inllii MIiior nl lli
Wait for the sale of
IHadeup Carpets and
room sized Rugs, Mon
day, October 14th.
fl.' iioNS
$i.98 ri
' J Klbo
1)01, l,.lt
:w niriT.nn.vr
ai.i. m:v.
Light Sola.
Medium Hlfh Heel.
Xuct Reproduction of thii Style Shot
$3.00 X I
$4.00 i
WoitTll t J
nvn AM)
Kihn VTM
1 tfVii fi.iv,'. t.
Leather LnnU YV 1,-1
tx.ct Uepreduction ot tM, Style S,.
$3.50 I
poii snor.s
'i vi:
Light Sole.
Mtdium High HceL
IACT utrpooucnosi or thii tyi hoc.
Wodncsdny will boitho greatest dn.v of t ho big sale every
thing will be put at prices that will take them as fast as they
can be wrapped. Furnishing goods, dress goods, silks, blankets,
flannelett at iprices that, look doubtful until you investigate.
Every article advertised will be exactly
as represented.
Standard Prints 3k
All tho fine standard prints fancies, In
digo blue, robe and worth 5c, 6c and 7Jc,
will go nt 3AC.
Also npron check gingham, worth 6V3C,
will go at S4c.
Outing Flannels5c
All our 5c, 6c nnd "Ho outing flannels
and goods worth up to 10c, nt 5c.
S6-lnch extra heavy flannelette with
borders, sultablo for hlmonas, wrappors,
etc., worth 15c per yard, at 6c.
Extra heavy nice bright llannelettc, worth
15c nnd Ifio yard, will go at 7lSo.
36-Inch Imported French flannelette, with
or without tho border, made to sell at 15c
and 19c, will go at 10c.
Percales 5c
36-lnch extra flno percales, dark nnd light
colors, tho regular 16c grade,' on ono
counter, at 6c.
Warranted 36-lnch percale, regular 25c
values, will go on this salo at 7Vsc.
Finest high finished percalcB mndo,
worth 25o per yard, at 10c,
Dress Goods
7oc black cheviot, 43c.
75c granite, nil colors, 45c.
J1.00 50-Inch homespun, 40c.
$1.50 all wool novelties, 4Pc.
75c all wool hcnrlettas, 3!)c.
75c black satin bcrber, 39c.
75c black crepons, 25c.
50c nergcB, all colors 25c.
50c nil wool ladles' cloth, 31c.
J1.00 wnlstlngs, 49c.
75c, 39c.
60c F.cnch flannols, 21c.
Silks and Velvets
39c Silks, 19c.
J1.00 silks, 39c.
J1.50 silkH, 49c.
50c velvets, 19c,
$1.00 corduroy, 39c.
Special Sale on
Blankets and Comfortres
59c, 75c, 98c
Men's $1.00 underwenr, 39c.
Men'a 75c underwear, 29c.
Men's 50e underwear, 19c.
Children's 25c underwear, 10c.
Have you looked it up?
This is tho time of tho near
when iou begin to think about your
FaJl Overcoat
We don't want you to get into the
habit of spending money foolishly, but
if you can't make the old ono , do, we'd
like to have you talk with our overcoat
man a few minutes, lie will show you
a few new things in ,the way of 1!)01
o'coats that will open your eyes. "NVe
do not; remember when the manufac
turers made so nice n line as they do
this .season. They're a triumph in tail
oring, stylish, handsome, .elegantly
finished and withal low priced. A lino
range of choice, both as to material,
kinds, colors and patterns.
Merv's Reirv Coasts
They look like spring top coats, ,but they'ro rain coats
too. Soft, light, ami porous to air but. not to water, not
hot and stuffy like some mackintoshes, but water, proof.
Don't know the secret of how it hoy are made, we're satis
lied that thev are made good and wo want you to be satiB
lied they are good. .?S.7r and up. ( ,
for it
We will tell you about
a gigantic clothing putv
chase we made from
Henry Sonneborn & Co,
of Baltimore, the acknowl
edged largest and most
progressive clothing man''
ufacturers in the world
Our purchase gives us
the opportunity of presenting
The Greatest Clothing Sale
in the History of Omaha.
Watch Tonight's Papers for
Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha.
1 m
EELE Y M" '," ,"'"t t"1 Oi ICeHcy ntm or limit-
tiilen, ho mil' Koeley liixlltine lit .uliriiliii. Cui'it
vUKC Di'iiiikriuiraft, Cure IlrilK UKi-rn, Toliiit'l'O IlHom. Till
Ivi:i:i.l".V INSTITUTi:, ID ami l.envcinviirlli, Oiiuiliii.
You Bit We Gtt 'Em
Plenty of 'em, hut wo wnnt mnre. Tho
people out In tho Htato know where to net
Kooda nt cut prices, anil set Jimt what thoy
order, too thut'H why they Fend uh their
orders. Wo don't hold the orders a week
either beforu wo till 'em but not 'em nut
on llrst train 'cause we've sot our own
expressman and wo don't ehnrKo iiuytlilnK
for boxing or cratafie. Another thliiK we
sell Rood.i nt Just exactly tho price we ad
vertise 'em. Sexlne Pills 7fc
Talcum Powder, enn, 5c, 10c, 12c, 15c 19c
SI. 00 Newbro's llerplcidu COc
S1.00 Pcrunn 5Sc
SI. 00 Temptation Tonic 76o
5oc Pozzonl Powder "bo
:5! Woodbury's Face Powaer 13c
JJ.OO McDndo'H Siicciir Alteruns 51.43
S1.(0 Austin's Hair Tonic 4!o
fAj I.leblK'H Kxtract of Ileof 17o
tOc Cramer's Kidney Cure 40o
25c Hox llest Soap 3 cakes Go
25c 4711 Soap Zu
50o (lem Catarrh Cure ., Aic
U5o Qulnnceto best for colds 20c
S.'.OO Karl Cramer's, Tansy Cottonroot
and Pennyroyal Pills SI"'
Kgyptlan I.qtus Cream Hi:
Goods delivered KKKIl lo anv part of ctty.
SCHAEFER'S ' IJi'iiK Store
Tel. 747. a. W. dir. ltitb nud C'bleatfo
Why Fig Powder Prevents
and Cures Appendicitis.
Appendicitis Is cnuseil prliunrlly ly
constlpiitlon. Now
1 Slirnilir'K KIr Powder prevents nnd
curofi constipation.
!i Kltr Powder is tlio only medlelno
tluit enn ever produce nil nlvlnu ills
clmi'Rt. ;i 1 1 will remove the. Inlliiinined con
dition in live linurs.
1 It Hushes the bowels nnd parries
off the poison which eniiM's the Inlluni
miitlou In the iippendlx nnd siiiull In
testines tliut the peritoneum covers.
Doctors enn sopd lor free, snniple. Sold
by nil ilriiKirlKts, 'J.'c a box, or send to
W. J. Shrader Medicine Co.,
I New York Room 10, No. SO Uait lltt. 3L
t er lii02 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb,
The Greatest Values
ever offered In now nnd used pliinos nre (o bo found nt the music house
of Schinoller & Mueller. J(K) Instruments to select from, Including the
Hrentest pliino In the world the
Also n specinllv selected stock of VOSB. HMKHSON, IVBIIS & POND.
many others.
S(iuii'o pianos and Organs .?25.00 and up
Cliit'kt'i'iii;-, rosewood .case JJCio.OO
IClxm.v Tprijilit i?".r).00
.McCa'ininoii Tprinlil, chony caso $116.00
Mahogany Upright ijji'.in.OO
Hlcok Concert (5 mini ?i:i.00
New wnnplo pianos 911S.00, ?lf(;.00 and, up
Ilnndsonio plnnos for rent. Artistic tuning and repalrlni; promptly
wh sr.1,1, snv i'iamis nv ir..oo iioxtiii.y payjimmts.
Write for ditnloRUPS, prices and tonus or pay us n visit of Inspec
Stato representatives for Stclnway pianos anil self-playlnK Pianolas.
1313 Farnam St, Omaha, Tel. 1625,
Iowa Branch 337 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Tel, 378,
so mnny million times In n year never mind thn nxnct number
but tho point is, It neods renewing onco ft year cleaning, oil -Ing
and regulating. Wo employ tho best watch experts w
ran -mid when your witch is entrusted to our care it will ho
repaired right,
IWIniAtll nnnu JL D u i rt O
Jewelers una Art Stationers, IStliand Uouglus Streets.